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TEAM: FADED FLAME                           IIM KOZHIKODE

                            Sector – BFSI
                Company – Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited

   Anshul Kumar            Arnab Guha Mallik               Abhisek Paul
Ph: 8086087963            Ph: 8943994677               Ph:8943707444
 Kotak Mahindra Bank wishes to establish itself as the pre-eminent bank of choice for the mass affluent of India.
 Kotak Mahindra’s offering of 6% on savings account has been a marketing success met by increased savings account deposits.
 However, it was not the only bank to do so. Competitors like Yes Bank and IndusInd Bank have also increased the offering on savings
  account post the RBI deregulation.
 In spite of other banks still offering 4% on the savings account, Kotak Mahindra has not been able to match them yet in terms of
  market share and popularity.
 In such a competitive scenario, depending on just the PRICING strategy is not sufficient.
 what is needed is the improvement and opportunities in the other levers of the marketing mix of the financial products and services
  that it offers, so that it is able to differentiate itself from the competitors in the coming future.

Primary Research Overview

 Modern day banking customers are taking greater control of their banking relationships.
 They are ready to switch banks and demand improvements.
 Banks in turn need to re-evaluate their strategies and the way they interact with their customers. T
 hey need to give their customers greater flexibility, choice and control and focus on consumer needs and engagement

Sample Overview

 Number of respondents – 79
 24% of the respondents were between the age 21-25 years, 35% in between 26-30 years, 21% between 31-35 years and 20% greater than 35

Consumer Survey Insights

 1. Bank loyalty is high in consumers , however most are unwilling to shift from/change their current bank
 2. Trust is the most important factor while opening a new bank account. Previous band image and an expert opinion plays a pivotal role
 3. Personal Networks and trusted financial communities are the most trusted source of info to be updated about bank offerings
 4. Social media is the most used platform for knowing a bank’s products and services
Consumer Survey Insights
1. Communication clarity is the most important factor to improve              1. Most consumers (approx. 76%) prefer branchless banking
   satisfaction among the customers                                              (entirely online)
2. Most consumers seek expert advice on complex products as a                 2. Accessibility (presence of ATMs included) and personal
   part of standard service offering                                             relationship are the most important factors in keeping loyalty
3. Major consumers value cash back on credit/debit cards as a                    with a bank
   main source of rewarding their loyalty                                     3. Internet banking and ATMs are the most influential banking
4. Niche customers want their loyalty to be rewarded by                          experiences
   premium offerings (something different from standard)                      4. Ease of Use/Navigation in internet banking is the most valued
                                                                                 by customers

                                              IMPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATION

 Customer should be allowed to shape their own experience

          Shift marketing from “push” to “pull”

         • The growing importance of word of mouth, reference group and the waning power of direct selling have implications for banks’
           marketing strategies.
         • The strategy should be Pull i.e. turning their satisfied customers as advocates. They can also influence online affinity groups as
           marketers by letting them select and shape the communications they receive.

          Develop flexible loyalty programs

         • Banks need to capitalize on customers’ growing enrolment in loyalty programs.
         • Most customers enjoy financial rewards. Although costly, such rewards offer huge potential benefits in loyalty and advocacy.
         • Banks should tailor programs for affinity groups and let customers choose rewards based on their value to the bank.

Some more figures
76% of the respondents were male.                                                  79% of the respondents earned between 5 to 15 lacs of salary annually
41% of the respondents have changed their primary account earlier
Focus on customers need, give them more flexibility

                          Move from multi-channel to omni-channel distribution                                                                  Focus on Customer Care
• Customers care more about convenience than about channels.                                                                    • Banks must provide relevant information and advice. They
• Banks need to look beyond multi-channel toward a fully integrated banking experience that                                       also need to address grievances of the consumers in a
  combines the advantages of physical branches and in-person interactions with the                                                short time frame.
  information-rich digital channels.                                                                                            • Hence banks need to be responsive and receptive
• Omni-channel distribution leverages customer data gathered from branches, website
  visits, social media and elsewhere.

 •Banks should encourage customers to                                •The use of cutting-edge technology                        Technology will be key
  use digital channels whenever possible.                             is vital to all these implications..                      Seamless integration with digital and other
 •Banks should determine which services                              •Technology can also help to maintain
  customers want to handle through                                                                                              inexpensive media all focused on customer needs
                                                                      intimacy and sustainable relationship
  branches and encourage — not force —                                as customers move towards digital
  other transactions to move to digital                               banking and greater self-service..
Make low-cost digital channels                                       Use innovative technology to deliver
customers’ preferred choice                                          the retail bank of the future

                  Focus on customer                              Reward                                       Focus on mobile
                  engagement through                             customers, keep                              banking
                  Social Media                                   them engaged                                 Use SMS
   Social Media

                                                                                         Improve technology
                                              Loyalty Programs

                  Use social media to                            Focus on loyalty                             services to
                  make banking easier                            programs not                                 simplify
                  Build a strong                                 only for present                             Bring out new
                  relationship through                           customers but                                technologies
                  improved Customer                              also new
                                                                 customers                                    Online account
                  care                                                                                        opening
Interaction Plot of the Private Sector Banks in the Social Media Space

          Interactivity level                                  3
                                                                                                                                                       From the
          measures the                                                                                                                                 interaction plot
          engagement of                                       2.5                                                                                      and the social
          banks like replying to
                                                                                                                                                       grade table, we

                                        Interactivity Level
          customers, and other
                                                               2                                                                                       see KOTAK lies
          campaigns carried
                                                                                                                                                       below other
          out                                                 1.5
                                                                                                                                                       banks in the
                                                                                                                                                       social media
                                                                                                                                                        Great
   No of channels include the                                 0.5                                                                                      opportunity, tim
   total no of social media sites                                                                                                                      e to improve.
   employed by the bank like
   twitter, Facebook, blog etc.
                                                                    0     1             2    3         4          5        6       7        8

                                                                                                 No of Channels                                   Kotak meanwhile has
                                                                                                                                                  only 16868 followers
       Banks                 No of Channels                             Social Grades        Social Media Grades for the                          on Facebook and 2
     HDFC BANK                      8                                         3.06           Private Sector Banks in India                        meaningful Facebook
     ICICI BANK                     8                                         2.81                                                                apps about offers and
                                                                                            The Social Media Grades shows how                     donate for a cause
     AXIS BANK                      5                                         2.28          active the banks are in the social
                                                                                                                                                  (check appendix for
     CITI BANK                      5                                         2.02          media space
                                                                                                                                                  detailed comparison)
     YES BANK                       6                                         1.97
                                                                                            Calculated on a scale of 5, the
  KOTAK MAHINDRA                    5                                         1.62          interactivity level of the banks in        Twitter handle not utilized much
STANDARD CHARETERED                 4                                         1.8           Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube       for all banks opportunities for
                                                                                            and Blogs are taken into                   more interactions and
   INDUS IND BANK                   4                                         1.24
                                                                                            consideration                              engagement
   ING VYSYA BANK                   3                                         0.79
 SOUTH INDIAN BANK                  3                                         0.72          No of channels represents the bank’s
                                                                                            presence in any social networking            Data Taken from simplify360
  KARNATAKA BANK                    3                                         0.57
                                                                                            sites                                      social media analytics platform ©
  BANK OF PUNJAB                    2                                         0.36                                                            InRev Systems 2011
Social media is an opportunity that can no longer be ignored
                                                                                                                                     Negative word-of-
                                                                                                                                     mouth spreads fast
        Build Connections & Network                                                                                                  especially in the social
        • It’s FREE, but you must invest time                 To Listen & Learn                                                      media and it is
        • No event needed, no walls to stop you               There are thousands of intelligent people and                          essential to engage
        • Engage with customers, understand them, foster      companies sharing ideas, links, blog                                   proactively with such
          relationships through innovative channels.          posts, websites, case studies, opinions and more                       customers

                                                                                                                                      It is essential to
         To Market, Show Expertise & Transparency
                                                                                                                                      engage with
                                                              InfluencersSocial Media is full of them.                               customers to attract
         •Social media allows a broadcast medium for you to
           communicate & market                               • Content Producers: They are                                           new customers as
         • Promote your own web or blog content                 Tweeters, Bloggers, highly social, willing to link, talk              well as to understand
         • Announce new services / products                     about and contribute.
         • Offer specials or promotions                       • They communicate and market for you                                   the needs of
         • Provide visibility into your operation                                                                                     customers

Opportunity Assessment Matrix

                                                                                                                           THE VALUE OF SOCIAL MEDIA??
                                                                                                                            It’s not a silver bullet, it’s how you
                                                                                                                             use it.
                                                                                                                            Social media should not be isolated
                                                                                                                             or stand alone. We must Integrate
                                                                                                                             all of our marketing tools to work
                                                                                                                             TOGETHER and even pass through
                                                                                                                             each other

                                                                                                                           ROI for social networking, creating
                                                                                                                           widgets, blogging etc. have fairly high
According to Forrester Research 55% of consumers want ongoing conversations with companies and brands. 89% said they would feel more loyal to a brand if they
were invited to take part in a feedback group. We as a team suggest some SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES AND EVENTS TO DRIVE LOYALTY, ENGAGEMENT and

Facebook apps                                                                    4     Customer Care APP: (KOTAK MAHINDRA CUSTOMER CARE: “WITH
                                                                                      YOU, FOR YOU” )
 We suggest the increase in apps on FB to 9 from 1 as of now                                   FACILITIES (Promise to get back within 7 working days)
                                                                                               Click on the Customer Care app and you are taken to a page with
                                                                                                  the following options:
       Login into bank account app on FACEBOOK
 1     1. Check balance
                                                                                                       1. Online form: The customer fills in his details and
                                                                                                           elaborately describes the problem
       2. Check transaction history
                                                                                                       2. GUI: Enter location in dropdown menu to get free hotline
       Gives flexibility, ease and choice to consumers. They decide the
                                                                                                           nos. of the customer care of that particular city
       way to log into their bank account
                                                                                                           Customers do not have to search on the internet for
                                                                                                           specific city nos., they can go to Facebook and easily find
        KOTAK MAHINDRA ASSISTS: A page where information about                                             out. Better service + Flexibility
2       banking, ATM banking and all other functions/basic information                                 3. Give the name of a customer care officer and her/his
        are explained as FAQs. The page will also contain information                                      email id and ask customers to write to her
        about Kotak’s various products and services                                                    4. If not satisfied someone higher in authority (Name, email
         Simplifies banking services for consumers                                                        and designation)
         Promotion about their own services: FREE                                    More personalized services; shows that Kotak cares more about the well-
                                                                                      being of their customer and how highly they are valued

        Payments APP: Currently present only through net banking                              DEDICATED “ASK_KOTAK” TWITTER PAGE: Customers to ask or
 3      extend to both mobile banking and Facebook i.e. both the                                note down their grievances against Kotak Mahindra
        mobile app and Facebook app to contain payment options                                 They can track problems of customers as and when tweeted.
                 Rationale: gives the consumer more flexibility and                            Replying with a solution helps in building a better image in the
                   choice. Becomes so easy for a customer to pay bills                          minds of the consumers  TWITTER still untapped by banks
                   from wherever he/she feels comfortable from.                                LIVE CHAT (CONSUMER SERVICE)
                 Mobile banking payments will allow him to pay bills                               1. Through facebook
                   on the go as and when remembered                                                 2. GOOGLE+ HANGOUT
                 Same footing as other competitors                                   All Kotak will need is a dedicated team of about 10 people handling
                 App containing different payment options: Enter                     customer requests who are not even afraid to apologize! Leverage
                   details and pay                                                    “WITH YOU, FOR YOU” SLOGAN
                        1.   Mobile, 2. DTH, 3.Insurance premium, 4.
                             Electricity, 5. Gas, 6. Taxes and 7. Mutual funds
                                                                                     Detailed comparisons of banks: Social Media Page Appendix
SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY                                                  Link the current communication strategy on SUBBU’s saving tips to offers
                                                                       and apps on Facebook
     Get deals APPs: (discounts or cash back offer) BUILD AND
             dining : Select outlets e.g.
                     Make a status update
                     Tag us
                     Enjoy upto 30% savings on restaurants
                        etc.                                                                                                                                      Now
             shopping : Online shopping through ecommerce
                     Offers + mobile service e.g.                     Earlier
                             1. Make a purchase
                             2. Register like get jabong 5767676
                                  and get vouchers
             Travel: Railways, buses and air. Tie ups with travel
                booking sites like make my trip and Expedia etc.
             Entertainment : Movie and concert tickets
             others(gifts)                                             The figure on the right side shows the current marketing campaign highlighting the great offers on
     The Deals are primarily directed at the Loyalty Program           E-Commerce platform earlier Subbu advised to shop online now Kotak is giving the same
     Increasing the offers on display to drive loyalty                 offers only to save MONEY
     Using Social Media to promotes such deals and                     Linking the 2 communication easy building and leveraging the successful campaign using
     encouraging use of mobile app and SMS increases                    SUBBU as an advisor

6     App to calculate savings
              1. Anti-smoking campaign: Calculate the amount
                  you can save on cigarettes link to Subbu’s
                  Saving tip
              2. Save electricity campaign: link to Subbu’s Saving
      Subbu is used in marketing communication to talk about
      savings. Leverage the same to promote about social and
      environmentally relevant topics. Creates better brand image

The figure shows the transition  communication earlier on the FB page to now
Same message and source to highlight relevant issues
SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY                                                  OTHER PROMOTIONS
                                                                       •     Announce new branch openings on Facebook
7    Find us/Store Locator
                                                                       •     Giving away Monthly vouchers worth Rs 1000
                                                                               –    Login to Kotak Mobile during the offer period
     Apply for recruitment: easy way to screen and inexpensive                 –    Do any of the following transactions and stand a chance to win*:
8                                                                                      • Transfer funds, Recharge pre-paid mobile, Pay utility bills or
                                                                                           Pay credit card bills
9   Video repository showing usage of ATMs and other basic             •     Weekly contests on Facebook
    needs                                                                      –    Play a movie quiz every Wednesday to win couple movie tickets for
                                                                                    every new Friday release

FB CONTESTS to drive engagements and Revenue

“SPENDING IS FUN” contest!!                                   KOTAK MAHINDRA “Time to keep playing” Contest!!!
 Create a special app for a monthly contest:                    •    Target audience: 18-25 year old males!!
 Duration 3 months; Customers tor register on the               •    Rationale: A lot of youth open bank accounts at this stage and are well aware
   application                                                        of offers and tech savvy too
 Customers have to start spending with their Kotak
                                                                 •    What is it?? : An online communities of youth where they take part in a variety
   Mahindra Bank debit card to collect coupons. The app
                                                                      of events such as discussions, quizzes, polls about banking, problems they are
   will be interactive to show the no. of coupons collected
                                                                      facing, changes they want etc.
 Every Rs500/- spent in a single transaction gives you a
   coupon. Every incremental Rs500/- on the same receipt         1.   They get funds for each such activity which is measured by a tracker in the app.
   gives you another coupon. Every 6 such coupons gives a        2.   There will be a referral option where one can refer the app to his friends and
   chance to win one of 8 Samsung Galaxy S2/ Nokia Lumia              post on their walls. If his friends register, the customer gets 500 points as funds
   800 smartphones to be given away monthly                           for every such referral.
 Collect 12 such coupons to complete a card. The                3.   With the funds one can redeem a prize like Xbox 360s, PS3s. Samsung Galaxy
   customer with the maximum no of cards will win a laptop            S2s, Nikon DSLRs
   or an IPAD.                                                   4.   Every participant with over 10000 points are given a free account with the
 One can earn extra coupons by inviting friends to sign up           bank
   and spend using their CIMB Bank debit cards. Customers
                                                                 Serves as a community/forum. Helpful to get new ideas easy and inexpensive
   will also get bonus coupons at selected merchants.
                                                                 way of market research Gets many people on board reach increases and so does
 ENGAGEMENT on Playing, REVENUE generated from the
                                                                 awareness. INCREASES ENGAGEMENT AND CREATES BRAND AWARENESS
spending and LOYALTY from the OFFERS + ADVOCACY
CREATING VALUE: Dedicated Customer Loyalty Program: Both a Challenge and an opportunity

                                                                                    We suggest 2 loyalty programs
  Cutting measures due to financial pressures has made it more
   important to closely monitor customer experience.                                    “     ” : Kotak’s new Loyalty program (overview)
  Increasing the share in the customer’s wallet is the new mantra
                                                                                      Will emphasize majorly on creating a relationship with the
  Customers expect same level of service across all the touch                         customer at all the touch points (including online and
   points and expect a fair and transparent treatment.                                 offline)

  Today’s banking customers are spoilt for choice. With few                          Will reward customers for their relationships in entirety:
   barriers to entry, customer preferences have become                                 and not just on the number of transactions and usage.
   increasingly mobile.
                                                                                      Kotak would consistently value its customers irrespective of
  Customer loyalty is a precious commodity which must be                              the revenues they bring
   safeguarded at any cost
                                                                                      Inclusive Loyalty Program: Less stringent criteria to qualify
                                                                       How?            for loyalty rewards in this particular program
  Visibility is extremely important when it comes to a loyalty
                                                                                      Rewarding longevity: offering greater rewards to customers
                                                                                       that have stayed with the bank for the longest length of time
  Banks need to have a dedicated loyalty program in order to                          or made repeat purchases
   differentiate in an industry of similar financial products and
   services                                                                          “Lasting Accord”: Special Loyalty Program for
                                                                                     premium customers (overview)
 Kotak Mahindra Bank’s current position in terms of a loyalty                         Special admiration given to the “premium customers”
 program                                                                               through this reward scheme
  KMB offers its major loyalty offerings currently by discounts and                  These customers made aware that they are a high value
   cashbacks on platforms such as, CineMax
                                                                                       asset for the bank with interaction programs
   , Dining offers and similar offers with Nokia and eBay
                                                                                      A premium customer should be highly visible in a lot of all
                                                                                       customers- added value
  Kotak appears to favour product usage or transaction frequency.
                                                                                      Bank to reward premium usage such as flying business class
  Since banks’ businesses are hugely relationship oriented, their
                                                                                       by corporate clients, 5 star, resort booking with a specially
   loyalty programs must also be of similar persuasion
                                                                                       designed KMB’s credit card only for its premium customers
  customers need to be rewarded on every aspect of the
   relationship (not just on number of transactions)                     Detailed Comparison of loyalty programs: Check APPENDIX
Delivering Value: Launching Kotak Mahindra Bank’s dedicated Loyalty Program
“    ” : (detail)

Salient Features

 Encouraging the use of latest mediums: Each time a customer uses mobile or Internet banking, subscribes to alerts via SMS or visits an ATM instead of a
  branch, he or she is awarded reward points
 Kotak will create “Customers are Owners” network which will aim to reward customers for “everyday banking”, and acknowledge the importance of both the
  depth and monetary value of customer relationships
 Automatic membership to the program as soon as a customer opens a bank account with Kotak: creating a pull
 By rewarding the full scope of relationships ranging from checking and savings to loan applications, the program encourages customers to do more with
  Kotak, and also with their cards
 Inclusive loyalty program: This program will include all the Kotak bank customers and while this may create a “feel good” factor for the customers, it would
  create a sustainable relationship with each and every customer of the bank
 Redeem the reward points for a number of inbuilt online features and schemes over a wide range of products and services

                                                                                                                                                          PRINT AD 1
“Lasting Accord” : For premium customers (detail)
  Salient Features

   Reward points offered on a special premium credit card called “superioron” offered just to premium customers identified by Kotak- points
    earned on every rupee spent with predefined merchants both online/offline. Customers to earn up to 10 points on every Rs 150 spent
   Option of redeeming the points with cash back, e-vouchers for major fast food outlets, fare reduction with major airlines
   Redeem your points online
         Log into internet banking
         Click on ‘Premier Card’ within the ‘My Accounts’ section
         Click on ‘Superioron Rewards’
   Redeem your points by phone
         Have your Kotak Premier Credit Card account number to hand
         Place your order with the specially dedicated Kotak Premier team
   Kotak will create “Premium ownership” network which will aim to reward premium customers for “everyday banking”, and portray the
    estimation of the premium customers’ importance for the bank
PROMOTE NEW FEATURES OF TECHNOLGY OR MOBILE BANKING ON                                                       Online Account opening: 3 DAY GUARANTEE!!
        MOBILE SERVICES: With your User ID and password in place
           online banking is smooth, convenient, easy . Easy way to                                           Kotak Mahindra provides links to download the forms which can be filled and
           remember net banking id, next time you are shopping online                                         submitted in the nearest branch to open account.
                  Sms “userid” to a no like 567676                                                            IMPROVEMENT POSSIBLE
        Mobile recharge for DTH and cellphone: Type KOTM <mobile                                             Customers on filling the form online would be sent a welcome kit , cheque
           no><operator><recharge amount><last 6 digits of the debit                                          book including a working ATM/debit card within 2 days
           card (net banking user id)> very innovative and adds VALUE                                        A banking correspondent would deliver it.
           as it removes the need of internet, sure to garner huge                                            He will take the signatures and other proofs from the doors tep
           interest and adoption                                                                              The account will then be activated in 24 hours.
Promote usage of Mobile banking with offers: ”Kotak Mahindra brings to
you banking anytime anywhere. Transact using the Kotak Mahindra
                                                                                                              Thus from the form fill-up to account opening duration =3 days flat
Mobile App and get a chance to win Flipkart vouchers everyday!!”
                                                                                                              The option of opening a bank account will be available through
Easy to use, people know how to SMS- more convenience and flexibilty                                         Internet, mobile as well Facebook
to consumers                                                                                                  SUGGESTION KEEPING CONSUMER NEED IN MIND ADDS VALUE

                                                                                                                                         Complete Branchless Banking
                                                                             Cash acceptor
   RFID for personalized service

                                   The Need for Personalized service                         What is the Need?                                                         What is Branchless Banking?
                                   • Although employees can not know the                     • One of the main hindrances to                                           • Branchless banking means you do not
                                     names of every customer who comes                         complete branchless banking is the                                        need to go to the branch of the bank to
                                     through the door, many clients may                        limitation that deposits have to be                                       open an account. Its all done online. All
                                     expect them to do so, and do not want                     made at the branches only.                                                transaction are also online. If you need a
                                     to announce their own names                               However, with the help of cash                                            demand draft or a cheque book, it will be
                                   How will the bank leverage?                                 acceptors, this limitation could be                                       delivered to your home. The advantage is
                                                                                               overcome.                                                                 convenience of banking, lower
                                   • When the customer leaves the
                                                                                             What it is?                                                                 transaction costs and higher interest
                                     bank, the readers again capture the
                                     card's ID number, indicating a                          • The machine called cash acceptor —                                        rates.
                                     transaction has been completed. The                       that looks like an ATM — where you
                                     bank can evaluate how long customers                      can deposit cash. The machine not
                                     waited before being selected by                           only counts the cash, but also
                                     someone from the relationship-                            authenticates the notes and credits
                                     management team, as well as how long                      the money to your account in real
                                     the client took to complete a                             time.
                                     transaction.                                            Makes life easier for consumers
 Purpose of the card is to check spending: in line with the advice given by SUBBU (leverage Subbu for marketing communication of Prepaid Cards)
 This Prepaid Card is a smart solution for small businesses or families looking to manage their day-to-day finances

HOW to USE?                                                               ADVANTAGES
                                                                                                       It's                                       If the Card is
   • Add money online or by phone, from a bank account or                       No                 prepaid, so                                    lost or stolen
     with cash.                                                                                                               Protection if
                                                                          overspending,           you can only                                    you won't be
                                                                                                                               the Card is
                                                                           no overdraft           spend what's                                     responsible
    SPEND                                                                                                                    lost or stolen
                                                                               fees               preloaded on                                   for fraudulent
                                                                                                    the Card..                                        charges
   • You, or the people for whom you've ordered the Card, can
     use the Card at millions of locations around the world: in
     stores, online, and at ATMs.
                                                                        OTHER VERSIONS: Liberty Prepaid card
                                                                        For: School Children
   • You can reload the Card as often as you wish either online
     or by phone. Plus, you and the people for whom you've                                                        School Children Use
                                                                                Parents Load It                   It                          Both Track It
     ordered the Card can set up an online account to check
     the Card balance, view transactions and set up alerts.                     Parents can add                   Use it at millions of        Both parents and
     Maximum and monthly load limits apply                                      money online or by                locations around            children can log in
                                                                                phone, with a bank                the world: in stores        log in to check the
                                                                                account                           and online, ATMs            Liberty Perpaid
                                                                                                                  , movie                     Card balance, view
                                                                                                                  theaters, restaurant        transaction history
OTHER ADVANTAGES                                                                                                  s and more.                 and set up alerts.
 Permanent Card-members can:                                           No account required
  View real-time transaction history and monitor spending.            Brand awareness amongst youngsters: Chances of being loyal when they grow up
  Receive email or text alerts for low funds or notifications when    Parents do not have to worry about their children carrying cash or debit/credit card
    a transaction has occurred. (Check with your mobile service
                                                                        OTHER VERSIONS: Campus Connect card
    provider for fees that may apply to text messages.)
  Disable/enable ATM access for the Card.
  Inquire about Card balance 24 hours a day/7 days a week.             Specifically for college going students
  Schedule reloading of funds automatically.                           Resident Programs
                                                                        Spend thrift, good way to attract


        Primary research findings with graphs
        Competitor Analysis- Social Media Page
        Comparative Study: Offers of Banks
        Other technologies suggested
Results of the Primary Research: Survey
Number of respondents – 79                                                                                                      Males – 74%, Females- 26%
Income range: <5 lakhs – 19%, 5-10 lakhs – 48%, >10 lakhs – 33%                                                                 Age group: 21-25 yrs – 24%, 26-30 yrs - 35%, 31-35 yrs - 21%, >35 yrs – 20%

                                  bank shift                                                                                                                                         Selection of new banks: factors
                                                                    Bank loyalty is high in consumers.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Others        6%
                                                                    Most customers are unwilling to shift
                                                                                                                                       Came across a promotional campaign in the city/mall/stores etc        6%
                                                   Yes              from/change their current bank. But
                                                                    poor services can woo them away                                My previous experience with the new bank was good, so opened …                                            38%
                                                   No                                                                                                             Saw/Heard ads in TV/Radio/Movies           6%
                                                                                                                                                                               Saw ads in print media        6%
                                                                                                                                                          Friends/parents/reference group suggested                                                   45%
                                                                                                                                                                                 Trusted brand name                                                42%
                                                  Information Sources
                                                                                                                                                                                                        0%    5%   10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
           Online Personal networks/trusted communities                                                     3.55
                                    Competitor advertising                                   2.88                                             When it comes to money, trust is the most important factor to decide which bank to
                                             Media reports                                    2.95                                            open an account in. Previous brand image and an expert opinion plays a pivotal role
                                           Financial advisor                                        3                                         here
                             Financial comparison webistes                                                    3.71
 Face-to-face discussion with friends, family and colleagues                                                       3.87                                                                          Social Network           Find out more about their products
                                                                                                                                                                   21%                                                    and services
                                                               0     0.5    1    1.5   2     2.5        3      3.5         4     4.5                                                                                      Access my account
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Share budget and spending patterns

                                                                                                                                                               17%                                                        Share great offers related to
Secure and trusted opinions count for banking customers. Personal Networks
and trusted financial communities are the most trusted source of info to be                                                                                           7%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Comment on the level of service I
updated about bank offerings                                                                                                                                                  16%                                         have received

                                                                                                                                              Customers like more interactive platforms.
                                         expectations in terms of paying                                                                      Social media is the most used platform for knowing a bank’s products and services

Prepared to pay for advice on complex products if the
         advice was completely independent
  Prepared to pay for basic services if the services are
    Prepared to pay separately for advice on complex                                                                                                                                                                      Communication clarity
                                                                                                                                                                21%                                                       Standard terms and conditions
Expect advice on complex products to be a part of the
                                                                                                                          76%                                                                                             Service quality
       standard service that the bank provides
                                                           0%       10%    20%   30%   40%     50%          60%       70%       80%                                           24%

Customers need more value in use.                                                                                                             Improved Marketing mix plays an important role.
Most consumers seek expert advice on complex products as a part of standard                                                                   Communication clarity is the most important factor to improve satisfaction among the
service offering                                                                                                                              customers
Switching: Loyalty Program
                                                                                                                                                                               Branchless Banking
  If you actively use three or more products from a                                                                                              24%
bank, that loyalty should be rewarded with lower fees
              or higher rates on deposits                                                       66%
    If you actively use three or more products from a
    bank, that loyalty should be rewarded with better                      58%
                                                                                                                                                                   76%                                                      No

                                                        54%     56%      58%    60%    62%      64%      66%    68%
                                                                                                                       Consumers are changing their banking services usage platform.
                                                                                                                       Most consumers (approx. 76%) prefer branchless banking (entirely online).
Loyalty programs are of utmost importance. Niche customers want their loyalty
to be rewarded by premium offerings (something different from standard)
                                                                                                                                                                    Factors affecting loyalty

                            Loyalty Program Services             Price reductions on bank products and services
                                                                                                                                  Behavior of employees                                                     74%
                                                                 Gifts                                                              Schemes and offers.                                              73%
                              8%                                                                                       Instant response to its customers                                                             76%
                  21%               6%                           Cash-back on credit/debit cards                                            Interest Rates                                                        75%
                                                                 Nothing, I don’t pay any attention to                                         Ease of Use                                                        75%
                                                                 loyalty/rewards programs in banks                                      Quality of Advice                                      72%
                                                                 Premium services from the bank                              Accessibility / Convenience                                                                      78%
              23%                                                                                                                         ATM Locations                                                               76%
                                                                 Price reductions for partnerships
                                                                 (cinema, retailer, etc.)                                        Branch / Bank Locations                                                    74%
                         10% 3%                                  Air miles/hotel points                                            Personal Relationship                                                               76%
                                                                                                                               Brand Image / Reputation                            69%
                                                                                                                            Rewards / Loyalty Programs                                               73%
                                                                                                                                      Recommendations                                                      74%
People are more willing to accept rewards in form of cash back rather than in                                                                                64%     66%         68%     70%         72%       74%        76%       78%   80%
kind. Major consumers value cash back on credit/debit cards as a main source of
rewarding their loyalty                                                                                                Accessibility (presence of ATMs included) and personal relationship are the
                                                                                                                       most important factors in keeping loyalty with a bank
                                               Factors: Internet Banking
                                                                                                                      Factors influeincing banking experience                                              Internet banking
    General assessment about the service                                                        74%
                    Variety of transactions                                                        79%                                                                                                     Mobile banking/payments
                    Speed of page loading                                                                                                  80%                     91%
                                                                                          68%                                                                                                              Social media
                                                                                                                        89%                                                            82%
                  Ease of use/ Navigation                                                              82%
                  Page Setup/ Menu Flow                                                          76%                                65%                                  63%
                                              0%   10%    20%     30%     40%    50%   60%      70%      80%   90%

Nowadays consumers want things to be as simple as possible, so that they do not                                        Internet banking and ATMs are the most influential banking experiences
have to put in much efforts

Competitor Analysis- Social Media Page
                             Axis Bank                 ICICI Bank               Yes Bank                 HDFC Bank                        Citibank

    Facebook page?
   If yes, no of Likes        Yes, 588489               Yes, 822408               Yes, 39303                Yes, 337852                   Yes, 474195

    Twitter page?
     If yes, no of                  52                       6028                     885                        4385                         11646

  No of facebook
                                     9                         8                        7                           3                            7

                         • Mere zindagi ki picture
                         – create your own           • Your Bank Account –                                                             • Cash Back
  What are they?                                                             • Locate us
                         personal movie              on Facebook, lets you
                                                                             • Customer care – Yes                                     • Weigh your wallet –
                                                                                                       • SmartBuy offers -
                         celebrating the moments     check your account                                                                get to know who you
                                                                             Touch Service             exciting deals and
                         • Mere zindagi ka safar –   details, get e-
                                                                             • Product Suite –                                         are when it comes to
                                                                                                       discounts on HDFC Bank
                         reliving the journey of     statements, Upgrade                                                               money
                                                                             savings account, global   Credit Cards with
                         your life                   debit cards, request
                                                                             Indian banking, wealth                                    • My Citibank
                                                                                                       SmartBuy –
                         • Plan your money –         cheque books
                                                                             management                                                privileges –
                                                                                                       computers, electronics,
                         cigarette                   • iArena – the gaming                                                             Personalized Offer
                                                                             program, senior citizen   mobiles, watches, appare
                         calculator, power of 1000   application                                                                       Recommendations
                                                                             program, fixed deposit    l, jewellery, books, gifts, t
                         calculator, eating out      • Khayal aapka photo                                                              from Citibank
                                                                             • Money Monitor –         ravel accessories
                         calculator, mein            contest                                                                           • Connect – Access all
                                                                             personal finance          • Products – Accounts
                         banoonga crorepati          • Product Suite                                                                   your account
                                                                             tracking tool             and Deposits, Credit
                         calculator                  • Bank-on-the-go                                                                  information on
                                                                             • Events                  Cards, Loans, Service
                         • Customer Care             • Offer zone                                                                      Citibank Online
                                                                             • Offers and Privileges   • Twitter
                         • Axis Bank Branch          • Customer care                                                                   • The Delight of Delhi
                                                                             • Twitter
                         • A to Z offers             • Locate us                                                                       •The magic of Mumbai
                         • PicBadges                                                                                                   •Global – continent
                         • Buy Tickets                                                                                                 wise global reach of
                         • Axis Speedpay – pay all                                                                                     Citibank
                         your bills instantly

Kotak meanwhile has only 16868 followers on Facebook and 2 meaningful Fb apps about offers and donate for a cause
Comparative Study: Offers of Banks
                         HDFC                    AXIS                      ICICI                CITI BANK                 YES BANK                 INDUSLAND                       SBI                 KOTAK
Banks                                                                                                                                                                                                 MAHINDRA

Online Shopping   Online shopping         shopping at many         Air, Rail travel          Visit any of the          Debit to                  No specific              Accessories,              Apparel, Artefacts &
                  offers on Mobiles,      major Online stores,     Vouchers, holiday         mentioned websites        savings/current           catalogues on their      automobiles, books,       Collectibles, Astrology
                  other electronic        get to know about        packages, electronic      and buy through           accounts covering         site, just IndusInd      consumer electronics,     Ayurvedic Products,
                  devices, jewellery,     the current special      gadget purchase           reward points             categories                Bank e-Secure            entertainment,            Books & Periodicals
                  watches, gifts and      offers/discounts and     offer, books, toys and                              like Apparels, Hotels,,   confirms your identity   finance, gifts,           Education, Electronics
                  travel accessories      get a preview of the     games, Dining and                                   Gifts, Florists,          through a simple         jewellery etc. One of     & Household Items,
                                          new items added on       culinary treats                                     Electronics, etc          check process when       the largest catalogues    Florists, Gifts, Hotels
                                          to the shelves by                                                                                      you make online          in the industry
                                          these online                                                                                           purchases

Bill Payment      Postpaid and prepaid    Electricity, Gas,        Discount on               Postpaid mobile,          Insurance, donation,      Telephone Bills,         SBI e-PAY- pay for E-     MTNL, BSNL, Airtel &
                  mobile payment .DTH     insurance, mobile and    bookmyshow bill           insurance, DTH,           charity, subscriptions,   Electricity Bills,       ticketing, e-tax,         telephone/mobile
                  services of TATASKY.    telephone, municipal     payment                   donations,                mutual fund, Gas,         Mobile Bills, Recharge   telephone bill,           bills, Electricity Bills,
                  Insurance premium       taxes, mutual funds                                subscriptions ,           Utility, mobile bill      your Prepaid Mobile,     electricity, insurance,   Pay Visa Credit Card
                  and subscriptions of    payment                                            electricity, mobile       payment                   DTH Recharge ,           credit cards              Bills, Pay Insurance
                  India Today                                                                recharge, landline                                  Insurance Premia,                                  Premiums
                                                                                                                                                 Gas Bills

Debit Card        Benefits on fast food   free domestic ATM        Earning Payback           No additional Debit       Attractive discounts      Discounts on apparels    Cash back on debit        Discounts on
                  outlet payments,        transactions, personal   reward points for         card offers               at TGIF stores across     to electronics, from     cards, pay for            shopping at eBay,
Offers            hotel booking and       insurance, only Debit    redemption, cashback                                the county, 20%           dining to travel &       purchases, restaurant     cinemax, infiBeam,
                  online movie tickets    Card that is well and    on mobile recharge,                                 discount on VLCC day,     holiday, from            bills, hotel bills,, tradus,
                  booking                 truly your own, since    Bonus Weekend                                       discount on visiting      jewellery to wellness    airline tickets and       discount on Apollo
                                          you even decide how      offers; for example                                 resorts                                            other purposes            hospital health check
                                          you want it to look.     on buying Apple iPad
                                                                   2 Tablets

Credit card       Easy EMI payment        Use your Axis Bank       Offers on selected        Offers on dining,         shop online, pay          Dining Offers- offers    SBI spiceJet card-Cash    Domestic Flights-
                  offers, online mobile   Card & Get Rs 250 off    dining, cash back on      shopping,                 hotel bills, plan         from the leading         Back, SpiceJet            Rs.250/- caseback per
offers            recharge, travel        on a minimum             fuel purchases,           entertainment, travel     vacation, pay fuel        restaurants, Travel      Discount Vouchers,        booking ID, Domestic
                  bookings, special       purchase of Rs. 999,     entertainment             , paying of EMI (major    charge, pay shopping      Offers- tied up with     Excess Baggage            Holidays:- 7 % cash
                  discounts on family     Extra 15% Off on all     Special ICICI Jet         benefits for credit       bills, accident           the topmost in the       Vouchers, Lounge          back International
                  restaurants             products exclusively     Airways credit card       cards only)               insurance, lost card      airlines, travel and     Access & Incremental      Holidays 10% cash
                                          for Axis Bank Card       (free miles on joining)                             protection                hotel industry           rewards on your           back on base fare
                                          Holders                                                                                                                         spends

Other offers      Special benefits on     relish sumptuous         Prepaid cards to          Loan on credit card,      YES BANK - BAJAJ          All IndusInd Debit                                 Royale Signature Card
                  shopping from eBay      meals at a famous        purchase anytime          Redeem Reward             Allianz Jiyofit           Card holders will get      2% discount to all on -Access to 600 VIP
                  India and     restaurant or get the    and anywhere,             Points in return of air   Programme | A Zero        a discount for           sale of gold coins of 500 Airport Lounges
                                          choicest of consumer     corporate cards for       travel miles, cash        Balance Savings           different travel          grams or more at any Worldwide
                                          durables in super        business travel and       back and other gift       Account with various      services availed at      one time . Holidays and Fuel Surcharge waiver
                                          discounted prices        vendor payments           vouchers                  health benefits  by using        Hotel Booking for SBI Exclusive dining
                                          with and                                                                                      their IndusInd Debit       Credit Card Holders     benefits at the Taj
  Bank Name                  HDFC                          ICICI Bank                     Kotak Mahindra                     CitiBank                      Axis Bank                           Yes Bank
Different Loyalty                                                                                                                                  Titanium Rewards Debit                BAJAJ Allianz Jiyofit
                         My Rewards             Payback, Hand picked Rewards                                                  Suvidha
  Programmes                                                                             Kotak Card Benefits                                        Card, Gold Debit Card                   Programme

                                                                                                                                                                                   A Zero Balance Savings Account
                                                                                                                                                                                   with various health benefits. This
                                                                                                                                                Earn while you spend with our      program looks to promote a
                                                                                                                                                exciting reward program. Get 1 proactive and preventive approach
                                                                                                                                                reward point for every Rs 100 of towards improving one's health &
                                                                                                                                                POS usage on your Titanium         fitness.
                                                                                                                                                Rewards Debit Card. Reward
                    Card member must
                                                                                                                                                points can be redeemed against With the Jiyo Fit Debit Card, you
                    accumulate a minimum of
                                                                                                                                                exciting gifts, merchandise and have the power of healthy options,
General Terms       500 points to be eligible
                                                                                                                                                gift vouchers, need to collect 400 all in the palm of your hand. Get
and Conditions      for redemption of Reward
                                                                                                                                                points before starting to redeem Health Insurance cover, and gain
                    Points in the MyRewards
                                                                                                                                                                                   healthcare benefits such as
                    redemption program
                                                                                                                                                                                   discounts & special offers at gyms
                                                                                                                                                                                   & fitness centres, health-food
                                                                                                                                                                                   restaurants & stores, chemists,
                                                                                                                                                                                   spas, and lots more.

                                                                                     makeMyTrip:Domestic Flights:                             Reward program, enhanced limits
                                                                                     Rs.250/- cashback per booking Using Citibank Suvidha     for cash withdrawl, flexibility of Obopay - Mobile Money Services -
                    Reward points offered on
                                                earn PAYBACK points on purchases     ID, 5% cashback on domestic   Account, the more banking usage, fuel surcharge waiver,       This service will enable consumers
                    different types of credit
                                                from ICICI Bank Credit Cards and     holidays, 7% on international,services you use, the more insurance, access to airport       to transfer money to other
                    cards- points earned on
                                                Debit Cards.                         10% cash back on base fare of Suvidha Loyalty Points you lounges, online payments,          individuals, pay utility bills as well
                    every rupee spent with
                                                                                     the international flights     earn.                      worldwide reach, customer care, as recharge prepaid SIM cards (top-
                    pre-defined merchants
                                                Earn even more points at HPCL,                                                                etc                                ups), by using their mobile devices
                    both online/offline.
                                       and many more                                       You can redeem your
                                                PAYBACK partners in your city or     CineMax: Buy 1 Ticket and Get Suvidha Loyalty Points     Axis Bank has announced the
                    Regalia, Infinia- special
                                                online and redeem your PAYBACK       1 free on Saturday and Sunday online for a wide range of launch of Swipeon, a mobile
                    type of credit card offered
                                                points for fabulous rewards          at         gifts                      phone based card acceptance
                    to the premium
   Feautures        customers to earn up to 8
                                                                                                                                              service which will convert any
                                                Redeem Hand-picked Rewards against Wine and Dine Delights: Save                               mobile phone into a card
                    points on every Rs 150
                                                a wide range of exclusive options.   up to 20% * on dining across                             acceptance device by simply
                                                Choose from fashion to fragrances, 120 restaurants, similar                                   attaching the Mswipe card reader
                                                dining experiences to holidays, home discount options with Nokia                              to the phone.
                                                entertainment to hi-tech gadgets and and ebay
                                                a lot more. Each item has been
                                                carefully hand-picked to ensure that
                                                our card members* get only the best.
                                                                                                              Citi Mobile- Simplest and most
                                                                                 Mobile Banking: Menu driven convinient way of accessing the banking
                                                                                 service - no need to rememberservices while on the move, regular
                                              iMobile- ICICI Bank's mobile       complex codes                updates on the dining offers across the Mobile based card acceptance is
                Android App-This
                                              banking application. Easy,                                      city                                    expected to benefit merchants with
                application helps you
                                              convenient and secure to use,                                                                           home delivery services, cash-on-
                check your account
                                              iMobile lets you transfer funds,                                Use CitiBank Online (on a mobile        delivery agents, taxi drivers and
                balance, transfer funds,
                                              pay bills, book travel or movie                                 browser) to check the balances in your others as they can easily accept
                pay your bills and conduct
                                              tickets, recharge your prepaid                                  linked accounts—checking, savings,      card payments on the go, with very
                many other transactions
                                              mobile and DTH, locate an ATM                                   credit card, home equity or personal    small investments on their part.
                while on the move
Mobile Apps                                   etc                                                             lines and loans, and mortgages
                                                                                                                                                      Enjoy surcharge waiver on fuel
 and other      ngpay App- you can bank
                                                                                                              Pay bills and track payments            spends at all fuel stations across
 feautures      on the move. With ngpay
                                                                                                                                                      India with your Axis Bank Titanium
                you get a range of services
                                                                                                              Deposit checks into your personal       Rewards Debit Card. There will be a
                from a network of
                                                                                                              checking account using your mobile      cap of Rs. 200 on the monthly
                partners. Book tickets,
                                                                                                              device                                  amount of fuel surcharge waived
                shop or transfer funds,
                                                                                                                                                      and no reward points will be
                there are so many
                                                                                                              See recent activity                     awarded on fuel purchases
                                                                                                              Transfer money between your Citi
                                                                                                              Send money to other people with

                                                                                 Check your account balances
                                                                                 for Current, Savings & Term
                                                                                 Deposit accounts
                                                                                 Transfer funds between your
                                                                                 accounts or other accounts in
                                                                                 Kotak Bank
                                                                                 Send and receive money from                                          The Titanium Rewards Debit Card
                10% Off on Domestic
                                                                                 your mobile instantly via                                            grants you access to premium
                Flights subject to
                                                                                 Interbank Mobile Payment                                             airport lounges in
                maximum of Rs. 200
                                                                                 Service (IMPS)                                                       Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai
                10% Off on International
                                                                                 Make payments to selected                                            and Kochi.                          Discounts & Special Offers from
                Flights subject to
                                                                                 merchants via IMPS Merchant                                                                              Gyms, Spas, Beauty Clinics,
                maximum of Rs. 500/-
                                                                                 Payments                                                             No more waiting in long queues. Diagnostic Centers and Retail
Discounts and                                                                                                                                         Pay your telephone, mobile or       Chains
                10% Off on Domestic
 other offers                                                               Purchase & redeem Mutual                                                  utility bills, book movie, train or Cashless admission to Bajaj
                Hotels subject to maximum
                                                                            Fund units                                                                flight tickets or shop online from Allianz networked hospitals just
                of Rs. 500 on ebay
                                                                            Report loss/theft of Debit                                                the comfort of your home using      by producing the Jiyo Fit card at
                                                                            Card and request for                                                      your Titanium Rewards Debit Card. the counter
                Credit Card Shopping- 5%
                                                                            replacement                                                                                                   nstant & Hassle-free claim
                                         Travel Vouchers with Check status of your Cheque                                                 Extra 15% Off on all products       preauthorization and re-
                Debit Card- 5% Off
                                         Cashback on booking with           instruments                                                               exclusively for Axis Bank Card      imbursement using the Jiyo Fit
                Net Banking- 10% Off
                                                    Request issue of new Cheque                                               Holders                             Card
                                         Discounts at selected outlets      book                                                                      Use your Axis Bank Card & Get       Special Offers from Brands,
                                                                            Pay Utility Bills to over 150                                             Rs 250 off on a minimum purchase Airlines, Hotels and Restaurants
                                         15% Discount at dining at selected service providers                                                         of Rs. 999 by using Promocode       Earn and Redeem loyalty points
                                         restuarants                                                                                                  AXIS250.                            at Partner Outlets
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Lessons in marketing excellence 4 faded flame iimk

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Lessons in marketing excellence 4 faded flame iimk

  • 1. TEAM: FADED FLAME IIM KOZHIKODE Sector – BFSI Company – Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited Anshul Kumar Arnab Guha Mallik Abhisek Paul Ph: 8086087963 Ph: 8943994677 Ph:8943707444
  • 2. OBJECTIVE  Kotak Mahindra Bank wishes to establish itself as the pre-eminent bank of choice for the mass affluent of India.  Kotak Mahindra’s offering of 6% on savings account has been a marketing success met by increased savings account deposits.  However, it was not the only bank to do so. Competitors like Yes Bank and IndusInd Bank have also increased the offering on savings account post the RBI deregulation.  In spite of other banks still offering 4% on the savings account, Kotak Mahindra has not been able to match them yet in terms of market share and popularity.  In such a competitive scenario, depending on just the PRICING strategy is not sufficient.  what is needed is the improvement and opportunities in the other levers of the marketing mix of the financial products and services that it offers, so that it is able to differentiate itself from the competitors in the coming future. Primary Research Overview Modern day banking customers are taking greater control of their banking relationships. They are ready to switch banks and demand improvements. Banks in turn need to re-evaluate their strategies and the way they interact with their customers. T hey need to give their customers greater flexibility, choice and control and focus on consumer needs and engagement Sample Overview Number of respondents – 79 24% of the respondents were between the age 21-25 years, 35% in between 26-30 years, 21% between 31-35 years and 20% greater than 35 Consumer Survey Insights 1. Bank loyalty is high in consumers , however most are unwilling to shift from/change their current bank 2. Trust is the most important factor while opening a new bank account. Previous band image and an expert opinion plays a pivotal role here 3. Personal Networks and trusted financial communities are the most trusted source of info to be updated about bank offerings 4. Social media is the most used platform for knowing a bank’s products and services
  • 3. Consumer Survey Insights 1. Communication clarity is the most important factor to improve 1. Most consumers (approx. 76%) prefer branchless banking satisfaction among the customers (entirely online) 2. Most consumers seek expert advice on complex products as a 2. Accessibility (presence of ATMs included) and personal part of standard service offering relationship are the most important factors in keeping loyalty 3. Major consumers value cash back on credit/debit cards as a with a bank main source of rewarding their loyalty 3. Internet banking and ATMs are the most influential banking 4. Niche customers want their loyalty to be rewarded by experiences premium offerings (something different from standard) 4. Ease of Use/Navigation in internet banking is the most valued by customers IMPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATION Customer should be allowed to shape their own experience Shift marketing from “push” to “pull” • The growing importance of word of mouth, reference group and the waning power of direct selling have implications for banks’ marketing strategies. • The strategy should be Pull i.e. turning their satisfied customers as advocates. They can also influence online affinity groups as marketers by letting them select and shape the communications they receive. Develop flexible loyalty programs • Banks need to capitalize on customers’ growing enrolment in loyalty programs. • Most customers enjoy financial rewards. Although costly, such rewards offer huge potential benefits in loyalty and advocacy. • Banks should tailor programs for affinity groups and let customers choose rewards based on their value to the bank. Some more figures 76% of the respondents were male. 79% of the respondents earned between 5 to 15 lacs of salary annually 41% of the respondents have changed their primary account earlier
  • 4. IMPLICATIONS AND INTERPRETATION Focus on customers need, give them more flexibility Move from multi-channel to omni-channel distribution Focus on Customer Care • Customers care more about convenience than about channels. • Banks must provide relevant information and advice. They • Banks need to look beyond multi-channel toward a fully integrated banking experience that also need to address grievances of the consumers in a combines the advantages of physical branches and in-person interactions with the short time frame. information-rich digital channels. • Hence banks need to be responsive and receptive • Omni-channel distribution leverages customer data gathered from branches, website visits, social media and elsewhere. •Banks should encourage customers to •The use of cutting-edge technology Technology will be key use digital channels whenever possible. is vital to all these implications.. Seamless integration with digital and other •Banks should determine which services •Technology can also help to maintain customers want to handle through inexpensive media all focused on customer needs intimacy and sustainable relationship branches and encourage — not force — as customers move towards digital other transactions to move to digital banking and greater self-service.. channels Make low-cost digital channels Use innovative technology to deliver customers’ preferred choice the retail bank of the future The 3 PILLARS DELIVERING VALUE to CUSTOMERS OUR DECISIONS Focus on customer Reward Focus on mobile engagement through customers, keep banking Social Media them engaged Use SMS Social Media Improve technology Loyalty Programs Use social media to Focus on loyalty services to make banking easier programs not simplify Build a strong only for present Bring out new relationship through customers but technologies improved Customer also new customers Online account care opening
  • 5. Interaction Plot of the Private Sector Banks in the Social Media Space Interactivity level 3 From the measures the interaction plot engagement of 2.5 and the social banks like replying to grade table, we Interactivity Level customers, and other 2 see KOTAK lies interactive campaigns carried below other out 1.5 competitive banks in the social media 1 space.  Great No of channels include the 0.5 opportunity, tim total no of social media sites e to improve. employed by the bank like 0 twitter, Facebook, blog etc. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No of Channels Kotak meanwhile has only 16868 followers Banks No of Channels Social Grades Social Media Grades for the on Facebook and 2 HDFC BANK 8 3.06 Private Sector Banks in India meaningful Facebook ICICI BANK 8 2.81 apps about offers and The Social Media Grades shows how donate for a cause AXIS BANK 5 2.28 active the banks are in the social (check appendix for CITI BANK 5 2.02 media space detailed comparison) YES BANK 6 1.97 Calculated on a scale of 5, the KOTAK MAHINDRA 5 1.62 interactivity level of the banks in Twitter handle not utilized much STANDARD CHARETERED 4 1.8 Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube for all banks opportunities for and Blogs are taken into more interactions and INDUS IND BANK 4 1.24 consideration engagement ING VYSYA BANK 3 0.79 SOUTH INDIAN BANK 3 0.72 No of channels represents the bank’s presence in any social networking Data Taken from simplify360 KARNATAKA BANK 3 0.57 sites social media analytics platform © BANK OF PUNJAB 2 0.36 InRev Systems 2011
  • 6. Social media is an opportunity that can no longer be ignored Negative word-of- mouth spreads fast Build Connections & Network especially in the social • It’s FREE, but you must invest time To Listen & Learn media and it is • No event needed, no walls to stop you There are thousands of intelligent people and essential to engage • Engage with customers, understand them, foster companies sharing ideas, links, blog proactively with such relationships through innovative channels. posts, websites, case studies, opinions and more customers It is essential to To Market, Show Expertise & Transparency engage with InfluencersSocial Media is full of them. customers to attract •Social media allows a broadcast medium for you to communicate & market • Content Producers: They are new customers as • Promote your own web or blog content Tweeters, Bloggers, highly social, willing to link, talk well as to understand • Announce new services / products about and contribute. • Offer specials or promotions • They communicate and market for you the needs of • Provide visibility into your operation customers Opportunity Assessment Matrix THE VALUE OF SOCIAL MEDIA??  It’s not a silver bullet, it’s how you use it.  Social media should not be isolated or stand alone. We must Integrate all of our marketing tools to work TOGETHER and even pass through each other ROI for social networking, creating widgets, blogging etc. have fairly high ROIs
  • 7. SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY According to Forrester Research 55% of consumers want ongoing conversations with companies and brands. 89% said they would feel more loyal to a brand if they were invited to take part in a feedback group. We as a team suggest some SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES AND EVENTS TO DRIVE LOYALTY, ENGAGEMENT and REVENUE Facebook apps 4 Customer Care APP: (KOTAK MAHINDRA CUSTOMER CARE: “WITH YOU, FOR YOU” ) We suggest the increase in apps on FB to 9 from 1 as of now  FACILITIES (Promise to get back within 7 working days)  Click on the Customer Care app and you are taken to a page with the following options: Login into bank account app on FACEBOOK 1 1. Check balance 1. Online form: The customer fills in his details and elaborately describes the problem 2. Check transaction history 2. GUI: Enter location in dropdown menu to get free hotline Gives flexibility, ease and choice to consumers. They decide the nos. of the customer care of that particular city way to log into their bank account Customers do not have to search on the internet for specific city nos., they can go to Facebook and easily find KOTAK MAHINDRA ASSISTS: A page where information about out. Better service + Flexibility 2 banking, ATM banking and all other functions/basic information 3. Give the name of a customer care officer and her/his are explained as FAQs. The page will also contain information email id and ask customers to write to her about Kotak’s various products and services 4. If not satisfied someone higher in authority (Name, email  Simplifies banking services for consumers and designation)  Promotion about their own services: FREE More personalized services; shows that Kotak cares more about the well- being of their customer and how highly they are valued Payments APP: Currently present only through net banking  DEDICATED “ASK_KOTAK” TWITTER PAGE: Customers to ask or 3 extend to both mobile banking and Facebook i.e. both the note down their grievances against Kotak Mahindra mobile app and Facebook app to contain payment options  They can track problems of customers as and when tweeted.  Rationale: gives the consumer more flexibility and Replying with a solution helps in building a better image in the choice. Becomes so easy for a customer to pay bills minds of the consumers  TWITTER still untapped by banks from wherever he/she feels comfortable from.  LIVE CHAT (CONSUMER SERVICE)  Mobile banking payments will allow him to pay bills 1. Through facebook on the go as and when remembered 2. GOOGLE+ HANGOUT  Same footing as other competitors All Kotak will need is a dedicated team of about 10 people handling  App containing different payment options: Enter customer requests who are not even afraid to apologize! Leverage details and pay “WITH YOU, FOR YOU” SLOGAN 1. Mobile, 2. DTH, 3.Insurance premium, 4. Electricity, 5. Gas, 6. Taxes and 7. Mutual funds Detailed comparisons of banks: Social Media Page Appendix
  • 8. SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY Link the current communication strategy on SUBBU’s saving tips to offers and apps on Facebook Get deals APPs: (discounts or cash back offer) BUILD AND 5 IMPROVE UPON THE ALREADY PRESENT SERVICES  dining : Select outlets e.g.  Make a status update  Tag us  Enjoy upto 30% savings on restaurants etc. Now  shopping : Online shopping through ecommerce portals  Offers + mobile service e.g. Earlier 1. Make a purchase 2. Register like get jabong 5767676 and get vouchers  Travel: Railways, buses and air. Tie ups with travel booking sites like make my trip and Expedia etc.  Entertainment : Movie and concert tickets  others(gifts) The figure on the right side shows the current marketing campaign highlighting the great offers on The Deals are primarily directed at the Loyalty Program E-Commerce platform earlier Subbu advised to shop online now Kotak is giving the same Increasing the offers on display to drive loyalty offers only to save MONEY Using Social Media to promotes such deals and Linking the 2 communication easy building and leveraging the successful campaign using encouraging use of mobile app and SMS increases SUBBU as an advisor engagement 6 App to calculate savings 1. Anti-smoking campaign: Calculate the amount you can save on cigarettes link to Subbu’s Saving tip 2. Save electricity campaign: link to Subbu’s Saving tip Subbu is used in marketing communication to talk about savings. Leverage the same to promote about social and environmentally relevant topics. Creates better brand image The figure shows the transition  communication earlier on the FB page to now Same message and source to highlight relevant issues
  • 9. SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY OTHER PROMOTIONS • Announce new branch openings on Facebook 7 Find us/Store Locator • Giving away Monthly vouchers worth Rs 1000 – Login to Kotak Mobile during the offer period Apply for recruitment: easy way to screen and inexpensive – Do any of the following transactions and stand a chance to win*: 8 • Transfer funds, Recharge pre-paid mobile, Pay utility bills or Pay credit card bills 9 Video repository showing usage of ATMs and other basic • Weekly contests on Facebook needs – Play a movie quiz every Wednesday to win couple movie tickets for every new Friday release FB CONTESTS to drive engagements and Revenue “SPENDING IS FUN” contest!! KOTAK MAHINDRA “Time to keep playing” Contest!!!  Create a special app for a monthly contest: • Target audience: 18-25 year old males!!  Duration 3 months; Customers tor register on the • Rationale: A lot of youth open bank accounts at this stage and are well aware application of offers and tech savvy too  Customers have to start spending with their Kotak • What is it?? : An online communities of youth where they take part in a variety Mahindra Bank debit card to collect coupons. The app of events such as discussions, quizzes, polls about banking, problems they are will be interactive to show the no. of coupons collected facing, changes they want etc.  Every Rs500/- spent in a single transaction gives you a coupon. Every incremental Rs500/- on the same receipt 1. They get funds for each such activity which is measured by a tracker in the app. gives you another coupon. Every 6 such coupons gives a 2. There will be a referral option where one can refer the app to his friends and chance to win one of 8 Samsung Galaxy S2/ Nokia Lumia post on their walls. If his friends register, the customer gets 500 points as funds 800 smartphones to be given away monthly for every such referral.  Collect 12 such coupons to complete a card. The 3. With the funds one can redeem a prize like Xbox 360s, PS3s. Samsung Galaxy customer with the maximum no of cards will win a laptop S2s, Nikon DSLRs or an IPAD. 4. Every participant with over 10000 points are given a free account with the  One can earn extra coupons by inviting friends to sign up bank and spend using their CIMB Bank debit cards. Customers Serves as a community/forum. Helpful to get new ideas easy and inexpensive will also get bonus coupons at selected merchants. way of market research Gets many people on board reach increases and so does  ENGAGEMENT on Playing, REVENUE generated from the awareness. INCREASES ENGAGEMENT AND CREATES BRAND AWARENESS spending and LOYALTY from the OFFERS + ADVOCACY
  • 10. CREATING VALUE: Dedicated Customer Loyalty Program: Both a Challenge and an opportunity We suggest 2 loyalty programs  Cutting measures due to financial pressures has made it more important to closely monitor customer experience. “ ” : Kotak’s new Loyalty program (overview)  Increasing the share in the customer’s wallet is the new mantra  Will emphasize majorly on creating a relationship with the  Customers expect same level of service across all the touch customer at all the touch points (including online and points and expect a fair and transparent treatment. offline)  Today’s banking customers are spoilt for choice. With few  Will reward customers for their relationships in entirety: barriers to entry, customer preferences have become and not just on the number of transactions and usage. increasingly mobile.  Kotak would consistently value its customers irrespective of  Customer loyalty is a precious commodity which must be the revenues they bring safeguarded at any cost  Inclusive Loyalty Program: Less stringent criteria to qualify How? for loyalty rewards in this particular program  Visibility is extremely important when it comes to a loyalty  Rewarding longevity: offering greater rewards to customers Program. that have stayed with the bank for the longest length of time  Banks need to have a dedicated loyalty program in order to or made repeat purchases differentiate in an industry of similar financial products and services “Lasting Accord”: Special Loyalty Program for premium customers (overview) Kotak Mahindra Bank’s current position in terms of a loyalty  Special admiration given to the “premium customers” program through this reward scheme  KMB offers its major loyalty offerings currently by discounts and  These customers made aware that they are a high value cashbacks on platforms such as, CineMax asset for the bank with interaction programs , Dining offers and similar offers with Nokia and eBay  A premium customer should be highly visible in a lot of all customers- added value  Kotak appears to favour product usage or transaction frequency.  Bank to reward premium usage such as flying business class  Since banks’ businesses are hugely relationship oriented, their by corporate clients, 5 star, resort booking with a specially loyalty programs must also be of similar persuasion designed KMB’s credit card only for its premium customers  customers need to be rewarded on every aspect of the relationship (not just on number of transactions) Detailed Comparison of loyalty programs: Check APPENDIX
  • 11. Delivering Value: Launching Kotak Mahindra Bank’s dedicated Loyalty Program “ ” : (detail) Salient Features  Encouraging the use of latest mediums: Each time a customer uses mobile or Internet banking, subscribes to alerts via SMS or visits an ATM instead of a branch, he or she is awarded reward points  Kotak will create “Customers are Owners” network which will aim to reward customers for “everyday banking”, and acknowledge the importance of both the depth and monetary value of customer relationships  Automatic membership to the program as soon as a customer opens a bank account with Kotak: creating a pull  By rewarding the full scope of relationships ranging from checking and savings to loan applications, the program encourages customers to do more with Kotak, and also with their cards  Inclusive loyalty program: This program will include all the Kotak bank customers and while this may create a “feel good” factor for the customers, it would create a sustainable relationship with each and every customer of the bank  Redeem the reward points for a number of inbuilt online features and schemes over a wide range of products and services PRINT AD 1
  • 12. “Lasting Accord” : For premium customers (detail) Salient Features  Reward points offered on a special premium credit card called “superioron” offered just to premium customers identified by Kotak- points earned on every rupee spent with predefined merchants both online/offline. Customers to earn up to 10 points on every Rs 150 spent  Option of redeeming the points with cash back, e-vouchers for major fast food outlets, fare reduction with major airlines  Redeem your points online  Log into internet banking  Click on ‘Premier Card’ within the ‘My Accounts’ section  Click on ‘Superioron Rewards’  Redeem your points by phone  Have your Kotak Premier Credit Card account number to hand  Place your order with the specially dedicated Kotak Premier team  Kotak will create “Premium ownership” network which will aim to reward premium customers for “everyday banking”, and portray the estimation of the premium customers’ importance for the bank PRINT AD 2
  • 13. TECHNOLOGY IS KEY!! PROMOTE NEW FEATURES OF TECHNOLGY OR MOBILE BANKING ON Online Account opening: 3 DAY GUARANTEE!! FACEBOOK  MOBILE SERVICES: With your User ID and password in place online banking is smooth, convenient, easy . Easy way to Kotak Mahindra provides links to download the forms which can be filled and remember net banking id, next time you are shopping online submitted in the nearest branch to open account.  Sms “userid” to a no like 567676  IMPROVEMENT POSSIBLE  Mobile recharge for DTH and cellphone: Type KOTM <mobile Customers on filling the form online would be sent a welcome kit , cheque no><operator><recharge amount><last 6 digits of the debit book including a working ATM/debit card within 2 days card (net banking user id)> very innovative and adds VALUE A banking correspondent would deliver it. as it removes the need of internet, sure to garner huge He will take the signatures and other proofs from the doors tep interest and adoption The account will then be activated in 24 hours. Promote usage of Mobile banking with offers: ”Kotak Mahindra brings to you banking anytime anywhere. Transact using the Kotak Mahindra Thus from the form fill-up to account opening duration =3 days flat Mobile App and get a chance to win Flipkart vouchers everyday!!” The option of opening a bank account will be available through Easy to use, people know how to SMS- more convenience and flexibilty Internet, mobile as well Facebook to consumers SUGGESTION KEEPING CONSUMER NEED IN MIND ADDS VALUE Complete Branchless Banking Cash acceptor RFID for personalized service The Need for Personalized service What is the Need? What is Branchless Banking? • Although employees can not know the • One of the main hindrances to • Branchless banking means you do not names of every customer who comes complete branchless banking is the need to go to the branch of the bank to through the door, many clients may limitation that deposits have to be open an account. Its all done online. All expect them to do so, and do not want made at the branches only. transaction are also online. If you need a to announce their own names However, with the help of cash demand draft or a cheque book, it will be How will the bank leverage? acceptors, this limitation could be delivered to your home. The advantage is overcome. convenience of banking, lower • When the customer leaves the What it is? transaction costs and higher interest bank, the readers again capture the card's ID number, indicating a • The machine called cash acceptor — rates. transaction has been completed. The that looks like an ATM — where you bank can evaluate how long customers can deposit cash. The machine not waited before being selected by only counts the cash, but also someone from the relationship- authenticates the notes and credits management team, as well as how long the money to your account in real the client took to complete a time. transaction. Makes life easier for consumers
  • 14. INNOVATIVE SERVICE Differentiation  INTRODUCE PREPAID CARD  Purpose of the card is to check spending: in line with the advice given by SUBBU (leverage Subbu for marketing communication of Prepaid Cards)  This Prepaid Card is a smart solution for small businesses or families looking to manage their day-to-day finances HOW to USE? ADVANTAGES LOAD It's If the Card is • Add money online or by phone, from a bank account or No prepaid, so lost or stolen with cash. Protection if overspending, you can only you won't be the Card is no overdraft spend what's responsible SPEND lost or stolen fees preloaded on for fraudulent the Card.. charges • You, or the people for whom you've ordered the Card, can use the Card at millions of locations around the world: in stores, online, and at ATMs. OTHER VERSIONS: Liberty Prepaid card REPEAT For: School Children • You can reload the Card as often as you wish either online or by phone. Plus, you and the people for whom you've School Children Use Parents Load It It Both Track It ordered the Card can set up an online account to check the Card balance, view transactions and set up alerts. Parents can add Use it at millions of Both parents and Maximum and monthly load limits apply money online or by locations around children can log in phone, with a bank the world: in stores log in to check the account and online, ATMs Liberty Perpaid , movie Card balance, view theaters, restaurant transaction history OTHER ADVANTAGES s and more. and set up alerts. BENEFITS: Permanent Card-members can:  No account required  View real-time transaction history and monitor spending.  Brand awareness amongst youngsters: Chances of being loyal when they grow up  Receive email or text alerts for low funds or notifications when  Parents do not have to worry about their children carrying cash or debit/credit card a transaction has occurred. (Check with your mobile service OTHER VERSIONS: Campus Connect card provider for fees that may apply to text messages.)  Disable/enable ATM access for the Card.  Inquire about Card balance 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Specifically for college going students  Schedule reloading of funds automatically. Resident Programs Spend thrift, good way to attract USE SUBBU SAVING TIPS FOR COMMUNICATING THIS SPECIFIC CARD INNOVATIVE PRODUCT IN NATURE DELIVERS VALUE CREATES BRAND AWARENESS
  • 15. APPENDIX  Primary research findings with graphs  Competitor Analysis- Social Media Page  Comparative Study: Offers of Banks  LOYALTY PROGRAM COMPARISON OF BANKS  Other technologies suggested
  • 16. Results of the Primary Research: Survey Number of respondents – 79 Males – 74%, Females- 26% Income range: <5 lakhs – 19%, 5-10 lakhs – 48%, >10 lakhs – 33% Age group: 21-25 yrs – 24%, 26-30 yrs - 35%, 31-35 yrs - 21%, >35 yrs – 20% bank shift Selection of new banks: factors 24% Bank loyalty is high in consumers. Others 6% Most customers are unwilling to shift Came across a promotional campaign in the city/mall/stores etc 6% Yes from/change their current bank. But poor services can woo them away My previous experience with the new bank was good, so opened … 38% 76% No Saw/Heard ads in TV/Radio/Movies 6% Saw ads in print media 6% Friends/parents/reference group suggested 45% Trusted brand name 42% Information Sources 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Online Personal networks/trusted communities 3.55 Competitor advertising 2.88 When it comes to money, trust is the most important factor to decide which bank to Media reports 2.95 open an account in. Previous brand image and an expert opinion plays a pivotal role Financial advisor 3 here Financial comparison webistes 3.71 Face-to-face discussion with friends, family and colleagues 3.87 Social Network Find out more about their products 21% and services 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Access my account 39% Share budget and spending patterns 17% Share great offers related to Secure and trusted opinions count for banking customers. Personal Networks banking and trusted financial communities are the most trusted source of info to be 7% Comment on the level of service I updated about bank offerings 16% have received Customers like more interactive platforms. expectations in terms of paying Social media is the most used platform for knowing a bank’s products and services Prepared to pay for advice on complex products if the 12% advice was completely independent 17% Improvements Prepared to pay for basic services if the services are 62% improved 38% Prepared to pay separately for advice on complex Communication clarity 24% products 21% Standard terms and conditions Expect advice on complex products to be a part of the 76% Service quality standard service that the bank provides Personalization 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 24% Customers need more value in use. Improved Marketing mix plays an important role. Most consumers seek expert advice on complex products as a part of standard Communication clarity is the most important factor to improve satisfaction among the service offering customers
  • 17. Switching: Loyalty Program Branchless Banking If you actively use three or more products from a 24% bank, that loyalty should be rewarded with lower fees or higher rates on deposits 66% Yes If you actively use three or more products from a bank, that loyalty should be rewarded with better 58% 76% No service 54% 56% 58% 60% 62% 64% 66% 68% Consumers are changing their banking services usage platform. Most consumers (approx. 76%) prefer branchless banking (entirely online). Loyalty programs are of utmost importance. Niche customers want their loyalty to be rewarded by premium offerings (something different from standard) Factors affecting loyalty Loyalty Program Services Price reductions on bank products and services Behavior of employees 74% Gifts Schemes and offers. 73% 8% Instant response to its customers 76% 21% 6% Cash-back on credit/debit cards Interest Rates 75% Nothing, I don’t pay any attention to Ease of Use 75% loyalty/rewards programs in banks Quality of Advice 72% Premium services from the bank Accessibility / Convenience 78% 29% 23% ATM Locations 76% Price reductions for partnerships (cinema, retailer, etc.) Branch / Bank Locations 74% 10% 3% Air miles/hotel points Personal Relationship 76% Brand Image / Reputation 69% Rewards / Loyalty Programs 73% Recommendations 74% People are more willing to accept rewards in form of cash back rather than in 64% 66% 68% 70% 72% 74% 76% 78% 80% kind. Major consumers value cash back on credit/debit cards as a main source of rewarding their loyalty Accessibility (presence of ATMs included) and personal relationship are the most important factors in keeping loyalty with a bank Factors: Internet Banking Factors influeincing banking experience Internet banking General assessment about the service 74% Variety of transactions 79% Mobile banking/payments Speed of page loading 80% 91% 68% Social media 89% 82% Ease of use/ Navigation 82% Telephone Page Setup/ Menu Flow 76% 65% 63% ATM 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Branches Nowadays consumers want things to be as simple as possible, so that they do not Internet banking and ATMs are the most influential banking experiences have to put in much efforts LINK OF SURVEY:
  • 18. Competitor Analysis- Social Media Page Axis Bank ICICI Bank Yes Bank HDFC Bank Citibank Facebook page? If yes, no of Likes Yes, 588489 Yes, 822408 Yes, 39303 Yes, 337852 Yes, 474195 Twitter page? If yes, no of 52 6028 885 4385 11646 followers No of facebook apps 9 8 7 3 7 • Mere zindagi ki picture – create your own • Your Bank Account – • Cash Back What are they? • Locate us personal movie on Facebook, lets you • Customer care – Yes • Weigh your wallet – • SmartBuy offers - celebrating the moments check your account get to know who you Touch Service exciting deals and • Mere zindagi ka safar – details, get e- • Product Suite – are when it comes to discounts on HDFC Bank reliving the journey of statements, Upgrade money savings account, global Credit Cards with your life debit cards, request Indian banking, wealth • My Citibank SmartBuy – • Plan your money – cheque books management privileges – computers, electronics, cigarette • iArena – the gaming Personalized Offer program, senior citizen mobiles, watches, appare calculator, power of 1000 application Recommendations program, fixed deposit l, jewellery, books, gifts, t calculator, eating out • Khayal aapka photo from Citibank • Money Monitor – ravel accessories calculator, mein contest • Connect – Access all personal finance • Products – Accounts banoonga crorepati • Product Suite your account tracking tool and Deposits, Credit calculator • Bank-on-the-go information on • Events Cards, Loans, Service • Customer Care • Offer zone Citibank Online • Offers and Privileges • Twitter • Axis Bank Branch • Customer care • The Delight of Delhi • Twitter • A to Z offers • Locate us •The magic of Mumbai • PicBadges •Global – continent • Buy Tickets wise global reach of • Axis Speedpay – pay all Citibank your bills instantly Kotak meanwhile has only 16868 followers on Facebook and 2 meaningful Fb apps about offers and donate for a cause
  • 19. Comparative Study: Offers of Banks HDFC AXIS ICICI CITI BANK YES BANK INDUSLAND SBI KOTAK Banks MAHINDRA Online Shopping Online shopping shopping at many Air, Rail travel Visit any of the Debit to No specific Accessories, Apparel, Artefacts & offers on Mobiles, major Online stores, Vouchers, holiday mentioned websites savings/current catalogues on their automobiles, books, Collectibles, Astrology other electronic get to know about packages, electronic and buy through accounts covering site, just IndusInd consumer electronics, Ayurvedic Products, devices, jewellery, the current special gadget purchase reward points categories Bank e-Secure entertainment, Books & Periodicals watches, gifts and offers/discounts and offer, books, toys and like Apparels, Hotels,, confirms your identity finance, gifts, Education, Electronics travel accessories get a preview of the games, Dining and Gifts, Florists, through a simple jewellery etc. One of & Household Items, new items added on culinary treats Electronics, etc check process when the largest catalogues Florists, Gifts, Hotels to the shelves by you make online in the industry these online purchases retailers/service providers Bill Payment Postpaid and prepaid Electricity, Gas, Discount on Postpaid mobile, Insurance, donation, Telephone Bills, SBI e-PAY- pay for E- MTNL, BSNL, Airtel & mobile payment .DTH insurance, mobile and bookmyshow bill insurance, DTH, charity, subscriptions, Electricity Bills, ticketing, e-tax, telephone/mobile services of TATASKY. telephone, municipal payment donations, mutual fund, Gas, Mobile Bills, Recharge telephone bill, bills, Electricity Bills, Insurance premium taxes, mutual funds subscriptions , Utility, mobile bill your Prepaid Mobile, electricity, insurance, Pay Visa Credit Card and subscriptions of payment electricity, mobile payment DTH Recharge , credit cards Bills, Pay Insurance India Today recharge, landline Insurance Premia, Premiums Gas Bills Debit Card Benefits on fast food free domestic ATM Earning Payback No additional Debit Attractive discounts Discounts on apparels Cash back on debit Discounts on outlet payments, transactions, personal reward points for card offers at TGIF stores across to electronics, from cards, pay for shopping at eBay, Offers hotel booking and insurance, only Debit redemption, cashback the county, 20% dining to travel & purchases, restaurant cinemax, infiBeam, online movie tickets Card that is well and on mobile recharge, discount on VLCC day, holiday, from bills, hotel bills,, tradus, booking truly your own, since Bonus Weekend discount on visiting jewellery to wellness airline tickets and discount on Apollo you even decide how offers; for example resorts other purposes hospital health check you want it to look. on buying Apple iPad 2 Tablets Credit card Easy EMI payment Use your Axis Bank Offers on selected Offers on dining, shop online, pay Dining Offers- offers SBI spiceJet card-Cash Domestic Flights- offers, online mobile Card & Get Rs 250 off dining, cash back on shopping, hotel bills, plan from the leading Back, SpiceJet Rs.250/- caseback per offers recharge, travel on a minimum fuel purchases, entertainment, travel vacation, pay fuel restaurants, Travel Discount Vouchers, booking ID, Domestic bookings, special purchase of Rs. 999, entertainment , paying of EMI (major charge, pay shopping Offers- tied up with Excess Baggage Holidays:- 7 % cash discounts on family Extra 15% Off on all Special ICICI Jet benefits for credit bills, accident the topmost in the Vouchers, Lounge back International restaurants products exclusively Airways credit card cards only) insurance, lost card airlines, travel and Access & Incremental Holidays 10% cash for Axis Bank Card (free miles on joining) protection hotel industry rewards on your back on base fare Holders spends Other offers Special benefits on relish sumptuous Prepaid cards to Loan on credit card, YES BANK - BAJAJ All IndusInd Debit Royale Signature Card shopping from eBay meals at a famous purchase anytime Redeem Reward Allianz Jiyofit Card holders will get 2% discount to all on -Access to 600 VIP India and restaurant or get the and anywhere, Points in return of air Programme | A Zero a discount for sale of gold coins of 500 Airport Lounges choicest of consumer corporate cards for travel miles, cash Balance Savings different travel grams or more at any Worldwide durables in super business travel and back and other gift Account with various services availed at one time . Holidays and Fuel Surcharge waiver discounted prices vendor payments vouchers health benefits by using Hotel Booking for SBI Exclusive dining with and their IndusInd Debit Credit Card Holders benefits at the Taj card.
  • 20. LOYALTY PROGRAM COMPARISON OF BANKS (1/2) Bank Name HDFC ICICI Bank Kotak Mahindra CitiBank Axis Bank Yes Bank Different Loyalty Titanium Rewards Debit BAJAJ Allianz Jiyofit My Rewards Payback, Hand picked Rewards Suvidha Programmes Kotak Card Benefits Card, Gold Debit Card Programme A Zero Balance Savings Account with various health benefits. This Earn while you spend with our program looks to promote a exciting reward program. Get 1 proactive and preventive approach reward point for every Rs 100 of towards improving one's health & POS usage on your Titanium fitness. Rewards Debit Card. Reward Card member must points can be redeemed against With the Jiyo Fit Debit Card, you accumulate a minimum of exciting gifts, merchandise and have the power of healthy options, General Terms 500 points to be eligible gift vouchers, need to collect 400 all in the palm of your hand. Get and Conditions for redemption of Reward points before starting to redeem Health Insurance cover, and gain Points in the MyRewards healthcare benefits such as redemption program discounts & special offers at gyms & fitness centres, health-food restaurants & stores, chemists, spas, and lots more. makeMyTrip:Domestic Flights: Reward program, enhanced limits Rs.250/- cashback per booking Using Citibank Suvidha for cash withdrawl, flexibility of Obopay - Mobile Money Services - Reward points offered on earn PAYBACK points on purchases ID, 5% cashback on domestic Account, the more banking usage, fuel surcharge waiver, This service will enable consumers different types of credit from ICICI Bank Credit Cards and holidays, 7% on international,services you use, the more insurance, access to airport to transfer money to other cards- points earned on Debit Cards. 10% cash back on base fare of Suvidha Loyalty Points you lounges, online payments, individuals, pay utility bills as well every rupee spent with the international flights earn. worldwide reach, customer care, as recharge prepaid SIM cards (top- pre-defined merchants Earn even more points at HPCL, etc ups), by using their mobile devices both online/offline. and many more You can redeem your PAYBACK partners in your city or CineMax: Buy 1 Ticket and Get Suvidha Loyalty Points Axis Bank has announced the Regalia, Infinia- special online and redeem your PAYBACK 1 free on Saturday and Sunday online for a wide range of launch of Swipeon, a mobile type of credit card offered points for fabulous rewards at gifts phone based card acceptance to the premium Feautures customers to earn up to 8 service which will convert any Redeem Hand-picked Rewards against Wine and Dine Delights: Save mobile phone into a card points on every Rs 150 a wide range of exclusive options. up to 20% * on dining across acceptance device by simply spent Choose from fashion to fragrances, 120 restaurants, similar attaching the Mswipe card reader dining experiences to holidays, home discount options with Nokia to the phone. entertainment to hi-tech gadgets and and ebay a lot more. Each item has been carefully hand-picked to ensure that our card members* get only the best.
  • 21. LOYALTY PROGRAM COMPARISON OF BANKS (2/2) Citi Mobile- Simplest and most Mobile Banking: Menu driven convinient way of accessing the banking service - no need to rememberservices while on the move, regular iMobile- ICICI Bank's mobile complex codes updates on the dining offers across the Mobile based card acceptance is Android App-This banking application. Easy, city expected to benefit merchants with application helps you convenient and secure to use, home delivery services, cash-on- check your account iMobile lets you transfer funds, Use CitiBank Online (on a mobile delivery agents, taxi drivers and balance, transfer funds, pay bills, book travel or movie browser) to check the balances in your others as they can easily accept pay your bills and conduct tickets, recharge your prepaid linked accounts—checking, savings, card payments on the go, with very many other transactions mobile and DTH, locate an ATM credit card, home equity or personal small investments on their part. while on the move Mobile Apps etc lines and loans, and mortgages Enjoy surcharge waiver on fuel and other ngpay App- you can bank Pay bills and track payments spends at all fuel stations across feautures on the move. With ngpay India with your Axis Bank Titanium you get a range of services Deposit checks into your personal Rewards Debit Card. There will be a from a network of checking account using your mobile cap of Rs. 200 on the monthly partners. Book tickets, device amount of fuel surcharge waived shop or transfer funds, and no reward points will be there are so many See recent activity awarded on fuel purchases possibilities. Transfer money between your Citi accounts Send money to other people with Popmoney Check your account balances for Current, Savings & Term Deposit accounts Transfer funds between your accounts or other accounts in Kotak Bank Send and receive money from The Titanium Rewards Debit Card 10% Off on Domestic your mobile instantly via grants you access to premium Flights subject to Interbank Mobile Payment airport lounges in maximum of Rs. 200 Service (IMPS) Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai 10% Off on International Make payments to selected and Kochi. Discounts & Special Offers from Flights subject to merchants via IMPS Merchant Gyms, Spas, Beauty Clinics, maximum of Rs. 500/- Payments No more waiting in long queues. Diagnostic Centers and Retail Discounts and Pay your telephone, mobile or Chains 10% Off on Domestic other offers Purchase & redeem Mutual utility bills, book movie, train or Cashless admission to Bajaj Hotels subject to maximum Fund units flight tickets or shop online from Allianz networked hospitals just of Rs. 500 on ebay Report loss/theft of Debit the comfort of your home using by producing the Jiyo Fit card at Card and request for your Titanium Rewards Debit Card. the counter Credit Card Shopping- 5% replacement nstant & Hassle-free claim Off Travel Vouchers with Check status of your Cheque Extra 15% Off on all products preauthorization and re- Debit Card- 5% Off Cashback on booking with instruments exclusively for Axis Bank Card imbursement using the Jiyo Fit Net Banking- 10% Off Request issue of new Cheque Holders Card Discounts at selected outlets book Use your Axis Bank Card & Get Special Offers from Brands, Pay Utility Bills to over 150 Rs 250 off on a minimum purchase Airlines, Hotels and Restaurants 15% Discount at dining at selected service providers of Rs. 999 by using Promocode Earn and Redeem loyalty points restuarants AXIS250. at Partner Outlets