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Greetings from  Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant Pastor    William "
 Bower Worship Leader : Pastor  Bob Temple Music:    Johnny Edwards   JOIN US THS SUNDAY   September  2009   SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY TIME AT 10 A.M. How Do You Gain Wisdom - Proverbs   SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP AND TEACHING Romans 1 - Introduction to the Good News  Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant   SUNDAN EVENING BIBLE FELLOWSHIP AND TEACHING Philippians 2   WEDNESDAY EVENING PRAYER AND TEACHING OF THE WORD  6:45 Music  7:00 Teaching  MAN IS A PROCESS OF EVOLUTION OR A CREATON OF GOD  1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 1:27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:26-27   SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY   10 A.M.  BOOK OF PROVERBS. Sunday Morning Worship Hour 11 A.M. Charles E. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher left0 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called `to be' an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 1:2 which he promised afore through his prophets in the holy scriptures, 1:3 concerning his Son, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 1:4 who was declared `to be' the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead; `even' Jesus Christ our Lord, 1:5 through whom we received grace and apostleship, unto obedience of faith among all the nations, for his name's sake; 1:6 among whom are ye also called `to be' Jesus Christ's: 1:7 To all that are in Rome, beloved of God, called `to be' saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Romans 1:1-7 SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00 P.M   Charles E. Whisnant 2:1 If there is therefore any exhortation in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassions, 2:2 make full my joy, that ye be of the same mind, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind; 2:3 `doing' nothing through faction or through vainglory, but in lowliness of mind each counting other better than himself; 2:4 not looking each of you to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others. 2:5 Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:  Philippians 2:1-5 YOU CAN WATCH SEVERAL VIDEO MESSAGES THAT PASTOR/TEACHER CHARLES WHISNANT HAS PREACHED AT RIVERS OF JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, IN MINFORD, OHIO. ON GROWBYLEARNING.COM.   CHECK OUT VIDEO OF THE MESSAGES ON THE BLOG ON THIS SITE    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for your visit to the site.  My name is Charles E. Whisnant.  Rivers of Joy Baptist Church called me to be their pastor/teacher June 27, 2008. Bill Bower became  one of our asso.  pastors January 2009, and Bob Temple, Sr,  came on board in March 2009.  And as of 2009 Charles Whisnant, Bill Bower, and Bill  Aldridge and Bob Temple made up our church leadership (elders) team.  Also Johnny Edwards is on our team in the music. Johnny has been a preacher/music evangelist for a number of years.  So we are blessed to have these preachers in our church to provide teaching and biblical counseling,  and ministry to the members of our church. FOOTNOTE:  I am the protector of this site, and check every person who is a "
. No one will get pass me, hopeful. THE PURPOSE THAT AS A PREACHER WE TRY TO ACCOMPLISH IN OUR PREACHING    Thus Experimental Preaching has a 4-fold concern: 1. First, there is concern to bring the objective truth of God's Word to bear on people's hearts.It is not preaching of someone's personal experiences, or storytelling, or giving of one's testimony, but the preaching of biblical truth from the Bible as your the sole authority. Proclaim the whole counsel of God's Word whether people want to hear it or not. Truth is never to be preached in a vacuum. You must address their whole person - mind first, and through the mind, the conscience, the affections, and the will. 2. Second, there is a concern to address people's experience of the truth under consideration.We must do this whether their experience is right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, biblical or unbiblical, godly or ungodly. We must take the realities of peoples lives seriously and relates to their actual experiences (joys, sorrows, hopes, fears, aspirations, and disappointments). They sense the relevancy of the Word of God and leave feeling that the preacher has spoken to exactly their situation. 3. Third, there is a concern to lead people to an experience of the transforming power and grace of God in regard to that truth. Preaching that only gives out knowledge could better serve the people by handing the an USB drive for them to take home and read. The aim must be to give is to give them a knowledge of the truth that leads them to encounter the God of truth himself. People ought to have a presence of God and a glimpse of his majesty and glory. This makes preaching theocentric (God-centered), not anthropocentric (man-centered). The preacher's desire is that people will be enabled by the Spirit to experience something of the grace , glory and power of God. Preaching out to uplife, ennoble and inspire them as they are drawn into the presence of God Himself. This also makes the preaching Christocentric (Christ-centered) because only in Christ can a person have access to God, and only in him can they find grace to help thm in their time of needs. Such preaching must also be Pneumocentric (Spirit-centered) . It is utterly dependent on and deeply conscious of the empower, transforming, sanctifying work of the Spirit. Without this there can be no encounter with the living God. 4. Finally, experimental preaching is marked by a concern to stimulate greater godliness in the hearer.Godliness, in all its fullness, is the end goal of such preaching. It aims to bring people nearer to God, give them a deeper and truer knowledge of Him, urge them toward greater conformity to His will, and enable them to serve Him more fully and consistently in their daily lives.    CHECK PASTOR/TEACHER CHARLES' BLOGGER GrowByLearning and Website GrowbyLearning.  Two websites filled with articles and photos.   A brief backgrown of the Rivers of Joy Quentin King, founder of Portsmouth Baptist Church 50 years ago, started the ROJ B in 1992 with a group of people who had previously been members of his church at PBC.  Then Kelly Cinereski came as pastor for a few years, then he left. For a period of 18 months the church had tried to come to an agreement on a pastor with no success.  One young man  Bud Patrict tried for a  time to work with the church.   Finally after loss of membership and near closing its doors, and after Bob Temple came to help out, and ask me to come with him, I preached for three weeks in July, and then the church voted Charles Whisnant as pastor/teacher of the church. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT  We are still Baptist, but we are under a new system of operating the church. We are still independent, we are not with any fellowship. We still preach from the KJV but we do not believe 1611 or any of the other dozen versions of KJV is the only word of God has for the Christians. We believe that we can use other translations that or translation from the original Hebrew and Greek. We are not a pastor control church, we have a group of godly Pastors/Elders who direct the church.  Charles Whisnant, Bill Bower, Bob Temple and Bill Aldridge We believe the preaching of the Gospel should include the whole word of God. We believe that the preaching should be expository rejoice preaching/teaching.  Preaching is to include teaching of the text. We teach from one book of the Bible at a time. While we do not have altar calls or invitation at the end of the service, we believe each person should respond in their spirit to the message and worship. Our primary purpose as a church, is to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to preach and teach the Gospel and the whole Bible.   We believe in reaching people with the Word of God, yet at the same time, we focus on each member of the church for discipleship. Now it has been a year in July that we came to ROJBC  and we are doing just great.  We have a  few new members, and are rebuilding and reestablishing the ministry under new management.  As you read the purposes and goals and objectives of the church, I hope you will visit us sometime.  Joining us in the last year: Charles and Charity Whisnant Bill and Mary Bower Pauline Lemaster Richard Lemaster  Kindra Tumbston John and Peggy Hall John Hall Jr. Bob Temple  The Great Commission 16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in [2] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” If I have observed anything by experience, it is this: a man may take the measure of his growth and decay in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ, and the glory of Christ’s Kingdom, and of His love.”- John Owen, Check out the Pastor/Teacher's  web sites:  Check out our website  GROWBYLEARNING  Sound biblical preaching does the following nine things that individual Bible reading, memorization, and meditation does not: Good preaching rescues us from our self-deceptions and blind spots, for left to ourselves we tend to ignore the very things in God's Word that we most need to see.  Preaching brings us before God's Word in the special presence of the Holy Spirit, who indwells the gathered church.  Good preaching challenges us to do things we otherwise would not and gives us the will to do them.  Good preaching brings us into the place of corporate obedience rather than merely individual obedience.  Good preaching contributes to spiritual humility by disciplining us to sit under the teaching, correction, and exhortation of another human. Relying on ourselves alone for food from the Word can lead to a spirit of arrogance and spiritual independence.  Good preaching gives a place for a spiritually qualified person to protect believers from dangerous error.  Preaching and listening is a uniquely embodied, physical act. It literally puts us into the habit of having "
ears that hear."
 There is something to be said for this physical act of listening and heeding.  Good preaching does what most Christians are not gifted, trained, or time-endowed to do: interpret a text in context, distill the theological truths that are universally true, and apply those truths in a particular time and place to particular people in a particular church—all this with the help of resources informed by 2,000 years of the Church's study that average Christians do not own.  Listening to preaching has a much lower threshold of difficulty for almost all people.  THE IDEA BEHIND TEACHING/PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD  When we preach our task includes the need to make a string of words clear.  We don’t have to start with an uncial script, but to all intents and purposes, we practically are.  Listeners hearing a string of verses often grasp very little first time through.  As we preach we look for ways to emphasize the main thoughts, we look for ways to demonstrate how the “support material” in the text explains, proves and/or applies the main thoughts.  Without technical jargon, our preaching needs to verbally achieve the formation of something like a clausal layout in the minds and hearts of our listeners.  Certainly, by the time we are done preaching, they should not see the text as a string of random words or thoughts . . . it should be much clearer than that! THIS WEEK Bible Fellowship at 10 a.m.   Worship at 11:00 a.m.  Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant teachingSunday Evening Service at 6:00 P.M. Our Ten Objectives as a church to seek to Accomplish  To guide each individual to put his full faith and trust In the Lord Jesus Christ and to love Him with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. Romans 10:9  2To build Christ's character in individuals, In marriages and In families so that we will be above reproach and an advertisement for the Christian faith. Colossians 1:28,29  3To teach every man how to delight In and meet the needs of his wife with the same sort of love that Christ gave to the church when He sacrificed Himself for her. Ephesians 5:25  4To teach every wife how to love her husband and children, how to be discreet, pure in mind; how to manage her own home, and how to adapt to her own husband so that the Christian faith cannot be spoken against by those who know them. Titus 2:4,5  5To turn the heart of every father toward his sons and daughters in order to teach them Scriptural principles on how to be successful persons, partners and parents. Malachi 4:6  6To demonstrate our love for the Lord and our loyalty to each other by giving only a good report of each other unless we follow Matthew 18 in the spirit of restoring rather than exposing. Galatians 6:1  7To explain and apply God's principles of finances In the church and in each family so that God can provide specific direction and illustrate His supernatural power. Malachi 3:10; Luke 16:11,12  8To motivate women to a life of godliness and faithfulness by providing meaningful ministries and financial assistance for. them when they are older and without husband or relatives who can support them. I Timothy 5  9To help each Christian discover his spiritual gift and assist him to exercise his gift in expressing God's love to the members of the body of Christ. I Corinthians 12; Romans 12; Ephesians 4  10To train each Christian to edify one another and make the church strong by sharing with each other what God is doing in each life. Ephesians 5:19 WHAT KIND OF CHURCH IS RIVERS OF JOY BAPTIST CHURCH Our past is our past. We desire to start a new beginning. We are still a Baptist Church.  The difference is the style of ministry we desire to have.  The style of ministry starts with the pastor.  We have the same church building, some of the same people, the differences will be seen in the preaching and teaching, and the methodology of ministry.  As pastor/teacher I take a different approach to ministry.  FIRST:   Preaching and teaching is first and foremost  is my objective.  Currently I am preaching from First Thessalonians (note the oulines on the blogs)  and Philippians. Primarily I give the interpretation of the verses I am teaching from. My objective is to tell you what the passage of Scripture is saying to us.  SECOND:  THE PASTOR/TEACHER:  Teacher, counselor, shepherd, equipper to the local body of believers in the church.  Ephesians 4:11-16 is our objective as a Pastor, Preacher, and Teacher.THIRD:  THE LOCAL CHURCH PURPOSE:  Prinarly: exalting Christ, what God says rather than what we thinking others will think. The HEAD OF THE CHURCH:  Jesus Christ, the Whole Word of God, not the Church CONSTITUTION.  MEMBERS:  Every member is equal in importance, and those who are members are those who attend the local church on a regular basis.FOURTH:  BASIC MINISTRY: Eqipping, training, meeting needs, rather than conducting services.FIFTH:  PRIMARY CONCERNS:  God's glory and people.  We desire to grow in attendance and have a nice building and great singing, and reaching those who are not saved, or don't go to church, but not by means of entertainment or evangelism in the services. But rather to stimlulate to love and good deeds, encourage and equip the saints.SIXTH:  WHAT YOU WANT SEE US DOING:  Begging, pleading, sweet-talking, high pressure.  SEVEN: WHAT YOU WILL SEE US USE:  The Word, prayer, Holy Spirit, Spiritual gifts, and ministries, and trusting God to raise gifted individuals, faithful, available, teachable people. Determine needs, then TRUST GOD to work through HIS people. THE AIM OF RIVERS OF JOY BAPTIST CHURCH   The aim is to understand the biblical principles and practices for the promotion of God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Gospel growth, as opposed to the kind of things often vended as key to "
church growth. "
We should be interested in growth, not mesmerized by it. Who wouldn't want to see an increase in numbers and budgets. But there's growth and there's growth.. Understanding what the New Testament means by growth, and how that growth happens, is what we need to know. What are the principles and practices that will lead the church to the advancement of God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, and Gospel growth? How are we to understand Christ's blueprint for the church practices? How does scripture speak of growth?We need to be sure that our interpretive methods of Scripture will lead us to and not  misrepresent the intention of the text. The book of Acts does speak of growth in members of the church. "
Daily Christ added to the church."
 The biblical purposes that God designed the church to fulfill.We discover the intentions of the church in the Word rather than create them ourselves. This calls us to a submission to Scripture. And that submission will lead us to a commitment to thoroughly evangelical doctrine. There is to be a common commitment to every-member ministry, to conversion growth, to making membership more meaningful by using the church covenants, to church discipline, to the continued growth and up-building of the church, to fellowship with one another, and the building up of each member, and the training and disciplining of each member to be full grown saints (Eph 4:12-19)We need to be careful that we don't use statistics as a barometer of God's blessings. Growth in new converts and new members are biblical. "
Daily the Lord added to the church.'Ligon Duncan said, "
Liberalism says that the gospel won't work unless the message is changed. Some evangelicals’ say that the gospel won't work unless the method is changed. But biblical Christianity believes that the gospel will work, and that God has given us both the message and the method."
 Thus we need a right view of the message and the method in which to model that message.In our desire to see Christ bring His own to Himself in our church, we need to model a local church ministry that reflects a Biblical Model.   Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant – Rivers of Joy Baptist Church - 2009 Asso. Pastor  Bill Bower Asso. Pastor Bob Temple Elder: Bob Alridge   
Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material
Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material
Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material
Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material
Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material
Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material
Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material
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Rivers Of Joy MyChurch material

  • 1. Greetings from Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant Pastor    William " Bill" Bower Worship Leader : Pastor  Bob Temple Music:    Johnny Edwards  JOIN US THS SUNDAY  September 2009   SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY TIME AT 10 A.M. How Do You Gain Wisdom - Proverbs   SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP AND TEACHING Romans 1 - Introduction to the Good News Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant   SUNDAN EVENING BIBLE FELLOWSHIP AND TEACHING Philippians 2   WEDNESDAY EVENING PRAYER AND TEACHING OF THE WORD 6:45 Music 7:00 Teaching MAN IS A PROCESS OF EVOLUTION OR A CREATON OF GOD 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 1:27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:26-27   SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY  10 A.M.  BOOK OF PROVERBS. Sunday Morning Worship Hour 11 A.M. Charles E. Whisnant, Pastor/Teacher left0 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called `to be' an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 1:2 which he promised afore through his prophets in the holy scriptures, 1:3 concerning his Son, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 1:4 who was declared `to be' the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead; `even' Jesus Christ our Lord, 1:5 through whom we received grace and apostleship, unto obedience of faith among all the nations, for his name's sake; 1:6 among whom are ye also called `to be' Jesus Christ's: 1:7 To all that are in Rome, beloved of God, called `to be' saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 1:1-7 SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00 P.M   Charles E. Whisnant 2:1 If there is therefore any exhortation in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassions, 2:2 make full my joy, that ye be of the same mind, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind; 2:3 `doing' nothing through faction or through vainglory, but in lowliness of mind each counting other better than himself; 2:4 not looking each of you to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others. 2:5 Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Philippians 2:1-5 YOU CAN WATCH SEVERAL VIDEO MESSAGES THAT PASTOR/TEACHER CHARLES WHISNANT HAS PREACHED AT RIVERS OF JOY BAPTIST CHURCH, IN MINFORD, OHIO. ON GROWBYLEARNING.COM.   CHECK OUT VIDEO OF THE MESSAGES ON THE BLOG ON THIS SITE   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for your visit to the site.  My name is Charles E. Whisnant.  Rivers of Joy Baptist Church called me to be their pastor/teacher June 27, 2008. Bill Bower became  one of our asso.  pastors January 2009, and Bob Temple, Sr,  came on board in March 2009.  And as of 2009 Charles Whisnant, Bill Bower, and Bill  Aldridge and Bob Temple made up our church leadership (elders) team.  Also Johnny Edwards is on our team in the music. Johnny has been a preacher/music evangelist for a number of years.  So we are blessed to have these preachers in our church to provide teaching and biblical counseling,  and ministry to the members of our church. FOOTNOTE:  I am the protector of this site, and check every person who is a " friend" . No one will get pass me, hopeful. THE PURPOSE THAT AS A PREACHER WE TRY TO ACCOMPLISH IN OUR PREACHING   Thus Experimental Preaching has a 4-fold concern: 1. First, there is concern to bring the objective truth of God's Word to bear on people's hearts.It is not preaching of someone's personal experiences, or storytelling, or giving of one's testimony, but the preaching of biblical truth from the Bible as your the sole authority. Proclaim the whole counsel of God's Word whether people want to hear it or not. Truth is never to be preached in a vacuum. You must address their whole person - mind first, and through the mind, the conscience, the affections, and the will. 2. Second, there is a concern to address people's experience of the truth under consideration.We must do this whether their experience is right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, biblical or unbiblical, godly or ungodly. We must take the realities of peoples lives seriously and relates to their actual experiences (joys, sorrows, hopes, fears, aspirations, and disappointments). They sense the relevancy of the Word of God and leave feeling that the preacher has spoken to exactly their situation. 3. Third, there is a concern to lead people to an experience of the transforming power and grace of God in regard to that truth. Preaching that only gives out knowledge could better serve the people by handing the an USB drive for them to take home and read. The aim must be to give is to give them a knowledge of the truth that leads them to encounter the God of truth himself. People ought to have a presence of God and a glimpse of his majesty and glory. This makes preaching theocentric (God-centered), not anthropocentric (man-centered). The preacher's desire is that people will be enabled by the Spirit to experience something of the grace , glory and power of God. Preaching out to uplife, ennoble and inspire them as they are drawn into the presence of God Himself. This also makes the preaching Christocentric (Christ-centered) because only in Christ can a person have access to God, and only in him can they find grace to help thm in their time of needs. Such preaching must also be Pneumocentric (Spirit-centered) . It is utterly dependent on and deeply conscious of the empower, transforming, sanctifying work of the Spirit. Without this there can be no encounter with the living God. 4. Finally, experimental preaching is marked by a concern to stimulate greater godliness in the hearer.Godliness, in all its fullness, is the end goal of such preaching. It aims to bring people nearer to God, give them a deeper and truer knowledge of Him, urge them toward greater conformity to His will, and enable them to serve Him more fully and consistently in their daily lives.   CHECK PASTOR/TEACHER CHARLES' BLOGGER GrowByLearning and Website GrowbyLearning.  Two websites filled with articles and photos.  A brief backgrown of the Rivers of Joy Quentin King, founder of Portsmouth Baptist Church 50 years ago, started the ROJ B in 1992 with a group of people who had previously been members of his church at PBC.  Then Kelly Cinereski came as pastor for a few years, then he left. For a period of 18 months the church had tried to come to an agreement on a pastor with no success.  One young man  Bud Patrict tried for a  time to work with the church.  Finally after loss of membership and near closing its doors, and after Bob Temple came to help out, and ask me to come with him, I preached for three weeks in July, and then the church voted Charles Whisnant as pastor/teacher of the church. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We are still Baptist, but we are under a new system of operating the church. We are still independent, we are not with any fellowship. We still preach from the KJV but we do not believe 1611 or any of the other dozen versions of KJV is the only word of God has for the Christians. We believe that we can use other translations that or translation from the original Hebrew and Greek. We are not a pastor control church, we have a group of godly Pastors/Elders who direct the church.  Charles Whisnant, Bill Bower, Bob Temple and Bill Aldridge We believe the preaching of the Gospel should include the whole word of God. We believe that the preaching should be expository rejoice preaching/teaching.  Preaching is to include teaching of the text. We teach from one book of the Bible at a time. While we do not have altar calls or invitation at the end of the service, we believe each person should respond in their spirit to the message and worship. Our primary purpose as a church, is to worship the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to preach and teach the Gospel and the whole Bible.  We believe in reaching people with the Word of God, yet at the same time, we focus on each member of the church for discipleship. Now it has been a year in July that we came to ROJBC  and we are doing just great.  We have a  few new members, and are rebuilding and reestablishing the ministry under new management.  As you read the purposes and goals and objectives of the church, I hope you will visit us sometime. Joining us in the last year: Charles and Charity Whisnant Bill and Mary Bower Pauline Lemaster Richard Lemaster Kindra Tumbston John and Peggy Hall John Hall Jr. Bob Temple The Great Commission 16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17 And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in [2] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” If I have observed anything by experience, it is this: a man may take the measure of his growth and decay in grace according to his thoughts and meditations upon the person of Christ, and the glory of Christ’s Kingdom, and of His love.”- John Owen, Check out the Pastor/Teacher's  web sites:  Check out our website  GROWBYLEARNING  Sound biblical preaching does the following nine things that individual Bible reading, memorization, and meditation does not: Good preaching rescues us from our self-deceptions and blind spots, for left to ourselves we tend to ignore the very things in God's Word that we most need to see. Preaching brings us before God's Word in the special presence of the Holy Spirit, who indwells the gathered church. Good preaching challenges us to do things we otherwise would not and gives us the will to do them. Good preaching brings us into the place of corporate obedience rather than merely individual obedience. Good preaching contributes to spiritual humility by disciplining us to sit under the teaching, correction, and exhortation of another human. Relying on ourselves alone for food from the Word can lead to a spirit of arrogance and spiritual independence. Good preaching gives a place for a spiritually qualified person to protect believers from dangerous error. Preaching and listening is a uniquely embodied, physical act. It literally puts us into the habit of having " ears that hear." There is something to be said for this physical act of listening and heeding. Good preaching does what most Christians are not gifted, trained, or time-endowed to do: interpret a text in context, distill the theological truths that are universally true, and apply those truths in a particular time and place to particular people in a particular church—all this with the help of resources informed by 2,000 years of the Church's study that average Christians do not own. Listening to preaching has a much lower threshold of difficulty for almost all people. THE IDEA BEHIND TEACHING/PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD When we preach our task includes the need to make a string of words clear.  We don’t have to start with an uncial script, but to all intents and purposes, we practically are.  Listeners hearing a string of verses often grasp very little first time through.  As we preach we look for ways to emphasize the main thoughts, we look for ways to demonstrate how the “support material” in the text explains, proves and/or applies the main thoughts.  Without technical jargon, our preaching needs to verbally achieve the formation of something like a clausal layout in the minds and hearts of our listeners.  Certainly, by the time we are done preaching, they should not see the text as a string of random words or thoughts . . . it should be much clearer than that! THIS WEEK Bible Fellowship at 10 a.m.   Worship at 11:00 a.m.  Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant teachingSunday Evening Service at 6:00 P.M. Our Ten Objectives as a church to seek to Accomplish  To guide each individual to put his full faith and trust In the Lord Jesus Christ and to love Him with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. Romans 10:9  2To build Christ's character in individuals, In marriages and In families so that we will be above reproach and an advertisement for the Christian faith. Colossians 1:28,29  3To teach every man how to delight In and meet the needs of his wife with the same sort of love that Christ gave to the church when He sacrificed Himself for her. Ephesians 5:25  4To teach every wife how to love her husband and children, how to be discreet, pure in mind; how to manage her own home, and how to adapt to her own husband so that the Christian faith cannot be spoken against by those who know them. Titus 2:4,5  5To turn the heart of every father toward his sons and daughters in order to teach them Scriptural principles on how to be successful persons, partners and parents. Malachi 4:6  6To demonstrate our love for the Lord and our loyalty to each other by giving only a good report of each other unless we follow Matthew 18 in the spirit of restoring rather than exposing. Galatians 6:1  7To explain and apply God's principles of finances In the church and in each family so that God can provide specific direction and illustrate His supernatural power. Malachi 3:10; Luke 16:11,12  8To motivate women to a life of godliness and faithfulness by providing meaningful ministries and financial assistance for. them when they are older and without husband or relatives who can support them. I Timothy 5  9To help each Christian discover his spiritual gift and assist him to exercise his gift in expressing God's love to the members of the body of Christ. I Corinthians 12; Romans 12; Ephesians 4  10To train each Christian to edify one another and make the church strong by sharing with each other what God is doing in each life. Ephesians 5:19 WHAT KIND OF CHURCH IS RIVERS OF JOY BAPTIST CHURCH Our past is our past. We desire to start a new beginning. We are still a Baptist Church.  The difference is the style of ministry we desire to have.  The style of ministry starts with the pastor.  We have the same church building, some of the same people, the differences will be seen in the preaching and teaching, and the methodology of ministry.  As pastor/teacher I take a different approach to ministry.  FIRST:   Preaching and teaching is first and foremost  is my objective.  Currently I am preaching from First Thessalonians (note the oulines on the blogs)  and Philippians. Primarily I give the interpretation of the verses I am teaching from. My objective is to tell you what the passage of Scripture is saying to us. SECOND:  THE PASTOR/TEACHER:  Teacher, counselor, shepherd, equipper to the local body of believers in the church.  Ephesians 4:11-16 is our objective as a Pastor, Preacher, and Teacher.THIRD:  THE LOCAL CHURCH PURPOSE:  Prinarly: exalting Christ, what God says rather than what we thinking others will think. The HEAD OF THE CHURCH:  Jesus Christ, the Whole Word of God, not the Church CONSTITUTION.  MEMBERS:  Every member is equal in importance, and those who are members are those who attend the local church on a regular basis.FOURTH:  BASIC MINISTRY: Eqipping, training, meeting needs, rather than conducting services.FIFTH:  PRIMARY CONCERNS:  God's glory and people.  We desire to grow in attendance and have a nice building and great singing, and reaching those who are not saved, or don't go to church, but not by means of entertainment or evangelism in the services. But rather to stimlulate to love and good deeds, encourage and equip the saints.SIXTH:  WHAT YOU WANT SEE US DOING:  Begging, pleading, sweet-talking, high pressure.  SEVEN: WHAT YOU WILL SEE US USE:  The Word, prayer, Holy Spirit, Spiritual gifts, and ministries, and trusting God to raise gifted individuals, faithful, available, teachable people. Determine needs, then TRUST GOD to work through HIS people. THE AIM OF RIVERS OF JOY BAPTIST CHURCH  The aim is to understand the biblical principles and practices for the promotion of God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Gospel growth, as opposed to the kind of things often vended as key to " church growth. " We should be interested in growth, not mesmerized by it. Who wouldn't want to see an increase in numbers and budgets. But there's growth and there's growth.. Understanding what the New Testament means by growth, and how that growth happens, is what we need to know. What are the principles and practices that will lead the church to the advancement of God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, and Gospel growth? How are we to understand Christ's blueprint for the church practices? How does scripture speak of growth?We need to be sure that our interpretive methods of Scripture will lead us to and not  misrepresent the intention of the text. The book of Acts does speak of growth in members of the church. " Daily Christ added to the church." The biblical purposes that God designed the church to fulfill.We discover the intentions of the church in the Word rather than create them ourselves. This calls us to a submission to Scripture. And that submission will lead us to a commitment to thoroughly evangelical doctrine. There is to be a common commitment to every-member ministry, to conversion growth, to making membership more meaningful by using the church covenants, to church discipline, to the continued growth and up-building of the church, to fellowship with one another, and the building up of each member, and the training and disciplining of each member to be full grown saints (Eph 4:12-19)We need to be careful that we don't use statistics as a barometer of God's blessings. Growth in new converts and new members are biblical. " Daily the Lord added to the church.'Ligon Duncan said, " Liberalism says that the gospel won't work unless the message is changed. Some evangelicals’ say that the gospel won't work unless the method is changed. But biblical Christianity believes that the gospel will work, and that God has given us both the message and the method." Thus we need a right view of the message and the method in which to model that message.In our desire to see Christ bring His own to Himself in our church, we need to model a local church ministry that reflects a Biblical Model.  Pastor/Teacher Charles E. Whisnant – Rivers of Joy Baptist Church - 2009 Asso. Pastor  Bill Bower Asso. Pastor Bob Temple Elder: Bob Alridge