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Leadership Style
Leadership Style of Administrator According to J. Seyfarth, there are four types of leadership styles:
directive, supportive, participative, and achievement–oriented leadership (Seyfarth, 1996). These
styles vary from one another, but all may be visible within a school environment. During a recent
interview with an elementary school principal, Amy Zilbar, she described her dominate leadership
style as supportive (personal communication, April 25, 2013). As a principal, she delegates many
tasks throughout the school year and gives support, as needed, to the staff member that is
responsible for that job. She reflected that she attempts to make personal connections with all of her
staff members and wants them to feel as if they are ... Show more content on ...
According to Hoy in an open–systems perspective, "to survive, the organization must adapt and to
adapt, it must change" (2007, p. 21). This is similar to the inspirational leadership theory in that it
allows the teachers to reflect and make changes in order to improve. Zilbar feels this theory is
closest to her personal style of interacting with people as it is collaborative and allows her to
connect on a personal level with teachers to bring out their individual strengths (personal
communication, April 25, 2013). In the school setting she follows this theory because it empowers
and motivates her teachers to form professional learning communities to solve problems. She feels
this theory aligns well to other school programs already in place, such as Conscious Discipline and
Character Education. With the recent changes in our school district, Ms. Zilbar has noticed a
decrease in teacher moral. Using the inspirational theory, she feels it is helping to increase the
confidence level of teachers and challenging them to work together towards a common goal,
improving student learning.
Personal Leadership Style When reflecting on what type of leader I might be in the future, I can see
myself as a participative leader. I believe within a school setting, the administration wears many hats
and has to adjust to based on the current situation being dealt with. I have worked in a variety of
school settings with administrators that
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Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles
Leadership styles vary amongst every person in a leadership role. Styles may be categorized as
authoritarian, procedural, transformational, participative and laissez–fair. Following an assessment
of my own leadership style (How to find your style of leadership, 2016) it appears that my style of
leadership is characterized as laissez–faire. I'm a leader who is not formally recognized but rather
involves the entire team and makes informed decisions based on group ideas, discussions and team
decisions. The amount of control I typically have is low and I expect my team to contribute ideas
and decisions but ultimately, I am responsible for the final decisions and the success or failure.
Assessment Results I was absolutely not surprised by the results of my assessment. By nature, I am
more of a follower than a leader. This assessment proved my theory to be correct. I am hesitant in
making uniformed and risky decisions professionally as well as personally. I have always relied
heavily on a team of people I can trust and to help me make informed choices. Perhaps I lack self
confidence in my decision making skills, so I lean on others for guidance and support. The personal
feeling of disappointing someone is overwhelming me to the point where I am afraid to make any
decisions without help from another source. I understand I am human and humans make mistakes.
The point of mistakes is to learn from them. However, it is still hard to deal with disappointing
someone on an
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Leadership Styles Of Leadership Style
Part One:
Consider what leadership or management style speaks most to you. Discuss that particular style,
explain why it fits you better than others. Alternatively, consider the leadership or management style
fits you least. Explain what is least desirable with that style from your perspective.
What leadership or management style speaks most to me? They are a few leadership styles that I
venerate. The Transformational Leadership, the Visionary Leadership, and the Charismatic
Leadership styles are the most evident to me. Each one has its own distinct advantages and
disadvantages. Moreover, each is congruent with what I believe is necessary to craft the ideal leader
and the combination is something I strive to emulate as I learn the nuances ... Show more content on ...
Encourages others.
Provides support and recognition.
Stirs the emotions of people.
Gets people to look beyond their self–interest.
Inspires people to reach for the improbable.
These qualities are fundamental qualities a leader must possess. These are just the building blocks of
crafting the consummate leader. Undoubtedly, while sufficient, they are more qualities required.
What other qualities should a leader have? In addition to the eight qualities mentioned before, a
leader needs a vision. Political sociologists Max Weber and James MacGregor Burns theorized that
many leaders are visionaries. "These visionary leaders possess a driving sense of purpose and
confidence in their ability to achieve their goals. They take the lead and inspire others to move
forward." This style is known as the Visionary Leadership style and is necessary in creating a
complete leader. All of the great leaders of the world have a vision. From President John F. Kennedy
to Dr. Martin Luther King, each had visions of something greater. Great leaders give real thought to
the values that inspire them as well as to the people that follow. Ambition and persistence are
invaluable to achieving a vision and are the first steps toward leadership success. On its own a
vision does not always make for a great leader and this is why Visionary Leadership comes in
second to Transformational Leadership. A great leader requires both styles. Adolf Hitler had a
vision, as did Pol Pot
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The Leadership Style Of Leadership
When one thinks of successful leadership, words like power, authority, and control often come to
mind. Examining leadership in detail reveals that many different leadership styles exist. Some
leaders may be authoritarian, where their rules are law and enforced in a utilitarian fashion. Others
may prefer to lead in a more democratic manor, where employees help make decisions and feel
involved in workplace happenings. Robert Greenleaf, who at the time was an executive at AT&T,
developed another style, servant leadership (Marquis, 2014). Though the terms "servant" and
"leader" may seem paradoxical when paired together, his style of leadership focuses on the idea that
leaders should serve those who work for them. This does not mean catering to ... Show more content
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In one of the lessons, the characteristics of good leaders are discussed. Honest and trustworthy, good
role model, caring, committed, good listener, able to hold people accountable, respectful,
encouraging, positive, enthusiastic, and appreciative are all agreed upon attributes (Hunter, 1998).
While all of these qualities are important, trustworthiness, respectfulness, and appreciation for
others are essential for nurses to possess in order to be servant leaders. Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness encompasses veracity, one of the principles of ethical reasoning (Marquis, 2014).
The ability to tell the truth is key in interacting with both patients and coworkers. Being viewed as
someone who is trustworthy helps to establish effective leadership. Employees who view a leader as
honest are more likely to be honest in return, while patients who trust their caregivers can be
confident in their treatment (Marquis, 2014). Advocating for a patient further shows trustworthiness
by assuring him or her that the nurse values the patient, and is working to attain the best possible
outcome. Being trustworthy also means showing humility in certain instances, like being able to
admit when mistakes have been made or a situation could have been handled differently.
The second quality, respect, is a fundamental element in all relationships. Being
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Leadership And The Leadership Styles
1. Webster's defines Leadership as "the action of leading a group of people or an organization". That
definition really does the word no justice because leadership can look like a great many things to
different people, and there are equally as many ways to lead. One can lead through fear or respect,
by word or by action. Introduction: My definition of leadership and the leadership influences in my
career. I have had numerous leaders that have influenced my career and leadership style to this
point. The Chief on my first Patrol Boat was one of the biggest influences I have had in my career. I
remember how he carried himself with confidence. He empowered his people. He had the personal
power to inspire people to want to be better to not disappoint him. But at the same time was able to
hold people accountable, and have you learn from the experience. I also had a cutter CO that
illustrated for me all the qualities I promised myself I would never be. They did not treat their crew
with respect. By their level of micromanagement, they demonstrated that they did not trust their
crew. People just dreaded coming to work never knowing what the day was going to bring. Even as I
strive to ensure I am never like that leader, there are times that I stop and find myself thinking along
the same lines, and demonstrating some of the same weaknesses. I can see how they fell into the
traps that they did. I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish in my career, and am happy
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Leadership Style
Definition of Leadership A leader is someone who can influence others and who has a managerial
authority. Leadership is what leaders do. More specifically, it's the process of influencing a group to
achieve goals. Group Leadership Leadership is concerned with control and power in a group.
Leadership can be aimed at either maintaining the interpersonal relationships in the group or
prodding the group to achieve its task. Kinds of Leadership Groups typically benefit from two kinds
of leadership i.e. Instrumental leadership Expressive leadership Instrumental Leadership: This kind
of leadership refers to group leadership that focuses on the completion of tasks. Members look to
instrumental leadership to make plans, ... Show more content on ...
Effective supervision can be provided only through detailed orders and instructions. A manager's
power is challenged by an employee. Democratic or Participative leadership The democratic
leadership style is also called the participative style as it encourages employees to be a part of the
decision making. The democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything
that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities. This style
requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff members
before making a decision. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and high quantity work
for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation,
team spirit, and high morale. Typically the democratic leader: Develops plans to help employees
evaluate their own performance. Encourages employees to grow on the job and be promoted.
Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like the other styles, the democratic style is not always
appropriate. It is most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced employees or when
implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems. This is normally used
when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is
not expected to know everything –– this is why you employ knowledgeable
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Leadership Styles Of A Leadership
Leadership involves the capacity to lead, influence, and motivate followers to accomplish goals
effectively. This literature review will discuss the various leadership styles and linkage between the
followers. The leadership styles of transformational, charismatic, servant, leader–member–exchange
theory leaders share a common interest the follower. The servant leader serves others before self.
The transformational leader inspires and charismatic leader charms the followers. A leader common
goal is his or her role to the follower.
Methodology of Review
The research studies chosen for this literature review focused on leadership styles of prison wardens,
effective leaders in private sectors, and professionals in an a university ... Show more content on ...
Three studies were quantitative methods, comprised of Likert style questionnaires. Surveys or
questionnaire were sent to sample study participants by work email, personal email or sent by
regular mail. Two of the studies include telephone or face to face interviews as data collection. One
study researched scholarly articles online university library.
Data Collection Instrument
Parris and Peachey (2012) article A Systematic Literature Review of Servant Leadership examines
an initial system literature review (SLR) methodology actively practiced in the medical sciences is
in contrast to traditional literature reviews. Parris and Peachey introduction of conducting a (SLR) in
a management discipline with goals to advance the servant leadership theory while identifying and
synthesizing through researching empirical studies of servant leadership theory (2012, pp.378–379).
At the same time author George Sparks' framework for the histrionics of charismatic leadership is
qualitative in nature. Sparks (2014) article examines the intentional techniques and theatrics
employed by charismatic leaders to captivate and reach a target audience on an effective and
personal level (p. 6. Para. 2). In contrast to charismatic leadership studies of Vinod & Sudhaker
(2013) article Servant Leadership: A unique art of leadership, data collection methods explore
writings of scholars such as Greenleaf, Burns, Bass, and biblical scriptures mentioning Jesus Christ.
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Leadership Style Of Leadership And Leadership
Leadership in today's society plays a very pivotal role in the outcome of a company or organization.
In addition, leaders and managers have to adhere to a strategic style of leadership that the managers
and associates have experienced over the years. With this being said, future leaders may experience
complex challenges such as natural disasters and terrorists, change in uncertainty in the business
political, and social environment. (Alexander, cited in Hasselbein and Goldsmith, 2006). One could
pose a statement, it's not if the challenge will come, it's how the leader will handle the challenge.
Many leaders have come from different approaches as to what leadership means to them. For
example, John Maxwell stated that leadership is a process marked by constant growth (Maxwell,
2013). In addition, Greenleaf stated that true leadership emerges from those whose primary
motivation is a deep desire to help other, (Spears, 2004). Furthermore, according to Ken Blanchard,
who is a world announce leader, stated that Leadership style is, how you behave when you are trying
to influence the performance of some else, and that leadership is a combination of supportive and
directive behaviors. (Blanchard, Zigarmi 1985). An illustration of directive behavior would be a
cook preparing an entrée for a customer in a restaurant, who is being monitored by the chef. Also an
illustration of supportive behavior would be, a process of team building in the company
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Leadership Theories Of Leadership Styles
Leadership theories
The full spectrum of leadership styles is broad. The leadership styles continuum ranges from very
directive to very non–directive: Autocratic, Benevolent Autocratic, Consultative, Participative,
Consensus, and Laissez–Faire (Gibson, 1995). The autocratic leader an authority who make
decisions or set goals and does not feel the need to explain them. The benevolent autocratic leader
also rely on authority for decision–making, but may explain the thought process behind the
decisions. Meanwhile, the consultative leader will obtain feedback from employees after developing
their own ideas and will consider their subordinates input before making the decision. A consensus–
building leader asks for democratic decision–making process where all members' votes in the group
are at least nominally equal. A laissez–faire leader will let subordinates make decisions for
themselves (Gibson, 1995). Figure 1–Leadership Continuum (Gibson)
Leadership styles are the tools used by managers and leaders to implement their plans and vision
through their subordinates. There are numerous theories and practices to for these managers and
leaders to select from, and for this discussion, we will focus on four–leadership styles
(Transactional, Transformational, Servant Leadership, and Authentic) as a metric to measure cultural
influence on the selected leadership styles. These four leadership styles are used to show distinct
leadership style as described in figure 2. This chart shows
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Leadership Styles : Democratic Leadership Style
Erica Easley
Ohio University
Democratic Leadership Style Leaders are the ones we turn to when life gets to be too much. Good
leaders set examples and provide guidance through education (Huber, 2014). As a new nurse I can
understand how important it is to have a leader you turn to when you are unsure. Furthermore, in the
business of health care we are managing people 's lives and one wrong move can be deadly.
Therefore, it is important to collaborate with other health care professionals to ensure a safe
competent method of delivery. Ideally, the role of a leader in health care is one that is knowledgable,
firm, and confident, with the ability to deviate from the plan to assist with an emergency.
Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to reveal three key behaviors successful leaders exhibit,
assess my personal leadership style, referencing theories, while determining an optimal work
environment based upon the aforementioned.
Leadership Defined According to Huber a leader is "a process of influence by which the leader
influences others toward goal achievement" (2014). With that being said, the role of key leader is
null and void without the allegiance of a team. As part of this week's module we were to complete
an assessment to determine the category in which our leadership style mimicked. Furthermore,
results determined that the leadership style I possess democratic. Moreover, the democratic style of
leadership is primarily
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Leadership Styles In Nursing Leadership Style
Leadership comes in many forms, and some think that leaders are made rather than born
(Amanchukwu, Stanley, & Ololube, 2015). Problems are constantly arising in the nursing setting
and must require a certain skill set in order for leaders to conquer these issues. In the past papers,
nurse Stacie lacked the resources of a good leader to guide her towards her own leadership style.
During her day as a charge nurse, Stacie allowed a more experienced nurse who was ranked below
her that day, to overpower her authority. Consequently, a baby died because Stacie did not intervene
when the situation presented itself. However, if Stacie had a strong leader supporting her, she may
have acquired the skills to speak–up and exert her own leadership skills, while addressing the
unfortunate issue in her unit. This paper will compare relevant leadership styles that will address this
problem that Stacie incurred. Along with a detailed explanation of how this style of leadership could
help solve this nursing problem. Furthermore, legislation and health care policies will further the
cause with tools to help solve and manage problems seen in the hospital setting.
Nursing Leadership Styles Although there are numerous leadership styles to explore when
discussing the issue Stacie had to deal with in her unit, the style that addresses this type of issue the
closest is the Servant Leader. This type of leadership is the least conspicuous as they act like a
servant to their followers.
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Leadership Style And Effective Leadership Styles
Group leadership refers to the processes of leading, influencing and motivating members of a group
to become highly competent in achieving the goals or objectives of the group (Aritz and Robyn 73).
Though the adoption and implementation of a relevant and effective leadership style, group leaders
become effective in driving change through work groups and facilitating the achievement of
organizational goals. Leaders play a wide range of roles in leading groups, such as motivating
members, coordinating group activities, influencing positive behaviors among members and
motivating productivity and innovation (Tabernero et al. 1393). The following sections presents a
detailed analysis and discussion of the role of leadership style in group work and the most important
leadership roles in work groups. The paper uses evidence to support the argument that group leaders
must adopt effective leadership styles so that they can be successful in facilitating group activities
and ensuring that members of the group actively contribute towards the achievement of shared goals
(Thompson 23).
Leadership style refers to the specific behavior or characteristics that a leader exhibits in managing,
guiding, directing and motivating a group of people within an organization (Kark and Dina 504).
The leadership style that leader adopt and use to play their roles within a work group define their
ability to inspire change of work behavior among group members. This means that an effective
leadership style
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Leadership Styles And Types Of Leadership Style Essay
To become an effective leader one should have desire and willpower. Good leaders do not have
inborn qualities and skills. Good leaders are constantly working and concentrating on to enhance
their ability; they are not resting on what they already achieved in the past. Leadership is a
procedure by which a man impacts others to fulfill a target and coordinates the association in a way
that makes it more strong and rational.
There are different types of leadership style and all the types have their own strategies and
characteristics. Any leadership style consists advantages and disadvantages because each styles
depend on the situation, place and time. It's up to the leaders how they use leadership style to
determine success or failure and depends on the cultures and goals of the organisation.–common–leadership–
styles A few organizations offer a few administration styles inside the association, subordinate upon
the fundamental undertakings to finish and departmental needs.–
Coaching leadership style:
Coaching is one kind of leadership style that develops people by offering an active participation
advice to solve the problems. This style define roles and tasks of the followers however, looks for
their contributions and recommendations as well. Choices still made by the leaders, the
correspondence style is always
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The Leadership Styles Of The Leadership Style Of Nestle
 Nestle adopts "democratic leadership".
Democratic leadership is a style of leadership that when the leader takes any decision, he would
discuss with his employees and then cooperation to work together. Nestle focus on man power due
to its corporation needs attract more labor to easily achieve a long term success. In Nestle, they
emphasize on respect and faith. So, they adopt democratic leadership. When leader decide any
decision, leader would listen the suggestion which provide by its employees. However, democratic
leadership is a good leadership style but also is a significant issue in Nestlé's management. Nestle
adopt democratic leadership needs total trust between the employee and manager Most of the time,
the employee think that this ... Show more content on ...
According to the data, it already operates 447 factories in 194 countries. Therefore, Nestle needs to
hire many employees to continue its business. However, supervising the employees becomes the
critical issue encountered by the Nestle. Leader cannot oversee employees' performance at the same
time. For instances, sometimes leader would not discover the slackness and indolent of the
employees. It is lead to the work cannot be completed on time and its business operation would
become inefficient. If the leader cannot detect and solve this issue, many employees would muddle
along. However this small problem would become huge problem in management. It would influence
the operation of the Nestle. In the contrary, some well performing employees also ignored by the
leader. They cannot reward them who did well opportunely. Therefore, the well performing
employees would disgruntled and irresponsible for their work. Nestle emphasize on trust each other.
However, the employees who be neglected by leader would doubt and suspect their company. This
condition is contrary to the company's belief. Thus, the best way to solve this issue is the leader pays
more attention on their employees. Rewarding the well performing employees immediately and
punish the bad performing employees such as deduct their salary. On the other hand, communication
is also important between leader and employees. Leader should be more listening the
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Leadership Styles Of Leadership Style
What is leadership? Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary defines leadership as "the power or ability
to lead other people". Although this is simply put, it is also correct. But leadership is much more
than the ability to lead. The ability is one piece of the puzzle. Other pieces to consider in leadership
are education, attributes, and style, just to name a few. In this assignment, I will focus on leadership
style. Specifically, I will discuss my style according to the assessment developed by The University
of Kent in the UK.
After taking the assessment, it was determined that my style is Participative. Participative leadership
is Democratic and focuses on a collaborative effort from the team. Participative leaders rely on the
team's ideas and abilities instead of making all the decisions on their own (Murdock, K. 2014).
Although the leader makes the final decision, the team has the freedom to contribute to decisions
being made. Teamwork is an essential attribute for Participative leaders. As a Participative leader,
you must possess the ability to set aside your ego, listen to the team, and give the team freedom to
make their own decisions. In reviewing my results, I was not shocked by the fact that I as fit the
mold of a Participative Leader. I've never been the type to rule with an Iron Fist. I don't believe in a
"my way or the Highway approach. I'm a collaborative individual and I rely heavily on the people
around me to achieve a specific goal. Reason being,
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Leadership Styles
Ricardo Semler is the CEO of highly successful equipment supplier, Semco Inc. and what makes
him different from other CEOs is his complete devotion to democratic/participative style of
leadership. The participative leader behavior is where leaders would stay in touch with all group
members when making decisions and forming targets. This helps in keeping everyone involved by
making them feel important but it is a notch above because it works well in situations where goals
have a personal meaning to the employees. They must be personal involved in the situation and
would thus appreciate a participative style of leadership.
As the name suggests, this theory recommends that leaders change their style according to situation
and temperament of the follower. There is something different about this theory. It doesn't only
focus on the leader characteristics but also takes into account the characteristics of the one being led.
There are four maturity levels of the follower discussed in this theory. At the lowest level, a follower
lacks skills and knowledge to work on his own and hence need to be told exactly what needs to be
done. The maturity level increases from there and so does the level of influence that leader needs to
exert. Example of lowest maturity level: new workers in an organization may fit this description.
Example of highest maturity level: a person at this level would need a leadership who adopts the
delegating style. An expert graphic
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Leadership Styles And Theories Of Leadership Style
Firstly, aspiring leaders need to recognize all of the various styles of leadership that exist. Every
organization is structured differently, with differing employee behaviors, and it is the leader's
responsibility to implement the style that will work the best for their specific work or organizational
structure. Often, more than one leadership style is implemented to accomplish the desired results of
the leader (Blanken). While a multiple of leadership styles exist, three well–known and commonly–
practiced leadership styles that will be examined include the Autocratic, Democratic and the
Laissez–Fare. These three leadership styles were discovered by psychologist Kurt Lewin in the late
nineteen–thirties (Cherry). Psychologist Lewin completed a study that involved assigning various
schoolchildren to one of three different groups (Cherry). While each group was led by a particular
leadership style, researchers witnessed and recorded all behavior that was exhibited by the children
during their assigned projects (Cherry). Beginning with the Autocratic or Authoritarian leadership
style, the leader sets clear guidelines for the results that he or she is searching for. For example, the
leader will clarify what processes or tasks should be completed, the deadlines for the assigned
processes or tasks, and also the process for how to complete the assigned processes or tasks. This
leadership style employs a clear separation between the leader and group of individuals under his
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Leadership Styles : Transformational Leadership Style
Emotional intelligence is made up of several key components. Those components include self–
awareness, empathy, the ability to recognize and moderate one's emotions, self–motivation, and
social savvy (Sadri, 2012). Several studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between
effective leadership and a higher level of emotional intelligence. Management theory tends to
differentiate between two distinct leadership styles – transformational and transactional. It is the
former that theorists link to a higher levels of emotional intelligence in the managers, as well as
higher levels of performance in their subordinates.
A transformational leadership style differs from a transactional style in that the latter tends to focus
on the use of rewards and punishments in order to extract desired behaviors from subordinates
(Sunindijo, 2012). When enacted, a transformational leadership style focuses more heavily on
employee autonomy, team relations, team cohesiveness, and individual employee development
(Sunindijo, 2012). A higher level of emotional intelligence is what predisposes a manager to enact a
transformational leadership style. While the majority of leaders find that they must also utilize some
aspects of transactional leadership in order to be effective, transformational leadership is
advantageous when it comes to an organization's long–term success.
Literature Review and Analysis
What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the intuitive counterpart to
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Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles
The last style of leadership is delegative leadership in which the leader delegates tasks to the
employees. This leader is able to derive satisfaction from allowing the staff to participate in decision
making responsibilities (Brody and Nair, 2014, p. 4). These leadership styles are not set in stone and
characteristics may overlap into other leaderships styles. The leadership style that would best suit a
rural area is participate leadership style. In rural areas agencies and organizations lack resource and
sometimes man power. Allowing all of the individuals to have a hand in the decision making process
can be beneficial in helping organize and brainstorm ideas that are beneficial to the organization.
This can foster a sense of cohesion and togetherness in the agency that fosters morale boosting.
Each individual is given a voice to present their ideas and suggestions. This is helpful because an
individual other than the leader may have a different perspective or offer insight into area that the
leader is lacking. An effective leader is able to recognize their shortcomings and make up this
division other areas. By allowing other staff members to contribute this is a step in making up for a
deficiency. There are eight major leadership theories that were developed to identify the
characteristics that made a leader. The Great Man theory declares that leadership is a natural and
ingrained trait in an individual. This theory is based on the premise that great leaders are born
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Management Styles Of Leadership Styles
Literature Review Outline
I. Introduction
a. A key determinant in an organizational success is directly related with the management styles of
leadership. According to Parris & Peachey (2013), the key to understanding an organizations success
is to study its leaders. A leader's ability to inspire, motive, and create a strong sense of engagement
and commitment to the organization will determine the success or failure in the attainment of goals.
Transformational, charismatic, and servant leadership are three styles that organizational leaders
might possess. While there is no predetermined best style of leadership, one can describe leadership
and management as situational. The overriding goal of any organization is building a high–
performing organization which is paramount for short and long term success (DeGraw & Sizoo,
2013). Both the leader and the organization should select the most appropriate style to enhance
organizations probability for effectiveness and attainment of desire goals. Studies have shown when
organizations have the right leadership in place, an organization can have shared vision that is
articulated in a manner where subordinates desire work enthusiastically towards the accomplishment
of the goals (Parris & Peachey, 2013).
b. One of the most comprehensive research topics in the area of behavioral science is leadership.
According to Parris & Peachey (2013), leadership has undergone extensive research due to all the
success of economic, political, and
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Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles Essay
Most individuals probably feel as if they know enough about leadership to speak on the subject. In
many cases, however, this is not truly the case at all. Leadership is a broad concept, and there are
several different styles and approaches to consider when studying the topic. It is important to
consider these styles and approaches when evaluating the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of any
particular form of leadership. With that in mind, this essay will consider the leadership styles of two
leaders who are involved in the current presidential election process. Jill Stein, the Green Party
candidate, and Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee each utilize different leadership styles,
though, the two operate within the same professional arena. That said, the two candidates share the
same battle of being outsider candidates struggling to gain notoriety and momentum from a portion
of the voting population no longer willing to support mainstream political candidates. This essay
begins with a theoretical discussion of leadership and then focuses on the two political leaders,
comparing and contrasting each one. This will allow for conclusions to be drawn about how they
both work within the same public sphere, while employing different styles to earn votes.
Leadership, according to John Kotter, is about "coping with change" (Kotter, 1990, p. 4). By this
definition, leadership can be considered the product of change and the different ways that response
to this change directs future
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Leadership Style : Participatory Leadership Styles
Leadership Style: Participatory
My style of leadership is participative. Participative leaders utilize collaboration and receive
feedback from employees to guide decision making. Employees often feel that they have a
significant role in the decision making process, which motivates them and can lead to greater job
satisfaction. Participatory leaders acknowledge that there is information to be gained by engaging
with their employees. This style of leadership is useful in cases when quality is valued higher than
simple productivity. There are potential drawbacks to this leadership style, however. Team members
may sense indecision on the part of the leader, because this style of leadership tends slow progress
in the decision making process, "some team members may be left feeling confused and leaderless."
("How to find out your style of leadership," 2011)
The results of the assessment were not shocking to me, as they did not differ greatly from my own
assessment of my leadership style. I believe that this leadership style has enhanced my decision
making process and has helped to build successful working relationships between myself and my
employees. I have always had a collaborative mindset when it came to leadership, so the
participatory style of leadership accurately represents my approach to leadership.
Using Participatory Leadership in the Workplace
Effective Communication
The foundation of participatory leadership lies in having open communication between the leader of
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Leadership Styles For A Leadership Essay
Introduction When I think about the type of leader I would like to be, there is one supervisor that
always comes to mind because of the positive environment she cultivated. In researching the
different leadership styles for this assignment, I believe that this is the style that she used with her
staff. I was interested in learning more about transformational leadership and how I can cultivate
this style in the way that I lead my current team as well as the way in which I lead future teams.
Transformational leadership is a leadership style that promotes change as well as improves
performance in the organization as a whole as well as on the individual employee level (Phaneuf,
Boudrias, Rousseau, & Brunelle, 2016). James MacGregor Burns first introduced transformational
leadership in his book titled Leadership that he authored in 1978. Burns defined transformational
leadership as leadership that stems from one's core unchanging values and beliefs. Burns believed
that transformational leaders not only bring together their followers, but also positively influence
their follower's values and beliefs in a way that brings about positive change (Humphreys &
Einstein, 2003).
Transformational leaders are able to inspire employees to work towards a common goal by changing
their expectations, motivation and perception of why they are doing the work. Transformational
leaders cultivate a commitment from their employees, which encourages them to put aside self–
interest to work
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The Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles
1. Introduction
It is suggested that leadership is a kind of ability or activity which a leader could straight affect and
guide their followers to achieve certain objectives in the specific situation (John Calvin
Maxwell,2011). The shifting internal elements and increasing external competitions have posed
growing demanding to managers' leadership approaches. However, managers are provided with
various personalities or perspectives, accordingly, managers are not accomplishing their aims by
using similar styles. The leadership style, according to Newstrom and Davis (1993), is the ways and
approaches of offering targets, fulfilling plans as well as inspiring subordinates. Based on the types
of individuals the leader works with and various personality traits hold by the leader, the leadership
style differs. There are several leadership styles suggested by different researchers such as
autocratic, democratic, laissez–fair, transactional and transformational. Some of leadership styles are
no longer suit for current marketplaces especially for those organizations which want to attract talent
person from all over the world and exploit global markets. Therefore, this essay aims to focus on
transactional and transformational styles, then take Baidu and Google as examples to make a
comparison and contrast between these two styles as well as illustrate which one may generate
better outcomes than another.
2. Literature review
Max Weber (1947) stated that there are three types of
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Leadership Style
The Leadership Style of Urban Meyer
Urban Meyer–Head Coach Ohio State Football
Urban Meyer is the head coach for The Ohio State Buckeyes football team. He is 49 years old and
was born in Toledo Ohio. He attended University of Cincinnati where he played football. Coach
Meyer is married and has three children. Prior to coaching Ohio State he retired from coaching was
working as a sports analyst for ESPN. Before retiring and working for ESPN, Coach Meyer was the
head coach for the University of Florida. He led the Gators to two BCS championship wins and he
held the highest percentages of wins for any active college football coach.
Tubbs, (2012) defines leadership as, "influencing others to accomplish ... Show more content on ...
(Martin, 2013).
Many of the motivational methods that Coach Meyer's uses can be easily adapted to any small group
setting. He wants his players to not only be accountable to the coaches, but to each other, so he
created a leadership committee that consists of team players representing each grade level. Coach
Meyer says, "We are looking for the Leadership Committee to enhance team chemistry, police the
team from within and exemplify what it means to be leaders, both on and off the field."
( The Championship club is designed to reward players for
academics, success on the field, with conditioning and training, and in their personal lives. Coach
Meyers likes to recognize and reward achievements. Part of being an effective leader is building
relationships. Coach Meyers and his coaching staff do everything they can to know as much about
each player as possible. He hopes that by building relationships on and off the field will encourage
the players to do their best and they will not want to let you down on the field and off the field,
"A good leader, with good ideas and exciting directions, can generate enthusiasm, support, and
cohesion," Tubbs, (2012, p. 225). Coach Meyers is a good example of this because when he started
with Ohio State in 2011 the team was not eligible for any BCS bowl games because of the actions of
the previous coach and several players. Coach Meyers had to keep
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The Leadership Styles Of The Leadership Style Of Nestle
 Nestle adopts "democratic leadership".
Democratic leadership is a style of leadership that when the leader takes any decision, he would
discuss with his employees and then cooperation to work together. Nestle focus on man power due
to its corporation needs attract more labor to easily achieve a long term success. In Nestle, they
emphasize on respect and faith. So, they adopt democratic leadership. When leader decide any
decision, leader would listen the suggestion which provide by its employees. However, democratic
leadership is a good leadership style but also is a significant issue in Nestlé's management. Nestle
adopt democratic leadership needs total trust between the employee and manager Most of the time,
the employee think that this ... Show more content on ...
According to the data, it already operates 447 factories in 194 countries. Therefore, Nestle needs to
hire many employees to continue its business. However, supervising the employees becomes the
critical issue encountered by the Nestle. Leader cannot oversee employees' performance at the same
time. For instances, sometimes leader would not discover the slackness and indolent of the
employees. It is lead to the work cannot be completed on time and its business operation would
become inefficient. If the leader cannot detect and solve this issue, many employees would muddle
along. However this small problem would become huge problem in management. It would influence
the operation of the Nestle. In the contrary, some well performing employees also ignored by the
leader. They cannot reward them who did well opportunely. Therefore, the well performing
employees would disgruntled and irresponsible for their work. Nestle emphasize on trust each other.
However, the employees who be neglected by leader would doubt and suspect their company. This
condition is contrary to the company's belief. Thus, the best way to solve this issue is the leader pays
more attention on their employees. Rewarding the well performing employees immediately and
punish the bad performing employees such as deduct their salary. On the other hand, communication
is also important between leader and employees. Leader should be more listening the
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Leadership Styles Of Autocratic Leadership Style Essay
2.4 Which is More Effective
TechFunc believes that there is no the most effective leadership style, which can bring the best profit
and suit all organizations, in the world. Same to autocratic leadership and democratic leadership
styles, they have contrastive characteristics and respective benefits and drawbacks so that they will
do positive effects only be utilized right way in suitable condition. When strong control is needed,
the autocratic leadership style can be used in this situation where there is no space for error. And
autocratic leaders can prevent people from going dangerous way by enforcement when the
employees are less experienced and intelligent than them. But if rigid rules are explored in highly
professional and independent mind teams, it can lead to anger and morale. Military and
Manufacturing are the typical industry involving autocratic leadership style.
The democratic leadership style is best used in situations where change is frequent, as the
democratic system offers a great flexibility to adapt to better ways of doing things. However,
making decision slowly sometimes misses the optimal timing while innovating newer and better
products. Also, democratic leadership style can bring the best experience to the highly professional
group which capitalizes on their talents by sharing views, rather than simply follow the decision
made by the leader. It is very important to combine different areas of expertise to make decision
which is very diverse and complex,
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Styles Of Leadership
In this assignment I aim to outline the advantages, disadvantages and overall effectiveness of the
different styles of leadership.
Authoritarian, or Autocratic, leaderships revolve around a single leader, and those close to them,
whose word is law and power absolute. Authoritarian leaders are confident in their ability to lead
and to take charge. This means that they should be taken seriously at all times; if a subordinate does
not take them serious they may lash out, threaten or simply punish the individual or the entire group
to get their point across. They also prioritise the task over the individual and the group
This leadership style is best suited to emergency situations when the leader is competent and
confident in his ability to succeed, ... Show more content on ...
Democratic works well with skilled and motivated people because they want choice or the ability to
influence one; the leader also wants to hear what people have to say because they want input and
new ideas to directly improve conditions for the group.
The main negative of Democracy is that the leader cannot easily appeal to the minority without
angering the majority because they will lose more support than they gain. Not everyone has an
interest in politics or voting these people are generally happy either way or impossible to please.
Another problem is that because more people are involved with leading the country secrets could
leak; this could be personnel secrets about the leader or even military related secrets.
Democracy is like Autocracy because there is only one leader and they will make the final choice,
however a Democratic leader values the opinions of his subordinates and will choose based on that.
Decision making in a Democracy is very slow when compared to Authoritarianism because the time
it takes for a vote is time
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Leadership Styles Of A Leadership
Effective Group Leadership Skills A leadership philosophy helps to define and let others know what
you expect, what things you value, and how you act as a leader. Different styles of leadership are
needed for different situations. Every leader needs to know when and how to display a particular
approach of leadership within a group. Leadership strategies define every leader's personal
leadership style. Three leadership styles of a counselor are the following: authoritarian style leaders,
democratic style leaders, and laissez–faire style leaders.
Leadership Styles
Authoritarian leaders are the leaders who like to do all the group decisions on their own and tell
other group members what to do and how to do it. This type of leadership is very beneficial when
you are in need of a quick decision or faced with some type of crisis. This type of decision making
can easily be abused and can often be viewed as being bossy and over controlling. Leaders who use
this style may provoke dependence, criticism, dissatisfaction, and aggression from their group
members (Forsyth, 1990). According to Gladding 2012, authoritarian leaders do not ask for
consideration or suggestions from group members; instead, they structure and direct their groups
according to their own wishes, purposes, and the information available to them. A task group could
benefit more from an Authoritarian leader. Tasks groups focus on accomplishing specific goals.
According to Gladding 1994, "with task groups, an
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Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles
There is much that is written about leadership; like books on leadership styles, techniques and also
biographies of leaders that have inspired people to action. While this is true, there is the everyday
leadership and a slightly different outlook to leadership as well. Here are a few of them.
1. There Are Different Kinds of Leaders
Among leaders are formal and informal leaders. Formal leaders are elected to their positions like
congressmen, senators and office bearers of clubs. Informal leaders on the other hand are those we
look up to because of their experience and wisdom. This could be your parents, grandparents or
elders in your community. Informal leaders can also be those that are respected because of their
expertise and contributions in certain fields such as Albert Einstein in Theoretical Physics and
Leonardo de Vinci in Arts. Whether formal or informal, these leaders practice certain styles. This
could be
a. Lewin 's 3 basic leadership styles
– autocratic or authoritative: the leader takes decisions without consulting with others
– democratic or participative: the leader involves the people in the decision–making
– laissez–faire or delegative: the leader 's involvement in decision–making is minimized
b. Likert 's 4 leadership styles
– exploitative authoritative: the leader has a low concern for people and uses such methods as
threats and other fear–based methods to achieve conformance
– benevolent authoritative: the leader adds concern for people to an
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Leadership Styles Of A Leadership Style Assessment
Leadership Styles in Nursing
Danny Coughlin
University of Louisiana of Lafayette
Leadership Styles in Nursing
The enclosed information in this paper is based on a Leadership Style Assessment that was printed
from a dynamic leadership handbook. I will discuss the results of the leadership style assessment,
why or why not I agree with the results and which type of leadership makes the best or worst leader.
I will also review a past nursing supervisor's leadership style and state whether or not his style was
Current Leadership Style The results of my Leadership Style Assessment was a Participatory
Leader. I believe that the results were accurate. I try to listen and understand to everyone's point of
view before making a decision regarding others at work. "Participative leadership also known as
Democratic Leadership Style is a method of leadership that involves all team members in terms of
identifying important goals as well as developing strategies and procedures to achieve the goals.
From this point of view, participative style of leadership can be perceived as a leadership style that
relies primarily on functioning as a facilitator that the one who simply issues commands or orders or
making assignment for each member of the team." ("Participative Leadership," p. 1–2) The
definition of Participative Leader to me means a Leader that listens and considers every point of
view before making a final decision.
Best / Worst Leadership Style
I believe the
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Leadership Styles And Its Impact On Leadership
Often when there is police corruption in the news, there are individuals who will point fingers not
only at the officers involved but also at the leadership in charge. The mindset, in general, is that if
the leadership had reigned in their officers, then incidents of unruly behavior, excessive use of force
and questionable decision–making would not have occurred. Thus, it leads this author to wonder
what impact leadership truly has in policing. More specifically, this author is concerned with
discovering if leadership styles have an effect on how effective or ineffective a leader will be within
Throughout the course of this paper, this author will discuss various types of leadership styles,
behavioral traits and how they pertain to leadership, as well as what determines if a leader is
effective. It is the hope of this author that a discovery will be made to clarify the aforementioned
scopes in regards to their impact on leadership within policing.
Part I: Leadership Styles. Looking throughout the course of history, it is very evident that a
multitude of leadership styles have been employed by world leaders. The President of the United
States, for example, is someone who recognizes the strengths of bureaucratic leadership, strategic
leadership, team leadership, charismatic leadership and situational leadership. The type of leadership
used by the President often depends on the situation that is being addressed. On the other end of the
spectrum, there are some
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Leadership Styles And Leadership Style
Stacey Feiner once stated, "For those of you who really want to give critical thought to your unique
leadership style and foster genuine followership, learn from what's out there and weave it into
something meaningful and authentic." (Feiner, 2015) For the last two weeks, I have spent time self–
analyzing and soul searching to identify the qualities I bring to a leadership role. Many of the core
values important to me also align between the participative leadership style and laissez–faire
leadership style. These values include working in a team environment, empowering others to make
decisions and providing support for those decisions, keeping an open mind to new
ideas/suggestions, and being involved with my team members on a daily basis. (Mooney, n.d.) As I
learn ways to build on my strengths within these leadership styles, I also need to improve upon my
weaknesses to become the well–rounded leader I want to be.
Larry Page, CEO of Google, is a leader who I would like to emulate. He also shares the
participative/laissez–faire leadership style. Mr. Page believes employees should be empowered to
dream the impossible. He encourages out–of–the box thinking from his employees and encourages
them to create the next new product innovation. To successfully lead Google, Mr. Page expects his
employees to be productive and results–oriented while being self–managed. He does not believe
employees should be micromanaged. In addition, he considers it important to help employees
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Leadership Styles With Personal Leadership Style
Leadership is a vital part of the business environment because it entails of giving direction to
member in order to accomplish a common goal. Leadership styles are important aspects of an
organization because certain techniques are more effective in different situations. When leadership is
effective, then the outcomes are positive and desired goals are attained. This paper will explore the
different leadership styles with reference to my own personal leadership style. It will give reasons
why a participative style works best in the healthcare profession.
Leadership Styles
There are four types of leadership styles that describe the amount of interaction a leader has to its
members. The leadership styles include autocratic, consultative and participative and free–rein
leaders (Lamberton & Minor, 2014). Autocratic is a leadership style that has the leader as the
"dictator" giving direction to members to follow. The group members are expected to follow the
orders without inquiry and focus on task completion. This style leaves little room for individual
development among its members however, can be effective in situations that demands strong
leadership such as in crisis situations. Consultative leadership style involves having the leader spend
a decent amount of time conferring with other members on ways to tackle the situation. Under this
leadership, tasks are delegated to the proper individuals with the right skill set fit for job. The focus
is on
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Leadership Styles : Leadership Style
When asking twenty different people, "What is the correct way to lead?", you will get twenty
different responses. Most importantly, no response is incorrect and the variation of responses is
expected because there are many ways to lead; every leader has their own leadership style. In her
article, Johnson (n.d.) discusses five leadership styles: Laissez–Faire, autocratic, transactional,
transformational and participative. Laissez–Faire has a French origin and it means "a policy or
attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering" ("Oxford dictionaries", 2016).
When leaders take total control, such as making all decisions alone and does not ask for the input of
the employees, they are using the autocratic leadership style. This style is similar to a dictatorship.
Exceptionally dissimilar from Laissez–Faire and autocratic styles, leaders sometime use the "give–
take" system. The transactional style lets the manager and employee agree on a goal and when the
mission is completed, the leader will reward the employee for the great accomplishment. The same
rule applies if the employee does not reach a set goal; they will be discipline accordingly. A morale
boosting style is the participative style. Whenever a leader includes their employees in the decision
making process, the employees tend to feel needed and essential. Even though the final decision is
made by the leader, the employees' input and suggestions is considered and incorporated in the final
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Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles
Leadership is a form of leading individuals towards a specific goal/objective and with that comes
many different theories/styles about leadership. There isn't one perfect way to lead and Jeff Bezos,
Ken Chenault and Jack Welch show that different types of leadership styles could lead to success.
They have had great success throughout their careers as CEO; they were able to find what worked
and led their companies to great success. While there isn't one specific way to lead to success there
are plenty of styles that could be applied to help move towards success; Coercive/Commanding,
Authoritative/Visionary, Affiliative, Democratic, Coaching, and Pacesetting. "Leaders who used
styles that positively affected the climate had decidedly better financial results than those who did
not. That is not to say that organizational climate is the only driver of performance. Economic
conditions and competitive dynamics matter enormously." (Goleman, 2000). With that said we will
compare the six styles and discuss the CEOs relation to those styles. Coercive/Commanding is a
style of leadership that is demanding and expects subordinates to listen. Typically the best time for
this approach is when there is time constraints around a project and not time could be wasted. While
that approach could work; employees feel disinterested and that they don't have input into the
situation. Authoritative/Visionary focuses on giving the group a vision to believe in; something to
aim for. This style
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The Leadership Styles Of Leadership
Leadership is a concept most people feel informed enough to discuss, but that few are truly educated
sufficiently to comment on. Therefore, it is instructive to consider the leadership styles of people
with very different approaches both to better understand the diversity underlying leadership, as well
as to appreciate the effective and less effective strategies that underlie different leadership outcomes.
For that reason, this essay will consider the styles of two leaders who are less visible in this highly
contentious presidential election season: Jill Stein (the Green Party nominee) and Gary Johnson, the
Libertarian candidate. The leadership styles of both are very different, yet they are aligned in the
sense that both are outsider candidates struggling to gain momentum from a disaffected electorate.
This essay begins with a theoretical discussion of leadership more generally and then turns to the
two leaders as case studies, comparing and contrasting them and drawing conclusions about how
they both work within the same public sphere and for putatively similar ends (i.e., gaining votes).
Leadership, according to theorist John Kotter, " about... coping with change" (Kotter, 1990, p. 4).
By this definition, one should consider leadership to be the product of change in context and the
ways in which the response to this change informs strategy. "Leadership is...a set of traits, qualities
and behavior possessed by the leader that encourage the participation, development, and
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Leadership Style
Leadership and motivation styles vary from person to person, that is why it is essential for managers
to know and understand their leadership style and how their particular leadership affects their
workplace. Leadership is influenced by many things that is why it is so important to know how and
why your leadership style is what it is. There are many contributors that come into play when a
leadership style is developed within a person. During the course of the last eight weeks I have been
taking a hard look at my own leadership style and what I can do to improve myself to better serve
both my co–workers and subordinates. Upon being tasked to disburse the LPI forms to my
managers, co–workers and subordinates I become somewhat distressed ... Show more content on ...
Knowing that the people I work with know that I appreciate them and the contributions to the team
makes me feel better not only as a leader but as an individual as well. I also believe that, the efforts
that I take to make sure I know my co–workers and the effort I make to ensure they know they are
appreciated has allowed me to gain respect and trust more quickly than I had anticipated, within my
new workplace. I also, found that I have a few areas that need some attention. The areas of weakness
that I will be concentrating on in this paper are my ability to challenge my workforce to try new
approaches, ensuring that I seek out challenging opportunities for myself and my co–workers,
ensuring my co–workers grow in their jobs and asking for feedback from my co–workers on how
my actions affect their performance and abilities.
Upon finding out the weaknesses I decided to take a look at each area individually and define what
needs to be done to correct the inefficiency. The surveys have pointed out to me the fact that the
biggest area that I need to work on is in my abilities to challenge the process to try new approaches.
The lowest marks I received were in this area. I believe this is due to the environment that I came
from had such strict rules and guidelines to follow
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Leadership Style And Delegating Style
MGMT 641 Term Paper
Boyu Ren
1. Different leadership style: telling style, selling style, participant style and delegating style.
2. Emotional intelligence: perceiving emotions, using emotions to facilitate thought, understanding
emotions, and managing emotions.
3. Decision making and crisis leadership
4. Leader–member relation and task– structure
5. Position power
6. Directive leadership, supportive leadership, participant leadership, and achievement leadership
7. Distal and proximal attributes
8. Employee–centered and job –centered leadership
9. Consideration and initiating structure
10. Concerns for people and concerns for results
11. Job satisfaction
12. Transactional and transformational leader
Generally, leadership is ... Show more content on ...
This action found an excellent foundation for the great relationship between Bob and Beverly and
give Bob sufficient motivation to do something to make the boss and department "look good".
Also, Beverly shows a supportive leadership which is similar to consideration leadership.
Particularly, leaders use this type of leadership to boost the confidence of their employees and to
reduce boredom and increase job satisfaction. In this case, Beverly creates an atmosphere that makes
Bob would like to call on her when he encountered some questions because she was happy to help
him to deal with these problems.
Moreover, the delegating style is another characteristic which means the leaders set the overall goals
but turn day–to–day decision–making over to the employees. Obviously, in this case, Beverly would
like to set the overall goal and give the responsibility for Bob to do some decision by himself rather
than decide by herself. In this way, both a good leader–member relationship and the position power
are strong. This is partly because the members like the leader, trust the leader, have confidence in the
leader, and generally have positive feelings about the leader, then leader–member relations are good.
Also, the leader's position power is strong because the leader has the authority to hire and fire group
members, make pay raises, give bonuses or other financial rewards, and distribute various perks,
status symbols, and desirable work
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Leadership Style

  • 1. Leadership Style Leadership Style of Administrator According to J. Seyfarth, there are four types of leadership styles: directive, supportive, participative, and achievement–oriented leadership (Seyfarth, 1996). These styles vary from one another, but all may be visible within a school environment. During a recent interview with an elementary school principal, Amy Zilbar, she described her dominate leadership style as supportive (personal communication, April 25, 2013). As a principal, she delegates many tasks throughout the school year and gives support, as needed, to the staff member that is responsible for that job. She reflected that she attempts to make personal connections with all of her staff members and wants them to feel as if they are ... Show more content on ... According to Hoy in an open–systems perspective, "to survive, the organization must adapt and to adapt, it must change" (2007, p. 21). This is similar to the inspirational leadership theory in that it allows the teachers to reflect and make changes in order to improve. Zilbar feels this theory is closest to her personal style of interacting with people as it is collaborative and allows her to connect on a personal level with teachers to bring out their individual strengths (personal communication, April 25, 2013). In the school setting she follows this theory because it empowers and motivates her teachers to form professional learning communities to solve problems. She feels this theory aligns well to other school programs already in place, such as Conscious Discipline and Character Education. With the recent changes in our school district, Ms. Zilbar has noticed a decrease in teacher moral. Using the inspirational theory, she feels it is helping to increase the confidence level of teachers and challenging them to work together towards a common goal, improving student learning. Personal Leadership Style When reflecting on what type of leader I might be in the future, I can see myself as a participative leader. I believe within a school setting, the administration wears many hats and has to adjust to based on the current situation being dealt with. I have worked in a variety of school settings with administrators that ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles Leadership styles vary amongst every person in a leadership role. Styles may be categorized as authoritarian, procedural, transformational, participative and laissez–fair. Following an assessment of my own leadership style (How to find your style of leadership, 2016) it appears that my style of leadership is characterized as laissez–faire. I'm a leader who is not formally recognized but rather involves the entire team and makes informed decisions based on group ideas, discussions and team decisions. The amount of control I typically have is low and I expect my team to contribute ideas and decisions but ultimately, I am responsible for the final decisions and the success or failure. Assessment Results I was absolutely not surprised by the results of my assessment. By nature, I am more of a follower than a leader. This assessment proved my theory to be correct. I am hesitant in making uniformed and risky decisions professionally as well as personally. I have always relied heavily on a team of people I can trust and to help me make informed choices. Perhaps I lack self confidence in my decision making skills, so I lean on others for guidance and support. The personal feeling of disappointing someone is overwhelming me to the point where I am afraid to make any decisions without help from another source. I understand I am human and humans make mistakes. The point of mistakes is to learn from them. However, it is still hard to deal with disappointing someone on an ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Leadership Styles Of Leadership Style Part One: Consider what leadership or management style speaks most to you. Discuss that particular style, explain why it fits you better than others. Alternatively, consider the leadership or management style fits you least. Explain what is least desirable with that style from your perspective. What leadership or management style speaks most to me? They are a few leadership styles that I venerate. The Transformational Leadership, the Visionary Leadership, and the Charismatic Leadership styles are the most evident to me. Each one has its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, each is congruent with what I believe is necessary to craft the ideal leader and the combination is something I strive to emulate as I learn the nuances ... Show more content on ... Encourages others. Provides support and recognition. Stirs the emotions of people. Gets people to look beyond their self–interest. Inspires people to reach for the improbable. These qualities are fundamental qualities a leader must possess. These are just the building blocks of crafting the consummate leader. Undoubtedly, while sufficient, they are more qualities required. What other qualities should a leader have? In addition to the eight qualities mentioned before, a leader needs a vision. Political sociologists Max Weber and James MacGregor Burns theorized that many leaders are visionaries. "These visionary leaders possess a driving sense of purpose and confidence in their ability to achieve their goals. They take the lead and inspire others to move forward." This style is known as the Visionary Leadership style and is necessary in creating a complete leader. All of the great leaders of the world have a vision. From President John F. Kennedy to Dr. Martin Luther King, each had visions of something greater. Great leaders give real thought to the values that inspire them as well as to the people that follow. Ambition and persistence are invaluable to achieving a vision and are the first steps toward leadership success. On its own a vision does not always make for a great leader and this is why Visionary Leadership comes in second to Transformational Leadership. A great leader requires both styles. Adolf Hitler had a vision, as did Pol Pot ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Leadership Style Of Leadership When one thinks of successful leadership, words like power, authority, and control often come to mind. Examining leadership in detail reveals that many different leadership styles exist. Some leaders may be authoritarian, where their rules are law and enforced in a utilitarian fashion. Others may prefer to lead in a more democratic manor, where employees help make decisions and feel involved in workplace happenings. Robert Greenleaf, who at the time was an executive at AT&T, developed another style, servant leadership (Marquis, 2014). Though the terms "servant" and "leader" may seem paradoxical when paired together, his style of leadership focuses on the idea that leaders should serve those who work for them. This does not mean catering to ... Show more content on ... In one of the lessons, the characteristics of good leaders are discussed. Honest and trustworthy, good role model, caring, committed, good listener, able to hold people accountable, respectful, encouraging, positive, enthusiastic, and appreciative are all agreed upon attributes (Hunter, 1998). While all of these qualities are important, trustworthiness, respectfulness, and appreciation for others are essential for nurses to possess in order to be servant leaders. Trustworthiness Trustworthiness encompasses veracity, one of the principles of ethical reasoning (Marquis, 2014). The ability to tell the truth is key in interacting with both patients and coworkers. Being viewed as someone who is trustworthy helps to establish effective leadership. Employees who view a leader as honest are more likely to be honest in return, while patients who trust their caregivers can be confident in their treatment (Marquis, 2014). Advocating for a patient further shows trustworthiness by assuring him or her that the nurse values the patient, and is working to attain the best possible outcome. Being trustworthy also means showing humility in certain instances, like being able to admit when mistakes have been made or a situation could have been handled differently. Respect The second quality, respect, is a fundamental element in all relationships. Being ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Leadership And The Leadership Styles 1. Webster's defines Leadership as "the action of leading a group of people or an organization". That definition really does the word no justice because leadership can look like a great many things to different people, and there are equally as many ways to lead. One can lead through fear or respect, by word or by action. Introduction: My definition of leadership and the leadership influences in my career. I have had numerous leaders that have influenced my career and leadership style to this point. The Chief on my first Patrol Boat was one of the biggest influences I have had in my career. I remember how he carried himself with confidence. He empowered his people. He had the personal power to inspire people to want to be better to not disappoint him. But at the same time was able to hold people accountable, and have you learn from the experience. I also had a cutter CO that illustrated for me all the qualities I promised myself I would never be. They did not treat their crew with respect. By their level of micromanagement, they demonstrated that they did not trust their crew. People just dreaded coming to work never knowing what the day was going to bring. Even as I strive to ensure I am never like that leader, there are times that I stop and find myself thinking along the same lines, and demonstrating some of the same weaknesses. I can see how they fell into the traps that they did. I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish in my career, and am happy ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Leadership Style Definition of Leadership A leader is someone who can influence others and who has a managerial authority. Leadership is what leaders do. More specifically, it's the process of influencing a group to achieve goals. Group Leadership Leadership is concerned with control and power in a group. Leadership can be aimed at either maintaining the interpersonal relationships in the group or prodding the group to achieve its task. Kinds of Leadership Groups typically benefit from two kinds of leadership i.e. Instrumental leadership Expressive leadership Instrumental Leadership: This kind of leadership refers to group leadership that focuses on the completion of tasks. Members look to instrumental leadership to make plans, ... Show more content on ... Effective supervision can be provided only through detailed orders and instructions. A manager's power is challenged by an employee. Democratic or Participative leadership The democratic leadership style is also called the participative style as it encourages employees to be a part of the decision making. The democratic manager keeps his or her employees informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities. This style requires the leader to be a coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff members before making a decision. Democratic leadership can produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time. Many employees like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale. Typically the democratic leader: Develops plans to help employees evaluate their own performance. Encourages employees to grow on the job and be promoted. Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like the other styles, the democratic style is not always appropriate. It is most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or resolving individual or group problems. This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything –– this is why you employ knowledgeable ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Leadership Styles Of A Leadership Leadership involves the capacity to lead, influence, and motivate followers to accomplish goals effectively. This literature review will discuss the various leadership styles and linkage between the followers. The leadership styles of transformational, charismatic, servant, leader–member–exchange theory leaders share a common interest the follower. The servant leader serves others before self. The transformational leader inspires and charismatic leader charms the followers. A leader common goal is his or her role to the follower. Methodology of Review The research studies chosen for this literature review focused on leadership styles of prison wardens, effective leaders in private sectors, and professionals in an a university ... Show more content on ... Three studies were quantitative methods, comprised of Likert style questionnaires. Surveys or questionnaire were sent to sample study participants by work email, personal email or sent by regular mail. Two of the studies include telephone or face to face interviews as data collection. One study researched scholarly articles online university library. Data Collection Instrument Parris and Peachey (2012) article A Systematic Literature Review of Servant Leadership examines an initial system literature review (SLR) methodology actively practiced in the medical sciences is in contrast to traditional literature reviews. Parris and Peachey introduction of conducting a (SLR) in a management discipline with goals to advance the servant leadership theory while identifying and synthesizing through researching empirical studies of servant leadership theory (2012, pp.378–379). At the same time author George Sparks' framework for the histrionics of charismatic leadership is qualitative in nature. Sparks (2014) article examines the intentional techniques and theatrics employed by charismatic leaders to captivate and reach a target audience on an effective and personal level (p. 6. Para. 2). In contrast to charismatic leadership studies of Vinod & Sudhaker (2013) article Servant Leadership: A unique art of leadership, data collection methods explore writings of scholars such as Greenleaf, Burns, Bass, and biblical scriptures mentioning Jesus Christ. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Leadership Style Of Leadership And Leadership Introduction Leadership in today's society plays a very pivotal role in the outcome of a company or organization. In addition, leaders and managers have to adhere to a strategic style of leadership that the managers and associates have experienced over the years. With this being said, future leaders may experience complex challenges such as natural disasters and terrorists, change in uncertainty in the business political, and social environment. (Alexander, cited in Hasselbein and Goldsmith, 2006). One could pose a statement, it's not if the challenge will come, it's how the leader will handle the challenge. Many leaders have come from different approaches as to what leadership means to them. For example, John Maxwell stated that leadership is a process marked by constant growth (Maxwell, 2013). In addition, Greenleaf stated that true leadership emerges from those whose primary motivation is a deep desire to help other, (Spears, 2004). Furthermore, according to Ken Blanchard, who is a world announce leader, stated that Leadership style is, how you behave when you are trying to influence the performance of some else, and that leadership is a combination of supportive and directive behaviors. (Blanchard, Zigarmi 1985). An illustration of directive behavior would be a cook preparing an entrée for a customer in a restaurant, who is being monitored by the chef. Also an illustration of supportive behavior would be, a process of team building in the company ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Leadership Theories Of Leadership Styles Leadership theories The full spectrum of leadership styles is broad. The leadership styles continuum ranges from very directive to very non–directive: Autocratic, Benevolent Autocratic, Consultative, Participative, Consensus, and Laissez–Faire (Gibson, 1995). The autocratic leader an authority who make decisions or set goals and does not feel the need to explain them. The benevolent autocratic leader also rely on authority for decision–making, but may explain the thought process behind the decisions. Meanwhile, the consultative leader will obtain feedback from employees after developing their own ideas and will consider their subordinates input before making the decision. A consensus– building leader asks for democratic decision–making process where all members' votes in the group are at least nominally equal. A laissez–faire leader will let subordinates make decisions for themselves (Gibson, 1995). Figure 1–Leadership Continuum (Gibson) Leadership styles are the tools used by managers and leaders to implement their plans and vision through their subordinates. There are numerous theories and practices to for these managers and leaders to select from, and for this discussion, we will focus on four–leadership styles (Transactional, Transformational, Servant Leadership, and Authentic) as a metric to measure cultural influence on the selected leadership styles. These four leadership styles are used to show distinct leadership style as described in figure 2. This chart shows ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Leadership Styles : Democratic Leadership Style DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP STYLE Erica Easley Ohio University Democratic Leadership Style Leaders are the ones we turn to when life gets to be too much. Good leaders set examples and provide guidance through education (Huber, 2014). As a new nurse I can understand how important it is to have a leader you turn to when you are unsure. Furthermore, in the business of health care we are managing people 's lives and one wrong move can be deadly. Therefore, it is important to collaborate with other health care professionals to ensure a safe competent method of delivery. Ideally, the role of a leader in health care is one that is knowledgable, firm, and confident, with the ability to deviate from the plan to assist with an emergency. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to reveal three key behaviors successful leaders exhibit, assess my personal leadership style, referencing theories, while determining an optimal work environment based upon the aforementioned. Leadership Defined According to Huber a leader is "a process of influence by which the leader influences others toward goal achievement" (2014). With that being said, the role of key leader is null and void without the allegiance of a team. As part of this week's module we were to complete an assessment to determine the category in which our leadership style mimicked. Furthermore, results determined that the leadership style I possess democratic. Moreover, the democratic style of leadership is primarily ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Leadership Styles In Nursing Leadership Style Leadership comes in many forms, and some think that leaders are made rather than born (Amanchukwu, Stanley, & Ololube, 2015). Problems are constantly arising in the nursing setting and must require a certain skill set in order for leaders to conquer these issues. In the past papers, nurse Stacie lacked the resources of a good leader to guide her towards her own leadership style. During her day as a charge nurse, Stacie allowed a more experienced nurse who was ranked below her that day, to overpower her authority. Consequently, a baby died because Stacie did not intervene when the situation presented itself. However, if Stacie had a strong leader supporting her, she may have acquired the skills to speak–up and exert her own leadership skills, while addressing the unfortunate issue in her unit. This paper will compare relevant leadership styles that will address this problem that Stacie incurred. Along with a detailed explanation of how this style of leadership could help solve this nursing problem. Furthermore, legislation and health care policies will further the cause with tools to help solve and manage problems seen in the hospital setting. Nursing Leadership Styles Although there are numerous leadership styles to explore when discussing the issue Stacie had to deal with in her unit, the style that addresses this type of issue the closest is the Servant Leader. This type of leadership is the least conspicuous as they act like a servant to their followers. ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Leadership Style And Effective Leadership Styles Group leadership refers to the processes of leading, influencing and motivating members of a group to become highly competent in achieving the goals or objectives of the group (Aritz and Robyn 73). Though the adoption and implementation of a relevant and effective leadership style, group leaders become effective in driving change through work groups and facilitating the achievement of organizational goals. Leaders play a wide range of roles in leading groups, such as motivating members, coordinating group activities, influencing positive behaviors among members and motivating productivity and innovation (Tabernero et al. 1393). The following sections presents a detailed analysis and discussion of the role of leadership style in group work and the most important leadership roles in work groups. The paper uses evidence to support the argument that group leaders must adopt effective leadership styles so that they can be successful in facilitating group activities and ensuring that members of the group actively contribute towards the achievement of shared goals (Thompson 23). Leadership style refers to the specific behavior or characteristics that a leader exhibits in managing, guiding, directing and motivating a group of people within an organization (Kark and Dina 504). The leadership style that leader adopt and use to play their roles within a work group define their ability to inspire change of work behavior among group members. This means that an effective leadership style ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Leadership Styles And Types Of Leadership Style Essay Introduction To become an effective leader one should have desire and willpower. Good leaders do not have inborn qualities and skills. Good leaders are constantly working and concentrating on to enhance their ability; they are not resting on what they already achieved in the past. Leadership is a procedure by which a man impacts others to fulfill a target and coordinates the association in a way that makes it more strong and rational. There are different types of leadership style and all the types have their own strategies and characteristics. Any leadership style consists advantages and disadvantages because each styles depend on the situation, place and time. It's up to the leaders how they use leadership style to determine success or failure and depends on the cultures and goals of the organisation.–common–leadership– styles A few organizations offer a few administration styles inside the association, subordinate upon the fundamental undertakings to finish and departmental needs.– different–types–leadership–styles–17584.html Coaching leadership style: Coaching is one kind of leadership style that develops people by offering an active participation advice to solve the problems. This style define roles and tasks of the followers however, looks for their contributions and recommendations as well. Choices still made by the leaders, the correspondence style is always ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. The Leadership Styles Of The Leadership Style Of Nestle  Nestle adopts "democratic leadership". Democratic leadership is a style of leadership that when the leader takes any decision, he would discuss with his employees and then cooperation to work together. Nestle focus on man power due to its corporation needs attract more labor to easily achieve a long term success. In Nestle, they emphasize on respect and faith. So, they adopt democratic leadership. When leader decide any decision, leader would listen the suggestion which provide by its employees. However, democratic leadership is a good leadership style but also is a significant issue in Nestlé's management. Nestle adopt democratic leadership needs total trust between the employee and manager Most of the time, the employee think that this ... Show more content on ... According to the data, it already operates 447 factories in 194 countries. Therefore, Nestle needs to hire many employees to continue its business. However, supervising the employees becomes the critical issue encountered by the Nestle. Leader cannot oversee employees' performance at the same time. For instances, sometimes leader would not discover the slackness and indolent of the employees. It is lead to the work cannot be completed on time and its business operation would become inefficient. If the leader cannot detect and solve this issue, many employees would muddle along. However this small problem would become huge problem in management. It would influence the operation of the Nestle. In the contrary, some well performing employees also ignored by the leader. They cannot reward them who did well opportunely. Therefore, the well performing employees would disgruntled and irresponsible for their work. Nestle emphasize on trust each other. However, the employees who be neglected by leader would doubt and suspect their company. This condition is contrary to the company's belief. Thus, the best way to solve this issue is the leader pays more attention on their employees. Rewarding the well performing employees immediately and punish the bad performing employees such as deduct their salary. On the other hand, communication is also important between leader and employees. Leader should be more listening the ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Leadership Styles Of Leadership Style What is leadership? Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary defines leadership as "the power or ability to lead other people". Although this is simply put, it is also correct. But leadership is much more than the ability to lead. The ability is one piece of the puzzle. Other pieces to consider in leadership are education, attributes, and style, just to name a few. In this assignment, I will focus on leadership style. Specifically, I will discuss my style according to the assessment developed by The University of Kent in the UK. After taking the assessment, it was determined that my style is Participative. Participative leadership is Democratic and focuses on a collaborative effort from the team. Participative leaders rely on the team's ideas and abilities instead of making all the decisions on their own (Murdock, K. 2014). Although the leader makes the final decision, the team has the freedom to contribute to decisions being made. Teamwork is an essential attribute for Participative leaders. As a Participative leader, you must possess the ability to set aside your ego, listen to the team, and give the team freedom to make their own decisions. In reviewing my results, I was not shocked by the fact that I as fit the mold of a Participative Leader. I've never been the type to rule with an Iron Fist. I don't believe in a "my way or the Highway approach. I'm a collaborative individual and I rely heavily on the people around me to achieve a specific goal. Reason being, ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Leadership Styles Ricardo Semler is the CEO of highly successful equipment supplier, Semco Inc. and what makes him different from other CEOs is his complete devotion to democratic/participative style of leadership. The participative leader behavior is where leaders would stay in touch with all group members when making decisions and forming targets. This helps in keeping everyone involved by making them feel important but it is a notch above because it works well in situations where goals have a personal meaning to the employees. They must be personal involved in the situation and would thus appreciate a participative style of leadership. SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP As the name suggests, this theory recommends that leaders change their style according to situation and temperament of the follower. There is something different about this theory. It doesn't only focus on the leader characteristics but also takes into account the characteristics of the one being led. There are four maturity levels of the follower discussed in this theory. At the lowest level, a follower lacks skills and knowledge to work on his own and hence need to be told exactly what needs to be done. The maturity level increases from there and so does the level of influence that leader needs to exert. Example of lowest maturity level: new workers in an organization may fit this description. Example of highest maturity level: a person at this level would need a leadership who adopts the delegating style. An expert graphic ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Leadership Styles And Theories Of Leadership Style Firstly, aspiring leaders need to recognize all of the various styles of leadership that exist. Every organization is structured differently, with differing employee behaviors, and it is the leader's responsibility to implement the style that will work the best for their specific work or organizational structure. Often, more than one leadership style is implemented to accomplish the desired results of the leader (Blanken). While a multiple of leadership styles exist, three well–known and commonly– practiced leadership styles that will be examined include the Autocratic, Democratic and the Laissez–Fare. These three leadership styles were discovered by psychologist Kurt Lewin in the late nineteen–thirties (Cherry). Psychologist Lewin completed a study that involved assigning various schoolchildren to one of three different groups (Cherry). While each group was led by a particular leadership style, researchers witnessed and recorded all behavior that was exhibited by the children during their assigned projects (Cherry). Beginning with the Autocratic or Authoritarian leadership style, the leader sets clear guidelines for the results that he or she is searching for. For example, the leader will clarify what processes or tasks should be completed, the deadlines for the assigned processes or tasks, and also the process for how to complete the assigned processes or tasks. This leadership style employs a clear separation between the leader and group of individuals under his guidance. ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Leadership Styles : Transformational Leadership Style Emotional intelligence is made up of several key components. Those components include self– awareness, empathy, the ability to recognize and moderate one's emotions, self–motivation, and social savvy (Sadri, 2012). Several studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between effective leadership and a higher level of emotional intelligence. Management theory tends to differentiate between two distinct leadership styles – transformational and transactional. It is the former that theorists link to a higher levels of emotional intelligence in the managers, as well as higher levels of performance in their subordinates. A transformational leadership style differs from a transactional style in that the latter tends to focus on the use of rewards and punishments in order to extract desired behaviors from subordinates (Sunindijo, 2012). When enacted, a transformational leadership style focuses more heavily on employee autonomy, team relations, team cohesiveness, and individual employee development (Sunindijo, 2012). A higher level of emotional intelligence is what predisposes a manager to enact a transformational leadership style. While the majority of leaders find that they must also utilize some aspects of transactional leadership in order to be effective, transformational leadership is advantageous when it comes to an organization's long–term success. Literature Review and Analysis What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the intuitive counterpart to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles The last style of leadership is delegative leadership in which the leader delegates tasks to the employees. This leader is able to derive satisfaction from allowing the staff to participate in decision making responsibilities (Brody and Nair, 2014, p. 4). These leadership styles are not set in stone and characteristics may overlap into other leaderships styles. The leadership style that would best suit a rural area is participate leadership style. In rural areas agencies and organizations lack resource and sometimes man power. Allowing all of the individuals to have a hand in the decision making process can be beneficial in helping organize and brainstorm ideas that are beneficial to the organization. This can foster a sense of cohesion and togetherness in the agency that fosters morale boosting. Each individual is given a voice to present their ideas and suggestions. This is helpful because an individual other than the leader may have a different perspective or offer insight into area that the leader is lacking. An effective leader is able to recognize their shortcomings and make up this division other areas. By allowing other staff members to contribute this is a step in making up for a deficiency. There are eight major leadership theories that were developed to identify the characteristics that made a leader. The Great Man theory declares that leadership is a natural and ingrained trait in an individual. This theory is based on the premise that great leaders are born ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Management Styles Of Leadership Styles Literature Review Outline I. Introduction a. A key determinant in an organizational success is directly related with the management styles of leadership. According to Parris & Peachey (2013), the key to understanding an organizations success is to study its leaders. A leader's ability to inspire, motive, and create a strong sense of engagement and commitment to the organization will determine the success or failure in the attainment of goals. Transformational, charismatic, and servant leadership are three styles that organizational leaders might possess. While there is no predetermined best style of leadership, one can describe leadership and management as situational. The overriding goal of any organization is building a high– performing organization which is paramount for short and long term success (DeGraw & Sizoo, 2013). Both the leader and the organization should select the most appropriate style to enhance organizations probability for effectiveness and attainment of desire goals. Studies have shown when organizations have the right leadership in place, an organization can have shared vision that is articulated in a manner where subordinates desire work enthusiastically towards the accomplishment of the goals (Parris & Peachey, 2013). b. One of the most comprehensive research topics in the area of behavioral science is leadership. According to Parris & Peachey (2013), leadership has undergone extensive research due to all the success of economic, political, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles Essay Most individuals probably feel as if they know enough about leadership to speak on the subject. In many cases, however, this is not truly the case at all. Leadership is a broad concept, and there are several different styles and approaches to consider when studying the topic. It is important to consider these styles and approaches when evaluating the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of any particular form of leadership. With that in mind, this essay will consider the leadership styles of two leaders who are involved in the current presidential election process. Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, and Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee each utilize different leadership styles, though, the two operate within the same professional arena. That said, the two candidates share the same battle of being outsider candidates struggling to gain notoriety and momentum from a portion of the voting population no longer willing to support mainstream political candidates. This essay begins with a theoretical discussion of leadership and then focuses on the two political leaders, comparing and contrasting each one. This will allow for conclusions to be drawn about how they both work within the same public sphere, while employing different styles to earn votes. Leadership, according to John Kotter, is about "coping with change" (Kotter, 1990, p. 4). By this definition, leadership can be considered the product of change and the different ways that response to this change directs future ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Leadership Style : Participatory Leadership Styles Leadership Style: Participatory My style of leadership is participative. Participative leaders utilize collaboration and receive feedback from employees to guide decision making. Employees often feel that they have a significant role in the decision making process, which motivates them and can lead to greater job satisfaction. Participatory leaders acknowledge that there is information to be gained by engaging with their employees. This style of leadership is useful in cases when quality is valued higher than simple productivity. There are potential drawbacks to this leadership style, however. Team members may sense indecision on the part of the leader, because this style of leadership tends slow progress in the decision making process, "some team members may be left feeling confused and leaderless." ("How to find out your style of leadership," 2011) The results of the assessment were not shocking to me, as they did not differ greatly from my own assessment of my leadership style. I believe that this leadership style has enhanced my decision making process and has helped to build successful working relationships between myself and my employees. I have always had a collaborative mindset when it came to leadership, so the participatory style of leadership accurately represents my approach to leadership. Using Participatory Leadership in the Workplace Effective Communication The foundation of participatory leadership lies in having open communication between the leader of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Leadership Styles For A Leadership Essay Introduction When I think about the type of leader I would like to be, there is one supervisor that always comes to mind because of the positive environment she cultivated. In researching the different leadership styles for this assignment, I believe that this is the style that she used with her staff. I was interested in learning more about transformational leadership and how I can cultivate this style in the way that I lead my current team as well as the way in which I lead future teams. Transformational leadership is a leadership style that promotes change as well as improves performance in the organization as a whole as well as on the individual employee level (Phaneuf, Boudrias, Rousseau, & Brunelle, 2016). James MacGregor Burns first introduced transformational leadership in his book titled Leadership that he authored in 1978. Burns defined transformational leadership as leadership that stems from one's core unchanging values and beliefs. Burns believed that transformational leaders not only bring together their followers, but also positively influence their follower's values and beliefs in a way that brings about positive change (Humphreys & Einstein, 2003). Transformational leaders are able to inspire employees to work towards a common goal by changing their expectations, motivation and perception of why they are doing the work. Transformational leaders cultivate a commitment from their employees, which encourages them to put aside self– interest to work ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles 1. Introduction It is suggested that leadership is a kind of ability or activity which a leader could straight affect and guide their followers to achieve certain objectives in the specific situation (John Calvin Maxwell,2011). The shifting internal elements and increasing external competitions have posed growing demanding to managers' leadership approaches. However, managers are provided with various personalities or perspectives, accordingly, managers are not accomplishing their aims by using similar styles. The leadership style, according to Newstrom and Davis (1993), is the ways and approaches of offering targets, fulfilling plans as well as inspiring subordinates. Based on the types of individuals the leader works with and various personality traits hold by the leader, the leadership style differs. There are several leadership styles suggested by different researchers such as autocratic, democratic, laissez–fair, transactional and transformational. Some of leadership styles are no longer suit for current marketplaces especially for those organizations which want to attract talent person from all over the world and exploit global markets. Therefore, this essay aims to focus on transactional and transformational styles, then take Baidu and Google as examples to make a comparison and contrast between these two styles as well as illustrate which one may generate better outcomes than another. 2. Literature review Max Weber (1947) stated that there are three types of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Leadership Style The Leadership Style of Urban Meyer Urban Meyer–Head Coach Ohio State Football Urban Meyer is the head coach for The Ohio State Buckeyes football team. He is 49 years old and was born in Toledo Ohio. He attended University of Cincinnati where he played football. Coach Meyer is married and has three children. Prior to coaching Ohio State he retired from coaching was working as a sports analyst for ESPN. Before retiring and working for ESPN, Coach Meyer was the head coach for the University of Florida. He led the Gators to two BCS championship wins and he held the highest percentages of wins for any active college football coach. ( Tubbs, (2012) defines leadership as, "influencing others to accomplish ... Show more content on ... (Martin, 2013). Many of the motivational methods that Coach Meyer's uses can be easily adapted to any small group setting. He wants his players to not only be accountable to the coaches, but to each other, so he created a leadership committee that consists of team players representing each grade level. Coach Meyer says, "We are looking for the Leadership Committee to enhance team chemistry, police the team from within and exemplify what it means to be leaders, both on and off the field." ( The Championship club is designed to reward players for academics, success on the field, with conditioning and training, and in their personal lives. Coach Meyers likes to recognize and reward achievements. Part of being an effective leader is building relationships. Coach Meyers and his coaching staff do everything they can to know as much about each player as possible. He hopes that by building relationships on and off the field will encourage the players to do their best and they will not want to let you down on the field and off the field, ( "A good leader, with good ideas and exciting directions, can generate enthusiasm, support, and cohesion," Tubbs, (2012, p. 225). Coach Meyers is a good example of this because when he started with Ohio State in 2011 the team was not eligible for any BCS bowl games because of the actions of the previous coach and several players. Coach Meyers had to keep ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Leadership Styles Of The Leadership Style Of Nestle  Nestle adopts "democratic leadership". Democratic leadership is a style of leadership that when the leader takes any decision, he would discuss with his employees and then cooperation to work together. Nestle focus on man power due to its corporation needs attract more labor to easily achieve a long term success. In Nestle, they emphasize on respect and faith. So, they adopt democratic leadership. When leader decide any decision, leader would listen the suggestion which provide by its employees. However, democratic leadership is a good leadership style but also is a significant issue in Nestlé's management. Nestle adopt democratic leadership needs total trust between the employee and manager Most of the time, the employee think that this ... Show more content on ... According to the data, it already operates 447 factories in 194 countries. Therefore, Nestle needs to hire many employees to continue its business. However, supervising the employees becomes the critical issue encountered by the Nestle. Leader cannot oversee employees' performance at the same time. For instances, sometimes leader would not discover the slackness and indolent of the employees. It is lead to the work cannot be completed on time and its business operation would become inefficient. If the leader cannot detect and solve this issue, many employees would muddle along. However this small problem would become huge problem in management. It would influence the operation of the Nestle. In the contrary, some well performing employees also ignored by the leader. They cannot reward them who did well opportunely. Therefore, the well performing employees would disgruntled and irresponsible for their work. Nestle emphasize on trust each other. However, the employees who be neglected by leader would doubt and suspect their company. This condition is contrary to the company's belief. Thus, the best way to solve this issue is the leader pays more attention on their employees. Rewarding the well performing employees immediately and punish the bad performing employees such as deduct their salary. On the other hand, communication is also important between leader and employees. Leader should be more listening the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Leadership Styles Of Autocratic Leadership Style Essay 2.4 Which is More Effective TechFunc believes that there is no the most effective leadership style, which can bring the best profit and suit all organizations, in the world. Same to autocratic leadership and democratic leadership styles, they have contrastive characteristics and respective benefits and drawbacks so that they will do positive effects only be utilized right way in suitable condition. When strong control is needed, the autocratic leadership style can be used in this situation where there is no space for error. And autocratic leaders can prevent people from going dangerous way by enforcement when the employees are less experienced and intelligent than them. But if rigid rules are explored in highly professional and independent mind teams, it can lead to anger and morale. Military and Manufacturing are the typical industry involving autocratic leadership style. The democratic leadership style is best used in situations where change is frequent, as the democratic system offers a great flexibility to adapt to better ways of doing things. However, making decision slowly sometimes misses the optimal timing while innovating newer and better products. Also, democratic leadership style can bring the best experience to the highly professional group which capitalizes on their talents by sharing views, rather than simply follow the decision made by the leader. It is very important to combine different areas of expertise to make decision which is very diverse and complex, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Styles Of Leadership In this assignment I aim to outline the advantages, disadvantages and overall effectiveness of the different styles of leadership. Authoritarian, or Autocratic, leaderships revolve around a single leader, and those close to them, whose word is law and power absolute. Authoritarian leaders are confident in their ability to lead and to take charge. This means that they should be taken seriously at all times; if a subordinate does not take them serious they may lash out, threaten or simply punish the individual or the entire group to get their point across. They also prioritise the task over the individual and the group This leadership style is best suited to emergency situations when the leader is competent and confident in his ability to succeed, ... Show more content on ... Democratic works well with skilled and motivated people because they want choice or the ability to influence one; the leader also wants to hear what people have to say because they want input and new ideas to directly improve conditions for the group. The main negative of Democracy is that the leader cannot easily appeal to the minority without angering the majority because they will lose more support than they gain. Not everyone has an interest in politics or voting these people are generally happy either way or impossible to please. Another problem is that because more people are involved with leading the country secrets could leak; this could be personnel secrets about the leader or even military related secrets. Democracy is like Autocracy because there is only one leader and they will make the final choice, however a Democratic leader values the opinions of his subordinates and will choose based on that. Decision making in a Democracy is very slow when compared to Authoritarianism because the time it takes for a vote is time ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Leadership Styles Of A Leadership Effective Group Leadership Skills A leadership philosophy helps to define and let others know what you expect, what things you value, and how you act as a leader. Different styles of leadership are needed for different situations. Every leader needs to know when and how to display a particular approach of leadership within a group. Leadership strategies define every leader's personal leadership style. Three leadership styles of a counselor are the following: authoritarian style leaders, democratic style leaders, and laissez–faire style leaders. Leadership Styles Authoritarian leaders are the leaders who like to do all the group decisions on their own and tell other group members what to do and how to do it. This type of leadership is very beneficial when you are in need of a quick decision or faced with some type of crisis. This type of decision making can easily be abused and can often be viewed as being bossy and over controlling. Leaders who use this style may provoke dependence, criticism, dissatisfaction, and aggression from their group members (Forsyth, 1990). According to Gladding 2012, authoritarian leaders do not ask for consideration or suggestions from group members; instead, they structure and direct their groups according to their own wishes, purposes, and the information available to them. A task group could benefit more from an Authoritarian leader. Tasks groups focus on accomplishing specific goals. According to Gladding 1994, "with task groups, an ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles There is much that is written about leadership; like books on leadership styles, techniques and also biographies of leaders that have inspired people to action. While this is true, there is the everyday leadership and a slightly different outlook to leadership as well. Here are a few of them. 1. There Are Different Kinds of Leaders Among leaders are formal and informal leaders. Formal leaders are elected to their positions like congressmen, senators and office bearers of clubs. Informal leaders on the other hand are those we look up to because of their experience and wisdom. This could be your parents, grandparents or elders in your community. Informal leaders can also be those that are respected because of their expertise and contributions in certain fields such as Albert Einstein in Theoretical Physics and Leonardo de Vinci in Arts. Whether formal or informal, these leaders practice certain styles. This could be a. Lewin 's 3 basic leadership styles – autocratic or authoritative: the leader takes decisions without consulting with others – democratic or participative: the leader involves the people in the decision–making – laissez–faire or delegative: the leader 's involvement in decision–making is minimized b. Likert 's 4 leadership styles – exploitative authoritative: the leader has a low concern for people and uses such methods as threats and other fear–based methods to achieve conformance – benevolent authoritative: the leader adds concern for people to an ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Leadership Styles Of A Leadership Style Assessment Leadership Styles in Nursing Danny Coughlin University of Louisiana of Lafayette Leadership Styles in Nursing The enclosed information in this paper is based on a Leadership Style Assessment that was printed from a dynamic leadership handbook. I will discuss the results of the leadership style assessment, why or why not I agree with the results and which type of leadership makes the best or worst leader. I will also review a past nursing supervisor's leadership style and state whether or not his style was effective. Current Leadership Style The results of my Leadership Style Assessment was a Participatory Leader. I believe that the results were accurate. I try to listen and understand to everyone's point of view before making a decision regarding others at work. "Participative leadership also known as Democratic Leadership Style is a method of leadership that involves all team members in terms of identifying important goals as well as developing strategies and procedures to achieve the goals. From this point of view, participative style of leadership can be perceived as a leadership style that relies primarily on functioning as a facilitator that the one who simply issues commands or orders or making assignment for each member of the team." ("Participative Leadership," p. 1–2) The definition of Participative Leader to me means a Leader that listens and considers every point of view before making a final decision. Best / Worst Leadership Style I believe the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Leadership Styles And Its Impact On Leadership Often when there is police corruption in the news, there are individuals who will point fingers not only at the officers involved but also at the leadership in charge. The mindset, in general, is that if the leadership had reigned in their officers, then incidents of unruly behavior, excessive use of force and questionable decision–making would not have occurred. Thus, it leads this author to wonder what impact leadership truly has in policing. More specifically, this author is concerned with discovering if leadership styles have an effect on how effective or ineffective a leader will be within policing. Throughout the course of this paper, this author will discuss various types of leadership styles, behavioral traits and how they pertain to leadership, as well as what determines if a leader is effective. It is the hope of this author that a discovery will be made to clarify the aforementioned scopes in regards to their impact on leadership within policing. Part I: Leadership Styles. Looking throughout the course of history, it is very evident that a multitude of leadership styles have been employed by world leaders. The President of the United States, for example, is someone who recognizes the strengths of bureaucratic leadership, strategic leadership, team leadership, charismatic leadership and situational leadership. The type of leadership used by the President often depends on the situation that is being addressed. On the other end of the spectrum, there are some ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Leadership Styles And Leadership Style Stacey Feiner once stated, "For those of you who really want to give critical thought to your unique leadership style and foster genuine followership, learn from what's out there and weave it into something meaningful and authentic." (Feiner, 2015) For the last two weeks, I have spent time self– analyzing and soul searching to identify the qualities I bring to a leadership role. Many of the core values important to me also align between the participative leadership style and laissez–faire leadership style. These values include working in a team environment, empowering others to make decisions and providing support for those decisions, keeping an open mind to new ideas/suggestions, and being involved with my team members on a daily basis. (Mooney, n.d.) As I learn ways to build on my strengths within these leadership styles, I also need to improve upon my weaknesses to become the well–rounded leader I want to be. Larry Page, CEO of Google, is a leader who I would like to emulate. He also shares the participative/laissez–faire leadership style. Mr. Page believes employees should be empowered to dream the impossible. He encourages out–of–the box thinking from his employees and encourages them to create the next new product innovation. To successfully lead Google, Mr. Page expects his employees to be productive and results–oriented while being self–managed. He does not believe employees should be micromanaged. In addition, he considers it important to help employees ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Leadership Styles With Personal Leadership Style Leadership Leadership is a vital part of the business environment because it entails of giving direction to member in order to accomplish a common goal. Leadership styles are important aspects of an organization because certain techniques are more effective in different situations. When leadership is effective, then the outcomes are positive and desired goals are attained. This paper will explore the different leadership styles with reference to my own personal leadership style. It will give reasons why a participative style works best in the healthcare profession. Leadership Styles There are four types of leadership styles that describe the amount of interaction a leader has to its members. The leadership styles include autocratic, consultative and participative and free–rein leaders (Lamberton & Minor, 2014). Autocratic is a leadership style that has the leader as the "dictator" giving direction to members to follow. The group members are expected to follow the orders without inquiry and focus on task completion. This style leaves little room for individual development among its members however, can be effective in situations that demands strong leadership such as in crisis situations. Consultative leadership style involves having the leader spend a decent amount of time conferring with other members on ways to tackle the situation. Under this leadership, tasks are delegated to the proper individuals with the right skill set fit for job. The focus is on ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Leadership Styles : Leadership Style When asking twenty different people, "What is the correct way to lead?", you will get twenty different responses. Most importantly, no response is incorrect and the variation of responses is expected because there are many ways to lead; every leader has their own leadership style. In her article, Johnson (n.d.) discusses five leadership styles: Laissez–Faire, autocratic, transactional, transformational and participative. Laissez–Faire has a French origin and it means "a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering" ("Oxford dictionaries", 2016). When leaders take total control, such as making all decisions alone and does not ask for the input of the employees, they are using the autocratic leadership style. This style is similar to a dictatorship. Exceptionally dissimilar from Laissez–Faire and autocratic styles, leaders sometime use the "give– take" system. The transactional style lets the manager and employee agree on a goal and when the mission is completed, the leader will reward the employee for the great accomplishment. The same rule applies if the employee does not reach a set goal; they will be discipline accordingly. A morale boosting style is the participative style. Whenever a leader includes their employees in the decision making process, the employees tend to feel needed and essential. Even though the final decision is made by the leader, the employees' input and suggestions is considered and incorporated in the final ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles Leadership is a form of leading individuals towards a specific goal/objective and with that comes many different theories/styles about leadership. There isn't one perfect way to lead and Jeff Bezos, Ken Chenault and Jack Welch show that different types of leadership styles could lead to success. They have had great success throughout their careers as CEO; they were able to find what worked and led their companies to great success. While there isn't one specific way to lead to success there are plenty of styles that could be applied to help move towards success; Coercive/Commanding, Authoritative/Visionary, Affiliative, Democratic, Coaching, and Pacesetting. "Leaders who used styles that positively affected the climate had decidedly better financial results than those who did not. That is not to say that organizational climate is the only driver of performance. Economic conditions and competitive dynamics matter enormously." (Goleman, 2000). With that said we will compare the six styles and discuss the CEOs relation to those styles. Coercive/Commanding is a style of leadership that is demanding and expects subordinates to listen. Typically the best time for this approach is when there is time constraints around a project and not time could be wasted. While that approach could work; employees feel disinterested and that they don't have input into the situation. Authoritative/Visionary focuses on giving the group a vision to believe in; something to aim for. This style ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Leadership Styles Of Leadership Leadership is a concept most people feel informed enough to discuss, but that few are truly educated sufficiently to comment on. Therefore, it is instructive to consider the leadership styles of people with very different approaches both to better understand the diversity underlying leadership, as well as to appreciate the effective and less effective strategies that underlie different leadership outcomes. For that reason, this essay will consider the styles of two leaders who are less visible in this highly contentious presidential election season: Jill Stein (the Green Party nominee) and Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate. The leadership styles of both are very different, yet they are aligned in the sense that both are outsider candidates struggling to gain momentum from a disaffected electorate. This essay begins with a theoretical discussion of leadership more generally and then turns to the two leaders as case studies, comparing and contrasting them and drawing conclusions about how they both work within the same public sphere and for putatively similar ends (i.e., gaining votes). Leadership, according to theorist John Kotter, " about... coping with change" (Kotter, 1990, p. 4). By this definition, one should consider leadership to be the product of change in context and the ways in which the response to this change informs strategy. "Leadership is...a set of traits, qualities and behavior possessed by the leader that encourage the participation, development, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Leadership Style Leadership and motivation styles vary from person to person, that is why it is essential for managers to know and understand their leadership style and how their particular leadership affects their workplace. Leadership is influenced by many things that is why it is so important to know how and why your leadership style is what it is. There are many contributors that come into play when a leadership style is developed within a person. During the course of the last eight weeks I have been taking a hard look at my own leadership style and what I can do to improve myself to better serve both my co–workers and subordinates. Upon being tasked to disburse the LPI forms to my managers, co–workers and subordinates I become somewhat distressed ... Show more content on ... Knowing that the people I work with know that I appreciate them and the contributions to the team makes me feel better not only as a leader but as an individual as well. I also believe that, the efforts that I take to make sure I know my co–workers and the effort I make to ensure they know they are appreciated has allowed me to gain respect and trust more quickly than I had anticipated, within my new workplace. I also, found that I have a few areas that need some attention. The areas of weakness that I will be concentrating on in this paper are my ability to challenge my workforce to try new approaches, ensuring that I seek out challenging opportunities for myself and my co–workers, ensuring my co–workers grow in their jobs and asking for feedback from my co–workers on how my actions affect their performance and abilities. Upon finding out the weaknesses I decided to take a look at each area individually and define what needs to be done to correct the inefficiency. The surveys have pointed out to me the fact that the biggest area that I need to work on is in my abilities to challenge the process to try new approaches. The lowest marks I received were in this area. I believe this is due to the environment that I came from had such strict rules and guidelines to follow ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Leadership Style And Delegating Style MGMT 641 Term Paper Boyu Ren Outline 1. Different leadership style: telling style, selling style, participant style and delegating style. 2. Emotional intelligence: perceiving emotions, using emotions to facilitate thought, understanding emotions, and managing emotions. 3. Decision making and crisis leadership 4. Leader–member relation and task– structure 5. Position power 6. Directive leadership, supportive leadership, participant leadership, and achievement leadership 7. Distal and proximal attributes 8. Employee–centered and job –centered leadership 9. Consideration and initiating structure 10. Concerns for people and concerns for results 11. Job satisfaction 12. Transactional and transformational leader Generally, leadership is ... Show more content on ... This action found an excellent foundation for the great relationship between Bob and Beverly and give Bob sufficient motivation to do something to make the boss and department "look good". Also, Beverly shows a supportive leadership which is similar to consideration leadership. Particularly, leaders use this type of leadership to boost the confidence of their employees and to reduce boredom and increase job satisfaction. In this case, Beverly creates an atmosphere that makes Bob would like to call on her when he encountered some questions because she was happy to help him to deal with these problems. Moreover, the delegating style is another characteristic which means the leaders set the overall goals but turn day–to–day decision–making over to the employees. Obviously, in this case, Beverly would like to set the overall goal and give the responsibility for Bob to do some decision by himself rather than decide by herself. In this way, both a good leader–member relationship and the position power are strong. This is partly because the members like the leader, trust the leader, have confidence in the leader, and generally have positive feelings about the leader, then leader–member relations are good.
  • 78. Also, the leader's position power is strong because the leader has the authority to hire and fire group members, make pay raises, give bonuses or other financial rewards, and distribute various perks, status symbols, and desirable work ... Get more on ...