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Alejandra Abigail Gámez Reséndiz 1381563
David Emmanuel Arellano Chapa 1446930
Samantha Gisell Hernández Cantú 1519055
What’s a landmark?
• A landmark literally meant a geographic
feature used by explorers and others to find
their way back or through an area.
• In modern usage, a landmark includes
anything that is easily recognizable, such as a
monument, building, or other structure.
What’s a landmark?
• In American English it is the main term used to
designate places that might be of interest to
tourists due to notable physical features or
historical significance.
• Landmarks in the British English sense are
often used for casual navigation, such as
giving directions. This is done in American
English as well.
UMS (Mexico’s Landmarks)
Mexico is a beautiful country located south of
the Unites States border. It’s a great place to
explore and experience a culture that reflects
the complexity of the country’s past through the
fusion of pre-Hispanic civilizations and Spanish
culture during Spain’s 300-year colonization of
Chichen Itza
Chichen Itza was founded by the
Maya in 400 A.D. and is located in
the north central Yucatan
Peninsula, now called Mexico.
Chichen is located 75 miles from
Merida and has a history of 1500
years. It was the primary location
for different ceremonies and is
believed to have been governed
by priests. Chichen Itza means “At
the mouth of the well of Itza”. The
word Chi stands for ‘mouth’, Chen
for ‘well’ and Itza for ‘the Itza
tribe’. The people who lived there
are believed to have sacrificed
objects and humans to their god.
Those who survived the ordeal
were thought to be seers.
Teotihuacán Pyramids in the Valley
of Mexico
This is a very popular area to visit
from the city, as these ruins are
among Mexico’s most remarkable
The Temple of Quetzalcoatl is one of
its most monumental
structures, located in the center of
the area. This temple has a pyramid
built on top of it called the Feathered
Serpent Pyramid. Here over 200
ceremonially buried warriors’
skeletons have been found by
The Pyramid of the Sun is positioned
on the Avenue of the Dead’s east
side. It is the third biggest pyramid in
the world and the largest pyramid
that has been restored in the
Western Hemisphere.
This area is the site of one of the largest
ancient cities by the Mayan civilization that
has ever uncovered. This site is located in
the Mexican state of Campeche, in the
Calakmul Biosphere Reserve which has an
area of 1,800,000 acres. Calakmul is
surrounded by a jungle region and is only
30 kilometers from Mexico’s border with
Calakmul is a popular destination for those
who want a lot of history and culture
because there are a lot of structures in this
Maya region. Moreover, most of these
structures have been recovered intact.
Calakmul has 117 obelisks, which
represents representing rulers and their
wives in paired sets. This figure is the
largest obelisk count in the region. The bad
news is, these carved obelisks were made
out of soft limestone, and the
weather, wear and tear has eroded most of
them beyond interpretation.
Uxmal, a city belonging to
the Mayan civilization in
the Mexican state of
Yucatan. This exotic
sounding name is
pronounced as “Oosh-
mahl,” which is believed to
be part of the old Mayan
language which means
“built three times.” These
places in Uxmal are well
preserved. In fact, it is one
Mayan city where a visitor
can get an idea of how the
entire ceremonial center
looked like in days past.
San Miguel de Allende
Mexico has a lot of colonial
towns that invoke both luxurious
and classic charms. A very good
example is the town of San
Miguel de Allende.
San Miguel de Allende is in the
state of Guanajuato in Mexico.
This historic town was
established in 1542 and has
attracted certain type of visitor
when it comes to tourism – this
town has become a haven for
rich residents of the capital
Mexico City residents and has
been a go-to city for American
and Canadian expatriates and
Taxco de Alarcón, also referred to
simply as Taxco. Taxco is found in
the Mexican state of Guerrero. The
“de Alarcon” in the town’s official
name is in tribute to Juan Ruiz de
Alarcon, a writer who is from this
This ancient town has a long
association with silver, both the
mining of the metal and the crafting
of the metal into jewelry and
silverware. The town’s reputation
with silver, as well as the city’s
picture perfect homes and
landscapes have now made tourism
the premier industry in this area.
This comes as a welcome
development as the remaining
large-scale mining operation in the
area is already decreasing its
operations and will eventually be
closing soon.
Mitla is the name that has
been given to a site of
archaeological interest
located in the town of San
Pablo Villa de Mitla. This
town is in the Mexican
state of Oaxaca. It receives
its acclaim for having a
number of well-tended
and intact Mesoamerican
buildings from the Pre-
Columbian era.
Actually, unlike most towns
with ancient
structures, Mitla is a
functioning town in the
Barranca del cobre
Natural wonders abound in
this country, and one of them
is the Barranca del Cobre, or
Copper Canyon in English. The
Copper Canyon, located in the
state of Chihuahua in
Mexico, is a group of six
canyons joined together in
the Sierra Tarahumara range.
Visitors would be surprised to
find out that this system of
canyons is actually bigger
(actually, at least four times
larger) than what is
considered to be the world’s
most breathtaking collection
of canyons
USA (USA’s Landmarks)
Its land area includes both naturally beautiful, sparsely
populated and open landscape, and huge, heavily
populated cities and urban centers with suburbs.
America, being a county made up of immigrants, has no
one distinct culture, but rather has a combination of
many and the cultural experience you receive depends
largely on which part of the country you visit. Common
elements of American culture include
individualism, popular culture (Hollywood films, music
like country, jazz, rock n roll and pop), sports, especially
baseball “the American pastime”, technology, corn on the
cob and fast food.
Glen Canyon Dam
Glen Canyon Dam is the second largest dam on the Colorado River, situated in Page, Arizona.
It was built with the primary purpose of generating electrical power, securing water supply
for the dry southwestern portion of the United States, and housing water recreation
destinations and activities. The dam caused the nearby Glen Canyon to its north to become
flooded, creating a large reservoir now known as Lake Powell.
Devil’s TowerIt’s quite intriguing that the first national monument in the United States is not made by the hands of men. In
fact, this towering natural landmark means more to the American Indians than it is to the forefathers who
established the colonies.
Bears Lodge, as others would often refer to it, is believed by American Indians as a sacred site. Knowing its
significance, then President Theodore Roosevelt designated it as a national monument in 1906. That’s the
Devils Tower as we know it today.
One might wonder why it was called as such. In truth, the landmark was supposed to be called as Devil’s Tower.
Alcatraz island
The island’s strategic location made it an excellent choice for a military quarter. And it did become one in
1850 – specifically from the orders of then US president Millard Fillmore. But the island known as The
Rock became famous – or infamous in 1934 when it became a federal prison, locking down some of
history’s most notorious gangsters and criminals. Who could have thought that the era’s dark figures like
Al Capone, George “Machine Gun” Kelly, Alvin Karpis, and Robert Franklin Stroud have all graced its now
empty prison cells? It’s funny how an Island aptly named after “pelicans” can have so much notoriety.
Albany City Hall
The city of Albany is the second oldest city in the United States and one of the last
remaining settlements from the original thirteen British colonies. The streets of Albany are
peppered with imposing structures, each showcasing unique architectural styles of
visionary architects and highlighting the important developments that have occurred in the
Empire State’s capital. One such structure is the Albany City Hall.
Bell Rock
Bell Rock, located in the Village of Oak Creek, in Sedona, Arizona.
This land formation is technically a butte, made up of sedimentary rocks that were piled up horizontally
for centuries. What it is now is a sight that looks spectacular especially during the sunset, when the rich
brown color of the butte glimmers. The formation also takes a special significance among believers of the
New Age movement, who believe that the place has a spiritual ingredient that rejuvenates their
being, with the rock energizing and calming anyone located on its slopes.
California Palace of the Legion of honor
It is a museum in the northwestern part of the Richmond neighborhood that has a magnificent view of
the Golden Gate Bridge and Lincoln Park. This museum is an excellent place to visit if you want to be
awed by ancient European art. The museum itself is considered a work of art because the architecture
of the building is neoclassical and you will feel that you are in ancient Europe when you visit.
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve.
As one of the national parks in the whole of United States, this park in Alaska is
undoubtedly one of the best tourist destinations and is considered as one of UNESCO’s
Heritage Sites.
300,000 visitors per year is proof of how attractive the park is.
Griffith Observatory
In 1904, a man looked through a 60-inch telescope atop Mount Wilson and was inspired to
share his experience of the heavens with everybody. Welsh businessman and long-time Los
Angeles resident Griffith J. Griffith’s vision took almost 30 years in the making, even outliving
Griffith himself who died years earlier. Today, the Griffith Observatory continues Griffith’s
advocacy of free public access to the exhibits until now and is widely recognized as a national
leader in public astronomy.
UK (United Kingdom)
Visiting United Kingdom is an unforgettable
experience and there is a true breadth of history
going back hundreds of years. Round almost
every corner there are landmark sights with
their own story, and architectural style.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric and a mystical monument which is located in the county of
Wiltshire, England. It is situated almost 3.2 km west of Amesbury. The Stonehenge is a
formation of stones in a circular fashion that are standing upright. The construction of this
prehistoric monument started some 5000 years ago and it is amazing to know that these
stones are still in place after 5 millenniums.
Big Ben
It may be one of the most well-known tourist destinations
in the world, but the insides of the tower remains unseen
by the general public because of security reasons.
However, at certain times, press people and other
personalities are given right of entry.It was in 1288 when a clock
tower was established at
Westminster. The Chief Justice
of King’s Bench at that
time, Ralph Hengham financed
the construction of the tower
using the money accumulated
from the fine collected. When
the old Palace of Westminster
was destroyed by fire on that
fateful night of October 1834
everything was destroyed. So
the palace instructed their
chief architect, Charles Barry to
design the palace using Neo-
gothic style as inspiration. Hand
in hand with Augustus Pugin
who designed the present 316-
ft clock tower, the new palace
was built.
St. Paul’s Cathedral
St. Paul’s Cathedral was used for the marriage of
Price Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Way back in
2001, a memorial service to honor victims of the
September 11, 2001 attack was held in this very
cathedral as well.
St. Paul’s Cathedral is an
Anglican Cathedral found in
Ludgate Hill in the City of
London. This cathedral has
been generally reckoned as
London’s fifth St. Paul’s
Cathedral. The cathedral is
located on the highest point
of London. The cathedral is
one of the most visited
cathedrals or sights in
London. The cathedral was
built using Portland Stone in
late Renaissance Style or
Loch Ness
Loch Ness is purportedly the most
famous lake in the world and one of the
most visited locations in Scotland. The
Loch Ness is a large, deep lake found in
Scotland about 23 miles wide and 52 feet
above sea level. The Loch Ness is
allegedly the home of the famous Loch
Ness Monster. The legendary animal is
said to be 40 to 50 meters tall with a
long, snake-like neck. Its first sightings
date back to 565 AD and the sightings
became more frequent during the 18th
century. Numerous sightings and pictures
have appeared to prove the existence of
this monster, but all these supposed
evidence are still inconclusive. If you love
busting or proving myths and legends, go
monster hunting and try spotting the
Loch Ness Monster with the whole
National Gallery of Scotland
The National Gallery of Scotland is located in Edinburgh, Scotland. The National Gallery possesses the
most magnificent galleries, special exhibitions and varied collections of national fine art. The gallery boasts
of one of the best collections in the world. It is open everyday and offers free admission to the public.
The National Gallery has rare art pieces from the early Renaissance until today by some of the most
important artists ever known to mankind. The National Gallery housed masterpieces from respectable
artists like Bernini, Boticelli, Constable, El Greco, Gauguin, de Goya and the like. It also has a vast collection
of portraits of the greatest Scots in history.
Blarney StoneThe Blarney Stone is a famous Irish
historical site located in the village of
Blarney, just a mere 8 kilometers from the
city of Cork. It’s a huge block of stone that
was a gift of gratitude to the Irish people
from Robert the Bruce, for their
unwavering support in the 1314 battle of
Bannockburn. It was in 1446, when King
Dermot McCarthy had a castle specially
made for the stone, constructing
battlements to be a part of it. And
thus, the Blarney castle has come to
The Blarney Stone is said to have special
powers to bequeath any person who kisses
it with the gift of eloquence or flattery.
This is why it has become one of the
famous landmarks that tourists flock to in
Ireland every year.
Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral is
Canterbury in Kent County.
This structure is one of the
most ancient and most
popular in England and is a
part of a World Heritage Site.
This cathedral is the official
residence of the leader of the
Church of
England, Archbishop of
Canterbury, who is also the
symbolic leader of the
Anglican Communion. The
formal name of this Christian
edifice is the Cathedral and
Metro political Church of
Christ at Canterbury.
Tower Bridge
The Tower Bridge is located in above the River Thames, London. On June 30th, 1894, the Tower bridge was
opened by King Edward VII. The design of the Tower Bridge was done by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry, the
bridge was constructed in the year 1894. The Tower Bridge contains two massive towers which are linked
together. The bridge stands at a height of 60 meters and the height of each tower is about 43 meters. The
middle part of the bridge can be lifted up when huge ships pass through that way. In the past, the bridge was
lifted nearly 50 times per day.
Important cities of Mexico
Important cities of Mexico
Was named in honor to the city that saw being born in Spain the
conqueror Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán. In 2008, it was considered to
be the metropolis of the future in Mexico for being a place of rapid
economic growth. In 2009, it was the second city in North America
in having the biggest monetary potential.
It is the capital of state of the same name. It is also one of the
most important colonial cities of the country. In 1980, its historic
center with its mines were declared Cultural Heritage of
Humanity. Its monuments, buildings and the layout of the
streets make it a unique city.
The Spaniards settled in the area gave the name of Valladolid and since
then it has been a city of great importance in the country's political and
economic history. Its urban image is due to the way that the first houses
were built during the colonial period and that almost always lead to a
majestic construction. Its cultural offer is the richest in the country.
Since the 19th century it became an important industrial and
technological hub. It has the stronger the country's economy and has gone
from becoming a metropolis whose development has moved from
manufacturing to the services and knowledge.
The standard of living in this city is considered among the highest in the country
and Latin America, for the low rate of unemployment. It is the second best city in
Mexico to start businesses. It was appointed Cultural Heritage and has a very wide
cultural and entertainment offer
• It was known as City of palaces during the time of the viceroys. In areas such as
the Historic Center keeps buildings from the colonial period. Some of the leading
companies in the nation are laid down in this city; in addition to being the
metropolis where decisions are made more important of the country's political life
Mexico city
Important cities of E.U.A
New York
It has been chosen as one of the cities of the
United States that should visit the city of
skyscrapers, offers all the glamour with large
stores of the most important firms of designers.
Las Vegas
The city of United States, which
has a multitude of casino
hotels, a luxury that attracts
many tourists who want to have
fun and try your luck
If you prefer a warm place
with a beach for
sunbathing, Miami is the
ideal city marked with a
latin air we found the
most beautiful
beaches, no doubt one of
the United States to visit
• A rich history, architecture and some of the best universities in the world, Boston
has a youthful, full of culture atmosphere, has several bars, fashionable clubs, arts
and music cannot are missing in this, one of the best cities in United States
• One of the cities in the United
States most important, perhaps
by being the capital is
unavoidable, rather than the
White House, that account with
some of the emblematic
monuments, museums, scenes
of live music, restaurants and
City of the entertainment, in the cities of the bigger United States
with the position number 2, possesses mountains, beaches; it is
known by its movie, wireless, television, and record industry. The
hearth of the stars of movies(movie theater) of Hollywood
Los Angeles
Important cities of England
This is definitely one of the best cities in
England, the largest urban area of this country
and of greater activity in the world
• After London is considered
one of the best cities in
England, it is known as the
factory of the world or the
city of the thousand
• One of the cities of England known by the famed band The Beatles that helped to
make it a tourist destination, it is also considered a world heritage site by Unesco
It is an important artistic
center, financial and media, and is
regarded as one of the cities of
England with greater economic
growth and is home to two football
teams in the Premier League
Is the British university town, home to the oldest university in the English-
speaking world, is known as the city of needles of dreams for its harmony in the
architecture of the buildings and is of the cities of England that you have to know
United Kingdom
The Economy of the United Kingdom
is the sixth largest in the world. The
main economic activities are:
• Agriculture
• Energy Matters
• Financial
• Industry
• Mining
In Agriculture, the main productions are potatoes, sugar
beet, wheat and barley. Livestock is also significant, particularly
sheep and cattle, with a large European producer of milk and dairy
In energy , nuclear
power has supplying
energy to the public
and businesses .
The London Stock
Exchange is the second
global financial center
and the British capital is
the European city with
more activity in the
capital market .
In industry, the main activities
are machinery , transport
equipment (vehicles , trains and
aircraft ) and chemicals.
The sectors with great potential are the technologies of
information and communication
technologies, biotechnology, aerospace, defense and
Mining has always been a very important sector
, traditional coal mines have supplied the energy
needed for economic development .
Browse the UK is going through
the various cultures that come
together in four different
countries: that of
England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland, as well as the
smaller islands surrounding it.
All these places preserve
traditions of many centuries of
history, while mixed with
The main activities are in Mexico are:
•Cattle Ranching
•Extraction of materials and minerals
The 10 products
that are produced
in the Mexican
countryside are:
Lemon. Potato.
Banana. Orange. Tomato.
Corn.Sugarcane. Green pepper.
Sorghum. Wheat.
This activity
includes the rearing
cattle, sheep, pigs, g
oats, poultry, beeke
eping, horses, donk
eys and mules
The produced minerals are
gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, iron, lead,
copper, zinc and
molybdenum, coal, coke, iron and
manganese, among others. Oil is of
great importance to the
economy, producing millions of barrels
Here stands the automotive industry
which is recognized through the
world, also highlights the electronic
production where Mexico is the sixth
largest producer worldwide. Other
industries representative of this industry
are the petrochemical, cement production
and construction, textiles and food and
Trade is the economic activity that has
the largest number of establishments
in the country. Commercial
establishments engaged in the sale:
•49% Food, beverages and snuff.
•13% Stationery or recreation and
•12% Textiles, clothing accessories and
Tourism in Mexico is an important economic
activity for the country and is one of the largest
in the world, placed in tenth place in the world
The transport of people and goods in Mexico is mainly
for: Roads, railroad, air transport, water transport.
The economy of the United States of America
is the largest national economy in the world.
Maintains a high level of production, is one
of the world's richest nations. It is also the
biggest industrial producer and the largest
trading country, with the main trading
partners China, Canada and México.
The U.S. economy is
one of the
largest, most
powerful and
worldwide, is why it
is one of the world
powers and moves
millions of dollars
annually. In the
U.S., business and
many transactions
take place on the
The United States had about 11,060
banks with more than 70,000 offices
In the industry big industrial
regions are distinguished.
Pittsburg's region with a
production and consumption
of aluminium that tends to
substitute the steel. In the
region of south-east the
second one is where there
exist important
petrochemical and
metallurgical facilities.
Subsurface Wealth
It has a third of the world's coal reserves and also
that oil is abundant with oil zones there are rich
deposits of natural gas
It has the most modern and
efficient transport
infrastructure. The road
network as well as the railway
network where the main roads
are like transcontinental
Central Pacific, Northern
Pacific and Southern Pacific.
Air traffic is very intense due
to the vast distances of the
Only in 1993, more than 700,000 companies started
their business in the United States. Many large chain
stores started with a single store. For example:
The Coca-Cola Company, which
distributes the gas throughout the
world, began when a pharmacist
mixed the first Coca-Cola and began
to sell in the city of
Atlanta, Georgia.
The companies H. J. Heinz
Co., which specializes in
pickles, mustard and ketchup. It
began when a teenager started
selling various food items from
door to door and down the
In the United States
there are plenty of
attractions which can be
accessed through
various means of
transport are there in
each city, choosing the
best suited according to
the situation and

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Class: LANDMARKS. Cultura Inglesa

  • 1. LANDMARKS UK, USA, USM Cultura Inglesa Martes M1 Alejandra Abigail Gámez Reséndiz 1381563 David Emmanuel Arellano Chapa 1446930 Samantha Gisell Hernández Cantú 1519055
  • 2. What’s a landmark? • A landmark literally meant a geographic feature used by explorers and others to find their way back or through an area. • In modern usage, a landmark includes anything that is easily recognizable, such as a monument, building, or other structure.
  • 3. What’s a landmark? • In American English it is the main term used to designate places that might be of interest to tourists due to notable physical features or historical significance. • Landmarks in the British English sense are often used for casual navigation, such as giving directions. This is done in American English as well.
  • 4. UMS (Mexico’s Landmarks) Mexico is a beautiful country located south of the Unites States border. It’s a great place to explore and experience a culture that reflects the complexity of the country’s past through the fusion of pre-Hispanic civilizations and Spanish culture during Spain’s 300-year colonization of Mexico.
  • 5. Chichen Itza Chichen Itza was founded by the Maya in 400 A.D. and is located in the north central Yucatan Peninsula, now called Mexico. Chichen is located 75 miles from Merida and has a history of 1500 years. It was the primary location for different ceremonies and is believed to have been governed by priests. Chichen Itza means “At the mouth of the well of Itza”. The word Chi stands for ‘mouth’, Chen for ‘well’ and Itza for ‘the Itza tribe’. The people who lived there are believed to have sacrificed objects and humans to their god. Those who survived the ordeal were thought to be seers.
  • 6. Teotihuacán Pyramids in the Valley of Mexico This is a very popular area to visit from the city, as these ruins are among Mexico’s most remarkable sites. The Temple of Quetzalcoatl is one of its most monumental structures, located in the center of the area. This temple has a pyramid built on top of it called the Feathered Serpent Pyramid. Here over 200 ceremonially buried warriors’ skeletons have been found by archaeologists. The Pyramid of the Sun is positioned on the Avenue of the Dead’s east side. It is the third biggest pyramid in the world and the largest pyramid that has been restored in the Western Hemisphere.
  • 7. Calakmul This area is the site of one of the largest ancient cities by the Mayan civilization that has ever uncovered. This site is located in the Mexican state of Campeche, in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve which has an area of 1,800,000 acres. Calakmul is surrounded by a jungle region and is only 30 kilometers from Mexico’s border with Guatemala. Calakmul is a popular destination for those who want a lot of history and culture because there are a lot of structures in this Maya region. Moreover, most of these structures have been recovered intact. Calakmul has 117 obelisks, which represents representing rulers and their wives in paired sets. This figure is the largest obelisk count in the region. The bad news is, these carved obelisks were made out of soft limestone, and the weather, wear and tear has eroded most of them beyond interpretation.
  • 8. Uxmal Uxmal, a city belonging to the Mayan civilization in the Mexican state of Yucatan. This exotic sounding name is pronounced as “Oosh- mahl,” which is believed to be part of the old Mayan language which means “built three times.” These places in Uxmal are well preserved. In fact, it is one Mayan city where a visitor can get an idea of how the entire ceremonial center looked like in days past.
  • 9. San Miguel de Allende Mexico has a lot of colonial towns that invoke both luxurious and classic charms. A very good example is the town of San Miguel de Allende. San Miguel de Allende is in the state of Guanajuato in Mexico. This historic town was established in 1542 and has attracted certain type of visitor when it comes to tourism – this town has become a haven for rich residents of the capital Mexico City residents and has been a go-to city for American and Canadian expatriates and retirees.
  • 10. Taxco Taxco de Alarcón, also referred to simply as Taxco. Taxco is found in the Mexican state of Guerrero. The “de Alarcon” in the town’s official name is in tribute to Juan Ruiz de Alarcon, a writer who is from this town. This ancient town has a long association with silver, both the mining of the metal and the crafting of the metal into jewelry and silverware. The town’s reputation with silver, as well as the city’s picture perfect homes and landscapes have now made tourism the premier industry in this area. This comes as a welcome development as the remaining large-scale mining operation in the area is already decreasing its operations and will eventually be closing soon.
  • 11. Mitla Mitla is the name that has been given to a site of archaeological interest located in the town of San Pablo Villa de Mitla. This town is in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It receives its acclaim for having a number of well-tended and intact Mesoamerican buildings from the Pre- Columbian era. Actually, unlike most towns with ancient structures, Mitla is a functioning town in the present-day.
  • 12. Barranca del cobre Natural wonders abound in this country, and one of them is the Barranca del Cobre, or Copper Canyon in English. The Copper Canyon, located in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, is a group of six canyons joined together in the Sierra Tarahumara range. Visitors would be surprised to find out that this system of canyons is actually bigger (actually, at least four times larger) than what is considered to be the world’s most breathtaking collection of canyons
  • 13. USA (USA’s Landmarks) Its land area includes both naturally beautiful, sparsely populated and open landscape, and huge, heavily populated cities and urban centers with suburbs. America, being a county made up of immigrants, has no one distinct culture, but rather has a combination of many and the cultural experience you receive depends largely on which part of the country you visit. Common elements of American culture include individualism, popular culture (Hollywood films, music like country, jazz, rock n roll and pop), sports, especially baseball “the American pastime”, technology, corn on the cob and fast food.
  • 14. Glen Canyon Dam Glen Canyon Dam is the second largest dam on the Colorado River, situated in Page, Arizona. It was built with the primary purpose of generating electrical power, securing water supply for the dry southwestern portion of the United States, and housing water recreation destinations and activities. The dam caused the nearby Glen Canyon to its north to become flooded, creating a large reservoir now known as Lake Powell.
  • 15. Devil’s TowerIt’s quite intriguing that the first national monument in the United States is not made by the hands of men. In fact, this towering natural landmark means more to the American Indians than it is to the forefathers who established the colonies. Bears Lodge, as others would often refer to it, is believed by American Indians as a sacred site. Knowing its significance, then President Theodore Roosevelt designated it as a national monument in 1906. That’s the Devils Tower as we know it today. One might wonder why it was called as such. In truth, the landmark was supposed to be called as Devil’s Tower.
  • 16. Alcatraz island The island’s strategic location made it an excellent choice for a military quarter. And it did become one in 1850 – specifically from the orders of then US president Millard Fillmore. But the island known as The Rock became famous – or infamous in 1934 when it became a federal prison, locking down some of history’s most notorious gangsters and criminals. Who could have thought that the era’s dark figures like Al Capone, George “Machine Gun” Kelly, Alvin Karpis, and Robert Franklin Stroud have all graced its now empty prison cells? It’s funny how an Island aptly named after “pelicans” can have so much notoriety.
  • 17. Albany City Hall The city of Albany is the second oldest city in the United States and one of the last remaining settlements from the original thirteen British colonies. The streets of Albany are peppered with imposing structures, each showcasing unique architectural styles of visionary architects and highlighting the important developments that have occurred in the Empire State’s capital. One such structure is the Albany City Hall.
  • 18. Bell Rock Bell Rock, located in the Village of Oak Creek, in Sedona, Arizona. This land formation is technically a butte, made up of sedimentary rocks that were piled up horizontally for centuries. What it is now is a sight that looks spectacular especially during the sunset, when the rich brown color of the butte glimmers. The formation also takes a special significance among believers of the New Age movement, who believe that the place has a spiritual ingredient that rejuvenates their being, with the rock energizing and calming anyone located on its slopes.
  • 19. California Palace of the Legion of honor It is a museum in the northwestern part of the Richmond neighborhood that has a magnificent view of the Golden Gate Bridge and Lincoln Park. This museum is an excellent place to visit if you want to be awed by ancient European art. The museum itself is considered a work of art because the architecture of the building is neoclassical and you will feel that you are in ancient Europe when you visit.
  • 20. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. As one of the national parks in the whole of United States, this park in Alaska is undoubtedly one of the best tourist destinations and is considered as one of UNESCO’s Heritage Sites. 300,000 visitors per year is proof of how attractive the park is.
  • 21. Griffith Observatory In 1904, a man looked through a 60-inch telescope atop Mount Wilson and was inspired to share his experience of the heavens with everybody. Welsh businessman and long-time Los Angeles resident Griffith J. Griffith’s vision took almost 30 years in the making, even outliving Griffith himself who died years earlier. Today, the Griffith Observatory continues Griffith’s advocacy of free public access to the exhibits until now and is widely recognized as a national leader in public astronomy.
  • 22. UK (United Kingdom) Visiting United Kingdom is an unforgettable experience and there is a true breadth of history going back hundreds of years. Round almost every corner there are landmark sights with their own story, and architectural style.
  • 23. Stonehenge Stonehenge is a prehistoric and a mystical monument which is located in the county of Wiltshire, England. It is situated almost 3.2 km west of Amesbury. The Stonehenge is a formation of stones in a circular fashion that are standing upright. The construction of this prehistoric monument started some 5000 years ago and it is amazing to know that these stones are still in place after 5 millenniums.
  • 24. Big Ben It may be one of the most well-known tourist destinations in the world, but the insides of the tower remains unseen by the general public because of security reasons. However, at certain times, press people and other personalities are given right of entry.It was in 1288 when a clock tower was established at Westminster. The Chief Justice of King’s Bench at that time, Ralph Hengham financed the construction of the tower using the money accumulated from the fine collected. When the old Palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire on that fateful night of October 1834 everything was destroyed. So the palace instructed their chief architect, Charles Barry to design the palace using Neo- gothic style as inspiration. Hand in hand with Augustus Pugin who designed the present 316- ft clock tower, the new palace was built.
  • 25. St. Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral was used for the marriage of Price Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Way back in 2001, a memorial service to honor victims of the September 11, 2001 attack was held in this very cathedral as well. St. Paul’s Cathedral is an Anglican Cathedral found in Ludgate Hill in the City of London. This cathedral has been generally reckoned as London’s fifth St. Paul’s Cathedral. The cathedral is located on the highest point of London. The cathedral is one of the most visited cathedrals or sights in London. The cathedral was built using Portland Stone in late Renaissance Style or them.
  • 26. Loch Ness Loch Ness is purportedly the most famous lake in the world and one of the most visited locations in Scotland. The Loch Ness is a large, deep lake found in Scotland about 23 miles wide and 52 feet above sea level. The Loch Ness is allegedly the home of the famous Loch Ness Monster. The legendary animal is said to be 40 to 50 meters tall with a long, snake-like neck. Its first sightings date back to 565 AD and the sightings became more frequent during the 18th century. Numerous sightings and pictures have appeared to prove the existence of this monster, but all these supposed evidence are still inconclusive. If you love busting or proving myths and legends, go monster hunting and try spotting the Loch Ness Monster with the whole family!
  • 27. National Gallery of Scotland The National Gallery of Scotland is located in Edinburgh, Scotland. The National Gallery possesses the most magnificent galleries, special exhibitions and varied collections of national fine art. The gallery boasts of one of the best collections in the world. It is open everyday and offers free admission to the public. The National Gallery has rare art pieces from the early Renaissance until today by some of the most important artists ever known to mankind. The National Gallery housed masterpieces from respectable artists like Bernini, Boticelli, Constable, El Greco, Gauguin, de Goya and the like. It also has a vast collection of portraits of the greatest Scots in history.
  • 28. Blarney StoneThe Blarney Stone is a famous Irish historical site located in the village of Blarney, just a mere 8 kilometers from the city of Cork. It’s a huge block of stone that was a gift of gratitude to the Irish people from Robert the Bruce, for their unwavering support in the 1314 battle of Bannockburn. It was in 1446, when King Dermot McCarthy had a castle specially made for the stone, constructing battlements to be a part of it. And thus, the Blarney castle has come to existence. The Blarney Stone is said to have special powers to bequeath any person who kisses it with the gift of eloquence or flattery. This is why it has become one of the famous landmarks that tourists flock to in Ireland every year.
  • 29. Canterbury Cathedral Canterbury Cathedral is Canterbury in Kent County. This structure is one of the most ancient and most popular in England and is a part of a World Heritage Site. This cathedral is the official residence of the leader of the Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury, who is also the symbolic leader of the Anglican Communion. The formal name of this Christian edifice is the Cathedral and Metro political Church of Christ at Canterbury.
  • 30. Tower Bridge The Tower Bridge is located in above the River Thames, London. On June 30th, 1894, the Tower bridge was opened by King Edward VII. The design of the Tower Bridge was done by Horace Jones and Wolfe Barry, the bridge was constructed in the year 1894. The Tower Bridge contains two massive towers which are linked together. The bridge stands at a height of 60 meters and the height of each tower is about 43 meters. The middle part of the bridge can be lifted up when huge ships pass through that way. In the past, the bridge was lifted nearly 50 times per day.
  • 31. Important cities of Mexico Important cities of Mexico
  • 32. Guadalajara Was named in honor to the city that saw being born in Spain the conqueror Nuño Beltrán de Guzmán. In 2008, it was considered to be the metropolis of the future in Mexico for being a place of rapid economic growth. In 2009, it was the second city in North America in having the biggest monetary potential.
  • 33. It is the capital of state of the same name. It is also one of the most important colonial cities of the country. In 1980, its historic center with its mines were declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Its monuments, buildings and the layout of the streets make it a unique city. Guanajuato
  • 34. Morelia The Spaniards settled in the area gave the name of Valladolid and since then it has been a city of great importance in the country's political and economic history. Its urban image is due to the way that the first houses were built during the colonial period and that almost always lead to a majestic construction. Its cultural offer is the richest in the country.
  • 35. Monterrey Since the 19th century it became an important industrial and technological hub. It has the stronger the country's economy and has gone from becoming a metropolis whose development has moved from manufacturing to the services and knowledge.
  • 36. The standard of living in this city is considered among the highest in the country and Latin America, for the low rate of unemployment. It is the second best city in Mexico to start businesses. It was appointed Cultural Heritage and has a very wide cultural and entertainment offer Querétaro
  • 37. • It was known as City of palaces during the time of the viceroys. In areas such as the Historic Center keeps buildings from the colonial period. Some of the leading companies in the nation are laid down in this city; in addition to being the metropolis where decisions are made more important of the country's political life Mexico city
  • 39. New York It has been chosen as one of the cities of the United States that should visit the city of skyscrapers, offers all the glamour with large stores of the most important firms of designers.
  • 40. Las Vegas The city of United States, which has a multitude of casino hotels, a luxury that attracts many tourists who want to have fun and try your luck
  • 41. Miami If you prefer a warm place with a beach for sunbathing, Miami is the ideal city marked with a latin air we found the most beautiful beaches, no doubt one of the United States to visit cities.
  • 42. • A rich history, architecture and some of the best universities in the world, Boston has a youthful, full of culture atmosphere, has several bars, fashionable clubs, arts and music cannot are missing in this, one of the best cities in United States Boston
  • 43. • One of the cities in the United States most important, perhaps by being the capital is unavoidable, rather than the White House, that account with some of the emblematic monuments, museums, scenes of live music, restaurants and shop Washington
  • 44. City of the entertainment, in the cities of the bigger United States with the position number 2, possesses mountains, beaches; it is known by its movie, wireless, television, and record industry. The hearth of the stars of movies(movie theater) of Hollywood Los Angeles
  • 46. London This is definitely one of the best cities in England, the largest urban area of this country and of greater activity in the world
  • 47. • After London is considered one of the best cities in England, it is known as the factory of the world or the city of the thousand business Birmingham
  • 48. • One of the cities of England known by the famed band The Beatles that helped to make it a tourist destination, it is also considered a world heritage site by Unesco Liverpool
  • 49. It is an important artistic center, financial and media, and is regarded as one of the cities of England with greater economic growth and is home to two football teams in the Premier League Manchester
  • 50. Oxford Is the British university town, home to the oldest university in the English- speaking world, is known as the city of needles of dreams for its harmony in the architecture of the buildings and is of the cities of England that you have to know
  • 53.
  • 54. The Economy of the United Kingdom is the sixth largest in the world. The main economic activities are: • Agriculture • Energy Matters • Financial • Industry • Mining
  • 55. In Agriculture, the main productions are potatoes, sugar beet, wheat and barley. Livestock is also significant, particularly sheep and cattle, with a large European producer of milk and dairy products. AGRICULTURE AND CATTLE RANCHING
  • 56. ENERGY MATTERS In energy , nuclear power has supplying energy to the public and businesses .
  • 57. FINANCIAL The London Stock Exchange is the second global financial center and the British capital is the European city with more activity in the capital market .
  • 58. INDUSTRY In industry, the main activities are machinery , transport equipment (vehicles , trains and aircraft ) and chemicals.
  • 59. The sectors with great potential are the technologies of information and communication technologies, biotechnology, aerospace, defense and renewable.
  • 60. MINING Mining has always been a very important sector , traditional coal mines have supplied the energy needed for economic development .
  • 61. TOURISM Browse the UK is going through the various cultures that come together in four different countries: that of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as the smaller islands surrounding it. All these places preserve traditions of many centuries of history, while mixed with technology.
  • 63.
  • 64. The main activities are in Mexico are: •Agriculture •Cattle Ranching •Extraction of materials and minerals •Industry •Logging •Tourism •Trade •Transport
  • 65. AGRICULTURE The 10 products that are produced in the Mexican countryside are: Lemon. Potato. Banana. Orange. Tomato. Corn.Sugarcane. Green pepper. Sorghum. Wheat.
  • 66. CATTLE RANCHING This activity includes the rearing of cattle, sheep, pigs, g oats, poultry, beeke eping, horses, donk eys and mules
  • 67. EXTRACTION OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND MINERALS The produced minerals are gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc, iron, lead, copper, zinc and molybdenum, coal, coke, iron and manganese, among others. Oil is of great importance to the economy, producing millions of barrels
  • 68. INDUSTRY Here stands the automotive industry which is recognized through the world, also highlights the electronic production where Mexico is the sixth largest producer worldwide. Other industries representative of this industry are the petrochemical, cement production and construction, textiles and food and drink.
  • 69. TRADE Trade is the economic activity that has the largest number of establishments in the country. Commercial establishments engaged in the sale: •49% Food, beverages and snuff. •13% Stationery or recreation and others. •12% Textiles, clothing accessories and footwear.
  • 70. TOURISM Tourism in Mexico is an important economic activity for the country and is one of the largest in the world, placed in tenth place in the world
  • 71. TRANSPORT The transport of people and goods in Mexico is mainly for: Roads, railroad, air transport, water transport.
  • 72. E.U.A
  • 73.
  • 74. The economy of the United States of America is the largest national economy in the world. Maintains a high level of production, is one of the world's richest nations. It is also the biggest industrial producer and the largest trading country, with the main trading partners China, Canada and México.
  • 75. ECONOMY AND BUSINESS The U.S. economy is one of the largest, most powerful and influential worldwide, is why it is one of the world powers and moves millions of dollars annually. In the U.S., business and many transactions take place on the Exchange.
  • 76. FINANCIAL SYSTEM The United States had about 11,060 banks with more than 70,000 offices
  • 77. INDUSTRY In the industry big industrial regions are distinguished. Pittsburg's region with a production and consumption of aluminium that tends to substitute the steel. In the region of south-east the second one is where there exist important petrochemical and metallurgical facilities.
  • 78. Subsurface Wealth It has a third of the world's coal reserves and also that oil is abundant with oil zones there are rich deposits of natural gas
  • 79. TRANSPORT It has the most modern and efficient transport infrastructure. The road network as well as the railway network where the main roads are like transcontinental Central Pacific, Northern Pacific and Southern Pacific. Air traffic is very intense due to the vast distances of the country.
  • 80. TRADE Only in 1993, more than 700,000 companies started their business in the United States. Many large chain stores started with a single store. For example: The Coca-Cola Company, which distributes the gas throughout the world, began when a pharmacist mixed the first Coca-Cola and began to sell in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. The companies H. J. Heinz Co., which specializes in pickles, mustard and ketchup. It began when a teenager started selling various food items from door to door and down the street.
  • 81. TOURISM In the United States there are plenty of attractions which can be accessed through various means of transport are there in each city, choosing the best suited according to the situation and possibilities.