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Los Angeles Times Policy Analysis
This first graph illustrates the diverse range of policy topics that the Los Angeles Times covered on
their front page during a full week. In the 56 stories analyzed, 20 different policy topics were
covered. The topic of law, crime, and family issues was covered most with roughly 18% of the
coverage followed by fires, weather and natural disasters, and immigration.
This graph shows that the Washington Post also had a diverse coverage of policy topics; however,
not as diverse as the Los Angeles Times. In the 56 stories analyzed, 14 different policy topics were
covered. Not surprisingly, government operations were covered most with 25% of the news
coverage. Law, crime, and family issues, health, and international affairs and foreign aid followed
The two news outlets covered some of the same national stories like former president Jimmy
Carter's fight with cancer, the devaluation of Chinese currency, and the American hostage held by
ISIS, but much of the coverage throughout the week was different. With 75% more stories on
government ... Show more content on ...
Like the coverage of law, crime, and family issues. Both publications had this coverage; however,
the Los Angeles Times was dominated by this. Perhaps it is because Los Angeles area has a higher
crime rate than Washington D.C. or maybe crime is what the Times readers are longing for. It is
difficult to determine what different readers are searching for, but observing the range of policy
topics between the publications, it shows their agendas are set differently. For example, the Los
Angeles Times has multiple stories about sports and recreation while the Washington Post has none.
Both have stories about arts and entertainment and surprisingly to me the Post has more human–
interest stories than the Los Angeles Times. This is something I am unsure of how to explain other
than perhaps a slow news
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Stages Of Health Policy Analysis
"The political decision–making process is so irrational that a completely rational approach to health
policy–making can hardly be achieved." Support, debunk or provide alternative paradigms or
approaches to this statement, focusing on the development of a particular policy area you are
familiar with, and using analytic tools and frameworks in health policy analysis.
This paper will begin by briefly examining the role of the state in health and how the state or
political system is structured to meet this obligation. It will then describe the types of policy, the
stages of policy making, and the uniqueness of health policy making. Having provided a solid
foundation for understanding the political and policy making system, in the context of ... Show more
content on ...
While the more obvious internal political structure of a nation can facilitate or hinder participation
in the policy making process, exogenous factors are a major yet less discernible factor. Therefore, it
is dependent on the particular aspect of control that policy health actors are faced with, will direct
the type of policy development processes undertaken. If the policy is within the control of Health,
involves input to cross portfolio policy development, or involves input to intergovernmental policy
Amongst the many structures used to describe the policy processes Walt (1994) describes the most
commonly used framework as a four step continuous cycle that moves through (1) problem
identification and issue recognition/definition, (2) Policy formulation with clarification of policy
issues and preferred options, (3) policy implementation (4) policy evaluation and review.
Consultation occurs throughout this cycle. This was expanded upon in the NSW Health Department
State Health Publication (1998) to include; a release of formal discussion paper and the development
of final policy paper, as two separate activities coming after policy formation. These two additional
steps have become necessary, as the intended policy must be available to the general public and
special interest groups, to illicit their views before it is adopted and sent before cabinet for approval.
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United States Government Policy Analysis
The role of the United States government has increased to detrimental levels over the last century.
Our nation is currently over 18 trillion dollars in debt and this number continues to grow everyday.
Social programs are leading our nation's people under a constraining weight of debt and forced
dependency on the government. Our government needs to refocus on serving the people instead of
enslaving them. Adam Smith, an eighteenth–century Scottish moral philosopher said "the ideal
functions of the government are few and well defined." (Lipford, Slice, 2007) Smith named three
important functions, national defense, administration of justice, and the provision of public goods.
One of the largest reasons our country is in so much debt is from government expansion to include
many socialistic programs. Many of these programs were started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
between 1933 and 1938 in response to the great depression of 1929, and are still in ... Show more
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Going trillions of dollars in debt and having social programs, (that most americans are basically
forced into applying for) that may be bankrupt by the time individuals need to utilize them is not
serving its people. It's putting the people in a limbo of not knowing what to do, the government
making it almost impossible to be independent, but having unreliable sources of federal health
insurance, is making it harder for the nation to trust its government. The government is going in a
downward spiral, and it's up to the people to look at the facts, and make a decision to change the fate
of our nation. The best thing we can do for ourselves is educate us, and future generations, because
the more knowledge we gain, the more power the people have. Then we, our nation, can come
together and stand up to the misuse of power in our
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Australian Fiscal Policy Analysis
Examine the impact of fiscal policy on the Australian economy
Fiscal policy is a macroeconomic management tool that involves the use of the Commonwealth
Government's Budget In order to achieve the government's economic objectives of. The budget is
the tool of the government for the exercise of fiscal policy, it shows the government's planned
revenue for the next financial year. By varying the amount of government spending and revenue, the
government can alter the level of aggregate demand, which in turn will influence economic growth,
environmental sustainability, distribution of income and wealth, internal stability (inflation and
unemployment) and external stability (current account deficit, foreign liabilities and the exchange ...
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It can increase funding to support or subsidise the development of certain resources encouraging the
market to use that particular resource. In the 2015–16 budget the government will be implementing
structural reforms to help encourage small business growth and more generous child care payments,
making it easier for parents to participate in the workforce and promote stronger business
The budget can also be used to redistribute the incomes to increase equality. This means redirecting
incomes from top income earners to the lowest earners. It is achieved primarily through progressive
taxes. However in the 2015–16 budget inequality is unlucky to be changed much on a national level.
Investment in child care to help parents get back to work could address the unemployment however
the superannuation rules were not changed.
Impact on economic
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Public Services Policy Analysis
Policy and its effect on Public services
Economists employed by the government are involved in implementing policies, which were
especially established to meet government 's objectives that are very often multidimensional. There
are four very fundamental objectives for viable economy, including decreasing the unemployment
rates in certain regions, lower or stabilise the inflation , constant economic growth and a satisfactory
balance of payments position. The UK economy continues to suffer from a number of underlying
structural weaknesses. The government is now set on providing the economic framework, which
will enhance the opportunity to raise a sustainable rate of economy growth, (Anderton, 2006).
Economic growth also known as economic ... Show more content on ...
Government's objectives have transformed from from long–standing ones and have focused on
inflation and stable macro stance through establishing supply side policies. Moreover, supply side
policy has a direct or indirect impact on many government's spheres. Cutting the marginal rate of
income was a major supply side objective during the Thatcher's governance. At the beginning of
Thatcher governance in 1979, the standard rate of income was 33 per cent and the top rate was more
than 80 per cent. By 1997 the standard income rate fell to 23 per cent and the top rate was only 40
per cent, (Sloman, 2007). Such policy appears to be prosperous as the Blair government continued
with this policy. According to many economists, cuts in the marginal rate of income tax have a
positive effects, for example, people wish to work long hours, people work more enthusiastically,
employment rises and unemployment rapidly falls. Furthermore, the Thatcher's government took a
number of measures to reduce the power of labour in order to encourage investments and hence
economic growth, (Sloman, 2007). Conservative government believed that the rise of economic
growth can be achieved by helping to small businesses, which are very fundamental as they create
provide job
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Broken Monetary Policy Analysis
Fed Remains Wary of Broken Monetary Transmission Mechanism
During the early stages of quantitative easing by the Fed, many commentators doubted the ability of
monetary policy to gain traction in the real economy. The collapse in the velocity of circulation of
money was cited as unambiguous evidence that the US economy was firmly in the grips of a
liquidity trap. Normally, money velocity moves pro–cyclically as the number of transactions
increase as the economy expands. Thus, the sheer size of the compression during the current
expansion raises questions about the changing nature of the monetary transmission mechanism and,
consequently, the implications for Fed policy conduct.
Liquidity traps are usually associated with a depressed velocity ... Show more content on ...
Faster economic growth raises the chances of the unemployment rate dipping further below its
natural level, while a depreciating dollar will produce imported inflation. These dynamics
cumulatively auger well for the FOMC to retain their current forward guidance. Meanwhile, the
issue of potential excessive risk taking in the financial system is somewhat more contentious, given
that the last two US recessions were caused by collapsing asset prices producing a significant
decline in private investment. Chair Yellen openly admits that US financial markets are somewhat
richly priced, while retreating from the current path of forward guidance will consequently raise the
risks of further froth emerging. Furthermore, since the financial crisis, the Fed has been charged
with the responsibility of providing financial stability to ensure that the real economy is not
imperilled should another crisis unfold. The pursuit of so–called macro prudential policies would
involve issuing directives about limiting capital deployment in risker business lines. The FOMC
would probably be loathed to go down this route due to the risks of inadvertently causing a credit
Fed Balance Sheet Reduction to Commence in
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Analysis on Capital Structure, Dividend Policy & Working...
SELDOM CORPORATE India recognizes a PSU (Public Sector Unit) and considers its executives
worthy of an award for efficiency and business performance. In the corporate arena, ICICI, HDFC,
HSBC etc. are the banks which are always considered for one award or the other. Some PSU banks
have won awards in the past but those awards were for achieving computerization and other such
'achievements'. Seldom has a a PSU bank been seen by corporate India as a potential avenue and as
one capable of scaling new heights in the banking industry with the presence of more competitive
private banks.
But now SBI has started to dance, to jump and to take big strides for achieving the business goal,
which hitherto have been the characteristics of the small and ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, a good dividend policy under which the company declares a regular growth based
dividend, the company is bound to be benefited by that which is communicated to the potential
investors that is visible by the rocketing prices of the stock price of SBI.
Apart from this, management at SBI is working up to the mark as it is functioning under a proper
planning regarding how much to pay out as dividend and how much retain for future investments.
To meet its financial requirements, SBI plans really well.
State Bank utilizes it cash adequately to meet its funding requirements. Being in banking sector,
where the depositors can demand their money back at any time, the bank needs to maintain the
flexibility in its cash reserves and so has to declare the dividends sensibly and thus a sufficient cash
balance has been maintained by the bank which is shown below:
________________________________________________________________ 2006–07 2005–06
2004–05 2003–04 (in Rs. Crores)
Cash and equivalent begin of year 44,560.00 39,322.10 43,566.62 45,181.02
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A Consensus On Our Policy Analysis Framework
In this paper I will be discussing how our class came to a consensus on our policy analysis
framework. To understand what we are attempting to accomplish, you need to understand the
denotation of policy analysis. Policy analysis is a technique used in public administration so
individuals can evaluate and scrutinize policies. Policy analysis is not only limited to policy's that
are already enacted, policy analysis can be used to analyze perspective policy's. There are already a
handful of policy analysis frameworks available for use. These include: Chambers 2009, Gilbert and
Terrell 2009, Popple and Leighninger 2004, and Dobelstein 2003. Many of the frameworks are
heavily influenced by the work of Eveline Burns, who was prevalent in the 1940's and 1950's. While
these frameworks would have been suitable to use for our analysis our class chose to create our own
framework to help with analysis. In these next few paragraphs I will explain how and why we chose
what we did. The first part of our policy analysis framework that we made was the goals and
objectives section. We took this specific concept from Chambers framework, although many of the
other frameworks also use this concept. The class came to a consensus as to what the definition
would mean specifically. We all chose to measure the policy's intended impact, as well as the
policy's actual impact. We also agreed on that participation in the program helps as a stepping stone
for these individuals. What we mean by this is
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The Policy Analysis, The Design And Implementation Of...
The policy analysis, The Design and Implementation of Policies to Protect Low–Income
Households under a Carbon Tax, discusses the possible implementation and ramifications of a
climate rebate as a part of carbon tax legislation. More specifically, how this rebate would safeguard
low– and moderate–income families or individuals from a reduction in disposable income they
would incur from larger energy charges due to a carbon tax.
It is recommended that a three–pronged delivery mechanism be applied through the usage of
existing systems where they can deliver payments to many of the low–income households. This
delivery mechanism would require: 1) a refundable tax credit for those filing federal tax returns; 2)
rebates to federal recipients such as lower–income seniors and those that rely on Social Security and
other aids; 3) and rebates though state human services agencies (Stone, 2015). This analysis was
well written and has promise. The author is credible and the structure of the report was well drafted.
The analysis contained meaningful sources as well as data to back up implications. Overall the
report did well in presenting reliable information about the issue (carbon tax) and possible solutions
such as a climate rebate. This issue brief was written by Dr. Chad Stone, the chief Economist at the
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. There he is a specialist in the study of budgets and policy
issues and has been a part of different Congressional Committees throughout
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The Policy Process : Evaluation, Analysis, And Revision
The Policy Process: evaluation, analysis, and revision
Evaluation stage Evaluation is a process that is used to look at the project, policy or program
critically. It includes the collection and analyzing information that is related to the program or policy
and that of its outcome. The Main purpose is to improve the policy or the program effectiveness.
This will also help to identify any of the weak areas and changes that need to be made in the policy.
It's also necessary to correctly evaluate and measure health care policy in good time to ensure the
success of the process. Evaluation is the stage after the policy implementation as it is effective to
evaluate the policy effectiveness of accomplishing policy objectives (Sheila, 1994–2015). Along
with all of this it should also be noted that, the evaluation will be based on formalized outcome
indicators and measures. An evaluation plan should also have the following things:
The long term and the short term expected outcomes from the implementation process.
How the data will be relative to the health care policy and how it will be collected.
How to data that is relevant will be evaluated.
The evaluation stage will help to discover any problems that have developed through the
implementation process and changes in the policy by helping to solve any of the problems if
necessary. Below is a picture that will show you and indicate the six processes of evaluation that
will help identify the probability of the policy that
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Analysis of Discretionary Fiscal Policy Essay
During discretionary fiscal policy the government spends and taxes to change the economy during a
particular problem. Both Congress and the president have to take action when they agree that the
economy is in need. When they do this they are trying to simulate the economy during a time of
recession. Economists thought discretionary fiscal policy would eliminate the instability of the
recession, however most had given up on the idea by 1980.
The most noticeable discretionary fiscal policy is the discretionary budget. These are the
expenditures calculated in the United States budget that are within the appropriations bills. These are
negotiated between Congress and the president each year. This includes almost all the spending in
the ... Show more content on ...
There are three types of lags recognition lag, administrative lag, and operational lag. From those
lags you must determine if they were an attribute to the failure. Each lag takes time to notice.
Recognition lag measures the state of the economy. This is a resultant from GDP because its not
measured neither quick enough nor easily found. During administrative lag the president and
Congress agree on a course of action. Two legislative bodies must agree and then agree with the
president. Congress doesn't solve problems without any disagreement, and eventually over a period
of time they will agree. The last type of lag is operational lag, this takes time to notice the full
impact of a government program or tax change to have the effect on the economy. This offers the
final block and even if both the president, and Congress agree on time it still takes time for
discretionary fiscal policy to have an effect. The next part of the three fold is that failures can be a
result from political motivations that overwhelm some economic reasons. Finally, the third part of
the three–fold deals with the immediate counter–effects of the aggregate demand and aggregate
supply, which this could either eliminate the positive intent of the policies either partially or
completely. Policy makers noticed in the 1970s that discretionary fiscal policy couldn't stabilize the
economy. "The lags were just too important to ignore, and the recession to be recognized, laws to
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Social Welfare Policy Analysis For Social Workers Essay
Plan to Influence Policy
In order to conduct meaningful change and to be effective in influencing policy, there must be a well
thought out plan in place. In the text The Policy–Based Profession: An Introduction to Social
Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers by Popple and Leighninger (2015) they argue that "For
an action strategy to be effective, it is imperative that the people taking the action have a firm grasp
on the problem they are dealing with and on achievable goals. You must do your homework before
taking action" (p. 262). It is crucial that we do our homework when it comes to influencing policy
for medicaid expansion in Texas. This includes having a better idea on who our coalition partners
are, these are individuals and groups who share a common goal and purpose. This also includes
knowing some strategies to increase public awareness, and as well what potential barriers may lie
ahead that could possibly influence our success. Coalition Partners The state of Texas currently has a
coalition set up solely to help with medicaid expansion in Texas, the coalition is called Cover Texas
Now. Their mission statement states that they are "a coalition of consumer and faith–based
organizations whose mission is to see the state of Texas implement a sustainable health care system
and provide quality affordable health coverage to its citizens" (Cover Texas Now, 2016, para. 1).
The coalition meets regularly to brainstorm new effective strategies in improving
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Social Security Policy Analysis
In order for a policy to be considered "good" it must meet criteria that deems it fit for that category,
whatever that may be. A policy could be good in terms of it affecting people positively, addressing a
problem, or by creating a jumpstart for change. Due to different standards on what is good, a policy
I think is great for people could be thought of as awful by the next person. Also, a category I believe
is important and needs reform could be one that is unimportant to others. From this we must
individually decide for ourselves what qualifications we will set so that a policy can be crowned
good. For me, a policy can be considered good if it brings more good than bad to all people
(equality under the policy), has the people's best interest in mind (especially ... Show more content
on ...
Finding a policy that fits each of these standards is difficult and may not even be possible. However,
I believe the best example policy to show for all categories is Social Security. Through Social
Security there have been many policies expanded in order to reach a variety of different people and
needs. Within the Social Security website it mentions the policies history and who it originally
targeted in 1935 when first created by stating, "this Act provided for unemployment insurance, old–
age insurance, and means–tested welfare programs." (Patricia Martin & David Weaver, "Social
Security: A Program and Policy History.") From this, it shows that multiple groups were kept in
mind in attempt to include all those in need. Even better, there has since been more categories added
under Social Security that include Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Food and Nutrition
Assistance, Veterans' Assistance, and many others. By doing this, equality under the policy is
provided because there are programs created for different situations. The creation of all these
policies could also transition into the idea that it keeps the people's best interest in mind.
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Nicaragua And Its Monetary Policy Analysis Essay
Nicaragua and its Monetary Policy analysis:
Monetary policy is the macroeconomic policy laid down by the central bank. It involves
management of money supply and interest rate and is the demand side economic policy used by the
government of a country to achieve macroeconomic objectives like inflation, consumption, growth
and liquidity.
The Monetary Policy of a country further contains 3 sub–policies:
The Money Supply Policy: This policy determines the source of credit. In most cases, a central bank
of a country acts the source.
The Interest Rate Policy: This policy determines the cost of credit.
The Credit Control Policy: This policy determines the quantum of credit.
Monetary Policy works on the fundaments of a money market and LM curve is the locus of
equilibrium between the interest rate and income in the money market. LM curve determines the
supply side of money and is positively sloped w.r.t to interest rate and income.
Like many Latin American countries, Nicaragua is a socialist country and hence, functions with a
deficit budget. Deficit, if remained uncontrolled, has the potential to induce inflation in an economy.
As in August, 2015, the inflation rate recorded in its economy was 2.70%. However, with its average
inflation rate being 9.35% in the period of 1993–2015, it had achieved a highest rate of inflation in
September 1993 at 23.99%. (Banco Central de Nicaragua estimated)
The central bank of Nicaragua focuses on an objective of sustaining economic
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Privacy Policy Analysis
What This Privacy Policy Covers
This policy covers how (PaperRater) treats content you submit to us as well as
personal information that we collect and receive, including information related to your past use of
our products and services. Personal information is information about you that is personally
identifiable––like your name, address, email address, or phone number–– and that is not otherwise
publicly available, like your PaperRater username and password.
This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that PaperRater does not own or control, or
to people that PaperRater does not employ or manage, which means this policy does not cover the
practices of organizations with links or advertisements on ... Show more content on
Information Sharing and Disclosure
PaperRater does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people or
nonaffiliated companies except to provide products or services you've requested, when we have your
permission, or under the following circumstances:
We provide the information to companies who work with us or on our behalf to communicate with
you about offers from and our marketing partners. These companies are not
permitted to share your information.
We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights
or defend against legal claims.
If we believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action
regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical
safety of any person, violations of PaperRater's Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by law.
We may transfer information about you if PaperRater is acquired by or merged with another
company. In this event, PaperRater will notify you before information about you is transferred and
becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
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Policy Analysis
Executive Summary
The city of East Wallingford, a rapidly growing community of 45,000 people has been plagued by
chronic traffic congestion which brings average trip times during peak hours far below State
standards for the community of this size. The officials of the city are seeking to solve this problem
and have asked for assistance from the Community Transportation Planning Division of the State
Department of Transportation.
Considering the situation this policy analysis paper is aiming to asses the possible alternatives to the
ineffective current transportation policy in East Wallingford. Federal money is available for
implementing four alternative transportation policies: constructing a Southern or a Northern Bypass,
widening ... Show more content on ...
III. Current Policy Description. Current Policy Effectiveness and Efficiency
According to the Preliminary Problem Analysis prepared by the Junior Policy Analyst of the
Community Transportation Planning Division of SDOT M. Ubahn at the moment East Wallingford
is served by two state highways. Route 146 (Nottingham Road), a north–south arterial, passes
through the western side of the city. Route 9, an east–west arterial, passes through the center of East
Wallingford, and connects to Route 146, which is its Western terminus. In the central business
district, Route 9 is actually divided for 1.5 miles to allow for one way traffic flows. Route 9E is
known as State Street; Route 9W is known as Main Street. Three miles south of the central business
district on Route 146 is an interchange for Interstate 59.
Traffic flows are unacceptably heavy on Route 146 and on Main (Route 9W) and State (Route 9E)
Streets. During peak travel hours (7:30 AM to 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM), average trip
times are far below State standards for a community of this size. Trips between point A and point B
in either direction, a distance of 4.5 miles, require 30 minutes on average.
City officials want average trip time in this corridor to be reduced to 15 minutes. While this seems to
be a reasonable goal, application of SDOT standards in this case suggests it should be seen as a
target, rather than as an absolute cutoff.
IV. Policy Alternatives
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Ben Bernanke's Policy Analysis
Ben Bernanke served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve from February 21st, 2006 until January
31st, 2014. Before his appointment as Chair, he served as a Member of the Board of Governors from
August 5th, 2002 until June 21st, 2005. During his tenure at the Federal Reserve, Bernanke had
spearheaded policy changes to fight against the adverse economic events that were affecting the US
economy. Under his leadership, the Fed reduced interest rates to near zero levels and bought trillions
of dollars worth of securities. Where these the right moves to make? Prior to Bernanke's
appointment as Chair, the US economy was experiencing a boom in the housing market. Interest
rates were low and credit standards were lowered to capitalize on subprime mortgages.
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Educational Policy Analysis Essay
Educational policies are the rules, guidelines and or boundaries that have shaped my career as
student, a teacher and most recently as an educational administrator. Throughout my career I have
not questioned always questioned the reasons for the development of these policies. From the
readings in this course, I have begun to examine the how and why of policy development and
beginning to understand role the policy analysis has in the evaluation of educational policies over
time. The role of the state, the role of the individual within the state, changes to political ideologies
and the development of globalization have all directly impacted policy development and the
directions that education has taken over the last century. ... Show more content on ...
"A 'What's the problem?' approach insists that it is crucial to reflect upon the representations offered
by both those who describe something as a problem and by those who deny an issue problem status.
Its purpose is to create a space to consider competing constructions of issues addressed in the policy
process, and the ways in which these constructions leave other issues untouched." (Bacchi, 1999, pg.
Throughout this paper, I will be comparing this approach to a number of more traditional
approaches to educational policy analysis such as the rational comprehensive model, politically
rational model (Bacchi, 1999), Critical Discourse Analysis (Thomas, 2004) and the effects of
globalization through common world education culture and the globally structured agenda for
education (Dale, 2000). Examining the strengths and weakness of these approaches as compared to
the less traditional "what's the problem?" approach, can help gain a clearer understanding of
educational policy and therefore help us to be (hopefully) informed members of the policy making
and implementation process. Simply defining policy is a plan of action, is a little too simplistic, the
idea of policy must be explored at a greater depth if policy analysis is to have any real impact.
Stephen Bell, (1993) states that policy exists in a number of formats. This first being "policy as
text", policies are the result of a great deal of debate and compromises that
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Example Of A Policy Analysis Paper
Policy Analysis Project Policy analysis is an assessment of specific healthcare policy to determine
its effectiveness in improving patient care outcomes. As an organization continues to grow in
complexity; health status indicators provided gauges for process to be assessed and evaluated for
restructuring. This provides new opportunities for evaluating policies, guidelines and procedures
that enhances patient care to benefit all stakeholders. Transformational leaders are healthcare
professionals whose knowledge and experience are required when policies analysis is needed that
may require examination, designing, implementation, and evaluation for a practice change. In
healthcare systems globally, transformational leaders are task with
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Public Policy Analysis: Gun Control Essay
Public policies are developed in response to the existence of a perceived problem or an opportunity.
The analysis delves into a public issue or problem and assesses a set of proposed government action
for addressing the issue. The job of the analyst is to describe the background and status of an issue
and then, using research and analysis, determine a proper government action to resolve the issue. By
comparing options and weighing their expected benefits, the analyst should conclude with a
recommended course of action or inaction to addressing the issue.
During the problem definition stage, one must realize that "a condition is not a social problem unless
it is seen as violating certain fundamental values and beliefs about how society ... Show more
content on ...
The analyst can also find research reports, identification problems, recommendations for new
programs or reform to existing programs, and requests for lobbying activities.
Agenda setting has raised the following questions:
Who recognizes the issue as being a problem and why is it seen as a problem?
The Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the lobbying force of the NRA. "The institute works
vigorously to defeat restrictive gun control legislation, pass pro–gun reform legislation, and to
educate the public about the facts concerning the many facets of firearms ownership" (NRA, 2011).
Is the issue looked at differently by groups with different values?
Are public officials interested in responding to the problem and can a public policy be formed to
address the problem?
Do public officials have the means necessary to carry out a policy response?
Has something recently happened to make this issue a problem?
How pressing is this problem?
How long will it take to respond to the problem?
Policy formulation develops policy proposals and goals to resolve the issue and restructure
problems. It determines those barriers that may be incurred and what is needed from other agencies
or the private sector. Also developed, are methods in which to evaluate how success will be judged
and the
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Park And Recreation Workers Policy Analysis
There are many workers in the nation, many of whom are working in the public sector amongst
various specialties, though whether they are a productive worker or are motivated enough to be an
effective worker is of question. The policy in mention aims to provide possible solutions to
incentivizing workers to increase their productivity, as well as their wellness during the job and in
their personal life. The policy will affect those already working and those who are seeking public
jobs, for, in the United States, there are approximately 22 million public workers in the nation . On
the other hand, the policy will affect tax payers who vote on how to spend their tax dollars. Another
key to the policy is allowing the organization to ... Show more content on ...
A family–friendly organization allows leniency to those with their families and the problems that
arise from a family, but also allow flexibility in the workplace. An instance of why autonomy is left
to the individual agency to come up with a solution that fits their needs, is the fact that not all
solutions work. In Public Administration Review, Lee and Hong (2011), suggest that a childcare
subsidy program, is incredibly beneficial to reducing turnover and increasing agency performance,
yet other methods weren't as meaningful . The study also highlights some other alternatives that are
just as beneficial, such as adjusting work schedules, paid family time, and working from home. All
possibilities that fall within the policy in question, thus all valid suggestions that can be
implemented on an agency by agency basis. There are agencies that cannot use some possibilities,
such as Fire, Medical, and or Law Enforcement, for they can't work at home, nor can they adjust
their schedules
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Monetary Policy And Analysis Of Nash Equilibria
Recently, the president of European Central Bank (ECB), Mr Mario Draghi, announced that he is
thinking of applying Quantitative Easing (QE) within the Eurozone. Assume that you are a member
of the ECB board of governors.
This essay deals with the economic and financial aspects, why Mr Mario Draghi is willing to make
use of Quantitative Easing, as well as pointing out the potential advantages and disadvantages of this
monetary policy and analysis of Nash Equilibria.
A1) In your view, what could be the reasons behind this decision?
Recently, the president of European Central Bank (ECB), Mr Mario Draghi, announced that he is
thinking of applying Quantitative Easing (QE) within the Eurozone. Quantitative Easing is a
monetary ... Show more content on ...
The main objective of Mario Draghi is to inject money directly into the euro–zone economy;
hopefully this will boost the economies in the Eurozone if the target of 2% inflation is met.
Essentially, if the inflation rate is above 2%, then the Bank will have to reduce the pace of spending
and decrease the inflation in order to maintain the 2% criteria. In comparison, if the inflation is
below the minimum percentage, it decreases the bank rate to the extent of boost of inflation and
Conversely, on behalf of a member of the ECB board of governors, applying quantitative easing
within the Eurozone is seen as a very unbalanced approach, unbalanced approach in terms of
effecting financial activities and may be beneficial for some countries in the Eurozone.
Nevertheless, the Germans may see Quantitative Easing as an ineffective monetary policy regarding
that, if the European Central Bank (ECB) purchase governments or corporate bonds from high debt
countries then the "German taxpayers will face a risk of having to foot the bill. This occurs if one or
more of these countries default on their debt. Also, it will create a loss on the balance sheet of the
ECB. The other member countries in the euro zone, especially Germany, will then have to step in to
cover the loss" (De Grauwe, 2015). Mario Draghi believes that the programme of bond buying is an
important financial approach to circumvent the Eurozone from a deflationary situation. Whereas, the
Germans fear
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The Ability Of Overcome Degenerative Policy Making Is...
The ability to overcome degenerative policy making is through policy analysis which deconstructs
policy designs in order to expose degenerative characteristics and deceptions (Schneider & Ingram
1997). Public policy needs to be inclusive and should provide a clear vision of possibilities,
explanations of how and why antidemocratic elements are embedded in policy designs, and
interpretations of how designs impact democratic life (Schneider & Ingram 1997, 207). According
to Stone (2011), knowledge tools reduce the need for coercive action or force because in the rational
model, information will resolve conflict between actual behavior and desired behavior.
Providing knowledge or educating make it unnecessary to incentivize or sanction the target in order
to elicit the desired behavior. Instead, lack of information or capacity is the primary barrier, and
once the appropriate information is relayed to the target, the desired behavior will follow (Schneider
& Ingram, 1997; Stone, 2011). However, people use a variety of strategies to help their interests and
political goals. Critics of rational choice theory contend that people "act largely according to prior
attitudes and beliefs rather than new information" (Stone, 2011, p. 314). One must be aware of
human and social behavior if they are to try and analyze policy.
Schneider & Ingram (1997) identify some general principles (203–206) to look for during policy
analysis. Target groups should be constructed across the lines of
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Remote Access Security Policy Analysis
Remote Access Security Policy 1) Control Matrix: A listing of the risk and 1 or more
countermeasure to address the risk. (200 points) Answer The risks associated with remote access and
offsite use of EPHI (Electronic Personal Health Information) can be grouped into three categories:
Risks that may occur during: Access Storage and Transmission. Accessing EPHI or Health
information ( to view or enter): Risks Countermeasures Brute force user ID and password attacks.
Log–on/password information is lost or stolen. This results in improper access, compromising
privacy and confidentiality of the data, unauthorized viewing of the data, and tampering of the data.
Ensure the strength of the password is strong enough such that it resists brute force attacks.
Implement a two–level or multi–level authentication while granting remote access to systems
containing EPHI. Generate and use only unique usernames when granting a remote access to a
workforce member Unauthorized access to IT systems, applications and EPHI data by employees
while working offsite. Conduct security workforce awareness and training program prior to granting
remote access. The employees should be granted different levels of access based on their role and
job function. Home or other offsite workstations are left unattended which leads to improper access
to EPHI. Establish appropriate procedures for session termination. Contamination of systems by
infected external device which is used to gain remote access.
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Essay about Primary Education in Uganda
Primary Education in Uganda – A Policy Analysis
Over the past five years, Uganda's education system has proved both effective and successful.
Although in the process of further development, it has nonetheless served as a model for many
developing African countries. The Ugandan government, with President Yoweri Museveni at its
forefront, has determined primary education to be one of the major channels toward poverty
eradication and as a vital resource for economic and social development. The Ugandan government
has made a national commitment to eradicate illiteracy and educate its citizens through the 1997
initiative, Universal Primary Education (UPE). All levels of government, the private sector, grass–
root organizations, local and ... Show more content on ...
As a consequence, policy was adopted that would better Uganda's financial position, which led to an
emphasis of secondary and higher education in order to fill the demand for "high–level" manpower.
(Bell, p. 4) The emphasis soon changed as it was realized by the Commission of Education in
Uganda in 1965 that the content and structure of primary school education should also be geared
toward meeting the economic needs of the country. P. Beghin wrote in Recent Trends in Primary
Education Policy in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, "primary education is no longer regarded as a mere
preparation to secondary and higher education. Primary school is, in the view of the Syllabus, a
terminal education for a part of the pupils, which at present is actually the majority of them." (1968,
pg. 6) From this time, documented Ugandan education policy on issues such as instructional
language, examinations, and scientific literacy was expanded and reformed to include primary
During the political turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s when leadership changed hands, the education
system suffered, yet functionally operated by relying on local and regional–based administrators and
nation–wide standardization. (Upenn Sas) As the political situation settled in Uganda, education
became the new hot topic and was regarded as an issue of international development. President
Yoweri Museveni and the National Resistance Movement Government, initiated a review of
education policy and
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Essay On Stakeholder Analysis Of Delhi's Odd-Even Policy
Stakeholder Analysis of the Delhi's Odd Even Policy
The implementation of the odd–even policy has directly or indirectly impacted a wide variety of
people especially those living in Delhi. Due to the complexity of the demographic structure and
transportation system in Delhi, this experiment has drew intense attentions from the public and
brought pressure to the government. The citizens in Delhi were highly impacted by this drastic
measure. Meanwhile, the high court in Delhi and the Delhi government played the key roles in
determining and implementing the policy. It is crucial to understand the role of each stakeholder
played in this issue and how well their interests or concerns were addressed. More importantly,
studies were made to investigate which stakeholder has a higher level of influence in the policy
making and implementation process. This will provide important insights to the future
implementation of the policy as revealed by the government earlier. Therefore, this paper has
carefully examined the interests of three main stakeholders groups (residents in Delhi including the
minorities, Delhi government and the High Court), the impacts of policy on each group and their
level of influence in this policy.
Citizen in the capital is the largest stakeholder group in this experiment. Residents in Delhi played
the key roles in ensuring the success of the experiment. Without the cooperation given by the
residents, the experiment will not be able to carry out smoothly and
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Criminal Justice Policy Analysis
The assumption one may hold regarding policy–making in criminal justice is that individuals are
well–informed about conviction rates as well as arrests, which influences changes in the criminal
justice system. However, such assumption raises doubts on the severity of punishment. Further,
perceived probability of arrest is related to subsequent criminal behavior. Such an argument is based
on the belief that people with lower perceived probabilities of arrest are more likely to get involved
in crime during subsequent periods.
Policy making refers to the process of making plans for action, deciding, and identifying different
alternatives, for instance, spending priorities or programs, by policy makers depending on what they
consider ... Show more content on ...
Further, the policy makers may also determine the consequences and costs of the policy and identify
whether such policy did solve a different problem that originally intended or if it achieved its goals
at a reasonable cost. The policy analysis process safeguards against harm to the people by ensuring
that the policy made does not affect them negatively.
Perceptions Compared to the Definitions in the Readings
According to the readings, the definitions of policy–making and policy analysis are detailed with a
focus on why, what, how, and when they can be applied to the policy process. However, one may
give definitions that are general and majoring on the overview of the terms. However, the text
provides clear relationship on policy–making and policy analysis and how they work together.
Additionally, the definitions provide a clear beginning point for the application of the terms in real
life in addition to supporting facts that the terms may be defined by an individual who is not
conversant with the criminal justice field.
Examples of Criminal Justice
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Policy Analysis : Social Learning And Instrumental Learning
Policy Analysis May (1992) harmonizes with Majone and Wildavsky (1984) on the fact that policy
learning is desired for policy debate as analysis. Based on the information provided by Majone and
Wildavsky (1984), the process of policy analysis should lead to a more sophisticated comprehension
of public policies. Founding on this, public administrators can learn through engaging in the policy
analysis and use this information to influence and inform future policies. May (1992) elucidates that
there are two forms of policy learning: social learning and instrumental learning. Social learning
pertains to lessons regarding the social construction related to policy problems, while instrumental
learning is about the viability of the implementation designs or policy instrument (May, 1992).
Through the learning process, public administrators can come of theories summarizing the ideas and
theories that are important in the policy process. Pralle (2006) concurs with May (1992) by
reinforcing the fact that policy principles are guidelines, beliefs, and core values that play a
significant role in directing the policy making process. Consequently, the policymakers' and the
public's emergence and reception of new principles can be an indispensable source of policy change.
The policy learning process can provide information about these policy principles. Aside from this,
the policy process can lead to the formulation of informed and effective policies. Nonetheless, the
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Policy Analysis : Analysis Of Influeutical Monopolies
Policy Analysis Employing big–scale medical patenting legislation to fight abusive pharmaceutical
monopolies (like discussed in the third perspective of the Literature Analysis and the second article
in the Media Analysis) is not a new trend. These powerful laws have been around since the late
1900s, starting with the prominent Bayh–Doyle Act of 1980 that allowed the government to exercise
"march–in rights". The next milestone bill was the Leahy–Smith America Invents Act (AIA) of
2011, or the "Patent Reform Act", which regulates patents of all industries and "represents the first
major legislative adjustment to the U.S. patent system in decades" (Dobson). This demonstrates the
symbolic purpose of this bill of bringing hope to ... Show more content on ...
In these letters, the AMA frequently suggested why certain amendments of the 2011 act should fit
protocol and ___________.
Finally, the political stream of this act refers to party alliances on an issue and voices of oppositional
advocacy groups, like Gilead. Pertaining to this stream, the AIA act was a bi–partisan act passed
with an overwhelming majority. Both political parties, Democrats and Republicans, believed that
reform in the patent industry was important, because "this legislation [was] a key component for
both Democratic and Republican jobs agendas" (Press Release). This Obama–administered law
negatively affected the entire patenting industry and major oppositional advocacy groups, like
Gilead (as discussed in the CNN article in the Media Analysis), fought the change so that the "final"
determination may be reconsidered [14] and then still appealed in court" (Morales). This quotation
from Morales highlights the web of interactions between political parties and major oppositional
advocacy groups in the political stream to help shape policy.
Based on the roll out of this social condition, one can see that the target population is the group of
people affected by the bill. Despite diversified agendas of the three streams, all the activists and
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Policy And Procedure Analysis Assignment
Policy and Procedure Analysis Assignment Policy and procedure make an organization have a
framework of how to operate and meet its goal. Policies are principles, rules and guidelines adopted
by an organization to reach its long term goals (business dictionary). Sullivan (2013) states that
policies are decisions that govern action and determine an organization's relationship, activities and
goals. They help make sure that plans and ideas of the organization are being followed and do
achieve the set goals. One policy in my health care facility that needs updating is the attendance
policy. This is because the current policy does not hold the employees accountable when they call
in. which make employees to call in most of ... Show more content on ...
First I have to discuss my points and ideas with her and have the necessary information needed to
show her that the current policy does not work very well in our organization. Then she human
resources have to be involved, after they reviewed my information then all information will be sent
to cooperate for more review and approval if necessary. How to implement and evaluate change
Once my recommendations are accepted by the administrator and human recourses and we get
approval from the corporate office. Cooperate will create a new handbook that details new policy
and procedure. I would then recommend we hold an in service to discuss the changes that would be
coming. This meeting would include all employees at the center including full time and part time
employees. The new policy and procedure would be discussed in detail and each employee would be
required to sign a document that states that he or she has received the new policy and understands
what is required. I will preferred to evaluate my intervention quarterly based on the quality of care
improvement, patients outcomes and employees
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Child Welfare System: A Social Policy Analysis
The lives of all individuals are impacted by social policies that have been designed and validated in
the past along with new social policies that are created and enacted in the current time, and the
social policies that will continue to be produced and authorized in the future to meet the ever
changing needs of individuals around the world. "Social policies are the laws, rules, and regulations
that govern the benefits and services provided by the government and private organizations to assist
people in meeting their needs" (Chapin, 2014, p.2). A social policy may impact an individual
directly or indirectly depending on the need of the individual. A social policy may impact a large
population or a much smaller population depending on the need ... Show more content on ...
The CAPTA attempts to ensure that those needs are met by parents for children. In addition, CAPTA
assists states and private organizations in identifying, investigating, and preventing child abuse and
neglect ensuring that accusations of child abuse and neglect are properly investigated to meet the
wellbeing and safety needs of all children. The policy goals of the Child Abuse Prevention and
Treatment Act is "To strengthen the identification, reporting, and investigation of child
maltreatment. To monitor research and publish information about child abuse and neglect" (Chapin,
2014, p. 373). The Department of Health & Human Services identifies the purpose of the Child
Abuse and Prevention and Treatment Act is, "To support community–based efforts to develop,
operate, expand, enhance, and coordinate initiatives, programs, and activities to prevent child abuse
and neglect and to support the coordination of resources and activities, to better strengthen and
support families to reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect; and to foster an understanding,
appreciation, and knowledge of diverse populations in order to be effective in preventing and
treating child abuse and neglect" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Overall
the child welfare system is specifically addressing the
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Public Policy Analysis And Management Should Be My Next Step
During an economics lectures the professor said to my class " I do not know whether the increasing
income inequality is an issue or not". I was perplexed. I thought the goal of Economics, as a social
science, was to achieve the maximum welfare of people by using all the resources most efficiently.
So how is income inequality that renders many people worse off, not an issue? I knew he did not
state his opinion to avoid introducing his bias. However, if everyone in the world were to keep their
understanding of justice and inequality to themselves without a meaningful dialogue, no societal
issue would gain attention or action. Realizing that I want to be equipped with tools necessary to
take appropriate measures when welfare of individuals is ... Show more content on
They showed me that scientific methods involving quantitative and qualitative work could result in
working solutions to some of the most complex and pressing problems of our time. Chandra Talpade
Mohanty's writings like Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses (1984)
provided me a theoretical understanding of my experiences as a transnational feminist and find my
voice in discussions of global relevance. My mentors at Iowa State University further encouraged
my interest in policy formulation by exposing me to a host of socio–economic issues and conflicts
through their teachings. It is during the last three years of my undergraduate college career that I
became confident about my decision to pursue Public Policy.
On the recommendation of Dr. Teshome, a professor of Women's Studies and Anthropology, I opted
to take a graduate level Anthropology course called Global Development. For this course, I read
various development theories in the context of social, political and economic disparities in the
world. We discussed the ramifications of certain development policies implemented in the global
south. These theoretical texts along with real case studies captured my interest in policy formulation
and the role of gender in development. I presented my final project on feminist critiques of some
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Policy and Pestle Analysis
PESTLE Analysis
A PESTLE analysis for Mydin must consider all the important external factors impacting on the
company. These factors may have political, economic, social and culture, technological, legal or
environmental dimensions. These forces, although out of the company's control, may have an impact
on the success of any future plans. By considering them, a company can change direction, build
contingencies, identify new opportunities or do nothing at all. It is an important part in the strategic
decision making.
Political analysis
The political analysis must include the impact of local and national government, and the
international situation. The Economic analysis needs to investigate the influences of the stock
market and ... Show more content on ...
Current trend indicate that customers have moved towards 'one–stop' and 'bulk' shopping, which is
due to a variety of social changes. Mydin have, therefore, increased the amount of non–food items
available for sale. Demographic changes such as the aging population, an increase in female workers
and a decline in home meal preparation mean that Mydin are also focusing on added–value products
and services.
In addition, the focus is now towards; the own–label share of the business mix, the supply chain and
other operational improvements, which can drive costs out of the business. National retailers are
increasingly reticent to take on new suppliers (Clarke, Bennison and Guy, 1994; Datamonitor
Report, 2003). The type of goods and services demanded by consumers is a function of their social
conditioning and their consequent attitudes and beliefs. One example of Mydin adapting its product
mix is to accommodate an increased demand for organic products.
Technological factors
Technological factors are usually easier to spot, because new technologies involve change, and
change is always noticed. For instance, online shopping has had a major impact on Mydin's recent
success. Conversely, The change created by technological advances often lead to legal problems,
which is why legal analysis is always an important part of a PESTLE analysis.
Legislative factors
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Policy Making Analysis
The first three chapters of the Introduction to the Policy Process talks about how our society makes
policy and how different events in the country's history can have drastic effects on policy, and how
these different kinds of policy's can have an effect on the American people as well. In this country
policy making has been there from the start after the signing of the Declaration of Independence and
our separation from Great Britain. The readings mention what policy is and its purpose in our
government and the population at large, why policy making is important to study, the elements of
the policy making system, the different environments that can affect policy, and the historical and
structural contexts of policy making in this country. ... Show more content on ...
One thing that the readings mentions that when we look at the policy making process, we should
look at the separation of powers. The separation of powers in our government, is the balance that
was put in place so that no branch has too much power, and that each branch can override a
decision, that one branch makes when it comes to policy. The three branches are the executive
branch, which deals with the president, the legislative branch which deals with the House of
Representatives and the Senate, and the Judicial Branch, which deals with the Supreme Court. Each
branch has a separate job to do, and can influence policy in different ways. For example, the
Supreme Court had overruled a policy that had said that schools could separate kids due to the color
of the skin. The Famous court case of Brown v. Board of Education changed this policy and allowed
kids to go to the same school, regardless of the color of their skin. Many people across the country
knew that the separate schools policy was wrong and the government did nothing to change it for
many years. The court case changed this and overruled a policy that had been put in place many
years ago and created a new policy in its
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Essay on QNT 562 Wk 3 DQ s
Research Methods for Public Administrators, Ch. 6 (p. 172–211)
O'Sullivan, E., Rassel, G. R., & Berner, M. (2008). Research methods for public administrators (5th
ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman.
Research Methods for Public Administrators, Ch. 7 (p. 212–247)
How to create a Survey Instrument?
What, in your opinion, are the most important rules to observe when creating a survey instrument?
Why do you consider these to be the most important factors in survey construction?
According to O'Sullivan, Rassel, and Berner (2008), "Questionnaire writing involves deciding what
variables to measure; writing questions that accurately and adequately measure the variables;
assembling the questions in a logical order on a ... Show more content on ...
172). The relationship between the research design and data collection is dynamic, and the surveys
purpose could have some influence on the type of survey model used. If there are problems in the
collection of information the design can be changed. That is when the type of survey can be
considered to decide if they should use face–to–face, telephone, or mailed surveys. According to
O'Sullivan, Rassel, and Berner (2008), "respondents may ignore questionnaires that seem biased,"
and "respondents' perception of a built–in bias may largely center on the appropriateness of the
response categories" (p. 179).
O'Sullivan, E., Rassel, G. R., & Berner, M. (2008). Research methods for public administrators (5th
ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman.
Research Methods for Public Administrators, Ch. 8 (p. 248–269)
Interviewing Human Subjects
Class, what are the steps researchers need to take in interviewing human subjects?
Please take a look at following example:
Assume that the director at a daycare center for children of welfare mothers hears from researchers
who want to conduct studies at the center. She asks you to suggest criteria for deciding whether or
not to cooperate with a researcher. Identify the major criteria the director of the daycare center
should adopt, and indicate why each is important.
The Common Rule for the protection of human subjects was published in 1991. It states that a
requirement for every institution who
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Analysis Of Policy And Procedure Analysis Assignment
Policy and Procedure Analysis Assignment
Samwel Rorya
Southwestern College Professional Studies
NURS: Nursing Leadership and Management
Instructor: Rhnae Steddum
July 19, 2015 Policy and Procedure Analysis Assignment Policy and procedure make an
organization have a framework of how to operate and meet its goal. Policies are principles, rules and
guidelines adopted by an organization to reach its long term goals (business dictionary). Sullivan
(2013), states that policies are decisions that govern action and determine an organization's
relationship, activities and goals. They help make sure that plans and ideas of the organization are
being followed and they do achieve the set goals. One policy in my health care ... Show more
content on ...
I would have the necessary information needed to show her that the current policy does not work
very well. I would discuss the problems that are associated with English only policy, this would
include concerns voiced by other employees, and show her the standard of care is not the same when
we don't have enough staff due to employee quitting because of this policy. Another concern is legal
issues employees can sue the organization for discrimination issues. I would also encourage other
team leaders voice their concerns and discuss possible solutions.
Once my recommendations are accepted by the administrator and we get approval from the
corporate office. I would create a handbook that details my policy and procedure. I would then
recommend we hold an in service to discuss the changes that would be coming. This meeting would
include all employees at the center including full time and part time employees. The new policy and
procedure would be discussed in detail and each employee would be required to sign a document
that states that he or she has received the new policy and understands what is
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Analysis : Monetary And Fiscal Policy
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Fiscal Policy
The three member governments in NAFTA have implemented contractionary fiscal policies to
achieve a solid fiscal position. These policies include a tax reform to expand the revenue base and to
offset the income loss from the declining tariff collection. There has been an increase in
employment, output, and aggregate demand so contractionary fiscal policies have been established.
Since free trade has lowered tax collection, the governments' have had to entail tax increases which
include personal and corporate taxes. These tax increases have restrained economic activity and
allowed the circular flow of income in the economy to balance itself by reducing aggregate demand.
This reduction in aggregate ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, something needs to be done because a family should not be spending more money on
taxes than on basic living. This is where the North American governments' contractionary fiscal
policies are necessary to amass the tax revenue that was previously generated through foreign trade.
Monetary Policy
To maintain a balanced and successful economy, the North American member governments have
used contractionary monetary policies. All the major banks throughout the NAFTA nations decrease
the money supply by increasing the overnight lending rate. This causes interest rates to rise either
directly or through the increase in the supply of bonds on the open market through sales by the Fed
or by banks. This increase leads to a reduction in the price for bonds, which will be bought by
foreign investors, thus, increasing the value and demand of the domestic currency and decreasing
the value and demand of the foreign currency. This in turn makes domestic products more expensive
abroad and foreign products cheaper domestically, causing more foreign products to be sold
domestically and less domestic products sold abroad. As a result, there is a higher exchange rate.
The higher exchange rate causes exports to decrease, imports to increase as well as the balance of
trade to decrease, moving the aggregate demand curve down. However, when imports exceed
exports, there is a trade deficit, meaning that there is an outflow of domestic currency to foreign
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United States Foreign Policy Analysis
The United States must have a solid international relations and an effective domestic policy in order
for the country to be well off and protected from any sorts of extortions.
International relations and United States foreign policy are different from domestic polices and
policymaking. Foreign policy is a way for the government to deliberate interactions with other
nations, but they usually work in a way to fulfill their own objective. Domestic focuses more with
policies that affects our country, such as taxes and healthcare. With domestic policies, government
officials decide on its activities. On the other hand, foreign deals with policies that allocates with
how our nation interacts with the rest of the world, such as war on terror, ... Show more content on ...
The scale of American military authority, as well as our country's ability to deploy and use these
resources, is way beyond degree of any present or potential enemy (Greenberg & Page, 2014). Due
to our high budget spending in defense, the United States have exceeded other countries such as
China, France, Germany, Italy, and others in warfare. It is important because the military is our
security against our rivals. The more money that is involved with the military will only help
strengthen our nation and protection for the citizens of the United States. The military is what
protects us from hostile actions from any type of guerilla or terrorists threats. The United States
should use its positions as the major world power to influence international relations so it could be
idolized on the security of their nation, since we do exceed our budget on
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Unilateralist Foreign Policy Analysis
Firstly, it's vital to be familiar with that U.S. pursues a unilateralist foreign policy since post WWII.
The U.S. has an interest of "maintaining geopolitical stability is predicated on its being a
superpower with global economic interests. The U.S. aims to act unilaterally by maintaining a force
structure that can conduct simultaneous expeditionary military operations in widely separated
theaters around the world against multiple adversaries who may not even be natural allies" (Liu).
The core of the foreign policy as Dobriansky describes it as the "pursuit of our goals, our first
imperative is to clarify what we stand for: the United States must defend liberty and justice because
these principles are right and true for all people everywhere"
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Los Angeles Times Policy Analysis

  • 1. Los Angeles Times Policy Analysis This first graph illustrates the diverse range of policy topics that the Los Angeles Times covered on their front page during a full week. In the 56 stories analyzed, 20 different policy topics were covered. The topic of law, crime, and family issues was covered most with roughly 18% of the coverage followed by fires, weather and natural disasters, and immigration. This graph shows that the Washington Post also had a diverse coverage of policy topics; however, not as diverse as the Los Angeles Times. In the 56 stories analyzed, 14 different policy topics were covered. Not surprisingly, government operations were covered most with 25% of the news coverage. Law, crime, and family issues, health, and international affairs and foreign aid followed this. The two news outlets covered some of the same national stories like former president Jimmy Carter's fight with cancer, the devaluation of Chinese currency, and the American hostage held by ISIS, but much of the coverage throughout the week was different. With 75% more stories on government ... Show more content on ... Like the coverage of law, crime, and family issues. Both publications had this coverage; however, the Los Angeles Times was dominated by this. Perhaps it is because Los Angeles area has a higher crime rate than Washington D.C. or maybe crime is what the Times readers are longing for. It is difficult to determine what different readers are searching for, but observing the range of policy topics between the publications, it shows their agendas are set differently. For example, the Los Angeles Times has multiple stories about sports and recreation while the Washington Post has none. Both have stories about arts and entertainment and surprisingly to me the Post has more human– interest stories than the Los Angeles Times. This is something I am unsure of how to explain other than perhaps a slow news ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Stages Of Health Policy Analysis "The political decision–making process is so irrational that a completely rational approach to health policy–making can hardly be achieved." Support, debunk or provide alternative paradigms or approaches to this statement, focusing on the development of a particular policy area you are familiar with, and using analytic tools and frameworks in health policy analysis. This paper will begin by briefly examining the role of the state in health and how the state or political system is structured to meet this obligation. It will then describe the types of policy, the stages of policy making, and the uniqueness of health policy making. Having provided a solid foundation for understanding the political and policy making system, in the context of ... Show more content on ... While the more obvious internal political structure of a nation can facilitate or hinder participation in the policy making process, exogenous factors are a major yet less discernible factor. Therefore, it is dependent on the particular aspect of control that policy health actors are faced with, will direct the type of policy development processes undertaken. If the policy is within the control of Health, involves input to cross portfolio policy development, or involves input to intergovernmental policy development. Amongst the many structures used to describe the policy processes Walt (1994) describes the most commonly used framework as a four step continuous cycle that moves through (1) problem identification and issue recognition/definition, (2) Policy formulation with clarification of policy issues and preferred options, (3) policy implementation (4) policy evaluation and review. Consultation occurs throughout this cycle. This was expanded upon in the NSW Health Department State Health Publication (1998) to include; a release of formal discussion paper and the development of final policy paper, as two separate activities coming after policy formation. These two additional steps have become necessary, as the intended policy must be available to the general public and special interest groups, to illicit their views before it is adopted and sent before cabinet for approval. NSW ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. United States Government Policy Analysis The role of the United States government has increased to detrimental levels over the last century. Our nation is currently over 18 trillion dollars in debt and this number continues to grow everyday. Social programs are leading our nation's people under a constraining weight of debt and forced dependency on the government. Our government needs to refocus on serving the people instead of enslaving them. Adam Smith, an eighteenth–century Scottish moral philosopher said "the ideal functions of the government are few and well defined." (Lipford, Slice, 2007) Smith named three important functions, national defense, administration of justice, and the provision of public goods. One of the largest reasons our country is in so much debt is from government expansion to include many socialistic programs. Many of these programs were started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1938 in response to the great depression of 1929, and are still in ... Show more content on ... Going trillions of dollars in debt and having social programs, (that most americans are basically forced into applying for) that may be bankrupt by the time individuals need to utilize them is not serving its people. It's putting the people in a limbo of not knowing what to do, the government making it almost impossible to be independent, but having unreliable sources of federal health insurance, is making it harder for the nation to trust its government. The government is going in a downward spiral, and it's up to the people to look at the facts, and make a decision to change the fate of our nation. The best thing we can do for ourselves is educate us, and future generations, because the more knowledge we gain, the more power the people have. Then we, our nation, can come together and stand up to the misuse of power in our ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Australian Fiscal Policy Analysis Examine the impact of fiscal policy on the Australian economy Introduction Fiscal policy is a macroeconomic management tool that involves the use of the Commonwealth Government's Budget In order to achieve the government's economic objectives of. The budget is the tool of the government for the exercise of fiscal policy, it shows the government's planned revenue for the next financial year. By varying the amount of government spending and revenue, the government can alter the level of aggregate demand, which in turn will influence economic growth, environmental sustainability, distribution of income and wealth, internal stability (inflation and unemployment) and external stability (current account deficit, foreign liabilities and the exchange ... Show more content on ... It can increase funding to support or subsidise the development of certain resources encouraging the market to use that particular resource. In the 2015–16 budget the government will be implementing structural reforms to help encourage small business growth and more generous child care payments, making it easier for parents to participate in the workforce and promote stronger business confidence. The budget can also be used to redistribute the incomes to increase equality. This means redirecting incomes from top income earners to the lowest earners. It is achieved primarily through progressive taxes. However in the 2015–16 budget inequality is unlucky to be changed much on a national level. Investment in child care to help parents get back to work could address the unemployment however the superannuation rules were not changed. Impact on economic ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Public Services Policy Analysis Policy and its effect on Public services Economists employed by the government are involved in implementing policies, which were especially established to meet government 's objectives that are very often multidimensional. There are four very fundamental objectives for viable economy, including decreasing the unemployment rates in certain regions, lower or stabilise the inflation , constant economic growth and a satisfactory balance of payments position. The UK economy continues to suffer from a number of underlying structural weaknesses. The government is now set on providing the economic framework, which will enhance the opportunity to raise a sustainable rate of economy growth, (Anderton, 2006). Economic growth also known as economic ... Show more content on ... Government's objectives have transformed from from long–standing ones and have focused on inflation and stable macro stance through establishing supply side policies. Moreover, supply side policy has a direct or indirect impact on many government's spheres. Cutting the marginal rate of income was a major supply side objective during the Thatcher's governance. At the beginning of Thatcher governance in 1979, the standard rate of income was 33 per cent and the top rate was more than 80 per cent. By 1997 the standard income rate fell to 23 per cent and the top rate was only 40 per cent, (Sloman, 2007). Such policy appears to be prosperous as the Blair government continued with this policy. According to many economists, cuts in the marginal rate of income tax have a positive effects, for example, people wish to work long hours, people work more enthusiastically, employment rises and unemployment rapidly falls. Furthermore, the Thatcher's government took a number of measures to reduce the power of labour in order to encourage investments and hence economic growth, (Sloman, 2007). Conservative government believed that the rise of economic growth can be achieved by helping to small businesses, which are very fundamental as they create provide job ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Broken Monetary Policy Analysis Fed Remains Wary of Broken Monetary Transmission Mechanism During the early stages of quantitative easing by the Fed, many commentators doubted the ability of monetary policy to gain traction in the real economy. The collapse in the velocity of circulation of money was cited as unambiguous evidence that the US economy was firmly in the grips of a liquidity trap. Normally, money velocity moves pro–cyclically as the number of transactions increase as the economy expands. Thus, the sheer size of the compression during the current expansion raises questions about the changing nature of the monetary transmission mechanism and, consequently, the implications for Fed policy conduct. Liquidity traps are usually associated with a depressed velocity ... Show more content on ... Faster economic growth raises the chances of the unemployment rate dipping further below its natural level, while a depreciating dollar will produce imported inflation. These dynamics cumulatively auger well for the FOMC to retain their current forward guidance. Meanwhile, the issue of potential excessive risk taking in the financial system is somewhat more contentious, given that the last two US recessions were caused by collapsing asset prices producing a significant decline in private investment. Chair Yellen openly admits that US financial markets are somewhat richly priced, while retreating from the current path of forward guidance will consequently raise the risks of further froth emerging. Furthermore, since the financial crisis, the Fed has been charged with the responsibility of providing financial stability to ensure that the real economy is not imperilled should another crisis unfold. The pursuit of so–called macro prudential policies would involve issuing directives about limiting capital deployment in risker business lines. The FOMC would probably be loathed to go down this route due to the risks of inadvertently causing a credit crunch. Fed Balance Sheet Reduction to Commence in ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Analysis on Capital Structure, Dividend Policy & Working... SELDOM CORPORATE India recognizes a PSU (Public Sector Unit) and considers its executives worthy of an award for efficiency and business performance. In the corporate arena, ICICI, HDFC, HSBC etc. are the banks which are always considered for one award or the other. Some PSU banks have won awards in the past but those awards were for achieving computerization and other such 'achievements'. Seldom has a a PSU bank been seen by corporate India as a potential avenue and as one capable of scaling new heights in the banking industry with the presence of more competitive private banks. But now SBI has started to dance, to jump and to take big strides for achieving the business goal, which hitherto have been the characteristics of the small and ... Show more content on ... Therefore, a good dividend policy under which the company declares a regular growth based dividend, the company is bound to be benefited by that which is communicated to the potential investors that is visible by the rocketing prices of the stock price of SBI. Apart from this, management at SBI is working up to the mark as it is functioning under a proper planning regarding how much to pay out as dividend and how much retain for future investments. To meet its financial requirements, SBI plans really well. State Bank utilizes it cash adequately to meet its funding requirements. Being in banking sector, where the depositors can demand their money back at any time, the bank needs to maintain the flexibility in its cash reserves and so has to declare the dividends sensibly and thus a sufficient cash balance has been maintained by the bank which is shown below: ________________________________________________________________ 2006–07 2005–06 2004–05 2003–04 (in Rs. Crores) Cash and equivalent begin of year 44,560.00 39,322.10 43,566.62 45,181.02 ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. A Consensus On Our Policy Analysis Framework In this paper I will be discussing how our class came to a consensus on our policy analysis framework. To understand what we are attempting to accomplish, you need to understand the denotation of policy analysis. Policy analysis is a technique used in public administration so individuals can evaluate and scrutinize policies. Policy analysis is not only limited to policy's that are already enacted, policy analysis can be used to analyze perspective policy's. There are already a handful of policy analysis frameworks available for use. These include: Chambers 2009, Gilbert and Terrell 2009, Popple and Leighninger 2004, and Dobelstein 2003. Many of the frameworks are heavily influenced by the work of Eveline Burns, who was prevalent in the 1940's and 1950's. While these frameworks would have been suitable to use for our analysis our class chose to create our own framework to help with analysis. In these next few paragraphs I will explain how and why we chose what we did. The first part of our policy analysis framework that we made was the goals and objectives section. We took this specific concept from Chambers framework, although many of the other frameworks also use this concept. The class came to a consensus as to what the definition would mean specifically. We all chose to measure the policy's intended impact, as well as the policy's actual impact. We also agreed on that participation in the program helps as a stepping stone for these individuals. What we mean by this is ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Policy Analysis, The Design And Implementation Of... The policy analysis, The Design and Implementation of Policies to Protect Low–Income Households under a Carbon Tax, discusses the possible implementation and ramifications of a climate rebate as a part of carbon tax legislation. More specifically, how this rebate would safeguard low– and moderate–income families or individuals from a reduction in disposable income they would incur from larger energy charges due to a carbon tax. It is recommended that a three–pronged delivery mechanism be applied through the usage of existing systems where they can deliver payments to many of the low–income households. This delivery mechanism would require: 1) a refundable tax credit for those filing federal tax returns; 2) rebates to federal recipients such as lower–income seniors and those that rely on Social Security and other aids; 3) and rebates though state human services agencies (Stone, 2015). This analysis was well written and has promise. The author is credible and the structure of the report was well drafted. The analysis contained meaningful sources as well as data to back up implications. Overall the report did well in presenting reliable information about the issue (carbon tax) and possible solutions such as a climate rebate. This issue brief was written by Dr. Chad Stone, the chief Economist at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. There he is a specialist in the study of budgets and policy issues and has been a part of different Congressional Committees throughout ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Policy Process : Evaluation, Analysis, And Revision The Policy Process: evaluation, analysis, and revision Evaluation stage Evaluation is a process that is used to look at the project, policy or program critically. It includes the collection and analyzing information that is related to the program or policy and that of its outcome. The Main purpose is to improve the policy or the program effectiveness. This will also help to identify any of the weak areas and changes that need to be made in the policy. It's also necessary to correctly evaluate and measure health care policy in good time to ensure the success of the process. Evaluation is the stage after the policy implementation as it is effective to evaluate the policy effectiveness of accomplishing policy objectives (Sheila, 1994–2015). Along with all of this it should also be noted that, the evaluation will be based on formalized outcome indicators and measures. An evaluation plan should also have the following things: The long term and the short term expected outcomes from the implementation process. How the data will be relative to the health care policy and how it will be collected. How to data that is relevant will be evaluated. The evaluation stage will help to discover any problems that have developed through the implementation process and changes in the policy by helping to solve any of the problems if necessary. Below is a picture that will show you and indicate the six processes of evaluation that will help identify the probability of the policy that ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Analysis of Discretionary Fiscal Policy Essay During discretionary fiscal policy the government spends and taxes to change the economy during a particular problem. Both Congress and the president have to take action when they agree that the economy is in need. When they do this they are trying to simulate the economy during a time of recession. Economists thought discretionary fiscal policy would eliminate the instability of the recession, however most had given up on the idea by 1980. The most noticeable discretionary fiscal policy is the discretionary budget. These are the expenditures calculated in the United States budget that are within the appropriations bills. These are negotiated between Congress and the president each year. This includes almost all the spending in the ... Show more content on ... There are three types of lags recognition lag, administrative lag, and operational lag. From those lags you must determine if they were an attribute to the failure. Each lag takes time to notice. Recognition lag measures the state of the economy. This is a resultant from GDP because its not measured neither quick enough nor easily found. During administrative lag the president and Congress agree on a course of action. Two legislative bodies must agree and then agree with the president. Congress doesn't solve problems without any disagreement, and eventually over a period of time they will agree. The last type of lag is operational lag, this takes time to notice the full impact of a government program or tax change to have the effect on the economy. This offers the final block and even if both the president, and Congress agree on time it still takes time for discretionary fiscal policy to have an effect. The next part of the three fold is that failures can be a result from political motivations that overwhelm some economic reasons. Finally, the third part of the three–fold deals with the immediate counter–effects of the aggregate demand and aggregate supply, which this could either eliminate the positive intent of the policies either partially or completely. Policy makers noticed in the 1970s that discretionary fiscal policy couldn't stabilize the economy. "The lags were just too important to ignore, and the recession to be recognized, laws to ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Social Welfare Policy Analysis For Social Workers Essay Plan to Influence Policy In order to conduct meaningful change and to be effective in influencing policy, there must be a well thought out plan in place. In the text The Policy–Based Profession: An Introduction to Social Welfare Policy Analysis for Social Workers by Popple and Leighninger (2015) they argue that "For an action strategy to be effective, it is imperative that the people taking the action have a firm grasp on the problem they are dealing with and on achievable goals. You must do your homework before taking action" (p. 262). It is crucial that we do our homework when it comes to influencing policy for medicaid expansion in Texas. This includes having a better idea on who our coalition partners are, these are individuals and groups who share a common goal and purpose. This also includes knowing some strategies to increase public awareness, and as well what potential barriers may lie ahead that could possibly influence our success. Coalition Partners The state of Texas currently has a coalition set up solely to help with medicaid expansion in Texas, the coalition is called Cover Texas Now. Their mission statement states that they are "a coalition of consumer and faith–based organizations whose mission is to see the state of Texas implement a sustainable health care system and provide quality affordable health coverage to its citizens" (Cover Texas Now, 2016, para. 1). The coalition meets regularly to brainstorm new effective strategies in improving ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Social Security Policy Analysis In order for a policy to be considered "good" it must meet criteria that deems it fit for that category, whatever that may be. A policy could be good in terms of it affecting people positively, addressing a problem, or by creating a jumpstart for change. Due to different standards on what is good, a policy I think is great for people could be thought of as awful by the next person. Also, a category I believe is important and needs reform could be one that is unimportant to others. From this we must individually decide for ourselves what qualifications we will set so that a policy can be crowned good. For me, a policy can be considered good if it brings more good than bad to all people (equality under the policy), has the people's best interest in mind (especially ... Show more content on ... Finding a policy that fits each of these standards is difficult and may not even be possible. However, I believe the best example policy to show for all categories is Social Security. Through Social Security there have been many policies expanded in order to reach a variety of different people and needs. Within the Social Security website it mentions the policies history and who it originally targeted in 1935 when first created by stating, "this Act provided for unemployment insurance, old– age insurance, and means–tested welfare programs." (Patricia Martin & David Weaver, "Social Security: A Program and Policy History.") From this, it shows that multiple groups were kept in mind in attempt to include all those in need. Even better, there has since been more categories added under Social Security that include Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Food and Nutrition Assistance, Veterans' Assistance, and many others. By doing this, equality under the policy is provided because there are programs created for different situations. The creation of all these policies could also transition into the idea that it keeps the people's best interest in mind. ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Nicaragua And Its Monetary Policy Analysis Essay Nicaragua and its Monetary Policy analysis: Monetary policy is the macroeconomic policy laid down by the central bank. It involves management of money supply and interest rate and is the demand side economic policy used by the government of a country to achieve macroeconomic objectives like inflation, consumption, growth and liquidity. The Monetary Policy of a country further contains 3 sub–policies: The Money Supply Policy: This policy determines the source of credit. In most cases, a central bank of a country acts the source. The Interest Rate Policy: This policy determines the cost of credit. The Credit Control Policy: This policy determines the quantum of credit. Monetary Policy works on the fundaments of a money market and LM curve is the locus of equilibrium between the interest rate and income in the money market. LM curve determines the supply side of money and is positively sloped w.r.t to interest rate and income. Like many Latin American countries, Nicaragua is a socialist country and hence, functions with a deficit budget. Deficit, if remained uncontrolled, has the potential to induce inflation in an economy. As in August, 2015, the inflation rate recorded in its economy was 2.70%. However, with its average inflation rate being 9.35% in the period of 1993–2015, it had achieved a highest rate of inflation in September 1993 at 23.99%. (Banco Central de Nicaragua estimated) The central bank of Nicaragua focuses on an objective of sustaining economic ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Privacy Policy Analysis What This Privacy Policy Covers This policy covers how (PaperRater) treats content you submit to us as well as personal information that we collect and receive, including information related to your past use of our products and services. Personal information is information about you that is personally identifiable––like your name, address, email address, or phone number–– and that is not otherwise publicly available, like your PaperRater username and password. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that PaperRater does not own or control, or to people that PaperRater does not employ or manage, which means this policy does not cover the practices of organizations with links or advertisements on ... Show more content on ... Information Sharing and Disclosure PaperRater does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people or nonaffiliated companies except to provide products or services you've requested, when we have your permission, or under the following circumstances: We provide the information to companies who work with us or on our behalf to communicate with you about offers from and our marketing partners. These companies are not permitted to share your information. We respond to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims. If we believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of PaperRater's Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by law. We may transfer information about you if PaperRater is acquired by or merged with another company. In this event, PaperRater will notify you before information about you is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Policy Analysis Executive Summary The city of East Wallingford, a rapidly growing community of 45,000 people has been plagued by chronic traffic congestion which brings average trip times during peak hours far below State standards for the community of this size. The officials of the city are seeking to solve this problem and have asked for assistance from the Community Transportation Planning Division of the State Department of Transportation. Considering the situation this policy analysis paper is aiming to asses the possible alternatives to the ineffective current transportation policy in East Wallingford. Federal money is available for implementing four alternative transportation policies: constructing a Southern or a Northern Bypass, widening ... Show more content on ... III. Current Policy Description. Current Policy Effectiveness and Efficiency According to the Preliminary Problem Analysis prepared by the Junior Policy Analyst of the Community Transportation Planning Division of SDOT M. Ubahn at the moment East Wallingford is served by two state highways. Route 146 (Nottingham Road), a north–south arterial, passes through the western side of the city. Route 9, an east–west arterial, passes through the center of East Wallingford, and connects to Route 146, which is its Western terminus. In the central business district, Route 9 is actually divided for 1.5 miles to allow for one way traffic flows. Route 9E is known as State Street; Route 9W is known as Main Street. Three miles south of the central business district on Route 146 is an interchange for Interstate 59. Traffic flows are unacceptably heavy on Route 146 and on Main (Route 9W) and State (Route 9E) Streets. During peak travel hours (7:30 AM to 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM), average trip times are far below State standards for a community of this size. Trips between point A and point B in either direction, a distance of 4.5 miles, require 30 minutes on average. City officials want average trip time in this corridor to be reduced to 15 minutes. While this seems to be a reasonable goal, application of SDOT standards in this case suggests it should be seen as a target, rather than as an absolute cutoff. IV. Policy Alternatives ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Ben Bernanke's Policy Analysis Ben Bernanke served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve from February 21st, 2006 until January 31st, 2014. Before his appointment as Chair, he served as a Member of the Board of Governors from August 5th, 2002 until June 21st, 2005. During his tenure at the Federal Reserve, Bernanke had spearheaded policy changes to fight against the adverse economic events that were affecting the US economy. Under his leadership, the Fed reduced interest rates to near zero levels and bought trillions of dollars worth of securities. Where these the right moves to make? Prior to Bernanke's appointment as Chair, the US economy was experiencing a boom in the housing market. Interest rates were low and credit standards were lowered to capitalize on subprime mortgages. ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Educational Policy Analysis Essay Educational policies are the rules, guidelines and or boundaries that have shaped my career as student, a teacher and most recently as an educational administrator. Throughout my career I have not questioned always questioned the reasons for the development of these policies. From the readings in this course, I have begun to examine the how and why of policy development and beginning to understand role the policy analysis has in the evaluation of educational policies over time. The role of the state, the role of the individual within the state, changes to political ideologies and the development of globalization have all directly impacted policy development and the directions that education has taken over the last century. ... Show more content on ... "A 'What's the problem?' approach insists that it is crucial to reflect upon the representations offered by both those who describe something as a problem and by those who deny an issue problem status. Its purpose is to create a space to consider competing constructions of issues addressed in the policy process, and the ways in which these constructions leave other issues untouched." (Bacchi, 1999, pg. 4) Throughout this paper, I will be comparing this approach to a number of more traditional approaches to educational policy analysis such as the rational comprehensive model, politically rational model (Bacchi, 1999), Critical Discourse Analysis (Thomas, 2004) and the effects of globalization through common world education culture and the globally structured agenda for education (Dale, 2000). Examining the strengths and weakness of these approaches as compared to the less traditional "what's the problem?" approach, can help gain a clearer understanding of educational policy and therefore help us to be (hopefully) informed members of the policy making and implementation process. Simply defining policy is a plan of action, is a little too simplistic, the idea of policy must be explored at a greater depth if policy analysis is to have any real impact. Stephen Bell, (1993) states that policy exists in a number of formats. This first being "policy as text", policies are the result of a great deal of debate and compromises that ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Example Of A Policy Analysis Paper Policy Analysis Project Policy analysis is an assessment of specific healthcare policy to determine its effectiveness in improving patient care outcomes. As an organization continues to grow in complexity; health status indicators provided gauges for process to be assessed and evaluated for restructuring. This provides new opportunities for evaluating policies, guidelines and procedures that enhances patient care to benefit all stakeholders. Transformational leaders are healthcare professionals whose knowledge and experience are required when policies analysis is needed that may require examination, designing, implementation, and evaluation for a practice change. In healthcare systems globally, transformational leaders are task with ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Public Policy Analysis: Gun Control Essay Public policies are developed in response to the existence of a perceived problem or an opportunity. The analysis delves into a public issue or problem and assesses a set of proposed government action for addressing the issue. The job of the analyst is to describe the background and status of an issue and then, using research and analysis, determine a proper government action to resolve the issue. By comparing options and weighing their expected benefits, the analyst should conclude with a recommended course of action or inaction to addressing the issue. During the problem definition stage, one must realize that "a condition is not a social problem unless it is seen as violating certain fundamental values and beliefs about how society ... Show more content on ... The analyst can also find research reports, identification problems, recommendations for new programs or reform to existing programs, and requests for lobbying activities. Agenda setting has raised the following questions: Who recognizes the issue as being a problem and why is it seen as a problem? The Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the lobbying force of the NRA. "The institute works vigorously to defeat restrictive gun control legislation, pass pro–gun reform legislation, and to educate the public about the facts concerning the many facets of firearms ownership" (NRA, 2011). Is the issue looked at differently by groups with different values? Are public officials interested in responding to the problem and can a public policy be formed to address the problem? Do public officials have the means necessary to carry out a policy response? Has something recently happened to make this issue a problem? How pressing is this problem? How long will it take to respond to the problem? Policy formulation develops policy proposals and goals to resolve the issue and restructure problems. It determines those barriers that may be incurred and what is needed from other agencies or the private sector. Also developed, are methods in which to evaluate how success will be judged and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Park And Recreation Workers Policy Analysis Introduction There are many workers in the nation, many of whom are working in the public sector amongst various specialties, though whether they are a productive worker or are motivated enough to be an effective worker is of question. The policy in mention aims to provide possible solutions to incentivizing workers to increase their productivity, as well as their wellness during the job and in their personal life. The policy will affect those already working and those who are seeking public jobs, for, in the United States, there are approximately 22 million public workers in the nation . On the other hand, the policy will affect tax payers who vote on how to spend their tax dollars. Another key to the policy is allowing the organization to ... Show more content on ... A family–friendly organization allows leniency to those with their families and the problems that arise from a family, but also allow flexibility in the workplace. An instance of why autonomy is left to the individual agency to come up with a solution that fits their needs, is the fact that not all solutions work. In Public Administration Review, Lee and Hong (2011), suggest that a childcare subsidy program, is incredibly beneficial to reducing turnover and increasing agency performance, yet other methods weren't as meaningful . The study also highlights some other alternatives that are just as beneficial, such as adjusting work schedules, paid family time, and working from home. All possibilities that fall within the policy in question, thus all valid suggestions that can be implemented on an agency by agency basis. There are agencies that cannot use some possibilities, such as Fire, Medical, and or Law Enforcement, for they can't work at home, nor can they adjust their schedules ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Monetary Policy And Analysis Of Nash Equilibria Recently, the president of European Central Bank (ECB), Mr Mario Draghi, announced that he is thinking of applying Quantitative Easing (QE) within the Eurozone. Assume that you are a member of the ECB board of governors. Introduction: This essay deals with the economic and financial aspects, why Mr Mario Draghi is willing to make use of Quantitative Easing, as well as pointing out the potential advantages and disadvantages of this monetary policy and analysis of Nash Equilibria. A1) In your view, what could be the reasons behind this decision? Recently, the president of European Central Bank (ECB), Mr Mario Draghi, announced that he is thinking of applying Quantitative Easing (QE) within the Eurozone. Quantitative Easing is a monetary ... Show more content on ... The main objective of Mario Draghi is to inject money directly into the euro–zone economy; hopefully this will boost the economies in the Eurozone if the target of 2% inflation is met. Essentially, if the inflation rate is above 2%, then the Bank will have to reduce the pace of spending and decrease the inflation in order to maintain the 2% criteria. In comparison, if the inflation is below the minimum percentage, it decreases the bank rate to the extent of boost of inflation and spending. Conversely, on behalf of a member of the ECB board of governors, applying quantitative easing within the Eurozone is seen as a very unbalanced approach, unbalanced approach in terms of effecting financial activities and may be beneficial for some countries in the Eurozone. Nevertheless, the Germans may see Quantitative Easing as an ineffective monetary policy regarding that, if the European Central Bank (ECB) purchase governments or corporate bonds from high debt countries then the "German taxpayers will face a risk of having to foot the bill. This occurs if one or more of these countries default on their debt. Also, it will create a loss on the balance sheet of the ECB. The other member countries in the euro zone, especially Germany, will then have to step in to cover the loss" (De Grauwe, 2015). Mario Draghi believes that the programme of bond buying is an important financial approach to circumvent the Eurozone from a deflationary situation. Whereas, the Germans fear ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Ability Of Overcome Degenerative Policy Making Is... The ability to overcome degenerative policy making is through policy analysis which deconstructs policy designs in order to expose degenerative characteristics and deceptions (Schneider & Ingram 1997). Public policy needs to be inclusive and should provide a clear vision of possibilities, explanations of how and why antidemocratic elements are embedded in policy designs, and interpretations of how designs impact democratic life (Schneider & Ingram 1997, 207). According to Stone (2011), knowledge tools reduce the need for coercive action or force because in the rational model, information will resolve conflict between actual behavior and desired behavior. Providing knowledge or educating make it unnecessary to incentivize or sanction the target in order to elicit the desired behavior. Instead, lack of information or capacity is the primary barrier, and once the appropriate information is relayed to the target, the desired behavior will follow (Schneider & Ingram, 1997; Stone, 2011). However, people use a variety of strategies to help their interests and political goals. Critics of rational choice theory contend that people "act largely according to prior attitudes and beliefs rather than new information" (Stone, 2011, p. 314). One must be aware of human and social behavior if they are to try and analyze policy. Schneider & Ingram (1997) identify some general principles (203–206) to look for during policy analysis. Target groups should be constructed across the lines of ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Remote Access Security Policy Analysis Remote Access Security Policy 1) Control Matrix: A listing of the risk and 1 or more countermeasure to address the risk. (200 points) Answer The risks associated with remote access and offsite use of EPHI (Electronic Personal Health Information) can be grouped into three categories: Risks that may occur during: Access Storage and Transmission. Accessing EPHI or Health information ( to view or enter): Risks Countermeasures Brute force user ID and password attacks. Log–on/password information is lost or stolen. This results in improper access, compromising privacy and confidentiality of the data, unauthorized viewing of the data, and tampering of the data. Ensure the strength of the password is strong enough such that it resists brute force attacks. Implement a two–level or multi–level authentication while granting remote access to systems containing EPHI. Generate and use only unique usernames when granting a remote access to a workforce member Unauthorized access to IT systems, applications and EPHI data by employees while working offsite. Conduct security workforce awareness and training program prior to granting remote access. The employees should be granted different levels of access based on their role and job function. Home or other offsite workstations are left unattended which leads to improper access to EPHI. Establish appropriate procedures for session termination. Contamination of systems by infected external device which is used to gain remote access. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Essay about Primary Education in Uganda Primary Education in Uganda – A Policy Analysis Over the past five years, Uganda's education system has proved both effective and successful. Although in the process of further development, it has nonetheless served as a model for many developing African countries. The Ugandan government, with President Yoweri Museveni at its forefront, has determined primary education to be one of the major channels toward poverty eradication and as a vital resource for economic and social development. The Ugandan government has made a national commitment to eradicate illiteracy and educate its citizens through the 1997 initiative, Universal Primary Education (UPE). All levels of government, the private sector, grass– root organizations, local and ... Show more content on ... As a consequence, policy was adopted that would better Uganda's financial position, which led to an emphasis of secondary and higher education in order to fill the demand for "high–level" manpower. (Bell, p. 4) The emphasis soon changed as it was realized by the Commission of Education in Uganda in 1965 that the content and structure of primary school education should also be geared toward meeting the economic needs of the country. P. Beghin wrote in Recent Trends in Primary Education Policy in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, "primary education is no longer regarded as a mere preparation to secondary and higher education. Primary school is, in the view of the Syllabus, a terminal education for a part of the pupils, which at present is actually the majority of them." (1968, pg. 6) From this time, documented Ugandan education policy on issues such as instructional language, examinations, and scientific literacy was expanded and reformed to include primary education. During the political turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s when leadership changed hands, the education system suffered, yet functionally operated by relying on local and regional–based administrators and nation–wide standardization. (Upenn Sas) As the political situation settled in Uganda, education became the new hot topic and was regarded as an issue of international development. President Yoweri Museveni and the National Resistance Movement Government, initiated a review of education policy and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Essay On Stakeholder Analysis Of Delhi's Odd-Even Policy Stakeholder Analysis of the Delhi's Odd Even Policy The implementation of the odd–even policy has directly or indirectly impacted a wide variety of people especially those living in Delhi. Due to the complexity of the demographic structure and transportation system in Delhi, this experiment has drew intense attentions from the public and brought pressure to the government. The citizens in Delhi were highly impacted by this drastic measure. Meanwhile, the high court in Delhi and the Delhi government played the key roles in determining and implementing the policy. It is crucial to understand the role of each stakeholder played in this issue and how well their interests or concerns were addressed. More importantly, studies were made to investigate which stakeholder has a higher level of influence in the policy making and implementation process. This will provide important insights to the future implementation of the policy as revealed by the government earlier. Therefore, this paper has carefully examined the interests of three main stakeholders groups (residents in Delhi including the minorities, Delhi government and the High Court), the impacts of policy on each group and their level of influence in this policy. Citizen in the capital is the largest stakeholder group in this experiment. Residents in Delhi played the key roles in ensuring the success of the experiment. Without the cooperation given by the residents, the experiment will not be able to carry out smoothly and ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Criminal Justice Policy Analysis The assumption one may hold regarding policy–making in criminal justice is that individuals are well–informed about conviction rates as well as arrests, which influences changes in the criminal justice system. However, such assumption raises doubts on the severity of punishment. Further, perceived probability of arrest is related to subsequent criminal behavior. Such an argument is based on the belief that people with lower perceived probabilities of arrest are more likely to get involved in crime during subsequent periods. Policy–Making Policy making refers to the process of making plans for action, deciding, and identifying different alternatives, for instance, spending priorities or programs, by policy makers depending on what they consider ... Show more content on ... Further, the policy makers may also determine the consequences and costs of the policy and identify whether such policy did solve a different problem that originally intended or if it achieved its goals at a reasonable cost. The policy analysis process safeguards against harm to the people by ensuring that the policy made does not affect them negatively. Perceptions Compared to the Definitions in the Readings According to the readings, the definitions of policy–making and policy analysis are detailed with a focus on why, what, how, and when they can be applied to the policy process. However, one may give definitions that are general and majoring on the overview of the terms. However, the text provides clear relationship on policy–making and policy analysis and how they work together. Additionally, the definitions provide a clear beginning point for the application of the terms in real life in addition to supporting facts that the terms may be defined by an individual who is not conversant with the criminal justice field. Examples of Criminal Justice ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Policy Analysis : Social Learning And Instrumental Learning Policy Analysis May (1992) harmonizes with Majone and Wildavsky (1984) on the fact that policy learning is desired for policy debate as analysis. Based on the information provided by Majone and Wildavsky (1984), the process of policy analysis should lead to a more sophisticated comprehension of public policies. Founding on this, public administrators can learn through engaging in the policy analysis and use this information to influence and inform future policies. May (1992) elucidates that there are two forms of policy learning: social learning and instrumental learning. Social learning pertains to lessons regarding the social construction related to policy problems, while instrumental learning is about the viability of the implementation designs or policy instrument (May, 1992). Through the learning process, public administrators can come of theories summarizing the ideas and theories that are important in the policy process. Pralle (2006) concurs with May (1992) by reinforcing the fact that policy principles are guidelines, beliefs, and core values that play a significant role in directing the policy making process. Consequently, the policymakers' and the public's emergence and reception of new principles can be an indispensable source of policy change. The policy learning process can provide information about these policy principles. Aside from this, the policy process can lead to the formulation of informed and effective policies. Nonetheless, the contradictory ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Policy Analysis : Analysis Of Influeutical Monopolies Policy Analysis Employing big–scale medical patenting legislation to fight abusive pharmaceutical monopolies (like discussed in the third perspective of the Literature Analysis and the second article in the Media Analysis) is not a new trend. These powerful laws have been around since the late 1900s, starting with the prominent Bayh–Doyle Act of 1980 that allowed the government to exercise "march–in rights". The next milestone bill was the Leahy–Smith America Invents Act (AIA) of 2011, or the "Patent Reform Act", which regulates patents of all industries and "represents the first major legislative adjustment to the U.S. patent system in decades" (Dobson). This demonstrates the symbolic purpose of this bill of bringing hope to ... Show more content on ... In these letters, the AMA frequently suggested why certain amendments of the 2011 act should fit protocol and ___________. Finally, the political stream of this act refers to party alliances on an issue and voices of oppositional advocacy groups, like Gilead. Pertaining to this stream, the AIA act was a bi–partisan act passed with an overwhelming majority. Both political parties, Democrats and Republicans, believed that reform in the patent industry was important, because "this legislation [was] a key component for both Democratic and Republican jobs agendas" (Press Release). This Obama–administered law negatively affected the entire patenting industry and major oppositional advocacy groups, like Gilead (as discussed in the CNN article in the Media Analysis), fought the change so that the "final" determination may be reconsidered [14] and then still appealed in court" (Morales). This quotation from Morales highlights the web of interactions between political parties and major oppositional advocacy groups in the political stream to help shape policy. Based on the roll out of this social condition, one can see that the target population is the group of people affected by the bill. Despite diversified agendas of the three streams, all the activists and ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Policy And Procedure Analysis Assignment Policy and Procedure Analysis Assignment Policy and procedure make an organization have a framework of how to operate and meet its goal. Policies are principles, rules and guidelines adopted by an organization to reach its long term goals (business dictionary). Sullivan (2013) states that policies are decisions that govern action and determine an organization's relationship, activities and goals. They help make sure that plans and ideas of the organization are being followed and do achieve the set goals. One policy in my health care facility that needs updating is the attendance policy. This is because the current policy does not hold the employees accountable when they call in. which make employees to call in most of ... Show more content on ... First I have to discuss my points and ideas with her and have the necessary information needed to show her that the current policy does not work very well in our organization. Then she human resources have to be involved, after they reviewed my information then all information will be sent to cooperate for more review and approval if necessary. How to implement and evaluate change Once my recommendations are accepted by the administrator and human recourses and we get approval from the corporate office. Cooperate will create a new handbook that details new policy and procedure. I would then recommend we hold an in service to discuss the changes that would be coming. This meeting would include all employees at the center including full time and part time employees. The new policy and procedure would be discussed in detail and each employee would be required to sign a document that states that he or she has received the new policy and understands what is required. I will preferred to evaluate my intervention quarterly based on the quality of care improvement, patients outcomes and employees ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. Child Welfare System: A Social Policy Analysis The lives of all individuals are impacted by social policies that have been designed and validated in the past along with new social policies that are created and enacted in the current time, and the social policies that will continue to be produced and authorized in the future to meet the ever changing needs of individuals around the world. "Social policies are the laws, rules, and regulations that govern the benefits and services provided by the government and private organizations to assist people in meeting their needs" (Chapin, 2014, p.2). A social policy may impact an individual directly or indirectly depending on the need of the individual. A social policy may impact a large population or a much smaller population depending on the need ... Show more content on ... The CAPTA attempts to ensure that those needs are met by parents for children. In addition, CAPTA assists states and private organizations in identifying, investigating, and preventing child abuse and neglect ensuring that accusations of child abuse and neglect are properly investigated to meet the wellbeing and safety needs of all children. The policy goals of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act is "To strengthen the identification, reporting, and investigation of child maltreatment. To monitor research and publish information about child abuse and neglect" (Chapin, 2014, p. 373). The Department of Health & Human Services identifies the purpose of the Child Abuse and Prevention and Treatment Act is, "To support community–based efforts to develop, operate, expand, enhance, and coordinate initiatives, programs, and activities to prevent child abuse and neglect and to support the coordination of resources and activities, to better strengthen and support families to reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect; and to foster an understanding, appreciation, and knowledge of diverse populations in order to be effective in preventing and treating child abuse and neglect" (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). Overall the child welfare system is specifically addressing the ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Public Policy Analysis And Management Should Be My Next Step During an economics lectures the professor said to my class " I do not know whether the increasing income inequality is an issue or not". I was perplexed. I thought the goal of Economics, as a social science, was to achieve the maximum welfare of people by using all the resources most efficiently. So how is income inequality that renders many people worse off, not an issue? I knew he did not state his opinion to avoid introducing his bias. However, if everyone in the world were to keep their understanding of justice and inequality to themselves without a meaningful dialogue, no societal issue would gain attention or action. Realizing that I want to be equipped with tools necessary to take appropriate measures when welfare of individuals is ... Show more content on ... They showed me that scientific methods involving quantitative and qualitative work could result in working solutions to some of the most complex and pressing problems of our time. Chandra Talpade Mohanty's writings like Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses (1984) provided me a theoretical understanding of my experiences as a transnational feminist and find my voice in discussions of global relevance. My mentors at Iowa State University further encouraged my interest in policy formulation by exposing me to a host of socio–economic issues and conflicts through their teachings. It is during the last three years of my undergraduate college career that I became confident about my decision to pursue Public Policy. On the recommendation of Dr. Teshome, a professor of Women's Studies and Anthropology, I opted to take a graduate level Anthropology course called Global Development. For this course, I read various development theories in the context of social, political and economic disparities in the world. We discussed the ramifications of certain development policies implemented in the global south. These theoretical texts along with real case studies captured my interest in policy formulation and the role of gender in development. I presented my final project on feminist critiques of some conventional ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Policy and Pestle Analysis PESTLE Analysis A PESTLE analysis for Mydin must consider all the important external factors impacting on the company. These factors may have political, economic, social and culture, technological, legal or environmental dimensions. These forces, although out of the company's control, may have an impact on the success of any future plans. By considering them, a company can change direction, build contingencies, identify new opportunities or do nothing at all. It is an important part in the strategic decision making. Political analysis The political analysis must include the impact of local and national government, and the international situation. The Economic analysis needs to investigate the influences of the stock market and ... Show more content on ... Current trend indicate that customers have moved towards 'one–stop' and 'bulk' shopping, which is due to a variety of social changes. Mydin have, therefore, increased the amount of non–food items available for sale. Demographic changes such as the aging population, an increase in female workers and a decline in home meal preparation mean that Mydin are also focusing on added–value products and services. In addition, the focus is now towards; the own–label share of the business mix, the supply chain and other operational improvements, which can drive costs out of the business. National retailers are increasingly reticent to take on new suppliers (Clarke, Bennison and Guy, 1994; Datamonitor Report, 2003). The type of goods and services demanded by consumers is a function of their social conditioning and their consequent attitudes and beliefs. One example of Mydin adapting its product mix is to accommodate an increased demand for organic products. Technological factors Technological factors are usually easier to spot, because new technologies involve change, and change is always noticed. For instance, online shopping has had a major impact on Mydin's recent success. Conversely, The change created by technological advances often lead to legal problems, which is why legal analysis is always an important part of a PESTLE analysis. Legislative factors
  • 66. Various ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Policy Making Analysis The first three chapters of the Introduction to the Policy Process talks about how our society makes policy and how different events in the country's history can have drastic effects on policy, and how these different kinds of policy's can have an effect on the American people as well. In this country policy making has been there from the start after the signing of the Declaration of Independence and our separation from Great Britain. The readings mention what policy is and its purpose in our government and the population at large, why policy making is important to study, the elements of the policy making system, the different environments that can affect policy, and the historical and structural contexts of policy making in this country. ... Show more content on ... One thing that the readings mentions that when we look at the policy making process, we should look at the separation of powers. The separation of powers in our government, is the balance that was put in place so that no branch has too much power, and that each branch can override a decision, that one branch makes when it comes to policy. The three branches are the executive branch, which deals with the president, the legislative branch which deals with the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the Judicial Branch, which deals with the Supreme Court. Each branch has a separate job to do, and can influence policy in different ways. For example, the Supreme Court had overruled a policy that had said that schools could separate kids due to the color of the skin. The Famous court case of Brown v. Board of Education changed this policy and allowed kids to go to the same school, regardless of the color of their skin. Many people across the country knew that the separate schools policy was wrong and the government did nothing to change it for many years. The court case changed this and overruled a policy that had been put in place many years ago and created a new policy in its ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Essay on QNT 562 Wk 3 DQ s Research Methods for Public Administrators, Ch. 6 (p. 172–211) Reference: O'Sullivan, E., Rassel, G. R., & Berner, M. (2008). Research methods for public administrators (5th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman. Research Methods for Public Administrators, Ch. 7 (p. 212–247) How to create a Survey Instrument? Class, What, in your opinion, are the most important rules to observe when creating a survey instrument? Why do you consider these to be the most important factors in survey construction? According to O'Sullivan, Rassel, and Berner (2008), "Questionnaire writing involves deciding what variables to measure; writing questions that accurately and adequately measure the variables; assembling the questions in a logical order on a ... Show more content on ... 172). The relationship between the research design and data collection is dynamic, and the surveys purpose could have some influence on the type of survey model used. If there are problems in the collection of information the design can be changed. That is when the type of survey can be considered to decide if they should use face–to–face, telephone, or mailed surveys. According to O'Sullivan, Rassel, and Berner (2008), "respondents may ignore questionnaires that seem biased," and "respondents' perception of a built–in bias may largely center on the appropriateness of the response categories" (p. 179). Reference: O'Sullivan, E., Rassel, G. R., & Berner, M. (2008). Research methods for public administrators (5th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman. Research Methods for Public Administrators, Ch. 8 (p. 248–269) Interviewing Human Subjects Class, what are the steps researchers need to take in interviewing human subjects? Please take a look at following example: Assume that the director at a daycare center for children of welfare mothers hears from researchers who want to conduct studies at the center. She asks you to suggest criteria for deciding whether or not to cooperate with a researcher. Identify the major criteria the director of the daycare center should adopt, and indicate why each is important. The Common Rule for the protection of human subjects was published in 1991. It states that a requirement for every institution who ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Analysis Of Policy And Procedure Analysis Assignment Policy and Procedure Analysis Assignment Samwel Rorya Southwestern College Professional Studies NURS: Nursing Leadership and Management Instructor: Rhnae Steddum July 19, 2015 Policy and Procedure Analysis Assignment Policy and procedure make an organization have a framework of how to operate and meet its goal. Policies are principles, rules and guidelines adopted by an organization to reach its long term goals (business dictionary). Sullivan (2013), states that policies are decisions that govern action and determine an organization's relationship, activities and goals. They help make sure that plans and ideas of the organization are being followed and they do achieve the set goals. One policy in my health care ... Show more content on ... I would have the necessary information needed to show her that the current policy does not work very well. I would discuss the problems that are associated with English only policy, this would include concerns voiced by other employees, and show her the standard of care is not the same when we don't have enough staff due to employee quitting because of this policy. Another concern is legal issues employees can sue the organization for discrimination issues. I would also encourage other team leaders voice their concerns and discuss possible solutions. Once my recommendations are accepted by the administrator and we get approval from the corporate office. I would create a handbook that details my policy and procedure. I would then recommend we hold an in service to discuss the changes that would be coming. This meeting would include all employees at the center including full time and part time employees. The new policy and procedure would be discussed in detail and each employee would be required to sign a document that states that he or she has received the new policy and understands what is ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Analysis : Monetary And Fiscal Policy Monetary and Fiscal Policy Fiscal Policy The three member governments in NAFTA have implemented contractionary fiscal policies to achieve a solid fiscal position. These policies include a tax reform to expand the revenue base and to offset the income loss from the declining tariff collection. There has been an increase in employment, output, and aggregate demand so contractionary fiscal policies have been established. Since free trade has lowered tax collection, the governments' have had to entail tax increases which include personal and corporate taxes. These tax increases have restrained economic activity and allowed the circular flow of income in the economy to balance itself by reducing aggregate demand. This reduction in aggregate ... Show more content on ... Therefore, something needs to be done because a family should not be spending more money on taxes than on basic living. This is where the North American governments' contractionary fiscal policies are necessary to amass the tax revenue that was previously generated through foreign trade. Monetary Policy To maintain a balanced and successful economy, the North American member governments have used contractionary monetary policies. All the major banks throughout the NAFTA nations decrease the money supply by increasing the overnight lending rate. This causes interest rates to rise either directly or through the increase in the supply of bonds on the open market through sales by the Fed or by banks. This increase leads to a reduction in the price for bonds, which will be bought by foreign investors, thus, increasing the value and demand of the domestic currency and decreasing the value and demand of the foreign currency. This in turn makes domestic products more expensive abroad and foreign products cheaper domestically, causing more foreign products to be sold domestically and less domestic products sold abroad. As a result, there is a higher exchange rate. The higher exchange rate causes exports to decrease, imports to increase as well as the balance of trade to decrease, moving the aggregate demand curve down. However, when imports exceed exports, there is a trade deficit, meaning that there is an outflow of domestic currency to foreign ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. United States Foreign Policy Analysis The United States must have a solid international relations and an effective domestic policy in order for the country to be well off and protected from any sorts of extortions. International relations and United States foreign policy are different from domestic polices and policymaking. Foreign policy is a way for the government to deliberate interactions with other nations, but they usually work in a way to fulfill their own objective. Domestic focuses more with policies that affects our country, such as taxes and healthcare. With domestic policies, government officials decide on its activities. On the other hand, foreign deals with policies that allocates with how our nation interacts with the rest of the world, such as war on terror, ... Show more content on ... The scale of American military authority, as well as our country's ability to deploy and use these resources, is way beyond degree of any present or potential enemy (Greenberg & Page, 2014). Due to our high budget spending in defense, the United States have exceeded other countries such as China, France, Germany, Italy, and others in warfare. It is important because the military is our security against our rivals. The more money that is involved with the military will only help strengthen our nation and protection for the citizens of the United States. The military is what protects us from hostile actions from any type of guerilla or terrorists threats. The United States should use its positions as the major world power to influence international relations so it could be idolized on the security of their nation, since we do exceed our budget on ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Unilateralist Foreign Policy Analysis Firstly, it's vital to be familiar with that U.S. pursues a unilateralist foreign policy since post WWII. The U.S. has an interest of "maintaining geopolitical stability is predicated on its being a superpower with global economic interests. The U.S. aims to act unilaterally by maintaining a force structure that can conduct simultaneous expeditionary military operations in widely separated theaters around the world against multiple adversaries who may not even be natural allies" (Liu). The core of the foreign policy as Dobriansky describes it as the "pursuit of our goals, our first imperative is to clarify what we stand for: the United States must defend liberty and justice because these principles are right and true for all people everywhere" ... Get more on ...