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Issue 34                                                                                         January 2012

Please note: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are the views of the author, and are not attributable to the Lancashire LINK.
 DAY 2012
            JANUARY 29

 Many members

 World Leprosy Day
 We will not turn
 In times of despair.
 We will come near,
 walk alongside.
 We will care...

Contents   3

  4         The LINk and Local Healthwatch.

LINk News
  5     Signs of the times?
        Summary of Transport Survey 2010.
  6     NHS 111 service.
  7     BMA seeks confidentiality assurances over patient data.
  8     Board Member profile.
        Night-time Hours Service changes.
  9     Patient Stories.
        UHMBT Hospital Appointments.
        Shock report reveals human rights abuse.
  13    Health and Social Care Update Number Four.
           The Dilnot Proposals on Funding of Care Services.
  14    Counting the cost of care.
  16    Counting the cost of care - Patients’ stories.
  17    Cancer patients hit by return to work proposals.


  10    Out-and-about with the LINk.




  18    Lancashire Hospital trusts feature in highest death rates.
  19    Is your care up to standard?
  20    999 Call Categorisation.
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4        Editorial

The LINk                                                   We hope to keep you informed as things takes
and Local HealthWatch
                                                           In the meantime, we are happy to answer some
                                                           commonly asked questions:
As many LINk members will be aware, under
the Government’s health and social care                    Will Local HealthWatch be the same as the LINk?
reforms, the LINk will be replaced by new
Local HealthWatch organisations in October                 Local HealthWatch organisations will carry on
2012.                                                      with all the involvement and scrutiny activities of
The new Health and Social Care Bill states that            the LINk, including promoting involvement;
‘Local HealthWatch organisations will be the local         obtaining views; monitoring health and care
consumer champion across health and social                 services; making reports and recommendations;
care.’                                                     and carrying out enter and view visits.

But the proposals have prompted many questions             However, Local HealthWatch will have several
from LINk members who have asked what will                 extra duties, including providing information to
happen to the LINk over the next few months, and           support patients to make choices about their
how will the changes take effect.                          health or social care and providing, or signposting
                                                           people to NHS complaints advocacy services. As
We are happy to reassure our members that the              well as this, the Government states that there
LINk will still be carrying out its activities as usual    must be a Local HealthWatch representative on
over the next few months. That means we will still         the newly established Health and Wellbeing
be dealing with your issues and concerns around            Boards.
health and social care, and feeding these to
commissioners and managers within the NHS and              What sort of organisation will Local HealthWatch
Lancashire County Council.                                 be?

We will still be keeping you informed of ongoing           The Government proposes that Local
developments concerning national and local                 HealthWatch will not be a ‘network’ organisation
health policies, via our newsletter and other              in the way that the LINk is. Instead it will be a
bulletins, and inviting your responses.                    ‘body corporate’. This is a legal term which simply
                                                           means it would be constituted as an organisation
We will still be organising events and conferences         in its own right, with its own constitution and
to provide people with the opportunity to have             arrangements for making decisions in an
their say on health and social care.                       accountable way.

And we will still be keeping our band of trained           This is likely to mean Local HealthWatch would
volunteers busy as they undertake enter and view           be set up in the same way as many local charities
visits to care homes and health settings, or carry         and voluntary organisations. The government
out ‘mystery shopping’.                                    sees this as a way of making sure that Local
                                                           HealthWatch is really independent and
However, at the same time, we hope to provide              answerable to local people.
information on developments around Local                   However, there will still be an important role for
HealthWatch, as they arise, and will also be               patients, service-users and those interested in
helping to support the promotion and roll-out of           championing health and social care to become
Local HealthWatch within Lancashire.                       involved in Local HealthWatch.

Lancashire County Council is taking the lead on            The role of local Local HealthWatch will be
the development of a Lancashire Local                      overseen by HealthWatch England, a national
HealthWatch and discussions are currently taking           healthwatch organisation.
place on the structure of this new organisation.
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                                                                                        LINk News                  5
Signs of the times?                       attendant directed me to one of        stress of trying to park their car,
                                          the car parks, but I couldn’t find a   finding where they need to be
                                          car parking space.                     going, or finding enough money
Do hospital direction signs put                                                  for car parking.
you in a spin? Does trying to             ‘Because all the direction arrows
find an empty hospital parking            were pointing one way, I followed      ‘I realise there are no easy
space drive you to distraction?           them all the way to the end – only     answers to this, but are there
If so, the LINk would like to             to be met by a ticket barrier. But I   ways hospitals could come up
hear from you.                            didn’t have a ticket because I         with more imaginative solutions:
                                          hadn’t parked – and there was a        staggered visiting hours,
We would love to hear your views          queue of irate drivers behind me,      perhaps? Better advertising and
on which of the region’s hospitals        waiting to come out!                   promotion of public transport? A
fare best –and worst – when it                                                   realistic maximum charge so that
comes to parking and direction            ‘I had to somehow manoeuvre my         family members who need to stay
signs.                                    car and backtrack to find a car        with their loved ones are not
                                          parking space, which I did             penalised with a hefty parking
As anyone who has to visit a              eventually. But I was miles away       bill?’
patient in hospital, or attend            from the maternity unit. By this
hospital as a patient or outpatient,      time, I was feeling really hot         What are your experiences of
will readily testify, visits can be       under the collar, anxious to see       hospital signs and car parking?
fraught with tension and anxiety          my daughter-in-law and                 Which hospitals fare the best and
at the best of times. Trying to find      grandson.                              worst in relation to parking? The
where you are going or                                                           LINk would love to hear your
somewhere to park can send                ‘The day before, my daughter-in-       views and experiences. Contact
stress levels soaring even higher.        law’s mother had driven up from
                                          her home in Reading, arriving at
LINk news editor and community            lunchtime, to spend the full day at
engagement officer Angela Norris          the hospital. When she got to her
had this experience when she              car later that night, she was
visited Royal Preston Hospital            dismayed to find she had been
recently to see her daughter-in-          charged £10 to park for the day.’
law and new grandson, Stanley.
                                          Commented Angela: ‘Many
Angela recalled: ‘It was afternoon        people who visit hospital may
visiting and I queued for what            have concerns and worries about
must have been 20 minutes to get          the patients they are going to see,
on to the hospital site. A car park       without having the additional

Summary of Transport Survey 2010
Research by Lancaster-based One Voice Disability Forum reveals that most people with disabilities rely
on buses for transport and find them affordable, reliable and comfortable.
However, nearly half of those interviewed said they needed help when travelling and pointed to problems with
ramps as an area of concern.
Wheelchair users said some bus drivers did not know how to use the ramp, or were reluctant to get out of their
seat to lower the ramp. Other users reported that some drivers were not aware the bus could be lowered to the
kerb. Problems were exacerbated by unhelpful drivers and, as a result, many wheelchair users no longer used
The research also discovered that taxis are a popular form of travel for disabled people and most taxi drivers
are responsive to their needs. However, some taxis do not have straps to secure a wheelchair and many
people reported difficulties in booking a taxi at peak times.
The report calls for more information on public transport services to be available in large print. For a copy of the
report email
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6         LINk News

                                                          advisor will ask you questions
NHS 111 service                                           about your symptoms and,
                                                          based on the answers you
The NHS 111 service is there to give you                  give, they will give you advice
advice if you think you have an urgent health             on which service is the best for
need, but you are not sure what to do.                    you, based on where you live
                                                          and the closest service
As reported in the November newsletter, 111 is the        available. If the call advisor
number for a new free to use telephone service            thinks you need emergency
which gives advice on which service to use if you         attention they can immediately
have a minor injury or illness that needs medical         dispatch an ambulance.
attention but is not an emergency.
If you are feeling unwell or have an injury, it can be    999 remains the single number to call if you or
difficult to know which NHS service to use,               someone you care for has a serious or life
especially if you have a number of different              threatening health emergency such as a serious
services in your area such as a walk-in centre, a         accident, a heart attack, a stroke or breathing
minor injuries unit or urgent care centre as well as      problems.
your local high street pharmacy, your GP and              If you have used 111 since it was introduced we
hospital.                                                 would be interested to hear your thoughts. Please
Calling 111 gives you access to a trained call            contact or call
advisor, who has information about the different          01772 431195.
services available to you in your area. The call

    Together we can keep Lancashire moving this winter
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                                                                                  LINk News            7
BMA seeks confidentiality assurances over patient data

The BMA has warned the                        Nathanson, head of science and ethics
Government that ‘they must ensure             at the BMA said: ‘Whilst the BMA does
patient confidentiality is protected'         believe the use of anonymised health
in light of the Prime Minister's              data could benefit patients, we are
announcement that patient records             concerned that elements of the
will be made available to the                 Government's proposals could, if
privately run life sciences industry          implemented, undermine patient
for research purposes.                        confidentiality.'
The NHS Health and Social Care                She said the BMA was particularly
Information Centre is to set up a             worried that researchers from large
‘secure data linkage service' by              commercial companies would be able         Dr Vivienne
September, 2012. This will provide            to access patient records, find out        Nathanson
extracts from patient data to life            about people’s health status and
sciences businesses for research,             treatment, and then may try to contact
including research into drug
David Cameron this week assured the
public that any records would remain
                                              In response, a Department of Health
                                              spokesman said: ‘The data will be
                                                                                         Whilst the BMA
                                                                                         does believe
anonymous, claiming ‘this doesn't
                                              stored electronically and linked when      the use of
                                              required to meet a specific health         anonymised
threaten privacy' and patients could
                                              question. This means the data the          health data
opt out of having their data shared.
                                              researcher receives will be only that is
Patients will also have access to their       relevant to the research'.
                                                                                         could benefit
GP records by 2015, with details of the                                                  patients, we
                                              *Article from The Pulse, the journal for   are concerned
full timetable to be published by
                                              the BMA -
September 2012.
                                                                                         that elements
The Department of Health plans to             article_display_list/13153083/bma-         of the
announce a consultation to change the         raises-alarm-over-nhs-patient-data-        Government's
NHS Constitution so that patient data         sharing-plans                              proposals
is automatically included in clinical                                                    could, if
                                              What do you think about the
research, but giving patients a clear                                                    implemented,
                                              Government’s plans to share patient
opportunity to opt-out ‘if they wish to
do so'.
                                              data with the research industry? Will      undermine
                                              they compromise patient                    patient
Health secretary, Andrew Lansley,             confidentiality? How will patients be      confidentiality.
said: ‘What we are talking about is not       informed of their right to ‘opt out’?

patients' individual medical records.         Email the Lancashire LINk with your
What we're talking about is linking up        views:
all the data sets across the NHS to
create what is population-based data
about the success of new treatments
across the NHS and the ability to link
up research data with the data about
how patients are responding in
research trials'.
But the BMA raised concerns over
patient confidentiality. Dr Vivienne
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8        LINk News

                                                                           Night-time hours
Board member                         Can you name your favourite
                                                                           service changes
profile                              book?
                                     Not really. There are too many,       Burnley’s night-time out of hours
                                     but Sophie's World by Jostein         doctors’ service has been moved
                                     Gaarder is one. I almost never        from the St Peter’s Centre in
Michael Swarbrick
                                     go to the cinema without falling      Burnley to Burnley General
Job title:                           asleep.                               Hospital. As part of a trial run over
Vice-chair                                                                 the winter months, GPs will be
                                     Can you tell us one fact about        based at the urgent care centre
Which area do you work in or         yourself that others might be         from midnight until 8am each
represent?                           surprised to hear?                    night.
I am interested in the changes       Although I was physically             This will be the only change to the
to the structures of Health and      disabled at birth, at the age of      service at St Peter’s, which will
Social Care because I can            18 I was called into the army         continue to operate as normal at
remember what it was like            and served 2 years in the             all other times.
before the foundation of the         RAMC. (Well, the Korean War
NHS. It would be good if the                                               Health bosses said the scheme
                                     was on. If you were male, could
NHS survived for my                                                        would test whether it is feasible to
                                     stand up and didn’t have flat feet
                                                                           run both services together on a
grandchildren.                       you were in.)                         permanent basis in the future.
How long have you been                                                     Information from NHS East
involved with the LINk?                                                    Lancashire shows a low take-up
Since it began.                                                            of people using the service
What brought you to the                                                    between midnight and 8am,
                                                                           averaging at fewer than two
                                                                           patients per evening.
The NHS keeps me alive. I owe
it something.                                                              It is felt that by co-locating the GP
                                                                           out of hours service with urgent
What do you feel are the                                                   care services at Burnley General
strengths of the LINk?                                                     Hospital this will ensure that
It strives to be the independent                                           patients receive the right
voice of patients and ordinary                                             treatment from the right doctor
members of the public. It has no                                           however they access the service.
reason not to tell the truth as                                            The GP out of hours service
patients see it.                                                           operates as an appointment-
Can you tell us a little bit                                               based service where patients can
about your career                                                          call the new 111 service when
background?                                                                their GP practice is closed. The
                                                                           111 service assesses patients
I left school at 15. On the way to
                                                                           and determines whether the
a career in education I worked
                                                                           patient needs to attend an urgent
for two breweries and improved                                             care centre or see an out of hours
my education in my spare time. I                                           GP. Where a patient needs to see
took full advantage of the fact                                            a GP out of hours they will be
that in those days a part time                                             given an appointment over the
university education was                                                   phone and advised where to
affordable but I was an old                                                attend, thereby avoiding any
student by the time Lancaster                                              confusion where a patient needs
awarded me a Ph.D.                                                         to go for treatment.
What are your hobbies and                                                  If you have had to use the service
interests outside of work?                                                 since the changes were
My grandchildren.                                                          implemented and would like to
                                                                           share your experience with us
                                                                           please contact
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                                                                                     LINk News                  9
Patient Stories                                            internal training, but may be simply written if
                                                           respondents prefer.

Do you know of anyone aged over 65 who                     Oakridge is looking for a mix of patient
might be willing to talk about their experience            experiences, good, bad or indifferent, so all stories
of being a patient of Lancaster Royal Infirmary,           are welcome. Each will be edited down to a
Westmorland General Hospital or Furness                    maximum of 10 minutes so respondents need not
General Hospital, during the last 12 months?               necessarily have long, complex stories to tell, and
                                                           the more stories that are collected the better.
On behalf of University Hospitals of Morecambe
bay NHS Foundation Trust, Oakridge has been                Experienced interviewers are happy to travel to
commissioned to collect 100 stories from people,           people’s homes, or to a hospital or venue of their
aged over 65, who have been patients of                    choice at a time to suit them. The interviewer will
Lancaster Royal Infirmary, Westmorland General             be accompanied by one technical person to record
Hospital or Furness General Hospital, during the           their story. Each interview will be carried out with
last 12 months.                                            sensitivity.

The purpose is to improve the standard of elderly          For further information, call Julia or Jo on 01625
patient care. Stories would ideally be filmed or           572474 or email
voice-recorded, so that they can be used for     

University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
Hospital Appointments
The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS              having a suspicion or diagnosis of cancer, being in
Foundation Trust (UHMBT) has set up a helpline             need of an urgent referral, or simply requiring a
for patients worried about follow-up appointments          routine referral.
following problems with the outpatient booking
                                                           Since then, the Trust has identified 154 patients as
                                                           having a suspicion or diagnosis of cancer and as
An external review commissioned by the Hospital            being at risk of harm due to delays in diagnosis or
Trust identified a backlog of 30,000 patients              treatment. A further 682 patients were identified as
waiting for urgent and routine appointments.               being in need of urgent referral. Measures were
                                                           put to place to ensure that each of these patients
The problems with the outpatient booking system –          was seen by the beginning of December.
originally thought to be due to the IT system –
have now been put down to ‘process failure’. Fears         For routine patients, a process of clinical validation
were raised in the media concerning cancer                 is underway and these patients will be seen over
patients losing out on vital diagnosis and treatment       the coming months. The Trust is looking at the
due to urgent follow up appointments being missed          wider NHS and possibly the private sector for
or delayed                                                 support in dealing with routine cases.
Since the issue emerged, the Trust has acted               Patients and relatives worried about appointments
swiftly to ensure all urgent and priority patients are     can call the 24-hour helpline on 0845 608 0278.
seen (reported in LINk newsletter, November                GPs are also being asked to report any patients
2011).                                                     they are concerned might not have received
Hospital managers have put in place a process to
identify all patients who should have received a           The Trust is to set up a booking hub – made up of
follow-up appointment but haven’t; those who have          managerial, clinical and administrative staff - to
been given an appointment but have not yet been            review outpatient demand and identify staffing
seen; and those whose records should be closed             issues, in order to prevent the situation arising
as ‘completed’.                                            again.
Patients were further categorised on the basis of
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10         Out and About with the LINk

                                    We will keep you updated with         Urgent Care Centre at Burnley
East                                progress.                             General Hospital.
                                    We continue our work with             If you have feedback on these
                                    children and young people.            or any other services you have
Following on from the ‘Dementia     Their experience of accessing         used recently please contact
Large Scale Change’                 health services is an important       either Anthony or Karen on
conference in Manchester in         part of shaping services. At a        01282 714384 / 01282 714385
November, Board members in          meeting of Rossendale Youth           or email
East Lancashire have agreed to      Council in November, there was or
look at the use of antipsychotic    an open and honest discussion
drugs for people with dementia.     about what they expect of
This corresponds with a call to     services and the staff who
action on the use of                provide and support those
antipsychotic drugs for people      services.
with dementia, launched by the      Areas covered included
Dementia Action Alliance. The       dentistry and how the group felt
aim of this is to ensure that:      they needed reassurance from
All people with dementia who        the dentist, i.e. what was
are receiving antipsychotic         happening whilst being treated.       01/01/2012 - 31/01/2012
drugs should receive a clinical     Communication was another of          Love Your Liver
review from their doctor to         the main themes, with the
ensure that their care is           majority of the group feeling that    04/01/2012 - 04/01/2012
compliant with current best         communication could be                World Braille Day
practice and guidelines, and that   improved. Included in this was
alternatives to medication have     the need of health practitioners      14/01/2012 - 14/01/2012
been considered, by 31 March        to communicate with younger           STIQ Day
2012.                               people in a way that they could
                                    understand what was being             19/01/2012 - 19/01/2012
In some cases the use of            explained.                            Personalised Health Care:
antipsychotic drugs is the right
                                    We would like to thank the youth      Theory to Practice
treatment option, but it is
estimated that around two thirds    leader and members of the
                                    Youth Council for their warm          22/01/2012 - 28/01/2012
of the use of antipsychotics in
                                    welcome and for allowing us to        Cervical Cancer Prevention
people with dementia is
                                    join their meeting.                   Week
inappropriate. The use of
antipsychotic drugs is linked to    In the New Year, we will be
                                    arranging to meet with students       23/01/2012 - 29/01/2012
serious side effects, creating
                                    at colleges in East Lancashire        Food Allergy and
mobility problems, sedation and
                                    and also meeting with health          Food Intolerance Week
sometimes death, particularly
when used for longer than 12        professionals who work with
                                    children and young people.            23/01/2012 - 29/01/2012
                                                                          Be Loud! Be Clear!
                                    Two areas that we will be
                                    monitoring over the next few          29/01/2012 - 29/01/2012
                                    months are the new non                World Leprosy Day
                                    emergency number – 111 that
                                    gives advice on which service to      31/01/2012 - 31/01/2012
                                    use if you have a minor injury or     National Bug Busting Day
                                    illness that needs medical
                                    attention but is not an               31/01/2012 - 31/03/2012
                                    emergency, (see page 6) and           National Bowel Cancer
                                    the GP out of hours pilot which       Symptom
                                    is trialing moving the night time     Awareness Campaign
                                    GP from St Peters Centre to the
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                                                           Out and About with the LINk                               11
Central                                                          The LINk attended the Lancashire Third Sector Mental
                                                                 Health Consortium meeting in Preston, when there was
                                                                 a series of presentations on dementia. The Charnley
                                                                 Fold Enhanced Day Support Service featured twice for
The LINk attended the Chorley & South Ribble Mental              its work in general towards therapeutic and social
Health Users and Carers Network meeting, when a                  actives. Charnley Fold is also the base for the Dementia
discussion took place around the concerns many carers            Adviser Service supporting people with onset or a
of mental health users have in relation to the                   possible diagnosis of dementia.
withholding of information by clinicians. Staff providing
care do not always give carers information, citing               Staff also attended the Lancashire Youth Council Open
patient confidentiality as their reason for withholding          Evening and had an opportunity to find out more about
information on certain issues. However, relatives feel           its campaigns and meet the young volunteers.
this not always in the best interests of the patient. If you
                                                                 A meeting on the future of Community/Volunteer Cars in
would like to comment on this issue, please contact the
                                                                 Preston took place. Although primarily a meeting for
LINk - this could be done anonymously if preferred.
                                                                 Lancashire County Council’s Transport Team and the
Email Pat at
                                                                 managers of the services under discussion, the LINk
LINk members from Central Lancashire received enter              asked if membership of this group could be opened up
and view training to enable them to visit health and             to other organisations. As a result, a representative
social care premises. We will be reporting on their              from the Royal National Institute for the Blind has been
activities in future editions of this newsletter.                invited to join the group, as an organisation which has a
                                                                 particular interest in how transport changes affect the
The LINk hosted an information stall in the entrance of          visually impaired.
the Civic Centre in Leyland. LINk staff attended the
Methodist Church Cafe on Turpin Green in Leyland with            The LINk will be attending the Chorley Community
a stand and information. A coffee morning is held there          Transport Meeting on Thursday January 12. On
every Wednesday and the LINk had the opportunity to              Thursday January 26, LINk staff will be present at two
speak with people who had come along for coffee and              events: the Preston Strategic Partnership Conference in
a chat or lunch. Some of the issues raised included              the morning and the Chorley Voluntary Community
transition of care home services following the collapse          Faith Sector meeting at St Josephs, Harper’s Lane in
of Southern Cross and mental health community service            the afternoon.

In the North, a report, written by LINk team leader
Elham Kashefi, on the problems experienced by                    North
Polish migrants from Lancaster and Morecambe
when accessing health services, has been presented               completion of the prison project, on-going work with
to the University of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation                children and young people, and keeping a watching
Hospitals Trust, NHS North Lancashire and the                    brief on mental health in-patient services.
Lancaster, Morecambe, Carnforth and Garstang
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).                              Future work includes keeping a watch on
                                                                 developments relating to the Dementia Strategy,
The report highlights serious concerns over                      developing stronger links with the North West
translation services and makes a number of                       Ambulance Service (NWAS), undertaking enter and
recommendations for ensuring non English speaking                view visits to care homes and keeping a watch on
Polish residents are supported when visiting hospital            developments relating to the future of hospitals on
or healthcare settings. For full details of the report           the Fylde Coast.
and recommendations see the next LINk newsletter
(February 2012).                                                 DATE FOR YOUR DIARY
                                                                 Lancaster, Morecambe, Carnforth and Garstang
At a Christmas get-together meeting of the North                 Clinical Commissioning Group Public Engagement
locality group, members celebrated progress made                 Day
over the past 12 months and discussed the areas of               Thursday 23 Febraury 2012 10 - 1
work for the coming months. Positive aspects of our              PCT Headquarters, Moor Lane Mills, Lancaster
work included training a number of LINk volunteers to            The CCG will update us on progress with
undertake enter and view visits and ‘mystery                     commissioning so far and would like to hear from
shopping’, working alongside hospital staff to conduct           residents in all the areas that are covered by the
an A&E audit at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary,                   Group. To book a place please contact the North
organising health and social care events, the                    locality team (details on the back of the newsletter).
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12          LINk News

Shock report reveals                  •   Neglect due to tasks in the           calls for more information and
                                          care package not being                advice to be made available to
human rights abuse                        carried out, often caused by          those who use home care
                                          lack of time.                         services.
A hard hitting report into the        •   Financial abuse, for example          The report can be found at:
care older people receive from            money being systematically  
home care services uncovers               stolen over a period of time.         homecareinquiry
the shocking catalogue of             •   Chronic disregard for older
abuse individuals may have                people’s privacy and dignity
received at the hands of those            when carrying out intimate
paid to look after them.                  tasks.
The report, Close to Home, was        •   Talking over older people
written following an Inquiry into         (sometimes on mobile
Older People and Human Rights             phones) or patronising them.
carried out by the Equalities and     •   Little attention given to older
Human Rights Commission                   people’s choices about how
(EHRC). It points out that                and when their home care is
individuals are having their basic        delivered.
human rights breached by failings     •   Risks to personal security, for
in the care system.                       example when care workers
The Lancashire LINk was among             are frequently changed,
the many individuals and                  sometimes without warning.
organisations that contributed to     •   Some physical abuse, such
the inquiry. We submitted a copy          as rough handling or using
of our report, Who is Looking             unnecessary physical force.
After Uncle Albert?, following
                                      The EHRC states that many of
research with over 40 care
                                      these incidents amount to human
service users and their family
                                      rights breaches. The impact on
                                      older people can be profoundly
The findings from the EHRC            depressing and stressful,
                                                                                *Following the publication of the
share many similarities with those    resulting in tears, frustration,
                                                                                report, the Care Quality
uncovered in the LINk report, in      expressions of a desire to die and
                                                                                Commission (CQC) has
identifying wide-ranging concerns     feelings of being stripped of self-
                                                                                announced that it will now be
raised by service users and family    worth and dignity.
                                                                                inspecting home care providers
members.                                                                        alongside care homes, hospital
                                      The report argues that the
The EHRC report states that           underlying causes of these                wards and other health settings.
around half of the older people,      practices are largely due to              CQC chief executive Cynthia
friends and family members who        problems within the care system           Bower said: "The operation of
gave evidence to the inquiry          rather than the fault of individual       home care is not as transparent
expressed real satisfaction with      care workers and reflect a failure        as care in hospitals and other
their home care. At the same          to apply a human rights approach          sectors because the interactions
time, the evidence revealed many      to home care services.                    happen behind closed doors.
instances of care that raised real                                              "That is why we want to focus on
                                      It makes a number of                      this sector of social care in this
concerns such as:
                                      recommendations, including                way."
•   Older people not being given      making sure that home care                The CQC already runs routine
    adequate support to eat and       agencies are covered by the               spot checks, but this will be an
    drink (in particular those with   Home Rights Act, in the same              extra inspection.
    dementia) and an unfounded        way that care homes are, and
    belief that health and safety     making sure those who
    restrictions prevent care         commission and monitor home
    workers from preparing hot        care services apply the Human
    meals.                            Rights Act in their work. It also
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Health and Social Care Update Number Four
The Dilnot Proposals on Funding of Care Services
In this update, we focus on the Dilnot Inquiry on the funding of social care services. Economist Andrew Dilnot was asked by the
Coalition Government to chair the Commission on the Funding of Care and Support, which was set up to investigate ways of
funding social care in the future.
Dilnot was asked to lead the Commission and his report, Fairer Care Funding, was published in July this year. The information
here comes from a briefing paper produced by the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC).
The Commission believes that the current care system is not fit for purpose and needs urgent reform. It has identified a number of
∗ The current system is confusing, unfair and unsustainable.
∗ Eligibility for support varies depending on where you live.
∗ There is a lack of financial products to help people meet their care costs.
Following the review of current services, Dilnot made a number of recommendations:
1. Costs
∗ An individual’s contribution to their care costs would be capped at between £25,000 and £50,000. The Commission suggests
     £35,000 as the ‘fair figure’. The state would then pay additional care costs once the individual had met that cap. However,
     individuals will still have to pay more than £35,000 if they want to go into a home which costs more than the local authority is
     prepared to pay.
∗ Means-tested support for residential care would be available to those with assets/income worth between £14,250 and
     £100,000 (including the value of any property). The current figure is £23,250. For those with assets worth £75,000 the cost of
     care would be around £15,000. Those with less than £14,250 would not pay any care costs.
∗ Those in residential care would still be liable to pay for their food and accommodation costs – capped at a maximum of
     £10,000 per year. This would mean individuals paying up to £190 a week.
∗ Individuals could fund their care either through private insurance, savings or money from their estate by selling their property
     or through equity release. Whilst some local authorities promote deferred payment schemes which recoup the money paid for
     care after the property is sold, the Commission recommends the system be standardised across England. They also suggest
     that for the first time local authorities should be allowed to add interest onto the amount owed.
∗ The Commission’s proposals are estimated to cost £1.7bn a year rising to £3.6bn by 2026. The recommendations suggest
     that this money could be raised either through additional income tax, re-allocation of existing government expenditure or
     using a specific tax such as national insurance on those aged 65 and over.
2. Assessment
∗ There should be a new national assessment system which would guarantee support to those with ’substantial’ needs or
     worse – but not anyone with moderate needs (including those requiring help getting in and out of bed). This assessment
     would be portable and apply if you moved from one area to another.
The report adds that existing universal disability benefits should continue as now, but Attendance Allowance should be re-branded
to clarify its purpose. There is no recommendation to pay the carer’s allowance to those over state pension age.
National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) analysis
The NPC has highlighted a number of areas where the Dilnot Commission's recommendations have fallen short of the
expectations of older people, their families and carers. These include the following:
∗ Raising the threshold on assets to £100,000 before being liable to pay care costs will not prevent older people from still
     having to sell their homes in order to pay for care. The Commission accepts that the average housing wealth for a single
     pensioner is £160,000.
∗ Introducing a cap on care costs of £35,000 amounts to just over one year's worth of care in a nursing home. The Commission
     estimates that a year’s residential care costs £28,600. However, only a quarter of all over 65s are likely to ever need care that
     costs more than the capped amount. Given this, it is questionable whether the state would ever step in to pay any additional
     costs in all but a minority of cases.
∗ Suggesting that additional funding for care could be found by making older people pay national insurance places an
     unacceptable burden on a single generation - rather than sharing the cost of care across society as a whole. It would be the
     only area of welfare provision where one section of society was paying for itself eg. older people paying for the care of older
     people, rather than the costs being shared across the population as a whole.
∗ Introducing a higher threshold of need before someone can access care will leave hundreds of thousands of vulnerable older
     people without any support in the community. Access to care services needs to be widened, rather than restricted in this way.
     The removal of low level support will inevitably lead to a worsening in conditions which will accelerate more severe care
     needs and higher costs.
Dot Gibson, NPC general secretary said: "The Dilnot Report has really created more heat than light when it comes to the social
care debate. Nothing in the recommendations will end means-testing, improve standards or prevent people from still having to sell
their homes to pay for care. The current care system is in crisis, yet these recommendations won't go anywhere near putting that
The Dilnot proposals are being used to inform a White Paper on social care, expected next Spring. Any proposals would not be
introduced until 2014 at the earliest.
*As the LINk newsletter went to press, it was reported in the national media that the reforms outlined by Dilnot may take 10 to 20
years to come into effect, due to the high costs needed to implement the proposals. An article in the Guardian news web page
says the Government would need to find £1.7 billion to fund the scheme.
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14          LINk News

Counting the Cost of Care                                   including imposing a cap on the amount of money
                                                            people have to pay for their care to between
                                                            £25,000 and £50,000; raising the threshold for
Funding cuts and changes to care services are               liability towards care costs to £100,000 (currently
having a devastating impact on carers. This                 those with assets worth more than £23,000 are
was the powerful and emotive message to                     required to pay towards funding their care); and
emerge from the ‘Counting the Cost of Care’                 introducing a system of deferred payments, so that
event organised by the Lancashire LINk in                   the state takes responsibility for funding care, with
partnership with Help Direct Wyre and Fylde                 money settled through the individual’s estate.
and Carers Point!
                                                            Dilnot also recommends that there would be a
Carers recounted their stories of the daily                 greater role for financial services to play in
struggles they face to look after family members            providing insurance cover to help people fund the
following cuts to services, difficulties in obtaining       cost of their care services. However, he
equipment and practical support, and general                emphasised that every effort would be made to
feelings of powerlessness in the face of                    ensure the vulnerable were protected.
overwhelming bureaucracy.
                                                            Mr Maynard pointed out that during the last
More than 60 carers, service users and                      Spending Review, the Coalition Government had
professionals attended the event – on Carers’               allocated £2 billion of non ring-fenced cash to local
Rights Day - at Thornton Little Theatre, Thornton           authorities to spend on developing care services
Cleveleys, to hear Blackpool North and Cleveleys            that were locally accountable and responsive to
MP, Paul Maynard, and Lancashire County                     local needs, in line with the new ‘localism’ agenda.
Council’s Director of Commissioning, Steve Gross,
outline national and local changes to social care.          He highlighted the challenges posed by the current
                                                            care debate, including developing a service that is
Discussing national policy, Paul Maynard admitted           localised, yet at the same time meets national
that funding care services presented a ‘massive             benchmarks; offering personalised care packages
challenge’ in the light of a growing ageing                 to meet individual needs, yet recognising that not
population, economic issues and the sheer                   everyone wants choice or is able to exercise
complexities involving in delivering a coherent care        choice without support; and ‘joined up’ health and
service. He said he had been involved in the same           care organisations working together to deliver a
on-going debate about care services for the last 10         seamless service.
years but now it was time for this issue to be
tackled head on.                                            He said the current climate meant that it was even
                                                            more important for statutory and voluntary sector
He outlined the proposals for the Government                organisations to work together to provide efficient
White Paper on Social Care, due in Spring 2012.             care and support services, and emphasised the
Part of this will focus on the recommendations              need for early intervention, including falls
made in the Dilnot Review, set up by economist              prevention services to prevent costly hospital
Andrew Dilnot to investigate the future funding of          stays.
care services (for a specialist report on the Dilnot
Review, see Health and Social Care Update                   Emphasising that dignity should be at the heart of
Number Four on page 13).                                    care delivery, Mr Maynard said the role of the Care
The review makes a number of recommendations,               Quality Commission (CQC) would be
                                                            strengthened, with more unannounced inspections
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                                                                                   LINk News               15

of care services. He also pointed out that the LINk        Government targets to offer everyone access to
and, from October 2012, Local HealthWatch (the             personalised care by 2013. Currently 7000 service
organisation that will replace the LINk) would have        users have been issued with a personal budget
a vital role in monitoring care services.                  and 2200 people are using this as a cash payment
                                                           or to employ their own personal assistants. There
Steve Gross, Director of Commissioning at
                                                           are now 2500 people working as personal care
Lancashire County Council, described the
                                                           assistants within the county.
challenges faced by the council in having to make
cuts of £65 million to adult social care services, as      However, he said personal budgets were not for
part of £179 million overall funding cuts over three       everybody and he outlined the role of the local
years.                                                     authority, voluntary sector organisations and family
                                                           members in providing support and brokerage.
Savings had been achieved by changing the Fair
Access to Care (FACs) eligibility criteria,                One effect of the move towards personalisation
increasing care charges and reducing funding               had been a 10% drop in people buying home care
available to care providers.                               or day care services. As a result, only those home
                                                           care services that offered good, person-centred
Under the FACs criteria, those with care needs
                                                           care services would survive, and this would drive
assessed as ‘moderate’ are no longer eligible for
                                                           up quality. He described this as a reflection of the
care services. However, Mr Gross said that since
                                                           role of the service user as a consumer, able to
the changes, two thirds of those whose care had
                                                           exercise choice in relation to care services.
been reviewed had now been re-categorised as
having ‘substantial’ or ‘severe’ care needs and            Mr Gross pointed out that Lancashire County
were now eligible for care services. This left             Council was working closely with the NHS to
approximately one third, or 800 people, who were           develop falls prevention initiatives and community-
no longer seen as eligible for care.                       based re-ablement services, to prevent hospital
                                                           admissions and ensure people are supported in
He said that, in relation to the services it provides,
                                                           their community following discharge from hospital.
Lancashire still fared well, in comparison with other
                                                           This included the provision of community-based
local authorities, though he admitted that the 50%
                                                           support for people with mental health problems,
of service users who were funding their own care
                                                           following the reduction of in-patient services.
were faced with having to pay more for their
services. He said increased care charges had had           And he said there was greater emphasis on
an impact on uptake of residential and day care            working with the voluntary and community sector
services, with some people withdrawing from care,          to commission services, including support for
although fewer than expected had stopped their             carers. Funding for the network of carers’ forums
care.                                                      across Lancashire had been protected and this
                                                           remained a high priority.
Mr Gross stated that a Judicial Review challenging
the council’s funding decisions had upheld the             Mr Gross admitted that change was ‘complicated
County Council’s actions, and an appeal had                and unsettling’ but felt it provided a real
judged in favour of the council. The High Court            opportunity to join up services, use resources
ruled that LCC had acted fairly, although a further        differently, avoid fragmentation and remove the
appeal would be heard early next year.                     need for service users to have to undergo
                                                           frustrating and time-consuming multiple
He outlined the developments that had taken place
                                                           assessments of their needs.
to create a personalised care service, in line with
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16         LINk News

Counting the Cost of Care
                                                        Another women said she had looked after her
Carers’ Stories                                         husband, who is severely disabled following a
                                                        stroke, for 15 years. She described how in June
                                                        this year her husband’s care package was
Carers gave moving and powerful accounts                reduced to 22 hours per week, and this had
of their care experiences to a stunned                  increased pressure on her to the point that she
audience.                                               felt physically and emotionally overwhelmed.

One single mother of an 18-year-old disabled            A man who cares for his aunt described the
boy described how she had been trying for               difficulties in getting through to Lancashire
nearly a year to be re-housed because her son           County Council for information about care
is struggling to get up and down stairs. She had        funding. He was fed up of trying to make calls
approached various housing organisations but to         and having to be put through to different
no avail.                                               departments and re-tell his story over and over
In another case, a woman tearfully described
how, when her severely disabled son was                 Pamela Hill, from Age Concern Blackpool, felt
admitted to hospital, he was given a bed that           that comments from carers indicated there was a
didn’t have side supports. Fearful for his safety       general lack of awareness about the range of
and concerned that his care needs were not              support services available. She felt that GPs
being met, she made a point of staying at the           were not doing enough to signpost carers to
hospital each day from early morning until              relevant services, and that carers’ assessments
bedtime, to provide the care he needed,                 by GPs needed to be mandatory and subject to
becoming stressed and exhausted in the                  monitoring.
                                                        Paul Maynard and Steve Gross promised to
The woman explained how she had been caring             investigate individual cases. Mr Maynard
for her son single-handedly for 20 years since          admitted that in 10 years of campaigning for
her husband died, with little support from social       better support in care services, the Government
services. Despite having a carer’s assessment           was still some way from getting things right. He
she felt little had been done to improve her            referred to the excellent support offered by
situation.                                              organisations such as Carers Point!, but said that
                                                        it was important that people were made aware of
Another woman, who looks after her son who              the service. It was also important that services
has severe mental health problems, said that,           were commissioned to ensure those with unmet
after listening to the speeches made by Paul            needs were supported.
Maynard and Steve Gross, she felt they must be
‘living on a different planet.’ She felt that what      Steve Gross said he was aware that services
they said had little bearing on the realities faced     were not perfect. However, the reality was that
by carers on a daily basis.                             Lancashire County Council had to live within its
                                                        means, and this presented a ‘massive challenge’.
She pointed out that service users are desperate
                                                        He warned that, with the Government’s proposals
for services and frontline staff are not paying         to extend austerity measures and the challenges
enough attention to carers’ needs, with most            faced by growing numbers suffering from
carers’ assessments seen as inadequate. She             dementia, the pressure to maintain services
felt the support offered through carers’ forums         would inevitably become harder over the coming
was not enough. People are often too busy               years.
caring to attend forums and what they need is
more in the way of practical support and                Do you have a story to tell about your
recognition of their difficulties.                      experiences as a carer? Contact the
                                                        Lancashire LINk, on 01772 431195, or e-mail
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                                                                                   LINk News                17

                                                                           Cancer patients hit
                                                                            by return to work

Thousands of seriously ill              Instead, cancer patients on
                                                                              The ESA replaces a range of
cancer patients could be                chemotherapy in hospitals will
                                                                              incapacity benefits. All fresh
forced to take medical tests            now have to prove that they are
                                                                              claimants now undergo a work
and face "back to work"                 too sick to work, and take part in
                                                                              capability assessment, and 1.5
interviews under new                    the work capability assessment
                                                                              million existing recipients will be
Government proposals,                   to determine whether someone
                                                                              reassessed using the new
charities have warned.                  is eligible for benefits. If cancer
                                                                              system from this month. The
                                        patients are found able to return
A report to ministers by Prof                                                 welfare reform bill introduces a
                                        to employment they may also be
Malcolm Harrington, the                                                       one-year time limit on those
                                        required to participate in work-
government adviser on testing                                                 people claiming ESA in the
                                        related practice job interviews,
welfare recipients, contains                                                  "work-related activity group",
                                        as a condition of receiving their
proposals to force cancer                                                     who are expected to move into
patients who are undergoing                                                   work.
intravenous chemotherapy to             Such assessments have been
                                                                              A DWP spokesman said: This
prove they are too ill to work.         attacked by charities amid
                                                                              must be about an individual's
                                        mounting evidence that people
At present, patients who are                                                  needs. Our proposals would
                                        with serious illnesses are being
unable to work because of                                                     ensure a person would only be
                                        judged fit for work when they are
cancer and the side-effects of                                                asked to attend a face-to-face
treatments are allowed to claim                                               assessment where absolutely
                                        Cancer experts and 30 cancer
the highest rate of employment                                                necessary.’
                                        charities argue that patients
support allowance (ESA), worth
                                        undergoing "stressful" cancer         Are you or a member of your
up to £100 a week. More than
                                        treatment – and who have to           family currently receiving
9,000 cancer patients were
                                        leave work – should be                treatment for cancer? What do
placed automatically on the
                                        automatically eligible for ESA.       you feel about the proposals?
welfare payment from October
                                        Ciarán Devane, chief executive        Contact Lancashire LINk at
2008 to June 2010.
                                        of Macmillan Cancer Support,
However, the expert report says         said: ‘Cancer patients in the
                                        middle of treatment are, in many      *Article taken from Guardian
this "automatic entitlement" has
                                        cases, fighting for their lives.      website: http://
encouraged dependency on
benefits, "encouraging wrong
                                        ‘Yet the government is                society/2011/dec/06/cancer-
behaviours from employers and
                                        proposing to change the rules         patients-welfare-work-tests
stigmatising cancer as
                                        so all cancer patients will have
something that can lead to
                                        to undergo a stressful
unemployment or
                                        assessment to prove they are
                                        unable to work.’
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18         Feature

Lancashire Hospital trusts                              of measures, including how patients are diagnosed
                                                        and treated over the weekend; how quickly
feature in highest death rates                          hospitals deal with hip fractures; and how hospitals
                                                        perform in procedures that are not carried out
Two hospital trusts that serve Lancashire patients
                                                        Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation
have featured in a league table of hospital trusts
                                                        Trust showed ‘above expected’ waiting times for
with the highest death rates.
                                                        surgery following a hip fracture.
Research from Dr Foster showed that Blackpool
Teaching NHS Foundation Trust and University            The report points out that patients are more likely
                                                        to die if they are admitted to hospital over the
Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation
                                                        weekend because they are less likely to receive
Trust were among the 19 hospital trusts in the
                                                        prompt diagnosis or treatment.
country with the higher than average mortality
(death) rates.                                          In the case of hip fracture, the odds of survival for
The researchers used two measures – the                 vulnerable older adults are much higher if they are
                                                        treated quickly, ideally within two days. If they are
Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR), a
                                                        admitted on a Friday or Saturday, the chances of
measure of deaths while in hospital, based on
                                                        prompt treatment are lower.
common conditions that can lead to death, and the
Summary Hospital Level Mortality Indicator              However, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS
(SHMI), based all deaths that take place in or out      Foundation Trust was identified as one of the
of hospital up to 30 days following discharge.          hospital trusts that follow all sections of the rapid
                                                        recovery pathway when treating patients with hip
Using a score of 100 as an average, Blackpool
                                                        and knee replacements.
scored as 117 on the SHMI and 112 on the HSMR,
and University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay               The researchers also examined hospital trusts’
scored 114 on the SHMI and 124 on the HSMR.             performance on non-routine, specialised
Dr Foster researchers also examined hospital            procedures. They looked at abdominal aortic
                                                        aneurysm surgery, as an example, and found that
records to look at performance against a number
                                                        hospital trusts that performed fewer operations for
                                                        this condition had higher death rates.
                                                        Blackpool NHS Teaching Hospitals Trust was
                                                        among the trusts that performed fewer than 35 of
                                                        these operations in 2010-11. The authors
                                                        commented that hospital trusts that do not carry
                                                        out this operation regularly should look at sourcing
                                                        this work to other trusts that offer this expertise. *In
                                                        Lancashire this is being addressed through
                                                        proposals to set up specialist vascular centres
                                                        (see LINk November newsletter).
                                                        Elsewhere the report stated that:
                                                        •   Private hospitals that provide services to NHS
                                                            patients have good outcomes and positive
                                                            patient ratings
                                                        •   Staff behaviour is crucial to patient experience.
                                                            Disrespect and not being kept informed were
                                                            cited as two reasons why patients would not
                                                            recommend a hospital.
                                                        Responding to the mortality findings, Tony Halsall,
                                                        Chief Executive Of University Hospitals of
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                                                                                      Feature             19
Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, said ‘We
have been looking very carefully at the detailed
information and we have asked our doctors to
continually review all deaths within the hospitals to
ensure appropriate care was given in each case.
We also undertake clinical audits to identify
improvements in clinical care and provide staff with
protected time for this.                                  Is your care up to standard?
’There have been problems in the way some
information has been recorded and this has                We need your help to build a picture of what
resulted in a significant increase in the Dr Foster       quality care looks like for men with prostate
figure. This has been put right and we expect to          cancer.
see this reflected in improved figures next year.         We know that men face a postcode lottery when
‘Over the last five years we have seen a decrease         accessing prostate cancer services across the
in deaths at our hospitals, and we believe that the       country. This is not acceptable.
main reason for any increase in our Dr Foster
HSMR figure is to do with coding and the recording        We would like to work with you to make
of mortality data.’                                       improvements where they are needed most. To do
                                                          this, we are identifying standards of quality care
Dr Paul Kelsey, Medical Director for Blackpool            that all men with prostate cancer deserve - at
Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said             every stage of their journey.
the data should be treated with caution as it does
not give a true reflection of the quality of care         You can help by telling us what quality prostate
patients can expect.                                      cancer care means to you by taking part in our
                                                          survey. Anyone with experience of prostate cancer
He said: ‘One of our concerns is that the new             is welcome to take part, whether you have been
mortality indicator does not take into account            diagnosed with the disease or are a friend or
issues such as deprivation and public health              family member of someone who has.
issues. Blackpool has amongst the highest levels
of deprivation in the country with lower than             To take part in the survey and read more about our
average life expectancy. The town also has higher         quality care project, please visit:
than average deaths related to alcohol, smoking,
IV drug use and heart disease and as the SHMI             If you would like a paper copy of the survey please
data is not adjusted to reflect this our figures will     ring 0208 222 7182.
be higher.
‘Improving quality of care and enhancing patient
safety are our key priorities and our aim is to have
no avoidable deaths and no avoidable harm. We
have robust systems in place to monitor mortality
and quality of care and our mortality rates have
steadily reduced over the past few years.
‘We were also recently one of 10 Trusts to take
part in a national study which looked at the case
notes of 100 deceased patients to see whether
their deaths could potentially have been avoidable
and our Trust had the second lowest number of
avoidable deaths.’
The Dr Foster Hospital Guide can be found on:
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20         Feature

                                                     999 Call Categorisation

The North West Ambulance Service NHS                    these calls should receive a response within
Trust has issued important information                  eight minutes or less. This is a national
about how 999 calls are categorised.                    standard.
When a 999 call is received, it is categorised by       Green 1 and 2: These are calls that are
the Trust’s Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch          prioritised as serious but not immediately life
System (AMPDS) to determine the response                threatening. As such the Trust aims to reach
required. Determination of the response required        these patients as quickly as practicable. There is
is dependent upon the severity of the patient’s         no national time standard set for this category.
symptoms at that time, based upon the answers           Green 3 and 4: These are calls that are neither
provided to a series of specific questions. This        serious or life threatening. The Trust will
system works to ensure that the most serious,           undertake further telephone triage by
life threatening cases are prioritised and it also      paramedics in the control centre to assess the
assists in the identification of any suitable           patient’s needs and refer on to more appropriate
alternative courses of action.                          services, or the Trust may pass callers to NHS
From the 1st April 2011 changes were made to            Direct for further assessment. However, there
the way ambulance services are measured. The            will still be instances when an ambulance will be
previous three main categorisations (known as           dispatched.
Category ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ calls) were redefined as      The new set of clinical indicators introduced from
‘Reds’ (level 1 and 2) and ‘Greens’ (level 1,2, 3       1st April 2011 measures performance against
and 4). Importantly, a new set of quality               outcome for stroke, cardiac arrest and other
indicators to measure patient outcomes was              types of intervention after other forms of heart
introduced.                                             attack. A Trust spokesperson said this type of
Call Descriptions:                                      measurement ensures a focus on quality of
                                                        outcome as well as response time.
Red 1 and 2: These are calls that are prioritised
as immediately life threatening such as cardiac
arrests, serious bleeding, severe breathing
difficulties and choking. Seventy five per cent of                   
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                                                                                             News           21
Are you Age 50 or over and                 The Government contract, from           identification)
living or working in                       the Department for Work and
Rossendale?                                                                     For more information or to make
                                           Pensions (DWP), is estimated at
                                                                                a referral please contact:
Do you:-
                                           £4.8 million and Remploy has
                                                                                Pamela Beswick, Chief
    Care about issues and                  been appointed to deliver all of
                                                                                Executive, on 07825207021, or
        services in Rossendale             the seven available contracts to
                                                                                Sharon Calverley
        and beyond and how                 deliver Access to Work's mental
                                                                                Project Director, on
        they affect our                    health provision, spanning
        experiences and quality            England, Wales and Scotland.
                                                                                Or visit the Website for the
        of life?                           This new service aims to assist      Referral Procedure:
• Enjoy meeting like minded                more than 1,600 people with - Refer to
people and new friends?                    mental health conditions to stay     Us.
• Have skills and views to                 in employment.
share, and are perhaps                                                          Fleetwood Family Carer
                                           Visit the website for more
interested in developing new                                                    Group
ones?                                                                           Come along to our informal get
Value your right to have a voice
                                           Targeted Youth Support –             together, meet other carers,
and influence the area you live in ,
and the services delivered there?          Lancaster                            enjoy some refreshments, share
                                                                                experiences, ask questions and
If you answered yes to any of the          Signposts has been                   find out what is going on in
above please join us for afternoon         commissioned to deliver              Learning Disability Services.
tea :-                                     targeted youth support in the
St Marys Chambers, Rawtenstall,            Lancaster District.                  You can:
Thursday 19th January 2012 2-5pm.
                                           Those who wish to refer into this    Get involved and have a voice
What would a forum look and feel           service please note:                 about learning disabilities and
like that really empowered those                                                local services
aged 50 and older to lead, change          •   The project will support         Receive information by email or
and influences the community you               young people in need of          post
live in and services within it?                intensive one to one
Whether your interest now relates                                               Come to our group and listen to
                                               casework which could             speakers
to education, health, social care,
employment, leisure or any other
                                               include information about/       Join one of our action groups to
matter which affects the day to day            access to counselling,           look at health, employment,
experiences in Rossendale of those             homeless advice, LGBT and        social opportunities,
50 and older your knowledge, skills,           health and wellbeing             employment and more for
experiences and views really                   programmes if required.          people with a learning disability
FREE Event, booking required Tel           •   It will offer interventions to   The group will meet on:
01706 871730 or email                          ages 13 – 18 engaging in         26th January 2012 1.30-3pm to book             potentially harmful              23rd February 2012 1.30-3pm
your place now.                                behaviour, providing a           29th March 2012 1.30-3pm
                                               personal development             in the Community Room at Wyre
Remploy launches                               programme and/or offering        Disability Service, (Larkholme
Government funded service                      diversionary activities to       Lodge), Larkholme Avenue,
for mental health and work                     those at risk of committing      Fleetwood FY7 7PN
Remploy's Employment                           crime.
                                                                                Contact Amanda Topps for
Services has launched the UK's                 •In addition intervention        details on (01524) 586182 or by
first ever Government funded                   could also include advocacy,     e-mail at
mental health in work support                  a 10 week social/life skills
service.                                       course (following                .uk
                                               assessment and needs
Editorial   LINk News   Out-and-   Features    News
                                               4           5           about 10   18          21

22           News

Does your organisation have            of equipment if there is nothing       Neil Caton - Service User,
contact with vulnerable                suitable currently available           Hearing Voices and Paranoia
people who may be severely             commercially. If you have any          Group Facilitator, Blackburn
affected by adverse weather            questions or would like to speak       Mind and Trustee of ISPSUK
conditions?                            with someone about Remap               Jen Kilyon - Family Carer,
This could be lack of emergency        equipment or have any                  Trainer and Campaigner,
provision, frozen pipes, unable to     comments you may contact               Trustee of ISPSUK and Soteria
get out of the house due to snow or    either the Lancashire NW panel,        Network
any other similar problem.             or Remap Head Office.
                                                                              Programme contents
Did you know that Help Direct have     Your local Remap Panel:                Introduction – Alison Summers
developed a list of people they        Lancashire NW Panel                    Presentation: Reflections from
contact during adverse weather to      Chairman – Harry Davis                 Experience – Neil Caton
check:- Are they ok Do they have       Tel: 01253 731958                      Presentation: The Ideal Service-
enough provision Do they need any
                                       Secretary – Hilary Cresswell           and Cheaper? – Jen Kilyon
help at all.
                                       Tel. 01253 727139                      Group Discussion – What
If they require assistance we ask                                             Matters Most to Service Users
one of our many willing volunteers     Remap Head Office:
                                                                              who Experience Psychosis?
to help people in need during the      D9 Chaucer Business Park
winter period.                         Kemsing                                Professionals £5
A telephone call to a vulnerable       TN15 6YU                               Service users / Carers (Waged)
person during bad weather can          Tel: 0845 1300456                      £2.50
make the world of difference,          Email:               Service users / Carers
therefore please identify anyone                       (Unwaged) FREE
you consider may need this service
and ask for consent to pass their                                             Fee includes refreshments. For
                                       The future of psychosis
details to us. (name, address & tel                                           directions go to http://
                                       services: What matters most
                                       to service users?
                                                                              preston To book please e mail
You can then email or telephone
                                       ISPS UK North West Discussion          Neil Caton,
Help Direct - we will do the rest!
                                       Group on Wednesday 6th       
Help Direct 0303 333 1111 or email     February 2012, 5:30pm to               Tel: 07515951554
enquiries@calico.helpdirectlancs.or    7:30pm at the Quaker Meeting           For more information visit the                                   House, 189 St George's Road,           ISPS UK website
                                       Preston, PR1 6NQ
                                       As services change in response
Remap is a registered charity          to the challenging financial
(no. 1137666) and our                  climate, it is more important than
volunteers design and                  ever that they take account of
manufacture, or adapt, special         what matters to the people using
equipment for people with              them. We need to be aware of
disabilities. This equipment may       which aspects of services need
be to assist in day to day             to be protected and fought for,
activities, leisure activities or to   which could be more easily
assist in being able to continue       given up, and find innovative
working. This service is               ways forward.
delivered entirely by volunteers
and is provided free of charge to      Speakers
our clients. However, donations        Alison Summers - Deputy Chair
are always welcome to help with        of ISPSUK, Consultant
the purchase of materials.             Psychiatrist Lancashire EIS and
Remap can only make a piece            Psychotherapist
Lancashire li nk_newsletter_jan2011
Lancashire li nk_newsletter_jan2011

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Lancashire li nk_newsletter_jan2011

  • 1. Issue 34 January 2012 Please note: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are the views of the author, and are not attributable to the Lancashire LINK.
  • 2. WORLD LEPROSY DAY 2012 JANUARY 29 ONE BODY... Many members World Leprosy Day We will not turn away In times of despair. We will come near, walk alongside. We will care... WWW.LEPRAHEALTHINACTION.ORG
  • 3. Contents 3 6 Editorial 4 The LINk and Local Healthwatch. LINk News 7 5 Signs of the times? Summary of Transport Survey 2010. 6 NHS 111 service. 7 BMA seeks confidentiality assurances over patient data. 8 Board Member profile. Night-time Hours Service changes. 9 Patient Stories. UHMBT Hospital Appointments. 12 8 Shock report reveals human rights abuse. 13 Health and Social Care Update Number Four. The Dilnot Proposals on Funding of Care Services. 14 Counting the cost of care. 16 Counting the cost of care - Patients’ stories. 17 Cancer patients hit by return to work proposals. Out-and-About 12 10 Out-and-about with the LINk. 17 19 20 Features 18 Lancashire Hospital trusts feature in highest death rates. 19 Is your care up to standard? 20 999 Call Categorisation.
  • 4. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 4 Editorial The LINk We hope to keep you informed as things takes shape. and Local HealthWatch In the meantime, we are happy to answer some commonly asked questions: As many LINk members will be aware, under the Government’s health and social care Will Local HealthWatch be the same as the LINk? reforms, the LINk will be replaced by new Local HealthWatch organisations in October Local HealthWatch organisations will carry on 2012. with all the involvement and scrutiny activities of The new Health and Social Care Bill states that the LINk, including promoting involvement; ‘Local HealthWatch organisations will be the local obtaining views; monitoring health and care consumer champion across health and social services; making reports and recommendations; care.’ and carrying out enter and view visits. But the proposals have prompted many questions However, Local HealthWatch will have several from LINk members who have asked what will extra duties, including providing information to happen to the LINk over the next few months, and support patients to make choices about their how will the changes take effect. health or social care and providing, or signposting people to NHS complaints advocacy services. As We are happy to reassure our members that the well as this, the Government states that there LINk will still be carrying out its activities as usual must be a Local HealthWatch representative on over the next few months. That means we will still the newly established Health and Wellbeing be dealing with your issues and concerns around Boards. health and social care, and feeding these to commissioners and managers within the NHS and What sort of organisation will Local HealthWatch Lancashire County Council. be? We will still be keeping you informed of ongoing The Government proposes that Local developments concerning national and local HealthWatch will not be a ‘network’ organisation health policies, via our newsletter and other in the way that the LINk is. Instead it will be a bulletins, and inviting your responses. ‘body corporate’. This is a legal term which simply means it would be constituted as an organisation We will still be organising events and conferences in its own right, with its own constitution and to provide people with the opportunity to have arrangements for making decisions in an their say on health and social care. accountable way. And we will still be keeping our band of trained This is likely to mean Local HealthWatch would volunteers busy as they undertake enter and view be set up in the same way as many local charities visits to care homes and health settings, or carry and voluntary organisations. The government out ‘mystery shopping’. sees this as a way of making sure that Local HealthWatch is really independent and However, at the same time, we hope to provide answerable to local people. information on developments around Local However, there will still be an important role for HealthWatch, as they arise, and will also be patients, service-users and those interested in helping to support the promotion and roll-out of championing health and social care to become Local HealthWatch within Lancashire. involved in Local HealthWatch. Lancashire County Council is taking the lead on The role of local Local HealthWatch will be the development of a Lancashire Local overseen by HealthWatch England, a national HealthWatch and discussions are currently taking healthwatch organisation. place on the structure of this new organisation.
  • 5. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 LINk News 5 Signs of the times? attendant directed me to one of stress of trying to park their car, the car parks, but I couldn’t find a finding where they need to be car parking space. going, or finding enough money Do hospital direction signs put for car parking. you in a spin? Does trying to ‘Because all the direction arrows find an empty hospital parking were pointing one way, I followed ‘I realise there are no easy space drive you to distraction? them all the way to the end – only answers to this, but are there If so, the LINk would like to to be met by a ticket barrier. But I ways hospitals could come up hear from you. didn’t have a ticket because I with more imaginative solutions: hadn’t parked – and there was a staggered visiting hours, We would love to hear your views queue of irate drivers behind me, perhaps? Better advertising and on which of the region’s hospitals waiting to come out! promotion of public transport? A fare best –and worst – when it realistic maximum charge so that comes to parking and direction ‘I had to somehow manoeuvre my family members who need to stay signs. car and backtrack to find a car with their loved ones are not parking space, which I did penalised with a hefty parking As anyone who has to visit a eventually. But I was miles away bill?’ patient in hospital, or attend from the maternity unit. By this hospital as a patient or outpatient, time, I was feeling really hot What are your experiences of will readily testify, visits can be under the collar, anxious to see hospital signs and car parking? fraught with tension and anxiety my daughter-in-law and Which hospitals fare the best and at the best of times. Trying to find grandson. worst in relation to parking? The where you are going or LINk would love to hear your somewhere to park can send ‘The day before, my daughter-in- views and experiences. Contact stress levels soaring even higher. law’s mother had driven up from her home in Reading, arriving at LINk news editor and community lunchtime, to spend the full day at engagement officer Angela Norris the hospital. When she got to her had this experience when she car later that night, she was visited Royal Preston Hospital dismayed to find she had been recently to see her daughter-in- charged £10 to park for the day.’ law and new grandson, Stanley. Commented Angela: ‘Many Angela recalled: ‘It was afternoon people who visit hospital may visiting and I queued for what have concerns and worries about must have been 20 minutes to get the patients they are going to see, on to the hospital site. A car park without having the additional Summary of Transport Survey 2010 Research by Lancaster-based One Voice Disability Forum reveals that most people with disabilities rely on buses for transport and find them affordable, reliable and comfortable. However, nearly half of those interviewed said they needed help when travelling and pointed to problems with ramps as an area of concern. Wheelchair users said some bus drivers did not know how to use the ramp, or were reluctant to get out of their seat to lower the ramp. Other users reported that some drivers were not aware the bus could be lowered to the kerb. Problems were exacerbated by unhelpful drivers and, as a result, many wheelchair users no longer used buses. The research also discovered that taxis are a popular form of travel for disabled people and most taxi drivers are responsive to their needs. However, some taxis do not have straps to secure a wheelchair and many people reported difficulties in booking a taxi at peak times. The report calls for more information on public transport services to be available in large print. For a copy of the report email
  • 6. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 6 LINk News advisor will ask you questions NHS 111 service about your symptoms and, based on the answers you The NHS 111 service is there to give you give, they will give you advice advice if you think you have an urgent health on which service is the best for need, but you are not sure what to do. you, based on where you live and the closest service As reported in the November newsletter, 111 is the available. If the call advisor number for a new free to use telephone service thinks you need emergency which gives advice on which service to use if you attention they can immediately have a minor injury or illness that needs medical dispatch an ambulance. attention but is not an emergency. If you are feeling unwell or have an injury, it can be 999 remains the single number to call if you or difficult to know which NHS service to use, someone you care for has a serious or life especially if you have a number of different threatening health emergency such as a serious services in your area such as a walk-in centre, a accident, a heart attack, a stroke or breathing minor injuries unit or urgent care centre as well as problems. your local high street pharmacy, your GP and If you have used 111 since it was introduced we hospital. would be interested to hear your thoughts. Please Calling 111 gives you access to a trained call contact or call advisor, who has information about the different 01772 431195. services available to you in your area. The call Together we can keep Lancashire moving this winter
  • 7. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 LINk News 7 BMA seeks confidentiality assurances over patient data The BMA has warned the Nathanson, head of science and ethics Government that ‘they must ensure at the BMA said: ‘Whilst the BMA does patient confidentiality is protected' believe the use of anonymised health in light of the Prime Minister's data could benefit patients, we are announcement that patient records concerned that elements of the will be made available to the Government's proposals could, if privately run life sciences industry implemented, undermine patient for research purposes. confidentiality.' The NHS Health and Social Care She said the BMA was particularly Information Centre is to set up a worried that researchers from large ‘secure data linkage service' by commercial companies would be able Dr Vivienne September, 2012. This will provide to access patient records, find out Nathanson extracts from patient data to life about people’s health status and sciences businesses for research, treatment, and then may try to contact including research into drug treatments. David Cameron this week assured the public that any records would remain them. In response, a Department of Health spokesman said: ‘The data will be “ Whilst the BMA does believe anonymous, claiming ‘this doesn't stored electronically and linked when the use of required to meet a specific health anonymised threaten privacy' and patients could question. This means the data the health data opt out of having their data shared. researcher receives will be only that is Patients will also have access to their relevant to the research'. could benefit GP records by 2015, with details of the patients, we *Article from The Pulse, the journal for are concerned full timetable to be published by the BMA - September 2012. newsarticle-content/-/ that elements The Department of Health plans to article_display_list/13153083/bma- of the announce a consultation to change the raises-alarm-over-nhs-patient-data- Government's NHS Constitution so that patient data sharing-plans proposals is automatically included in clinical could, if What do you think about the research, but giving patients a clear implemented, Government’s plans to share patient opportunity to opt-out ‘if they wish to do so'. data with the research industry? Will undermine they compromise patient patient Health secretary, Andrew Lansley, confidentiality? How will patients be confidentiality. said: ‘What we are talking about is not informed of their right to ‘opt out’? ” patients' individual medical records. Email the Lancashire LINk with your What we're talking about is linking up views: all the data sets across the NHS to create what is population-based data about the success of new treatments across the NHS and the ability to link up research data with the data about how patients are responding in research trials'. But the BMA raised concerns over patient confidentiality. Dr Vivienne
  • 8. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 8 LINk News Night-time hours Board member Can you name your favourite service changes profile book? Not really. There are too many, Burnley’s night-time out of hours but Sophie's World by Jostein doctors’ service has been moved Name: Gaarder is one. I almost never from the St Peter’s Centre in Michael Swarbrick go to the cinema without falling Burnley to Burnley General Job title: asleep. Hospital. As part of a trial run over Vice-chair the winter months, GPs will be Can you tell us one fact about based at the urgent care centre Which area do you work in or yourself that others might be from midnight until 8am each represent? surprised to hear? night. I am interested in the changes Although I was physically This will be the only change to the to the structures of Health and disabled at birth, at the age of service at St Peter’s, which will Social Care because I can 18 I was called into the army continue to operate as normal at remember what it was like and served 2 years in the all other times. before the foundation of the RAMC. (Well, the Korean War NHS. It would be good if the Health bosses said the scheme was on. If you were male, could NHS survived for my would test whether it is feasible to stand up and didn’t have flat feet run both services together on a grandchildren. you were in.) permanent basis in the future. How long have you been Information from NHS East involved with the LINk? Lancashire shows a low take-up Since it began. of people using the service What brought you to the between midnight and 8am, averaging at fewer than two LINk? patients per evening. The NHS keeps me alive. I owe it something. It is felt that by co-locating the GP out of hours service with urgent What do you feel are the care services at Burnley General strengths of the LINk? Hospital this will ensure that It strives to be the independent patients receive the right voice of patients and ordinary treatment from the right doctor members of the public. It has no however they access the service. reason not to tell the truth as The GP out of hours service patients see it. operates as an appointment- Can you tell us a little bit based service where patients can about your career call the new 111 service when background? their GP practice is closed. The 111 service assesses patients I left school at 15. On the way to and determines whether the a career in education I worked patient needs to attend an urgent for two breweries and improved care centre or see an out of hours my education in my spare time. I GP. Where a patient needs to see took full advantage of the fact a GP out of hours they will be that in those days a part time given an appointment over the university education was phone and advised where to affordable but I was an old attend, thereby avoiding any student by the time Lancaster confusion where a patient needs awarded me a Ph.D. to go for treatment. What are your hobbies and If you have had to use the service interests outside of work? since the changes were My grandchildren. implemented and would like to share your experience with us please contact
  • 9. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 LINk News 9 Patient Stories internal training, but may be simply written if respondents prefer. Do you know of anyone aged over 65 who Oakridge is looking for a mix of patient might be willing to talk about their experience experiences, good, bad or indifferent, so all stories of being a patient of Lancaster Royal Infirmary, are welcome. Each will be edited down to a Westmorland General Hospital or Furness maximum of 10 minutes so respondents need not General Hospital, during the last 12 months? necessarily have long, complex stories to tell, and the more stories that are collected the better. On behalf of University Hospitals of Morecambe bay NHS Foundation Trust, Oakridge has been Experienced interviewers are happy to travel to commissioned to collect 100 stories from people, people’s homes, or to a hospital or venue of their aged over 65, who have been patients of choice at a time to suit them. The interviewer will Lancaster Royal Infirmary, Westmorland General be accompanied by one technical person to record Hospital or Furness General Hospital, during the their story. Each interview will be carried out with last 12 months. sensitivity. The purpose is to improve the standard of elderly For further information, call Julia or Jo on 01625 patient care. Stories would ideally be filmed or 572474 or email voice-recorded, so that they can be used for University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust Hospital Appointments The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS having a suspicion or diagnosis of cancer, being in Foundation Trust (UHMBT) has set up a helpline need of an urgent referral, or simply requiring a for patients worried about follow-up appointments routine referral. following problems with the outpatient booking Since then, the Trust has identified 154 patients as system. having a suspicion or diagnosis of cancer and as An external review commissioned by the Hospital being at risk of harm due to delays in diagnosis or Trust identified a backlog of 30,000 patients treatment. A further 682 patients were identified as waiting for urgent and routine appointments. being in need of urgent referral. Measures were put to place to ensure that each of these patients The problems with the outpatient booking system – was seen by the beginning of December. originally thought to be due to the IT system – have now been put down to ‘process failure’. Fears For routine patients, a process of clinical validation were raised in the media concerning cancer is underway and these patients will be seen over patients losing out on vital diagnosis and treatment the coming months. The Trust is looking at the due to urgent follow up appointments being missed wider NHS and possibly the private sector for or delayed support in dealing with routine cases. Since the issue emerged, the Trust has acted Patients and relatives worried about appointments swiftly to ensure all urgent and priority patients are can call the 24-hour helpline on 0845 608 0278. seen (reported in LINk newsletter, November GPs are also being asked to report any patients 2011). they are concerned might not have received appointments. Hospital managers have put in place a process to identify all patients who should have received a The Trust is to set up a booking hub – made up of follow-up appointment but haven’t; those who have managerial, clinical and administrative staff - to been given an appointment but have not yet been review outpatient demand and identify staffing seen; and those whose records should be closed issues, in order to prevent the situation arising as ‘completed’. again. Patients were further categorised on the basis of
  • 10. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 10 Out and About with the LINk We will keep you updated with Urgent Care Centre at Burnley East progress. General Hospital. We continue our work with If you have feedback on these children and young people. or any other services you have Following on from the ‘Dementia Their experience of accessing used recently please contact Large Scale Change’ health services is an important either Anthony or Karen on conference in Manchester in part of shaping services. At a 01282 714384 / 01282 714385 November, Board members in meeting of Rossendale Youth or email East Lancashire have agreed to Council in November, there was or look at the use of antipsychotic an open and honest discussion drugs for people with dementia. about what they expect of This corresponds with a call to services and the staff who action on the use of provide and support those antipsychotic drugs for people services. with dementia, launched by the Areas covered included Dementia Action Alliance. The dentistry and how the group felt aim of this is to ensure that: they needed reassurance from All people with dementia who the dentist, i.e. what was are receiving antipsychotic happening whilst being treated. 01/01/2012 - 31/01/2012 drugs should receive a clinical Communication was another of Love Your Liver review from their doctor to the main themes, with the ensure that their care is majority of the group feeling that 04/01/2012 - 04/01/2012 compliant with current best communication could be World Braille Day practice and guidelines, and that improved. Included in this was alternatives to medication have the need of health practitioners 14/01/2012 - 14/01/2012 been considered, by 31 March to communicate with younger STIQ Day 2012. people in a way that they could understand what was being 19/01/2012 - 19/01/2012 In some cases the use of explained. Personalised Health Care: antipsychotic drugs is the right We would like to thank the youth Theory to Practice treatment option, but it is estimated that around two thirds leader and members of the Youth Council for their warm 22/01/2012 - 28/01/2012 of the use of antipsychotics in welcome and for allowing us to Cervical Cancer Prevention people with dementia is join their meeting. Week inappropriate. The use of antipsychotic drugs is linked to In the New Year, we will be arranging to meet with students 23/01/2012 - 29/01/2012 serious side effects, creating at colleges in East Lancashire Food Allergy and mobility problems, sedation and and also meeting with health Food Intolerance Week sometimes death, particularly when used for longer than 12 professionals who work with children and young people. 23/01/2012 - 29/01/2012 weeks. Be Loud! Be Clear! Two areas that we will be monitoring over the next few 29/01/2012 - 29/01/2012 months are the new non World Leprosy Day emergency number – 111 that gives advice on which service to 31/01/2012 - 31/01/2012 use if you have a minor injury or National Bug Busting Day illness that needs medical attention but is not an 31/01/2012 - 31/03/2012 emergency, (see page 6) and National Bowel Cancer the GP out of hours pilot which Symptom is trialing moving the night time Awareness Campaign GP from St Peters Centre to the
  • 11. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 Out and About with the LINk 11 Central The LINk attended the Lancashire Third Sector Mental Health Consortium meeting in Preston, when there was a series of presentations on dementia. The Charnley Fold Enhanced Day Support Service featured twice for The LINk attended the Chorley & South Ribble Mental its work in general towards therapeutic and social Health Users and Carers Network meeting, when a actives. Charnley Fold is also the base for the Dementia discussion took place around the concerns many carers Adviser Service supporting people with onset or a of mental health users have in relation to the possible diagnosis of dementia. withholding of information by clinicians. Staff providing care do not always give carers information, citing Staff also attended the Lancashire Youth Council Open patient confidentiality as their reason for withholding Evening and had an opportunity to find out more about information on certain issues. However, relatives feel its campaigns and meet the young volunteers. this not always in the best interests of the patient. If you A meeting on the future of Community/Volunteer Cars in would like to comment on this issue, please contact the Preston took place. Although primarily a meeting for LINk - this could be done anonymously if preferred. Lancashire County Council’s Transport Team and the Email Pat at managers of the services under discussion, the LINk LINk members from Central Lancashire received enter asked if membership of this group could be opened up and view training to enable them to visit health and to other organisations. As a result, a representative social care premises. We will be reporting on their from the Royal National Institute for the Blind has been activities in future editions of this newsletter. invited to join the group, as an organisation which has a particular interest in how transport changes affect the The LINk hosted an information stall in the entrance of visually impaired. the Civic Centre in Leyland. LINk staff attended the Methodist Church Cafe on Turpin Green in Leyland with The LINk will be attending the Chorley Community a stand and information. A coffee morning is held there Transport Meeting on Thursday January 12. On every Wednesday and the LINk had the opportunity to Thursday January 26, LINk staff will be present at two speak with people who had come along for coffee and events: the Preston Strategic Partnership Conference in a chat or lunch. Some of the issues raised included the morning and the Chorley Voluntary Community transition of care home services following the collapse Faith Sector meeting at St Josephs, Harper’s Lane in of Southern Cross and mental health community service the afternoon. provision. In the North, a report, written by LINk team leader Elham Kashefi, on the problems experienced by North Polish migrants from Lancaster and Morecambe when accessing health services, has been presented completion of the prison project, on-going work with to the University of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation children and young people, and keeping a watching Hospitals Trust, NHS North Lancashire and the brief on mental health in-patient services. Lancaster, Morecambe, Carnforth and Garstang Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Future work includes keeping a watch on developments relating to the Dementia Strategy, The report highlights serious concerns over developing stronger links with the North West translation services and makes a number of Ambulance Service (NWAS), undertaking enter and recommendations for ensuring non English speaking view visits to care homes and keeping a watch on Polish residents are supported when visiting hospital developments relating to the future of hospitals on or healthcare settings. For full details of the report the Fylde Coast. and recommendations see the next LINk newsletter (February 2012). DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Lancaster, Morecambe, Carnforth and Garstang At a Christmas get-together meeting of the North Clinical Commissioning Group Public Engagement locality group, members celebrated progress made Day over the past 12 months and discussed the areas of Thursday 23 Febraury 2012 10 - 1 work for the coming months. Positive aspects of our PCT Headquarters, Moor Lane Mills, Lancaster work included training a number of LINk volunteers to The CCG will update us on progress with undertake enter and view visits and ‘mystery commissioning so far and would like to hear from shopping’, working alongside hospital staff to conduct residents in all the areas that are covered by the an A&E audit at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Group. To book a place please contact the North organising health and social care events, the locality team (details on the back of the newsletter).
  • 12. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 12 LINk News Shock report reveals • Neglect due to tasks in the calls for more information and care package not being advice to be made available to human rights abuse carried out, often caused by those who use home care lack of time. services. A hard hitting report into the • Financial abuse, for example The report can be found at: care older people receive from money being systematically home care services uncovers stolen over a period of time. homecareinquiry the shocking catalogue of • Chronic disregard for older abuse individuals may have people’s privacy and dignity received at the hands of those when carrying out intimate paid to look after them. tasks. The report, Close to Home, was • Talking over older people written following an Inquiry into (sometimes on mobile Older People and Human Rights phones) or patronising them. carried out by the Equalities and • Little attention given to older Human Rights Commission people’s choices about how (EHRC). It points out that and when their home care is individuals are having their basic delivered. human rights breached by failings • Risks to personal security, for in the care system. example when care workers The Lancashire LINk was among are frequently changed, the many individuals and sometimes without warning. organisations that contributed to • Some physical abuse, such the inquiry. We submitted a copy as rough handling or using of our report, Who is Looking unnecessary physical force. After Uncle Albert?, following The EHRC states that many of research with over 40 care these incidents amount to human service users and their family rights breaches. The impact on members. older people can be profoundly The findings from the EHRC depressing and stressful, *Following the publication of the share many similarities with those resulting in tears, frustration, report, the Care Quality uncovered in the LINk report, in expressions of a desire to die and Commission (CQC) has identifying wide-ranging concerns feelings of being stripped of self- announced that it will now be raised by service users and family worth and dignity. inspecting home care providers members. alongside care homes, hospital The report argues that the The EHRC report states that underlying causes of these wards and other health settings. around half of the older people, practices are largely due to CQC chief executive Cynthia friends and family members who problems within the care system Bower said: "The operation of gave evidence to the inquiry rather than the fault of individual home care is not as transparent expressed real satisfaction with care workers and reflect a failure as care in hospitals and other their home care. At the same to apply a human rights approach sectors because the interactions time, the evidence revealed many to home care services. happen behind closed doors. instances of care that raised real "That is why we want to focus on It makes a number of this sector of social care in this concerns such as: recommendations, including way." • Older people not being given making sure that home care The CQC already runs routine adequate support to eat and agencies are covered by the spot checks, but this will be an drink (in particular those with Home Rights Act, in the same extra inspection. dementia) and an unfounded way that care homes are, and belief that health and safety making sure those who restrictions prevent care commission and monitor home workers from preparing hot care services apply the Human meals. Rights Act in their work. It also
  • 13. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 LINk News 13 Health and Social Care Update Number Four The Dilnot Proposals on Funding of Care Services In this update, we focus on the Dilnot Inquiry on the funding of social care services. Economist Andrew Dilnot was asked by the Coalition Government to chair the Commission on the Funding of Care and Support, which was set up to investigate ways of funding social care in the future. Dilnot was asked to lead the Commission and his report, Fairer Care Funding, was published in July this year. The information here comes from a briefing paper produced by the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC). The Commission believes that the current care system is not fit for purpose and needs urgent reform. It has identified a number of problems: ∗ The current system is confusing, unfair and unsustainable. ∗ Eligibility for support varies depending on where you live. ∗ There is a lack of financial products to help people meet their care costs. Following the review of current services, Dilnot made a number of recommendations: 1. Costs ∗ An individual’s contribution to their care costs would be capped at between £25,000 and £50,000. The Commission suggests £35,000 as the ‘fair figure’. The state would then pay additional care costs once the individual had met that cap. However, individuals will still have to pay more than £35,000 if they want to go into a home which costs more than the local authority is prepared to pay. ∗ Means-tested support for residential care would be available to those with assets/income worth between £14,250 and £100,000 (including the value of any property). The current figure is £23,250. For those with assets worth £75,000 the cost of care would be around £15,000. Those with less than £14,250 would not pay any care costs. ∗ Those in residential care would still be liable to pay for their food and accommodation costs – capped at a maximum of £10,000 per year. This would mean individuals paying up to £190 a week. ∗ Individuals could fund their care either through private insurance, savings or money from their estate by selling their property or through equity release. Whilst some local authorities promote deferred payment schemes which recoup the money paid for care after the property is sold, the Commission recommends the system be standardised across England. They also suggest that for the first time local authorities should be allowed to add interest onto the amount owed. ∗ The Commission’s proposals are estimated to cost £1.7bn a year rising to £3.6bn by 2026. The recommendations suggest that this money could be raised either through additional income tax, re-allocation of existing government expenditure or using a specific tax such as national insurance on those aged 65 and over. 2. Assessment ∗ There should be a new national assessment system which would guarantee support to those with ’substantial’ needs or worse – but not anyone with moderate needs (including those requiring help getting in and out of bed). This assessment would be portable and apply if you moved from one area to another. The report adds that existing universal disability benefits should continue as now, but Attendance Allowance should be re-branded to clarify its purpose. There is no recommendation to pay the carer’s allowance to those over state pension age. National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) analysis The NPC has highlighted a number of areas where the Dilnot Commission's recommendations have fallen short of the expectations of older people, their families and carers. These include the following: ∗ Raising the threshold on assets to £100,000 before being liable to pay care costs will not prevent older people from still having to sell their homes in order to pay for care. The Commission accepts that the average housing wealth for a single pensioner is £160,000. ∗ Introducing a cap on care costs of £35,000 amounts to just over one year's worth of care in a nursing home. The Commission estimates that a year’s residential care costs £28,600. However, only a quarter of all over 65s are likely to ever need care that costs more than the capped amount. Given this, it is questionable whether the state would ever step in to pay any additional costs in all but a minority of cases. ∗ Suggesting that additional funding for care could be found by making older people pay national insurance places an unacceptable burden on a single generation - rather than sharing the cost of care across society as a whole. It would be the only area of welfare provision where one section of society was paying for itself eg. older people paying for the care of older people, rather than the costs being shared across the population as a whole. ∗ Introducing a higher threshold of need before someone can access care will leave hundreds of thousands of vulnerable older people without any support in the community. Access to care services needs to be widened, rather than restricted in this way. The removal of low level support will inevitably lead to a worsening in conditions which will accelerate more severe care needs and higher costs. Dot Gibson, NPC general secretary said: "The Dilnot Report has really created more heat than light when it comes to the social care debate. Nothing in the recommendations will end means-testing, improve standards or prevent people from still having to sell their homes to pay for care. The current care system is in crisis, yet these recommendations won't go anywhere near putting that right.” The Dilnot proposals are being used to inform a White Paper on social care, expected next Spring. Any proposals would not be introduced until 2014 at the earliest. *As the LINk newsletter went to press, it was reported in the national media that the reforms outlined by Dilnot may take 10 to 20 years to come into effect, due to the high costs needed to implement the proposals. An article in the Guardian news web page says the Government would need to find £1.7 billion to fund the scheme.
  • 14. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 14 LINk News Counting the Cost of Care including imposing a cap on the amount of money people have to pay for their care to between £25,000 and £50,000; raising the threshold for Funding cuts and changes to care services are liability towards care costs to £100,000 (currently having a devastating impact on carers. This those with assets worth more than £23,000 are was the powerful and emotive message to required to pay towards funding their care); and emerge from the ‘Counting the Cost of Care’ introducing a system of deferred payments, so that event organised by the Lancashire LINk in the state takes responsibility for funding care, with partnership with Help Direct Wyre and Fylde money settled through the individual’s estate. and Carers Point! Dilnot also recommends that there would be a Carers recounted their stories of the daily greater role for financial services to play in struggles they face to look after family members providing insurance cover to help people fund the following cuts to services, difficulties in obtaining cost of their care services. However, he equipment and practical support, and general emphasised that every effort would be made to feelings of powerlessness in the face of ensure the vulnerable were protected. overwhelming bureaucracy. Mr Maynard pointed out that during the last More than 60 carers, service users and Spending Review, the Coalition Government had professionals attended the event – on Carers’ allocated £2 billion of non ring-fenced cash to local Rights Day - at Thornton Little Theatre, Thornton authorities to spend on developing care services Cleveleys, to hear Blackpool North and Cleveleys that were locally accountable and responsive to MP, Paul Maynard, and Lancashire County local needs, in line with the new ‘localism’ agenda. Council’s Director of Commissioning, Steve Gross, outline national and local changes to social care. He highlighted the challenges posed by the current care debate, including developing a service that is Discussing national policy, Paul Maynard admitted localised, yet at the same time meets national that funding care services presented a ‘massive benchmarks; offering personalised care packages challenge’ in the light of a growing ageing to meet individual needs, yet recognising that not population, economic issues and the sheer everyone wants choice or is able to exercise complexities involving in delivering a coherent care choice without support; and ‘joined up’ health and service. He said he had been involved in the same care organisations working together to deliver a on-going debate about care services for the last 10 seamless service. years but now it was time for this issue to be tackled head on. He said the current climate meant that it was even more important for statutory and voluntary sector He outlined the proposals for the Government organisations to work together to provide efficient White Paper on Social Care, due in Spring 2012. care and support services, and emphasised the Part of this will focus on the recommendations need for early intervention, including falls made in the Dilnot Review, set up by economist prevention services to prevent costly hospital Andrew Dilnot to investigate the future funding of stays. care services (for a specialist report on the Dilnot Review, see Health and Social Care Update Emphasising that dignity should be at the heart of Number Four on page 13). care delivery, Mr Maynard said the role of the Care The review makes a number of recommendations, Quality Commission (CQC) would be strengthened, with more unannounced inspections
  • 15. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 LINk News 15 of care services. He also pointed out that the LINk Government targets to offer everyone access to and, from October 2012, Local HealthWatch (the personalised care by 2013. Currently 7000 service organisation that will replace the LINk) would have users have been issued with a personal budget a vital role in monitoring care services. and 2200 people are using this as a cash payment or to employ their own personal assistants. There Steve Gross, Director of Commissioning at are now 2500 people working as personal care Lancashire County Council, described the assistants within the county. challenges faced by the council in having to make cuts of £65 million to adult social care services, as However, he said personal budgets were not for part of £179 million overall funding cuts over three everybody and he outlined the role of the local years. authority, voluntary sector organisations and family members in providing support and brokerage. Savings had been achieved by changing the Fair Access to Care (FACs) eligibility criteria, One effect of the move towards personalisation increasing care charges and reducing funding had been a 10% drop in people buying home care available to care providers. or day care services. As a result, only those home care services that offered good, person-centred Under the FACs criteria, those with care needs care services would survive, and this would drive assessed as ‘moderate’ are no longer eligible for up quality. He described this as a reflection of the care services. However, Mr Gross said that since role of the service user as a consumer, able to the changes, two thirds of those whose care had exercise choice in relation to care services. been reviewed had now been re-categorised as having ‘substantial’ or ‘severe’ care needs and Mr Gross pointed out that Lancashire County were now eligible for care services. This left Council was working closely with the NHS to approximately one third, or 800 people, who were develop falls prevention initiatives and community- no longer seen as eligible for care. based re-ablement services, to prevent hospital admissions and ensure people are supported in He said that, in relation to the services it provides, their community following discharge from hospital. Lancashire still fared well, in comparison with other This included the provision of community-based local authorities, though he admitted that the 50% support for people with mental health problems, of service users who were funding their own care following the reduction of in-patient services. were faced with having to pay more for their services. He said increased care charges had had And he said there was greater emphasis on an impact on uptake of residential and day care working with the voluntary and community sector services, with some people withdrawing from care, to commission services, including support for although fewer than expected had stopped their carers. Funding for the network of carers’ forums care. across Lancashire had been protected and this remained a high priority. Mr Gross stated that a Judicial Review challenging the council’s funding decisions had upheld the Mr Gross admitted that change was ‘complicated County Council’s actions, and an appeal had and unsettling’ but felt it provided a real judged in favour of the council. The High Court opportunity to join up services, use resources ruled that LCC had acted fairly, although a further differently, avoid fragmentation and remove the appeal would be heard early next year. need for service users to have to undergo frustrating and time-consuming multiple He outlined the developments that had taken place assessments of their needs. to create a personalised care service, in line with
  • 16. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 16 LINk News Counting the Cost of Care Another women said she had looked after her Carers’ Stories husband, who is severely disabled following a stroke, for 15 years. She described how in June this year her husband’s care package was Carers gave moving and powerful accounts reduced to 22 hours per week, and this had of their care experiences to a stunned increased pressure on her to the point that she audience. felt physically and emotionally overwhelmed. One single mother of an 18-year-old disabled A man who cares for his aunt described the boy described how she had been trying for difficulties in getting through to Lancashire nearly a year to be re-housed because her son County Council for information about care is struggling to get up and down stairs. She had funding. He was fed up of trying to make calls approached various housing organisations but to and having to be put through to different no avail. departments and re-tell his story over and over again. In another case, a woman tearfully described how, when her severely disabled son was Pamela Hill, from Age Concern Blackpool, felt admitted to hospital, he was given a bed that that comments from carers indicated there was a didn’t have side supports. Fearful for his safety general lack of awareness about the range of and concerned that his care needs were not support services available. She felt that GPs being met, she made a point of staying at the were not doing enough to signpost carers to hospital each day from early morning until relevant services, and that carers’ assessments bedtime, to provide the care he needed, by GPs needed to be mandatory and subject to becoming stressed and exhausted in the monitoring. process. Paul Maynard and Steve Gross promised to The woman explained how she had been caring investigate individual cases. Mr Maynard for her son single-handedly for 20 years since admitted that in 10 years of campaigning for her husband died, with little support from social better support in care services, the Government services. Despite having a carer’s assessment was still some way from getting things right. He she felt little had been done to improve her referred to the excellent support offered by situation. organisations such as Carers Point!, but said that it was important that people were made aware of Another woman, who looks after her son who the service. It was also important that services has severe mental health problems, said that, were commissioned to ensure those with unmet after listening to the speeches made by Paul needs were supported. Maynard and Steve Gross, she felt they must be ‘living on a different planet.’ She felt that what Steve Gross said he was aware that services they said had little bearing on the realities faced were not perfect. However, the reality was that by carers on a daily basis. Lancashire County Council had to live within its means, and this presented a ‘massive challenge’. She pointed out that service users are desperate He warned that, with the Government’s proposals for services and frontline staff are not paying to extend austerity measures and the challenges enough attention to carers’ needs, with most faced by growing numbers suffering from carers’ assessments seen as inadequate. She dementia, the pressure to maintain services felt the support offered through carers’ forums would inevitably become harder over the coming was not enough. People are often too busy years. caring to attend forums and what they need is more in the way of practical support and Do you have a story to tell about your recognition of their difficulties. experiences as a carer? Contact the Lancashire LINk, on 01772 431195, or e-mail
  • 17. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 LINk News 17 Cancer patients hit by return to work proposals Thousands of seriously ill Instead, cancer patients on The ESA replaces a range of cancer patients could be chemotherapy in hospitals will incapacity benefits. All fresh forced to take medical tests now have to prove that they are claimants now undergo a work and face "back to work" too sick to work, and take part in capability assessment, and 1.5 interviews under new the work capability assessment million existing recipients will be Government proposals, to determine whether someone reassessed using the new charities have warned. is eligible for benefits. If cancer system from this month. The patients are found able to return A report to ministers by Prof welfare reform bill introduces a to employment they may also be Malcolm Harrington, the one-year time limit on those required to participate in work- government adviser on testing people claiming ESA in the related practice job interviews, welfare recipients, contains "work-related activity group", as a condition of receiving their proposals to force cancer who are expected to move into benefit. patients who are undergoing work. intravenous chemotherapy to Such assessments have been A DWP spokesman said: This prove they are too ill to work. attacked by charities amid must be about an individual's mounting evidence that people At present, patients who are needs. Our proposals would with serious illnesses are being unable to work because of ensure a person would only be judged fit for work when they are cancer and the side-effects of asked to attend a face-to-face not. treatments are allowed to claim assessment where absolutely Cancer experts and 30 cancer the highest rate of employment necessary.’ charities argue that patients support allowance (ESA), worth undergoing "stressful" cancer Are you or a member of your up to £100 a week. More than treatment – and who have to family currently receiving 9,000 cancer patients were leave work – should be treatment for cancer? What do placed automatically on the automatically eligible for ESA. you feel about the proposals? welfare payment from October Ciarán Devane, chief executive Contact Lancashire LINk at 2008 to June 2010. of Macmillan Cancer Support, However, the expert report says said: ‘Cancer patients in the middle of treatment are, in many *Article taken from Guardian this "automatic entitlement" has cases, fighting for their lives. website: http:// encouraged dependency on benefits, "encouraging wrong ‘Yet the government is society/2011/dec/06/cancer- behaviours from employers and proposing to change the rules patients-welfare-work-tests stigmatising cancer as so all cancer patients will have something that can lead to to undergo a stressful unemployment or assessment to prove they are worklessness". unable to work.’
  • 18. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 18 Feature Lancashire Hospital trusts of measures, including how patients are diagnosed and treated over the weekend; how quickly feature in highest death rates hospitals deal with hip fractures; and how hospitals perform in procedures that are not carried out routinely. Two hospital trusts that serve Lancashire patients Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation have featured in a league table of hospital trusts Trust showed ‘above expected’ waiting times for with the highest death rates. surgery following a hip fracture. Research from Dr Foster showed that Blackpool Teaching NHS Foundation Trust and University The report points out that patients are more likely to die if they are admitted to hospital over the Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation weekend because they are less likely to receive Trust were among the 19 hospital trusts in the prompt diagnosis or treatment. country with the higher than average mortality (death) rates. In the case of hip fracture, the odds of survival for The researchers used two measures – the vulnerable older adults are much higher if they are treated quickly, ideally within two days. If they are Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR), a admitted on a Friday or Saturday, the chances of measure of deaths while in hospital, based on prompt treatment are lower. common conditions that can lead to death, and the Summary Hospital Level Mortality Indicator However, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS (SHMI), based all deaths that take place in or out Foundation Trust was identified as one of the of hospital up to 30 days following discharge. hospital trusts that follow all sections of the rapid recovery pathway when treating patients with hip Using a score of 100 as an average, Blackpool and knee replacements. scored as 117 on the SHMI and 112 on the HSMR, and University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay The researchers also examined hospital trusts’ scored 114 on the SHMI and 124 on the HSMR. performance on non-routine, specialised Dr Foster researchers also examined hospital procedures. They looked at abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery, as an example, and found that records to look at performance against a number hospital trusts that performed fewer operations for this condition had higher death rates. Blackpool NHS Teaching Hospitals Trust was among the trusts that performed fewer than 35 of these operations in 2010-11. The authors commented that hospital trusts that do not carry out this operation regularly should look at sourcing this work to other trusts that offer this expertise. *In Lancashire this is being addressed through proposals to set up specialist vascular centres (see LINk November newsletter). Elsewhere the report stated that: • Private hospitals that provide services to NHS patients have good outcomes and positive patient ratings • Staff behaviour is crucial to patient experience. Disrespect and not being kept informed were cited as two reasons why patients would not recommend a hospital. Responding to the mortality findings, Tony Halsall, Chief Executive Of University Hospitals of
  • 19. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 Feature 19 Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, said ‘We have been looking very carefully at the detailed information and we have asked our doctors to continually review all deaths within the hospitals to ensure appropriate care was given in each case. We also undertake clinical audits to identify improvements in clinical care and provide staff with protected time for this. Is your care up to standard? ’There have been problems in the way some information has been recorded and this has We need your help to build a picture of what resulted in a significant increase in the Dr Foster quality care looks like for men with prostate figure. This has been put right and we expect to cancer. see this reflected in improved figures next year. We know that men face a postcode lottery when ‘Over the last five years we have seen a decrease accessing prostate cancer services across the in deaths at our hospitals, and we believe that the country. This is not acceptable. main reason for any increase in our Dr Foster HSMR figure is to do with coding and the recording We would like to work with you to make of mortality data.’ improvements where they are needed most. To do this, we are identifying standards of quality care Dr Paul Kelsey, Medical Director for Blackpool that all men with prostate cancer deserve - at Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said every stage of their journey. the data should be treated with caution as it does not give a true reflection of the quality of care You can help by telling us what quality prostate patients can expect. cancer care means to you by taking part in our survey. Anyone with experience of prostate cancer He said: ‘One of our concerns is that the new is welcome to take part, whether you have been mortality indicator does not take into account diagnosed with the disease or are a friend or issues such as deprivation and public health family member of someone who has. issues. Blackpool has amongst the highest levels of deprivation in the country with lower than To take part in the survey and read more about our average life expectancy. The town also has higher quality care project, please visit: than average deaths related to alcohol, smoking, IV drug use and heart disease and as the SHMI If you would like a paper copy of the survey please data is not adjusted to reflect this our figures will ring 0208 222 7182. be higher. ‘Improving quality of care and enhancing patient safety are our key priorities and our aim is to have no avoidable deaths and no avoidable harm. We have robust systems in place to monitor mortality and quality of care and our mortality rates have steadily reduced over the past few years. ‘We were also recently one of 10 Trusts to take part in a national study which looked at the case notes of 100 deceased patients to see whether their deaths could potentially have been avoidable and our Trust had the second lowest number of avoidable deaths.’ The Dr Foster Hospital Guide can be found on: uploads/2011/11/Hospital_Guide_2011.pdf
  • 20. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 20 Feature 999 Call Categorisation The North West Ambulance Service NHS these calls should receive a response within Trust has issued important information eight minutes or less. This is a national about how 999 calls are categorised. standard. When a 999 call is received, it is categorised by Green 1 and 2: These are calls that are the Trust’s Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch prioritised as serious but not immediately life System (AMPDS) to determine the response threatening. As such the Trust aims to reach required. Determination of the response required these patients as quickly as practicable. There is is dependent upon the severity of the patient’s no national time standard set for this category. symptoms at that time, based upon the answers Green 3 and 4: These are calls that are neither provided to a series of specific questions. This serious or life threatening. The Trust will system works to ensure that the most serious, undertake further telephone triage by life threatening cases are prioritised and it also paramedics in the control centre to assess the assists in the identification of any suitable patient’s needs and refer on to more appropriate alternative courses of action. services, or the Trust may pass callers to NHS From the 1st April 2011 changes were made to Direct for further assessment. However, there the way ambulance services are measured. The will still be instances when an ambulance will be previous three main categorisations (known as dispatched. Category ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ calls) were redefined as The new set of clinical indicators introduced from ‘Reds’ (level 1 and 2) and ‘Greens’ (level 1,2, 3 1st April 2011 measures performance against and 4). Importantly, a new set of quality outcome for stroke, cardiac arrest and other indicators to measure patient outcomes was types of intervention after other forms of heart introduced. attack. A Trust spokesperson said this type of Call Descriptions: measurement ensures a focus on quality of outcome as well as response time. Red 1 and 2: These are calls that are prioritised as immediately life threatening such as cardiac arrests, serious bleeding, severe breathing difficulties and choking. Seventy five per cent of
  • 21. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 News 21 Are you Age 50 or over and The Government contract, from identification) living or working in the Department for Work and Rossendale? For more information or to make Pensions (DWP), is estimated at a referral please contact: Do you:- £4.8 million and Remploy has Pamela Beswick, Chief Care about issues and been appointed to deliver all of Executive, on 07825207021, or services in Rossendale the seven available contracts to Sharon Calverley and beyond and how deliver Access to Work's mental Project Director, on they affect our health provision, spanning 07825207023 experiences and quality England, Wales and Scotland. Or visit the Website for the of life? This new service aims to assist Referral Procedure: • Enjoy meeting like minded more than 1,600 people with - Refer to people and new friends? mental health conditions to stay Us. • Have skills and views to in employment. share, and are perhaps Fleetwood Family Carer Visit the website for more interested in developing new Group information. ones? Come along to our informal get Value your right to have a voice Targeted Youth Support – together, meet other carers, and influence the area you live in , and the services delivered there? Lancaster enjoy some refreshments, share experiences, ask questions and If you answered yes to any of the Signposts has been find out what is going on in above please join us for afternoon commissioned to deliver Learning Disability Services. tea :- targeted youth support in the St Marys Chambers, Rawtenstall, Lancaster District. You can: Thursday 19th January 2012 2-5pm. Those who wish to refer into this Get involved and have a voice What would a forum look and feel service please note: about learning disabilities and like that really empowered those local services aged 50 and older to lead, change • The project will support Receive information by email or and influences the community you young people in need of post live in and services within it? intensive one to one Whether your interest now relates Come to our group and listen to casework which could speakers to education, health, social care, employment, leisure or any other include information about/ Join one of our action groups to matter which affects the day to day access to counselling, look at health, employment, experiences in Rossendale of those homeless advice, LGBT and social opportunities, 50 and older your knowledge, skills, health and wellbeing employment and more for experiences and views really programmes if required. people with a learning disability matter. FREE Event, booking required Tel • It will offer interventions to The group will meet on: 01706 871730 or email ages 13 – 18 engaging in 26th January 2012 1.30-3pm to book potentially harmful 23rd February 2012 1.30-3pm your place now. behaviour, providing a 29th March 2012 1.30-3pm personal development in the Community Room at Wyre Remploy launches programme and/or offering Disability Service, (Larkholme Government funded service diversionary activities to Lodge), Larkholme Avenue, for mental health and work those at risk of committing Fleetwood FY7 7PN Remploy's Employment crime. Contact Amanda Topps for Services has launched the UK's •In addition intervention details on (01524) 586182 or by first ever Government funded could also include advocacy, e-mail at mental health in work support a 10 week social/life skills service. course (following .uk assessment and needs
  • 22. Editorial LINk News Out-and- Features News 4 5 about 10 18 21 22 News Does your organisation have of equipment if there is nothing Neil Caton - Service User, contact with vulnerable suitable currently available Hearing Voices and Paranoia people who may be severely commercially. If you have any Group Facilitator, Blackburn affected by adverse weather questions or would like to speak Mind and Trustee of ISPSUK conditions? with someone about Remap Jen Kilyon - Family Carer, This could be lack of emergency equipment or have any Trainer and Campaigner, provision, frozen pipes, unable to comments you may contact Trustee of ISPSUK and Soteria get out of the house due to snow or either the Lancashire NW panel, Network any other similar problem. or Remap Head Office. Programme contents Did you know that Help Direct have Your local Remap Panel: Introduction – Alison Summers developed a list of people they Lancashire NW Panel Presentation: Reflections from contact during adverse weather to Chairman – Harry Davis Experience – Neil Caton check:- Are they ok Do they have Tel: 01253 731958 Presentation: The Ideal Service- enough provision Do they need any Secretary – Hilary Cresswell and Cheaper? – Jen Kilyon help at all. Tel. 01253 727139 Group Discussion – What If they require assistance we ask Matters Most to Service Users one of our many willing volunteers Remap Head Office: who Experience Psychosis? to help people in need during the D9 Chaucer Business Park winter period. Kemsing Professionals £5 A telephone call to a vulnerable TN15 6YU Service users / Carers (Waged) person during bad weather can Tel: 0845 1300456 £2.50 make the world of difference, Email: Service users / Carers therefore please identify anyone (Unwaged) FREE you consider may need this service and ask for consent to pass their Fee includes refreshments. For The future of psychosis details to us. (name, address & tel directions go to http:// services: What matters most number). to service users? preston To book please e mail You can then email or telephone ISPS UK North West Discussion Neil Caton, Help Direct - we will do the rest! Group on Wednesday 6th Help Direct 0303 333 1111 or email February 2012, 5:30pm to Tel: 07515951554 enquiries@calico.helpdirectlancs.or 7:30pm at the Quaker Meeting For more information visit the House, 189 St George's Road, ISPS UK website Preston, PR1 6NQ Remap As services change in response Remap is a registered charity to the challenging financial (no. 1137666) and our climate, it is more important than volunteers design and ever that they take account of manufacture, or adapt, special what matters to the people using equipment for people with them. We need to be aware of disabilities. This equipment may which aspects of services need be to assist in day to day to be protected and fought for, activities, leisure activities or to which could be more easily assist in being able to continue given up, and find innovative working. This service is ways forward. delivered entirely by volunteers and is provided free of charge to Speakers our clients. However, donations Alison Summers - Deputy Chair are always welcome to help with of ISPSUK, Consultant the purchase of materials. Psychiatrist Lancashire EIS and Remap can only make a piece Psychotherapist