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Mexico is a Country where people better enjoy their Vacations Abroad with a solid uniqueness of
authentic History, Traditions, Ethnicity, Way of Life and its own Intellectuality. For those who search
places with a profound Culture, Historic legacy, Colonial Monuments, World Class Museums, pre
Columbus standing Pyramids and Archeological sites, Mexico has unimaginable treasures. Mexico
Highlights is the most complete & Classic Tour.
American Aborigine Societies stand in the History of Mankind as amazingly developed cultures,
comparable to the ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India. On the American Continent Incas,
Aztecs and Mayas were outstanding Civilizations with there own Political, Social, Religious and
Economic structures. Aztecs based in the High Lands of Mexico, were the Roman conquerors in
the Middle of the American Continent. Their influence and control spread knowledge, trade and
domination throughout Mexico and Central America. Aztecs and Mayans got some construction
techniques from the Toltecs, through the link of the Aztec domination. We find Religious similarities,
as well as an exchange of the astrological awareness and agricultural techniques.
Mexico City, once the Capital of the
Aztec Empire, is 2,200 meters above
sea level and has in the Valley of the
Nations capital, a population exceeding
22 million people, plus another 5 million
in a radius of 70 kilometers. Development of such a megalopolis contains a path full of historic and
physical factors that permitted the City to reach such size. All over, as well as nearby, you find the
heritage of the Pre-Hispanic societies that populated or influenced the configuration of such colossal
urban settlement. The 16th Century witnessed the Conquest of the Country by the Spanish expeditionary
army and the religious missionaries, both changing believes and way of life of the aborigine groups. A
new architecture was enforced using as foundation for the new buildings, the religious monuments of
the existing people. Churches were placed on top of the aborigine temples and today you find Colonial
Churches with rich and artistic furnishings and in some cases next to the church, what was not used as
a foundation, has been uncovered to its original archeological formation. Mexico City has a Historic
District which central square known as the Zocalo right in the Center of the City.
We will undertake a guided excursion to
the outstanding Teotihuacan Pyramids,
starting with a visit to the Virgin of
Guadalupe Shrine. This Church is a place
of pilgrimage for millions of Mexicans
and other parts of the World. The day
will then dedicate a visit to the ancient
archaeological zone of Teotihuacan north
of Mexico City. This was the Toltec-Aztec Ceremonial Center of Teotihuacan with an archeological Site
as impressive or more, as the Egyptian Pyramids. These Monumental Buildings where constructed by
ToltecArchitects, a very advanced Culture dominated by theAztecs before the Conquest of Mexico by the
Spaniards. You will see its impressive Toltec Pyramids dedicated to the Sun, the Moon, the Quetzalcoatl
Temple and the fortresses, the largest monuments of their type in the World.
Mexico City Guided Tour, visiting major
attractions. We start where it all begun,
we go to El Zocalo. You will see the
National Palace with an extended series
of Mural Paintings that show a Graphic
evolution of the History of the Country
and which were painted by Diego Rivera.
The Metropolitan Cathedral The oldest
and largest cathedral in Latin America, a spectacular building intended to distract the Aztec people from
their own previous believes and convert them to the new religion. Also, right in the rear of the Cathedral,
the Tenochtitlan Templo Mayor Pyramids and Museum, which were part of the big Ceremonial Center of
the Aztecs, used as a foundation for other religious buildings. Templo Mayor was not only the most visible
sight of an immense urban complex, but also represented the cosmic center of the universe for the Aztecs.
You will see The Palacio de BellasArtes a 19th Century all white marble building performing as a theater as
well as an Art Museum. To get a feeling of the City you will drive along the Paseo de la Reforma, inspired
by the “Champs Elisée” in Paris. Reaching the National Anthropology Museum.
City Tour & Anthropology Museum
Guadalupe Shrine & Teotihuacán
Day 2
Day 3
We will take an early morning departure
to transit towards the Colonial City of
Oaxaca. When arriving, we will be able
to have a Sightseeing tour on the City.
Oaxaca past was enhanced by Gold
producing mines that led to impressive palaces, churches and public buildings, which stand today as an
architectural Colonial Treasure, already recognized by the UNESCO as a Historic Value of Mankind.
Oaxaca in its Colonial Moments has received the title of “Very noble and loyal city” from King Charles
V of Spain. Among the many colonial buildings with green quarry stone there is the Santo Domingo
Monastery. We stay overnight in Oaxaca.
On day 5, before driving towards
Tehuantepec, we will go to the hills
on the western outside of the City, to
visit the Archeological Zone of Monte
Alban, which was the capital in its time,
of the Zapotec Empire which before
the Spaniards was overtaken by the
Mixtecas, another group of intensive
builders and warriors. In its time, Monte Alban gathered up to 35,000 inhabitants. Investigators studying
Monte Alban’s outstanding architecture, the buildings, burials, ceramics and jewelry, divided Monte
Alban in five different stages. Starting 500 BC until 1521 when the Spanish Conquerors arrived. It´s peak
is considered between 350 and 750 A.D.
Over 180 tombs have been opened, since the first one. Tomb No. 7 was the one that started the whole
recovery of Monte Alban. This happening started out the Archeological conciseness in Mexico, which
initiated in 1932. There are many inscriptions and carvings on their Monuments. Monte Alban is on an
artificially flattened plateau, there is a great plaza, which is the nucleus of the compound.
The buildings stretch out harmoniously. There are remarkable slabs showing relieves of human figures
known as “Danzantes” (the dancers).Around the ball game court several burial sites have been found with
rich treasures, such as the splendid offerings. From the heights of this settlement, there are spectacular
views over the surrounding valleys and the city of Oaxaca. Completed our visit, we will continue to
Tehuantepec, world famous destination for its matriarchal social system unique in Mexico. On the way
we will stop at “Arbol del Tule” one of the largest, widest and most ancient trees in the world. We
will stay Overnight in Tehuantepec an agricultural town with its own traditions and influence from the
Zapotec-Mixteca Culture.
Oaxaca – Tehuantepec
Day 4
Day 5
We will start our day with a transit of
a bit more than 4 1/2 hours, arriving to
the Colonial, but quite aborigine town of
Chiapa de Corzo, to initiate our decent
in to the Sumidero Canyon, a natural
geological wonder, carved as an incision
through the Mountains by the forceful
waters of the Grijalva River. The cliffs
and granite walls of the canyon reach up to 800 meters above the river level. According to the legend,
the Chiapa Indians resisting the Spanish would rather throw themselves down than become prisoners.
After the Canyon, we will continue to San Cristobal de Las Casas. It was formerly the state’s capital and
used to be called Ciudad Real. This town combines its colonial heritage and a strong Indian culture. The
rich and colorful dresses are a characteristic of each ethnic group. Overnight will be in San Cristobal Las
Casas a beautiful colonial town very proud of its art and traditions.
We will leave San Cristóbal de las Casas in
the morning to transit through the thick forest
and down the mountains. We will experience
how vegetation changes from coniferous
forest to tropical, to jungle and rain forest
thick evergreen vegetation.We will stop at the
impressive and beautiful waterfalls of Agua
Azul, situated among thriving vegetation. At
color of the water. Agua Azul surrounded by thick low savannah Forest, where you find all sorts of species such as
jaguar, tapir, guacamaya and toucan. We will have a chance to bath and refresh in this aquatic paradise. From Agua
Azul,wewillcontinuetoPalenqueOvernightin Palenque.
In the morning of day 8 we visit the
Mayan City reached its peak from the sixth
to the eighth centuries A.D. Palenque, is
a more rigidly conservative architecture
compared to other Classic Maya sites. Still
Palenque is one of the most enigmatical sites and has held its secrets for over twelve hundred years. The
Tehuantepec – San Cristóbal de Las Casas
San Cristóbal de Las Casas – Agua Azul – Palenque
Palenque – Campeche
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
setting is nestled against the mountain wall, surrounded by flourishing vegetation deep in the rain forest. You
will see endless levels of Maya man-made terraces, bearing uncounted structures, most of which appear to have
been mausoleums. You will find a marked contrast between Palenque and other Classic Maya sites. The most
outstanding buildings are: The Temple of the Inscriptions, a majestic pyramid with a secret crypt; The Fabulous
Royal PAKALTomb; with an exquisitely engraved monolithic sarcophagus; The Palace with a four story high
square tower, probably used as an astronomical observatory; The Temples of the Cross, The Temples of The
Jaguar and The Temple of The Sun. Palenque added additional roof toppings to its buildings producing an extra
height, compared to other Classic Buildings. In the Afternoon we will transit towards the City of Campeche
through the Tropical Forest and later along the Gulf of Mexico Coast, as we enter theYucatan Peninsula’s West
side. We will see different types of villages as we cover our route until our arrival in Campeche which used
to be the main town of the Mayan province of Ah Kim Pech, which means “Serpent Tick” and was founded
around the 3rd century AD. The City of Campeche was one of the Head Quarters of the Spanish Conquerors
that established their reign over the big Mayan Civilization settled all along the Yucatan Peninsula and way
down it to Central America. The First Spaniard soldiers got to Campeche in the year 1517 and although were
defeated on the first intent, stayed anyway and took over this Mayan Provincial Capital, proceeding with its
colonization. In the Mid 16th Century, Campeche had become an important port with an already established
wall around the City in order to prevent a further defeat. Later it prevented attacks from Pirates that would
move in from the Caribbean. UNESCO has awarded the recognition to The City of Campeche for its beautiful
colonial architecture and restoration of its facades. Overnight in Campeche.
This day we will transit towards Uxmal.
Uxmal is considered a major site. The
architecture of Uxmal is among the most
majestic on the Yucatan Peninsula. Its
beauty is characterized by low and horizontal palaces, placed around patios and quadrants richly decorated with
detailed sculptures. Uxmal is enveloped by legends and myths, situated within a series of hills known as the
Pucc or mountainous area in Mayan Country. We will then drive another hour and go to Merida the Capital of
Yucatan, known as “The White City” to take a city tour.
Merida the capital of the State of Yucatan is today a large City with over a Million inhabitants. Merida has
preserved its Colonial Heritage in the Historic District of the Town. It is the Center of the State and all the roads
converge at the State Capital. Such is the case of The ceremonial Center of Uxmal and the nearby Puuc Route,
The Circuit of The convents and Izamal or the Coastal scenic roads leading to Flamingo Territory. Eastwards
a Modern Highway take you to Chichen Itza sacred Maya Ceremonial Center, voted one of today’s Seven
Modern Wonders of the World. Merida’s Central Square or “Plaza Grande” is surrounded by ancient buildings
that form the Historic District such as The San Idelfonso Cathedral of Merida, the most antique church of the
American Continent, built in the second half of the XVIth Century. Merida’s Cathedral has one of the biggest
interior Statues of Christ in the World. Merida was founded on January 6th, 1542 on the indigenous trace of
Ichcaanzihó’s City, called also T’hó. Overnight in Merida.
Campeche – Uxmal –
Day 9
On the 10th day, we will transit just over
2 hours to Chichen Itza the Mayan Post
Classic Sacred City, which represents
the most intact and impressive of the
Ruins of the Mayan Civilization that
the modern world preserves. Chichen
Itza means “The Mouth of the Well”.
Chichen itza has a huge “Cenote” a big
pond nourished by underground rivers which supplied clean water to the complex. Chichen Itza, as other
Mayan Centers was originally a ceremonial and spiritual site instead of a commercial area. Has maybe
the most impressive Pyramid of all the Maya World. The Castle with 4 staircases (One for each season of
the Year) with 91 steps each, totaling 365 with the top platform. The orientation of the pyramid is such
that for about an hour around 4 o’clock during the spring and fall equinoxes (march 21 & September 21),
the shadow of north-west edge of the pyramid on the side of the north stairway, draws seven triangles
of light that imitates a serpent creeping downwards until it joins the huge serpent’s head at the bottom
of the stairway. This was a Religious message telling the people its time to seed the land or it is time to
harvest with the Blessing of Kukulkan. At Chichen Itza, you will see an Astrological Observatory with
a design similar to other built in the Modern Age. There are many more buildings such as The Temple
of the Warriors, part of the “Thousand Columns Complex”, the Temple of the Jaguars, the Ball Court,
the biggest in Mezzo America. Chichen Itza was voted One of the Modern Seven Wonders of the World.
After a visit of almost 2 hours, we will take another 2 and a half hour transit to Cancun. Drop off at the
Beach hotel.
Cancun and Riviera Maya are located on
the Eastern side of the Yucatan Peninsula
on the South East part of Mexico. They
are on the Caribbean shoreline that extends
over 500 kms and offers all sorts of leisure
interests and the most modern hotel and
service infrastructure.At the same time, this
Natural Paradise is surrounded by physical
testimonies of the impressive Mayan Legacy. You find here, the second largest Reef Barrier in the World, in
parallel to the Mexico Caribbean Coast. The “Palancares Reef” extends way South in to Central America.
Cancun is an Island, part of this outstanding reef and is connected to the mainland by bridges. Relatively close
by you have other Islands such as Isla Mujeres, Contoy, Holbox and Cozumel. Cancun and Riviera Maya are
nestled in the most pure manifestation of Nature with the close By Jungle and the Tropical Forest.
Mérida - Chichen Itza - Cancún
Beach hotel in Cancun
Day 10
11 - 14
Morning at leisure. Check out from the hotel. Transfer from Beach Hotel to
» Airport taxes and personal expenses
» Meals not previously mentioned
» Tips during the excursions (for the Tour Guide and bus driver)
» Hotel in Cancun for Beach extension
» Mexico City: Fiesta Americana Reforma 5*, Galería Plaza 5*, or similar
» Oaxaca: Mision San Felipe Oaxaca 4*, Holiday Inn Express Oaxaca 4*,
or similar
» Tehuantepec / Juchitán: Calli 4*, Guiexhoba 4*, Hotel Lopez Lena Palace
Juchitán 4*, or similar
» San Cristóbal de las Casas: Hotel Casa Mexicana 4*, Villa Mercedes San
Cristóbal 5*, or similar
» Palenque: Misión Palenque 5*, Villa Mercedes Palenque 5*, or similar
» Campeche: Hotel Baluartes 4*, Plaza Colonial 4*, Plaza Campeche 4*, or
» Mérida: Hotel Residencial 4*, El Conquistador 5*, El Castellano 5*, or
» Welcome meeting at the airport in Mexico City by our Tour Guide
» Transportation in air conditioned vehicles
» German /English speaking guide during the days of the tour
» Accommodations in hotels mentioned below or similar
» Daily breakfast
» Visits mentioned in the itinerary, including entrances fees to the
archaeological sites and museums
» One lunch in Mexico City. Fixed menu in local restaurant (No drinks
» Government taxes
» Gratuities in hotels (bell boys and maids)
» Transfer Hotel – Airport in Cancun
Not Included Services
hotelsIncluded Services
DepartureDay 15

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Colors of mexico dtours

  • 1. Mexico is a Country where people better enjoy their Vacations Abroad with a solid uniqueness of authentic History, Traditions, Ethnicity, Way of Life and its own Intellectuality. For those who search places with a profound Culture, Historic legacy, Colonial Monuments, World Class Museums, pre Columbus standing Pyramids and Archeological sites, Mexico has unimaginable treasures. Mexico Highlights is the most complete & Classic Tour. American Aborigine Societies stand in the History of Mankind as amazingly developed cultures, comparable to the ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India. On the American Continent Incas, Aztecs and Mayas were outstanding Civilizations with there own Political, Social, Religious and Economic structures. Aztecs based in the High Lands of Mexico, were the Roman conquerors in the Middle of the American Continent. Their influence and control spread knowledge, trade and domination throughout Mexico and Central America. Aztecs and Mayans got some construction techniques from the Toltecs, through the link of the Aztec domination. We find Religious similarities, as well as an exchange of the astrological awareness and agricultural techniques. Mexico City, once the Capital of the Aztec Empire, is 2,200 meters above sea level and has in the Valley of the Nations capital, a population exceeding 22 million people, plus another 5 million in a radius of 70 kilometers. Development of such a megalopolis contains a path full of historic and physical factors that permitted the City to reach such size. All over, as well as nearby, you find the heritage of the Pre-Hispanic societies that populated or influenced the configuration of such colossal urban settlement. The 16th Century witnessed the Conquest of the Country by the Spanish expeditionary army and the religious missionaries, both changing believes and way of life of the aborigine groups. A new architecture was enforced using as foundation for the new buildings, the religious monuments of the existing people. Churches were placed on top of the aborigine temples and today you find Colonial Churches with rich and artistic furnishings and in some cases next to the church, what was not used as a foundation, has been uncovered to its original archeological formation. Mexico City has a Historic District which central square known as the Zocalo right in the Center of the City. 1 Day 1 ARRIVAL AT MEXICO CITY
  • 2. We will undertake a guided excursion to the outstanding Teotihuacan Pyramids, starting with a visit to the Virgin of Guadalupe Shrine. This Church is a place of pilgrimage for millions of Mexicans and other parts of the World. The day will then dedicate a visit to the ancient archaeological zone of Teotihuacan north of Mexico City. This was the Toltec-Aztec Ceremonial Center of Teotihuacan with an archeological Site as impressive or more, as the Egyptian Pyramids. These Monumental Buildings where constructed by ToltecArchitects, a very advanced Culture dominated by theAztecs before the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. You will see its impressive Toltec Pyramids dedicated to the Sun, the Moon, the Quetzalcoatl Temple and the fortresses, the largest monuments of their type in the World. Mexico City Guided Tour, visiting major attractions. We start where it all begun, we go to El Zocalo. You will see the National Palace with an extended series of Mural Paintings that show a Graphic evolution of the History of the Country and which were painted by Diego Rivera. The Metropolitan Cathedral The oldest and largest cathedral in Latin America, a spectacular building intended to distract the Aztec people from their own previous believes and convert them to the new religion. Also, right in the rear of the Cathedral, the Tenochtitlan Templo Mayor Pyramids and Museum, which were part of the big Ceremonial Center of the Aztecs, used as a foundation for other religious buildings. Templo Mayor was not only the most visible sight of an immense urban complex, but also represented the cosmic center of the universe for the Aztecs. You will see The Palacio de BellasArtes a 19th Century all white marble building performing as a theater as well as an Art Museum. To get a feeling of the City you will drive along the Paseo de la Reforma, inspired by the “Champs Elisée” in Paris. Reaching the National Anthropology Museum. City Tour & Anthropology Museum Guadalupe Shrine & Teotihuacán Day 2 Day 3 2
  • 3. We will take an early morning departure to transit towards the Colonial City of Oaxaca. When arriving, we will be able to have a Sightseeing tour on the City. Oaxaca past was enhanced by Gold producing mines that led to impressive palaces, churches and public buildings, which stand today as an architectural Colonial Treasure, already recognized by the UNESCO as a Historic Value of Mankind. Oaxaca in its Colonial Moments has received the title of “Very noble and loyal city” from King Charles V of Spain. Among the many colonial buildings with green quarry stone there is the Santo Domingo Monastery. We stay overnight in Oaxaca. On day 5, before driving towards Tehuantepec, we will go to the hills on the western outside of the City, to visit the Archeological Zone of Monte Alban, which was the capital in its time, of the Zapotec Empire which before the Spaniards was overtaken by the Mixtecas, another group of intensive builders and warriors. In its time, Monte Alban gathered up to 35,000 inhabitants. Investigators studying Monte Alban’s outstanding architecture, the buildings, burials, ceramics and jewelry, divided Monte Alban in five different stages. Starting 500 BC until 1521 when the Spanish Conquerors arrived. It´s peak is considered between 350 and 750 A.D. Over 180 tombs have been opened, since the first one. Tomb No. 7 was the one that started the whole recovery of Monte Alban. This happening started out the Archeological conciseness in Mexico, which initiated in 1932. There are many inscriptions and carvings on their Monuments. Monte Alban is on an artificially flattened plateau, there is a great plaza, which is the nucleus of the compound. The buildings stretch out harmoniously. There are remarkable slabs showing relieves of human figures known as “Danzantes” (the dancers).Around the ball game court several burial sites have been found with rich treasures, such as the splendid offerings. From the heights of this settlement, there are spectacular views over the surrounding valleys and the city of Oaxaca. Completed our visit, we will continue to Tehuantepec, world famous destination for its matriarchal social system unique in Mexico. On the way we will stop at “Arbol del Tule” one of the largest, widest and most ancient trees in the world. We will stay Overnight in Tehuantepec an agricultural town with its own traditions and influence from the Zapotec-Mixteca Culture. Oaxaca Oaxaca – Tehuantepec Day 4 Day 5 3
  • 4. We will start our day with a transit of a bit more than 4 1/2 hours, arriving to the Colonial, but quite aborigine town of Chiapa de Corzo, to initiate our decent in to the Sumidero Canyon, a natural geological wonder, carved as an incision through the Mountains by the forceful waters of the Grijalva River. The cliffs and granite walls of the canyon reach up to 800 meters above the river level. According to the legend, the Chiapa Indians resisting the Spanish would rather throw themselves down than become prisoners. After the Canyon, we will continue to San Cristobal de Las Casas. It was formerly the state’s capital and used to be called Ciudad Real. This town combines its colonial heritage and a strong Indian culture. The rich and colorful dresses are a characteristic of each ethnic group. Overnight will be in San Cristobal Las Casas a beautiful colonial town very proud of its art and traditions. We will leave San Cristóbal de las Casas in the morning to transit through the thick forest and down the mountains. We will experience how vegetation changes from coniferous forest to tropical, to jungle and rain forest thick evergreen vegetation.We will stop at the impressive and beautiful waterfalls of Agua Azul, situated among thriving vegetation. At AguaAzul,thewaterdescendsthroughhills,inarapidsuccessionofcascadesandnaturalpoolsofdeepblue-turquoise color of the water. Agua Azul surrounded by thick low savannah Forest, where you find all sorts of species such as jaguar, tapir, guacamaya and toucan. We will have a chance to bath and refresh in this aquatic paradise. From Agua Azul,wewillcontinuetoPalenqueOvernightin Palenque. In the morning of day 8 we visit the archaeologicalsiteofPalenque.Thisancient Mayan City reached its peak from the sixth to the eighth centuries A.D. Palenque, is a more rigidly conservative architecture compared to other Classic Maya sites. Still Palenque is one of the most enigmatical sites and has held its secrets for over twelve hundred years. The Tehuantepec – San Cristóbal de Las Casas San Cristóbal de Las Casas – Agua Azul – Palenque Palenque – Campeche Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 4
  • 5. setting is nestled against the mountain wall, surrounded by flourishing vegetation deep in the rain forest. You will see endless levels of Maya man-made terraces, bearing uncounted structures, most of which appear to have been mausoleums. You will find a marked contrast between Palenque and other Classic Maya sites. The most outstanding buildings are: The Temple of the Inscriptions, a majestic pyramid with a secret crypt; The Fabulous Royal PAKALTomb; with an exquisitely engraved monolithic sarcophagus; The Palace with a four story high square tower, probably used as an astronomical observatory; The Temples of the Cross, The Temples of The Jaguar and The Temple of The Sun. Palenque added additional roof toppings to its buildings producing an extra height, compared to other Classic Buildings. In the Afternoon we will transit towards the City of Campeche through the Tropical Forest and later along the Gulf of Mexico Coast, as we enter theYucatan Peninsula’s West side. We will see different types of villages as we cover our route until our arrival in Campeche which used to be the main town of the Mayan province of Ah Kim Pech, which means “Serpent Tick” and was founded around the 3rd century AD. The City of Campeche was one of the Head Quarters of the Spanish Conquerors that established their reign over the big Mayan Civilization settled all along the Yucatan Peninsula and way down it to Central America. The First Spaniard soldiers got to Campeche in the year 1517 and although were defeated on the first intent, stayed anyway and took over this Mayan Provincial Capital, proceeding with its colonization. In the Mid 16th Century, Campeche had become an important port with an already established wall around the City in order to prevent a further defeat. Later it prevented attacks from Pirates that would move in from the Caribbean. UNESCO has awarded the recognition to The City of Campeche for its beautiful colonial architecture and restoration of its facades. Overnight in Campeche. This day we will transit towards Uxmal. Uxmal,meaning“Threetimesconstructed”. Uxmal is considered a major site. The architecture of Uxmal is among the most majestic on the Yucatan Peninsula. Its beauty is characterized by low and horizontal palaces, placed around patios and quadrants richly decorated with detailed sculptures. Uxmal is enveloped by legends and myths, situated within a series of hills known as the Pucc or mountainous area in Mayan Country. We will then drive another hour and go to Merida the Capital of Yucatan, known as “The White City” to take a city tour. Merida the capital of the State of Yucatan is today a large City with over a Million inhabitants. Merida has preserved its Colonial Heritage in the Historic District of the Town. It is the Center of the State and all the roads converge at the State Capital. Such is the case of The ceremonial Center of Uxmal and the nearby Puuc Route, The Circuit of The convents and Izamal or the Coastal scenic roads leading to Flamingo Territory. Eastwards a Modern Highway take you to Chichen Itza sacred Maya Ceremonial Center, voted one of today’s Seven Modern Wonders of the World. Merida’s Central Square or “Plaza Grande” is surrounded by ancient buildings that form the Historic District such as The San Idelfonso Cathedral of Merida, the most antique church of the American Continent, built in the second half of the XVIth Century. Merida’s Cathedral has one of the biggest interior Statues of Christ in the World. Merida was founded on January 6th, 1542 on the indigenous trace of Ichcaanzihó’s City, called also T’hó. Overnight in Merida. Campeche – Uxmal – Merida Day 9 5
  • 6. On the 10th day, we will transit just over 2 hours to Chichen Itza the Mayan Post Classic Sacred City, which represents the most intact and impressive of the Ruins of the Mayan Civilization that the modern world preserves. Chichen Itza means “The Mouth of the Well”. Chichen itza has a huge “Cenote” a big pond nourished by underground rivers which supplied clean water to the complex. Chichen Itza, as other Mayan Centers was originally a ceremonial and spiritual site instead of a commercial area. Has maybe the most impressive Pyramid of all the Maya World. The Castle with 4 staircases (One for each season of the Year) with 91 steps each, totaling 365 with the top platform. The orientation of the pyramid is such that for about an hour around 4 o’clock during the spring and fall equinoxes (march 21 & September 21), the shadow of north-west edge of the pyramid on the side of the north stairway, draws seven triangles of light that imitates a serpent creeping downwards until it joins the huge serpent’s head at the bottom of the stairway. This was a Religious message telling the people its time to seed the land or it is time to harvest with the Blessing of Kukulkan. At Chichen Itza, you will see an Astrological Observatory with a design similar to other built in the Modern Age. There are many more buildings such as The Temple of the Warriors, part of the “Thousand Columns Complex”, the Temple of the Jaguars, the Ball Court, the biggest in Mezzo America. Chichen Itza was voted One of the Modern Seven Wonders of the World. After a visit of almost 2 hours, we will take another 2 and a half hour transit to Cancun. Drop off at the Beach hotel. Cancun and Riviera Maya are located on the Eastern side of the Yucatan Peninsula on the South East part of Mexico. They are on the Caribbean shoreline that extends over 500 kms and offers all sorts of leisure interests and the most modern hotel and service infrastructure.At the same time, this Natural Paradise is surrounded by physical testimonies of the impressive Mayan Legacy. You find here, the second largest Reef Barrier in the World, in parallel to the Mexico Caribbean Coast. The “Palancares Reef” extends way South in to Central America. Cancun is an Island, part of this outstanding reef and is connected to the mainland by bridges. Relatively close by you have other Islands such as Isla Mujeres, Contoy, Holbox and Cozumel. Cancun and Riviera Maya are nestled in the most pure manifestation of Nature with the close By Jungle and the Tropical Forest. Mérida - Chichen Itza - Cancún Beach hotel in Cancun Day 10 11 - 14 6
  • 7. Morning at leisure. Check out from the hotel. Transfer from Beach Hotel to CancunAirport. » Airport taxes and personal expenses » Meals not previously mentioned » Tips during the excursions (for the Tour Guide and bus driver) » Hotel in Cancun for Beach extension » Mexico City: Fiesta Americana Reforma 5*, Galería Plaza 5*, or similar » Oaxaca: Mision San Felipe Oaxaca 4*, Holiday Inn Express Oaxaca 4*, or similar » Tehuantepec / Juchitán: Calli 4*, Guiexhoba 4*, Hotel Lopez Lena Palace Juchitán 4*, or similar » San Cristóbal de las Casas: Hotel Casa Mexicana 4*, Villa Mercedes San Cristóbal 5*, or similar » Palenque: Misión Palenque 5*, Villa Mercedes Palenque 5*, or similar » Campeche: Hotel Baluartes 4*, Plaza Colonial 4*, Plaza Campeche 4*, or similar » Mérida: Hotel Residencial 4*, El Conquistador 5*, El Castellano 5*, or similar » Welcome meeting at the airport in Mexico City by our Tour Guide » Transportation in air conditioned vehicles » German /English speaking guide during the days of the tour » Accommodations in hotels mentioned below or similar » Daily breakfast » Visits mentioned in the itinerary, including entrances fees to the archaeological sites and museums » One lunch in Mexico City. Fixed menu in local restaurant (No drinks included) » Government taxes » Gratuities in hotels (bell boys and maids) » Transfer Hotel – Airport in Cancun Not Included Services hotelsIncluded Services DepartureDay 15 7