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Natural Capitalism Solutions

     F I N D I N G I O WA‘ S WAY

        A Presentation by L. Hunter Lovins © NCS 2012
Global Drivers of Change
                      •  Loss of ecosystem services

                         •  Carbon constrained world

                            •  Economic instability

                              •  Volatile energy prices

                                    •  Vulnerabilities

                                              •  Chindia
 •  The sustainability imperative
                                                 •  Water
                                    •  Food
Global Biodiversity Outlook Three -
New Rule

If we insist on ruining the planet,
  we have to stop claiming we’re
        a “superior species”.
Nov 2011 study from IEA
April 2012 study from OECD

“Unless world leaders take immediate
and coordinated action, modern industry
will lock the world into a calamitous
temperature rise of up to six degrees C.

In such a world, demand for energy, food,
and water will overwhelm the planet”
Last year, a new record: 14 weather related
disasters with damages over $1 billion.
Hot enough for you? Iowa is experiencing first hand
why America’s decade of ignoring climate science is a

Unless Iowa acts to capture the green economy, it
faces a grim prospect, both from the weather and from
an economy strangled by its fossil fuel past.
Iowa Ground Central
60% of the state is in
extreme drought.

80% of soil is

Bushel of corn has
risen from $5.50 to $8.
Climate Change Impacts
U.S. corn production is
down 13%.

USDA predicts 3-10 %
increase in all food

Will cost $600 more for
the same food purchased
this year, for a family of
Commodity price increases
Credit Suisse estimates that commodity
prices will increase 5% - 20% in the second
half of 2012

Every 1¢ rise in the price of gasoline =
$1billion lost in household purchasing power

What will this do to your business?
Food and Water Scarcity
1/3 of the world's cropland is losing its productivity
because it is losing its topsoil

 More than
 33 countries
 face social
 unrest due
 to record
 high food
A single fracking well uses up to 5 million gallons of water
Iowa Ground Central
Severe precipitation
events have increased
32% since 1960’s.

A 20% increase in
precipitation increases
soil erosion by 40%, if
not properly managed.
Iowa Ground Central
2008 flood, the City of
Cedar Rapids had to
pump raw sewage into
Cedar River.

Cedar Rapids was not
the only city forced to
close wastewater
Agriculture = Water Intensive

uses 70% of
world water

for water
resources is
Agriculture = Polluting
• According to the EPA,
  agricultural practices are
  responsible for 70% of
  all pollution in U.S. rivers
  and streams.
• In the US, 40% of rivers,
  lakes, and coastal
  waters are so
  contaminated that they
  are unfit for humans to
  fish in, swim in, or drink.
Agriculture = Energy Intensive
In 1940 we produced 2.3
calories of food energy
for every calorie of fossil
fuel energy we used.

Now it takes 10 calories
of fossil-fuel energy to
produce a single calorie
of modern supermarket
2012 had over 2,000 record-
      shattering heat events

Every state in the nation experienced a record warm
                  daily temperature
Feb 2012 the UN released Resilient People,
Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing

The 22-member panel said a new blueprint for
growth and low-carbon prosperity must be
"mainstreamed" into economic policy as
quickly as possible

By 2030 the planet will need at least
50% more food,
45% more energy and
30% more water.
Time to reconsider?
It’s NOT about polar bears
The science is uncertain
The science does not matter

 Let’s assume that the climate sceptics
 are right

 Don’t go to the casino on those odds

 If all that you care about is maximizing
 profit, you will do exactly what you
 would do if you were scared to death
 about climate
McKinsey Curve

$30 – 40 million available below the line savings per company
The Carbon Disclosure Project
Institutional investors -
$78 trillion assets

Pushing FTSE top 500
companies to
disclose “investment-related”
GHG emissions

6% of leading companies deselect
suppliers who fail to manage carbon,
56% commit to do so in the future
6,300 computers and monitors in sleep or standby mode
when not in use (24/7).

Leave machines on one evening a week for updates and
turn them off at the end of the work day: $700,000.

US companies waste $2.8 billion a year on 108 million
unused PCs. In 2009, these unused PCs will emit 20
million tons of carbon dioxide emissions – the impact of
4 million cars.

PC power costs are the largest single factor of IT energy
costs and can account for a quarter of the costs in a
modern office building.
“Ford Saves One Million Dollars...
By Shutting Off Computers”
      Fast Company, 23 March 2010

 Turning off one computer every night for a year saves $34
 If 20 computers are left on in the evening and over the weekend,
 the savings grow to $526 a year
7M square feet DC with 500 Watt roof lights
evenly spaced every 10 feet. Half the floor
space was racks with boxes.

Most of this lighting was
either unnecessary or
redundant. Work areas
had task lighting at the
employee level.

Annual savings for
shutting off the lights...
Economic Realities:
Saving energy strengthens the entire economy
Green buildings improve labor
      productivity and worker health

  Improving indoor air quality could save U.S.
•  $58 billion in avoided sick time each year,
•  Another $200 billion earned in increased worker
Comparative Costs
in Large Office Buildings
Data from Building Owners and Managers Association: Electric Power
research Institute, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1991
Carbon War Room
Partnership between Lockheed Martin, Energi,
Barclays, and Ygrene to retrofit commercial real estate.
Will return $4 million in tax revenues for every $1 million
$10 million in economic activity generated and 60 jobs
The $650 million program will bring its first two cities:
Sacramento and Miami 40,000 jobs created, $1 billion in
tax benefits, and at least $10 billion in increased
economic output
Will scale across US, as well as China.
Renewable Generation

Environment Iowa has shown how the state, now 85%
dependent on coal energy imported from out of town
could provide 100% of its needs from renewable Iowa
power, keeping jobs and money here.
Solar deployment – policy matters
California receives
70% more sunlight
for producing solar
energy than

But Germany
installs 28 times
more solar electric
capacity every year

Will be 100%
renewable by 2050
The Economics of Feed-in Tariffs
Deutsche Bank Study: FiTs gave Germany the
 lead in renewable energy production.

In first 4 years FiTs created 300,000 new jobs

FITs cut the unit cost of solar panels 30 percent in
  2009 enough that they could pay for themselves
  within five to seven years, and reach grid parity
  (costing the same as grid electricity) by 2013.
FiTs drove German economic regeneration, enabling
  Germany to pay its own citizens to produce, install
  and maintain their own renewable energy systems,
  instead of buying imported fossil fuels. The program
  cost of €2 - 3 per month ($50 to customers’ electricity
  bills each year) to electricity bills in Germany (a total
  of €8.6 billion.)

Deutsche Bank: The savings created by FiTs exceeded
 total cost of payments made by households.

Had customers bought electricity from conventional
 generation and paid the costs of fossil fuel generation
 Germans would have paid over €9.4 billion.
Iowa Leading the Way
Iowa is a National Leader
                in Renewable Energy

• 20% of energy from sun, wind, and biofuels
• 200 wind companies with 7,000 full-time jobs

       The Green Economy Unleashed
       • By 2020:
       • Create 20,000 new jobs
       • Save consumers $1 billion annually
Renewable Benefits

              + Jobs



Iowa’s renewable resources could provide 17 times
more energy than the state needs

It would help the average Iowa family save $400

It would create at least 3,000 new jobs each year!
Jobs Growth
Since 2006 jobs in renewables and environment
have grown 56.8% vs Internet: 29.8%

California's “green economy" grew 3X as fast as
traditional economy between 2008 and 2009 –
174,000 employed in green economy – 26% are
manufacturing jobs vs 9% in total economy.

In US green jobs grew 9.1% 1998 – 2007, 2 ½ X
faster than all job growth.
Early stage companies are the
economic future of the US.

Kauffman research shows that startups
are responsible for:

•  Almost all net job growth in the U.S.
economy for all but 7 years – from 1977
to now

•  The top 1% of highest growth startups
generate almost 10% of all new jobs
Sonoma County Energy
      Independence Program
8.4% increase in construction-related jobs in
Sonoma County between January, 2009 and
September, 2009

 3.0% job decline in Napa County

 July-August 2009:
       $5.6 million in SCEIP projects
       500 new construction jobs reported
Dardesheim, Germany - 100% renewable

Wildpoldsried produces
321% more energy than it
uses; makes $5.7 million
each year
1 MW/ week = 15.6 GW
                                        In 2010 – 21 GW 2011

SCE: 250 MW plant on roofs around So California
$875 million to complete (comparable coal plant ~$800 million)

Committed to be 100% renewably powered
Hydrokinetic Canal Turbines
Wind is the 2nd fastest growing
energy supply technology in the
37 GW in 2009, 32 GW 2010
Now 237 GW, 40 GW new 2011
Costs less than coal in good sites

                                     And check
                                     out China
China has replaced       •  If China’s economy
the United States as     grows at its prior rate
the world's leading      •  If it uses resources as
consumer of most         inefficiently as the U.S.
basic commodities,
                         •  By 2030 China will need
like oil, grain, coal,
                         99 million barrels of oil a
and steel.

                         The world currently
                         produces 80+ million
                         barrels per day and may
                         never produce more.
China Renewable Investments
•  China’s State Administration of
   Energy (SAE), is creating a new
   energy blueprint
•  Total investments for renewable
   energy by 2020
  –  $911 billion for efficiency and
  –  10.6b million new jobs
  –  Generate several trillion
     dollars in new GDP
Rise of Solar in China

China accounted for    China’s efforts to
half of the worlds     dominate renewable
production in solar    energy technologies
                       raise the prospect that
                       the West may someday
                       trade its dependence
Producing panels as    on oil from the Mideast
low as $1.04 a watt.   for a reliance on solar
                       panels, wind turbines
                       and other gear
                       manufactured in China.
China - 1 MW grid interconnected
Rizhao, China
                City of 3 million
                – 99% use
                solar hot water

                of simple solar
                water heaters

                Now looking at
Baoding, China   Mayor Yu Quin:

                 “Polluting first
                 and cleaning up
                 later is very
                 expensive. So we
                 chose renewable
                 energy to replace

                 200 renewable
                 replace cars and
R. James Woolsey’s solar
powered plug-in-hybrid
has a bumper sticker
“Osama bin Ladin hates
my car.”
Fragile supply lines – for every 24 convoys a
marine comes home in a body bag

                                  Military uses
                                  10.6 million

 Largest fuel user in the world
Military driving renewable deployment
Great Green Fleet
Navy Secretary Ray Mabus: "We simply have to
figure out a way to get American-made, home-grown
fuel that is stably priced, that is competitive with oil,"

                           Deploy a biofuel-burning carrier
MH-60 chopper flying       group by 2016 and require the
on 50-50 algae/ grease     Department of the Navy to get half
biofuel and petroleum      of its energy from alternative
fuel                       sources by 2020.
USS Ford frigate used 25,000 gallons to sail 12,000 miles from
  Everett Wash to San Diego – no difference in performance
               Solyazyme and Dynamic Fuels
F-18 Green Hornet flying on Sustainable Fuels’ oil seed fuel/ jet
       fuel mix – 60 – 75 million barrels of jet fuel/ year
European/Middle East Smartgrid
                                      Power equal to the total
                                      present usage of the
                                      EUMENA region power
                                      could be generated
                                      covering less than 0.3% of
                                      the Sahara Desert with
                                      CSP plants. DESERTEC
                                      Foundation proposes a
                                      supergrid from Iceland to
                                      Arabian peninsula, from
                                      Baltic to west coast of
                                      Africa, in which offshore
 wind and wave farms, photovoltaic sites, tidal stream
 generators, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric stations
 would unite with desert CSP arrays to meet the region's actual
 daily and hourly demands over an HVDC network
RE < C
“By the way, in 2011, GE's wind turbines achieved RE
less than C for the first time. It really happened. Now
 we're designing super efficient and flexible combined
  cycle gas turbines that will compliment renewable
   intermittency, while we work on energy storage
             technologies. Solar is next...”
Sustainability is happening
Ray Anderson

               What is the business
               case for ending life
               on earth?
Interface "Mission Zero"Metrics
-Net GHG emissions down 82% in absolute tonage-
           Fossil fuel usage is down 60%-
             Water usage is down 75%-
   Renewables and recycled materials up 25%-
           Renewable energy is up 27%-
 Diverted 74,000 tons of used carpet from landfills-
 Goal: 0 impact, 0 footprint - ½ way to goal today.
         Anticipate will make goal in 2020.
    Best thing for business: Costs down $4.5M
       Sales increased by 2/3 Profits up 2X-

  Paid for all costs for transformation of Interface.
Harvard Business Review
“Sustainability isn’t the burden on bottom lines
that many executives believe it to be. It can
lower your costs and increase your revenues.
That’s why sustainability should be a
touchstone for all innovation.

In the future, only companies that make
sustainability a goal will achieve competitive
advantage. That means rethinking business
models as well as products, technologies and
     Why Sustainability is Now the Key Driver of Innovation
Sustainability pays

Companies in the Dow Jones sustainability Index
 outperform the general market
Goldman Sachs report July 2007: Companies
 that are leaders in environmental, social and
 governance (ESG) policies outperform
 competitors in stock performance—by an
 average of 25%.
72% of the companies on the DJSI outperformed
  industry peers
Refusal to report quarterly
 The ultimate cost of short-termism was the
financial crisis of 2008-9. 'Too many
investors have become short-term gamblers:
the more fluctuations in share price they can
engineer, the better it is for them. It is not
good for the companies or for society, but it
is influencing the way firms are being run, all
the same.... To drag the world back to sanity,
we need to know why we are here. The
answer is: for consumers, not shareholders.
If we are in synch with consumer needs and
the environment in which we operate, and
take responsibility for society as well as for
our employees, then the shareholder will
                                                Paul Polman
also be rewarded'
Sustainable Living Plan:

       Cut environmental impacts in
       half by 2020,

       Source 100% of agricultural
       materials sustainably, and

       Help more than 1billion people
       improve their health and well-
Sustainable Agriculture

             •  Build healthy topsoil
             •  Minimize use of fossil fuels
             •  Plant crops suitable to
                local climate
             •  Use a whole systems
                approach to farm
Top Menu Trends of 2012
Survey by The National Restaurant Association

#1 Locally sourced meats and seafood
#2     Locally grown produce
#4 Hyper-local sourcing
#5 Sustainability
#8 Locally produced wine and beer
#12 Farm/estate-branded ingredients
Carbon Innovators Lead
Companies that lead in climate-related innovation give
higher financial performance (five-year return on equity)

Three indexes identified the most resilient, most
innovative and best positioned companies to gain
competitive advantage in the new low-carbon economy

Ranking the top 350 US companies, with a combined
market cap of $350 trillion, on their climate innovation
and carbon management programmes, shows a positive
correlation between the financial performance of
companies and their ability to successfully implement
disruptive market innovations related to climate change.
In nature carbon is not
  the world’s greatest
     Calera is piloting
     making cement in the
     same way that coral
     reefs make limestone:
     CO2 and seawater.
     Carbon negative
     Vinod Khosla is a lead
Americans buy more than 9 billion bottles of
              water a year
Method is making its bottles out of recycled
                  plastic –
    25% of it harvested from the oceans
Synthetic biology could create buildings that inhale carbon
dioxide, and control temperature without air conditioning –

Dr Rachel Armstrong, senior TED Fellow, Director of Avatar
I am a professor of a discipline
that did not exist when I went to
Change is hard
Margaret Mead said the only person who
       likes change is a wet baby
The best way to predict the
future is to invent it
His goal:

To make the world work
for 100% of humanity, in
the shortest possible time,
through spontaneous
cooperation without
ecological offense or
disadvantage of anyone.”
The second mouse gets the cheese
The rule of no realm is mine but all worthy things that are in
peril as the world now stands, those are my care. And for my
part I shall not wholly fail if anything passes through this night
 that can still grow fair and bear fruit and flower again in the
  days to come. For I too am a steward, did you not know?
In the end, it was two rather ordinary, playful,
unassuming hobbits who undertook to save the world.
Despite their fears, they took the future of the world on
  their shoulders, and all the wizards and kings and
      warriors could only play a supportive role.
Real leadership is extraordinary courage by ordinary people
Natural Capitalism Solutions
500,000 refugees
18 million at risk of starvation
Shai Agassi

Better Place –
renewable electric
DONG energy and Better Place
                                 $12,000 for a family-sized all-
                                 electric sedan: Renault Fluence
                                 EV. Drive as much as you want.
                                 Pay $300/ month (less if you
                                 drive fewer miles). Emit no CO2
                                 or other pollutants. And help the
                                 world break its addiction to oil

 Better Place has ordered 100,000 cars from Renault. Agassi
 plans to order another 100,000 cars in the first half of 2012.

 Agassi has agreements with governments to roll out Better
 Place in northern California, in the urban regions of Australia
 and in Hawaii. France, too, has made a major commitment to
 electric vehicles, one reason why Renault says it will launch four
 electric car models in the next several years.
Creating the

Digital sustainability education, curated for
digital media and the modern attention span

A rigorous, modular curriculum designed by your passion
Math is the low hanging fruit
    of online education

Linear chains of


Constant over time

Hundreds of Topics for ‘Micro-Lesson’ Nodes – 12-15 min

                                  advanced / research / just plain
  core principles / foundations   interesting                        case studies
Online Sustainability Education is a Different Beast
                  (interdisciplinary, dynamic, ecology of knowledge)





Network Structure of Classes Stimulates                                       Large	
     Cross-disciplinary Thinking
Join the conversation online:

What do you want to know?
What do you want to study?
Sustainable Agriculture
In 1940 we produced 2.3
calories of food energy
for every calorie of fossil
fuel energy we used.

Now it takes 10 calories
of fossil-fuel energy to
produce a single calorie
of modern supermarket
UnSustainable Agriculture
The production,
manufacture, and
transport of synthetic
fertilizers is the largest
agricultural energy use

Representing on average
38%, but up to as high as
50% of energy use
Sustainable Agriculture
The overall resource
efficiency of our
farming operations has
decreased even while
we have produced
more food.

What would a
sustainable agriculture
system look like?
Sustainable Agriculture

             •  Build healthy topsoil
             •  Minimize use of fossil fuels
             •  Plant crops suitable to
                local climate
             •  Use a whole systems
                approach to farm
Economic Recovery
"Agriculture is the foundation on
which recovery from the global recession
and financial and food price crisis will be
built, especially for developing countries,
which derive much of their income from
agricultural production,”
  – Tom Vilsack, United States Secretary of
In Pursuit of Wealth
"Agriculture ... is our wisest
 pursuit, because it will in the
 end contribute most to real wealth … and
-Thomas Jefferson to George Washington
“To plant a garden is to believe
 in Tomorrow”

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L. Hunter Lovins at the Iowa Environmental Council's annual conference

  • 1. Natural Capitalism Solutions F I N D I N G I O WA‘ S WAY A Presentation by L. Hunter Lovins © NCS 2012
  • 2. Global Drivers of Change •  Loss of ecosystem services •  Carbon constrained world •  Economic instability •  Volatile energy prices •  Vulnerabilities •  Chindia •  The sustainability imperative •  Water •  Food
  • 4. New Rule If we insist on ruining the planet, we have to stop claiming we’re a “superior species”.
  • 5. Nov 2011 study from IEA April 2012 study from OECD “Unless world leaders take immediate and coordinated action, modern industry will lock the world into a calamitous temperature rise of up to six degrees C. In such a world, demand for energy, food, and water will overwhelm the planet”
  • 6. Last year, a new record: 14 weather related disasters with damages over $1 billion.
  • 7. Hot enough for you? Iowa is experiencing first hand why America’s decade of ignoring climate science is a mistake. Unless Iowa acts to capture the green economy, it faces a grim prospect, both from the weather and from an economy strangled by its fossil fuel past.
  • 8. Iowa Ground Central 60% of the state is in extreme drought. 80% of soil is moisture-deficient. Bushel of corn has risen from $5.50 to $8.
  • 9. Climate Change Impacts U.S. corn production is down 13%. USDA predicts 3-10 % increase in all food prices. Will cost $600 more for the same food purchased this year, for a family of four.
  • 10.
  • 11. Commodity price increases Credit Suisse estimates that commodity prices will increase 5% - 20% in the second half of 2012 Every 1¢ rise in the price of gasoline = $1billion lost in household purchasing power What will this do to your business?
  • 12. Food and Water Scarcity 1/3 of the world's cropland is losing its productivity because it is losing its topsoil More than 33 countries face social unrest due to record high food prices.
  • 13. A single fracking well uses up to 5 million gallons of water
  • 14. Iowa Ground Central Severe precipitation events have increased 32% since 1960’s. A 20% increase in precipitation increases soil erosion by 40%, if not properly managed.
  • 15. Iowa Ground Central 2008 flood, the City of Cedar Rapids had to pump raw sewage into Cedar River. Cedar Rapids was not the only city forced to close wastewater operations.
  • 16. Agriculture = Water Intensive Agriculture uses 70% of world water withdrawals Competition for water resources is increasing
  • 17. Agriculture = Polluting • According to the EPA, agricultural practices are responsible for 70% of all pollution in U.S. rivers and streams. • In the US, 40% of rivers, lakes, and coastal waters are so contaminated that they are unfit for humans to fish in, swim in, or drink.
  • 18. Agriculture = Energy Intensive In 1940 we produced 2.3 calories of food energy for every calorie of fossil fuel energy we used. Now it takes 10 calories of fossil-fuel energy to produce a single calorie of modern supermarket food
  • 19. 2012 had over 2,000 record- shattering heat events Every state in the nation experienced a record warm daily temperature
  • 20. Feb 2012 the UN released Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing The 22-member panel said a new blueprint for growth and low-carbon prosperity must be "mainstreamed" into economic policy as quickly as possible By 2030 the planet will need at least 50% more food, 45% more energy and 30% more water.
  • 22. It’s NOT about polar bears
  • 23.
  • 24. The science is uncertain
  • 25. The science does not matter Let’s assume that the climate sceptics are right Don’t go to the casino on those odds If all that you care about is maximizing profit, you will do exactly what you would do if you were scared to death about climate
  • 26.
  • 27. McKinsey Curve $30 – 40 million available below the line savings per company
  • 28. The Carbon Disclosure Project Institutional investors - $78 trillion assets Pushing FTSE top 500 companies to disclose “investment-related” GHG emissions 6% of leading companies deselect suppliers who fail to manage carbon, 56% commit to do so in the future
  • 29. 6,300 computers and monitors in sleep or standby mode when not in use (24/7). Leave machines on one evening a week for updates and turn them off at the end of the work day: $700,000. US companies waste $2.8 billion a year on 108 million unused PCs. In 2009, these unused PCs will emit 20 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions – the impact of 4 million cars. PC power costs are the largest single factor of IT energy costs and can account for a quarter of the costs in a modern office building.
  • 30. “Ford Saves One Million Dollars... By Shutting Off Computers” Fast Company, 23 March 2010 Turning off one computer every night for a year saves $34 If 20 computers are left on in the evening and over the weekend, the savings grow to $526 a year
  • 31. 7M square feet DC with 500 Watt roof lights evenly spaced every 10 feet. Half the floor space was racks with boxes. Most of this lighting was either unnecessary or redundant. Work areas had task lighting at the employee level. Annual savings for shutting off the lights... $650,000.
  • 32. Economic Realities: Saving energy strengthens the entire economy
  • 33. Green buildings improve labor productivity and worker health Improving indoor air quality could save U.S. businesses: •  $58 billion in avoided sick time each year, •  Another $200 billion earned in increased worker performance.
  • 34. Comparative Costs in Large Office Buildings Data from Building Owners and Managers Association: Electric Power research Institute, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1991
  • 35. Carbon War Room Partnership between Lockheed Martin, Energi, Barclays, and Ygrene to retrofit commercial real estate. Will return $4 million in tax revenues for every $1 million $10 million in economic activity generated and 60 jobs created. The $650 million program will bring its first two cities: Sacramento and Miami 40,000 jobs created, $1 billion in tax benefits, and at least $10 billion in increased economic output Will scale across US, as well as China.
  • 36. Renewable Generation Environment Iowa has shown how the state, now 85% dependent on coal energy imported from out of town could provide 100% of its needs from renewable Iowa power, keeping jobs and money here.
  • 37. Solar deployment – policy matters California receives 70% more sunlight for producing solar energy than Germany. But Germany installs 28 times more solar electric capacity every year Will be 100% renewable by 2050
  • 38. The Economics of Feed-in Tariffs Deutsche Bank Study: FiTs gave Germany the lead in renewable energy production. In first 4 years FiTs created 300,000 new jobs FITs cut the unit cost of solar panels 30 percent in 2009 enough that they could pay for themselves within five to seven years, and reach grid parity (costing the same as grid electricity) by 2013.
  • 39. FiTs drove German economic regeneration, enabling Germany to pay its own citizens to produce, install and maintain their own renewable energy systems, instead of buying imported fossil fuels. The program cost of €2 - 3 per month ($50 to customers’ electricity bills each year) to electricity bills in Germany (a total of €8.6 billion.) Deutsche Bank: The savings created by FiTs exceeded total cost of payments made by households. Had customers bought electricity from conventional generation and paid the costs of fossil fuel generation Germans would have paid over €9.4 billion.
  • 40. Iowa Leading the Way Iowa is a National Leader in Renewable Energy • 20% of energy from sun, wind, and biofuels • 200 wind companies with 7,000 full-time jobs The Green Economy Unleashed • By 2020: • Create 20,000 new jobs • Save consumers $1 billion annually
  • 41. Renewable Benefits + Jobs + +$ Iowa’s renewable resources could provide 17 times more energy than the state needs It would help the average Iowa family save $400 It would create at least 3,000 new jobs each year!
  • 42. Jobs Growth Since 2006 jobs in renewables and environment have grown 56.8% vs Internet: 29.8% California's “green economy" grew 3X as fast as traditional economy between 2008 and 2009 – 174,000 employed in green economy – 26% are manufacturing jobs vs 9% in total economy. In US green jobs grew 9.1% 1998 – 2007, 2 ½ X faster than all job growth.
  • 43. Early stage companies are the economic future of the US. Kauffman research shows that startups are responsible for: •  Almost all net job growth in the U.S. economy for all but 7 years – from 1977 to now •  The top 1% of highest growth startups generate almost 10% of all new jobs
  • 44. Sonoma County Energy Independence Program 8.4% increase in construction-related jobs in Sonoma County between January, 2009 and September, 2009 3.0% job decline in Napa County July-August 2009: $5.6 million in SCEIP projects 500 new construction jobs reported
  • 45. Dardesheim, Germany - 100% renewable Wildpoldsried produces 321% more energy than it uses; makes $5.7 million each year
  • 46. 1 MW/ week = 15.6 GW In 2010 – 21 GW 2011 SCE: 250 MW plant on roofs around So California $875 million to complete (comparable coal plant ~$800 million)
  • 47. Walmart Committed to be 100% renewably powered
  • 49. Wind is the 2nd fastest growing energy supply technology in the world: 37 GW in 2009, 32 GW 2010 Now 237 GW, 40 GW new 2011 Costs less than coal in good sites And check out China
  • 50. China has replaced •  If China’s economy the United States as grows at its prior rate the world's leading •  If it uses resources as consumer of most inefficiently as the U.S. basic commodities, •  By 2030 China will need like oil, grain, coal, 99 million barrels of oil a and steel. day. The world currently produces 80+ million barrels per day and may never produce more.
  • 51. China Renewable Investments •  China’s State Administration of Energy (SAE), is creating a new energy blueprint •  Total investments for renewable energy by 2020 –  $911 billion for efficiency and renewables –  10.6b million new jobs –  Generate several trillion dollars in new GDP
  • 52. Rise of Solar in China China accounted for China’s efforts to half of the worlds dominate renewable production in solar energy technologies raise the prospect that energy. the West may someday trade its dependence Producing panels as on oil from the Mideast low as $1.04 a watt. for a reliance on solar panels, wind turbines and other gear manufactured in China.
  • 53. China - 1 MW grid interconnected
  • 54. Rizhao, China City of 3 million – 99% use solar hot water 5,000 manufacturers of simple solar water heaters Now looking at export
  • 55. Baoding, China Mayor Yu Quin: “Polluting first and cleaning up later is very expensive. So we chose renewable energy to replace traditional industry.” 200 renewable energy companies replace cars and textiles
  • 56. R. James Woolsey’s solar powered plug-in-hybrid has a bumper sticker reading: “Osama bin Ladin hates my car.”
  • 57. Fragile supply lines – for every 24 convoys a marine comes home in a body bag Military uses 10.6 million gallons/day Largest fuel user in the world
  • 59. Great Green Fleet Navy Secretary Ray Mabus: "We simply have to figure out a way to get American-made, home-grown fuel that is stably priced, that is competitive with oil," Deploy a biofuel-burning carrier MH-60 chopper flying group by 2016 and require the on 50-50 algae/ grease Department of the Navy to get half biofuel and petroleum of its energy from alternative fuel sources by 2020.
  • 60. USS Ford frigate used 25,000 gallons to sail 12,000 miles from Everett Wash to San Diego – no difference in performance Solyazyme and Dynamic Fuels
  • 61. F-18 Green Hornet flying on Sustainable Fuels’ oil seed fuel/ jet fuel mix – 60 – 75 million barrels of jet fuel/ year
  • 62.
  • 63. European/Middle East Smartgrid Power equal to the total present usage of the EUMENA region power could be generated covering less than 0.3% of the Sahara Desert with CSP plants. DESERTEC Foundation proposes a supergrid from Iceland to Arabian peninsula, from Baltic to west coast of Africa, in which offshore wind and wave farms, photovoltaic sites, tidal stream generators, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric stations would unite with desert CSP arrays to meet the region's actual daily and hourly demands over an HVDC network
  • 65. “By the way, in 2011, GE's wind turbines achieved RE less than C for the first time. It really happened. Now we're designing super efficient and flexible combined cycle gas turbines that will compliment renewable intermittency, while we work on energy storage technologies. Solar is next...”
  • 67. Ray Anderson What is the business case for ending life on earth?
  • 68. Interface "Mission Zero"Metrics -Net GHG emissions down 82% in absolute tonage- Fossil fuel usage is down 60%- Water usage is down 75%- Renewables and recycled materials up 25%- Renewable energy is up 27%- Diverted 74,000 tons of used carpet from landfills- Goal: 0 impact, 0 footprint - ½ way to goal today. Anticipate will make goal in 2020. Best thing for business: Costs down $4.5M Sales increased by 2/3 Profits up 2X- Paid for all costs for transformation of Interface.
  • 69.
  • 70. Harvard Business Review “Sustainability isn’t the burden on bottom lines that many executives believe it to be. It can lower your costs and increase your revenues. That’s why sustainability should be a touchstone for all innovation. In the future, only companies that make sustainability a goal will achieve competitive advantage. That means rethinking business models as well as products, technologies and processes.” Why Sustainability is Now the Key Driver of Innovation
  • 71. Sustainability pays Companies in the Dow Jones sustainability Index outperform the general market Goldman Sachs report July 2007: Companies that are leaders in environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies outperform competitors in stock performance—by an average of 25%. 72% of the companies on the DJSI outperformed industry peers
  • 72. Refusal to report quarterly The ultimate cost of short-termism was the financial crisis of 2008-9. 'Too many investors have become short-term gamblers: the more fluctuations in share price they can engineer, the better it is for them. It is not good for the companies or for society, but it is influencing the way firms are being run, all the same.... To drag the world back to sanity, we need to know why we are here. The answer is: for consumers, not shareholders. If we are in synch with consumer needs and the environment in which we operate, and take responsibility for society as well as for our employees, then the shareholder will Paul Polman also be rewarded'
  • 73. Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan: Cut environmental impacts in half by 2020, Source 100% of agricultural materials sustainably, and Help more than 1billion people improve their health and well- being.
  • 74. Sustainable Agriculture •  Build healthy topsoil •  Minimize use of fossil fuels •  Plant crops suitable to local climate •  Use a whole systems approach to farm management
  • 75. Top Menu Trends of 2012 Survey by The National Restaurant Association #1 Locally sourced meats and seafood #2 Locally grown produce #4 Hyper-local sourcing #5 Sustainability #8 Locally produced wine and beer #12 Farm/estate-branded ingredients
  • 76. Carbon Innovators Lead Companies that lead in climate-related innovation give higher financial performance (five-year return on equity) Three indexes identified the most resilient, most innovative and best positioned companies to gain competitive advantage in the new low-carbon economy Ranking the top 350 US companies, with a combined market cap of $350 trillion, on their climate innovation and carbon management programmes, shows a positive correlation between the financial performance of companies and their ability to successfully implement disruptive market innovations related to climate change.
  • 77. In nature carbon is not the world’s greatest poison
  • 78. Calera Calera is piloting making cement in the same way that coral reefs make limestone: CO2 and seawater. Carbon negative process. Vinod Khosla is a lead investor
  • 79. Americans buy more than 9 billion bottles of water a year
  • 80. Method is making its bottles out of recycled plastic – 25% of it harvested from the oceans
  • 81. Synthetic biology could create buildings that inhale carbon dioxide, and control temperature without air conditioning – Dr Rachel Armstrong, senior TED Fellow, Director of Avatar
  • 82. I am a professor of a discipline that did not exist when I went to college
  • 83. Change is hard Margaret Mead said the only person who likes change is a wet baby
  • 84. The best way to predict the future is to invent it
  • 85. His goal: To make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or disadvantage of anyone.”
  • 86. The second mouse gets the cheese
  • 87. The rule of no realm is mine but all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, those are my care. And for my part I shall not wholly fail if anything passes through this night that can still grow fair and bear fruit and flower again in the days to come. For I too am a steward, did you not know?
  • 88. In the end, it was two rather ordinary, playful, unassuming hobbits who undertook to save the world. Despite their fears, they took the future of the world on their shoulders, and all the wizards and kings and warriors could only play a supportive role.
  • 89. Real leadership is extraordinary courage by ordinary people
  • 90. Natural Capitalism Solutions L O N G M O N T, COLORADO
  • 91. 500,000 refugees 18 million at risk of starvation 91
  • 92. Shai Agassi Better Place – renewable electric cars
  • 93. DONG energy and Better Place $12,000 for a family-sized all- electric sedan: Renault Fluence EV. Drive as much as you want. Pay $300/ month (less if you drive fewer miles). Emit no CO2 or other pollutants. And help the world break its addiction to oil Better Place has ordered 100,000 cars from Renault. Agassi plans to order another 100,000 cars in the first half of 2012. Agassi has agreements with governments to roll out Better Place in northern California, in the urban regions of Australia and in Hawaii. France, too, has made a major commitment to electric vehicles, one reason why Renault says it will launch four electric car models in the next several years.
  • 94. Creating the Madrone Project Digital sustainability education, curated for digital media and the modern attention span A rigorous, modular curriculum designed by your passion
  • 95. Math is the low hanging fruit of online education Advanced   Linear chains of Food  Chain  of  Topics   knowledge Constant over time Basic  
  • 96.
  • 97. Hundreds of Topics for ‘Micro-Lesson’ Nodes – 12-15 min advanced / research / just plain core principles / foundations interesting case studies
  • 98. Online Sustainability Education is a Different Beast (interdisciplinary, dynamic, ecology of knowledge) Sustainable  Ci8es   Advanced   Sustainable  Well  Being   Human  microbiome  and  virome   Buildiing  Design  and  Human  Health   Carbon  Nega8ve  Blgs  and  Houses  Made  of   Food  Web  of  Topics   Meat   RooBop  Farming   RooBop  Biodiversity   Systems  Theory  Principles   Scaling  Theory  of  Sustainable  Ci8es   Climate  Capitalism  Principles   Natural  Capitalism  Principles   Efficiency  Principles   Redesigning  Manufacturing  Principles   Complexity  Theory  Principles   Network  Theory  Principles   Art  and  Innova8on   Emergence  in  Complex  Systems   Economic  Complexity  and  Sustainable  Growth   Biomimicry  Principles   Math  Lessons  for  Locavores   What  is  Sustainability   Sustainable  Building  Design  Principles   Global  Homogeniza8on   Jevons  Efficiency  Paradox   Art  and  Urban  Renewal  the  Crea8ve  Class   New  Metrics  for  Sustainable  Economies   Basic   Mul8Family  Housing   Crea8ve  Green  Mobility   Crowd  Sharing  
  • 99. Oceans   2  degrees  from  coral  reefs   Other  Tracks   Calera  –  cement  from   CO2   Coral  reefs   Climate  Change   bleaching   Network Structure of Classes Stimulates Large  Node  =  Many  Links   Cross-disciplinary Thinking
  • 100. Join the conversation online: What do you want to know? What do you want to study?
  • 101. Sustainable Agriculture In 1940 we produced 2.3 calories of food energy for every calorie of fossil fuel energy we used. Now it takes 10 calories of fossil-fuel energy to produce a single calorie of modern supermarket food
  • 102. UnSustainable Agriculture The production, manufacture, and transport of synthetic fertilizers is the largest agricultural energy use Representing on average 38%, but up to as high as 50% of energy use
  • 103. Sustainable Agriculture The overall resource efficiency of our farming operations has decreased even while we have produced more food. What would a sustainable agriculture system look like?
  • 104. Sustainable Agriculture •  Build healthy topsoil •  Minimize use of fossil fuels •  Plant crops suitable to local climate •  Use a whole systems approach to farm management
  • 105. Economic Recovery "Agriculture is the foundation on which recovery from the global recession and financial and food price crisis will be built, especially for developing countries, which derive much of their income from agricultural production,” – Tom Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture
  • 106. In Pursuit of Wealth "Agriculture ... is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth … and happiness.” -Thomas Jefferson to George Washington
  • 107. “To plant a garden is to believe in Tomorrow”