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Literature Comparison
Literature Comparison
Krystal Swafford
Loretta Crosson
October 15, 2012
There are different types and forms of literature. They are novel, drama, poetry, biography, non–
fictional prose, essay, epic and short story. All these types of literature have some elements. To
complete a piece of literature, a writer, dramatist or a novelist must use certain elements like plot,
character, theme, etc. to capture the interest of their readers. When reading literature, there are
themes which are interpreted within the literary piece. Themes reflect innocence, experience, life,
death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love, society, individual, etc. Such themes present a point of a
lesson learned or the particular meaning the ... Show more content on ...
After using the historical approach to analyze this story and researching the author herself I found
an underlying theme of freedom from social norms with the plot and the character portrayed
contributing to that theme.
A plot is a dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that
typically build to a climax and bring about a resolution. In this story the plot is by no means climatic
but it starts with a tragic death, which draws you in, I know morbid but true. Everyone is afraid to
tell the young woman about her husband's death because of her weak heart. They all fear she will
die from grief. But when she is told, she locks herself in her room after a crying fit, again, everyone
worried that she will make herself ill with grief.
But this is not what the young woman is doing. She is realizing something, struggling with
something. You have to keep reading because now you want to know...what is she doing? If you
understand the metaphors, similes and symbols you can figure it out before the epiphany happens,
but you have to read carefully. If you don't you begin to think her cruel, she's happy her husband is
dead? And the plot thickens until the words escape her mouth, "Free, free, free!" And there is the
epiphany, what we have been waiting for. She has struggled with social norms and her husband's
will bend because he was the man and
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Post Modernism And Its Influence On Society
Post–modernism came about in the late–20th century following modernism, which was a period
where people had a new found freedom to follow their own path in life, whether it was religion,
science, philosophy, art, or really anything they put their mind to as opposed to strictly traditional
beliefs. Writers could express their emotions more easily without really feeling a backlash from
what everyone else thought. Two female writers who were able to freely express themselves in their
writing during post–modernism were Linda Pastan and Sharon Olds. Linda
Pastan talked more about her life in general like every day anxieties, her marriage, parenting, and
even grief. However, Sharon Olds was a little more controversial in her writing since she often
talked about sexuality and violence. Their writing styles were similar in the aspect that they both
enjoyed writing based on their own lives, but still very different on how they talked about certain
subject matter. Even with different approaches, these two authors were still both very influential on
others who wanted to share the same dream. Both authors have had similar educational backgrounds
and writing recognition. Pastan
Was raised in New York City and attended Radcliffe College. After her graduation, she decided to
focus her life on her family and did not return to writing until 10 years later when she was
encouraged by her husband to do so. She received awards such as Mademoiselle poetry prize, the
Dylan Thomas
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New Grub Street
New Grub Street
New Grub Street is known as
George Robert Gissing's best and most respected novel. This masterpiece gives its readers a taste of
the anti–idealistic principle that is shown all throughout Grub
Street. This society that Gissing has mirrored from his own life experience is one that revolves
around selfishness and money.
The reader is supposed to understand that the art of literature cannot exist without good economic
The term Grub Street continues to be used in reference to authors and journalists who are compelled
to struggle desperately to make a bare livelihood, and also to those who have no scruples about what
they write so long as it brings them profit or popularity (Ward 32).
The novel's ... Show more content on ...
New Grub Street was published in the same year that Gissing married Edith Underwood. This was
his second unhappy marriage to an alcoholic shrew. Edith was unhappy because she believed her
husband to be a failure. The character of Amy Reardon in New Grub Street also thought her
husband to be a failure due to his poverty and small literary success. Therefore, Gissing's personal
life had a huge impact on his writing.
Several reviews were found on this novel that were not optimistic. Jacob Korg did one such review.
"The reader is aware of the author at his shoulder, pointing to one detail after another as illustrations
of an implicit lesson" (Dimauro 131). Korg is saying that Gissing intrudes being an "all knowing"
omniscient narrator. The author's overwhelming presence is found in the tone, vocabulary, and
passages of comment. Gissing's personal opinions are forced upon the reader in his characters'
thoughts and actions. The intrusions could be irritating to the reader who would like to skip over the
seemingly pointless descriptions and historical backgrounds. P.J. Keating did another review that
was not favorable.
He was a morbidly autobiographical novelist and this has, perhaps, prevented his best work from
receiving the critical attention it deserves. Sometimes, as in the portrait of Reardon, Gissing
becomes too personally involved and this is a flaw which needs to be recognized (Michaux
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The Round Table: King Arthur's Feast
King Arthur was seen in many different perspectives throughout the stories written about him.
Generally, he was seen as a strong powerful leader, but to some he was seen as an unfit heir to the
throne. The Round Table; or King Arthur's Feast, which was written in 1817 tells us about the King's
disappearance; while, King Arthur and King Cornwall written in 1995 shows us how he gains power
and is a good leader. In the story The Round Table; Or King Arthur's Feast shows us how he had
disappeared and was never seen again after the Battle of Camlan. After King Arthur disappearance
arose a tradition by Merlin. With Merlin's magical powers he tried to depict a scene where all the
kings and queens who sat on his throne since his death, and giving ... Show more content on ...
Different writing can show and tell different stories about the same person depending on the time
period the when the writing was written in. Throughout the ages writing has became more and more
developed, leading to the writing becoming more complex. As years go on it allows writers to make
new discoveries about the art of writing, which allows them to expand their horizons making writing
better. Both articles King Arthur and King Cornwall and The Round Table; or King Arthur's Feast is
from different eras in time; therefore leaving the stories to have twists on them about King Arthur.
Not only can you tell the stories are different by the how they view King Arthur, but it's by how they
are physically written. For example, in The Round Table; or King Arthur's Feast was written in 1817
meaning the language was older and not as modern, "Old Merlin replied: "By my art it appears, Not
in less than three hundred and seventy years; But in the meantime, I am very well able To spread in
this island your ancient round table; And to grace it with guests of unparallelled splendour, I'll
summon old Pluto forthwith to Surrender All the kings who have sat on your throne, from the day
When from Camlann's destruction I snatched you away." (Peacock 11–18). Compared to this quote
from King Arthur and King
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Literary Analysis Of John Steinbeck 's ' The '
Israel Carreón
Dr. Sam McBride
ENGL 425
March 21, 2014
John Steinbeck: Literary Journalist It's no secret that John Steinbeck was a formable figure in world
of the written word. His created fictions have been cemented into educational curriculum in the
middle/high school and university levels. While it can be debated of his literary genius, no one can
deny the amount of influence he has had during the 20th century and beyond. Although Steinbeck is
most commonly thought of a novel author first, the tendency of overlooking his involvement in
journalism. His participation in this field has overarching effects on his fictional writing styles that
produced some of the most prolific narratives works of the past century. His style boasted to be at its
base the most honest form of writing. Pioneering a new frontier of journalism, Steinbeck entered an
arena of that many authors have not considered. Taking the role as a "literary journalist," Steinbeck
adopted unique techniques in order to find the most authentic and frank stories, covering a variety of
important issues, as well as using the same journalistic narrative structure to his fictional works.
Journalism is the art of communicating to the world of the world in the most truthful and honest
manner possible. There are many ways a writer can approach this objective stylistically. The most
common form of presenting the news is through the inverted pyramid writing style. This is done by
covering the upmost important facts that
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Lord Of The Flies, By William Golding And The Perks Of...
For me, coming of age novels always grab my attention contrary to other genres. Novels such as
Lord of the Flies by William Golding and The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky are
among some of my most beloved. In my junior year, I read A Separate Peace by John Knowles for
my AP U.S. History class while I read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger over the summer. A
Separate Peace explores the rivalry that can lie at the heart of many friendships and conveys the
concept of individuality rather than conformity. Similarly, The Catcher in the Rye is the story of a
teenage boy who despises the phoniness of society and fears becoming just another phony adult.
Both novels share similar characteristics including their utilization of literary devices as well as
protagonists who battle with preserving their youthful innocence while being forced to face the
brutal reality of the adult world which threatens to make them mature too soon. Both novels,
although more limited, contain differences such as the setting and the protagonists personality 's.
Throughout both novels, Salinger and Knowles both utilize similar literary devices to convey the
overarching themes of their novels. One of the main literary devices used by both authors is
symbolism. In The Catcher in the Rye, the Museum of Natural History of symbolizes the
timelessness that Holden lives for, while the red hunting hat symbolizes his need for individuality.
In A Separate Peace, the Summer Session symbolizes
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Contents Page
Chapter one
1. Introduction 1.1. background of the study 1.2. Statement of the problem 1.3. Objective of the
study 1.3.1. General Objective 1.3.2. Specific Objective 1.4. Significance of the study 1.5.
Delimitation of the study
Chapter two
2. Review of Related Literature 1.6. Definition of ... Show more content on ...
One important reason for studying and analyzing any literary work is to come up with its meaning
(message) and to get a literary competence. Therefore, in order to comprehend the meaning any
literary work thematic analysis is important.
Theme is the central idea or meaning of the story. According to Melakneh Mengistu (2006:62),
"theme is a preoccupation and broad idea in story and message the author is conveying". This show
that themes is message what the author intended to transfer to the readers from broad concept.
Novel, as part of literature, it can express religion, history, and politics of a given society. According
toCastel's English Dictionary, "novel is a fictionist narrative in prose usually of sufficient length to
fill a volume, portraying characters and situations from real life. From this question, we can
understand that novel expresses the life situation of community which is in pros e form and through
characters .Further more, as Chamber'sTwentieth century dictionary, novel is "a fictious prose
narrative or tale presenting a picture real life especially of the emotional crisis in the life history of
men and women portrayed .This indicates that by using fiction , novel can reflect what really exist
in the society concerning the life story of both women and men.
There are many types of novel like pastoriala novel, epistolary novel, horror novel
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Essay on Rita Dove Literary Analysis
Rita Dove: Literary Analysis
Rita Dove has written many different kinds of poetry. She also wrote books, short stories plays and
all types of literature. This essay will focus on specifics of her writing by analyzing three pieces of
poetry that Rita Dove has written. The works we will be looking at are In the Old Neighborhood,
My Mother Enters the Work Force, and The Bistro Styx. Through these three works you will see
examples of Rita Dove’s use of home in her poetry, her use of figurative devices such
as similes and metaphors, and you will see Dove’s view on children coming of age in
different ways.
By looking at the poem “In the Old ... Show more content on ...
As Dove’s poetry is so varied, it is easy to spot any number of types of figurative
language she likes to use. After looking through the selections it appears she does not rely heavily
on any particular type of figurative language. In the Old Neighborhood makes use of personification
and contrasting dark vs. light elements. My Mother Enters the Work Force uses a little
personification with rich and descriptive metaphors and even throws in a hyperbole or two. The
Bistro Styx is a beautifully worded poem that uses elements of different types of rhyme schemes
combined with similes, metaphors, and personification all rolled into a semi–tight package. The
reason for the semi–tightness is that Dove feels a weak poem is one that is not left open in at least
one way. Dove’s description is very vivid as seen with this simile from The Bistro
Styx, “The Chateaubriand arrived on a bone–white plate, smug and absolute in its
fragrant crust, a black plug steaming like the heart plucked from the chest of a worthy
enemy…'; . Here is a short but memorable hyperbole from My Mother Enters the Work
Force, “…traveling the lit path of the needle through quicksand taffeta or
velvet deep as a forest';. Figurative language has a direct effect on tone but with the variety of
poems that Dove
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Jasper Jones Moral Speech Essay
Craig Silvey engages us with Jasper Jones in order to convey a certain moral message in hope to
make us stop and think. No one in this novel is truly accepted into the community, which tells me as
the responder, that in order for this society to succeed differences need to be tossed aside. Jasper
Jones is a credible recollection of the injustice, racism and social exclusion that exists in the
Australian society. It also tackles growing up, first love, family unity, and a sense of belonging in a
community. It is not hard for me to forget that this novel is set in 1965, in a rural town known as
Corrigan. It is very similar to the one Silvey grew up in, although he denies writing the book purely
on his personal experience, wanting to ... Show more content on ...
Jeffrey is regularly abused although he seems to accept this and overlooks it. In light of these issues,
historical references are used throughout to remind us of the characters' significance to multicultural
Australia. In chapter three, Charlie is found in the library reading about past crimes and interviews
with murderers such as Eric Edgar Cooke. He feels empathy towards the victims, and anger towards
the people who let the torture go on, never speaking up. This is what has been going on in Corrigan,
and these historical references help us to feel the same emotions as Charlie does, as well as the
novel being in first person. Another way of getting this message across, are the allusions used quite
frequently in Jasper Jones, including directly naming To Kill a Mockingbird. In fact, many
reviewers have coined it as 'an Australian To Kill a Mockingbird'. It is essentially a book about
books. The author allows the reader to understand this difficult concept by relating it to an already
familiar story. The moral message apparent in this coming–of–age novel questions each of the
teenage boys, who in various ways show us what it's like to grow up in rural Australia if you are
smart or poor or of a different race. This moral message makes me question the past of the Australia
I have came to
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Gospel of Luke Analysis
Page 1 I chose the short story of from The Gospel of Luke– Story of a Lost Son. This captured my
attention because it is a religious story from the bible. This story represents a certain Tone (The
mood or attitude reflected in a literary work; it is important in identifying how the author
approaches a subject and conveys it to readers. (Clugston, 2010)) of moral theme. Throughout the
story we see examples of jealousy, envy, regret, forgiveness and a father's undying love. I will use
the Formalist approach for my analysis of this story. The formalist approach is most widely used in
literary criticism; it focuses on the form and development of the literary work itself. (Clugston,
2010) What makes the setting so memorable? A ... Show more content on ...
The brother is described as jealous. His feelings remain unknown after his father speaks with him
explaining his reasoning for the forgiveness shown to his younger brother. Was figurative language
used to create a mood, to reveal theme? This story stayed very to the point. The point of this story
was to cause the reader to have a realization or epiphany to the lesson at hand. What point of view
was used? This story was written as a third party point of view. The writer let us know exactly how
the characters feel, however did not have any participation in the story. (However, according to the
bible Jesus is telling the story.) In what ways do literary conventions and forms contribute to its
appeal? Page 3 This story is a Parable. Parables are brief stories that also illustrate a moral situation
or lesson. (Clugston, 2010) This make the story more interesting because it can be applied to
everyday life. Meaning of the Story: This is a biblical story so the meaning of the story is to
represent God's love. The father representing God, the youngest son representing people of sin and
the oldest son representing faithful followers of God. Therefore the main point of the story would be
how much God rejoices when a being makes the decision to follow him. Although the people who
have followed all along may be jealous the point is for us to rejoice that "our brother" has returned
"home". If I was unaware this story was from the
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Supernatural Elements : Supernatural Elements In Arthurian...
Supernatural Elements in Arthurian Literature
A recurring theme that can be found throughout Arthurian literature is the mention of magic,
mythical creatures, and other supernatural elements. Arthur's own birth is a direct result of this. He
was conceived after his father had used a potion, with the help of Merlin, to disguise himself as
Igraine's husband before sex. In some legends, there is even an "Otherworld". The term Otherworld
has Celtic origins and is usually described as a separate plane of existence from the normal world.
Typically, it holds divine creatures or deities and can be entered by crossing a body of water. In
Arthurian legend, the addition of supernatural elements is used to not only advance the plot, but aid
the characters and often explain the unexplainable. Two texts that showcase this are "Sir Gawain
and the Green Knight" and "Prose Merlin".
In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight", the Green Knight's supernatural ability is used in order to
provide Gawain the adventure he needs in order to prove himself to the other knights. In the eighth
section in part one, the author describes the Green Knight as a "creature", immediately implying to
the readers that the Green Knight isn't entirely human and of a different world. This is further
confirmed when Gawain, the only knight to take the Green Knight up on his offer, accepts the
challenge of cutting off the Green Knight's head. After the Green Knight is decapitated, his body
proceeds to pick up the disembodied
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Comparing Castles Of Athlin And Dunbayne, By Jane Austen
Compare and Contrast essay Two of the most memorable and interesting works which I've read in
the British Literature course are The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, written by Ann Radcliffe, and
Sense and Sensibility, written by Jane Austen. These books were both interesting and complex, and
so they have both similarities and differences. They have numerous differences in their authors,
tone, themes, time periods, forms, plots, and relevance. The differences are very vivid, so much so
that at first look, they nearly obscure the similarities. The similarities are more vague, but they can
be seen after looking closely at both books. Both are needed to better understand and decipher all
the details in the stories. The differences in The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne and Sense and
Sensibility is quite clear, reflecting the differences between the authors. Radcliffe's ... Show more
content on ...
Elinor inspires me to control my emotions in hard situations so as to help others, while Marianne
encourages me to be able to show my emotions freely. Even though these two meanings seem to
contrast each other, they don't really. Together they show that it's okay to show emotions, but they
shouldn't get out of control. Another of the points is that you shouldn't judge people without
knowing their history or circumstances. Although there are far more differences between The
Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne and Sense and Sensibility, the similarities are just as important. The
character casts in both stories are diverse, both have varying life situations, and both have many
twists and turns. The enemies or obstacles which are constantly in the way are dispatched by the
end. There is quite a bit of romance or allusion to love. There are soul–searching moments in both,
which perhaps helps with the fact that at the end of the stories everyone is a bit wiser, both the
protagonists and
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Examples Of Christian Ideals In King Arthurian Literature
Christian ideals are a concept known extremely well during the time of King Arthur. When
connected to Arthurian Literature, it's commonly placed among the knights, as it is one of their
morals and rules: to be like Christ. These ideals are important because despite everything
happening, it's important to always keep God at the center.
Examples of Christian ideals are known to be present in Arthurian Literature. The Knights of the
Round Table abide by one of their rules, to follow the example of Christ. While this is an excellent
rule to abide by, it's rather ironic, in being that these knights fight in battles, while it's known that
Christ despises of conflict and war. In addition, people during this time were known to be more
Christian. This
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'Death of the Author
'Death of the Author' Analysis
Roland Barthes is a French literary philosopher born in 1915. In one of his theories 'Death of the
author' he argues that by "giving a text an author is to impose a limit on that text". He claims that
having knowledge of the author's background and purpose for the text restricts the readers
imaginative license to build their own interpretations, and that the author and text are completely
unrelated. Barthes declares, "The death of the author is the birth of the reader."
Instead, he calls the author a 'scriptor', to draw away from the thinking that the author and his/her
single experience is in control over the text. In this way, he makes a point that no writing is original,
and is created based on the ... Show more content on ...
Barthes statement would be invalid for autobiographical writing, where the authors are one with the
text, as they are writing about themselves.
In poetry, the author is a significant part of the poem as most poetry is a reflection of the poets'
experiences through the use of metaphors and other poetic devices. To ignore this is to diffuse a
poem of its deeper meaning and connections.
We can use 'Full Moon and Little Frieda' by Ted Hughes to argue against Barthes theory. Hughes
wrote this poem about his daughter Frieda's fascination with nature. The poem frames a specific
scene somewhere in the country:
A cool small evening shrunk to a dog bark and the clank of a bucket –
And you listening.
A spider's web, tense for the dew's touch. A pail lifted, still and brimming – mirror To tempt a first
star to a tremor.
Cows are going home in the lane there, looping the hedges with their warm wreaths of breath –
A dark river of blood, many boulders, Balancing unspilled milk.
'Moon!' you cry suddenly, 'Moon! Moon!'
The moon has stepped back like an artist gazing amazed at a work That points at him amazed.
The poem is fairly vague in terms of setting, and without knowledge of the author one would not
know that Ted Hughes, his wife and two children (one named Frieda) moved to a cottage in Devon.
It was there when he wrote Full Moon and Little Frieda after his wife Sylvia Plath committed
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Excessive Suspension of Disbelief: Raymond Jean's La...
Excessive Suspension of Disbelief: Raymond Jean's La Lectrice
When I begin a class in fiction or poetry, I always talk for a few minutes about the various purposes
of literature: escape, didactic, and interpretive. I tell my students that escape literature is a wonderful
way to forget our problems for a while (less dangerous than drugs, alcohol, careless sex, or driving),
but that escape literature can be harmful if one expects one's personal life to be as exciting,
successful, or romantic as that in escape fiction. As Meg Ryan's friend says to her in Sleepless in
Seattle, "You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie." Thus my title, "Excessive
In The Literary Work of Art (1931, trans. 1965), ... Show more content on ...
It involves mentally perceiving the person, object, or action that is represented by a word or phrase.
When one hears or reads the word "cat," one mentally pictures a cat. At this level the reader
recognizes what the words and sentences signify, but perceives only that which is specified. When
one reads "See
Jane. See Jane run," one "sees" Jane and the running, but may not think of Jane's surroundings or
world. All of the lectrice's listeners respond at this level. These first three levels are the ones by
which we learn about words and how to read when we are children and the ones by which we learn
to access a foreign language. These three steps are essential to one's being able to read and
understand a text.
The fourth level involves filling in or constructing the whole picture of Jane running–on a sidewalk,
by the grass, in front of a white house, etc. (When I talk to my students about this level
I say, "A cat ran up the tree" and then ask several of them the size and color of the cat, the kind of
tree, etc. Their answers vary greatly because they have filled in different worlds around the cat. At
this level, the reader's experience is like looking through a window at a scene or incident.
One sees all that is going on, but one doesn't participate in it
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C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy Essay
C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy
"Good stories often introduce the marvelous or supernatural and nothing about Story has been so
often misunderstood as this."
On Stories–C.S. Lewis
The early decades of the last century saw the loss of credibility of fantasy literature among the
academic elite who ruled it a popular genre with little to no scholarly merit. Little that had had the
misfortune of being dubbed fantasy had escaped the blacklist cast upon the field. Many critics had
also labeled the fantasy genre as largely cliché, full of shallow characters, and as having no value
beyond being purely escapist entertainment. These generic labels, applied wholesale to fantastic
literature, had pushed it off the ... Show more content on ...
Accomplished science fiction and Fantasy author C.S. Lewis saw the defamation of the Fantasy
genre beginning during the early decades of the Twentieth century. Lewis was well aware of the
strengths of the genre; from his youth he had been enchanted by fantastical stories of paranormal
phenomena that included Norse mythology. Upon reaching adulthood and becoming a noted
member of the English faculty at Oxford College, Lewis published a science fiction trilogy dealing
with the clash between science and religion and between good and evil. He followed the well–
received series with the Chronicles of Narnia, seven Fantasy novels written for children bearing
large motifs of Christian mythology. And along the way, he managed to defend Fantasy, science
fiction, and myth from its critics in a series of explicative essays dealing with literary theory.
Similarly, Lewis' colleague at Oxford, J.R.R. Tolkien also defended Fantasy, or as he called it,
"fairy–stories." Tolkien was known for his fantastic works that included The Hobbit, The Lord of
the Rings trilogy, and an assortment of companion books to the series. He was also well known for
his criticism of Beowulf, "The Monsters and the Critics." His Fantasy series have had broad
implications on the fantasy genre as a whole since publication, influencing the current generation of
writers with the firm grasp of history
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Importance Of Personal Writing
From an early age, I've had trouble with writing effectively. I had absolutely no interest in learning
to write, which was mostly because of how difficult it was to me. Often, I found it boring. As I got
older, I found interest in music and poetry, sparking my interest to learn to write like musicians and
poets. Up until that point, I had always been writing papers for school, often to write research papers
or to write forced narratives. I never wrote anything for myself until about junior year in high
school. I did always enjoy reading intriguing narratives that others didn't enjoy though, so that's
exactly what I wrote. Even senior year, I was assigned to write a narrative story based around
Arthurian legends; I was proud of what I wrote ... Show more content on ...
If my audience were a large group of people, my storytelling would be less specific and more
focused on telling the overall idea of the story; I like to include some overlying theme in the story.
The Arthurian legend that I wrote for class was easy to write and took me about an hour to finish a
five–page story. It was for my British literature class in high school. I took all the stereotypes
included in Arthurian legends and tried to turn them into the opposite whilst also including them like
the rubric said. However, I'm almost the opposite for professional papers. I still prefer free writing
my essays, but I must stop every minute or so, just to figure out what to write next. I've tried using
outlines, but it makes me take longer to write since I would be doing the same stopping and thinking
thing that I already do when free writing. My audience influences the way I write professionally
since I know that somebody is going to read it. I often make sure that what I say is fully explained,
with as much proper grammar as I can use. The best thing about wanting to explain every detail I
can is that I don't like to leave gray area for facts I state; I state the full explanation if I know what
I'm talking about. The thing I don't like about writing professional papers is that usually forced to
write about something I really don't find interesting, which is the biggest determining factor in
whether I put time into the composition or not. I prefer the writing
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Introduction : How 've He Do That?
Introduction: How'd He Do That? Mastering literature is an art that can only be perfected with lots
of practice and understanding memory, symbol, and pattern; this only enhances the reading and
provokes the reader to analyze the text in a more productive way. Once you become a more avid
reader you will be privileged to make comparisons, connections, and your own conclusion from the
literary work you're reading with certain aspects of many different literary works you've read along
the way. Not only does this bring depth into the work for your better understanding of the "big idea"
but also makes it a more enjoyable read. "Whenever I read a new work, I spin the mental Rolodex
looking for correspondences and corollaries–where have I seen his ... Show more content on ...
This was my perspective on the book the back when I didn't know any better but as I grew as a
reader I realized that Aslan is an apt symbol of Jesus Christ himself. All the evidence pointed
towards him as a clear match. This interpretation doesn't necessarily apply to the religious kind but
it does help to have some religious literacy. Once you realize that Aslan is the abstract symbol of
Jesus Christ you can perceive him as a leader, magnificent, holy, highly admired and loved by many.
As expected, in the book Aslan is killed on the Stone Table (think back to Jesus Christ's death on the
crucifix) by the White Witch who is the epitome of evil (think back to the people who sent Jesus
Christ to his crucifixion). Utilizing memory, symbol, and pattern in this reading made the book more
enjoyable and relatable. Without a doubt I appreciated every little thing that occurred with Aslan
after this realization, in the rest of the series. Chapter 1 –– Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It's
Not) The five aspects of the Quest are: (a) a quester, (b) a place to go, (c) a stated reason to go there,
(d) challenges and trials en route, and (e) a real reason to go there. "The real reason for a quest is
always self–knowledge." (Foster pg. 3) Essentially this is a formula that many great writers utilize
in their books to
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A Farewell to Arms
Sadhana Changoer
Mrs. B. Struik
How Hemingway uses style and language to reflect the ideas and themes in A Farewell to Arms.
There are plenty of novels about World War I, most of them are about the cruel life in the trenches,
the physical stress and the awful numbers of deaths during the battle. As a reader you think that you
have seen it all, but then this book comes along. A Farewell to Arms is a novel written by Ernest
Hemingway, which presents the love story between Lieutenant Fredrick Henry and Catherine Barkle
during the cruel events of World War I. There are many things that differentiate this novel from
others. The point that attracted my attention the most was the writing style. When the reader starts ...
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Another writing technique that Hemingway often uses is dialogue. Many of the dialogues have short
questions and answers, and aren't always very interesting to read. Something that Henry does in his
dialogues is make the way in which the characters speak, more interesting than what they actually
say. Hemingway is also showing a bit of himself in this part of the novel.
Ernest Hemingway was a author, journalist and he has won a Nobel prize for his literary work. He is
one of the most important and meaningful writers who has ever lived. Hemingway's style is very
soft about the war. He has experienced the war from the front lines and he gave his book a very
romantic story line. The descriptions of the battles were written very beautiful and do not show the
truth of the hard life in trenches and the thousands of men who have died. He makes the story more
beautiful than it really is. Hemingway was a very simple man and so was his writing. His writing
style is known for his simplicity, easy sentence structure and he does not use any difficult words in
his work. You can find this back in this novel.
The writing style used in A Farewell to Arms helps the reader to understand the ideas of the main
character and the emotions and moods the main character is experiencing. First of all,
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Poetry Essay
Poems on Poetry Essay
In the poems 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam and 'Introduction to Poetry' by Billy Collins,
important ideas are presented about how poetry should be experienced and enjoyed. The poets used
the techniques extended metaphor, repetition, metaphors and personification to show me how these
ideas is important.
In 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam, the author describes how poetry is to be experienced.
Poetry doesn't need any manners and has no rules. "Don't be polite / Bite in." is an example of just
jumping in to poetry because it's got no manners and it's for everyone. "It is ready and ripe now,
whenever you are." Shows us that poetry is for everyone. Poetry never goes away because it always
written on ... Show more content on ...
In the poem it states that all we want to do is torture it and get a confession out of it. Poems are to be
about having fun, not trying to find every possible meaning and to just skim across getting the ideas
that the poet wants us too. Poems are about having fun and not over analyzing them.
In the poem 'Introduction to Poetry', the techniques metaphor and personification are used to show
me the important idea. Metaphor is used in the lines "I want them to waterski / across the surface of
a poem / waving at the authors name on the surface." Which compares waterskiing and having fun
to a poem that is fun and relaxing. This helps me understand that poetry is fun and relaxing just like
waterskiing. When you imagine yourself waterskiing you imagine a sunny day, speeding along
bouncing up and down on waves while waving to your friends on the shore in the sand. Poems are
the same you can enjoy yourself through rhyming or using alliteration. All the techniques that make
a poem fun and enjoyable to write and read. Personification is used in the lines " But all they want
to do / is tie the poem to a chair with a rope / and torture a confession out of it" to compare tying up
a person to a chair and trying to get a confession out of it. Over analyzing a poem and taking
meanings that aren't meant to be instead of taking the idea that the poet tries to convey. Doing this
the poet helps me understand
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Morte D Arthur Rape
Rape is an unmistakable reoccurring event in almost all Arthuriana. It is a popular incident in
medieval literature and, seemingly, a part of the way of life. No matter who the book was written by,
the concept of rape was always included. The literary works that will be analyzed are, Thomas
Malory's 'La Morte D'Arthur' and Terence Hanbury's 'The Once and Future King'. The focal point of
this paper is to give insight on why the idea of sexual violence was so popular to write about during
medieval times, especially in the Arthurian legend.
The Middle Ages are well known for being some of the bloodiest years of History. When we think
of these medieval times what comes to mind are the wars, the plagues, and the knights in shining
armor. Rape is ... Show more content on ...
The literal meaning of this word is to 'seize' or 'take by force'. This became the word for sexual
assault against women because they were deemed as property. The term raptus meant to seize
another's property. As early as Greek mythology women would be raped in mythical stories and take
the blame and punishment instead of the man. This prompted the first Rape Culture. Centuries later,
marriage became a 'tool' in receiving personal gratification, it was also used by husbands to force
their wives to have sex with them. Under the judicial law it was not rape if the woman and husband
were married during the time of intercourse. The female body and femlales themselves were seen a
much less than males. So much so that in Christian and hagiographical literature, the purity of a
woman (her virginity) was the only property that could set a female slightly closer to being equal to
the male counterpart. She could "[Become] like a man (vir) through virginity" (Gravdal) but, she
had to protect her virginity with her
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The Importance Of Lancelot In Malory's Morte D Arthur
Malory explicitly links Tristram and Lancelot in their desire for the unattainable and their
correspondence as contemporaries confined to new ideas presented as high treason. Elizabeth Kay
Harris describes the changes the textual alterations signify in her 1995, "Evidence Against Lancelot
and Guinevere in Malory's Morte D'Arthur: Treason by Imagination". By using a background of
law, she argues that the process in Tristram demonstrates the inverse of Lancelot and represents a
uniquely English reading of the two. However, Lancelot admires Tristram until he weds a woman
other than Iseult the Fair. Capellanus' argument should allow these relationships to work, as long as,
singular attachment does not form the goal. Both men overstep Capellanus' ramifications, finding
themselves falling from their lord's graces and ostracized from society. With these warnings in mind,
book VII, Lancelot and Guinevere, sees the public behavior of Guinevere shame Arthur after the
knights' return from the quest for the Holy Grail. Lancelot tries to break off ... Show more content
on ...
The structure of Guinevere's adultery showed direct alteration in the English translation to avoid
direct description of an English queen's sexuality and political agency. Though sexual liberty ebbed
over the previous time, the literature of the courtly love movement ensured the sanctity of
noblewomen's bodies as they held the ultimate choice in partner selection. Without this decisive
power, male courtiers regained power in relationships and regulated women's involvement in their
affairs. As a result, Guinevere loses her autonomy in her courtship with Lancelot and only survives
through inaction and silence allows her to escape. Guinevere's narrative shows the secularization of
the female body and opens the opportunity for equality in punishment for crimes of high
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The Memoir On Writing By Stephen King
In the memoir On Writing by Stephen King, there are several differences with the structure when
compared to fiction novels. First and foremost, considering the memoir is about his writing
techniques, King goes into detail about how he engages the audience. He explains what he calls the
"toolbox", which contains the essential resources every writer needs in order to improve their style.
A few of his tips include using basic vocabulary you know the audience will relate with, avoiding
adverbs at all costs, and avoiding a passive voice in narration. After going through the many tips he
had to offer, I realized the difference between the way his words flow together versus other author's.
A strategy King utilizes for engaging the reader is remaining dominant and straight–forward in his
words. He mentions that the reader is always the main concern, and making sure they will
understand the point is necessary. Another way King connects with the audience is by using his
sense of humor. This memoir doesn't have a formal tone, which is half of what makes it enjoyable.
There are several times where he is satirical, sarcastic, and making jokes to keep the reader engaged.
With that being said, the overall diction is a balanced mixture between informative and humorous.
An additional difference between King's memoir and fiction novels is the way he is direct with the
audience. Considering fiction novels are generally telling stories to the reader, there isn't a
connection with the narrator.
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Courtly Love In The Honeysuckle : Chevrefoil By Marie De...
What is courtly love? Imagine love so strong that you cannot control yourself; imagine love so
strong that you cannot live without your lover; imagine love so strong that if you cannot have them,
no one can. These examples are the ideals of courtly love. Such love, is a code of romantic love
celebrated in songs and romances of the Medieval Period. Moreover, being a code of romantic love,
courtly love goes hand and hand with chivalry. Chivalry is the code of conduct of the Medieval
knight. As being two essential elements of the Medieval period, it is seen that they have a major
influence on many stories and ballads created during this time. For example, these two ideals are
represented in "The Honeysuckle: Chevrefoil," "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," and "Le Morte
d'Arthur." Within these three Medieval stories, the ideals of courtly love and chivalry are depicted
through the authors deciding to have their main character(s) either embody or fail to embody the
two ideals. First, one of the key things that the Medieval stories did to depict the ideal of courtly
love and was having the main character(s) embody them. For example, both courtly love is depicted
within the story, "The Honeysuckle: Chevrefoil" by Marie de France. In this story, Tristan, an
Arthurian knight, finds himself in love with a Celtic queen, Iseult, who is already married to his
uncle, King Mark. Due to rumors of their love, King Mark banishes him from the kingdom.
Although, because his love for Iseult is
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Tamora Pierce Research Paper
Tamora Pierce is a young adult fantasy fiction author who is quite well known for the young, strong
and rebellious heroines in all of her novels. She was born December 13th, 1954 in Fayette Country,
Pennsylvania. During her childhood, her family moved a great deal and books became her solace.
Her uncle gave her a set of books including several from A.A Milne, who wrote all of the "Winnie
the Pooh" books, and Dr. Seuss' "Cat in the Hat." What really got her into writing was when one
day, her father told her she should start writing down her stories instead of just telling them to
herself out loud, while also giving her some of her first book ideas. After that it all writing and
reading every genre for Pierce, until she got introduced to J.R.R Tolkein in the sixth grade which
was her window into fantasy novel, then eventually science fiction. She began writing stories
mimicking all her favourite authors writing styles, something she encourages every young writer to
do now. Later on in life as she reflected on the writing she did as a child she said: "I tried to write
the kind of thing I was reading, with one difference: the books I loved were missing teenaged girl
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Training In Arthurian Literature Essay
Arthurian authors do not often address training in Arthurian Literature. This may be to keep some
sense of mystery or even because it does not make for a very interesting story. However, this was a
very important part of the lives of nobles in the middle ages. Children would often leave home as
early as age seven to train in the ways of warfare and chivalry. This shows that training was very
important in shaping the young men who would someday become honorable knights. Though
nobility and knighthood are widely seen as a matter of nature, this training shows that there is a
great deal of nurture necessary to create the best knights possible. In medieval times, warfare was
not merely an occupation or duty; it was a way of life. Men drew their personal worth and civil ...
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The nobility often employed training in the form of tournaments in times of peace to ensure that
knights were ready for battle. In many Arthurian texts, we see tournaments as a way to get
recognition and show off one's prowess in combat. Yvain even lost his love and mind because of his
love for tournaments and need for recognition. This exemplifies pride as negative in Arthurian
literature but we see that pride is central to the life of knights throughout the middle ages. Without
pride, a knight might not do all that he could to develop his skill in combat and work to keep his
talents sharp. This paper will examine the importance of training not only in childhood but also
throughout the life of a medieval knight to ensure his survival in battle, his livelihood, and his
honor. It will also compare and contrast this with some elements in Arthurian Literature regarding
tournaments and chivalric code. Though young nobles left home to train at a young age, their
training never ceased even after they earned the title of knight; their deeds in tournaments and
warfare trained them further throughout their
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Female Characters In Marie De France And The Wife Of Bath
In Lanval, the women characters revealed Marie de France's personal moral convictions and her
philosophical autonomy. Different female characters had role in her story such as the mythical fairy
women and the queen as she was demonstrated as manipulative and lustful because they used their
beauty and status for their personal benefit. Generally, Marie de France's explained various points
such as beauty, love, and manipulation. Similarly, in 'The Wife of Bath,' Geoffrey Chaucer
illustrates the significance of women role, yet they had a different power usage in persuading. The
women characters use alternative methods in expressing their role and empowerment that have been
illustrated extremely different in each of 'Lanval and 'The Wife of Bath' tales. Marie de France's
demonstrated the fairy queen as a symbol for female empowerment when the fairy queen said, "I
admonish you now, I command and beg you, do not let any man know about this. I shall tell you
why: you would lose me for good if this love were known; you would never see me again or possess
my body' (Anthology, L 150, 124). She showed that the fairy queen was entitle as the fairy queen
highlighted the consequences of not keeping their relationship in secret from everyone. Also, the
fairy queen used the word "command" to show that she was entitled, yet she followed it by the word
"beg you," she used indirect method to clarify it.
Moreover, in the tale it was illustrated by Marie de France's that the fairy queen preferred to keep
her information secret form Lanval. As Briscoe said, "While namelessness, especially within a
narrative, implies a lack of identity and thus a lack of importance or relevance, Marie's fairy queen
uses it to her advantage "(Briscoe, 24). In Most situations, providing shortage information indicates
to a lack of importance of the other thing or person. However, in this situation the fairy queen is the
one who wanted to be unknown and chose to provide short information to Lanval, which revealed
her power and control. Apparently, the fairy queen wanted to be control of their relationship and she
wanted to be in charge of their meetings. Marie de France's illustrated that the king's being
manipulated of by the queen, which was
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Women's Roles In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Women's roles throughout history, as well as literature, have been constantly changing throughout
the times. In the beginning, women are property and the only function they served was to have
children and take care of the men and their households. However, the roles of women changed
throughout each passing year. Middle Ages England saw a slight change, and it is reflected in their
poetry and literature. This is prevalent in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where a woman helps to
drive the plot of the poem. However, this poem also highlights the misogynistic view of not only the
wife in the poem but of all women as well. This belief was highlighted in the poem due to the
societal viewing of women during the time of the poem's origin. During the Middle Ages, women
only had two "occupations" that they could uphold: wife and mother or nun (Bovey, Women in
Medieval Society). Society expected women to get married in their youth, and then have as many
children as they could in order to have the children help around the house or farm. On the other
hand, if women did not want to go through the horrors of childbirth, then they could join the church
and become a nun or later Abbess (Bovey, Women in Medieval Society). However, becoming a nun
was still much like becoming a mother, due to the duties of the Abbess to the monasteries. The
Abbess has to not only take care of her fellow nuns but also has to take care of the friars because of
her superiority (Bovey, Women in Medieval
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Malory's Writing 'Le Morte D Arthur'
After Malory's death, people wasn't interested in his writing and it was forgotten because he went
and wrote in prison. However, in 1485, William Caxton, who disseminated printing technique in
England published and arranged Malory's writing. He named the writing "Le Morte d'Arthur" and
arranged eight tales in twenty–one books by five hundred seven chapters. After the publication, it
became the most well–preserved and influential prose version of the Arthurian legends. Arthurian
legends have been already familiar to people so that it made people easier to recognize more about
stories of King Arthur. "Le Morte d'Arthur" is a best completion of Arthurian legends and it is the
first work of British prose. "Le Morte d'Arthur" which means "The Death
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Essay about The Things They Carried Literary Analysis
Literary Analysis of The Things They Carried: Metafiction Tim O'Brien brings the characters and
stories to life in The Things They Carried. He uses a writing style that brings stories to life by
posing questions between the relationship of reality and fiction (Calloway 249). This is called
metafiction and it exposes the truth through the literary experience. Tim O'Brien uses metafiction to
make the characters and stories in The Things They Carried realistically evocative of the Vietnam
War. Metafiction is found early in the novel, The Things They Carried. Tim O'Brien, the protagonist
of the novel, has many similarities to the author of The Things They Carried. The author and the
protagonist both share the same ... Show more content on ...
Also, Mitchell Sanders says some of his story is fiction, "'Last night, man, I had to make up a few
things. . . The glee club. There wasn't any glee club. . . No opera,...But, it's still true'" (O'Brien 83–
84). The characters in The Things They Carried use metafiction for the same reason Tim O'Brien
does, it creates realistic feelings and sensations about what truly happened. Rat Kiley is able to get
his message and the truth across while telling lies because he creates the sensation of what
happened. This is the same with Mitchell Sanders, the story is exaggerated but the feelings are true.
Characters in The Things They Carried use metafiction to get the real truth about what happened
during the Vietnam War. In the chapter "Good Form," Tim O'Brien explains the difference between
the "story truth" and the "happening truth," (O'Brien 179) The "happening truth" is a historically
accurate summary and told without feeling, while the "story truth" is told with details and is a
dramatization. The "happening truth" tells while the "story truth" shows. This example of
metafiction shows that sometimes the truth cannot be told by facts, it has to be demonstrated
through a series of exaggerations to get the real
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The, Or The Nightingale, By Marie De France
The definition of a classic is a hotly debated topic in literature. For literature a classic has to have
certain characteristics to make is a classic; such as it must stand the test of time, have a universal
appeal, and make connections with the audience. Laustic, or the Nightingale, by Marie De France is
a classic in its own right due to the fact that students are still reading the literary work that it creates
a lasting impression on the reader. Marie De France, author of Laustic, created a memorable and
complex courtly love triangle that is dynamic when analyzing essential elements, such as irony,
understatement, spirituality, and symbolism.
In the story, Laustic or the Nightingale, Marie de France manipulates similarity and contract to
produce a more intense and stimulating story. Marie introduces her story by describing the two
young knights, who "had strong house" and "from the goodness of the two barons the city acquired
a good name (De France, 11–12)." Marie depicted the husband and the neighbor, or soon to be lover,
very much alike as to show the audience that they are equals, socio–economically and morally
(Murray). The similarity between the two characters add an element of relatability because the "wife
essentially falls in love with the same man all over again (Murray)." Marie then uses contrast by
detailing the husband's change of character from the beginning of the story to the end. From the
introduction of Laustic the author emphasizes the good nature of the
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Lay Le Freine
hereas a variety of Canterbury Tales tales are inclined to make the nobility aware of the capability of
ordinary people and how beauty presents itself in their lives, other medieval popular romances strive
to provide a sense of wish fulfillment for a different audience; the powerless. Thomas Chestre's Sir
Launfal in particular appeals to someone who wishes to escape profound social inequality and
injustice. Thomas Chestre speaks to his audience by rewriting a better version of the difficult life of
a commoner as a fairytale that idealises familiar views of the peasant; "Her faces wer whit as snow
on downe" (l. 251). Radulescu's statement that anonymous audiences should be acknowledged for
embracing the incendiary nature of these medieval popular ... Show more content on ...
Lay le Freine explores themes of patience being rewarded, of the oppressed turning out to be noble,
and of identity establishment. Le Freine and her mother form a central conflict within the moral
structure of the tale that condemns envy and rewards kindness. The mother is so envious of the birth
of her neighbour's twins that she spreads a rumour that a woman only gives birth to twins if they
belong to two different men. Through this subplot, Lay le Freine includes reference to the extensive
superstition about whether or not a woman is virtuous if she gives birth to twins. The presence of
this superstition may reflect the court's strictness about reproduction levels, particularly to do with
the poor, during the medieval times during which this was written. Pressure from the court, the
church, as well as embarrassment within society could have often lead to the abandonment of a
child; such as le Freine. In her story, le Freine manages to flourish even though she has been
exposed, proving that her difficulties have not damaged, but improved her character; "And damisel
Freyn, so hende of mouth, / Her semblaunt and her gentrise, / Her lovesum eighen, her rode so
bright" (ll. 265, 268, 269). In this way, this story is incendiary in nature since it ignites a feeling of
confidence in the audience who would enjoy hearing about a mistreated character like themselves,
who rises from the ashes despite their limitations to prove themselves noble, and despite having
nothing to their name. As much as this story would likely ignite feelings of hope amongst the
audience, they are also able to relate to the voice of le Freine, which is not directly spoken to them
until line 379, just before the end. In acquiring a voice only once
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A Raisin in the Sun Compare/Contrast Play/Film Essay
Lorraine Hansberry's play "A Raisin in the Sun," was a radically new representation of black life,
resolutely authentic, fiercely unsentimental, and unflinching in its vision of what happens to people
whose dreams are constantly deferred. I compared Act One, Scene 2, in the play and the film. The
setting in the play is on a Saturday morning, and house cleaning is in process at the Youngers. In the
film, the setting is the same as play, with lighting and costumes. The plot in the play is when Mrs.
Younger gets the insurance check of $10,000. In the film, the plot is the same, but includes music
not mentioned in the play. The dialogue in the film has some deletions from the original text, with
new dialogue added throughout the scene. ... Show more content on ...
Perhaps the biggest difference between the play and the film in this scene involves dialogue. Much
of the dialogue is rephrased and not said as the author has written it in the play. And also, some of
the dialogue from the original text is deleted, however, new dialogue is added. And also, unlike the
film, a lot of the actions the author has described in the play did not happen in the film. Such as, on
page 91 as Ruth says "Praise God!" the author describes that she raises both arms classically, and as
she tells Walter Lee to be glad, the author describes she has laid her hands on his shoulders, but he
shakes himself free of her roughly, without turning to face her, these actions did not happen in the
film. I also had compared Act Two, Scene 3, in the play and the film. The setting in the play is on a
Saturday, moving day, one week later. In the film, the setting is the same as the play, with lighting
and costumes. The plot in the play is Linder tries to buy back the house from the Younger family. In
the film, the plot is the same as the play. The dialogue in the film has some deletions from play; new
dialogue is added in replacement of the deleted dialogue. Some film techniques used in this scene
are: the film cuts back and forth to different characters, and the room is well lit with the sunshine
coming in through the window. Perhaps the biggest
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Complex Characters In The Arthurian Legend : Merlin And...
Merlin and Taliesin In Arthurian legend, there are many tales of magic and adventure. One of the
best aspects of the stories are the whimsical and complex characters. Often, characters' and their
identities change from version to version, creating confusion about their origin and roles in stories.
Merlin, the wondrous and wise magician, and Taliesin, the inspirational historian and all–knowing
bard, are some of the most versatile individuals in the stories. The mysteries of Merlin, Taliesin and
their significance impact the Arthurian legend and literature. Merlin, also referred to as Merlinus or
Myrddin, is a major and essential character in the legends. He is a well known sorcerer, seer and
prophet . He is first introduced by ... Show more content on ...
A man named Gwion Bach's job was to stir the potion. On the last day of brewing, Bach
accidentally consumed three drops of the potion and gained great wisdom. In an attempt to escape
from Ceridwen's wrath, he turns himself into a grain of wheat. Ceridwen eats the grain and becomes
pregnant. When the baby, which is also the reincarnation of Bach, is born, he is too beautiful to kill
so she throws him to the sea and when the baby, Taliesin, is found he is adopted. He grows up to
become the chief of the Bards and King Arthur's great seer. Whereas, Taliesin the historian is a poet
whose poems are some of the oldest, surviving Welsh literature. Welsh bards and poets consider him
to be one of the most famous founders of Welsh tradition for over 1500 years now. Both versions of
him have contributed greatly to Arthurian legend and their unclear historicity represent the flexible
interchangeable ways of Arthurian legend itself. Furthermore, Merlin and Taliesin are both
characters that represent Arthurian ideals. Both of the individuals follow the traditional folklore and
literature pattern of Arthurian times; they undergo a character development of a classic mentor by
obtaining the titles of a poet, prophet, magician and seer, not in that specific order. Merlin represents
more of the myth aspect to Welsh or Celtic literature while Taliesin represents more of the poetry
aspect, through his historian role. Merlin shows the value of wisdom and whimsical magic
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Creative Writing: Sir Perceval
Why couldn't Sir Perceval enjoy a nice, quiet supper at Camelot's Cup and Sword Tavern? "Yer a
damn thief! Gi' me my money, ya rotten little lout!" shouted a grimy, older patron from across the
dimly–lit tavern. A hush fell over the room, and the man's equally–unwashed companion scoffed.
"I'll give ya nothin' and you'll like it, ol' coot!" Sir Perceval looked up from his meal and cast his
best mate, Sir Gawain, a look of concern. "I don't care if they kill each other," said Gawain with
nonchalance, lowering his head over his bowl. "I'm eating this stew while it's hot and nothing will
stop me. Involve yourself in that foolishness if you like." The knight tucked into his supper.
"Please," said Perceval with an eye roll. "You love a good fight. ... Show more content on ...
Drunk men fought hard. The knights had managed to knock out two of the offenders with solid
punches, but now, Perceval and Gawain struggled on the floor, grappling with the two men who'd
started the fracas. "I can't wait to drag your sorry arses to the dungeons," growled Gawain, his knee
jammed into one offender's back. "My stew's cold now and it's your fault!" The man finally
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The Story Of The Grail By Chretien De Troyes
Over the past month, we read the Story of the Grail by Chretien de Troyes. This poem details the
progression of the knight Perceval. In the beginning, Perceval is not called by his name, instead he
is referred to as "the youth". This is an important detail to stress, because the poem is a coming of
age story. As the poem progresses, the reader is able to see definitive changes in Perceval's
character. For example, in the beginning of the poem Perceval uses the limited knowledge that was
bestowed upon him by his mother in order to complete his "knightly" duties. To make it worse,
Perceval feels the need to tell everyone he meets that his mother is the one that taught him
everything he knows. Eventually, Perceval outgrows this behavior and becomes a suitable knight.
Throughout the poem, Perceval goes through many trials and tribulations, but for the purpose of this
essay I will unravel the allegorical meaning of Perceval's fight with the Red Knight using all four
levels of interpretation. As Perceval rides towards the court of King Arthur, he meets the Red Knight
at the gate of the castle. When Perceval sees the Red Knights armor, he decides that he will have it
for himself. Perceval rides up to the Red Knight and tells him, "By my faith, I'll ask the king to give
me [your] armor." The Red Knight does not see this as a threat from the Welsh boy. He tells
Perceval to go to King Arthur and tell the king to send a champion to fight him if the king wants his
cup back. Perceval
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C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy Essay
C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy
"Good stories often introduce the marvelous or supernatural and nothing about Story has been so
often misunderstood as this."
On Stories–C.S. Lewis
The early decades of the last century saw the loss of credibility of fantasy literature among the
academic elite who ruled it a popular genre with little to no scholarly merit. Little that had had the
misfortune of being dubbed fantasy had escaped the blacklist cast upon the field. Many critics had
also labeled the fantasy genre as largely cliché, full of shallow characters, and as having no value
beyond being purely escapist entertainment. These generic labels, applied wholesale to fantastic
literature, had pushed it off the ... Show more content on ...
Accomplished science fiction and Fantasy author C.S. Lewis saw the defamation of the Fantasy
genre beginning during the early decades of the Twentieth century. Lewis was well aware of the
strengths of the genre; from his youth he had been enchanted by fantastical stories of paranormal
phenomena that included Norse mythology. Upon reaching adulthood and becoming a noted
member of the English faculty at Oxford College, Lewis published a science fiction trilogy dealing
with the clash between science and religion and between good and evil. He followed the well–
received series with the Chronicles of Narnia, seven Fantasy novels written for children bearing
large motifs of Christian mythology. And along the way, he managed to defend Fantasy, science
fiction, and myth from its critics in a series of explicative essays dealing with literary theory.
Similarly, Lewis' colleague at Oxford, J.R.R. Tolkien also defended Fantasy, or as he called it,
"fairy–stories." Tolkien was known for his fantastic works that included The Hobbit, The Lord of
the Rings trilogy, and an assortment of companion books to the series. He was also well known for
his criticism of Beowulf, "The Monsters and the Critics." His Fantasy series have had broad
implications on the fantasy genre as a whole since publication, influencing the current generation of
writers with the firm grasp of history
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Orphan Stories Essay
Orphan Stories
Throughout our lives we move from one story to the next. Whether we are listeners, readers or
writers "we live our lives immersed in stories.' From the many stories we encounter, both fiction and
non–fiction, the orphan figure stands out as one of the most prominent figures in literature. Orphan
figures have prevailed in the literary arena for centuries, from ancient poetry, folktales, and myths to
modern day novels. This constant reoccurrence of the orphan figure in literature emphasizes the
need to understand the significance attached to it. However, according to the editors of Bastardy and
its Comparative History literatures great interest on the orphan figure is poorly reflected in literary
criticism. It is further ... Show more content on ...
––––––– notes that the orphan figure shed its untamed and negative representation of the past and
entered the developing novel as a heroic figure in eighteenth century English novel.(ck article). The
establishment of orphan as heroic figure in eighteenth century literature is commonly associated
with the dawn of the enlightenment and romanticism in the eighteenth century. Furthermore, the
socio–historic explanation correlates the increasing philanthropic gestures for example the
establishing of foundling hospitals and the increased attention on the child with the rise in positive
orphan figures in literature. This literary revolution was perceived as a reflection of the rise in the
care and protection of orphaned and abandoned children, in other words an expression of social
concern. This study is committed to the eighteenth century English novel because this was when the
literary orphan came to be celebrated as a heroic figure in English literature, thus marking a notable
departure from earlier representations of the orphan.
This socio–historical commentary is valid however; it disregards the fact that the novels are not
accurate portrayals of society. Important facts: first the philanthropic attitude in the novels is simply
not a reflection of the literal changes in society, the novels cannot be classified an expression of
... Get more on ...
Camelot: A Short Story
It was a cloudy dark day in Camelot, when people were coming to congratulate King Pelles and his
wife Queen Astrid, because She was pregnant. That night they suddenly heard a crackle and saw
lightning. They both ignored it and thought that it was just the dreadful weather that day, so they
carried on with what they were doing. The next day, King Pelles woke up bright and early. When he
looked to the side, he saw his wife was not next to him. "She must be downstairs then, " he thought.
He went downstairs and looked for his wife, but She was nowhere to be seen. He looked
everywhere around the castle and She was still not found. When Queen Astrid woke up, She was in
a dark cave tied to something. She was so petrified and all She knew was that she needed to
unsecure herself from ... Show more content on ...
"Why can't we just try using the crystal ball to find our way back home?" asked Cody. "I guess we
can, " King Pelles said shrugging. On their third shot, they rubbed the crystal ball and a image
showed up. It was a picture of a cave. "What could a cave have to do with us? It's not gonna take us
back to Camelot," said Cody. "Well, I guess we'll just have to find out ourselves, " Said King Pelles
They were looking through the woods, and saw many different caves, some with vicious spiders,
and some with bears, but they fought them off and survived. After looking through many, many
caves they saw a person in the cave tied to a pole that was a part of the cave. "You have found me!"
said Queen Astrid with excitement. "Yes, we must get you out immediately," said King Pelles. Cody
walked outside and waited for King Pelles get his wife out, 5 minutes later he heard a scream. He
went inside to see, and he saw Morgana tying up King Pelles and Queen Astrid to the pole, but
nobody saw him. "I must go in there and save them," thought Cody. He soon thought of a
... Get more on ...

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Literature Comparison

  • 1. Literature Comparison Literature Comparison Krystal Swafford ENG125 Loretta Crosson October 15, 2012 There are different types and forms of literature. They are novel, drama, poetry, biography, non– fictional prose, essay, epic and short story. All these types of literature have some elements. To complete a piece of literature, a writer, dramatist or a novelist must use certain elements like plot, character, theme, etc. to capture the interest of their readers. When reading literature, there are themes which are interpreted within the literary piece. Themes reflect innocence, experience, life, death, reality, fate, madness, sanity, love, society, individual, etc. Such themes present a point of a lesson learned or the particular meaning the ... Show more content on ... After using the historical approach to analyze this story and researching the author herself I found an underlying theme of freedom from social norms with the plot and the character portrayed contributing to that theme. A plot is a dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that typically build to a climax and bring about a resolution. In this story the plot is by no means climatic but it starts with a tragic death, which draws you in, I know morbid but true. Everyone is afraid to tell the young woman about her husband's death because of her weak heart. They all fear she will die from grief. But when she is told, she locks herself in her room after a crying fit, again, everyone worried that she will make herself ill with grief. But this is not what the young woman is doing. She is realizing something, struggling with something. You have to keep reading because now you want to know...what is she doing? If you understand the metaphors, similes and symbols you can figure it out before the epiphany happens, but you have to read carefully. If you don't you begin to think her cruel, she's happy her husband is dead? And the plot thickens until the words escape her mouth, "Free, free, free!" And there is the epiphany, what we have been waiting for. She has struggled with social norms and her husband's will bend because he was the man and ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Post Modernism And Its Influence On Society Post–modernism came about in the late–20th century following modernism, which was a period where people had a new found freedom to follow their own path in life, whether it was religion, science, philosophy, art, or really anything they put their mind to as opposed to strictly traditional beliefs. Writers could express their emotions more easily without really feeling a backlash from what everyone else thought. Two female writers who were able to freely express themselves in their writing during post–modernism were Linda Pastan and Sharon Olds. Linda Pastan talked more about her life in general like every day anxieties, her marriage, parenting, and even grief. However, Sharon Olds was a little more controversial in her writing since she often talked about sexuality and violence. Their writing styles were similar in the aspect that they both enjoyed writing based on their own lives, but still very different on how they talked about certain subject matter. Even with different approaches, these two authors were still both very influential on others who wanted to share the same dream. Both authors have had similar educational backgrounds and writing recognition. Pastan Was raised in New York City and attended Radcliffe College. After her graduation, she decided to focus her life on her family and did not return to writing until 10 years later when she was encouraged by her husband to do so. She received awards such as Mademoiselle poetry prize, the Dylan Thomas ... Get more on ...
  • 3. New Grub Street New Grub Street New Grub Street is known as George Robert Gissing's best and most respected novel. This masterpiece gives its readers a taste of the anti–idealistic principle that is shown all throughout Grub Street. This society that Gissing has mirrored from his own life experience is one that revolves around selfishness and money. The reader is supposed to understand that the art of literature cannot exist without good economic means. The term Grub Street continues to be used in reference to authors and journalists who are compelled to struggle desperately to make a bare livelihood, and also to those who have no scruples about what they write so long as it brings them profit or popularity (Ward 32). The novel's ... Show more content on ... New Grub Street was published in the same year that Gissing married Edith Underwood. This was his second unhappy marriage to an alcoholic shrew. Edith was unhappy because she believed her husband to be a failure. The character of Amy Reardon in New Grub Street also thought her husband to be a failure due to his poverty and small literary success. Therefore, Gissing's personal life had a huge impact on his writing. Several reviews were found on this novel that were not optimistic. Jacob Korg did one such review. "The reader is aware of the author at his shoulder, pointing to one detail after another as illustrations of an implicit lesson" (Dimauro 131). Korg is saying that Gissing intrudes being an "all knowing" omniscient narrator. The author's overwhelming presence is found in the tone, vocabulary, and passages of comment. Gissing's personal opinions are forced upon the reader in his characters' thoughts and actions. The intrusions could be irritating to the reader who would like to skip over the seemingly pointless descriptions and historical backgrounds. P.J. Keating did another review that was not favorable. He was a morbidly autobiographical novelist and this has, perhaps, prevented his best work from receiving the critical attention it deserves. Sometimes, as in the portrait of Reardon, Gissing becomes too personally involved and this is a flaw which needs to be recognized (Michaux ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Round Table: King Arthur's Feast King Arthur was seen in many different perspectives throughout the stories written about him. Generally, he was seen as a strong powerful leader, but to some he was seen as an unfit heir to the throne. The Round Table; or King Arthur's Feast, which was written in 1817 tells us about the King's disappearance; while, King Arthur and King Cornwall written in 1995 shows us how he gains power and is a good leader. In the story The Round Table; Or King Arthur's Feast shows us how he had disappeared and was never seen again after the Battle of Camlan. After King Arthur disappearance arose a tradition by Merlin. With Merlin's magical powers he tried to depict a scene where all the kings and queens who sat on his throne since his death, and giving ... Show more content on ... Different writing can show and tell different stories about the same person depending on the time period the when the writing was written in. Throughout the ages writing has became more and more developed, leading to the writing becoming more complex. As years go on it allows writers to make new discoveries about the art of writing, which allows them to expand their horizons making writing better. Both articles King Arthur and King Cornwall and The Round Table; or King Arthur's Feast is from different eras in time; therefore leaving the stories to have twists on them about King Arthur. Not only can you tell the stories are different by the how they view King Arthur, but it's by how they are physically written. For example, in The Round Table; or King Arthur's Feast was written in 1817 meaning the language was older and not as modern, "Old Merlin replied: "By my art it appears, Not in less than three hundred and seventy years; But in the meantime, I am very well able To spread in this island your ancient round table; And to grace it with guests of unparallelled splendour, I'll summon old Pluto forthwith to Surrender All the kings who have sat on your throne, from the day When from Camlann's destruction I snatched you away." (Peacock 11–18). Compared to this quote from King Arthur and King ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Literary Analysis Of John Steinbeck 's ' The ' Israel Carreón Dr. Sam McBride ENGL 425 March 21, 2014 John Steinbeck: Literary Journalist It's no secret that John Steinbeck was a formable figure in world of the written word. His created fictions have been cemented into educational curriculum in the middle/high school and university levels. While it can be debated of his literary genius, no one can deny the amount of influence he has had during the 20th century and beyond. Although Steinbeck is most commonly thought of a novel author first, the tendency of overlooking his involvement in journalism. His participation in this field has overarching effects on his fictional writing styles that produced some of the most prolific narratives works of the past century. His style boasted to be at its base the most honest form of writing. Pioneering a new frontier of journalism, Steinbeck entered an arena of that many authors have not considered. Taking the role as a "literary journalist," Steinbeck adopted unique techniques in order to find the most authentic and frank stories, covering a variety of important issues, as well as using the same journalistic narrative structure to his fictional works. Journalism is the art of communicating to the world of the world in the most truthful and honest manner possible. There are many ways a writer can approach this objective stylistically. The most common form of presenting the news is through the inverted pyramid writing style. This is done by covering the upmost important facts that ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Lord Of The Flies, By William Golding And The Perks Of... For me, coming of age novels always grab my attention contrary to other genres. Novels such as Lord of the Flies by William Golding and The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky are among some of my most beloved. In my junior year, I read A Separate Peace by John Knowles for my AP U.S. History class while I read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger over the summer. A Separate Peace explores the rivalry that can lie at the heart of many friendships and conveys the concept of individuality rather than conformity. Similarly, The Catcher in the Rye is the story of a teenage boy who despises the phoniness of society and fears becoming just another phony adult. Both novels share similar characteristics including their utilization of literary devices as well as protagonists who battle with preserving their youthful innocence while being forced to face the brutal reality of the adult world which threatens to make them mature too soon. Both novels, although more limited, contain differences such as the setting and the protagonists personality 's. Throughout both novels, Salinger and Knowles both utilize similar literary devices to convey the overarching themes of their novels. One of the main literary devices used by both authors is symbolism. In The Catcher in the Rye, the Museum of Natural History of symbolizes the timelessness that Holden lives for, while the red hunting hat symbolizes his need for individuality. In A Separate Peace, the Summer Session symbolizes ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Turab JIMMA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND LAW DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE THEMATIC ANALYSIS OF ISSAYYAAS HORDOFAAS NOVEL YOOMILAATAA BY:– TEKALIGN GURMESA ADVISOR:– ASHENAFI BELAY SUBMISSION OF RESEARCH PROPOSAL TO DEPARTMENT ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Contents Page Acknowledgement Abstract Chapter one 1. Introduction 1.1. background of the study 1.2. Statement of the problem 1.3. Objective of the study 1.3.1. General Objective 1.3.2. Specific Objective 1.4. Significance of the study 1.5. Delimitation of the study Chapter two 2. Review of Related Literature 1.6. Definition of ... Show more content on ... One important reason for studying and analyzing any literary work is to come up with its meaning (message) and to get a literary competence. Therefore, in order to comprehend the meaning any literary work thematic analysis is important. Theme is the central idea or meaning of the story. According to Melakneh Mengistu (2006:62), "theme is a preoccupation and broad idea in story and message the author is conveying". This show that themes is message what the author intended to transfer to the readers from broad concept. Novel, as part of literature, it can express religion, history, and politics of a given society. According toCastel's English Dictionary, "novel is a fictionist narrative in prose usually of sufficient length to fill a volume, portraying characters and situations from real life. From this question, we can understand that novel expresses the life situation of community which is in pros e form and through characters .Further more, as Chamber'sTwentieth century dictionary, novel is "a fictious prose narrative or tale presenting a picture real life especially of the emotional crisis in the life history of
  • 8. men and women portrayed .This indicates that by using fiction , novel can reflect what really exist in the society concerning the life story of both women and men. There are many types of novel like pastoriala novel, epistolary novel, horror novel ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay on Rita Dove Literary Analysis Rita Dove: Literary Analysis Rita Dove has written many different kinds of poetry. She also wrote books, short stories plays and all types of literature. This essay will focus on specifics of her writing by analyzing three pieces of poetry that Rita Dove has written. The works we will be looking at are In the Old Neighborhood, My Mother Enters the Work Force, and The Bistro Styx. Through these three works you will see examples of Rita Dove’s use of home in her poetry, her use of figurative devices such as similes and metaphors, and you will see Dove’s view on children coming of age in different ways. By looking at the poem “In the Old ... Show more content on ... As Dove’s poetry is so varied, it is easy to spot any number of types of figurative language she likes to use. After looking through the selections it appears she does not rely heavily on any particular type of figurative language. In the Old Neighborhood makes use of personification and contrasting dark vs. light elements. My Mother Enters the Work Force uses a little personification with rich and descriptive metaphors and even throws in a hyperbole or two. The Bistro Styx is a beautifully worded poem that uses elements of different types of rhyme schemes combined with similes, metaphors, and personification all rolled into a semi–tight package. The reason for the semi–tightness is that Dove feels a weak poem is one that is not left open in at least one way. Dove’s description is very vivid as seen with this simile from The Bistro Styx, “The Chateaubriand arrived on a bone–white plate, smug and absolute in its fragrant crust, a black plug steaming like the heart plucked from the chest of a worthy enemy…'; . Here is a short but memorable hyperbole from My Mother Enters the Work Force, “…traveling the lit path of the needle through quicksand taffeta or velvet deep as a forest';. Figurative language has a direct effect on tone but with the variety of poems that Dove ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Jasper Jones Moral Speech Essay Craig Silvey engages us with Jasper Jones in order to convey a certain moral message in hope to make us stop and think. No one in this novel is truly accepted into the community, which tells me as the responder, that in order for this society to succeed differences need to be tossed aside. Jasper Jones is a credible recollection of the injustice, racism and social exclusion that exists in the Australian society. It also tackles growing up, first love, family unity, and a sense of belonging in a community. It is not hard for me to forget that this novel is set in 1965, in a rural town known as Corrigan. It is very similar to the one Silvey grew up in, although he denies writing the book purely on his personal experience, wanting to ... Show more content on ... Jeffrey is regularly abused although he seems to accept this and overlooks it. In light of these issues, historical references are used throughout to remind us of the characters' significance to multicultural Australia. In chapter three, Charlie is found in the library reading about past crimes and interviews with murderers such as Eric Edgar Cooke. He feels empathy towards the victims, and anger towards the people who let the torture go on, never speaking up. This is what has been going on in Corrigan, and these historical references help us to feel the same emotions as Charlie does, as well as the novel being in first person. Another way of getting this message across, are the allusions used quite frequently in Jasper Jones, including directly naming To Kill a Mockingbird. In fact, many reviewers have coined it as 'an Australian To Kill a Mockingbird'. It is essentially a book about books. The author allows the reader to understand this difficult concept by relating it to an already familiar story. The moral message apparent in this coming–of–age novel questions each of the teenage boys, who in various ways show us what it's like to grow up in rural Australia if you are smart or poor or of a different race. This moral message makes me question the past of the Australia I have came to ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Gospel of Luke Analysis Page 1 I chose the short story of from The Gospel of Luke– Story of a Lost Son. This captured my attention because it is a religious story from the bible. This story represents a certain Tone (The mood or attitude reflected in a literary work; it is important in identifying how the author approaches a subject and conveys it to readers. (Clugston, 2010)) of moral theme. Throughout the story we see examples of jealousy, envy, regret, forgiveness and a father's undying love. I will use the Formalist approach for my analysis of this story. The formalist approach is most widely used in literary criticism; it focuses on the form and development of the literary work itself. (Clugston, 2010) What makes the setting so memorable? A ... Show more content on ... The brother is described as jealous. His feelings remain unknown after his father speaks with him explaining his reasoning for the forgiveness shown to his younger brother. Was figurative language used to create a mood, to reveal theme? This story stayed very to the point. The point of this story was to cause the reader to have a realization or epiphany to the lesson at hand. What point of view was used? This story was written as a third party point of view. The writer let us know exactly how the characters feel, however did not have any participation in the story. (However, according to the bible Jesus is telling the story.) In what ways do literary conventions and forms contribute to its appeal? Page 3 This story is a Parable. Parables are brief stories that also illustrate a moral situation or lesson. (Clugston, 2010) This make the story more interesting because it can be applied to everyday life. Meaning of the Story: This is a biblical story so the meaning of the story is to represent God's love. The father representing God, the youngest son representing people of sin and the oldest son representing faithful followers of God. Therefore the main point of the story would be how much God rejoices when a being makes the decision to follow him. Although the people who have followed all along may be jealous the point is for us to rejoice that "our brother" has returned "home". If I was unaware this story was from the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Supernatural Elements : Supernatural Elements In Arthurian... Supernatural Elements in Arthurian Literature A recurring theme that can be found throughout Arthurian literature is the mention of magic, mythical creatures, and other supernatural elements. Arthur's own birth is a direct result of this. He was conceived after his father had used a potion, with the help of Merlin, to disguise himself as Igraine's husband before sex. In some legends, there is even an "Otherworld". The term Otherworld has Celtic origins and is usually described as a separate plane of existence from the normal world. Typically, it holds divine creatures or deities and can be entered by crossing a body of water. In Arthurian legend, the addition of supernatural elements is used to not only advance the plot, but aid the characters and often explain the unexplainable. Two texts that showcase this are "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Prose Merlin". In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight", the Green Knight's supernatural ability is used in order to provide Gawain the adventure he needs in order to prove himself to the other knights. In the eighth section in part one, the author describes the Green Knight as a "creature", immediately implying to the readers that the Green Knight isn't entirely human and of a different world. This is further confirmed when Gawain, the only knight to take the Green Knight up on his offer, accepts the challenge of cutting off the Green Knight's head. After the Green Knight is decapitated, his body proceeds to pick up the disembodied ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Comparing Castles Of Athlin And Dunbayne, By Jane Austen Compare and Contrast essay Two of the most memorable and interesting works which I've read in the British Literature course are The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, written by Ann Radcliffe, and Sense and Sensibility, written by Jane Austen. These books were both interesting and complex, and so they have both similarities and differences. They have numerous differences in their authors, tone, themes, time periods, forms, plots, and relevance. The differences are very vivid, so much so that at first look, they nearly obscure the similarities. The similarities are more vague, but they can be seen after looking closely at both books. Both are needed to better understand and decipher all the details in the stories. The differences in The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne and Sense and Sensibility is quite clear, reflecting the differences between the authors. Radcliffe's ... Show more content on ... Elinor inspires me to control my emotions in hard situations so as to help others, while Marianne encourages me to be able to show my emotions freely. Even though these two meanings seem to contrast each other, they don't really. Together they show that it's okay to show emotions, but they shouldn't get out of control. Another of the points is that you shouldn't judge people without knowing their history or circumstances. Although there are far more differences between The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne and Sense and Sensibility, the similarities are just as important. The character casts in both stories are diverse, both have varying life situations, and both have many twists and turns. The enemies or obstacles which are constantly in the way are dispatched by the end. There is quite a bit of romance or allusion to love. There are soul–searching moments in both, which perhaps helps with the fact that at the end of the stories everyone is a bit wiser, both the protagonists and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Examples Of Christian Ideals In King Arthurian Literature Christian ideals are a concept known extremely well during the time of King Arthur. When connected to Arthurian Literature, it's commonly placed among the knights, as it is one of their morals and rules: to be like Christ. These ideals are important because despite everything happening, it's important to always keep God at the center. Examples of Christian ideals are known to be present in Arthurian Literature. The Knights of the Round Table abide by one of their rules, to follow the example of Christ. While this is an excellent rule to abide by, it's rather ironic, in being that these knights fight in battles, while it's known that Christ despises of conflict and war. In addition, people during this time were known to be more Christian. This ... Get more on ...
  • 15. 'Death of the Author 'Death of the Author' Analysis Roland Barthes is a French literary philosopher born in 1915. In one of his theories 'Death of the author' he argues that by "giving a text an author is to impose a limit on that text". He claims that having knowledge of the author's background and purpose for the text restricts the readers imaginative license to build their own interpretations, and that the author and text are completely unrelated. Barthes declares, "The death of the author is the birth of the reader." Instead, he calls the author a 'scriptor', to draw away from the thinking that the author and his/her single experience is in control over the text. In this way, he makes a point that no writing is original, and is created based on the ... Show more content on ... Barthes statement would be invalid for autobiographical writing, where the authors are one with the text, as they are writing about themselves. In poetry, the author is a significant part of the poem as most poetry is a reflection of the poets' experiences through the use of metaphors and other poetic devices. To ignore this is to diffuse a poem of its deeper meaning and connections. We can use 'Full Moon and Little Frieda' by Ted Hughes to argue against Barthes theory. Hughes wrote this poem about his daughter Frieda's fascination with nature. The poem frames a specific scene somewhere in the country: A cool small evening shrunk to a dog bark and the clank of a bucket – And you listening. A spider's web, tense for the dew's touch. A pail lifted, still and brimming – mirror To tempt a first star to a tremor. Cows are going home in the lane there, looping the hedges with their warm wreaths of breath – A dark river of blood, many boulders, Balancing unspilled milk. 'Moon!' you cry suddenly, 'Moon! Moon!' The moon has stepped back like an artist gazing amazed at a work That points at him amazed. The poem is fairly vague in terms of setting, and without knowledge of the author one would not know that Ted Hughes, his wife and two children (one named Frieda) moved to a cottage in Devon. It was there when he wrote Full Moon and Little Frieda after his wife Sylvia Plath committed ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Excessive Suspension of Disbelief: Raymond Jean's La... Excessive Suspension of Disbelief: Raymond Jean's La Lectrice When I begin a class in fiction or poetry, I always talk for a few minutes about the various purposes of literature: escape, didactic, and interpretive. I tell my students that escape literature is a wonderful way to forget our problems for a while (less dangerous than drugs, alcohol, careless sex, or driving), but that escape literature can be harmful if one expects one's personal life to be as exciting, successful, or romantic as that in escape fiction. As Meg Ryan's friend says to her in Sleepless in Seattle, "You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie." Thus my title, "Excessive Suspension...." In The Literary Work of Art (1931, trans. 1965), ... Show more content on ... It involves mentally perceiving the person, object, or action that is represented by a word or phrase. When one hears or reads the word "cat," one mentally pictures a cat. At this level the reader recognizes what the words and sentences signify, but perceives only that which is specified. When one reads "See Jane. See Jane run," one "sees" Jane and the running, but may not think of Jane's surroundings or world. All of the lectrice's listeners respond at this level. These first three levels are the ones by which we learn about words and how to read when we are children and the ones by which we learn to access a foreign language. These three steps are essential to one's being able to read and understand a text. The fourth level involves filling in or constructing the whole picture of Jane running–on a sidewalk, by the grass, in front of a white house, etc. (When I talk to my students about this level I say, "A cat ran up the tree" and then ask several of them the size and color of the cat, the kind of tree, etc. Their answers vary greatly because they have filled in different worlds around the cat. At this level, the reader's experience is like looking through a window at a scene or incident. One sees all that is going on, but one doesn't participate in it ... Get more on ...
  • 17. C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy Essay C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy "Good stories often introduce the marvelous or supernatural and nothing about Story has been so often misunderstood as this." On Stories–C.S. Lewis The early decades of the last century saw the loss of credibility of fantasy literature among the academic elite who ruled it a popular genre with little to no scholarly merit. Little that had had the misfortune of being dubbed fantasy had escaped the blacklist cast upon the field. Many critics had also labeled the fantasy genre as largely cliché, full of shallow characters, and as having no value beyond being purely escapist entertainment. These generic labels, applied wholesale to fantastic literature, had pushed it off the ... Show more content on ... Accomplished science fiction and Fantasy author C.S. Lewis saw the defamation of the Fantasy genre beginning during the early decades of the Twentieth century. Lewis was well aware of the strengths of the genre; from his youth he had been enchanted by fantastical stories of paranormal phenomena that included Norse mythology. Upon reaching adulthood and becoming a noted member of the English faculty at Oxford College, Lewis published a science fiction trilogy dealing with the clash between science and religion and between good and evil. He followed the well– received series with the Chronicles of Narnia, seven Fantasy novels written for children bearing large motifs of Christian mythology. And along the way, he managed to defend Fantasy, science fiction, and myth from its critics in a series of explicative essays dealing with literary theory. Similarly, Lewis' colleague at Oxford, J.R.R. Tolkien also defended Fantasy, or as he called it, "fairy–stories." Tolkien was known for his fantastic works that included The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and an assortment of companion books to the series. He was also well known for his criticism of Beowulf, "The Monsters and the Critics." His Fantasy series have had broad implications on the fantasy genre as a whole since publication, influencing the current generation of writers with the firm grasp of history ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Importance Of Personal Writing From an early age, I've had trouble with writing effectively. I had absolutely no interest in learning to write, which was mostly because of how difficult it was to me. Often, I found it boring. As I got older, I found interest in music and poetry, sparking my interest to learn to write like musicians and poets. Up until that point, I had always been writing papers for school, often to write research papers or to write forced narratives. I never wrote anything for myself until about junior year in high school. I did always enjoy reading intriguing narratives that others didn't enjoy though, so that's exactly what I wrote. Even senior year, I was assigned to write a narrative story based around Arthurian legends; I was proud of what I wrote ... Show more content on ... If my audience were a large group of people, my storytelling would be less specific and more focused on telling the overall idea of the story; I like to include some overlying theme in the story. The Arthurian legend that I wrote for class was easy to write and took me about an hour to finish a five–page story. It was for my British literature class in high school. I took all the stereotypes included in Arthurian legends and tried to turn them into the opposite whilst also including them like the rubric said. However, I'm almost the opposite for professional papers. I still prefer free writing my essays, but I must stop every minute or so, just to figure out what to write next. I've tried using outlines, but it makes me take longer to write since I would be doing the same stopping and thinking thing that I already do when free writing. My audience influences the way I write professionally since I know that somebody is going to read it. I often make sure that what I say is fully explained, with as much proper grammar as I can use. The best thing about wanting to explain every detail I can is that I don't like to leave gray area for facts I state; I state the full explanation if I know what I'm talking about. The thing I don't like about writing professional papers is that usually forced to write about something I really don't find interesting, which is the biggest determining factor in whether I put time into the composition or not. I prefer the writing ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Introduction : How 've He Do That? Introduction: How'd He Do That? Mastering literature is an art that can only be perfected with lots of practice and understanding memory, symbol, and pattern; this only enhances the reading and provokes the reader to analyze the text in a more productive way. Once you become a more avid reader you will be privileged to make comparisons, connections, and your own conclusion from the literary work you're reading with certain aspects of many different literary works you've read along the way. Not only does this bring depth into the work for your better understanding of the "big idea" but also makes it a more enjoyable read. "Whenever I read a new work, I spin the mental Rolodex looking for correspondences and corollaries–where have I seen his ... Show more content on ... This was my perspective on the book the back when I didn't know any better but as I grew as a reader I realized that Aslan is an apt symbol of Jesus Christ himself. All the evidence pointed towards him as a clear match. This interpretation doesn't necessarily apply to the religious kind but it does help to have some religious literacy. Once you realize that Aslan is the abstract symbol of Jesus Christ you can perceive him as a leader, magnificent, holy, highly admired and loved by many. As expected, in the book Aslan is killed on the Stone Table (think back to Jesus Christ's death on the crucifix) by the White Witch who is the epitome of evil (think back to the people who sent Jesus Christ to his crucifixion). Utilizing memory, symbol, and pattern in this reading made the book more enjoyable and relatable. Without a doubt I appreciated every little thing that occurred with Aslan after this realization, in the rest of the series. Chapter 1 –– Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It's Not) The five aspects of the Quest are: (a) a quester, (b) a place to go, (c) a stated reason to go there, (d) challenges and trials en route, and (e) a real reason to go there. "The real reason for a quest is always self–knowledge." (Foster pg. 3) Essentially this is a formula that many great writers utilize in their books to ... Get more on ...
  • 20. A Farewell to Arms Sadhana Changoer Mrs. B. Struik English 10–01–2013 How Hemingway uses style and language to reflect the ideas and themes in A Farewell to Arms. There are plenty of novels about World War I, most of them are about the cruel life in the trenches, the physical stress and the awful numbers of deaths during the battle. As a reader you think that you have seen it all, but then this book comes along. A Farewell to Arms is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway, which presents the love story between Lieutenant Fredrick Henry and Catherine Barkle during the cruel events of World War I. There are many things that differentiate this novel from others. The point that attracted my attention the most was the writing style. When the reader starts ... Show more content on ... Another writing technique that Hemingway often uses is dialogue. Many of the dialogues have short questions and answers, and aren't always very interesting to read. Something that Henry does in his dialogues is make the way in which the characters speak, more interesting than what they actually say. Hemingway is also showing a bit of himself in this part of the novel. Ernest Hemingway was a author, journalist and he has won a Nobel prize for his literary work. He is one of the most important and meaningful writers who has ever lived. Hemingway's style is very soft about the war. He has experienced the war from the front lines and he gave his book a very romantic story line. The descriptions of the battles were written very beautiful and do not show the truth of the hard life in trenches and the thousands of men who have died. He makes the story more beautiful than it really is. Hemingway was a very simple man and so was his writing. His writing style is known for his simplicity, easy sentence structure and he does not use any difficult words in his work. You can find this back in this novel. The writing style used in A Farewell to Arms helps the reader to understand the ideas of the main character and the emotions and moods the main character is experiencing. First of all, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Poetry Essay Poems on Poetry Essay In the poems 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam and 'Introduction to Poetry' by Billy Collins, important ideas are presented about how poetry should be experienced and enjoyed. The poets used the techniques extended metaphor, repetition, metaphors and personification to show me how these ideas is important. In 'How to Eat a Poem' by Eve Merriam, the author describes how poetry is to be experienced. Poetry doesn't need any manners and has no rules. "Don't be polite / Bite in." is an example of just jumping in to poetry because it's got no manners and it's for everyone. "It is ready and ripe now, whenever you are." Shows us that poetry is for everyone. Poetry never goes away because it always written on ... Show more content on ... In the poem it states that all we want to do is torture it and get a confession out of it. Poems are to be about having fun, not trying to find every possible meaning and to just skim across getting the ideas that the poet wants us too. Poems are about having fun and not over analyzing them. In the poem 'Introduction to Poetry', the techniques metaphor and personification are used to show me the important idea. Metaphor is used in the lines "I want them to waterski / across the surface of a poem / waving at the authors name on the surface." Which compares waterskiing and having fun to a poem that is fun and relaxing. This helps me understand that poetry is fun and relaxing just like waterskiing. When you imagine yourself waterskiing you imagine a sunny day, speeding along bouncing up and down on waves while waving to your friends on the shore in the sand. Poems are the same you can enjoy yourself through rhyming or using alliteration. All the techniques that make a poem fun and enjoyable to write and read. Personification is used in the lines " But all they want to do / is tie the poem to a chair with a rope / and torture a confession out of it" to compare tying up a person to a chair and trying to get a confession out of it. Over analyzing a poem and taking meanings that aren't meant to be instead of taking the idea that the poet tries to convey. Doing this the poet helps me understand ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Morte D Arthur Rape Rape is an unmistakable reoccurring event in almost all Arthuriana. It is a popular incident in medieval literature and, seemingly, a part of the way of life. No matter who the book was written by, the concept of rape was always included. The literary works that will be analyzed are, Thomas Malory's 'La Morte D'Arthur' and Terence Hanbury's 'The Once and Future King'. The focal point of this paper is to give insight on why the idea of sexual violence was so popular to write about during medieval times, especially in the Arthurian legend. The Middle Ages are well known for being some of the bloodiest years of History. When we think of these medieval times what comes to mind are the wars, the plagues, and the knights in shining armor. Rape is ... Show more content on ... The literal meaning of this word is to 'seize' or 'take by force'. This became the word for sexual assault against women because they were deemed as property. The term raptus meant to seize another's property. As early as Greek mythology women would be raped in mythical stories and take the blame and punishment instead of the man. This prompted the first Rape Culture. Centuries later, marriage became a 'tool' in receiving personal gratification, it was also used by husbands to force their wives to have sex with them. Under the judicial law it was not rape if the woman and husband were married during the time of intercourse. The female body and femlales themselves were seen a much less than males. So much so that in Christian and hagiographical literature, the purity of a woman (her virginity) was the only property that could set a female slightly closer to being equal to the male counterpart. She could "[Become] like a man (vir) through virginity" (Gravdal) but, she had to protect her virginity with her ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Importance Of Lancelot In Malory's Morte D Arthur Malory explicitly links Tristram and Lancelot in their desire for the unattainable and their correspondence as contemporaries confined to new ideas presented as high treason. Elizabeth Kay Harris describes the changes the textual alterations signify in her 1995, "Evidence Against Lancelot and Guinevere in Malory's Morte D'Arthur: Treason by Imagination". By using a background of law, she argues that the process in Tristram demonstrates the inverse of Lancelot and represents a uniquely English reading of the two. However, Lancelot admires Tristram until he weds a woman other than Iseult the Fair. Capellanus' argument should allow these relationships to work, as long as, singular attachment does not form the goal. Both men overstep Capellanus' ramifications, finding themselves falling from their lord's graces and ostracized from society. With these warnings in mind, book VII, Lancelot and Guinevere, sees the public behavior of Guinevere shame Arthur after the knights' return from the quest for the Holy Grail. Lancelot tries to break off ... Show more content on ... The structure of Guinevere's adultery showed direct alteration in the English translation to avoid direct description of an English queen's sexuality and political agency. Though sexual liberty ebbed over the previous time, the literature of the courtly love movement ensured the sanctity of noblewomen's bodies as they held the ultimate choice in partner selection. Without this decisive power, male courtiers regained power in relationships and regulated women's involvement in their affairs. As a result, Guinevere loses her autonomy in her courtship with Lancelot and only survives through inaction and silence allows her to escape. Guinevere's narrative shows the secularization of the female body and opens the opportunity for equality in punishment for crimes of high ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Memoir On Writing By Stephen King In the memoir On Writing by Stephen King, there are several differences with the structure when compared to fiction novels. First and foremost, considering the memoir is about his writing techniques, King goes into detail about how he engages the audience. He explains what he calls the "toolbox", which contains the essential resources every writer needs in order to improve their style. A few of his tips include using basic vocabulary you know the audience will relate with, avoiding adverbs at all costs, and avoiding a passive voice in narration. After going through the many tips he had to offer, I realized the difference between the way his words flow together versus other author's. A strategy King utilizes for engaging the reader is remaining dominant and straight–forward in his words. He mentions that the reader is always the main concern, and making sure they will understand the point is necessary. Another way King connects with the audience is by using his sense of humor. This memoir doesn't have a formal tone, which is half of what makes it enjoyable. There are several times where he is satirical, sarcastic, and making jokes to keep the reader engaged. With that being said, the overall diction is a balanced mixture between informative and humorous. An additional difference between King's memoir and fiction novels is the way he is direct with the audience. Considering fiction novels are generally telling stories to the reader, there isn't a connection with the narrator. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Courtly Love In The Honeysuckle : Chevrefoil By Marie De... What is courtly love? Imagine love so strong that you cannot control yourself; imagine love so strong that you cannot live without your lover; imagine love so strong that if you cannot have them, no one can. These examples are the ideals of courtly love. Such love, is a code of romantic love celebrated in songs and romances of the Medieval Period. Moreover, being a code of romantic love, courtly love goes hand and hand with chivalry. Chivalry is the code of conduct of the Medieval knight. As being two essential elements of the Medieval period, it is seen that they have a major influence on many stories and ballads created during this time. For example, these two ideals are represented in "The Honeysuckle: Chevrefoil," "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," and "Le Morte d'Arthur." Within these three Medieval stories, the ideals of courtly love and chivalry are depicted through the authors deciding to have their main character(s) either embody or fail to embody the two ideals. First, one of the key things that the Medieval stories did to depict the ideal of courtly love and was having the main character(s) embody them. For example, both courtly love is depicted within the story, "The Honeysuckle: Chevrefoil" by Marie de France. In this story, Tristan, an Arthurian knight, finds himself in love with a Celtic queen, Iseult, who is already married to his uncle, King Mark. Due to rumors of their love, King Mark banishes him from the kingdom. Although, because his love for Iseult is ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Tamora Pierce Research Paper Tamora Pierce is a young adult fantasy fiction author who is quite well known for the young, strong and rebellious heroines in all of her novels. She was born December 13th, 1954 in Fayette Country, Pennsylvania. During her childhood, her family moved a great deal and books became her solace. Her uncle gave her a set of books including several from A.A Milne, who wrote all of the "Winnie the Pooh" books, and Dr. Seuss' "Cat in the Hat." What really got her into writing was when one day, her father told her she should start writing down her stories instead of just telling them to herself out loud, while also giving her some of her first book ideas. After that it all writing and reading every genre for Pierce, until she got introduced to J.R.R Tolkein in the sixth grade which was her window into fantasy novel, then eventually science fiction. She began writing stories mimicking all her favourite authors writing styles, something she encourages every young writer to do now. Later on in life as she reflected on the writing she did as a child she said: "I tried to write the kind of thing I was reading, with one difference: the books I loved were missing teenaged girl warriors. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Training In Arthurian Literature Essay Arthurian authors do not often address training in Arthurian Literature. This may be to keep some sense of mystery or even because it does not make for a very interesting story. However, this was a very important part of the lives of nobles in the middle ages. Children would often leave home as early as age seven to train in the ways of warfare and chivalry. This shows that training was very important in shaping the young men who would someday become honorable knights. Though nobility and knighthood are widely seen as a matter of nature, this training shows that there is a great deal of nurture necessary to create the best knights possible. In medieval times, warfare was not merely an occupation or duty; it was a way of life. Men drew their personal worth and civil ... Show more content on ... The nobility often employed training in the form of tournaments in times of peace to ensure that knights were ready for battle. In many Arthurian texts, we see tournaments as a way to get recognition and show off one's prowess in combat. Yvain even lost his love and mind because of his love for tournaments and need for recognition. This exemplifies pride as negative in Arthurian literature but we see that pride is central to the life of knights throughout the middle ages. Without pride, a knight might not do all that he could to develop his skill in combat and work to keep his talents sharp. This paper will examine the importance of training not only in childhood but also throughout the life of a medieval knight to ensure his survival in battle, his livelihood, and his honor. It will also compare and contrast this with some elements in Arthurian Literature regarding tournaments and chivalric code. Though young nobles left home to train at a young age, their training never ceased even after they earned the title of knight; their deeds in tournaments and warfare trained them further throughout their ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Female Characters In Marie De France And The Wife Of Bath In Lanval, the women characters revealed Marie de France's personal moral convictions and her philosophical autonomy. Different female characters had role in her story such as the mythical fairy women and the queen as she was demonstrated as manipulative and lustful because they used their beauty and status for their personal benefit. Generally, Marie de France's explained various points such as beauty, love, and manipulation. Similarly, in 'The Wife of Bath,' Geoffrey Chaucer illustrates the significance of women role, yet they had a different power usage in persuading. The women characters use alternative methods in expressing their role and empowerment that have been illustrated extremely different in each of 'Lanval and 'The Wife of Bath' tales. Marie de France's demonstrated the fairy queen as a symbol for female empowerment when the fairy queen said, "I admonish you now, I command and beg you, do not let any man know about this. I shall tell you why: you would lose me for good if this love were known; you would never see me again or possess my body' (Anthology, L 150, 124). She showed that the fairy queen was entitle as the fairy queen highlighted the consequences of not keeping their relationship in secret from everyone. Also, the fairy queen used the word "command" to show that she was entitled, yet she followed it by the word "beg you," she used indirect method to clarify it. Moreover, in the tale it was illustrated by Marie de France's that the fairy queen preferred to keep her information secret form Lanval. As Briscoe said, "While namelessness, especially within a narrative, implies a lack of identity and thus a lack of importance or relevance, Marie's fairy queen uses it to her advantage "(Briscoe, 24). In Most situations, providing shortage information indicates to a lack of importance of the other thing or person. However, in this situation the fairy queen is the one who wanted to be unknown and chose to provide short information to Lanval, which revealed her power and control. Apparently, the fairy queen wanted to be control of their relationship and she wanted to be in charge of their meetings. Marie de France's illustrated that the king's being manipulated of by the queen, which was ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Women's Roles In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Women's roles throughout history, as well as literature, have been constantly changing throughout the times. In the beginning, women are property and the only function they served was to have children and take care of the men and their households. However, the roles of women changed throughout each passing year. Middle Ages England saw a slight change, and it is reflected in their poetry and literature. This is prevalent in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, where a woman helps to drive the plot of the poem. However, this poem also highlights the misogynistic view of not only the wife in the poem but of all women as well. This belief was highlighted in the poem due to the societal viewing of women during the time of the poem's origin. During the Middle Ages, women only had two "occupations" that they could uphold: wife and mother or nun (Bovey, Women in Medieval Society). Society expected women to get married in their youth, and then have as many children as they could in order to have the children help around the house or farm. On the other hand, if women did not want to go through the horrors of childbirth, then they could join the church and become a nun or later Abbess (Bovey, Women in Medieval Society). However, becoming a nun was still much like becoming a mother, due to the duties of the Abbess to the monasteries. The Abbess has to not only take care of her fellow nuns but also has to take care of the friars because of her superiority (Bovey, Women in Medieval ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Malory's Writing 'Le Morte D Arthur' After Malory's death, people wasn't interested in his writing and it was forgotten because he went and wrote in prison. However, in 1485, William Caxton, who disseminated printing technique in England published and arranged Malory's writing. He named the writing "Le Morte d'Arthur" and arranged eight tales in twenty–one books by five hundred seven chapters. After the publication, it became the most well–preserved and influential prose version of the Arthurian legends. Arthurian legends have been already familiar to people so that it made people easier to recognize more about stories of King Arthur. "Le Morte d'Arthur" is a best completion of Arthurian legends and it is the first work of British prose. "Le Morte d'Arthur" which means "The Death ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Essay about The Things They Carried Literary Analysis Literary Analysis of The Things They Carried: Metafiction Tim O'Brien brings the characters and stories to life in The Things They Carried. He uses a writing style that brings stories to life by posing questions between the relationship of reality and fiction (Calloway 249). This is called metafiction and it exposes the truth through the literary experience. Tim O'Brien uses metafiction to make the characters and stories in The Things They Carried realistically evocative of the Vietnam War. Metafiction is found early in the novel, The Things They Carried. Tim O'Brien, the protagonist of the novel, has many similarities to the author of The Things They Carried. The author and the protagonist both share the same ... Show more content on ... Also, Mitchell Sanders says some of his story is fiction, "'Last night, man, I had to make up a few things. . . The glee club. There wasn't any glee club. . . No opera,...But, it's still true'" (O'Brien 83– 84). The characters in The Things They Carried use metafiction for the same reason Tim O'Brien does, it creates realistic feelings and sensations about what truly happened. Rat Kiley is able to get his message and the truth across while telling lies because he creates the sensation of what happened. This is the same with Mitchell Sanders, the story is exaggerated but the feelings are true. Characters in The Things They Carried use metafiction to get the real truth about what happened during the Vietnam War. In the chapter "Good Form," Tim O'Brien explains the difference between the "story truth" and the "happening truth," (O'Brien 179) The "happening truth" is a historically accurate summary and told without feeling, while the "story truth" is told with details and is a dramatization. The "happening truth" tells while the "story truth" shows. This example of metafiction shows that sometimes the truth cannot be told by facts, it has to be demonstrated through a series of exaggerations to get the real ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The, Or The Nightingale, By Marie De France The definition of a classic is a hotly debated topic in literature. For literature a classic has to have certain characteristics to make is a classic; such as it must stand the test of time, have a universal appeal, and make connections with the audience. Laustic, or the Nightingale, by Marie De France is a classic in its own right due to the fact that students are still reading the literary work that it creates a lasting impression on the reader. Marie De France, author of Laustic, created a memorable and complex courtly love triangle that is dynamic when analyzing essential elements, such as irony, understatement, spirituality, and symbolism. In the story, Laustic or the Nightingale, Marie de France manipulates similarity and contract to produce a more intense and stimulating story. Marie introduces her story by describing the two young knights, who "had strong house" and "from the goodness of the two barons the city acquired a good name (De France, 11–12)." Marie depicted the husband and the neighbor, or soon to be lover, very much alike as to show the audience that they are equals, socio–economically and morally (Murray). The similarity between the two characters add an element of relatability because the "wife essentially falls in love with the same man all over again (Murray)." Marie then uses contrast by detailing the husband's change of character from the beginning of the story to the end. From the introduction of Laustic the author emphasizes the good nature of the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Lay Le Freine hereas a variety of Canterbury Tales tales are inclined to make the nobility aware of the capability of ordinary people and how beauty presents itself in their lives, other medieval popular romances strive to provide a sense of wish fulfillment for a different audience; the powerless. Thomas Chestre's Sir Launfal in particular appeals to someone who wishes to escape profound social inequality and injustice. Thomas Chestre speaks to his audience by rewriting a better version of the difficult life of a commoner as a fairytale that idealises familiar views of the peasant; "Her faces wer whit as snow on downe" (l. 251). Radulescu's statement that anonymous audiences should be acknowledged for embracing the incendiary nature of these medieval popular ... Show more content on ... Lay le Freine explores themes of patience being rewarded, of the oppressed turning out to be noble, and of identity establishment. Le Freine and her mother form a central conflict within the moral structure of the tale that condemns envy and rewards kindness. The mother is so envious of the birth of her neighbour's twins that she spreads a rumour that a woman only gives birth to twins if they belong to two different men. Through this subplot, Lay le Freine includes reference to the extensive superstition about whether or not a woman is virtuous if she gives birth to twins. The presence of this superstition may reflect the court's strictness about reproduction levels, particularly to do with the poor, during the medieval times during which this was written. Pressure from the court, the church, as well as embarrassment within society could have often lead to the abandonment of a child; such as le Freine. In her story, le Freine manages to flourish even though she has been exposed, proving that her difficulties have not damaged, but improved her character; "And damisel Freyn, so hende of mouth, / Her semblaunt and her gentrise, / Her lovesum eighen, her rode so bright" (ll. 265, 268, 269). In this way, this story is incendiary in nature since it ignites a feeling of confidence in the audience who would enjoy hearing about a mistreated character like themselves, who rises from the ashes despite their limitations to prove themselves noble, and despite having nothing to their name. As much as this story would likely ignite feelings of hope amongst the audience, they are also able to relate to the voice of le Freine, which is not directly spoken to them until line 379, just before the end. In acquiring a voice only once ... Get more on ...
  • 34. A Raisin in the Sun Compare/Contrast Play/Film Essay Lorraine Hansberry's play "A Raisin in the Sun," was a radically new representation of black life, resolutely authentic, fiercely unsentimental, and unflinching in its vision of what happens to people whose dreams are constantly deferred. I compared Act One, Scene 2, in the play and the film. The setting in the play is on a Saturday morning, and house cleaning is in process at the Youngers. In the film, the setting is the same as play, with lighting and costumes. The plot in the play is when Mrs. Younger gets the insurance check of $10,000. In the film, the plot is the same, but includes music not mentioned in the play. The dialogue in the film has some deletions from the original text, with new dialogue added throughout the scene. ... Show more content on ... Perhaps the biggest difference between the play and the film in this scene involves dialogue. Much of the dialogue is rephrased and not said as the author has written it in the play. And also, some of the dialogue from the original text is deleted, however, new dialogue is added. And also, unlike the film, a lot of the actions the author has described in the play did not happen in the film. Such as, on page 91 as Ruth says "Praise God!" the author describes that she raises both arms classically, and as she tells Walter Lee to be glad, the author describes she has laid her hands on his shoulders, but he shakes himself free of her roughly, without turning to face her, these actions did not happen in the film. I also had compared Act Two, Scene 3, in the play and the film. The setting in the play is on a Saturday, moving day, one week later. In the film, the setting is the same as the play, with lighting and costumes. The plot in the play is Linder tries to buy back the house from the Younger family. In the film, the plot is the same as the play. The dialogue in the film has some deletions from play; new dialogue is added in replacement of the deleted dialogue. Some film techniques used in this scene are: the film cuts back and forth to different characters, and the room is well lit with the sunshine coming in through the window. Perhaps the biggest ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Complex Characters In The Arthurian Legend : Merlin And... Merlin and Taliesin In Arthurian legend, there are many tales of magic and adventure. One of the best aspects of the stories are the whimsical and complex characters. Often, characters' and their identities change from version to version, creating confusion about their origin and roles in stories. Merlin, the wondrous and wise magician, and Taliesin, the inspirational historian and all–knowing bard, are some of the most versatile individuals in the stories. The mysteries of Merlin, Taliesin and their significance impact the Arthurian legend and literature. Merlin, also referred to as Merlinus or Myrddin, is a major and essential character in the legends. He is a well known sorcerer, seer and prophet . He is first introduced by ... Show more content on ... A man named Gwion Bach's job was to stir the potion. On the last day of brewing, Bach accidentally consumed three drops of the potion and gained great wisdom. In an attempt to escape from Ceridwen's wrath, he turns himself into a grain of wheat. Ceridwen eats the grain and becomes pregnant. When the baby, which is also the reincarnation of Bach, is born, he is too beautiful to kill so she throws him to the sea and when the baby, Taliesin, is found he is adopted. He grows up to become the chief of the Bards and King Arthur's great seer. Whereas, Taliesin the historian is a poet whose poems are some of the oldest, surviving Welsh literature. Welsh bards and poets consider him to be one of the most famous founders of Welsh tradition for over 1500 years now. Both versions of him have contributed greatly to Arthurian legend and their unclear historicity represent the flexible interchangeable ways of Arthurian legend itself. Furthermore, Merlin and Taliesin are both characters that represent Arthurian ideals. Both of the individuals follow the traditional folklore and literature pattern of Arthurian times; they undergo a character development of a classic mentor by obtaining the titles of a poet, prophet, magician and seer, not in that specific order. Merlin represents more of the myth aspect to Welsh or Celtic literature while Taliesin represents more of the poetry aspect, through his historian role. Merlin shows the value of wisdom and whimsical magic ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Creative Writing: Sir Perceval Why couldn't Sir Perceval enjoy a nice, quiet supper at Camelot's Cup and Sword Tavern? "Yer a damn thief! Gi' me my money, ya rotten little lout!" shouted a grimy, older patron from across the dimly–lit tavern. A hush fell over the room, and the man's equally–unwashed companion scoffed. "I'll give ya nothin' and you'll like it, ol' coot!" Sir Perceval looked up from his meal and cast his best mate, Sir Gawain, a look of concern. "I don't care if they kill each other," said Gawain with nonchalance, lowering his head over his bowl. "I'm eating this stew while it's hot and nothing will stop me. Involve yourself in that foolishness if you like." The knight tucked into his supper. "Please," said Perceval with an eye roll. "You love a good fight. ... Show more content on ... Drunk men fought hard. The knights had managed to knock out two of the offenders with solid punches, but now, Perceval and Gawain struggled on the floor, grappling with the two men who'd started the fracas. "I can't wait to drag your sorry arses to the dungeons," growled Gawain, his knee jammed into one offender's back. "My stew's cold now and it's your fault!" The man finally ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Story Of The Grail By Chretien De Troyes Over the past month, we read the Story of the Grail by Chretien de Troyes. This poem details the progression of the knight Perceval. In the beginning, Perceval is not called by his name, instead he is referred to as "the youth". This is an important detail to stress, because the poem is a coming of age story. As the poem progresses, the reader is able to see definitive changes in Perceval's character. For example, in the beginning of the poem Perceval uses the limited knowledge that was bestowed upon him by his mother in order to complete his "knightly" duties. To make it worse, Perceval feels the need to tell everyone he meets that his mother is the one that taught him everything he knows. Eventually, Perceval outgrows this behavior and becomes a suitable knight. Throughout the poem, Perceval goes through many trials and tribulations, but for the purpose of this essay I will unravel the allegorical meaning of Perceval's fight with the Red Knight using all four levels of interpretation. As Perceval rides towards the court of King Arthur, he meets the Red Knight at the gate of the castle. When Perceval sees the Red Knights armor, he decides that he will have it for himself. Perceval rides up to the Red Knight and tells him, "By my faith, I'll ask the king to give me [your] armor." The Red Knight does not see this as a threat from the Welsh boy. He tells Perceval to go to King Arthur and tell the king to send a champion to fight him if the king wants his cup back. Perceval ... Get more on ...
  • 38. C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy Essay C.S. Lewis on Misunderstanding Fantasy "Good stories often introduce the marvelous or supernatural and nothing about Story has been so often misunderstood as this." On Stories–C.S. Lewis The early decades of the last century saw the loss of credibility of fantasy literature among the academic elite who ruled it a popular genre with little to no scholarly merit. Little that had had the misfortune of being dubbed fantasy had escaped the blacklist cast upon the field. Many critics had also labeled the fantasy genre as largely cliché, full of shallow characters, and as having no value beyond being purely escapist entertainment. These generic labels, applied wholesale to fantastic literature, had pushed it off the ... Show more content on ... Accomplished science fiction and Fantasy author C.S. Lewis saw the defamation of the Fantasy genre beginning during the early decades of the Twentieth century. Lewis was well aware of the strengths of the genre; from his youth he had been enchanted by fantastical stories of paranormal phenomena that included Norse mythology. Upon reaching adulthood and becoming a noted member of the English faculty at Oxford College, Lewis published a science fiction trilogy dealing with the clash between science and religion and between good and evil. He followed the well– received series with the Chronicles of Narnia, seven Fantasy novels written for children bearing large motifs of Christian mythology. And along the way, he managed to defend Fantasy, science fiction, and myth from its critics in a series of explicative essays dealing with literary theory. Similarly, Lewis' colleague at Oxford, J.R.R. Tolkien also defended Fantasy, or as he called it, "fairy–stories." Tolkien was known for his fantastic works that included The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and an assortment of companion books to the series. He was also well known for his criticism of Beowulf, "The Monsters and the Critics." His Fantasy series have had broad implications on the fantasy genre as a whole since publication, influencing the current generation of writers with the firm grasp of history ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Orphan Stories Essay Orphan Stories Throughout our lives we move from one story to the next. Whether we are listeners, readers or writers "we live our lives immersed in stories.' From the many stories we encounter, both fiction and non–fiction, the orphan figure stands out as one of the most prominent figures in literature. Orphan figures have prevailed in the literary arena for centuries, from ancient poetry, folktales, and myths to modern day novels. This constant reoccurrence of the orphan figure in literature emphasizes the need to understand the significance attached to it. However, according to the editors of Bastardy and its Comparative History literatures great interest on the orphan figure is poorly reflected in literary criticism. It is further ... Show more content on ... ––––––– notes that the orphan figure shed its untamed and negative representation of the past and entered the developing novel as a heroic figure in eighteenth century English novel.(ck article). The establishment of orphan as heroic figure in eighteenth century literature is commonly associated with the dawn of the enlightenment and romanticism in the eighteenth century. Furthermore, the socio–historic explanation correlates the increasing philanthropic gestures for example the establishing of foundling hospitals and the increased attention on the child with the rise in positive orphan figures in literature. This literary revolution was perceived as a reflection of the rise in the care and protection of orphaned and abandoned children, in other words an expression of social concern. This study is committed to the eighteenth century English novel because this was when the literary orphan came to be celebrated as a heroic figure in English literature, thus marking a notable departure from earlier representations of the orphan. This socio–historical commentary is valid however; it disregards the fact that the novels are not accurate portrayals of society. Important facts: first the philanthropic attitude in the novels is simply not a reflection of the literal changes in society, the novels cannot be classified an expression of ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Camelot: A Short Story It was a cloudy dark day in Camelot, when people were coming to congratulate King Pelles and his wife Queen Astrid, because She was pregnant. That night they suddenly heard a crackle and saw lightning. They both ignored it and thought that it was just the dreadful weather that day, so they carried on with what they were doing. The next day, King Pelles woke up bright and early. When he looked to the side, he saw his wife was not next to him. "She must be downstairs then, " he thought. He went downstairs and looked for his wife, but She was nowhere to be seen. He looked everywhere around the castle and She was still not found. When Queen Astrid woke up, She was in a dark cave tied to something. She was so petrified and all She knew was that she needed to unsecure herself from ... Show more content on ... "Why can't we just try using the crystal ball to find our way back home?" asked Cody. "I guess we can, " King Pelles said shrugging. On their third shot, they rubbed the crystal ball and a image showed up. It was a picture of a cave. "What could a cave have to do with us? It's not gonna take us back to Camelot," said Cody. "Well, I guess we'll just have to find out ourselves, " Said King Pelles They were looking through the woods, and saw many different caves, some with vicious spiders, and some with bears, but they fought them off and survived. After looking through many, many caves they saw a person in the cave tied to a pole that was a part of the cave. "You have found me!" said Queen Astrid with excitement. "Yes, we must get you out immediately," said King Pelles. Cody walked outside and waited for King Pelles get his wife out, 5 minutes later he heard a scream. He went inside to see, and he saw Morgana tying up King Pelles and Queen Astrid to the pole, but nobody saw him. "I must go in there and save them," thought Cody. He soon thought of a ... Get more on ...