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Microsoft Office System
                                            Customer Solution Case Study

                                            School District Reduces Phone Costs by 66
                                            Percent with Voice over IP Solution

Overview                                    “The real benefit of the Microsoft unified
Country or Region: United States
Industry: Education—Primary and
                                            communications solution is the time that teachers
secondary schools                           save that they can devote to … professional
Customer Profile
                                            development and providing extra help to students.”
The Jackson-Madison County School           Nancy Zambito, Ed.D, Superintendent, Jackson-Madison County School System
System in Western Tennessee includes 28
schools that employ nearly 2,000 faculty    The Jackson-Madison County School System had a separate Private
and enroll 13,500 students.
                                            Branch Exchange (PBX) phone system in each of its 28 schools and
Business Situation                          its central office. Those aging systems did not have voice mail or
The district wanted to reduce telephone
service costs, add voice mail and           support for new technologies such as voice over IP (VoIP). When the
conferencing capabilities, and make those   school district found that it was too costly to add voice mail to the
features available to teachers and
administrative staff.                       systems, it decided to deploy a unified communications solution
                                            based on Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007,
With help from Enabling Technologies, the   Microsoft Office Communicator 2007, and Microsoft Exchange
district implemented a unified communica-   Server 2007 with Unified Messaging. This solution provides VoIP,
tions solution based on Microsoft®
software.                                   conferencing, instant messaging, and presence capabilities, along
                                            with a single inbox for e-mail and voice mail. When the solution is
  Improved district-wide communications     fully deployed, the district anticipates reducing phone service costs
  Reduced phone service costs by 66         by 66 percent, saving up to U.S.$5,000 annually in travel costs,
  Expanded professional development         and expanding professional development opportunities.
  Saved travel time and expense
“By setting up a                             Situation                                          Comparing Costs
                                             The Jackson-Madison County School System           In August 2007, the school district was
centralized VoIP system                      is located in Western Tennessee, nearly            offered a five-year-old Siemens PBX digital
for the entire district, we                  equidistant from the Mississippi and               system for free from the Jackson Energy
                                             Tennessee rivers. The school district              Authority, the local utility company. The utility
could significantly                          encompasses 28 public elementary,                  had replaced that PBX with a new voice over
reduce the number of                         intermediate, middle, and high schools             IP (VoIP) system. Gratified by the offer, the
                                             serving more than 13,500 students, and is          school district researched the cost to install
phone lines and thus                         the second largest employer in the county,         the phone system but found that installation
reduce monthly access                        with nearly 2,000 employees.                       would run about U.S.$15,000. “As generous
                                                                                                as the offer was, we asked ourselves whether
fees.”                                       As with most school districts in the United        it made sense to spend $15,000 on a system
Chuck Jones, Chief of Technology, Jackson-   States, Jackson-Madison has had to deal with       that would still be out-of-date because it
Madison County School System                 fluctuating budgets during the last several        doesn’t support current technologies such as
                                             years, and its technology infrastructure has       VoIP and unified messaging,” says Chuck
                                             been particularly affected. As of August 2007,     Jones, Chief of Technology for the Jackson-
                                             the district had a 15-year-old Private Branch      Madison County School System.
                                             Exchange (PBX) phone system at its central
                                             office. Each school in the district also had its   The district was considering switching to a
                                             own PBX. None of these systems had voice           VoIP system because all of its 28 schools
                                             mail, and the expense of adding this feature       have a wide-area fiber connection of 100
                                             made such an upgrade impractical. Each             megabits per second, which is linked to the
                                             school’s classrooms had intercoms, but the         Internet connection at the central office. “A
                                             rooms had no phones except for the                 100-megabit connection is a dream for any
                                             teachers’ own cell phones.                         system administrator because it can handle
                                                                                                VoIP and many other things, such as Web
                                             All the schools were connected to the              conferencing,” says Jones.
                                             headquarters through a network running the
                                             Windows Server® 2003 operating system.             In addition, moving to a VoIP system would
                                             The schools also each had their own separate       significantly reduce phone service costs. At
                                             local area network (LAN), and these ran on a       the time, the school district was spending
                                             variety of operating systems including the         $76,000 per year for 320 standard
                                             Microsoft® Windows NT® Server and Windows          telephone lines. “By setting up a centralized
                                             Server 2000 operating systems and very old         VoIP system for the entire district, we could
                                             versions of Novell NetWare. Teachers had           significantly reduce the number of phone
                                             computers in their classrooms, and in 2004         lines and thus reduce monthly access fees,”
                                             the district had deployed Microsoft Exchange       says Jones. With a new system, the district
                                             Server 2003 for e-mail. However, because           could easily integrate voice mail and e-mail
                                             there were no phones in classrooms,                so that these features would be accessible
                                             teachers had to leave their rooms and take         from the same interface, either on the
                                             any urgent phone calls in the school’s main        computer or over the phone. This would be
                                             office. The school district wanted to find a       especially useful for school district staff who
                                             cost-effective way to install phones in the        travel throughout the district on a regular
                                             classrooms and to provide voice mail for           basis.
Reducing Meeting Expenses                        Solution
In addition to resolving the phone challenges,   The Jackson-Madison County School System
the school district was looking for a way to     decided to pilot test the Microsoft unified
more efficiently handle district-wide meetings   communications solution with about 250
and professional development sessions.           users, including the 125 employees at the
These meetings occur typically twice a month     district’s central office and a sampling of
and often required teachers to find a            principals, administrative staff, and teachers
substitute and take time out of the              from various schools. In late March 2008,
classroom. The travel and substitute             technicians from Enabling Technologies
teachers’ salaries also created extra costs.     spent about two and a half weeks working
                                                 with Jones and his staff to build the core
“Many of the teachers had to drive 20 to 30      infrastructure for the pilot test. In the first
minutes one way for a half-hour meeting,”        week of April, the deployment team started
says Jones. “We began to look at ways to         rolling out the Office Communicator 2007
present many of those meetings online,           client to the pilot group.
which would save the travel time and costs.”
The district could use the same solution to      All of the pilot users except the teachers are
make professional development opportuni-         equipped with the Polycom CX200 desktop
ties more available and convenient for more      phone, which includes Office Communicator
teachers.                                        2007 and easily connects to a PC through a
                                                 USB port. The VoIP device doesn’t have a dial
“We obviously needed more than just a            pad; instead, users click a contact name in
phone system; we needed a complete,              the Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003
unified communications system that included      messaging and collaboration client to dial a
voice, e-mail, and conferencing,” says Jones.    number. When technicians set up the users’
“I priced out a few turnkey VoIP hardware        phones, they presented a 15-minute tutorial
solutions, but most of those met only some of    to each individual on how to use the phone.
our needs.”                                      Users also received the Office Communicator
                                                 2007 reference materials from the Microsoft
Jones then talked to Microsoft and Microsoft     TechNet Web site for quick tips on how to use
Gold Certified Partner Enabling Technologies     various features.
about a unified communications solution. The
school district engaged Enabling Technolo-       “It took a little while for employees to get
gies because of this partner’s broad expertise   used to going to their computer to dial a
in integrating PBX systems with Exchange         phone number, but now they like the fact that
Server and Microsoft Office Communications       they can just type somebody’s name and it
Server 2007. “We decided to go with the          automatically pulls from their Office Outlook
Microsoft unified communications solution        address book and dials the number,” Jones
that includes Microsoft Office Communica-        notes.
tions Server 2007, Office Communicator
2007, and Exchange Server 2007 with              The teachers who are involved in the pilot are
Unified Messaging, because that solution met     using USB headsets connected to their
all of our requirements including VoIP,          computers. These devices are particularly
conferencing, integrated voice mail and e-       useful to the teachers because even when
mail inboxes, instant messaging, and             they aren’t wearing the headset, they can still
presence—and at an affordable price,” says       hear the phone ring through the external
Jones.                                           speakers connected to their computers.
“With Office                                 The pilot users are now able to communicate       In the past, the event was held at a high
                                             more efficiently by using the instant             school in the district and required that all
Communications Server                        messaging (IM) and presence features in           1,250 teachers drive to that school, attend
2007 conferencing, we                        Office Communicator 2007. “We no longer           the approximately 20-minute session, and
                                             have to deal with busy signals,” says             then drive home. One of the supervisors at
can offer professional                       Shannon Erickson, No Child Left Behind            the school district headquarters suggested
development sessions                         Instructional Administrator for the Jackson-      that presenting the meeting as a Web
                                             Madison County School System. “We can just        conference would save a lot of time, hassle,
that teachers can attend                     glance at Office Communicator 2007 and if         and gas, and the superintendent agreed. The
online, in their own                         the person we want to talk to is available, we    superintendent and the rest of the leadership
                                             can call and talk to them.”                       team will use a Microsoft RoundTable™
classrooms, before or                                                                          conferencing and collaboration device at the
after school.”                               Users now not only have voice mail but can        central office. RoundTable will provide remote
                                             also access both voice mail and e-mail from       attendees with a 360-degree view of the
Chuck Jones, Chief of Technology, Jackson-   the same inbox and can easily keep track of       conference room, high-quality audio, and
Madison County School System                 missed calls thanks to Exchange Server 2007       video that follows the conversation from
                                             Unified Messaging. “With Exchange Server          speaker to speaker.
                                             2007 Unified Messaging, I know someone
                                             has called—even if they don’t leave a voice       Jones and his staff will install Office
                                             message—because the system registers the          Communicator 2007 on at least one
                                             call,” says Jones. “I can also call into the      computer connected to a projector in each
                                             system, change my appointments over the           school. Teachers can then go to the
                                             phone, and have my e-mail read to me.”            auditorium or classroom at their own school
                                                                                               to watch the presentation. “The superinten-
                                             The Jackson-Madison County School System          dent and the rest of the leadership team will
                                             will continue to test the Microsoft unified       be able to field questions from the teachers,
                                             communications solution through August            so conferencing with Office Communications
                                             2008 with the initial 250 users. Then, Jones      Server 2007 will be a completely interactive
                                             expects to gradually eliminate the PBX            experience,” Jones notes.
                                             systems at the school district headquarters
                                             and in the individual schools and to fully roll   Benefits
                                             out the solution to a few schools at a time       When the Microsoft unified communications
                                             over the next few years. “Eleven of our           solution is fully deployed, employees of the
                                             schools are getting completely recabled and       Jackson-Madison County School System will
                                             rewired this August, so those are the likely      be able to communicate and collaborate
                                             schools where we’ll deploy Office                 more efficiently and cost-effectively. The
                                             Communications Server 2007 first,” Jones          district will be able to expand professional
                                             explains. “Ultimately, we would like to see       development opportunities for faculty and
                                             every teacher have the Office Communicator        administrators. The district also expects to
                                             2007 client on their computer.”                   reduce phone service costs by 66 percent
                                                                                               and to save hundreds of hours of travel time
                                             In early August 2008, the school district will    and thousands of dollars in travel expense.
                                             test the viability of using Office
                                             Communications Server 2007 Web                    Improved District-wide Communications
                                             conferencing for the school district              When the Jackson-Madison County School
                                             superintendent’s annual presentation to the       System deploys Office Communications
                                             faculty, which kicks off the new school year.     Server 2007, Office Communicator 2007,
and Exchange Server 2007 with Unified                Expanded Professional Development
Messaging, it will have a leading-edge,              Opportunities
centralized, unified communications solution         The Office Communications Server 2007
that includes VoIP, Web conferencing,                conferencing capabilities will help the
presence, and instant messaging. It will also        Jackson-Madison County School System to
have voice mail and e-mail available through         offer more opportunities for professional
the same inbox, which employees can access           development and more targeted sessions for
by phone or computer. This will help to              specific groups, such as first-year teachers. It
improve communications within the district           will also support presenting sessions to large
office, between the district office and the          groups in multiple locations to introduce a
schools, and between teachers and parents.           new general initiative or technology.
It will also provide all of the district’s schools
with consistent communications capabilities,         Professional development is a critical need
which will help to minimize training, support,       for the district, but the time and cost required
and administration costs.                            to hold these events in a single, physical
                                                     location required that the sessions be
“Teachers and principals often move to               directed to the broadest group of teachers
different schools within the district. By using      possible. As a result, more experienced
an Office Communications Server 2007 VoIP            teachers didn’t benefit as much because they
phone system in all the schools, they won’t          had already participated in many of the
have to learn a new system every time they           sessions several times. “With Office
change jobs,” says Jones. “It also means that        Communications Server 2007 conferencing,
we have one phone system to support and              we can offer professional development
maintain, instead of 28 separate systems.”           sessions that teachers can attend online, in
                                                     their own classrooms, before or after school,”
Reduced Phone Service Costs by 66                    says Jones. “And they can communicate in
Percent                                              real time with the presenter to ask or answer
When the district finishes replacing its PBX         questions as if they were in the same room.”
systems with Office Communications Server            Because the expense is minimal for Web
2007 and Office Communicator 2007, it will           conferences, the district can offer more
be able to reduce the number of standard             sessions and tailor them to more specific
telephone lines it uses from 320 to 90,              needs.
resulting in a projected $50,000, or 66
percent, annual reduction in service costs. At       Saved Travel Time and Expense
the same time, the district will be able to          The conferencing capabilities in Office
provide each teacher with a phone for as little      Communications Server 2007 will also save
as the cost of a headset and a software              travel time and expense on many short,
license. “The ability to use hardware devices        routine meetings attended by teachers and
for the administrative offices and soft phones       administrators. For example, delivering the
on the teachers’ computers will help to keep         school district superintendent’s annual
costs down,” Jones notes. “But the real              school year kick-off presentation by using the
benefit of going to an Office Communications         Web conferencing capability in Office
Server 2007 VoIP system is that we save              Communications Server 2007 will save an
those costs while significantly enhancing            average of 40 minutes of travel time per
communications capabilities for the district’s       teacher. This adds up significantly when
faculty and administrators.”                         multiplied by 1,250 teachers. It also is
                                                     projected to save $3,750 in mileage costs for
For More Information                                            just one meeting. The district expects to         Microsoft Office System
For more information about Microsoft                            achieve similar savings on a smaller scale        The Microsoft Office system is the business
products and services, call the Microsoft                       throughout the year by virtualizing an average    world’s chosen environment for information
Sales Information Center at (800) 426-                          of 25 meetings that are attended by smaller       work, providing the programs, servers, and
9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft                             groups of teachers.                               services that help you succeed by
Canada Information Centre at (877) 568-                                                                           transforming information into impact.
2495. Customers who are deaf or hard-of-                        “While the cost savings are very important,
hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone                      the real benefit of the Microsoft unified         For more information about the Microsoft
(TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234 in                         communications solution is the time that          Office system, go to:
the United States or (905) 568-9641 in                          teachers save that they can devote to   
Canada. Outside the 50 United States and                        enhancing their lesson plans, working on
Canada, please contact your local                               professional development, and providing
Microsoft subsidiary. To access information                     extra help to students,” says Nancy Zambito,
by using the World Wide Web, go to:                             Ed.D., Superintendent of the Jackson-                                               Madison County School System.

For more information about Enabling
Technologies products and services, call
(800) 923-4310 or visit the Web site at:

For more information about the Jackson-
Madison County School System, visit the
Web site at:

                                                                 Software and Services                           Hardware
                                                                    Microsoft Office                              Dell PowerEdge 2950 server computers
                                                                    − Microsoft Office Communications
                                                                      Server 2007                                Partners
                                                                    − Microsoft Office Communicator 2007          Enabling Technologies
                                                                    − Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
                                                                    Microsoft Server Product Portfolio
                                                                    − Microsoft Exchange Server 2007

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT

Document published June 2008

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Jackson Madison Office Final

  • 1. Microsoft Office System Customer Solution Case Study School District Reduces Phone Costs by 66 Percent with Voice over IP Solution Overview “The real benefit of the Microsoft unified Country or Region: United States Industry: Education—Primary and communications solution is the time that teachers secondary schools save that they can devote to … professional Customer Profile development and providing extra help to students.” The Jackson-Madison County School Nancy Zambito, Ed.D, Superintendent, Jackson-Madison County School System System in Western Tennessee includes 28 schools that employ nearly 2,000 faculty The Jackson-Madison County School System had a separate Private and enroll 13,500 students. Branch Exchange (PBX) phone system in each of its 28 schools and Business Situation its central office. Those aging systems did not have voice mail or The district wanted to reduce telephone service costs, add voice mail and support for new technologies such as voice over IP (VoIP). When the conferencing capabilities, and make those school district found that it was too costly to add voice mail to the features available to teachers and administrative staff. systems, it decided to deploy a unified communications solution based on Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007, Solution With help from Enabling Technologies, the Microsoft Office Communicator 2007, and Microsoft Exchange district implemented a unified communica- Server 2007 with Unified Messaging. This solution provides VoIP, tions solution based on Microsoft® software. conferencing, instant messaging, and presence capabilities, along with a single inbox for e-mail and voice mail. When the solution is Benefits Improved district-wide communications fully deployed, the district anticipates reducing phone service costs Reduced phone service costs by 66 by 66 percent, saving up to U.S.$5,000 annually in travel costs, percent Expanded professional development and expanding professional development opportunities. opportunities Saved travel time and expense
  • 2. “By setting up a Situation Comparing Costs The Jackson-Madison County School System In August 2007, the school district was centralized VoIP system is located in Western Tennessee, nearly offered a five-year-old Siemens PBX digital for the entire district, we equidistant from the Mississippi and system for free from the Jackson Energy Tennessee rivers. The school district Authority, the local utility company. The utility could significantly encompasses 28 public elementary, had replaced that PBX with a new voice over reduce the number of intermediate, middle, and high schools IP (VoIP) system. Gratified by the offer, the serving more than 13,500 students, and is school district researched the cost to install phone lines and thus the second largest employer in the county, the phone system but found that installation reduce monthly access with nearly 2,000 employees. would run about U.S.$15,000. “As generous as the offer was, we asked ourselves whether fees.” As with most school districts in the United it made sense to spend $15,000 on a system Chuck Jones, Chief of Technology, Jackson- States, Jackson-Madison has had to deal with that would still be out-of-date because it Madison County School System fluctuating budgets during the last several doesn’t support current technologies such as years, and its technology infrastructure has VoIP and unified messaging,” says Chuck been particularly affected. As of August 2007, Jones, Chief of Technology for the Jackson- the district had a 15-year-old Private Branch Madison County School System. Exchange (PBX) phone system at its central office. Each school in the district also had its The district was considering switching to a own PBX. None of these systems had voice VoIP system because all of its 28 schools mail, and the expense of adding this feature have a wide-area fiber connection of 100 made such an upgrade impractical. Each megabits per second, which is linked to the school’s classrooms had intercoms, but the Internet connection at the central office. “A rooms had no phones except for the 100-megabit connection is a dream for any teachers’ own cell phones. system administrator because it can handle VoIP and many other things, such as Web All the schools were connected to the conferencing,” says Jones. headquarters through a network running the Windows Server® 2003 operating system. In addition, moving to a VoIP system would The schools also each had their own separate significantly reduce phone service costs. At local area network (LAN), and these ran on a the time, the school district was spending variety of operating systems including the $76,000 per year for 320 standard Microsoft® Windows NT® Server and Windows telephone lines. “By setting up a centralized Server 2000 operating systems and very old VoIP system for the entire district, we could versions of Novell NetWare. Teachers had significantly reduce the number of phone computers in their classrooms, and in 2004 lines and thus reduce monthly access fees,” the district had deployed Microsoft Exchange says Jones. With a new system, the district Server 2003 for e-mail. However, because could easily integrate voice mail and e-mail there were no phones in classrooms, so that these features would be accessible teachers had to leave their rooms and take from the same interface, either on the any urgent phone calls in the school’s main computer or over the phone. This would be office. The school district wanted to find a especially useful for school district staff who cost-effective way to install phones in the travel throughout the district on a regular classrooms and to provide voice mail for basis. teachers.
  • 3. Reducing Meeting Expenses Solution In addition to resolving the phone challenges, The Jackson-Madison County School System the school district was looking for a way to decided to pilot test the Microsoft unified more efficiently handle district-wide meetings communications solution with about 250 and professional development sessions. users, including the 125 employees at the These meetings occur typically twice a month district’s central office and a sampling of and often required teachers to find a principals, administrative staff, and teachers substitute and take time out of the from various schools. In late March 2008, classroom. The travel and substitute technicians from Enabling Technologies teachers’ salaries also created extra costs. spent about two and a half weeks working with Jones and his staff to build the core “Many of the teachers had to drive 20 to 30 infrastructure for the pilot test. In the first minutes one way for a half-hour meeting,” week of April, the deployment team started says Jones. “We began to look at ways to rolling out the Office Communicator 2007 present many of those meetings online, client to the pilot group. which would save the travel time and costs.” The district could use the same solution to All of the pilot users except the teachers are make professional development opportuni- equipped with the Polycom CX200 desktop ties more available and convenient for more phone, which includes Office Communicator teachers. 2007 and easily connects to a PC through a USB port. The VoIP device doesn’t have a dial “We obviously needed more than just a pad; instead, users click a contact name in phone system; we needed a complete, the Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003 unified communications system that included messaging and collaboration client to dial a voice, e-mail, and conferencing,” says Jones. number. When technicians set up the users’ “I priced out a few turnkey VoIP hardware phones, they presented a 15-minute tutorial solutions, but most of those met only some of to each individual on how to use the phone. our needs.” Users also received the Office Communicator 2007 reference materials from the Microsoft Jones then talked to Microsoft and Microsoft TechNet Web site for quick tips on how to use Gold Certified Partner Enabling Technologies various features. about a unified communications solution. The school district engaged Enabling Technolo- “It took a little while for employees to get gies because of this partner’s broad expertise used to going to their computer to dial a in integrating PBX systems with Exchange phone number, but now they like the fact that Server and Microsoft Office Communications they can just type somebody’s name and it Server 2007. “We decided to go with the automatically pulls from their Office Outlook Microsoft unified communications solution address book and dials the number,” Jones that includes Microsoft Office Communica- notes. tions Server 2007, Office Communicator 2007, and Exchange Server 2007 with The teachers who are involved in the pilot are Unified Messaging, because that solution met using USB headsets connected to their all of our requirements including VoIP, computers. These devices are particularly conferencing, integrated voice mail and e- useful to the teachers because even when mail inboxes, instant messaging, and they aren’t wearing the headset, they can still presence—and at an affordable price,” says hear the phone ring through the external Jones. speakers connected to their computers.
  • 4. “With Office The pilot users are now able to communicate In the past, the event was held at a high more efficiently by using the instant school in the district and required that all Communications Server messaging (IM) and presence features in 1,250 teachers drive to that school, attend 2007 conferencing, we Office Communicator 2007. “We no longer the approximately 20-minute session, and have to deal with busy signals,” says then drive home. One of the supervisors at can offer professional Shannon Erickson, No Child Left Behind the school district headquarters suggested development sessions Instructional Administrator for the Jackson- that presenting the meeting as a Web Madison County School System. “We can just conference would save a lot of time, hassle, that teachers can attend glance at Office Communicator 2007 and if and gas, and the superintendent agreed. The online, in their own the person we want to talk to is available, we superintendent and the rest of the leadership can call and talk to them.” team will use a Microsoft RoundTable™ classrooms, before or conferencing and collaboration device at the after school.” Users now not only have voice mail but can central office. RoundTable will provide remote also access both voice mail and e-mail from attendees with a 360-degree view of the Chuck Jones, Chief of Technology, Jackson- the same inbox and can easily keep track of conference room, high-quality audio, and Madison County School System missed calls thanks to Exchange Server 2007 video that follows the conversation from Unified Messaging. “With Exchange Server speaker to speaker. 2007 Unified Messaging, I know someone has called—even if they don’t leave a voice Jones and his staff will install Office message—because the system registers the Communicator 2007 on at least one call,” says Jones. “I can also call into the computer connected to a projector in each system, change my appointments over the school. Teachers can then go to the phone, and have my e-mail read to me.” auditorium or classroom at their own school to watch the presentation. “The superinten- The Jackson-Madison County School System dent and the rest of the leadership team will will continue to test the Microsoft unified be able to field questions from the teachers, communications solution through August so conferencing with Office Communications 2008 with the initial 250 users. Then, Jones Server 2007 will be a completely interactive expects to gradually eliminate the PBX experience,” Jones notes. systems at the school district headquarters and in the individual schools and to fully roll Benefits out the solution to a few schools at a time When the Microsoft unified communications over the next few years. “Eleven of our solution is fully deployed, employees of the schools are getting completely recabled and Jackson-Madison County School System will rewired this August, so those are the likely be able to communicate and collaborate schools where we’ll deploy Office more efficiently and cost-effectively. The Communications Server 2007 first,” Jones district will be able to expand professional explains. “Ultimately, we would like to see development opportunities for faculty and every teacher have the Office Communicator administrators. The district also expects to 2007 client on their computer.” reduce phone service costs by 66 percent and to save hundreds of hours of travel time In early August 2008, the school district will and thousands of dollars in travel expense. test the viability of using Office Communications Server 2007 Web Improved District-wide Communications conferencing for the school district When the Jackson-Madison County School superintendent’s annual presentation to the System deploys Office Communications faculty, which kicks off the new school year. Server 2007, Office Communicator 2007,
  • 5. and Exchange Server 2007 with Unified Expanded Professional Development Messaging, it will have a leading-edge, Opportunities centralized, unified communications solution The Office Communications Server 2007 that includes VoIP, Web conferencing, conferencing capabilities will help the presence, and instant messaging. It will also Jackson-Madison County School System to have voice mail and e-mail available through offer more opportunities for professional the same inbox, which employees can access development and more targeted sessions for by phone or computer. This will help to specific groups, such as first-year teachers. It improve communications within the district will also support presenting sessions to large office, between the district office and the groups in multiple locations to introduce a schools, and between teachers and parents. new general initiative or technology. It will also provide all of the district’s schools with consistent communications capabilities, Professional development is a critical need which will help to minimize training, support, for the district, but the time and cost required and administration costs. to hold these events in a single, physical location required that the sessions be “Teachers and principals often move to directed to the broadest group of teachers different schools within the district. By using possible. As a result, more experienced an Office Communications Server 2007 VoIP teachers didn’t benefit as much because they phone system in all the schools, they won’t had already participated in many of the have to learn a new system every time they sessions several times. “With Office change jobs,” says Jones. “It also means that Communications Server 2007 conferencing, we have one phone system to support and we can offer professional development maintain, instead of 28 separate systems.” sessions that teachers can attend online, in their own classrooms, before or after school,” Reduced Phone Service Costs by 66 says Jones. “And they can communicate in Percent real time with the presenter to ask or answer When the district finishes replacing its PBX questions as if they were in the same room.” systems with Office Communications Server Because the expense is minimal for Web 2007 and Office Communicator 2007, it will conferences, the district can offer more be able to reduce the number of standard sessions and tailor them to more specific telephone lines it uses from 320 to 90, needs. resulting in a projected $50,000, or 66 percent, annual reduction in service costs. At Saved Travel Time and Expense the same time, the district will be able to The conferencing capabilities in Office provide each teacher with a phone for as little Communications Server 2007 will also save as the cost of a headset and a software travel time and expense on many short, license. “The ability to use hardware devices routine meetings attended by teachers and for the administrative offices and soft phones administrators. For example, delivering the on the teachers’ computers will help to keep school district superintendent’s annual costs down,” Jones notes. “But the real school year kick-off presentation by using the benefit of going to an Office Communications Web conferencing capability in Office Server 2007 VoIP system is that we save Communications Server 2007 will save an those costs while significantly enhancing average of 40 minutes of travel time per communications capabilities for the district’s teacher. This adds up significantly when faculty and administrators.” multiplied by 1,250 teachers. It also is projected to save $3,750 in mileage costs for
  • 6. For More Information just one meeting. The district expects to Microsoft Office System For more information about Microsoft achieve similar savings on a smaller scale The Microsoft Office system is the business products and services, call the Microsoft throughout the year by virtualizing an average world’s chosen environment for information Sales Information Center at (800) 426- of 25 meetings that are attended by smaller work, providing the programs, servers, and 9400. In Canada, call the Microsoft groups of teachers. services that help you succeed by Canada Information Centre at (877) 568- transforming information into impact. 2495. Customers who are deaf or hard-of- “While the cost savings are very important, hearing can reach Microsoft text telephone the real benefit of the Microsoft unified For more information about the Microsoft (TTY/TDD) services at (800) 892-5234 in communications solution is the time that Office system, go to: the United States or (905) 568-9641 in teachers save that they can devote to Canada. Outside the 50 United States and enhancing their lesson plans, working on Canada, please contact your local professional development, and providing Microsoft subsidiary. To access information extra help to students,” says Nancy Zambito, by using the World Wide Web, go to: Ed.D., Superintendent of the Jackson- Madison County School System. For more information about Enabling Technologies products and services, call (800) 923-4310 or visit the Web site at: For more information about the Jackson- Madison County School System, visit the Web site at: Software and Services Hardware Microsoft Office Dell PowerEdge 2950 server computers − Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Partners − Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Enabling Technologies − Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Microsoft Server Product Portfolio − Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published June 2008