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Fundamental of different
medical system in relation to
By:- Dr. Rakhee Sharma
Naturopathy Jr 1
Medical system
According to the World Health
Organization a health system consists of
all organizations, people and actions
whose primary intent is to promote,
restore or maintain health.
Traditional Systems of medicines always played
important role in meeting the global health care needs.
The system of medicines which are considered to be
Indian in origin or the systems of medicine, which have
come to India from outside and got assimilated in to
Indian culture are known as Indian Systems of
They are-Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Yoga,
Naturopathy and Homoeopathy.
The word ‘Ayurveda’ has derived out of fusion of two separate
words- ‘Áyu’ i.e. life and ‘veda’ i.e. knowledge.Thus in literal
meaning Ayurveda is the science of life.
Ayurveda is believed to be of divine origin according to indian
mythology. The knowledge of various diseases & their treatment
was known to ancient rishis and sages ,who used to treat the
common man with medicinal herbs .
It was among the first medical systems to advocate an integrated
approach towards matters of health and disease.
Ravishankar, B., & Shukla, V. J. (2007). Indian systems of medicine: a brief profile. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines, 4(3), 319–337.
The original conception of Ayurveda in its entirety is essentially
linked to Dhanwantari who is considered as God of Hindu Medicine.
Dhanwantari is considered a mythical deity born with ambrosia in
one hand and Ayurveda on the other at the end of the churning of
milk ocean. He reincarnated himself in the Chandra dynasty. He was
born to King Dhanwa, learnt Ayurveda from Bharadwaja. His great
grandson Divodasa was also known as Dhanwantari, but was
specialised only in surgical branch of Ayurveda. Sushruta, is said to
have learnt the art of science of surgery from Divodasa
Mishra, L., Singh, B. B., & Dagenais, S. (2001). Ayurveda: a historical perspective and principles of the traditional healthcare system in India. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 7(2), 36–42.
Ayurveda has been the traditional system of healthcare in India
for more than 5000 years. This medical system was well
established around 2500 to 600 BC, when it evolved into 2
schools: the School of Physicians and the School of Surgeons,
similar to allopathy.
Charak Samhita, Susrut Samhita, and Ashtang Hridaya Samhita
are the Senior Triad texts, and Madhav Nidan Samhita,
Sarangdhar Samhita, and Bhavprakash Samhita are the Junior
Triad texts.
Ayurveda is heavily practice in India and Nepal
Charaka is called 'Father of Ayurveda'.
Definition of health according to ayurveda
समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलग्नियाः।
प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थः इत्यग्निधीयते ॥
Sushrut Samhita, Sutrasthan, Ch. 15, Shloka 10
According to Susruta Samhita, a healthy individual is one
whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good,
whose dhatus are functioning normally, whose malas are
in balance, and whose body, mind, and senses remain full
of bliss.
Ayurveda believes that the body is composed of 3 body
doshas, 3 mental doshas, 7 dhatus, malas and Agni.
Body doshas:-
Vata (nervous system),
Pitta (enzymes),
Kapha (mucus)
These five elements are believed to form the three basic
humors of human body in varying combinations.
The three humors:-
 Vata dosha,
 Pitta dosha and
 Kapha dosha
And are collectively called as “Tridoshas”
Jaiswal, Y. S., & Williams, L. L. (2017). A glimpse of Ayurveda - The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional medicine. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 7(1), 50–53.
• Vata Dosha is composed of Akasa (ether)
and Vayu (air) Mahabhutas.
• Pitta Dosha is composed of Tejas or Agni (fire) and Ap
• Kapha Dosha is composed of Ap (water)
and Prithvi (earth) Mahabhutas.
Shilpa, S., & Venkatesha Murthy, C. G. (2011). Understanding personality from Ayurvedic perspective for psychological assessment: A case. Ayu, 32(1), 12–19.
Characteristic features of the three extreme prakriti types: Vata,
pitta, and kapha and their susceptibility to diseases
These humors govern and control the basic psycho-
biological functions in the body.
Vata governs functions in the body that relate to movement (e.g., movement
of food through the digestive tract, transportation of oxygen in the
bloodstream, communication between cells via nerve impulses, etc.
When disturbed causes illness, weakness, tremors, constipation, insomnia.
Located in colon, thighs, hips, ears & bones.
Pitta governs functions that relate to transformation (e.g.,
digestion of food, processes of metabolism, etc.)
Exists mainly in acid form as fire.
In excess causes yellow color of stool, urine, eyes & skin.
Located in small intestine, stomach, blood, lymph.
Kapha governs the structure and cohesion of the body.
Gives stability , lubrication, & holding together of joints.
Excessive kapha causes depression of digestive fire,
nausea, lethargy, cough, difficult breathing, excessive
Ayurveda believes that the human body consists
of Saptadhatus (seven basic tissues)
 Rasa (tissue fluids),
 Meda (fat and connective tissue),
 Rakta (blood),
 Asthi (bones),
 Majja (marrow),
 Mamsa (muscle), and
 Shukra (semen) and
The 3 malas
Three Malas (waste products) of the body,
Purisha (faeces),
Mutra (urine) and
Sweda (sweat).
Agni has been divided into 13 types
one Jatharagni,
 five Bhutagni and
seven Dhatvagni.
Jatharagni is the most important one, which digests four
types of food and transforms it into Rasa and Mala.
The five Bhutagnis act on the respective bhutika portion
of the food and thereby nourish the Bhutas in the body.
The seven Dhatvagni act on the respective dhatus of the
Agrawal, A. K., Yadav, C. R., & Meena, M. S. (2010). Physiological aspects of Agni. Ayu, 31(3), 395–398.
Methods of diagnosis in ayurveda
Asta Sthana Pariksa
Nadi Pariska
Mala pariksha
Jihvu parisksa –tongue examination for its colour,
movement, shape and taste sense etc.
Srotra-ear and capacity for hearing and
Sparsa-skin for sensation of touch and lusture, colour,
Thakar, V. J. (1982). Diagnostic methods in ayurveda. Ancient Science of Life, 1(3), 139–145.
Dirg and Caksu-the eye is to be examined not only for
its proper function but for change of its normal lusture
colour for oedema, discharge for deviation of the eye
ball, retraction or tightness of lids for dilation or
constriction of the pupil etc.
Akriti-the Facis- The patient’s face may be observed for
expression of emotional upset grief, rage worry,
fatigue, anxiety, elation or depression; physical
changes-pallor or plethora, cynosis, jaundice, leanness
plumpiness, puffines etc.
Thakar, V. J. (1982). Diagnostic methods in ayurveda. Ancient Science of Life, 1(3), 139–145.
Treatments in ayurveda
Ayurveda employs the “Pancha karma” method in its therapies.
Pancha karma therapy applies various processes for the
rejuvenation of the body, cleansing and enhancing longevity.
The Pancha karma is composed of five karmas (actions) that are
used for removal of toxins from the body tissues.
They are :-
 Virechan,
 Vaman,
 Basti
 Raktamoksha
 Nasya
Jaiswal, Y. S., & Williams, L. L. (2017). A glimpse of Ayurveda - The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional medicine. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 7(1), 50–53.
Panchakarma consists of 3 steps
 Poorva karma (preparatory process of the body for the
 Pradhan karma (the main process of therapy) and the
 Paschat karma (consisting of regimens to be followed to restore
digestive and other absorptive procedures of the body, back to
the normal state).
 Vamana Karma is one of the five Pradhana
Karmas of Panchakarma
 Vamana is a procedure in which Doshas (waste products or
toxins) are eliminated through upper channels i.e. mouth.
 Vamana expels excess mucus and toxins from the stomach
and respiratory system
Utilization of Ayurveda in health care: an approach for prevention, health promotion, and
treatment of disease. Part 1--Ayurveda, the science of life
Hari Sharma 1, H M Chandola, Gurdip Singh, Gopal Basisht
Bhatted, S., Shukla, V. D., Thakar, A., & Bhatt, N. N. (2011). A study on Vasantika Vamana (therapeutic emesis in spring season) - A preventive measure for diseases of Kapha
origin. Ayu, 32(2), 181–186.
 Virechana is the process of cleansing of the intestines which are
pitta dominant through the use of laxative medicines.It helps
to remove the toxic and metabolic waste from liver, gallbladder
and intestinal tract.
 Virechana expels bile and Pitta toxins from the small intestine
and liver.
Utilization of Ayurveda in health care: an approach for prevention, health promotion, and
treatment of disease. Part 1--Ayurveda, the science of life
Hari Sharma 1, H M Chandola, Gurdip Singh, Gopal Basisht
Treatment for strengthening the lower back and
relieving it of pain using medicated oils & herbal
Reduce inflammation and pain caused by lumbar
spondylosis, sciatica, and osteoporosis.
 Improve urinary problems, prostrate problems,
and menstrual problem.
 Raktamokshana cleanses the bloodstream and stimulates the production of
healthy new blood.
 Raktamokshana therapy is the blood cleasing and purification therapy. It is
a therapeutic cleasing process given by ayurveda. It is one of the essential
parts of the panchkarma healing treatment.
 Therapeutic Benefits
 Osteoarthritis
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Pericarditis
 Psoriatic arthritis
 Skin Disorders
Nasya strengthens the cranial region
Ayurveda has eight disciplines called as
“Äshtanga Ayurveda”.
They are:-
 Kayachikitsa (internal medicine treatment),
 Bhootavidya (treatment of psychological disorders),
 Kaumar Bhritya (pediatric treatment),
 Rasayana (study of geriatrics),
 Vajikarana (treatment through aphrodisiacs and eugenics),
 Shalya (surgical treatment),
 Shalakya (otorhinolaryngological and ophthalmological
 Agada Tantra (toxicological studies).
 The word Siddha means established truth.
 Siddha medicine is one of the most ancient medical systems of India.
Siddha is the mother medicine of ancient Tamils/Dravidians of
peninsular South India.
 Before 2000 years the TMS of the Tamils was known
as Marunthu (Medicine).It got the proper name of Siddha Medicine in
course of time due to the extraordinary contributions made by
Siddha medicine--background and principles and the application for skin diseases
J Joseph Thas 1
Developed in pre-ayurvedic age at Mohenjo-Daro
civilization around 7000 years ago.
 The persons who were associated with establishing
such a Siddha school of thought were known as
 Siddha system of medicine is more prominent in the
southern part of India—mostly in Tamil Nadu and
Apart from India, Siddha system of Medicine is
practiced in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore
Siddha medicine--background and principles and the application for skin diseases
J Joseph Thas 1
The whole universe is believed to be constituted of five primordial elements or
Siddha propounds that the physical structure of the universe and man are
basically made up of Five Elements.
They are:-
 Nilam (Earth),
 Neer (Water),
 Thee (Fire),
 Kaatru (Air), and
 Vin (Sky).
These names denote the properties of the elements and not the exact
substances they mean. Hence, we have to take them as earthlike, waterlike,
firelike, airlike, and skylike.
Siddha medicine--background and principles and the application for skin diseases
J Joseph Thas 1
Concept of disease and their cause
When the normal equilibrium of three humors (vatha,
pitha and kapha) is disturbed, disease is caused.
 The factors which affect this equilibrium are environment,
climatic conditions, diet, physical activities and stress.
Under normal conditions, the ratio between these three
humors (vatha, pitha and kapha) is 1:1/2:1/4,
According to the Siddha medicine system diet and life style
play a major role not only in health but also in curing
Saraf, S., Shukla, S. S., & Saraf, S. (2011). Fundamental aspect and basic concept of siddha medicines. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2(1), 48.
In diagnosis, examination of eight items is required which is commonly
known as astasthana-pariksa.
These are:-
 Na (tongue): black in vatha, yellow or red in pitha, white in kapha,
ulcerated in anaemia.
 Varna (color): dark in vatha, yellow or red in pitha, pale in kapha;
 Svara (voice): normal in vatha, high pitched in pitha, low pitched in
kapha, slurred in alcoholism.
 Kan (eyes): muddy conjunctiva, yellowish or red in pitha, pale in
Method of examination
 Sparisam (touch): dry in vatha, warm in pitha, chill in kapha,
sweating in different parts of the body.
 Mala (stool): black stools indicate vatha, yellow pitha, pale in
kapha, dark red in ulcer and shiny in terminal illness.
 Neer (urine): early morning urine is examined; straw color
indicates indigestion, reddish yellow excessive heat, rose in
blood pressure, saffron color in jaundice and looks like meat
washed water in renal disease.
 Nadi (pulse): the confirmatory method recorded on the radial
Saraf, S., Shukla, S. S., & Saraf, S. (2011). Fundamental aspect and basic concept of siddha medicines. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2(1), 48.
Drugs in siddha
The drugs used in Siddha medicine were classified on the basis of five
 Suvai (taste),
 Guna (character),
 Veerya (potency),
 Pirivu (class) and
 Mahimai (action).
According to their mode of application the Siddha medicine could
be categorized into two classes:
1. Internal medicine and
2. External medicine.
 Internal medicine was used through the oral route and further
classified in to 32 categories based on their form, methods of
preparation, shelf life, etc.
 External medicine includes certain forms of drugs and also
certain applications like nasal, eye and ear drops and also
certain procedures like leech application.
Thirty-two types of external applications and manipulations are mentioned in Siddha text and most
of them are in practice even today.
 Kattu - This application of medicine made of herbs, pashanas, etc, to the affected areas and
bandaging it.
 Patru - Application of paste obtained from plant extracts or by grinding raw drugs with or
without treating them.
 Ottradam - It is the application of fomentation using pulses, sereals husk, lime, brick powder,
leaves, etc.
 Poochu - Application of medicated oils or herbal juices after warming them gently.
 Vedhu - It is the inhalation of fumes or steam, by adding raw drug powders to boiling water or by
burning raw drugs as wicks in small earthern lamps which contain neem oil.
 Pottanam - Small cloth bags containing powdered raw drugs are soaked in warm neem oil or
other oily substances and applied over affected areas of the body as fomentation.
 Thokkanam - This is the physical manipulation of the body either by applying medicated oil or
without. This is similar to the present day physiotherapy.
 Pugai - This is application of fumes to the different parts of the body. The fume is generated by
using peacock feather, cumin seeds, horns of animals, skin of snakes, etc. Apart from that,
prepared medicines like Agasthiyar Kuzhambu, Koushikar Kuzhambu are also used.
 Mai - Application of fine paste to the eye. The carbon or smoke formed by burning
dried wick, soaked in Eclipta alba in confined air and mixed with cow’s butter.
 Podi thimirdhal - Rubbing the body with horse gram flour or turmeric powder with or
without camphor.
 Kallikam - Applying eye drops obtained by dissolving medicated pills in honey, breast
milk, plant juices, etc.
 Nasiya - The prepared medicines are used as nasal drops or fresh juice is used as
nasal drop. When the prepared medicine is used it is made liquid by dissolving it in
breast milk.
 Oodhal - The physician chewing the medicated substance and blowing the aroma in to
the ears or nose of the patient.
 Nasiga paranam - Raw drugs are either powdered or soaked in milk or herbal juices
dried, made in to powder and applied in to the nostril. This is the powdered form,
while nasia is in liquid form.
 Seelai - Toxic drugs are ground in water or herbal juice and a piece of cloth is soaked
in this and applied to the wounds.
 Neer - Some raw drugs are soaked in water or made in to decoctions, or toxic
substances are greatly diluted and used to wash wounds. They act as antiseptic.
 Varthi - Toxic substances are ground well with herbal juices or decoctions and piece
of cloth is soaked in this, made in to a wick and is applied to deep wounds.
 Suttigai - This is heat application using needles, broken earthern pots or piece of wood
in specific areas of the body. This also includes solar radiation and air radiation.
 Sallagai - This is an exploratory therapy using a probe which has blunt end.
 Pasai - Some drugs like kungiliya are added to molten wax or castor oil and applied to
 Kazhi - Drugs like Lepidum sativum seeds are ground with rice flour by adding milk
or water, heated and applied to affected area.
 Podi - Raw drugs are powdered and applied to wounds, mostly astringent drugs are
used for this purpose.
 Murichal - This is the physical manipulation by which dislocated bone or joint are
brought to their normal position. This is similar to bone-setting.
 Keeral - Incision of boils and removal of accumulated pus, blood, etc.
 Karam - Application of toxic drugs to areas to be excised or to chronic ulcers.
 Attai-vidal - Leech application to locally affected areas, block or swelling.
 Aruvai - This is excision of affected part of the body using specific surgical
 Kombu kattal - Immobilizing fractured bone using splints and bandages -
after proper reduction.
 Urinjal - Drainage of accumulated pus, blood etc by sucking with proper
 Peechu - Enema using water or soap water to evacuate rectum.
Saraf, S., Shukla, S. S., & Saraf, S. (2011). Fundamental aspect and basic concept of siddha medicines. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2(1), 48.
 The Unani System of Medicine, as its name suggests, owes its
origin to Greece. The roots of this system go to Egypt and its
sister civilization Mesopotamia.
 It was further adopted by the Arabs, and was developed and
improved tremendously by them
 Buqrat (better known as Hippocrates, 460-377 BC) is said to be
a descendent of Aesculapius and recognised as 'father of Unani
 The Greek period of Unani Medicine began with Asclepius
(Asqalébüs-1200 BC), who was a great scholar of Medicine.
During Asclepian period, the Greeks developed the art of
Medicine in the light of medical knowledge of Egyptians and
Unani System of Medicine was introduced to India by
the Arabs, and soon it took firm roots in the soil.
The Government of India facilitated the growth and
development of Unani Medicine by recognizing its
utility and scope and integrated it into healthcare
delivery system.
Unani in India
Seven basic physiological principles
(al-umoor al-tabiyah)
According to the concept of Unani medicine, the health of human
body is maintained by the homeostasis of al-umoor al-tabiyah, the
seven basic physiological principles of the Unani doctrine.
These include:-
(1) arkan, or elements,
(2) mizaj, or temperament,
(3) akhlat, or humours,
(4) a‟za, or organs,
(5) arwah, or vital spirit,
(6) quwa, or faculties or powers, and
(7) af‟al, or functions.
Balance between these seven physiological principles maintain
natural constitution of a body.
Each individual‟s constitution has a self-regulating capacity or
power, called tabiyat (or mudabbira-e-badan)
Six essential factors (Asbabe sitta
According to Unani medicine, health is considered as a state of
body with humors in equilibrium and body functions normal.
Health is based on six essential elements:
1. Air
2. Drinks and food
3. Sleep and wakefulness
4. Excretion and retention
5. Physical activity
6. Mental activity
Basic principle of treatment (Usool-e-Ilaj)
According to the Unani Medicine, the pathological
changes in an organ are caused mainly by derangement
in the temperament and quantity of humours which leads
to the accumulation of mawad-e-fasida (morbid
Modes of therapies in Unani medicine
Following modes of treating an ailment are available in Unani
system of medicine which depends upon the nature of the ailment
and its causes.
a) Ilaj-bil-Tadabeer (Regimental therapy) and Ilaj-bil-Ghiza/ Ilaj
bi‟l-Taghziya (Dietotherapy)
b) Ilaj-bil-Dawa (Pharmacotherapy)
c) Ilaj-bil-Yad (Surgery)
Principles of Regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadabeer)
Regimental therapy is a unique mode of treatment which is being
carried out through modification and modulation in Asbab-e-Sitta-
e-Zurooria (six essential factors)
Various regimes with newer advanced tools are
 Ilaj bi‟l Ghiza (Dietotherapy)
 Ilaj bi‟l Taleeq (Leech therapy)
 Ilaj bi‟l Hijama (Cupping therapy)
 Dalak (Massage)
 Riyazat (Exercise)
 Nutool (Moist fomentation)
 Bukhoor (Steam bath)
 Idrar (Diuresis)
 Hammam (Turkish bath)
 Kai (Cauterization)
Now a day, hijama (cupping therapy) is gaining popularity due its
rapid and conspicuous efficacy in maintenance of health and
prevention and treatment of diseases.
These regimes are actually meant for the Istifraagh-e- akhlaat-e-
radiya (evacuation of morbid humours) or tadeel-e-mizaj
(restoration of normal temperament) of the body.
Principle of Dietotherapy (Ilaj bi’l-Ghiza) in Unani
Diet (Ghiza) in Unani medicine is considered a two sword, helps in
maintaining health and excess or bad quality is a seed to disease.
Dietotherapy (Ilaj bi‟l-Ghiza) involves recommending a specific
diet, which is the simplest and most natural course of treatment by
a hakim.
For example:-
Unani medicine stresses a nutrient-rich, low-roughage diet that
might include dalia (porridge) and kheer (a milk broth).
Principles of Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj-bil
Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj-bil- Dawa) or treatment through
drugs is recommended in conditions, where regimental
or dietotherpay are not enough in correcting the
alterations in health.
Drugs made of mineral, the minerals existing in nature
are also used for therapeutic purposes and consists of
ores, metals and precious stones, salts, stones, clay etc
Surgery (Ilaj-bil-yad)
Surgery (Ilaj-bil- Yad) has been evolved from Unani system of
medicine. Unani physicians were pioneers in surgery and had
developed their own instruments and techniques.
They practiced surgery and wrote many remarkable books on the
subject like:-
 Kitab-al-Tasreef by Abul Qasim Zahravi,
 Kitab-al-Umda fil Jarahat by Ibn-al-Quf Masihi,
 Kamilus San‟a by Ali Abbas Majoosi etc.
Now a day, following surgeries are more commonly performed.
 Incision and drainage
 Cautery/ cauterization (Kai) and its usage in various conditions such removal
of polyp, moles, skin outgrowth etc.
 Hemorrhoidectomy
 Varicose Ulcers
 Removal of mass
 Debridement and care of diabetic foot
 Treatment of non-healing ulcers
 Hydrocele
 Highly disfigured tubercular joints
 Circumcision
 Cervical polyps
The word homoeopathy comes from the greek words
"homoios" which means similar, and "pathos" which
means disease.
Homeopathy is a gentle but effective form of treatment
which stimulates the natural ability of the organism to
heal itself.
Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a
medical system that was developed in Germany more
than 200 years ago
Lange, A., & A. Gaylord, S. (2013). Homeopathy. In Textbook of Natural Medicine (pp. 314–326). Elsevier.
Homeopathy was put forwarded by Dr. Christian
Fredric Samuel Hahnemann, the father of
Dr Christian Fredric Samuel Hahnemann was a modern
physician, one day accidentally when he was translating
Cullen's material medica (1970), He came across a
planned called cinchona, which is used in the preparation
of quinine , a drug used in treatment for malaria.
. It’s based on two unconventional theories:
• “Like cures like”—the notion that a disease can be
cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms
in healthy people.
• “Law of minimum dose”—the notion that the lower the
dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness.
Many homeopathic products are so diluted that no
molecules of the original substance remain.
The main principle of homoeopathy
The main principle of homoeopathy, the law of similars, which
predicts that a disease can be cured by a medicine, which in
healthy people is able to produce a condition that resembles the
disease. The law of similar is probably a basic law of nature.
 Homoeopathic medicines are likely to work through the body's
own curative powers.
Hjelvik M, Mørenskog E. Homøopatiens prinsipper [The principles of homeopathy]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1997 Jun 30;117(17):2497-501. Norwegian. PMID: 9265314.
Principle 1:- The law of Similar or like cures like
A substance that can artificially produce certain disease like
symptoms on a healthy person only that substance can cure a
similar disease when it is given to the patient in the form of
homeopathic medicine
Principle 2:- Single remedies for multiple complains
Treating man as whole with one single remedy which is most
similar in all his sufferings
Principle 3:- Individualisation
No two patient get the same remedy even though they may be
having the same disease
Principle 4:- Long term result
Treating your skin disorders and other associated complaints with
application of creams or medicine that temporarily relieve
symptoms but do not cure you internally is called suppression. It
leads to the development of serious illness in the future.
Principle 5:- Order of healing
After any treatment your health should never progress from milder
illness to more severe illness. There is a defined order in which the
cure should happen as per natures law.
Principle 6:- Minimum dose
The dose and the repetition of medicine has to be minimum to
ensure that the treatment is safe and free from side effects.
Walach H, Righetti M. Homöopathie: Grundlagen, Stand der Forschung, Forschungsstrategien [Homeopathy: principles, status of research, research design; comment]. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1996;108(20):654-63. German. PMID: 9005681.
Homeopaths often treat chronic conditions, such as :-
Chronic fatigue syndrome,
Multiple sclerosis
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
Headaches and
Bruises and injuries,
Emotional disorders
Various women's conditions such as:-
pre menstrual syndrome, post-partum and fibroids.
It's extremely popular for treating respiratory problems:-
Diagnostic methods
Applied kinesiology,
Tongue diagnosis,
Pulse diagnosis,
CBC,( Blood Analysis.)
The Vega test,
Drugs in Homeopathy
Homeopathic products come from plants (such as red onion,
arnica [mountain herb], poison ivy, belladonna [deadly
nightshade], and stinging nettle), minerals (such as white
arsenic), or animals (such as crushed whole bees).
Homeopathic products are often made as sugar pellets to be
placed under the tongue; they may also be in other forms,
such as ointments, gels, drops, creams, and tablets.
 Naturopathy is a distinct system of primary health care-an art, science,
philosophy, and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness.
 It is guided by a unique set of principles that recognize the body's innate
healing capacity, emphasize disease prevention, and encourage individual
responsibility to obtain optimal health
 Treatments address the patient's underlying condition, rather than individual
presenting symptoms.
 The goal of naturopathy is not the treatment of the disease alone, but rather
to restore wellness of the body.
 Naturopathy favors a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and
generally avoids the use of surgery and allopathic drugs
Fleming, S. A., & Gutknecht, N. C. (2010). Naturopathy and the primary care practice. Primary Care, 37(1), 119–136.
Naturopathy is a system of medicine aimed to diagnose and treat
any human ailment, pain and injury through the use of natural
Mainly 5 in number:-
called panchmahabhutas.
Nature cure is a system of building the entire being in harmony
with constrictive principles in nature on the physical, mental,
moral, and spiritual planes of being.
Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
Naturopathy is distinct of healing, employing the beneficent
agency of nature’s forces of water, air, sunlight, earth power,
electricity, magnetism, exercise, rest, proper diet, various kinds of
mechanical treatment mental and moral science.”
By Dr. Benedict lust
 It was discovered by Hippocrates, a Greek physician,
approximately 2400 years ago and is predominantly based on
the concept of nature’s healing power.
 Naturopathy was founded in the United States in 1901 by
Benedict Lust, MDwho collaborated with other leaders to build
the profession.
 It grew from Naturopathy into Naturopathic medicine starting in
the 1960’s,
Snider, P., & Zeff, J. (2019). Unifying principles of naturopathic medicine origins and definitions. Integrative Medicine (Encinitas, Calif.), 18(4), 36–39.
Health according to naturopathy
Health is the normal and harmonious vibration of the elements and
forces composing the human entity on the physical, mental, moral,
and spiritual planes of being, in conformity with the constructive
principle of nature applied to individual life.
Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
Disease according to naturopathy
The disease is the abnormal or inharmonious vibration of the
elements and forces composing the human entity on one or more
planes of being, in conformity with the destructive principle of
Nature applied to individual life
Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
The whole practice of Naturopathy is based on the following three
 1. Accumulation of morbid matter
 2. Abnormal composition of blood and lymph
 3. Lowered vitality
Basic principle of naturopathy
1. Body heals itself
2. Main cause of the disease is enervation
3. Deposit of metabolic end product/morbid matter in the system is a disease
4. Acute disease is a remedial process-it is itself a cure
5. Food is a building material and it does not increase vitality
6. Fasting does not cure any disease but provides an opportunity for the body to heal
7. Germs do not cause disease but are found in diseased condition
8. Exercise or physical activity keeps the balance between nutrition and drainage
9. External treatments whether naturopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic, or homeopathic-
give only relief, and do not cure
10. Patient’s own will to get well, determination and faith are necessary things for
nature cure treatment.
handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
Basic fundamentals of naturopathy
• First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere)
• Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrixnaturae)
• Treat the Cause (tollecausam)
• Treat The Whole Person (tolletotum)
• Doctor as Teacher (docere)
• Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Diagnositic method of naturopathy
 Iris diagnosis
 Tounge diagnosis
 Facial diagnosis
 Pulse diagnosis
 Chromo diagnosis
 Naturopathy Treatments deal with the healing power of nature
since its treatment is based on the philosophy that all healing
powers are within your body.
 This means that within every human organism there is a healing
energy, which includes our immune system, physical body and
psyche, which affects our wellness and our capacity to have
good health.
Fasting therapy
Magneto therapy and chromotherapy
 Diet therapy
 Yoga is a way of life, an experiential science of human nature
that enables us to realise our real selves.
 Sanskrit the term 'Yoga' means 'Union', here union refers to the
union between body, mind and spirit.
 Yoga is the original, timeless knowledge about the “essence”.
 Yoga simultaneously deals with all aspects of the philosophy,
psychology and practicality of conscious evolution.
 It is the ancient scientific system of physical and mental
practices that originated in India thousands of years back
According to patanjali yoga sutra
Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff (Chitta) from taking
various forms (Vrttis)
Hatha Yoga or the Yoga of postures: It involves physical poses or
Asana, Breathing Techniques or Pranayama, and Meditation to
achieve healthy body and peaceful mind.
Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of Devotion: It is all about devotion
towards the almighty and seeing divine in everyone and
Raj Yoga or the Yoga of Self control: This branch focuses on
meditation. It teaches self-discipline.
Jnana Yoga or the Yoga of the mind: It is the yoga of the mind. It
focuses on human wisdom to surpass one's limitations.
Karma Yoga or the Yoga of service: It is the path of service for the
good of human kind.
Tantra Yoga or the Yoga of rituals: It is about using rituals to
experience spirituality. It raises the consciousness by opening
The eight fold practice of yoga
o Yamas- Yamas (abstentions or restrains)
o Niyamas- Niyamas (observances)-austerities, purity,
contentment, study, surrender of the ego
o Asanas- Physical postures or exercises
o Pranayama- Control of vital energy (Breathing control)
o Partyahara- Withdrawal of the senses
o Dharana- Concentration of the mind (Contemplation)
o Dhyana- Meditation
o Samadhi- Attainment of The super conscious state
Commonly known as Amchi system of medicine,
Sowa Rigpa is one of the oldest and well
documented medical tradition , which is
popularly practiced in Tibet, Magnolia, Bhutan,
some parts of China, Nepal and Himalayan
regions of India.
Fundamental principles of Sowa Rigpa
Sowa-Rigpa is based on Jung-wa-nga (Pancha
mahabutha),Nespa-sum (Tridosha), Luszung-dun
(Sapta dhatu) and do’s and don’ts, Dietary guidelines,
Pulse examination etc.
which are common in Sowa-Rigpa and Ayurveda and
clearly indicates its close proximity with India.
The four medical tantra
The first tantra is called Root Tantra. It gives an
overview of Tibetan medicine. For a medical
student this tantra is like a world map.
The second tantra is called Explanatory Tantra. It
includes basic sciences such as anatomy,
embryology, physiology, pathology etc.
The third tantra is called Oral Instruction Tantra. It contains
explanations about all……
Diseases divided into the Eight Branches:
 The body as a whole
 Pediatrics
 Gynecology
 Psychological disorders
 Traumatology
 Toxicology
 Geriatrics
 Infertility
The fourth tantra is called Final Tantra or Action Tantra. It talks
about practical or clinical TTM - a city guide for our medical
The three roots
Root of Health and Diseases;
This part covers basic theory, such as balance of energy, body and
mind (‘health’), imbalance of energy (‘disease’). Theoretical
knowledge about anatomy, physiology and pathology is its
Root of Diagnosis;
Inspection includes evaluating the form and contour of the
patient’s body as well as the patient’s complexion; critical
observation of the sense organs, in particular the. characteristics
of the tongue; and detailed inspection of the urine, which is
considered to be the most important factor in diagnosis.
Palpation in TTM, the art of palpation (touching)
comprises various fields, the main two being pulse
reading and point checking.
Case history is the process of collecting information:
how to question and listen to the patient in order to
identify signs and symptoms; knowing about diet and
behavior in order to understand what the possible
causes of the disturbance or illness may be.
Root of Treatment ;
There are four main methods of treatment in
Tibetan medicine, namely:​
External Therapies
Allos means “opposite” and pathos means “suffering”.
The term allopathy was coined by Samuel Hahnemann the
inventor of homeopathy to designate the usual practice of
medicine. Allopathic medicine refers to science based ,modern
medicine or surgery to treat or suppress symptoms or the ill
effects of disease
ALP medicine forms the basis of many of the world's modern
health systems and remains primarily founded on the principles
established by the ancient Greeks, being quick, effective, and
highly efficient.
Uher, I., Cholewa, J., Kunicki, M., Švedová, M., Cimboláková, I., Kůchelová, Z., Kimáková, T., & Jusková, M. (2020). Allopathic and naturopathic medicine and their objective consideration of congruent
pursuit. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: ECAM, 2020, 7525713.
This is ideal for urgent situations that require
demanding and immediate care.
 ALP treats only the symptoms without addressing the
root cause of the issue.
ALP focuses on the visible signs and symptoms
(infections, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, parasites,
etc.). It relies on clinical examination and screening to
confirm the diagnosis.
Uher, I., Cholewa, J., Kunicki, M., Švedová, M., Cimboláková, I., Kůchelová, Z., Kimáková, T., & Jusková, M. (2020). Allopathic and naturopathic medicine and their objective consideration of congruent
pursuit. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: ECAM, 2020, 7525713.
A drug oriented methodology and relies on three
things hypothesis, experiment and the result
of the experiment.
Diagnostic methods
 X-ray
 CT Scan
 Pathology laboratory
 Bio chemistry Laboratory
 Dexa scan
 Ultrasonography
 Ecocardiogram
Criteria Naturopathy Yoga Ayurveda Homeopathy Allopathy
Violation of nature’s laws
leads to accumulation of
morbid matter, abnormal
composition of blood & lymph
and lowered vitality which
leads to disease.
Improper body
composition in
panchakosha and
reduce to prana level
leads the diseases.
Imbalance of tridoshas
(Vatta,pitta, kapha) are
responsible for causing
the diseases.
Certain substances
which reduce
immunity and leads
to disease.
Germ theory, virus &
bacteria are the infection
casuative factor they
reduce the immunity and
leads the diseases.
Treatment Lifestyle modification(ex-
return to nature), elimination
of toxins and prevention, yogic
Prevention, cleansing of
pancha koshas, stress
management at
physical and mental
level, positive thinking
Prevention, balancing
the tridoshas, Dietary
Less preventive in
It believes in suppressing
of symptoms through
drugs, chemical & surgical
management less
preventive in nature.
1. Composition
Composition of body is
Composition of body is
Composition of body is
Composition of body
is cell & tissues.
Composition of body is
cell & tissues.
2.Mind It plays an important role in
It plays an important
role in yoga.
It plays an impotant
It has less
significance role.
It has less significance
3.Cleansing of
Cleansing the body is very
important aspect in
Cleansing techniques
(shat kriyas) plays an
important role in yoga.
Cleansing process
(Pancha karmas) plays
an important role.
They don’t believe in
cleansing process of
They also don’t believe in
cleansing the body.
Criteria Naturopathy yoga Ayurveda Homeopathy Allopathy
No internal
No internal
medications are
medications are
medications are
1. surgery
No violence or
invasive methods
No violence or
invasive methods
Some invasive
methods (Salya
chikitsa) are used
Some invasive
methods are used
More invasive
methods are
2. Diet Much importance
is given to diet
Diet plays an
important role
Diet plays an
important role
Some dietary
restrictions are
Some dietary
restrictions are
3. Means of
4. Side effect
5. Believes
6. Toxins
Natural methods
are used
Belives in vitality
Not administred
Natural methods
are used
Believes in vitality
Not administred
Some natural
methods are used
Have some side
Also explain
about prana
Some toxins
Not always
Some side effects
Doesn’t believe In
vitality or prana
Some toxins
More artificial
methods are
Frequent side
Doesn’t believe
in vitality or
Most of the
drugs are toxic

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Fundamentals of different medical system in relation to naturopathy.pptx

  • 1. Fundamental of different medical system in relation to Naturopathy By:- Dr. Rakhee Sharma Naturopathy Jr 1
  • 2. Medical system According to the World Health Organization a health system consists of all organizations, people and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore or maintain health.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Traditional Systems of medicines always played important role in meeting the global health care needs. The system of medicines which are considered to be Indian in origin or the systems of medicine, which have come to India from outside and got assimilated in to Indian culture are known as Indian Systems of Medicine They are-Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Yoga, Naturopathy and Homoeopathy.
  • 5.
  • 6. AYURVEDA The word ‘Ayurveda’ has derived out of fusion of two separate words- ‘Áyu’ i.e. life and ‘veda’ i.e. knowledge.Thus in literal meaning Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is believed to be of divine origin according to indian mythology. The knowledge of various diseases & their treatment was known to ancient rishis and sages ,who used to treat the common man with medicinal herbs . It was among the first medical systems to advocate an integrated approach towards matters of health and disease. Ravishankar, B., & Shukla, V. J. (2007). Indian systems of medicine: a brief profile. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines, 4(3), 319–337.
  • 7.
  • 8. History The original conception of Ayurveda in its entirety is essentially linked to Dhanwantari who is considered as God of Hindu Medicine. Dhanwantari is considered a mythical deity born with ambrosia in one hand and Ayurveda on the other at the end of the churning of milk ocean. He reincarnated himself in the Chandra dynasty. He was born to King Dhanwa, learnt Ayurveda from Bharadwaja. His great grandson Divodasa was also known as Dhanwantari, but was specialised only in surgical branch of Ayurveda. Sushruta, is said to have learnt the art of science of surgery from Divodasa Dhanwantari. Mishra, L., Singh, B. B., & Dagenais, S. (2001). Ayurveda: a historical perspective and principles of the traditional healthcare system in India. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 7(2), 36–42.
  • 9. Ayurveda has been the traditional system of healthcare in India for more than 5000 years. This medical system was well established around 2500 to 600 BC, when it evolved into 2 schools: the School of Physicians and the School of Surgeons, similar to allopathy. Charak Samhita, Susrut Samhita, and Ashtang Hridaya Samhita are the Senior Triad texts, and Madhav Nidan Samhita, Sarangdhar Samhita, and Bhavprakash Samhita are the Junior Triad texts. Ayurveda is heavily practice in India and Nepal Charaka is called 'Father of Ayurveda'.
  • 10. Definition of health according to ayurveda समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलग्नियाः। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थः इत्यग्निधीयते ॥ Sushrut Samhita, Sutrasthan, Ch. 15, Shloka 10 According to Susruta Samhita, a healthy individual is one whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good, whose dhatus are functioning normally, whose malas are in balance, and whose body, mind, and senses remain full of bliss.
  • 11. FUNDAMENTALS OF AYURVEDA Ayurveda believes that the body is composed of 3 body doshas, 3 mental doshas, 7 dhatus, malas and Agni. Body doshas:- Vata (nervous system), Pitta (enzymes), Kapha (mucus)
  • 12. These five elements are believed to form the three basic humors of human body in varying combinations. The three humors:-  Vata dosha,  Pitta dosha and  Kapha dosha And are collectively called as “Tridoshas” Jaiswal, Y. S., & Williams, L. L. (2017). A glimpse of Ayurveda - The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional medicine. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 7(1), 50–53.
  • 13. • Vata Dosha is composed of Akasa (ether) and Vayu (air) Mahabhutas. • Pitta Dosha is composed of Tejas or Agni (fire) and Ap Mahabhutas. • Kapha Dosha is composed of Ap (water) and Prithvi (earth) Mahabhutas. Shilpa, S., & Venkatesha Murthy, C. G. (2011). Understanding personality from Ayurvedic perspective for psychological assessment: A case. Ayu, 32(1), 12–19.
  • 14. Characteristic features of the three extreme prakriti types: Vata, pitta, and kapha and their susceptibility to diseases
  • 15. These humors govern and control the basic psycho- biological functions in the body. VATA Vata governs functions in the body that relate to movement (e.g., movement of food through the digestive tract, transportation of oxygen in the bloodstream, communication between cells via nerve impulses, etc. When disturbed causes illness, weakness, tremors, constipation, insomnia. Located in colon, thighs, hips, ears & bones.
  • 16. PITTA Pitta governs functions that relate to transformation (e.g., digestion of food, processes of metabolism, etc.) Exists mainly in acid form as fire. In excess causes yellow color of stool, urine, eyes & skin. Located in small intestine, stomach, blood, lymph.
  • 17. KAPHA Kapha governs the structure and cohesion of the body. Gives stability , lubrication, & holding together of joints. Excessive kapha causes depression of digestive fire, nausea, lethargy, cough, difficult breathing, excessive sleeping.
  • 18. Ayurveda believes that the human body consists of Saptadhatus (seven basic tissues)  Rasa (tissue fluids),  Meda (fat and connective tissue),  Rakta (blood),  Asthi (bones),  Majja (marrow),  Mamsa (muscle), and  Shukra (semen) and
  • 19. The 3 malas Three Malas (waste products) of the body, Purisha (faeces), Mutra (urine) and Sweda (sweat).
  • 20. Agni Agni has been divided into 13 types one Jatharagni,  five Bhutagni and seven Dhatvagni. Jatharagni is the most important one, which digests four types of food and transforms it into Rasa and Mala. The five Bhutagnis act on the respective bhutika portion of the food and thereby nourish the Bhutas in the body. The seven Dhatvagni act on the respective dhatus of the body. Agrawal, A. K., Yadav, C. R., & Meena, M. S. (2010). Physiological aspects of Agni. Ayu, 31(3), 395–398.
  • 21. Methods of diagnosis in ayurveda Asta Sthana Pariksa Nadi Pariska Mootra Mala pariksha Jihvu parisksa –tongue examination for its colour, movement, shape and taste sense etc. Srotra-ear and capacity for hearing and Sparsa-skin for sensation of touch and lusture, colour, temperature. Thakar, V. J. (1982). Diagnostic methods in ayurveda. Ancient Science of Life, 1(3), 139–145.
  • 22. Dirg and Caksu-the eye is to be examined not only for its proper function but for change of its normal lusture colour for oedema, discharge for deviation of the eye ball, retraction or tightness of lids for dilation or constriction of the pupil etc. Akriti-the Facis- The patient’s face may be observed for expression of emotional upset grief, rage worry, fatigue, anxiety, elation or depression; physical changes-pallor or plethora, cynosis, jaundice, leanness plumpiness, puffines etc. Thakar, V. J. (1982). Diagnostic methods in ayurveda. Ancient Science of Life, 1(3), 139–145.
  • 23. Treatments in ayurveda Ayurveda employs the “Pancha karma” method in its therapies. Pancha karma therapy applies various processes for the rejuvenation of the body, cleansing and enhancing longevity. The Pancha karma is composed of five karmas (actions) that are used for removal of toxins from the body tissues. They are :-  Virechan,  Vaman,  Basti  Raktamoksha  Nasya Jaiswal, Y. S., & Williams, L. L. (2017). A glimpse of Ayurveda - The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional medicine. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 7(1), 50–53.
  • 24.
  • 25. Panchakarma consists of 3 steps  Poorva karma (preparatory process of the body for the therapy),  Pradhan karma (the main process of therapy) and the  Paschat karma (consisting of regimens to be followed to restore digestive and other absorptive procedures of the body, back to the normal state).
  • 26. VAMANA  Vamana Karma is one of the five Pradhana Karmas of Panchakarma  Vamana is a procedure in which Doshas (waste products or toxins) are eliminated through upper channels i.e. mouth.  Vamana expels excess mucus and toxins from the stomach and respiratory system Utilization of Ayurveda in health care: an approach for prevention, health promotion, and treatment of disease. Part 1--Ayurveda, the science of life Hari Sharma 1, H M Chandola, Gurdip Singh, Gopal Basisht Bhatted, S., Shukla, V. D., Thakar, A., & Bhatt, N. N. (2011). A study on Vasantika Vamana (therapeutic emesis in spring season) - A preventive measure for diseases of Kapha origin. Ayu, 32(2), 181–186.
  • 27. Virechana  Virechana is the process of cleansing of the intestines which are pitta dominant through the use of laxative medicines.It helps to remove the toxic and metabolic waste from liver, gallbladder and intestinal tract.  Virechana expels bile and Pitta toxins from the small intestine and liver. Utilization of Ayurveda in health care: an approach for prevention, health promotion, and treatment of disease. Part 1--Ayurveda, the science of life Hari Sharma 1, H M Chandola, Gurdip Singh, Gopal Basisht
  • 28. KATI BASTI Treatment for strengthening the lower back and relieving it of pain using medicated oils & herbal decoction. Reduce inflammation and pain caused by lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, and osteoporosis.  Improve urinary problems, prostrate problems, and menstrual problem.
  • 29. RAKTAMOKSHANA  Raktamokshana cleanses the bloodstream and stimulates the production of healthy new blood.  Raktamokshana therapy is the blood cleasing and purification therapy. It is a therapeutic cleasing process given by ayurveda. It is one of the essential parts of the panchkarma healing treatment.  Therapeutic Benefits  Osteoarthritis  Rheumatoid arthritis  Pericarditis  Psoriatic arthritis  Skin Disorders
  • 31. Ayurveda has eight disciplines called as “Äshtanga Ayurveda”. They are:-  Kayachikitsa (internal medicine treatment),  Bhootavidya (treatment of psychological disorders),  Kaumar Bhritya (pediatric treatment),  Rasayana (study of geriatrics),  Vajikarana (treatment through aphrodisiacs and eugenics),  Shalya (surgical treatment),  Shalakya (otorhinolaryngological and ophthalmological treatment),  Agada Tantra (toxicological studies).
  • 32.
  • 33. SIDDHA  The word Siddha means established truth.  Siddha medicine is one of the most ancient medical systems of India. Siddha is the mother medicine of ancient Tamils/Dravidians of peninsular South India.  Before 2000 years the TMS of the Tamils was known as Marunthu (Medicine).It got the proper name of Siddha Medicine in course of time due to the extraordinary contributions made by Siddhars. Siddha medicine--background and principles and the application for skin diseases J Joseph Thas 1
  • 34. Developed in pre-ayurvedic age at Mohenjo-Daro civilization around 7000 years ago.  The persons who were associated with establishing such a Siddha school of thought were known as Siddhars.  Siddha system of medicine is more prominent in the southern part of India—mostly in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Apart from India, Siddha system of Medicine is practiced in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore Siddha medicine--background and principles and the application for skin diseases J Joseph Thas 1
  • 36. FIVE ELEMENT The whole universe is believed to be constituted of five primordial elements or PanchaMahabhootas. Siddha propounds that the physical structure of the universe and man are basically made up of Five Elements. They are:-  Nilam (Earth),  Neer (Water),  Thee (Fire),  Kaatru (Air), and  Vin (Sky). These names denote the properties of the elements and not the exact substances they mean. Hence, we have to take them as earthlike, waterlike, firelike, airlike, and skylike. Siddha medicine--background and principles and the application for skin diseases J Joseph Thas 1
  • 37. Concept of disease and their cause When the normal equilibrium of three humors (vatha, pitha and kapha) is disturbed, disease is caused.  The factors which affect this equilibrium are environment, climatic conditions, diet, physical activities and stress. Under normal conditions, the ratio between these three humors (vatha, pitha and kapha) is 1:1/2:1/4, respectively. According to the Siddha medicine system diet and life style play a major role not only in health but also in curing diseases. Saraf, S., Shukla, S. S., & Saraf, S. (2011). Fundamental aspect and basic concept of siddha medicines. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2(1), 48.
  • 38. In diagnosis, examination of eight items is required which is commonly known as astasthana-pariksa. These are:-  Na (tongue): black in vatha, yellow or red in pitha, white in kapha, ulcerated in anaemia.  Varna (color): dark in vatha, yellow or red in pitha, pale in kapha;  Svara (voice): normal in vatha, high pitched in pitha, low pitched in kapha, slurred in alcoholism.  Kan (eyes): muddy conjunctiva, yellowish or red in pitha, pale in kapha. Method of examination
  • 39.  Sparisam (touch): dry in vatha, warm in pitha, chill in kapha, sweating in different parts of the body.  Mala (stool): black stools indicate vatha, yellow pitha, pale in kapha, dark red in ulcer and shiny in terminal illness.  Neer (urine): early morning urine is examined; straw color indicates indigestion, reddish yellow excessive heat, rose in blood pressure, saffron color in jaundice and looks like meat washed water in renal disease.  Nadi (pulse): the confirmatory method recorded on the radial artery. Saraf, S., Shukla, S. S., & Saraf, S. (2011). Fundamental aspect and basic concept of siddha medicines. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2(1), 48.
  • 40. Drugs in siddha The drugs used in Siddha medicine were classified on the basis of five properties:  Suvai (taste),  Guna (character),  Veerya (potency),  Pirivu (class) and  Mahimai (action).
  • 41. According to their mode of application the Siddha medicine could be categorized into two classes: 1. Internal medicine and 2. External medicine.  Internal medicine was used through the oral route and further classified in to 32 categories based on their form, methods of preparation, shelf life, etc.  External medicine includes certain forms of drugs and also certain applications like nasal, eye and ear drops and also certain procedures like leech application.
  • 42. APPLICATION Thirty-two types of external applications and manipulations are mentioned in Siddha text and most of them are in practice even today.  Kattu - This application of medicine made of herbs, pashanas, etc, to the affected areas and bandaging it.  Patru - Application of paste obtained from plant extracts or by grinding raw drugs with or without treating them.  Ottradam - It is the application of fomentation using pulses, sereals husk, lime, brick powder, leaves, etc.  Poochu - Application of medicated oils or herbal juices after warming them gently.  Vedhu - It is the inhalation of fumes or steam, by adding raw drug powders to boiling water or by burning raw drugs as wicks in small earthern lamps which contain neem oil.  Pottanam - Small cloth bags containing powdered raw drugs are soaked in warm neem oil or other oily substances and applied over affected areas of the body as fomentation.  Thokkanam - This is the physical manipulation of the body either by applying medicated oil or without. This is similar to the present day physiotherapy.  Pugai - This is application of fumes to the different parts of the body. The fume is generated by using peacock feather, cumin seeds, horns of animals, skin of snakes, etc. Apart from that, prepared medicines like Agasthiyar Kuzhambu, Koushikar Kuzhambu are also used.
  • 43.  Mai - Application of fine paste to the eye. The carbon or smoke formed by burning dried wick, soaked in Eclipta alba in confined air and mixed with cow’s butter.  Podi thimirdhal - Rubbing the body with horse gram flour or turmeric powder with or without camphor.  Kallikam - Applying eye drops obtained by dissolving medicated pills in honey, breast milk, plant juices, etc.  Nasiya - The prepared medicines are used as nasal drops or fresh juice is used as nasal drop. When the prepared medicine is used it is made liquid by dissolving it in breast milk.  Oodhal - The physician chewing the medicated substance and blowing the aroma in to the ears or nose of the patient.  Nasiga paranam - Raw drugs are either powdered or soaked in milk or herbal juices dried, made in to powder and applied in to the nostril. This is the powdered form, while nasia is in liquid form.  Seelai - Toxic drugs are ground in water or herbal juice and a piece of cloth is soaked in this and applied to the wounds.
  • 44.  Neer - Some raw drugs are soaked in water or made in to decoctions, or toxic substances are greatly diluted and used to wash wounds. They act as antiseptic.  Varthi - Toxic substances are ground well with herbal juices or decoctions and piece of cloth is soaked in this, made in to a wick and is applied to deep wounds.  Suttigai - This is heat application using needles, broken earthern pots or piece of wood in specific areas of the body. This also includes solar radiation and air radiation.  Sallagai - This is an exploratory therapy using a probe which has blunt end.  Pasai - Some drugs like kungiliya are added to molten wax or castor oil and applied to wounds.  Kazhi - Drugs like Lepidum sativum seeds are ground with rice flour by adding milk or water, heated and applied to affected area.  Podi - Raw drugs are powdered and applied to wounds, mostly astringent drugs are used for this purpose.  Murichal - This is the physical manipulation by which dislocated bone or joint are brought to their normal position. This is similar to bone-setting.
  • 45.  Keeral - Incision of boils and removal of accumulated pus, blood, etc.  Karam - Application of toxic drugs to areas to be excised or to chronic ulcers.  Attai-vidal - Leech application to locally affected areas, block or swelling.  Aruvai - This is excision of affected part of the body using specific surgical instruments.  Kombu kattal - Immobilizing fractured bone using splints and bandages - after proper reduction.  Urinjal - Drainage of accumulated pus, blood etc by sucking with proper drains.  Peechu - Enema using water or soap water to evacuate rectum. Saraf, S., Shukla, S. S., & Saraf, S. (2011). Fundamental aspect and basic concept of siddha medicines. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2(1), 48.
  • 46.
  • 47. Unani  The Unani System of Medicine, as its name suggests, owes its origin to Greece. The roots of this system go to Egypt and its sister civilization Mesopotamia.  It was further adopted by the Arabs, and was developed and improved tremendously by them  Buqrat (better known as Hippocrates, 460-377 BC) is said to be a descendent of Aesculapius and recognised as 'father of Unani medicine  The Greek period of Unani Medicine began with Asclepius (Asqalébüs-1200 BC), who was a great scholar of Medicine. During Asclepian period, the Greeks developed the art of Medicine in the light of medical knowledge of Egyptians and Babylonians.
  • 48. Unani System of Medicine was introduced to India by the Arabs, and soon it took firm roots in the soil. The Government of India facilitated the growth and development of Unani Medicine by recognizing its utility and scope and integrated it into healthcare delivery system. Unani in India
  • 50. Seven basic physiological principles (al-umoor al-tabiyah) According to the concept of Unani medicine, the health of human body is maintained by the homeostasis of al-umoor al-tabiyah, the seven basic physiological principles of the Unani doctrine. These include:- (1) arkan, or elements, (2) mizaj, or temperament, (3) akhlat, or humours, (4) a‟za, or organs, (5) arwah, or vital spirit,
  • 51. (6) quwa, or faculties or powers, and (7) af‟al, or functions. Balance between these seven physiological principles maintain natural constitution of a body. Each individual‟s constitution has a self-regulating capacity or power, called tabiyat (or mudabbira-e-badan)
  • 52. Six essential factors (Asbabe sitta zarooriya) According to Unani medicine, health is considered as a state of body with humors in equilibrium and body functions normal. Health is based on six essential elements: 1. Air 2. Drinks and food 3. Sleep and wakefulness 4. Excretion and retention 5. Physical activity 6. Mental activity
  • 53. Basic principle of treatment (Usool-e-Ilaj) According to the Unani Medicine, the pathological changes in an organ are caused mainly by derangement in the temperament and quantity of humours which leads to the accumulation of mawad-e-fasida (morbid material).
  • 54. Modes of therapies in Unani medicine Following modes of treating an ailment are available in Unani system of medicine which depends upon the nature of the ailment and its causes. a) Ilaj-bil-Tadabeer (Regimental therapy) and Ilaj-bil-Ghiza/ Ilaj bi‟l-Taghziya (Dietotherapy) b) Ilaj-bil-Dawa (Pharmacotherapy) c) Ilaj-bil-Yad (Surgery)
  • 55. Principles of Regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadabeer) Regimental therapy is a unique mode of treatment which is being carried out through modification and modulation in Asbab-e-Sitta- e-Zurooria (six essential factors) Various regimes with newer advanced tools are  Ilaj bi‟l Ghiza (Dietotherapy)  Ilaj bi‟l Taleeq (Leech therapy)  Ilaj bi‟l Hijama (Cupping therapy)  Dalak (Massage)
  • 56.  Riyazat (Exercise)  Nutool (Moist fomentation)  Bukhoor (Steam bath)  Idrar (Diuresis)  Hammam (Turkish bath)  Kai (Cauterization) Now a day, hijama (cupping therapy) is gaining popularity due its rapid and conspicuous efficacy in maintenance of health and prevention and treatment of diseases. These regimes are actually meant for the Istifraagh-e- akhlaat-e- radiya (evacuation of morbid humours) or tadeel-e-mizaj (restoration of normal temperament) of the body.
  • 57. Principle of Dietotherapy (Ilaj bi’l-Ghiza) in Unani medicine Diet (Ghiza) in Unani medicine is considered a two sword, helps in maintaining health and excess or bad quality is a seed to disease. Dietotherapy (Ilaj bi‟l-Ghiza) involves recommending a specific diet, which is the simplest and most natural course of treatment by a hakim. For example:- Unani medicine stresses a nutrient-rich, low-roughage diet that might include dalia (porridge) and kheer (a milk broth).
  • 58. Principles of Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj-bil dawa) Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj-bil- Dawa) or treatment through drugs is recommended in conditions, where regimental or dietotherpay are not enough in correcting the alterations in health. Drugs made of mineral, the minerals existing in nature are also used for therapeutic purposes and consists of ores, metals and precious stones, salts, stones, clay etc
  • 59. Surgery (Ilaj-bil-yad) Surgery (Ilaj-bil- Yad) has been evolved from Unani system of medicine. Unani physicians were pioneers in surgery and had developed their own instruments and techniques. They practiced surgery and wrote many remarkable books on the subject like:-  Kitab-al-Tasreef by Abul Qasim Zahravi,  Kitab-al-Umda fil Jarahat by Ibn-al-Quf Masihi,  Kamilus San‟a by Ali Abbas Majoosi etc.
  • 60. Now a day, following surgeries are more commonly performed.  Incision and drainage  Cautery/ cauterization (Kai) and its usage in various conditions such removal of polyp, moles, skin outgrowth etc.  Hemorrhoidectomy  Varicose Ulcers  Removal of mass  Debridement and care of diabetic foot  Treatment of non-healing ulcers  Hydrocele  Highly disfigured tubercular joints  Circumcision  Cervical polyps
  • 61.
  • 62. HOMEOPATHY The word homoeopathy comes from the greek words "homoios" which means similar, and "pathos" which means disease. Homeopathy is a gentle but effective form of treatment which stimulates the natural ability of the organism to heal itself. Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a medical system that was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago Lange, A., & A. Gaylord, S. (2013). Homeopathy. In Textbook of Natural Medicine (pp. 314–326). Elsevier.
  • 63. Homeopathy was put forwarded by Dr. Christian Fredric Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy. Dr Christian Fredric Samuel Hahnemann was a modern physician, one day accidentally when he was translating Cullen's material medica (1970), He came across a planned called cinchona, which is used in the preparation of quinine , a drug used in treatment for malaria.
  • 64. . It’s based on two unconventional theories: • “Like cures like”—the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people. • “Law of minimum dose”—the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. Many homeopathic products are so diluted that no molecules of the original substance remain.
  • 65. The main principle of homoeopathy The main principle of homoeopathy, the law of similars, which predicts that a disease can be cured by a medicine, which in healthy people is able to produce a condition that resembles the disease. The law of similar is probably a basic law of nature.  Homoeopathic medicines are likely to work through the body's own curative powers. Hjelvik M, Mørenskog E. Homøopatiens prinsipper [The principles of homeopathy]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1997 Jun 30;117(17):2497-501. Norwegian. PMID: 9265314.
  • 66. Principle 1:- The law of Similar or like cures like A substance that can artificially produce certain disease like symptoms on a healthy person only that substance can cure a similar disease when it is given to the patient in the form of homeopathic medicine Principle 2:- Single remedies for multiple complains Treating man as whole with one single remedy which is most similar in all his sufferings Principle 3:- Individualisation No two patient get the same remedy even though they may be having the same disease
  • 67. Principle 4:- Long term result Treating your skin disorders and other associated complaints with application of creams or medicine that temporarily relieve symptoms but do not cure you internally is called suppression. It leads to the development of serious illness in the future. Principle 5:- Order of healing After any treatment your health should never progress from milder illness to more severe illness. There is a defined order in which the cure should happen as per natures law. Principle 6:- Minimum dose The dose and the repetition of medicine has to be minimum to ensure that the treatment is safe and free from side effects. Walach H, Righetti M. Homöopathie: Grundlagen, Stand der Forschung, Forschungsstrategien [Homeopathy: principles, status of research, research design; comment]. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1996;108(20):654-63. German. PMID: 9005681.
  • 68. Homeopaths often treat chronic conditions, such as :- Insomnia Chronic fatigue syndrome, Multiple sclerosis Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Headaches and Arthritis Diarrhea, Bruises and injuries, Emotional disorders
  • 69. Various women's conditions such as:- pre menstrual syndrome, post-partum and fibroids. It's extremely popular for treating respiratory problems:- Asthma Rhinitis Allergies, Colds.
  • 70. Diagnostic methods Iridology, Applied kinesiology, Tongue diagnosis, Pulse diagnosis, CBC,( Blood Analysis.) The Vega test,
  • 71. Drugs in Homeopathy Homeopathic products come from plants (such as red onion, arnica [mountain herb], poison ivy, belladonna [deadly nightshade], and stinging nettle), minerals (such as white arsenic), or animals (such as crushed whole bees). Homeopathic products are often made as sugar pellets to be placed under the tongue; they may also be in other forms, such as ointments, gels, drops, creams, and tablets.
  • 72.
  • 73. NATUROPATHY  Naturopathy is a distinct system of primary health care-an art, science, philosophy, and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness.  It is guided by a unique set of principles that recognize the body's innate healing capacity, emphasize disease prevention, and encourage individual responsibility to obtain optimal health  Treatments address the patient's underlying condition, rather than individual presenting symptoms.  The goal of naturopathy is not the treatment of the disease alone, but rather to restore wellness of the body.  Naturopathy favors a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and generally avoids the use of surgery and allopathic drugs Fleming, S. A., & Gutknecht, N. C. (2010). Naturopathy and the primary care practice. Primary Care, 37(1), 119–136.
  • 74. Naturopathy is a system of medicine aimed to diagnose and treat any human ailment, pain and injury through the use of natural elements. Mainly 5 in number:- Space(Akash) Air(Vayu) Fire(Agni) Water(Jal) Earth(Prithvi) called panchmahabhutas.
  • 75. Definition Nature cure is a system of building the entire being in harmony with constrictive principles in nature on the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes of being. Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr Naturopathy is distinct of healing, employing the beneficent agency of nature’s forces of water, air, sunlight, earth power, electricity, magnetism, exercise, rest, proper diet, various kinds of mechanical treatment mental and moral science.” By Dr. Benedict lust
  • 76. HISTORY OF NATUROPATHY  It was discovered by Hippocrates, a Greek physician, approximately 2400 years ago and is predominantly based on the concept of nature’s healing power.  Naturopathy was founded in the United States in 1901 by Benedict Lust, MDwho collaborated with other leaders to build the profession.  It grew from Naturopathy into Naturopathic medicine starting in the 1960’s, Snider, P., & Zeff, J. (2019). Unifying principles of naturopathic medicine origins and definitions. Integrative Medicine (Encinitas, Calif.), 18(4), 36–39.
  • 77. Health according to naturopathy Health is the normal and harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes of being, in conformity with the constructive principle of nature applied to individual life. Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
  • 78. Disease according to naturopathy The disease is the abnormal or inharmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on one or more planes of being, in conformity with the destructive principle of Nature applied to individual life Philosophy & Practice of Nature Cure, Henry Lindlahr
  • 79. Principles of Naturopathic Medicine The whole practice of Naturopathy is based on the following three principles:  1. Accumulation of morbid matter  2. Abnormal composition of blood and lymph  3. Lowered vitality
  • 80. Basic principle of naturopathy 1. Body heals itself 2. Main cause of the disease is enervation 3. Deposit of metabolic end product/morbid matter in the system is a disease 4. Acute disease is a remedial process-it is itself a cure 5. Food is a building material and it does not increase vitality 6. Fasting does not cure any disease but provides an opportunity for the body to heal itself. 7. Germs do not cause disease but are found in diseased condition 8. Exercise or physical activity keeps the balance between nutrition and drainage 9. External treatments whether naturopathic, allopathic, ayurvedic, or homeopathic- give only relief, and do not cure 10. Patient’s own will to get well, determination and faith are necessary things for nature cure treatment. handbook of naturopathy - ISBN 9789385968938 by Dr. Sukhbir singh
  • 81. Basic fundamentals of naturopathy • First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere) • Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrixnaturae) • Treat the Cause (tollecausam) • Treat The Whole Person (tolletotum) • Doctor as Teacher (docere) • Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
  • 82. Diagnositic method of naturopathy  Iris diagnosis  Tounge diagnosis  Facial diagnosis  Pulse diagnosis  Chromo diagnosis
  • 83. Treatment  Naturopathy Treatments deal with the healing power of nature since its treatment is based on the philosophy that all healing powers are within your body.  This means that within every human organism there is a healing energy, which includes our immune system, physical body and psyche, which affects our wellness and our capacity to have good health.
  • 85. YOGA
  • 86. YOGA  Yoga is a way of life, an experiential science of human nature that enables us to realise our real selves.  Sanskrit the term 'Yoga' means 'Union', here union refers to the union between body, mind and spirit.  Yoga is the original, timeless knowledge about the “essence”.  Yoga simultaneously deals with all aspects of the philosophy, psychology and practicality of conscious evolution.  It is the ancient scientific system of physical and mental practices that originated in India thousands of years back
  • 87. According to patanjali yoga sutra मोगणित्तविृत्तिनयोध् yogashchittavrittinirodhah Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff (Chitta) from taking various forms (Vrttis)
  • 88. Types Hatha Yoga or the Yoga of postures: It involves physical poses or Asana, Breathing Techniques or Pranayama, and Meditation to achieve healthy body and peaceful mind. Bhakti Yoga or the Yoga of Devotion: It is all about devotion towards the almighty and seeing divine in everyone and everything. Raj Yoga or the Yoga of Self control: This branch focuses on meditation. It teaches self-discipline. Jnana Yoga or the Yoga of the mind: It is the yoga of the mind. It focuses on human wisdom to surpass one's limitations. Karma Yoga or the Yoga of service: It is the path of service for the good of human kind. Tantra Yoga or the Yoga of rituals: It is about using rituals to experience spirituality. It raises the consciousness by opening creativity
  • 89. The eight fold practice of yoga o Yamas- Yamas (abstentions or restrains) o Niyamas- Niyamas (observances)-austerities, purity, contentment, study, surrender of the ego o Asanas- Physical postures or exercises o Pranayama- Control of vital energy (Breathing control) o Partyahara- Withdrawal of the senses o Dharana- Concentration of the mind (Contemplation) o Dhyana- Meditation o Samadhi- Attainment of The super conscious state
  • 90.
  • 91. SOWA RIGPA Commonly known as Amchi system of medicine, Sowa Rigpa is one of the oldest and well documented medical tradition , which is popularly practiced in Tibet, Magnolia, Bhutan, some parts of China, Nepal and Himalayan regions of India.
  • 92. Fundamental principles of Sowa Rigpa Sowa-Rigpa is based on Jung-wa-nga (Pancha mahabutha),Nespa-sum (Tridosha), Luszung-dun (Sapta dhatu) and do’s and don’ts, Dietary guidelines, Pulse examination etc. which are common in Sowa-Rigpa and Ayurveda and clearly indicates its close proximity with India.
  • 93. The four medical tantra The first tantra is called Root Tantra. It gives an overview of Tibetan medicine. For a medical student this tantra is like a world map. The second tantra is called Explanatory Tantra. It includes basic sciences such as anatomy, embryology, physiology, pathology etc.
  • 94. The third tantra is called Oral Instruction Tantra. It contains explanations about all…… Diseases divided into the Eight Branches:  The body as a whole  Pediatrics  Gynecology  Psychological disorders  Traumatology  Toxicology  Geriatrics  Infertility The fourth tantra is called Final Tantra or Action Tantra. It talks about practical or clinical TTM - a city guide for our medical journey.
  • 95. The three roots Root of Health and Diseases; This part covers basic theory, such as balance of energy, body and mind (‘health’), imbalance of energy (‘disease’). Theoretical knowledge about anatomy, physiology and pathology is its foundation. Root of Diagnosis; Inspection includes evaluating the form and contour of the patient’s body as well as the patient’s complexion; critical observation of the sense organs, in particular the. characteristics of the tongue; and detailed inspection of the urine, which is considered to be the most important factor in diagnosis.
  • 96. Palpation in TTM, the art of palpation (touching) comprises various fields, the main two being pulse reading and point checking. Case history is the process of collecting information: how to question and listen to the patient in order to identify signs and symptoms; knowing about diet and behavior in order to understand what the possible causes of the disturbance or illness may be.
  • 97. Root of Treatment ; There are four main methods of treatment in Tibetan medicine, namely:​ Diet Lifestyle Medicine External Therapies
  • 98.
  • 99. ALLOPATHY Allos means “opposite” and pathos means “suffering”. The term allopathy was coined by Samuel Hahnemann the inventor of homeopathy to designate the usual practice of medicine. Allopathic medicine refers to science based ,modern medicine or surgery to treat or suppress symptoms or the ill effects of disease ALP medicine forms the basis of many of the world's modern health systems and remains primarily founded on the principles established by the ancient Greeks, being quick, effective, and highly efficient. Uher, I., Cholewa, J., Kunicki, M., Švedová, M., Cimboláková, I., Kůchelová, Z., Kimáková, T., & Jusková, M. (2020). Allopathic and naturopathic medicine and their objective consideration of congruent pursuit. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: ECAM, 2020, 7525713.
  • 100. This is ideal for urgent situations that require demanding and immediate care.  ALP treats only the symptoms without addressing the root cause of the issue. ALP focuses on the visible signs and symptoms (infections, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc.). It relies on clinical examination and screening to confirm the diagnosis. Uher, I., Cholewa, J., Kunicki, M., Švedová, M., Cimboláková, I., Kůchelová, Z., Kimáková, T., & Jusková, M. (2020). Allopathic and naturopathic medicine and their objective consideration of congruent pursuit. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: ECAM, 2020, 7525713.
  • 101. PRINCIPLES OF ALLOPATHY A drug oriented methodology and relies on three things hypothesis, experiment and the result of the experiment.
  • 102. Diagnostic methods  X-ray  MRI SCAN  CT Scan  Pathology laboratory  Bio chemistry Laboratory  Dexa scan  Ultrasonography  Ecocardiogram
  • 103. Criteria Naturopathy Yoga Ayurveda Homeopathy Allopathy Fundamental theory Violation of nature’s laws leads to accumulation of morbid matter, abnormal composition of blood & lymph and lowered vitality which leads to disease. Improper body composition in panchakosha and reduce to prana level leads the diseases. Imbalance of tridoshas (Vatta,pitta, kapha) are responsible for causing the diseases. Certain substances which reduce immunity and leads to disease. Germ theory, virus & bacteria are the infection casuative factor they reduce the immunity and leads the diseases. Treatment Lifestyle modification(ex- return to nature), elimination of toxins and prevention, yogic councelling. Prevention, cleansing of pancha koshas, stress management at physical and mental level, positive thinking etc. Prevention, balancing the tridoshas, Dietary modification Less preventive in nature It believes in suppressing of symptoms through drugs, chemical & surgical management less preventive in nature. (Similiarties) 1. Composition Composition of body is panchamahabhutas. Composition of body is panchakosha. Composition of body is tridoshas. Composition of body is cell & tissues. Composition of body is cell & tissues. 2.Mind It plays an important role in naturopathy. It plays an important role in yoga. It plays an impotant role. It has less significance role. It has less significance role. 3.Cleansing of body Cleansing the body is very important aspect in naturopathy. Cleansing techniques (shat kriyas) plays an important role in yoga. Cleansing process (Pancha karmas) plays an important role. They don’t believe in cleansing process of body. They also don’t believe in cleansing the body.
  • 104. Criteria Naturopathy yoga Ayurveda Homeopathy Allopathy Internal medications No internal medications No internal medications Internal medications are used Internal medications are used Internal medications are used Diiferences 1. surgery No violence or invasive methods No violence or invasive methods Some invasive methods (Salya chikitsa) are used Some invasive methods are used More invasive methods are used. 2. Diet Much importance is given to diet Diet plays an important role Diet plays an important role Some dietary restrictions are used Some dietary restrictions are used 3. Means of transport 4. Side effect 5. Believes 6. Toxins Natural methods are used Nil/minimal Belives in vitality Not administred Natural methods are used Nil/minimal Believes in vitality Not administred Some natural methods are used Have some side effects Also explain about prana Some toxins Not always Some side effects Doesn’t believe In vitality or prana Some toxins More artificial methods are used Frequent side effects Doesn’t believe in vitality or prana Most of the drugs are toxic