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MAY 7, 2017
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Life OnTrak dedicates themselves to helping individuals and families achieve stronger
financial outcomes, particularly in underserved communities. They provide financial services
to low-income individuals and families: Financial Counseling, Financial Coaching (financial
counseling & life coaching hybrid), and Credit & Debt Counseling.
life ontrak
page 3
With Life OnTrak’s shift to the Sacramento market, building relationships with larger partners (i.e., banks,
credit unions, and other nonprofit organizations) would help sustain and grow the nonprofit model and, in
turn, help Life OnTrak reach a larger audience and serve more people in need.
The FREEThink team conducted a brand audit and determined a rebrand was necessary to reach this new
primary B2B audience. The team developed new messaging, brand identity and an aesthetic that speaks
to large partners capable of helping the organization grow.
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FREETHINK TANK logo exploration
page 5
IDENTITY logo & logo/tagline lockups
page 6
IDENTITY color palette
Cool hues with a punch of fun.
A deep blue says: Rescue, Trust,
Contentment, Ambition, Sincerity,
Responsibility, Integrity.
A hybrid of blue and green
says: Steady Growth, Restoring
Confidence, Sanctuary,
When possible, don’t use a solid
black for supporting elements;
instead, use an 80% tint of black
to soften the message.
C:100 M:82 Y:28 K:13
R:25 G:66 B:117
C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:80
R:88 G:89 B:91
C:83 M:15 Y:68 K:2
R:0 G:155 B:119
page 7
Helping You Build Financial Independence
Financial Coach | Financial Counselor | Credit Counselor | Student Loan Counselor
Helping You Build Financial Independence
IDENTITY business cards
When developing the business card, we were careful
to keep the audiences of Life OnTrak in mind. The
audiences of financial funding organizations, such as
banks, credit unions and corporate foundations, as
well as potential NPO partners, tend to collect large
amounts of business cards. Organizationally, they
keep them in rolodexes or large stacks. Because
most business cards are horizontally oriented, we
recognized it would be beneficial to follow this same
format for the Life onTrak business card as well, so
recipients would not have to rotate the card. This
would minimize any difficulty of reading.
In addition, we developed two variations on the
business cards, keeping the same front and
changing the content listed on the back. Our
two variations highlight the differing needs and
viewpoints of the separate audiences.
The first back option, highlighting the slogan,
succinctly describes the mission of Life OnTrak
as a NPO that banks and credit unions might
provide funding to. It ties into what the funding
can achieve and the impact it can have.
The second back option targets the consumer
audience by showcasing the Life onTrak’s
capabilities and services. The primary goal is
to provide services to consumers in order to
improve their financial situation, so detailing the
specific services offered is important.
page 8
WEBSITE visual refresh
Using the updated logo and color
palette, we adjusted the look and feel
of the website to appeal to a more
professional audience. The look was
streamlined to allow for easy reading
and flow. At the top, a new “hero
image” was added to create some
visual appeal, complete with a distinct
call to action. The colors created a
new polished and professional feel
to appeal aesthetically to the new
B2B audience. Partner and other
organization logos completed the
appeal by creating a sense of public
gratitude for the contributions these
organizations have given to the
Life OnTrak mission.
page 9
WEBSITE messaging refresh
Following a brand messaging audit and
adjustment, we utilized the conceptual framework
and message developed to plan a foundation
for the website content. The content and
structure was streamlined to allow for easier
user comprehension.
The tone was altered to target our new primary
B2B audience, adapting the more consumer/
client focused language to now appeal to
potential donors/funding organizations and
partners. The goal was to succinctly explain
the questions of “who,” “what,” “where,” and
“why,” while giving key calls-to-action throughout
the messaging. Language was adjusted to be
professional yet approachable, inspirational and
empowering, and personal to the user and their
concrete goals.
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2 3 4 5
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2 3
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SOCIAL MEDIA facebook profile
page 14
Simplified to compliment the
website and visually updated.
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MARKETING / COLLATERAL powerpoint template
Credit & Debt
Credit Education | Budgeting | Debt Management | Financial Coaching Credit Education | Budgeting | Debt Management | Financial Coaching
The most important thing for a young adult is to
establish credit, a reputation, character.”
John D. Rockefeller
page 16
marketing, outreach
& social media
page 17
MARKETING DEVELOPMENT future recommendations
• Flyers at partner locations for “on-call” services
• Leave-behinds to give out along with business
cards (provides more information about the Life
OnTrak mission and model)
• Financial assistance and “quick take” brochures
and flyers for partners to provide those they serve
• Booklets with more information that the brochure
provides (while a website is a good place to have
more in-depth information, some clients are very
old-fashioned and like a more tangible source
for their detailed information. This could include
detailed testimonials, program guides, etc.)
• Social Media “badges”: These are images that
usually have copy/content in them, along with a
stock image on the side. (ex. below)
TIP: An easy and user-friendly way to create any
of these is in Canva. They have templates for
many of these, ready to go.
More materials in the “programs and services”
section that allow partners to better understand what
each workshop/training offers
Giveaway materials for clients with the tagline:
“Get your Life OnTrak”
• Phone case wallets
Microsite built into website with a more
“client-facing” feel
• Tips, tricks and tools for clients to use
Longer-form, in-depth testimonials
• Photos from your work
• Short videos of the organization
• Short “tips” videos that are easily sharable
• Video clips from trainings/workshops to post
on social media and your website
Offer your services online without requiring you to
travel large distances —,
• Newsletters (quarterly)
- Sending these out to partners and funding
organizations to allow them to see the progress
you have made and how their collaboration has
impacted others
• Direct response emails
- Emails sent out when people/organizations
donate with direct information about how their
contribution will help others
page 18
OUTREACH PLAN strategies & targets
Two main strategic
plans will need to
be implemented
(note: there is some
overlap between the
target audiences that
will be reached).
• Apply for grants with local corporate and bank foundations
• Reach out to large fundraising groups for more individual
Targets: The following types of organizations were chosen
based on several factors, including funding potential, past
grantees/partners, and Sacramento locality.
• Corporate Foundations
• Local Banks and Credit Unions
• Local Foundation Organizations
(i.e., Sacramento Community Foundation)
• Large Veterans’ Service Groups
• Educational Centers and Colleges
(i.e., California Community Colleges system)
• Financial Literacy Centers and Organizations
• Family Services Foundations
• Local Chamber Organizations
• Fundraising Chapters
• Utilize existing relationships and partnerships to connect
with new potential partners in the Sacramento Area
• Identify new local partners and pitch to them a concrete
plan and goal
Targets: These organizations were chosen based upon their
connection to economically disadvantaged communities,
current service offerings, and Sacramento locality.
• Youth Outreach Groups
• Colleges
• Financial Literacy Centers or Organizations
• Veterans’ Services Groups
• Low-Income Services Centers
• Family Service Groups
• Community Improvement Groups
• Economic Development Agencies
page 19
This timeline is an
accelerated look into the
methodology in reaching
out to partners and
funding organizations
in the Sacramento area.
The timeline can be
adjusted as needed.
Relationship Mapping: Developing a list of current
partnerships and personal resources that could be leveraged
to develop relationships with new partners (who do you know,
and who do they know?)
Research: Organizing a list of potential financial sponsors
and new NPO collaborators for initial outreach. Prioritize
• Where you have existing connections
• That currently fund NPOs that reach out to low-income
communities (and therefore can be used as a connection to
future partners)
• That have significant resources and/or staff for training
purposes (to limit both Life OnTrak financial and labor
resources needed)
• Where relationships can be expanded upon in the future
(i.e. national organizations with local outfits)
Grant research: Find out what grants are available from
organizations who could fund Life OnTrak
• Find out deadlines first (if deadline has passed, make sure to
note the date for the next year)
• Collect materials needed for the application requirements
• Collect contact information for the organization providing the
grant (to reach out to them in the future)
Pitching Strategy Development: Different partners
and funding organizations will have differing goals and
requirements for Life OnTrak. For the most important
organizations to reach out to, developing specific pitching
strategies will help frame Life OnTrak’s goals and mission
for the audience being reached. For example, when trying to
appeal to organizations for financial support, emphasizing
how their contribution help us and our mission helps others in
a very personalized way empowers them to feel like they are
truly making a difference. For partners, emphasizing how Life
OnTrak can support their mission and goals incentivizes them
to develop a relationship that is beneficial to them.
• Mission: To serve low-income individuals and families to
empower them to achieve financial stability. Life OnTrak is
a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has served the Greater
Sacramento Region since 2011, providing financial coaching
and training and credit education through our local partners
who work with economically disadvantaged individuals.
• How you can help (funding organizations): “Your generous
contribution can help us provide our programs and services
directly to economically struggling people the opportunity
to develop financial knowledge and independence. You can
empower everyone to succeed financially for life.”
page 20
OUTREACH PLAN timeline (con’t.)
• How we can help you (partnerships):
“We [Life OnTrak] know your mission to (X)
changes lives in so many ways. Our workshops
and trainings can give you even more ways
to serve those you already do every day. We
believe financial independence is an important
component of bettering the lives of others, and
we hope you do, too.”
• Comprehensive Collateral Materials: Many
organizations like to see something more
physical to both legitimize the organizations
they want to work with and help them visualize
the model and impact of the organizations in
question. It is important to have these materials
be as professional and explanatory as possible.
These materials can include:
- Brochures
- Business Cards
- Leave Behinds
- Website
- Social Media Platforms
- Flyers
- Booklets
Initial Outreach Phase: Reaching out using any
contact information available (Cold calls first,
then emails)
• Provide a short explanation of who you are,
what you are looking for, and how they can help
• provide necessary and relevant collateral materials
for their viewing
Grant Applications: Apply for any grants available
• Make sure, if applicable, reach out to the
organization using any contact information you
have available. Let them know that if they would
like to see Life OnTrak in action, they easily can.
Outreach Solidification Period: Continue to reach
out to the potential organizations and strive to
develop a relationship with them.
• Offer them concrete goals and paths they can take
with you to help you strive to reach their goals.
• Strive to find out as much possible information
about them as possible (i.e. how much funding can
they offer, what does their model look like, how
many people can they help reach, do they have a
location you can use, etc.)
Relationship Maintenance: Cultivating and
strengthening these relationships requires significant
outreaches of gratitude. Let them know continually
how they are helping people in direct and personal
ways. This includes:
• Providing testimonials of people they have helped
• Offering them frequent thank you’s (emails,
handwritten letters, end of the year updates,
and more)
• Broadcasting congratulations of how they have
helped you (on the website, on social media, on
collateral materials, and through more traditional
media like blogs and potentially earned media)
• Assessing how they feel about the program and
what needs they want met from Life OnTrak
page 21
OUTREACH PLAN where to begin
• American River Bank
• Bank of the West
- Corporate headquarters: San Francisco
- Charitable Investments Program – particularly for low &
moderate income individuals and communities
- Investment request are granted based on the nonprofit
organization’s ability to meet the bank’s charitable giving
- Actively grants charitable investments to communities in
19 states
• Community 1st Bank
• River City Bank
- Corporate headquarters: Sacramento
- Valued member of the community – partners with non-
profit charitable organizations to improve the community
• Tri Counties Bank
- Corporate headquarters: Chico
- Long history of investing in the financial success and
well-being of the community and is committed to making
a positive impact in the communities of which they do
- Works with veterans, low-income and minority
• Union Bank of California
- Corporate headquarters: San Francisco
- MUFG Union Bank Foundation proactively invests
in low- and moderate-income communities
• SAFE Credit Union
• Golden 1 Credit Union
page 22
SOCIAL MEDIA strategic recommendations
• Build Sacramento base
• Provide tools to empower individuals for
financial independence
• Partners and Funders
• Consumers
• Professional, yet approachable
• Politically neutral; err on the conservative side
• Call-to-Action = Donate; Work/partner with Life OnTrak
• Facebook: 80% B2B; 20% B2C
• LinkedIn Company Page: 100% B2B
• Be consistent
• Why do funders want to work with you?
• Market your/the organization’s experience
and background
• How do you empower individuals?
• B2B:
- Explanation of how Life OnTrak helps people
- Statistics & Charts
- Testimonials / End Results
- Shared relevant posts from partners —
United Way, etc.
• B2C:
- Use motivational quotes & images sparingly
- Testimonials — quotes & photos of clients’
success stories
page 23
• Finding free money tips — daily tips
for putting money in your pocket
• Track your spending,
Wants vs. Needs
• Four steps to good-recording
keeping habits
• Financial Spring Cleaning Tips
• Using your credit card wisely
• Article links (relevant to finance field)
• Building Your Credit Wisely
• Staying on budget
SOCIAL MEDIA post topic ideas & sample posts
• We don’t believe in temporary solutions — we want
to empower individuals so they can be financially
stable and independent.
• Life OnTrak has helped over 2,000 people lead
better financial lives. Contact us today to see how
we can work together!
• We help people set goals and hold them
accountable for their financial decisions.
Together, we help build healthier financial futures.
• Tracking Your Spending: Keeping a budget
will show the leaks in your spending habits.
• Wants vs. Needs: Recognize an impulse buy when
you see it and remember your essential buying
needs. #LifeOnTrak
• Here’s how #FICO scores are calculated:
• How did you develop your financial habits?
Tell us in the comments below! #MoneyHabits
• Learn how we help individuals get their financial
#LifeOnTrak at
• A good rule of thumb is to keep your balance
between 1-20% of the limit and no more than 60%
of the limit. #MoneyTip #LifeOnTrak
• Accumulating three months of savings or achieving
self-sufficient income takes 9-10 months on
average. Contact us today to see how you can
streamline your debt-to-income ratio! #DebtFree
• What are spending leaks? How does credit affect
spending? Learn how to explain these to your
members and more at our upcoming educational
training. Contact us for more details. #LifeOnTrak
page 24
SOCIAL MEDIA additional advice
• For efficiency, use a Social
Media Management program
like Hootsuite (
• Make a company LinkedIn page
for Life OnTrak as a nonprofit
• Can link back to your personal
profile where you can mention
your experience as a Real Estate
agent, etc.
• Maintain a blog — Expand Nerd
Wallet Blog and/or make a blog tab
on the Life onTrak website
• Actual blog posts that include free
financial info (this helps with SEO/
search engine rankings)
• Can outsource blog posts very
cheaply from freelance writing
websites like,,
thank you

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Life OnTrak Rebranding: FREEThink 2017

  • 2. page 2 LIFE ONTRAK Life OnTrak dedicates themselves to helping individuals and families achieve stronger financial outcomes, particularly in underserved communities. They provide financial services to low-income individuals and families: Financial Counseling, Financial Coaching (financial counseling & life coaching hybrid), and Credit & Debt Counseling. life ontrak
  • 3. page 3 LIFE ONTRAK With Life OnTrak’s shift to the Sacramento market, building relationships with larger partners (i.e., banks, credit unions, and other nonprofit organizations) would help sustain and grow the nonprofit model and, in turn, help Life OnTrak reach a larger audience and serve more people in need. The FREEThink team conducted a brand audit and determined a rebrand was necessary to reach this new primary B2B audience. The team developed new messaging, brand identity and an aesthetic that speaks to large partners capable of helping the organization grow. rebranding
  • 4. page 4 LIFE ONTRAK FREETHINK TANK logo exploration
  • 5. page 5 LIFE ONTRAK IDENTITY logo & logo/tagline lockups
  • 6. page 6 LIFE ONTRAK IDENTITY color palette Cool hues with a punch of fun. A deep blue says: Rescue, Trust, Contentment, Ambition, Sincerity, Responsibility, Integrity. A hybrid of blue and green says: Steady Growth, Restoring Confidence, Sanctuary, Determination. When possible, don’t use a solid black for supporting elements; instead, use an 80% tint of black to soften the message. C:100 M:82 Y:28 K:13 R:25 G:66 B:117 #194275 C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:80 R:88 G:89 B:91 #194275 C:83 M:15 Y:68 K:2 R:0 G:155 B:119 #194275
  • 7. page 7 LIFE ONTRAK Helping You Build Financial Independence Financial Coach | Financial Counselor | Credit Counselor | Student Loan Counselor Helping You Build Financial Independence IDENTITY business cards When developing the business card, we were careful to keep the audiences of Life OnTrak in mind. The audiences of financial funding organizations, such as banks, credit unions and corporate foundations, as well as potential NPO partners, tend to collect large amounts of business cards. Organizationally, they keep them in rolodexes or large stacks. Because most business cards are horizontally oriented, we recognized it would be beneficial to follow this same format for the Life onTrak business card as well, so recipients would not have to rotate the card. This would minimize any difficulty of reading. In addition, we developed two variations on the business cards, keeping the same front and changing the content listed on the back. Our two variations highlight the differing needs and viewpoints of the separate audiences. The first back option, highlighting the slogan, succinctly describes the mission of Life OnTrak as a NPO that banks and credit unions might provide funding to. It ties into what the funding can achieve and the impact it can have. The second back option targets the consumer audience by showcasing the Life onTrak’s capabilities and services. The primary goal is to provide services to consumers in order to improve their financial situation, so detailing the specific services offered is important. A A B B BACK OPTIONS COMMON FRONT
  • 8. page 8 LIFE ONTRAK WEBSITE visual refresh Using the updated logo and color palette, we adjusted the look and feel of the website to appeal to a more professional audience. The look was streamlined to allow for easy reading and flow. At the top, a new “hero image” was added to create some visual appeal, complete with a distinct call to action. The colors created a new polished and professional feel to appeal aesthetically to the new B2B audience. Partner and other organization logos completed the appeal by creating a sense of public gratitude for the contributions these organizations have given to the Life OnTrak mission. BEFOREAFTER
  • 9. page 9 LIFE ONTRAK WEBSITE messaging refresh Following a brand messaging audit and adjustment, we utilized the conceptual framework and message developed to plan a foundation for the website content. The content and structure was streamlined to allow for easier user comprehension. The tone was altered to target our new primary B2B audience, adapting the more consumer/ client focused language to now appeal to potential donors/funding organizations and partners. The goal was to succinctly explain the questions of “who,” “what,” “where,” and “why,” while giving key calls-to-action throughout the messaging. Language was adjusted to be professional yet approachable, inspirational and empowering, and personal to the user and their concrete goals.
  • 13. page 13 LIFE ONTRAK SOCIAL MEDIA facebook profile
  • 14. page 14 LIFE ONTRAK Simplified to compliment the website and visually updated. MARKETING / COLLATERAL brochure
  • 15. page 15 LIFE ONTRAK MARKETING / COLLATERAL powerpoint template Credit & Debt Education Credit Education | Budgeting | Debt Management | Financial Coaching Credit Education | Budgeting | Debt Management | Financial Coaching The most important thing for a young adult is to establish credit, a reputation, character.” John D. Rockefeller
  • 16. page 16 LIFE ONTRAK marketing, outreach & social media recommendations
  • 17. page 17 LIFE ONTRAK MARKETING DEVELOPMENT future recommendations COLLATERAL MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT • Flyers at partner locations for “on-call” services • Leave-behinds to give out along with business cards (provides more information about the Life OnTrak mission and model) • Financial assistance and “quick take” brochures and flyers for partners to provide those they serve • Booklets with more information that the brochure provides (while a website is a good place to have more in-depth information, some clients are very old-fashioned and like a more tangible source for their detailed information. This could include detailed testimonials, program guides, etc.) • Social Media “badges”: These are images that usually have copy/content in them, along with a stock image on the side. (ex. below) TIP: An easy and user-friendly way to create any of these is in Canva. They have templates for many of these, ready to go. PROGRAMS & SERVICES MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT More materials in the “programs and services” section that allow partners to better understand what each workshop/training offers GIVEAWAYS Giveaway materials for clients with the tagline: “Get your Life OnTrak” • Phone case wallets MICROSITE Microsite built into website with a more “client-facing” feel • Tips, tricks and tools for clients to use TESTIMONIAL DEVELOPMENT Longer-form, in-depth testimonials MORE VISUAL MEDIA • Photos from your work • Short videos of the organization • Short “tips” videos that are easily sharable • Video clips from trainings/workshops to post on social media and your website WEBINAR WORKSHOPS & TRAINING Offer your services online without requiring you to travel large distances —, EMAIL MARKETING • Newsletters (quarterly) - Sending these out to partners and funding organizations to allow them to see the progress you have made and how their collaboration has impacted others • Direct response emails - Emails sent out when people/organizations donate with direct information about how their contribution will help others
  • 18. page 18 LIFE ONTRAK OUTREACH PLAN strategies & targets Two main strategic plans will need to be implemented (note: there is some overlap between the target audiences that will be reached). FUNDING DEVELOPMENT PLAN Strategies: • Apply for grants with local corporate and bank foundations • Reach out to large fundraising groups for more individual fundraising Targets: The following types of organizations were chosen based on several factors, including funding potential, past grantees/partners, and Sacramento locality. • Corporate Foundations • Local Banks and Credit Unions • Local Foundation Organizations (i.e., Sacramento Community Foundation) • Large Veterans’ Service Groups • Educational Centers and Colleges (i.e., California Community Colleges system) • Financial Literacy Centers and Organizations • Family Services Foundations • Local Chamber Organizations • Fundraising Chapters PARTNERSHIP PLAN Strategies: • Utilize existing relationships and partnerships to connect with new potential partners in the Sacramento Area • Identify new local partners and pitch to them a concrete plan and goal Targets: These organizations were chosen based upon their connection to economically disadvantaged communities, current service offerings, and Sacramento locality. • Youth Outreach Groups • Colleges • Financial Literacy Centers or Organizations • Veterans’ Services Groups • Low-Income Services Centers • Family Service Groups • Community Improvement Groups • Economic Development Agencies
  • 19. page 19 LIFE ONTRAK OUTREACH PLAN timeline This timeline is an accelerated look into the methodology in reaching out to partners and funding organizations in the Sacramento area. The timeline can be adjusted as needed. JUNE–JULY 2017 Relationship Mapping: Developing a list of current partnerships and personal resources that could be leveraged to develop relationships with new partners (who do you know, and who do they know?) Research: Organizing a list of potential financial sponsors and new NPO collaborators for initial outreach. Prioritize organizations: • Where you have existing connections • That currently fund NPOs that reach out to low-income communities (and therefore can be used as a connection to future partners) • That have significant resources and/or staff for training purposes (to limit both Life OnTrak financial and labor resources needed) • Where relationships can be expanded upon in the future (i.e. national organizations with local outfits) Grant research: Find out what grants are available from organizations who could fund Life OnTrak • Find out deadlines first (if deadline has passed, make sure to note the date for the next year) • Collect materials needed for the application requirements • Collect contact information for the organization providing the grant (to reach out to them in the future) AUGUST–SEPTEMBER 2017 Pitching Strategy Development: Different partners and funding organizations will have differing goals and requirements for Life OnTrak. For the most important organizations to reach out to, developing specific pitching strategies will help frame Life OnTrak’s goals and mission for the audience being reached. For example, when trying to appeal to organizations for financial support, emphasizing how their contribution help us and our mission helps others in a very personalized way empowers them to feel like they are truly making a difference. For partners, emphasizing how Life OnTrak can support their mission and goals incentivizes them to develop a relationship that is beneficial to them. • Mission: To serve low-income individuals and families to empower them to achieve financial stability. Life OnTrak is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has served the Greater Sacramento Region since 2011, providing financial coaching and training and credit education through our local partners who work with economically disadvantaged individuals. • How you can help (funding organizations): “Your generous contribution can help us provide our programs and services directly to economically struggling people the opportunity to develop financial knowledge and independence. You can empower everyone to succeed financially for life.”
  • 20. page 20 LIFE ONTRAK OUTREACH PLAN timeline (con’t.) • How we can help you (partnerships): “We [Life OnTrak] know your mission to (X) changes lives in so many ways. Our workshops and trainings can give you even more ways to serve those you already do every day. We believe financial independence is an important component of bettering the lives of others, and we hope you do, too.” • Comprehensive Collateral Materials: Many organizations like to see something more physical to both legitimize the organizations they want to work with and help them visualize the model and impact of the organizations in question. It is important to have these materials be as professional and explanatory as possible. These materials can include: - Brochures - Business Cards - Leave Behinds - Website - Social Media Platforms - Flyers - Booklets Initial Outreach Phase: Reaching out using any contact information available (Cold calls first, then emails) • Provide a short explanation of who you are, what you are looking for, and how they can help • provide necessary and relevant collateral materials for their viewing Grant Applications: Apply for any grants available • Make sure, if applicable, reach out to the organization using any contact information you have available. Let them know that if they would like to see Life OnTrak in action, they easily can. OCTOBER–DECEMBER 2017 Outreach Solidification Period: Continue to reach out to the potential organizations and strive to develop a relationship with them. • Offer them concrete goals and paths they can take with you to help you strive to reach their goals. • Strive to find out as much possible information about them as possible (i.e. how much funding can they offer, what does their model look like, how many people can they help reach, do they have a location you can use, etc.) DECEMBER 2017 & BEYOND Relationship Maintenance: Cultivating and strengthening these relationships requires significant outreaches of gratitude. Let them know continually how they are helping people in direct and personal ways. This includes: • Providing testimonials of people they have helped • Offering them frequent thank you’s (emails, handwritten letters, end of the year updates, and more) • Broadcasting congratulations of how they have helped you (on the website, on social media, on collateral materials, and through more traditional media like blogs and potentially earned media) • Assessing how they feel about the program and what needs they want met from Life OnTrak
  • 21. page 21 LIFE ONTRAK OUTREACH PLAN where to begin • American River Bank • Bank of the West - Corporate headquarters: San Francisco - Charitable Investments Program – particularly for low & moderate income individuals and communities - Investment request are granted based on the nonprofit organization’s ability to meet the bank’s charitable giving criteria - Actively grants charitable investments to communities in 19 states • Community 1st Bank • River City Bank - Corporate headquarters: Sacramento - Valued member of the community – partners with non- profit charitable organizations to improve the community • Tri Counties Bank - Corporate headquarters: Chico - Long history of investing in the financial success and well-being of the community and is committed to making a positive impact in the communities of which they do business - Works with veterans, low-income and minority organizations • Union Bank of California - Corporate headquarters: San Francisco - MUFG Union Bank Foundation proactively invests in low- and moderate-income communities • SAFE Credit Union • Golden 1 Credit Union FUNDING PARTNERS – CREDIT UNIONS/ BANKS
  • 22. page 22 LIFE ONTRAK SOCIAL MEDIA strategic recommendations GOALS • Build Sacramento base • Provide tools to empower individuals for financial independence AUDIENCES • Partners and Funders • Consumers VOICE • Professional, yet approachable • Politically neutral; err on the conservative side • Call-to-Action = Donate; Work/partner with Life OnTrak • Facebook: 80% B2B; 20% B2C • LinkedIn Company Page: 100% B2B HOW & WHY • Be consistent • Why do funders want to work with you? • Market your/the organization’s experience and background • How do you empower individuals? • B2B: - Explanation of how Life OnTrak helps people - Statistics & Charts - Testimonials / End Results - Shared relevant posts from partners — United Way, etc. • B2C: - Use motivational quotes & images sparingly - Testimonials — quotes & photos of clients’ success stories
  • 23. page 23 LIFE ONTRAK POST TOPIC IDEAS • Finding free money tips — daily tips for putting money in your pocket • Track your spending, Wants vs. Needs • Four steps to good-recording keeping habits • Financial Spring Cleaning Tips • Using your credit card wisely • Article links (relevant to finance field) • Building Your Credit Wisely • Staying on budget SOCIAL MEDIA post topic ideas & sample posts SAMPLE POSTS • We don’t believe in temporary solutions — we want to empower individuals so they can be financially stable and independent. • Life OnTrak has helped over 2,000 people lead better financial lives. Contact us today to see how we can work together! • We help people set goals and hold them accountable for their financial decisions. Together, we help build healthier financial futures. #LifeOnTrak • Tracking Your Spending: Keeping a budget will show the leaks in your spending habits. #LifeOnTrak • Wants vs. Needs: Recognize an impulse buy when you see it and remember your essential buying needs. #LifeOnTrak • Here’s how #FICO scores are calculated: • How did you develop your financial habits? Tell us in the comments below! #MoneyHabits • Learn how we help individuals get their financial #LifeOnTrak at • A good rule of thumb is to keep your balance between 1-20% of the limit and no more than 60% of the limit. #MoneyTip #LifeOnTrak • Accumulating three months of savings or achieving self-sufficient income takes 9-10 months on average. Contact us today to see how you can streamline your debt-to-income ratio! #DebtFree #LifeOnTrak • What are spending leaks? How does credit affect spending? Learn how to explain these to your members and more at our upcoming educational training. Contact us for more details. #LifeOnTrak
  • 24. page 24 LIFE ONTRAK SOCIAL MEDIA additional advice FREE STOCK PHOTO SOURCES • Articles/df949aac-2234- 4acb-bf33-cc8eaf72286d.aspx • photos/ • free-stock-photos#sm.0001omu5iw1 4uddiiu3wvptbdwr11 SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT • For efficiency, use a Social Media Management program like Hootsuite ( LINKEDIN • Make a company LinkedIn page for Life OnTrak as a nonprofit organization • Can link back to your personal profile where you can mention your experience as a Real Estate agent, etc. BLOG • Maintain a blog — Expand Nerd Wallet Blog and/or make a blog tab on the Life onTrak website • Actual blog posts that include free financial info (this helps with SEO/ search engine rankings) • Can outsource blog posts very cheaply from freelance writing websites like,,