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Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
                                                 Customer Solution Case Study

                                                 Lifetime Products Boosts Productivity and
                                                 Cuts Costs with Unified Messaging Solution

Overview                                         “By employing unified messaging in Exchange Server
Country or Region: United States
Industry: Manufacturing
                                                 2007, we expect to see a $40,000 reduction in
                                                 maintenance costs for 2006.”
Customer Profile
                                                 John Bowden, Chief Information Officer, Lifetime Products
Lifetime Products is the world’s largest
manufacturer of residential basketball
equipment and polyethylene tables.
Headquartered in Clearfield, Utah, the           Lifetime Products manufactures one basketball system every 30
privately held company employs 2,300
people.                                          seconds and one folding table every 7 seconds. With facilities in
                                                 the United States and China, and customers in more than 50
Business Situation
To better support mobile employees and           countries, Lifetime employees depend on messaging technologies
improve communication, Lifetime is               to stay connected to customers and the office. Recently, Lifetime
deploying a unified messaging solution
that will eliminate its traditional voice-mail   joined the beta program for the upcoming release of Microsoft®
system and expand mobile system access.          Exchange Server 2007. Impressed by initial results, Lifetime
Solution                                         decided to undertake a deployment of the beta version of Exchange
Using features in Microsoft® Exchange            Server 2007. As a result, the company has begun to experience
Server 2007, engineers built a Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) gateway to replace      significant savings in IT and business costs, employee productivity,
the existing voice-mail system and a             and system availability and security. In addition, Exchange Server
replication strategy that allows for
streamlined access to messaging.                 2007 will eliminate the current voice-mail system and provide the
                                                 foundation required for a unified communications environment that
  Boosts productivity                            excludes desktop phones.
  Reduces costs
  Increases availability and security
  Creates an infrastructure to support
Situation                                          Solution
Lifetime Products is the world’s largest           To be one of the first companies to use the
manufacturer of residential basketball             next-generation of messaging technologies
equipment and polyethylene tables. Founded         from Microsoft, Lifetime enrolled in the
as a garage-based business in 1973, Lifetime       Microsoft Rapid Deployment Program (RDP)
has grown into an international presence,          for Exchange Server 2007 last year. RDP
with approximately 1,700 employees at its          enables customers partnering with Microsoft
headquarters in Clearfield, Utah; 600              to provide real-world feedback on Microsoft
employees at facilities in Xiamen, China; and      prerelease products.
customers, including numerous Fortune 500
companies, in more than 50 countries.              “We were really excited about deploying
                                                   Exchange Server 2007 because it would
The company’s infrastructure includes fifty        allow us to move forward with several of our
HP NetServer and ProLiant servers running          goals,” Bowden says. “First and foremost,
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise         Exchange Server 2007 provides the key
Edition operating system and Microsoft             functionality required to deploy a unified
Exchange Server 2003 communication and             messaging solution that will replace our
collaboration server. Approximately 1,000 HP       existing voice-mail system and allow us to
PC desktops run the Windows® XP                    centrally manage e-mail, voice-mail, and fax
Professional operating system and Microsoft        messages. In addition, Exchange Server
Office Professional Edition 2003. These            2007 will enable a remote replication
technologies provide business-critical             strategy between our offices in China and the
messaging and wireless access, as well as          United States.”
Information Rights Management (IRM)
capabilities that protect sensitive data.          “As a member of RDP, we needed to perform
Approximately 200 employees access the             a health check on every system in the
environment through Microsoft Office               infrastructure using the Microsoft Exchange
Outlook® Web Access using wireless mobile          Best Practices Analyzer from Microsoft
devices running Windows Mobile® software.          Premier Services,” says Jared Sahleen,
                                                   Senior Technology Manager at Lifetime
“The deployment of a mobile solution was the       Products. “After completing the analysis, in
first step towards our vision of building a        the second quarter of 2006, we were
unified messaging environment,” explains           pleasantly surprised to find 12
John Bowden, Chief Information Officer at          recommendations for improving the security
Lifetime Products. “We want to use the latest      and performance of our environment that we
messaging technologies because it is critical      wouldn’t have known about otherwise.”
to our productivity and bottom line. Our ability
to access e-mail from remote locations has         The New Server Infrastructure
saved our company tens of thousands of             Once the health check was complete,
dollars in annual phone costs and portable         Lifetime set up an environment to thoroughly
computer maintenance. We also found that           test Exchange Server 2007, according to the
by incorporating mobile access with                company’s rigorous development cycles.
Exchange Server 2003, we actually gained an        Engineers configured the roles of three new
hour a day in productivity for participating       servers, each running Windows Server 2003
employees.”                                        Enterprise x64 Edition and Microsoft
                                                   Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition:
“Integrating our PBX                          One server, located in the United States,      To help in the process, Lifetime engaged
                                              supports client access and hub transport       Enabling Technologies, a Microsoft Gold
system with Exchange                          functionality. “We configured one server to    Certified Partner with extensive experience in
Server and transferring                       support both of these roles because we         messaging and speech-enabled applications.
                                              were anticipating the load to be quite         “Engineers from Enabling Technologies were
voice mail over to the                        demanding,” Sahleen explains, “as our          a big help because they were very
new environment only                          front-end mail servers receive about 1.1       knowledgeable in integrating PBX and VoIP,”
                                              million e-mail messages per month. All of      Sahleen says. “Integrating our PBX system
took us one and one-                          the e-mail for our organization first passes   with Exchange Server and transferring voice
half days. We really                          through servers at MailWatch and Message       mail over to the new environment only took
                                              Labs. These third-party organizations scan     us one and one-half days. We really thought
thought the process was                       messages for viruses, spam, and                the process was going to be much harder.
going to be much                              compliance with our HP policies and then       Once we got the necessary components and
                                              forward the messages to this hub transport     started working through the process, it turned
harder.”                                      server for appropriate routing.”               out to be quite simple.” Engineers spent
Jared Sahleen, Senior Technology Manager,     One server, residing in the United States,     approximately five more days testing the
Lifetime Products                             stores mailboxes and provides unified          gateway and addressing issues such as
                                              messaging services. “This server will          configuring a third-party solution message-
                                              eventually host approximately 300 unified      waiting indicator product by Geomant to light
                                              inboxes and about 1,000 mailboxes,” says       up the call-waiting light on desktop phones.
                                              One server, located in China, provides         Establishing a Replication Strategy
                                              mailbox, client access, and hub transport      Engineers employed the local continuous
                                              functionality. “This server supports all       replication (LCR) feature in Exchange Server
                                              messaging services for the 300 employees       2007 to provide failover protection and
                                              in China that use desktop systems,”            enable a remote backup strategy. LCR
                                              Sahleen notes, “and allows employees to        creates a complete replica of each of the
                                              log on to Exchange Server using Microsoft      Exchange Server databases, storing replica
                                              Office Outlook rather than Outlook Web         files on a separate disk residing on the same
                                              Access, as they have done in the past.”        server. At any time, engineers can make the
                                                                                             replica database active. Because access to
                                            Building a VoIP Gateway                          messaging data is critical, engineers
                                            To enable unified messaging, engineers had       configured the Distributed File System (DFS)
                                            to convert circuit-switched data coming into     technologies in Windows Server to back up
                                            the company’s existing Siemens HIpath 300H       the replica databases every day to a separate
                                            PBX into Internet Protocol (IP) voice data.      server in the United States. “We transfer the
                                            “One of the biggest fears we had going into      backup files from the Exchange Server
                                            this project was how we were going to            database in China across our private T1
                                            implement the voice integration component        lines,” explains Bowden. “This prevents us
                                            with our existing infrastructure,” explains      from having to create a backup infrastructure
                                            Sahleen. “Building a Voice over Internet         in China.”
                                            Protocol (VoIP) gateway that would allow
                                            Exchange Server to communicate with our          Impressed by the stability of the beta
                                            PBX system was something we had no               environment, Lifetime is deploying Exchange
                                            experience in doing.”                            Server 2007 to 100 employees this week—
                                                                                             only three weeks after officially launching the
                                                                                             project. “Even though Exchange Server 2007
"The biggest motivation                     is still in beta, our list of issues is not even   whether e-mail or voice-mail, is absolutely
                                            close to the length of issue lists we have for     required. With Exchange Unified Messaging,
for deploying Exchange                      some of the other products we use that have        voice messages are never neglected,
Server 2007 was its                         been officially released,” Bowden notes.           because users see the messages
                                                                                               immediately in Office Outlook, Outlook Web
ability to centrally                        In addition to its use of Exchange Server, 500     Access, and even on their Windows Mobile
manage e-mail, voice-                       Lifetime employees are testing mobile access       phones. This capability will dramatically
                                            through the beta version of Outlook Web            improve our business results in coming
mail, and fax                               Access. In addition, Lifetime plans on             years.”
messages. . . . With                        deploying the upcoming releases of Microsoft
                                            Office, Microsoft SharePoint® Portal Server,       Employees in China can now access the
Exchange Server 2007,                       and Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs—all over         Exchange Server environment on a local
we only need to set up                      the next 12 months.                                server, rather than logging into the
                                                                                               environment in the United States. “We didn’t
one mailbox.”                               Benefits                                           have an Exchange Server environment
Jared Sahleen, Senior Technology Manager,   By building a unified messaging solution on        running at our facility in China in the past
Lifetime Products                           Exchange Server 2007, Lifetime Products has        because we feel that our backup
                                            been able to boost productivity, reduce costs,     infrastructure should be in the United
                                            increase availability and security, and create     States,” Sahleen explains. “We also didn’t
                                            an infrastructure that can support the             want to create an infrastructure thousands of
                                            company’s long-term goals.                         miles away, including duplicated
                                                                                               management tools and IT personnel. LCR and
                                            Boosts Productivity                                DFS will allow us to manage our Exchange
                                            With users and administrators accessing all        environment in China from our corporate
                                            messages through a single application,             headquarters.”
                                            Lifetime has been able to realize significant
                                            productivity gains. “From a technology             Lifetime executives are also anticipating
                                            perspective, the biggest motivation for            additional boosts in productivity as a result of
                                            deploying Exchange Server 2007 was its             new features. “One benefit of Exchange
                                            ability to centrally manage e-mail, voice-mail,    Server 2007 that is easily overlooked is the
                                            and fax messages,” says Sahleen. “This is          ability to tag a note to a voice mail directly
                                            especially significant to us because we have       from Office Outlook 2007 or Outlook Web
                                            had to support disparate PBX and e-mail            Access and archive it with the message,” says
                                            systems that couldn’t talk with each other.        Sahleen. “You can’t get that with a traditional
                                            Adding a new user meant a lot of duplicated        voice-mail system.”
                                            effort. Not only did we have to set up a new
                                            mailbox in Exchange, but then we had to            “There are a lot of other features we are
                                            create a new account for the employee in the       really excited about,” continues Sahleen. “We
                                            PBX system. With Exchange Server 2007, we          have a huge interest in the Calendar
                                            only need to set up one mailbox.”                  Concierge, so we can start scheduling
                                                                                               meetings, conference rooms, and resources
                                            Lifetime also is gaining faster response times     through Microsoft Outlook instead of using a
                                            through the deployment of Exchange Unified         manual process. We’re also looking forward
                                            Messaging. “Our customers expect a very            to the managed e-mail folders function, so we
                                            rapid reaction to inquiries and orders, usually    can streamline some of our mailbox content
                                            within the same day,” says Bowden.                 and filter through some mailboxes that have
                                            “Responding immediately to all messages,
become too large or contain messages that          Exchange Server 2007 also offers
do not comply with our corporate guidelines.”      opportunities to boost security, through
                                                   features such as the Edge Transport Server
Reduces Costs                                      role and new spam and virus filtering tools.
One of the biggest benefits in adopting            “We are excited about tools like Microsoft
Exchange Server 2007 is the ability to             Forefront™,” notes Bowden. “We currently
eliminate our existing voice-mail system and       use third-party services to provide spam and
desktop phones. “Exchange Server 2007              virus filtering. However, we’ll be investigating
really catapults us into realizing our vision of   the new e-mail filtering options that are
how employees will communicate using               available through Microsoft as a way to
unified messaging and mobile devices,”             further standardize our environment.”
Bowden says. “The cost savings we will
realize by eliminating our desktop phones          Creates an Infrastructure to Support
pretty much blows away any of the other IT         Long-term Goals
project we have planned for 2006.                  Exchange Server 2007 provides the
                                                   functionality required to build a unified
“Our desktop phones are proprietary and are        messaging solution and expand upon mobile
very expensive, costing us about U.S.$1,200        computing capabilities. “Exchange Server
per year, per user,” continues Bowden. “By         2007 is a keystone to a lot of other
employing unified messaging in Exchange            technologies, so it really made sense to
Server 2007, we expect to see a $40,000            install it as soon as possible” says Sahleen.
reduction in maintenance costs for 2006. We        “For example, Exchange Server 2007 will
are currently eliminating 15 phones per            enable a lot of exciting new functionality
month, and that number will increase as we         inside the next releases of the Windows
move forward with our deployment. Instead of       Mobile for Pocket PCs, SharePoint Portal
using a desktop phone, our employees will          Server, and Microsoft Office.”
use a smart phone or Pocket PC to access all
of their messages.”                                Lifetime plans to deploy the upcoming
                                                   releases of Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs
In addition, Lifetime expects to reduce            and SharePoint Portal Server so that mobile
administrative costs by gaining the ability to     users can access files and applications that
centrally manage the messaging environment         reside on corporate servers. “We have an
in the United States and China.                    internal product life-cycle management tool
                                                   that is currently unreachable from a mobile
Increases Availability and Security                device because the data is proprietary,”
By enabling a replication strategy through         explains Bowden. “Employees can currently
LCR, Lifetime can avoid system downtime            receive notifications on their mobile device
resulting from scheduled backups or system         that certain tasks have occurred, but the
outages. “We can back up our Exchange              mobile employees are unable to enter any
Server databases at any time without               information into the application until they
affecting system availability because we back      return to the office or log on to the network
up replica files,” Sahleen explains. “The          from a PC. Exchange Server 2007 and the
replica files are not continuously in use like     next release of SharePoint Portal Server will
the native database. By storing the system         enable remote users to access such
backups on a separate server in the United         applications through Outlook Web Access or
States, we also protect ourselves against          through mobile devices running the next
natural disasters.”                                release of Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs.”
For More Information                                                                                              Microsoft Server Product Portfolio
For more information about Microsoft                            “In addition to unified messaging, we want to     For more information about the Microsoft
products and services, call the Microsoft                       provide a higher level of integration between     server product portfolio, go to:
Sales Information Center at (800) 426-                          our mobile devices and our workflows,”  
9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft                             concludes Bowden. “For example, allowing
Canada Information Centre at (877) 568-                         mobile employees to click on links in their e-    For more information about Microsoft
2495. Customers who are deaf or hard-of-                        mail and actually access files through our        Exchange Server, go to:
hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone                      SharePoint Portal Server. Exchange 2007 will
(TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234 in                         have an additional huge return on investment
the United States or (905) 568-9641 in                          just because it will facilitate these types of
Canada. Outside the 50 United States and                        mobility capabilities.”
Canada, please contact your local
Microsoft subsidiary. To access information
using the World Wide Web, go to:

For more information about Enabling
Technologies products and services, call
(800) 923-4310 or visit the Web site at:

For more information about Lifetime
Products products and services, call (800)
225-3865 or visit the Web site at:

                                                                 Software and Services                           Hardware
                                                                    Microsoft Server Product Portfolio            HP PC and NetVectra desktop computers
                                                                    − Microsoft Exchange Server 2007              AT&T Wireless Pocket PCs
                                                                    − Microsoft Windows Server 2003               HP NetServer and ProLiant server
                                                                      Enterprise x64 Edition                      computers
                                                                                                                  Motorola Smart phones

                                                                                                                  Enabling Technologies

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT

Document published October 2006

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Lifetime Products Exchange07 Final

  • 1. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Customer Solution Case Study Lifetime Products Boosts Productivity and Cuts Costs with Unified Messaging Solution Overview “By employing unified messaging in Exchange Server Country or Region: United States Industry: Manufacturing 2007, we expect to see a $40,000 reduction in maintenance costs for 2006.” Customer Profile John Bowden, Chief Information Officer, Lifetime Products Lifetime Products is the world’s largest manufacturer of residential basketball equipment and polyethylene tables. Headquartered in Clearfield, Utah, the Lifetime Products manufactures one basketball system every 30 privately held company employs 2,300 people. seconds and one folding table every 7 seconds. With facilities in the United States and China, and customers in more than 50 Business Situation To better support mobile employees and countries, Lifetime employees depend on messaging technologies improve communication, Lifetime is to stay connected to customers and the office. Recently, Lifetime deploying a unified messaging solution that will eliminate its traditional voice-mail joined the beta program for the upcoming release of Microsoft® system and expand mobile system access. Exchange Server 2007. Impressed by initial results, Lifetime Solution decided to undertake a deployment of the beta version of Exchange Using features in Microsoft® Exchange Server 2007. As a result, the company has begun to experience Server 2007, engineers built a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) gateway to replace significant savings in IT and business costs, employee productivity, the existing voice-mail system and a and system availability and security. In addition, Exchange Server replication strategy that allows for streamlined access to messaging. 2007 will eliminate the current voice-mail system and provide the foundation required for a unified communications environment that Benefits Boosts productivity excludes desktop phones. Reduces costs Increases availability and security Creates an infrastructure to support goals
  • 2. Situation Solution Lifetime Products is the world’s largest To be one of the first companies to use the manufacturer of residential basketball next-generation of messaging technologies equipment and polyethylene tables. Founded from Microsoft, Lifetime enrolled in the as a garage-based business in 1973, Lifetime Microsoft Rapid Deployment Program (RDP) has grown into an international presence, for Exchange Server 2007 last year. RDP with approximately 1,700 employees at its enables customers partnering with Microsoft headquarters in Clearfield, Utah; 600 to provide real-world feedback on Microsoft employees at facilities in Xiamen, China; and prerelease products. customers, including numerous Fortune 500 companies, in more than 50 countries. “We were really excited about deploying Exchange Server 2007 because it would The company’s infrastructure includes fifty allow us to move forward with several of our HP NetServer and ProLiant servers running goals,” Bowden says. “First and foremost, Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 Enterprise Exchange Server 2007 provides the key Edition operating system and Microsoft functionality required to deploy a unified Exchange Server 2003 communication and messaging solution that will replace our collaboration server. Approximately 1,000 HP existing voice-mail system and allow us to PC desktops run the Windows® XP centrally manage e-mail, voice-mail, and fax Professional operating system and Microsoft messages. In addition, Exchange Server Office Professional Edition 2003. These 2007 will enable a remote replication technologies provide business-critical strategy between our offices in China and the messaging and wireless access, as well as United States.” Information Rights Management (IRM) capabilities that protect sensitive data. “As a member of RDP, we needed to perform Approximately 200 employees access the a health check on every system in the environment through Microsoft Office infrastructure using the Microsoft Exchange Outlook® Web Access using wireless mobile Best Practices Analyzer from Microsoft devices running Windows Mobile® software. Premier Services,” says Jared Sahleen, Senior Technology Manager at Lifetime “The deployment of a mobile solution was the Products. “After completing the analysis, in first step towards our vision of building a the second quarter of 2006, we were unified messaging environment,” explains pleasantly surprised to find 12 John Bowden, Chief Information Officer at recommendations for improving the security Lifetime Products. “We want to use the latest and performance of our environment that we messaging technologies because it is critical wouldn’t have known about otherwise.” to our productivity and bottom line. Our ability to access e-mail from remote locations has The New Server Infrastructure saved our company tens of thousands of Once the health check was complete, dollars in annual phone costs and portable Lifetime set up an environment to thoroughly computer maintenance. We also found that test Exchange Server 2007, according to the by incorporating mobile access with company’s rigorous development cycles. Exchange Server 2003, we actually gained an Engineers configured the roles of three new hour a day in productivity for participating servers, each running Windows Server 2003 employees.” Enterprise x64 Edition and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition:
  • 3. “Integrating our PBX One server, located in the United States, To help in the process, Lifetime engaged supports client access and hub transport Enabling Technologies, a Microsoft Gold system with Exchange functionality. “We configured one server to Certified Partner with extensive experience in Server and transferring support both of these roles because we messaging and speech-enabled applications. were anticipating the load to be quite “Engineers from Enabling Technologies were voice mail over to the demanding,” Sahleen explains, “as our a big help because they were very new environment only front-end mail servers receive about 1.1 knowledgeable in integrating PBX and VoIP,” million e-mail messages per month. All of Sahleen says. “Integrating our PBX system took us one and one- the e-mail for our organization first passes with Exchange Server and transferring voice half days. We really through servers at MailWatch and Message mail over to the new environment only took Labs. These third-party organizations scan us one and one-half days. We really thought thought the process was messages for viruses, spam, and the process was going to be much harder. going to be much compliance with our HP policies and then Once we got the necessary components and forward the messages to this hub transport started working through the process, it turned harder.” server for appropriate routing.” out to be quite simple.” Engineers spent Jared Sahleen, Senior Technology Manager, One server, residing in the United States, approximately five more days testing the Lifetime Products stores mailboxes and provides unified gateway and addressing issues such as messaging services. “This server will configuring a third-party solution message- eventually host approximately 300 unified waiting indicator product by Geomant to light inboxes and about 1,000 mailboxes,” says up the call-waiting light on desktop phones. Sahleen. One server, located in China, provides Establishing a Replication Strategy mailbox, client access, and hub transport Engineers employed the local continuous functionality. “This server supports all replication (LCR) feature in Exchange Server messaging services for the 300 employees 2007 to provide failover protection and in China that use desktop systems,” enable a remote backup strategy. LCR Sahleen notes, “and allows employees to creates a complete replica of each of the log on to Exchange Server using Microsoft Exchange Server databases, storing replica Office Outlook rather than Outlook Web files on a separate disk residing on the same Access, as they have done in the past.” server. At any time, engineers can make the replica database active. Because access to Building a VoIP Gateway messaging data is critical, engineers To enable unified messaging, engineers had configured the Distributed File System (DFS) to convert circuit-switched data coming into technologies in Windows Server to back up the company’s existing Siemens HIpath 300H the replica databases every day to a separate PBX into Internet Protocol (IP) voice data. server in the United States. “We transfer the “One of the biggest fears we had going into backup files from the Exchange Server this project was how we were going to database in China across our private T1 implement the voice integration component lines,” explains Bowden. “This prevents us with our existing infrastructure,” explains from having to create a backup infrastructure Sahleen. “Building a Voice over Internet in China.” Protocol (VoIP) gateway that would allow Exchange Server to communicate with our Impressed by the stability of the beta PBX system was something we had no environment, Lifetime is deploying Exchange experience in doing.” Server 2007 to 100 employees this week— only three weeks after officially launching the project. “Even though Exchange Server 2007
  • 4. "The biggest motivation is still in beta, our list of issues is not even whether e-mail or voice-mail, is absolutely close to the length of issue lists we have for required. With Exchange Unified Messaging, for deploying Exchange some of the other products we use that have voice messages are never neglected, Server 2007 was its been officially released,” Bowden notes. because users see the messages immediately in Office Outlook, Outlook Web ability to centrally In addition to its use of Exchange Server, 500 Access, and even on their Windows Mobile manage e-mail, voice- Lifetime employees are testing mobile access phones. This capability will dramatically through the beta version of Outlook Web improve our business results in coming mail, and fax Access. In addition, Lifetime plans on years.” messages. . . . With deploying the upcoming releases of Microsoft Office, Microsoft SharePoint® Portal Server, Employees in China can now access the Exchange Server 2007, and Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs—all over Exchange Server environment on a local we only need to set up the next 12 months. server, rather than logging into the environment in the United States. “We didn’t one mailbox.” Benefits have an Exchange Server environment Jared Sahleen, Senior Technology Manager, By building a unified messaging solution on running at our facility in China in the past Lifetime Products Exchange Server 2007, Lifetime Products has because we feel that our backup been able to boost productivity, reduce costs, infrastructure should be in the United increase availability and security, and create States,” Sahleen explains. “We also didn’t an infrastructure that can support the want to create an infrastructure thousands of company’s long-term goals. miles away, including duplicated management tools and IT personnel. LCR and Boosts Productivity DFS will allow us to manage our Exchange With users and administrators accessing all environment in China from our corporate messages through a single application, headquarters.” Lifetime has been able to realize significant productivity gains. “From a technology Lifetime executives are also anticipating perspective, the biggest motivation for additional boosts in productivity as a result of deploying Exchange Server 2007 was its new features. “One benefit of Exchange ability to centrally manage e-mail, voice-mail, Server 2007 that is easily overlooked is the and fax messages,” says Sahleen. “This is ability to tag a note to a voice mail directly especially significant to us because we have from Office Outlook 2007 or Outlook Web had to support disparate PBX and e-mail Access and archive it with the message,” says systems that couldn’t talk with each other. Sahleen. “You can’t get that with a traditional Adding a new user meant a lot of duplicated voice-mail system.” effort. Not only did we have to set up a new mailbox in Exchange, but then we had to “There are a lot of other features we are create a new account for the employee in the really excited about,” continues Sahleen. “We PBX system. With Exchange Server 2007, we have a huge interest in the Calendar only need to set up one mailbox.” Concierge, so we can start scheduling meetings, conference rooms, and resources Lifetime also is gaining faster response times through Microsoft Outlook instead of using a through the deployment of Exchange Unified manual process. We’re also looking forward Messaging. “Our customers expect a very to the managed e-mail folders function, so we rapid reaction to inquiries and orders, usually can streamline some of our mailbox content within the same day,” says Bowden. and filter through some mailboxes that have “Responding immediately to all messages,
  • 5. become too large or contain messages that Exchange Server 2007 also offers do not comply with our corporate guidelines.” opportunities to boost security, through features such as the Edge Transport Server Reduces Costs role and new spam and virus filtering tools. One of the biggest benefits in adopting “We are excited about tools like Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 is the ability to Forefront™,” notes Bowden. “We currently eliminate our existing voice-mail system and use third-party services to provide spam and desktop phones. “Exchange Server 2007 virus filtering. However, we’ll be investigating really catapults us into realizing our vision of the new e-mail filtering options that are how employees will communicate using available through Microsoft as a way to unified messaging and mobile devices,” further standardize our environment.” Bowden says. “The cost savings we will realize by eliminating our desktop phones Creates an Infrastructure to Support pretty much blows away any of the other IT Long-term Goals project we have planned for 2006. Exchange Server 2007 provides the functionality required to build a unified “Our desktop phones are proprietary and are messaging solution and expand upon mobile very expensive, costing us about U.S.$1,200 computing capabilities. “Exchange Server per year, per user,” continues Bowden. “By 2007 is a keystone to a lot of other employing unified messaging in Exchange technologies, so it really made sense to Server 2007, we expect to see a $40,000 install it as soon as possible” says Sahleen. reduction in maintenance costs for 2006. We “For example, Exchange Server 2007 will are currently eliminating 15 phones per enable a lot of exciting new functionality month, and that number will increase as we inside the next releases of the Windows move forward with our deployment. Instead of Mobile for Pocket PCs, SharePoint Portal using a desktop phone, our employees will Server, and Microsoft Office.” use a smart phone or Pocket PC to access all of their messages.” Lifetime plans to deploy the upcoming releases of Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs In addition, Lifetime expects to reduce and SharePoint Portal Server so that mobile administrative costs by gaining the ability to users can access files and applications that centrally manage the messaging environment reside on corporate servers. “We have an in the United States and China. internal product life-cycle management tool that is currently unreachable from a mobile Increases Availability and Security device because the data is proprietary,” By enabling a replication strategy through explains Bowden. “Employees can currently LCR, Lifetime can avoid system downtime receive notifications on their mobile device resulting from scheduled backups or system that certain tasks have occurred, but the outages. “We can back up our Exchange mobile employees are unable to enter any Server databases at any time without information into the application until they affecting system availability because we back return to the office or log on to the network up replica files,” Sahleen explains. “The from a PC. Exchange Server 2007 and the replica files are not continuously in use like next release of SharePoint Portal Server will the native database. By storing the system enable remote users to access such backups on a separate server in the United applications through Outlook Web Access or States, we also protect ourselves against through mobile devices running the next natural disasters.” release of Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs.”
  • 6. For More Information Microsoft Server Product Portfolio For more information about Microsoft “In addition to unified messaging, we want to For more information about the Microsoft products and services, call the Microsoft provide a higher level of integration between server product portfolio, go to: Sales Information Center at (800) 426- our mobile devices and our workflows,” 9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft concludes Bowden. “For example, allowing Canada Information Centre at (877) 568- mobile employees to click on links in their e- For more information about Microsoft 2495. Customers who are deaf or hard-of- mail and actually access files through our Exchange Server, go to: hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone SharePoint Portal Server. Exchange 2007 will (TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234 in have an additional huge return on investment the United States or (905) 568-9641 in just because it will facilitate these types of Canada. Outside the 50 United States and mobility capabilities.” Canada, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. To access information using the World Wide Web, go to: For more information about Enabling Technologies products and services, call (800) 923-4310 or visit the Web site at: For more information about Lifetime Products products and services, call (800) 225-3865 or visit the Web site at: Software and Services Hardware Microsoft Server Product Portfolio HP PC and NetVectra desktop computers − Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 AT&T Wireless Pocket PCs − Microsoft Windows Server 2003 HP NetServer and ProLiant server Enterprise x64 Edition computers Motorola Smart phones Partners Enabling Technologies This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published October 2006