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Microsoft SQL Server
                                          Customer Solution Case Study

                                          Hosted Solution Provider Achieves 99.99
                                          Percent Uptime While Supporting Rapid Growth

Overview                                  “Our upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL
Country or Region:United States
Industry:Professional services            Server 2008 really improved website responsiveness,
                                          helping us to support our continued rapid growth.”
Customer Profile
Paylocity provides hosted payroll and                                    Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer, Paylocity
human resources solutions and services.
The company has 325 employees and is
based in Arlington Heights, Illinois.

Business Situation                        To succeed with its vision for delivering a hosted, web-based
Paylocity needed a software platform
                                          payroll processing solution, Paylocity needed a software
capable of delivering mission-critical
levels of scalability, reliability, and   platform capable of providing superior levels of availability,
security for its hosted solution.
                                          scalability, and security—as required to compete with much
Solution                                  larger companies. In 2004, Paylocity adopted a strategy based
The company selected Microsoft
                                          on Microsoft technology, and over the past seven years, it has
software and now runs its hosted
solution on the Windows Server 2008 R2    evolved that strategy, continuing to take advantage of the latest
operating system and Microsoft SQL
                                          software from Microsoft. Paylocity now runs its hosted solution
Server 2008.
                                          on the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and Microsoft
                                          SQL Server 2008. The company‟s choice of Microsoft software
  Strong reliability, scalability,
  performance, and security               has helped Paylocity achieve the reliability, scalability, and
  Continual product innovation through
                                          security required to support around-the-clock access by more
  adoption of new Microsoft software
  Ease of administration and              than 6,000 customers with millions of employees over the web—
                                          maximizing customer satisfaction and fueling continued
  Low total cost of ownership
  Strong customer satisfaction            business growth.
“To effectively support                    Situation                                       based delivery model is ideal for meeting
                                           Paylocity provides payroll, human               all of those criteria. In addition, we saw how
our rapid growth rate                      resources, tax filing, and time and labor       it would enable us to easily scale
                                           management solutions through a software-        geographically, as nothing would need to
and compete against the                    as-a-service (SaaS) model, along with           be installed on-premises at customer sites.”
three big companies in                     complementary professional services. The
                                           company has twice been named the Payroll        To succeed with its vision, Paylocity needed
our industry, which are                    “Service Bureau of the Year” by the             a software environment capable of
                                           Independent Payroll Providers Association       providing superior levels of availability,
many times larger than                     (IPPA) because of its 97-percent client         scalability, and security. “We needed a
us, our business strategy                  retention rate for 10 years running. In         platform capable of delivering all the
                                           addition, Paylocity has been recognized by      mission-critical attributes, as necessary to
has been to leverage                       Inc. Magazine six times as being among the      meet customer needs and compete with
                                           nation‟s fastest-growing, privately held        much larger service providers,” says
Microsoft technology                       companies.                                      Cooper. “Scalability was especially
innovations.”                                                                              important because, at the time, we were
                                           Founded in 1997, Paylocity started as a         growing at a rate of 60 percent per year. Of
Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer,   reseller of a third-party, client-server        course, we also had to deliver
                              Paylocity    application. Paylocity customized the           uncompromised availability and be able to
                                           solution for on-premises installation at        secure our solution for delivery over the
                                           customer sites, with payroll information        web.”
                                           generated by the software sent by File
                                           Transfer Protocol (FTP) to Paylocity for        In 2004, Paylocity launched Web Pay, its
                                           processing. However, that business model        hosted solution, on Windows Server 2003
                                           presented key disadvantages that were           and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. At the time,
                                           hampering business growth: The need for         the company had four web servers, one
                                           geographic proximity to customers limited       database server, 1,900 customers, 83
                                           market size, and there was only a certain       employees, and U.S.$7.8 million in annual
                                           degree of customization that could be           revenue.
                                           achieved. Most importantly, licensing a
                                           third-party technology prevented Paylocity      Over the next few years, the company
                                           from achieving true differentiation in the      upgraded to SQL Server 2005, moved to
                                           marketplace.                                    64-bit servers to take advantage of
                                                                                           additional physical memory, and
                                           In 2003, the company decided that it was        transitioned to separate transactional and
                                           time for a change. “We wanted to control        reporting databases that were linked by
                                           our own destiny, and saw the opportunity        transactional replication. Because of an
                                           to build our own software-as-a-service          ever-increasing number of servers in its
                                           solution for delivery over the web as a         datacenter, Paylocity adopted a virtualized
                                           means to that end,” says Chuck Cooper,          IT infrastructure. “We were growing so fast
                                           Chief Information Officer at Paylocity. “We     that we were going to run out of power
                                           set out to create a solution for midmarket      and cooling capacity, yet we still had time
                                           companies with 50 to 5,000 employees, and       on our data center lease,” recalls Cooper.
                                           to differentiate ourselves by combining a       “We adopted Windows Server on VMWare
                                           better product with great service. Clients      to address those issues, and have been
                                           want simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ease   using it successfully ever since.”
                                           of adoption and management; and a web-
“Our clients trust                        By 2008, that IT infrastructure had grown to   new software development and relies on
                                           12 web servers, 1 active transactional         Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation
Paylocity to ensure that                   database server, and 2 reporting database      Server 2010 for all aspects of application
                                           servers, supporting 4,200 customers.           lifecycle management.
their employees are paid
accurately and on time,                    Solution                                       “We rely on our hosted solution even more
                                           Paylocity originally chose Microsoft           than you might expect,” says Cooper. “Not
and we trust the                           software because it met all mission-critical   only does it support more than 6,000
                                           requirements. “To effectively support our      customers with millions of employees, but
Microsoft platform to                      rapid growth rate and compete against the      it‟s also used by our own staff to both
ensure that we continue                    three big companies in our industry, which     manage our client‟s payrolls and run our
                                           are many times larger than us, our business    own business. We also use various
to achieve that goal—                      strategy has been to leverage Microsoft        Microsoft Dynamics products to support
                                           technology innovations,” says Cooper. “Our     sales lead management and accounting.”
even as we continue to                     clients trust Paylocity to ensure that their
grow at a rapid pace.”                     employees are paid accurately and on time,     “Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
                                           and we trust the Microsoft platform to         offered significant improvements in
Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer,   ensure that we continue to achieve that        reliability, security, and scalability, with
                              Paylocity    goal—even as we continue to grow at a          support for up to 256 logical processors,
                                           rapid pace.”                                   which provides plenty of capacity to
                                                                                          support our continued rapid growth,” says
                                           Paylocity also chose Microsoft software        Cooper. “We also identified several new
                                           because it offered superior developer          and improved features in SQL Server 2008
                                           productivity. “We had ambitious goals but      that we were eager to adopt, such as
                                           a very small development team when we          compression of log files, table partitioning,
                                           started this project,” says Cooper. “We        and dynamic views.”
                                           looked at both Microsoft .NET technology
                                           and Java, and realized that Microsoft .NET     To minimize downtime, Paylocity planned
                                           would better enable us to more quickly and     for an across-the-board upgrade of its IT
                                           easily deliver a rich and robust solution.”    infrastructure. “Because we have a solution
                                                                                          that is accessed by our customers literally
                                           By late 2010, Paylocity was once again         24/7 [24 hours a day, seven days a
                                           ready to take advantage of newer Microsoft     week]throughout the year, when we do
                                           software to support its continued rapid        have a major release with scheduled
                                           growth. Paylocity upgraded its IT              downtime, we make several environmental
                                           infrastructure to the Windows Server 2008      changes at once,” explains Cooper. “For
                                           R2 operating system. The web servers run       example, when upgrading to Windows
                                           Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with           Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008, we
                                           Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5, the   also installed a new storage area network.
                                           latest web application platform from           Everyone agrees that we have a much more
                                           Microsoft. The database servers run            stable system, and we‟ve seen the fastest
                                           Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise and          performance benchmarks we‟ve ever seen,
                                           Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise data      with average webpage response times of
                                           managementsoftware, and SQL Server             less than one second.”
                                           Reporting Services is used extensively.
                                           Paylocity uses the Microsoft Visual Studio     After testing the new environment,
                                           2010 Premium development system for            Paylocity upgraded all 25 web and
“Microsoft software                        database servers on a Saturday. “We                “We selected SQL Server Reporting Services
                                           completed the upgrade with no issues at            as our reporting engine because it allows
gives us choice and                        all,” says Cooper. “In fact, the week              us to programmatically create our own
                                           following the upgrade was one of the               reports,” says Cooper. “This has allowed us
flexibility in meeting                     busiest of the year in terms of server             to build our own front-end Report Writer,
customer needs, while at                   workload, and everything held up                   which allows nontechnical users to create
                                           remarkably well.”                                  their own reports with just a few mouse
the same time providing                                                                       clicks. Just as important, the scale-out
                                           Current Architecture                               architecture for SQL Server Reporting
great scalability and                      Today, the IT infrastructure supporting the        Services helps ensure that we can continue
dependability.”                            company‟s hosted solution consists 43              to keep up with an ever-increasing
                                           virtual servers running on 9 quad-core             reporting workload.”
Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer,   Xeon 5500 servers, each configured with 72
                              Paylocity    gigabytes of memory and 2 host-bus                 Important New Capabilities
                                           adapter Fiber Channel cards. The web               In implementing the versions of Windows
                                           server tier includes 12 virtualized servers, all   Server and SQL Server it uses today,
                                           of which run Windows Server 2008 R2 with           Paylocity took advantage of new and
                                           IIS 7.5. Paylocity uses vMotion from               improved functionality in those products to
                                           VMware to move the virtual machines from           improve performance, security, and
                                           one physical server to another to evenly           scalability. Features in Windows Server
                                           distribute the load.                               2008 R2 that the company adopted include:

                                           The transactional database that supports             Active Directory Federation Services 2.0,
                                           the web tier is also hosted in a virtualized         which Paylocity uses to enable single
                                           environment, where it runs on Windows                sign on (SSO) among its various payroll,
                                           Server 2008 R2 Enterprise and SQL Server             human resources, time and labor, and tax
                                           2008 Enterprise Edition. To maximize                 services products. The company also
                                           availability, the database is configured as          uses Active Directory Federation Services
                                           an active-passive cluster using failover             2.0 to integrate with hosted solutions
                                           clustering in Windows Server 2008. The               from business partners.
                                           database is approximately 500 gigabytes in
                                           size and averages 2,600 transactions per             Improved static compression in IIS 7.5,
                                           second, with a physical input/output (I/O)           which reduces the processor and
                                           rate of 50,000 kilobytes per second.                 memory utilization associated with
                                           Enterprise-class storage is provided by a            compressing static content before
                                           Hitachi ASM2500 storage area network.                transmitting it from the company‟s web
                                                                                                servers to a customers‟ web browsers.
                                           The reporting tier, which is based on SQL
                                           Server Reporting Services, resides on three        Paylocity also took advantage of several
                                           additional virtualized servers and is              new and improved features in SQL Server
                                           supported by a separate reporting                  2008, including:
                                           database. Paylocity uses transactional
                                           replication to copy data from the                    Backup file compression, the use of
                                           transactional database to the reporting              which has delivered an 80 percent
                                           database, with changes typically replicated          decrease in disk space used for backups
                                           in less than four seconds.                           and a 75 percent reduction in the time
                                                                                                required to complete those backups. “In
the past, backups did not always finish         Dynamic database views, which have
                                     before the start of the business day but        improved the company‟s ability to see
                                     now they do,” says Cooper. “Backup file         what is occurring inside its databases
                                     compression has also made it much               and prioritize the performance-tuning of
                                     faster to copy a full database backup to        stored procedures.
                                     our quality assurance lab and disaster
                                     recovery data center, even though the         Even though it just recently completed its
                                     actual size of our database has grown         infrastructure upgrade, Paylocity isn‟t
                                     fivefold in the past couple of years. We      standing still. Developers have migrated
                                     can now replicate the data in our             the company‟s hosted solution from
                                     production environment to our test            Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 to ASP.NET 4 for the
                                     environment on a daily basis instead of a     company‟s upcoming release, featuring a
                                     weekly basis.”                                new Employee Self-Service Portal. Paylocity
                                                                                   is developing its Time and Labor
                                     Table partitioning, which enables             Management product using the latest
                                     Paylocity to run simultaneous database        ASP.NET Model-View-Controller (MVC)
                                     queries against different partitions of its   pattern—often referred to as ASP.NET MVC
                                     largest database tables, while restricting    3. The company is also participating in a
                                     lock escalation to only the affected          Microsoft technology adoption program for
                                     partition instead of the entire table.        Windows Workflow Foundation, and is
                                     “With table partitioning, we were able to     looking at using Microsoft BizTalk Server
Figure 1. Paylocity used the         improve the performance of calculating a      2010 to support its integration needs.
programmability of SQL Server        payroll batch by more than 150 percent,”
Reporting Services to build an       says Cooper.                                  “We plan to use workflows to support
intuitive Report Writer for use by                                                 additional business processes, such as
nontechnical customers.                                                            human resources-related work streams,”
                                                                                   says Cooper. “We already have the
                                                                                   customer data in our systems and, with the
                                                                                   new workflow innovations from Microsoft,
                                                                                   we‟re able to easily take advantage of that
                                                                                   data to deliver new customer offerings.”

                                                                                   Finally, Paylocity also is keeping an eye out
                                                                                   for new technologies—such as Windows
                                                                                   Internet Explorer 9—to recommend to
                                                                                   customers. “With Internet Explorer 9, we‟re
                                                                                   seeing a 30 percent performance gain in
                                                                                   the rendering of our Employee Template
                                                                                   feature, which enables users to design the
                                                                                   layout of employee-facing webpages—
                                                                                   something we attribute to the improved
                                                                                   JavaScript performance in Internet Explorer
                                                                                   9,” says Cooper.
“Our software is                           Benefits                                         minor issues that we have experienced
                                           Since 2004, Paylocity has taken advantage        have been hardware-related. In the past
phenomenal! It has                         of Microsoft software innovations to             seven years, we‟ve only had to call
                                           support and fuel business growth—and to          Microsoft for support twice.”
enabled our sales                          keep its hosted service up and running
management team to                         smoothly. Today, the company relies on           Superior Scalability and Performance
                                           Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server            The company‟s recent upgrade has
attract the best talent                    2008 to achieve the reliability, security, and   improved application performance, helping
                                           scalability needed for 24/7 access by its        Paylocity to support business growth and
available in our industry                  more than 6,000 customers.                       keep customers happy without excessive
from coast to coast to                                                                      investments in additional hardware. “Our
                                           “Microsoft software gives us choice and          upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2 and
help us expand from two                    flexibility in meeting customer needs, while     SQL Server 2008 really improved website
                                           at the same time providing great scalability     responsiveness, helping us to support our
markets in 2007 to more                    and dependability,” says Cooper. “Just as        continued rapid growth,” says Cooper.
than 30 markets today.                     important, we get all of the great „extras‟      “Over the past two years, webpage
                                           out-of-the-box—features such as Active           response times have decreased by 60
Our sales force is now                     Directory Federation Services 2.0 and SQL        percent while our overall web traffic has
                                           Server Reporting Services that we‟ve used        tripled.”
significantly more                         to deliver an even better solution. Seven
productive and our new                     years ago we adopted a strategy based on         The upgrade has also improved reporting
                                           using Microsoft technology innovations to        performance. “During peak periods, we run
sales have quadrupled                      compete against much larger companies            more than 20,000 reports per day, with an
                                           and, if our continued rapid growth is any        average report generation time of seven
since 2007.”                               indication, that strategy has continued to       seconds, even though many of the reports
 Mike Haske, Vice President of Sales and   serve us very well.”                             are large and complicated,” says Cooper.
                    Marketing, Paylocity                                                    “That‟s a significant improvement over
                                           Mike Haske, Vice President of Sales and          what we were seeing before the upgrade,
                                           Marketing at Paylocity, adds, “Our software      when reports took an average of 11
                                           is phenomenal! It has enabled our sales          seconds.”
                                           management team to attract the best talent
                                           available in our industry from coast to coast    Strong Security
                                           to help us expand from two markets in            Paylocity has been able to maintain strong
                                           2007 to more than 30 markets today. Our          security, which Cooper attributes to two
                                           sales force is now significantly more            things: the integrated security model built
                                           productive and our new sales have                into the Windows Server operating system,
                                           quadrupled since 2007.”                          and guidance provided by Microsoft on
                                                                                            how to best take advantage of it. “We
                                           High Reliability                                 haven‟t had a single security breach since
                                           Because customers use its hosted service         launching our hosted solution seven years
                                           24/7, 365 days per year, Paylocity has a         ago,” says Cooper. “We‟ve had external
                                           goal of 99.99 percent service level              penetration testing done, with good
                                           availability—equal to about 52 minutes of        results—and give a lot of the credit for
                                           unplanned downtime per year. “Windows            those results to the Claims-Based Identity
                                           Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 have          and Access Control guidance provided by
                                           been rock solid, enabling us to hit our          the Microsoft Patterns and Practices
                                           target service levels,” says Cooper. “The few    group.”
“Over 90 percent of our                 Continual Innovation                            capability, helps pay for itself,” says Cooper.
                                        With feature-rich software and a world-         “We could have spent many more times on
customers would refer us                class development environment, Paylocity        Oracle to get the same performance that
                                        has been able to continually and rapidly        we get with SQL Server.”
to a friend or business                 innovate—as necessary to stay ahead of
associate.”                             competitors with hundreds of times as           High Customer Satisfaction
                                        many developers. “We‟re the small guy           For Cooper, customer satisfaction is the
      Jenifer Page, Vice President of   going up against several multibillion dollar    ultimate gauge of whether his strategy to
               Operations, Paylocity    competitors, and have been able to              run the business on Microsoft software is
                                        compete successfully by leveraging the          working. Recent survey results reflect that
                                        enormous investments continually made by        he‟s made the right decision. “Clients have
                                        Microsoft in research and development,”         been extremely happy with Paylocity and
                                        says Cooper. “When I consider all of the        our Web Pay product, as shown by recent
                                        new capabilities we gained through our          customer satisfaction surveys,” says Jenifer
                                        latest upgrade—including Active Directory       Page, Vice President of Operations at
                                        Federation Services 2.0, static compression,    Paylocity. “Over 90 percent of our
                                        log file compression, table partitioning, and   customers would refer us to a friend or
                                        dynamic database views—it‟s like getting        business associate.”
                                        10 additional developers for less than the
                                        price of one developer‟s annual salary.”

                                        Ease of Administration and Management
                                        Even with 43 virtual servers, the company‟s
                                        production IT infrastructure requires very
                                        little hands-on administration. “Microsoft
                                        software makes system administration and
                                        performance tuning easy, which is why
                                        we‟re able to get by with only six system
                                        administrators and three database
                                        administrators,” says Cooper. “Choosing
                                        Microsoft Dynamics software has also
                                        contributed to ease of administration, as
                                        we‟re able to maintain and support those
                                        systems with the same tools and skillsets
                                        that we use to support our hosted

                                        Low Total Cost of Ownership
                                        With Microsoft software, Paylocity is able to
                                        invest more on innovation with respect to
                                        its own products and less on hardware,
                                        licenses, maintenance, add-ons, and
                                        consulting—contributing to a low total cost
                                        of ownership. “Microsoft software is well
                                        worth the investment—in addition to the
                                        extensive capabilities it provides, it
                                        essentially runs itself and, through that
For More Information                                  Microsoft Server Product Portfolio
For more information about Microsoft                  For more information about the Microsoft
products and services, call the Microsoft             server product portfolio, go to:
Sales Information Center at (800) 426-      
9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft
Canada Information Centre at (877) 568-
2495. Customers in the United States and
Canada who are deaf or hard-of-hearing
can reach Microsoft text telephone
(TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234.
Outside the 50 United States and
Canada, please contact your local
Microsoft subsidiary. To access
information using the World Wide Web,
go to:

For more information about Paylocity,
visit the website at:

                                                       Software and Services                       Technologies
                                                         Microsoft Server Product Portfolio        − Active Directory Federation Services
                                                         − Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard           2.0
                                                         − Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise       − Internet Information Services 7.5
                                                         − Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise    − Microsoft ASP.NET 4
                                                         Microsoft Visual Studio                   − Microsoft SQL Server Reporting
                                                         − Microsoft Visual Studio 2010              Services
                                                         − Microsoft Visual Studio Team           Hardware
                                                           Foundation Server 2010                  12 custom-build quad-core servers

This case study is for informational purposes only.

Document published April 2011

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Paylocity Microsoft Cs

  • 1. Microsoft SQL Server Customer Solution Case Study Hosted Solution Provider Achieves 99.99 Percent Uptime While Supporting Rapid Growth Overview “Our upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Country or Region:United States Industry:Professional services Server 2008 really improved website responsiveness, helping us to support our continued rapid growth.” Customer Profile Paylocity provides hosted payroll and Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer, Paylocity human resources solutions and services. The company has 325 employees and is based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Business Situation To succeed with its vision for delivering a hosted, web-based Paylocity needed a software platform payroll processing solution, Paylocity needed a software capable of delivering mission-critical levels of scalability, reliability, and platform capable of providing superior levels of availability, security for its hosted solution. scalability, and security—as required to compete with much Solution larger companies. In 2004, Paylocity adopted a strategy based The company selected Microsoft on Microsoft technology, and over the past seven years, it has software and now runs its hosted solution on the Windows Server 2008 R2 evolved that strategy, continuing to take advantage of the latest operating system and Microsoft SQL software from Microsoft. Paylocity now runs its hosted solution Server 2008. on the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and Microsoft Benefits SQL Server 2008. The company‟s choice of Microsoft software Strong reliability, scalability, performance, and security has helped Paylocity achieve the reliability, scalability, and Continual product innovation through security required to support around-the-clock access by more adoption of new Microsoft software Ease of administration and than 6,000 customers with millions of employees over the web— management maximizing customer satisfaction and fueling continued Low total cost of ownership Strong customer satisfaction business growth.
  • 2. “To effectively support Situation based delivery model is ideal for meeting Paylocity provides payroll, human all of those criteria. In addition, we saw how our rapid growth rate resources, tax filing, and time and labor it would enable us to easily scale management solutions through a software- geographically, as nothing would need to and compete against the as-a-service (SaaS) model, along with be installed on-premises at customer sites.” three big companies in complementary professional services. The company has twice been named the Payroll To succeed with its vision, Paylocity needed our industry, which are “Service Bureau of the Year” by the a software environment capable of Independent Payroll Providers Association providing superior levels of availability, many times larger than (IPPA) because of its 97-percent client scalability, and security. “We needed a us, our business strategy retention rate for 10 years running. In platform capable of delivering all the addition, Paylocity has been recognized by mission-critical attributes, as necessary to has been to leverage Inc. Magazine six times as being among the meet customer needs and compete with nation‟s fastest-growing, privately held much larger service providers,” says Microsoft technology companies. Cooper. “Scalability was especially innovations.” important because, at the time, we were Founded in 1997, Paylocity started as a growing at a rate of 60 percent per year. Of Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer, reseller of a third-party, client-server course, we also had to deliver Paylocity application. Paylocity customized the uncompromised availability and be able to solution for on-premises installation at secure our solution for delivery over the customer sites, with payroll information web.” generated by the software sent by File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to Paylocity for In 2004, Paylocity launched Web Pay, its processing. However, that business model hosted solution, on Windows Server 2003 presented key disadvantages that were and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. At the time, hampering business growth: The need for the company had four web servers, one geographic proximity to customers limited database server, 1,900 customers, 83 market size, and there was only a certain employees, and U.S.$7.8 million in annual degree of customization that could be revenue. achieved. Most importantly, licensing a third-party technology prevented Paylocity Over the next few years, the company from achieving true differentiation in the upgraded to SQL Server 2005, moved to marketplace. 64-bit servers to take advantage of additional physical memory, and In 2003, the company decided that it was transitioned to separate transactional and time for a change. “We wanted to control reporting databases that were linked by our own destiny, and saw the opportunity transactional replication. Because of an to build our own software-as-a-service ever-increasing number of servers in its solution for delivery over the web as a datacenter, Paylocity adopted a virtualized means to that end,” says Chuck Cooper, IT infrastructure. “We were growing so fast Chief Information Officer at Paylocity. “We that we were going to run out of power set out to create a solution for midmarket and cooling capacity, yet we still had time companies with 50 to 5,000 employees, and on our data center lease,” recalls Cooper. to differentiate ourselves by combining a “We adopted Windows Server on VMWare better product with great service. Clients to address those issues, and have been want simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ease using it successfully ever since.” of adoption and management; and a web-
  • 3. “Our clients trust By 2008, that IT infrastructure had grown to new software development and relies on 12 web servers, 1 active transactional Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Paylocity to ensure that database server, and 2 reporting database Server 2010 for all aspects of application servers, supporting 4,200 customers. lifecycle management. their employees are paid accurately and on time, Solution “We rely on our hosted solution even more Paylocity originally chose Microsoft than you might expect,” says Cooper. “Not and we trust the software because it met all mission-critical only does it support more than 6,000 requirements. “To effectively support our customers with millions of employees, but Microsoft platform to rapid growth rate and compete against the it‟s also used by our own staff to both ensure that we continue three big companies in our industry, which manage our client‟s payrolls and run our are many times larger than us, our business own business. We also use various to achieve that goal— strategy has been to leverage Microsoft Microsoft Dynamics products to support technology innovations,” says Cooper. “Our sales lead management and accounting.” even as we continue to clients trust Paylocity to ensure that their grow at a rapid pace.” employees are paid accurately and on time, “Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise and we trust the Microsoft platform to offered significant improvements in Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer, ensure that we continue to achieve that reliability, security, and scalability, with Paylocity goal—even as we continue to grow at a support for up to 256 logical processors, rapid pace.” which provides plenty of capacity to support our continued rapid growth,” says Paylocity also chose Microsoft software Cooper. “We also identified several new because it offered superior developer and improved features in SQL Server 2008 productivity. “We had ambitious goals but that we were eager to adopt, such as a very small development team when we compression of log files, table partitioning, started this project,” says Cooper. “We and dynamic views.” looked at both Microsoft .NET technology and Java, and realized that Microsoft .NET To minimize downtime, Paylocity planned would better enable us to more quickly and for an across-the-board upgrade of its IT easily deliver a rich and robust solution.” infrastructure. “Because we have a solution that is accessed by our customers literally By late 2010, Paylocity was once again 24/7 [24 hours a day, seven days a ready to take advantage of newer Microsoft week]throughout the year, when we do software to support its continued rapid have a major release with scheduled growth. Paylocity upgraded its IT downtime, we make several environmental infrastructure to the Windows Server 2008 changes at once,” explains Cooper. “For R2 operating system. The web servers run example, when upgrading to Windows Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008, we Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5, the also installed a new storage area network. latest web application platform from Everyone agrees that we have a much more Microsoft. The database servers run stable system, and we‟ve seen the fastest Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise and performance benchmarks we‟ve ever seen, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise data with average webpage response times of managementsoftware, and SQL Server less than one second.” Reporting Services is used extensively. Paylocity uses the Microsoft Visual Studio After testing the new environment, 2010 Premium development system for Paylocity upgraded all 25 web and
  • 4. “Microsoft software database servers on a Saturday. “We “We selected SQL Server Reporting Services completed the upgrade with no issues at as our reporting engine because it allows gives us choice and all,” says Cooper. “In fact, the week us to programmatically create our own following the upgrade was one of the reports,” says Cooper. “This has allowed us flexibility in meeting busiest of the year in terms of server to build our own front-end Report Writer, customer needs, while at workload, and everything held up which allows nontechnical users to create remarkably well.” their own reports with just a few mouse the same time providing clicks. Just as important, the scale-out Current Architecture architecture for SQL Server Reporting great scalability and Today, the IT infrastructure supporting the Services helps ensure that we can continue dependability.” company‟s hosted solution consists 43 to keep up with an ever-increasing virtual servers running on 9 quad-core reporting workload.” Chuck Cooper, Chief Information Officer, Xeon 5500 servers, each configured with 72 Paylocity gigabytes of memory and 2 host-bus Important New Capabilities adapter Fiber Channel cards. The web In implementing the versions of Windows server tier includes 12 virtualized servers, all Server and SQL Server it uses today, of which run Windows Server 2008 R2 with Paylocity took advantage of new and IIS 7.5. Paylocity uses vMotion from improved functionality in those products to VMware to move the virtual machines from improve performance, security, and one physical server to another to evenly scalability. Features in Windows Server distribute the load. 2008 R2 that the company adopted include: The transactional database that supports Active Directory Federation Services 2.0, the web tier is also hosted in a virtualized which Paylocity uses to enable single environment, where it runs on Windows sign on (SSO) among its various payroll, Server 2008 R2 Enterprise and SQL Server human resources, time and labor, and tax 2008 Enterprise Edition. To maximize services products. The company also availability, the database is configured as uses Active Directory Federation Services an active-passive cluster using failover 2.0 to integrate with hosted solutions clustering in Windows Server 2008. The from business partners. database is approximately 500 gigabytes in size and averages 2,600 transactions per Improved static compression in IIS 7.5, second, with a physical input/output (I/O) which reduces the processor and rate of 50,000 kilobytes per second. memory utilization associated with Enterprise-class storage is provided by a compressing static content before Hitachi ASM2500 storage area network. transmitting it from the company‟s web servers to a customers‟ web browsers. The reporting tier, which is based on SQL Server Reporting Services, resides on three Paylocity also took advantage of several additional virtualized servers and is new and improved features in SQL Server supported by a separate reporting 2008, including: database. Paylocity uses transactional replication to copy data from the Backup file compression, the use of transactional database to the reporting which has delivered an 80 percent database, with changes typically replicated decrease in disk space used for backups in less than four seconds. and a 75 percent reduction in the time required to complete those backups. “In
  • 5. the past, backups did not always finish Dynamic database views, which have before the start of the business day but improved the company‟s ability to see now they do,” says Cooper. “Backup file what is occurring inside its databases compression has also made it much and prioritize the performance-tuning of faster to copy a full database backup to stored procedures. our quality assurance lab and disaster recovery data center, even though the Even though it just recently completed its actual size of our database has grown infrastructure upgrade, Paylocity isn‟t fivefold in the past couple of years. We standing still. Developers have migrated can now replicate the data in our the company‟s hosted solution from production environment to our test Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 to ASP.NET 4 for the environment on a daily basis instead of a company‟s upcoming release, featuring a weekly basis.” new Employee Self-Service Portal. Paylocity is developing its Time and Labor Table partitioning, which enables Management product using the latest Paylocity to run simultaneous database ASP.NET Model-View-Controller (MVC) queries against different partitions of its pattern—often referred to as ASP.NET MVC largest database tables, while restricting 3. The company is also participating in a lock escalation to only the affected Microsoft technology adoption program for partition instead of the entire table. Windows Workflow Foundation, and is “With table partitioning, we were able to looking at using Microsoft BizTalk Server Figure 1. Paylocity used the improve the performance of calculating a 2010 to support its integration needs. programmability of SQL Server payroll batch by more than 150 percent,” Reporting Services to build an says Cooper. “We plan to use workflows to support intuitive Report Writer for use by additional business processes, such as nontechnical customers. human resources-related work streams,” says Cooper. “We already have the customer data in our systems and, with the new workflow innovations from Microsoft, we‟re able to easily take advantage of that data to deliver new customer offerings.” Finally, Paylocity also is keeping an eye out for new technologies—such as Windows Internet Explorer 9—to recommend to customers. “With Internet Explorer 9, we‟re seeing a 30 percent performance gain in the rendering of our Employee Template feature, which enables users to design the layout of employee-facing webpages— something we attribute to the improved JavaScript performance in Internet Explorer 9,” says Cooper.
  • 6. “Our software is Benefits minor issues that we have experienced Since 2004, Paylocity has taken advantage have been hardware-related. In the past phenomenal! It has of Microsoft software innovations to seven years, we‟ve only had to call support and fuel business growth—and to Microsoft for support twice.” enabled our sales keep its hosted service up and running management team to smoothly. Today, the company relies on Superior Scalability and Performance Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server The company‟s recent upgrade has attract the best talent 2008 to achieve the reliability, security, and improved application performance, helping scalability needed for 24/7 access by its Paylocity to support business growth and available in our industry more than 6,000 customers. keep customers happy without excessive from coast to coast to investments in additional hardware. “Our “Microsoft software gives us choice and upgrade to Windows Server 2008 R2 and help us expand from two flexibility in meeting customer needs, while SQL Server 2008 really improved website at the same time providing great scalability responsiveness, helping us to support our markets in 2007 to more and dependability,” says Cooper. “Just as continued rapid growth,” says Cooper. than 30 markets today. important, we get all of the great „extras‟ “Over the past two years, webpage out-of-the-box—features such as Active response times have decreased by 60 Our sales force is now Directory Federation Services 2.0 and SQL percent while our overall web traffic has Server Reporting Services that we‟ve used tripled.” significantly more to deliver an even better solution. Seven productive and our new years ago we adopted a strategy based on The upgrade has also improved reporting using Microsoft technology innovations to performance. “During peak periods, we run sales have quadrupled compete against much larger companies more than 20,000 reports per day, with an and, if our continued rapid growth is any average report generation time of seven since 2007.” indication, that strategy has continued to seconds, even though many of the reports Mike Haske, Vice President of Sales and serve us very well.” are large and complicated,” says Cooper. Marketing, Paylocity “That‟s a significant improvement over Mike Haske, Vice President of Sales and what we were seeing before the upgrade, Marketing at Paylocity, adds, “Our software when reports took an average of 11 is phenomenal! It has enabled our sales seconds.” management team to attract the best talent available in our industry from coast to coast Strong Security to help us expand from two markets in Paylocity has been able to maintain strong 2007 to more than 30 markets today. Our security, which Cooper attributes to two sales force is now significantly more things: the integrated security model built productive and our new sales have into the Windows Server operating system, quadrupled since 2007.” and guidance provided by Microsoft on how to best take advantage of it. “We High Reliability haven‟t had a single security breach since Because customers use its hosted service launching our hosted solution seven years 24/7, 365 days per year, Paylocity has a ago,” says Cooper. “We‟ve had external goal of 99.99 percent service level penetration testing done, with good availability—equal to about 52 minutes of results—and give a lot of the credit for unplanned downtime per year. “Windows those results to the Claims-Based Identity Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 have and Access Control guidance provided by been rock solid, enabling us to hit our the Microsoft Patterns and Practices target service levels,” says Cooper. “The few group.”
  • 7. “Over 90 percent of our Continual Innovation capability, helps pay for itself,” says Cooper. With feature-rich software and a world- “We could have spent many more times on customers would refer us class development environment, Paylocity Oracle to get the same performance that has been able to continually and rapidly we get with SQL Server.” to a friend or business innovate—as necessary to stay ahead of associate.” competitors with hundreds of times as High Customer Satisfaction many developers. “We‟re the small guy For Cooper, customer satisfaction is the Jenifer Page, Vice President of going up against several multibillion dollar ultimate gauge of whether his strategy to Operations, Paylocity competitors, and have been able to run the business on Microsoft software is compete successfully by leveraging the working. Recent survey results reflect that enormous investments continually made by he‟s made the right decision. “Clients have Microsoft in research and development,” been extremely happy with Paylocity and says Cooper. “When I consider all of the our Web Pay product, as shown by recent new capabilities we gained through our customer satisfaction surveys,” says Jenifer latest upgrade—including Active Directory Page, Vice President of Operations at Federation Services 2.0, static compression, Paylocity. “Over 90 percent of our log file compression, table partitioning, and customers would refer us to a friend or dynamic database views—it‟s like getting business associate.” 10 additional developers for less than the price of one developer‟s annual salary.” Ease of Administration and Management Even with 43 virtual servers, the company‟s production IT infrastructure requires very little hands-on administration. “Microsoft software makes system administration and performance tuning easy, which is why we‟re able to get by with only six system administrators and three database administrators,” says Cooper. “Choosing Microsoft Dynamics software has also contributed to ease of administration, as we‟re able to maintain and support those systems with the same tools and skillsets that we use to support our hosted solution.” Low Total Cost of Ownership With Microsoft software, Paylocity is able to invest more on innovation with respect to its own products and less on hardware, licenses, maintenance, add-ons, and consulting—contributing to a low total cost of ownership. “Microsoft software is well worth the investment—in addition to the extensive capabilities it provides, it essentially runs itself and, through that
  • 8. For More Information Microsoft Server Product Portfolio For more information about Microsoft For more information about the Microsoft products and services, call the Microsoft server product portfolio, go to: Sales Information Center at (800) 426- 9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft Canada Information Centre at (877) 568- 2495. Customers in the United States and Canada who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone (TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234. Outside the 50 United States and Canada, please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. To access information using the World Wide Web, go to: For more information about Paylocity, visit the website at: Software and Services Technologies Microsoft Server Product Portfolio − Active Directory Federation Services − Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 2.0 − Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise − Internet Information Services 7.5 − Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise − Microsoft ASP.NET 4 Microsoft Visual Studio − Microsoft SQL Server Reporting − Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Services Premium − Microsoft Visual Studio Team Hardware Foundation Server 2010 12 custom-build quad-core servers This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published April 2011