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Latin Jazz Ensemble Concert Report
This week, on February 27, I visited the Latin Jazz Ensemble concert at Sacramento State
University. It was my first time at a jazz concert in Sacramento. The jazz ensembles performed
seven pieces during the concert with twelve different instruments. "Mama Cool Beans", "Keeper for
the Flame", "Next Exit", and "Plena Con Sabor" were four different and unique pieces which I liked
and I think these compositions inspired the audience. "Mama Cool Beans", written by Bobby Matos
began to play with a violin, two woodwinds, three brasses, piano, guitar, bass, and two percussions
at the same time in rapid tempo. After a while, Beatriz Figueroa–Chavez was joined and she also
played on the instrument. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of this instrument ... Show more
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After a few second, bass and two percussions joined them and then two woodwinds, three brass and
violin began to play in a calm rhythm. In the middle of the composition, when the brasses and the
woodwinds accompanied, the rhythm changed, it became faster and that part was so wonderful and
energetic of this composition. The ensemble did an excellent job of keeping with the beat. The next
composition was "Next Exit" written by Scott Martin. At the beginning, played piano, guitar, bass,
and two percussions. After several seconds, joined the brasses and a violin. The tempo was played at
medium, in my opinion. At the middle of the piece, one of the brass had improvisation after which
the audience applauded very loudly. It was very nice to watch each of the musicians. Especially, I
liked the end of the composition as they stopped all in an instant. It was just awesome! The last was
the Mexican piece "Plena Con Sabor" written by Oscar Hernandez. This piece was different from
others in that Beatriz Figueroa–Chavez sang solo and danced. I really liked her voice. During the
composition, it was possible to observe how the sound changed because someone from the
musicians fell silent and then joined again. The tempo was fast throughout the piece and did not
change. The end of composition was played by all instruments and it sounded
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George Gershwin: Jazz In The Concert Hall
David Cuevas
Music History Final Project
Gershwin: Jazz in the Concert hall
Rhapsody in Blue, Concerto in F and An American in Paris
For most people there are two George Gershwin's, there's Gershwin the composer of immortal songs
known through out the world; Our love is here to stay, Someone to watch over me and I got Rhythm
, and then there's the concert hall Gershwin composer of Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris
and the famous opera Porgy and Bess, all now in the music libraries of the worlds greatest
symphony orchestras and opera houses. What made Gershwin special is how he mixed the two, to
him a 16 bar song was as important as a 3 movement symphony. Gershwin was in touch with his
listeners in a way that few other composers can ... Show more content on ...
The repeated bass figure with the same part above it being played twice as fast produces a very
interesting contrapuntal affect. Here we see Gershwin building up the music in a series of layers,
one on top of the other. This contrapuntal way of thinking was natural to Gershwin, and becomes
increasingly important in his later works. All most every bar of the score contains clever musical
devices of one sort or another. For all this talk of the shorter ideas in An American in Paris , it is not
without the standard long, Sweeping Gershwin Melodies. Although, even the longer melodies are
developed by dividing them in to smaller sections or motifs, this is done by developing ideas
introduced earlier in the piece, when the big tune is first heard. The two big ideas, the big tune and
its accompanying figure are developed side by side in a superb example of contrapuntal
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Jazz Concert Report Sample
On March 30th, 2017 I attended a well–performed jazz concert at Prince George's Community
College. The concert was performed by a group called The Reginald Cyntje Group. The Reginald
Cyntje Group was made up of Brian Settles, Herman Burney, Lenny Robinson, Hope Udobi, and
Reginald Cyntje. The group performed seven songs including: "The Rise of the Protester," "Ballad
for the Masses," "Chant of the Revolt," "Descension and Ascension," "No Justice No Peace," "The
Piece of Resistance," and "Blues People vs the Deplorables." While I enjoyed all of the songs my
favorite was the "Dance of the Crooked Heads," which will be the topic of my report.
"The Dance of the Crooked Heads" was performed by Settles playing a tenor saxophone, Burney
playing a bass, Robinson playing drums, Udobi playing the piano, and Cyntje playing the trombone.
There was not anyone singing or doing vocals. The genre of the song was jazz and the musical style
of the composition was instrumental. I believe it is instrumental because it did not contain a voice
accompaniment, only instrumental. As stated before the genre is jazz, which can be said has smooth
and unrestricted sounds and I think this describes "The Dance of the Crooked Heads" perfectly. The
song also has an element of jazz which is syncopation. Syncopation is when there is a variety of the
rhythms of the song and they made a part or all of the song off beat. ... Show more content on ...
According to Reginald Cyntje, who composed the piece, said: "The Dance of the Crooked Heads"
was about all of the crooked and corrupt people in positions of power specifically in government.
He said it was about how we elected these people and are blind to the fact they do not have the
citizen's best interest in mind. In a way, the song is about the stupidity of the people who elected
corrupt people and put them in
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Saddleback College Jazz Concert Report
The date was December 8th, 2017, I had the pleasure of seeing the Saddleback College Jazz
Combos perform at the McKinney Theater. The theater is quite large holding about 100~200 seats
but seemed to offer a good acoustic balance for the combos that played. Also, one can tell that it was
the holiday season by just entering the theater. It was festive as it was decorated with christmas trees
with christmas lights and the front was filled with light up flower vases. Furthermore, this concert is
a cumulation of different jazz students put into small groups and perform in front of an audience.
This concert also showcases their efforts as a group as well as differences in skill level amongst the
As for the first group, the Alvarado Combo consisted of a bass, piano, trombone, saxophone
(switched from alto to tenor after the first piece), and drums played two songs. While the titles of
each song were not disclosed, one of them is originally composed by the drummer and the trombone
player, John and Andrew respectively. In effort to classify this genre of music, it would fall under
cool jazz as it stayed in a relaxed tempo and lighter tone. This piece is paired well with the holiday
season as it was upbeat. One can imagine oneself opening gifts during this holiday season while
drinking hot chocolate ... Show more content on ...
The beginning sounded similar to a salsa type of music due to the drum's rhythm on the crash
cymbal. Each musician had a solo within each piece. The rhythm section (double bass and drums)
did a phenomenal job at maintaining as well as driving the tempo when it felt dragging. Moreover,
they displayed great control and maturity of their sound throughout their solos. The dexterity and
mastery within their instrument of some of the soloist in this group is inspiring because it truly
shows their years and years of practice and
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Descriptive Essay On A Jazz Concert
It was the night of November 17, 2016; the concert was to be held in the concert room of the
Palmetto Center for the Arts, right across from the theater, where they were holding an acting
workshop on the same night. The lights were fully illuminated and glistening on the multicolored
floor. I arrived at about 6:30pm just in time to start my shift as a volunteer usher. The work was
relatively easy; I stood about 10 feet away from the door of the concert hall and reminded people I
saw with any food or beverage that they could not bring it in with them. I believe I only saw and
reminded one person of this rule, but hey, extra credit is extra credit after all.
After about 30 minutes of standing around, admiring the intricate and colorful tapestry of the current
exhibit hanging in the Palmetto Center (I believe it was the work of a man from Africa) it was
finally time for the show to begin. I (unfortunately) had missed the performances earlier that week,
which included a chamber orchestra (which I would've loved to see) on Monday, faculty recitals on
Tuesday, choir and soloists on Wednesday, and (just barely) was able to attend the final day and
performances on Thursday, which were the Jazz Ensembles and Student Led Combos.
Although I do not particularly love jazz as a genre I do have a subtle fondness for it deep in my
heart. Jazz (especially freeform) conjures up images, sights, and sounds of early Sunday morning
car rides with my mother. She'd have on 101.9 as I sat in the back seat and happily hummed along
with the freeform jazz sailing peacefully through the air, filling the car with intricate and fleeting sax
solos with trumpet accompaniment. These memories make me appreciate jazz, although I still don't
love it.
As I was being led into the concert hall, the only thing that really stood out to me was how deep the
stage was. The jazz ensemble was seated in the upper most level, but still needed an acoustic shell to
really project their sound to the audience. The concert hall was a lot larger than expected, with the
seating plan a lot steeper than I had imagined. The audience was mostly a mix of different ages,
there were a lot of (what I could make out) parent there to see their sons and daughters on stage,
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Jazz Concert Critique
On May 13, 2016, the Vocal Jazz Ensembles at Sacramento State University had their one of the last
concerts before the semester ended, which was directed by our professor Gaw Vang Williams. This
concert was performed by four groups and different solo, which was completely different experience
from the first two concerts that I attended at Sac State. In this Vocal Jazz concert, there was packed
and a lot of audiences who were friends, family and students come to support and enjoy before this
semester ended. Overall, this was a good show and I found that Vocal Jazz was much more fun and
enjoyable than the first two. In this concert, I enjoyed every pieces of performance and there were
three pieces that caught my attention, which were "Hold On", ... Show more content on ...
I have listened to this song but I found the performance by C–Sus Voices was more fun and
enjoyable. Each member played as an instrumental roles as bass, beatbox, low and high notes
supports as an acapella style which without any instrument. In this performance, I love the
atmosphere and the moods that the groups brought out. In this pieces, it didn't look like they were
performing but they really played and enjoyed what they were doing, which also influence the
audiences' moods. Even though Maggie Niscasio the one who sang this song was really tired, but
they seemed brought me and audiences a relaxed moment and an enjoyable atmosphere. Also, the
song "Singing in the Rain" was another piece that was played by C–Sus Voices, which mixed with
Rhianna's Umbrella. This performance gave me different feelings by combining two songs as one.
By singing these two songs together in the Jazz style, C–Sus Voices seemed performing a new song
c and matching perfectly between the Rain with the Umbrella. Also in this performance, I loved the
way they played the songs and the atmosphere. Overall, I felt really relaxed and I enjoyed the
performance played by C–Sus
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Essay on Jazz Concert Review
Jazz Concert Review
The first formal small jazz concert was held at the Maum Café on Sep. 25th, 2008. There were many
music performances have held at the Maum Café but Zino Park, leader of the band, and manager of
Maum Café agreed to arrange a formal jazz concert for the first time. The main theme of this concert
was "Smooth Jazz with Zino Park at Maum". Before the concert began, the band members
introduced themselves to the audience. The names of players were:
Acoustic guitar by Jerry, vocal & piano by Zino Park, bass guitar by Clay Luna, vocal & guitar by
Zen, guitar & saxophone by Dan Stark, drum by Skip Mccain, and harp by Monica.
Name of the first song was "Be my love". They started a song with very bright ... Show more
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Zino Park used keyboard instead of piano because keyboard could play with many different sound
effects. The title of the fourth song was called, "Let's get away from it all". In their fourth song
again, saxophone was played a huge role. From the beginning of the song piano kept playing same
melody line repeated and saxophone was moving wide range of notes and pitch. The rhythm and the
tempo of drum changed as saxophone changed rhythm and the tempo. The bass guitar helped drum
to follow saxophone's rhythm and tempo. The saxophone style was kind of similar with the how
Louis Armstrong was playing a solo. There were two guitars, but saxophone dominated other
instruments and it was difficult to hear other instruments. The fifth song was hand drummer used
sand rattler instead of hand drum. The drum solo in this song was very powerful and brought the
exhilaration of this concert to the climax. The change of unpredictable rhythm and tempo made
audience excited. Many audiences were clapping with rhythm. The sixth song was in blues style.
The Name of the Song was, "I'll see you in my dreams". Just bass guitar, saxophone, drum, and
keyboard were playing. It was short piece song but just enough time to feel blues. This piece was
one of few slow tempo songs in this concert. The mix of bass guitar, saxophone, drum, and
keyboard articulated
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Personal Narrative Essay On Brown's Jazz Concert
The second weekend in April was solely dedicated to Brown's jazz festival, which he was very
proud to call the largest jazz festival within the county. Honestly, no one knew if he was telling the
truth or not, but it was best to just nod your head and agree with him. Especially now that he was
reiterating this "fact" right before we were supposed to go and perform for said jazz festival. He did
this very same thing last night too. The sixteen of us in Jazz One, indicated by the ugly yellow polo
shirts, stood in a circle around Brown, who was ranting away about how much he loved his festival
after he finished tuning all of us. I stopped listening to him after a minute, I was far more focused on
the jitters I was feeling in the pit of my stomach. Tonight was my night. Brendan was right about
Brown going with three altos for Jazz One; Brown insisted it was because we all sounded so good
together, I knew it was because we were all seniors. Brendan, as planned, was granted the part of ...
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The other band finished their song. The audience clapped, and hooted, and called out embarrassing
pet names for their kids. We walked on stage and sat in our designated seats. The stage lights beating
down on us were hot and I needed to squint to see. The audience was a collection of tiny dark specks
I was looking out at past Brown's wide yellow clad torso. Zoe had pulled the music stand in front of
us into position, flipping through the pages in the folder and finding the song and the solo page. She
handed the latter to me. I grabbed it hard, crinkling the side. And Brown began counting the tempo.
Brendan stood and went over to the music stand. I would follow after twenty measures. We lifted
our instruments into playing position, and I bit down hard into my mouthpiece. Brown was snapping
his fingers softly and began to mouth the tempo. I let my foot fall into the rhythm of the
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Jazz Concert Review Essay Sample
Anthony Zermeno
Music 114
Christopher Madsen
UIC Jazz Workshop Paper
On November 17, 2015, I attended a Jazz concert at the UIC Recital Hall featuring Chris Madison
and the UIC Jazz Ensemble. The instruments that were played that night include; trumpet, which
were played by Giovanni Garcia and Gustavo Espino, the trombone that was played by Thomas
Graf, the saxophone, which were played by Robert Bugos, Mitzi Ochoa–Sanchez, Nicholas
Buitrago, Mariah Phillips, Drew Sansom, Aaron Newsome– Brownlee, Ashanti Gayden, Alex
Rivera, and Alec Cohen, the clarinet was also played by Ashanti Gayden, and the flute was played
Laura Erickson. In the rhythm section there were drums that were played by Frank Glassman and
Alex Tellez, the bass that was played ... Show more content on ...
Although Billy was openly gay in the 1940's he was still known as one of the best at what he did.
Billy Strayhorn's right arm was Duke Ellington. Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington was the most
prolific composer of the twentieth century in terms of both number of compositions and variety of
forms. His development was one of the most spectacular in the history of music, underscored by
more than fifty years of sustained achievement as an artist and an entertainer. He is considered by
many to be America's greatest composer, bandleader, and recording artist. The extent of Ellington's
innovations helped to redefine the various forms in which he worked. He created many of the
elements of American music – the minstrel song, ragtime, Tin Pan Alley tunes, the blues, and
American appropriations of the European music tradition – into a consistent style with which,
though technically complex, has directness and simplicity of expression largely absent from the
purported art music of the twentieth century. Ellington's first great achievements came in the three–
minute song form, and he later wrote music for all kinds of settings: the ballroom,
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Jazz Music Concert Review
On December 3, 2015 the University of Florida's School of Music hosted a concert at the University
Auditorium where the Jazz band performed. The band consisted of four sections: saxophones,
trumpets, trombone, and rhythm. The Saxophone section performers included Greg Snider (Alto),
Dustin Fergerson (Alto), Ben Grier (Tenor), John Peasant (tenor), Tony Laracuente (tenor), and
Ryan Colon (Baritone). The Trumpet section performers included Sean Bocinsky, Ben Rochford,
Lucas Owen, and Brantley Daniel. The trombone section performers included Stephen Anderson,
Jacob Armstrong, Joshua Jenkins, Like Blackman, and Andrew Bajorek. The Rhystem section
performers included Zac Chester (piano), Sean Fournier (piano), Erik Abernathy (Guitar), Delorean
Fullington (bass), Calvin Bond (bass), Clyde Conner (Drums), Tom Hurst (drums), and Andrew
Mankin (drums). The performance consisted of four pieces, which depicted different styles of jazz
music. The styles of songs ranging from Afro–Cuban to swing allowing for the crowd to enjoy the
wide variety of music. The first piece of the night was Wind Sprint by John Patitucci and arranged
by the Clyde Connor. On piano Sean "Trent" Fournier, a freshman at the University of Florida,
displayed his jazz ability with his solo in this song. With the sporadic movements of his hands he ...
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This song is an example of Afro–Cuban that has a clave rhythmic pattern. This performance started
off with the bass and drum creating the beat for the entire song, followed by the piano and then the
brass instruments. Drummer Clyde Conner performed a solo showing his ability to play a soulful
piece but having the Latin twist to it, which was very impressive. Ben Grier also had a solo where
the sounds of Afro–Cuban jazz seemed so fluid though his performance. He also immensely
impressed the crowd when he played a high note and held, which caused for a round of
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Jazz Concert Report
Jazz Review 1 This review is about the Studio Big Band and their performance in the Casa Loma
Room at the University of Redlands on Thursday, February 23rd at eight in the evening, under the
direction of Prof. David Scott. The concert was made up of the following tunes: "High
Maintenance" by Gordon Goodwin, "Four" by Miles Davis (arr. Dave Bardhun), "Nica's Dream" by
Horace Silver (arr. Frank Mantooth), "Witchcraft" by Cy Coleman (arr. Sammy Nestico),
"Footprints" by Wayne Shorter (arr. Mat Harris), "Category 4" by Jeff Jarvis, and "Giant Steps" by
John Coltrane (arr. Mark Taylor). The music on this program was very relevant for the eras we are
covering or will be covering soon in the class, and to this end, the piece I will be focusing on ...
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While in the head, the winds played a harmonization of one theme, the rest of the band just
accompanied behind them, creating a rather homophonic texture. The form of the piece seemed
rather simple, AAI, with larger structure of: intro–head–solos–head–tag. At the beginning of the
piece, the drumset player was given room to improvise an intro, and it was nice to hear what he did
especially after not having played many solos in the previous tunes. Right after the drumset player's
intro, the group jumped right into the head. This specific arrangement seemed to have written out
snippets of Coltrane's solo, because right after both iterations of the head, instead of jumping into
the solo section there was a densely–harmonized saxophone soli that sounded like quotations. It was
after this showcase and a few more embellishments from the rest of the group that the actual solos
began. Most of the soloing was grounded on staying right on top of the changes and echoing the
angular phrases in the head, not venturing out too far with the rhythms. I think the soloists did a
good job of that, but could have taken more risks with playing around with the rhythms. However,
being in the hot seat is already stressful enough on this piece that playing it safe is not a bad thing,
it's just about surviving at that
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Jazz Concert Essay
Jazz is the most famous and well known music in New York City. We can feel this music and often
encounter with Jazz in our daily life. The melody form saxophone, double bass, piano, and drums
touches our ears and sometimes we can feel the music. In Guttman we experienced melody like this
in the Jazz concert.
During the performance, we countered with professional Jazz artists who had performed in different
places on Earth. They dressed professionally and introduced themselves with one of their
performance. Their intro–performance was enough for us to believe that we were about to have an
amazing Jazz concert.
"Jazz is music in which we can perform without any doubt. Everyone can perform at anytime they
want. Students can feel free to participate during the performance." said one of the performer during
his intro speech. He also introduced himself and ... Show more content on ...
It was the same as the first music. The main performer gave intro to the music and said the name and
the history to music. Then the performance starts and the audience starts to engage with performers
with their usual body language. The tone was different form the first one. At first, the music was
loud and all the instruments were in play. Later after few minutes, the tone starts to go down and
after few minutes, only the double bass and the drum was playing in lower tone. The main singer
was singing during the whole time according to the tone. This slowly lead to the third music.
The third music was interesting. It was called Central Park West (Co–train). The audience got to
perform with the artists in the performers. Three of the students performed according to the
instruments singing and expressing their talent. The audience had fun when one of the audience
decided to participate unexpectedly and sing for his friend. Other than that, the other two students
performed in the music. They looked at the phone and sang. The music tone was at medium level
and the singers tone as
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Jazz Ensemble: Concert Analysis
On April 18, 2017, the Jazz Ensemble at University of Rhode Island collectively performed nine
pieces during the concert. "Contemplation" and Monk's Mood/Well You Need'nt" were easily
memorable pieces that provided the audience with a wide range experience, from swing to cool to
classic jazz.
"Contemplation" was composed by McCoy Tyner in 1967, had a bluesy and fusion feel to it. There
was a progression from slow to fast beat and it have a lot of solos, starting from Isaiah Brown (alto
saxophone), Ryan Peterson(guitar),Jeremy Klepacki(bass), Tyler Tashdjian(clarinet), and Julian
Andriulli(piano). Klepacki played a big part in creating a bluesy factor into this piece.The bass also
played a big part in providing the bluesy feel, it combined ... Show more content on
The first part of the piece (Monk's Mood) felt like a piece that would be played during the way to a
funeral home. It was very mellow and some ways it would be considered a depression song. When
Monk's Mood ended, the bass playing by Evan Magno gave it a harsh transaction. While the band
transfers into the second part of the piece(Well You Need'nt) it had a higher tempo and felt like a
piece that would be played during the way back from the funeral home. Tenor saxophone and the
drums played a major role in this piece, even though the drummer played quite well during most of
the piece, one of his sticks slipped out of his hand and at a later point in the piece, he made a
mistake. The mistake was quite clear if someone went to see the concert live but was hard to catch
just listening to the piece.
The jazz combo II concert at Fine Arts Center in Concert Hall was overall wonderful to say the
least, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was a great evening filled with great music and intellectually
riveting experience of jazz, especially having to experience it outside of a class setting. It is
important to note that like many things in life, there is always a past, hearing the different mixers of
jazz; even though it had rooted from other genres was quite
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A Jazz Concert Review
First off the performance was amazing. It was held at the auditorium in building six, and it was
called NightTime Jazz Band directed by James M. Broderick at eight pm on April 5th 2016. In this
concert they played six songs; they started off with "Latin Dance" which was a very upbeat song
really started off the concert right.After that we had "Misty", a song were they introduced are first
vocalist(Valeria Vargas) which was the main star along side a alto sax(Kevin Forte). Then came
"Lady Bird" which was pure instrumental. In continuation we have "my old flame" which introduces
a new vocalist (Jenna Gunter). After that "we get the look of love" which is another vocal jazz piece
with another vocalist (Lourdes Artis). And to conclude the concert ... Show more content on ...
But I was astonished on how captivating the performance was. Starting off with "Latin Dance" I was
sad at first that they didn't have any Latin dancers dancing. Furthermore "Latin Dance" had an
amazing upbeat tempo to it throughout the whole song, in addition to being very catchy and I found
it hard not to tap my foot with the beat. This song had a lot of soloist, from all the saxophones to the
drummer (Bryan Ocampo) and even the percussion (Josh Nunez). I was fascinated when I heard
Bryan Ocampo (drummer) hitting the ride cymbal creating a ride rhythm and felt that I could
appreciate that since I have learned it in Jazz & Pop. What I really enjoyed about this song is that
most of the band members had a turn to solo, giving them a chance to show what they got. The first
solo was tenor sax solo (William Perez) which was good and had pauses between notes and then
increased to a faster pace. Next solo was by Kevin Forte (Alto Sax) which was my favorite solo and
the longest solo out of all the saxophones. Kevin Forte really took the audients by storm with his
fast pace catchy and overall great solo. The last soloist was an older gentleman (which I can't seem
to find the name of in the directory) which was also great but in my opinion, but didn't bring that
fresh sound that the younger kids brought. After that we had another amazing solo that blow me
away by the drummer (Bryan Occampo) which had a seemingly flawless transition. In the solo the
drummer had a good beat and seemed to be improving. This was my second favorite solo after the
alto sax since my favorite genre of music is rock I always appreciate a good drummer solo. Also
after the concert I went up to the drummer and was surprised on how nice everyone actually was.
Last solo was from the percussion Congas (Josh Nunez) that I usually don't see in jazz bands but
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Jazz Concert Critique
I attended the Jazz Ensemble I on December 5th, 2017 at the Light Recital Hall. To help me better
understand these works I had googled the event name and looked it up on youtube as well. There
were brochures provided at the venue; however there weren't enough for each individual to receive
one. I had chosen to attend this concert because I believed I would enjoy a jazz ensemble
performance more than I would've enjoyed attending any of the other types of musical events. Prior
to this particular concert I was expecting to see and hear different variations of jazz music. This
specific jazz concert was a holiday/christmas edition. It featured all of UW–Whitewater's jazz
groups. They used several trumpets, trombones, saxophones, a bass guitar and ... Show more content
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I can't recall what this specific piece was named as I never received a brochure and couldn't write it
down due to the fact that I hadn't brought any paper and phones weren't allowed to be used
throughout the whole concert. The performing medium was the choir and their voices. This piece
was a christmas themed song performed by the choir and had one member beatboxing while the rest
were singing. A lot of images associated with christmas came to mind during the performance, such
as a christmas tree, christmas lights, presents etc. I believe the composer was just trying to showcase
the talents or the potential for talent when getting a group of individuals together to perform a song
and just to bring some holiday spirit. There was a feeling of celebration, happiness and togetherness.
I believe this piece held my attention the mostly due to the fact that the group of singers was quite
small but was able to project and create the sounds they did. It was also very unique because of the
beatboxing and the fact that they relied solely on their voices to sing and make the beats. It affected
me positively as a listener by putting me in the christmas and holiday
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Jazz Concert Review Examples
The 36th Annual Jazz Showcase, on Thursday, March 9, 2017 incorporated many styles of jazz and
modern compositions. This concert can best be described as fusion in both jazz and how the songs
varied from Fiddler in the Roof to James Bond. The concert was mainly characterized by the songs
played in a big band style. It consisted of many musicians and many instruments including, alto,
tenor and bari sax, trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba, keyboard (piano), guitar (acoustic,
electric), percussion (mallets, drums), bass (acoustic, electric), vocals.
Songs like "Star Wars", had a big entrance, a lot of use of percussive instruments mainly drum set.
The beginning (I apologize for the lack of tittle as the program didn't list the pieces) song use ...
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For Star Trek, the French horn was the meledoic and defining instrument, this piece however wasn't
categorized as jazz, but rather pop. Soul Bossa Nova had a swing style with as the top layer and
highes pitch instrument of the piece. In the middle section of the concert they had what could be
best describe as a fusion of rock and Jamaican pattern music. It had a different feel to it with pieces
of popular rock anthems to quick change to relax laid back pattern. The solo electric guitarist,
played a song with dark undertones mostly resembling the blues type of feeling and chordal
structure. The sound seemed to be as if two guitars were playing at
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Vocal Jazz Ensemble Concert Report
Vocal Jazz Ensemble The concert that I went to the "Vocal Jazz Ensemble" on the date of May 21.
Performance from the Vocal Jazz Ensemble and special guest Final Note–Us, both group performed
extremely well and sang great songs. The concert consisted of eight songs, two from Final Note–Us
group and six from the main performers Vocal Jazz Ensemble. There were thirteen vocalist in the
opening group and a pianist, while the main group had twelve vocalist, one pianist, one bass, and
one drum. Before hand going to the concert I thought it would've been the same boring concert I
been to, but this one opened my eyes, from the very beginning I got hooked into the concert. If I a
chance to rewatch the performance I would do it and open me up to not
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Live Jazz Concert Reflection
I had a really good experience being in a Live Jazz presentation. I got to know how the instrument
sound in live. And I am going to introduce the instruments that the musicians used in the
presentation. First, we have an instrument that we can't miss in a jazz band, I am talking about the
trumpet. He did not use a mute or anything but the sound of his trumpet was so smooth. Next, I have
the Piano, in this jazz band presentation the piano was really important because most of the time, the
pianist was the one introducing the mood of the song. You could tell excitement or sadness from the
piano since the beginning. Also, another very important instrument from jazz history is the
saxophone. In this occasion, the saxophonist had a 'Tenor Sax' which had a really strong sound and
the characteristic of a really low pitch. Also, we had the Bass, another very common instrument in
jazz history. This bass was always giving us that background sound along with the piano when the
rest of the band was playing a solo or playing together. Lastly but not least important we have ...
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I loved how the band was based on improvisation and solos. I think that was the main reason I like
the presentation. MY overall impression of the live jazz band is that even though they are
improvising, they all now their parts, they all now the rhythm that they have to follow, basically, all
they do is go with the flow supporting each other. This was different from other experiences
because, other band concerts follow the same organization of the song over and over. With jazz is a
different story, a jazz band will never play the same song two times the exact same way. That is
going to be imposible because they play based on their emotion at that time. Obviously they have to
follow a scrip in some point of the song but when they get to the improvisation, they just let it go
and other bands from other genders do not do
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Burrell High School Jazz Concert Report
On Friday, May 18, I attended the Burrell High School Jazz Band Concert. Over the concert, a band
played for the first half, there were then chamber groups that played in between, the second band
next, and then a combined band with alumni. I felt that the structure of the concert flowed nicely, as
the chamber music in between was refreshing from the jazz. My favorite chamber piece was an
African piece involving bongos and soprano saxophone. There was no theme to the music that was
played. The concert involved different genres of jazz, including Latin, contemporary, big band, and
Dixieland. I felt that there was a good mix of songs and it did not affect the concert since there was
no theme. Some high points of the concert involved
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Sample Jazz Concert Report
Aundria McCadney The night of February 18, 2016 I attended "The MTSU Faculty Jazztet" concert
in Wright Music Hall. This jazz band consists of David Willford, Don Aliquo, Micheal Parkinson,
Jamey Simmions, Joe Davidian, Patrick Arwater, and Derrek Phillps performed eight jazz
selections. The crowd that night was about 70–80 people, and part were older and the other half was
students. When I think about a jazz performance a drum and piano player did not come to mind. I
expected for the show to be like all the stuff you see on TV about jazz bands with one person
singing and the instruments in the background playing. All the band members were all dressed up in
either suits or dress shirt and tie they all were instrument players. The music ... Show more content
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The members didn't go by the particular order that was on the program when performing the lead
saxophone player just announced each name. All their songs had melody theme which stay in the
chorus of them. The saxophone, flugelhorn and trumpet phrases were all legato during their solos
throughout the pieces. In the dynamics during each of the songs were mezzo forte or higher. When
each person did their solo they crescendo leading to the end of them. I really enjoyed that the lead of
the band explained the background information of every piece that was played I tried to take that
into consideration while listening. If he didn't put his explanation in before each song I wouldn't be
able to understand the main concept. The song that stood out to me the most was Dance Cadaverous,
which is a mood piece. Dance Cadaverous song connected with me more than the others simply
because I could really interpreted the piece. The rest of the songs were challenging to grab the
concept of the title to the actual performance. This piece to me portrays a mix of swing dance to it.
Dance Cadaverous is the definition of the jazz I have heard before on TV and what I
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Essay On A Jazz Concert
I attended a jazz concert on April 7, 2016. The jazz concert was performed by the Page brothers,
Mike Willis, and Justin Butler. Justin Butler accompanied the other instrumentalists in one song.
The instruments used during the jazz concert was a guitar, bass, drums, and shakers. The
performance was located in the theater at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute. The
jazz concert was informal. The venue was favorable for the jazz concert. The instrumentalist played
on a stage while the audience sat in the seats. The theater was small so the jazz music was easy to
hear. However, there was a lot of people attending the concert so the theater was crowded. The
audience was able to see the performers because of how the theater seats are set up. Also, the room
was completely dark except for the stage so I was able to focus primarily on the performers. Overall,
I liked the jazz concert performed by the Page Brothers.
The jazz concert performed by the Page brothers was informal. The Page brothers were dressed
casual. They wore jeans and a button up shirt. However, one performer wore a suit. The performers
looked about middle aged. The performers interacted with the audience frequently. They told jokes
and even had conversations with the people in the audience. The instrumentalists had a good attitude
and seemed to be ... Show more content on ...
The form of this piece was AABA. The instruments used in this piece was guitar, bass, and drums.
One Page brother played the guitar while the other on played the bass. Mike Willis played the
drums. This piece was strictly instrumental. "Four on Six" is considered Hard Bop. One of the
performers said that "Four on Six" was a new melody based on old chord changes. The audience
must have liked this piece a lot because they applauded frequently throughout it. This piece
appealed to me because it contained swing feel and we had learned about it in
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Ragtime And Jazz Concert Report
Last night, I treated myself to an outstanding performance by Devan Jones and The Uptown Stomp.
The band's primary sound is Swinging Blues, Ragtime & Jazz from the 1930s through the 1950s. I
was amazed that not only was the music vintage, their equipment was also. The band is comprised
of young, group of musicians from in and around Knoxville, TN. The members consisted of bassist
Clint Mullican, drummer Hunter Deacon and tenor / baritone saxophonist Chuck Mullican, pianist
Keith Brown and Devan Jones on guitar and vocals. The band played several different songs that I
was familiar with even though I will admit, this was my first ever swing music concert. However,
some of the new songs that I had never heard before came were produced by artists ... Show more
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Swing was bounded by two events. The first was the Great Depression, which started in 1929 and
deepened into the 1930s. Swing, like other popular culture forms, acted as a counterstatement to the
deep anxiety caused by the Depression. But swing also demanded action in the form of exuberant
and partly improvised dance. Moreover, it was teenagers' music, perhaps the first of its kind. World
War II was the second major event. After four years of fighting and devoting the nation's manpower
and production capabilities to the war, the country demilitarized, and as servicemen and women
returned home, the dancing culture flared, and with it the economic basis for swing.
In summary, the band played several different songs that I was familiar with even though I will
admit, this was my first ever swing music concert. Their music crawls up under your skin and makes
you want to move to the beat and just dance. It was
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Jazz Ensemble II: A Concert Review Of A Jazz Concert
The name of concert was Jazz Ensemble II. It was on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 8 p.m. in the Julien
J. Studley Theatre. The director of this concert was John Menegon. There were five instruments
available those are bass, trumpet, drums, alto sax, and guitar. In addition to the instruments there
were two vocals. Six pieces were played those were How Deep is the Ocean (Irving Berlin), S.T.
Louis Blues (W.C. Handy) , Donna Lee/ Back Home in Indiana (Charlie Parker/ Ballard
MacDonald, James F. Hanley) , Motion Detector (John Menegon) , A night in Tunisia (music by
Dizzy Gillespie, lyric by Ella Fitzgerald) , and the last one was I don't need No Doctor (music by
John Mayer), respectively. I liked the most Donna Lee/Back Home in Indiana which were ... Show
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I can say that I listened a quality jazz concert with little problems. However, this kind of things can
happen in the all concert. I congratulate to all players and vocals because to play and sing jazz is
hard. They were wonderful. I was never bored during the concert. I could not understand how the
concert finished because I thought that before the concert there were six songs so it will be a long
concert but it finished fast. The participation was high to the concert. It was certain that the concert
will be good from the crowded. I really enjoy to listen jazz so I also went to the jazz ensemble
concert last year. Before I went to this year concert, I thought that it will be perfect concert because
the last year concert was awesome. To be honest, although this year concert was good, the last year
one was more than better. Therefore, I was disappointed little bit. I will go to the jazz ensemble
concert next year. I hope it will be perfect because we have very talented teachers and students in
jazz. The jazz ensembles concerts can be much better. If the players play very well, their audiences
increase because there are quite big jazz audience potential in the SUNY New Paltz. It was good
concert but I believe the better ones will be in the
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Jazz History Concert Report On The Concert
Jazz History Concert Report
The date of the concert was October 5, 2016 and the title of the concert is "Experimental
Improvisation with: Kjell Nordeson & Peter Kuhn". The concert was performed in Mesa College
Music building. Peter Kuhn had three instruments with him a bass clarinet, saxophone, and a Bb
Clarinet. He used the bass clarinet and the saxophone during his first piece, and the clarinet on the
second piece. Kjell Nordeson was on the drum but had a lot of instruments with him. Sometimes he
would play the drums as a drums set but sometimes he would put some sort of objects on top of the
drum to create different sound effects. He also had a small glockenspiel and a flexatone. The concert
hall was very simple, had a ... Show more content on ...
It is a formless music, but because the performers are quite literally composing in the moment, there
were three noticeable sections in the piece. The first part was developing an idea, slowly getting
used to each other's sounds, sometimes gentle and sometime aggressive. Beginning of the
improvisation the drumbeat is simple but rather random. There is no set pattern that I could find, but
the tom–tom pattern was rather similar so I think that was the main motif. The bass clarinet also
started an idea, a 6–note pattern downward without any tonal center. He slowly develops this idea by
playing a similar patters, or sequence, to concrete the idea for the audience but slightly mutating the
motif little by little each time he plays it. He never plays the same way again. As the bass clarinet
gets more active by increasing the amount of notes played and the intensity of the tone, the drum
slowly matches the bass clarinet in aggressiveness. The drum plays very sudden loud snare drum
occasionally, creating tension in the music with already atonal bass clarinet. Then the drummer
starts to put a cymbal and a pad on two different drums to create a very dull thick sound. The bass
clarinet and the drum both simultaneously becomes very aggressive, loud, and complex at this point.
Bass clarinet sounds very similar to a saxophone at this point. The drummer still
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Analysis Of Jazz Ensemble Concert
On October 26, 2017, in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall at the University of South
Alabama, there was Jazz Ensemble Concert directed by Tracy Heavner. The night was filled with the
rhythmic groove of jazz. By writing this report I hope to show you, the reader, a new perspective of
Jazz Music. The first piece, Lady Bird, by Tadd Dameron was written in 1939. The Jazz Ensemble
began the piece by putting their full hearts in it. By using repetition of the melody in the saxophones
and clarinets it helps the ensemble build suspense. Once the tenor saxophone comes in with a solo,
the performer runs through chromatic scales smoothly. The ensemble continues with the melody
leading to a heavy melody held in the trumpets until an alto saxophone comes in and takes the
melody away. The rest of the ensemble holds the countermelody that compliments the alto
saxophone well. The alto saxophone passes the melody to the piano where then it was passed to a
trombone. This piece took one melody and bounces it all around the ensemble to show off different
performers abilities with their instruments. The second piece, Makin' Whoopee, by Gus Kahn and
Walter Donaldson was written in 1928. This piece was made famous by Eddie Cantor. This piece
adds suspense in the low brass with a repeating melody in the woodwinds. A trombone comes out in
a solo with a slow tempo and a low dynamic making the sound very legato. By placing a mute in a
trumpet this piece of music ended with an edgy
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A Jazz Concert Analysis
Composed by Leonardo Bernstein in 1949, Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz
Ensemble is the short music which is classified as the classical concert but has more musical
elements of jazz music. The instruments used in this music are "solo clarinet, saxes and trumpets in
fives, four trombones, piano, string bass, and drums." ("Leonard Bernstein Prelude, Fugue & Riffs,
for Clarinet & Jazz Ensemble.") The music has three movements and each title of these clearly
represent what kind pieces are these. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 23) The first movement is the
prelude, an introduction to the music, played by brass instruments. The texture of this movement is
mostly homophonic, the energetic melodies of brasses accompanied by beats ... Show more content
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Thus, many people would think that there is no reason to participate actual concerts by spending
money. I have the same opinion, even since I have fascinated by some music the orchestra played.
The technology like digital records today allows us to listen to high–quality music, or sometimes
these have even better quality than real concerts. In fact, the symphony I listed was almost nothing
different from the video on YouTube except the feeling in terms of the atmosphere. However, I
realized this atmosphere is the most important advantage of actual concert and the reason why still
so many people love to listen to music at concert halls. Without these enthusiastic audiences, the
field of music has never developed and won't develop in the future.
The program guide was not only useful to get information about music that the orchestra played but
also contained interesting facts. The one thing I did not know before is how widely this concert hall
and orchestra are supported by communities, companies, and even individuals. On the last some
pages of the program guide, there are hundreds of names which or who donated for The Philadelphia
Orchestra. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 42–60) In addition, it was my new discovery that this
organization globally active and contribute for the regional vitalization. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra
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Student Jazz Ensemble Concert Report
On April 4, 2017, I attended the Student Jazz Ensemble at the State University of New York at New
Paltz. The concert held in the Julien J. Studley Theatre at 8 pm. It was an impressive student spring
concert series performed by the students from our college. Although the concert was not performed
as the professional concerts held in famous places, it was great opportunity for the campus
community to listen that kind of musical activity. I have attended the same Jazz Ensemble concert in
the previous spring semester because one of my friends from Turkey was playing saxophone during
the performance like he did in this performance.
The Jazz Ensemble was composed of eleven students and they played different music during the
concert. They played music based on classic jazz pieces and some of the pieces were familiar to me
because I remember them from my past experience. The instruments were regular for a jazz band,
however, I have never take attention before, so, listening these different instruments' voices in a very
harmonized way was amazing. There was a trumpet player, two vocals, electric and acoustic
guitarists, saxophone players, electric and double bass players and a drum player in the band. ...
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As a first music, the band played a song which they created on the stage which was really interesting
because the members of the band played the music very harmonized and symmetrical way. The most
interesting part of this unfamiliar experiment was that each member of the band played
extemporaneously notes based on their own preference. After that music, "How Deep is the Ocean"
by Irving berlin was played. The following one was the "St. Louis Blues" by the W. C. Handy. The
songs were slow and easy–going songs which I really liked to
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Jazz Concert Review Essay
We had just performed on front of a crowd of about 80 people. Upstairs, listening to the jazz music
from other schools we were very tired, it has been a long Friday and it was 10:00 in the afternoon.
We were dancing to the jazz music alone, smiling, and the only thing coming out of our mouth was
laughter, and the imitation of the vibrant sounds coming from the shining trumpets on the stage
below us. The Jazz Festival in Oak Harbor was amazing, even though I didn't hang out with a lot of
people, but that was fine by me, I just talked and danced the through the late day and night with my
best friend. This friend brought out the best of me, and I was filled with an emotion so strong, I
never wanted to see the sun rise, that night, in the sky ever again; to see the same moon from when I
was singing and dancing with this person, oh no, not this feeling.
The road is craggy, obviously it needed repair, which was exactly what was going on. Construction
crews stopped our van, which held Mr. Jenkins, Claire, Connor, Mckenzie Rice, my best friend and
me. Our band director, Mr. Jenkins was driving, Mckenzie got shot–gun, Claire and Connor were
sitting in the middle playing a card game; Go Fish, which was really difficult ... Show more content
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I shrugged my shoulders and said "No, I don't like going to dances, and I'm tired so I am going
home instead and going to sleep"
My friend asked "well can I get a ride?"
As I noticed my shoe was untied, I bent down to tie it, and as I'm tieing it, I respond "I guess so, I
doubt my grandma will mind".
Then we started to walk again, eventually my friend noticed I had something on my mind and asked
about it, I quickly responded and said "I love you too".
My friend stared blankly and asked "too?"
"Ya too, remember when you said that on the van ride during honor band?"
Almost at the school my friend professed " Oh, I didn't think you heard
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Concert Review: Jazz Showcase
Naomi Penny
Mus 397 Concert Review #2 This weekend I attended a wonderful All Stars show at the Jazz
Showcase held by Pianist Willie Pickens on Friday, July , 08, 2016, at 8:00 pm . As I mentioned in
my first concert review the Jazz Showcase is located at the Dearborn Station in Chicago, IL . This
time I went to this jazz performance with my two older sisters. Although I already got to walk
around the place the first time I visited, it was my sisters first time there and they want to walk
around and look at the memorabilia on the walls . The Jazz Showcase consist of two main levels
known as the "Upstairs level" and " Downstairs level" . The first time I came to the Jazz showcase I
was seated in the "Downstairs ... Show more content on ...
This song had a steady rhythm flow by the percussion, bass, and piano. Song also had a repeatedly
melody lines and slowing to a standstill only. This harmony and the way the music was played gave
off a genuinely unhappy feeling. The sound was somewhat mournful . Pickens performance this
song with large and complex chords.This songs came off to me as sentimental, dramatic, and
amiable . The song started slowly and disorganized but soon picked up a little into the normal
rhythm that is usually frequent to jazz.At the end of the last song Pickens added in a quick sample of
one of his songs called straight no chaser . This song is basically an solo . It was quicker than the
other songs it remind me of an intro or outro . Overall the concert was great, but I enjoyed myself
more than I expected. Their music is intimate, stylish, and passionate. If you missed out on the
performance at the Jazz showcase, you be able to look up their music online or buy their most recent
recordings at the Jazz showcase if you're ever in Chicago.Their next performance is Friday, July 23,
and is definitely worth checking
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High School Jazz Concert Report
This concert took place on Thursday March 16, 2017 in the Atkinson Recital Hall located at New
Mexico State University in the Music Center at 7:30 in the evening. The concert consisted of four
jazz bands, NMSU jazz one and two as well Las Cruces High school jazz band one and two. The
first the stage the NMSU jazz II, director by Pancho Romero. The first song they had played was
"Primera Vista composed by Wayne Wallace". Along with the jazz band they also have a few
percussionists as well, on bongos, xylophone, and a drum set. The band also played two more songs
called "Undecided arranged by Mike Tomaro/Shavers" and "Afro Blue arranged by Michael
Mossman/Santamaria". My favorite was the Afro blue song, there was a lot of solos which I loved ...
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The band was directed by Jordan Sayre and Arnold Rose. The band started off with "Perdido
Arranged by Roland Barret/Juan Tizol". For a high school band they had very strong beginning, the
song was very fast tempo, and lots of bold accents through the piece. The tenor sax was really the
star of this piece the band was really following him instead the tenor sax kind of keeping time and
beat. The band played about 2 more songs and LCHS Jazz I came on to stage about played another 3
songs as well. One the played was Called "The Chicken arranged by Kris Berg/Alfred James". This
songs included a lot of saxophones solos from alto sax to baritone sax. The trumpet also played a
big part to for solo, this piece they did lot of crescendos as well as decrescendos. It gave a more bold
jazz feeling which I really enjoyed. Last but not least the NMSU jazz I came about on the stage to
finish out the concert. They had four songs to play instead of three like the other bands. They started
off with "Cell Talk composed by Sammy Nestico". This piece was a calmer piece like a modern
typical jazz piece. There was great transitions as well bold accents through the pieces. The band
ends with a piece called "Uno Mas composed by Paul Lopez". This piece was more fast tempo as
well bold accents was well especially from the trumpets. It gave me more a swing vibe it was super
neat to hear. This piece was perfect
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jazz concert review Essay
The first question I asked myself at the beginning of the quarter was how much do I actually know
about jazz? I have always characterized jazz music as a rhythmic and instrumental form of music.
My impression on the basis of the jazz has always been portrayed with the African–American race. I
think this was build up from the rhythm 'n' blues era and meaning according to the dictionary ("style
of music that was invented by African American musicians in the early part of the twentieth century
and has very strong rhythms and often involves improvisation"). But Louis Armstrong's famous
reply was "if you had to ask, you'll never know". Whatever else he meant, he was at least saying that
jazz is noticeable, but not necessarily understandable by ... Show more content on ...
Maynard Ferguson, jazz legend, internationally renowned big band leader and one of the world's
greatest trumpet players with his Big Bop Nouveau Band. He draws upon bebop, straight–ahead
jazz, funk, swing, classical and contemporary music to create a fresh sound within the classic big
band form. (cite from Jazz Alley web site) Because me being Korean, I personally was little
surprised and impressed by two Korean were members of his big band. A massive piano player, Ji
Young Lee, pretty amazing in all pieces, her extended work on "but beautiful" was really lovely and
the most memorable. Stockton, powerful drum player, thrilled the audience especially one of my
friend, with his solos. He was banging away using all his gear, play in energetic and lively. M.F. and
his band provided a remarkable arrangement of "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone," as well as
some elegant and very impressive, as Maynard ended a song by playing a soft muted trumpet, while
the rest of the band played softer and softer, creating the effect of a fade–out.
Really high and loud all night long... including my self and my friends, the audience seemed really
appreciating his hit medley at the end. It made us to believe that he plays over the top with excellent
showmanship. Our waitress was little busy most of that night but the cocktail was good so it was
okay and the lighting was perfect. Oh, one
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Jazz Concert Essay
I attended one of the many Jazz concerts held here at Friends University. Somehow I always get
stuck in the far back and off to the side of the concert hall and I don't get to hear the music that well
.I usually get to hear the voices clearly or an earful of some of the instruments then I can't hear the
other side playing. This time I finally was able to get a perfect middle seat on the floor. I had a great
view of everyone and the acoustics were fabulous. Since I'm not use to going to jazz concerts in
particular, I asked one of the music majors here at Friends what I should expect. They informed me
that I must have the right mindset in order to fully appreciate the art of Jazz. I should be ready for
anything and plenty of fun. So with that, I went in with a completely ... Show more content on ...
They also provided small improvised solos for some of the students, with of course the saxophone
being the main one. Although, I believe the person playing the bass lacked something. I can't quite
put my finger on it, but it felt like something was off with his playing. I'm thinking it was more
issues with technical skills or maybe just a problem with sound. His improv skills could have used a
little bit more polishing, but he did used a couple of different, simple scales repetitively. The group
as a whole had great rhythm and appealing attitudes towards us, the audience. The audience then
reflected that same attitude back to the performers. That made it a lot easier to analyze this
performance in comparison to others I've been to. I particularity enjoyed the saxophone player's
solos. Something about the tone of it seemed more expressive than the other instruments. Those
solos were definitely the most creative and had more complexity to them. This theme was kept
through most of the first half of the concert. It was kind of hard to hear or at least catch things that
weren't quite so
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Jazz Concert Critique
Jazz Critique Video #1
The YouTube channel Jazz at Lincoln Center posted a video of an Untamed Elegance concert.
According to their description of the video, it was composed by Victor Goines and performed
October 28, 2016 at the Rose Theater. The video is approximately fifty three minutes long and
includes key jazz instruments that were played by extremely talented musicians. Sherman Irby and
Ted Nash played the alto saxophone. Victor Goines and Walter Blanding played the tenor
saxophone. Paul Nedzela played the baritone saxophone. Vincent Gardner, Elliot Mason and Chris
Crenshaw played the trombone while Shareef Clayton, Kenny Rampton, Marcus Printup, and
Wynton Marsalis played the trumpet. Adam Birnbaum played the piano, Carlos Henriquez ... Show
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He shortly talks about what the concert will consist of. The concert opens with an introductory song
that sounds extremely presidential and is played using all of the instruments on stage. It is similar to
how Hail to the Chief is played. That is usually played right before introducing the president of the
United States. This concert has pieces named after former presidents and their speeches. After the
introduction is played John F. Kennedy's first inauguration speech is spoken by a man that is not
performing with the group. He reads Kennedy's speech and then the band plays the song that was
inspired by the speech. The same is done for the rest of the former presidents of the United States as
well as Jawaharlal Nehru Winston Churchill, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Nelson Mandela. The melody
played "Ask not what Your Country Can Do for you" was based off of the tone in Kennedy's voice
as he gave his speech. As was each other melody that was inspired by other leaders. There was
saxophone improvisation during this song and though it was an improvisation it seemed to fit in
perfectly with the rest of the song. It was a simple improvisation but was still very powerful. There
was also a short trumpet solo that was just as simple yet powerful as the one on the
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Essay On Jazz Concert
My second concert I attended was on October 4th at 7:30pm. This concert was the Washburn
University Jazz Ensembles, I went to this concert with my boyfriend, Dylan. I decided to choose to
go to the Jazz concert because I have always been interested in jazz; however, I have never attended
a jazz concert before. Therefore, I believe it would be an amazing date idea for me and my
boyfriend to attend. Which, the jazz concert was an amazing, and fun date night idea. The concert
was split into 3 different types of jazz bands. Firstly, was the Washburn University Jazz Orchestra,
they only played four songs; however they were amazing. In fact, my favorite song that they
performed was called the Filthy McNasty. This song was my favorite because the
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A Jazz Concert Report
An Evening of Jazz
On November 17th, 2016, I attended a jazz concert and had quite a time. The experience was
captivating, and gave me a warm feeling inside. There were three different bands that play in the
hour slot, and all of them sounded magnificent, but "The Santé Fe Jazz Combo" and "Santa Fe Big
Band" stood out the most. The only thing these two bands have in common is that some of the
musicians play in both bands. Otherwise, these jazz fanatics are polar opposites.
When listening to "The Santé Fe Jazz Combo," you get a mellow feeling that courses through your
body. Their opener "Recorda–Me," which was my favorite piece, featured solos from Dr. Hamilton
on Piano, Spencer Hoefert on Guitar, Ben Salhanick on Bass, Doc B on Alto Sax, Wyatt Thomas on
Trombone, and Noah Woolard on Drum Set. The song had a moderate swing tempo that kept your
feet tapping up until the solo. First, the brass rang through their part, then the electric instruments.
Next came the bass; he was strumming so fast but he was barely audible. The pianist busting
through with a tricky piano rift and the drummer finished it off with an intense solo. Every rim–shot
sent a jolt into the air like lightning and the buzz rolls sounded like thunder. Noah's part reminded
me why I love playing the drums. ... Show more content on ...
Lawrence. The big band spiced it up when they quickened the tempo on this usually slow song.
"Santé Fe Big Band" was a crowd favorite and I completely understand why. Opposed to "The Santé
Fe Jazz Combo", "Santé Fe Big Band" plays with speed. To accommodate the band, Gerald Bigas
provided smooth vocals that mixed beautifully with the hefty brass section. The whole ensemble's
collaboration was effortless. Right when you think it is over, Michael Gray comes out with a
Soprano Saxophone and plays a smooth solo that sends you into a nostalgic episode of watching the
"Finding Nemo"
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Jazz Concert Essay
On Friday night, November 13, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. I attended the Manhattan School of Music for the
Jazz Orchestra that performed by Jazz vocalists and MSM alumni Jane Monheit and many other
musicians. That place is unlikely the ordinary place, people have appropriate dress on and have
nicely etiquette toward the performers, unlike me, many of audiences seem like that they come to
this concert with certain knowledge of Jazz orchestra. And its musical venue was the ideal spot for
the concert, so I sat in a decent spot spot that located at midst of the concert hall where I can view
all the performers and hear performers' music clearly. And the conductor informally began the show
was quite nicely and politely which made me feel really comfortable ... Show more content on ...
The instruments in the first gathering included bass, drums, conga, trumpet, alto saxophone, shaker
and vibraslap. They performed two quick tempo melodies for drums and percussion, and every
instrumentalist was given the chance to hold a performance. All through the execution of the first
gathering, the bass player was absence of innovativeness and specialized abilities that should have
been be cleaned; his spontaneous creation was a progression of specific scales that were dull and
basic. Then again, he was extremely rhythmical and had decent state of mind toward the group of
onlookers, coordinating great with drums and knew how to connect with the gathering of people.
Particularly, the alto saxophone player was not the same as different instrumentalists, since his tones
were more vividly communicated than some other payers. His act of spontaneity was confounded
and inventive too. His pitch and rhythms were exact. Notwithstanding that, he executed as harmony
with trumpet player in a brief moment performing melody, where he demonstrated a decent feeling
of flow. In general, despite the fact that every part of the orchestra possessed the differential musical
skill, but they coordinated with each other quite
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How To Describe A Jazz Concert
I attended the University of Indianapolis Jazz Ensemble on Wednesday, October 11, 2017. The
concert was located in the Ruth Lilly Performance Hall at 7:30p.m. The band played a total of eight
different songs, varying in the types of jazz. I perceived the overall mood of the whole concert as
energizing, powerful, and uplifting. I was also able to apply much of the knowledge that I learned in
class to the event. To begin with, the concert started out with a piece from Count Basie called "Hay
Burner." This piece was done by a big band, a band with many instruments and musicians, and that
is exactly how it was performed by the University of Indianapolis Jazz Ensemble. The band had a
total of four sections: saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and rhythm sections. Throughout the piece,
the band focused mostly on the ensemble rather than the soloist, however, the alto saxophone did
have a solo. This piece reminded me mostly of the boogie–woogie style of jazz, due to its bluesy
tones and driving piano style. ... Show more content on ...
However, each song was heavily syncopated. The next song that really stuck out to me was
originally performed by John Coltrane. The song featured many notes and different Coltrane
changes. Coltrane changes are when the chord progressions were even more complex than bebop.
The song, "Impressions," to me did not seem to fit into any category that was learned in the
classroom. It mostly just sounded like an upbeat flourish of notes. Both the trombones and trumpets
used mutes, giving their instrument an airy, deeper sound. They used those at the beginning and end
of the song, giving it a unique
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Caribbean Jazz Concert Report
On October the 20th, Thursday, 2014 I went to a Kompa Night Afro–Haitian Caribbean Jazz concert
that was located at –––––––
I have always loved to go to jazz concert and I thought it was a great idea and experience that we get
to hear other music and see the effect that music not only has for us but other people. I had the
abilities to sit next to other people and hear one of the most wonderful piece of music that was
created by the artist which made me feel mature and accepted into the music world. Before I sat and
let the concert start I got to see the instrument that was there to play. I saw a Guitar, African drum,
regular beating drums, Keyboard, piano, and a weird quite rare thing they used which supposed to
be a cowbell. The things that ... Show more content on ...
Another thing I appreciate from the concert is the transition from the different tome of song and the
different sounding they would create also. The rich legacy of traditional Afro–Haitian rhythms and
melodies, and blends them with the instrumentation, melodic/harmonic sensibilities and
improvisation of modern jazz. I could not really explain the lyric and the song being played because
it is not what I usually hear but know the language, the main point of the songs that was being play
were about love, inner soul, and tribute to our country and culture Haiti and many others as well.
The history in this concert brought my attention to something quite similar that is called Rara. Rara
is the music played throughout Kanaval, an anarchic folk–meets–punk collision of drums, voices
and bamboo sticks which all creates an exciting, energizing soundtrack to Kanaval in Haiti. Rara
bands tour the countryside for days at a time accosting people, car drivers and anyone in their way,
demanding payment before they move on and the crowd of musicians and singers gets bigger all the
time. I remember seeing this event that happened every year when
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Concert Jazz Report Essay
Esa Mahmood
July 11, 2013
Jazz Concert Report The concert I decided to go to was held in Valley Brewing Company. The event
was called "Take 5, Jazz at the Brew". I went to the show July 11, 2013. The group I saw didn't have
a name. It was just a group of people performing together. The concert hall was a very nice venue. It
was on an extended closed off area past the common area at the bar. The area was very dim lit and
was decorated very fancy and elaborate. The music that was played that night was Jazz. The group
had 4 people in the group and they all came from different backgrounds. The Drummer was a young
African American male that was very talented. The trumpet player was a heavy set Caucasian male
that looked ... Show more content on ...
The song was called "Funk Indeed Free". The texture to this song was very soft. Not all the
instruments were competing with each other like the last song. The song had some form to it aside
from the trumpet. The trumpet was very wild and had many different ranges. The melody was the
same throughout the song aside from the trumpet as well. There was a steady flow throughout the
whole song. The dynamic of the song was very calm and quiet aside from the trumpet. I didn't
appreciate that because it was so distracting. The tempo was at a mild pace. Not all the instruments
were played during this song. It was only 2 instruments played at a time during the whole time. The
next song on the playlist was called "Everything Happens To Me". The texture to this was very soft
as well. The instruments were playing off each other but it was still a freestyle type of song. I think
jazz is generally played like freestyle. There was no melody to this song. The rhythm was not
existent as well. It was more of a free flowing song. This song had a very quiet dynamic. It sounded
very romantic like something out of a movie. The tempo of the song was very slow and mild but the
trumpet was going very fast. The cello and the drums had a portion of the song where they fed off
each other's energy and the trumpet was doing its own thing. The last song on the set list was called
"Talk About It". The texture was very thick because all the instruments were playing over
... Get more on ...

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Latin Jazz Ensemble Concert Report

  • 1. Latin Jazz Ensemble Concert Report This week, on February 27, I visited the Latin Jazz Ensemble concert at Sacramento State University. It was my first time at a jazz concert in Sacramento. The jazz ensembles performed seven pieces during the concert with twelve different instruments. "Mama Cool Beans", "Keeper for the Flame", "Next Exit", and "Plena Con Sabor" were four different and unique pieces which I liked and I think these compositions inspired the audience. "Mama Cool Beans", written by Bobby Matos began to play with a violin, two woodwinds, three brasses, piano, guitar, bass, and two percussions at the same time in rapid tempo. After a while, Beatriz Figueroa–Chavez was joined and she also played on the instrument. Unfortunately, I do not know the name of this instrument ... Show more content on ... After a few second, bass and two percussions joined them and then two woodwinds, three brass and violin began to play in a calm rhythm. In the middle of the composition, when the brasses and the woodwinds accompanied, the rhythm changed, it became faster and that part was so wonderful and energetic of this composition. The ensemble did an excellent job of keeping with the beat. The next composition was "Next Exit" written by Scott Martin. At the beginning, played piano, guitar, bass, and two percussions. After several seconds, joined the brasses and a violin. The tempo was played at medium, in my opinion. At the middle of the piece, one of the brass had improvisation after which the audience applauded very loudly. It was very nice to watch each of the musicians. Especially, I liked the end of the composition as they stopped all in an instant. It was just awesome! The last was the Mexican piece "Plena Con Sabor" written by Oscar Hernandez. This piece was different from others in that Beatriz Figueroa–Chavez sang solo and danced. I really liked her voice. During the composition, it was possible to observe how the sound changed because someone from the musicians fell silent and then joined again. The tempo was fast throughout the piece and did not change. The end of composition was played by all instruments and it sounded ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. George Gershwin: Jazz In The Concert Hall David Cuevas Music History Final Project Gershwin: Jazz in the Concert hall Rhapsody in Blue, Concerto in F and An American in Paris For most people there are two George Gershwin's, there's Gershwin the composer of immortal songs known through out the world; Our love is here to stay, Someone to watch over me and I got Rhythm , and then there's the concert hall Gershwin composer of Rhapsody in Blue, An American in Paris and the famous opera Porgy and Bess, all now in the music libraries of the worlds greatest symphony orchestras and opera houses. What made Gershwin special is how he mixed the two, to him a 16 bar song was as important as a 3 movement symphony. Gershwin was in touch with his listeners in a way that few other composers can ... Show more content on ... The repeated bass figure with the same part above it being played twice as fast produces a very interesting contrapuntal affect. Here we see Gershwin building up the music in a series of layers, one on top of the other. This contrapuntal way of thinking was natural to Gershwin, and becomes increasingly important in his later works. All most every bar of the score contains clever musical devices of one sort or another. For all this talk of the shorter ideas in An American in Paris , it is not without the standard long, Sweeping Gershwin Melodies. Although, even the longer melodies are developed by dividing them in to smaller sections or motifs, this is done by developing ideas introduced earlier in the piece, when the big tune is first heard. The two big ideas, the big tune and its accompanying figure are developed side by side in a superb example of contrapuntal ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Jazz Concert Report Sample On March 30th, 2017 I attended a well–performed jazz concert at Prince George's Community College. The concert was performed by a group called The Reginald Cyntje Group. The Reginald Cyntje Group was made up of Brian Settles, Herman Burney, Lenny Robinson, Hope Udobi, and Reginald Cyntje. The group performed seven songs including: "The Rise of the Protester," "Ballad for the Masses," "Chant of the Revolt," "Descension and Ascension," "No Justice No Peace," "The Piece of Resistance," and "Blues People vs the Deplorables." While I enjoyed all of the songs my favorite was the "Dance of the Crooked Heads," which will be the topic of my report. "The Dance of the Crooked Heads" was performed by Settles playing a tenor saxophone, Burney playing a bass, Robinson playing drums, Udobi playing the piano, and Cyntje playing the trombone. There was not anyone singing or doing vocals. The genre of the song was jazz and the musical style of the composition was instrumental. I believe it is instrumental because it did not contain a voice accompaniment, only instrumental. As stated before the genre is jazz, which can be said has smooth and unrestricted sounds and I think this describes "The Dance of the Crooked Heads" perfectly. The song also has an element of jazz which is syncopation. Syncopation is when there is a variety of the rhythms of the song and they made a part or all of the song off beat. ... Show more content on ... According to Reginald Cyntje, who composed the piece, said: "The Dance of the Crooked Heads" was about all of the crooked and corrupt people in positions of power specifically in government. He said it was about how we elected these people and are blind to the fact they do not have the citizen's best interest in mind. In a way, the song is about the stupidity of the people who elected corrupt people and put them in ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Saddleback College Jazz Concert Report The date was December 8th, 2017, I had the pleasure of seeing the Saddleback College Jazz Combos perform at the McKinney Theater. The theater is quite large holding about 100~200 seats but seemed to offer a good acoustic balance for the combos that played. Also, one can tell that it was the holiday season by just entering the theater. It was festive as it was decorated with christmas trees with christmas lights and the front was filled with light up flower vases. Furthermore, this concert is a cumulation of different jazz students put into small groups and perform in front of an audience. This concert also showcases their efforts as a group as well as differences in skill level amongst the combos. As for the first group, the Alvarado Combo consisted of a bass, piano, trombone, saxophone (switched from alto to tenor after the first piece), and drums played two songs. While the titles of each song were not disclosed, one of them is originally composed by the drummer and the trombone player, John and Andrew respectively. In effort to classify this genre of music, it would fall under cool jazz as it stayed in a relaxed tempo and lighter tone. This piece is paired well with the holiday season as it was upbeat. One can imagine oneself opening gifts during this holiday season while drinking hot chocolate ... Show more content on ... The beginning sounded similar to a salsa type of music due to the drum's rhythm on the crash cymbal. Each musician had a solo within each piece. The rhythm section (double bass and drums) did a phenomenal job at maintaining as well as driving the tempo when it felt dragging. Moreover, they displayed great control and maturity of their sound throughout their solos. The dexterity and mastery within their instrument of some of the soloist in this group is inspiring because it truly shows their years and years of practice and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Descriptive Essay On A Jazz Concert It was the night of November 17, 2016; the concert was to be held in the concert room of the Palmetto Center for the Arts, right across from the theater, where they were holding an acting workshop on the same night. The lights were fully illuminated and glistening on the multicolored floor. I arrived at about 6:30pm just in time to start my shift as a volunteer usher. The work was relatively easy; I stood about 10 feet away from the door of the concert hall and reminded people I saw with any food or beverage that they could not bring it in with them. I believe I only saw and reminded one person of this rule, but hey, extra credit is extra credit after all. After about 30 minutes of standing around, admiring the intricate and colorful tapestry of the current exhibit hanging in the Palmetto Center (I believe it was the work of a man from Africa) it was finally time for the show to begin. I (unfortunately) had missed the performances earlier that week, which included a chamber orchestra (which I would've loved to see) on Monday, faculty recitals on Tuesday, choir and soloists on Wednesday, and (just barely) was able to attend the final day and performances on Thursday, which were the Jazz Ensembles and Student Led Combos. Although I do not particularly love jazz as a genre I do have a subtle fondness for it deep in my heart. Jazz (especially freeform) conjures up images, sights, and sounds of early Sunday morning car rides with my mother. She'd have on 101.9 as I sat in the back seat and happily hummed along with the freeform jazz sailing peacefully through the air, filling the car with intricate and fleeting sax solos with trumpet accompaniment. These memories make me appreciate jazz, although I still don't love it. As I was being led into the concert hall, the only thing that really stood out to me was how deep the stage was. The jazz ensemble was seated in the upper most level, but still needed an acoustic shell to really project their sound to the audience. The concert hall was a lot larger than expected, with the seating plan a lot steeper than I had imagined. The audience was mostly a mix of different ages, there were a lot of (what I could make out) parent there to see their sons and daughters on stage, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Jazz Concert Critique On May 13, 2016, the Vocal Jazz Ensembles at Sacramento State University had their one of the last concerts before the semester ended, which was directed by our professor Gaw Vang Williams. This concert was performed by four groups and different solo, which was completely different experience from the first two concerts that I attended at Sac State. In this Vocal Jazz concert, there was packed and a lot of audiences who were friends, family and students come to support and enjoy before this semester ended. Overall, this was a good show and I found that Vocal Jazz was much more fun and enjoyable than the first two. In this concert, I enjoyed every pieces of performance and there were three pieces that caught my attention, which were "Hold On", ... Show more content on ... I have listened to this song but I found the performance by C–Sus Voices was more fun and enjoyable. Each member played as an instrumental roles as bass, beatbox, low and high notes supports as an acapella style which without any instrument. In this performance, I love the atmosphere and the moods that the groups brought out. In this pieces, it didn't look like they were performing but they really played and enjoyed what they were doing, which also influence the audiences' moods. Even though Maggie Niscasio the one who sang this song was really tired, but they seemed brought me and audiences a relaxed moment and an enjoyable atmosphere. Also, the song "Singing in the Rain" was another piece that was played by C–Sus Voices, which mixed with Rhianna's Umbrella. This performance gave me different feelings by combining two songs as one. By singing these two songs together in the Jazz style, C–Sus Voices seemed performing a new song c and matching perfectly between the Rain with the Umbrella. Also in this performance, I loved the way they played the songs and the atmosphere. Overall, I felt really relaxed and I enjoyed the performance played by C–Sus ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay on Jazz Concert Review Jazz Concert Review [pic] The first formal small jazz concert was held at the Maum Café on Sep. 25th, 2008. There were many music performances have held at the Maum Café but Zino Park, leader of the band, and manager of Maum Café agreed to arrange a formal jazz concert for the first time. The main theme of this concert was "Smooth Jazz with Zino Park at Maum". Before the concert began, the band members introduced themselves to the audience. The names of players were: Acoustic guitar by Jerry, vocal & piano by Zino Park, bass guitar by Clay Luna, vocal & guitar by Zen, guitar & saxophone by Dan Stark, drum by Skip Mccain, and harp by Monica. Name of the first song was "Be my love". They started a song with very bright ... Show more content on ... Zino Park used keyboard instead of piano because keyboard could play with many different sound effects. The title of the fourth song was called, "Let's get away from it all". In their fourth song again, saxophone was played a huge role. From the beginning of the song piano kept playing same melody line repeated and saxophone was moving wide range of notes and pitch. The rhythm and the tempo of drum changed as saxophone changed rhythm and the tempo. The bass guitar helped drum to follow saxophone's rhythm and tempo. The saxophone style was kind of similar with the how Louis Armstrong was playing a solo. There were two guitars, but saxophone dominated other instruments and it was difficult to hear other instruments. The fifth song was hand drummer used sand rattler instead of hand drum. The drum solo in this song was very powerful and brought the exhilaration of this concert to the climax. The change of unpredictable rhythm and tempo made audience excited. Many audiences were clapping with rhythm. The sixth song was in blues style. The Name of the Song was, "I'll see you in my dreams". Just bass guitar, saxophone, drum, and keyboard were playing. It was short piece song but just enough time to feel blues. This piece was one of few slow tempo songs in this concert. The mix of bass guitar, saxophone, drum, and keyboard articulated ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Personal Narrative Essay On Brown's Jazz Concert The second weekend in April was solely dedicated to Brown's jazz festival, which he was very proud to call the largest jazz festival within the county. Honestly, no one knew if he was telling the truth or not, but it was best to just nod your head and agree with him. Especially now that he was reiterating this "fact" right before we were supposed to go and perform for said jazz festival. He did this very same thing last night too. The sixteen of us in Jazz One, indicated by the ugly yellow polo shirts, stood in a circle around Brown, who was ranting away about how much he loved his festival after he finished tuning all of us. I stopped listening to him after a minute, I was far more focused on the jitters I was feeling in the pit of my stomach. Tonight was my night. Brendan was right about Brown going with three altos for Jazz One; Brown insisted it was because we all sounded so good together, I knew it was because we were all seniors. Brendan, as planned, was granted the part of ... Show more content on ... The other band finished their song. The audience clapped, and hooted, and called out embarrassing pet names for their kids. We walked on stage and sat in our designated seats. The stage lights beating down on us were hot and I needed to squint to see. The audience was a collection of tiny dark specks I was looking out at past Brown's wide yellow clad torso. Zoe had pulled the music stand in front of us into position, flipping through the pages in the folder and finding the song and the solo page. She handed the latter to me. I grabbed it hard, crinkling the side. And Brown began counting the tempo. Brendan stood and went over to the music stand. I would follow after twenty measures. We lifted our instruments into playing position, and I bit down hard into my mouthpiece. Brown was snapping his fingers softly and began to mouth the tempo. I let my foot fall into the rhythm of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Jazz Concert Review Essay Sample Anthony Zermeno Music 114 Christopher Madsen UIC Jazz Workshop Paper On November 17, 2015, I attended a Jazz concert at the UIC Recital Hall featuring Chris Madison and the UIC Jazz Ensemble. The instruments that were played that night include; trumpet, which were played by Giovanni Garcia and Gustavo Espino, the trombone that was played by Thomas Graf, the saxophone, which were played by Robert Bugos, Mitzi Ochoa–Sanchez, Nicholas Buitrago, Mariah Phillips, Drew Sansom, Aaron Newsome– Brownlee, Ashanti Gayden, Alex Rivera, and Alec Cohen, the clarinet was also played by Ashanti Gayden, and the flute was played Laura Erickson. In the rhythm section there were drums that were played by Frank Glassman and Alex Tellez, the bass that was played ... Show more content on ... Although Billy was openly gay in the 1940's he was still known as one of the best at what he did. Billy Strayhorn's right arm was Duke Ellington. Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington was the most prolific composer of the twentieth century in terms of both number of compositions and variety of forms. His development was one of the most spectacular in the history of music, underscored by more than fifty years of sustained achievement as an artist and an entertainer. He is considered by many to be America's greatest composer, bandleader, and recording artist. The extent of Ellington's innovations helped to redefine the various forms in which he worked. He created many of the elements of American music – the minstrel song, ragtime, Tin Pan Alley tunes, the blues, and American appropriations of the European music tradition – into a consistent style with which, though technically complex, has directness and simplicity of expression largely absent from the purported art music of the twentieth century. Ellington's first great achievements came in the three– minute song form, and he later wrote music for all kinds of settings: the ballroom, ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Jazz Music Concert Review On December 3, 2015 the University of Florida's School of Music hosted a concert at the University Auditorium where the Jazz band performed. The band consisted of four sections: saxophones, trumpets, trombone, and rhythm. The Saxophone section performers included Greg Snider (Alto), Dustin Fergerson (Alto), Ben Grier (Tenor), John Peasant (tenor), Tony Laracuente (tenor), and Ryan Colon (Baritone). The Trumpet section performers included Sean Bocinsky, Ben Rochford, Lucas Owen, and Brantley Daniel. The trombone section performers included Stephen Anderson, Jacob Armstrong, Joshua Jenkins, Like Blackman, and Andrew Bajorek. The Rhystem section performers included Zac Chester (piano), Sean Fournier (piano), Erik Abernathy (Guitar), Delorean Fullington (bass), Calvin Bond (bass), Clyde Conner (Drums), Tom Hurst (drums), and Andrew Mankin (drums). The performance consisted of four pieces, which depicted different styles of jazz music. The styles of songs ranging from Afro–Cuban to swing allowing for the crowd to enjoy the wide variety of music. The first piece of the night was Wind Sprint by John Patitucci and arranged by the Clyde Connor. On piano Sean "Trent" Fournier, a freshman at the University of Florida, displayed his jazz ability with his solo in this song. With the sporadic movements of his hands he ... Show more content on ... This song is an example of Afro–Cuban that has a clave rhythmic pattern. This performance started off with the bass and drum creating the beat for the entire song, followed by the piano and then the brass instruments. Drummer Clyde Conner performed a solo showing his ability to play a soulful piece but having the Latin twist to it, which was very impressive. Ben Grier also had a solo where the sounds of Afro–Cuban jazz seemed so fluid though his performance. He also immensely impressed the crowd when he played a high note and held, which caused for a round of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Jazz Concert Report Jazz Review 1 This review is about the Studio Big Band and their performance in the Casa Loma Room at the University of Redlands on Thursday, February 23rd at eight in the evening, under the direction of Prof. David Scott. The concert was made up of the following tunes: "High Maintenance" by Gordon Goodwin, "Four" by Miles Davis (arr. Dave Bardhun), "Nica's Dream" by Horace Silver (arr. Frank Mantooth), "Witchcraft" by Cy Coleman (arr. Sammy Nestico), "Footprints" by Wayne Shorter (arr. Mat Harris), "Category 4" by Jeff Jarvis, and "Giant Steps" by John Coltrane (arr. Mark Taylor). The music on this program was very relevant for the eras we are covering or will be covering soon in the class, and to this end, the piece I will be focusing on ... Show more content on ... While in the head, the winds played a harmonization of one theme, the rest of the band just accompanied behind them, creating a rather homophonic texture. The form of the piece seemed rather simple, AAI, with larger structure of: intro–head–solos–head–tag. At the beginning of the piece, the drumset player was given room to improvise an intro, and it was nice to hear what he did especially after not having played many solos in the previous tunes. Right after the drumset player's intro, the group jumped right into the head. This specific arrangement seemed to have written out snippets of Coltrane's solo, because right after both iterations of the head, instead of jumping into the solo section there was a densely–harmonized saxophone soli that sounded like quotations. It was after this showcase and a few more embellishments from the rest of the group that the actual solos began. Most of the soloing was grounded on staying right on top of the changes and echoing the angular phrases in the head, not venturing out too far with the rhythms. I think the soloists did a good job of that, but could have taken more risks with playing around with the rhythms. However, being in the hot seat is already stressful enough on this piece that playing it safe is not a bad thing, it's just about surviving at that ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Jazz Concert Essay Jazz is the most famous and well known music in New York City. We can feel this music and often encounter with Jazz in our daily life. The melody form saxophone, double bass, piano, and drums touches our ears and sometimes we can feel the music. In Guttman we experienced melody like this in the Jazz concert. During the performance, we countered with professional Jazz artists who had performed in different places on Earth. They dressed professionally and introduced themselves with one of their performance. Their intro–performance was enough for us to believe that we were about to have an amazing Jazz concert. "Jazz is music in which we can perform without any doubt. Everyone can perform at anytime they want. Students can feel free to participate during the performance." said one of the performer during his intro speech. He also introduced himself and ... Show more content on ... It was the same as the first music. The main performer gave intro to the music and said the name and the history to music. Then the performance starts and the audience starts to engage with performers with their usual body language. The tone was different form the first one. At first, the music was loud and all the instruments were in play. Later after few minutes, the tone starts to go down and after few minutes, only the double bass and the drum was playing in lower tone. The main singer was singing during the whole time according to the tone. This slowly lead to the third music. The third music was interesting. It was called Central Park West (Co–train). The audience got to perform with the artists in the performers. Three of the students performed according to the instruments singing and expressing their talent. The audience had fun when one of the audience decided to participate unexpectedly and sing for his friend. Other than that, the other two students performed in the music. They looked at the phone and sang. The music tone was at medium level and the singers tone as ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Jazz Ensemble: Concert Analysis On April 18, 2017, the Jazz Ensemble at University of Rhode Island collectively performed nine pieces during the concert. "Contemplation" and Monk's Mood/Well You Need'nt" were easily memorable pieces that provided the audience with a wide range experience, from swing to cool to classic jazz. "Contemplation" was composed by McCoy Tyner in 1967, had a bluesy and fusion feel to it. There was a progression from slow to fast beat and it have a lot of solos, starting from Isaiah Brown (alto saxophone), Ryan Peterson(guitar),Jeremy Klepacki(bass), Tyler Tashdjian(clarinet), and Julian Andriulli(piano). Klepacki played a big part in creating a bluesy factor into this piece.The bass also played a big part in providing the bluesy feel, it combined ... Show more content on ... The first part of the piece (Monk's Mood) felt like a piece that would be played during the way to a funeral home. It was very mellow and some ways it would be considered a depression song. When Monk's Mood ended, the bass playing by Evan Magno gave it a harsh transaction. While the band transfers into the second part of the piece(Well You Need'nt) it had a higher tempo and felt like a piece that would be played during the way back from the funeral home. Tenor saxophone and the drums played a major role in this piece, even though the drummer played quite well during most of the piece, one of his sticks slipped out of his hand and at a later point in the piece, he made a mistake. The mistake was quite clear if someone went to see the concert live but was hard to catch just listening to the piece. The jazz combo II concert at Fine Arts Center in Concert Hall was overall wonderful to say the least, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was a great evening filled with great music and intellectually riveting experience of jazz, especially having to experience it outside of a class setting. It is important to note that like many things in life, there is always a past, hearing the different mixers of jazz; even though it had rooted from other genres was quite ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. A Jazz Concert Review First off the performance was amazing. It was held at the auditorium in building six, and it was called NightTime Jazz Band directed by James M. Broderick at eight pm on April 5th 2016. In this concert they played six songs; they started off with "Latin Dance" which was a very upbeat song really started off the concert right.After that we had "Misty", a song were they introduced are first vocalist(Valeria Vargas) which was the main star along side a alto sax(Kevin Forte). Then came "Lady Bird" which was pure instrumental. In continuation we have "my old flame" which introduces a new vocalist (Jenna Gunter). After that "we get the look of love" which is another vocal jazz piece with another vocalist (Lourdes Artis). And to conclude the concert ... Show more content on ... But I was astonished on how captivating the performance was. Starting off with "Latin Dance" I was sad at first that they didn't have any Latin dancers dancing. Furthermore "Latin Dance" had an amazing upbeat tempo to it throughout the whole song, in addition to being very catchy and I found it hard not to tap my foot with the beat. This song had a lot of soloist, from all the saxophones to the drummer (Bryan Ocampo) and even the percussion (Josh Nunez). I was fascinated when I heard Bryan Ocampo (drummer) hitting the ride cymbal creating a ride rhythm and felt that I could appreciate that since I have learned it in Jazz & Pop. What I really enjoyed about this song is that most of the band members had a turn to solo, giving them a chance to show what they got. The first solo was tenor sax solo (William Perez) which was good and had pauses between notes and then increased to a faster pace. Next solo was by Kevin Forte (Alto Sax) which was my favorite solo and the longest solo out of all the saxophones. Kevin Forte really took the audients by storm with his fast pace catchy and overall great solo. The last soloist was an older gentleman (which I can't seem to find the name of in the directory) which was also great but in my opinion, but didn't bring that fresh sound that the younger kids brought. After that we had another amazing solo that blow me away by the drummer (Bryan Occampo) which had a seemingly flawless transition. In the solo the drummer had a good beat and seemed to be improving. This was my second favorite solo after the alto sax since my favorite genre of music is rock I always appreciate a good drummer solo. Also after the concert I went up to the drummer and was surprised on how nice everyone actually was. Last solo was from the percussion Congas (Josh Nunez) that I usually don't see in jazz bands but ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Jazz Concert Critique I attended the Jazz Ensemble I on December 5th, 2017 at the Light Recital Hall. To help me better understand these works I had googled the event name and looked it up on youtube as well. There were brochures provided at the venue; however there weren't enough for each individual to receive one. I had chosen to attend this concert because I believed I would enjoy a jazz ensemble performance more than I would've enjoyed attending any of the other types of musical events. Prior to this particular concert I was expecting to see and hear different variations of jazz music. This specific jazz concert was a holiday/christmas edition. It featured all of UW–Whitewater's jazz groups. They used several trumpets, trombones, saxophones, a bass guitar and ... Show more content on ... I can't recall what this specific piece was named as I never received a brochure and couldn't write it down due to the fact that I hadn't brought any paper and phones weren't allowed to be used throughout the whole concert. The performing medium was the choir and their voices. This piece was a christmas themed song performed by the choir and had one member beatboxing while the rest were singing. A lot of images associated with christmas came to mind during the performance, such as a christmas tree, christmas lights, presents etc. I believe the composer was just trying to showcase the talents or the potential for talent when getting a group of individuals together to perform a song and just to bring some holiday spirit. There was a feeling of celebration, happiness and togetherness. I believe this piece held my attention the mostly due to the fact that the group of singers was quite small but was able to project and create the sounds they did. It was also very unique because of the beatboxing and the fact that they relied solely on their voices to sing and make the beats. It affected me positively as a listener by putting me in the christmas and holiday ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Jazz Concert Review Examples The 36th Annual Jazz Showcase, on Thursday, March 9, 2017 incorporated many styles of jazz and modern compositions. This concert can best be described as fusion in both jazz and how the songs varied from Fiddler in the Roof to James Bond. The concert was mainly characterized by the songs played in a big band style. It consisted of many musicians and many instruments including, alto, tenor and bari sax, trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba, keyboard (piano), guitar (acoustic, electric), percussion (mallets, drums), bass (acoustic, electric), vocals. Songs like "Star Wars", had a big entrance, a lot of use of percussive instruments mainly drum set. The beginning (I apologize for the lack of tittle as the program didn't list the pieces) song use ... Show more content on ... For Star Trek, the French horn was the meledoic and defining instrument, this piece however wasn't categorized as jazz, but rather pop. Soul Bossa Nova had a swing style with as the top layer and highes pitch instrument of the piece. In the middle section of the concert they had what could be best describe as a fusion of rock and Jamaican pattern music. It had a different feel to it with pieces of popular rock anthems to quick change to relax laid back pattern. The solo electric guitarist, played a song with dark undertones mostly resembling the blues type of feeling and chordal structure. The sound seemed to be as if two guitars were playing at ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Vocal Jazz Ensemble Concert Report Vocal Jazz Ensemble The concert that I went to the "Vocal Jazz Ensemble" on the date of May 21. Performance from the Vocal Jazz Ensemble and special guest Final Note–Us, both group performed extremely well and sang great songs. The concert consisted of eight songs, two from Final Note–Us group and six from the main performers Vocal Jazz Ensemble. There were thirteen vocalist in the opening group and a pianist, while the main group had twelve vocalist, one pianist, one bass, and one drum. Before hand going to the concert I thought it would've been the same boring concert I been to, but this one opened my eyes, from the very beginning I got hooked into the concert. If I a chance to rewatch the performance I would do it and open me up to not ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Live Jazz Concert Reflection I had a really good experience being in a Live Jazz presentation. I got to know how the instrument sound in live. And I am going to introduce the instruments that the musicians used in the presentation. First, we have an instrument that we can't miss in a jazz band, I am talking about the trumpet. He did not use a mute or anything but the sound of his trumpet was so smooth. Next, I have the Piano, in this jazz band presentation the piano was really important because most of the time, the pianist was the one introducing the mood of the song. You could tell excitement or sadness from the piano since the beginning. Also, another very important instrument from jazz history is the saxophone. In this occasion, the saxophonist had a 'Tenor Sax' which had a really strong sound and the characteristic of a really low pitch. Also, we had the Bass, another very common instrument in jazz history. This bass was always giving us that background sound along with the piano when the rest of the band was playing a solo or playing together. Lastly but not least important we have ... Show more content on ... I loved how the band was based on improvisation and solos. I think that was the main reason I like the presentation. MY overall impression of the live jazz band is that even though they are improvising, they all now their parts, they all now the rhythm that they have to follow, basically, all they do is go with the flow supporting each other. This was different from other experiences because, other band concerts follow the same organization of the song over and over. With jazz is a different story, a jazz band will never play the same song two times the exact same way. That is going to be imposible because they play based on their emotion at that time. Obviously they have to follow a scrip in some point of the song but when they get to the improvisation, they just let it go and other bands from other genders do not do ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Burrell High School Jazz Concert Report On Friday, May 18, I attended the Burrell High School Jazz Band Concert. Over the concert, a band played for the first half, there were then chamber groups that played in between, the second band next, and then a combined band with alumni. I felt that the structure of the concert flowed nicely, as the chamber music in between was refreshing from the jazz. My favorite chamber piece was an African piece involving bongos and soprano saxophone. There was no theme to the music that was played. The concert involved different genres of jazz, including Latin, contemporary, big band, and Dixieland. I felt that there was a good mix of songs and it did not affect the concert since there was no theme. Some high points of the concert involved ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Sample Jazz Concert Report Aundria McCadney The night of February 18, 2016 I attended "The MTSU Faculty Jazztet" concert in Wright Music Hall. This jazz band consists of David Willford, Don Aliquo, Micheal Parkinson, Jamey Simmions, Joe Davidian, Patrick Arwater, and Derrek Phillps performed eight jazz selections. The crowd that night was about 70–80 people, and part were older and the other half was students. When I think about a jazz performance a drum and piano player did not come to mind. I expected for the show to be like all the stuff you see on TV about jazz bands with one person singing and the instruments in the background playing. All the band members were all dressed up in either suits or dress shirt and tie they all were instrument players. The music ... Show more content on ... The members didn't go by the particular order that was on the program when performing the lead saxophone player just announced each name. All their songs had melody theme which stay in the chorus of them. The saxophone, flugelhorn and trumpet phrases were all legato during their solos throughout the pieces. In the dynamics during each of the songs were mezzo forte or higher. When each person did their solo they crescendo leading to the end of them. I really enjoyed that the lead of the band explained the background information of every piece that was played I tried to take that into consideration while listening. If he didn't put his explanation in before each song I wouldn't be able to understand the main concept. The song that stood out to me the most was Dance Cadaverous, which is a mood piece. Dance Cadaverous song connected with me more than the others simply because I could really interpreted the piece. The rest of the songs were challenging to grab the concept of the title to the actual performance. This piece to me portrays a mix of swing dance to it. Dance Cadaverous is the definition of the jazz I have heard before on TV and what I ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Essay On A Jazz Concert I attended a jazz concert on April 7, 2016. The jazz concert was performed by the Page brothers, Mike Willis, and Justin Butler. Justin Butler accompanied the other instrumentalists in one song. The instruments used during the jazz concert was a guitar, bass, drums, and shakers. The performance was located in the theater at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute. The jazz concert was informal. The venue was favorable for the jazz concert. The instrumentalist played on a stage while the audience sat in the seats. The theater was small so the jazz music was easy to hear. However, there was a lot of people attending the concert so the theater was crowded. The audience was able to see the performers because of how the theater seats are set up. Also, the room was completely dark except for the stage so I was able to focus primarily on the performers. Overall, I liked the jazz concert performed by the Page Brothers. The jazz concert performed by the Page brothers was informal. The Page brothers were dressed casual. They wore jeans and a button up shirt. However, one performer wore a suit. The performers looked about middle aged. The performers interacted with the audience frequently. They told jokes and even had conversations with the people in the audience. The instrumentalists had a good attitude and seemed to be ... Show more content on ... The form of this piece was AABA. The instruments used in this piece was guitar, bass, and drums. One Page brother played the guitar while the other on played the bass. Mike Willis played the drums. This piece was strictly instrumental. "Four on Six" is considered Hard Bop. One of the performers said that "Four on Six" was a new melody based on old chord changes. The audience must have liked this piece a lot because they applauded frequently throughout it. This piece appealed to me because it contained swing feel and we had learned about it in ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Ragtime And Jazz Concert Report Last night, I treated myself to an outstanding performance by Devan Jones and The Uptown Stomp. The band's primary sound is Swinging Blues, Ragtime & Jazz from the 1930s through the 1950s. I was amazed that not only was the music vintage, their equipment was also. The band is comprised of young, group of musicians from in and around Knoxville, TN. The members consisted of bassist Clint Mullican, drummer Hunter Deacon and tenor / baritone saxophonist Chuck Mullican, pianist Keith Brown and Devan Jones on guitar and vocals. The band played several different songs that I was familiar with even though I will admit, this was my first ever swing music concert. However, some of the new songs that I had never heard before came were produced by artists ... Show more content on ... Swing was bounded by two events. The first was the Great Depression, which started in 1929 and deepened into the 1930s. Swing, like other popular culture forms, acted as a counterstatement to the deep anxiety caused by the Depression. But swing also demanded action in the form of exuberant and partly improvised dance. Moreover, it was teenagers' music, perhaps the first of its kind. World War II was the second major event. After four years of fighting and devoting the nation's manpower and production capabilities to the war, the country demilitarized, and as servicemen and women returned home, the dancing culture flared, and with it the economic basis for swing. In summary, the band played several different songs that I was familiar with even though I will admit, this was my first ever swing music concert. Their music crawls up under your skin and makes you want to move to the beat and just dance. It was ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Jazz Ensemble II: A Concert Review Of A Jazz Concert The name of concert was Jazz Ensemble II. It was on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 8 p.m. in the Julien J. Studley Theatre. The director of this concert was John Menegon. There were five instruments available those are bass, trumpet, drums, alto sax, and guitar. In addition to the instruments there were two vocals. Six pieces were played those were How Deep is the Ocean (Irving Berlin), S.T. Louis Blues (W.C. Handy) , Donna Lee/ Back Home in Indiana (Charlie Parker/ Ballard MacDonald, James F. Hanley) , Motion Detector (John Menegon) , A night in Tunisia (music by Dizzy Gillespie, lyric by Ella Fitzgerald) , and the last one was I don't need No Doctor (music by John Mayer), respectively. I liked the most Donna Lee/Back Home in Indiana which were ... Show more content on ... I can say that I listened a quality jazz concert with little problems. However, this kind of things can happen in the all concert. I congratulate to all players and vocals because to play and sing jazz is hard. They were wonderful. I was never bored during the concert. I could not understand how the concert finished because I thought that before the concert there were six songs so it will be a long concert but it finished fast. The participation was high to the concert. It was certain that the concert will be good from the crowded. I really enjoy to listen jazz so I also went to the jazz ensemble concert last year. Before I went to this year concert, I thought that it will be perfect concert because the last year concert was awesome. To be honest, although this year concert was good, the last year one was more than better. Therefore, I was disappointed little bit. I will go to the jazz ensemble concert next year. I hope it will be perfect because we have very talented teachers and students in jazz. The jazz ensembles concerts can be much better. If the players play very well, their audiences increase because there are quite big jazz audience potential in the SUNY New Paltz. It was good concert but I believe the better ones will be in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Jazz History Concert Report On The Concert Jazz History Concert Report The date of the concert was October 5, 2016 and the title of the concert is "Experimental Improvisation with: Kjell Nordeson & Peter Kuhn". The concert was performed in Mesa College Music building. Peter Kuhn had three instruments with him a bass clarinet, saxophone, and a Bb Clarinet. He used the bass clarinet and the saxophone during his first piece, and the clarinet on the second piece. Kjell Nordeson was on the drum but had a lot of instruments with him. Sometimes he would play the drums as a drums set but sometimes he would put some sort of objects on top of the drum to create different sound effects. He also had a small glockenspiel and a flexatone. The concert hall was very simple, had a ... Show more content on ... It is a formless music, but because the performers are quite literally composing in the moment, there were three noticeable sections in the piece. The first part was developing an idea, slowly getting used to each other's sounds, sometimes gentle and sometime aggressive. Beginning of the improvisation the drumbeat is simple but rather random. There is no set pattern that I could find, but the tom–tom pattern was rather similar so I think that was the main motif. The bass clarinet also started an idea, a 6–note pattern downward without any tonal center. He slowly develops this idea by playing a similar patters, or sequence, to concrete the idea for the audience but slightly mutating the motif little by little each time he plays it. He never plays the same way again. As the bass clarinet gets more active by increasing the amount of notes played and the intensity of the tone, the drum slowly matches the bass clarinet in aggressiveness. The drum plays very sudden loud snare drum occasionally, creating tension in the music with already atonal bass clarinet. Then the drummer starts to put a cymbal and a pad on two different drums to create a very dull thick sound. The bass clarinet and the drum both simultaneously becomes very aggressive, loud, and complex at this point. Bass clarinet sounds very similar to a saxophone at this point. The drummer still ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Analysis Of Jazz Ensemble Concert On October 26, 2017, in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall at the University of South Alabama, there was Jazz Ensemble Concert directed by Tracy Heavner. The night was filled with the rhythmic groove of jazz. By writing this report I hope to show you, the reader, a new perspective of Jazz Music. The first piece, Lady Bird, by Tadd Dameron was written in 1939. The Jazz Ensemble began the piece by putting their full hearts in it. By using repetition of the melody in the saxophones and clarinets it helps the ensemble build suspense. Once the tenor saxophone comes in with a solo, the performer runs through chromatic scales smoothly. The ensemble continues with the melody leading to a heavy melody held in the trumpets until an alto saxophone comes in and takes the melody away. The rest of the ensemble holds the countermelody that compliments the alto saxophone well. The alto saxophone passes the melody to the piano where then it was passed to a trombone. This piece took one melody and bounces it all around the ensemble to show off different performers abilities with their instruments. The second piece, Makin' Whoopee, by Gus Kahn and Walter Donaldson was written in 1928. This piece was made famous by Eddie Cantor. This piece adds suspense in the low brass with a repeating melody in the woodwinds. A trombone comes out in a solo with a slow tempo and a low dynamic making the sound very legato. By placing a mute in a trumpet this piece of music ended with an edgy ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. A Jazz Concert Analysis Composed by Leonardo Bernstein in 1949, Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz Ensemble is the short music which is classified as the classical concert but has more musical elements of jazz music. The instruments used in this music are "solo clarinet, saxes and trumpets in fives, four trombones, piano, string bass, and drums." ("Leonard Bernstein Prelude, Fugue & Riffs, for Clarinet & Jazz Ensemble.") The music has three movements and each title of these clearly represent what kind pieces are these. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 23) The first movement is the prelude, an introduction to the music, played by brass instruments. The texture of this movement is mostly homophonic, the energetic melodies of brasses accompanied by beats ... Show more content on ... Thus, many people would think that there is no reason to participate actual concerts by spending money. I have the same opinion, even since I have fascinated by some music the orchestra played. The technology like digital records today allows us to listen to high–quality music, or sometimes these have even better quality than real concerts. In fact, the symphony I listed was almost nothing different from the video on YouTube except the feeling in terms of the atmosphere. However, I realized this atmosphere is the most important advantage of actual concert and the reason why still so many people love to listen to music at concert halls. Without these enthusiastic audiences, the field of music has never developed and won't develop in the future. The program guide was not only useful to get information about music that the orchestra played but also contained interesting facts. The one thing I did not know before is how widely this concert hall and orchestra are supported by communities, companies, and even individuals. On the last some pages of the program guide, there are hundreds of names which or who donated for The Philadelphia Orchestra. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 42–60) In addition, it was my new discovery that this organization globally active and contribute for the regional vitalization. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Student Jazz Ensemble Concert Report On April 4, 2017, I attended the Student Jazz Ensemble at the State University of New York at New Paltz. The concert held in the Julien J. Studley Theatre at 8 pm. It was an impressive student spring concert series performed by the students from our college. Although the concert was not performed as the professional concerts held in famous places, it was great opportunity for the campus community to listen that kind of musical activity. I have attended the same Jazz Ensemble concert in the previous spring semester because one of my friends from Turkey was playing saxophone during the performance like he did in this performance. The Jazz Ensemble was composed of eleven students and they played different music during the concert. They played music based on classic jazz pieces and some of the pieces were familiar to me because I remember them from my past experience. The instruments were regular for a jazz band, however, I have never take attention before, so, listening these different instruments' voices in a very harmonized way was amazing. There was a trumpet player, two vocals, electric and acoustic guitarists, saxophone players, electric and double bass players and a drum player in the band. ... Show more content on ... As a first music, the band played a song which they created on the stage which was really interesting because the members of the band played the music very harmonized and symmetrical way. The most interesting part of this unfamiliar experiment was that each member of the band played extemporaneously notes based on their own preference. After that music, "How Deep is the Ocean" by Irving berlin was played. The following one was the "St. Louis Blues" by the W. C. Handy. The songs were slow and easy–going songs which I really liked to ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Jazz Concert Review Essay We had just performed on front of a crowd of about 80 people. Upstairs, listening to the jazz music from other schools we were very tired, it has been a long Friday and it was 10:00 in the afternoon. We were dancing to the jazz music alone, smiling, and the only thing coming out of our mouth was laughter, and the imitation of the vibrant sounds coming from the shining trumpets on the stage below us. The Jazz Festival in Oak Harbor was amazing, even though I didn't hang out with a lot of people, but that was fine by me, I just talked and danced the through the late day and night with my best friend. This friend brought out the best of me, and I was filled with an emotion so strong, I never wanted to see the sun rise, that night, in the sky ever again; to see the same moon from when I was singing and dancing with this person, oh no, not this feeling. The road is craggy, obviously it needed repair, which was exactly what was going on. Construction crews stopped our van, which held Mr. Jenkins, Claire, Connor, Mckenzie Rice, my best friend and me. Our band director, Mr. Jenkins was driving, Mckenzie got shot–gun, Claire and Connor were sitting in the middle playing a card game; Go Fish, which was really difficult ... Show more content on ... I shrugged my shoulders and said "No, I don't like going to dances, and I'm tired so I am going home instead and going to sleep" My friend asked "well can I get a ride?" As I noticed my shoe was untied, I bent down to tie it, and as I'm tieing it, I respond "I guess so, I doubt my grandma will mind". Then we started to walk again, eventually my friend noticed I had something on my mind and asked about it, I quickly responded and said "I love you too". My friend stared blankly and asked "too?" "Ya too, remember when you said that on the van ride during honor band?" Almost at the school my friend professed " Oh, I didn't think you heard ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Concert Review: Jazz Showcase C Naomi Penny 7/08/2016 Mus 397 Concert Review #2 This weekend I attended a wonderful All Stars show at the Jazz Showcase held by Pianist Willie Pickens on Friday, July , 08, 2016, at 8:00 pm . As I mentioned in my first concert review the Jazz Showcase is located at the Dearborn Station in Chicago, IL . This time I went to this jazz performance with my two older sisters. Although I already got to walk around the place the first time I visited, it was my sisters first time there and they want to walk around and look at the memorabilia on the walls . The Jazz Showcase consist of two main levels known as the "Upstairs level" and " Downstairs level" . The first time I came to the Jazz showcase I was seated in the "Downstairs ... Show more content on ... This song had a steady rhythm flow by the percussion, bass, and piano. Song also had a repeatedly melody lines and slowing to a standstill only. This harmony and the way the music was played gave off a genuinely unhappy feeling. The sound was somewhat mournful . Pickens performance this song with large and complex chords.This songs came off to me as sentimental, dramatic, and amiable . The song started slowly and disorganized but soon picked up a little into the normal rhythm that is usually frequent to jazz.At the end of the last song Pickens added in a quick sample of one of his songs called straight no chaser . This song is basically an solo . It was quicker than the other songs it remind me of an intro or outro . Overall the concert was great, but I enjoyed myself more than I expected. Their music is intimate, stylish, and passionate. If you missed out on the performance at the Jazz showcase, you be able to look up their music online or buy their most recent recordings at the Jazz showcase if you're ever in Chicago.Their next performance is Friday, July 23, and is definitely worth checking ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. High School Jazz Concert Report This concert took place on Thursday March 16, 2017 in the Atkinson Recital Hall located at New Mexico State University in the Music Center at 7:30 in the evening. The concert consisted of four jazz bands, NMSU jazz one and two as well Las Cruces High school jazz band one and two. The first the stage the NMSU jazz II, director by Pancho Romero. The first song they had played was "Primera Vista composed by Wayne Wallace". Along with the jazz band they also have a few percussionists as well, on bongos, xylophone, and a drum set. The band also played two more songs called "Undecided arranged by Mike Tomaro/Shavers" and "Afro Blue arranged by Michael Mossman/Santamaria". My favorite was the Afro blue song, there was a lot of solos which I loved ... Show more content on ... The band was directed by Jordan Sayre and Arnold Rose. The band started off with "Perdido Arranged by Roland Barret/Juan Tizol". For a high school band they had very strong beginning, the song was very fast tempo, and lots of bold accents through the piece. The tenor sax was really the star of this piece the band was really following him instead the tenor sax kind of keeping time and beat. The band played about 2 more songs and LCHS Jazz I came on to stage about played another 3 songs as well. One the played was Called "The Chicken arranged by Kris Berg/Alfred James". This songs included a lot of saxophones solos from alto sax to baritone sax. The trumpet also played a big part to for solo, this piece they did lot of crescendos as well as decrescendos. It gave a more bold jazz feeling which I really enjoyed. Last but not least the NMSU jazz I came about on the stage to finish out the concert. They had four songs to play instead of three like the other bands. They started off with "Cell Talk composed by Sammy Nestico". This piece was a calmer piece like a modern typical jazz piece. There was great transitions as well bold accents through the pieces. The band ends with a piece called "Uno Mas composed by Paul Lopez". This piece was more fast tempo as well bold accents was well especially from the trumpets. It gave me more a swing vibe it was super neat to hear. This piece was perfect ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. jazz concert review Essay The first question I asked myself at the beginning of the quarter was how much do I actually know about jazz? I have always characterized jazz music as a rhythmic and instrumental form of music. My impression on the basis of the jazz has always been portrayed with the African–American race. I think this was build up from the rhythm 'n' blues era and meaning according to the dictionary ("style of music that was invented by African American musicians in the early part of the twentieth century and has very strong rhythms and often involves improvisation"). But Louis Armstrong's famous reply was "if you had to ask, you'll never know". Whatever else he meant, he was at least saying that jazz is noticeable, but not necessarily understandable by ... Show more content on ... Maynard Ferguson, jazz legend, internationally renowned big band leader and one of the world's greatest trumpet players with his Big Bop Nouveau Band. He draws upon bebop, straight–ahead jazz, funk, swing, classical and contemporary music to create a fresh sound within the classic big band form. (cite from Jazz Alley web site) Because me being Korean, I personally was little surprised and impressed by two Korean were members of his big band. A massive piano player, Ji Young Lee, pretty amazing in all pieces, her extended work on "but beautiful" was really lovely and the most memorable. Stockton, powerful drum player, thrilled the audience especially one of my friend, with his solos. He was banging away using all his gear, play in energetic and lively. M.F. and his band provided a remarkable arrangement of "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone," as well as some elegant and very impressive, as Maynard ended a song by playing a soft muted trumpet, while the rest of the band played softer and softer, creating the effect of a fade–out. Really high and loud all night long... including my self and my friends, the audience seemed really appreciating his hit medley at the end. It made us to believe that he plays over the top with excellent showmanship. Our waitress was little busy most of that night but the cocktail was good so it was okay and the lighting was perfect. Oh, one ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Jazz Concert Essay I attended one of the many Jazz concerts held here at Friends University. Somehow I always get stuck in the far back and off to the side of the concert hall and I don't get to hear the music that well .I usually get to hear the voices clearly or an earful of some of the instruments then I can't hear the other side playing. This time I finally was able to get a perfect middle seat on the floor. I had a great view of everyone and the acoustics were fabulous. Since I'm not use to going to jazz concerts in particular, I asked one of the music majors here at Friends what I should expect. They informed me that I must have the right mindset in order to fully appreciate the art of Jazz. I should be ready for anything and plenty of fun. So with that, I went in with a completely ... Show more content on ... They also provided small improvised solos for some of the students, with of course the saxophone being the main one. Although, I believe the person playing the bass lacked something. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it felt like something was off with his playing. I'm thinking it was more issues with technical skills or maybe just a problem with sound. His improv skills could have used a little bit more polishing, but he did used a couple of different, simple scales repetitively. The group as a whole had great rhythm and appealing attitudes towards us, the audience. The audience then reflected that same attitude back to the performers. That made it a lot easier to analyze this performance in comparison to others I've been to. I particularity enjoyed the saxophone player's solos. Something about the tone of it seemed more expressive than the other instruments. Those solos were definitely the most creative and had more complexity to them. This theme was kept through most of the first half of the concert. It was kind of hard to hear or at least catch things that weren't quite so ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Jazz Concert Critique Jazz Critique Video #1 The YouTube channel Jazz at Lincoln Center posted a video of an Untamed Elegance concert. According to their description of the video, it was composed by Victor Goines and performed October 28, 2016 at the Rose Theater. The video is approximately fifty three minutes long and includes key jazz instruments that were played by extremely talented musicians. Sherman Irby and Ted Nash played the alto saxophone. Victor Goines and Walter Blanding played the tenor saxophone. Paul Nedzela played the baritone saxophone. Vincent Gardner, Elliot Mason and Chris Crenshaw played the trombone while Shareef Clayton, Kenny Rampton, Marcus Printup, and Wynton Marsalis played the trumpet. Adam Birnbaum played the piano, Carlos Henriquez ... Show more content on ... He shortly talks about what the concert will consist of. The concert opens with an introductory song that sounds extremely presidential and is played using all of the instruments on stage. It is similar to how Hail to the Chief is played. That is usually played right before introducing the president of the United States. This concert has pieces named after former presidents and their speeches. After the introduction is played John F. Kennedy's first inauguration speech is spoken by a man that is not performing with the group. He reads Kennedy's speech and then the band plays the song that was inspired by the speech. The same is done for the rest of the former presidents of the United States as well as Jawaharlal Nehru Winston Churchill, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Nelson Mandela. The melody played "Ask not what Your Country Can Do for you" was based off of the tone in Kennedy's voice as he gave his speech. As was each other melody that was inspired by other leaders. There was saxophone improvisation during this song and though it was an improvisation it seemed to fit in perfectly with the rest of the song. It was a simple improvisation but was still very powerful. There was also a short trumpet solo that was just as simple yet powerful as the one on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Essay On Jazz Concert My second concert I attended was on October 4th at 7:30pm. This concert was the Washburn University Jazz Ensembles, I went to this concert with my boyfriend, Dylan. I decided to choose to go to the Jazz concert because I have always been interested in jazz; however, I have never attended a jazz concert before. Therefore, I believe it would be an amazing date idea for me and my boyfriend to attend. Which, the jazz concert was an amazing, and fun date night idea. The concert was split into 3 different types of jazz bands. Firstly, was the Washburn University Jazz Orchestra, they only played four songs; however they were amazing. In fact, my favorite song that they performed was called the Filthy McNasty. This song was my favorite because the ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. A Jazz Concert Report An Evening of Jazz On November 17th, 2016, I attended a jazz concert and had quite a time. The experience was captivating, and gave me a warm feeling inside. There were three different bands that play in the hour slot, and all of them sounded magnificent, but "The Santé Fe Jazz Combo" and "Santa Fe Big Band" stood out the most. The only thing these two bands have in common is that some of the musicians play in both bands. Otherwise, these jazz fanatics are polar opposites. When listening to "The Santé Fe Jazz Combo," you get a mellow feeling that courses through your body. Their opener "Recorda–Me," which was my favorite piece, featured solos from Dr. Hamilton on Piano, Spencer Hoefert on Guitar, Ben Salhanick on Bass, Doc B on Alto Sax, Wyatt Thomas on Trombone, and Noah Woolard on Drum Set. The song had a moderate swing tempo that kept your feet tapping up until the solo. First, the brass rang through their part, then the electric instruments. Next came the bass; he was strumming so fast but he was barely audible. The pianist busting through with a tricky piano rift and the drummer finished it off with an intense solo. Every rim–shot sent a jolt into the air like lightning and the buzz rolls sounded like thunder. Noah's part reminded me why I love playing the drums. ... Show more content on ... Lawrence. The big band spiced it up when they quickened the tempo on this usually slow song. "Santé Fe Big Band" was a crowd favorite and I completely understand why. Opposed to "The Santé Fe Jazz Combo", "Santé Fe Big Band" plays with speed. To accommodate the band, Gerald Bigas provided smooth vocals that mixed beautifully with the hefty brass section. The whole ensemble's collaboration was effortless. Right when you think it is over, Michael Gray comes out with a Soprano Saxophone and plays a smooth solo that sends you into a nostalgic episode of watching the "Finding Nemo" ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Jazz Concert Essay On Friday night, November 13, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. I attended the Manhattan School of Music for the Jazz Orchestra that performed by Jazz vocalists and MSM alumni Jane Monheit and many other musicians. That place is unlikely the ordinary place, people have appropriate dress on and have nicely etiquette toward the performers, unlike me, many of audiences seem like that they come to this concert with certain knowledge of Jazz orchestra. And its musical venue was the ideal spot for the concert, so I sat in a decent spot spot that located at midst of the concert hall where I can view all the performers and hear performers' music clearly. And the conductor informally began the show was quite nicely and politely which made me feel really comfortable ... Show more content on ... The instruments in the first gathering included bass, drums, conga, trumpet, alto saxophone, shaker and vibraslap. They performed two quick tempo melodies for drums and percussion, and every instrumentalist was given the chance to hold a performance. All through the execution of the first gathering, the bass player was absence of innovativeness and specialized abilities that should have been be cleaned; his spontaneous creation was a progression of specific scales that were dull and basic. Then again, he was extremely rhythmical and had decent state of mind toward the group of onlookers, coordinating great with drums and knew how to connect with the gathering of people. Particularly, the alto saxophone player was not the same as different instrumentalists, since his tones were more vividly communicated than some other payers. His act of spontaneity was confounded and inventive too. His pitch and rhythms were exact. Notwithstanding that, he executed as harmony with trumpet player in a brief moment performing melody, where he demonstrated a decent feeling of flow. In general, despite the fact that every part of the orchestra possessed the differential musical skill, but they coordinated with each other quite ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. How To Describe A Jazz Concert I attended the University of Indianapolis Jazz Ensemble on Wednesday, October 11, 2017. The concert was located in the Ruth Lilly Performance Hall at 7:30p.m. The band played a total of eight different songs, varying in the types of jazz. I perceived the overall mood of the whole concert as energizing, powerful, and uplifting. I was also able to apply much of the knowledge that I learned in class to the event. To begin with, the concert started out with a piece from Count Basie called "Hay Burner." This piece was done by a big band, a band with many instruments and musicians, and that is exactly how it was performed by the University of Indianapolis Jazz Ensemble. The band had a total of four sections: saxophones, trumpets, trombones, and rhythm sections. Throughout the piece, the band focused mostly on the ensemble rather than the soloist, however, the alto saxophone did have a solo. This piece reminded me mostly of the boogie–woogie style of jazz, due to its bluesy tones and driving piano style. ... Show more content on ... However, each song was heavily syncopated. The next song that really stuck out to me was originally performed by John Coltrane. The song featured many notes and different Coltrane changes. Coltrane changes are when the chord progressions were even more complex than bebop. The song, "Impressions," to me did not seem to fit into any category that was learned in the classroom. It mostly just sounded like an upbeat flourish of notes. Both the trombones and trumpets used mutes, giving their instrument an airy, deeper sound. They used those at the beginning and end of the song, giving it a unique ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Caribbean Jazz Concert Report On October the 20th, Thursday, 2014 I went to a Kompa Night Afro–Haitian Caribbean Jazz concert that was located at ––––––– I have always loved to go to jazz concert and I thought it was a great idea and experience that we get to hear other music and see the effect that music not only has for us but other people. I had the abilities to sit next to other people and hear one of the most wonderful piece of music that was created by the artist which made me feel mature and accepted into the music world. Before I sat and let the concert start I got to see the instrument that was there to play. I saw a Guitar, African drum, regular beating drums, Keyboard, piano, and a weird quite rare thing they used which supposed to be a cowbell. The things that ... Show more content on ... Another thing I appreciate from the concert is the transition from the different tome of song and the different sounding they would create also. The rich legacy of traditional Afro–Haitian rhythms and melodies, and blends them with the instrumentation, melodic/harmonic sensibilities and improvisation of modern jazz. I could not really explain the lyric and the song being played because it is not what I usually hear but know the language, the main point of the songs that was being play were about love, inner soul, and tribute to our country and culture Haiti and many others as well. The history in this concert brought my attention to something quite similar that is called Rara. Rara is the music played throughout Kanaval, an anarchic folk–meets–punk collision of drums, voices and bamboo sticks which all creates an exciting, energizing soundtrack to Kanaval in Haiti. Rara bands tour the countryside for days at a time accosting people, car drivers and anyone in their way, demanding payment before they move on and the crowd of musicians and singers gets bigger all the time. I remember seeing this event that happened every year when ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Concert Jazz Report Essay Esa Mahmood Music July 11, 2013 Butts Jazz Concert Report The concert I decided to go to was held in Valley Brewing Company. The event was called "Take 5, Jazz at the Brew". I went to the show July 11, 2013. The group I saw didn't have a name. It was just a group of people performing together. The concert hall was a very nice venue. It was on an extended closed off area past the common area at the bar. The area was very dim lit and was decorated very fancy and elaborate. The music that was played that night was Jazz. The group had 4 people in the group and they all came from different backgrounds. The Drummer was a young African American male that was very talented. The trumpet player was a heavy set Caucasian male that looked ... Show more content on ... The song was called "Funk Indeed Free". The texture to this song was very soft. Not all the instruments were competing with each other like the last song. The song had some form to it aside from the trumpet. The trumpet was very wild and had many different ranges. The melody was the same throughout the song aside from the trumpet as well. There was a steady flow throughout the whole song. The dynamic of the song was very calm and quiet aside from the trumpet. I didn't appreciate that because it was so distracting. The tempo was at a mild pace. Not all the instruments were played during this song. It was only 2 instruments played at a time during the whole time. The next song on the playlist was called "Everything Happens To Me". The texture to this was very soft as well. The instruments were playing off each other but it was still a freestyle type of song. I think jazz is generally played like freestyle. There was no melody to this song. The rhythm was not existent as well. It was more of a free flowing song. This song had a very quiet dynamic. It sounded very romantic like something out of a movie. The tempo of the song was very slow and mild but the trumpet was going very fast. The cello and the drums had a portion of the song where they fed off each other's energy and the trumpet was doing its own thing. The last song on the set list was called "Talk About It". The texture was very thick because all the instruments were playing over ... Get more on ...