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Guruma Guru Poornima Discourse 2016
Salutations to all gathered souls. I heartily welcome you to the Kutch Guru Poornima Festival. We
begin with an imaginary tale. There was a poor boy named Raju who was from a poor family. And for
this reason, not all his desires could be fulfilled. When he would look at other kids with lots of toys, he
would wish he had some too. Raju wished he had some magic power to make and give things to kids
that they didn't have. Raju was a happy kid.
He would get up in the morning to boil water. As he gathered firewood for the stove, he saw a neem
tree in the courtyard which had been coated with dried cow dung (cow dung keeps things cool). He
thought it was a good place to sit. And then so did the whole family. One day he noticed a paint brush
next to this seat. He wondered where it came from and took it inside. And somehow with great
difficulty, he came across one empty sheet on which he could paint something as this too was a great
luxury to find. And then he made a butterfly. He then pretended that he was painting the different parts
of the butterfly in different colors because he had no real paint. Surprisingly, the colors he imagined on
these different parts actually came to be. And then he noticed the butterfly leaving the page and starting
to fly.
This page once again became empty. Raju then drew a bird and imagined its colors and noticed it
leaving and flying from the page and the page once again becoming empty. He tried the same by
making a mouse on this paper with the result of the mouse also escaping from the page. Raju thus
discovered this was a page that became empty as one stroked the magic brush with one’s imagination.
So he could go on making things limitlessly. And so, he would make toys from this page to give to
siblings and others in the community. He would also make other kinds of gifts to give others from this
page. He would tell people that he hadn’t bought these items or stolen them. Rather, he makes these
with his magical brush. And he went on doing so as he grew older and he would be helpful to others
We have Swamiji’s magical powers. But it’s about how we use it. And though this tale was fictional,
the vibrations or frequency of the story are real. We are like kids and can want anything. Guru energies
however, don’t give us anything inappropriately however much we may seek them much like how we
don’t give kids things that aren’t good for them. But we can, by and large, get what we want.
People ask me how many times should we register a prayer in Prarthana Dham or the Prayer Centre?
(Swamiji has a prayer centre which people can call anytime 24 hours a day with volunteers who
register prayers) My answer? Ideally, registering it once should be enough if you are able to let go of
the matter for which you are praying. Or maybe twice. It’s all about when we are willing to let go. It’s
when we do that guru energies can do their work. During this time, we are live souls. We are all
playing roles. Paras and Komal are playing the role of announcers for our show here. You are playing
the roles of parents, husband, wife or kids as it were. These are our roles. Why did the soul come? How
did it reach here? If the people are not worthy of it, they can’t make it here. It’s the amount of our
meditative energies and practice that has allowed us to reach Swamiji. We have accumulated meditative
energies from our past lives to reach here whether you were single or householders then. You have a
great amount of meditative energies to draw from. (It’s like these meditative energies we’ve
accumulated over different lifetimes are almost like one’s account deposit in a bank account).
But is it enough to reach here? You walk on the path of moksha or soul liberation. But did you think of
anything else? It’s like actors or actresses who get into their character. Our lives are like films. But the
artist goes home and doesn’t bring back his character. Parents, husbands or wives may all play their
roles. But above these roles, we are actually souls. The body is a vehicle for souls. But how do we use
Do your roles. Don’t let problems get in the way of meditation. If we take away meditation from our
lives, we get left only with the role. But we need to be souls full-time. With Gurudev (term of
endearment for guru), we are only souls. If we cling to our body in his presence, it’s a problem. We will
remember the sweetness of these times when we go back.
If we remember the sounds of the ocean and the birds near our Dandi Ashram, meditation would
happen on its own automatically. Sometimes meditation doesn’t happen to us. But if we remember
these sounds, it would. So do also engrave the sights and sounds of this Kutch ashram in your hearts or
minds and try reaching here by focusing on these. If you were given a sheet of white paper with a
black dot, where would you focus? On the black dot? But what about the rest of the white paper? The
white paper is your Gurudev. The black dot is our problems. They are the karma that you are meant to
go through. When seen from the perspective of this sheet and if we focused on the large white part of
the sheet, our problems will appear very small. Whereas if we only focus on the black dot, it would
seem so overwhelming. (The presumption is that we have a ledger of good and bad actions, thoughts or
words (karma) and that in order to be liberated as souls, we need to have cancelled out this ledger.
Mind you, bad needn't mean you've done something morally wrong. Rather it can also include
impractical decisions or actions taken in great emotional fervor or incorrect notions. And of course, a
big part of the point is that even though you may have problems, you are most certainly not alone and
your karma is relatively subsided).
Don't go to attractive spots on the train station when you are travelling in the train. This is what holds
us back from going to our intended path. Do you want to do that again in this lifetime? No one wants to
miss the train this time (towards moksha getting a liberated soul). So people need to stay on the train.
Mind you, one who does get off can catch another train and maybe get moksha in a future life but why
not try to stay on the train this time?
You've all got so much enthusiasm to come to our events. The tremendous amounts of spiritual
progressiveness allure you. And you push on with great vibrational frequency. So why the laziness for
going to the centres? People are too engrossed in their 'roles'.
A centre allows for a supportive network and keeps you on track much like how you would tell your
kids not to get off the train. If you don't show up for a few days, the meditators will ask you why
haven't you come? So go to the centre and meditate.
I will rephrase what Swamiji often says and bathing on the clean banks vs.the dirty banks. You're going
to the centre to meditate. So why focus on other things besides meditation while you are there? And it's
not that you can't do it. It's like when you get so tuned into a cricket match that you don't hear the
slightest whinings or other kinds of noises that your kids make. You don't even stir up at the slightest
movement because you're so engrossed and focused on the tv. If you're not meditating routinely, then
get into it now. It's better late than never. As good people like you who go to the centre increase, more
will follow. It's the dudsy boats that drown. And such situations are tests of your power to withstand it
You bring 5 things home from the market and then put things in the right places. You wonder who will
use them and what will you first make when you return home. You wonder which tasks you will
complete when you go back to work. And then you decide to meditate. Do you think meditation will
happen if you have all these thoughts going on in your brain? No. But this is how we go to meditate at
the centres. Just focus on meditation.
Meditate amidst those in your family for collectivity if getting out to the centre is difficult for you.
Meditating with family builds family bonds. Each member may have a different schedule but make
time for all the family members to come together and do so. Mentally prepare yourself for meditation.
After getting meditation, stay quiet till you get home rather than talking with others at the centre about
what happened in the office.
During the Surat Megameditation workshop where there were about 100 to 150 000 people, the people
attending went away quietly in a disciplined manner. At that point, they are only souls in Swamiji's
presence. No fights took place. These mega meditation workshops go on peacefully. People should
leave meditation centres accordingly. When you don't have anything to say at this point, it is a sign of
being in a soulful state.
The same goes for the energy statue centres whether there are 4 or 40 people. They are bathed in
vibrations. So stay soulful and not as a body. That much more energy will reach home. We get
disturbed when we consider ourselves a part of something or attached to something. Whereas earlier,
one may have had arrogance or pride about money, they may now have it about being a samarpan
practitioner. These are disturbing elements of our nature. Determine before going to the meditation
centre that you are going to get meditation. (People then may likely not have issues with their centres
then). It's like you're programming yourself to go to sleep at 10 p.m by telling yourself to do so at 9:45
pm. Let your brain rest.
When I was going to the U.K recently, I packed my things at 11 pm the night before leaving for an
early morning flight. After packing, I programmed myself by saying no brain using and then a relaxed
state took over. And then I went to bed at 11:45 am and got up at 5 am with no problems. I just said
Swamiji you look after this. So the more surrendered you are to the powers that be, the more you'll get
out of it.
We don't realize we are getting experiences. We need to introduce the art of subtlety into our practice if
this is the case. Wish or pray sincerely for those who've done something for you.
I didn't used to understand what my mom would say in Marathi “I can't imagine heaven without me”
when I would be searching for her in the house and say “Mom I can't see you.” I now realize the
meaning this proverbial. It's when you get rid of the identification of being a body that you will be able
to see heaven. These vibrations that we feel are heaven. But “I” as an ego needs to die before we can
appreciate this sense of heaven to its fullest.
A live sadguru can guide you and give you water. But you must drink it. Or get the water from the Fall
to this point. (Pointing with hand gestures) . When we come out of our roles, we see heaven. Then we
will be on the path that Gurudev is showing. It's maybe in 150 to 200 years that a live guru comes to
guide countless meditators with cumulative meditative energies from other lifetimes. In the next 800
years, maybe the energy statue may guide people in the same course of action and maybe you can get a
liberated soul in your next lifetime. But why not try for it now? We need to focus now. We don't know
when we may next get supporting circumstances to allow for moksha or a liberated soul to happen. I
say bye to you because I don't know if I will see all of you again. Collectivity is of the utmost
importance. It'll protect you from obstacles nearby. I will now end with a small song I composed.
(Rough translation of song)
My boat is stuck in a critical situation. Swamiji please help me pass through.
I have yearned for you through many lifetimes.
Due to some excuses, I missed you in one lifetime.
In another lifetime, I stayed stuck and focused on money thinking it was everything.
But then I didn't get true knowledge.
How much did I wander around in an illusion
Till now I am stuck in the ways of my ego and “me”.
Oh dear Swamiji how I do yearn to go beyond “me”.
May you go past your sense of “I” and synergize with Swamiji. And may you all catch Swamiji's super
fast bullet train, stay with collectivity and reach moksha. Jai baba swami.
(Some time after her speech was over, Guruma came back for a brief moment).
Just remember this. I was passing the energy statue centre where nearby in a corner a small display of
caves and other parts of Swamiji's life were put up. As I saw the cave display, I got the following
thought. Why do saints or ascetics meditate in caves. Now whether they live there or meditate therem
how do we really know? But what I thought was about how being inside the cave is much like how the
soul lies inside the body. And in the cave of the soul, one gets meditation. May we all meditate in “our”
caves. Jai baba swami.

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Samarpan Meditation Guruma Guru Poornima 2016 Discourse Summary

  • 1. Guruma Guru Poornima Discourse 2016 Salutations to all gathered souls. I heartily welcome you to the Kutch Guru Poornima Festival. We begin with an imaginary tale. There was a poor boy named Raju who was from a poor family. And for this reason, not all his desires could be fulfilled. When he would look at other kids with lots of toys, he would wish he had some too. Raju wished he had some magic power to make and give things to kids that they didn't have. Raju was a happy kid. He would get up in the morning to boil water. As he gathered firewood for the stove, he saw a neem tree in the courtyard which had been coated with dried cow dung (cow dung keeps things cool). He thought it was a good place to sit. And then so did the whole family. One day he noticed a paint brush next to this seat. He wondered where it came from and took it inside. And somehow with great difficulty, he came across one empty sheet on which he could paint something as this too was a great luxury to find. And then he made a butterfly. He then pretended that he was painting the different parts of the butterfly in different colors because he had no real paint. Surprisingly, the colors he imagined on these different parts actually came to be. And then he noticed the butterfly leaving the page and starting to fly. This page once again became empty. Raju then drew a bird and imagined its colors and noticed it leaving and flying from the page and the page once again becoming empty. He tried the same by making a mouse on this paper with the result of the mouse also escaping from the page. Raju thus discovered this was a page that became empty as one stroked the magic brush with one’s imagination. So he could go on making things limitlessly. And so, he would make toys from this page to give to siblings and others in the community. He would also make other kinds of gifts to give others from this page. He would tell people that he hadn’t bought these items or stolen them. Rather, he makes these with his magical brush. And he went on doing so as he grew older and he would be helpful to others overall. We have Swamiji’s magical powers. But it’s about how we use it. And though this tale was fictional, the vibrations or frequency of the story are real. We are like kids and can want anything. Guru energies however, don’t give us anything inappropriately however much we may seek them much like how we don’t give kids things that aren’t good for them. But we can, by and large, get what we want. People ask me how many times should we register a prayer in Prarthana Dham or the Prayer Centre? (Swamiji has a prayer centre which people can call anytime 24 hours a day with volunteers who register prayers) My answer? Ideally, registering it once should be enough if you are able to let go of the matter for which you are praying. Or maybe twice. It’s all about when we are willing to let go. It’s when we do that guru energies can do their work. During this time, we are live souls. We are all playing roles. Paras and Komal are playing the role of announcers for our show here. You are playing the roles of parents, husband, wife or kids as it were. These are our roles. Why did the soul come? How did it reach here? If the people are not worthy of it, they can’t make it here. It’s the amount of our meditative energies and practice that has allowed us to reach Swamiji. We have accumulated meditative energies from our past lives to reach here whether you were single or householders then. You have a great amount of meditative energies to draw from. (It’s like these meditative energies we’ve accumulated over different lifetimes are almost like one’s account deposit in a bank account). But is it enough to reach here? You walk on the path of moksha or soul liberation. But did you think of anything else? It’s like actors or actresses who get into their character. Our lives are like films. But the
  • 2. artist goes home and doesn’t bring back his character. Parents, husbands or wives may all play their roles. But above these roles, we are actually souls. The body is a vehicle for souls. But how do we use it? Do your roles. Don’t let problems get in the way of meditation. If we take away meditation from our lives, we get left only with the role. But we need to be souls full-time. With Gurudev (term of endearment for guru), we are only souls. If we cling to our body in his presence, it’s a problem. We will remember the sweetness of these times when we go back. If we remember the sounds of the ocean and the birds near our Dandi Ashram, meditation would happen on its own automatically. Sometimes meditation doesn’t happen to us. But if we remember these sounds, it would. So do also engrave the sights and sounds of this Kutch ashram in your hearts or minds and try reaching here by focusing on these. If you were given a sheet of white paper with a black dot, where would you focus? On the black dot? But what about the rest of the white paper? The white paper is your Gurudev. The black dot is our problems. They are the karma that you are meant to go through. When seen from the perspective of this sheet and if we focused on the large white part of the sheet, our problems will appear very small. Whereas if we only focus on the black dot, it would seem so overwhelming. (The presumption is that we have a ledger of good and bad actions, thoughts or words (karma) and that in order to be liberated as souls, we need to have cancelled out this ledger. Mind you, bad needn't mean you've done something morally wrong. Rather it can also include impractical decisions or actions taken in great emotional fervor or incorrect notions. And of course, a big part of the point is that even though you may have problems, you are most certainly not alone and your karma is relatively subsided). Don't go to attractive spots on the train station when you are travelling in the train. This is what holds us back from going to our intended path. Do you want to do that again in this lifetime? No one wants to miss the train this time (towards moksha getting a liberated soul). So people need to stay on the train. Mind you, one who does get off can catch another train and maybe get moksha in a future life but why not try to stay on the train this time? You've all got so much enthusiasm to come to our events. The tremendous amounts of spiritual progressiveness allure you. And you push on with great vibrational frequency. So why the laziness for going to the centres? People are too engrossed in their 'roles'. A centre allows for a supportive network and keeps you on track much like how you would tell your kids not to get off the train. If you don't show up for a few days, the meditators will ask you why haven't you come? So go to the centre and meditate. I will rephrase what Swamiji often says and bathing on the clean banks vs.the dirty banks. You're going to the centre to meditate. So why focus on other things besides meditation while you are there? And it's not that you can't do it. It's like when you get so tuned into a cricket match that you don't hear the slightest whinings or other kinds of noises that your kids make. You don't even stir up at the slightest movement because you're so engrossed and focused on the tv. If you're not meditating routinely, then get into it now. It's better late than never. As good people like you who go to the centre increase, more will follow. It's the dudsy boats that drown. And such situations are tests of your power to withstand it all. You bring 5 things home from the market and then put things in the right places. You wonder who will use them and what will you first make when you return home. You wonder which tasks you will
  • 3. complete when you go back to work. And then you decide to meditate. Do you think meditation will happen if you have all these thoughts going on in your brain? No. But this is how we go to meditate at the centres. Just focus on meditation. Meditate amidst those in your family for collectivity if getting out to the centre is difficult for you. Meditating with family builds family bonds. Each member may have a different schedule but make time for all the family members to come together and do so. Mentally prepare yourself for meditation. After getting meditation, stay quiet till you get home rather than talking with others at the centre about what happened in the office. During the Surat Megameditation workshop where there were about 100 to 150 000 people, the people attending went away quietly in a disciplined manner. At that point, they are only souls in Swamiji's presence. No fights took place. These mega meditation workshops go on peacefully. People should leave meditation centres accordingly. When you don't have anything to say at this point, it is a sign of being in a soulful state. The same goes for the energy statue centres whether there are 4 or 40 people. They are bathed in vibrations. So stay soulful and not as a body. That much more energy will reach home. We get disturbed when we consider ourselves a part of something or attached to something. Whereas earlier, one may have had arrogance or pride about money, they may now have it about being a samarpan practitioner. These are disturbing elements of our nature. Determine before going to the meditation centre that you are going to get meditation. (People then may likely not have issues with their centres then). It's like you're programming yourself to go to sleep at 10 p.m by telling yourself to do so at 9:45 pm. Let your brain rest. When I was going to the U.K recently, I packed my things at 11 pm the night before leaving for an early morning flight. After packing, I programmed myself by saying no brain using and then a relaxed state took over. And then I went to bed at 11:45 am and got up at 5 am with no problems. I just said Swamiji you look after this. So the more surrendered you are to the powers that be, the more you'll get out of it. We don't realize we are getting experiences. We need to introduce the art of subtlety into our practice if this is the case. Wish or pray sincerely for those who've done something for you. I didn't used to understand what my mom would say in Marathi “I can't imagine heaven without me” when I would be searching for her in the house and say “Mom I can't see you.” I now realize the meaning this proverbial. It's when you get rid of the identification of being a body that you will be able to see heaven. These vibrations that we feel are heaven. But “I” as an ego needs to die before we can appreciate this sense of heaven to its fullest. A live sadguru can guide you and give you water. But you must drink it. Or get the water from the Fall to this point. (Pointing with hand gestures) . When we come out of our roles, we see heaven. Then we will be on the path that Gurudev is showing. It's maybe in 150 to 200 years that a live guru comes to guide countless meditators with cumulative meditative energies from other lifetimes. In the next 800 years, maybe the energy statue may guide people in the same course of action and maybe you can get a liberated soul in your next lifetime. But why not try for it now? We need to focus now. We don't know when we may next get supporting circumstances to allow for moksha or a liberated soul to happen. I say bye to you because I don't know if I will see all of you again. Collectivity is of the utmost importance. It'll protect you from obstacles nearby. I will now end with a small song I composed.
  • 4. (Rough translation of song) My boat is stuck in a critical situation. Swamiji please help me pass through. I have yearned for you through many lifetimes. Due to some excuses, I missed you in one lifetime. In another lifetime, I stayed stuck and focused on money thinking it was everything. But then I didn't get true knowledge. How much did I wander around in an illusion Till now I am stuck in the ways of my ego and “me”. Oh dear Swamiji how I do yearn to go beyond “me”. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May you go past your sense of “I” and synergize with Swamiji. And may you all catch Swamiji's super fast bullet train, stay with collectivity and reach moksha. Jai baba swami. (Some time after her speech was over, Guruma came back for a brief moment). Just remember this. I was passing the energy statue centre where nearby in a corner a small display of caves and other parts of Swamiji's life were put up. As I saw the cave display, I got the following thought. Why do saints or ascetics meditate in caves. Now whether they live there or meditate therem how do we really know? But what I thought was about how being inside the cave is much like how the soul lies inside the body. And in the cave of the soul, one gets meditation. May we all meditate in “our” caves. Jai baba swami.