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Oregon City Evangelical Church
                                                                                                    Women’s Ministry Newsletter
                                                                                                                   March 2010

                        Women's Ministry—Sandy Richter, Director
                        Hello Ladies,

                        Just as we see a new season coming, I have realized I am in a new season of life, retirement!! It is
                        hard to believe that nearly ten years ago I accepted the position of Women‘s Ministry Director. What
                        a time of growth this has been for me. It has been a time of shared dreams with other wonderful
                        women and seeing them come to fruition. I learned more about whom I am in Christ and shared the
                        deeper truths with women of our church.

Thank you to all I have served with. You have all been a blessing to me spiritually and personally. Ladies, you have made
my ministry enjoyable and have eased the challenges I faced over the years. Your words of encouragement, prayers and
godly guidance were, and are, so appreciated. Words really are not enough to convey what they have meant to me.

I have seen women come to Christ and begin a journey of growth that sees them now serving in our church in various areas
of ministry. Something that I know makes our Lord delight in our church!

As we begin a transition time in leadership, I know the Lord will lead through the next dear sister who steps into this position.
I so look forward to helping her in anyway that I can. The joy of this transition is that I am not going anywhere so will
continue to be involved— but in a lesser capacity.

As you read Tapestry this time, you will see that Women‘s Ministry is strong, vibrant and moving forward. Keep listening for
activities where you can plug in and/or serve. There are many— from the new Bible Study that starts on March 30th— to the
Spring Event on April 22nd. Additionally, we would love to see more women take part in preparing meals for funerals and
serving at memorial services.

We will be preparing for our own women‘s retreat on October 22 and 23. If you would like to be involved in any capacity join

Our Shepherding Committee would delight in having more ladies to help with their ministry. Especially by letting them know
of new ladies attending our church whom they can welcome personally.

As you prepare for this spring and the events and activities which you will be involved in with family and friends, I pray He
will be a part of all that you do.

With joy of having been your Women‘s Ministry Director,

Sandy Richter
Page 2
                      Jan Reed—Editor
                      As I sat down to write my article for this issue of Tapestry, I realized that I would be writing my last article
                      as Editor, and felt the sadness tugging at my heartstrings with letting go of something so near and dear to
                      me. It has been a great pleasure to coordinate this ministry and assemble the articles of our Women‘s
                      Ministry team. Having creative license is of course right down my alley and Tapestry has allowed me that
                      time of indulging in one of my favorite passions. I have been truly blessed!

                      It seems my life‘s journey has had loops and switchbacks almost continually and so why would I think the
                      Lord would have it any different now. Little did I know that just as I was feeling all settled in and busy
                      serving in various capacities, He would find something new and challenging for me to take on which
came at me totally unexpected, like a guided missile. A daunting task, to say the least, I am honored and deeply humbled to
serve in the capacity of Chairman of the Trustee Board. I used to think that when people got old like me, they sat around and
read the paper, did crossword puzzles and basically vegetated.

Believe it or not, I am still learning how to downsize my schedule at this time of my life. (I could work the clock around and not
have enough time to accomplish all the things I love to do. Don‘t blame me, He made me this way!) Because of my new posi-
tion and all that it entails, I will be passing the Tapestry baton to my sister in Christ, Marilee Swindler. Marilee is very excited
to step up to the helm of this ministry and take over as Editor. I am just as excited (maybe even more so) because in my ex-
perience, change is good—it brings new life, new blood, new ideas, talent and abilities. Please join me in encouraging Marilee
as you have encouraged me these past years. And, if you have ideas of what you would like to see in Tapestry, please talk to
Marilee. I‘m certain she will love to hear from you.

Since we have trimmed our newsletter budget considerably, you obviously have noticed that instead of quarterly, we now pub-
lish Tapestry semi-annually. We also don‘t mail it out to spare the cost of postage and envelopes. But, because of our great
techno age, Tapestry is posted on our website—click on ministries, click on women, and voila, there you have it
in living color! We will continue to print black and white copies and place them in the information slots of the bulletin board in
the church lobby, so if you would like a hard copy, you can pick one up there.

As I wrap up this chapter of my life, we are also wrapping up an incredible study of Daniel in our WOW group. This has been
an amazing study, chilling prophecy, the Truth of God in His written word and the hope and promise of the battle being won!

We serve an awesome God. He directs our paths, casts His light onto the path He leads us down ,and we need not be afraid.
                             ―For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. Jer. 29:11

Shepherding—Shirley Hippler
Our purpose in Shepherding is getting to know and to welcome new women of our church family. In that vein, we held a
morning tea on Thursday, February 23rd, for those who preferred morning, and at 7:00 p.m. that evening we held a coffee for
those who found it more convenient to attend an evening function. It was a fun time and we met some delightful ladies. One
woman sent me a note to say thank you again: ―I so thank you and the other gals who spoiled us newbies at the tea. Do you
know what an impact that left?‖ Well, we sure enjoyed those who attended. Thanks to our pastor‘s wives—Roberta Hurt did a
devotional at our morning tea and Claudia LeRud did our evening devotional. Thank you also to those who came and made
both events special.

If you are new to our church family, or want to know more about us, please call the church office or fill out a guest card and
place it in the offering plate—or just hand it in at the office. We are a large church and certainly do not want anyone to leave
without a hug or a welcome. ―Let‘s get together!‖
Page 3
                       WOW —Laurel Griggs, Coordinator
                      We are just finishing our study in the book of Daniel. What an amazing study this has been. Several
                      women have shared how this Beth Moore study has really stretched them this year. One young woman
                      used the word ―refreshing‖ to describe her time in Daniel. Another lady used the word ―challenging‖. It
                      has been good to study the Word of God together with other women who want to grow in the knowledge
                      and wisdom of the Lord.

                      Women of the Word will be starting a new study in a few weeks. The Tuesday morning group (9:00 to
                      11:00) will be starting on March 30th. The Wednesday night group (7:00 to 8:30) will be starting on
March 31st. The name of the study is, ―Me, Myself and Lies: A Thought-Closet Makeover‖. This is a DVD driven study for
women to encourage them to clean out the junk in their thoughts and replace these hidden negative thoughts and failures with
positive truths from God‘s word. Jennifer Rothschild shares practically and helpfully from her own life and from Scripture to
show how every woman can turn her words, and her life, around for good. It is a 7-week study that has a short DVD each
week. We would love to have you join us for this new study. The books will be on sale at Grand Central on March 21st and
28th. After these dates, just come to the study and buy your book there. The books are $12.00.

In the fall, WOW will be doing another Beth Moore study in the book of Esther. Be sure to watch the bulletin or web page for
further details.

                     Women’s Mentoring Programs—Bethany Labrie, Coordinator
                    “As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another.‖ This is just one of many verses that speak of
                       the value of people making each other better, by sharpening and challenging one another. Too often
                       relationships bring us down, but they don‘t have to. Mentoring, (one on one), and Accountability Groups
                       have been a wonderful behind the scenes ministry going on at OCEC for many years that the Lord has
                       richly blessed! Women who commit to helping each other grow in their walk with the Lord, sharing from
                       their own lives and supporting each other on the journey. It‘s a beautiful picture, and it has been a
                       beautiful thing to be a part of. Life is busy for everyone though, that‘s an understatement! And God is
doing new things everywhere we look. It has been decided that the Woman To Woman Mentoring and Accountability Groups
ministry will not continue in the fall to make room for these other things. It has been a blessing to countless women at OCEC,
and I encourage anyone who wants this, to seek out a mentor or a group of friends on your own who will commit to grow with
you! And I and others who have done it will be very happy to talk with anyone who is interested and help in any way we can. I
challenge you to think about your Christian friends and how you can make your friendships have a purpose – to make each
other better. Do you pray with your friends? Do you ask and share how God is working in your lives? Do you challenge each
other to grow in the Lord, as a wife, a mom, a woman? Think about it and see how the Lord leads you to make your friendships
even more meaningful!

                    Missions—Mardell Hohensee
                   The next Mug ‗n Muffin will be Saturday, April 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Center. A light brunch
                   will be served. We will hear from several of the high school girls and junior high girls and their leaders
                   about their respective spring mission experiences.
                   The 2010 conference offering projects are:
                   January through June—Africa Gospel Church Baby Center. This orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya
                   presently cares for 28 babies from birth to age 3. These babies have been orphaned through the death of
                   both parents or abandoned by a mother who could not care for them. The average monthly cost of caring
                   for each baby is $400.
July through December— Project Faith. Dallas Evangelical Church in Dallas, Oregon, and the Mapleton Evangelical Church
in Mapleton, Oregon need a Vitamin B shot for these congregations.

The Thank Offering will be going to Wycliffe Bible Translators. We have an opportunity to help provide the Old Testament for
another Central Asian country which does not have the Old Testament in their heart language. Christians in this Stan country
are already being persecuted by the government. A team of national translators have been working for many years. The
project began in country, but translators have been forced out.
Page 4

“Daniel” —Courtney Goodwin
Can you imagine being the kind of prayer warrior that warrants God sending one of his best angels to interrupt your prayer and
tell you it‘s already been answered? I can‘t either. But I want to be! In the midst of a depraved society that did not worship the
one true God, Daniel was just that kind of guy. He remained faithful to God even though it went against the very nature of the
culture he lived in. Though he was definitely in the minority as a worshipper of God, he still managed to be placed by God in very
high and influential positions in Babylon. As I‘ve studied Daniel with the help of gifted teacher and author Beth Moore, I‘m left with
a burning desire to ―be a Daniel‖ in my own Babylon-esque culture.

This was really the first time that I had read through Daniel from beginning to end, and certainly the first time that I‘ve had any
measure of understanding about what I‘ve read. Beth Moore is an extremely gifted teacher who is able to take some pretty
complex stuff and make it both understandable and applicable at the same time. My prayer life has grown considerably since last
fall…my faith has been stretched (in a good way)…and as I learn more about end-time prophecy, I rejoice in the fact that we
have a God who has dramatically and effectively scripted out the major events of the end times. Instead of being discouraged or
frightened by some of the seriously tumultuous times ahead, I‘ve found myself encouraged to know that 1) God has a plan –
nothing will surprise him in the last days, and 2) GOD WINS. His purposes will be accomplished, and many people from all
nations will come to him, and the enemy WILL be defeated once and for all. Hallelujah!

So as we wrap up our study of Daniel, I definitely don‘t feel any dumber (as Beth Moore‘s daughter so eloquently put it). And
ultimately, I‘m reminded of one thing: I have a responsibility with all of this new knowledge. I can choose to bask in what I know
now, content with my newfound knowledge and happy about my new familiarity with the book of Daniel (I know this great poem to
help remember the theme of each chapter of Daniel…just ask me sometime ;-) ) and continue on living the status quo. OR, I can
do the following:
     Make sure there is oil in my lamp and I am READY for my Jesus‘ return…‘cause He‘s comin‘!!!
     Have a little compassion on the people around me that don‘t know Him yet…and tell them!
     Pray, pray, pray. Oh, and also…pray.
     Help hasten His return…by getting involved in spreading the good news to the nations. Pray. Give. Go. See Matthew 24:14
     – ―And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will
     come.” (emphasis is mine)
     Practice sacrifice rather than selfishness.
     And last, but not least…PRAY.

 Spring Event —Marilee Swindler
 Please come join us on Thursday evening, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the
 Fellowship Center.

 This Spring Event is for girls of all ages— to enjoy the fellowship of the
 ―ladies‖ of our church in a casual, fun and friendly atmosphere.

 If you don‘t want to join in the games, we would love to have you come and
 enjoy refreshments and perhaps meet some new ladies you don‘t have a
 chance to talk to on Sundays or during other events.

 Tickets will go on sale Sunday, March 21st at Grand Central in the church
 foyer. Cost—only $3.00 !

 Watch for Women‘s Ministry board members (and Pastor Tom) wearing jade
 green T-shirts next Sunday to remind you to buy your tickets—and be sure
 to mark your calendar so you don‘t miss the fun!
Page 5
Essence—Cheryl Howell
Bless You! ―Most of us are familiar with this little phrase, which is spoken sometimes even by a total stranger, upon the release of a
sneeze. But there's more to a blessing than just words.‖

―A blessing is like a beautifully wrapped present waiting to be opened and enjoyed. It is a gift filled with love, good tidings and prom-
ise. The friendship of other women is one such blessing! It comes to us as a gift from God, the best blessing-giver of all and it is
wrapped and ribboned in the heart and life, tears and laughter, and caring and sharing of someone we would call a true friend.‖
These words were penned by Karla Dornacher in the opening pages of her beautiful book "The Blessings of Friendship." As I read
these words I couldn't help but think of the Essence ministry and the opportunities it has provided for the women who come to make
new friends. What a blessing it has been to share our lives, tears, and laughter with one another. Colossians 2:2 says "Be encour-
aged in heart and united in love." Each month as we gather together to share and care for one another, we come away feeling
loved and encouraged knowing that we are building eternal friendships with the women with whom we worship.
Women's Ministry at OCEC provides many opportunities for women to connect, Essence is just one. We meet the 3rd Monday of
the month at Crossroads Cafe in Gladstone, at 7:00pm. They have wonderful coffee drinks, yummy salads, soups, sandwiches and
so much more - all reasonably priced. The atmosphere couldn't be sweeter, God is present!
I understand busy schedules and life commitments, but remember to take time for yourself. Won't you come and make a new friend
or reconnect with an old one. The doors are wide open and you are welcomed! Bless you!
Pssssst....Coming Soon!!! OCEC Women's Fall Retreat
                Date: October 22-23, 2010
                Place: Oregon City Evangelical Church
                Retreat Speaker: Corrine Stanley
          Secure your calendar now, protect those dates and watch as the exciting details unfold for the 2010 Fall Retreat.
                                                  You won't be disappointed!!!


                                               Spring Retreat 2010
                                          So here's what I want you to do, God helping you:
                                          Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping,
                                          eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—
                                               and place it before God as an offering.
                                                     Romans 12:1 The Message

                                                 “Without Reservation”
                                                  Speaker: Susan Brabon
                                          April 30-May 2
                                            Seaside, OR
                                             Cost: $160
              (Reservation deadline—April 6th Checks must accompany registration)
                           Contact the church office for more information

                                           Tentative Workshop Options:
                                     God’s Appointments ~ Sharing Your Faith
                                         Personal Prayer and Meditation
                                       Chair Massage~$15 for 15 minutes
Page 6

                       Book Review-Jenny Storey
                        I‘d like you to meet a Christian novelist to whom I was recently introduced by my mother (who has impec-
                        cable taste in books, by the way): Jamie Langston Turner. She has written seven novels in her career
                        thus far, four of which I have read. She is a daughter of the Deep South, and her novels are set in or
                        around the fictional town of Derby, South Carolina. Turner is also a professor of creative writing and
                        poetry at Bob Jones University. Her love of literature is reflected in her books, through many allusions to
                        poetry, classical authors, and Shakespeare. One of the first things you will notice about her books is that
                        she names each of her chapters, and each book has a theme running through it, which is reflected in
                        those chapter titles. My favorite book so far, No Dark Valley, features phrases from old hymns as titles.
                        This story follows a woman who is struggling to come to terms with her estranged grandmother‘s death
and her own bad choices, and comes to experience her embittered past through new eyes as she reads through her grand-
mother‘s journals. In the first book of hers I read, Some Wildflower in My Heart, we meet Margaret Tuttle, a beautiful and tal-
ented, but cold and guarded woman, who is coaxed into blooming through the ministrations of an unlikely friend, Birdie Free-
man, who is almost her exact opposite. Another book, Winter Birds, introduces a wealthy, octogenarian widow who moves in
with her nephew and his wife as she nears the end of what she considers to be a disappointing and disillusioned life. Turner‘s
skill at weaving a story and developing character are clearly apparent in this book, as the widow‘s negative and cynical views of
life and the people surrounding her shift almost imperceptibly. Each of her books feature colorful, real, multi-faceted characters
and she builds her stories with insight and grace, along with a good dose of humor. These books will leave you feeling satisfied
that your time reading them has been well-spent, and you will eagerly look forward to reading another one. You can find a
complete listing of her titles at or Bethany House, 2000-2009.

                                                                                   CALENDAR OF EVENTS
                                                                                  Tuesday Morning WOW ………..9:00 A.M.
                                                                                  Wednesday Evening WOW ……..7:00 P.M.

  A NEWSLETTER OF WOMEN’S MINISTRY AT                                                       Mug ‘n Muffin
    OREGON CITY EVANGELICAL CHURCH                                         Fellowship Center...Saturday, April 10  10:00 a.m.
  1024 LINN AVE ▪ OREGON CITY, OR 97045
MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 10 ▪ OREGON CITY                                                       Essence
         TELEPHONE: 503-656-8582
                                                                        Third Monday of the Month—Crossroads Café—Gladstone
                                                                                               7:00 p.m.

                                                                                      Women’s Spring Event
                                                                                    Thursday, April 22  7:00 p.m.
            Women’s Ministry Board of Directors                           OCEC Fellowship Center—Girls of All Ages Welcome
                     Sandy Richter, Director                                          ―Girls, Games, Goodies‖
                                                                                Tickets on sale Sunday, March 21st
                      Jan Reed, Secretary                                                In the church lobby
                      Pug Bentz, Treasurer
                                                                        Pacific Conference Women’s Ministries Spring Retreat
                 Laurel Griggs, WOW Coordinator                                            Seaside, Oregon
                Kathy Adrian, Bereavement/Kitchen                                         April 30 — May 2

                  Shirley Hippler, Shepherding
                                                                                     OCEC Women’s Fall Retreat
                    Bethany Labrie, Mentoring                                             Held at OCEC
                  Mardell Hohensee, Missions                                             October 22 & 23
                                                                                          Details to follow
                Marilee Swindler, Tapestry Editor
       Cheryl Howell, Fall Retreat Coordinator & Essence                             Women’s Christmas Dinner
                                                                                           Held at OCEC
                                                                                       Friday, December 10th
                                                                                           Details to follow

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March 2010 Tapestry Newsletter

  • 1. Oregon City Evangelical Church Women’s Ministry Newsletter March 2010 Women's Ministry—Sandy Richter, Director Hello Ladies, Just as we see a new season coming, I have realized I am in a new season of life, retirement!! It is hard to believe that nearly ten years ago I accepted the position of Women‘s Ministry Director. What a time of growth this has been for me. It has been a time of shared dreams with other wonderful women and seeing them come to fruition. I learned more about whom I am in Christ and shared the deeper truths with women of our church. Thank you to all I have served with. You have all been a blessing to me spiritually and personally. Ladies, you have made my ministry enjoyable and have eased the challenges I faced over the years. Your words of encouragement, prayers and godly guidance were, and are, so appreciated. Words really are not enough to convey what they have meant to me. I have seen women come to Christ and begin a journey of growth that sees them now serving in our church in various areas of ministry. Something that I know makes our Lord delight in our church! As we begin a transition time in leadership, I know the Lord will lead through the next dear sister who steps into this position. I so look forward to helping her in anyway that I can. The joy of this transition is that I am not going anywhere so will continue to be involved— but in a lesser capacity. As you read Tapestry this time, you will see that Women‘s Ministry is strong, vibrant and moving forward. Keep listening for activities where you can plug in and/or serve. There are many— from the new Bible Study that starts on March 30th— to the Spring Event on April 22nd. Additionally, we would love to see more women take part in preparing meals for funerals and serving at memorial services. We will be preparing for our own women‘s retreat on October 22 and 23. If you would like to be involved in any capacity join us. Our Shepherding Committee would delight in having more ladies to help with their ministry. Especially by letting them know of new ladies attending our church whom they can welcome personally. As you prepare for this spring and the events and activities which you will be involved in with family and friends, I pray He will be a part of all that you do. With joy of having been your Women‘s Ministry Director, Sandy Richter
  • 2. Page 2 Jan Reed—Editor As I sat down to write my article for this issue of Tapestry, I realized that I would be writing my last article as Editor, and felt the sadness tugging at my heartstrings with letting go of something so near and dear to me. It has been a great pleasure to coordinate this ministry and assemble the articles of our Women‘s Ministry team. Having creative license is of course right down my alley and Tapestry has allowed me that time of indulging in one of my favorite passions. I have been truly blessed! It seems my life‘s journey has had loops and switchbacks almost continually and so why would I think the Lord would have it any different now. Little did I know that just as I was feeling all settled in and busy serving in various capacities, He would find something new and challenging for me to take on which came at me totally unexpected, like a guided missile. A daunting task, to say the least, I am honored and deeply humbled to serve in the capacity of Chairman of the Trustee Board. I used to think that when people got old like me, they sat around and read the paper, did crossword puzzles and basically vegetated. Believe it or not, I am still learning how to downsize my schedule at this time of my life. (I could work the clock around and not have enough time to accomplish all the things I love to do. Don‘t blame me, He made me this way!) Because of my new posi- tion and all that it entails, I will be passing the Tapestry baton to my sister in Christ, Marilee Swindler. Marilee is very excited to step up to the helm of this ministry and take over as Editor. I am just as excited (maybe even more so) because in my ex- perience, change is good—it brings new life, new blood, new ideas, talent and abilities. Please join me in encouraging Marilee as you have encouraged me these past years. And, if you have ideas of what you would like to see in Tapestry, please talk to Marilee. I‘m certain she will love to hear from you. Since we have trimmed our newsletter budget considerably, you obviously have noticed that instead of quarterly, we now pub- lish Tapestry semi-annually. We also don‘t mail it out to spare the cost of postage and envelopes. But, because of our great techno age, Tapestry is posted on our website—click on ministries, click on women, and voila, there you have it in living color! We will continue to print black and white copies and place them in the information slots of the bulletin board in the church lobby, so if you would like a hard copy, you can pick one up there. As I wrap up this chapter of my life, we are also wrapping up an incredible study of Daniel in our WOW group. This has been an amazing study, chilling prophecy, the Truth of God in His written word and the hope and promise of the battle being won! We serve an awesome God. He directs our paths, casts His light onto the path He leads us down ,and we need not be afraid. ―For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. Jer. 29:11 Shepherding—Shirley Hippler Our purpose in Shepherding is getting to know and to welcome new women of our church family. In that vein, we held a morning tea on Thursday, February 23rd, for those who preferred morning, and at 7:00 p.m. that evening we held a coffee for those who found it more convenient to attend an evening function. It was a fun time and we met some delightful ladies. One woman sent me a note to say thank you again: ―I so thank you and the other gals who spoiled us newbies at the tea. Do you know what an impact that left?‖ Well, we sure enjoyed those who attended. Thanks to our pastor‘s wives—Roberta Hurt did a devotional at our morning tea and Claudia LeRud did our evening devotional. Thank you also to those who came and made both events special. If you are new to our church family, or want to know more about us, please call the church office or fill out a guest card and place it in the offering plate—or just hand it in at the office. We are a large church and certainly do not want anyone to leave without a hug or a welcome. ―Let‘s get together!‖
  • 3. Page 3 WOW —Laurel Griggs, Coordinator We are just finishing our study in the book of Daniel. What an amazing study this has been. Several women have shared how this Beth Moore study has really stretched them this year. One young woman used the word ―refreshing‖ to describe her time in Daniel. Another lady used the word ―challenging‖. It has been good to study the Word of God together with other women who want to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord. Women of the Word will be starting a new study in a few weeks. The Tuesday morning group (9:00 to 11:00) will be starting on March 30th. The Wednesday night group (7:00 to 8:30) will be starting on March 31st. The name of the study is, ―Me, Myself and Lies: A Thought-Closet Makeover‖. This is a DVD driven study for women to encourage them to clean out the junk in their thoughts and replace these hidden negative thoughts and failures with positive truths from God‘s word. Jennifer Rothschild shares practically and helpfully from her own life and from Scripture to show how every woman can turn her words, and her life, around for good. It is a 7-week study that has a short DVD each week. We would love to have you join us for this new study. The books will be on sale at Grand Central on March 21st and 28th. After these dates, just come to the study and buy your book there. The books are $12.00. In the fall, WOW will be doing another Beth Moore study in the book of Esther. Be sure to watch the bulletin or web page for further details. Women’s Mentoring Programs—Bethany Labrie, Coordinator “As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another.‖ This is just one of many verses that speak of the value of people making each other better, by sharpening and challenging one another. Too often relationships bring us down, but they don‘t have to. Mentoring, (one on one), and Accountability Groups have been a wonderful behind the scenes ministry going on at OCEC for many years that the Lord has richly blessed! Women who commit to helping each other grow in their walk with the Lord, sharing from their own lives and supporting each other on the journey. It‘s a beautiful picture, and it has been a beautiful thing to be a part of. Life is busy for everyone though, that‘s an understatement! And God is doing new things everywhere we look. It has been decided that the Woman To Woman Mentoring and Accountability Groups ministry will not continue in the fall to make room for these other things. It has been a blessing to countless women at OCEC, and I encourage anyone who wants this, to seek out a mentor or a group of friends on your own who will commit to grow with you! And I and others who have done it will be very happy to talk with anyone who is interested and help in any way we can. I challenge you to think about your Christian friends and how you can make your friendships have a purpose – to make each other better. Do you pray with your friends? Do you ask and share how God is working in your lives? Do you challenge each other to grow in the Lord, as a wife, a mom, a woman? Think about it and see how the Lord leads you to make your friendships even more meaningful! Missions—Mardell Hohensee The next Mug ‗n Muffin will be Saturday, April 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Center. A light brunch will be served. We will hear from several of the high school girls and junior high girls and their leaders about their respective spring mission experiences. The 2010 conference offering projects are: January through June—Africa Gospel Church Baby Center. This orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya presently cares for 28 babies from birth to age 3. These babies have been orphaned through the death of both parents or abandoned by a mother who could not care for them. The average monthly cost of caring for each baby is $400. July through December— Project Faith. Dallas Evangelical Church in Dallas, Oregon, and the Mapleton Evangelical Church in Mapleton, Oregon need a Vitamin B shot for these congregations. The Thank Offering will be going to Wycliffe Bible Translators. We have an opportunity to help provide the Old Testament for another Central Asian country which does not have the Old Testament in their heart language. Christians in this Stan country are already being persecuted by the government. A team of national translators have been working for many years. The project began in country, but translators have been forced out.
  • 4. Page 4 “Daniel” —Courtney Goodwin Can you imagine being the kind of prayer warrior that warrants God sending one of his best angels to interrupt your prayer and tell you it‘s already been answered? I can‘t either. But I want to be! In the midst of a depraved society that did not worship the one true God, Daniel was just that kind of guy. He remained faithful to God even though it went against the very nature of the culture he lived in. Though he was definitely in the minority as a worshipper of God, he still managed to be placed by God in very high and influential positions in Babylon. As I‘ve studied Daniel with the help of gifted teacher and author Beth Moore, I‘m left with a burning desire to ―be a Daniel‖ in my own Babylon-esque culture. This was really the first time that I had read through Daniel from beginning to end, and certainly the first time that I‘ve had any measure of understanding about what I‘ve read. Beth Moore is an extremely gifted teacher who is able to take some pretty complex stuff and make it both understandable and applicable at the same time. My prayer life has grown considerably since last fall…my faith has been stretched (in a good way)…and as I learn more about end-time prophecy, I rejoice in the fact that we have a God who has dramatically and effectively scripted out the major events of the end times. Instead of being discouraged or frightened by some of the seriously tumultuous times ahead, I‘ve found myself encouraged to know that 1) God has a plan – nothing will surprise him in the last days, and 2) GOD WINS. His purposes will be accomplished, and many people from all nations will come to him, and the enemy WILL be defeated once and for all. Hallelujah! So as we wrap up our study of Daniel, I definitely don‘t feel any dumber (as Beth Moore‘s daughter so eloquently put it). And ultimately, I‘m reminded of one thing: I have a responsibility with all of this new knowledge. I can choose to bask in what I know now, content with my newfound knowledge and happy about my new familiarity with the book of Daniel (I know this great poem to help remember the theme of each chapter of Daniel…just ask me sometime ;-) ) and continue on living the status quo. OR, I can do the following: Make sure there is oil in my lamp and I am READY for my Jesus‘ return…‘cause He‘s comin‘!!! Have a little compassion on the people around me that don‘t know Him yet…and tell them! Pray, pray, pray. Oh, and also…pray. Help hasten His return…by getting involved in spreading the good news to the nations. Pray. Give. Go. See Matthew 24:14 – ―And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (emphasis is mine) Practice sacrifice rather than selfishness. And last, but not least…PRAY. Spring Event —Marilee Swindler Please come join us on Thursday evening, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Center. This Spring Event is for girls of all ages— to enjoy the fellowship of the ―ladies‖ of our church in a casual, fun and friendly atmosphere. If you don‘t want to join in the games, we would love to have you come and enjoy refreshments and perhaps meet some new ladies you don‘t have a chance to talk to on Sundays or during other events. Tickets will go on sale Sunday, March 21st at Grand Central in the church foyer. Cost—only $3.00 ! Watch for Women‘s Ministry board members (and Pastor Tom) wearing jade green T-shirts next Sunday to remind you to buy your tickets—and be sure to mark your calendar so you don‘t miss the fun!
  • 5. Page 5 Essence—Cheryl Howell Bless You! ―Most of us are familiar with this little phrase, which is spoken sometimes even by a total stranger, upon the release of a sneeze. But there's more to a blessing than just words.‖ ―A blessing is like a beautifully wrapped present waiting to be opened and enjoyed. It is a gift filled with love, good tidings and prom- ise. The friendship of other women is one such blessing! It comes to us as a gift from God, the best blessing-giver of all and it is wrapped and ribboned in the heart and life, tears and laughter, and caring and sharing of someone we would call a true friend.‖ These words were penned by Karla Dornacher in the opening pages of her beautiful book "The Blessings of Friendship." As I read these words I couldn't help but think of the Essence ministry and the opportunities it has provided for the women who come to make new friends. What a blessing it has been to share our lives, tears, and laughter with one another. Colossians 2:2 says "Be encour- aged in heart and united in love." Each month as we gather together to share and care for one another, we come away feeling loved and encouraged knowing that we are building eternal friendships with the women with whom we worship. Women's Ministry at OCEC provides many opportunities for women to connect, Essence is just one. We meet the 3rd Monday of the month at Crossroads Cafe in Gladstone, at 7:00pm. They have wonderful coffee drinks, yummy salads, soups, sandwiches and so much more - all reasonably priced. The atmosphere couldn't be sweeter, God is present! I understand busy schedules and life commitments, but remember to take time for yourself. Won't you come and make a new friend or reconnect with an old one. The doors are wide open and you are welcomed! Bless you! Pssssst....Coming Soon!!! OCEC Women's Fall Retreat Date: October 22-23, 2010 Place: Oregon City Evangelical Church Retreat Speaker: Corrine Stanley Secure your calendar now, protect those dates and watch as the exciting details unfold for the 2010 Fall Retreat. You won't be disappointed!!! . Spring Retreat 2010 So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life— and place it before God as an offering. Romans 12:1 The Message “Without Reservation” Speaker: Susan Brabon April 30-May 2 Seaside, OR Cost: $160 (Reservation deadline—April 6th Checks must accompany registration) Contact the church office for more information Tentative Workshop Options: God’s Appointments ~ Sharing Your Faith Personal Prayer and Meditation Chorale Craft~$5.00 Chair Massage~$15 for 15 minutes
  • 6. Page 6 Book Review-Jenny Storey I‘d like you to meet a Christian novelist to whom I was recently introduced by my mother (who has impec- cable taste in books, by the way): Jamie Langston Turner. She has written seven novels in her career thus far, four of which I have read. She is a daughter of the Deep South, and her novels are set in or around the fictional town of Derby, South Carolina. Turner is also a professor of creative writing and poetry at Bob Jones University. Her love of literature is reflected in her books, through many allusions to poetry, classical authors, and Shakespeare. One of the first things you will notice about her books is that she names each of her chapters, and each book has a theme running through it, which is reflected in those chapter titles. My favorite book so far, No Dark Valley, features phrases from old hymns as titles. This story follows a woman who is struggling to come to terms with her estranged grandmother‘s death and her own bad choices, and comes to experience her embittered past through new eyes as she reads through her grand- mother‘s journals. In the first book of hers I read, Some Wildflower in My Heart, we meet Margaret Tuttle, a beautiful and tal- ented, but cold and guarded woman, who is coaxed into blooming through the ministrations of an unlikely friend, Birdie Free- man, who is almost her exact opposite. Another book, Winter Birds, introduces a wealthy, octogenarian widow who moves in with her nephew and his wife as she nears the end of what she considers to be a disappointing and disillusioned life. Turner‘s skill at weaving a story and developing character are clearly apparent in this book, as the widow‘s negative and cynical views of life and the people surrounding her shift almost imperceptibly. Each of her books feature colorful, real, multi-faceted characters and she builds her stories with insight and grace, along with a good dose of humor. These books will leave you feeling satisfied that your time reading them has been well-spent, and you will eagerly look forward to reading another one. You can find a complete listing of her titles at or Bethany House, 2000-2009. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Tuesday Morning WOW ………..9:00 A.M. Wednesday Evening WOW ……..7:00 P.M. A NEWSLETTER OF WOMEN’S MINISTRY AT Mug ‘n Muffin OREGON CITY EVANGELICAL CHURCH Fellowship Center...Saturday, April 10  10:00 a.m. 1024 LINN AVE ▪ OREGON CITY, OR 97045 MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 10 ▪ OREGON CITY Essence TELEPHONE: 503-656-8582 Third Monday of the Month—Crossroads Café—Gladstone 7:00 p.m. Women’s Spring Event Thursday, April 22  7:00 p.m. Women’s Ministry Board of Directors OCEC Fellowship Center—Girls of All Ages Welcome $3.00 Sandy Richter, Director ―Girls, Games, Goodies‖ Tickets on sale Sunday, March 21st Jan Reed, Secretary In the church lobby Pug Bentz, Treasurer Pacific Conference Women’s Ministries Spring Retreat Laurel Griggs, WOW Coordinator Seaside, Oregon Kathy Adrian, Bereavement/Kitchen April 30 — May 2 Shirley Hippler, Shepherding OCEC Women’s Fall Retreat Bethany Labrie, Mentoring Held at OCEC Mardell Hohensee, Missions October 22 & 23 Details to follow Marilee Swindler, Tapestry Editor Cheryl Howell, Fall Retreat Coordinator & Essence Women’s Christmas Dinner Held at OCEC Friday, December 10th Details to follow