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Le Châtelier And The Franco-Prussian War
As mentioned prior, in 1907, Le Châtelier was elected to the French Academy of Sciences, where
most of his work was dedicated to directing his students' research work at the Sorbonne and the
École des Mines (where he worked as a professor). In an incredible opportunity, Le Châtelier due to
his position, and respect given from his colleagues and achievements, he was chosen as a scientific
perspective within many government committee meetings concerned with such issues, such as the
manufacture of explosive materials and military equipment (his experience within the Franco–
Prussian War was a great advantage). This position in the French government allowed him to
preview and sit through many plans regarding France's attacks and military nuclear
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Gregor Mendel And Marie Curie Research Paper
Born into poverty, both Gregor Mendel and Marie Curie made it very far in the world of science,
earning many degrees. I learned many interesting facts about Gregor Mendel who is the "father of
modern genetics" and Marie Curie who discovered radioactivity used for x–rays. Even though
Mendel and Curie made it very far in the world, I feel that Mendel's contributions had more of an
impact on science.
Born Johann Mendel, Gregor grew up in a family of small farmers who made financial sacrifices to
pay for his education. In 1843, Mendel's father expected him to take over the family farm, but
Mendel started studying to be a monk instead. Marie worked as a governess until she saved up
enough money at the age of 24, to buy a train ticket to Paris to begin her studies at Sorbonne. She
made ends meet by cleaning glassware in university labs. She also rationed ... Show more content on ...
Darwin's book "The Origin of Species" talks about how species evolve by means of mutation and
natural selection. Another way that Mendel's theory on Genetics impacts society is our food.
Genetics is used to yield better crops and the reproduction of animals. Marie Curie identified both
polonium and radium in 1898 and describe the elements as "radio–active." Marie and her husband
Pierre shared the Noble Prize in physics with Becquerel in 1903. And in 1911, she received a second
Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry.
In conclusion, Mendel and Curie both had a positive impact on the world of Allied Health. Mendel's
work with pea plants contributed to the Allied Health field by giving the fundamental laws of
genetics. Radioactivity that Curie helped discovered led to new therapeutic and diagnostic methods
in medicine. Mendel's experiments led to a greater understanding of genetics. As you can see,
Mendel had a greater impact on society because his laws about genetics affects our crops, our own
human genetics and the genetics of
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Education From Rabelais ' Perspective
Education from Rabelais' Perspective
The Renaissance altered centuries of thought in Europe. One figured who contributed to
revolutionizing though was the author Francois Rabelais who wrote comedic critiques of his world.
In his stories of Gargantua and Pantagruel the author critiques many aspects of sixteenth century
life– especially the education system. He examines previous educational attitudes, as well as those
during his time. As a humanist thinker, Rabelais values education and reform. The author was
extremely familiar with the university system in France during the Renaissance because he himself
studied in these places. Francois Rabelais emphasizes that education has progressed since the
Middle Ages, but he also affirms problems still persist during the Renaissance period.
Rabelais critiques medieval education to demonstrate the flawed system prior to the Renaissance.
Rabelais finds issue with "traditional scholastic debates pro et contra" due to their loose connection
to seeking truth (M.A. Screech 30). He communicates his personal distress through Pantagruel's
rants about prior scholars glossing worthwhile texts (Rabelais 33). Glossing, or commentary by
scholars, was a popular scholastic pursuit before the Renaissance. Rabelais found it to detract from
the texts overall value. The author also uses Gargantua, Pantagruel's father, who lived during the
prior period to emphasize the many additional specific failures of medieval education. He writes
Pantagruel a
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Jean Vygotsky Vs Piaget
How do children think and how do they learn? These questions could possibly be answered by
exploring the psychological perspective. The cognitive developmental theory seeks to describe how
knowledge is obtained in addition to the construction of thought processes. The first individual who
proposed a methodical cognitive developmental theory was Jean Piaget, however, there are many
other theories pertaining to cognitive development, for instance, those of Lev Vygotsky. Piaget
developmental approach derived from a self–supporting, biological perspective, whereas Vygotsky's
approach acquired social and environmental factors. Despite the differences or strengths and
weaknesses, both made astonishing cognitive applications to child development.
Jean William Fritz Piaget, also known as Jean Piaget was born on August 9, 1896, in Neuchatel,
Switzerland; born to Rebecca Jackson and Arthur Piaget; both of which had a major impact on
Piaget's life. Piaget's father was a medieval–literary scholar with an interest in local history. Piaget
idolized his father's dedication to work and adopted his skeptical, scientific attitude at an early age.
However, Piaget often described his mother as neurotic or poor in mental health combined with her
religious enthusiasm which lead Piaget to become enticed with psychology.
Unfortunately, Piaget grew up quite fast but had various interests. From age seven to ten, he became
interested in mechanics, birds, seashells, and fossils of secondary
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A Secret Lost In The Water Thing
POV: First Person Plot: Intro: The father had felt left, when his son went off to school. Initiating
Incident: When his father called him to the bushes. Rising Actions: The father shows his son how to
find water using an alder branch. The son never really thought about the lesson. He then moves on
with his life by getting married, having children and travelling. Climax: The climax is when it the
story says "T he alder stayed motionless in my hands and the water beneath the earth refused to
sing." Because we knew he lost the gift at that point. Conclusion: When the narrator tried to put their
father's teaching in action by holding the alder branch waiting for it to writhe, ... Show more content
on ...
When the father calls him out to the bushes and he finds the stick. Theme: ●Remember what people
teach you because it may help you later in life. ●Sometimes advice is lost through generations ●
Formal education is important because the lessons and knowledge we gain from the wisdom from
others. Personification: An example of personification in the story is "the branch is squirming," said
by the narrator.
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Marie Curie and The Discobery of Radim and Plonium Essay
Marie Curie... She is best known for her discovery of radium and polonium and her work with
radioactivity. She encountered times of adversity in her career just because she was a woman, but
she met her challenges and overcame them. Marie Curie exceeded the barriers put on women in her
time to become one of the world's most famous scientists and used her knowledge to the benefit of
Marie Curie was breaking barriers even when she was young. Marya Salomee Sklodowska was born
on November 7, 1867 in Russia controlled Poland. From an early age, Sklodowska showed a great
memory and exceptional intelligence. In Poland, not many institutions, including the University of
Warsaw, welcomed women. She wanted so badly to further pursue an ... Show more content on ...
With her experiments, she became the first woman in France to get a doctorate. Curie decided to
continue Henri Becquerel's experiments with X–rays. She came up with the groundbreaking idea
that the rays were actually an atomic property. The paper she wrote reporting her discoveries had to
be presented through her professor because women weren't allowed to address the Academy of
Sciences. With this, she continued her work to find new elements. First, she found polonium, which
is named for her home country, and then she discovered radium. Pierre and Marie's greatest work
was done in a run–down shed. They worked from 1898 to 1902. The Curies could have made a
fortune if they patented their process of extracting and refining radium, but they decided share their
knowledge with the world.
Marie Curie became the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize when the Curies shared the Nobel
Prize in Physics with Becquerel in 1903 for their work with radioactivity. In the 1900s, women still
had a relegated role in science. Marie Curie wasn't allowed to speak with her husband on stage at the
award ceremony and had to sit in the audience. Her mere presence was an affront to men. Some
members of the Nobel Prize committee even considered not including her in the prize at all, despite
the fact that she was largely responsible for the discovery.
She would later win a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry, in 1911 for discovering the
elements radium and polonium and
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The Life of Marie Curie Essay examples
I chose to do my project on Marie Curie, the woman who discovered radium and polonium. She was
born Mary Sklodowska on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland and died July 4, 1934 in Passy,
France at the age of 67. In 1895, Marie married a professor named Pierre Curie at the age of 26. She
was the first woman to complete a doctorate in France in MMMM at the age xxx. And in
MMMMM, Curie was also the first female professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first person to use
the term "radioactivity", which is the term still used till this day. Marie Curie was born the youngest
child of five, to parents which were both teachers, Marie was driven to excel. A top student at her
secondary school, she could not attend an all men only university. ... Show more content on ...
Marie was fascinated with the work of Henri Becquerel the French physicist that discovered
uranium which emits rays weaker than the x–rays found by Wilhelm Roentgen.
This is what led Curie to take Becquerel's work a few steps further and conduct her own
experiments on uranium rays. She discovered that the rays were constant no matter what form or
condition of the uranium. She theorized the rays came from the atomic structure. This idea was
revolutionary and created its own field in science, known as the atomic physics, this is when Marie
coined the word "radioactivity" to describe the phenomena. Even when they had their first daughter
Irene in 1897 there work did not slow. Pierre then stopped his own studies to help Marie with her
new discovery of radioactivity. In 1898 they discovered a new radioactive element. They named it
polonium after Marie's native country, Poland. They detected the presence of another radioactive
element and called this radium. In 1902 they had extracted pure radium to prove its existence as a
unique chemical element.
Marie curie made history in 1903 when she became the first woman to get a Nobel Prize in physics.
With their prize winning the Curie's got an international reputation for their scientific efforts. With
the prize money they continued their research and went even further. The next year in 1904, they
had their second daughter Eve. In 1906 Marie suffered a tremendous loss; when Pierre accidentally
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The Three Types Of David Emile Durkheim's Theory Of Suicide
In this essay I will explain about Durkheim theory of suicide,which were categorize in three
types.Firstly, I will include an introductory history of Emile Durkheim about his life and work
throughout his life.Secondly,an elaboration on the theory of suicide followed the three types of
suicide which are altruistic,egoistic and anomic (which I will be focus more in this essay) . Lastly, a
relation of society in Brunei with one of Durkheim's theory of suicide.
Firstly, I will include an introductory history of Emile Durkheim about his life and work throughout
his life. David Emile Durkheim was born on April 15, 1858 in Epinal, capital town of the
department of Vosges, in Lorraine. He is one of an outstanding student at the Collège d'Epinal,
Durkheim ... Show more content on ...
Despite poor health already induced by overwork, he devoted himself to the cause of national
defense, organizing a committee for the publication of studies and documents on the war, to be sent
to neutral countries in the effort to undermine German propaganda. Several patriotic pamphlets were
written by Durkheim himself, and sent to his fellow–countrymen in the effort to maintain the
national pride. But for the most part, Durkheim was unaffected by the war hysteria, and, though
always a patriot, was never a nationalist. Indeed, by 1916, he was concerned lest a German military
defeat be turned to the advantage of the conservative, "clerical" party in France; and on at least two
occasions, as a native of Alsace–Lorraine and as a Jew with a German name, Durkheim suffered
aspersions of disloyalty motivated by the most vulgar kind of
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The Panthéon
The Panthéon is one of the most popular attractions in Paris. It is famous for a fabulous 19th century
church and now a civil temple.
The Panthéon is located near the Sorbonne University and the Jardin du Luxembourg and looks over
the Quartier Latin. According to history, King Clovis was chosen this place as a minster to build up
his tomb.
This construction was started building in 1575 by Paris architect Jacques Germain Soufflot. He
designed and took charge of it. This task takes during 34 years and just finished until 1791.
The Interior of the Panthéon is really unique and creative. It is used to accommodate the remains of
the great men of France. After that it was adjusted as a pantheon by architect Quatremère de Quincy
and since
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Maria Sklodowska Research Paper
Maria Sklodowska was born on November 7, 1867. She was born in Warsaw, Poland by her mother,
Bronsitwa, and father, Ladislas. She was the youngest child, and had three older sisters and one
brother. Ladislas was a math and physics teacher, which later inspired Marie's interest for the
sciences. Bronsitwa passed away of tuberculosis when Marie was just eleven years old. She also had
a sister, Bronya, who Marie worked to support since their mother had passed. Eventually, she
married Pierre Curie and had two daughters, Irene and Eve. Even though her family life was a
struggle, Marie still managed to become a legendary physicist later in life. Curie's father, Ladislas,
being a physics and mathematics educator was the spark which got her interested. From a young
age, Curie was an excellent student; always intrigued by her father's profession. Curie and her sister
always dreamed of education at an elite level. However, with financial lacking and no mother, Marie
and Bronya helped one another pay for a secondary education. Since neither could enlist in Warsaw,
Curie attended Sorbonne in Paris, France where she signed her name as "Marie" rather than Maria to
sound more French. At Sorbonne she earned a master's degree in physics and ... Show more content
on ...
In 1903, Curie was the first woman to ever win a Nobel Prize. Marie and Pierre won the Nobel Prize
in 1903 based on their groundbreaking discoveries in the field of physics. In 1911, Curie won yet
another Nobel Prize in chemistry for discovering elements polonium and radium. Not only did she
win two Nobel Prizes as a female physicist, but she was the first person overall to ever win two
prizes over all.. Additionally in 1903 the Curies were awarded the Davy Medal of Royal Society.
Also, in 1906, she was the first woman to become the Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of
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Essay about Marie Curie
Marie Curie
Marie Curie(1867–1934) was a French physicist with many accomplishments in both physics and
chemistry. Marie and her husband Pierre, who was also a
French physicist, are both famous for their work in radioactivity.
Marie Curie, originally named Marja Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw,
Poland on Nov.7, 1867. Her first learning of physics came from her father who taught it in high
school. Marie's father must have taught his daughter well because in 1891, she went to Paris(where
she changed her original name) and enrolled in the Sorbonne. Then two years later she passed the
Examination for her physics degree ranking in first place. She met Pierre ... Show more content on ...
Curie thus began studying uranium radiation and made it her doctoral thesis. With the aid of an
electrometer built by Pierre, Marie measured the strength of the radiation emitted form uranium
compounds and found it proportional to the uranium content, constant over a long period of time
and influenced by external conditions. She detected a similar immutable radiation in the compounds
of thorium. While checking these results, she made the discovery that uranium pitchblende and the
mineral chalcolite emitted four times as much radiation as their uranium content. She realized that
unknown elements, even more radioactive then uranium must be present. Then in 1898 she drew the
revolutionary conclusion that pitchblende contains a small amount of an unknown radiating element.
Pierre Curie understood the importance of this supposition and joined his wife's work. In the next
year, the Curie's discovered two new radiating elements which they named Polonium(after Maries
native country) and Radium.
They now began the tedious and monumental task of isolating these elements so that their chemical
properties could be determined. During the next four years, working in a leaky wooden shed, they
processed a ton of pitchblende, laboriously isolating from it a fraction of a gram of radium.
In 1903,
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Marie Sklodowska's Life
Marie Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw in 1867. Her family put a put a lot on importance of
education. Both of her parents were teachers gained a lot of her knowledge in physics and chemistry
from her father. Though Marie had a passion for learning, there weren't many options for women in
Poland. Her goal was to be able to study at Sorbonne in Paris, however, due to financial issues she
couldn't. By age 24 she had raised enough money to go to Paris, so she packed her bags and went to
live with her sister, Bronya. Despite it being six years since working on her studies, she was
determined. She knew that Sorbonne could offer her more opportunities, so she overcame the
difficulties. Marie studied math and physics from France's best known mathematicians ... Show
more content on ...
She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry, in 1911, for her research on radium and
polonium. Later biographers questioned whether Marie deserved the prize. They thought radium and
polonium were part of the reason for the 1903 Peace Prize. Marie stated that the award in 1903 was
awarded for a future prize in chemistry and the award in 1903 was the beginning of the discovery on
Radium and Polonium. Chemists have said that the discovery of radium was the greatest
breakthrough since the discovery of oxygen.
The following year, 1911, proved to be a downturn for her life personally. While in Belgium at the
Solvay Conference, she received a message from the press about their curiosity about Paul
Langevin, a fellow physicist. He was suffering from marital problems and supposedly moved homes
to be near Marie. The newspapers made seem that the two of them were having an affair. After
Marie heard about situation, she went to the press and demanded an apology.
Langevin's apartment was broken into and some letters were stolen and given to the press. As the
days past more accusatory articles appeared in the papers. Langevin's mother went to court and tried
to get custody of his four children. No matter what Marie and Paul did, the scandal kept escalating.
There was a front page headline that said "Madame Curie, can she still remain a professor at the
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How Is Marie Cuier Successful
Marie Curie once said "I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." Since the
beginning Curie knew that if she followed her dreams, it wasn't going to be easy and that it was
going to take time. Marie Curie is undeniably courageous because she was able to persevere through
many difficulties, She demonstrated excellence in her field, and she also demonstrated discipline in
the field of science.
Perseverance Curie struggled through many difficulties in her life, but she was able to persevere
through them. One example is "Both Curie and her sister Bronya dreamed of going abroad to earn
an official degree, but they lacked the financial resources to pay for more schooling. Undeterred,
Curie worked out a deal with her sister. ... Show more content on ...
No woman in the world had yet completed that degree." (Pasachoff,Naomi) Curie knew that in the
beginning she was going to have a hard time getting the education she wanted even though, that
didn't stop her. It just made her want to work even harder and she worked hard and that how she
earned a doctorate. The second example is "Marie was not as well prepared as her fellow students.
Nevertheless, through hard work she completed master's degrees in physics and math in only three
years. Living on her own for the first time "Marie worked really hard in her studies and became one
of the greatest students." (Pasachoff,Naomi) Marie Curie had a tough beginning, but even through
the difficulties she still had hope and continued to succeed. The last example that shows discipline
would be "Even afterwards Curie's death Marie worked hard to raise money for her Radium
Institute, including a trip to the United States. But by 1920, she was suffering from medical
problems, due to her exposure to radioactive materials. On July 4, 1934, she died of aplastic anemia,
a blood disease that is often caused by too much exposure to radiation" (Mary Bagley) Marie Curie
had many obstacles in her path and one of them was her husband's death, but even so Curie
continued to work hard to raise money and even when she got sick, she still continued to do what
she loved to
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Marie Sklodowska was born Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was...
Marie Sklodowska was born Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was raised by two teachers who
supported the idea of a good education. She was a great student and was always willing to learn but
the education she desired was not available in Poland so when her sister, Bronya, went to Paris,
Marie followed. Marie went to school in Paris to get a teaching diploma in mathematics and physics
and then to return to Poland. She didn't live with her sister and new brother–in–law because she
liked the freedom she had in an apartment of her own. After 3 years of living in Paris, she received a
diploma in physics and mathematics.
Pierre Curie was an internationally known physicist but not well known in the French scientific
community. His only dream was to ... Show more content on ...
Her results were immediate. She noticed that the element thorium gave off the same rays as
uranium. After a lot of research she came to the conclusion that radiation did not depend on the
compound being studied. She said that it depended on the amount of uranium or thorium. She
concluded that radiation did not depend on the arrangement of atoms in a compound in a molecule
but rather the interior of the atom itself. The discovery was considered to be revolutionary at the
time. She continued to test all elements on the Periodic Table of Elements. Only uranium and
thorium gave off any sort of radiation.
Her next experiment was quite simple. She wanted to test natural ores that contain uranium or
thorium. She gathered samples from geological museums and found that pitchblende was four to
five times active with small amounts of uranium. Pitchblende is a form of the mineral uraninite
occurring in brown or black pitch like masses. Her brand new hypothesis was that a new element
that was considerably more active than uranium was preset in small amounts of ore.
Pierre gave up his research of crystals which he was heavily dedicated to join Marie in her scientific
studies. They both found that strong reactions came from test samples containing bismuth or barium.
Following up on bismuth, Marie discovered that every time she took away an amount of bismuth, a
residue with greater activity was left behind. By 1898, the substance was 300 times the strength of
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Symbolism In Elie Wiesel's Dawn
In the novel Dawn, author Elie Wiesel writes an intriguing story about Elisha, a young man that is
just eighteen years of age. Elisha had a plan for starting his life over after leaving Buchenwald and
he was going to attend the Sorbonne to study philosophy. As happenstance would have it, a young
man by the name of Gad knocked on his door. Though Gad knew everything about him, Elisha
knew nothing of this young stranger that made him feel uncomfortable. However, Gad's intentions
were to have Elisha join a group known as the Movement. Here, Elisha would be trained to become
a terrorist, a blatant killer for their cause. Without much thought, Elisha decides to join their cause,
for there is nothing to lose since he no longer has family or friends.
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Essay about The Father of Microbes: Biography of Louis...
Louis Pasteur was born in the town of Dole, France in a family of tanners. He was born in
December 27, 1822, in a time when the germs and microbes hadn't been discovered. The profession
of tanner is a person who gets leather to become soft and strong. This profession came from his
great grandfather who owned a tanning business since 1763 (Notable Biographies, 2008). As
children, the Jean–Joseph and Jeanne Roqui Pasteur, taught them to be loyal, respect, financial
security, and hard work. By the year of 1831, Pasteur went to Ecole Primaire and to College d'
Arboix (Pasteur Brewing, 2008) where it is believed that he witnesses treatment of rabies on victims
which killed 16 on that day. After that, Pasteur decides to go to Paris to enter at ... Show more
content on ...
Two years later, Pasteur was a professor in the University of Lille, where he helped a helped a
"producer of vinegar from beet juice" (Notable Biographies, 2008). The producer's problem with the
vinegar was that the vinegar would be spoiled and wanted to find a solution to keep it from spoiling.
Pasteur then observed the beet juice with a microscope and found that it had yeast and alcohol. The
action of beet juice and yeast was fermentation. To solve this he heated up the beet juice and
destroyed the yeast. With this, he called this process "pasteurization" (BBC History, 2011). On he
continued, and started to do research on Silkworms. By the year of 1865, Pasteur helped the silk
industry in France. Silkworms were becoming dangerous to the industry because they were ruining
the silk. In four months, Pasteur came up with different methods and solutions to solve the problem.
Despite his great success, his father died, and his two daughters died from the typhoid fever in 1866.
Then his left side of the body was paralyzed due to a cerebral hemorrhage by 1868. However despite
this time of tragic failures, he continued with his works(Notable Biographies, 2008). In the Franco–
German War Pasteur made an spectacular finding! He theorized, as he saw the wounds on the
soldiers and the unsterilized instruments that were used, that the "diseases and infections were
caused by microbes" (Notable Biographies, 2008). He proposed to heat the sterilize the instruments
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The Problems Of A Homo Sociologicus
Homo Sociologicus In life people are born with different desires and that is what makes them who
they are, also being unique from one another. Sometimes being different has some disadvantages on
the person himself and the people around him. In general, there are two kinds of people the ones
who follow and the ones who guide. People have the choice to choose their life style, because each
one is responsible for their own choices that will affect their future. In this paper I will talk about a
serious problem that people are facing, this problem is considered to be a path they will be walking
in for the rest of their life which is homo sociologicus. Homo sociologicus is a person that does not
have an opinion on anything that happens in his life. He is called irrational, irresponsible idiot,
because of ... Show more content on ...
This person has a childish mind that makes him do such childish actions, because children always
deny their bad behavior. For example; when two brothers fight and the mother comes in to see what
is happening, one of them will jump and deny the fact that they were fighting by saying that they
were only playing, when actually they are not. Furthermore, this homo sociologicus is not mature
enough to take the responsibility for his actions and he will keep on blaming others. A homo
sociologicus wants things to be easy, therefore he finds it easier to blame it on others because it is
the best way he can runway from his problem. From the previous example, homo sociologicus is a
person that lacks education. That is why any bad action he does is not considered to be bad and he
immediately would give excuses to why he did that. According to Boudon R. sociologist and
professor in the Paris Sorbonne university, (2006) (pg.151) he noticed that a homo sociologicus
knows that his actions has consequences and that he must take the responsibility or blame
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Marie Curie Essays
Marie Curie was born, Maria Sklodowska on November 7, 1867. She grew up in Warsaw, Poland.
She would become famous for her research on radioactivity. Marie Curie was the first woman to
ever win a Nobel prize, and the first ever to win two Nobel prizes. She is most famous for the
discovery of Radium and Polonium. Her work not only influenced the development of fundamental
science, but also began a new era in medical research and treatment.
Maria was the last of five children. Her oldest sister died of Typhus, one sister became a teacher and
a brother and a sister both became physicians. Her family was not very rich, but education was ...
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During Marie's time, the atom was thought to be the smallest particle in existence. At first, Marie
and Pierre Curie believed that perhaps the atom was covered with cosmic rays. Marie tested
numerous elements to find if other ones than Uranium would make the air conduct electricity better.
Pierre was so interested in Marie's work, that he joined forces with her. Her research had revealed
that two uranium ores, pitchblende and chalcolite were much more radioactive that pure uranium.
Marie concluded that the highly radioactive nature of these ores may possibly be due to
undiscovered elements.
In July of 1898, Marie and Pierre Cure discovered Polonium. They named the element after Marie's
birth country, Poland. Chemically, this new element was very similar to bismuth, but it contained
radioactivity, so it must be new. In December of 1898, the Curie's discovered yet another element.
They named this one radium, from the Latin word for ray. The two new elements had completely
different chemical properties, but they both had very strong radioactivity.
It was not easy for Marie and Pierre to convince the science community of their new findings. Marie
succeeded in separating the radium from the barium, but it wasn't easy. She had to treat very large
amounts of pitchblende, but she had plenty of pitchblende to use. (The Curie's
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Marie Sklodowski Research Paper
Marie Sklodowski was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Both of her parents were
educators and believed that their daughters should be just as educated as their sons. Marie graduated
high school at the age of 15 and was the top of her class. She wished to attend college to study
science but was unable to in her home town because the University of Warsaw did not accept
women. She was, however, able to enroll at Sorbonne in Paris. In 1893 Marie earned her Master's
degree in physics, and again graduated first in her class. She also earned a degree in mathematics in
1894. Marie married Pierre Curie in the summer of 1895. They met at the Municipal School of
Industrial Physics and Chemistry. Together, they studied deeper into radioactivity.
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How Did Marie Curie Contribute To The World
Curie Begins The Cure Marie Curie once said, "I am one of those who think like Nobel, that
humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries." New discoveries help the world in
many ways, but are also able to hurt the world. As her quote said, Marie Curie's discoveries were
ones that accomplished more good from them than evil. Curie helped to discover not only one, but
two elements that are exceptionally important to today's society, Polonium, Radium, and
radioactivity. Many people have heard of Marie Curie at one point in their lives, the vast majority
have probably heard her name in a science class, but fail to recognize her true contribution to
mankind. Her hard work and dedication to her passion has saved numerous people. Cancer is now
treatable, along with ... Show more content on ...
Her work could be the reason an old friend or family member is still alive today. Marie Curie's
passion to be in a lab began at a young age. Marie Curie, originally Marie Sklodowska, was born in
Warsaw, Poland on November 7, 1867. She was the youngest of her five siblings, Zosia, Jozef,
Bronya, and Hela. Her parents both held occupations as teachers. Marie's father, Wladyslaw
Sklodowska, instructed math and physics. Due to the loss of her mother, Bronislawa Sklodowska,
when Marie was ten, the majority of her time was spent beside her father. Since her father was an
instructor of both math and physics, that is where Marie Curie's beginning passion came from.
Persistence raced through Marie's veins when it came to lab work because women did not typically
become scientist during this time period. Marie advanced to attend Warsaw's floating University
after being a top student during all of her secondary
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How Did Marie Curie Contribute To Science
Marie Curie played a major role in the history of science and I will be telling you some information
on her. Marie Curie's real full name is Maria Salomea Skłodowsk (You'll see why I said real). Marie
Curie also played a huge role in the creation of the X–ray by discovering radium, the reason the X–
ray can work the way it does and, also the first woman to ever recieve a Nobel Prize. She was born
November 7, 1867 and she died July 4, 1934 at the age of 66, due to too much radiation exposure.
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Germany. Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist and that was
her field of study during her life and this is the reason why she discovered radiation because she was
always studying chemistry and physics.
Marie Curie was the youngest child in a family of five. 1891 is when Marie Curie first moved to
Paris, France to further pursue her scientific research at the Sorbonne. In France, Maria decided to
changed her name to Marie and left her name as Marie butt, she met a man named Pierre Curie and
got married to him, changing her name to Marie Curie. Marie Curie is one of the most famous
scientists in the world because of the discoveries she made. Marie ... Show more content on ...
Her discovery of radium played a big role on how the X–ray even works..Without the X–ray we
would most likely not be able to see a lot of problems in people, such as not being able to pinpoint
the exact bone that is broken in somebody's body, because if someone breaks a bone and we aren't
able to see which exact bone is broken, that person will be in trouble because we won't be able to do
a lot besides let it heal. Marie Curie also discovered polonium but polonium is usually just used as a
static remover. Polonium did do something more but the biggest thing it's done so far is just be used
in poison beside being a static remover as I just
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Marie Curie Research Paper
A Radioactive Pioneer Impactful discoveries of the past have greatly changed and aided the field of
medicine. Marie Curie is the pioneer of radiation research and has made many contributions to the
health care field, in particular, to that of radiologic sciences. Curie's accomplishments as a physicist
and chemist have brought about enormous scientific breakthroughs in Radioactivity. These
discoveries have paved the way for how radiology is practiced today. Marie Curie was born on
November 07, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Both her parents where school teachers and they placed
extreme importance on education (Huso). Curie was exceptionally brilliant and had an obsessive
thirst for knowledge. However, Poland at this time was overruled by Russia ... Show more content
on ...
While working on her dissertation she became fascinated by the work from Henri Becquerel.
Becquerel's discovery of uranium salts emitting rays inspired her to conduct further research. Within
a couple months of beginning her research she made two important discoveries that "led her to
formulate the theory that the rays were the result of something happening within the atom itself, a
property she called radioactivity" (Goldsmith). She discovered that the rays were emitted from the
anatomical structure of the atom and the outcome was not due to the interaction of molecules. Pierre
Currie later abandoned his own research in crystals to help his wife in testing minerals that revealed
high levels of radioactivity. From Marie Curie's testing she concluded that a new more powerful
element was responsible for the high levels of radioactivity. The Curies confined their research to
the mineral pitchblende because it emitted the strongest rays. They then diligently and progressively
separated pitchblende by chemical analysis. They measured the radioactivity of the separate
components. "In July, 1898, she and Pierre successfully extracted an element from this ore that was
even more radioactive than uranium; they called it polonium in honor of Marie's homeland"
(Goldsmith). Within that same years they identified a more radioactive element. This element which
was embedded in the pitchblende was named radium. To prove their discovery they needed to
isolate a pure form of this element. Which was no easy task, considering that these elements were
extremely small and almost unnoticeable. In 1902 they were able to isolate enough radium to
confirm its existence. Marie Curie then received a doctorate degree from the Sorbonne University,
making it the first awarded to a women in Europe. In 1903 Pierre and Marie Curie and Henri
Becquerel where jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for their
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When Obsession Becomes Deadly: The Life of Marie Curie Essay
When Obsession Becomes Deadly: The Life of Marie Curie Marie Curie, a pioneer in her field and
Nobel Prize winning Chemist, took a path that few women of her time dared and unfortunately, her
passion for Science would be her ultimate demise. From birth to death Marie Curie lived a full life,
with love, work, and passion at the center. Maria Skłodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, on 7
November 1867, the fifth and youngest child of well–known teachers Bronisława and Władysław
Skłodowski. Maria's father was an atheist and her mother a devout Catholic. Two years earlier,
Maria's oldest sibling, Zofia, had died of typhus. The deaths of her mother and sister, according to
Robert William Reid, caused Maria to give up Catholicism and become ... Show more content on ...
In 1893 she was awarded a degree in physics and began work in an industrial laboratory at
Lippman's. Meanwhile, she continued studying at the Sorbonne, and in 1894, earned a degree in
mathematics. In the same, year Pierre Curie entered her life as an instructor in the School of Physics
and Chemistry. A year later Marie and Pierre were married (Georgie 1). Marie decided to look into
uranium rays as a possible field of research for a thesis. She used a clever technique to investigate
samples (Wikipedia 1). Fifteen years earlier, her husband and his brother had invented the
electrometer, a sensitive device for measuring electrical charge. Using the Curie electrometer, she
discovered that uranium rays caused the air around a sample to conduct electricity (Yannuzzi 46).
Using this technique, her first result was the finding that the activity of the uranium compounds
depended only on the quantity of uranium present. Marie had shown that the radiation was not the
outcome of some interaction of molecules, but must come from the atom itself. In scientific terms,
this was the most important single piece of work that she conducted (Georgie 1). Her electrometer
showed that pitchblende was four times as active as uranium itself, and torbernite twice as active.
She concluded that, if
her earlier results relating the quantity of uranium to its activity were correct, and then these two
minerals must contain
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Summary Of Elie Wiesel's Dawn
In the novel Dawn, author Elie Wiesel writes an intriguing story about Elisha, a young man just
eighteen years of age. Buchenwald had been liberated and Elisha was in Paris, he was starting over
and planned to attend the Sorbonne to study philosophy. As fate would have it, there was a knock on
the door and there stood a young man named Gad. There was a calmness about Gad and odd that he
claimed he knew everything about Elisha and yet, Elisha knew nothing of this young stranger that
made him uncomfortable. It appeared that Gad's intentions were to recruit Elisha, and join a group
known as the Movement. Without much thought, Elisha accepts his proposition and joins, for there
is nothing more to lose since he no longer has family or friends.
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Marie Sklodowska Research Paper
Born Marie Sklodowska on November 7, 1867,1864 in Warsaw, Poland. She was the youngest of
five children that were born to poor school teachers. After her mother died, her father could no
longer support her so she became a governess while reading and writing in her spare time to quench
her thirst for knowledge which she always had. Becoming a teacher was never a possibility because
of her lack of money, but when her sister offered her housing in Paris, France with a view of going
to a university there, she took the opportunity and moved to France with her sister in 1891.In Paris
in 1894, she Pierre Curie, who was a scientist working in the city, and married him the next year. It
was also around this time that she took up the French spelling of her name: Marie. It is this name
that is the most known and most used. The Curies became research workers at the School of
Chemistry and Physics in Paris and began their studies of invisible rays that are given off by
uranium, which had recently been discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel. He had shown that the
invisible rays were ... Show more content on ...
She conducted her own experiments on uranium rays and discovered that they remained constant.
The rays came from uranium's atomic structure. This idea created the field of atomic physics. She
coined the word,"radioactivity" to describe the phenomena.Following her discovery of radioactivity,
she continued her research with her husband. Working with the mineral pitchblende, the two
discovered a new radioactive element in 1898. They named the element polonium, after Marie's
native country Poland. They also detected the presence of another radioactive material in the
pitchblende and called it radium. In 1902, the two announced that they had produced a gram of pure
radium, showing its existence as a unique chemical
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The Life Of Elie Wiesel's Night
Imagine a dark, crowded place full of despair where you are almost always undergoing forced labor,
waiting to die, with no way out. This is the experience Elie Wiesel wrote about in his famous book,
Night. I have doubts that most people in the world could even begin to express all the pain that must
bring them. But that's exactly what Elie Wiesel did. Born in Sighet, Romania on September 30th,
1928 Also a popular professor at universities in many places, Wiesel wrote nearly 60 pieces of
literature, over 35 of those being books, before his death on July 2, 2016.
The events in Wiesel's life have led up in almost perfect succession, almost as if they were asking
him to write Night, and show the world the horrors of the Holocaust.
Wiesel lived ... Show more content on ...
Even when people were ignorant, Wiesel still believed in acting against this world's injustices.
Night gave Wiesel a fair amount of fame, but that is not the important part. What is important is that
it gave the world a new perception of the Holocaust, and opened up people's eyes to the almost
unspoken suffering at the concentration camps.
Wiesel's life made him an author and share his terrifying Holocaust experience with the world.
Before the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel lived peacefully, with his grandfather and father giving him the
tools of knowledge for writing.
Wiesel ended up in France, where the experiences and people around him ended up with him writing
After Night got published, Elie Wiesel's work became well known and gave him acheivements,
along with many other things.
If you were to survive a prison of war, would you come forward and tell the tale? Or would you
leave the experience to slowly rot away, along with how people treated it, instead of enlightening the
world with the true horrors of
... Get more on ...
Rhetorical Analysis Of Eleanor Roosevelt's The Struggle...
In 1948, the Sorbonne, France, Human Rights Commission member and former first lady of the
United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, in her speech, " The Struggle for Human Rights", capitalizes the
importance of the preservation of human freedom. Roosevelt's purpose is to influence the U.S.S.R.,
Yugoslavia, Ukraine and Byelorussia into adopting the International Declaration of Rights. She
consistently retains a respectful and informative tone in order to differentiate what unquestionably
are considered human liberties and government–oriented obligations. She utilizes allusion,
repetition, and altruism throughout her presentation, effectively captivating the reader and her target
audience. Roosevelt starts her speech referencing excerpts in a keynote
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Marie Skëodowska Research Paper
This is about a scientist who has succeeded in Chemistry and Physics, won two Nobel prizes, and
done many other achievements. This scientist is the famous Marie Skłodowska Curie. She has done
many things in her lifetime. She was poor and didn't have a really good education but soon after she
became the first scientist to find out about radioactivity and other things. She has even done good
things that benefited the world. This all started on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland because
this was day when Marie Skłodowska was born. She lived in a family with two parents who are
teachers and she had five older siblings. She took after her father who was a physics and math
teacher and she was really smart in school, but something horrible happened
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Questions and Answers on A Career as an Engineer
Please, briefly tell me about yourself and your educational background.
I am an ambitious and well driven woman who believes in herself. After finishing my high school l
went to Vaal university of Technology for my diploma, University of Pretoria for my degree in
engineering, and then Sorbonne University for my masters in engineering.
What first draw you to study engineering?
It has always been a passion in my life to work with electricity and electronic devices. When l was
young l used to fix and repair adapters, radios and TVs. Being accepted to the engineering faculty
was just a continuation of the dream that l begun when l was young.
Which year of study was the most challenging, and why?
Probably, my first year was horrible because l was less prepared for university studies. I missed
most classes; fell behind in class, and l was very uncertain about whether l was following the right
career path.
What do you enjoy least or most about engineering?
I hate those long hours figuring out a solution to a problem that seems impossible to decode.
Why should one become an engineer?
Engineering is a challenging, high–paying career. If you have up to date engineering skills, jobs are
abundant. Engineering jobs often come with flexible hours, location flexibility, and the hard skills
you learn translate easily to new positions
What are some reasons one should not become an engineer?
In my opinion, you should never take a job simply
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Female Scientists In The 1800's Essay
During the 1800's, there were not a lot of female scientists. Marie Curie became the first woman to
receive a nobel prize, and also the first to receive two of them. She was a Polish–French physicist
and chemist who discovered two elements and was famous for her work with radioactivity. She got
her love of science from her father, a physics and mathematics teacher. She moved to Paris to further
her education and there met her future husband, Pierre Curie, and took his place at Sorbonne when
he passed away as the first women to hold that position. Those were not the only thing she
accomplished as a female scientist in the 1800's. Marie paved the way for many more female
scientists in the future. Marie Curie was extremely intelligent as a child. ... Show more content on ...
When Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896, it inspired Marie and Pierre to investigate it
further. They researched a lot of substances for any signs of radioactivity, and discovered something
that was more radioactive than uranium. They discovered radium, an element that damaged tissue,
so they used that to fight against cancer. "They found that the mineral pitchblende was more
radioactive than uranium and concluded that it must contain other radioactive substances. From it
they managed to extract two previously unknown elements, polonium and radium, both more
radioactive than uranium" (Nobel Media). These discoveries led to radium being used to treat cancer
and other diseases, and them getting their first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. After Pierre passed
away, she continued with her own studies. Marie successfully isolated radium and proved its
existence. She also studied the properties and compounds of these radioactive elements. "She also
documented the properties of the radioactive elements and their compounds. Radioactive
compounds became important as sources of radiation in both scientific experiments and in the field
of medicine, where they are used to treat tumors" (Nobel Media). This discovery led to the further
development of X–rays and her receiving her second Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. Marie Curie
was the first woman ever to win two Nobel Prizes in two fields and in multiple sciences, two
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Marie Curie's Accomplishments At The Front Of The Nuclear...
NAME: Marie Curie (born Maria Salomea Sklodowska) BORN: 7th November 1867 FROM:
Warsaw, Poland DIED: 4th of July 1934 DISCOVERIES: She was credited with the discovery of
Radium and Polonium (named after her own country of Poland). AWARDS: Some of the awards she
received included Nobel Prizes for Physics (1903), Chemistry (1911) and also the Benjamin
Franklin Medal from the American Philosophical Society in 1921. Marie Curies studies put her at
the front of the "nuclear age.' Her studies of all the compounds containing known radioactive
elements, which included uranium and thorium, which was later found to be radioactive, lead her to
the conclusion that, The strength of radiation from uranium can be exactly
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How Did Marie Curie Impact The World
Born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, Marie Sklodowska, better known as Marie Curie, is
famously known for being the first woman to win a Nobel Peace prize and first one person to win
twice. Curie's knowledge has led to the discovery or both polonium and radium and helped with
creation of the X–ray. Curie's legacy has led to various breakthroughs in science and continues to
impact the the world today.
Marie Curie grew up in an impoverished household, being the youngest of 5 siblings. She obtained
an average education in primary school and continued to be a excellent student in secondary school.
Because Curie was a woman she could not enroll in a formal college however, she soon enrolled in
an undercover college in Warsaw. Curie faced many obstacles during her schooling years like not
having the finances for education. Over the course of several years, Curie had to take a break from
school and focus of her finances. However she proceeded to study physics, chemistry and math.
After about five years, Curie moved to Paris and enrolled in a college called Sorbonne. By 1894, she
had obtained master's degree in both physics and mathematics.
After graduating from Sorbonne, Marie was introduced to an French physicist ... Show more content
on ...
Because of this these x–rays earned the name "Little Curies." After the war ended, Curie continued
her research specifically in radium and began establishing radium research institutes. Curie gave
many lectures in Belgium, Spain, Brazil, and Czechoslovakia on radium and the dangers of it. On
July 4, 1934 in Savoy, France, Curie died of aplastic anemia caused by overexposure to radium. She
devoted her life to science and has allowed for the evolution of science. Throughout Curie's career
she has made several advances in science and had became a positive role model for woman in the
science industry. Her career has set a precedent for woman in the science
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How Did Marie Curie Use Brachytherapy?
Despite societal expectations of women attending university, Marie Curie's motivation to expand her
knowledge of science drove Curie's ambition to find a university she could attend. Curie moved to
Paris and attending university where she learned French while earning a degree in mathematics and
physics. These degrees enabled Curie to investigate uranium and thorium, which later led to
studying pitchblende, a natural ore containing these elements (Froman 2014). It was through
pitchblende Curie discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium. Marie Curie's
unconscious sacrifice of her health led to the discovery of radium and polonium, leading to the
creation of radioactive and medical advancements for cancer treatments and diagnoses ... Show
more content on ...
With the devastating injuries from soldiers, Marie knew that the advancements of x–rays would aid
doctors in viewing bullet wounds, and broken bones. As a result, Marie persuaded the French
Government to set up red cross radiology vehicles, "Petite Curie's" to perform procedures to help
soldiers on the battle front. Marie first used radium in utilizing a method of radiotherapy known as
brachytherapy; "brachy", a Greek term meaning near, by placing radioactive sources in direct
contact with the damaged tissue (Kułakowski 2011). Marie achieved brachytherapy by collecting
radon gas from radium, which she sealed in glass tubes and dispersed to civilian and military
hospitals. The doctors encased the tubes in platinum needles and positioned them directly within
patients' bodies, in the exact spot where the radiation would most effectively destroy diseased tissue
(pasacoff 1996). Because of a lack of proper dosimetry and the inevitability of direct contact with
the radioactive material, this method was dangerous for the doctors involved. This method has
significantly improved by using radioactive isotopes with the afterloading method; by which
radioactive materials are inserted into the patient once placement of an applicator or needle in
correct position had been
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Explain What Was The Main Purpose Of The May 68 Uprising...
The May '68 uprising in Paris is known as the beginning of 1960s student movements in the world.
To answer the question "Why did the May '68 uprising fail to spread and transform into a full–scale
revolution, as many of the student organizers had hoped?", it is important to clarify what was the
goal that student organizers set. This movement started from students occupied the Sorbonne
university, then developed student marches and demonstrations and workers' movement. The main
purpose of the May '68 uprising was demanding for democracy. However, according to 'The general
strike and the student revolt in France', "The government and media strive to portray the street
battles in the Latin Quarter as the work of radical groups and troublemakers"
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Maria Saloodowska Research Paper
This is a famous quote by Maria Salomea Skłodowska, also known as Marie Curie. Maria was born
on November 7 in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. She had four older siblings. Both of her parents were
teachers. Sadly, when Maria was ten, her mother passed away due to tuberculosis. Maria lacked the
financial resources to earn a degree, so for five years, she worked as a nanny and a tutor. Any spare
time she had was devoted to reading chemistry, physics, and math. At last, in 1891, Skłodowska
enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. However, this took a personal toll on her. Skłodowska had
barely enough money to support herself. Her hard work payed off in the end, though. Then, in 1893,
Maria finished her master's degree in physics; the next year,
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Marie Curie Research Paper
Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867 in Warsaw Poland. which, being controlled by Russia was
very suppressed. Marie's mother worked as a teacher as did her father, and they made sure that their
daughter had a great education. As Marie grew up she began to see how the Russians suppressed the
Polish people :for example her father lost his job. Whenever Marie was old enough to go to college,
She worked out a deal with her sister, while one was at college in Paris the other would get a job to
help support the other. Marie's sister went first ,and so Marie got a job as a governess. When it was
Marie's turn to go to college she went to the Sorbonne and moved to Paris. Soon after she started
college, she decided to get degrees in physics and calculus.
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How Did Maria Sklodowska Contribute To Science
Have you heard of Marie Curie? She was a Polish scientist who discovered polonium and radium,
winning a Nobel Prize twice − the first time in history. Marie made important contributions to
science, which are still felt today.
Maria Sklodowska was born in Poland on November 7, 1867. She had four siblings and was the
youngest child. Maria's father was Wladyslaw. When young Maria was only ten years old, though,
her mother Bronislawa died of tuberculosis. When Marie was older, her sister offered her lodgings
in Paris. She immediately went over to France and attended Sorbonne University. At the university,
she earned a master's in Physics in 1893 and completed another degree in Math one year after.
Later in life, Marie Curie met Pierre Curie,
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How Did Louis Pasteur Contribute To Society
Many people wonder who made a more significant contribution to society,Marie Curie or Louis
Pasteur. Well, i'm here to voice my opinion to you all. Marie Curie was an spectacular at her studies
when she was younger. Being born in Poland, opportunities for studies were limited so she went to
Paris. After working as a governess, she studied in Sorbonne, Paris. She struggled to learn in French,
so she studied more and more. She eventually got a degree in physics and finished at the top of her
school. After that she got a degree in math. In Paris,she met Pierre Curie who was the chief of a
laboratory. He was a renowned chemist. Pierre liked young Marie and asked her to marry him. He
sure had to beg and finally, she relented. She discovered two elements in her studies radium and
polonium. Radium made x–rays, which helped in world war 1 and are still used today. Marie later
died from cancer because of her studies with radium. ... Show more content on ...
He was a hard working student, but not the best. He received a doctorate degree in 1847. He also
spent lots of time related to research on tartrate acid. He found different ways to kill many different
germs. He found cures for rabies and anthrax and found a way to pasteurize milk. That saved many
lives. In conclusion, I think that Louis Pasteur had the most significant contributions to society
because if it was not for him, we would not have pets without rabies and we wound have no milk.
That's my opinion...whats
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Marie Sklodowska Research Paper
Marie Sklodowska, also known as Marie Curie, was born on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland.
She was the youngest in a family of five children. Both of her parents were teachers, and she took
after her father, who taught physics and math. Sadly, when she was ten, her mother died from
While Marie was a top student at her secondary school, she was not able to attend a university in
Poland because they were for men only. Nevertheless, she was so determined to learn that, instead
of giving up, she went to the floating university which was a set of informal classes held in secret.
She wanted to travel abroad to obtain an official degree, but her family could not afford it.
In 1891, through hard work and determination, Marie made ... Show more content on ...
She needed a lab to work in and was introduced to Pierre Curie. They were both geniuses in their
own right so, when they met each other, there was instant chemistry. The couple eventually married
on July 26, 1895. Marie Curie had an interest in Henri Becquerel's work, which involved the rays or
X–rays cast off by the element uranium. She conducted her own research, based on Henri
Becquerel's work. When working with uranium, she discovered that the rays stayed constant no
matter what condition they were in. She coined the term "radioactivity" to describe her discovery of
the uranium rays. Pierre then abandoned his own studies in order to help his wife with her research
on these rays.
When working with the mineral pitchblende in 1898, they discovered the element Polonium, which
is named after Marie's birth country, Poland. Then, in 1902, they detected the presence of an element
that they later called radium. Meanwhile, their research extending from Henri Becquerel's work
grabbed the attention of the science community, and this led to the Curies' winning the Nobel Prize
in 1903. Marie was the first woman to ever receive this prestigious
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Le Châtelier And The Franco-Prussian War

  • 1. Le Châtelier And The Franco-Prussian War As mentioned prior, in 1907, Le Châtelier was elected to the French Academy of Sciences, where most of his work was dedicated to directing his students' research work at the Sorbonne and the École des Mines (where he worked as a professor). In an incredible opportunity, Le Châtelier due to his position, and respect given from his colleagues and achievements, he was chosen as a scientific perspective within many government committee meetings concerned with such issues, such as the manufacture of explosive materials and military equipment (his experience within the Franco– Prussian War was a great advantage). This position in the French government allowed him to preview and sit through many plans regarding France's attacks and military nuclear ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Gregor Mendel And Marie Curie Research Paper Born into poverty, both Gregor Mendel and Marie Curie made it very far in the world of science, earning many degrees. I learned many interesting facts about Gregor Mendel who is the "father of modern genetics" and Marie Curie who discovered radioactivity used for x–rays. Even though Mendel and Curie made it very far in the world, I feel that Mendel's contributions had more of an impact on science. Born Johann Mendel, Gregor grew up in a family of small farmers who made financial sacrifices to pay for his education. In 1843, Mendel's father expected him to take over the family farm, but Mendel started studying to be a monk instead. Marie worked as a governess until she saved up enough money at the age of 24, to buy a train ticket to Paris to begin her studies at Sorbonne. She made ends meet by cleaning glassware in university labs. She also rationed ... Show more content on ... Darwin's book "The Origin of Species" talks about how species evolve by means of mutation and natural selection. Another way that Mendel's theory on Genetics impacts society is our food. Genetics is used to yield better crops and the reproduction of animals. Marie Curie identified both polonium and radium in 1898 and describe the elements as "radio–active." Marie and her husband Pierre shared the Noble Prize in physics with Becquerel in 1903. And in 1911, she received a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry. In conclusion, Mendel and Curie both had a positive impact on the world of Allied Health. Mendel's work with pea plants contributed to the Allied Health field by giving the fundamental laws of genetics. Radioactivity that Curie helped discovered led to new therapeutic and diagnostic methods in medicine. Mendel's experiments led to a greater understanding of genetics. As you can see, Mendel had a greater impact on society because his laws about genetics affects our crops, our own human genetics and the genetics of ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Education From Rabelais ' Perspective Education from Rabelais' Perspective The Renaissance altered centuries of thought in Europe. One figured who contributed to revolutionizing though was the author Francois Rabelais who wrote comedic critiques of his world. In his stories of Gargantua and Pantagruel the author critiques many aspects of sixteenth century life– especially the education system. He examines previous educational attitudes, as well as those during his time. As a humanist thinker, Rabelais values education and reform. The author was extremely familiar with the university system in France during the Renaissance because he himself studied in these places. Francois Rabelais emphasizes that education has progressed since the Middle Ages, but he also affirms problems still persist during the Renaissance period. Rabelais critiques medieval education to demonstrate the flawed system prior to the Renaissance. Rabelais finds issue with "traditional scholastic debates pro et contra" due to their loose connection to seeking truth (M.A. Screech 30). He communicates his personal distress through Pantagruel's rants about prior scholars glossing worthwhile texts (Rabelais 33). Glossing, or commentary by scholars, was a popular scholastic pursuit before the Renaissance. Rabelais found it to detract from the texts overall value. The author also uses Gargantua, Pantagruel's father, who lived during the prior period to emphasize the many additional specific failures of medieval education. He writes Pantagruel a ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Jean Vygotsky Vs Piaget How do children think and how do they learn? These questions could possibly be answered by exploring the psychological perspective. The cognitive developmental theory seeks to describe how knowledge is obtained in addition to the construction of thought processes. The first individual who proposed a methodical cognitive developmental theory was Jean Piaget, however, there are many other theories pertaining to cognitive development, for instance, those of Lev Vygotsky. Piaget developmental approach derived from a self–supporting, biological perspective, whereas Vygotsky's approach acquired social and environmental factors. Despite the differences or strengths and weaknesses, both made astonishing cognitive applications to child development. Jean William Fritz Piaget, also known as Jean Piaget was born on August 9, 1896, in Neuchatel, Switzerland; born to Rebecca Jackson and Arthur Piaget; both of which had a major impact on Piaget's life. Piaget's father was a medieval–literary scholar with an interest in local history. Piaget idolized his father's dedication to work and adopted his skeptical, scientific attitude at an early age. However, Piaget often described his mother as neurotic or poor in mental health combined with her religious enthusiasm which lead Piaget to become enticed with psychology. Unfortunately, Piaget grew up quite fast but had various interests. From age seven to ten, he became interested in mechanics, birds, seashells, and fossils of secondary ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. A Secret Lost In The Water Thing POV: First Person Plot: Intro: The father had felt left, when his son went off to school. Initiating Incident: When his father called him to the bushes. Rising Actions: The father shows his son how to find water using an alder branch. The son never really thought about the lesson. He then moves on with his life by getting married, having children and travelling. Climax: The climax is when it the story says "T he alder stayed motionless in my hands and the water beneath the earth refused to sing." Because we knew he lost the gift at that point. Conclusion: When the narrator tried to put their father's teaching in action by holding the alder branch waiting for it to writhe, ... Show more content on ... When the father calls him out to the bushes and he finds the stick. Theme: ●Remember what people teach you because it may help you later in life. ●Sometimes advice is lost through generations ● Formal education is important because the lessons and knowledge we gain from the wisdom from others. Personification: An example of personification in the story is "the branch is squirming," said by the narrator. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Marie Curie and The Discobery of Radim and Plonium Essay Marie Curie... She is best known for her discovery of radium and polonium and her work with radioactivity. She encountered times of adversity in her career just because she was a woman, but she met her challenges and overcame them. Marie Curie exceeded the barriers put on women in her time to become one of the world's most famous scientists and used her knowledge to the benefit of humanity. Marie Curie was breaking barriers even when she was young. Marya Salomee Sklodowska was born on November 7, 1867 in Russia controlled Poland. From an early age, Sklodowska showed a great memory and exceptional intelligence. In Poland, not many institutions, including the University of Warsaw, welcomed women. She wanted so badly to further pursue an ... Show more content on ... With her experiments, she became the first woman in France to get a doctorate. Curie decided to continue Henri Becquerel's experiments with X–rays. She came up with the groundbreaking idea that the rays were actually an atomic property. The paper she wrote reporting her discoveries had to be presented through her professor because women weren't allowed to address the Academy of Sciences. With this, she continued her work to find new elements. First, she found polonium, which is named for her home country, and then she discovered radium. Pierre and Marie's greatest work was done in a run–down shed. They worked from 1898 to 1902. The Curies could have made a fortune if they patented their process of extracting and refining radium, but they decided share their knowledge with the world. Marie Curie became the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize when the Curies shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Becquerel in 1903 for their work with radioactivity. In the 1900s, women still had a relegated role in science. Marie Curie wasn't allowed to speak with her husband on stage at the award ceremony and had to sit in the audience. Her mere presence was an affront to men. Some members of the Nobel Prize committee even considered not including her in the prize at all, despite the fact that she was largely responsible for the discovery. She would later win a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry, in 1911 for discovering the elements radium and polonium and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Life of Marie Curie Essay examples I chose to do my project on Marie Curie, the woman who discovered radium and polonium. She was born Mary Sklodowska on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland and died July 4, 1934 in Passy, France at the age of 67. In 1895, Marie married a professor named Pierre Curie at the age of 26. She was the first woman to complete a doctorate in France in MMMM at the age xxx. And in MMMMM, Curie was also the first female professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first person to use the term "radioactivity", which is the term still used till this day. Marie Curie was born the youngest child of five, to parents which were both teachers, Marie was driven to excel. A top student at her secondary school, she could not attend an all men only university. ... Show more content on ... Marie was fascinated with the work of Henri Becquerel the French physicist that discovered uranium which emits rays weaker than the x–rays found by Wilhelm Roentgen. This is what led Curie to take Becquerel's work a few steps further and conduct her own experiments on uranium rays. She discovered that the rays were constant no matter what form or condition of the uranium. She theorized the rays came from the atomic structure. This idea was revolutionary and created its own field in science, known as the atomic physics, this is when Marie coined the word "radioactivity" to describe the phenomena. Even when they had their first daughter Irene in 1897 there work did not slow. Pierre then stopped his own studies to help Marie with her new discovery of radioactivity. In 1898 they discovered a new radioactive element. They named it polonium after Marie's native country, Poland. They detected the presence of another radioactive element and called this radium. In 1902 they had extracted pure radium to prove its existence as a unique chemical element. Marie curie made history in 1903 when she became the first woman to get a Nobel Prize in physics. With their prize winning the Curie's got an international reputation for their scientific efforts. With the prize money they continued their research and went even further. The next year in 1904, they had their second daughter Eve. In 1906 Marie suffered a tremendous loss; when Pierre accidentally ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Three Types Of David Emile Durkheim's Theory Of Suicide In this essay I will explain about Durkheim theory of suicide,which were categorize in three types.Firstly, I will include an introductory history of Emile Durkheim about his life and work throughout his life.Secondly,an elaboration on the theory of suicide followed the three types of suicide which are altruistic,egoistic and anomic (which I will be focus more in this essay) . Lastly, a relation of society in Brunei with one of Durkheim's theory of suicide. Firstly, I will include an introductory history of Emile Durkheim about his life and work throughout his life. David Emile Durkheim was born on April 15, 1858 in Epinal, capital town of the department of Vosges, in Lorraine. He is one of an outstanding student at the Collège d'Epinal, Durkheim ... Show more content on ... Despite poor health already induced by overwork, he devoted himself to the cause of national defense, organizing a committee for the publication of studies and documents on the war, to be sent to neutral countries in the effort to undermine German propaganda. Several patriotic pamphlets were written by Durkheim himself, and sent to his fellow–countrymen in the effort to maintain the national pride. But for the most part, Durkheim was unaffected by the war hysteria, and, though always a patriot, was never a nationalist. Indeed, by 1916, he was concerned lest a German military defeat be turned to the advantage of the conservative, "clerical" party in France; and on at least two occasions, as a native of Alsace–Lorraine and as a Jew with a German name, Durkheim suffered aspersions of disloyalty motivated by the most vulgar kind of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Panthéon The Panthéon is one of the most popular attractions in Paris. It is famous for a fabulous 19th century church and now a civil temple. The Panthéon is located near the Sorbonne University and the Jardin du Luxembourg and looks over the Quartier Latin. According to history, King Clovis was chosen this place as a minster to build up his tomb. This construction was started building in 1575 by Paris architect Jacques Germain Soufflot. He designed and took charge of it. This task takes during 34 years and just finished until 1791. The Interior of the Panthéon is really unique and creative. It is used to accommodate the remains of the great men of France. After that it was adjusted as a pantheon by architect Quatremère de Quincy and since ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Maria Sklodowska Research Paper Maria Sklodowska was born on November 7, 1867. She was born in Warsaw, Poland by her mother, Bronsitwa, and father, Ladislas. She was the youngest child, and had three older sisters and one brother. Ladislas was a math and physics teacher, which later inspired Marie's interest for the sciences. Bronsitwa passed away of tuberculosis when Marie was just eleven years old. She also had a sister, Bronya, who Marie worked to support since their mother had passed. Eventually, she married Pierre Curie and had two daughters, Irene and Eve. Even though her family life was a struggle, Marie still managed to become a legendary physicist later in life. Curie's father, Ladislas, being a physics and mathematics educator was the spark which got her interested. From a young age, Curie was an excellent student; always intrigued by her father's profession. Curie and her sister always dreamed of education at an elite level. However, with financial lacking and no mother, Marie and Bronya helped one another pay for a secondary education. Since neither could enlist in Warsaw, Curie attended Sorbonne in Paris, France where she signed her name as "Marie" rather than Maria to sound more French. At Sorbonne she earned a master's degree in physics and ... Show more content on ... In 1903, Curie was the first woman to ever win a Nobel Prize. Marie and Pierre won the Nobel Prize in 1903 based on their groundbreaking discoveries in the field of physics. In 1911, Curie won yet another Nobel Prize in chemistry for discovering elements polonium and radium. Not only did she win two Nobel Prizes as a female physicist, but she was the first person overall to ever win two prizes over all.. Additionally in 1903 the Curies were awarded the Davy Medal of Royal Society. Also, in 1906, she was the first woman to become the Professor of General Physics in the Faculty of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay about Marie Curie Marie Curie LIFE OF MARIE CURIE Marie Curie(1867–1934) was a French physicist with many accomplishments in both physics and chemistry. Marie and her husband Pierre, who was also a French physicist, are both famous for their work in radioactivity. Marie Curie, originally named Marja Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw, Poland on Nov.7, 1867. Her first learning of physics came from her father who taught it in high school. Marie's father must have taught his daughter well because in 1891, she went to Paris(where she changed her original name) and enrolled in the Sorbonne. Then two years later she passed the Examination for her physics degree ranking in first place. She met Pierre ... Show more content on ... Curie thus began studying uranium radiation and made it her doctoral thesis. With the aid of an electrometer built by Pierre, Marie measured the strength of the radiation emitted form uranium compounds and found it proportional to the uranium content, constant over a long period of time and influenced by external conditions. She detected a similar immutable radiation in the compounds of thorium. While checking these results, she made the discovery that uranium pitchblende and the mineral chalcolite emitted four times as much radiation as their uranium content. She realized that unknown elements, even more radioactive then uranium must be present. Then in 1898 she drew the revolutionary conclusion that pitchblende contains a small amount of an unknown radiating element. Pierre Curie understood the importance of this supposition and joined his wife's work. In the next year, the Curie's discovered two new radiating elements which they named Polonium(after Maries native country) and Radium. They now began the tedious and monumental task of isolating these elements so that their chemical properties could be determined. During the next four years, working in a leaky wooden shed, they processed a ton of pitchblende, laboriously isolating from it a fraction of a gram of radium. In 1903, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Marie Sklodowska's Life Marie Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw in 1867. Her family put a put a lot on importance of education. Both of her parents were teachers gained a lot of her knowledge in physics and chemistry from her father. Though Marie had a passion for learning, there weren't many options for women in Poland. Her goal was to be able to study at Sorbonne in Paris, however, due to financial issues she couldn't. By age 24 she had raised enough money to go to Paris, so she packed her bags and went to live with her sister, Bronya. Despite it being six years since working on her studies, she was determined. She knew that Sorbonne could offer her more opportunities, so she overcame the difficulties. Marie studied math and physics from France's best known mathematicians ... Show more content on ... She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Chemistry, in 1911, for her research on radium and polonium. Later biographers questioned whether Marie deserved the prize. They thought radium and polonium were part of the reason for the 1903 Peace Prize. Marie stated that the award in 1903 was awarded for a future prize in chemistry and the award in 1903 was the beginning of the discovery on Radium and Polonium. Chemists have said that the discovery of radium was the greatest breakthrough since the discovery of oxygen. The following year, 1911, proved to be a downturn for her life personally. While in Belgium at the Solvay Conference, she received a message from the press about their curiosity about Paul Langevin, a fellow physicist. He was suffering from marital problems and supposedly moved homes to be near Marie. The newspapers made seem that the two of them were having an affair. After Marie heard about situation, she went to the press and demanded an apology. Langevin's apartment was broken into and some letters were stolen and given to the press. As the days past more accusatory articles appeared in the papers. Langevin's mother went to court and tried to get custody of his four children. No matter what Marie and Paul did, the scandal kept escalating. There was a front page headline that said "Madame Curie, can she still remain a professor at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How Is Marie Cuier Successful Marie Curie once said "I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy." Since the beginning Curie knew that if she followed her dreams, it wasn't going to be easy and that it was going to take time. Marie Curie is undeniably courageous because she was able to persevere through many difficulties, She demonstrated excellence in her field, and she also demonstrated discipline in the field of science. Perseverance Curie struggled through many difficulties in her life, but she was able to persevere through them. One example is "Both Curie and her sister Bronya dreamed of going abroad to earn an official degree, but they lacked the financial resources to pay for more schooling. Undeterred, Curie worked out a deal with her sister. ... Show more content on ... No woman in the world had yet completed that degree." (Pasachoff,Naomi) Curie knew that in the beginning she was going to have a hard time getting the education she wanted even though, that didn't stop her. It just made her want to work even harder and she worked hard and that how she earned a doctorate. The second example is "Marie was not as well prepared as her fellow students. Nevertheless, through hard work she completed master's degrees in physics and math in only three years. Living on her own for the first time "Marie worked really hard in her studies and became one of the greatest students." (Pasachoff,Naomi) Marie Curie had a tough beginning, but even through the difficulties she still had hope and continued to succeed. The last example that shows discipline would be "Even afterwards Curie's death Marie worked hard to raise money for her Radium Institute, including a trip to the United States. But by 1920, she was suffering from medical problems, due to her exposure to radioactive materials. On July 4, 1934, she died of aplastic anemia, a blood disease that is often caused by too much exposure to radiation" (Mary Bagley) Marie Curie had many obstacles in her path and one of them was her husband's death, but even so Curie continued to work hard to raise money and even when she got sick, she still continued to do what she loved to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Marie Sklodowska was born Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was... Marie Sklodowska was born Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was raised by two teachers who supported the idea of a good education. She was a great student and was always willing to learn but the education she desired was not available in Poland so when her sister, Bronya, went to Paris, Marie followed. Marie went to school in Paris to get a teaching diploma in mathematics and physics and then to return to Poland. She didn't live with her sister and new brother–in–law because she liked the freedom she had in an apartment of her own. After 3 years of living in Paris, she received a diploma in physics and mathematics. Pierre Curie was an internationally known physicist but not well known in the French scientific community. His only dream was to ... Show more content on ... Her results were immediate. She noticed that the element thorium gave off the same rays as uranium. After a lot of research she came to the conclusion that radiation did not depend on the compound being studied. She said that it depended on the amount of uranium or thorium. She concluded that radiation did not depend on the arrangement of atoms in a compound in a molecule but rather the interior of the atom itself. The discovery was considered to be revolutionary at the time. She continued to test all elements on the Periodic Table of Elements. Only uranium and thorium gave off any sort of radiation. Her next experiment was quite simple. She wanted to test natural ores that contain uranium or thorium. She gathered samples from geological museums and found that pitchblende was four to five times active with small amounts of uranium. Pitchblende is a form of the mineral uraninite occurring in brown or black pitch like masses. Her brand new hypothesis was that a new element that was considerably more active than uranium was preset in small amounts of ore. Pierre gave up his research of crystals which he was heavily dedicated to join Marie in her scientific studies. They both found that strong reactions came from test samples containing bismuth or barium. Following up on bismuth, Marie discovered that every time she took away an amount of bismuth, a residue with greater activity was left behind. By 1898, the substance was 300 times the strength of ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Symbolism In Elie Wiesel's Dawn In the novel Dawn, author Elie Wiesel writes an intriguing story about Elisha, a young man that is just eighteen years of age. Elisha had a plan for starting his life over after leaving Buchenwald and he was going to attend the Sorbonne to study philosophy. As happenstance would have it, a young man by the name of Gad knocked on his door. Though Gad knew everything about him, Elisha knew nothing of this young stranger that made him feel uncomfortable. However, Gad's intentions were to have Elisha join a group known as the Movement. Here, Elisha would be trained to become a terrorist, a blatant killer for their cause. Without much thought, Elisha decides to join their cause, for there is nothing to lose since he no longer has family or friends. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Essay about The Father of Microbes: Biography of Louis... Louis Pasteur was born in the town of Dole, France in a family of tanners. He was born in December 27, 1822, in a time when the germs and microbes hadn't been discovered. The profession of tanner is a person who gets leather to become soft and strong. This profession came from his great grandfather who owned a tanning business since 1763 (Notable Biographies, 2008). As children, the Jean–Joseph and Jeanne Roqui Pasteur, taught them to be loyal, respect, financial security, and hard work. By the year of 1831, Pasteur went to Ecole Primaire and to College d' Arboix (Pasteur Brewing, 2008) where it is believed that he witnesses treatment of rabies on victims which killed 16 on that day. After that, Pasteur decides to go to Paris to enter at ... Show more content on ... Two years later, Pasteur was a professor in the University of Lille, where he helped a helped a "producer of vinegar from beet juice" (Notable Biographies, 2008). The producer's problem with the vinegar was that the vinegar would be spoiled and wanted to find a solution to keep it from spoiling. Pasteur then observed the beet juice with a microscope and found that it had yeast and alcohol. The action of beet juice and yeast was fermentation. To solve this he heated up the beet juice and destroyed the yeast. With this, he called this process "pasteurization" (BBC History, 2011). On he continued, and started to do research on Silkworms. By the year of 1865, Pasteur helped the silk industry in France. Silkworms were becoming dangerous to the industry because they were ruining the silk. In four months, Pasteur came up with different methods and solutions to solve the problem. Despite his great success, his father died, and his two daughters died from the typhoid fever in 1866. Then his left side of the body was paralyzed due to a cerebral hemorrhage by 1868. However despite this time of tragic failures, he continued with his works(Notable Biographies, 2008). In the Franco– German War Pasteur made an spectacular finding! He theorized, as he saw the wounds on the soldiers and the unsterilized instruments that were used, that the "diseases and infections were caused by microbes" (Notable Biographies, 2008). He proposed to heat the sterilize the instruments by ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Problems Of A Homo Sociologicus Homo Sociologicus In life people are born with different desires and that is what makes them who they are, also being unique from one another. Sometimes being different has some disadvantages on the person himself and the people around him. In general, there are two kinds of people the ones who follow and the ones who guide. People have the choice to choose their life style, because each one is responsible for their own choices that will affect their future. In this paper I will talk about a serious problem that people are facing, this problem is considered to be a path they will be walking in for the rest of their life which is homo sociologicus. Homo sociologicus is a person that does not have an opinion on anything that happens in his life. He is called irrational, irresponsible idiot, because of ... Show more content on ... This person has a childish mind that makes him do such childish actions, because children always deny their bad behavior. For example; when two brothers fight and the mother comes in to see what is happening, one of them will jump and deny the fact that they were fighting by saying that they were only playing, when actually they are not. Furthermore, this homo sociologicus is not mature enough to take the responsibility for his actions and he will keep on blaming others. A homo sociologicus wants things to be easy, therefore he finds it easier to blame it on others because it is the best way he can runway from his problem. From the previous example, homo sociologicus is a person that lacks education. That is why any bad action he does is not considered to be bad and he immediately would give excuses to why he did that. According to Boudon R. sociologist and professor in the Paris Sorbonne university, (2006) (pg.151) he noticed that a homo sociologicus knows that his actions has consequences and that he must take the responsibility or blame ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Marie Curie Essays MARIE CURIE AND THE STUDY OF RADIOACTIVITY Marie Curie was born, Maria Sklodowska on November 7, 1867. She grew up in Warsaw, Poland. She would become famous for her research on radioactivity. Marie Curie was the first woman to ever win a Nobel prize, and the first ever to win two Nobel prizes. She is most famous for the discovery of Radium and Polonium. Her work not only influenced the development of fundamental science, but also began a new era in medical research and treatment. Maria was the last of five children. Her oldest sister died of Typhus, one sister became a teacher and a brother and a sister both became physicians. Her family was not very rich, but education was ... Show more content on ... During Marie's time, the atom was thought to be the smallest particle in existence. At first, Marie and Pierre Curie believed that perhaps the atom was covered with cosmic rays. Marie tested numerous elements to find if other ones than Uranium would make the air conduct electricity better. Pierre was so interested in Marie's work, that he joined forces with her. Her research had revealed that two uranium ores, pitchblende and chalcolite were much more radioactive that pure uranium. Marie concluded that the highly radioactive nature of these ores may possibly be due to undiscovered elements. In July of 1898, Marie and Pierre Cure discovered Polonium. They named the element after Marie's birth country, Poland. Chemically, this new element was very similar to bismuth, but it contained radioactivity, so it must be new. In December of 1898, the Curie's discovered yet another element. They named this one radium, from the Latin word for ray. The two new elements had completely different chemical properties, but they both had very strong radioactivity. It was not easy for Marie and Pierre to convince the science community of their new findings. Marie succeeded in separating the radium from the barium, but it wasn't easy. She had to treat very large amounts of pitchblende, but she had plenty of pitchblende to use. (The Curie's ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Marie Sklodowski Research Paper Marie Sklodowski was born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Both of her parents were educators and believed that their daughters should be just as educated as their sons. Marie graduated high school at the age of 15 and was the top of her class. She wished to attend college to study science but was unable to in her home town because the University of Warsaw did not accept women. She was, however, able to enroll at Sorbonne in Paris. In 1893 Marie earned her Master's degree in physics, and again graduated first in her class. She also earned a degree in mathematics in 1894. Marie married Pierre Curie in the summer of 1895. They met at the Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry. Together, they studied deeper into radioactivity. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. How Did Marie Curie Contribute To The World Curie Begins The Cure Marie Curie once said, "I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries." New discoveries help the world in many ways, but are also able to hurt the world. As her quote said, Marie Curie's discoveries were ones that accomplished more good from them than evil. Curie helped to discover not only one, but two elements that are exceptionally important to today's society, Polonium, Radium, and radioactivity. Many people have heard of Marie Curie at one point in their lives, the vast majority have probably heard her name in a science class, but fail to recognize her true contribution to mankind. Her hard work and dedication to her passion has saved numerous people. Cancer is now treatable, along with ... Show more content on ... Her work could be the reason an old friend or family member is still alive today. Marie Curie's passion to be in a lab began at a young age. Marie Curie, originally Marie Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw, Poland on November 7, 1867. She was the youngest of her five siblings, Zosia, Jozef, Bronya, and Hela. Her parents both held occupations as teachers. Marie's father, Wladyslaw Sklodowska, instructed math and physics. Due to the loss of her mother, Bronislawa Sklodowska, when Marie was ten, the majority of her time was spent beside her father. Since her father was an instructor of both math and physics, that is where Marie Curie's beginning passion came from. Persistence raced through Marie's veins when it came to lab work because women did not typically become scientist during this time period. Marie advanced to attend Warsaw's floating University after being a top student during all of her secondary ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. How Did Marie Curie Contribute To Science Marie Curie played a major role in the history of science and I will be telling you some information on her. Marie Curie's real full name is Maria Salomea Skłodowsk (You'll see why I said real). Marie Curie also played a huge role in the creation of the X–ray by discovering radium, the reason the X– ray can work the way it does and, also the first woman to ever recieve a Nobel Prize. She was born November 7, 1867 and she died July 4, 1934 at the age of 66, due to too much radiation exposure. Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Germany. Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist and that was her field of study during her life and this is the reason why she discovered radiation because she was always studying chemistry and physics. Marie Curie was the youngest child in a family of five. 1891 is when Marie Curie first moved to Paris, France to further pursue her scientific research at the Sorbonne. In France, Maria decided to changed her name to Marie and left her name as Marie butt, she met a man named Pierre Curie and got married to him, changing her name to Marie Curie. Marie Curie is one of the most famous scientists in the world because of the discoveries she made. Marie ... Show more content on ... Her discovery of radium played a big role on how the X–ray even works..Without the X–ray we would most likely not be able to see a lot of problems in people, such as not being able to pinpoint the exact bone that is broken in somebody's body, because if someone breaks a bone and we aren't able to see which exact bone is broken, that person will be in trouble because we won't be able to do a lot besides let it heal. Marie Curie also discovered polonium but polonium is usually just used as a static remover. Polonium did do something more but the biggest thing it's done so far is just be used in poison beside being a static remover as I just ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Marie Curie Research Paper A Radioactive Pioneer Impactful discoveries of the past have greatly changed and aided the field of medicine. Marie Curie is the pioneer of radiation research and has made many contributions to the health care field, in particular, to that of radiologic sciences. Curie's accomplishments as a physicist and chemist have brought about enormous scientific breakthroughs in Radioactivity. These discoveries have paved the way for how radiology is practiced today. Marie Curie was born on November 07, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. Both her parents where school teachers and they placed extreme importance on education (Huso). Curie was exceptionally brilliant and had an obsessive thirst for knowledge. However, Poland at this time was overruled by Russia ... Show more content on ... While working on her dissertation she became fascinated by the work from Henri Becquerel. Becquerel's discovery of uranium salts emitting rays inspired her to conduct further research. Within a couple months of beginning her research she made two important discoveries that "led her to formulate the theory that the rays were the result of something happening within the atom itself, a property she called radioactivity" (Goldsmith). She discovered that the rays were emitted from the anatomical structure of the atom and the outcome was not due to the interaction of molecules. Pierre Currie later abandoned his own research in crystals to help his wife in testing minerals that revealed high levels of radioactivity. From Marie Curie's testing she concluded that a new more powerful element was responsible for the high levels of radioactivity. The Curies confined their research to the mineral pitchblende because it emitted the strongest rays. They then diligently and progressively separated pitchblende by chemical analysis. They measured the radioactivity of the separate components. "In July, 1898, she and Pierre successfully extracted an element from this ore that was even more radioactive than uranium; they called it polonium in honor of Marie's homeland" (Goldsmith). Within that same years they identified a more radioactive element. This element which was embedded in the pitchblende was named radium. To prove their discovery they needed to isolate a pure form of this element. Which was no easy task, considering that these elements were extremely small and almost unnoticeable. In 1902 they were able to isolate enough radium to confirm its existence. Marie Curie then received a doctorate degree from the Sorbonne University, making it the first awarded to a women in Europe. In 1903 Pierre and Marie Curie and Henri Becquerel where jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for their ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. When Obsession Becomes Deadly: The Life of Marie Curie Essay When Obsession Becomes Deadly: The Life of Marie Curie Marie Curie, a pioneer in her field and Nobel Prize winning Chemist, took a path that few women of her time dared and unfortunately, her passion for Science would be her ultimate demise. From birth to death Marie Curie lived a full life, with love, work, and passion at the center. Maria Skłodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, on 7 November 1867, the fifth and youngest child of well–known teachers Bronisława and Władysław Skłodowski. Maria's father was an atheist and her mother a devout Catholic. Two years earlier, Maria's oldest sibling, Zofia, had died of typhus. The deaths of her mother and sister, according to Robert William Reid, caused Maria to give up Catholicism and become ... Show more content on ... In 1893 she was awarded a degree in physics and began work in an industrial laboratory at Lippman's. Meanwhile, she continued studying at the Sorbonne, and in 1894, earned a degree in mathematics. In the same, year Pierre Curie entered her life as an instructor in the School of Physics and Chemistry. A year later Marie and Pierre were married (Georgie 1). Marie decided to look into uranium rays as a possible field of research for a thesis. She used a clever technique to investigate samples (Wikipedia 1). Fifteen years earlier, her husband and his brother had invented the electrometer, a sensitive device for measuring electrical charge. Using the Curie electrometer, she discovered that uranium rays caused the air around a sample to conduct electricity (Yannuzzi 46). Using this technique, her first result was the finding that the activity of the uranium compounds depended only on the quantity of uranium present. Marie had shown that the radiation was not the outcome of some interaction of molecules, but must come from the atom itself. In scientific terms, this was the most important single piece of work that she conducted (Georgie 1). Her electrometer showed that pitchblende was four times as active as uranium itself, and torbernite twice as active. She concluded that, if her earlier results relating the quantity of uranium to its activity were correct, and then these two minerals must contain ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Summary Of Elie Wiesel's Dawn In the novel Dawn, author Elie Wiesel writes an intriguing story about Elisha, a young man just eighteen years of age. Buchenwald had been liberated and Elisha was in Paris, he was starting over and planned to attend the Sorbonne to study philosophy. As fate would have it, there was a knock on the door and there stood a young man named Gad. There was a calmness about Gad and odd that he claimed he knew everything about Elisha and yet, Elisha knew nothing of this young stranger that made him uncomfortable. It appeared that Gad's intentions were to recruit Elisha, and join a group known as the Movement. Without much thought, Elisha accepts his proposition and joins, for there is nothing more to lose since he no longer has family or friends. ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Marie Sklodowska Research Paper Born Marie Sklodowska on November 7, 1867,1864 in Warsaw, Poland. She was the youngest of five children that were born to poor school teachers. After her mother died, her father could no longer support her so she became a governess while reading and writing in her spare time to quench her thirst for knowledge which she always had. Becoming a teacher was never a possibility because of her lack of money, but when her sister offered her housing in Paris, France with a view of going to a university there, she took the opportunity and moved to France with her sister in 1891.In Paris in 1894, she Pierre Curie, who was a scientist working in the city, and married him the next year. It was also around this time that she took up the French spelling of her name: Marie. It is this name that is the most known and most used. The Curies became research workers at the School of Chemistry and Physics in Paris and began their studies of invisible rays that are given off by uranium, which had recently been discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel. He had shown that the invisible rays were ... Show more content on ... She conducted her own experiments on uranium rays and discovered that they remained constant. The rays came from uranium's atomic structure. This idea created the field of atomic physics. She coined the word,"radioactivity" to describe the phenomena.Following her discovery of radioactivity, she continued her research with her husband. Working with the mineral pitchblende, the two discovered a new radioactive element in 1898. They named the element polonium, after Marie's native country Poland. They also detected the presence of another radioactive material in the pitchblende and called it radium. In 1902, the two announced that they had produced a gram of pure radium, showing its existence as a unique chemical ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Life Of Elie Wiesel's Night Imagine a dark, crowded place full of despair where you are almost always undergoing forced labor, waiting to die, with no way out. This is the experience Elie Wiesel wrote about in his famous book, Night. I have doubts that most people in the world could even begin to express all the pain that must bring them. But that's exactly what Elie Wiesel did. Born in Sighet, Romania on September 30th, 1928 Also a popular professor at universities in many places, Wiesel wrote nearly 60 pieces of literature, over 35 of those being books, before his death on July 2, 2016. The events in Wiesel's life have led up in almost perfect succession, almost as if they were asking him to write Night, and show the world the horrors of the Holocaust. Wiesel lived ... Show more content on ... Even when people were ignorant, Wiesel still believed in acting against this world's injustices. Night gave Wiesel a fair amount of fame, but that is not the important part. What is important is that it gave the world a new perception of the Holocaust, and opened up people's eyes to the almost unspoken suffering at the concentration camps. Wiesel's life made him an author and share his terrifying Holocaust experience with the world. Before the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel lived peacefully, with his grandfather and father giving him the tools of knowledge for writing. Wiesel ended up in France, where the experiences and people around him ended up with him writing Night. After Night got published, Elie Wiesel's work became well known and gave him acheivements, along with many other things. If you were to survive a prison of war, would you come forward and tell the tale? Or would you leave the experience to slowly rot away, along with how people treated it, instead of enlightening the world with the true horrors of ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Rhetorical Analysis Of Eleanor Roosevelt's The Struggle... In 1948, the Sorbonne, France, Human Rights Commission member and former first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, in her speech, " The Struggle for Human Rights", capitalizes the importance of the preservation of human freedom. Roosevelt's purpose is to influence the U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia, Ukraine and Byelorussia into adopting the International Declaration of Rights. She consistently retains a respectful and informative tone in order to differentiate what unquestionably are considered human liberties and government–oriented obligations. She utilizes allusion, repetition, and altruism throughout her presentation, effectively captivating the reader and her target audience. Roosevelt starts her speech referencing excerpts in a keynote ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Marie Skëodowska Research Paper This is about a scientist who has succeeded in Chemistry and Physics, won two Nobel prizes, and done many other achievements. This scientist is the famous Marie Skłodowska Curie. She has done many things in her lifetime. She was poor and didn't have a really good education but soon after she became the first scientist to find out about radioactivity and other things. She has even done good things that benefited the world. This all started on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland because this was day when Marie Skłodowska was born. She lived in a family with two parents who are teachers and she had five older siblings. She took after her father who was a physics and math teacher and she was really smart in school, but something horrible happened ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Questions and Answers on A Career as an Engineer Please, briefly tell me about yourself and your educational background. I am an ambitious and well driven woman who believes in herself. After finishing my high school l went to Vaal university of Technology for my diploma, University of Pretoria for my degree in engineering, and then Sorbonne University for my masters in engineering. What first draw you to study engineering? It has always been a passion in my life to work with electricity and electronic devices. When l was young l used to fix and repair adapters, radios and TVs. Being accepted to the engineering faculty was just a continuation of the dream that l begun when l was young. Which year of study was the most challenging, and why? Probably, my first year was horrible because l was less prepared for university studies. I missed most classes; fell behind in class, and l was very uncertain about whether l was following the right career path. What do you enjoy least or most about engineering? I hate those long hours figuring out a solution to a problem that seems impossible to decode. Why should one become an engineer? Engineering is a challenging, high–paying career. If you have up to date engineering skills, jobs are abundant. Engineering jobs often come with flexible hours, location flexibility, and the hard skills you learn translate easily to new positions What are some reasons one should not become an engineer? In my opinion, you should never take a job simply ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Female Scientists In The 1800's Essay During the 1800's, there were not a lot of female scientists. Marie Curie became the first woman to receive a nobel prize, and also the first to receive two of them. She was a Polish–French physicist and chemist who discovered two elements and was famous for her work with radioactivity. She got her love of science from her father, a physics and mathematics teacher. She moved to Paris to further her education and there met her future husband, Pierre Curie, and took his place at Sorbonne when he passed away as the first women to hold that position. Those were not the only thing she accomplished as a female scientist in the 1800's. Marie paved the way for many more female scientists in the future. Marie Curie was extremely intelligent as a child. ... Show more content on ... When Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896, it inspired Marie and Pierre to investigate it further. They researched a lot of substances for any signs of radioactivity, and discovered something that was more radioactive than uranium. They discovered radium, an element that damaged tissue, so they used that to fight against cancer. "They found that the mineral pitchblende was more radioactive than uranium and concluded that it must contain other radioactive substances. From it they managed to extract two previously unknown elements, polonium and radium, both more radioactive than uranium" (Nobel Media). These discoveries led to radium being used to treat cancer and other diseases, and them getting their first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. After Pierre passed away, she continued with her own studies. Marie successfully isolated radium and proved its existence. She also studied the properties and compounds of these radioactive elements. "She also documented the properties of the radioactive elements and their compounds. Radioactive compounds became important as sources of radiation in both scientific experiments and in the field of medicine, where they are used to treat tumors" (Nobel Media). This discovery led to the further development of X–rays and her receiving her second Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. Marie Curie was the first woman ever to win two Nobel Prizes in two fields and in multiple sciences, two incredible ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Marie Curie's Accomplishments At The Front Of The Nuclear... NAME: Marie Curie (born Maria Salomea Sklodowska) BORN: 7th November 1867 FROM: Warsaw, Poland DIED: 4th of July 1934 DISCOVERIES: She was credited with the discovery of Radium and Polonium (named after her own country of Poland). AWARDS: Some of the awards she received included Nobel Prizes for Physics (1903), Chemistry (1911) and also the Benjamin Franklin Medal from the American Philosophical Society in 1921. Marie Curies studies put her at the front of the "nuclear age.' Her studies of all the compounds containing known radioactive elements, which included uranium and thorium, which was later found to be radioactive, lead her to the conclusion that, The strength of radiation from uranium can be exactly ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. How Did Marie Curie Impact The World Born on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, Marie Sklodowska, better known as Marie Curie, is famously known for being the first woman to win a Nobel Peace prize and first one person to win twice. Curie's knowledge has led to the discovery or both polonium and radium and helped with creation of the X–ray. Curie's legacy has led to various breakthroughs in science and continues to impact the the world today. Marie Curie grew up in an impoverished household, being the youngest of 5 siblings. She obtained an average education in primary school and continued to be a excellent student in secondary school. Because Curie was a woman she could not enroll in a formal college however, she soon enrolled in an undercover college in Warsaw. Curie faced many obstacles during her schooling years like not having the finances for education. Over the course of several years, Curie had to take a break from school and focus of her finances. However she proceeded to study physics, chemistry and math. After about five years, Curie moved to Paris and enrolled in a college called Sorbonne. By 1894, she had obtained master's degree in both physics and mathematics. After graduating from Sorbonne, Marie was introduced to an French physicist ... Show more content on ... Because of this these x–rays earned the name "Little Curies." After the war ended, Curie continued her research specifically in radium and began establishing radium research institutes. Curie gave many lectures in Belgium, Spain, Brazil, and Czechoslovakia on radium and the dangers of it. On July 4, 1934 in Savoy, France, Curie died of aplastic anemia caused by overexposure to radium. She devoted her life to science and has allowed for the evolution of science. Throughout Curie's career she has made several advances in science and had became a positive role model for woman in the science industry. Her career has set a precedent for woman in the science ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. How Did Marie Curie Use Brachytherapy? Despite societal expectations of women attending university, Marie Curie's motivation to expand her knowledge of science drove Curie's ambition to find a university she could attend. Curie moved to Paris and attending university where she learned French while earning a degree in mathematics and physics. These degrees enabled Curie to investigate uranium and thorium, which later led to studying pitchblende, a natural ore containing these elements (Froman 2014). It was through pitchblende Curie discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium. Marie Curie's unconscious sacrifice of her health led to the discovery of radium and polonium, leading to the creation of radioactive and medical advancements for cancer treatments and diagnoses ... Show more content on ... With the devastating injuries from soldiers, Marie knew that the advancements of x–rays would aid doctors in viewing bullet wounds, and broken bones. As a result, Marie persuaded the French Government to set up red cross radiology vehicles, "Petite Curie's" to perform procedures to help soldiers on the battle front. Marie first used radium in utilizing a method of radiotherapy known as brachytherapy; "brachy", a Greek term meaning near, by placing radioactive sources in direct contact with the damaged tissue (Kułakowski 2011). Marie achieved brachytherapy by collecting radon gas from radium, which she sealed in glass tubes and dispersed to civilian and military hospitals. The doctors encased the tubes in platinum needles and positioned them directly within patients' bodies, in the exact spot where the radiation would most effectively destroy diseased tissue (pasacoff 1996). Because of a lack of proper dosimetry and the inevitability of direct contact with the radioactive material, this method was dangerous for the doctors involved. This method has significantly improved by using radioactive isotopes with the afterloading method; by which radioactive materials are inserted into the patient once placement of an applicator or needle in correct position had been ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Explain What Was The Main Purpose Of The May 68 Uprising... The May '68 uprising in Paris is known as the beginning of 1960s student movements in the world. To answer the question "Why did the May '68 uprising fail to spread and transform into a full–scale revolution, as many of the student organizers had hoped?", it is important to clarify what was the goal that student organizers set. This movement started from students occupied the Sorbonne university, then developed student marches and demonstrations and workers' movement. The main purpose of the May '68 uprising was demanding for democracy. However, according to 'The general strike and the student revolt in France', "The government and media strive to portray the street battles in the Latin Quarter as the work of radical groups and troublemakers" ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Maria Saloodowska Research Paper This is a famous quote by Maria Salomea Skłodowska, also known as Marie Curie. Maria was born on November 7 in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. She had four older siblings. Both of her parents were teachers. Sadly, when Maria was ten, her mother passed away due to tuberculosis. Maria lacked the financial resources to earn a degree, so for five years, she worked as a nanny and a tutor. Any spare time she had was devoted to reading chemistry, physics, and math. At last, in 1891, Skłodowska enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris, France. However, this took a personal toll on her. Skłodowska had barely enough money to support herself. Her hard work payed off in the end, though. Then, in 1893, Maria finished her master's degree in physics; the next year, ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Marie Curie Research Paper Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867 in Warsaw Poland. which, being controlled by Russia was very suppressed. Marie's mother worked as a teacher as did her father, and they made sure that their daughter had a great education. As Marie grew up she began to see how the Russians suppressed the Polish people :for example her father lost his job. Whenever Marie was old enough to go to college, She worked out a deal with her sister, while one was at college in Paris the other would get a job to help support the other. Marie's sister went first ,and so Marie got a job as a governess. When it was Marie's turn to go to college she went to the Sorbonne and moved to Paris. Soon after she started college, she decided to get degrees in physics and calculus. ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. How Did Maria Sklodowska Contribute To Science Have you heard of Marie Curie? She was a Polish scientist who discovered polonium and radium, winning a Nobel Prize twice − the first time in history. Marie made important contributions to science, which are still felt today. Maria Sklodowska was born in Poland on November 7, 1867. She had four siblings and was the youngest child. Maria's father was Wladyslaw. When young Maria was only ten years old, though, her mother Bronislawa died of tuberculosis. When Marie was older, her sister offered her lodgings in Paris. She immediately went over to France and attended Sorbonne University. At the university, she earned a master's in Physics in 1893 and completed another degree in Math one year after. Later in life, Marie Curie met Pierre Curie, ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. How Did Louis Pasteur Contribute To Society Many people wonder who made a more significant contribution to society,Marie Curie or Louis Pasteur. Well, i'm here to voice my opinion to you all. Marie Curie was an spectacular at her studies when she was younger. Being born in Poland, opportunities for studies were limited so she went to Paris. After working as a governess, she studied in Sorbonne, Paris. She struggled to learn in French, so she studied more and more. She eventually got a degree in physics and finished at the top of her school. After that she got a degree in math. In Paris,she met Pierre Curie who was the chief of a laboratory. He was a renowned chemist. Pierre liked young Marie and asked her to marry him. He sure had to beg and finally, she relented. She discovered two elements in her studies radium and polonium. Radium made x–rays, which helped in world war 1 and are still used today. Marie later died from cancer because of her studies with radium. ... Show more content on ... He was a hard working student, but not the best. He received a doctorate degree in 1847. He also spent lots of time related to research on tartrate acid. He found different ways to kill many different germs. He found cures for rabies and anthrax and found a way to pasteurize milk. That saved many lives. In conclusion, I think that Louis Pasteur had the most significant contributions to society because if it was not for him, we would not have pets without rabies and we wound have no milk. That's my opinion...whats ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Marie Sklodowska Research Paper Marie Sklodowska, also known as Marie Curie, was born on November 7, 1867, in Warsaw, Poland. She was the youngest in a family of five children. Both of her parents were teachers, and she took after her father, who taught physics and math. Sadly, when she was ten, her mother died from tuberculosis. While Marie was a top student at her secondary school, she was not able to attend a university in Poland because they were for men only. Nevertheless, she was so determined to learn that, instead of giving up, she went to the floating university which was a set of informal classes held in secret. She wanted to travel abroad to obtain an official degree, but her family could not afford it. In 1891, through hard work and determination, Marie made ... Show more content on ... She needed a lab to work in and was introduced to Pierre Curie. They were both geniuses in their own right so, when they met each other, there was instant chemistry. The couple eventually married on July 26, 1895. Marie Curie had an interest in Henri Becquerel's work, which involved the rays or X–rays cast off by the element uranium. She conducted her own research, based on Henri Becquerel's work. When working with uranium, she discovered that the rays stayed constant no matter what condition they were in. She coined the term "radioactivity" to describe her discovery of the uranium rays. Pierre then abandoned his own studies in order to help his wife with her research on these rays. When working with the mineral pitchblende in 1898, they discovered the element Polonium, which is named after Marie's birth country, Poland. Then, in 1902, they detected the presence of an element that they later called radium. Meanwhile, their research extending from Henri Becquerel's work grabbed the attention of the science community, and this led to the Curies' winning the Nobel Prize in 1903. Marie was the first woman to ever receive this prestigious ... Get more on ...