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🌿Long Healthy Life🌿
From Acharya Vagbhata
Lesson One ~ Verse 1-10
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The Classical Ayurvedic text Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana
describes the purpose of life as four-fold
DHARMA – following the path of righteousness.
ARTHA – earning money in a legal way.
KAMA – fulfilling our desire.
MOKSHA – achieving Salvation.
To achieve this purpose of life one should concentrate on having a long life. To learn the Science of Ayurveda which
explains how to achieve this purpose, obedience, Vidheya, is the most important quality.
"The qualities of the Vaidya, and similarly the qualities of the herbs, staff & patient ~ all are under the control of the Vaidya. Patient is
completely trusting and not, for example: 'I am recommended this herb in early morning, but so bitter ~ don't want to take it.' The patient
must be completely under the control of the Vaidya. Until then the treatment cannot be complete if the patient is not surrendered to the
Vaidya and remembering everything to do and also the sattva (positivity) ~ fully believing 'I can be better’.” ~ Vaidya J.R. Raju
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And is as vital for mankind today as when it was first recorded millenia ago.
All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
● Ayurveda tells us how to live long to fulfill our Dharma & live in tune with Natural Law.
● Brahma gave the knowledge to Prajapathi for the benefit of mankind.
● There are 8 branches of Ayurveda. It is a complete science of life & health.
● Balance of the three Doshas (physical factors) brings health; imbalance brings disease.
● The Doshas are present in everything but occur naturally in different proportions.
In this lesson the Vaidyas share practical points from the different branches of Ayurveda to
improve our lives profoundly.
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All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
The First Sloka
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All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
Ayushkameeya Adhyaya “Desire for Long Life”
Verse 1. Salutations [to Dhanvantari ~ the First Vaidya]
rāgādirogān satatānushaktān aśesakāya prasrtanasesān (1)
autskymahoāratidāñ jaghāna yo ‘pūrvaidyāya namo ‘stu tasmai
Salutation to The Unique and Rare Physician, who has destroyed, without
any residue all the diseases like Raga (lust, anger, greed, arrogance, jealousy,
selfishness, ego), which are constantly associated with the body, which is
spread all over the body, giving rise to disease, delusion and restlessness.
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All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
VERSE ONE MAIN POINTS: The Healing Power of Ayurveda
1. Dhanvantari is the maintaining, healing power of Natural Law.
2. When we are not following Nature, the Natural Law breaks & disease comes.
3. The first cause of disease (first break) is in the mind because consciousness
comes first and gives rise/creates physiology.
4. Because of this Ayurveda is consciousness-based.
5. Mind is in every cell ~ whatever mind thinks, body will follow.
अथात आयुष्कामीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्याम:
इ त ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महषर्षयः
athāta āyuṣkāmīyam adhyāyaṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ
iti ha smāhur ātreyādayo mahaṛṣhayaḥ
We shall now expound the chapter Ayuskamiya (desire for long life),
Thus said Ātreya and other great sages
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Ayushkameeya Adhyaya “Desire for Long Life”
Verse 2. Purpose of life ~ Essential Quality to Learn Ayurveda
āyuh kāmayamānena dharmārtha sukhasādhanam (2)
āyurvedopadeśesu vidheyah param ādarah
To achieve this purpose of life, one should concentrate on having a long
life. To learn the science of Ayurveda, which explains how to achieve this
purpose, ‘obedience’ (Vidheya) is the most important quality.
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All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
VERSE TWO MAIN POINTS: Essential Quality to Learn Ayurveda
1. Everything in Ayurveda is for health and how to increase longevity. So the main aim of Ayurveda
is Swastasya: maintaining the health. For this reason, Ayurveda is mainly based on Rasayana
treatment ~ the Science of Longevity.
2. Definition of health in Ayurveda is: “Sama Dosha, Sama Agni, Sama Dhatu, Malakriya. Prasana,
Atma, Indriya, Mana” ~ from Sushruta Samhita (Balanced Doshas, Balanced Digestive Fires,
Balanced Tissues & Elimination).
3. Cooperation & trust in the Vaidya - fully believing you can heal - are requirements for success.
Verse 3. Origin of Ayurveda
brahmā smrtvāyuso vedam prajāpatimajigrahat (3)
so ‘ašvinau tau sahasrāksam so ‘atriputrādikān munīn
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Lord Brahma, remembering Ayurveda, taught it to Prajapathi,
He in turn taught it to Ashwini Kumaras (twins), they taught it
to Sahasraksa (Lord Indra), he taught it to Atri’s son (Atreya
Punarvasu) and other sages, they taught it to Agnivesa and
others and they (Agnivesha and other disciples) composed
treatises, each one separately.
VERSE THREE MAIN POINTS: Ayurveda is Eternal Knowledge
1. Vedas are Nitya Apaurusheya - eternal & uncreated - not made by man.
2. Brahma through his Smriti recollected Ayurveda and taught it
to Prajapathi the “Lord of Creatures” who taught it to the Sages.
3. Then the disciples composed their treatises, one by one.
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Verse 4-5. Funda [foundations] of Ashtanga Hridaya
te ‘agniveśādikāms te tu pruthak tantrāni tenire (4)
tebhyo ‘tiviprakīrnebhyah prāyah sārataroccayah
kriyate astāngahrdayam nātisamkshepavistaram (5)
From those Ayurvedic text books, which are too elaborate and hence very difficult to study, only the
essence is collected and presented in Ashtanga Hridaya, which is neither too short nor too elaborate.
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All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
VERSE FOUR & FIVE MAIN POINTS: Ashtanga is the Essence of Ayurveda
1. The knowledge of Ayurveda is vast. Ashtanga distilled its essence for the benefit of Mankind.
2. Sutrasthana gives the knowledge in compact, sutra form. Other Samhitas have their specialties:
Charaka for Chikitsa, Sharira for anatomy, physiology, embryology, and Sushruta for surgery, etc.
3. Among all the Sutrasthana Ashtanga is the best, easily giving the main sutras - like stringing all
the flowers together in one garland - so all the information is connected in sequence.
Verse 5.5. Branches of Ayurveda
kāyabāla grahordhvānga śalyadamstrā jarāvrusān
astāvangāni tasyāhuś cikitsā yesu samśritā (6)
Kaya Chikitsa – General medicine
Bala Chikitsa – Paediatrics
Graha Chikitsa – Psychiatry
Urdhvanga Chikitsa – Diseases and treatment of Ear, Nose, Throat, Eyes and Head [neck & above region]
Shalya Chikitsa – Surgery
Damstra Chikitsa – Toxicology
Jara Chikitsa – Geriatrics
Vrushya Chikitsa – Aphrodisiac therapy [reproduction]
These are the Eight Branches of Ayurveda
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All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
VERSE 5.5 MAIN POINTS ~ Branches of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda is a complete science of health and the oldest healthcare system in the world. All other healthcare
systems have their roots in Ayurveda.
1. KAYA CHIKITSA - GENERAL MEDICINE: Kaya means the body and Chikitsa means the treatment. Kaya also
refers to Agni, digestive fire, So treating Agni and improving Agni is the basis for all the treatments in
2. BALA CHIKITSA - PEDIATRICS: In Bala Chikitsa we deal with the children ~ proper nourishment & treatment in
childhood for healthy development. Good management in childhood lays the foundation for lifelong health
and prevents so many problems.
3. GRAHA CHIKITSA - PSYCHIATRY: Graha is the psychic field of Ayurveda dealing with the mind & mental
diseases. Grahana means that which absorbs. So planetary influences and natural viral disturbances are also
related to this Chikitsa. Graha is also connected to mantras and yagyas, which influence the planets and can
help mind & body profoundly.
4. URDHVANGA CHIKITSA - ABOVE THE CLAVICLE: All the head, eyes, ears, nose, throat and skull come under this
branch. The head is Uttamanga ~ the most important organ. All the sensory organs are in the head & originate
from there for the whole body. If the body is a machine, the head is the control center.
5. SHALYA TANTRA - SURGERY: Provides a basic understanding of principles found in modern-day surgery.
6. DAMSTRA CHIKITSA - TOXICOLOGY: Damstra deals with toxins ~ treatments for toxicity & toxin removal as
well as prevention and protection methods.
7. JARA CHIKITSA - GERIATRICS: Jara means aging and focuses primarily on prevention and reversal of aging. The
two natural diseases in Ayurveda are aging & hunger. For hunger we give good food & knowledge of diet. For
aging Ayurveda has the special Rasayana Chikitsa for longevity.
8. VRUSHYA - APHRODISIAC (FOR PROGENY): Vrushya is one of the most important branches of Ayurveda
because it is for the health of the next generation. A good plant requires a good seed, so for a good society, good
country, good universe you need the proper, naturally engineered seed. That is what this chapter deals with.
Vrushya also deals with sexual drive, but the main aim is how to have the very good child. Good Shukra
(reproductive essence) increases Ojas (strength) and through the Ojas, immunity can be increased. So Vrushya
is for everybody ~ even people not looking to have children
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Verse 6. Tri Dosha
vāyuḥ pittaṃ kaphaś cheti trayo doṣāḥ samāsataḥ //
vikṛtāvikṛtā dehaṃ ghnanti te vartayanti cha / 7
Vayu - Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three Doshas of the body. Perfect balance of three Doshas leads
to health, imbalance in Tridosha leads to diseases.
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All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
1. Vayu (Vata), Pitta, and Kapha (VPK) are the three Doshas (physical factors) in our body, mind and
environment. In their balanced state they bring good health. Imbalanced state creates the disturbance
and leads to disease.
2. Vata, Pitta & Kapha are as common as the nature. For our planet, earth is there and water & air are
almost everywhere. Air is considered as Vata, Pitta as heat/energy, and Kapha as earth. How these
Doshas are found in nature, similarly they are in our body. Vata has more space / Pitta has a little
lesser space / Kapha even lesser space (less predominance).
3. The Doshas should not be in excess or in deficiency or there will be imbalance. If Vata is more there
will be more dryness ~ if air is more a lot of dryness happens, like with the wind. If fire (Pitta) is more a
lot of burning activity will happen (acidity, inflammation etc.). If Kapha is more, lethargy will occur and
heaviness & blockages will develop.
4. So these three Doshas should be in equilibrium - right proportion - not high and not low. If this is
maintained properly then there is no disease. Nature is already structured in balance through day &
night and seasons, etc. Staying in tune with these keeps us in balance.
VERSE SIX ~ MAIN POINTS: Balance of Vata, Pitta & Kapha
Verse 7. How Tri Dosha are Spread in the Body and In A Day
te vyāpino'pi hṛnnābhyo radhomadhyordhvasaṃśrayāḥ //
The Tridosha are present all over the body, but their presence is especially seen in particular parts. If you divide the body
into three parts, the top part upto chest is dominated by Kapha Dosha, between chest and umbilicus is dominated by
Pitta, below umbilicus part is dominated by Vata.
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vayo'horātribhuktānāṃ te'ntamadhyādigāḥ kramāt / 8
Similarly, in a person’s life, day and in night (separately), the first part is dominated by Kapha, second part is dominated
by Pitta and third part is dominated by Vata. While eating and during digestion, the first, second and third part are
dominated by Kapha, Pitta and Vata respectively.
VERSE SEVEN MAIN POINTS: Main Seats & Cycles of the Doshas
Each Dosha has its own qualities which predominate in different places & ways.
1. Kapha is the heaviest Dosha, Pitta is lighter, and Vata even lighter. The heavier thing is the strongest & gives stability,
like a strong foundation supports the whole building.
2. Doshas Spread In the Body: The body is like a tree planted upside down with the root (brain) at the top.
○ Kapha is the heaviest Dosha and sits at the top.
○ Pitta is lighter than Kapha. It sits in the middle and heats Kapha.
○ Vata is at the bottom. It is the lightest Dosha because it is mainly space & air.
○ All the other doshas are heavier and press to keep Vata down where it belongs.
3. Life is cyclical because the Doshas come in sequence ~ First Kapha, then Pitta, then Vata:
○ Days, nights, seasons
○ Mind, cells, body, behavior
○ Childhood, adulthood, elder years
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4. Doshas Spread In a Day: The daily cycles of the Doshas spread
across day & night in the same sequence. Kapha is first in the quiet of the
morning / Pitta at mid-day when the sun is high / Vata in the evening
when the sun goes down. At night the cycle repeats again but in a
different way because sun’s light & energy are gone (except moonlight).
5. Doshas Spread In Eating and In Digestion: Digestive cycles are
tied to the macro cycles of day & night and come at the same times. If we
take light food in the morning when the sun is low / main meal at lunch
when Sun/Agni is high / light food at dinner when the sun is leaving, we
are in tune with the macro cycles and our digestion has that support.
6. Doshas in Foods & in Tastes: We have to eat the heaviest (Kapha)
foods first so Pitta can rise up to digest them. And end the meal with
light, Vata foods when our digestive fire is less. The Six Tastes in
Ayurveda range from heavy to light and follow Kapha, Pitta, Kapha
sequence also.
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Verse 8. Types of Digestive Fires
tair bhaved viṣamas tīkṣṇo mandaś chāgniḥ samaiḥ samaḥ //
There are four types of Digestive fires (Agni)
VISHMA AGNI – Influenced by Vata. A person with Vishama Agni will sometimes have high appetite, sometimes, low appetite.
TEEKSHNA AGNI - Influenced by Pitta. A person with Teekshna Agni will have high digestion power and appetite.
MANDA AGNI- Influenced by Kapha. A person with Manda Agni will have low digestion power and appetite.
SAMA AGNI - Influenced by perfect balance of Tridosha – Where person will have proper appetite and digestion power.
Digestion occurs at appropriate time.
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VERSE EIGHT MAIN POINTS: Types of Digestive Fire
1. Due to Vata, Agni gets disturbed because Vata is always moving so digestion is irregular ~ this is Vishama Agni.
Vata is changeable so Vishama Agni is sometimes strong and sometimes weak. Because Vata is made from
space and air it fluctuates, like how a lamp flickers when the wind moves the air.
2. With Pitta, Agni becomes Teekshna (sharp). Pitta is consisting of Agni/fire and Jala/water, but Pitta is mainly
Agni. So already Pitta is fire and digestion is fire, so fire + fire = more fire. So the Agni becomes too strong in
Teekshna Agni and what you are cooking (digesting) will burn, like cooking milk too fast on a high flame.
3. Manda Agni is slow, Kapha digestion. Kapha is Gury (heavy), Manda (slow), Hema (show cold). All these are
opposite to Agni (fire). So in Manda Agni very slow cooking, slow digestion, happens.
4. So this is why when the Doshas are in their balanced, equilibrium state the Agni will be Sama Agni. Equilibrium
means balanced, not equal. Like in the music how a little treble is enough and bass a little more. If the Doshas
are in equilibrium the Agni is Sama Agni ~ balanced & steady.
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Verse 9. Types of Digestive Tracts / Nature of Bowels
koṣṭhaḥ krūro mṛdur madhyo madhyaḥ syāt taiḥ samair api / 9
There are three types of digestive tracts (Koshta):
Kroora Koshta – wherein the person will take a long time for digestion. The bowel evacuation will be irregular. It is influenced by Vata.
Mrudu Koshta – Sensitive stomach, has a very short digestion period. Even administration of milk will cause bowel evacuation.
Madhya Koshta – Proper digestive tract, bowel evacuation at appropriate times. It is influenced by Tridosha balance.
VERSE NINE MAIN POINTS: Digestive Tract is Also Through Doshas
1. Because of dryness the Vata people tend towards constipation and digestion takes longer & is irregular.
2. For Pitta people because of Teekshna Agni, food digests well but with Pitta there will be so many gastric juices and
more sensitivity, so tendency for diarrhea if imbalanced.
3. Kapha digestion is usually more steady & even. Basically for Kapha the digestion is slow but Koshta for Kapha is
equal to normal because of the moistness, etc. if good fire is there. Slow digestion is the biggest problem. Equilibrium is
the good healthy Koshta. So that is why here it is said Madya Koshta for Kapha (tends towards balance more).
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Verse 9.5 and 10. Types of Prakruti / Body Types
śukrārtavasthair janmādau viṣeṇeva viṣakrimeḥ //
taiś cha tisraḥ prakṛtayo hīnamadhyottamāḥ pṛthak / 10
samadhātuḥ samastāsu śreṣṭhā nindyā dvidoṣajāḥ //
Like the poison is natural and inherent to poisonous insects, similarly, the Prakruti (body type) is inherent to
humans. The body type is decided during conception, based on qualities of sperm and ovum.
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VERSE 9.5 / 10 MAIN POINTS: Prakruti
1. Prakruti (Prakriti) is the original natural form. For humans at conception, the male & female parts
combine to give the proportion of Vata, Pitta & Kapha in the new baby ~ this is Prakruti. NO DOSHA
IS BAD ~ Negative things come only from imbalance. Every Dosha is good when balanced and ALL are
needed for existence, So Prakruti is Prakruti.
2. If Vata is high in the Prakruti, the physiology will be more vulnerable to imbalance because Vata is
mostly air and more changeable ~ so Vata is easily imbalanced. Pitta is a little more stable than
Vata, and Kapha is more stable than Pitta. So the difference is a matter of strength in terms of
stability ~ stronger house or less strong house.
3. Each Dosha has their own advantages and disadvantages. So how we take care of our Doshas and
keep them balanced is what matters for health.
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Jai Guru Dev
All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
Schedule Your Appointment Here
Vaidya Krishna Raju & Vaidya Padma Raju
Wishing you a long, healthy, happy life & blessings always
Jai Guru Dev, The Raju Family -
The knowledge of Ayurveda comes from the Vedic Texts, which form the basis of a system of natural health care enjoyed by individuals &
families throughout India since ancient times. The information you find here is for the purpose of balancing the Doshas (mind/body factors in
Ayurveda) to increase good health and is not a replacement for any diagnosis or treatment advised by your home health care provider.
Ayurveda is consciousness-based health care. The Raju family recommends the daily practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM), as taught by
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to release stress and unfold the inner Smriti ~ the memory of wholeness, Self & health. See to find the nearest location worldwide.
All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

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  • 1. ASHTANGA HRIDAYA FOR A 🌿Long Healthy Life🌿 From Acharya Vagbhata Lesson One ~ Verse 1-10 All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. /
  • 2. The Classical Ayurvedic text Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana describes the purpose of life as four-fold DHARMA – following the path of righteousness. ARTHA – earning money in a legal way. KAMA – fulfilling our desire. MOKSHA – achieving Salvation. To achieve this purpose of life one should concentrate on having a long life. To learn the Science of Ayurveda which explains how to achieve this purpose, obedience, Vidheya, is the most important quality. "The qualities of the Vaidya, and similarly the qualities of the herbs, staff & patient ~ all are under the control of the Vaidya. Patient is completely trusting and not, for example: 'I am recommended this herb in early morning, but so bitter ~ don't want to take it.' The patient must be completely under the control of the Vaidya. Until then the treatment cannot be complete if the patient is not surrendered to the Vaidya and remembering everything to do and also the sattva (positivity) ~ fully believing 'I can be better’.” ~ Vaidya J.R. Raju All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 3. THIS KNOWLEDGE IS THE ESSENCE OF AYURVEDA And is as vital for mankind today as when it was first recorded millenia ago. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 4. LESSON ONE ~ OVERVIEW: ● Ayurveda tells us how to live long to fulfill our Dharma & live in tune with Natural Law. ● Brahma gave the knowledge to Prajapathi for the benefit of mankind. ● There are 8 branches of Ayurveda. It is a complete science of life & health. ● Balance of the three Doshas (physical factors) brings health; imbalance brings disease. ● The Doshas are present in everything but occur naturally in different proportions. In this lesson the Vaidyas share practical points from the different branches of Ayurveda to improve our lives profoundly. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 5. ASHTANGA HRIDAYA CHAPTER ONE All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 6. The First Sloka All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 7. Ayushkameeya Adhyaya “Desire for Long Life” Verse 1. Salutations [to Dhanvantari ~ the First Vaidya] rāgādirogān satatānushaktān aśesakāya prasrtanasesān (1) autskymahoāratidāñ jaghāna yo ‘pūrvaidyāya namo ‘stu tasmai Salutation to The Unique and Rare Physician, who has destroyed, without any residue all the diseases like Raga (lust, anger, greed, arrogance, jealousy, selfishness, ego), which are constantly associated with the body, which is spread all over the body, giving rise to disease, delusion and restlessness. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. MEANING
  • 8. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. VERSE ONE MAIN POINTS: The Healing Power of Ayurveda 1. Dhanvantari is the maintaining, healing power of Natural Law. 2. When we are not following Nature, the Natural Law breaks & disease comes. 3. The first cause of disease (first break) is in the mind because consciousness comes first and gives rise/creates physiology. 4. Because of this Ayurveda is consciousness-based. 5. Mind is in every cell ~ whatever mind thinks, body will follow.
  • 9. अथात आयुष्कामीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्याम: इ त ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महषर्षयः athāta āyuṣkāmīyam adhyāyaṃ vyākhyāsyāmaḥ iti ha smāhur ātreyādayo mahaṛṣhayaḥ We shall now expound the chapter Ayuskamiya (desire for long life), Thus said Ātreya and other great sages All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 10. Ayushkameeya Adhyaya “Desire for Long Life” Verse 2. Purpose of life ~ Essential Quality to Learn Ayurveda āyuh kāmayamānena dharmārtha sukhasādhanam (2) āyurvedopadeśesu vidheyah param ādarah To achieve this purpose of life, one should concentrate on having a long life. To learn the science of Ayurveda, which explains how to achieve this purpose, ‘obedience’ (Vidheya) is the most important quality. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. MEANING
  • 11. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. VERSE TWO MAIN POINTS: Essential Quality to Learn Ayurveda 1. Everything in Ayurveda is for health and how to increase longevity. So the main aim of Ayurveda is Swastasya: maintaining the health. For this reason, Ayurveda is mainly based on Rasayana treatment ~ the Science of Longevity. 2. Definition of health in Ayurveda is: “Sama Dosha, Sama Agni, Sama Dhatu, Malakriya. Prasana, Atma, Indriya, Mana” ~ from Sushruta Samhita (Balanced Doshas, Balanced Digestive Fires, Balanced Tissues & Elimination). 3. Cooperation & trust in the Vaidya - fully believing you can heal - are requirements for success.
  • 12. Verse 3. Origin of Ayurveda brahmā smrtvāyuso vedam prajāpatimajigrahat (3) so ‘ašvinau tau sahasrāksam so ‘atriputrādikān munīn All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. Lord Brahma, remembering Ayurveda, taught it to Prajapathi, He in turn taught it to Ashwini Kumaras (twins), they taught it to Sahasraksa (Lord Indra), he taught it to Atri’s son (Atreya Punarvasu) and other sages, they taught it to Agnivesa and others and they (Agnivesha and other disciples) composed treatises, each one separately.
  • 13. VERSE THREE MAIN POINTS: Ayurveda is Eternal Knowledge 1. Vedas are Nitya Apaurusheya - eternal & uncreated - not made by man. 2. Brahma through his Smriti recollected Ayurveda and taught it to Prajapathi the “Lord of Creatures” who taught it to the Sages. 3. Then the disciples composed their treatises, one by one. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 14. Verse 4-5. Funda [foundations] of Ashtanga Hridaya te ‘agniveśādikāms te tu pruthak tantrāni tenire (4) tebhyo ‘tiviprakīrnebhyah prāyah sārataroccayah kriyate astāngahrdayam nātisamkshepavistaram (5) From those Ayurvedic text books, which are too elaborate and hence very difficult to study, only the essence is collected and presented in Ashtanga Hridaya, which is neither too short nor too elaborate. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 15. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. VERSE FOUR & FIVE MAIN POINTS: Ashtanga is the Essence of Ayurveda 1. The knowledge of Ayurveda is vast. Ashtanga distilled its essence for the benefit of Mankind. 2. Sutrasthana gives the knowledge in compact, sutra form. Other Samhitas have their specialties: Charaka for Chikitsa, Sharira for anatomy, physiology, embryology, and Sushruta for surgery, etc. 3. Among all the Sutrasthana Ashtanga is the best, easily giving the main sutras - like stringing all the flowers together in one garland - so all the information is connected in sequence.
  • 16. Verse 5.5. Branches of Ayurveda kāyabāla grahordhvānga śalyadamstrā jarāvrusān astāvangāni tasyāhuś cikitsā yesu samśritā (6) Kaya Chikitsa – General medicine Bala Chikitsa – Paediatrics Graha Chikitsa – Psychiatry Urdhvanga Chikitsa – Diseases and treatment of Ear, Nose, Throat, Eyes and Head [neck & above region] Shalya Chikitsa – Surgery Damstra Chikitsa – Toxicology Jara Chikitsa – Geriatrics Vrushya Chikitsa – Aphrodisiac therapy [reproduction] These are the Eight Branches of Ayurveda All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 17. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. VERSE 5.5 MAIN POINTS ~ Branches of Ayurveda: Ayurveda is a complete science of health and the oldest healthcare system in the world. All other healthcare systems have their roots in Ayurveda. 1. KAYA CHIKITSA - GENERAL MEDICINE: Kaya means the body and Chikitsa means the treatment. Kaya also refers to Agni, digestive fire, So treating Agni and improving Agni is the basis for all the treatments in Ayurveda. 2. BALA CHIKITSA - PEDIATRICS: In Bala Chikitsa we deal with the children ~ proper nourishment & treatment in childhood for healthy development. Good management in childhood lays the foundation for lifelong health and prevents so many problems. 3. GRAHA CHIKITSA - PSYCHIATRY: Graha is the psychic field of Ayurveda dealing with the mind & mental diseases. Grahana means that which absorbs. So planetary influences and natural viral disturbances are also related to this Chikitsa. Graha is also connected to mantras and yagyas, which influence the planets and can help mind & body profoundly. 4. URDHVANGA CHIKITSA - ABOVE THE CLAVICLE: All the head, eyes, ears, nose, throat and skull come under this branch. The head is Uttamanga ~ the most important organ. All the sensory organs are in the head & originate from there for the whole body. If the body is a machine, the head is the control center.
  • 18. 5. SHALYA TANTRA - SURGERY: Provides a basic understanding of principles found in modern-day surgery. 6. DAMSTRA CHIKITSA - TOXICOLOGY: Damstra deals with toxins ~ treatments for toxicity & toxin removal as well as prevention and protection methods. 7. JARA CHIKITSA - GERIATRICS: Jara means aging and focuses primarily on prevention and reversal of aging. The two natural diseases in Ayurveda are aging & hunger. For hunger we give good food & knowledge of diet. For aging Ayurveda has the special Rasayana Chikitsa for longevity. 8. VRUSHYA - APHRODISIAC (FOR PROGENY): Vrushya is one of the most important branches of Ayurveda because it is for the health of the next generation. A good plant requires a good seed, so for a good society, good country, good universe you need the proper, naturally engineered seed. That is what this chapter deals with. Vrushya also deals with sexual drive, but the main aim is how to have the very good child. Good Shukra (reproductive essence) increases Ojas (strength) and through the Ojas, immunity can be increased. So Vrushya is for everybody ~ even people not looking to have children All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 19. Verse 6. Tri Dosha vāyuḥ pittaṃ kaphaś cheti trayo doṣāḥ samāsataḥ // vikṛtāvikṛtā dehaṃ ghnanti te vartayanti cha / 7 Vayu - Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three Doshas of the body. Perfect balance of three Doshas leads to health, imbalance in Tridosha leads to diseases. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 20. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. 1. Vayu (Vata), Pitta, and Kapha (VPK) are the three Doshas (physical factors) in our body, mind and environment. In their balanced state they bring good health. Imbalanced state creates the disturbance and leads to disease. 2. Vata, Pitta & Kapha are as common as the nature. For our planet, earth is there and water & air are almost everywhere. Air is considered as Vata, Pitta as heat/energy, and Kapha as earth. How these Doshas are found in nature, similarly they are in our body. Vata has more space / Pitta has a little lesser space / Kapha even lesser space (less predominance). 3. The Doshas should not be in excess or in deficiency or there will be imbalance. If Vata is more there will be more dryness ~ if air is more a lot of dryness happens, like with the wind. If fire (Pitta) is more a lot of burning activity will happen (acidity, inflammation etc.). If Kapha is more, lethargy will occur and heaviness & blockages will develop. 4. So these three Doshas should be in equilibrium - right proportion - not high and not low. If this is maintained properly then there is no disease. Nature is already structured in balance through day & night and seasons, etc. Staying in tune with these keeps us in balance. VERSE SIX ~ MAIN POINTS: Balance of Vata, Pitta & Kapha
  • 21. Verse 7. How Tri Dosha are Spread in the Body and In A Day te vyāpino'pi hṛnnābhyo radhomadhyordhvasaṃśrayāḥ // The Tridosha are present all over the body, but their presence is especially seen in particular parts. If you divide the body into three parts, the top part upto chest is dominated by Kapha Dosha, between chest and umbilicus is dominated by Pitta, below umbilicus part is dominated by Vata. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. vayo'horātribhuktānāṃ te'ntamadhyādigāḥ kramāt / 8 Similarly, in a person’s life, day and in night (separately), the first part is dominated by Kapha, second part is dominated by Pitta and third part is dominated by Vata. While eating and during digestion, the first, second and third part are dominated by Kapha, Pitta and Vata respectively.
  • 22. VERSE SEVEN MAIN POINTS: Main Seats & Cycles of the Doshas Each Dosha has its own qualities which predominate in different places & ways. 1. Kapha is the heaviest Dosha, Pitta is lighter, and Vata even lighter. The heavier thing is the strongest & gives stability, like a strong foundation supports the whole building. 2. Doshas Spread In the Body: The body is like a tree planted upside down with the root (brain) at the top. ○ Kapha is the heaviest Dosha and sits at the top. ○ Pitta is lighter than Kapha. It sits in the middle and heats Kapha. ○ Vata is at the bottom. It is the lightest Dosha because it is mainly space & air. ○ All the other doshas are heavier and press to keep Vata down where it belongs. 3. Life is cyclical because the Doshas come in sequence ~ First Kapha, then Pitta, then Vata: ○ Days, nights, seasons ○ Mind, cells, body, behavior ○ Childhood, adulthood, elder years All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 23. VERSE SEVEN MAIN POINTS ~ Continued 4. Doshas Spread In a Day: The daily cycles of the Doshas spread across day & night in the same sequence. Kapha is first in the quiet of the morning / Pitta at mid-day when the sun is high / Vata in the evening when the sun goes down. At night the cycle repeats again but in a different way because sun’s light & energy are gone (except moonlight). 5. Doshas Spread In Eating and In Digestion: Digestive cycles are tied to the macro cycles of day & night and come at the same times. If we take light food in the morning when the sun is low / main meal at lunch when Sun/Agni is high / light food at dinner when the sun is leaving, we are in tune with the macro cycles and our digestion has that support. 6. Doshas in Foods & in Tastes: We have to eat the heaviest (Kapha) foods first so Pitta can rise up to digest them. And end the meal with light, Vata foods when our digestive fire is less. The Six Tastes in Ayurveda range from heavy to light and follow Kapha, Pitta, Kapha sequence also. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 24. Verse 8. Types of Digestive Fires tair bhaved viṣamas tīkṣṇo mandaś chāgniḥ samaiḥ samaḥ // There are four types of Digestive fires (Agni) VISHMA AGNI – Influenced by Vata. A person with Vishama Agni will sometimes have high appetite, sometimes, low appetite. TEEKSHNA AGNI - Influenced by Pitta. A person with Teekshna Agni will have high digestion power and appetite. MANDA AGNI- Influenced by Kapha. A person with Manda Agni will have low digestion power and appetite. SAMA AGNI - Influenced by perfect balance of Tridosha – Where person will have proper appetite and digestion power. Digestion occurs at appropriate time. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 25. VERSE EIGHT MAIN POINTS: Types of Digestive Fire 1. Due to Vata, Agni gets disturbed because Vata is always moving so digestion is irregular ~ this is Vishama Agni. Vata is changeable so Vishama Agni is sometimes strong and sometimes weak. Because Vata is made from space and air it fluctuates, like how a lamp flickers when the wind moves the air. 2. With Pitta, Agni becomes Teekshna (sharp). Pitta is consisting of Agni/fire and Jala/water, but Pitta is mainly Agni. So already Pitta is fire and digestion is fire, so fire + fire = more fire. So the Agni becomes too strong in Teekshna Agni and what you are cooking (digesting) will burn, like cooking milk too fast on a high flame. 3. Manda Agni is slow, Kapha digestion. Kapha is Gury (heavy), Manda (slow), Hema (show cold). All these are opposite to Agni (fire). So in Manda Agni very slow cooking, slow digestion, happens. 4. So this is why when the Doshas are in their balanced, equilibrium state the Agni will be Sama Agni. Equilibrium means balanced, not equal. Like in the music how a little treble is enough and bass a little more. If the Doshas are in equilibrium the Agni is Sama Agni ~ balanced & steady. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 26. Verse 9. Types of Digestive Tracts / Nature of Bowels koṣṭhaḥ krūro mṛdur madhyo madhyaḥ syāt taiḥ samair api / 9 There are three types of digestive tracts (Koshta): Kroora Koshta – wherein the person will take a long time for digestion. The bowel evacuation will be irregular. It is influenced by Vata. Mrudu Koshta – Sensitive stomach, has a very short digestion period. Even administration of milk will cause bowel evacuation. Madhya Koshta – Proper digestive tract, bowel evacuation at appropriate times. It is influenced by Tridosha balance. VERSE NINE MAIN POINTS: Digestive Tract is Also Through Doshas 1. Because of dryness the Vata people tend towards constipation and digestion takes longer & is irregular. 2. For Pitta people because of Teekshna Agni, food digests well but with Pitta there will be so many gastric juices and more sensitivity, so tendency for diarrhea if imbalanced. 3. Kapha digestion is usually more steady & even. Basically for Kapha the digestion is slow but Koshta for Kapha is equal to normal because of the moistness, etc. if good fire is there. Slow digestion is the biggest problem. Equilibrium is the good healthy Koshta. So that is why here it is said Madya Koshta for Kapha (tends towards balance more). All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 27. Verse 9.5 and 10. Types of Prakruti / Body Types śukrārtavasthair janmādau viṣeṇeva viṣakrimeḥ // taiś cha tisraḥ prakṛtayo hīnamadhyottamāḥ pṛthak / 10 samadhātuḥ samastāsu śreṣṭhā nindyā dvidoṣajāḥ // Like the poison is natural and inherent to poisonous insects, similarly, the Prakruti (body type) is inherent to humans. The body type is decided during conception, based on qualities of sperm and ovum. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 28. VERSE 9.5 / 10 MAIN POINTS: Prakruti 1. Prakruti (Prakriti) is the original natural form. For humans at conception, the male & female parts combine to give the proportion of Vata, Pitta & Kapha in the new baby ~ this is Prakruti. NO DOSHA IS BAD ~ Negative things come only from imbalance. Every Dosha is good when balanced and ALL are needed for existence, So Prakruti is Prakruti. 2. If Vata is high in the Prakruti, the physiology will be more vulnerable to imbalance because Vata is mostly air and more changeable ~ so Vata is easily imbalanced. Pitta is a little more stable than Vata, and Kapha is more stable than Pitta. So the difference is a matter of strength in terms of stability ~ stronger house or less strong house. 3. Each Dosha has their own advantages and disadvantages. So how we take care of our Doshas and keep them balanced is what matters for health. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
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  • 30. Jai Guru Dev All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.
  • 31. 🌏 MEET WITH THE VAIDYAS ONLINE 🌏 Schedule Your Appointment Here Vaidya Krishna Raju & Vaidya Padma Raju Wishing you a long, healthy, happy life & blessings always Jai Guru Dev, The Raju Family - The knowledge of Ayurveda comes from the Vedic Texts, which form the basis of a system of natural health care enjoyed by individuals & families throughout India since ancient times. The information you find here is for the purpose of balancing the Doshas (mind/body factors in Ayurveda) to increase good health and is not a replacement for any diagnosis or treatment advised by your home health care provider. Ayurveda is consciousness-based health care. The Raju family recommends the daily practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM), as taught by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to release stress and unfold the inner Smriti ~ the memory of wholeness, Self & health. See to find the nearest location worldwide. All rights reserved ~ Dr. Raju’s Institute of Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.