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Introduction to Weatherization
People are using more energy in their homes today than ever
before. Unfortunately, much of this energy is wasted.
The Department of Energy began the Weatherization Assistance
Program in 1976 to aid low-income families by weatherizing
their homes. These families, in turn, conserve energy, save
money on energy bills, and invest in their local communities.
There are many agencies and organizations that can help
homeowners make their homes more energy efficient.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
identify how buildings can consume large amounts of energy.
explain the purpose of the Weatherization Assistance Program.
recall the names different organizations involved in the green
building industry.
Module 1 Reading Assignment
Krigger, J., & Dorsi, C. (2012). Residential Energy: Cost
Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings (6th ed.). Helena:
Saturn Resource Management, Inc. Introduction.
Supplemental Reading Assignments (Required):
Bradshaw, J. L. (2010). Cost-effectiveness of weatherization in
low-income urban housing stock. Unpublished master's thesis,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, (pp. 1-105).
Millhone, J. P. (2010). The "longest running and perhaps most
successful" U.S. energy efficiency program. Federation of
American Scientists, (pp.1-17).
Lecture Notes
Introduction to Weatherization
Buildings consume 40 percent of the world’s total energy.
Buildings use 25 percent of the planet’s wood harvest and 16
percent of its water resources. Building use represents 70
percent of total human resource consumption, including energy,
water, and materials combined. Energy is defined as the ability
to produce tasks such as:light
Appetite for Energy
The world population is increasing exponentially. No one
knows exactly how many human beings there are on the face of
the Earth, but a healthy estimate by the University of North
Carolina places it at just under 7 billion people and increasing
at a rate of 3-4 people per second.
In 1800, the worldwide population estimate was about 978
million people. In 1850, the estimate was 1.262 billion people.
In 1900, at the beginning of the 20th century, an estimated
1.650 billion people populated the Earth. The world’s
population is greater than ever before and, because of this
growth, the global energy appetite is unprecedented.
In the 1800s, when people were scattered over the face of the
Earth and the congregated masses formed clusters of mere
thousands, energy consumption was not a critical issue. When
they burned wood or straw for heat and cooking, they had little
impact on the environment. However, as the population grew
and more people moved into cities, the demand for energy
began to increase.
A Period of Change
The global energy appetite is beginning to experience a period
of change that will affect everyone. Eventually, petroleum
products will become scarce and extremely expensive. The
need to maintain power requirements without disruptions will
force people to change the way they think about energy,
produce energy, and consume energy.
Source: Energy Information Administration(June 2008)
Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program
The Department of Energy (DOE) recognized the need to help
people conserve energy and save on energy bills decades ago.
In fact, the DOE began the Weatherization Assistance Program
to help low-income families weatherize their homes in 1976.
Weatherization includes any efforts made by a person to retrofit
a home to make it more energy efficient.
The Weatherization Assistance Program enables low-income
families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making
their homes more energy efficient. During the last 32 years, the
U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Weatherization Assistance
Program has provided weatherization services to more than 6.2
million low-income families.
On average, weatherization reduces heating bills by 32 percent
and overall energy bills by about $350 per year at current
prices. By reducing the energy bills of low-income families
instead of offering aid, weatherization reduces dependency on
the government and liberates people to spend the money that
would normally be spent on energy bills on more pressing
family issues. This spending, in turn, spurs low-income
communities toward job growth and economic development.
Through this program, weatherization service providers install
energy efficiency measures in the homes of qualifying
homeowners free of charge. These are not expensive
upgrades—the average expenditure limit is $6,500 per home—
but they are effective, and energy savings pay for the upgrades
within a few years. DOE documents the savings and compares
them against costs so that over the years, it can determine the
efficacy of these measures.
Because of lack of funding, many state weatherization programs
require families to join a waiting list until funds become
available for the weatherization of more homes. In March of
2009, President Barack Obama and Congress passed a stimulus
plan that included $5 billion for the Weatherization Assistance
Program. These funds were to be funneled into the 50 states, as
well as some U.S. Territories, to help their weatherization
programs meet the needs of the low-income families. States
were asked to submit comprehensive state weatherization plans
in order to receive their share of the funds.
Below is a chart that shows the allocation of funds for the
weatherization programs of the states and territories.
Allocation of weatherization stimulus funds
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy 2009
National Energy Audit Tool
The Weatherization Assistance Program began providing energy
audits in the 1990s. An energy audit is an inspection and
analysis of a home to determine energy usage and to recommend
ways to conserve energy by making changes to living habits and
house systems. This allowed weatherization service providers
to customize their service package for each home. The National
Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) is the tool used by weatherization
service providers who work in cooperation with the
Weatherization Assistance Program. The NEAT is available to
weatherization agencies free of charge.
The NEAT was developed by the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (ORNL) specifically for the DOE’s Weatherization
Assistance Program. The NEAT is a computerized energy audit
tool that allows weatherization service providers to input data,
such as building characteristics and the type of heating and
cooling systems, about a home to determine the most cost-
effective, energy efficient measures for single-family homes.
The NEAT does this by producing a prioritized list of cost-
effective measures, as well as estimated energy savings,
savings-to-investment ratios, and a list of materials that are
necessary to perform the retrofit.
Manufactured Home Energy Audit
A manufactured home is a home built in a factory after 1976
that must conform to the U.S. Government’s Manufactured
Home Construction and Safety Standards. Because
manufactured homes are constructed using very different
techniques than conventional homes that are built on-site, the
DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory created the
Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA), which is much like
the NEAT software except that it is designed to audit
manufactured home energy consumption.
The MHEA is also available to weatherization service providers
free of charge. Visit the Weatherization Assistance Program
website for more information.
Energy Audits
Individuals and families who do not qualify for weatherization
under the Weatherization Assistance Program can perform an
energy audit on their own home using a basic checklist.
Common Items in an Energy Audit
Survey of utility bills over the past several years
Adequacy of insulationAttics
Crawlspaces or basement
WallsPossible air leaks around windows and doorsIncludes a
blower doors testUse and efficiency of HVAC systemDuct
insulationUse and efficiency of water heating system
Use and efficiency of lighting system
Use and efficiency of appliances (i.e., refrigerator, dishwasher,
This list is not comprehensive. Energy audits may include these
and many other items.
Another option the homeowner has is to hire a professional to
audit their homes and recommend methods for increased energy
efficiency and conservation. Visit the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) website for more information on home energy
Building Performance Institute, Inc.
The Building Performance Institute (BPI) “is a recognized
global leader, supporting the development of a highly
professional building performance industry through individual
and organizational credentialing and a rigorous quality
assurance program” (Source: BPI has
developed technical standards for weatherization and a
certification program for contractors who wish to provide
weatherization services. This certification program requires
applicants to have field experience and the knowledge to pass a
written exam. BPI also requires certified contractors to be
recertified every three years. BPI’s certification program has
become the industry standard, although contractors are not
required to be BPI certified to provide weatherization services.
In addition to the certification program, BPI requires its
certified contractors to participate in BPI’s quality assurance
program. In this program, a contractor must submit to
independent, third-party quality assurance verification to ensure
that the contractor is providing his or her clients with quality
Visit the Building Performance Institute website for more
State Weatherization Certification Programs
Some states have associations that provide training and
certification for contractors who wish to provide weatherization
services. For example, the California Building Performance
Contractors Association (CBPCA) provides contractors with
green training so that they can perform Green Home Energy
Upgrades (GHEUs).
Visit the CBPCAwebsite for more information.
Standards for Efficiency
In order to determine how energy efficient a house is, there
must be standards and documentation. There are many different
organizations that offer energy efficiency rating systems or
other environmental standards. Weatherization personnel
should be familiar with all of these organizations.
U.S. Green Building Council
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is responsible for
the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED),
which is one of the leading certification programs worldwide.
In the LEED system, inspectors award points in six categories
of building design: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy
and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental
quality, and innovation and design process.
LEED offers a rating system of four certification levels for new
construction: Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Platinum
is the highest certification a building can earn in the LEED
rating system.
Visit the U.S. Green Building Councilwebsite for more
Standards that are commonly used in the industry to measure a
building’s energy efficiency are the ENERGY STAR rating or
the Model Energy Code. ENERGY STAR, which is backed by
the EPA and the DOE, is a standard for judging the energy
efficiency of products. The Model Energy Code is published
and is kept current by the International Code Council
(ICC). Visit the ENERGY STAR program website for more
If a homeowner wishes to obtain an energy efficient mortgage
(EEM) to make efficient improvements to a home or to purchase
an ENERGY STAR qualified home, the home must be energy
audited. An independent energy rater performs a home energy
audit to see if a home is energy efficient and qualifies for an
EEM. Independent energy raters, who are usually called home
energy raters, are highly trained in technology, building
techniques, and energy conservation. Raters are trained and
certified by a number of different agencies.
National Association of Home Builders
An agency that has led in the area of setting environmental
standards for home building is the National Association of
Home Builders (NAHB). The NAHB is dedicated to making
homes more energy and resource efficient by improving
technologies and practices in energy efficiency, giving attention
to lot and site development, improving indoor environmental
quality, lessening global impact, and providing homeowner
The NAHB has established the first consensus-based set of
standards for all green buildings, which is known as the NAHB
Model Green Home Building Guidelines.
Visit the National Associate of Home Builders website for more
Residential Energy Services Network
The Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) is a non-
profit membership corporation in the residential building
industry that has been a leader in bringing together
environmental experts and builders.
RESNET provides an energy rating system called the HERS
(Home Energy Rating System) Index. Home Energy Survey
Professionals (HESP) use the HERS Index to rate buildings. All
buildings that undergo the rating process are compared to the
HERS Reference Home, which is based on the 2006
International Energy Conservation Code. The HESP uses a tool
called REScheck to rate the home. A home built to the
specifications of the HERS Reference Home scores a HERS
index of 100, whereas a net zero energy home scores a HERS
index of zero. The lower the home’s HERS index, the more
energy efficient it is in comparison to the HERS Reference
RESNET Energy Surveys and Audits
RESNET recognizes two categories of assessment for homes:
the Home Energy Survey and the Comprehensive Home Energy
Home Energy Survey
There are three types of Home Energy Surveys:On-Line Home
In-Home Home Energy
Diagnostic Home Energy Survey
A homeowner can perform an On-Line Home Energy survey
using software from the Internet. The In-Home Home Energy
survey is a visual inspection performed by a HESP. The
Diagnostic Home Energy survey includes all aspects of the In-
Home Home Energy Survey, in addition to diagnostic testing
such as blower door testing, duct leakage testing, and infrared
Comprehensive Home Energy Audit
The Comprehensive Home Energy Audit is by far the most
detailed inspection. This includes an evaluation of both the
house and any previously collected data; performance testing,
including combustion appliance testing; computer simulations
detailing the home’s current level of energy efficiency; how
improvements will decrease both the homeowner’s energy costs
and environmental costs; and a scope of work for the home.
State Standards
It is beyond the scope of this module to list the green building
standards in effect in every state. Instead, we wish to provide
tools people can use to become familiar with the standards in
effect in their state, region, and city.
Building Energy Codes Program
The DOE’s Building Energy Codes Program allows the user to
look up the status of energy codes in every state. This tool also
allows users to view maps that show which states use REScheck
and COMcheck-Plus. COMcheck-Plus is a program developed
by the DOE’s Building Energy Codes Program to make it easier
to measure a building’s compliance with the commercial
building energy code.
Visit the Buidling Energy Codes Program website for more
Building Energy Codes Resource Center
The Building Energy Codes Resource Center was created as a
tool people can use to obtain information about energy codes.
The Resource Center includes information in the form of
articles, graphics, presentations, online tools, and videos.
Visit the Building Energy Codes Resource Center for more
Required Videos:
Before we get started with the overall course on weatherization,
please watch these two video presentations in order to gain a
greater understanding of the concepts and importance of a solid
weatherization program.
Introduction to Weatherization
Weatherization Assistance Program: A Program That Works
Required Presentation:
Introduction to Weatherization
Example annotation: synopsis of secondary source material
Page 1 is the back of the Title page. It lists the following
pertinent information:
1. Author of essay or book
2. Title
3. Publisher
4. Publication Date
This information provides your readers with the precise edition
of the book you used for reference. That way if someone wants
to check your sources, they will know exactly which published
version you used. Often there are different versions published
at different times. Also, you will use this information in your
bibliography or works cited page. Failure to properly document
your sources results in plagiarism, which is a crime. Original
ideas are protected in the United States. To plagiarize could
result in failure and sometimes expulsion. Take it seriously.
Harold Bloom
Shakespeare: the invention of the human
Chapter 19, “Henry V”
Pages 319-324
Harold Bloom’s essay on Shakespeare compares the
development of Prince Hal in HenryIV parts 1 and 2 with King
Henry in what he considers a lesser play, Henry V. Although
various movies have made Henry V popular, Bloom feels that
King Henry is less varied than Prince Hal and that he shows a
certain moral weakness by deserting his friends, primarily one
of Shakespeare’s most popular characters, Falstaff. King
Henry’s great virtue is his ability to stir his troops to fight,
which Bloom feels he did by promising what he had no
intention to deliver, to make his soldiers “gentlemen” (320).
Bloom accounts for this character transition by citing Henry V’s
own popularity as a “brutally shrewd” king who was one of
England’s most successful monarchs up to that point in history
(322). He also mentions the political problem Shakespeare
probably had with the state censors who had already silenced
Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson. Shakespeare would
have had to help perpetuate the “Tudor Myth” of divine right, a
difficult edge to walk when writing about a non-Tudor, yet
immensely popular king.
Bloom goes on to write that the basis of Henry V is ironic. This
irony stems from an allusion contributed to Fleullen about
Henry’s likeness to the great Greek hero Alexander whose life
Henry’s parallels in many ways, including killing their best
friends and their early deaths. While Henry's many flaws make
him a poor specimen of a human being, this “militarism,
brutality, pious hypocrisy all are outshone by England’s
charismatic hero-king.” (324). While not Shakespeare's best
history play, we are still rewarded with the reading.
Cheeseman 10
Work Cited
Brindle, Reginald Smith. “The Search Outwards: The Orient,
Jazz, Archaisms.” The New Music: The Avant-Garde Since
1945. New York: Oxford UP, 1975. 133-45.
Burnett, James. “Ellington’s Place as a Composer.” Gammond
Ellington, Duke. Afro-Eurasian Eclipse. 19712. Fantasy, 1991.
---. Black, Brown, and Beige. 1945. RCA Bluebird, 1988.
---. The Far East Suite. LP, RCA, 1965.
Gammon, Peter, ed. Duke Ellington: His Life and Music. 1958.
New York: Da Capo, 1977.
Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Avant-Garde Music: From
Debussy to Boulez. New York: Oxford UP, 1978.
Haase, John Edward. Beyond Category: The Life and Genius
of Duke Ellington. Fwd. Wynton Marsalis. New York: Simon,
Hitchcock, H. Wiley. Music in the United States: An
Introduction. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice, 1974.
Rattenbury, Ken. Duke Ellington, Jazz Composer. New Haven:
Yale UP, 1990.
Southern, Eileen. The Music of Black Americans: A History.
2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1983
Tucker, Mark, ed. The Duke Ellington Reader. New York:
Oxford UP, 1993.
Sample First Page of a Research Paper
Don F. Cheeseman
English Hero
Professor White
17 December 2001
The Hero Based on “Their Power of Action”
In studying the impact of Northrup Frye's classification system
on my “Adventure of the Hero” class, historians tend to note the
outstanding contributions from such figures as James Lin (Mr.
and Mrs. Lin; Great Asian Heroes 104-39), whose brilliant
insight into the nature of the romantic hero earned accolades
from the class and extra points on his quarter grade. Lin seemed
possessed of an almost divinely inspired understanding of both
J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring and T.H.White’s
“The Ill-Made Knight.” In addition, the class itself, though
usually highly competitive, was so deeply influenced by Lin’s
obviously brilliant insight, that they felt not the least bit jealous
of his success. As Frazier and Butler both commented shortly
after Lin made the connection between Grendel and Gollom,
“Wow!” Even Loulakis exclaimed, “that guy has Hero-class
game.” In fact, that particular incident was the first noted
moment in the class when both Ford and Perry heard the same
thing, Butler was not dozing, Gillespie was smiling and Gray
was…just was. It was a non quiz day, so Tripp was in bathroom
and Andreas was not at the moment discussing his problems
with his girl friend with Raul who, despite what Andreas may
have thought, was at that moment dreaming of an IAC tennis
Championship. Contributors in the class included the “Asian
Connection,” a duo of 2nd language students, Mr. Hong and Mr.
Park, who had to constantly restrain themselves to not
embarrass their American counterparts too badly, Long Ekstrom
and Spinning Mosca who were on a special schedule which
included college attendance in addition to their regular high
classes, and Devin Waddell who got it. There, in attendance,
were also the misbegotten, as usual, attracted to Mr. C’s rather
radical idea that, contrary to popular “Adult” belief, things were
actually getting better. “Who wouldn’t want to be a kid again?”
Most adults believed that this last group held little promise in
the world. Mr. C, on the contrary, would have felt honored to
have any of them on his side when the going got tough. He’d
seen “The Dirty Dozen” at least a dozen times. He longed to
play Lee Marvin’s part.
Contrary Yoda man, desiring the essence of film to make his,
little attention paid. Accidently discovering his audience at
everything laughed as long as on the screen it was projected,
catapulted to heights he was, dizzying and long before the
ground his feet hit and long before jaded he became at the
philistine’s lack of wit, heard to remark he was:
“Oh! I knew that already. That was what I meant. You didn’t
hear me correctly. Pout. Pout. Pout. Pout. Pout. Pout
outrageously. But not as outrageously as this (trying to stand
on his head but failing outrageously). Loud crash.
Disturbance. Offend. Offend. Offend. Grown Old, as time
preys. Cannibals of time crunck yummy minutes inside a brain
eased by dis. I think I’ll go, he and take a….”
Fortunately, listening no one at that moment was nor could hear
inside his mind was happening what. Although his teacher had
almost god-like patience, he too weary became at Antics by
Contrary Man. One wonders, where is Contrary man land? Or
space for that matter? Inner or outer. One can only hope up he
will grow, tree from acorn he, before storm over him blows and
into dust he tumbles.
Image from:
1. Task Definition
Where do I start?
You are to complete a Research Project for the 1st semester
Hero Class– You must pick a book with literary merit that must
be approved by the teacher (please avoid popular fiction or non-
You may select your book through the George Library
DESTINY catalog.
In researching your book you should begin with the resources
available to you from your research guide that are accessible
from the George Library web page.
You must select 7credible and appropriate (pertain to your
topic), scholarly articles from scholarly sources plus 2 books
(chapters) and annotate them. The purpose of this assignment is
to familiarize you with the process of gathering information
from a library. In learning the method of gathering and
annotating information, you will be that much more prepared
when required to write and research in college.
You are expected to:
· Select a book
· Submit a Synopsis of the Plot
· Submit a Characterization of Protagonist and Antagonist
· Complete Your Book
· Formulate a Working Thesis”· Submit a Working Outline
· Research and Select Articles to Support Your Thesis
· Complete a Preliminary Bibliography and a Short Description
of the Main Points and Sub-topics of the Articles you have
· Submit a First Draft
· Turn in your FINAL Draft
Your teacher will give you your due dates.
Select a Paper Format:1. A paper on a particular work. You
might treat character (for example, "The Character of Bottom in
A Midsummer's Night Dream", or "The Question of Whether
Willy Loman is a Hero or Antihero in "Death of a Salesman"),
or tone, ideas, form, problems, and the like. A research paper
on a single work is similar to an essay on the same work, except
that the research paper takes into account more views and fact
than those you are likely to have without the research.
2. A paper based on a comparison and contrast. These are two
a. A paper on an idea of some artistic quality common to two
or more authors. Your intention might be to show points of
similarity or contrast or to show that one author's work may be
read as a criticism of another's. A possible subject of such a
paper might be "The Theme of Ineffectuality in Behn, Eliot,
Steinbeck, and Williams," or "Behn's Antimale Poems in the
Context of Male Domination Lyric Poetry of the Seventeenth
b. A paper concentrating on opposing critical views of a
particular work or body of work. Sometimes much is to be
gained from an examination of differing critical opinions. "The
Question of Hamlet's Hesitation."
3. A paper showing the influence of an idea, an author, a
philosophy, a political situation, or an artistic movement on a
specific work of an author. As this paper has the potential to
run long, this type of paper might have to be modified to suit
the length requirement.
4. A paper on the origins of a particular work or type of work.
What are the possible sources of information I can use?
Use:– Online References
Internet Sites from your RESEARCH GUIDE
If necessary you may go to a university or college library to
find additional resources.
Where will I find these sources?
Use the DESTINY catalog to find books in our library.
Use the recommended databases and web sites found on your
Library Research Guide.
Passwords are available in the library.
Deciding what information to use and how I will use this
The Research Paper
Traditional procedure
1. If possible, select a subject that interests you and that you
can treat within the assigned limits of time and space. Your
paper will be 8-10 pages.
2. Determine your purpose in writing the paper.
3. Consider the audience – your peers and your teacher.
Remember that your teacher is an ‘expert’ in the field.
4. Develop a thesis statement expressing the central idea of
your paper.
5. Gather your ideas and information in a preliminary list,
eliminating anything that would weaken your paper.
6. Arrange materials in an order appropriate to the aims of the
paper and decide on the method you will use in developing your
ideas (definition, classification, analysis, comparison and
contrast, example)
7. Make a detailed outline to help you keep to your plan as
you write.
8. Write a preliminary draft critically and try to improve it,
revising, rearranging, adding, and eliminating words, phrases,
and sentences to make the writing more effective. Follow the
same procedure with each subsequent draft.
9. Proofread the final draft, making all final corrections
Putting your information together.
Follow these guidelines:
1. Cover page.
2. 7 annotations– typed. Use MLA stylebook for correct
documentation and citation. You must correctly quote from
each article in your annotation.
3. Copies of 7 scholarly articles from which annotations were
4. Annotated Bibliography
Reviewing your project.
You must reference your source each fact that you express.
You must cite the sources that have lead you there or that
support your arguments.
Finished assignment fulfills task.
· Information found matches information needed?
· How well did my paper turn out?
· Did I revise with a critical eye?
· Sources are credited.
· Was I happy with my process of finding and using
· Work is complete and includes name and date.
· Work is handed in on time.
· How would I do a similar project in the future?
Running head: [INSERT TITLE HERE]
Student Name
Allied American University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for [INSERT COURSE NAME],
Directions: Please provide a response to each of the following
questions using APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
Each response must be at least one paragraph in length
consisting of three to five sentences.
1. Define energy.
2. How much total energy, wood, and water resources do
buildings use?
3. How has the world’s population increased in the last two
hundred years?
4. When did the Weatherization Assistance Program begin
and what is its purpose?
5. What are the benefits received by families whose homes
are weatherized under the Weatherization Assistance Program?
6. What action did President Obama take in March of 2009
that will benefit the Weatherization Assistance Program? How
will the program benefit?
7. What is the certification program that is maintained by the
U.S. Green Building Council? How many certification levels
are there in this program and what are they?
8. What are the reasons an individual might apply for an
Energy Efficient Mortgage?
9. What are some of the goals that the National Association
of Home Builders strives toward?
10. Describe the types of home assessments that are offered by

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OverviewIntroduction to WeatherizationPeople are using more en.docx

  • 1. Overview Introduction to Weatherization People are using more energy in their homes today than ever before. Unfortunately, much of this energy is wasted. The Department of Energy began the Weatherization Assistance Program in 1976 to aid low-income families by weatherizing their homes. These families, in turn, conserve energy, save money on energy bills, and invest in their local communities. There are many agencies and organizations that can help homeowners make their homes more energy efficient. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this module, you should be able to: 1A identify how buildings can consume large amounts of energy. 1B explain the purpose of the Weatherization Assistance Program. 1C recall the names different organizations involved in the green building industry. Module 1 Reading Assignment Krigger, J., & Dorsi, C. (2012). Residential Energy: Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings (6th ed.). Helena: Saturn Resource Management, Inc. Introduction. Supplemental Reading Assignments (Required): Bradshaw, J. L. (2010). Cost-effectiveness of weatherization in low-income urban housing stock. Unpublished master's thesis, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, (pp. 1-105). Millhone, J. P. (2010). The "longest running and perhaps most successful" U.S. energy efficiency program. Federation of American Scientists, (pp.1-17).
  • 2. Lecture Notes Introduction to Weatherization Buildings consume 40 percent of the world’s total energy. Buildings use 25 percent of the planet’s wood harvest and 16 percent of its water resources. Building use represents 70 percent of total human resource consumption, including energy, water, and materials combined. Energy is defined as the ability to produce tasks such as:light heat motion sound growth technology Appetite for Energy The world population is increasing exponentially. No one knows exactly how many human beings there are on the face of the Earth, but a healthy estimate by the University of North Carolina places it at just under 7 billion people and increasing at a rate of 3-4 people per second. In 1800, the worldwide population estimate was about 978 million people. In 1850, the estimate was 1.262 billion people. In 1900, at the beginning of the 20th century, an estimated 1.650 billion people populated the Earth. The world’s population is greater than ever before and, because of this growth, the global energy appetite is unprecedented. In the 1800s, when people were scattered over the face of the Earth and the congregated masses formed clusters of mere thousands, energy consumption was not a critical issue. When they burned wood or straw for heat and cooking, they had little impact on the environment. However, as the population grew and more people moved into cities, the demand for energy began to increase. A Period of Change The global energy appetite is beginning to experience a period
  • 3. of change that will affect everyone. Eventually, petroleum products will become scarce and extremely expensive. The need to maintain power requirements without disruptions will force people to change the way they think about energy, produce energy, and consume energy. Source: Energy Information Administration(June 2008) Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program The Department of Energy (DOE) recognized the need to help people conserve energy and save on energy bills decades ago. In fact, the DOE began the Weatherization Assistance Program to help low-income families weatherize their homes in 1976. Weatherization includes any efforts made by a person to retrofit a home to make it more energy efficient. The Weatherization Assistance Program enables low-income families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient. During the last 32 years, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program has provided weatherization services to more than 6.2 million low-income families. On average, weatherization reduces heating bills by 32 percent and overall energy bills by about $350 per year at current prices. By reducing the energy bills of low-income families instead of offering aid, weatherization reduces dependency on the government and liberates people to spend the money that would normally be spent on energy bills on more pressing family issues. This spending, in turn, spurs low-income communities toward job growth and economic development. Through this program, weatherization service providers install energy efficiency measures in the homes of qualifying homeowners free of charge. These are not expensive upgrades—the average expenditure limit is $6,500 per home— but they are effective, and energy savings pay for the upgrades within a few years. DOE documents the savings and compares them against costs so that over the years, it can determine the
  • 4. efficacy of these measures. Because of lack of funding, many state weatherization programs require families to join a waiting list until funds become available for the weatherization of more homes. In March of 2009, President Barack Obama and Congress passed a stimulus plan that included $5 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program. These funds were to be funneled into the 50 states, as well as some U.S. Territories, to help their weatherization programs meet the needs of the low-income families. States were asked to submit comprehensive state weatherization plans in order to receive their share of the funds. Below is a chart that shows the allocation of funds for the weatherization programs of the states and territories. Allocation of weatherization stimulus funds Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 2009 National Energy Audit Tool The Weatherization Assistance Program began providing energy audits in the 1990s. An energy audit is an inspection and analysis of a home to determine energy usage and to recommend ways to conserve energy by making changes to living habits and house systems. This allowed weatherization service providers to customize their service package for each home. The National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) is the tool used by weatherization service providers who work in cooperation with the Weatherization Assistance Program. The NEAT is available to weatherization agencies free of charge. The NEAT was developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) specifically for the DOE’s Weatherization Assistance Program. The NEAT is a computerized energy audit tool that allows weatherization service providers to input data, such as building characteristics and the type of heating and cooling systems, about a home to determine the most cost- effective, energy efficient measures for single-family homes. The NEAT does this by producing a prioritized list of cost-
  • 5. effective measures, as well as estimated energy savings, savings-to-investment ratios, and a list of materials that are necessary to perform the retrofit. Manufactured Home Energy Audit A manufactured home is a home built in a factory after 1976 that must conform to the U.S. Government’s Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. Because manufactured homes are constructed using very different techniques than conventional homes that are built on-site, the DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory created the Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA), which is much like the NEAT software except that it is designed to audit manufactured home energy consumption. The MHEA is also available to weatherization service providers free of charge. Visit the Weatherization Assistance Program website for more information. Energy Audits Individuals and families who do not qualify for weatherization under the Weatherization Assistance Program can perform an energy audit on their own home using a basic checklist. Common Items in an Energy Audit Survey of utility bills over the past several years Adequacy of insulationAttics Crawlspaces or basement WallsPossible air leaks around windows and doorsIncludes a blower doors testUse and efficiency of HVAC systemDuct insulationUse and efficiency of water heating system Use and efficiency of lighting system Use and efficiency of appliances (i.e., refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.) This list is not comprehensive. Energy audits may include these and many other items. Another option the homeowner has is to hire a professional to audit their homes and recommend methods for increased energy efficiency and conservation. Visit the U.S. Department of
  • 6. Energy (DOE) website for more information on home energy audits. Building Performance Institute, Inc. The Building Performance Institute (BPI) “is a recognized global leader, supporting the development of a highly professional building performance industry through individual and organizational credentialing and a rigorous quality assurance program” (Source: BPI has developed technical standards for weatherization and a certification program for contractors who wish to provide weatherization services. This certification program requires applicants to have field experience and the knowledge to pass a written exam. BPI also requires certified contractors to be recertified every three years. BPI’s certification program has become the industry standard, although contractors are not required to be BPI certified to provide weatherization services. In addition to the certification program, BPI requires its certified contractors to participate in BPI’s quality assurance program. In this program, a contractor must submit to independent, third-party quality assurance verification to ensure that the contractor is providing his or her clients with quality results. Visit the Building Performance Institute website for more information. State Weatherization Certification Programs Some states have associations that provide training and certification for contractors who wish to provide weatherization services. For example, the California Building Performance Contractors Association (CBPCA) provides contractors with green training so that they can perform Green Home Energy Upgrades (GHEUs). Visit the CBPCAwebsite for more information. Standards for Efficiency In order to determine how energy efficient a house is, there must be standards and documentation. There are many different organizations that offer energy efficiency rating systems or
  • 7. other environmental standards. Weatherization personnel should be familiar with all of these organizations. U.S. Green Building Council The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is responsible for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), which is one of the leading certification programs worldwide. In the LEED system, inspectors award points in six categories of building design: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, and innovation and design process. LEED offers a rating system of four certification levels for new construction: Certified, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Platinum is the highest certification a building can earn in the LEED rating system. Visit the U.S. Green Building Councilwebsite for more information ENERGY STAR Standards that are commonly used in the industry to measure a building’s energy efficiency are the ENERGY STAR rating or the Model Energy Code. ENERGY STAR, which is backed by the EPA and the DOE, is a standard for judging the energy efficiency of products. The Model Energy Code is published and is kept current by the International Code Council (ICC). Visit the ENERGY STAR program website for more information. If a homeowner wishes to obtain an energy efficient mortgage (EEM) to make efficient improvements to a home or to purchase an ENERGY STAR qualified home, the home must be energy audited. An independent energy rater performs a home energy audit to see if a home is energy efficient and qualifies for an EEM. Independent energy raters, who are usually called home energy raters, are highly trained in technology, building techniques, and energy conservation. Raters are trained and
  • 8. certified by a number of different agencies. National Association of Home Builders An agency that has led in the area of setting environmental standards for home building is the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The NAHB is dedicated to making homes more energy and resource efficient by improving technologies and practices in energy efficiency, giving attention to lot and site development, improving indoor environmental quality, lessening global impact, and providing homeowner education. The NAHB has established the first consensus-based set of standards for all green buildings, which is known as the NAHB Model Green Home Building Guidelines. Visit the National Associate of Home Builders website for more information. Residential Energy Services Network The Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) is a non- profit membership corporation in the residential building industry that has been a leader in bringing together environmental experts and builders. RESNET provides an energy rating system called the HERS (Home Energy Rating System) Index. Home Energy Survey Professionals (HESP) use the HERS Index to rate buildings. All buildings that undergo the rating process are compared to the HERS Reference Home, which is based on the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code. The HESP uses a tool called REScheck to rate the home. A home built to the specifications of the HERS Reference Home scores a HERS index of 100, whereas a net zero energy home scores a HERS index of zero. The lower the home’s HERS index, the more energy efficient it is in comparison to the HERS Reference Home. RESNET Energy Surveys and Audits
  • 9. RESNET recognizes two categories of assessment for homes: the Home Energy Survey and the Comprehensive Home Energy Audit. Home Energy Survey There are three types of Home Energy Surveys:On-Line Home Energy In-Home Home Energy Diagnostic Home Energy Survey A homeowner can perform an On-Line Home Energy survey using software from the Internet. The In-Home Home Energy survey is a visual inspection performed by a HESP. The Diagnostic Home Energy survey includes all aspects of the In- Home Home Energy Survey, in addition to diagnostic testing such as blower door testing, duct leakage testing, and infrared scans. Comprehensive Home Energy Audit The Comprehensive Home Energy Audit is by far the most detailed inspection. This includes an evaluation of both the house and any previously collected data; performance testing, including combustion appliance testing; computer simulations detailing the home’s current level of energy efficiency; how improvements will decrease both the homeowner’s energy costs and environmental costs; and a scope of work for the home. State Standards It is beyond the scope of this module to list the green building standards in effect in every state. Instead, we wish to provide tools people can use to become familiar with the standards in effect in their state, region, and city. Building Energy Codes Program The DOE’s Building Energy Codes Program allows the user to look up the status of energy codes in every state. This tool also allows users to view maps that show which states use REScheck and COMcheck-Plus. COMcheck-Plus is a program developed by the DOE’s Building Energy Codes Program to make it easier to measure a building’s compliance with the commercial building energy code.
  • 10. Visit the Buidling Energy Codes Program website for more information. Building Energy Codes Resource Center The Building Energy Codes Resource Center was created as a tool people can use to obtain information about energy codes. The Resource Center includes information in the form of articles, graphics, presentations, online tools, and videos. Visit the Building Energy Codes Resource Center for more information. Required Videos: Before we get started with the overall course on weatherization, please watch these two video presentations in order to gain a greater understanding of the concepts and importance of a solid weatherization program. Introduction to Weatherization Weatherization Assistance Program: A Program That Works Required Presentation: Introduction to Weatherization Example annotation: synopsis of secondary source material Page 1 is the back of the Title page. It lists the following pertinent information: 1. Author of essay or book 2. Title 3. Publisher 4. Publication Date This information provides your readers with the precise edition of the book you used for reference. That way if someone wants to check your sources, they will know exactly which published
  • 11. version you used. Often there are different versions published at different times. Also, you will use this information in your bibliography or works cited page. Failure to properly document your sources results in plagiarism, which is a crime. Original ideas are protected in the United States. To plagiarize could result in failure and sometimes expulsion. Take it seriously. Sample: Harold Bloom Shakespeare: the invention of the human Chapter 19, “Henry V” Pages 319-324 Harold Bloom’s essay on Shakespeare compares the development of Prince Hal in HenryIV parts 1 and 2 with King Henry in what he considers a lesser play, Henry V. Although various movies have made Henry V popular, Bloom feels that King Henry is less varied than Prince Hal and that he shows a certain moral weakness by deserting his friends, primarily one of Shakespeare’s most popular characters, Falstaff. King Henry’s great virtue is his ability to stir his troops to fight, which Bloom feels he did by promising what he had no intention to deliver, to make his soldiers “gentlemen” (320). Bloom accounts for this character transition by citing Henry V’s own popularity as a “brutally shrewd” king who was one of England’s most successful monarchs up to that point in history (322). He also mentions the political problem Shakespeare probably had with the state censors who had already silenced Christopher Marlowe and Ben Johnson. Shakespeare would have had to help perpetuate the “Tudor Myth” of divine right, a difficult edge to walk when writing about a non-Tudor, yet immensely popular king. Bloom goes on to write that the basis of Henry V is ironic. This
  • 12. irony stems from an allusion contributed to Fleullen about Henry’s likeness to the great Greek hero Alexander whose life Henry’s parallels in many ways, including killing their best friends and their early deaths. While Henry's many flaws make him a poor specimen of a human being, this “militarism, brutality, pious hypocrisy all are outshone by England’s charismatic hero-king.” (324). While not Shakespeare's best history play, we are still rewarded with the reading. Cheeseman 10 Work Cited Brindle, Reginald Smith. “The Search Outwards: The Orient, Jazz, Archaisms.” The New Music: The Avant-Garde Since 1945. New York: Oxford UP, 1975. 133-45. Burnett, James. “Ellington’s Place as a Composer.” Gammond 1412-55. Ellington, Duke. Afro-Eurasian Eclipse. 19712. Fantasy, 1991. ---. Black, Brown, and Beige. 1945. RCA Bluebird, 1988. ---. The Far East Suite. LP, RCA, 1965. Gammon, Peter, ed. Duke Ellington: His Life and Music. 1958. New York: Da Capo, 1977. Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Avant-Garde Music: From Debussy to Boulez. New York: Oxford UP, 1978. Haase, John Edward. Beyond Category: The Life and Genius of Duke Ellington. Fwd. Wynton Marsalis. New York: Simon, 1993 Hitchcock, H. Wiley. Music in the United States: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice, 1974. Rattenbury, Ken. Duke Ellington, Jazz Composer. New Haven: Yale UP, 1990. Southern, Eileen. The Music of Black Americans: A History. 2nd ed. New York: Norton, 1983 Tucker, Mark, ed. The Duke Ellington Reader. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.
  • 13. Sample First Page of a Research Paper Don F. Cheeseman English Hero Professor White 17 December 2001 The Hero Based on “Their Power of Action” In studying the impact of Northrup Frye's classification system on my “Adventure of the Hero” class, historians tend to note the outstanding contributions from such figures as James Lin (Mr. and Mrs. Lin; Great Asian Heroes 104-39), whose brilliant insight into the nature of the romantic hero earned accolades from the class and extra points on his quarter grade. Lin seemed possessed of an almost divinely inspired understanding of both J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring and T.H.White’s “The Ill-Made Knight.” In addition, the class itself, though usually highly competitive, was so deeply influenced by Lin’s obviously brilliant insight, that they felt not the least bit jealous of his success. As Frazier and Butler both commented shortly after Lin made the connection between Grendel and Gollom, “Wow!” Even Loulakis exclaimed, “that guy has Hero-class game.” In fact, that particular incident was the first noted moment in the class when both Ford and Perry heard the same thing, Butler was not dozing, Gillespie was smiling and Gray was…just was. It was a non quiz day, so Tripp was in bathroom and Andreas was not at the moment discussing his problems with his girl friend with Raul who, despite what Andreas may have thought, was at that moment dreaming of an IAC tennis Championship. Contributors in the class included the “Asian Connection,” a duo of 2nd language students, Mr. Hong and Mr. Park, who had to constantly restrain themselves to not embarrass their American counterparts too badly, Long Ekstrom and Spinning Mosca who were on a special schedule which included college attendance in addition to their regular high classes, and Devin Waddell who got it. There, in attendance,
  • 14. were also the misbegotten, as usual, attracted to Mr. C’s rather radical idea that, contrary to popular “Adult” belief, things were actually getting better. “Who wouldn’t want to be a kid again?” Most adults believed that this last group held little promise in the world. Mr. C, on the contrary, would have felt honored to have any of them on his side when the going got tough. He’d seen “The Dirty Dozen” at least a dozen times. He longed to play Lee Marvin’s part. Contrary Yoda man, desiring the essence of film to make his, little attention paid. Accidently discovering his audience at everything laughed as long as on the screen it was projected, catapulted to heights he was, dizzying and long before the ground his feet hit and long before jaded he became at the philistine’s lack of wit, heard to remark he was: “Oh! I knew that already. That was what I meant. You didn’t hear me correctly. Pout. Pout. Pout. Pout. Pout. Pout outrageously. But not as outrageously as this (trying to stand on his head but failing outrageously). Loud crash. Disturbance. Offend. Offend. Offend. Grown Old, as time preys. Cannibals of time crunck yummy minutes inside a brain eased by dis. I think I’ll go, he and take a….” Fortunately, listening no one at that moment was nor could hear inside his mind was happening what. Although his teacher had almost god-like patience, he too weary became at Antics by Contrary Man. One wonders, where is Contrary man land? Or space for that matter? Inner or outer. One can only hope up he will grow, tree from acorn he, before storm over him blows and into dust he tumbles. Image from: HERO CLASS RESEARCH PAPER - CHEESEMAN 1. Task Definition Where do I start? You are to complete a Research Project for the 1st semester
  • 15. Hero Class– You must pick a book with literary merit that must be approved by the teacher (please avoid popular fiction or non- fiction): You may select your book through the George Library DESTINY catalog. In researching your book you should begin with the resources available to you from your research guide that are accessible from the George Library web page. You must select 7credible and appropriate (pertain to your topic), scholarly articles from scholarly sources plus 2 books (chapters) and annotate them. The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the process of gathering information from a library. In learning the method of gathering and annotating information, you will be that much more prepared when required to write and research in college. You are expected to: · Select a book · Submit a Synopsis of the Plot · Submit a Characterization of Protagonist and Antagonist · Complete Your Book · Formulate a Working Thesis”· Submit a Working Outline · Research and Select Articles to Support Your Thesis · Complete a Preliminary Bibliography and a Short Description of the Main Points and Sub-topics of the Articles you have selected. · Submit a First Draft
  • 16. · Turn in your FINAL Draft Your teacher will give you your due dates. Select a Paper Format:1. A paper on a particular work. You might treat character (for example, "The Character of Bottom in A Midsummer's Night Dream", or "The Question of Whether Willy Loman is a Hero or Antihero in "Death of a Salesman"), or tone, ideas, form, problems, and the like. A research paper on a single work is similar to an essay on the same work, except that the research paper takes into account more views and fact than those you are likely to have without the research. 2. A paper based on a comparison and contrast. These are two types: a. A paper on an idea of some artistic quality common to two or more authors. Your intention might be to show points of similarity or contrast or to show that one author's work may be read as a criticism of another's. A possible subject of such a paper might be "The Theme of Ineffectuality in Behn, Eliot, Steinbeck, and Williams," or "Behn's Antimale Poems in the Context of Male Domination Lyric Poetry of the Seventeenth Century." b. A paper concentrating on opposing critical views of a particular work or body of work. Sometimes much is to be gained from an examination of differing critical opinions. "The Question of Hamlet's Hesitation." 3. A paper showing the influence of an idea, an author, a philosophy, a political situation, or an artistic movement on a specific work of an author. As this paper has the potential to run long, this type of paper might have to be modified to suit
  • 17. the length requirement. 4. A paper on the origins of a particular work or type of work. 2 INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES What are the possible sources of information I can use? Use:– Online References Internet Sites from your RESEARCH GUIDE Books If necessary you may go to a university or college library to find additional resources. 3. LOCATION AND ACCESS Where will I find these sources? Use the DESTINY catalog to find books in our library. Use the recommended databases and web sites found on your Library Research Guide. Passwords are available in the library. 4. USE OF INFORMATION Deciding what information to use and how I will use this information The Research Paper Traditional procedure 1. If possible, select a subject that interests you and that you can treat within the assigned limits of time and space. Your paper will be 8-10 pages.
  • 18. 2. Determine your purpose in writing the paper. 3. Consider the audience – your peers and your teacher. Remember that your teacher is an ‘expert’ in the field. 4. Develop a thesis statement expressing the central idea of your paper. 5. Gather your ideas and information in a preliminary list, eliminating anything that would weaken your paper. 6. Arrange materials in an order appropriate to the aims of the paper and decide on the method you will use in developing your ideas (definition, classification, analysis, comparison and contrast, example) 7. Make a detailed outline to help you keep to your plan as you write. 8. Write a preliminary draft critically and try to improve it, revising, rearranging, adding, and eliminating words, phrases, and sentences to make the writing more effective. Follow the same procedure with each subsequent draft. 9. Proofread the final draft, making all final corrections 5. SYNTHESIS Putting your information together. Follow these guidelines: 1. Cover page. 2. 7 annotations– typed. Use MLA stylebook for correct documentation and citation. You must correctly quote from each article in your annotation. 3. Copies of 7 scholarly articles from which annotations were written. 4. Annotated Bibliography . 6. EVALUATION Reviewing your project. You must reference your source each fact that you express. You must cite the sources that have lead you there or that support your arguments.
  • 19. Finished assignment fulfills task. · Information found matches information needed? · How well did my paper turn out? · Did I revise with a critical eye? · Sources are credited. · Was I happy with my process of finding and using information? · Work is complete and includes name and date. · Work is handed in on time. · How would I do a similar project in the future? [INSERT TITLE HERE] 1 Running head: [INSERT TITLE HERE] [INSERT TITLE HERE] Student Name Allied American University
  • 20. Author Note This paper was prepared for [INSERT COURSE NAME], [INSERT COURSE ASSIGNMENT] taught by [INSERT INSTRUCTOR’S NAME]. Directions: Please provide a response to each of the following questions using APA guidelines for formatting and citations. Each response must be at least one paragraph in length consisting of three to five sentences. 1. Define energy. 2. How much total energy, wood, and water resources do buildings use? 3. How has the world’s population increased in the last two hundred years? 4. When did the Weatherization Assistance Program begin and what is its purpose? 5. What are the benefits received by families whose homes are weatherized under the Weatherization Assistance Program? 6. What action did President Obama take in March of 2009 that will benefit the Weatherization Assistance Program? How will the program benefit? 7. What is the certification program that is maintained by the U.S. Green Building Council? How many certification levels are there in this program and what are they?
  • 21. 8. What are the reasons an individual might apply for an Energy Efficient Mortgage? 9. What are some of the goals that the National Association of Home Builders strives toward? 10. Describe the types of home assessments that are offered by RESNET.