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Magazine Analysis
By Abigail Downes
From my magazine research I have decided I am going to design
and create a heavy metal magazine which will focus on Death
metal and Slam.
Therefore my next step is to analyse magazines of a similar genre
to pick up the conventions of the magazines, the type of cover
lines they have, how the magazines is set up including the front
cover and contents page, what type of language they use- formal
or informal? Colloquial? As well as colour schemes, mise-en-scene
so how the bands are presented- Studio shots or performing shots.
From this analysis it will help me to know what makes a successful
magazine so I can start to design my magazine making it appealing
to the Heavy Metal community.
Uses a simple layout with 4 cover lines in the bottom
right third of the magazine. This simple layout gives a
sophisticated style indicating this is a monthly
magazine. Also due to the small number of stories it
suggests every story will be detailed and in depth, this
will attract true metal fans which want to keep up to
date with what is happening in their community.
Covers a third of the cover, it uses a very style aisled
sans serif font, it is has connotations of violence and
destruction representing the genre of Heavy Metal.
This will therefore attract Heavy Metal fans. Also we
can tell from the fact that the band is put in front of
the mast head that “TERRORIZER” is a well known
brand as some of the masthead can be hidden and
the audience will still know what it is and buy it.
Pug & Freebie
This stands out on the front cover in order to draw in the audiences attention and through
offering a freebie I may persuade them to buy the magazine because they feel they are gaining
out something out of purchasing the magazine and also makes the company different and unique
compared to other competitors. This is therefore the Unique Selling point (USP) of the magazine.
The use of “plus” makes the reader feel involved
and that the magazine is packed with information
attracting Heavy Metal fans which want to gain a
lot of information about what is going on.
A common convention used on the
front cover in order for the consumer
to purchase the media product.
Powerful subheadings are used such as “Raging” and
“Gruesome” all representations of the genre which will
interest and draw in the audiences attention . Also the
White large writing contrasts the black background
making the writing stand out.
Colour Scheme
Uses only two colours- Black and White, it gives a low
saturated effect. This makes the magazine seem
professional and relates to the target audience as they
are simple, dark colours which Heavy Metal Fans like.
Main Cover line
Semantic field of violence relates to the article
attracting fans of violence metal. Large sans serif
font ‘NAILS’ will attract their fans or fans of
violence metal therefore they will buy the
magazine because of the band.
Main Image
Dark image which overlays the masthead connoting
the band is powerful and important. Also due to the
front man being in the foreground it makes it seem
like he is popping out the magazine creating an
exciting image which will draw the audiences
attention it does this by following the rule of three.
Plug in the right hand corner
Gives an extra insight into what is included in the issue
and generates more readership as some people may not
like the main band but they may like the artist in the
plug. It also makes the magazine seem packed full of
Mise-en-scene- lighting
It has low key lighting with chiaroscuro tying in with the genre conventions of Doom and violence metal creating a threatening image which will appeal to
the fans of Doom Metal. The colours used are black and white to follow the representations of male.
Mise-en-scene- Characters
The front cover uses a medium-long shot of the trio band “Nails”. There are two characters at the back and one at the front connoting he is the foreman of
the band. The non-verbal codes of the actors are aggression this is highlighted through the foreman’s fists being clenched. And the member of the left at
the back has tattoos this also connotes rebellion which are key representations of the Heavy Metal genre.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code
The dress code of the band is casual. It consists mainly of black, however every member is wearing a different T-shirt, each having a different band logo on
connoting they are passionate about their music. Also people where T-shirts of bands they like and normally they make similar music to what they listen
to, therefore it will attract some audience members because they like the bands they are wearing so will buy the magazine to learn about the band also
they feel they can relate to the band as they enjoy the same music.
Mise-en-scene- Location
Characters are in a worn down place this is shown through the dusty and dirty windows and the faded grey walls however the beige light coming through
the windows creates a contrast between the back ground and the band making the band stand out and seem significant.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
Eye line angled medium long shot connotes aggression a key theme of Heavy Metal.
Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model
By talking about a variety of bands it helps develop the audiences music taste and widen their band knowledge this helps their personal identity. Also by
giving free CDs it accommodates diversion as well because they will be listening to music escaping everyday life.
Simple layout using only 3 photos and the contents
written in columns gives a sophisticated feel to the
page, with a variety of pictures used it shows the
magazine is diverse. And the page is also split into
two,: Regulars and Features this makes the magazine
easy to navigate.
The pictures included are a studio shot of a band but the
image is edited so it makes it unique and eye catching.
The second is an action shot of a member of electric
wizard playing guitar this will interest fans of electric
Wizard. And finally is a niche image which only true fans
will understand but also it will intrigue the people which
don’t know what it means so it will interest a variety of
people making them read the article. All pictures include
a white 3D border making the photos stand out.
The use of subheadings makes the magazine easy to
navigate and they can clearly see what the magazine
involves. ‘Features’ are specific to this issue making
the articles seem unique, it also makes the reader
feel special for being able to read these features.
Through the use of the main image the contents
page seems structured because the first two man
line up with the first column and the second column
joins with the third and fourth man, this makes the
magazine seem neat and organised.
The background colour is black this creates a border
affect around the photos and columns making them
stand out to the audience.
Page Number
The page number allows the audience to go to that article instantly also due to the
fact it is one of the main images on the contents page it highlights it is very
important and makes it more noticeable to the audience.
There is no masthead on this contents page this shows the magazine is well known because it
doesn’t need the masthead as people have already bought it and invested into it. Instead they just
have ‘Contents’ this for navigation of the magazine.
Issue Number
The issue number is shown at the bottom so the
audience know what issue they are about to buy also if
they collect them they will know if they have any
Subheading Images
The images are sub-headed to show what the
band are this creates interest within the reader
because if the reader is interested in them but
doesn’t know about them then they will take
action and read the article.
Mise-en-scene- lighting
High key lighting is used in the main image to draw attention to the image and create a bright appealing page.
Mise-en-scene- Characters
From the corner image on the right, the bright lights shining down on the guitarist connote talent, this will interest aspiring musicians in the heavy
metal community.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code
Musicians wear informal, casual clothes. The main image every musician is wearing a plain black T-shirt and black jeans however every musician’s jeans
are slightly different therefore the black T-shirts denote synergy within the band and how they are connected and together with a passion for music
however the variety in jeans show individuality and that everyone has a different role within the band.
Mise-en-scene- Location
Shots are taken in the studio this is a common convention for band shots because the lighting and atmosphere can be controlled creating a mood which
represents the genre.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
Uses a variety of photos to make the magazine appear interesting and exciting, this includes a variety of camera shots, the main image is a long, eye
level shot, the eye level angle makes the reader connect with the band because they are on the same level. The shot of the electric Wizard guitarist is an
action shot and will interest the reader because he is playing the guitar and Electric Wizard are well respected for their talented therefore aspiring
musician’s will read the article. Also the lights in the background make the image eye catching so the reader will notice the page but also incorporates
enigma codes because from the image it isn’t clear about what the article is therefore the reader will go to the article to finds out therefore it creates
mystery and excitement.
Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model
A magazine must incorporate a variety of articles to accommodate a variety of readers for example interviews help surveillance because they like to
know what’s going on.
Synergy within language
A range of photos at different angles with a white
border make the images stand out and the six
photos used make the article look interesting and
Sub-headed text makes the article easy to read, the
questions are in red and the responses are in black.
The large header taking up one quarter
of the page attracts the audience with a
serif font with an artistic eroded style
with splattered paint connoting action.
“News from the Frontline” has
connotations that they are on the edge
of the action like soldiers on the
frontline, therefore it is the latest news
about all the action. This makes the
audience feel important because they
are getting the best possible
Pull Quote
This gives an insight into what the
article is about and attracts attention
from the audience.
Themed background with mesh and
paint along with bullets used to border
the header and some text. This makes
the page aesthetically pleasing and
creates synergy within the title and
background creating connotations of
violence and danger, representations
of the Heavy Metal genre.
Text is arranged into three columns with
then a photo in each column apart from
the middle one, this follows the column
convention. However then there are two
large photos at the top of the page,
photos are meant to fit into the columns
making the page look clear and
organised however they have not
followed this convention and carried on
not doing it as they then have four
columns of bullets points, this goes away
from the column convention to represent
the heavy metal music because they are
rebellious and deviate from convention.
Design Balance
This article is not balanced because on the left there is only a pull
quote and introductory paragraph then on the right there is a whole
Design Principle
This article follows Gutenburg’s design
principle because the header and main
image is placed in the primary optical
area this is the first place the reader sees,
the principle is further followed because
in the strong fallow area there is a lot of
text meaning the reader will read the
Mise-en-scene- Lighting
The main image uses high-key lighting to highlight the band members faces against the black background. The rest of the images
have a black and white tone to represent the gritty, real-life studio atmosphere.
Mise-en-scene- Characters
The members in the main image are represented as strong and masculine this is shown through the non-verbal codes of
aggression connoted through the front mans stance; arms crossed with tattoos.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code
Plain black clothing represents the heavy metal genre connoting darkness and violence. Also alongside the use of blocking the two
members of the band at the front have a design on their T-shirt making them more eye catching than the other two members
revealing they are more important.
Mise-en-scene- Location
The main image is a studio shot so lighting could be controlled to convey the menacing shadowing effect but also there are action
shots of ‘Sepultura’ in the studio so the audience can feel they are connected to the band and feel that they have an insight into
their life.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
The main image is a medium-long shot of four band members. The front man of the band is clear through his dominant position in
the image. The fact his arms are crossed connotes that he has the most authority in the band. Unlike the other members you can
see the front mans arms highlighting his muscles and tattoos connoting he is strong this a key theme of heavy metal. The main
image also has a slight low angle shot making the band seem even more powerful another key theme of the heavy metal genre.
There are then 5 other images which use a variety of shots to show the process of producing a song in the studio.
Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model
This magazine article fulfils diversion from the Bulmer and Katz uses and gratifications model because it helps people escape from
reality letting them focus on other things for example in this article the reader focuses on ‘Sepultura’s’ new album.
A common convention used on the front cover in order
for the consumer to purchase the media product.
Mast head
Uses a bold black font with stylized points on the ‘H’ and ‘R’
makes the font more unique and to suit the heavy metal genre
as lots of band logos are also highly stylized. The ‘metal’ is
then transformed into the stand of the ‘H’ This makes the
Masthead simple and fit easily in one line across the magazine.
The solid fill of the black font makes the masthead stand out
amongst the background. Also the fact ‘James Hetfields’ head
is covering most of the masthead it denotes the magazine is
ionic and popular because it doesn’t need to have it’s masthead
showing for people to buy the magazine. The title ‘Metal
Hammer’ has clear connotations of the heavy metal genre,
making a clear connection to ‘metal’ and then ‘hammer’ has
connotations of violence and strength which are key themes of
the heavy metal genre.
The use of a rectangle yellow pug but on a
slanted angle makes it bold and stand out
against the plain grey background. “2 free
gifts” are used to draw in the audience. The
use of “2” is used as an emphasiser to
exaggerate the great freebie.
Has a faded grey background with dark grey
cover lines on in various font styles, sizes and
boldness, however light colours which are not
vibrant are used so they do not detract attention
from the main image of ‘James Hetfield’ and
Metallica. The main story of the magazine and
also one the biggest bands in metal.
Main cover line
Uses Metallica’s logo to get the fans attention,
the logo takes up one quarter of the front cover
connoting the band is very important. Uses a
white font, to contrast James Hetfields black top.
Then in smaller writing, but still bold “48 hours
with the world’s biggest band” This will draw in
the audience because they will want to know
exclusive information about the band and see
what they do. Also “worlds” and “biggest” will
draw in people who like to know the latest and
best information.
Used to highlight more about what is
in the magazine, to draw in a wider
audience. Black and white is used
again to create a contrast so the
articles stand out.
Main Splash Image
The main image is a medium-close up of James Hetfield who is
the main musician in Metallica, this will attract fans of Metallica
and James Hetfield. There slight use of Chiascuro because his
cheek is darkly shaded however the rest of his face is
illuminated, this creates a cheek bone effect making him look
powerful and threatening this relates to the heavy metal genre
and the fact his band is ‘the worlds biggest band’.
Stylised Text box
The text box is filled with a dark grey sold
fill with text fitted around inside it and is
the shape of a guitar plectrum this
therefore will interest musicians.
Mise-en-scene- Lighting
High key lighting is used to show James Hetfields face so fans can buy the magazine because he is featured.
Mise-en-scene- Characters
There is only one image which is a medium-close up and it takes up most of the cover this highlights how much of an major
character he is and the fact that there are no other images on the cover page shows how he is the most important thing.
Furthermore James Hetlfield has been placed in front of the background instead of being placed into again, signifying he is the
most important person and so the audience is drawn to him.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code
The dress code is simple because of the fact the image is only a medium-close up, from what can be seen though it is just a plain
black T-shirt, this shows he isn’t into fashion and also the audience are not interested in what he wears, only about his music.
Mise-en-scene- Location
The main image is a studio image, because the lighting has been adjusted and he has then been cut and placed in front of the
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
The main splash image is a medium-close up with direct eye level this means the image will create eye contact with the audience
making them seem more involved.
Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model
The main article story helps with diversion because they can immerse themselves into Metallica therefore they forget about
Page arranged into columns; 2 columns of
writing, a column of pictures and a column for
the Editor. This makes the magazine easy to read
and make it look organised so it is aesthetically
‘contents’ is bigger than the magazine logo
because it draws attention to the header making
the magazine easy to navigate. ‘contents’ has a
gothic sans serif font representing the Metal
genre because it has connotations of darkness
and gothicness. The plain black colour makes the
header bold and contrast the paper like
Has gothic, vintage effect shown through the
dark worn lines in the right top corner and
down the left margin which could represent
classic metal for example Black Sabbath and
Iron Maiden. But also connotes they are
knowledgeable on Metal because of their
years of experience.
Has two columns of articles and their page numbers. The
columns are arranged into features and regulars this
highlights how exciting the magazine is with lots of feature
articles but also always readers to go to the popular
important regular articles eg. A calendar of gigs. Block text
boxes at the bottom to draw attention to the main features
of the magazine this is shown through the big bold colours
and headers in the boxes these will draw attention.
Consistent unity among
typography because there is a
main medieval style font, then
a simpler font for smaller text.
This makes the page look
more professional.
A variety of pictures are used to show a
wide range of articles and to make the page
look aesthetically pleasing. With around 10
images it makes the article seem action
packed because there is no ‘white space’.
The pictures also have large numbers on
them this allows the reader to easily
navigate to the pages of the article the
photo is relating to.
Sexual image of women. Suggests more men read this
magazine than woman and will draw them in to the
magazine. She also has been cut out and placed in front
of the square images making her stand out even more.
Mise-en-scene- Lighting
Low key and high key lighting is used for a variety of shots and to convey certain emotions.
Mise-en-scene- Characters
A variety of characters are involved in the images, this shows makes the magazine desirable to a wide audience because the
magazine includes a variety of artists and articles, this is quickly shown through the photos.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code
Mainly there is an informal feel to the characters dress because they all were basic clothes such as jeans and a T-shirt. Apart
from the woman which is pale skinned and then wearing a black bra this contrasts her making the bra stand out and also
draws attention to her so she stands out.
Mise-en-scene- Location
Two photos are taken from a live gig this will interest fans of the band because they could be touring soon or reviewing
the current tour as well as backstage news. The rest of the shots are studio shots.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
A variety of shots are used, to convey certain emotions and to show certain things off. There is a medium-long shot of a
guitarist to highlight he is playing the guitar and a low angle is used to connote power implying he is a brilliant guitarist
and should be admired. A close up is used with a high angle to exaggerate the threatening facial expression the musician
Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model
This contents page accounts for a variety of people. Reviews help develop personal identity because it allows people make
the best choice of equipment and music for them helping them develop their own style. Also articles help diversion
because you can immerse yourself in the world of the band.
Black and white image continues the
elegant theme. The image is set in a
forest however the background and
foreground are blurred to draw
attention to the well focused, crisp
clear character in the centre of the
image. This makes the character look
important and powerful.
Pull Quote
This gives an insight into
what the article is about
and attracts attention
from the audience.
large dropped initial
capital letter
Draws attention to the text
making it look interesting and
This is a highly stylised header to give the impression the
words are engraved, this makes the page engaging to
look at and aesthetically pleasing. It also reflects what
the article is about because the article is about grand
designs and art therefore the header is visually evocative
because it presents the reader with an interesting title.
The header also does not clearly tell the reader what the
article is about creating enigma codes which will interest
and entice the reader to read the magazine.
These are used to draw the readers
attention to the small introductory
paragraph under the header but
before the main article.
This makes the reader clear about what
the article is about and is meant to draw
the reader in so they continue reading. An
eye catching script font has been used to
give another grand effect to make it
engaging the the reader.
The background of the text is
black with grey graphics of
leaves and flowers making the
article have a natural theme
further continued through the
use of the large bird graphics
and the image which has been
taken in a forest; a natural
Design Balance
This article is not
balanced because on the
left there is only a pull
quote in the bottom left
corner and then on the
right there is the whole
Small simple font is arranged into three columns
making the article look organised and formal
connoting the article already has an audience and fans
and is not trying to draw in a new audience.
Mise-en-scene- Lighting
Low key lighting is used with a black and white tone, the lighting using on the character in the image is chiaroscuro this gives it a
mysterious feel and makes the article look interesting.
Mise-en-scene- Characters
There is only one artist In this article, that is why the background and foreground is blurred because the audiences attention is
then drawn to the artist, the blurred branches also create a framed effect around the artist connoting he is important. Also a
medium-long shot is used to draw attention to him and his features.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code
His dress code is simple with him wearing a black T-shirt with a persons face on in white, this is so his fashion doesn’t take away
from him.
Mise-en-scene- Location
The image is taken in a forest this is to follow a natural theme shown through the graphics on the other page.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
The image is a medium-long shot and there is only one image used in the article.
“2 free gifts” are used to draw in the audience. The use of “2” is used as an
emphasiser to exaggerate the great freebie.
Stylised to make the masthead look eroded and
worn; destruction and violence being a key theme
of Death Metal therefore it will attract fans of
death metal. The masthead has a slight shadow
around “TERRORIZER” to make it stand out on the
page giving the page more dimension and stand
out the audience. The Masthead takes up one
quarter of the front cover so it is clear and eye
Main Cover line
This is the name of the band which is being their main
feature, this will attract fans of the Norwegian
composer. Also the tagline underneath “Son of
Northern Darkness” Creates enigma codes therefore
people will read the magazine through curiosity
because they don’t know what it means.
Creates interest among the audience
because it makes emphasises what is
included in the magazine, making it
stand out among other magazines.
Simple layout which doesn’t over crowd the
front cover, uses a large, bright font central
which stands out from the splash image and
then white coloured font to draw attention
for the rest of the taglines, 2 taglines on the
right draw a wider audience into the
magazine, also the selling lines at the
bottom highlight the magazine is including
a lot of articles into the magazine.
A common convention used on
the front cover in order for the
consumer to purchase the media
Creates interest for the articles
through the use of images
which create enigma codes,
the reader will then read those
magazines to find out what the
images are about.
Main Splash Image
Low angle, long shot connotes power this is further
implied through the use of a throne like chair
suggests he is a very good musician. He has
relaxed non-verbal codes because he is spread
amongst the chair with his legs crossed. He has a
straight facial expression connoting confidence
furthermore suggesting he is a very powerful
Uses band names in a large white
contrasting font to draw in fans of the
bands and to show what bands are
included in the magazine.
Mise-en-scene- Lighting
High Key lighting is used to highlight his position and facial features creating a glowing effect along with
the outer glow used on the main tagline connotes he is powerful.
Mise-en-scene- Characters
Only one character highlights his importance and that is why he is position centrally on the front cover
because he is the main feature and the most important.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code
Simple, dark and informal dress of black T-shirt and jeans with trainers which have a bit of colour consisting
of a yellow and red stripe. By having no eye catching dress it makes the audience focus on him connoting he
is very important.
Mise-en-scene- Location
There is a brick wall behind him and he is sitting on a dark, traditional chair which looks like a throne
connotes importance and power.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
Low angle, long shot
Clear bold white text is eye catching and grabs attention from the reader by
contrasting the black background. The header aids magazine navigation so
the reader knows what articles are on what page in the magazine.
Main image
Dark, mysterious image with cloaked figures
this has religious connotations relating to the
title “rotting Christ” The cloaked figures
create mystery because it doesn’t look like a
typical band picture which creates enigma
codes intriguing the audience making them
the read the article because they want to
know what the article is about.
Page Number
Text box including the number
the article is on so the reader
can go straight to that page
and read the article
The use of sub categories on a contents page
makes the page look professional and
organised. Also splitting the page into features
and regulars emphasises the magazines
exclusive and special articles they are including
for that month.
A solid black background is used to
represent the heavy metal genre
with connotations of darkness and
danger. It is also simple creating a
professional look which is
aesthetically pleasing.
Dark image of a band draws interest from
the fans of the band also creates enigma
codes because the audience want to find
out what the article about the band is
about but the picture doesn’t give any
clues. Smaller images make the page look
appealing and interesting the audience.
Textboxes are used to create a clear
professional layout. The textboxes
are white to contrast the black
background making the page look
appealing to the audience and it
makes the text stand out so the
reader reads the information on the
Columns are used in the layout of the contents page to arrange the pages
logically also as the page is using subheadings it makes the sub categories
clear because they have their own column. The pictures also fit in with
columns as well as the main image because that can be split equally in the
middle and where it could split the split between the text boxes are making
it fit in line with the boxes helping to create a clear aesthetically pleasing
Mise-en-scene- Lighting
All three images have dark lighting to connote danger and to be intimidating key themes of the heavy metal
Mise-en-scene- Characters
A variety of bands are mentioned on the contents page to address a wide audience. Three band photos were used
so the page looked appealing but not too clustered and messy because the demographic of this magazine is for
adults therefore needs to have a mature professional layout.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code and Props
The main image has cloaked figures this creates religious connotations with the name of the band “Rotting
Christ”. With the other two images the dress code was causal with jeans and a T-shirt as a common theme
throughout. They had no props this means the audience are drawn to the band not the props.
Mise-en-scene- Location
The main image is a location shot to make it look like the cloak figures are performing a religious ritual or praying
this creates an enigma code. The other two images are studio shots this is done so the lighting is dark to create a
threatening intimidating mood key themes of heavy metal.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
The main image is a long shot to highlight the cloaks of the hooded figures creating a sombre mood. The second
image on the left is a low angle medium-long shot to infer power this is highlighted through the front mans arms
being folded connoting power. The third image on the right is an eye line angle medium shot.
Pull Quote
This gives an insight into what the
article is about and attracts
attention from the audience.
This clear white header contrasts the purple making it stand out.
The emotive title intrigues the reader making them want to read
the article to find out what the story is. Also the use of the
underline and top line draws your attention to the header
making it stand out even more.
Main Image
Low angle medium shot connotes
power and influence creating the
impression the character is very
good at something. The page is
about art and the tattoos are
clearly defined showing
masculinity and art. The
background also becomes lighter
around this main character
creating godly effect like a spot
light furthermore inferring he Is
The purple background is
unisex attracting both a
female and male audience,
using different shades of
purple it creates an
intricate pattern drawing
the readers attention to
the page.
A variety of images are used to
highlight the artists skills. Each
image at a different angle,
position and shot this highlights
the artists talent because he can
draw a variety of things.
Design Balance
This article is not balanced because
on the left there is only a pull quote
in the top right corner of the first
page and then on the right there is
the whole article.
Text is arranged into three
columns with an introductory
paragraph at the top. There are
two images in these columns
drawing the readers attention to
the columns and then four images
at the bottom, these do not fit into
the columns making the article
look interesting. This layout is
organised and aesthetically
Mise-en-scene- Lighting
The lighting used on the main character is high key this attracts attention to his face suggesting he is important.
Also the use of the background being lighter around him gives him a shining effect connoting he is important and
Mise-en-scene- Characters
The main character is alone with no background round him on the image this is so there are no distractions
highlighting how important his is.
Mise-en-scene- Dress Code and Props
The character wears casual clothing consisting of grey t-shirt, black under top and jeans. This shows it is his
talent which is important not his clothing, this is why he also doesn’t have a prop this is so there is no distractions
the audience must focus on him.
Mise-en-scene- Location
There is no location on this image. This is again is so there is no distractions around him highlighting how
important this character is.
Mise-en-scene- Camera work
The main image is a medium shot with a low angle connoting the character is power this is further shown through
him looking down creating a sense of superiority. The rest of the images are all different angles and positions to
highlight the artists skills
From this magazine analysis I have learnt that for my
magazine to be successful within the Heavy Metal genre it
must include lots of images with a variety of shots and
angles all connoting power, danger and darkness. A key to
this will be the lighting, many of the images featured will
have low key lighting or chiaroscuro.
Secondly for two page spread articles a few images are
included with text but often there is a main image. Also
lots of the headers and backgrounds are highly stylised to
connote the meaning of the article, this is done to draw
Thirdly for the contents page the articles are often
arranged into sub-categories and include lots of images to
be eye catching.

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Magazine analysis

  • 2. From my magazine research I have decided I am going to design and create a heavy metal magazine which will focus on Death metal and Slam. Therefore my next step is to analyse magazines of a similar genre to pick up the conventions of the magazines, the type of cover lines they have, how the magazines is set up including the front cover and contents page, what type of language they use- formal or informal? Colloquial? As well as colour schemes, mise-en-scene so how the bands are presented- Studio shots or performing shots. From this analysis it will help me to know what makes a successful magazine so I can start to design my magazine making it appealing to the Heavy Metal community.
  • 3. Layout Uses a simple layout with 4 cover lines in the bottom right third of the magazine. This simple layout gives a sophisticated style indicating this is a monthly magazine. Also due to the small number of stories it suggests every story will be detailed and in depth, this will attract true metal fans which want to keep up to date with what is happening in their community. Masthead Covers a third of the cover, it uses a very style aisled sans serif font, it is has connotations of violence and destruction representing the genre of Heavy Metal. This will therefore attract Heavy Metal fans. Also we can tell from the fact that the band is put in front of the mast head that “TERRORIZER” is a well known brand as some of the masthead can be hidden and the audience will still know what it is and buy it. Pug & Freebie This stands out on the front cover in order to draw in the audiences attention and through offering a freebie I may persuade them to buy the magazine because they feel they are gaining out something out of purchasing the magazine and also makes the company different and unique compared to other competitors. This is therefore the Unique Selling point (USP) of the magazine. Buzzword The use of “plus” makes the reader feel involved and that the magazine is packed with information attracting Heavy Metal fans which want to gain a lot of information about what is going on. Barcode A common convention used on the front cover in order for the consumer to purchase the media product. Subheadings Powerful subheadings are used such as “Raging” and “Gruesome” all representations of the genre which will interest and draw in the audiences attention . Also the White large writing contrasts the black background making the writing stand out. Colour Scheme Uses only two colours- Black and White, it gives a low saturated effect. This makes the magazine seem professional and relates to the target audience as they are simple, dark colours which Heavy Metal Fans like. Main Cover line Semantic field of violence relates to the article attracting fans of violence metal. Large sans serif font ‘NAILS’ will attract their fans or fans of violence metal therefore they will buy the magazine because of the band. Main Image Dark image which overlays the masthead connoting the band is powerful and important. Also due to the front man being in the foreground it makes it seem like he is popping out the magazine creating an exciting image which will draw the audiences attention it does this by following the rule of three. Plug in the right hand corner Gives an extra insight into what is included in the issue and generates more readership as some people may not like the main band but they may like the artist in the plug. It also makes the magazine seem packed full of stories.
  • 4. Mise-en-scene- lighting It has low key lighting with chiaroscuro tying in with the genre conventions of Doom and violence metal creating a threatening image which will appeal to the fans of Doom Metal. The colours used are black and white to follow the representations of male. Mise-en-scene- Characters The front cover uses a medium-long shot of the trio band “Nails”. There are two characters at the back and one at the front connoting he is the foreman of the band. The non-verbal codes of the actors are aggression this is highlighted through the foreman’s fists being clenched. And the member of the left at the back has tattoos this also connotes rebellion which are key representations of the Heavy Metal genre. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code The dress code of the band is casual. It consists mainly of black, however every member is wearing a different T-shirt, each having a different band logo on connoting they are passionate about their music. Also people where T-shirts of bands they like and normally they make similar music to what they listen to, therefore it will attract some audience members because they like the bands they are wearing so will buy the magazine to learn about the band also they feel they can relate to the band as they enjoy the same music. Mise-en-scene- Location Characters are in a worn down place this is shown through the dusty and dirty windows and the faded grey walls however the beige light coming through the windows creates a contrast between the back ground and the band making the band stand out and seem significant. Mise-en-scene- Camera work Eye line angled medium long shot connotes aggression a key theme of Heavy Metal. Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model By talking about a variety of bands it helps develop the audiences music taste and widen their band knowledge this helps their personal identity. Also by giving free CDs it accommodates diversion as well because they will be listening to music escaping everyday life.
  • 5. Layout Simple layout using only 3 photos and the contents written in columns gives a sophisticated feel to the page, with a variety of pictures used it shows the magazine is diverse. And the page is also split into two,: Regulars and Features this makes the magazine easy to navigate. Pictures The pictures included are a studio shot of a band but the image is edited so it makes it unique and eye catching. The second is an action shot of a member of electric wizard playing guitar this will interest fans of electric Wizard. And finally is a niche image which only true fans will understand but also it will intrigue the people which don’t know what it means so it will interest a variety of people making them read the article. All pictures include a white 3D border making the photos stand out. Subheadings The use of subheadings makes the magazine easy to navigate and they can clearly see what the magazine involves. ‘Features’ are specific to this issue making the articles seem unique, it also makes the reader feel special for being able to read these features. Structure Through the use of the main image the contents page seems structured because the first two man line up with the first column and the second column joins with the third and fourth man, this makes the magazine seem neat and organised. Background The background colour is black this creates a border affect around the photos and columns making them stand out to the audience. Page Number The page number allows the audience to go to that article instantly also due to the fact it is one of the main images on the contents page it highlights it is very important and makes it more noticeable to the audience. Masthead There is no masthead on this contents page this shows the magazine is well known because it doesn’t need the masthead as people have already bought it and invested into it. Instead they just have ‘Contents’ this for navigation of the magazine. Issue Number The issue number is shown at the bottom so the audience know what issue they are about to buy also if they collect them they will know if they have any missing. Subheading Images The images are sub-headed to show what the band are this creates interest within the reader because if the reader is interested in them but doesn’t know about them then they will take action and read the article.
  • 6. Mise-en-scene- lighting High key lighting is used in the main image to draw attention to the image and create a bright appealing page. Mise-en-scene- Characters From the corner image on the right, the bright lights shining down on the guitarist connote talent, this will interest aspiring musicians in the heavy metal community. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code Musicians wear informal, casual clothes. The main image every musician is wearing a plain black T-shirt and black jeans however every musician’s jeans are slightly different therefore the black T-shirts denote synergy within the band and how they are connected and together with a passion for music however the variety in jeans show individuality and that everyone has a different role within the band. Mise-en-scene- Location Shots are taken in the studio this is a common convention for band shots because the lighting and atmosphere can be controlled creating a mood which represents the genre. Mise-en-scene- Camera work Uses a variety of photos to make the magazine appear interesting and exciting, this includes a variety of camera shots, the main image is a long, eye level shot, the eye level angle makes the reader connect with the band because they are on the same level. The shot of the electric Wizard guitarist is an action shot and will interest the reader because he is playing the guitar and Electric Wizard are well respected for their talented therefore aspiring musician’s will read the article. Also the lights in the background make the image eye catching so the reader will notice the page but also incorporates enigma codes because from the image it isn’t clear about what the article is therefore the reader will go to the article to finds out therefore it creates mystery and excitement. Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model A magazine must incorporate a variety of articles to accommodate a variety of readers for example interviews help surveillance because they like to know what’s going on.
  • 7. Synergy within language Layout A range of photos at different angles with a white border make the images stand out and the six photos used make the article look interesting and engaging. Sub-headed text makes the article easy to read, the questions are in red and the responses are in black. Header The large header taking up one quarter of the page attracts the audience with a serif font with an artistic eroded style with splattered paint connoting action. “News from the Frontline” has connotations that they are on the edge of the action like soldiers on the frontline, therefore it is the latest news about all the action. This makes the audience feel important because they are getting the best possible information. Pull Quote This gives an insight into what the article is about and attracts attention from the audience. Background Themed background with mesh and paint along with bullets used to border the header and some text. This makes the page aesthetically pleasing and creates synergy within the title and background creating connotations of violence and danger, representations of the Heavy Metal genre. Structure Text is arranged into three columns with then a photo in each column apart from the middle one, this follows the column convention. However then there are two large photos at the top of the page, photos are meant to fit into the columns making the page look clear and organised however they have not followed this convention and carried on not doing it as they then have four columns of bullets points, this goes away from the column convention to represent the heavy metal music because they are rebellious and deviate from convention. Design Balance This article is not balanced because on the left there is only a pull quote and introductory paragraph then on the right there is a whole interview. Design Principle This article follows Gutenburg’s design principle because the header and main image is placed in the primary optical area this is the first place the reader sees, the principle is further followed because in the strong fallow area there is a lot of text meaning the reader will read the article.
  • 8. Mise-en-scene- Lighting The main image uses high-key lighting to highlight the band members faces against the black background. The rest of the images have a black and white tone to represent the gritty, real-life studio atmosphere. Mise-en-scene- Characters The members in the main image are represented as strong and masculine this is shown through the non-verbal codes of aggression connoted through the front mans stance; arms crossed with tattoos. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code Plain black clothing represents the heavy metal genre connoting darkness and violence. Also alongside the use of blocking the two members of the band at the front have a design on their T-shirt making them more eye catching than the other two members revealing they are more important. Mise-en-scene- Location The main image is a studio shot so lighting could be controlled to convey the menacing shadowing effect but also there are action shots of ‘Sepultura’ in the studio so the audience can feel they are connected to the band and feel that they have an insight into their life. Mise-en-scene- Camera work The main image is a medium-long shot of four band members. The front man of the band is clear through his dominant position in the image. The fact his arms are crossed connotes that he has the most authority in the band. Unlike the other members you can see the front mans arms highlighting his muscles and tattoos connoting he is strong this a key theme of heavy metal. The main image also has a slight low angle shot making the band seem even more powerful another key theme of the heavy metal genre. There are then 5 other images which use a variety of shots to show the process of producing a song in the studio. Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model This magazine article fulfils diversion from the Bulmer and Katz uses and gratifications model because it helps people escape from reality letting them focus on other things for example in this article the reader focuses on ‘Sepultura’s’ new album.
  • 9. Barcode A common convention used on the front cover in order for the consumer to purchase the media product. Mast head Uses a bold black font with stylized points on the ‘H’ and ‘R’ makes the font more unique and to suit the heavy metal genre as lots of band logos are also highly stylized. The ‘metal’ is then transformed into the stand of the ‘H’ This makes the Masthead simple and fit easily in one line across the magazine. The solid fill of the black font makes the masthead stand out amongst the background. Also the fact ‘James Hetfields’ head is covering most of the masthead it denotes the magazine is ionic and popular because it doesn’t need to have it’s masthead showing for people to buy the magazine. The title ‘Metal Hammer’ has clear connotations of the heavy metal genre, making a clear connection to ‘metal’ and then ‘hammer’ has connotations of violence and strength which are key themes of the heavy metal genre. Pug The use of a rectangle yellow pug but on a slanted angle makes it bold and stand out against the plain grey background. “2 free gifts” are used to draw in the audience. The use of “2” is used as an emphasiser to exaggerate the great freebie. Background Has a faded grey background with dark grey cover lines on in various font styles, sizes and boldness, however light colours which are not vibrant are used so they do not detract attention from the main image of ‘James Hetfield’ and Metallica. The main story of the magazine and also one the biggest bands in metal. Main cover line Uses Metallica’s logo to get the fans attention, the logo takes up one quarter of the front cover connoting the band is very important. Uses a white font, to contrast James Hetfields black top. Then in smaller writing, but still bold “48 hours with the world’s biggest band” This will draw in the audience because they will want to know exclusive information about the band and see what they do. Also “worlds” and “biggest” will draw in people who like to know the latest and best information. Footer Used to highlight more about what is in the magazine, to draw in a wider audience. Black and white is used again to create a contrast so the articles stand out. Main Splash Image The main image is a medium-close up of James Hetfield who is the main musician in Metallica, this will attract fans of Metallica and James Hetfield. There slight use of Chiascuro because his cheek is darkly shaded however the rest of his face is illuminated, this creates a cheek bone effect making him look powerful and threatening this relates to the heavy metal genre and the fact his band is ‘the worlds biggest band’. Stylised Text box The text box is filled with a dark grey sold fill with text fitted around inside it and is the shape of a guitar plectrum this therefore will interest musicians.
  • 10. Mise-en-scene- Lighting High key lighting is used to show James Hetfields face so fans can buy the magazine because he is featured. Mise-en-scene- Characters There is only one image which is a medium-close up and it takes up most of the cover this highlights how much of an major character he is and the fact that there are no other images on the cover page shows how he is the most important thing. Furthermore James Hetlfield has been placed in front of the background instead of being placed into again, signifying he is the most important person and so the audience is drawn to him. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code The dress code is simple because of the fact the image is only a medium-close up, from what can be seen though it is just a plain black T-shirt, this shows he isn’t into fashion and also the audience are not interested in what he wears, only about his music. Mise-en-scene- Location The main image is a studio image, because the lighting has been adjusted and he has then been cut and placed in front of the background. Mise-en-scene- Camera work The main splash image is a medium-close up with direct eye level this means the image will create eye contact with the audience making them seem more involved. Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model The main article story helps with diversion because they can immerse themselves into Metallica therefore they forget about reality.
  • 11. Layout Page arranged into columns; 2 columns of writing, a column of pictures and a column for the Editor. This makes the magazine easy to read and make it look organised so it is aesthetically pleasing. Header ‘contents’ is bigger than the magazine logo because it draws attention to the header making the magazine easy to navigate. ‘contents’ has a gothic sans serif font representing the Metal genre because it has connotations of darkness and gothicness. The plain black colour makes the header bold and contrast the paper like background. Background Has gothic, vintage effect shown through the dark worn lines in the right top corner and down the left margin which could represent classic metal for example Black Sabbath and Iron Maiden. But also connotes they are knowledgeable on Metal because of their years of experience. Structure Has two columns of articles and their page numbers. The columns are arranged into features and regulars this highlights how exciting the magazine is with lots of feature articles but also always readers to go to the popular important regular articles eg. A calendar of gigs. Block text boxes at the bottom to draw attention to the main features of the magazine this is shown through the big bold colours and headers in the boxes these will draw attention. Design Consistent unity among typography because there is a main medieval style font, then a simpler font for smaller text. This makes the page look more professional. Pictures A variety of pictures are used to show a wide range of articles and to make the page look aesthetically pleasing. With around 10 images it makes the article seem action packed because there is no ‘white space’. The pictures also have large numbers on them this allows the reader to easily navigate to the pages of the article the photo is relating to. Sexual image of women. Suggests more men read this magazine than woman and will draw them in to the magazine. She also has been cut out and placed in front of the square images making her stand out even more.
  • 12. Mise-en-scene- Lighting Low key and high key lighting is used for a variety of shots and to convey certain emotions. Mise-en-scene- Characters A variety of characters are involved in the images, this shows makes the magazine desirable to a wide audience because the magazine includes a variety of artists and articles, this is quickly shown through the photos. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code Mainly there is an informal feel to the characters dress because they all were basic clothes such as jeans and a T-shirt. Apart from the woman which is pale skinned and then wearing a black bra this contrasts her making the bra stand out and also draws attention to her so she stands out. Mise-en-scene- Location Two photos are taken from a live gig this will interest fans of the band because they could be touring soon or reviewing the current tour as well as backstage news. The rest of the shots are studio shots. Mise-en-scene- Camera work A variety of shots are used, to convey certain emotions and to show certain things off. There is a medium-long shot of a guitarist to highlight he is playing the guitar and a low angle is used to connote power implying he is a brilliant guitarist and should be admired. A close up is used with a high angle to exaggerate the threatening facial expression the musician has. Bulmer and Katz – Uses and Gratification Model This contents page accounts for a variety of people. Reviews help develop personal identity because it allows people make the best choice of equipment and music for them helping them develop their own style. Also articles help diversion because you can immerse yourself in the world of the band.
  • 13. Image Black and white image continues the elegant theme. The image is set in a forest however the background and foreground are blurred to draw attention to the well focused, crisp clear character in the centre of the image. This makes the character look important and powerful. Pull Quote This gives an insight into what the article is about and attracts attention from the audience. large dropped initial capital letter Draws attention to the text making it look interesting and important. Header This is a highly stylised header to give the impression the words are engraved, this makes the page engaging to look at and aesthetically pleasing. It also reflects what the article is about because the article is about grand designs and art therefore the header is visually evocative because it presents the reader with an interesting title. The header also does not clearly tell the reader what the article is about creating enigma codes which will interest and entice the reader to read the magazine. Graphic These are used to draw the readers attention to the small introductory paragraph under the header but before the main article. Introduction This makes the reader clear about what the article is about and is meant to draw the reader in so they continue reading. An eye catching script font has been used to give another grand effect to make it engaging the the reader. Background The background of the text is black with grey graphics of leaves and flowers making the article have a natural theme further continued through the use of the large bird graphics and the image which has been taken in a forest; a natural environment. Design Balance This article is not balanced because on the left there is only a pull quote in the bottom left corner and then on the right there is the whole Structure Small simple font is arranged into three columns making the article look organised and formal connoting the article already has an audience and fans and is not trying to draw in a new audience.
  • 14. Mise-en-scene- Lighting Low key lighting is used with a black and white tone, the lighting using on the character in the image is chiaroscuro this gives it a mysterious feel and makes the article look interesting. Mise-en-scene- Characters There is only one artist In this article, that is why the background and foreground is blurred because the audiences attention is then drawn to the artist, the blurred branches also create a framed effect around the artist connoting he is important. Also a medium-long shot is used to draw attention to him and his features. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code His dress code is simple with him wearing a black T-shirt with a persons face on in white, this is so his fashion doesn’t take away from him. Mise-en-scene- Location The image is taken in a forest this is to follow a natural theme shown through the graphics on the other page. Mise-en-scene- Camera work The image is a medium-long shot and there is only one image used in the article.
  • 15. Plug “2 free gifts” are used to draw in the audience. The use of “2” is used as an emphasiser to exaggerate the great freebie. Masthead Stylised to make the masthead look eroded and worn; destruction and violence being a key theme of Death Metal therefore it will attract fans of death metal. The masthead has a slight shadow around “TERRORIZER” to make it stand out on the page giving the page more dimension and stand out the audience. The Masthead takes up one quarter of the front cover so it is clear and eye catching. Main Cover line This is the name of the band which is being their main feature, this will attract fans of the Norwegian composer. Also the tagline underneath “Son of Northern Darkness” Creates enigma codes therefore people will read the magazine through curiosity because they don’t know what it means. Buzzword Creates interest among the audience because it makes emphasises what is included in the magazine, making it stand out among other magazines. Layout Simple layout which doesn’t over crowd the front cover, uses a large, bright font central which stands out from the splash image and then white coloured font to draw attention for the rest of the taglines, 2 taglines on the right draw a wider audience into the magazine, also the selling lines at the bottom highlight the magazine is including a lot of articles into the magazine. Barcode A common convention used on the front cover in order for the consumer to purchase the media product. Plug Creates interest for the articles through the use of images which create enigma codes, the reader will then read those magazines to find out what the images are about. Main Splash Image Low angle, long shot connotes power this is further implied through the use of a throne like chair suggests he is a very good musician. He has relaxed non-verbal codes because he is spread amongst the chair with his legs crossed. He has a straight facial expression connoting confidence furthermore suggesting he is a very powerful musician. Subheadings Uses band names in a large white contrasting font to draw in fans of the bands and to show what bands are included in the magazine.
  • 16. Mise-en-scene- Lighting High Key lighting is used to highlight his position and facial features creating a glowing effect along with the outer glow used on the main tagline connotes he is powerful. Mise-en-scene- Characters Only one character highlights his importance and that is why he is position centrally on the front cover because he is the main feature and the most important. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code Simple, dark and informal dress of black T-shirt and jeans with trainers which have a bit of colour consisting of a yellow and red stripe. By having no eye catching dress it makes the audience focus on him connoting he is very important. Mise-en-scene- Location There is a brick wall behind him and he is sitting on a dark, traditional chair which looks like a throne connotes importance and power. Mise-en-scene- Camera work Low angle, long shot
  • 17. Header Clear bold white text is eye catching and grabs attention from the reader by contrasting the black background. The header aids magazine navigation so the reader knows what articles are on what page in the magazine. Main image Dark, mysterious image with cloaked figures this has religious connotations relating to the title “rotting Christ” The cloaked figures create mystery because it doesn’t look like a typical band picture which creates enigma codes intriguing the audience making them the read the article because they want to know what the article is about. Page Number Text box including the number the article is on so the reader can go straight to that page and read the article Subheadings The use of sub categories on a contents page makes the page look professional and organised. Also splitting the page into features and regulars emphasises the magazines exclusive and special articles they are including for that month. Background A solid black background is used to represent the heavy metal genre with connotations of darkness and danger. It is also simple creating a professional look which is aesthetically pleasing. Images Dark image of a band draws interest from the fans of the band also creates enigma codes because the audience want to find out what the article about the band is about but the picture doesn’t give any clues. Smaller images make the page look appealing and interesting the audience. Layout Textboxes are used to create a clear professional layout. The textboxes are white to contrast the black background making the page look appealing to the audience and it makes the text stand out so the reader reads the information on the page. Columns Columns are used in the layout of the contents page to arrange the pages logically also as the page is using subheadings it makes the sub categories clear because they have their own column. The pictures also fit in with columns as well as the main image because that can be split equally in the middle and where it could split the split between the text boxes are making it fit in line with the boxes helping to create a clear aesthetically pleasing layout.
  • 18. Mise-en-scene- Lighting All three images have dark lighting to connote danger and to be intimidating key themes of the heavy metal genre. Mise-en-scene- Characters A variety of bands are mentioned on the contents page to address a wide audience. Three band photos were used so the page looked appealing but not too clustered and messy because the demographic of this magazine is for adults therefore needs to have a mature professional layout. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code and Props The main image has cloaked figures this creates religious connotations with the name of the band “Rotting Christ”. With the other two images the dress code was causal with jeans and a T-shirt as a common theme throughout. They had no props this means the audience are drawn to the band not the props. Mise-en-scene- Location The main image is a location shot to make it look like the cloak figures are performing a religious ritual or praying this creates an enigma code. The other two images are studio shots this is done so the lighting is dark to create a threatening intimidating mood key themes of heavy metal. Mise-en-scene- Camera work The main image is a long shot to highlight the cloaks of the hooded figures creating a sombre mood. The second image on the left is a low angle medium-long shot to infer power this is highlighted through the front mans arms being folded connoting power. The third image on the right is an eye line angle medium shot.
  • 19. Pull Quote This gives an insight into what the article is about and attracts attention from the audience. Header This clear white header contrasts the purple making it stand out. The emotive title intrigues the reader making them want to read the article to find out what the story is. Also the use of the underline and top line draws your attention to the header making it stand out even more. Main Image Low angle medium shot connotes power and influence creating the impression the character is very good at something. The page is about art and the tattoos are clearly defined showing masculinity and art. The background also becomes lighter around this main character creating godly effect like a spot light furthermore inferring he Is important. Background The purple background is unisex attracting both a female and male audience, using different shades of purple it creates an intricate pattern drawing the readers attention to the page. Images A variety of images are used to highlight the artists skills. Each image at a different angle, position and shot this highlights the artists talent because he can draw a variety of things. Design Balance This article is not balanced because on the left there is only a pull quote in the top right corner of the first page and then on the right there is the whole article. Layout Text is arranged into three columns with an introductory paragraph at the top. There are two images in these columns drawing the readers attention to the columns and then four images at the bottom, these do not fit into the columns making the article look interesting. This layout is organised and aesthetically pleasing.
  • 20. Mise-en-scene- Lighting The lighting used on the main character is high key this attracts attention to his face suggesting he is important. Also the use of the background being lighter around him gives him a shining effect connoting he is important and talented. Mise-en-scene- Characters The main character is alone with no background round him on the image this is so there are no distractions highlighting how important his is. Mise-en-scene- Dress Code and Props The character wears casual clothing consisting of grey t-shirt, black under top and jeans. This shows it is his talent which is important not his clothing, this is why he also doesn’t have a prop this is so there is no distractions the audience must focus on him. Mise-en-scene- Location There is no location on this image. This is again is so there is no distractions around him highlighting how important this character is. Mise-en-scene- Camera work The main image is a medium shot with a low angle connoting the character is power this is further shown through him looking down creating a sense of superiority. The rest of the images are all different angles and positions to highlight the artists skills
  • 21. Reflection From this magazine analysis I have learnt that for my magazine to be successful within the Heavy Metal genre it must include lots of images with a variety of shots and angles all connoting power, danger and darkness. A key to this will be the lighting, many of the images featured will have low key lighting or chiaroscuro. Secondly for two page spread articles a few images are included with text but often there is a main image. Also lots of the headers and backgrounds are highly stylised to connote the meaning of the article, this is done to draw attention. Thirdly for the contents page the articles are often arranged into sub-categories and include lots of images to be eye catching.