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Annotating Magazines
  3 annotated front covers, 3
annotated contents pages and 3
annotated double page spreads

     Courtney Elliott
Masthead- The ‘NME’ is in a bold colouring, harsh font and                                         Date and Price- The date and price is essential for the magazine cover as it educates the
  is shown in capital letters so that it automatically catches                                       reader on the price they are going to pay for the things the magazine is offering.
  the readers attention and so that readers of this magazine                                         However, the text of this information is a small size and in fact rather minute in
  relate to this and do not struggle in finding what the                                             comparison to the rest of the texts on the magazine cover. This shows that the price and
  magazine is named. Instead, NME keep their masthead the                                            date lacks importance in comparison to all the other information. As well, the text is not
  same on almost all, if not all of their magazine covers so                                         in a colour that will stand out as they do not want the audience to be attracted to the
  that it is easily recognisable to their audience. The                                              price. If they were attracted to the price they would see that first and then may be put
  masthead is in front of the shot of Jimi Hendrix showing it’s                                      off before they have actually read what the magazine actually has to offer.
  importance to the front cover. It is most important to this                                                                       Kicker- A kicker is used to grab the readers attention and give
  company that the masthead is recognisable so that them                                                                            them a lot more that may encourage them to buy the magazine.
  looking for it know exactly what to spot. Also, to begin with                                                                     In this case it is ‘THE GREATEST GUITARISTS ALIVE TODAY’ this
  NME will have used this technique so that the public will                                                                         mixes up fan bases with Jimi Hendrix followers and lover of
  have become familiar with the name of the magazine and                                                                            guitars. This acts as a final persuading device if the viewers are
  therefore will have been encouraged to buy it                                                                                     not already pulled in by the main title. The cover-line here
  continuously. However, as the magazine became a lot                                                                               introduces that the magazine is going to be offering to read
  more known they began to lay the masthead behind the                                                                              about.
  main shot as they were no longer desperate for the public                                                                       The main feature of this magazine cover is communicated through
  to see the title of the magazine and had got the fan base                                                                       the capital letters, similar to the masthead, this could indicate his
  they wanted (small inset image on the right shows                                                                               importance as he must be just as important as the masthead itself
  example). NME have chose to keep this masthead style as                                                                         in this magazine edition. The colour of this text is white and is the
  their stereotypical set on their cover page and therefore                                                                       only piece of text which is in this shade. As the colour white has
  this has become their brand identity and therefore                                                                              connotations with innocence and angelic qualities it suggests that
  suggests from the more modern magazine editions that the                                                                        Jimi Hendrix is to this edition very innocent and is the main source
  audience must have a pre existing knowledge of the                                                                              of goodness.
Anchorage- The anchorage’s purpose is to give basic                                                                                   The Main Image- The main image is of Jimi
information about what the main title is so that the                                                                                  Hendrix who is the main subject matter of this
reader understands what they are going to read about                                                                                  magazine, Hendrix himself is in black and white
before buying the magazine and finding out for                                                                                        which is contrasting with the bright colours in his
themselves. In the NME front cover, the anchorage is in                                                                               clothing. This suggests that Jimi Hendrix took great
black, this shows its lack of importance in comparison to                                                                             care in what he wore and that fashion and style
the title. The title is in a pink colour which stands out                                                                             was of high importance in his day-to-day lifestyle.
more over the black text to the viewer and it is intended                                                                             The main shot is in the centre of the whole page
that they read the title first before then reading the                                                                                making it the main focus which makes the viewer
anchorage. Also, the anchorage is in a smaller text size                Selling Line- The selling line is the method of               notice it straight away and if they are interested in
so that it does not take over the title and the main                    selling more brands that makes the reader think               anything related to Jimi Hendrix then they will
subjects that the publisher wants the viewer to see                     that they are getting more for their money.                   easily be attracted to this magazine and want to
more. Basically, it is a way of forcing the viewer to read              There has been a buzz word used so that the                   read what it has to offer. As well, the black and
the titles easily then giving them a choice to read the                 viewer is easily drawn to it and experience what              white tone of Jimi Hendrix’s face is behind the
anchorage. It benefits the reader more than it does the                 the magazine has to offer.                                    bright coloured masthead which shows that it
publisher of the magazine, therefore it lacks importance                                                                              lacks importance in comparison to the name of
and is not as essential to the magazine company as the                                                                                this magazine.
titles and kickers which encourage them to read more.          Barcode- This indicates that the
   Buzzwords- The use of explanation marks here gets           magazine is made to be bought by
   the reader personally involved with what is inside          its reader.
   the magazine and therefore makes them feel as if
   the magazine is made just for them. It gives them
   even less of an excuse not to buy this magazine.
Masthead- The masthead on this magazine is the name of the                                                                 Price- Similarly to the NME magazine, the price on this front
magazine. It is displayed in a very large text which suggests that this                                                    cover is really small. In fact, it is hardly noticeable. This suggests
magazine is not very known and therefore needs their title to become                                                       that they do not want their audience to see the price straight
recognisable to the public. As well, there is a small sub-heading                                                          off, instead they want them to see what the magazine has to
underneath the masthead title of the name of the magazine. This also                                                       offer before being ‘put-off’ by the price. As well, this shows the
relates to the point that this magazine is not known. The subheading                                                       lack of importance that the price has to the magazine front
has had to be simplified so that the public know what the title actually                                                   cover as it is located at the bottom of the page and is the last
stands for, if this magazine was known then the public would already                                                       thing that the audience will see. The colour of the price’s text is
know what it stands for and the subheading would lack point of being                                                       in white which suits the whole layout of the magazine cover.
there.                                                                                                                     None of the colours clash, instead all of them work together. It
                                                                                                                           is important that the price does not stand out as if it did then
                                                                                                                           the audience would easily see it and their opinion on the
                                                                                                                           magazine may automatically change before they have read
  The Main Image- the main image works really well                                                                         anything of the kickers or the masthead of the magazine.
  along side the masthead and complete composition
  of this magazine front cover as it is not really loud
  and harsh on the other colours used on the front                                                                                 Kicker- In comparison to the
  cover. The person modelling the front cover shot                                                                                 NME front cover, there is only one kicker, this may come
  will only be known by people that are fans of this                                                                               across to the audience that the magazine does not have
  kind of music and they will therefore be easily                                                                                  much to offer. However, it could actually in fact be
  attracted to the magazine and want to pick it up                                                                                 appealing to the audience as it is simple and sometimes
  from the shelf. The background of the shot is a                                                                                  the simplicity of things is more appealing than a
  pastel pink colour. The pastel palette relates to the                                                                            magazine like NME that has so much to offer on the
  vintage, more shabby-chic look which the magazine                                                                                front cover. The text colour is a pastel yellow/orange
  has aimed for. All these colours have connotations                                                                               colour. The pastel tone colours have connotations of
  of being innocent and good which relates to the                                                                                  being quite innocent and delicate. I would describe this
  young model in the shot. She looks youthful and                                                                                  front cover as quite vintage/shabby-chic looking as all
  very innocent. Her bright eye make up is messy but                                                                               the colours are pale and these colours are often used in
  is still effective, the messy eye make up effect has                                                                             this style genre. The way that the text is formatted in a
  connotations of a young girl’s experiment with                                                                                   way that looks like it has been hand-written in some sort
  bright colours lacking knowledge of how to actually                                                                              of crayon adds to the shabby-chic look, it looks unique
  apply the make up. Additionally, this adds to the                                                                                and quite quirky which will attract an audience that are
  naïve, innocent look of the magazine. The prop of                                                                                in to things that are not the same as others, and that are
  the small ears in leopard print also add to the                                                                                  basically ‘individual’. As well, by using this text format
  playful stance of the young model, this has                                                                                      over and over the magazine will then become typically
  connotations of her being careless and lacking                                                                                   known for been a playful, unique, shabby-chic kind of
  judgements from others around her. This is a false                                                                               magazine set up and therefore will be recognisable to
  message to the audience that this magazine is           Barcode- The barcode on this magazine is                                 their audience in this way.
  aimed at which is teenagers. Teenagers are              actually rather large in comparison to the     Issue Number-This shows that this magazine comes as a season set.
  throughout their teenage life judged for what they      NME magazine, this suggests that they are      This suggests that the audience is not varied and those that do not
  wear fashion wise and the way that they appear.         really eager for the public to buy their       those magazine will be a small number and that they will order it as
  However, by having an influential model on the          magazine. To some of their audience this       an edition selection and not buy it from the shelf of the shop.
  front cover appearing careless influences the           may come across as quite desperate.            However, it still could be bought from a shop shelf to increase the
  audience to also not care about what the people         However, it could also persuade the            number of people wanting to buy it and those that may be
  around them think either. This is successful in         audience to buy it more as they may feel       interested in it. The text size of the issue number is not small, it is
  making the audience reliant on the magazine so          that it is personally made for them as it is   instead quite a medium size which could suggest that the
  that they will carry on investing in to it.             one of the first things that they notice on    publishers are very proud of the fact that they are producing this
                                                          this front cover.                              magazine as a set.
Heading- The heading gives the basic outline of what                    Date and Price- The same as the other two magazines that I
Masthead- The masthead on this magazine front cover is            the magazine is going to be about. In this case it is laid              have previously annotated, the text size is really small
placed behind the main shot, this suggests that this              out in front of the main image showing that it is the                   suggesting that the magazine producers do not want the
magazine is very well known by the public as they do not          most important text, it is even more important than                     viewer to see this straight off, instead they want them to
need to make the masthead stand out. The style of the             the masthead itself. It is in a bold, black, large font so              know everything that the magazine may have to offer so
text is a stereotypical type for the Rolling Stone magazine,      that it is easy to read and stands out to the reader. It                that they value the magazine before thinking about buying
they use this type of text for every single magazine that         is important that this stands out so that the message                   it. In comparison to the other two magazines, the barcode
they produce. They do this so that the public will                of the whole magazine is not hidden and the audience                    is not displayed on the front of this magazine cover. It may
stereotype this font format with this magazine and                easily pick up what it is all about.                                    be on the back instead. This suggests that this magazine
therefore if it was to change then the magazine would                                                                                     does not need to provide their audience with a simple way
not be recognised as the same magazine anymore. It is                                                                                     to buy this magazine and that instead they will instantly
actually really important to the magazine cover, as this                                                                                  pick it up from the shelf and find a way to pay for it
name is known and the layout of the magazine is easily                                                                                    themselves. However, on some of their front covers, the
recognisable to the public as it is always the same layout                                                                                bar code is easily viewable.
wise. The masthead is behind the main shot. To this                                                                                       Example on right.
magazine, the main shot is more important to the                                                                                     Kicker- A kicker is used to
company and the public than the masthead as the                                                                                      encourage the reader to buy
masthead never changes and therefore is known.                                                                                       the magazine if they are not
                                                                                                                                     already interested in the main
   Main Image- The main image on this magazine                                                                                       story. In this case, it is about
   front cover is actually the main focus. For this                                                                                  the American economy- this
   front cover, the most important part is the                                                                                       gives a wider range of
   celebrity shot on the front of the magazine. The                                                                                  information, adds a little
   celebrity is what appeals to this magazines fan                                                                                   information which is not
   base, continuously this magazine always has                                                                                       related to music but is relevant
   idolised famous people and this is what their fan                                                                                 for the adult age-range of this
   base look forward to seeing when picking up this                                                                                  magazine’s audience and
   magazine from the shelf. Therefore, it is                                                                                         makes the magazine even more
   important for the main image to stand out and                                                                                     relevant.              Selling Line- The selling line here is
   be a main part of the magazine front cover.
                                                                                                                                                           offering free online 300 classic concerts,
   Here, the main shot is of Snoop Dogg, this
                                                                                                                                                           the selling line is used as a last resort of
   months magazine edition is obviously one for
                                                                                                                                                           hooking the audience and making them
   December and therefore it is very seasonal
                                                                                                                                                           want to buy the magazine. In most cases,
   including Snoop Dogg’s costume consisting of
                                                                                                                                                           like this magazine cover, it is a contrast of
   the traditional Santa Claus look. He uses the
                                                               The main feature of this magazine links with the main image of Snoop Dogg                   what the main topic of the magazine is for
   candy stick prop as a symbol of something he is
                                                               ‘smoking’ the candy stick prop. Snoop Dogg is stereotypically known for smoking             this month for example- Snoop Dogg is a
   smoking. As well, he wears a large chain. This
                                                               cannabis and therefore it is important for this magazine to get across to the public        rapper and therefore this magazine
   takes away the innocent connotations that the
                                                               what their celebrity this month is all about. Therefore, this is why they make the          edition will be appealing to those who are
   Santa Claus costume has and instead gives
                                                               main feature and the costume of the celebrity work for the theme of the                     fans of rap. However, the selling line is for
   connotations of a gangster look, quite rebellious
                                                               magazine but also for them. The size of the text is really large, it is this size so that   those interested in more classical music-
   and bad, which is what Snoop Dogg is known
                                                               it easily catches the viewers attention and also because it is the main story and the       this reels in a wider range of audiences.
                                                               main thing that the magazine has to offer. Additionally, the gold and white colours         They may not be interested in the main
                                                               of the text are the traditional colours used at Christmas time. However, the gold           story but may be interested in the ‘freeby’
                                                               tones could have connotations with wealth which links to the main shot of Snoop             that the magazine has to offer and
                                                               Dogg who is very wealthy. The ‘smokin’’ is shown as it has been spoken in slang             therefore may buy the magazine anyway.
                                                               and suggests that this would be the way the Snoop Dogg would pronounce it. As it
                                                               is easy to tell, throughout, everything links so that it is all easy to understand and
                                                               the message of what the magazine has to offer is put across to the audience.
Page Names- The page names give the
basic outline of what the page is going to
be about and basically what to expect. The                                                                            Masthead- The masthead is really simple but
words are simplified so that it is easy for                                                                           stands out. It is in a bold text in capital letters
the reader to find what they want. The                                                                                located at the top of the page suggesting that
page names themselves are in a bolder font                                                                            this is the first thing that the audience should
than the caption underneath the page                                                                                  read. The NME part of this text is in the
name. It has been made bold so that it                                                                                stereotypical red colour that it always appears
stands out and also because it is the most                                                                            on the front cover so that all of the magazine
important part of the text. The colour of                                                                             layout links well, contrasting with each other
this font is black, and it is black for all of the                                                                    and so that the colours used do not clash and
page names- this shows that there is no                                                                               become too busy and confusing for the viewer
connotations of judgements been made- all                                                                             to understand. As well, if different colours were
of the pages are of equality. The cover                                                                               used it would not appear as professional and
lines which are underneath the page name                                                                              reliable as it does if all the colours are laid out
is in a smaller font size and is not bold as it                                                                       in an organised manner.
lacks importance to the actual contents
page. It is there for the reader if they want
to get further information on what the                                                                                 Date- Here, the date is in a much larger
page has to offer.                                                                                                     font than it normally is on the front cover,
                                                                                                                       this is because it has more importance to
                                                                                                                       the contents page. As the masthead says
                                                                                                                       ‘NME THIS WEEK’ it is important that the
           Kicker- The kicker here is rather                                                                           audience know when this magazine has
           large and is the main focus on this                                                                         actually been published and therefore need
           contents page. It is another                                                                                to know the date. As well, this is suitable
           device to encourage the public to                                                                           for those that collect the NME magazine as
           buy this magazine. The font is                                                                              it shows which weeks magazine it actually is
           black which is a stereotypical font                                                                         so that they know when referencing it.
           colour for the NME magazine
           therefore is keeping the magazine
           looking organised and well set-
                                                                                                                          Image- The image is a link to the main
                                                     Main Text- The main text gives a shortened version of one of         text on the contents page and is basically
                                                     the main stories in the magazine and gives the basic outline         there as a support act for the text. It
                                                     of what the story is about. This gives the reader a choice of        makes the text easier to understand and
                                                     weather they just want to know the basic information or              relate to.
                                                     whether they want to read more on the double page spread
                                                     on this story. The text size here is smaller but still a
                                                     reasonable size, this shows that it lacks importance in
                                                     comparison to the kicker but is still important as the size of
                                                     the text is still readable.
Editors Note: The editors note is in a size 8 font which is
                                                      extremely small, this shows the lack of importance it has to
                                                      the page and to the reader. It is there as an optional thing
                                                      to read but is not essential. The editors name is in a bold
Images- All of the images on this contents page       font and appears in capitals but is still only in a size 9 font.
relate to all of the page names, it gives the         This shows that the editors name is important to this text
reader an insight on what that certain page has       but lacks value in comparison to the rest of the page.              The general background of this contents page
to offer. Almost all of the images are medium                                                                             is white. This is so that it does not clash with
close up shots which gives the reader choice to                                                                           anything else on the page and so that the page
have a close look at these musical artists.                                                                               names are not hard for the reader to find and
From the shots of the people it seems that the                                                                            therefore they can get to what they intend to
audience are expected to have pre existing                                                                                read without struggle.
knowledge of the genre of music that this
magazine has inside.

   The colour palette used on this contents
   page is yellow, black and white. These
   colours have connotations of being bad,
   dangerous and ‘toxic’ – this represents the
   type of music that this magazine informs
   the reader about and continuously includes
   within its pages. The music fits in to the                                                                                This contents page is offering a monthly
   indie genre with hints of heavy metal –                                                                                   payment for all of the magazines straight to
   these types of music have stereotypically a                                                                               the readers door. This is a positive thing for
   very ‘crazy’ fan base and therefore these                                                                                 the magazine to do to make sure that they
   colours work well in representing the                                                                                     keep the reader involved in the magazine. If it
   magazine, the music and also the people                                                                                   is getting delivered to their door there is not
   expected to read the magazine.                                                                                            excuse for them not to be reading the
                                                                                                                             magazine and more importantly, paying for
                                                                                                                             the magazine. This is a way of the company
                                                  Selling Line- Even on the contents page the magazine is still              getting guaranteed money and guaranteed
                                                  offering extra things to their audience. This could be a last              readers.
                                                  persuasive tool to get the reader to buy this magazine, it
                                                  constantly has things to offer to the reader on top of the
                                                  information in their pages. Here, it is offering a competition to win
                                                  a signed t-shirt. This is suggesting that the reader must be a fan of
                                                  this genre of music and has come across this magazine brand
                                                  before. This is a USP (unique selling point) of the magazine as no
                                                  other magazine will have this to offer and therefore this will be
                                                  more appealing to the audience and will win the battle if they were
                                                  deciding which magazines to buy.
The structure of this magazine’s contents page is in a      Company Logo- The company logo is placed on the top
very organised manner with boxed off texts in which         left hand side of the contents page in a size so that it is
different sections they are in. This makes it easy for      noticeable but it does not over power the page. The
the reader to find out where they can find what they        company logo is used so that the reader becomes
want in the magazine and to know what is what in            familiar with the magazine name and logo.
terms of the different sectors of the magazine.

                                                                                                                          The Main Image- The main shot takes over most
   The headlines of the contents page are                                                                                 of the contents page which suggests that the
   in a white coloured font size 12 and is in                                                                             band in this shot play an important part in this
   capital letters so that it easily stands out                                                                           magazine monthly. By making the image take
   and puts across what that section is                                                                                   over most of the contents page, it makes it easy
   going to include. The text contains a red                                                                              to tell that one of the main stories is going to be
   background, the red colour has                                                                                         about this band and therefore the reader will
   connotations of love and happiness- this                                                                               want to find the page dedicated to this band
   could be what they intended it to have                                                                                 easily. The costumes worn by the band members
   on the contents page suggesting that the                                                                               are black and white. The black shade has
   reader is going to love what the                                                                                       connotations of being a bad character and quite
   magazine pages have to offer.                                                                                          evil. In comparison to the black shade, white has
                                                                                                                          connotations of being innocent and rather
                                                                                                                          angelic. With the combination of these two
                                                                                                                          colours used in these band members outfits it
                                                                                                                          suggests that they can be bad and good. By this it
                                                                                                                          could mean that stereotypically they are seen as
                                                                                                                          ‘bad boys’ to their teenage girl fan base but
                                                                                                                          additionally, they love this – hence the white. In
                                                                                                                          addition, the setting that this shot has been taken
                                                                                                                          in, it is a natural depth of field with the grass in
                                                                                                                          the foreground. This suggests that they are really
      ‘OASIS SPECIAL!’ Headline- This headline appears
                                                                                                                          natural and therefore basically ‘what you see is
      in a gold text in a size 14, Ariel font type. The
                                                                                                                          what you get’ kind of attitude is portrayed by this
      connotations of the gold colour used for this
                                                                                                                          band. By putting the page number on top of the
      headline is special, royal, wealth and happiness
                                                                                                                          shot it gives the reader the opportunity to go
      which represents the band that are the main
                                                                                                                          straight to that page.
      subject matter for this magazine edition. The            Repetition Of Company Logo- At the bottom
      Oasis band are an important part of this magazine        of the page, the magazine logo is repeated.
      and therefore their page name stands out among           This is so that the reader familiarises
      the rest of the page names. There is no doubt that       themselves with the company and therefore
      the main shot used for the front cover will have         it becomes second nature to recognise it and
      been of the Oasis band and therefore the people          pick it up from the shelf of the shop.
      picking this magazine up from the shelf are
      expected to be great fans of this band and
      therefore will expect a big part of the magazine to
      be dedicated to Oasis.
The general layout of the text on this double page spread is really formal and set out in a plain but formal manner. This makes it easy to
read and also makes the main shot stand out a lot more. The text size is extremely small, in a stereotypical magazine format. The quote
on this page is in a much larger font size than the rest of the text on this page. This is so that it captures the readers eye and encourages
them to read the story on the page. Stereotypically, the quote is the most ‘embarrassing’ or ‘shameful’ part of the whole story but this
makes the reader want to read more. Selfishly, people want to read when a wealthy person/celebrity/musician has done bad as it
interests them and in some cases actually makes them feel better about themselves. This is the use of Bulmer and Katz, the uses and
gratification model – this is when the reader seeks for what ful-fills their needs. By laying out the quote in the centre of the left hand
side of this double page spread it makes it really easy to see when turning to this page and therefore makes sure that this is the first
thing that the reader sees and makes sure that they are intrigued by this. The splash image on this page is extremely large and takes up
the whole of the right hand side of the double page spread. The shot includes Katy Perry, the musician who this story is about. The
setting of this shot is in a kitchen which has connotations of the stereotypical place for the woman of the house to be in, it is said that
this is where the woman’s pride is at and therefore by setting the shot in this place it puts across the message to the reader that Katy
Perry is a traditional woman despite what the public think of her and despite the quote on the left hand side of the page suggesting
drug use which is a massive contrast between the traditional woman and users of drugs. It is seen as very manly and un-lady like to be
under the influence of drugs etc.
However, there is a contrast in this shot,
although it is set in the kitchen suggesting the
traditional woman, Katy Perry wears a lacking
amount of clothing. The clothing that she is
wearing is a double-denim look with a pair of
denim shorts and a bra-like crop top in denim
too. Wearing denim-on-denim is seen as a big
no-no in fashion critics eyes, unless you are a
extremely lucky when it comes to pulling off
outfits then you are the exception. So, this
suggests that Katy Perry as seen as a fashion
idol to the younger generation of teens which is
her fan base. The denim shorts that she wears
are ripped and the pockets hang from the
bottom highlighting the fact that these are
short-shorts. The ripped denim has
connotations of Katy Perry being a ‘bad’ girl and
a rebellious character. The use of the lemon
prop has connotations of being bitter, this could
also be a suggestion of Katy Perry’s personality.
Katy Perry stands in a strong pose with her         The colour red has connotations of love and seduction and therefore
skinny frame and big breasts. This suggests that    suggests that Katy Perry has a seductive personality. Also, this links
she is the ‘perfect’ woman as today it is seen as   with the unbuttoned shorts.
a positive thing if the woman’s frame is tiny but   The non buttoned-up shorts have connotations of her being seductive
is contrasted with a large rear and breasts.        but could also suggest that she is quite ‘easy’ when it comes to the
From the stance of Katy Perry’s pose in this        opposite sex which also highlights the point I made earlier, with her
shot it looks as if she is pushing her rear out,    being made to look the traditional woman and therefore if she was –
trying to emphasis that she does have a large       the man in her life would be the boss and therefore she would do
bottom and that she is the ‘perfect role model’.    whatever he would like – she lacks power when it comes to the men
Katy Perry wears red lipstick in this shots.        vs. women battle.
Strapline- ‘Young, dumb
                                                                                                               and full of…filthy tunes’ –
                                                                                                               the tag line here is a play
                                                                                                               on words the word filthy
                                                                                                               has connotations of being
                                                                                                               mucky and un-clean which
                                                                                                               relates to the teenage fan
                                                                                                               base of this band.
                                                                                                               Teenagers are also seen as
                                                                                                               unclean and not very

The main layout of the double page spread is quite busy and suggests that this magazine is aimed for the younger generation – more of
the teenage age. The colour palette is really bold including colours like bright blue, white and black. The colour blue has connotations of
being a stereotypical boy colour. This suggests that this page is aimed at the teenage boy audience. The colour white has constant
connotations of being really innocent and good. In comparison, the black colour is the complete opposite and has connotations of being
really bad and evil. This shows that ‘teenagers’ can be good but are stereotypically known by the older generation as being bad. The
headline ‘The Teenagers’ suggests that this page is going to be all about this band- clearly their fan base is teenagers. The set out of the
page is quite unorganised and busy which relates to the stereotypical teenager. The text size is 8 which is small but not the stereotypical
small text size usually used in magazine pages and therefore there is not much to read about- this is suitable for their target audience as
teenagers will not want to read heaps about the band and would prefer to just know the basic information about what this story is all
about. Also, the main shot, which takes up the whole of the left hand side of this double page spread suggests the ‘lazy’ stereotypical
teenager too. The band members look extremely relaxed and careless which is what teenage boys are sometimes described as. The
setting of this shot is in a bedroom and the band members are laid on a bed. This suggests the laziness of teenagers. The walls are
covered in magazine cut-outs of half-naked girls which is also very stereotypical of what a teenage boys bedroom would look like. Also,
the walls appear really messy and not organised which is also a relation to what teenage boys are seen to be like. As there are constant
links between the band and teenage boys this is the use of the Bulmer and Katz theory- teenage boys will like to see things that relate to
the way that they are and therefore will want to read it. Just above the headline is a small text bubble which says ‘NME LOVES’ – this is a
way of the magazine getting on the good side of teenage boys and therefore picking up a wider fan base. If teenage boys think that NME
loves ‘The Teenagers’ too then they will think that the magazine loves them and therefore is made for them and will be encouraged to
keep on buying it. The headline stating ‘RADAR’ suggests that these are a band that the public needs to keep up with- that they are in the
public eye at this point in time. Because this band are in the lime light this means that all teenagers will know of the band and want to
read more about what they are all about and therefore will want to read this double page spread.
This magazine page spread has a very plain set up with the colour palette being black, white, light blue and grey tones. These colours
suggest that this magazine is aimed at an audience that base their fashion/clothing colours on most blacks and whites, and favour things
that are black and therefore will be interested in this double page spread. This also suggests that they wanted this page to come across
retro looking and old, with the black and white main image which would be popular to the photographs used many years ago. The set
out of the text itself is the very stereotypical layout of a magazine in general columns suggesting that it is aimed at an older audience,
more sophisticated and those that are used to the general look of the magazine double page spread. As the shot takes up over half of
the double page spread, this suggests that this magazine is aimed at an audience that prefers more images on a page rather than more
text and therefore may be aimed at a teenage audience that favour the look of the celebrity instead of what the text may have to say.
The heading which says ‘End of the road’ suggests that this musician is having a rough time within his fame or career journey. This uses
the ‘Bulmer and Katz’ theory as this may fulfill some of the audience needs, as they may want this celebrity to not be doing so well as it
makes them feel better about themselves. Also, the way that in the main shot, the figure holds a sign saying ‘Birmingham’ this suggests
that he is going home perhaps and may have connotations of him giving up with the fame. This could have a positive or negative effect
to the audience, as for some it will make them feel better about themselves. However, if they are a fan of this celebrity it obviously is
not going to make them feel good about themselves.

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  • 1. Annotating Magazines 3 annotated front covers, 3 annotated contents pages and 3 annotated double page spreads Courtney Elliott
  • 2. Masthead- The ‘NME’ is in a bold colouring, harsh font and Date and Price- The date and price is essential for the magazine cover as it educates the is shown in capital letters so that it automatically catches reader on the price they are going to pay for the things the magazine is offering. the readers attention and so that readers of this magazine However, the text of this information is a small size and in fact rather minute in relate to this and do not struggle in finding what the comparison to the rest of the texts on the magazine cover. This shows that the price and magazine is named. Instead, NME keep their masthead the date lacks importance in comparison to all the other information. As well, the text is not same on almost all, if not all of their magazine covers so in a colour that will stand out as they do not want the audience to be attracted to the that it is easily recognisable to their audience. The price. If they were attracted to the price they would see that first and then may be put masthead is in front of the shot of Jimi Hendrix showing it’s off before they have actually read what the magazine actually has to offer. importance to the front cover. It is most important to this Kicker- A kicker is used to grab the readers attention and give company that the masthead is recognisable so that them them a lot more that may encourage them to buy the magazine. looking for it know exactly what to spot. Also, to begin with In this case it is ‘THE GREATEST GUITARISTS ALIVE TODAY’ this NME will have used this technique so that the public will mixes up fan bases with Jimi Hendrix followers and lover of have become familiar with the name of the magazine and guitars. This acts as a final persuading device if the viewers are therefore will have been encouraged to buy it not already pulled in by the main title. The cover-line here continuously. However, as the magazine became a lot introduces that the magazine is going to be offering to read more known they began to lay the masthead behind the about. main shot as they were no longer desperate for the public The main feature of this magazine cover is communicated through to see the title of the magazine and had got the fan base the capital letters, similar to the masthead, this could indicate his they wanted (small inset image on the right shows importance as he must be just as important as the masthead itself example). NME have chose to keep this masthead style as in this magazine edition. The colour of this text is white and is the their stereotypical set on their cover page and therefore only piece of text which is in this shade. As the colour white has this has become their brand identity and therefore connotations with innocence and angelic qualities it suggests that suggests from the more modern magazine editions that the Jimi Hendrix is to this edition very innocent and is the main source audience must have a pre existing knowledge of the of goodness. magazine. Anchorage- The anchorage’s purpose is to give basic The Main Image- The main image is of Jimi information about what the main title is so that the Hendrix who is the main subject matter of this reader understands what they are going to read about magazine, Hendrix himself is in black and white before buying the magazine and finding out for which is contrasting with the bright colours in his themselves. In the NME front cover, the anchorage is in clothing. This suggests that Jimi Hendrix took great black, this shows its lack of importance in comparison to care in what he wore and that fashion and style the title. The title is in a pink colour which stands out was of high importance in his day-to-day lifestyle. more over the black text to the viewer and it is intended The main shot is in the centre of the whole page that they read the title first before then reading the making it the main focus which makes the viewer anchorage. Also, the anchorage is in a smaller text size Selling Line- The selling line is the method of notice it straight away and if they are interested in so that it does not take over the title and the main selling more brands that makes the reader think anything related to Jimi Hendrix then they will subjects that the publisher wants the viewer to see that they are getting more for their money. easily be attracted to this magazine and want to more. Basically, it is a way of forcing the viewer to read There has been a buzz word used so that the read what it has to offer. As well, the black and the titles easily then giving them a choice to read the viewer is easily drawn to it and experience what white tone of Jimi Hendrix’s face is behind the anchorage. It benefits the reader more than it does the the magazine has to offer. bright coloured masthead which shows that it publisher of the magazine, therefore it lacks importance lacks importance in comparison to the name of and is not as essential to the magazine company as the this magazine. titles and kickers which encourage them to read more. Barcode- This indicates that the Buzzwords- The use of explanation marks here gets magazine is made to be bought by the reader personally involved with what is inside its reader. the magazine and therefore makes them feel as if the magazine is made just for them. It gives them even less of an excuse not to buy this magazine.
  • 3. Masthead- The masthead on this magazine is the name of the Price- Similarly to the NME magazine, the price on this front magazine. It is displayed in a very large text which suggests that this cover is really small. In fact, it is hardly noticeable. This suggests magazine is not very known and therefore needs their title to become that they do not want their audience to see the price straight recognisable to the public. As well, there is a small sub-heading off, instead they want them to see what the magazine has to underneath the masthead title of the name of the magazine. This also offer before being ‘put-off’ by the price. As well, this shows the relates to the point that this magazine is not known. The subheading lack of importance that the price has to the magazine front has had to be simplified so that the public know what the title actually cover as it is located at the bottom of the page and is the last stands for, if this magazine was known then the public would already thing that the audience will see. The colour of the price’s text is know what it stands for and the subheading would lack point of being in white which suits the whole layout of the magazine cover. there. None of the colours clash, instead all of them work together. It is important that the price does not stand out as if it did then the audience would easily see it and their opinion on the magazine may automatically change before they have read The Main Image- the main image works really well anything of the kickers or the masthead of the magazine. along side the masthead and complete composition of this magazine front cover as it is not really loud and harsh on the other colours used on the front Kicker- In comparison to the cover. The person modelling the front cover shot NME front cover, there is only one kicker, this may come will only be known by people that are fans of this across to the audience that the magazine does not have kind of music and they will therefore be easily much to offer. However, it could actually in fact be attracted to the magazine and want to pick it up appealing to the audience as it is simple and sometimes from the shelf. The background of the shot is a the simplicity of things is more appealing than a pastel pink colour. The pastel palette relates to the magazine like NME that has so much to offer on the vintage, more shabby-chic look which the magazine front cover. The text colour is a pastel yellow/orange has aimed for. All these colours have connotations colour. The pastel tone colours have connotations of of being innocent and good which relates to the being quite innocent and delicate. I would describe this young model in the shot. She looks youthful and front cover as quite vintage/shabby-chic looking as all very innocent. Her bright eye make up is messy but the colours are pale and these colours are often used in is still effective, the messy eye make up effect has this style genre. The way that the text is formatted in a connotations of a young girl’s experiment with way that looks like it has been hand-written in some sort bright colours lacking knowledge of how to actually of crayon adds to the shabby-chic look, it looks unique apply the make up. Additionally, this adds to the and quite quirky which will attract an audience that are naïve, innocent look of the magazine. The prop of in to things that are not the same as others, and that are the small ears in leopard print also add to the basically ‘individual’. As well, by using this text format playful stance of the young model, this has over and over the magazine will then become typically connotations of her being careless and lacking known for been a playful, unique, shabby-chic kind of judgements from others around her. This is a false magazine set up and therefore will be recognisable to message to the audience that this magazine is Barcode- The barcode on this magazine is their audience in this way. aimed at which is teenagers. Teenagers are actually rather large in comparison to the Issue Number-This shows that this magazine comes as a season set. throughout their teenage life judged for what they NME magazine, this suggests that they are This suggests that the audience is not varied and those that do not wear fashion wise and the way that they appear. really eager for the public to buy their those magazine will be a small number and that they will order it as However, by having an influential model on the magazine. To some of their audience this an edition selection and not buy it from the shelf of the shop. front cover appearing careless influences the may come across as quite desperate. However, it still could be bought from a shop shelf to increase the audience to also not care about what the people However, it could also persuade the number of people wanting to buy it and those that may be around them think either. This is successful in audience to buy it more as they may feel interested in it. The text size of the issue number is not small, it is making the audience reliant on the magazine so that it is personally made for them as it is instead quite a medium size which could suggest that the that they will carry on investing in to it. one of the first things that they notice on publishers are very proud of the fact that they are producing this this front cover. magazine as a set.
  • 4. Heading- The heading gives the basic outline of what Date and Price- The same as the other two magazines that I Masthead- The masthead on this magazine front cover is the magazine is going to be about. In this case it is laid have previously annotated, the text size is really small placed behind the main shot, this suggests that this out in front of the main image showing that it is the suggesting that the magazine producers do not want the magazine is very well known by the public as they do not most important text, it is even more important than viewer to see this straight off, instead they want them to need to make the masthead stand out. The style of the the masthead itself. It is in a bold, black, large font so know everything that the magazine may have to offer so text is a stereotypical type for the Rolling Stone magazine, that it is easy to read and stands out to the reader. It that they value the magazine before thinking about buying they use this type of text for every single magazine that is important that this stands out so that the message it. In comparison to the other two magazines, the barcode they produce. They do this so that the public will of the whole magazine is not hidden and the audience is not displayed on the front of this magazine cover. It may stereotype this font format with this magazine and easily pick up what it is all about. be on the back instead. This suggests that this magazine therefore if it was to change then the magazine would does not need to provide their audience with a simple way not be recognised as the same magazine anymore. It is to buy this magazine and that instead they will instantly actually really important to the magazine cover, as this pick it up from the shelf and find a way to pay for it name is known and the layout of the magazine is easily themselves. However, on some of their front covers, the recognisable to the public as it is always the same layout bar code is easily viewable. wise. The masthead is behind the main shot. To this Example on right. magazine, the main shot is more important to the Kicker- A kicker is used to company and the public than the masthead as the encourage the reader to buy masthead never changes and therefore is known. the magazine if they are not already interested in the main Main Image- The main image on this magazine story. In this case, it is about front cover is actually the main focus. For this the American economy- this front cover, the most important part is the gives a wider range of celebrity shot on the front of the magazine. The information, adds a little celebrity is what appeals to this magazines fan information which is not base, continuously this magazine always has related to music but is relevant idolised famous people and this is what their fan for the adult age-range of this base look forward to seeing when picking up this magazine’s audience and magazine from the shelf. Therefore, it is makes the magazine even more important for the main image to stand out and relevant. Selling Line- The selling line here is be a main part of the magazine front cover. offering free online 300 classic concerts, Here, the main shot is of Snoop Dogg, this the selling line is used as a last resort of months magazine edition is obviously one for hooking the audience and making them December and therefore it is very seasonal want to buy the magazine. In most cases, including Snoop Dogg’s costume consisting of like this magazine cover, it is a contrast of the traditional Santa Claus look. He uses the The main feature of this magazine links with the main image of Snoop Dogg what the main topic of the magazine is for candy stick prop as a symbol of something he is ‘smoking’ the candy stick prop. Snoop Dogg is stereotypically known for smoking this month for example- Snoop Dogg is a smoking. As well, he wears a large chain. This cannabis and therefore it is important for this magazine to get across to the public rapper and therefore this magazine takes away the innocent connotations that the what their celebrity this month is all about. Therefore, this is why they make the edition will be appealing to those who are Santa Claus costume has and instead gives main feature and the costume of the celebrity work for the theme of the fans of rap. However, the selling line is for connotations of a gangster look, quite rebellious magazine but also for them. The size of the text is really large, it is this size so that those interested in more classical music- and bad, which is what Snoop Dogg is known it easily catches the viewers attention and also because it is the main story and the this reels in a wider range of audiences. for. main thing that the magazine has to offer. Additionally, the gold and white colours They may not be interested in the main of the text are the traditional colours used at Christmas time. However, the gold story but may be interested in the ‘freeby’ tones could have connotations with wealth which links to the main shot of Snoop that the magazine has to offer and Dogg who is very wealthy. The ‘smokin’’ is shown as it has been spoken in slang therefore may buy the magazine anyway. and suggests that this would be the way the Snoop Dogg would pronounce it. As it is easy to tell, throughout, everything links so that it is all easy to understand and the message of what the magazine has to offer is put across to the audience.
  • 5. Page Names- The page names give the basic outline of what the page is going to be about and basically what to expect. The Masthead- The masthead is really simple but words are simplified so that it is easy for stands out. It is in a bold text in capital letters the reader to find what they want. The located at the top of the page suggesting that page names themselves are in a bolder font this is the first thing that the audience should than the caption underneath the page read. The NME part of this text is in the name. It has been made bold so that it stereotypical red colour that it always appears stands out and also because it is the most on the front cover so that all of the magazine important part of the text. The colour of layout links well, contrasting with each other this font is black, and it is black for all of the and so that the colours used do not clash and page names- this shows that there is no become too busy and confusing for the viewer connotations of judgements been made- all to understand. As well, if different colours were of the pages are of equality. The cover used it would not appear as professional and lines which are underneath the page name reliable as it does if all the colours are laid out is in a smaller font size and is not bold as it in an organised manner. lacks importance to the actual contents page. It is there for the reader if they want to get further information on what the Date- Here, the date is in a much larger page has to offer. font than it normally is on the front cover, this is because it has more importance to the contents page. As the masthead says ‘NME THIS WEEK’ it is important that the Kicker- The kicker here is rather audience know when this magazine has large and is the main focus on this actually been published and therefore need contents page. It is another to know the date. As well, this is suitable device to encourage the public to for those that collect the NME magazine as buy this magazine. The font is it shows which weeks magazine it actually is black which is a stereotypical font so that they know when referencing it. colour for the NME magazine therefore is keeping the magazine looking organised and well set- out. Image- The image is a link to the main Main Text- The main text gives a shortened version of one of text on the contents page and is basically the main stories in the magazine and gives the basic outline there as a support act for the text. It of what the story is about. This gives the reader a choice of makes the text easier to understand and weather they just want to know the basic information or relate to. whether they want to read more on the double page spread on this story. The text size here is smaller but still a reasonable size, this shows that it lacks importance in comparison to the kicker but is still important as the size of the text is still readable.
  • 6. Editors Note: The editors note is in a size 8 font which is extremely small, this shows the lack of importance it has to the page and to the reader. It is there as an optional thing to read but is not essential. The editors name is in a bold Images- All of the images on this contents page font and appears in capitals but is still only in a size 9 font. relate to all of the page names, it gives the This shows that the editors name is important to this text reader an insight on what that certain page has but lacks value in comparison to the rest of the page. The general background of this contents page to offer. Almost all of the images are medium is white. This is so that it does not clash with close up shots which gives the reader choice to anything else on the page and so that the page have a close look at these musical artists. names are not hard for the reader to find and From the shots of the people it seems that the therefore they can get to what they intend to audience are expected to have pre existing read without struggle. knowledge of the genre of music that this magazine has inside. The colour palette used on this contents page is yellow, black and white. These colours have connotations of being bad, dangerous and ‘toxic’ – this represents the type of music that this magazine informs the reader about and continuously includes within its pages. The music fits in to the This contents page is offering a monthly indie genre with hints of heavy metal – payment for all of the magazines straight to these types of music have stereotypically a the readers door. This is a positive thing for very ‘crazy’ fan base and therefore these the magazine to do to make sure that they colours work well in representing the keep the reader involved in the magazine. If it magazine, the music and also the people is getting delivered to their door there is not expected to read the magazine. excuse for them not to be reading the magazine and more importantly, paying for the magazine. This is a way of the company Selling Line- Even on the contents page the magazine is still getting guaranteed money and guaranteed offering extra things to their audience. This could be a last readers. persuasive tool to get the reader to buy this magazine, it constantly has things to offer to the reader on top of the information in their pages. Here, it is offering a competition to win a signed t-shirt. This is suggesting that the reader must be a fan of this genre of music and has come across this magazine brand before. This is a USP (unique selling point) of the magazine as no other magazine will have this to offer and therefore this will be more appealing to the audience and will win the battle if they were deciding which magazines to buy.
  • 7. The structure of this magazine’s contents page is in a Company Logo- The company logo is placed on the top very organised manner with boxed off texts in which left hand side of the contents page in a size so that it is different sections they are in. This makes it easy for noticeable but it does not over power the page. The the reader to find out where they can find what they company logo is used so that the reader becomes want in the magazine and to know what is what in familiar with the magazine name and logo. terms of the different sectors of the magazine. The Main Image- The main shot takes over most The headlines of the contents page are of the contents page which suggests that the in a white coloured font size 12 and is in band in this shot play an important part in this capital letters so that it easily stands out magazine monthly. By making the image take and puts across what that section is over most of the contents page, it makes it easy going to include. The text contains a red to tell that one of the main stories is going to be background, the red colour has about this band and therefore the reader will connotations of love and happiness- this want to find the page dedicated to this band could be what they intended it to have easily. The costumes worn by the band members on the contents page suggesting that the are black and white. The black shade has reader is going to love what the connotations of being a bad character and quite magazine pages have to offer. evil. In comparison to the black shade, white has connotations of being innocent and rather angelic. With the combination of these two colours used in these band members outfits it suggests that they can be bad and good. By this it could mean that stereotypically they are seen as ‘bad boys’ to their teenage girl fan base but additionally, they love this – hence the white. In addition, the setting that this shot has been taken in, it is a natural depth of field with the grass in the foreground. This suggests that they are really ‘OASIS SPECIAL!’ Headline- This headline appears natural and therefore basically ‘what you see is in a gold text in a size 14, Ariel font type. The what you get’ kind of attitude is portrayed by this connotations of the gold colour used for this band. By putting the page number on top of the headline is special, royal, wealth and happiness shot it gives the reader the opportunity to go which represents the band that are the main straight to that page. subject matter for this magazine edition. The Repetition Of Company Logo- At the bottom Oasis band are an important part of this magazine of the page, the magazine logo is repeated. and therefore their page name stands out among This is so that the reader familiarises the rest of the page names. There is no doubt that themselves with the company and therefore the main shot used for the front cover will have it becomes second nature to recognise it and been of the Oasis band and therefore the people pick it up from the shelf of the shop. picking this magazine up from the shelf are expected to be great fans of this band and therefore will expect a big part of the magazine to be dedicated to Oasis.
  • 8. The general layout of the text on this double page spread is really formal and set out in a plain but formal manner. This makes it easy to read and also makes the main shot stand out a lot more. The text size is extremely small, in a stereotypical magazine format. The quote on this page is in a much larger font size than the rest of the text on this page. This is so that it captures the readers eye and encourages them to read the story on the page. Stereotypically, the quote is the most ‘embarrassing’ or ‘shameful’ part of the whole story but this makes the reader want to read more. Selfishly, people want to read when a wealthy person/celebrity/musician has done bad as it interests them and in some cases actually makes them feel better about themselves. This is the use of Bulmer and Katz, the uses and gratification model – this is when the reader seeks for what ful-fills their needs. By laying out the quote in the centre of the left hand side of this double page spread it makes it really easy to see when turning to this page and therefore makes sure that this is the first thing that the reader sees and makes sure that they are intrigued by this. The splash image on this page is extremely large and takes up the whole of the right hand side of the double page spread. The shot includes Katy Perry, the musician who this story is about. The setting of this shot is in a kitchen which has connotations of the stereotypical place for the woman of the house to be in, it is said that this is where the woman’s pride is at and therefore by setting the shot in this place it puts across the message to the reader that Katy Perry is a traditional woman despite what the public think of her and despite the quote on the left hand side of the page suggesting drug use which is a massive contrast between the traditional woman and users of drugs. It is seen as very manly and un-lady like to be under the influence of drugs etc.
  • 9. Continued… However, there is a contrast in this shot, although it is set in the kitchen suggesting the traditional woman, Katy Perry wears a lacking amount of clothing. The clothing that she is wearing is a double-denim look with a pair of denim shorts and a bra-like crop top in denim too. Wearing denim-on-denim is seen as a big no-no in fashion critics eyes, unless you are a extremely lucky when it comes to pulling off outfits then you are the exception. So, this suggests that Katy Perry as seen as a fashion idol to the younger generation of teens which is her fan base. The denim shorts that she wears are ripped and the pockets hang from the bottom highlighting the fact that these are short-shorts. The ripped denim has connotations of Katy Perry being a ‘bad’ girl and a rebellious character. The use of the lemon prop has connotations of being bitter, this could also be a suggestion of Katy Perry’s personality. Katy Perry stands in a strong pose with her The colour red has connotations of love and seduction and therefore skinny frame and big breasts. This suggests that suggests that Katy Perry has a seductive personality. Also, this links she is the ‘perfect’ woman as today it is seen as with the unbuttoned shorts. a positive thing if the woman’s frame is tiny but The non buttoned-up shorts have connotations of her being seductive is contrasted with a large rear and breasts. but could also suggest that she is quite ‘easy’ when it comes to the From the stance of Katy Perry’s pose in this opposite sex which also highlights the point I made earlier, with her shot it looks as if she is pushing her rear out, being made to look the traditional woman and therefore if she was – trying to emphasis that she does have a large the man in her life would be the boss and therefore she would do bottom and that she is the ‘perfect role model’. whatever he would like – she lacks power when it comes to the men Katy Perry wears red lipstick in this shots. vs. women battle.
  • 10. Strapline- ‘Young, dumb and full of…filthy tunes’ – the tag line here is a play on words the word filthy has connotations of being mucky and un-clean which relates to the teenage fan base of this band. Teenagers are also seen as unclean and not very hygienic. The main layout of the double page spread is quite busy and suggests that this magazine is aimed for the younger generation – more of the teenage age. The colour palette is really bold including colours like bright blue, white and black. The colour blue has connotations of being a stereotypical boy colour. This suggests that this page is aimed at the teenage boy audience. The colour white has constant connotations of being really innocent and good. In comparison, the black colour is the complete opposite and has connotations of being really bad and evil. This shows that ‘teenagers’ can be good but are stereotypically known by the older generation as being bad. The headline ‘The Teenagers’ suggests that this page is going to be all about this band- clearly their fan base is teenagers. The set out of the page is quite unorganised and busy which relates to the stereotypical teenager. The text size is 8 which is small but not the stereotypical small text size usually used in magazine pages and therefore there is not much to read about- this is suitable for their target audience as teenagers will not want to read heaps about the band and would prefer to just know the basic information about what this story is all about. Also, the main shot, which takes up the whole of the left hand side of this double page spread suggests the ‘lazy’ stereotypical teenager too. The band members look extremely relaxed and careless which is what teenage boys are sometimes described as. The setting of this shot is in a bedroom and the band members are laid on a bed. This suggests the laziness of teenagers. The walls are covered in magazine cut-outs of half-naked girls which is also very stereotypical of what a teenage boys bedroom would look like. Also, the walls appear really messy and not organised which is also a relation to what teenage boys are seen to be like. As there are constant links between the band and teenage boys this is the use of the Bulmer and Katz theory- teenage boys will like to see things that relate to the way that they are and therefore will want to read it. Just above the headline is a small text bubble which says ‘NME LOVES’ – this is a way of the magazine getting on the good side of teenage boys and therefore picking up a wider fan base. If teenage boys think that NME loves ‘The Teenagers’ too then they will think that the magazine loves them and therefore is made for them and will be encouraged to keep on buying it. The headline stating ‘RADAR’ suggests that these are a band that the public needs to keep up with- that they are in the public eye at this point in time. Because this band are in the lime light this means that all teenagers will know of the band and want to read more about what they are all about and therefore will want to read this double page spread.
  • 11. This magazine page spread has a very plain set up with the colour palette being black, white, light blue and grey tones. These colours suggest that this magazine is aimed at an audience that base their fashion/clothing colours on most blacks and whites, and favour things that are black and therefore will be interested in this double page spread. This also suggests that they wanted this page to come across retro looking and old, with the black and white main image which would be popular to the photographs used many years ago. The set out of the text itself is the very stereotypical layout of a magazine in general columns suggesting that it is aimed at an older audience, more sophisticated and those that are used to the general look of the magazine double page spread. As the shot takes up over half of the double page spread, this suggests that this magazine is aimed at an audience that prefers more images on a page rather than more text and therefore may be aimed at a teenage audience that favour the look of the celebrity instead of what the text may have to say. The heading which says ‘End of the road’ suggests that this musician is having a rough time within his fame or career journey. This uses the ‘Bulmer and Katz’ theory as this may fulfill some of the audience needs, as they may want this celebrity to not be doing so well as it makes them feel better about themselves. Also, the way that in the main shot, the figure holds a sign saying ‘Birmingham’ this suggests that he is going home perhaps and may have connotations of him giving up with the fame. This could have a positive or negative effect to the audience, as for some it will make them feel better about themselves. However, if they are a fan of this celebrity it obviously is not going to make them feel good about themselves.