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Language Learning Approach and Methodology 1 
1.1 Background 
In the context of learning, we would be familiar with the terms of 
approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, and learning models. But 
many of the students education (prospective teachers) and even the 
teachers who do not understand in depth, so it can not explain what 
exactly the similarities and differences of these terms. Most of them 
understand each of those terms. Others think differently too. 
The differences between learning approaches, learning 
strategies, learning methods, learning techniques, and learning models. 
Each of these terms can be explained as follows: 
Learning approach is the way teachers view the learning 
process. Learning approaches can be divided into two approaches are 
student-centered learning (student centered approach) and learning-centered 
approach the teacher (teacher centered approach). Of the two 
learning approaches are then lowered into the learning strategies. 
Learning strategy is a teacher of learning activities undertaken 
with the aim of the learning process that takes place in the classroom 
can achieve (goals) to effectively and efficiently. Inside there is a 
learning strategy-planning planning created teachers. Viewed from the 
side of the strategy, can be grouped into two general categories: 
exposition-discovery and group learning, individual learning. Meanwhile, 
in terms of how the presentation and the way of processing, can be 
divided into two learning strategies are the inductive and deductive 
learning strategies. Learning strategy is still conceptual, necessary for 
the implementation of certain teaching methods. 
Method can be considered as a way of learning that must be 
taken to realize the plan that has been a teacher in a real and practical 
activities in the classroom to achieve learning objectives. Thus, the
strategy is “a plan for Achieving Goals” while the method is “a way for 
Achieving Goals”. There are many methods of learning that can be 
used to achieve these learning strategies include: (1) lecture, (2) 
demonstration, (3) discussion, (4) simulation, (5) laboratory, (6) field 
experience, (7) brainstorming; (8) debates, (9) symposium, and so forth. 
Meanwhile, there are techniques in the teaching methods of learning. 
Learning techniques is the way in which the teacher in carrying 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 2 
out the method of learning. 
Learning model is a frame from the application of an approach, 
strategy, methods, and techniques of learning. Learning model is a 
series of strategies, methods, and techniques of learning in a single 
unified whole. Thus, the learning model is basically a form of learning 
which is reflected from start to finish is typically presented by the 
teacher.Therefore, teachers need to master and apply specific learning 
model in which there are approaches, strategies, methods, and 
techniques of learning. 
1.2 Problem Formulation 
Based on the background we can conclude the Problem 
Formulation of this paper are: 
1. What is the meaning of Approach? 
2. What are part of Approach? 
3. What kind of learning method which include to Functional 
1.3 Purpose of Writing 
Based on the Problem Formulation, we can conclude the 
Purpose of Writing are: 
1. To know what is the meaning of Approach. 
2. To know part of Approach. 
3. To know kind of learning method which include to Functional 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 3 
2.1 Approach 
The approach is a set of assumptions regarding the nature of 
language and language learning. The experience of learning in the 
process of learning second language will be more fun, full of motivation 
and to be successful if approach used in accordance with the learning 
characteristics, both the characteristics of the material being taught, 
students will learn, and the learning environment that surrounds them. The 
approach is designed to plan activities and techniques. But equally 
important is that the teacher must be able to evaluate the teaching and 
learning activities to make progress (progress) in learning. 
According to Wahjoedi opinion (1999), that the learning approach is 
away of managing the learning activities and behavior of students, in order 
they can doing learning task, so they can get the optimal result from their 
learning. Learning approach can be interpreted as a starting point or a 
point of view of the learning process, viewed from his approach, there are 
two types of learning approaches, namely: 
(1) learning approach oriented or student-centered (student centered 
approach) and 
(2) approach-oriented learning orteacher-centered (teacher centered 
approach). Function Approach Learning is as general guidance in 
preparing their teaching methods will be used. 
A language learning approach consist of the following three elements: 
1. Views about the nature of language, 
2. Beliefs about language learning, and 
3. Ideas about how the above should be applied practically to 
language learning and teaching.
Approach and methodology of language learning can be divided 
into two form : Formal Approach and Functional Approach. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 4 
We can conclude that the approach is way of teachers view to the 
learning process. The teacher should doing this approach to make 
learning process more succesful. Learning approach can be interpreted as 
a starting point or a point of view of the learning process. The approach is 
designed to plan activities and techniques. But equally important is that 
the teacher must be able to evaluate the teaching and learning activities to 
make progress (progress) in learning. 
2.1.1 Formal Approach 
According to Semi(1993) that Formal Approach is clasic approach 
and traditional approach in language learning. This approach assume that 
language learning as a routine activity. In formal approach we follow the 
method which commonly used according to experience. Learning 
procedure only based on influece from teachers and what is considered 
good by the community. 
Learning begin with theoretical formula and applied with example 
and use. This approach usually called informative approach, because 
tendency to inform other about language without attention to practical 
knowledge or language knowledge. 
There are two learning method in Formal approach: 
A. Grammar-Translation 
Priority to pattern-grammatical with translite examples used. This 
method tend to produce graduates who know about language but not 
able to use in communication. 
Learning is majority using translating from and to target language. 
Grammatical should be memorized and vocabulary save in our heart. 
So we always remember it.
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 5 
B. Methods of reading 
This method use written language as facility of learning language. 
So analysis doing with reading text, finally can decrease the motivation 
of student, because they feel bored and this method not mostly used. 
We can conclude that Formal Approach is clasic approach and 
traditional approach in language learning. That usually using as an 
approach for students by the teachers. This approach assume that 
language learning as a routine activity. As a teacher we should use 
different method in every meeting so this approach called routine activity. 
The tendency of formal approach is to inform other about language without 
attention to practical knowledge or language knowledge. There are two 
learning method in Formal approach: Grammar-Translation and Methods 
of reading. 
2.1.2 Functional Approach 
According to Spring (1993) that for learning language we should do 
direct contact with the people who used the target language. So, directly 
facing native language teachers and try to use like the purpose of 
communication. From this method will appear language learning method, 
such as Direct Method, Method Restrictions, Intensive methode, Audio- 
Visual Method, Linguistics Method, and Integral Approach. 
We can conclude from the method above that functional approach 
is language learning by facing native language, it means if the students 
learn about english, the teachers should invite the students to have direct 
contact with the poeple who use the target language, such as
communicate each other to make them them self know about the target 
language. This approach is suitable to apply to students who want to learn 
and understand about the language it self. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 6 
1) Direct Method 
According to Webster's New International Dictionary, "Direct 
Method is a method of teaching a foreign language, especially a modern 
language through conversation, discussion and reading in the language it 
self without use of the pupil's language, without translation and without the 
study of formal grammar. The words are first taught by pointing to object or 
picture or by performing action." 
The general goal of the Direct Method is to provide learners with a 
practically useful knowledge of language. We know that knowledge of 
language is very useful for student. In this method, we should use direct 
teaching to the student about knowledge of language with doing 
something practice. They should learn to speak, discussion and 
understand the target language in every situations. 
The basic reason of the Direct Method that teacher should attempt 
to learn a second language in much the same way as children learn their 
first language. The method emphasised oral interaction, spontaneous use 
of language, no translation between first and second languages, and little 
or no analysis of grammar rules. 
Richards and Rodgers summarized the principles of the Direct 
method as follows (2001: 12): 
 Classroom instruction was did exclusively in the target language; 
 Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught;
 Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully traded 
progression organized around questions-and-answer exchanges 
between teachers and students in small intensive classes; 
 Grammar was taught inductively; 
 New teaching points were taught through modelling and practice; 
 Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, 
pictures; Abstract vocabulary was taught through association of 
 Both speech and listening comprehension were taught; 
 Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized. 
Grammar learning became inductive in nature without overt 
explanations given the pupil. Teacher/student interaction became fuller, 
guessing of context or content, completing fill-ins, Accuracy in 
pronunciation and oral expression became vital. 
Lessons begin with a dialogue using a modern conversational style 
in the target language. Material is first presented orally with actions or 
pictures. The mother tongue is NEVER, NEVER used. There is no 
translation. The type of exercise is a series of questions in the target 
language based on the dialogue or an anecdotal narrative. Questions are 
answered in the target language. 
(a) Main Features of the Direct Method. 
The main features of the Direct Method have been described by 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 7 
H.E. Palmer. These are: 
1. Translation in any shape or form is banished from the classroom, 
including the use of the mother-tongue and of the bilingual dictionary. 
2. Grammar, when it is taught, is taught inductively. 
3. Oral teaching precedes any form of reading and writing.
4. The use of disconnected sentences is replaced by the use of connected 
5. Pronunciation is to be taught systematically on more or less phonetic 
basis. The meanings of new words and forms are taught by means of 
direct objects, actions or in natural contexts. 
6. The vocabulary and structures of the language are inculcated to a large 
extent by questions asked by the teacher and answered by the pupils. 
(b) The Principle of the Direct Method. 
The Direct Method is a method of teaching a foreign language 
directly. It emphasises language learning by direct contact with the 
foreign language in meaningful situations. The principle underlying this 
method is to establish a direct bond between English word, phrase or 
idiom, and its meaning. It is clear that the mother-tongue does not come 
between the foreign word and the meaning it conveys. 
(c) For the successful working of the Direct Method, the following 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 8 
means are used: 
1. Oral work. 
Speech is very important. The Direct Method lays tress on the oral 
aspect of English. The child should first listen and speaks. This will 
develop a language sense among the children. Oral teaching will also form 
the basis of reading and writing. 
2.Minimum use of the mother-tongue. 
Make as little a use of the mother-tongue as possible. The sounds 
of the mother-tongue should not interfere with English sounds. This will 
ensure the direct bond between experience and expression between word 
and meaning. Use mother-tongue only when it is most essential to use it.
3.The sentence and not the word becomes the unit of speech. 
The Direct Method follows the principle that the unit of speech 
should be sentence and not the word. We talk and think in sentences or 
"sense-group". We do not think in single words. So, sentence is made the 
unit of speech. The teachers make use of different types of sentences 
such as affirmative, negative, interrogative, exclamatory, etc. 
4.The teaching of descriptive grammar. 
Grammar is not taught for the sake of grammar. The Direct Method 
aims at teaching the grammar of language-or the grammar that describes 
the language in action. The grammar taught is not the "grammar of rules" 
but the "grammar of use". Grammar is taught indirectly. 
5.Progressive teaching of new vocabulary. 
The Direct Method stresses the need of using only limited words 
and phrases. The words and phrases are taught at definite stage through 
spoken language. Thus teaching of vocabulary is progressive." 
(d) Advantages the Direct Method 
1. English is taught in the medium of English and not in the medium of the 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 9 
2. The child gets many opportunities to listen to spoken English. This is 
very important for language mastery. 
3. The Direct Method follows the natural way of learning a language. The 
child listens and speaks. He acquires fluency in English speech. 
4. The Direct Method lays stress on oral work. The child gets to improve 
his speech habits, including pronunciation.
5. The Direct Method helps the child to think in English wi thout the aid of 
the mother-tongue. This strengthens his ability of self-expression. 
6. There is an ample scope for the use of audio-visual aids. These aids 
make the teaching work easy, interesting and more concrete. 
7. The method is the quickest way of getting started in English. 
8. The Direct Method prepares an easy ground for written English. 
9. There is good scope for activity. The teaching work becomes 
10. It is the method of a living language, not of a dead one. 
(e) Limitations of the Direct Method 
1. The method is no doubt, very useful for the early stage. It does not work 
well in higher classes. Certain aspects of language-study are neglected. 
It is an incomplete method. 
2. Speech is given importance at the cost of reading and writing. 
3. Every teacher cannot be expected to teach with the Direct Method. It 
requires teachers who are skilled in handling language material. 
4. It is an expensive method. Aids have an important place in this method. 
But many schools cannot afford to buy such aids as projector, 
linguaphone, etc. 
5. The method is more suitable for small-sized classes. In Indian schools, 
we have over-crowded classes. The use of the method may give out 
undesirable results. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 10
6. All vocabulary items cannot be taught through direct association. The 
teacher may feel some difficulty when he wants to explain the difference 
between, say, 'beautiful' and 'pretty'. 
7. The success of the Direct Method depends upon Direct Method 
Readers. But such Readers are not available. 
8. It is likely to prove a time-consuming method. Indian students have 
weak language sense or weak background. They will pose to have 
understood what is taught when actually they have not. 
9. It lays stress on student's command on language without systematic 
reading lessons and written work. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 11 
We can conclude that Direct Method is method that directly use by 
the teacher in teaching foreign language. We should use direct teaching to 
the student about knowledge of language with doing something practice. 
They should learn to speak, discussion and understand the target 
language in every situations. So the direct method will succesful to 
implement. In this mehod, we teach the students to directly mention what 
the answer or what the question, what they want to talking about, etc. 
In this method, grammar learning became inductive in nature 
without overt explanations given the students. The mother tongue is never, 
never used. And also there is no translation. For the successful working of 
the Direct Method, we can use: Oral work, Minimum use of the mother-tongue, 
The sentence and not the word becomes the unit of speech, The 
teaching of descriptive grammar, Progressive teaching of new vocabulary. 
Through the Direct Method has a number of drawbacks, yet it is a 
useful method. Its use has shown very good results, especially in case of
beginners. Start with oral work, exercise and graded structures and you 
prepare a sound language background for the learner. 
2) Method Restrictions 
Method restrictions are all things that need to be restrictions in 
language learning. Language teaching by using Method which directly 
studied to student,which be adapted with the condition of the student. In 
method restriction not all of method can be used in class, but we should 
choose which one is important and suitable with the condition of the 
Like we know, if we teach the student who in yunior high school is 
very different with student who in senior high school. Because they have 
something restriction which should and should not to learn. 
Same case with student who in first grade have their lesson which 
different with second, third, or four grade. Because in the teaching 
language they have each level in learning. So, method restriction is very 
useful to make student directed to what they need and what they should 
learn. So it is not out of the context and out from the rule. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 12 
From this method we can conclude that Method restrictions are all 
things like method , style or material that need to be restrictions in 
language learning. As a teacher we should know the situation of our 
students. So, with this method we can do what should we do. We can 
teach which one is siutable and which one is not suitable with the 
condition of our students. 
If we teach different level in school, we should use our method 
which suitable with the level of the students it self. But, when we teach
another level, we should use different method rather than method in the 
other level. Because every level has their own rule in learning process. 
What should they learn and what should not they learn in learning 
3) Intensive Method 
Intensive method is a strategy of intensive study how the students 
improve their language. Intensive methods are very supportive and help 
the students in the language tutorials. 
Intensive method can be done with the course. By using course it 
self students not only get the lessons at school. Because the courses can 
improve the students on learning mindset. And desire of them to be able to 
improve their ability to learn languages. 
In the fact that teachers do not just teach at school, but also guiding 
the course in advance the childrens abilities starting from read, 
understand, speak and write what they was saying. 
This method like push the student in language learning, by doing 
some exercise with continue and intensive, to reach their purpose in 
learning language. So they can get good result. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 13 
We can conclude that intensive methode is one of some strategies 
to improve students ability in learning process. Based on this 
understanding students can get more information from some ways, such 
as following the courses at education institution like depend on guide , and 
course by using teachers ability like held in school. 
Intensive method helped students to increase their mindset on 
learning procces. By using this method students can learning from easier
to difficult and more, teach students depend on their basic step by step to 
develop a good infuence. 
4) Audio-Visual Method 
Audio lingual strategy is an approach to language learning that 
based on behaviouris ideology in our daily. This method was similar with 
direct method that has explained before it is learning directly and the same 
as audio visual method. 
The difference between audio visual method and direct method, the 
first is focus on teaching language grammar it self and the second one is 
focus on vocabularies. But all of this method is important to use in 
teaching language learning, because those are part of the strategy. 
By using audio visual method, the teacher should be prepare many 
words to share all of his students and ask them to repeat the words and 
memories it to increase students vocabularies it must become their 
behaviours to make the learner will learn habitually. Because according 
with this method that focus on vocabularies insist to speaking and 
practicing than writing anymore. 
There are so many characteristic in language learning strategy by using 
audio visual method: 
 New material is presented in dialogue form. 
 There is dependency on mimicry, memorization of set 
 Structural patterns are taught using drills. 
 There is little or no grammatical explanation 
 Vocabulary is strictly limited to pronunciation. 
 There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids. 
 Great importance is attached to pronunciation. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 14
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 15 
Teaching Process: 
We have three teaching process, there are : 
 The first is presentation using oral, dialogue, little explanation. 
The purpose of this stage is accurate repetition and 
memorization of the dialogue. 
 The second is practice using pattern drills and emphasizing 
 The third teaching process is application and here we talk 
about the use of structure in different concepts. 
All interaction and learn strategy given by using studied language. 
And one of these method is Dialog Memorizing. First, the students giving a 
short dialog to each other by using a good spelling ang body language 
because of it they sould be interest and easily to understand and also 
increase their language each other. And the second one using drills or learn 
tranformation by providing questions and tranformed into statement. It was 
learned the students how to select the word became simple sentence. 
In conclusion, the Audio-lingual Method focuses on speaking and 
listening competence stressing repetition and habit formation to learn a 
second or a foreign language. This method was frequently used during the 
first half of the twentieth century and though it lost its scientific credibility 
which led to its decline, it is still used today. 
Audio-visual method that focus on vocabularies insist to speaking 
and practicing than writing anymore. This method push the students enjoy 
studying by behaviouris in their daily. The theory behind this method is 
that learning a language means acquiring habits. There is much practice 
of dialogues of every situations.
This method helped the students to easier them self in learning 
language, by repeatation of the words in the daily, so they can memorize 
it. It can become habitual for students and could develop students 
vecabularies. Firtsly to apply this method is forcing students to be focus on 
the material to make them to be friendly with many words. So, students 
can learn it habitually. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 16 
5) Linguistic Method 
Linguistics method is will enable you to explore language on a 
sound theoretical basis and to apply these linguistic skills in foreign 
language teaching. Within the framework of theoretical linguistics you will 
study the grammatical properties of the English language. In addition, you 
will take a comparative view on other languages and relate, in a systemic 
way, core theoretical concepts to applied issues, such as those pertaining 
to language acquisition, comprehension and language change. You will 
thus familiarise yourselves with a set of analytic tools enabling you to 
examine the English language from different scientific perspectives and to 
use this competence in foreign language teaching. One seminar in 
linguistics for students taking English as a major subject and two seminars 
for students taking English as a minor subject, respectively, as well as of a 
(more practically oriented) English-language course. 
According to The Breidner Linguistic Method permits English 
readers to identify the sounds of letters, in this case the Hebrew, morphed 
into English words, without study or memorization. BLM uses English to 
decode Hebrew letters by reading the Psalms, as a first step toward 
acquiring a Hebrew vocabulary for comprehension. After learning how to 
use Hebrew letters to easily read English words, Hebrew words are slowly 
substituted intuitively in a sentence, beginning the process of developing a 
Hebrew vocabulary. English speakers have learned to read Hebrew
effortlessly using BLM. The Breidner Linguistic Method uses the 
individual's native language to learn a new language. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 17 
From this method we can concluded that with this method we can 
explore language on a sound theoretical basis and to apply these linguistic 
skills in foreign language teaching. This method teach the students to 
compare between one and another language, such as in English language 
UK and US. So they will know about the understanding and language 
6) Integral Approach 
Integral approach is reveals the interior side of life, sees 
developmental stages, and recognizes and respects the individual and 
collective domains. Reveals the interior side of life is retains the existing 
practices that focus on the "exterior" components of life, such as biological 
systems, economic initiatives, social organizing, governance and 
sustainability, and also works with the interior components, such as 
worldviews, value-systems and epistemologies. These interior parts of 
society inform our opinions and decision-making, essentially guiding the 
ways we make meaning of our surroundings and interactions. Sees 
developmental stages is working with environmental or social issues is 
working with the on-going process of change. Deep, fundamental shifts in 
our ways of thinking foster visible changes in society, such as new 
institutions, management plans, laws and economic systems. This deeper 
aspect to change acknowledges the emergence of new world views and 
value systems. These emerging world views and values unfold in nested, 
developmental stages, moving towards more and more complexity modes, 
through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Recognizes and respect 
the individual and collective doamins is Integral theory sees individuals
and the group as two concurrent vehicles of growth. Neither focusing on 
purely individual ends nor purely on collective action will solve today's 
global issues. Rather, solutions to eco-social concerns reside in the 
combination of "I" and "we". Finding long-lasting solutions will involve self-development, 
personal growth and individual innovation, and it will also 
include collective process, a common vision and collaborative action. 
Integral theory can be applied in various ways, across various disciplines. 
An understanding of interiority and developmental unfolding in individuals 
and the group provides for better organizational design, more appropriate 
strategic planning and superior problem solving. 
What follows is an overview of three key tenets of integral theory: 
1. the integral approach reveals the interior side of life 
2. the integral approach sees developmental stages 
3.the integral approach recognizes and respects the individual 
and collective domains. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 18 
We can conclude that Integral approach is hole of language 
approach. Every step of effort that the students learn or equire the lesson. 
Basically, this method focus to use language skills. Called integrative 
skills. Integral approach use of the sategy to improve language skils in one 
moment. In in tegral approach not only looking at internal / external. But, 
looking at the holistic one. Every step of effort that the students learn or 
equire the lesson.
In this presentation, our team use Microsoft Power Point as our 
media of presentation. In the Power Point we just type a general material 
of our presentation. And then one by one of our member tell about the 
materials. We read the text on the Power Point and then explain it with our 
own words. So, the audience can easy to understand what we mean. 
We begin to expalin about kinds of methods. All of methods are 
important to use in learning process because every student has different 
ways to learn. Teachers is the important role in learning process and they 
should prepare their self to teach the students with the suitable method 
according to the material. Then students can get it easily. There are many 
methods that we want to deliver,in teaching language. first direct methods, 
second method restriction, third intensive methods, fourth audio-visual 
methods, fifth linguistic methods, and sixth integral approach. 
The presenter will expalin the materials one by one. firstIy the 
presenter tell about direct methods. Direct methods is method which use 
in teaching foreign language. We should use direct teaching to the student 
about knowledge of language with doing something practice. They should 
learn to speak, discussion and understand the target language in every 
situations. In this method, we teach the students to directly mention what 
the answer or what the question, what they want to talking about, etc. For 
the successful working of the Direct Method, we can use: Oral work, it 
means that when we do something we should directly said with second 
language or target language it self. Then, Minimum use of the mother-tongue, 
in learning foreign language should doing continously. In school, 
we should doing communication with using target language. The sentence 
and not the word becomes the unit of speech. Try to always make a 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 19
sentence directly not word by word. The teaching of descriptive grammar. 
Gramamar teach generally, because grammar should learn in indirect 
learning cannot teach in direct method. Progressive teaching of new 
vocabulary. With using direct method, we can increase our vocabulary, 
because we always try to speak with using the target language it self. 
And the second one about method restrictions. Method restriction is 
method that using by the teacher that should suitable with the condition 
and the situation of the students it self. As a teacher, we should know the 
abilitry of our students. As example is: when we teach senior high school, 
it has different level and different ability rather than in junior high school, 
so we should make it suitable with the method and the material that we 
want to teach. We should choose what method that suitable and match 
with the situation and the condition of the students it self. 
The next material is intensive method. Intensive method is one of 
many methods that should be appy in learning process. Especially for 
students who want to learn more about the lesson. So they should though 
by using this method more and more to help students mindset in getting 
the core of language learning. Students can develop their self by using this 
method habitually because this method very very push them to reach the 
goals easily. This method though them to more learn, practice the 
material, and doing many excercise, these are the ways to teach them to 
be more active and improve their skill. 
The next material is about audio visual method. the Audio-visual 
Method is one of many methods in language learning that based on 
behaviouris in our daily environment. This approach emphasizes the 
speaking and listening competence rather than reading and writing 
competence, it is the development of language skills is a matter of habit 
formulation through the use of structured dialogue and repetitive 
excercise. The Audio-visual Method is said to be the best for beginning 
level foreign language classes. This method supported the students to be 
more active in oral language. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 20
The fifth method is Linguistic methods is an aproach that could be 
apply in language learning for students can explore and comparing 
between two language, to know about the differenses. From the 
theoretical linguistics they will study the grammatical properties of the 
English language. 
And the last method is Integral approach is hole of language 
approach. Every step of effort that the students learn or equire the lesson. 
Basically, this method focus to use language skills. Called integrative 
skills. Integral approach use of the sategy to improve language skils in one 
moment. In integral approach not only looking at internal or external. But, 
looking at the holistic one. Every step of effort that the students learn or 
equire the lesson. 
In our discussion we open the opportunity for asking question. 
Related with our materials, there are some questions which asked by 
participant. The presenter provide an opportunity for some questions. And 
we limit just for 3 participant. 
After finished the discussion, presenter delivered the conclution 
about the material in front of the class 
At the end of our presentation, we give some questions to the 
participants. This questions was given to check if they focus to our 
presentation or not, whether they understand or notabout the materials. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 21
We would be familiar with the terms of approaches, strategies, 
methods, techniques, and learning models. But many of the students 
education (prospective teachers) and even the teachers who do not 
understand in depth, so it can not explain what exactly the similarities and 
differences of these terms. So, as a teacher we should understand in 
depth what is similarities and differences about approaches, strategies, 
methods, techniques, and learning models. So, we can applied it. And can 
explain clearly to our student. That’s very important for us as a teacher. 
The approach is a set of assumptions regarding the nature of 
language and language learning. The approach is designed to plan 
activities and techniques. Formal Approach is clasic approach and 
traditional approach in language learning. Functional Approach that for 
learning language we should do direct contact with the people who used 
the target language. Functional Approach will appear language learning 
method, such as Direct Method, Method Restrictions, Intensive methode, 
Audio-Visual Method, Linguistics Method, and Integral Approach, equally 
important is that the teacher must be able to evaluate the teaching and 
learning activities to make progress in learning. 
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 22
Language Learning Approach and Methodology 23 

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  • 1. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Language Learning Approach and Methodology 1 1.1 Background In the context of learning, we would be familiar with the terms of approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, and learning models. But many of the students education (prospective teachers) and even the teachers who do not understand in depth, so it can not explain what exactly the similarities and differences of these terms. Most of them understand each of those terms. Others think differently too. The differences between learning approaches, learning strategies, learning methods, learning techniques, and learning models. Each of these terms can be explained as follows: Learning approach is the way teachers view the learning process. Learning approaches can be divided into two approaches are student-centered learning (student centered approach) and learning-centered approach the teacher (teacher centered approach). Of the two learning approaches are then lowered into the learning strategies. Learning strategy is a teacher of learning activities undertaken with the aim of the learning process that takes place in the classroom can achieve (goals) to effectively and efficiently. Inside there is a learning strategy-planning planning created teachers. Viewed from the side of the strategy, can be grouped into two general categories: exposition-discovery and group learning, individual learning. Meanwhile, in terms of how the presentation and the way of processing, can be divided into two learning strategies are the inductive and deductive learning strategies. Learning strategy is still conceptual, necessary for the implementation of certain teaching methods. Method can be considered as a way of learning that must be taken to realize the plan that has been a teacher in a real and practical activities in the classroom to achieve learning objectives. Thus, the
  • 2. strategy is “a plan for Achieving Goals” while the method is “a way for Achieving Goals”. There are many methods of learning that can be used to achieve these learning strategies include: (1) lecture, (2) demonstration, (3) discussion, (4) simulation, (5) laboratory, (6) field experience, (7) brainstorming; (8) debates, (9) symposium, and so forth. Meanwhile, there are techniques in the teaching methods of learning. Learning techniques is the way in which the teacher in carrying Language Learning Approach and Methodology 2 out the method of learning. Learning model is a frame from the application of an approach, strategy, methods, and techniques of learning. Learning model is a series of strategies, methods, and techniques of learning in a single unified whole. Thus, the learning model is basically a form of learning which is reflected from start to finish is typically presented by the teacher.Therefore, teachers need to master and apply specific learning model in which there are approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques of learning. 1.2 Problem Formulation Based on the background we can conclude the Problem Formulation of this paper are: 1. What is the meaning of Approach? 2. What are part of Approach? 3. What kind of learning method which include to Functional Approach? 1.3 Purpose of Writing Based on the Problem Formulation, we can conclude the Purpose of Writing are: 1. To know what is the meaning of Approach. 2. To know part of Approach. 3. To know kind of learning method which include to Functional Approach.
  • 3. CHAPTER II THEORIES Language Learning Approach and Methodology 3 2.1 Approach The approach is a set of assumptions regarding the nature of language and language learning. The experience of learning in the process of learning second language will be more fun, full of motivation and to be successful if approach used in accordance with the learning characteristics, both the characteristics of the material being taught, students will learn, and the learning environment that surrounds them. The approach is designed to plan activities and techniques. But equally important is that the teacher must be able to evaluate the teaching and learning activities to make progress (progress) in learning. According to Wahjoedi opinion (1999), that the learning approach is away of managing the learning activities and behavior of students, in order they can doing learning task, so they can get the optimal result from their learning. Learning approach can be interpreted as a starting point or a point of view of the learning process, viewed from his approach, there are two types of learning approaches, namely: (1) learning approach oriented or student-centered (student centered approach) and (2) approach-oriented learning orteacher-centered (teacher centered approach). Function Approach Learning is as general guidance in preparing their teaching methods will be used. A language learning approach consist of the following three elements: 1. Views about the nature of language, 2. Beliefs about language learning, and 3. Ideas about how the above should be applied practically to language learning and teaching.
  • 4. Approach and methodology of language learning can be divided into two form : Formal Approach and Functional Approach. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 4 CONCLUSION: We can conclude that the approach is way of teachers view to the learning process. The teacher should doing this approach to make learning process more succesful. Learning approach can be interpreted as a starting point or a point of view of the learning process. The approach is designed to plan activities and techniques. But equally important is that the teacher must be able to evaluate the teaching and learning activities to make progress (progress) in learning. 2.1.1 Formal Approach According to Semi(1993) that Formal Approach is clasic approach and traditional approach in language learning. This approach assume that language learning as a routine activity. In formal approach we follow the method which commonly used according to experience. Learning procedure only based on influece from teachers and what is considered good by the community. Learning begin with theoretical formula and applied with example and use. This approach usually called informative approach, because tendency to inform other about language without attention to practical knowledge or language knowledge. There are two learning method in Formal approach: A. Grammar-Translation Priority to pattern-grammatical with translite examples used. This method tend to produce graduates who know about language but not able to use in communication. Learning is majority using translating from and to target language. Grammatical should be memorized and vocabulary save in our heart. So we always remember it.
  • 5. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 5 B. Methods of reading This method use written language as facility of learning language. So analysis doing with reading text, finally can decrease the motivation of student, because they feel bored and this method not mostly used. CONCLUSION: We can conclude that Formal Approach is clasic approach and traditional approach in language learning. That usually using as an approach for students by the teachers. This approach assume that language learning as a routine activity. As a teacher we should use different method in every meeting so this approach called routine activity. The tendency of formal approach is to inform other about language without attention to practical knowledge or language knowledge. There are two learning method in Formal approach: Grammar-Translation and Methods of reading. 2.1.2 Functional Approach According to Spring (1993) that for learning language we should do direct contact with the people who used the target language. So, directly facing native language teachers and try to use like the purpose of communication. From this method will appear language learning method, such as Direct Method, Method Restrictions, Intensive methode, Audio- Visual Method, Linguistics Method, and Integral Approach. CONCLUSION: We can conclude from the method above that functional approach is language learning by facing native language, it means if the students learn about english, the teachers should invite the students to have direct contact with the poeple who use the target language, such as
  • 6. communicate each other to make them them self know about the target language. This approach is suitable to apply to students who want to learn and understand about the language it self. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 6 1) Direct Method According to Webster's New International Dictionary, "Direct Method is a method of teaching a foreign language, especially a modern language through conversation, discussion and reading in the language it self without use of the pupil's language, without translation and without the study of formal grammar. The words are first taught by pointing to object or picture or by performing action." The general goal of the Direct Method is to provide learners with a practically useful knowledge of language. We know that knowledge of language is very useful for student. In this method, we should use direct teaching to the student about knowledge of language with doing something practice. They should learn to speak, discussion and understand the target language in every situations. The basic reason of the Direct Method that teacher should attempt to learn a second language in much the same way as children learn their first language. The method emphasised oral interaction, spontaneous use of language, no translation between first and second languages, and little or no analysis of grammar rules. Richards and Rodgers summarized the principles of the Direct method as follows (2001: 12):  Classroom instruction was did exclusively in the target language;  Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught;
  • 7.  Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully traded progression organized around questions-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small intensive classes;  Grammar was taught inductively;  New teaching points were taught through modelling and practice;  Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, pictures; Abstract vocabulary was taught through association of ideas;  Both speech and listening comprehension were taught;  Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized. Grammar learning became inductive in nature without overt explanations given the pupil. Teacher/student interaction became fuller, guessing of context or content, completing fill-ins, Accuracy in pronunciation and oral expression became vital. Lessons begin with a dialogue using a modern conversational style in the target language. Material is first presented orally with actions or pictures. The mother tongue is NEVER, NEVER used. There is no translation. The type of exercise is a series of questions in the target language based on the dialogue or an anecdotal narrative. Questions are answered in the target language. (a) Main Features of the Direct Method. The main features of the Direct Method have been described by Language Learning Approach and Methodology 7 H.E. Palmer. These are: 1. Translation in any shape or form is banished from the classroom, including the use of the mother-tongue and of the bilingual dictionary. 2. Grammar, when it is taught, is taught inductively. 3. Oral teaching precedes any form of reading and writing.
  • 8. 4. The use of disconnected sentences is replaced by the use of connected texts. 5. Pronunciation is to be taught systematically on more or less phonetic basis. The meanings of new words and forms are taught by means of direct objects, actions or in natural contexts. 6. The vocabulary and structures of the language are inculcated to a large extent by questions asked by the teacher and answered by the pupils. (b) The Principle of the Direct Method. The Direct Method is a method of teaching a foreign language directly. It emphasises language learning by direct contact with the foreign language in meaningful situations. The principle underlying this method is to establish a direct bond between English word, phrase or idiom, and its meaning. It is clear that the mother-tongue does not come between the foreign word and the meaning it conveys. (c) For the successful working of the Direct Method, the following Language Learning Approach and Methodology 8 means are used: 1. Oral work. Speech is very important. The Direct Method lays tress on the oral aspect of English. The child should first listen and speaks. This will develop a language sense among the children. Oral teaching will also form the basis of reading and writing. 2.Minimum use of the mother-tongue. Make as little a use of the mother-tongue as possible. The sounds of the mother-tongue should not interfere with English sounds. This will ensure the direct bond between experience and expression between word and meaning. Use mother-tongue only when it is most essential to use it.
  • 9. 3.The sentence and not the word becomes the unit of speech. The Direct Method follows the principle that the unit of speech should be sentence and not the word. We talk and think in sentences or "sense-group". We do not think in single words. So, sentence is made the unit of speech. The teachers make use of different types of sentences such as affirmative, negative, interrogative, exclamatory, etc. 4.The teaching of descriptive grammar. Grammar is not taught for the sake of grammar. The Direct Method aims at teaching the grammar of language-or the grammar that describes the language in action. The grammar taught is not the "grammar of rules" but the "grammar of use". Grammar is taught indirectly. 5.Progressive teaching of new vocabulary. The Direct Method stresses the need of using only limited words and phrases. The words and phrases are taught at definite stage through spoken language. Thus teaching of vocabulary is progressive." (d) Advantages the Direct Method 1. English is taught in the medium of English and not in the medium of the Language Learning Approach and Methodology 9 mother-tongue. 2. The child gets many opportunities to listen to spoken English. This is very important for language mastery. 3. The Direct Method follows the natural way of learning a language. The child listens and speaks. He acquires fluency in English speech. 4. The Direct Method lays stress on oral work. The child gets to improve his speech habits, including pronunciation.
  • 10. 5. The Direct Method helps the child to think in English wi thout the aid of the mother-tongue. This strengthens his ability of self-expression. 6. There is an ample scope for the use of audio-visual aids. These aids make the teaching work easy, interesting and more concrete. 7. The method is the quickest way of getting started in English. 8. The Direct Method prepares an easy ground for written English. 9. There is good scope for activity. The teaching work becomes interesting. 10. It is the method of a living language, not of a dead one. (e) Limitations of the Direct Method 1. The method is no doubt, very useful for the early stage. It does not work well in higher classes. Certain aspects of language-study are neglected. It is an incomplete method. 2. Speech is given importance at the cost of reading and writing. 3. Every teacher cannot be expected to teach with the Direct Method. It requires teachers who are skilled in handling language material. 4. It is an expensive method. Aids have an important place in this method. But many schools cannot afford to buy such aids as projector, linguaphone, etc. 5. The method is more suitable for small-sized classes. In Indian schools, we have over-crowded classes. The use of the method may give out undesirable results. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 10
  • 11. 6. All vocabulary items cannot be taught through direct association. The teacher may feel some difficulty when he wants to explain the difference between, say, 'beautiful' and 'pretty'. 7. The success of the Direct Method depends upon Direct Method Readers. But such Readers are not available. 8. It is likely to prove a time-consuming method. Indian students have weak language sense or weak background. They will pose to have understood what is taught when actually they have not. 9. It lays stress on student's command on language without systematic reading lessons and written work. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 11 CONCLUSION: We can conclude that Direct Method is method that directly use by the teacher in teaching foreign language. We should use direct teaching to the student about knowledge of language with doing something practice. They should learn to speak, discussion and understand the target language in every situations. So the direct method will succesful to implement. In this mehod, we teach the students to directly mention what the answer or what the question, what they want to talking about, etc. In this method, grammar learning became inductive in nature without overt explanations given the students. The mother tongue is never, never used. And also there is no translation. For the successful working of the Direct Method, we can use: Oral work, Minimum use of the mother-tongue, The sentence and not the word becomes the unit of speech, The teaching of descriptive grammar, Progressive teaching of new vocabulary. Through the Direct Method has a number of drawbacks, yet it is a useful method. Its use has shown very good results, especially in case of
  • 12. beginners. Start with oral work, exercise and graded structures and you prepare a sound language background for the learner. 2) Method Restrictions Method restrictions are all things that need to be restrictions in language learning. Language teaching by using Method which directly studied to student,which be adapted with the condition of the student. In method restriction not all of method can be used in class, but we should choose which one is important and suitable with the condition of the student. Like we know, if we teach the student who in yunior high school is very different with student who in senior high school. Because they have something restriction which should and should not to learn. Same case with student who in first grade have their lesson which different with second, third, or four grade. Because in the teaching language they have each level in learning. So, method restriction is very useful to make student directed to what they need and what they should learn. So it is not out of the context and out from the rule. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 12 CONCLUSION: From this method we can conclude that Method restrictions are all things like method , style or material that need to be restrictions in language learning. As a teacher we should know the situation of our students. So, with this method we can do what should we do. We can teach which one is siutable and which one is not suitable with the condition of our students. If we teach different level in school, we should use our method which suitable with the level of the students it self. But, when we teach
  • 13. another level, we should use different method rather than method in the other level. Because every level has their own rule in learning process. What should they learn and what should not they learn in learning process. 3) Intensive Method Intensive method is a strategy of intensive study how the students improve their language. Intensive methods are very supportive and help the students in the language tutorials. Intensive method can be done with the course. By using course it self students not only get the lessons at school. Because the courses can improve the students on learning mindset. And desire of them to be able to improve their ability to learn languages. In the fact that teachers do not just teach at school, but also guiding the course in advance the childrens abilities starting from read, understand, speak and write what they was saying. This method like push the student in language learning, by doing some exercise with continue and intensive, to reach their purpose in learning language. So they can get good result. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 13 CONCLUSION: We can conclude that intensive methode is one of some strategies to improve students ability in learning process. Based on this understanding students can get more information from some ways, such as following the courses at education institution like depend on guide , and course by using teachers ability like held in school. Intensive method helped students to increase their mindset on learning procces. By using this method students can learning from easier
  • 14. to difficult and more, teach students depend on their basic step by step to develop a good infuence. 4) Audio-Visual Method Audio lingual strategy is an approach to language learning that based on behaviouris ideology in our daily. This method was similar with direct method that has explained before it is learning directly and the same as audio visual method. The difference between audio visual method and direct method, the first is focus on teaching language grammar it self and the second one is focus on vocabularies. But all of this method is important to use in teaching language learning, because those are part of the strategy. By using audio visual method, the teacher should be prepare many words to share all of his students and ask them to repeat the words and memories it to increase students vocabularies it must become their behaviours to make the learner will learn habitually. Because according with this method that focus on vocabularies insist to speaking and practicing than writing anymore. Characteristics: There are so many characteristic in language learning strategy by using audio visual method:  New material is presented in dialogue form.  There is dependency on mimicry, memorization of set phrases.  Structural patterns are taught using drills.  There is little or no grammatical explanation  Vocabulary is strictly limited to pronunciation.  There is much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids.  Great importance is attached to pronunciation. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 14
  • 15. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 15 Teaching Process: We have three teaching process, there are :  The first is presentation using oral, dialogue, little explanation. The purpose of this stage is accurate repetition and memorization of the dialogue.  The second is practice using pattern drills and emphasizing fluency.  The third teaching process is application and here we talk about the use of structure in different concepts. All interaction and learn strategy given by using studied language. And one of these method is Dialog Memorizing. First, the students giving a short dialog to each other by using a good spelling ang body language because of it they sould be interest and easily to understand and also increase their language each other. And the second one using drills or learn tranformation by providing questions and tranformed into statement. It was learned the students how to select the word became simple sentence. In conclusion, the Audio-lingual Method focuses on speaking and listening competence stressing repetition and habit formation to learn a second or a foreign language. This method was frequently used during the first half of the twentieth century and though it lost its scientific credibility which led to its decline, it is still used today. CONCLUSION: Audio-visual method that focus on vocabularies insist to speaking and practicing than writing anymore. This method push the students enjoy studying by behaviouris in their daily. The theory behind this method is that learning a language means acquiring habits. There is much practice of dialogues of every situations.
  • 16. This method helped the students to easier them self in learning language, by repeatation of the words in the daily, so they can memorize it. It can become habitual for students and could develop students vecabularies. Firtsly to apply this method is forcing students to be focus on the material to make them to be friendly with many words. So, students can learn it habitually. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 16 5) Linguistic Method Linguistics method is will enable you to explore language on a sound theoretical basis and to apply these linguistic skills in foreign language teaching. Within the framework of theoretical linguistics you will study the grammatical properties of the English language. In addition, you will take a comparative view on other languages and relate, in a systemic way, core theoretical concepts to applied issues, such as those pertaining to language acquisition, comprehension and language change. You will thus familiarise yourselves with a set of analytic tools enabling you to examine the English language from different scientific perspectives and to use this competence in foreign language teaching. One seminar in linguistics for students taking English as a major subject and two seminars for students taking English as a minor subject, respectively, as well as of a (more practically oriented) English-language course. According to The Breidner Linguistic Method permits English readers to identify the sounds of letters, in this case the Hebrew, morphed into English words, without study or memorization. BLM uses English to decode Hebrew letters by reading the Psalms, as a first step toward acquiring a Hebrew vocabulary for comprehension. After learning how to use Hebrew letters to easily read English words, Hebrew words are slowly substituted intuitively in a sentence, beginning the process of developing a Hebrew vocabulary. English speakers have learned to read Hebrew
  • 17. effortlessly using BLM. The Breidner Linguistic Method uses the individual's native language to learn a new language. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 17 CONCLUSION: From this method we can concluded that with this method we can explore language on a sound theoretical basis and to apply these linguistic skills in foreign language teaching. This method teach the students to compare between one and another language, such as in English language UK and US. So they will know about the understanding and language changing. 6) Integral Approach Integral approach is reveals the interior side of life, sees developmental stages, and recognizes and respects the individual and collective domains. Reveals the interior side of life is retains the existing practices that focus on the "exterior" components of life, such as biological systems, economic initiatives, social organizing, governance and sustainability, and also works with the interior components, such as worldviews, value-systems and epistemologies. These interior parts of society inform our opinions and decision-making, essentially guiding the ways we make meaning of our surroundings and interactions. Sees developmental stages is working with environmental or social issues is working with the on-going process of change. Deep, fundamental shifts in our ways of thinking foster visible changes in society, such as new institutions, management plans, laws and economic systems. This deeper aspect to change acknowledges the emergence of new world views and value systems. These emerging world views and values unfold in nested, developmental stages, moving towards more and more complexity modes, through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Recognizes and respect the individual and collective doamins is Integral theory sees individuals
  • 18. and the group as two concurrent vehicles of growth. Neither focusing on purely individual ends nor purely on collective action will solve today's global issues. Rather, solutions to eco-social concerns reside in the combination of "I" and "we". Finding long-lasting solutions will involve self-development, personal growth and individual innovation, and it will also include collective process, a common vision and collaborative action. Integral theory can be applied in various ways, across various disciplines. An understanding of interiority and developmental unfolding in individuals and the group provides for better organizational design, more appropriate strategic planning and superior problem solving. What follows is an overview of three key tenets of integral theory: 1. the integral approach reveals the interior side of life 2. the integral approach sees developmental stages 3.the integral approach recognizes and respects the individual and collective domains. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 18 CONCLUSION: We can conclude that Integral approach is hole of language approach. Every step of effort that the students learn or equire the lesson. Basically, this method focus to use language skills. Called integrative skills. Integral approach use of the sategy to improve language skils in one moment. In in tegral approach not only looking at internal / external. But, looking at the holistic one. Every step of effort that the students learn or equire the lesson.
  • 19. CHAPTER III DISCUSSION In this presentation, our team use Microsoft Power Point as our media of presentation. In the Power Point we just type a general material of our presentation. And then one by one of our member tell about the materials. We read the text on the Power Point and then explain it with our own words. So, the audience can easy to understand what we mean. We begin to expalin about kinds of methods. All of methods are important to use in learning process because every student has different ways to learn. Teachers is the important role in learning process and they should prepare their self to teach the students with the suitable method according to the material. Then students can get it easily. There are many methods that we want to deliver,in teaching language. first direct methods, second method restriction, third intensive methods, fourth audio-visual methods, fifth linguistic methods, and sixth integral approach. The presenter will expalin the materials one by one. firstIy the presenter tell about direct methods. Direct methods is method which use in teaching foreign language. We should use direct teaching to the student about knowledge of language with doing something practice. They should learn to speak, discussion and understand the target language in every situations. In this method, we teach the students to directly mention what the answer or what the question, what they want to talking about, etc. For the successful working of the Direct Method, we can use: Oral work, it means that when we do something we should directly said with second language or target language it self. Then, Minimum use of the mother-tongue, in learning foreign language should doing continously. In school, we should doing communication with using target language. The sentence and not the word becomes the unit of speech. Try to always make a Language Learning Approach and Methodology 19
  • 20. sentence directly not word by word. The teaching of descriptive grammar. Gramamar teach generally, because grammar should learn in indirect learning cannot teach in direct method. Progressive teaching of new vocabulary. With using direct method, we can increase our vocabulary, because we always try to speak with using the target language it self. And the second one about method restrictions. Method restriction is method that using by the teacher that should suitable with the condition and the situation of the students it self. As a teacher, we should know the abilitry of our students. As example is: when we teach senior high school, it has different level and different ability rather than in junior high school, so we should make it suitable with the method and the material that we want to teach. We should choose what method that suitable and match with the situation and the condition of the students it self. The next material is intensive method. Intensive method is one of many methods that should be appy in learning process. Especially for students who want to learn more about the lesson. So they should though by using this method more and more to help students mindset in getting the core of language learning. Students can develop their self by using this method habitually because this method very very push them to reach the goals easily. This method though them to more learn, practice the material, and doing many excercise, these are the ways to teach them to be more active and improve their skill. The next material is about audio visual method. the Audio-visual Method is one of many methods in language learning that based on behaviouris in our daily environment. This approach emphasizes the speaking and listening competence rather than reading and writing competence, it is the development of language skills is a matter of habit formulation through the use of structured dialogue and repetitive excercise. The Audio-visual Method is said to be the best for beginning level foreign language classes. This method supported the students to be more active in oral language. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 20
  • 21. The fifth method is Linguistic methods is an aproach that could be apply in language learning for students can explore and comparing between two language, to know about the differenses. From the theoretical linguistics they will study the grammatical properties of the English language. And the last method is Integral approach is hole of language approach. Every step of effort that the students learn or equire the lesson. Basically, this method focus to use language skills. Called integrative skills. Integral approach use of the sategy to improve language skils in one moment. In integral approach not only looking at internal or external. But, looking at the holistic one. Every step of effort that the students learn or equire the lesson. In our discussion we open the opportunity for asking question. Related with our materials, there are some questions which asked by participant. The presenter provide an opportunity for some questions. And we limit just for 3 participant. After finished the discussion, presenter delivered the conclution about the material in front of the class At the end of our presentation, we give some questions to the participants. This questions was given to check if they focus to our presentation or not, whether they understand or notabout the materials. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 21
  • 22. CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION We would be familiar with the terms of approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, and learning models. But many of the students education (prospective teachers) and even the teachers who do not understand in depth, so it can not explain what exactly the similarities and differences of these terms. So, as a teacher we should understand in depth what is similarities and differences about approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, and learning models. So, we can applied it. And can explain clearly to our student. That’s very important for us as a teacher. The approach is a set of assumptions regarding the nature of language and language learning. The approach is designed to plan activities and techniques. Formal Approach is clasic approach and traditional approach in language learning. Functional Approach that for learning language we should do direct contact with the people who used the target language. Functional Approach will appear language learning method, such as Direct Method, Method Restrictions, Intensive methode, Audio-Visual Method, Linguistics Method, and Integral Approach, equally important is that the teacher must be able to evaluate the teaching and learning activities to make progress in learning. Language Learning Approach and Methodology 22
  • 23. BIBLIOGRAPHY Language Learning Approach and Methodology 23 of-learning/ of-teaching-language.html http://www2.uni-wuppertal. de/FB4/anglistik/multhaup/methods_elt/4_direct_method.htm bahasa-indonesia/