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The LIFI project
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a technology that promises to give a seamless access to the internet at an
ultra-high speed. It is a technology of the future, which will make the access to the internet easier
like never before, all you need to do is to sit beneath alight source.
Li-Fi is unique as the same light energy used for illumination may also be used for
communication. It opens up a spectrum of connectivity that is 1000 times greater than Wi-Fi where
Radio Frequency technologies are running out of spectrum.
Li-Fi uses LED's and photo detectors for data transmission which makes it cheaper than current RF
technologies and also provides better speed. It also ensures better security than currently popular Wi-Fi
as light cannot pass through walls so no data can be accessed from outside.
The technology has ability to overtake current data transmission technologies in near future. More
and more loT devices will be able to connect to each other and underwater communication will
also be easier than it was never before with RF technology.
In simple terms, Li-Fi can be thought of as a light-based Wi-Fi. That is, it uses light instead of radio
waves to transmit information. And instead of Wi-Fi modems, Li-Fi would use transceiver-fitted LED
lamps that can light a room as well as transmit and receive information. Since simple light bulbs are
used, there can technically be any number of access points.
This technology uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not greatly utilized- The Visible
Light Spectrum. Light is in fact very much part of our lives for millions and millions of years and does
not have any major ill effect. Moreover there is 10,000 times more space available in this spectrum and
just counting on the bulbs in use, it also multiplies to 10,000 times more availability as an
infrastructure, globally.
It is possible to encode data in the light by varying the rate at which the LED's flicker on and off to
give different strings of Is and Os. The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eyes cannot
notice, so the output appears constant.
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3. Literature Survey
The most of the people are using Wi-Fi Internet devices, which will be useful for 2.4-5GHz RF to
deliver wireless Internet access surrounded our home, offices, schools, and some public places also. We
are quite dependent upon these nearly ubiquitous services [7, 15]. While Wi-Fi can cover an entire
house, school, the bandwidth is limited to 50-100 megabits per seconds (Mbps). It is a most current
Internet services, but insufficient for moving large data files like HDTV movies, music libraries and
video games. The most of the dependent upon ‘the cloud’ or our own ‘media services’ to store all of our
files, including movies, photos, audio and video devices, games, the more and most bandwidth and
speed should be needed to access this data. Therefore RF-based technologies such as today’s Wi-Fi are
not the optimal way. In addition, Wi-Fi may not be the most efficient way to provide new desired
capabilities such as precision indoor positioning and gesture recognition. The optical wireless
technologies, sometimes called visible light communication (VLC), and more recently referred to as Li-
Fi. On the other hand, offer an A Survey on Li-Fi ABHIYANTRIKI: An International Journal of
Engineering & Technology Volume 3, Number 1, January, 2016 (7- entirely new paradigm in wireless
technologies in the terms of communication speed, usability and flexibility, reliability. VLC is the
possible solution to the global wireless spectrum shortage. Technology is a fast and cheap optical
version of Wi-Fi. It is a based on Visible Light Communication [12, 18]. The VLC is a data
communication medium using visible light between 400THz to 375THz as optical carrier for the data
transmission and illumination. The data is encoded in the light to generate new data stream by varying
the flickering rate, to be clearer, by modulating the LED light communication source [4]. This is a whole
new spectrum of possibilities as compared to the radio waves spectrum and is 10000 times more in size.
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4. Objective
The prime objective of the project is to create an application that transmits data be it text, audio or
video using Li-Fi technology for coping with the limited bandwidth problem we face in RF (Radio
frequency) signals.
For better, efficient, secure and a faster connection Li-Fi is used. One of the advantages of using Li-Fi
over Wi-Fi is that it avoids radiation produced by Wi-Fi.
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5. Methodology
The Li-Fi architecture contains various devices such as LED bulbs, mobile devices and the photo
detector which receives the binary data over light. The binary data is captured by few light receptors
which are installed on all types of connecting devices such as computer tablets, phones, televisions, or
Fig 2.1 Architecture Of Li-Fi Technology
The various components of a basic Li-Fi system are as follows
a. Server
A server is a computer program that provides services to other computer programs (and their users) in
the same or other computers. The computer that a server program runs in is also frequently referred to
as a server. That machine may be a dedicated server or used for other purposes as well.
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b. Internet
The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net", is a worldwide system of computer networks – a
network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information
from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers).
c. Lamp Driver
Lamp Driver is a small integrated circuit designed to supply the current required by a lamp. It manages
the incoming voltage and current to the voltage and current level requirements of the lamp.
d. Lead Lamp
A high brightness white LED acts as a communication source. It is guided by the PCB and powered by
PA and is enclosed in an aluminum enclosure. An LED lamp is a light-emitting diode (LED) product
which is assembled into a lamp (or light bulb) for use in lighting fixtures LED lamps have a lifespan
and electrical efficiency which are several times greater than incandescent lamps and are significantly
more efficient than most fluorescent lamps.
e. Design of the Bulb
The first part is the Ethernet Cable Slot. This is the slot where the LAN cable will be connected to
connect the Bulb with the Internet.
The second part is the Real Time Clock and Battery Pack. The function of a clock is mainly to generate
pulse, and so is the function of the Real Time Clock in the Bulb. It generates pulses as per the
requirement of the data.
The third and the most important part is the Micro controller & Circuit. The Micro controller part
controls all the functionalities of the Bulb. Its main functions are to control the clock timing, in control
which data is to be sent andto whom it is to be sent, and to control the intensity of light.
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The working of Li-Fi is based on a very simple concept, when the LED is on, a digital I is transmitted,
and when it is off, a digital O is transmitted. The LED's can be switched on and off very quickly, which
gives nice opportunities for transmitting data.
The Li-Fi technology is based on the Visible Light Communication which uses the visible light for data
communication. In VLC, we use a source of illumination which can not only produce illumination but
also send information using the same light. So we can say that VLC is illumination along with
Li-Fi is a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-FI, the technology of which is based on Visible Light
Communication (VLC). VLC is a data communication medium, which uses visible light between 400
THz (780 nm) and 800 THz (375 nm) as optical carrier for data transmission and illumination. I use
fast pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly.
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The dramatic growth in the use of LED's (Light Emitting Diodes) for lighting provides the
opportunity to incorporate Li-Fi technology into a plethora of LED environments.
Li-Fi is particularly suitable for many popular internet "content consumption" applications such as
video and audio downloads, live streaming, etc. These applications place heavy demands on the down
link bandwidth, hut require minimal up link capacity. In this way, the majority of the internet traffic is
off- loaded from existing RF channels, thus also extending cellular and Wi-Fi capacities.
There are many applications for Li-Fi.
These include:
a. RF Spectrum Relief
Excess capacity demands of cellular networks can be off-loaded to Li-Fi networks where available.
This is especially effective on the down link where bottlenecks tend to occur.
b. Smart Lighting
Any private or public lighting including street lamps can be used to provide Li- Fi hot-spots and the
same communications and sensor infrastructure can be usedto monitor and control lighting and data.
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c. Mobile Connectivity
Laptops, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices can interconnect directly using Li-Fi. Short
range links give very high data rates and also provides security.
Fig 8.2 Mobile Connectivity Using Cellular Wi-Fi and Li-Fi networks
d. Hazardous Environments
Li-Fi provides a safe alternative to electromagnetic interference from radio frequency Communications
in environments such as mines and petrochemical plants
e. Hospital & Healthcare
Li-Fi emits no electromagnetic interference and so does not interference with medical instruments, nor
is it interfered with by MRI scanners
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7. Advantages and disadvantages of LI-FI:
A. Advantages of LI-FI :
a. Quicker Data Transmission than Wi-Fi –
An essential selling purpose of Li-Fi innovation is that it has a quicker information transmission rate
than Wi-Fi. Noticeable light range has a transmission capacity that is multiple times bigger than whole
radio recurrence and microwave range. Analysts at the University of Oxford have asserted that they
effectively tried a trial Li-Fi application with a bi-directional speed of 224 gigabits for each second.
Observe that most Wi-Fi networks send information at around 20 megabits for each second and move
rates are subject to distance and obstructions. This bit of leeway is the motivation behind why defenders
have bets on Li-Fi as an answer for settling that issues including the transmission capacity impediments
of Wi-Fi and the developing measure of information created and devoured by clients.
b. Simple and Inexpensive to Deploy –
Recall that the current operational ideas and trial utilizations of Li-Fi innovation focus on the utilization
of LED lights. This implies that a Li-Fi organization can be incorporated effectively with existing LED
lighting frameworks. Basically, any place there is a light source, there can be admittance to the Internet.
It is additionally worth referencing that LED lights are reasonable to deliver and their market cost is
moderately moderate. Investigators foresee that Li-Fi organization would be multiple times less
expensive than Wi-Fi. They are likewise more energy productive than radiant lights and fluorescent
lights. Albeit a Li-Fi-empowered LED light should stay went on to continue sending information, it
tends to be diminished to underneath human perceivability and save energy cost while as yet emanating
enough light to function as an organization switch.
c. Security Due to the Limitations of Light –
Another remarkable advantage or preferred position of Li-Fi is that it is safer than Wi-Fi. Remote
correspondence innovations dependent on radio recurrence and microwaves are more helpless against
snoopping, signal capturing or unapproved interference, beast power assaults, and spontaneous
organization associations. Recollect that light waves can’t enter through dividers and entryways. They
additionally have a more limited reach. Equivalent is valid for infrared light and bright radiation. The
signs transmitted by a Li-Fi item and information it communicates stay limited to a shut territory, for
example, a room or lobby. Admittance to organization is restricted. This implies that Li-Fi innovation
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offers an additional layer of security than Wi-Fi.
d. Safe From Electromagnetic Interferences –
Moreover, Li-Fi additionally has a bit of leeway of being insusceptible from electromagnetic
impedances that influence radio-based remote correspondence advancements. The innovation is
likewise helpful in territories that are electromagnetic delicate, for example, airplane lodges, clinics, and
atomic force plants, among others since it doesn’t cause electromagnetic obstructions. Note that some
clinical instruments utilized in clinics, just as the radar and correspondence frameworks in an airplane
are delicate to radio recurrence.
e. Sweeping Future Applications –
The advancement of additional availability is another bit of leeway of Li-Fi innovation. The way that it
offers quicker information move rates implies that it can propel the mainstream sending of the Internet
of Things or IoT which require huge information and compelling and effective network.
a. Restricted Range and Connectivity –
The impediments of the noticeable light furnish Li-Fi with a security advantage over Wi-Fi. Be that as it
may, these constraints likewise make burdens. Actual boundaries, for example, dividers and entryways
limit operational extent of a Li-Fi-empowered LED light. Recall that information communicated by a
Li-Fi item stays bound to a nearby dispersed on grounds that light can’t infiltrate misty articles and has a
more limited reach. In foundations, for example, house or building, empowered LED lights should be
deliberately positioned in rooms, corridors, and different segments to extend extent of the Li-Fi network.
A solitary Wi-Fi switch has more extensive and longer reach than a Li-Fi switch. These impediments of
Li-Fi likewise make it not ideal for use in open Wi-Fi networks.
b. Inaccessibility of Compatible Technologies –
It will take a long time for Li-Fi to turn out to be more reasonable than Wi-Fi. Current gadgets, for
example, PCs, cell phones, and tablet PCs actually use equipment for Wi-Fi organizing. These gadgets
would not promptly work with a Li-Fi network since they don’t have the essential equipment details. Li-
Fi isn’t promptly in reverse viable. It is additionally worth referencing that the quicker information
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move pace of this innovation stays irrelevant or unimportant until Internet speed from specialist
organizations improves. In territories or nations that are infamous for having more slow Internet speeds
than their partners, conveying a Li-Fi organization would be inane. Thus, it will take coordination from
different businesses and areas to advance mass selection of this innovation.
c. Light Interference and Light Pollution –
Different burdens of Li-Fi are powerlessness to light obstruction and advancement of light
contamination. Observe that despite fact that this innovation is invulnerable to electromagnetic
impedances, different wellsprings of light may meddle with sign. Daylight can meddle with light signals
created by a Li-Fi-empowered LED light. The relating recipient may struggle handling these signs. Web
interference is conceivable. Besides, on grounds that empowered LED lights should stay on, they can
offer further to light contamination, particularly whenever set at higher splendor to make up for
conceivable impedance with other light sources.
d. Conceivable Cost Implications –
Sending Li-Fi is hypothetically reasonable due to the little expense related with creation of LED lights.
In any case, establishment cost can be more costly than Wi-Fi sending due to innovation is generally
new and the interest stays low and concentrated experts are as yet not many. The way that a solitary
home requirements a few Li-Fi switches to grow extent of the organization and accessibility of Internet
availability could likewise mean extra buy and establishment costs. Observe that a solitary Wi-Fi switch
is sufficient for a normal measured house.
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8. Picture of the project:
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9. Conclusion:
The Li-Fi technology is now developed into a ubiquitous system technology with innovative networking
capabilities for universal application to provide a variety of device platforms for high-speed internet
This study showed that Li-Fi technology is an appropriate alternative to Wi-Fi technology. Although Li-
Fi technology does not use any radio frequencies, but it provides safer, greener and cheaper technology.
This LI-Fi technology provides users with better security measures, capacity and availability as
compared to Wi-Fi. The future implications of Li-Fi include its application in different fields such as
industries, medicine, education and other regions requiring further exploration.
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10. REFERENCE*20study*/20paper%20-%20approved.

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Li Fi Technology

  • 1. [Type text] Page 1 1. TITLE OF MINI PROJECT: The LIFI project 2. INTRODUCTION Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a technology that promises to give a seamless access to the internet at an ultra-high speed. It is a technology of the future, which will make the access to the internet easier like never before, all you need to do is to sit beneath alight source. Li-Fi is unique as the same light energy used for illumination may also be used for communication. It opens up a spectrum of connectivity that is 1000 times greater than Wi-Fi where Radio Frequency technologies are running out of spectrum. Li-Fi uses LED's and photo detectors for data transmission which makes it cheaper than current RF technologies and also provides better speed. It also ensures better security than currently popular Wi-Fi as light cannot pass through walls so no data can be accessed from outside. The technology has ability to overtake current data transmission technologies in near future. More and more loT devices will be able to connect to each other and underwater communication will also be easier than it was never before with RF technology. In simple terms, Li-Fi can be thought of as a light-based Wi-Fi. That is, it uses light instead of radio waves to transmit information. And instead of Wi-Fi modems, Li-Fi would use transceiver-fitted LED lamps that can light a room as well as transmit and receive information. Since simple light bulbs are used, there can technically be any number of access points. This technology uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not greatly utilized- The Visible Light Spectrum. Light is in fact very much part of our lives for millions and millions of years and does not have any major ill effect. Moreover there is 10,000 times more space available in this spectrum and just counting on the bulbs in use, it also multiplies to 10,000 times more availability as an infrastructure, globally. It is possible to encode data in the light by varying the rate at which the LED's flicker on and off to give different strings of Is and Os. The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eyes cannot notice, so the output appears constant.
  • 2. [Type text] Page 2 3. Literature Survey The most of the people are using Wi-Fi Internet devices, which will be useful for 2.4-5GHz RF to deliver wireless Internet access surrounded our home, offices, schools, and some public places also. We are quite dependent upon these nearly ubiquitous services [7, 15]. While Wi-Fi can cover an entire house, school, the bandwidth is limited to 50-100 megabits per seconds (Mbps). It is a most current Internet services, but insufficient for moving large data files like HDTV movies, music libraries and video games. The most of the dependent upon ‘the cloud’ or our own ‘media services’ to store all of our files, including movies, photos, audio and video devices, games, the more and most bandwidth and speed should be needed to access this data. Therefore RF-based technologies such as today’s Wi-Fi are not the optimal way. In addition, Wi-Fi may not be the most efficient way to provide new desired capabilities such as precision indoor positioning and gesture recognition. The optical wireless technologies, sometimes called visible light communication (VLC), and more recently referred to as Li- Fi. On the other hand, offer an A Survey on Li-Fi ABHIYANTRIKI: An International Journal of Engineering & Technology Volume 3, Number 1, January, 2016 (7- entirely new paradigm in wireless technologies in the terms of communication speed, usability and flexibility, reliability. VLC is the possible solution to the global wireless spectrum shortage. Technology is a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-Fi. It is a based on Visible Light Communication [12, 18]. The VLC is a data communication medium using visible light between 400THz to 375THz as optical carrier for the data transmission and illumination. The data is encoded in the light to generate new data stream by varying the flickering rate, to be clearer, by modulating the LED light communication source [4]. This is a whole new spectrum of possibilities as compared to the radio waves spectrum and is 10000 times more in size.
  • 3. [Type text] Page 3 4. Objective The prime objective of the project is to create an application that transmits data be it text, audio or video using Li-Fi technology for coping with the limited bandwidth problem we face in RF (Radio frequency) signals. For better, efficient, secure and a faster connection Li-Fi is used. One of the advantages of using Li-Fi over Wi-Fi is that it avoids radiation produced by Wi-Fi.
  • 4. [Type text] Page 4 5. Methodology The Li-Fi architecture contains various devices such as LED bulbs, mobile devices and the photo detector which receives the binary data over light. The binary data is captured by few light receptors which are installed on all types of connecting devices such as computer tablets, phones, televisions, or appliances. Fig 2.1 Architecture Of Li-Fi Technology The various components of a basic Li-Fi system are as follows a. Server A server is a computer program that provides services to other computer programs (and their users) in the same or other computers. The computer that a server program runs in is also frequently referred to as a server. That machine may be a dedicated server or used for other purposes as well.
  • 5. [Type text] Page 5 b. Internet The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net", is a worldwide system of computer networks – a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). c. Lamp Driver Lamp Driver is a small integrated circuit designed to supply the current required by a lamp. It manages the incoming voltage and current to the voltage and current level requirements of the lamp. d. Lead Lamp A high brightness white LED acts as a communication source. It is guided by the PCB and powered by PA and is enclosed in an aluminum enclosure. An LED lamp is a light-emitting diode (LED) product which is assembled into a lamp (or light bulb) for use in lighting fixtures LED lamps have a lifespan and electrical efficiency which are several times greater than incandescent lamps and are significantly more efficient than most fluorescent lamps. e. Design of the Bulb The first part is the Ethernet Cable Slot. This is the slot where the LAN cable will be connected to connect the Bulb with the Internet. The second part is the Real Time Clock and Battery Pack. The function of a clock is mainly to generate pulse, and so is the function of the Real Time Clock in the Bulb. It generates pulses as per the requirement of the data. The third and the most important part is the Micro controller & Circuit. The Micro controller part controls all the functionalities of the Bulb. Its main functions are to control the clock timing, in control which data is to be sent andto whom it is to be sent, and to control the intensity of light.
  • 6. [Type text] Page 6 The working of Li-Fi is based on a very simple concept, when the LED is on, a digital I is transmitted, and when it is off, a digital O is transmitted. The LED's can be switched on and off very quickly, which gives nice opportunities for transmitting data. The Li-Fi technology is based on the Visible Light Communication which uses the visible light for data communication. In VLC, we use a source of illumination which can not only produce illumination but also send information using the same light. So we can say that VLC is illumination along with communication. Li-Fi is a fast and cheap optical version of Wi-FI, the technology of which is based on Visible Light Communication (VLC). VLC is a data communication medium, which uses visible light between 400 THz (780 nm) and 800 THz (375 nm) as optical carrier for data transmission and illumination. I use fast pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly.
  • 7. [Type text] Page 7 6. APPLICATIONS The dramatic growth in the use of LED's (Light Emitting Diodes) for lighting provides the opportunity to incorporate Li-Fi technology into a plethora of LED environments. Li-Fi is particularly suitable for many popular internet "content consumption" applications such as video and audio downloads, live streaming, etc. These applications place heavy demands on the down link bandwidth, hut require minimal up link capacity. In this way, the majority of the internet traffic is off- loaded from existing RF channels, thus also extending cellular and Wi-Fi capacities. There are many applications for Li-Fi. These include: a. RF Spectrum Relief Excess capacity demands of cellular networks can be off-loaded to Li-Fi networks where available. This is especially effective on the down link where bottlenecks tend to occur. b. Smart Lighting Any private or public lighting including street lamps can be used to provide Li- Fi hot-spots and the same communications and sensor infrastructure can be usedto monitor and control lighting and data.
  • 8. [Type text] Page 8 c. Mobile Connectivity Laptops, smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices can interconnect directly using Li-Fi. Short range links give very high data rates and also provides security. Fig 8.2 Mobile Connectivity Using Cellular Wi-Fi and Li-Fi networks d. Hazardous Environments Li-Fi provides a safe alternative to electromagnetic interference from radio frequency Communications in environments such as mines and petrochemical plants e. Hospital & Healthcare Li-Fi emits no electromagnetic interference and so does not interference with medical instruments, nor is it interfered with by MRI scanners
  • 9. [Type text] Page 9 7. Advantages and disadvantages of LI-FI: A. Advantages of LI-FI : a. Quicker Data Transmission than Wi-Fi – An essential selling purpose of Li-Fi innovation is that it has a quicker information transmission rate than Wi-Fi. Noticeable light range has a transmission capacity that is multiple times bigger than whole radio recurrence and microwave range. Analysts at the University of Oxford have asserted that they effectively tried a trial Li-Fi application with a bi-directional speed of 224 gigabits for each second. Observe that most Wi-Fi networks send information at around 20 megabits for each second and move rates are subject to distance and obstructions. This bit of leeway is the motivation behind why defenders have bets on Li-Fi as an answer for settling that issues including the transmission capacity impediments of Wi-Fi and the developing measure of information created and devoured by clients. b. Simple and Inexpensive to Deploy – Recall that the current operational ideas and trial utilizations of Li-Fi innovation focus on the utilization of LED lights. This implies that a Li-Fi organization can be incorporated effectively with existing LED lighting frameworks. Basically, any place there is a light source, there can be admittance to the Internet. It is additionally worth referencing that LED lights are reasonable to deliver and their market cost is moderately moderate. Investigators foresee that Li-Fi organization would be multiple times less expensive than Wi-Fi. They are likewise more energy productive than radiant lights and fluorescent lights. Albeit a Li-Fi-empowered LED light should stay went on to continue sending information, it tends to be diminished to underneath human perceivability and save energy cost while as yet emanating enough light to function as an organization switch. c. Security Due to the Limitations of Light – Another remarkable advantage or preferred position of Li-Fi is that it is safer than Wi-Fi. Remote correspondence innovations dependent on radio recurrence and microwaves are more helpless against snoopping, signal capturing or unapproved interference, beast power assaults, and spontaneous organization associations. Recollect that light waves can’t enter through dividers and entryways. They additionally have a more limited reach. Equivalent is valid for infrared light and bright radiation. The signs transmitted by a Li-Fi item and information it communicates stay limited to a shut territory, for example, a room or lobby. Admittance to organization is restricted. This implies that Li-Fi innovation
  • 10. [Type text] Page 10 offers an additional layer of security than Wi-Fi. d. Safe From Electromagnetic Interferences – Moreover, Li-Fi additionally has a bit of leeway of being insusceptible from electromagnetic impedances that influence radio-based remote correspondence advancements. The innovation is likewise helpful in territories that are electromagnetic delicate, for example, airplane lodges, clinics, and atomic force plants, among others since it doesn’t cause electromagnetic obstructions. Note that some clinical instruments utilized in clinics, just as the radar and correspondence frameworks in an airplane are delicate to radio recurrence. e. Sweeping Future Applications – The advancement of additional availability is another bit of leeway of Li-Fi innovation. The way that it offers quicker information move rates implies that it can propel the mainstream sending of the Internet of Things or IoT which require huge information and compelling and effective network. B. DISADVANTAGES OF LI-FI: a. Restricted Range and Connectivity – The impediments of the noticeable light furnish Li-Fi with a security advantage over Wi-Fi. Be that as it may, these constraints likewise make burdens. Actual boundaries, for example, dividers and entryways limit operational extent of a Li-Fi-empowered LED light. Recall that information communicated by a Li-Fi item stays bound to a nearby dispersed on grounds that light can’t infiltrate misty articles and has a more limited reach. In foundations, for example, house or building, empowered LED lights should be deliberately positioned in rooms, corridors, and different segments to extend extent of the Li-Fi network. A solitary Wi-Fi switch has more extensive and longer reach than a Li-Fi switch. These impediments of Li-Fi likewise make it not ideal for use in open Wi-Fi networks. b. Inaccessibility of Compatible Technologies – It will take a long time for Li-Fi to turn out to be more reasonable than Wi-Fi. Current gadgets, for example, PCs, cell phones, and tablet PCs actually use equipment for Wi-Fi organizing. These gadgets would not promptly work with a Li-Fi network since they don’t have the essential equipment details. Li- Fi isn’t promptly in reverse viable. It is additionally worth referencing that the quicker information
  • 11. [Type text] Page 11 move pace of this innovation stays irrelevant or unimportant until Internet speed from specialist organizations improves. In territories or nations that are infamous for having more slow Internet speeds than their partners, conveying a Li-Fi organization would be inane. Thus, it will take coordination from different businesses and areas to advance mass selection of this innovation. c. Light Interference and Light Pollution – Different burdens of Li-Fi are powerlessness to light obstruction and advancement of light contamination. Observe that despite fact that this innovation is invulnerable to electromagnetic impedances, different wellsprings of light may meddle with sign. Daylight can meddle with light signals created by a Li-Fi-empowered LED light. The relating recipient may struggle handling these signs. Web interference is conceivable. Besides, on grounds that empowered LED lights should stay on, they can offer further to light contamination, particularly whenever set at higher splendor to make up for conceivable impedance with other light sources. d. Conceivable Cost Implications – Sending Li-Fi is hypothetically reasonable due to the little expense related with creation of LED lights. In any case, establishment cost can be more costly than Wi-Fi sending due to innovation is generally new and the interest stays low and concentrated experts are as yet not many. The way that a solitary home requirements a few Li-Fi switches to grow extent of the organization and accessibility of Internet availability could likewise mean extra buy and establishment costs. Observe that a solitary Wi-Fi switch is sufficient for a normal measured house.
  • 12. [Type text] Page 12 8. Picture of the project:
  • 13. [Type text] Page 13 9. Conclusion: The Li-Fi technology is now developed into a ubiquitous system technology with innovative networking capabilities for universal application to provide a variety of device platforms for high-speed internet communications. This study showed that Li-Fi technology is an appropriate alternative to Wi-Fi technology. Although Li- Fi technology does not use any radio frequencies, but it provides safer, greener and cheaper technology. This LI-Fi technology provides users with better security measures, capacity and availability as compared to Wi-Fi. The future implications of Li-Fi include its application in different fields such as industries, medicine, education and other regions requiring further exploration.
  • 14. [Type text] Page 14 10. REFERENCE*20study*/20paper%20-%20approved.