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∞OS is a body~mind operating system.
At its core is the practice of ecological interaction
— in relation to oneself, to the people around, 

and to the environment.
How can we develop, test and exchange various
patterns of behaviour using physical experience?
ideology = attitude
A certain idea of dynamic connectedness.The
distinct interacting parts that affect one another
and the totality they comprise.

(and, in turn, get affected by that totality)
The first law of thermodynamics: heat energy cannot be
created or destroyed — it is transferred from one location to
another and is converted to and from other forms of energy.
hierarchies feedback loops
Confluence — the ability of the different* 

flows to merge.
* different velocity, viscosity, density, surface tension etc.
Image: mixing the oceans, source: Quora
Image: Inhaler Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, source:Team Consulting
∞OS is a study of fluid inter~action
* air and gases are also fluids with low density
How to move in a fluid medium?

How to move like a fluid medium?
A cell becoming an organism. Source:Aeon
Cross-Contextual Confluence
A wave is a transfer of energy in a medium.
* this happens through oscillations or vibrations
A simple sine wave traveling in time / space
At the core of every wave (transfer of energy) is

a tension and release.
Sound waves are the propagations of air density / pressure change in space.The air is the medium.
Sea waves propagate through the water, as a result of the tension between the wind and the water, 

storms, underwater disturbances and the gravitational pull (tides)
Animation of a half-wave dipole antenna radiating radio waves, showing the electric field lines 

propagating through the electro-magnetic field medium, Source:Wikipedia
Human blood circulatory system. Source
Qi meridians in the body. Source: Intuitive Acupuncture
Kondratieff’s waves.The medium are the financial return on investment. Source
Prey-predator cycles.The medium for the waves is the number of species. Source.
In ∞OS we learn how to send the waves, 

how to observe them, how to receive them, 

and how to ride them.
* on any scale

#innerwork #awareness #attention #meditation #vipassana
Full Breathing
#breathing #meditation #yoga #integrity #completedness
Rhythmical Movement
#breathing #walking #movement #stability
Body Fluidity
#noguchitaiso #fluidity #waves #oscillations #relaxation #neutralization
Body Waves
#noguchitaiso #systema #waves
Contraction / Expansion
#noguchitaiso #systema #waves #breathing
Properties of Fluids
1. Viscosity
2. Density
3. Velocity
4. Surface tension
#aerodynamics #fluids #freestyle #sensitivity #noguchitaiso #systema
systems are “metastable” when they are near their critical states, 

the fluctuations in such systems follow 1/f scaling relation

S(f) = 1/f, where S is the spectral power (amplitude), f is the frequency
Within a certain timespan / context: the higher is the value of the oscillation (e.g.
an amplitude of movement or scale degree of change), the less frequent it is.
The smaller the change, the more often it happens.
Kello, C.T.,Anderson, G. G., Holden, J. G., &Van Orden, G. C. (2008)
Yamada, N. (1995).
Examples of 1/f noise:
electric circuits
the flow of river Nile
luminosity of stars

coastal lines
mountain objects
stock market
human posture oscillations
healthy heart rhythm
mood shifts
Bak, P.,Tang, C., & Wiesenfeld, K. (1987) Katerndahl, D., Ferrer, R., Best, R., & Wang, C.-P. (2007).
disequilibrium in the mind = disequilibrium in the body
D’Mello et al 2011
body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive
equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a
whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are
diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration
compare with non-equilibrium stability:
Simple harmonic motion (a mass-spring system or a pendulum). Source:Wikipedia
compare with non-equilibrium stability:
mass-spring system
compare with non-equilibrium stability:
Metastability: numerous patterns of activity exist as
latent potentials.
= better Adaptability
Kello, C.T.,Anderson, G. G., Holden, J. G., &Van Orden, G. C. (2008)
e.g. a chased animal turning to fight or submission, 


balancing on a rope,
prey-predator relations in a changing environment
Bystritsky, a, Nierenberg, a a, Feusner, J. D., & Rabinovich, M. (2012).
winnerless competition = maximizing the function
Rabinovich, M. I., Huerta, R.,Varona, P., & Afraimovich,V. S. (2008).
How to modulate metastability?
When several processes with a varying frequency
occur at once, their rhythms affect each other, but do 

not sync, creating a complex trajectory that has a
pattern that repeats in time (fractal 1/f noise).
• Big changes rare, small changes frequent

• Several oscillatory processes at once (fluctuations)

• Winnerless Competition (none takes over)

• External influence

• Shifting coordinate systems and perspectives
How to modulate metastability?
Chimera states in three dimensions (Maistrenko et al 2015), Kuramoto oscillators
Paranyushkin 2012
Adaptive Variability / 

Copy + Paste
a mix of #1, #2, #3, #4 - walking around and letting each other get
influenced, while being aware of our own rhythms
Wave Synchronization
#taichi #powerdynamics #systema
Shifting Weight Interaction
#taichi #powerdynamics #systema
Pacing/Leading Sync - “KGB”
#systema #balance #powerdynamics #infiltration
Assimilation in Movement
#systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact
Leader / Follower Shift
Dynamics + Adaptability
#contemporarydance #powerdynamics #control #infiltration
assimilate → redirect
escalate → assimilate → redirect
1/f variability — adaptability
wave — stability
vector — intention
Resilience is the ability to maintain a certain form /
intention, while also being sensitive to the
qualities of robustness
• modularity
• feedback loops (positive and negative)
• redundancy and diversity
• coupling & decoupling
Kitano, H. (2004). Biological robustness. Nature Reviews. Genetics, 5(11), 826–37
can be fixed with the onset of regular oscillations

or increase the viscosity
resilience through breathing
#dissipation #breathing #endurance
slow load endurance
#systema #endurance #time
modularity exercise
#systema #impact #endurance
keeping the distance

#systema #noguchitaiso #impulse #medium
in street fights immobility is the main problem (YouTube)
grab / avoid
energy transfer (slow push)
give receive
both relaxed, no

#systema #noguchitaiso #impulse #medium

zooming out: 

assimilation → redirection

option [a]: “– trigger” __
#systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact

zooming out: 

assimilation → redirection
#systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact

zooming out: 

assimilation → redirection

option [b]: “+ trigger” /_
#systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact

zooming out: 

assimilation → redirection
#systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact
energy transfer (slow push)
give receive
while moving

#systema #noguchitaiso #impulse #medium
robotics (simulation)
for flat terrains, open loop limit cycle systems are the
most efficient (in terms of speed of locomotion)
chaotic controller with sensory feedback
outperforms the other controllers in very difficult
terrains and actually promotes the emergence of short
synchronized movement patterns
(Matey et al 2008)
chaos in animal search patterns
(Reynolds et al 2016)
animals often assume scale-free foraging intermittent
search strategy, short deviations are mixed with long-
range changes
group pushing exercise
#chaos #balance #metastability #systema
putting everything together
#contemporarydance #taichi #systema #noguchi #yoga #meditation
remember about the 1/f fractal chaos dynamics!
A network can be a representation of a process
in time (e.g. a record of interactions)
as well as a 

physical infrastructure for informational flow
In any case, the structure of the network
determines the dynamic qualities it will have.
The most resilient system is the human brain
perception - activation of different groups of
neurons across the different frequency spectrums
Rabinovich, M. I., & Muezzinoglu, M. K. (2010).Bhowmik, D., & Shanahan, M. (2013).
source: Nodus Labs / Complex Networks by Sole &Valverde 2004
Source: Connected Brains
Watts, D. J., & Strogatz, S. H. (1998).
source: Christos Makropoulos
small-world scale-free random
high entropymedium entropy medium-low entropy
What is entropy?
Entropy is not a measure of disorder.
The second law of thermodynamics says that
entropy increases over time.A system strives
towards an equilibrium, that is, equal distribution of
energy across all of its elements.
We associate it with disorder, but only because from
our subjective perspective of life total 

equilibrium is a stasis, death.
What is chaos?
Chaos is not disorder or randomness.
In chaos theory chaotic system is the one that is
sensitive to initial conditions, unpredictable in the
short-term, but and may exhibit orderly behavior
over time.
1/f (pink / fractal) noise is the symptom of a chaotic
system. distribution of connections in small-world
(scale free) networks follow the same power law as
the 1/f noise.
If life represents a certain order, 

time represents entropy,

then chaos may be the product of this dialectic.
example from immunology
Kuperman, M., & Abramson, G. (2001)
example from immunology
networks with low entropy, high order – do not
networks with high entropy, random connections -
propagate very quickly but very short-lived
networks with scale-free (1/f) fractal (self-repetitive)
structure, can both propagate and maintain
Therefore: the structure of our infrastructure will
determine how oscillatory our system will be.
The more independent oscillations are available, the
more distinct states this system will have

network formations game
entity and contagion

(follow + get influenced)
combine push/pull with
leading/following with
assimilation / redirection
establish clusters of physicality / “attitudes” in space
Schismogenesis is a term coined by an influential
anthropologist Gregory Bateson to describe a process of
deviation from equilibrium in the context of a relationship.
It describes a feedback loop in a relationship.
Bateson, G (1975)
Escalation / Deescalation
Bateson, G (1975)
Escalation / Deescalation
complementary symmetrical
opposing behaviours similar behaviours
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Escalation / Deescalation
symmetrical schismogenesis:

+ to + / – to – / exponential acceleration → system collapse / transformation
made using Slopes App
Escalation / Deescalation
complementary schismogenesis:

+ to – / – to + / exponential divergence → system collapse / transformation
Playing the game will either destroy the system or
bring it towards a new state. 

Sometimes change is good, 

but what if you don’t want to play the game 

or if you want to save the system?
More in ∞OS course on Nodus Labs
Escalation / Deescalation
option 1: dynamical modulation
More in ∞OS course on Nodus Labs
Escalation / Deescalation
option 1: dynamical modulation
1) determine the type of dynamics
2) symmetric? —reverse
3) complimentary? —overreact or —reverse
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Escalation / Deescalation
symmetrical schismogenesis:

+ to + / – to – / exponential acceleration → system collapse / transformation
non-equilibrium stability — kind of like prey-predator relationship
Escalation / Deescalation
option 1a: dynamical modulation 

symmetrical schismogenesis / step 1: deescalation
made using Slopes App
Escalation / Deescalation
option 1a: dynamical modulation 

symmetrical schismogenesis / step 2: redirection
made using Slopes App
Escalation / Deescalation
complementary schismogenesis:

+ to – / – to + / exponential divergence → system collapse / transformation
non-equilibrium stability — kind of like prey-predator relationship
Escalation / Deescalation
option 1b: dynamical modulation 

complimentary schismogenesis / step 1: reversal
Escalation / Deescalation
option 1b: dynamical modulation 

complimentary schismogenesis / step 2: acceleration
the main principle: Pacing and Leading

1. get into the flow

2. engage a loop (spiral)

3. disperse
the main principle: Pacing and Leading

you always have to engage in the beginning (pacing),
to understand the system and to then be able to
steer it (leading)
A > R >T principle
Assimilate > Redirect > Transform
current tendencies
your actions
your objectives
assimilation redirection
wrestling basics
#systema #deescalation
escalation / deescalation 

wrestling game
#dynamics #confrontation #metastability
Assimilate > Redirect > Transform
A > R >T principle
Assimilate > Reconfigure > Transcend
1. “Crazy” response
(schisophrenic reaction)

2. Meta-communication
Double Bind = “Catch 22”
every possible outcome is undesirable 
Possible Response:
“Laughter is the collapse of mind in impossibility to reason.”
Joseph Chaikin
(an example of dissipative release)
contact — response
#improvisation #polysingularity #perception
a. pacing/leading
b. “out of context”
c. meta-communication
gaze + perception changing
#improvisation #polysingularity #perception
+ add various variability
#improvisation #polysingularity #perception
#improvisation #polysingularity #perception
far away
close contact
Kello, C.T.,Anderson, G. G., Holden, J. G., &Van Orden, G. C. (2008).The Pervasiveness of 1/f Scaling in Speech Reflects the Metastable Basis of Cognition. Cognitive Science, 32(7), 1217–31
Yamada, N. (1995). Posture as a Dynamic Stable State of a Body. Research and Clinical Center for Child Development.
Bak, P.,Tang, C., & Wiesenfeld, K. (1987). Self-organized criticality:An explanation of the 1/ f noise. Physical Review Letters, 59(4), 381–384.
Katerndahl, D., Ferrer, R., Best, R., & Wang, C.-P. (2007). Dynamic patterns in mood among newly diagnosed patients with major 

depressive episode or panic disorder and normal controls.
Bystritsky, a, Nierenberg, a a, Feusner, J. D., & Rabinovich, M. (2012). Computational non-linear dynamical psychiatry:A new methodological paradigm for diagnosis and course of illness. 

Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46(4), 428–435.
Rabinovich, M. I., Huerta, R.,Varona, P., & Afraimovich,V. S. (2008).Transient cognitive dynamics, metastability, and decision making. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(5), e1000072
Watts, D. J., & Strogatz, S. H. (1998). Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks. Nature, 393(6684), 440–442.
Kitano, H. (2004). Biological robustness. Nature Reviews. Genetics, 5(11), 826–37
Matthey, L., Righetti, L., & Ijspeert,A. J. (2008). Experimental study of limit cycle and chaotic controllers for the locomotion of centipede robots. In 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 1860–1865). Nice: IEEE.
Reynolds,A. M., Bartumeus, F., Kölzsch,A., & van de Koppel, J. (2016). Signatures of chaos in animal search patterns. Scientific Reports, 6, 23492.
Reynolds,A. M., Smith,A. D., Menzel, R., Greggers, U., Reynolds, D. R., & Riley, J. R. (2007). DISPLACED HONEY BEES PERFORM OPTIMAL SCALE-FREE SEARCH FLIGHTS. Ecology,
88(8), 1955–1961
D’Mello, S., Dale, R., & Graesser,A. (2011). Disequilibrium in the mind, disharmony in the body. Cognition & Emotion, 00(00), 1–13.
Bhowmik, D., & Shanahan, M. (2013). Metastability and inter-band frequency modulation in networks of oscillating spiking neuron populations. PloS One, 8(4), e62234
Bhowmik, D., & Shanahan, MRabinovich, M. I., & Muezzinoglu, M. K. (2010). Nonlinear dynamics of the brain: emotion and cognition. PhysicsUspekhi, 53(4), 357–372
Kuperman, M., & Abramson, G. (2001). Small World Effect in an Epidemiological Model. Physical Review Letters, 86(13), 2909–2912.
Bateson, G (1975). Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Routlege | |

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Learning and Enhancing Dynamical Systems Theory through the Body

  • 2. ∞OS is a body~mind operating system. At its core is the practice of ecological interaction — in relation to oneself, to the people around, 
 and to the environment.
  • 3. How can we develop, test and exchange various patterns of behaviour using physical experience? ideology = attitude
  • 5.
  • 6. A certain idea of dynamic connectedness.The distinct interacting parts that affect one another and the totality they comprise.
 (and, in turn, get affected by that totality)
  • 7. e.g. The first law of thermodynamics: heat energy cannot be created or destroyed — it is transferred from one location to another and is converted to and from other forms of energy.
  • 10. Confluence — the ability of the different* 
 flows to merge. * different velocity, viscosity, density, surface tension etc.
  • 11. Image: mixing the oceans, source: Quora
  • 12. Image: Inhaler Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, source:Team Consulting
  • 13. ∞OS is a study of fluid inter~action * air and gases are also fluids with low density
  • 14. How to move in a fluid medium?
 How to move like a fluid medium?
  • 15. A cell becoming an organism. Source:Aeon
  • 18. A wave is a transfer of energy in a medium. * this happens through oscillations or vibrations
  • 19. A simple sine wave traveling in time / space
  • 20. At the core of every wave (transfer of energy) is
 a tension and release.
  • 21. Sound waves are the propagations of air density / pressure change in space.The air is the medium.
  • 22. Sea waves propagate through the water, as a result of the tension between the wind and the water, 
 storms, underwater disturbances and the gravitational pull (tides)
  • 23. Animation of a half-wave dipole antenna radiating radio waves, showing the electric field lines 
 propagating through the electro-magnetic field medium, Source:Wikipedia
  • 24. Human blood circulatory system. Source
  • 25. Qi meridians in the body. Source: Intuitive Acupuncture
  • 26. Kondratieff’s waves.The medium are the financial return on investment. Source
  • 27. Prey-predator cycles.The medium for the waves is the number of species. Source.
  • 28. In ∞OS we learn how to send the waves, 
 how to observe them, how to receive them, 
 and how to ride them. * on any scale
  • 30.
  • 31. Exercise Full Breathing #breathing #meditation #yoga #integrity #completedness
  • 33. Exercise Body Fluidity #noguchitaiso #fluidity #waves #oscillations #relaxation #neutralization
  • 36. Properties of Fluids 1. Viscosity 2. Density 3. Velocity 4. Surface tension #aerodynamics #fluids #freestyle #sensitivity #noguchitaiso #systema
  • 37.
  • 39. systems are “metastable” when they are near their critical states, 
 the fluctuations in such systems follow 1/f scaling relation
 S(f) = 1/f, where S is the spectral power (amplitude), f is the frequency
  • 40. Within a certain timespan / context: the higher is the value of the oscillation (e.g. an amplitude of movement or scale degree of change), the less frequent it is. The smaller the change, the more often it happens. Kello, C.T.,Anderson, G. G., Holden, J. G., &Van Orden, G. C. (2008)
  • 41. Yamada, N. (1995). Examples of 1/f noise: electric circuits the flow of river Nile luminosity of stars
 coastal lines mountain objects stock market human posture oscillations healthy heart rhythm mood shifts Bak, P.,Tang, C., & Wiesenfeld, K. (1987) Katerndahl, D., Ferrer, R., Best, R., & Wang, C.-P. (2007).
  • 42. disequilibrium in the mind = disequilibrium in the body D’Mello et al 2011 body movement fluctuations of individuals experiencing cognitive equilibrium was characteristic of correlated pink noise, but there was a whitening of the signal when participants experienced states that are diagnostic of cognitive distress such as anxiety, confusion, and frustration
  • 44. Simple harmonic motion (a mass-spring system or a pendulum). Source:Wikipedia compare with non-equilibrium stability:
  • 45. mass-spring system compare with non-equilibrium stability:
  • 46. Metastability: numerous patterns of activity exist as latent potentials. = better Adaptability Kello, C.T.,Anderson, G. G., Holden, J. G., &Van Orden, G. C. (2008) e.g. a chased animal turning to fight or submission, 
 balancing on a rope, prey-predator relations in a changing environment
  • 47. Bystritsky, a, Nierenberg, a a, Feusner, J. D., & Rabinovich, M. (2012). winnerless competition = maximizing the function Rabinovich, M. I., Huerta, R.,Varona, P., & Afraimovich,V. S. (2008).
  • 48. How to modulate metastability?
  • 49. When several processes with a varying frequency occur at once, their rhythms affect each other, but do 
 not sync, creating a complex trajectory that has a pattern that repeats in time (fractal 1/f noise).
  • 50. • Big changes rare, small changes frequent
 • Several oscillatory processes at once (fluctuations)
 • Winnerless Competition (none takes over)
 • External influence
 • Shifting coordinate systems and perspectives How to modulate metastability?
  • 51. Chimera states in three dimensions (Maistrenko et al 2015), Kuramoto oscillators
  • 54. Exercise Adaptive Variability / 
 Copy + Paste a mix of #1, #2, #3, #4 - walking around and letting each other get influenced, while being aware of our own rhythms
  • 57. Exercise Pacing/Leading Sync - “KGB” #systema #balance #powerdynamics #infiltration
  • 58. Exercise Assimilation in Movement #systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact
  • 59. Exercise Leader / Follower Shift Dynamics + Adaptability #contemporarydance #powerdynamics #control #infiltration
  • 60.
  • 61. RECAP
  • 63. Confluence escalate → assimilate → redirect escalate anchor control
  • 65. Metastability 1/f variability — adaptability wave — stability vector — intention
  • 66.
  • 68. Resilience is the ability to maintain a certain form / intention, while also being sensitive to the environment.
  • 69. qualities of robustness • modularity • feedback loops (positive and negative) • redundancy and diversity • coupling & decoupling Kitano, H. (2004). Biological robustness. Nature Reviews. Genetics, 5(11), 826–37
  • 70. turbulence can be fixed with the onset of regular oscillations
 or increase the viscosity
  • 74. Exercise keeping the distance
 #systema #noguchitaiso #impulse #medium in street fights immobility is the main problem (YouTube)
  • 76. Exercise energy transfer (slow push) give receive both relaxed, no announcements
 #systema #noguchitaiso #impulse #medium
  • 77. Exercise
 zooming out: 
 assimilation → redirection
 option [a]: “– trigger” __ #systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact
  • 78. Exercise
 zooming out: 
 assimilation → redirection #systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact
  • 79. Exercise
 zooming out: 
 assimilation → redirection
 option [b]: “+ trigger” /_ #systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact
  • 80. Exercise
 zooming out: 
 assimilation → redirection #systema #balance #powerdynamics #contact
  • 81. Exercise energy transfer (slow push) give receive while moving
 #systema #noguchitaiso #impulse #medium
  • 82. robotics (simulation) for flat terrains, open loop limit cycle systems are the most efficient (in terms of speed of locomotion) chaotic controller with sensory feedback outperforms the other controllers in very difficult terrains and actually promotes the emergence of short synchronized movement patterns (Matey et al 2008)
  • 83. chaos in animal search patterns (Reynolds et al 2016) animals often assume scale-free foraging intermittent search strategy, short deviations are mixed with long- range changes
  • 84. Exercise group pushing exercise #chaos #balance #metastability #systema
  • 85. Exercise putting everything together #contemporarydance #taichi #systema #noguchi #yoga #meditation remember about the 1/f fractal chaos dynamics!
  • 86.
  • 88. A network can be a representation of a process in time (e.g. a record of interactions) as well as a 
 physical infrastructure for informational flow In any case, the structure of the network determines the dynamic qualities it will have.
  • 89. The most resilient system is the human brain perception - activation of different groups of neurons across the different frequency spectrums Rabinovich, M. I., & Muezzinoglu, M. K. (2010).Bhowmik, D., & Shanahan, M. (2013).
  • 90. source: Nodus Labs / Complex Networks by Sole &Valverde 2004
  • 91. Source: Connected Brains Watts, D. J., & Strogatz, S. H. (1998).
  • 92. source: Christos Makropoulos small-world scale-free random high entropymedium entropy medium-low entropy
  • 94. Entropy is not a measure of disorder. The second law of thermodynamics says that entropy increases over time.A system strives towards an equilibrium, that is, equal distribution of energy across all of its elements. We associate it with disorder, but only because from our subjective perspective of life total 
 equilibrium is a stasis, death.
  • 96. Chaos is not disorder or randomness. In chaos theory chaotic system is the one that is sensitive to initial conditions, unpredictable in the short-term, but and may exhibit orderly behavior over time. 1/f (pink / fractal) noise is the symptom of a chaotic system. distribution of connections in small-world (scale free) networks follow the same power law as the 1/f noise.
  • 97. If life represents a certain order, 
 time represents entropy,
 then chaos may be the product of this dialectic.
  • 98. example from immunology Kuperman, M., & Abramson, G. (2001)
  • 99. example from immunology networks with low entropy, high order – do not propagate networks with high entropy, random connections - propagate very quickly but very short-lived networks with scale-free (1/f) fractal (self-repetitive) structure, can both propagate and maintain
  • 100. Therefore: the structure of our infrastructure will determine how oscillatory our system will be. The more independent oscillations are available, the more distinct states this system will have (metastability)
  • 101. Exercise
 network formations game entity and contagion
 (follow + get influenced)
  • 102. Exercise combine push/pull with leading/following with assimilation / redirection establish clusters of physicality / “attitudes” in space
  • 103.
  • 105. Schismogenesis is a term coined by an influential anthropologist Gregory Bateson to describe a process of deviation from equilibrium in the context of a relationship. It describes a feedback loop in a relationship. Bateson, G (1975) Escalation / Deescalation
  • 106. Bateson, G (1975) Escalation / Deescalation complementary symmetrical opposing behaviours similar behaviours
  • 107. made using Slopes App Escalation / Deescalation symmetrical schismogenesis:
 + to + / – to – / exponential acceleration → system collapse / transformation
  • 108. made using Slopes App Escalation / Deescalation complementary schismogenesis:
 + to – / – to + / exponential divergence → system collapse / transformation
  • 109. Playing the game will either destroy the system or bring it towards a new state. 
 Sometimes change is good, 
 but what if you don’t want to play the game 
 or if you want to save the system?
  • 110. More in ∞OS course on Nodus Labs Escalation / Deescalation option 1: dynamical modulation
  • 111. More in ∞OS course on Nodus Labs Escalation / Deescalation option 1: dynamical modulation algorithm: 1) determine the type of dynamics 2) symmetric? —reverse 3) complimentary? —overreact or —reverse
  • 112. made using Slopes App Escalation / Deescalation symmetrical schismogenesis:
 + to + / – to – / exponential acceleration → system collapse / transformation
  • 113. non-equilibrium stability — kind of like prey-predator relationship Escalation / Deescalation option 1a: dynamical modulation 
 symmetrical schismogenesis / step 1: deescalation
  • 114. made using Slopes App Escalation / Deescalation option 1a: dynamical modulation 
 symmetrical schismogenesis / step 2: redirection
  • 115. made using Slopes App Escalation / Deescalation complementary schismogenesis:
 + to – / – to + / exponential divergence → system collapse / transformation
  • 116. non-equilibrium stability — kind of like prey-predator relationship Escalation / Deescalation option 1b: dynamical modulation 
 complimentary schismogenesis / step 1: reversal
  • 117. Escalation / Deescalation option 1b: dynamical modulation 
 complimentary schismogenesis / step 2: acceleration
  • 118. the main principle: Pacing and Leading 
 1. get into the flow
 2. engage a loop (spiral)
 3. disperse
  • 119. the main principle: Pacing and Leading 
 you always have to engage in the beginning (pacing), to understand the system and to then be able to steer it (leading) A > R >T principle Assimilate > Redirect > Transform
  • 120. current tendencies your actions your objectives assimilation redirection
  • 123. Exercise escalation / deescalation 
 wrestling game #dynamics #confrontation #metastability
  • 125. Assimilate > Redirect > Transform A > R >T principle Assimilate > Reconfigure > Transcend becomes
  • 126.
  • 127. 1. “Crazy” response (schisophrenic reaction)
 2. Meta-communication Double Bind = “Catch 22” every possible outcome is undesirable  Possible Response:
  • 128. “Laughter is the collapse of mind in impossibility to reason.” Joseph Chaikin (an example of dissipative release)
  • 129. Exercise contact — response #improvisation #polysingularity #perception a. pacing/leading b. “out of context” c. meta-communication
  • 131. Exercise gaze + perception changing #improvisation #polysingularity #perception
  • 132. Exercise + add various variability patterns #improvisation #polysingularity #perception
  • 135. Kello, C.T.,Anderson, G. G., Holden, J. G., &Van Orden, G. C. (2008).The Pervasiveness of 1/f Scaling in Speech Reflects the Metastable Basis of Cognition. Cognitive Science, 32(7), 1217–31 References Yamada, N. (1995). Posture as a Dynamic Stable State of a Body. Research and Clinical Center for Child Development. Bak, P.,Tang, C., & Wiesenfeld, K. (1987). Self-organized criticality:An explanation of the 1/ f noise. Physical Review Letters, 59(4), 381–384. Katerndahl, D., Ferrer, R., Best, R., & Wang, C.-P. (2007). Dynamic patterns in mood among newly diagnosed patients with major 
 depressive episode or panic disorder and normal controls. Bystritsky, a, Nierenberg, a a, Feusner, J. D., & Rabinovich, M. (2012). Computational non-linear dynamical psychiatry:A new methodological paradigm for diagnosis and course of illness. 
 Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46(4), 428–435. Rabinovich, M. I., Huerta, R.,Varona, P., & Afraimovich,V. S. (2008).Transient cognitive dynamics, metastability, and decision making. PLoS Computational Biology, 4(5), e1000072 Watts, D. J., & Strogatz, S. H. (1998). Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks. Nature, 393(6684), 440–442. Kitano, H. (2004). Biological robustness. Nature Reviews. Genetics, 5(11), 826–37 Matthey, L., Righetti, L., & Ijspeert,A. J. (2008). Experimental study of limit cycle and chaotic controllers for the locomotion of centipede robots. In 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 1860–1865). Nice: IEEE. Reynolds,A. M., Bartumeus, F., Kölzsch,A., & van de Koppel, J. (2016). Signatures of chaos in animal search patterns. Scientific Reports, 6, 23492. Reynolds,A. M., Smith,A. D., Menzel, R., Greggers, U., Reynolds, D. R., & Riley, J. R. (2007). DISPLACED HONEY BEES PERFORM OPTIMAL SCALE-FREE SEARCH FLIGHTS. Ecology, 88(8), 1955–1961 D’Mello, S., Dale, R., & Graesser,A. (2011). Disequilibrium in the mind, disharmony in the body. Cognition & Emotion, 00(00), 1–13. Bhowmik, D., & Shanahan, M. (2013). Metastability and inter-band frequency modulation in networks of oscillating spiking neuron populations. PloS One, 8(4), e62234 Bhowmik, D., & Shanahan, MRabinovich, M. I., & Muezzinoglu, M. K. (2010). Nonlinear dynamics of the brain: emotion and cognition. PhysicsUspekhi, 53(4), 357–372 Kuperman, M., & Abramson, G. (2001). Small World Effect in an Epidemiological Model. Physical Review Letters, 86(13), 2909–2912. Bateson, G (1975). Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Routlege | |