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The Service for The Lord’s Day
August 14, 2022
11:00 am Worship Service
Tenth Sunday of Pentecost
Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here.
Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing
radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry.
“The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception
alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us.”
Walter Brueggeman, Prophetic Imagination
A Summer with the Prophets
First Presbyterian Church 2
Welcome! We hope that you experience the boundary-breaking love of Jesus Christ in our
worship service and in our ministries.
If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, including membership, sharing a
prayer request, or a pastoral concern, please fill out a card from the back of the pew, or go
to our website and click Connect With Us. We welcome new members on the third Sunday
of the month our next time to join will be August 21st, at 9:45 am, in the Library.
Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The 11:00 am service is streaming
in the Widman Room (Rm 107), down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may
need to leave the sanctuary. Nursery is available for children through kindergarten,
and older if necessary. If you need assistance, please ask an usher for directions to the
Children’s Hall.
For worship, masks are required in the balcony and in the marked pews near the
entrances. They are required for all children’s events and rooms for ages three and older.
Small groups choose within themselves, according to their needs. Otherwise, masks are
The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones by Babbie
and Waid Shelton.
	 Leading in Worship Today:
Pastors: David Germer, Patrick Johnson, Shannon Jordan
Choir Director and Organist: Jeremy Roberts
Choir Assistant : Kim Thomas
FPCA Pick Up Choir
*Please stand if able.
Voluntary 	 Come, You Thankful People, Come	 Robert A. Hobby	
Welcome and Announcements
*Call to Worship		 Patrick Johnson
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of God’s glory.
Come, let us worship God.
*Hymn 367	 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come	 ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR
Verse 1- All
Verse 2- Choir
Verse 3- All
First Presbyterian Church 3
The movement from
confession to forgiveness
to thanksgiving invites
the natural response
to live in a way that is
pleasing to God.
Micah 6:8
Call to Confession
When we pass through deep waters,
or go through times of fiery trial,
the Lord our God is with us.
With confidence in God,
our creator and redeemer,
let us confess our sin.
Prayer of Confession 	
Gracious God,
our sins are too heavy to carry,
too real to hide,
and too deep to undo.
Forgive what our lips tremble to name,
what our hearts can no longer bear,
and what has become for us
a consuming fire of judgment.
Set us free from a past that we cannot change;
open to us a future in which we can be changed;
and grant us grace
to grow more and more in your likeness and image;
through Jesus Christ, the light of the world.
(Silent prayer of confession)
Declaration of Forgiveness
Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel:
In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! Thanks be to God!
As God’s forgiven people, how are we to live?
Hear now the Word of God:
God has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
First Presbyterian Church 4
If children find it
challenging to participate
in the entire service, they
are invited to the nursery
during the “Passing of
the Peace.” A nursery
will be in the narthex to
greet you.
*Passing of the Peace 	
The peace of Christ be with you. 	
And also with you.
Prayer for Illumination		
Scripture Readings 		
First Lesson	 Luke 12:49-56	
This is the good news of Jesus, the Christ.	
Thanks be to God.
Second Lesson 	 Isaiah 5:1-7
The grass withers and the flowers fade,
but the word of our God will stand forever.
Thanks be to God.
Sung Response
*Hymn 582	 Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me 	 GLORY TO GOD
First Presbyterian Church 5
Sermon	 Our Frustrated Yet Faithful Gardener	 Patrick Johnson
*Hymn 	 Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil	 GOOD SOIL
Cantor sings once; Congregation repeats as directed.
From John 15 *Affirmation of Faith	
Jesus said to his disciples,
and we believe:
“I am the vine, and my Father is the gardener…
I am the vine; you are the branches…
If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing…
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you…
Now remain in my love…
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love…
My command is this:
love each other as I have loved you.
Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you
that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last…
This is my command: love each other.”
First Presbyterian Church 6
Anthem	 Witness	 arr. Mark Patterson
Who’ll be a witness for my Lord? Who’ll be a witness for my Lord?
Who’ll be a witness for my Lord? Who will be a witness for my Lord?
Now Daniel was a Hebrew child, he went to pray to his God awhile.
The king at once for Daniel did send, he put him right in the lion’s den.
God sent angels, the lions to keep, so Daniel laid down and went to sleep.
Daniel was a witness for my Lord. Daniel was a witness for my Lord.
Daniel was a witness for my Lord. Daniel was a witness for my Lord.
There was a man of the Pharisees, his name was Nicodemus and he didn’t believe.
Christ told Nicodemus as a friend, “Man, you must be born again.
Marvel not, man, if you want to be wise, repent, believe, and be baptized.”
Who’ll be a witness? Who’ll be a witness? Who will be a witness for my Lord?
I’ll be a witness for my Lord. I’ll be a witness for my Lord.
I’ll be a witness for my Lord. I’ll be a witness for my Lord.
*Hymn 605	 Praise to God the Father 	 DA N’ASE
Invitation to the Offering
The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it,
the world, and those who live in it.
Let us return to God the offerings of our life
and the gifts of the earth.
Offering The gifts we offer express
our stewardship of
creation, demonstrate
our care for one another,
support the ministries of
the church, and provide
for the needs of the poor.
In addition to our regular
offering, our Daily Change
Offering alleviates hunger
in our community
Praise to God the Father;
praise to God the Son;
praise to God the Spirit:
praise to the Three-in-One.
Sing praise, sing praise to the Lord on high.
Praise to God Almighty;
praise to the Holy One.
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory forever. Amen
First Presbyterian Church 7
*Hymn 36	 For the Fruit of All Creation	 AR HYD Y NOS
Voluntary 	 Trumpet Tune in D Major	 David N. Johnson
Go now in peace to love and serve the lord.
The peace of Christ be with you.
And also with you
After the 11:00 am service, you are invited to fellowship on the front lawn or in the
Wallace Foyer if it rains.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Living God,
as you moved in the lives of prophets,
move in our lives,
so we may continue to hear your voice,
follow where you lead,
and speak your prophetic word
in a world that does not want to hear.
Empowered by your Spirit,
give us the courage we need
to follow, trust, listen, speak,
and accept your commission
to be your faithful servant people. Amen.
Reproduced, recorded, and streamed under One
License No. A-701813:
Come, You Thankful People, Come; Robert A. Hobby © 2007
Birnamwood Publications, a division of MorningStar Music
Publishers, Inc.
Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil; Handt Hanson © 1985
Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church, Inc.
Witness; Mark Patterson © 2008 Choristers Guild
Praise to God the Father; Ghanaian melody, arr. Alfred
Fedak © 2011 Alfred Fedak
For the Fruit of All Creation; Text: Fred Pratt Green © 1970
Hope Publishing Company
Trumpet tune in D Major; David N. Johnson © 1962
Augsburg Publishing House
Streamed with permission of the publisher:
Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me; Text: trad.
Liturgical text; adapt. Paul M. Vasile; Music: Paul M. Vasile;
Text Adapt. And Music © 2008 Paul M. Vasile
Public Domain:
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come; Text: Henry Alfrod, 1844,
alt.; Music: George Job Elvey, 1858
Ar Hydy Nos; Music: Welsh Melody, c. 1784
First Presbyterian Church 8
More Light Presbyterians
Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the
website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page.
A link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website.
40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801	 828-253-1431	
Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson..........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff
Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant
Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality
Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton
Jean Corliss..........................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff
Candace Dellinger..............................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff
Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor
Alice Lake..............................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff
Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement
Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist
Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant
Kim Thomas.....................................................................................................................................................................................Choir Assistant
Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator
Sky Trice..................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor
We are glad you worshiped here today.
We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community
that reflects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability,
socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity.
We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in
relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA.
Class of 2025
Judy Albertson
Reese Carlton
Donna Ensley
Art Kiser
Paul McNeill
Todd Oldenburg
Mary Jane Skinner
Class of 2025
Betsy Herman
Bill Kantonen
Katherine Lafrance
Len Porter
Mary Ellen Porter
Judy Rittmeyer
Babbie Shelton
Class of 2023
Valorie Vliek
Class of 2024
Lisa Bridges
Clay Griffith
John Meadows
Cosette Williams
Curtis Williams
Class of 2023
Phil Barnett
Sam Cook
Cathie Dodson
Angela Drummond
Zeb Potter
Claire Trunnell
Class of 2024
Micki Argall
Reese Carlton
Cindy Clarke
Chris DeJarnett
Seth Hagler
Alice Boggs Lentz
Bob White, Clerk
Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones. Our full list is printed once a
month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter. Please contact Shannon Jordan ( or
828-253-1431 ext.125) with prayer requests and updates.
Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available
by phone, email, or appointment. The church office is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have
a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral
assistance during office hours, please call the church office. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at
828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your
contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles.
Prayers for:
MARY, ERIC, AND TRISTAN WALL who are grieving the loss of Mary’s mother Maxine Blick, this past week.
JEFF and JUDY BYERS, as they adjust to Jeff’s recent move into skilled care at Pisgah Manor.
EMILY and JONATHAN GADDIS, Emily is the daughter-in-law of Susan Gaddis and is facing extensive testing at
Duke in preparation for a lung transplant needed as a result of leukemia.
ANDREW GADDIS, son of Susan Gaddis, for upcoming rotator cuff surgery.
TOM HUNNICUTT, who is home from the hospital now recovering after treatment for chemo and ending up in the
hospital for pneumonia
ALETHA ROPER, as she recovers from a recent back surgery following a fall.
JOY, the adult daughter of Pat and Dan Ruzic, as she is treated for a herniated disc that is causing severe pain.
FAMILY and FRIENDS of Muriel Siddall, who are grieving her death on Friday, July 22nd, after a brief illness.
CODY WEAVER, a young friend of Sam Cook and Anita Rose, who is coping with a devastating loss.
TONY ZWOLINSKI, husband of Jane Laping’s cousin, who was seriously injured in a mountain biking accident and
is in intensive care.
CAREGIVERS, who are providing care and support for spouses, parents, or extended family.
ALL who are in need of mental health care and are trying to find access to appropriate support and for those
experiencing limitations due to illness.
AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville, and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them.
All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine, those living in fear or with violence, and for the leaders around the world
to seek peace.
MEMBERS OF FPCA, who have been affected by Covid 19 in recent weeks.
Lifting up all those returning to school and for all staffing shortages that will impact students and staff.
We Celebrate with:
SHANNON AND JOHN JORDAN, who rejoice in the birth of their first grandchild, James, on Wednesday, August 3.
KATHRYN CAMERON, who is now recovering at home from bi-lateral hip surgery and doing well. She is grateful
for the cards, texts, calls, prayers, and online worship and is looking forward to worshiping in person soon.
RUFUS AND JUNE DALE at the birth of their twelfth grandchild, Donna June Fox, born July 29, 2022, to Erica and
Kevin Fox.
September 30-October 2 at Montreat Conference Center--only 30 minutes away.
The FPCA Retreat has a long history of fun, learning, activities, and rest. With a variety of
contemplative and worship activities, everyone can find a way to connect
more deeply with God and one another. (And you really don’t want to miss
the variety show!) The deadline for commuters has been extended so all
can join the 150 + people who are already coming.
Go to or use the QR code to register.
This summer we have a lunch opportunity to connect with new and old friends at
restaurants around town. These restaurants have parking and accessibility. Please join
us for this relationship building opportunity. RSVP to the church office or Shannon
Jordan at
•	 August 22 	 Pomodoros; 1070 Tunnel Rd
•	 Future Dates: 	 September 26, October 24, November 28, and December 12th.
Fellowship Hall 9:45 am
All are welcome to the Sunday morning Adult Faith Formation Class! In August, FPCA
member and retired seminary professor Jane Vann will lead a discussion on the current
week’s sermon text. Hope to see you there!
We are getting ready for the Fall!
Do you have children or youth that are interested in our Children’s or Youth Choir? For
more information contact Jeremy Roberts at
Youth Choir will start Sunday, September 18th with evening Youth Group 4:15 pm -
7:15 pm. Children’s Choir will begin Wednesday September 7th with a pizza party and
August 28th in Fellowship Hall
Many of our children return to school on August 29. We would love to bless our students
and teachers of all ages, our school officials, and families with a festive breakfast and
blessing on August 28. In both services that morning we will have a special Back to School
Blessing and then between the services, we will be having a delicious Cereal Sundae
Breakfast! We hope to see our whole church family there as we bless those in school or
going back to school!
Friday, Sept. 16. 11:30 am lunch and check in. 1:00 pm shotgun start at the Asheville
Municipal Golf Course. Your day of golf will help fund the serving of more than 1,000
meals each week and a place where unhoused friends can heal after a hospital stay for
illness or injury. The FPCA Mission Team would like to bring together several foursomes
to support this important ministry. $120 person, register by August 28. If you are not a
golfer, but want to support this mission partner or sponsor another golfer, that’s fine!
Are you a golfer who can’t afford the whole $120? Please reach out as well. Contact for more info.
The two families we have been encouraging continue to progress in their journey to independence. They have jobs
and housing. Their next steps include advanced English language training, financial literacy, and acquiring driver’s
learning permits. Transportation remains an active need.
If you have ESL, financial literacy, or driver’s license training expertise, please let us know. We deeply appreciate
all of you who are actively helping us or providing moral support. Please direct your questions to Randy Fluharty
( or Alan Young ( 
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines koinonia as “spiritual communion and
participative sharing in a common religious commitment and spiritual community.” FPCA
will be starting Koinonia small groups this fall to support members in their faith life and
to build Christian friendships. Groups will meet for 90 minutes, twice a month, October-
May. These groups will be participant based, with a trained facilitator. The curriculum
will help participants explore different ways of experiencing the power of God, spiritual
practices, the enneagram, and ways to engage scripture. For more information, please
contact Shannon Jordan at
Make a difference in a child’s life by helping them connect God with daily life. You may
think you don’t know how to do that, but we can teach you! Come learn alongside
children as storytellers, doorkeepers, or classroom helpers on Sunday mornings at FPCA.
The Godly Play curriculum is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and
spiritual guidance. It values process, openness, discovery, community, and relationships.
Godly Play models the worship life, bible stories, symbols, and rituals of Christian
congregations. It nurtures participants–both children and leaders–to larger dimensions
of belief and faith through wondering and play.
As we prepare for this new school year, volunteers are needed to assist with our Godly Play Sunday morning classes
for children ages 3 yrs. old - 5th grade. We need regular volunteers as well as substitutes.
We are offering volunteer training: Sunday, August 28th at 3:30 pm -5:30 pm or
Wednesday, August 31st at 6:00 pm -8:00 pm
Contact Nancy McNeill if you are interested or to learn more:; 828-253-1431 ext. 114.
It’s time again for our area kids and youth to start back to school! Help us
get the much needed essentials to kids and youth all throughout Buncombe
county! As clothes, food, and gas prices are on the rise, we know that
essential items like school supplies are right there with them. Many parents
are working longer hours with heavier work loads and still receiving below
living wage. YOU can help by sponsoring a backpack for $50 and make a
child’s learning that much better!
Make a one time donation
Become a monthly sustainer at
Sunday, August 14
11:00 am	 Worship Service in the Sanctuary w/ baptism; Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching
12:00 pm	 Fellowship on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining
		 Monday, August 15
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm	 Centering Prayer (Zoom) Contact Waid Shelton
		 Saturday, August 20
10:00 am	 Racial Justice Book Club (zoom)
		 Sunday, August 21
8:45 am 	 Worship Service in Campbell Chapel; Rev. Shannon Jordan preaching
9:45 am	 Faith Formation (Fellowship Hall)
9:45 am	 Godly Play preschool - fifth grade (Room 106)
9:45 am	 New Members meet in the Library
11:00 am	 Worship Service in the Sanctuary; Rev. Shannon Jordan preaching
12:00 pm	 Fellowship on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining
Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at
Haven’t we seen these banners before, and why are we seeing them again, here in
the atrium, rather than the sanctuary? We’re so glad you asked! Members of the
Liturgical Arts team often receive comments about the banners and requests to see
them up close, and so we decided to respond, offering some further explanation at
the same time!
Our Lenten focus this year was all about the faith journeys we each make,
specifically those made during Lent, which some people regard as a dismal time
of lament and self-denial. Our committee met, pondered scripture, and discussed
multiple ideas to interpret the theme. Several of us sketched out our ideas and were
surprised to discover we had arrived at much the same place with our designs, a
nice reminder that God leads us all the time. Six banners were eventually created
in a style similar to pointillism. Because we were always looking ahead to the joy
of Easter, the patterns were never intended to be dismal or full of lament, yet we
acknowledge that we are often confused, lost, and in need of our Shepherd. Our hope was that careful observers
might notice that the pattern appears darker at the bottom, opening up as it moves upward, and that each banner
on the left is designed to fit with its opposite partner. However, we understand that our pathways on life’s journey
often aren’t noticed by others. Because Lent is a necessary part of our journey to Easter, remembering our lives’
often-complicated pathways seemed important. The risen Christ is what we yearn to see, though we never forget
the crucified Christ. We opted to keep the journey, adding Easter light to the pathway and the sun‘s rays at the top
of the banners nearest the chancel for Easter Sunday. Our hope is that the banners have added meaning to your
worship, even if in some subtle way!
Thanks to everyone who made Ummia & Jawad’s baby shower a successful
blessing! Forty people attended, including six Afghan women. First Presbyterian
members gave generously and were joined by other Circles of Welcome,
including from United Church of Christ, Land of Sky, and the Unitarian Church.
Besides the amazing “showering” of gifts, the couple will receive a check for
somewhere around $1000 to help welcome their new baby! They are so grateful
and add their voices to ours as we thank everyone for this outpouring of love.

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  • 1. The Service for The Lord’s Day August 14, 2022 11:00 am Worship Service Tenth Sunday of Pentecost Grace and peace. We believe God loves everyone without exception. All are welcome here. Our mission is to experience the love of Jesus Christ by practicing radical hospitality, forming deep relationships, and joining in shared ministry. “The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us.” Walter Brueggeman, Prophetic Imagination A Summer with the Prophets
  • 2. First Presbyterian Church 2 WELCOME TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF ASHEVILLE Welcome! We hope that you experience the boundary-breaking love of Jesus Christ in our worship service and in our ministries. If you are interested in learning more about FPCA, including membership, sharing a prayer request, or a pastoral concern, please fill out a card from the back of the pew, or go to our website and click Connect With Us. We welcome new members on the third Sunday of the month our next time to join will be August 21st, at 9:45 am, in the Library. Worship bags are available in the narthex for children. The 11:00 am service is streaming in the Widman Room (Rm 107), down the hall from the narthex, for anyone who may need to leave the sanctuary. Nursery is available for children through kindergarten, and older if necessary. If you need assistance, please ask an usher for directions to the Children’s Hall. For worship, masks are required in the balcony and in the marked pews near the entrances. They are required for all children’s events and rooms for ages three and older. Small groups choose within themselves, according to their needs. Otherwise, masks are optional. The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of loved ones by Babbie and Waid Shelton. Leading in Worship Today: Pastors: David Germer, Patrick Johnson, Shannon Jordan Choir Director and Organist: Jeremy Roberts Choir Assistant : Kim Thomas FPCA Pick Up Choir *Please stand if able. GATHERING IN Voluntary Come, You Thankful People, Come Robert A. Hobby Welcome and Announcements *Call to Worship Patrick Johnson The Lord be with you. And also with you. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of God’s glory. Come, let us worship God. *Hymn 367 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR Verse 1- All Verse 2- Choir Verse 3- All
  • 3. First Presbyterian Church 3 The movement from confession to forgiveness to thanksgiving invites the natural response to live in a way that is pleasing to God. Micah 6:8 Call to Confession When we pass through deep waters, or go through times of fiery trial, the Lord our God is with us. With confidence in God, our creator and redeemer, let us confess our sin. Prayer of Confession Gracious God, our sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive what our lips tremble to name, what our hearts can no longer bear, and what has become for us a consuming fire of judgment. Set us free from a past that we cannot change; open to us a future in which we can be changed; and grant us grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image; through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. (Silent prayer of confession) Declaration of Forgiveness Siblings in Christ, declare with me the good news of the gospel: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! Thanks be to God! As God’s forgiven people, how are we to live? Hear now the Word of God: God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
  • 4. First Presbyterian Church 4 If children find it challenging to participate in the entire service, they are invited to the nursery during the “Passing of the Peace.” A nursery representative will be in the narthex to greet you. *Passing of the Peace The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. HEARING THE WORD Prayer for Illumination Scripture Readings First Lesson Luke 12:49-56 This is the good news of Jesus, the Christ. Thanks be to God. Second Lesson Isaiah 5:1-7 The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God will stand forever. Thanks be to God. Sung Response *Hymn 582 Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me GLORY TO GOD
  • 5. First Presbyterian Church 5 Sermon Our Frustrated Yet Faithful Gardener Patrick Johnson RESPONDING IN FAITH *Hymn Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil GOOD SOIL Cantor sings once; Congregation repeats as directed. From John 15 *Affirmation of Faith Jesus said to his disciples, and we believe: “I am the vine, and my Father is the gardener… I am the vine; you are the branches… If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing… As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you… Now remain in my love… If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love… My command is this: love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last… This is my command: love each other.”
  • 6. First Presbyterian Church 6 Anthem Witness arr. Mark Patterson Who’ll be a witness for my Lord? Who’ll be a witness for my Lord? Who’ll be a witness for my Lord? Who will be a witness for my Lord? Now Daniel was a Hebrew child, he went to pray to his God awhile. The king at once for Daniel did send, he put him right in the lion’s den. God sent angels, the lions to keep, so Daniel laid down and went to sleep. Daniel was a witness for my Lord. Daniel was a witness for my Lord. Daniel was a witness for my Lord. Daniel was a witness for my Lord. There was a man of the Pharisees, his name was Nicodemus and he didn’t believe. Christ told Nicodemus as a friend, “Man, you must be born again. Marvel not, man, if you want to be wise, repent, believe, and be baptized.” Who’ll be a witness? Who’ll be a witness? Who will be a witness for my Lord? I’ll be a witness for my Lord. I’ll be a witness for my Lord. I’ll be a witness for my Lord. I’ll be a witness for my Lord. *Hymn 605 Praise to God the Father DA N’ASE Invitation to the Offering The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it. Let us return to God the offerings of our life and the gifts of the earth. Offering The gifts we offer express our stewardship of creation, demonstrate our care for one another, support the ministries of the church, and provide for the needs of the poor. In addition to our regular offering, our Daily Change Offering alleviates hunger in our community Praise to God the Father; praise to God the Son; praise to God the Spirit: praise to the Three-in-One. Sing praise, sing praise to the Lord on high. Praise to God Almighty; praise to the Holy One. Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen
  • 7. First Presbyterian Church 7 SENDING *Hymn 36 For the Fruit of All Creation AR HYD Y NOS Blessing Voluntary Trumpet Tune in D Major David N. Johnson Go now in peace to love and serve the lord. The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you After the 11:00 am service, you are invited to fellowship on the front lawn or in the Wallace Foyer if it rains. Prayer of Thanksgiving Living God, as you moved in the lives of prophets, move in our lives, so we may continue to hear your voice, follow where you lead, and speak your prophetic word in a world that does not want to hear. Empowered by your Spirit, give us the courage we need to follow, trust, listen, speak, and accept your commission to be your faithful servant people. Amen. Reproduced, recorded, and streamed under One License No. A-701813: Come, You Thankful People, Come; Robert A. Hobby © 2007 Birnamwood Publications, a division of MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc. Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil; Handt Hanson © 1985 Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church, Inc. Witness; Mark Patterson © 2008 Choristers Guild Praise to God the Father; Ghanaian melody, arr. Alfred Fedak © 2011 Alfred Fedak For the Fruit of All Creation; Text: Fred Pratt Green © 1970 Hope Publishing Company Trumpet tune in D Major; David N. Johnson © 1962 Augsburg Publishing House Streamed with permission of the publisher: Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me; Text: trad. Liturgical text; adapt. Paul M. Vasile; Music: Paul M. Vasile; Text Adapt. And Music © 2008 Paul M. Vasile Public Domain: Come, Ye Thankful People, Come; Text: Henry Alfrod, 1844, alt.; Music: George Job Elvey, 1858 Ar Hydy Nos; Music: Welsh Melody, c. 1784
  • 8. First Presbyterian Church 8 More Light Presbyterians Upcoming Events, Recent Videos, and The Sermon & Podcast Archives can be found on the front page of the website. Announcements can be found in the E-Chronicle and on The Weekly Announcement page. A link for both of these and The First Chronicle can be found on the main page of the FPCA Website. 40 Church Street, Asheville, NC 28801 828-253-1431 Rev. Dr. Patrick W. T. Johnson..........................................................................................................................................Pastor, Head of Staff Mary Beth Asher.....................................................................................................................................................Communications Assistant Eve Bennett...............................................................................................................................................................................................Hospitality Rieley Bennett..................................................................................................................................................................................................Sexton Jean Corliss..........................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff Candace Dellinger..............................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff Rev. David Germer.......................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Rev. Shannon Jordan..................................................................................................................................................................Associate Pastor Alice Lake..............................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Staff Nancy McNeill................................................................................................................................................................Director of Engagement Jeremy Roberts.......................................................................................................................................................Director of Music, Organist Anita Sayles...................................................................................................................................................................Administrative Assistant Kim Thomas.....................................................................................................................................................................................Choir Assistant Liz Thurston.......................................................................................................................................................................Church Administrator Sky Trice..................................................................................................................................................................................Nursery Supervisor We are glad you worshiped here today. We believe God loves every person without exception. As followers of Christ, we strive to be a holy community that reflects the diversity of God’s creation through the welcome and full participation of every age, ability, socioeconomic status, family background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin color, and racial identity. We lament the history of exclusion in the church. We rejoice in the wholeness that comes when we are all in relationship together. We invite you to join us in ministry at FPCA. SESSION DEACONS STAFF Class of 2025 Judy Albertson Reese Carlton Donna Ensley Art Kiser Paul McNeill Todd Oldenburg Mary Jane Skinner Class of 2025 Betsy Herman Bill Kantonen Katherine Lafrance Len Porter Mary Ellen Porter Judy Rittmeyer Babbie Shelton Class of 2023 Valorie Vliek Class of 2024 Lisa Bridges Clay Griffith John Meadows Cosette Williams Curtis Williams Class of 2023 Phil Barnett Sam Cook Cathie Dodson Angela Drummond Zeb Potter Claire Trunnell Class of 2024 Micki Argall Reese Carlton Cindy Clarke Chris DeJarnett Seth Hagler Alice Boggs Lentz Bob White, Clerk
  • 9. 9 COMMUNITY JOYS & CONCERNS Please join the FPCA Family as we celebrate joys among us and pray for loved ones. Our full list is printed once a month as a part of the First Chronicle Newsletter. Please contact Shannon Jordan ( or 828-253-1431 ext.125) with prayer requests and updates. Help us stay connected by sharing your news, prayer concerns, or other requests. Pastors and staff are available by phone, email, or appointment. The church office is open from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday. If you have a scheduled hospitalization, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can support you. If you need pastoral assistance during office hours, please call the church office. At other times, please call the pastor-on-call at 828-222-0113 and leave a message with the receptionist. An FPCA pastor will return your call. To keep your contact information up to date, please log into your Realm account or contact Anita Sayles. Prayers for: MARY, ERIC, AND TRISTAN WALL who are grieving the loss of Mary’s mother Maxine Blick, this past week. JEFF and JUDY BYERS, as they adjust to Jeff’s recent move into skilled care at Pisgah Manor. EMILY and JONATHAN GADDIS, Emily is the daughter-in-law of Susan Gaddis and is facing extensive testing at Duke in preparation for a lung transplant needed as a result of leukemia. ANDREW GADDIS, son of Susan Gaddis, for upcoming rotator cuff surgery. TOM HUNNICUTT, who is home from the hospital now recovering after treatment for chemo and ending up in the hospital for pneumonia ALETHA ROPER, as she recovers from a recent back surgery following a fall. JOY, the adult daughter of Pat and Dan Ruzic, as she is treated for a herniated disc that is causing severe pain. FAMILY and FRIENDS of Muriel Siddall, who are grieving her death on Friday, July 22nd, after a brief illness. CODY WEAVER, a young friend of Sam Cook and Anita Rose, who is coping with a devastating loss. TONY ZWOLINSKI, husband of Jane Laping’s cousin, who was seriously injured in a mountain biking accident and is in intensive care. CAREGIVERS, who are providing care and support for spouses, parents, or extended family. ALL who are in need of mental health care and are trying to find access to appropriate support and for those experiencing limitations due to illness. AFGHAN REFUGEES, who are adjusting to life in Asheville, and our teams of volunteers who are assisting them. All PEOPLE affected by war in Ukraine, those living in fear or with violence, and for the leaders around the world to seek peace. MEMBERS OF FPCA, who have been affected by Covid 19 in recent weeks. Lifting up all those returning to school and for all staffing shortages that will impact students and staff. We Celebrate with: SHANNON AND JOHN JORDAN, who rejoice in the birth of their first grandchild, James, on Wednesday, August 3. CAROLINE AND NATE SELL, AND BIG SISTER ALLIE, who rejoice on the birth of ABIGAIL DOROTHY SELL, born 8/4/2022. KATHRYN CAMERON, who is now recovering at home from bi-lateral hip surgery and doing well. She is grateful for the cards, texts, calls, prayers, and online worship and is looking forward to worshiping in person soon. RUFUS AND JUNE DALE at the birth of their twelfth grandchild, Donna June Fox, born July 29, 2022, to Erica and Kevin Fox.
  • 10. ANNUAL CHURCH RETREAT - DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR COMMUTERS September 30-October 2 at Montreat Conference Center--only 30 minutes away. The FPCA Retreat has a long history of fun, learning, activities, and rest. With a variety of contemplative and worship activities, everyone can find a way to connect more deeply with God and one another. (And you really don’t want to miss the variety show!) The deadline for commuters has been extended so all can join the 150 + people who are already coming. Go to or use the QR code to register. ANNOUNCEMENTS LUNCH BUNCH 11:30 AM This summer we have a lunch opportunity to connect with new and old friends at restaurants around town. These restaurants have parking and accessibility. Please join us for this relationship building opportunity. RSVP to the church office or Shannon Jordan at • August 22 Pomodoros; 1070 Tunnel Rd • Future Dates: September 26, October 24, November 28, and December 12th. FAITH FORMATION, TODAY, Fellowship Hall 9:45 am All are welcome to the Sunday morning Adult Faith Formation Class! In August, FPCA member and retired seminary professor Jane Vann will lead a discussion on the current week’s sermon text. Hope to see you there! CHILDREN’S AND YOUTH CHOIR We are getting ready for the Fall! Do you have children or youth that are interested in our Children’s or Youth Choir? For more information contact Jeremy Roberts at Youth Choir will start Sunday, September 18th with evening Youth Group 4:15 pm - 7:15 pm. Children’s Choir will begin Wednesday September 7th with a pizza party and registration. CEREAL SUNDAE BACK TO SCHOOL CELEBRATION August 28th in Fellowship Hall Many of our children return to school on August 29. We would love to bless our students and teachers of all ages, our school officials, and families with a festive breakfast and blessing on August 28. In both services that morning we will have a special Back to School Blessing and then between the services, we will be having a delicious Cereal Sundae Breakfast! We hope to see our whole church family there as we bless those in school or going back to school! GOLF WITH A PURPOSE! Friday, Sept. 16. 11:30 am lunch and check in. 1:00 pm shotgun start at the Asheville Municipal Golf Course. Your day of golf will help fund the serving of more than 1,000 meals each week and a place where unhoused friends can heal after a hospital stay for illness or injury. The FPCA Mission Team would like to bring together several foursomes to support this important ministry. $120 person, register by August 28. If you are not a golfer, but want to support this mission partner or sponsor another golfer, that’s fine! Are you a golfer who can’t afford the whole $120? Please reach out as well. Contact for more info.
  • 11. HELP NEEDED FOR OUR AFGHAN NEIGHBORS GROUP The two families we have been encouraging continue to progress in their journey to independence. They have jobs and housing. Their next steps include advanced English language training, financial literacy, and acquiring driver’s learning permits. Transportation remains an active need. If you have ESL, financial literacy, or driver’s license training expertise, please let us know. We deeply appreciate all of you who are actively helping us or providing moral support. Please direct your questions to Randy Fluharty ( or Alan Young (  KOINONIA GROUPS The Merriam Webster dictionary defines koinonia as “spiritual communion and participative sharing in a common religious commitment and spiritual community.” FPCA will be starting Koinonia small groups this fall to support members in their faith life and to build Christian friendships. Groups will meet for 90 minutes, twice a month, October- May. These groups will be participant based, with a trained facilitator. The curriculum will help participants explore different ways of experiencing the power of God, spiritual practices, the enneagram, and ways to engage scripture. For more information, please contact Shannon Jordan at GODLY PLAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Make a difference in a child’s life by helping them connect God with daily life. You may think you don’t know how to do that, but we can teach you! Come learn alongside children as storytellers, doorkeepers, or classroom helpers on Sunday mornings at FPCA. The Godly Play curriculum is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance. It values process, openness, discovery, community, and relationships. Godly Play models the worship life, bible stories, symbols, and rituals of Christian congregations. It nurtures participants–both children and leaders–to larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering and play. As we prepare for this new school year, volunteers are needed to assist with our Godly Play Sunday morning classes for children ages 3 yrs. old - 5th grade. We need regular volunteers as well as substitutes. We are offering volunteer training: Sunday, August 28th at 3:30 pm -5:30 pm or Wednesday, August 31st at 6:00 pm -8:00 pm Contact Nancy McNeill if you are interested or to learn more:; 828-253-1431 ext. 114. BACK TO SCHOOL!! It’s time again for our area kids and youth to start back to school! Help us get the much needed essentials to kids and youth all throughout Buncombe county! As clothes, food, and gas prices are on the rise, we know that essential items like school supplies are right there with them. Many parents are working longer hours with heavier work loads and still receiving below living wage. YOU can help by sponsoring a backpack for $50 and make a child’s learning that much better! Make a one time donation OR Become a monthly sustainer at
  • 12. THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, August 14 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary w/ baptism; Rev. Patrick Johnson preaching 12:00 pm Fellowship on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining Monday, August 15 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm Centering Prayer (Zoom) Contact Waid Shelton Saturday, August 20 10:00 am Racial Justice Book Club (zoom) Sunday, August 21 8:45 am Worship Service in Campbell Chapel; Rev. Shannon Jordan preaching 9:45 am Faith Formation (Fellowship Hall) 9:45 am Godly Play preschool - fifth grade (Room 106) 9:45 am New Members meet in the Library 11:00 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary; Rev. Shannon Jordan preaching 12:00 pm Fellowship on the front lawn or in Wallace Foyer if raining Zoom & Registration links can be found on the church calendar at UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH THE LENTEN/EASTER BANNERS Haven’t we seen these banners before, and why are we seeing them again, here in the atrium, rather than the sanctuary? We’re so glad you asked! Members of the Liturgical Arts team often receive comments about the banners and requests to see them up close, and so we decided to respond, offering some further explanation at the same time! Our Lenten focus this year was all about the faith journeys we each make, specifically those made during Lent, which some people regard as a dismal time of lament and self-denial. Our committee met, pondered scripture, and discussed multiple ideas to interpret the theme. Several of us sketched out our ideas and were surprised to discover we had arrived at much the same place with our designs, a nice reminder that God leads us all the time. Six banners were eventually created in a style similar to pointillism. Because we were always looking ahead to the joy of Easter, the patterns were never intended to be dismal or full of lament, yet we acknowledge that we are often confused, lost, and in need of our Shepherd. Our hope was that careful observers might notice that the pattern appears darker at the bottom, opening up as it moves upward, and that each banner on the left is designed to fit with its opposite partner. However, we understand that our pathways on life’s journey often aren’t noticed by others. Because Lent is a necessary part of our journey to Easter, remembering our lives’ often-complicated pathways seemed important. The risen Christ is what we yearn to see, though we never forget the crucified Christ. We opted to keep the journey, adding Easter light to the pathway and the sun‘s rays at the top of the banners nearest the chancel for Easter Sunday. Our hope is that the banners have added meaning to your worship, even if in some subtle way! BABY SHOWER BLESSING Thanks to everyone who made Ummia & Jawad’s baby shower a successful blessing! Forty people attended, including six Afghan women. First Presbyterian members gave generously and were joined by other Circles of Welcome, including from United Church of Christ, Land of Sky, and the Unitarian Church. Besides the amazing “showering” of gifts, the couple will receive a check for somewhere around $1000 to help welcome their new baby! They are so grateful and add their voices to ours as we thank everyone for this outpouring of love.