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Submitted by: Atif Nawaz
Submitted to: Ms. Hina mirza
Roll no: 147’ E ’
Department: Bscs
Topic of My is Discussion:
Create Your Own
About the Author:
“Brian Tracy”is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy
International, a consulting and training organization with
affiliates in 22 countries. A top professional business
speaker, Tracy has given more than 2,000 presentations
worldwide to audiences as large as 23,000 people. He has
published 26 books and more than 300 audio and video
learning programs, many of which have been translated
into multiple languages..
Chapter Nine
Your mind is your most valuable asset. It can make you rich or
poor, happy or unhappy. By applying your intelligence properly,
you can create a wonderful life for yourself. There is not a
problem you cannot solve, an obstacle you cannot overcome, or
a goal that you cannot achieve when you begin tapping into the
incredible powers of your amazing brain. The fact is that you are
a potential genius. You have the capacity to function at far
higher levels of intelligence and creativity than you ever have
Brain Expert’s:
Your brain has enormous reserve capacities. There are medical
histories of people who have lost as much as 90% of their brains
as the result of accidents and yet have been able to function
very effectively with the remaining 10%, even getting straight
A’s in school .You have probably heard it said that the average
person uses only 10% of his or her brain. Unfortunately, it’s less
than that. According to the Brain Institute at Stanford
University, the average person uses not 10% of their potential,
but closer to 2%. The remainder goes unused and
unappreciated, usually for the life of the individual..
Relation b/w Knowledge & use of Words:
There is a direct relationship between your knowledge and use
of words and your income, and between word usage and
intelligence. This is because each word is actually a mental
construct. It represents a thought. The more words you know
and can use, the more complex and accurate thoughts you can
think. People with extensive vocabularies are capable of higher
level functioning, and are far more creative and insightful than
those with limited word knowledge. People with limited
vocabularies have limited thinking abilities as well.
Increase Your Intelligence:
You can actually increase your intelligence and the
effectiveness of your thinking by merely increasing your
vocabulary. Each word you learn introduces you to and
improves your ability to use as many as 10 or 15 other words.
The more words you learn, the more words you can learn. If
you were to learn one new word per day, 365 days per year,
within five years you would be one of the most articulate and
intelligent people in our society.
Make A Decision:
The Law of Decision says, “Any clear, specific decision clears
your mind and activates your creativity.” When you are
indecisive, when you can’t make up your mind whether or not
to do a certain thing, you seem to go back and forth. You
become easily distracted. You lose your ability to concentrate
and think clearly. But when you decide clearly upon a goal, or a
specific action that you can take to solve a problem, your doubt
and confusion disappears. Your mind clears. You experience a
surge of energy. You feel back in control of your life
“Robert Collier” says that:
“The source and center of all man’s creative power is
his power of making images, or the power of imagination.”
‫ہے‬ ‫طاقت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫تخلیق‬ ‫کی‬ ‫اس‬ ‫مرکز‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ماخذ‬ ‫کا‬ ‫طاقت‬ ‫تخلیقی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫انسان‬
‫طاقت۔‬ ‫کی‬ ‫تخیل‬ ‫یا‬ ،‫تصاویر‬
Chapter Ten
People say you are lucky when you achieve greater success,
faster and easier than other people. But everything that
happens is based on probabilities. Successful people are always
taking actions, large and small, to increase the likelihood that
they will achieve their goals. They attribute their success to
their own personal characteristics, and especially to their
willingness to work harder than other people. Failures always
ascribe their lack of success to “bad luck” and blame it on other
people and circumstances.
Your Results Determine Your Rewards:
The principle of results says, “Your rewards will always be
equal to the quality, quantity and timeliness of the results that
you achieve for other people .” We evaluate other people in
terms of their ability to help us to get the things we want-
financially, materially, emotionally, intellectually and politically.
The people who can help us get the results or outcomes we
desire are the ones who we most respect and reward.
Quality Work Is Its Own Reward:
Whenever a company gets an excellent reputation for
offering quality products and services, customers line up
to buy from it. When you get a reputation for doing
quality work, people will line up to purchase your
services as well. The habit of doing your work well moves
you into a different category from those who only do as
much as they need to to avoid criticism
Be Prepared To Work Hard:
In addition to quality work, you must be prepared to work
hard. Hard work is essential for any kind of lasting success.
Good work habits go hand in hand with what people
continually refer to as “luck.” A person who works efficiently
and well, and gets a lot of high value work done, on or before
schedule, seems to get a lot of lucky breaks. He or she gets
even more opportunities to do more higher valued work.
Create Your Own Reputation:
Here’s a question for you. Do you have a reputation for
being one of the hardest and most efficient workers in your
company? Do people look up to you and respect you as
one of the top people in your business? Are you continually
being given more and bigger assignments, more important
responsibilities, and more opportunities for promotion
than anyone else? If the answer is “no,” isn’t it time for you
to make a decision to “get serious” about your future?
Remember, this life is not a rehearsal for something else.
“Johnny Carson” Says that:
“My success just evolved from working
hard at the business at hand each day.”
" ‫کرنے‬ ‫محنت‬ ‫سخت‬ ‫میں‬ ‫کاروبار‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫ہر‬ ‫صرف‬ ‫کامیابی‬ ‫میری‬
‫ہے‬ ‫نکلی‬ ‫سے‬
Chapter Eleven
The Law of Probabilities makes luck predictable. It is the most
critical success factor of all. The Law of Probabilities simply
says that the more different things you try, the more likely it is
that you will try the right thing at the right time and in the
right way. This is why action orientation is a characteristic of all
highly successful people. The more actions you take, the more
likely it is that you will experience what others call luck. The
more you try, the more you will eventually triumph.
Opportunities Are Everywhere:
If this seems like something that could never happen to
you, you are wrong. Opportunities like this exist all around
you, every day. But if you are not alert and aware to these
possibilities, you can walk right past them and not notice. The
more you study your field and learn the key skills you require
for success, the more knowledgeable and alert you will be. You
will more readily recognize opportunities and possibilities
when they appear.
Trying More Things:
Amoco Petroleum is a major oil company with a reputation for
developing more reserves of oil and gas than any other company
in the industry. The president was once asked why it was that his
company was so much more successful at research and
development than other companies. He said that the reason was
simple. They all had similar land leases, similar geological studies
and similar drilling engineers and equipment. The reason Amoco
was ahead of the other companies, he said, is because, “We drill
more holes.” It was no miracle. They put down more wells and
as a result, they discovered more oil.
Take Charge of Your Career:
Not long ago, a counselor for a group of unemployed executives
noticed that at every weekly meeting, the participants spent
almost the entire time complaining about their past companies
and blaming their boss for letting them go. He suggested that,
at the meeting next week, instead of complaining about the
past, which could not be changed, everyone would share one
positive interview experience that they had had in their job
search in the previous seven days.
Don’t Be A Clock Watcher:
Regular office hours are for average people with average
futures, not for successful people who are going somewhere
with their lives. Your attitude toward the clock is a good
indicator of whether or not you have much of a future in your
current job. Your attitude toward the clock should be that it
merely keeps score. It tells you how much more time you have
to work before your next task or responsibility. The clock
reminds you of how much time you have left to get your most
important tasks completed. You use the clock to measure your
results, and how much time you have left to get even greater
“James Allen” Says that:
“If your real desire is to do good, there is no need to wait for
money before you do it; you can do it now, at this very
moment, and just where you are.”
‫انتظار‬ ‫کا‬ ‫رقم‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫سے‬ ‫اس‬ ، ‫تو‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫کرنا‬ ‫اچھی‬ ‫خواہش‬ ‫حقیقی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫اگر‬
، ‫ہو‬ ‫کہیں‬ ‫جہاں‬ ‫اور‬ ، ‫وقت‬ ‫اسی‬ ‫بالکل‬ ، ‫ابھی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫ضرورت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کرنے‬
‫ہیں۔‬ ‫سکتے‬ ‫کر‬
View yourself as a "genius" - Your mind can operate at a higher intelligence and
creativity level. You have more than 100 billion cells in your brain, and they are all
connected or interconnected. Thus, no limits exist on the number of thoughts and
ideas you could have. Moreover, if you continuously think positive, constructive
thoughts, you will activate your superconscious mind, which will support your goals
and come up with the ideas and answers you need.
‫ایک‬ ‫کو‬ ‫خود‬"‫باصالحیت‬"‫دیکھیں‬ ‫سے‬ ‫حیثیت‬ ‫کی‬-‫تخلیقی‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ذہانت‬ ‫اعلی‬ ‫ذہن‬ ‫کا‬ ‫آپ‬
‫میں‬ ‫دماغ‬ ‫کے‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫کرسکتا‬ ‫کام‬ ‫پر‬ ‫سطح‬ ‫کی‬ ‫صالحیتوں‬100‫ہیں‬ ‫خلیات‬ ‫زیادہ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫ارب‬
‫کے‬ ‫آپ‬ ، ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ہیں۔‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫جڑے‬ ‫سے‬ ‫دوسرے‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫یا‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫جڑے‬ ‫سب‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫اور‬ ،
‫تعمیری‬ ، ‫مستقل‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫اگر‬ ، ‫کہ‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫مزید‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫حد‬ ‫کوئی‬ ‫پر‬ ‫تعداد‬ ‫کی‬ ‫نظریات‬ ‫اور‬ ‫خیاالت‬
‫آپ‬ ‫جو‬ ، ‫گے‬ ‫کردیں‬ ‫متحرک‬ ‫کو‬ ‫دماغ‬ ‫ہوش‬ ‫بے‬ ‫اپنے‬ ‫آپ‬ ، ‫تو‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫سوچتے‬ ‫مستقل‬ ‫پر‬ ‫خیاالت‬
‫ہوگی۔‬ ‫ضرورت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫ساتھ‬ ‫کے‬ ‫جوابات‬ ‫اور‬ ‫نظریات‬ ‫ان‬ ‫اور‬ ‫گا‬ ‫کرے‬ ‫تائید‬ ‫کی‬ ‫اہداف‬ ‫کے‬
Seek to produce good results - The results you produce
determine the rewards you get. The higher the quality,
quantity or timeliness of the results you deliver for
others, the more they will reward you.
‫ل‬ ‫کے‬ ‫دوسروں‬ ‫کریں۔‬ ‫تالش‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کرنے‬ ‫برآمد‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫اچھے‬ deliver ‫آپ‬
‫ہوتا‬ ‫زیادہ‬ ‫جتنا‬ ‫معیار‬ ‫کا‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫یا‬ ‫مقدار‬ ، ‫معیار‬ ‫کا‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫پیش‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫جو‬
‫ہیں۔‬ ‫دیتے‬ ‫اجر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫اتنا‬ ، ‫ہے‬
Take action by "seizing the day" - Being action oriented is a trait
of all very successful people. Try to get as much done as quickly
and in as short a time period as you can. Look for opportunities
everywhere. The more quickly you act, the more likely you will
do what’s right at the right time for the right person.
" ‫کرکے‬ ‫ضبط‬ ‫کو‬ ‫دن‬"‫کریں‬ ‫کارروائی‬-‫لوگوں‬ ‫کامیاب‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫بہت‬ ‫تمام‬ ‫ہونا‬ ‫مبنی‬ ‫پر‬ ‫ایکشن‬
‫کام‬ ‫ہوسکے‬ ‫ممکن‬ ‫جتنا‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫میں‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫کم‬ ‫سے‬ ‫کم‬ ‫اور‬ ‫جلدی‬ ‫جتنی‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫خصوصیت‬ ‫کی‬
‫اتنا‬ ، ‫گے‬ ‫کریں‬ ‫کام‬ ‫جلدی‬ ‫جتنی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫کریں۔‬ ‫تالش‬ ‫مواقع‬ ‫جگہ‬ ‫ہر‬ ‫کریں۔‬ ‫کوشش‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کرنے‬
‫گے۔‬ ‫کریں‬ ‫صحیح‬ ‫کچھ‬ ‫جو‬ ‫پر‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫صحیح‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫شخص‬ ‫صحیح‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫کہ‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫امکان‬ ‫ہی‬
Thank You
  

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Life and learning

  • 1. Assalm-o-Alikum Submitted by: Atif Nawaz Submitted to: Ms. Hina mirza Roll no: 147’ E ’ Department: Bscs
  • 2. Topic of My is Discussion: Create Your Own Future
  • 3. About the Author: “Brian Tracy”is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a consulting and training organization with affiliates in 22 countries. A top professional business speaker, Tracy has given more than 2,000 presentations worldwide to audiences as large as 23,000 people. He has published 26 books and more than 300 audio and video learning programs, many of which have been translated into multiple languages..
  • 4. Chapter Nine PRINCIPLE #8 YOU ARE A GENIUS Your mind is your most valuable asset. It can make you rich or poor, happy or unhappy. By applying your intelligence properly, you can create a wonderful life for yourself. There is not a problem you cannot solve, an obstacle you cannot overcome, or a goal that you cannot achieve when you begin tapping into the incredible powers of your amazing brain. The fact is that you are a potential genius. You have the capacity to function at far higher levels of intelligence and creativity than you ever have before.
  • 5. Brain Expert’s: Your brain has enormous reserve capacities. There are medical histories of people who have lost as much as 90% of their brains as the result of accidents and yet have been able to function very effectively with the remaining 10%, even getting straight A’s in school .You have probably heard it said that the average person uses only 10% of his or her brain. Unfortunately, it’s less than that. According to the Brain Institute at Stanford University, the average person uses not 10% of their potential, but closer to 2%. The remainder goes unused and unappreciated, usually for the life of the individual..
  • 6. Relation b/w Knowledge & use of Words: There is a direct relationship between your knowledge and use of words and your income, and between word usage and intelligence. This is because each word is actually a mental construct. It represents a thought. The more words you know and can use, the more complex and accurate thoughts you can think. People with extensive vocabularies are capable of higher level functioning, and are far more creative and insightful than those with limited word knowledge. People with limited vocabularies have limited thinking abilities as well.
  • 7. Increase Your Intelligence: You can actually increase your intelligence and the effectiveness of your thinking by merely increasing your vocabulary. Each word you learn introduces you to and improves your ability to use as many as 10 or 15 other words. The more words you learn, the more words you can learn. If you were to learn one new word per day, 365 days per year, within five years you would be one of the most articulate and intelligent people in our society.
  • 8. Make A Decision: The Law of Decision says, “Any clear, specific decision clears your mind and activates your creativity.” When you are indecisive, when you can’t make up your mind whether or not to do a certain thing, you seem to go back and forth. You become easily distracted. You lose your ability to concentrate and think clearly. But when you decide clearly upon a goal, or a specific action that you can take to solve a problem, your doubt and confusion disappears. Your mind clears. You experience a surge of energy. You feel back in control of your life
  • 9. “Robert Collier” says that: “The source and center of all man’s creative power is his power of making images, or the power of imagination.” ‫ہے‬ ‫طاقت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫تخلیق‬ ‫کی‬ ‫اس‬ ‫مرکز‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ماخذ‬ ‫کا‬ ‫طاقت‬ ‫تخلیقی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫انسان‬ ‫طاقت۔‬ ‫کی‬ ‫تخیل‬ ‫یا‬ ،‫تصاویر‬
  • 10. Chapter Ten PRINCIPLE #9 RESULTS DETERMINE REWARDS People say you are lucky when you achieve greater success, faster and easier than other people. But everything that happens is based on probabilities. Successful people are always taking actions, large and small, to increase the likelihood that they will achieve their goals. They attribute their success to their own personal characteristics, and especially to their willingness to work harder than other people. Failures always ascribe their lack of success to “bad luck” and blame it on other people and circumstances.
  • 11. Your Results Determine Your Rewards: The principle of results says, “Your rewards will always be equal to the quality, quantity and timeliness of the results that you achieve for other people .” We evaluate other people in terms of their ability to help us to get the things we want- financially, materially, emotionally, intellectually and politically. The people who can help us get the results or outcomes we desire are the ones who we most respect and reward.
  • 12. Quality Work Is Its Own Reward: Whenever a company gets an excellent reputation for offering quality products and services, customers line up to buy from it. When you get a reputation for doing quality work, people will line up to purchase your services as well. The habit of doing your work well moves you into a different category from those who only do as much as they need to to avoid criticism
  • 13. Be Prepared To Work Hard: In addition to quality work, you must be prepared to work hard. Hard work is essential for any kind of lasting success. Good work habits go hand in hand with what people continually refer to as “luck.” A person who works efficiently and well, and gets a lot of high value work done, on or before schedule, seems to get a lot of lucky breaks. He or she gets even more opportunities to do more higher valued work.
  • 14. Create Your Own Reputation: Here’s a question for you. Do you have a reputation for being one of the hardest and most efficient workers in your company? Do people look up to you and respect you as one of the top people in your business? Are you continually being given more and bigger assignments, more important responsibilities, and more opportunities for promotion than anyone else? If the answer is “no,” isn’t it time for you to make a decision to “get serious” about your future? Remember, this life is not a rehearsal for something else.
  • 15. “Johnny Carson” Says that: “My success just evolved from working hard at the business at hand each day.” " ‫کرنے‬ ‫محنت‬ ‫سخت‬ ‫میں‬ ‫کاروبار‬ ‫کے‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫ہر‬ ‫صرف‬ ‫کامیابی‬ ‫میری‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫نکلی‬ ‫سے‬
  • 16. Chapter Eleven PRINCIPLE #10 SEIZE THE DAY! The Law of Probabilities makes luck predictable. It is the most critical success factor of all. The Law of Probabilities simply says that the more different things you try, the more likely it is that you will try the right thing at the right time and in the right way. This is why action orientation is a characteristic of all highly successful people. The more actions you take, the more likely it is that you will experience what others call luck. The more you try, the more you will eventually triumph.
  • 17. Opportunities Are Everywhere: If this seems like something that could never happen to you, you are wrong. Opportunities like this exist all around you, every day. But if you are not alert and aware to these possibilities, you can walk right past them and not notice. The more you study your field and learn the key skills you require for success, the more knowledgeable and alert you will be. You will more readily recognize opportunities and possibilities when they appear.
  • 18. Trying More Things: Amoco Petroleum is a major oil company with a reputation for developing more reserves of oil and gas than any other company in the industry. The president was once asked why it was that his company was so much more successful at research and development than other companies. He said that the reason was simple. They all had similar land leases, similar geological studies and similar drilling engineers and equipment. The reason Amoco was ahead of the other companies, he said, is because, “We drill more holes.” It was no miracle. They put down more wells and as a result, they discovered more oil.
  • 19. Take Charge of Your Career: Not long ago, a counselor for a group of unemployed executives noticed that at every weekly meeting, the participants spent almost the entire time complaining about their past companies and blaming their boss for letting them go. He suggested that, at the meeting next week, instead of complaining about the past, which could not be changed, everyone would share one positive interview experience that they had had in their job search in the previous seven days.
  • 20. Don’t Be A Clock Watcher: Regular office hours are for average people with average futures, not for successful people who are going somewhere with their lives. Your attitude toward the clock is a good indicator of whether or not you have much of a future in your current job. Your attitude toward the clock should be that it merely keeps score. It tells you how much more time you have to work before your next task or responsibility. The clock reminds you of how much time you have left to get your most important tasks completed. You use the clock to measure your results, and how much time you have left to get even greater results.
  • 21. “James Allen” Says that: “If your real desire is to do good, there is no need to wait for money before you do it; you can do it now, at this very moment, and just where you are.” ‫انتظار‬ ‫کا‬ ‫رقم‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫سے‬ ‫اس‬ ، ‫تو‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫کرنا‬ ‫اچھی‬ ‫خواہش‬ ‫حقیقی‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫اگر‬ ، ‫ہو‬ ‫کہیں‬ ‫جہاں‬ ‫اور‬ ، ‫وقت‬ ‫اسی‬ ‫بالکل‬ ، ‫ابھی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫ضرورت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کرنے‬ ‫ہیں۔‬ ‫سکتے‬ ‫کر‬
  • 22. Summary View yourself as a "genius" - Your mind can operate at a higher intelligence and creativity level. You have more than 100 billion cells in your brain, and they are all connected or interconnected. Thus, no limits exist on the number of thoughts and ideas you could have. Moreover, if you continuously think positive, constructive thoughts, you will activate your superconscious mind, which will support your goals and come up with the ideas and answers you need. ‫ایک‬ ‫کو‬ ‫خود‬"‫باصالحیت‬"‫دیکھیں‬ ‫سے‬ ‫حیثیت‬ ‫کی‬-‫تخلیقی‬ ‫اور‬ ‫ذہانت‬ ‫اعلی‬ ‫ذہن‬ ‫کا‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫میں‬ ‫دماغ‬ ‫کے‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫کرسکتا‬ ‫کام‬ ‫پر‬ ‫سطح‬ ‫کی‬ ‫صالحیتوں‬100‫ہیں‬ ‫خلیات‬ ‫زیادہ‬ ‫سے‬ ‫ارب‬ ‫کے‬ ‫آپ‬ ، ‫طرح‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ہیں۔‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫جڑے‬ ‫سے‬ ‫دوسرے‬ ‫ایک‬ ‫یا‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫ہوئے‬ ‫جڑے‬ ‫سب‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫اور‬ ، ‫تعمیری‬ ، ‫مستقل‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫اگر‬ ، ‫کہ‬ ‫یہ‬ ‫مزید‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫نہیں‬ ‫حد‬ ‫کوئی‬ ‫پر‬ ‫تعداد‬ ‫کی‬ ‫نظریات‬ ‫اور‬ ‫خیاالت‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫جو‬ ، ‫گے‬ ‫کردیں‬ ‫متحرک‬ ‫کو‬ ‫دماغ‬ ‫ہوش‬ ‫بے‬ ‫اپنے‬ ‫آپ‬ ، ‫تو‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫سوچتے‬ ‫مستقل‬ ‫پر‬ ‫خیاالت‬ ‫ہوگی۔‬ ‫ضرورت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫ساتھ‬ ‫کے‬ ‫جوابات‬ ‫اور‬ ‫نظریات‬ ‫ان‬ ‫اور‬ ‫گا‬ ‫کرے‬ ‫تائید‬ ‫کی‬ ‫اہداف‬ ‫کے‬
  • 23. Seek to produce good results - The results you produce determine the rewards you get. The higher the quality, quantity or timeliness of the results you deliver for others, the more they will reward you. ‫ل‬ ‫کے‬ ‫دوسروں‬ ‫کریں۔‬ ‫تالش‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫کرنے‬ ‫برآمد‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫اچھے‬ deliver ‫آپ‬ ‫ہوتا‬ ‫زیادہ‬ ‫جتنا‬ ‫معیار‬ ‫کا‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫یا‬ ‫مقدار‬ ، ‫معیار‬ ‫کا‬ ‫اس‬ ‫ہیں‬ ‫کرتے‬ ‫پیش‬ ‫نتائج‬ ‫جو‬ ‫ہیں۔‬ ‫دیتے‬ ‫اجر‬ ‫کو‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫وہ‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫اتنا‬ ، ‫ہے‬
  • 24. Take action by "seizing the day" - Being action oriented is a trait of all very successful people. Try to get as much done as quickly and in as short a time period as you can. Look for opportunities everywhere. The more quickly you act, the more likely you will do what’s right at the right time for the right person. " ‫کرکے‬ ‫ضبط‬ ‫کو‬ ‫دن‬"‫کریں‬ ‫کارروائی‬-‫لوگوں‬ ‫کامیاب‬ ‫ہی‬ ‫بہت‬ ‫تمام‬ ‫ہونا‬ ‫مبنی‬ ‫پر‬ ‫ایکشن‬ ‫کام‬ ‫ہوسکے‬ ‫ممکن‬ ‫جتنا‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫میں‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫کم‬ ‫سے‬ ‫کم‬ ‫اور‬ ‫جلدی‬ ‫جتنی‬ ‫ہے۔‬ ‫خصوصیت‬ ‫کی‬ ‫اتنا‬ ، ‫گے‬ ‫کریں‬ ‫کام‬ ‫جلدی‬ ‫جتنی‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫کریں۔‬ ‫تالش‬ ‫مواقع‬ ‫جگہ‬ ‫ہر‬ ‫کریں۔‬ ‫کوشش‬ ‫کی‬ ‫کرنے‬ ‫گے۔‬ ‫کریں‬ ‫صحیح‬ ‫کچھ‬ ‫جو‬ ‫پر‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫صحیح‬ ‫لئے‬ ‫کے‬ ‫شخص‬ ‫صحیح‬ ‫آپ‬ ‫کہ‬ ‫ہے‬ ‫امکان‬ ‫ہی‬