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A Dissertation submitted to the University of Cyprus in Partial Fulfilment of the
requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
JULY 2014
© Ioannis Kirmitzoglou, 2014
Doctoral Candidate: Ioannis Kirmitzoglou
Doctoral Thesis Title: Development of algorithms and software for unravelling the biolog-
ical role of low complexity regions in protein sequences.
The present Doctoral Dissertation was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Department of Biological Sciences and was
approved on the 22th of July by the members of the Examination Committee.
Examination Committee:
Research Supervisor: Vasilis J. Promponas, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Cyprus.
Committee Member: Leondios G. Kostrikis, Professor, President of the Examination
Committee, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus
Committee Member: Paris A. Skourides, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Cyprus
Committee Member: Christos Ouzounis, Head of the Biological Computation & Process
Laboratory, Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, Centre for Research and
Technology Hellas, Greece
Committee Member: Ioannis Iliopoulos, Lecturer, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty
of Medicine, University of Crete.
The present doctoral dissertation was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Cyprus. It is a product of origi-
nal work of my own, unless otherwise mentioned through references, notes, or any other
Ioannis Kirmitzoglou
Abstract [in Greek language]
Πολλές πρωτεΐνες είναι εμπλουτισμένες σε περιοχές με ακραία αμινοξική σύσταση. Έχει
δειχθεί ότι τέτοιες πρωτεΐνες διαδραματίζουν σημαντικούς βιολογικούς ρόλους αλλά,
λόγω των ιδιαίτερων βιοχημικών ιδιοτήτων τους, η μελέτη τους έχει αποδειχθεί δύσκολη
μέχρι τώρα. Επιπρόσθετα, τέτοιες περιοχές με χαμηλή πολυπλοκότητα, αποκλίνουν ξε-
κάθαρα από το μοντέλο τυχαίας σύστασης που χρησιμοποιείται για τον υπολογισμό της
στατιστικής σημαντικότητας των αποτελεσμάτων αναζήτησης σε βάσεις δεδομένων
πρωτεϊνικών αλληλουχιών. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την παραγωγή (συχνά μεγάλου α-
ριθμού) ψευδώς αληθών αποτελεσμάτων. Έχουν προταθεί πολλές προσεγγίσεις για την
αντιμετώπιση αυτού του προβλήματος, αλλά η εύρεση του βέλτιστου τρόπου αντιμετώ-
πισης αυτών των περιοχών εξακολουθεί να είναι αντικείμενο ενεργής έρευνας. Επιπρό-
σθετα, υπάρχει έλλειψη εργαλείων για την αναζήτηση και απεικόνιση τέτοιων περιοχών
χαμηλής πολυπλοκότητας (ΠΧΠ) που θα μπορούσαν να βοηθήσουν σε πιο πολύπλοκες
(υπολογιστικά) προσπάθειες για την κατανόηση του βιολογικού ρόλου πρωτεϊνικών αλ-
ληλουχιών με ΠΧΠ.
Στα πλαίσια αυτής της διατριβής, ελέγξαμε και επιβεβαιώσαμε την αποτελεσματικότητα
όλων των τρόπων αντιμετώπισης των ΠΧΠ που προσφέρονται από το BLAST με την προ-
σθήκη του φιλτραρίσματος της βάσης δεδομένων με τα προγράμματα λογισμικού SEG
και CAST. Επινοήσαμε μια εμπεριστατωμένη μέθοδο επαλήθευσης των σωστών αποτε-
λεσμάτων και δείξαμε ότι οι αποτελεσματικότερες μέθοδοι αντιμετώπισης των ΠΧΠ ήταν
κάποιες που δεν είχαν αξιολογηθεί μέχρι τώρα. Με βάση τα αποτελέσματα μας, προτεί-
νουμε την εφαρμογή του φιλτραρίσματος τόσο της αλληλουχίας-ερώτημα όσο και της
βάσης δεδομένων με το CAST σε όλες τις μεγάλης κλίμακας υπολογιστικές μελέτες συ-
γκριτικής γονιδιωματικής, ειδικά εάν τα σύνολα δεδομένων είναι πλούσια σε ΠΧΠ. Αυτή
η προσέγγιση δείχθηκε να μειώνει τις υπολογιστικές απαιτήσεις αυξάνοντας ταυτόχρονα
την ευαισθησία της εύρεσης ομολόγων. Προκειμένου να επιταχύνουμε την ευρύτερη
υιοθέτηση του CAST από την επιστημονική κοινότητα, αναπτύξαμε μία νέα έκδοση με
σημαντικές βελτιώσεις στην ταχύτητα του και με επιπρόσθετα χαρακτηριστικά που κά-
νουν τη χρήση σε πλήρως αυτοματοποιημένα περιβάλλοντα ακόμα ευκολότερη.
Επιπρόσθετα, αναπτύξαμε τον LCR-eXXXplorer, ένα καινοτόμο διαδικτυακό τόπο με μο-
ναδικά διεθνώς εργαλεία στοχευμένα στους ερευνητές που ενδιαφέρονται για τις ΠΧΠ.
Συγκρινόμενος με τις λίγες άλλες παρόμοιες υπηρεσίες, ο LCR-eXXXplorer όχι μόνο προ-
σφέρει στους ερευνητές την δυνατότητα να αναζητήσουν εύκολα και γρήγορα μεταξύ
εκατομμυρίων σχολιασμένων ΠΧΠ, αλλά και να τις απεικονίσουν με ένα ευέλικτο και λει-
τουργικό τρόπο που επιτρέπει την άμεση σύγκριση με σχολιασμούς άλλων βάσεων δε-
δομένων (όπως η UniProtKB) αλλά και προγνώσεων που σχετίζονται με τις ΠΧΠ.
Χρησιμοποιώντας τα εργαλεία που αναπτύχθηκαν κατά την διάρκεια αυτής τη μελέτης,
εξερευνήσαμε την χρηστικότητα γνωρισμάτων που βασίζονται στην ολική και τοπική α-
μινοξική σύσταση πρωτεϊνών που κωδικοποιούνται από πλήρη γονιδιώματα για την
πρόγνωση φαινοτυπικών χαρακτηριστικών των αντίστοιχων ειδών. Συγκεκριμένα, χρησι-
μοποιήσαμε μια σειρά από πλήρως αλληλουχημένα γονιδιώματα στελεχών του γένους
Escherichia για την πρόγνωση της παθογονικότητας κάθε στελέχους. Πραγματοποιώντας
εκτενείς προσομοιώσεις με τεχνητά σύνολα δεδομένων που προσομοίωναν πρωτεϊνικά
υποσύνολα από ημιτελείς μετα-γονιδιωματικές συλλογές, δείξαμε ότι η πρόγνωση της
παθογονικότητας με υψηλή ακρίβεια είναι δυνατή ακόμα και με τόσο περιορισμένη
Τα πρωτότυπα αποτελέσματά μας ανοίγουν νέες κατευθύνσεις για επιπρόσθετη έρευνα
τόσο στην ορθή επικύρωση των εργαλείων αναζήτησης ομοιότητας όσο και στην σωστή
υλοποίηση μεγάλης κλίμακας πειραμάτων αναζήτησης αλληλουχιών. Επιπρόσθετα, ανα-
μένουμε ότι η προσέγγισή μας για την αξιοποίηση υπογραφών βασισμένων στην αμινο-
ξική σύσταση (πιθανώς ημιτελών) (μέτα-) γονιδιωματικών δεδομένων μπορεί εύκολα να
επεκταθεί για να καλύπτει και άλλα είδη και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε σημαντικές
εφαρμογές βιοασφάλειας όπως είναι η συνεχής επιτήρηση για ξεσπάσματα επιδημιών.
Η εργασία αυτή χρηματοδοτήθηκε εν μέρει από το ϊδρυμα Προώθησης Έρευνας μέσω
του προγράμματος ΠΕΝΕΚ/ENIΣΧ/0308/77.
Many proteins are enriched in segments of extreme amino acid compositions. Such com-
positionally biased proteins are increasingly shown to play important biological roles but,
due to their biochemical properties, they have been hard to study so far. In addition, such
segments of low complexity clearly deviate from the random model used to evaluate the
statistical significance of database search algorithms, leading to the production of (often
large numbers of) false positive similarity detection cases. Several approaches have been
proposed for addressing this drawback, but finding the most effective way to deal with
such regions is still a subject of active research. Moreover, there is a lack of readily acces-
sible tools for searching and visualizing low complexity regions (LCRs) which may facilitate
more advanced (computational) approaches for elucidating the biological roles of LCR-
containing proteins.
In this work we tested and verified the effectiveness of all LCR-handling methods offered
by BLAST with the addition of database masking with CAST or SEG. We devised a compre-
hensive validation approach and demonstrated that yet untested schemes are the most
appropriate for this task. More specifically, we propose that two-way CAST masking
should be adopted in large-scale computational comparative genomics studies, especially
for datasets with high LCR content. This approach is shown to guarantee the reduction of
necessary computational resources (CPU time, storage space) while increasing the sensi-
tivity of homolog detection. To facilitate the wider adoption of CAST, we also developed a
new version with significant speed-up improvements and pipeline-friendly features.
Moreover, we developed LCR-eXXXplorer, a novel web-based system with unique proper-
ties and features for researchers interested in LCRs. Compared to the few similar services
available, LCR-eXXXplorer not only provides researches with the ability to easily and accu-
rately search among millions of annotated LCRs, but also to display them in an attractive
and functional fashion, allowing direct comparison with annotations stored in other
online databases, such as UniProtKB, and predicted properties commonly associated with
LCRs. This system is designed in a modular way, enabling future addition of other datasets
or support of additional LCR-detection algorithms.
Using the tools developed in this study, we investigated the utility of global and local
compositional features computed from proteins encoded in complete genomes for pre-
dicting phenotypic traits of the respective species. More specifically, we used a number of
completely sequenced genomes of species/strains of the genus Escherichia for predicting
the pathogenicity of each strain. By performing extensive simulations with artificial da-
tasets resembling protein subsets from incomplete metagenomic assemblies we illustrate
that even with such limited information accurate prediction of pathogenicity is feasible.
Our original findings open new directions for further research both in the proper valida-
tion of sequence similarity search tools and in the proper implementation of large-scale
sequence search pipelines. Furthermore, we anticipate that our approach for utilizing
compositional signatures from (possibly incomplete) (meta-) genomic data may be easily
extended to cover other lineages and be directly applicable in important biosafety appli-
cations, such as epidemiological monitoring.
This work was funded in part by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation through the
grant ΠΕΝΕΚ/ENIΣΧ/0308/77.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my Research Supervisor Dr. Vasillis J. Promponas
for all the guidance and support he provided. He was also the one who came up with the
idea of my thesis’ subject, which turned out to be both fascinating and original. Vasillis,
besides being a brilliant researcher and supervisor, is also a great friend and has always
helped me when things got tough. I also owe him some of the funniest memories of my
life which, almost always, took place in one of the many national and international meet-
ings and conferences we attended together. I hope our collaboration and friendship will
endure for many years to come.
I would also like to thank all the other members of my Examining Committee, Dr. Ioannis
Iliopoulos, Dr. Leontios Kostrikis, Dr. Christos Ouzounis & Dr. Paris Skourides for their crit-
ical comments and useful remarks on my manuscript and presentation. Their input was
invaluable and helped the overall quality of my thesis. Many thanks also go to Dr. Niovi
Santama who also gave invaluable comments as a member of my Thesis Proposal Com-
mittee but, unfortunately, was unable to attend my viva voce.
A big thanks goes to all my colleagues in the lab and especially Athina Theodosiou, Stella
Tamana, Ioanna Kalvari and Maria Xenophontos not only for always helping me when in
need but also for being part of a tight, friendly and funny team. I wish them the best in
their lives and I have no doubts that they will all produce brilliant science.
I would also like to thank the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation for funding and
supporting a big part of this research through a PENEK grant (ΠΕΝΕΚ/ENIΣΧ/0308/77).
Hopefully they also feel that their money was spent for a good cause .
During the last year of my PhD I was lucky enough to work as part of a great team led by
Dr. George Christophides for a project irrelevant with my thesis. Despite that, George and
my colleagues demonstrated a great amount of patience and understating and essentially
allowed me to deal exclusively with my PhD for the past 3 months. I am grateful to them
because without their help and tolerance I seriously doubt I would have been able to fi-
nalize my thesis on time.
I am more than grateful to Marilena Aplikioti, my life partner for the past 11 years. I owe
so much to her… her love, beauty, patience, and endurance helped me to keep up with
my dream even at times I was sure that I was never meant to become a researcher. Thank
you very much Marilena, I will always love you.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents and my brother. Since only my brother speaks
and reads English, allow me to write this part in Greek.
Αγαπημένοι μου γονείς και αδερφέ, δεν μπορώ να εκφράσω με λόγια πόσα σας χρωστώ
και πόσο σας αγαπώ. Σας ευχαριστώ που ήσασταν πάντα δίπλα μου και δεν πάψατε να
πιστεύετε σε εμένα και στο όνειρό μου ούτε ένα λεπτό. Να ξέρετε ότι σας σκέφτομαι ό-
που και αν βρίσκομαι. Σας αγαπώ πολύ!.
Ioannis Kirmitzoglou.
ABSTRACT [IN GREEK LANGUAGE]............................................................................................................. III
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... V
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..............................................................................................................................VII
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... XII
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................XIV
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 EXTREMES IN LOCAL SEQUENCE COMPOSITION...............................................................................................1
1.2 DEFINITIONS OF PROTEIN SEQUENCE SEGMENTS WITH LOW COMPLEXITY............................................................3
1.2.1 First of all, some “history”..........................................................................................................3
1.2.2 Definitions..................................................................................................................................3
Low Complexity Regions .......................................................................................................................................4
Intrinsically Disordered proteins...........................................................................................................................5
Tandem, Cryptic and Interspersed repeats...........................................................................................................6
Simple Sequences .................................................................................................................................................7
Linguistic Complexity ............................................................................................................................................7
1.3 ALGORITHMS CAPABLE OF DETECTING LCRS..................................................................................................8
1.3.1 SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) ...........................................................................................8
1.3.2 CAST (Promponas et al., 2000) ...................................................................................................9
1.3.3 (Wise, 2001).....................................................................................................................11
1.3.4 DSR (Wan et al., 2003) .............................................................................................................12
1.3.5 CARD (Shin and Kim, 2005).......................................................................................................13
1.3.6 BIAS (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006)..........................................................................................14
1.3.7 LPS (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Harrison, 2006) .....................................15
1.3.8 Others.......................................................................................................................................15
1.4 COMPOSITION BASED STATISTICS (SCHAFFER ET AL., 2001; YU AND ALTSCHUL, 2005)........................................16
1.5 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCR-HANDLING TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH.....................................................17
1.6 AVAILABLE SERVICES TO SEARCH AND VISUALIZE LCRS....................................................................................19
1.8 SCOPE OF THIS STUDY..............................................................................................................................24
2 DATA & METHODS ...........................................................................................................................26
2.1 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCR-HANDLING TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH.....................................................26
2.1.1 Data collection .........................................................................................................................26
2.1.2 LCR masking.............................................................................................................................27
2.1.3 Running modes.........................................................................................................................27
2.1.4 Sequence comparisons.............................................................................................................29
2.1.5 Εvaluation of full genome self-comparisons ............................................................................30
2.1.6 Evaluation of ASTRAL-based benchmarks................................................................................32
2.2.1 Data Collection.........................................................................................................................35
2.2.2 System Description & Architecture...........................................................................................35
2.2.3 Database of protein sequences and annotations.....................................................................36
Database schema................................................................................................................................................36
GFF3 files: creation and loading into the database.............................................................................................37
2.2.4 The web service........................................................................................................................38
Local BLAST searches ..........................................................................................................................................43
2.3.1 Data Collection.........................................................................................................................44
2.3.2 Detection of LCRs .....................................................................................................................45
2.3.3 Generation of compositional signatures..................................................................................47
2.3.4 Genome clustering ...................................................................................................................48
2.3.5 Generation of simulated incomplete genomes ........................................................................49
2.3.6 Predictive models: creation and validation..............................................................................49
2.3.7 Generation of chimeric genomes .............................................................................................50
Transformation of the original 22 genomes........................................................................................................51
Generation of artificial genomes with specific properties ..................................................................................51
3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION....................................................................................................................52
3.1 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCR DETECTION TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH ....................................................52
3.1.1 LCR content ..............................................................................................................................52
Full proteomes....................................................................................................................................................52
ASTRAL40 versus UniProt/SwissProt ....................................................................................................................54
3.1.2 Execution Times and Output File Sizes .....................................................................................56
Full proteome self-comparisons .........................................................................................................................56
ASTRAL-based comparisons................................................................................................................................58
3.1.3 Performance of the various running modes.............................................................................60
Full proteome self-comparisons .........................................................................................................................60
ASTRAL-based benchmarks.................................................................................................................................63
3.2.1 Description of LCR-eXXXplorer .................................................................................................72
General Description ............................................................................................................................................72
Key functionality .................................................................................................................................................72
3.3.1 Clustering of Escherichia strains based on global and local compositional signatures............86
3.3.2 Training and validation of binary classification models capable of prediction the pathogenicity
of Escherichia strains based on global and local compositional signatures...........................................91
3.3.3 Exploration for the identification of proteomic subsets responsible for the predictive power of
the final models......................................................................................................................................94
3.4 A NEW GENERATION OF THE CAST ALGORITHM............................................................................................99
4 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................104
4.1 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCRS DETECTION TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH.................................................104
5 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................109
6 SUPPLEMENT..................................................................................................................................122
6.1 SERVICES SIMILAR TO LCR-EXXXPLORER...................................................................................................122
6.1.1 NCBI BLAST.............................................................................................................................122
6.1.2 UniProtKB/SwissProt..............................................................................................................124
6.1.3 InterPro ..................................................................................................................................126
6.1.4 RepeatsDB..............................................................................................................................129
6.1.5 HRaP.......................................................................................................................................130
6.2 SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES & TABLES........................................................................................................133
6.3 PUBLICATIONS / PRESENTATIONS DERIVED FROM THIS WORK ........................................................................137
6.4 PUBLICATIONS / PRESENTATIONS RELATED WITH THIS WORK .........................................................................138
6.5 OTHER PUBLICATIONS ...........................................................................................................................139
6.6 CODE SNIPPETS....................................................................................................................................141
List of Figures
Figure 1-1. Protein (sequence) databases grow exponentially with time......................................... 2
Figure 1-2. The "protein details" view of LPS-annotate. .....................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2-1. Running modes evaluated in this study......................................................................... 28
Figure 2-2. Self-comparison best hits: ideal case versus real-life.................................................... 30
Figure 2-3. Flowchart of the method used to evaluate the performance of the different masking
modes.......................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 2-4. The database schema of LCR-eXXXplorer...................................................................... 37
Figure 2-5. Search results in LCR-eXXXplorer. ................................................................................. 40
Figure 2-6. Generation of compositional signatures. ...................................................................... 48
Figure 3-1. Low complexity content of the four proteomes used in this study, according to SEG
and CAST. .................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 3-2. LCRs distribution in sequence and structure databases and their evolution in time. .. 53
Figure 3-3. Execution times for the completion of BLASTP all-against-all self-comparisons. ......... 57
Figure 3-4. Sizes of BLASTP all-against-all self-comparisons output files........................................ 57
Figure 3-5. Execution-times for ASTRAL-based BLASTP comparisons with two different 𝐸-value
thresholds; 0.001 (magenta) and 100 (cyan).............................................................................. 58
Figure 3-6. File sizes for ASTRAL-based BLASTP comparisons with two different 𝐸-value
thresholds; 0.001 (magenta) and 100 (cyan).............................................................................. 59
Figure 3-7. Comparison of the results obtained by the various masking modes. ........................... 61
Figure 3-8. Comparison of the results obtained by the various running modes............................. 62
Figure 3-9. E-value versus FP rank................................................................................................... 64
Figure 3-10. Errors per query versus 𝐸-value. ................................................................................. 64
Figure 3-11. Number of TP versus FP hits........................................................................................ 65
Figure 3-12. Truncated ROC plots.................................................................................................... 65
Figure 3-13. Distributions of interesting properties versus the number of hits.............................. 67
Figure 3-14. Distributions of interesting properties versus the number of hits.............................. 68
Figure 3-15. Distributions of interesting properties versus the number of hits.............................. 69
Figure 3-16. Detailed comparisons of selected features between running modes......................... 71
Figure 3-17. The "protein details" view of LCR-eXXXplorer............................................................. 76
Figure 3-18. Configuration options for a combo-track in LCR-eXXXplorer...................................... 78
Figure 3-19. The advanced search plugin ........................................................................................ 80
Figure 3-20. The "Submit to NCBI BLASTP" plugin options.............................................................. 83
Figure 3-21. Exporting to PNG in LCR-eXXXplorer. .......................................................................... 85
Figure 3-22. Download (A) decorated & (B) masked FASTA files. ................................................... 85
Figure 3-23. Comparison of the SIM similarity measure for all the gene-count classes. ................ 90
Figure 3-24. Performance metrics for the final predictive models.................................................. 92
Figure 3-25. Heatmap view of the Global composition signature (GC)........................................... 93
Figure 3-26. Performance metrics of the predictive models built from genomes containing only
specific classes of sequences. ..................................................................................................... 96
Figure 3-27. Percentage of chimeric “genomes” predicted as pathogenic plotted against the
“genome” size............................................................................................................................. 98
Figure 3-28. Computational performance of CAST running against 7 genomes with varying levels
of LCR content........................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 3-29. Computational performance of CAST running against P. falciparum and the observed
speed-up factor compared to CAST v.1.0 (gcc)......................................................................... 101
Figure 6-1. NCBI BLASTP presentation and handling of LCRs. ....................................................... 123
Figure 6-2. Annotations in UniProt/SwissProt............................................................................... 124
Figure 6-3. Examples of repeats annotated in UniProt/SwissProt. ............................................... 126
Figure 6-4. Searching by domain organisation in InterPro. ........................................................... 128
Figure 6-5. The user interface of RepeatsDB................................................................................. 130
Figure 6-6. Homorepeats found in Homo sapiens according to HRaP. ......................................... 132
Figure 6-7. Detailed view of a protein matching search criteria in HRaP...................................... 132
List of Tables
Table 1. Methods for detecting regions of non-standard local amino acid composition in protein
sequences. .................................................................................................................................. 16
Table 2. Running modes chosen for presentation in this study. ..................................................... 29
Table 3. Classification of protein sequences based on the output of the BLASTP comparisons..... 33
Table 4. Completely sequence genomes of Escherichia strains used in this study......................... 46
Table 5. ROCn values and standard deviations for evaluated BLASTP modes. ............................... 66
Table 6. UniProt/SwissProt annotations displayed in LCR-eXXXplorer and their organization in
categories.................................................................................................................................... 74
Table 7. Description of the fields (columns) in the CSV files available for download in LCR-
eXXXplorer. ................................................................................................................................. 84
Table 8. Mean similarity (SIM) scores for all generated sub-samples............................................. 87
Table 9. Predicted pathogenicity for the 3 strains of our dataset that we were unable to verify
their pathogenicity using the literature...................................................................................... 93
Table 10. Sequence classes for every strain of the training set. ..................................................... 95
Table 11. P. falciparum proteins affected using the –skip 5 option of CAST v2.1..................... 102
Table 12. Computational performance of CAST and SEG running against 7 genomes with varying
levels of LCR content................................................................................................................. 103
Table 13. LCR-related entries in InterPro may belong to any of the four entry types. ................. 127
1 Introduction
1.1 Extremes in Local Sequence Composition
The continuous explosion in the amount of biological sequence data stored in public da-
tabases (Figure 1-1) requires fast and reliable tools for its proper utilisation. Amongst the
most prevalent tools for extracting biological knowledge out of macromolecular sequenc-
es are sequence comparison tools, which enable the identification of similarities between
a newly described sequence and (possibly annotated) sequences within a database. Those
similarities can provide essential information for the detection of homologues, which is
the first step towards the (automated) in silico inference of functional, structural and evo-
lutionary features of protein molecules (Andrade et al., 1999; Hoersch et al., 2000). Effi-
cient and sensitive algorithms, such as FASTA (Pearson and Lipman, 1988; Pearson, 1990)
and BLAST (Altschul et al., 1997, 1990), have been developed to facilitate the rapid execu-
tion of similarity searches. BLAST is perhaps the most heavily used mainly because of its
speed, sensitivity, and the incorporation of rigorous statistics for the evaluation of hits.
Inherent to statistical estimates of significance of database hits, lies the assumption that
amino acid sequences are random polypeptides drawn from an underlying distribution
(Altschul et al., 1990; Karlin and Altschul, 1990; Karlin et al., 1990).
However, there exist segments of extreme local amino acid composition –also known as
compositionally biased or ‘low complexity’ regions (LCRs) (Wootton, 1994a) – that clearly
deviate from the random model used to evaluate statistical significance of hits. Those
segments confound the ability of the above methods, leading to the production of erro-
neous significant (false positives) and insignificant (false negatives) hits between a biased
query sequence and some database entries. Furthermore, such low complexity regions
were found to be very common. In a seminal paper, Wootton and Federhen (1993) have
shown that about half of the protein sequences deposited in UniProt/SwissProt1 (The
UniProt Consortium, 2014) contain such a region; more recently, Golding (1999) demon-
strated that LCRs are very frequent within yeast protein sequences, something which is
1; more specifically, when Wootton and Federhen compiled their results they used
a release of the SwissProt database (Bairoch and Boeckmann, 1992).
also true (and more prevalent) for the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pizzi and
Frontali, 2001; Promponas et al., 2000; Tsoka et al., 1999). Thus, it was soon realized that
low complexity regions require special treatment, since they tend to produce many spuri-
ous hits with specious high scores leading to large and confusing output lists, where hits
with a strong biological significance may be buried (Altschul et al., 1994; Wootton,
Figure 1-1. Protein (sequence) databases grow exponentially with time.
Growth graphs for 4 of the most commonly used public protein (sequence) databases.
Top left: NCBI/Proteins (source
Top right: UniProt/SwissProt (source
Bottom left: UniProt/TrEMBL (source
Bottom right: Protein Data Bank
The surprisingly simple, yet powerful, solution adapted, was to ‘mask’ those regions of
the query sequence with a residue character treated as neutral by database search soft-
ware (‘X’ in protein and ‘N’ in nucleic acid sequences respectively). Detecting such re-
gions though is far from simple and many different formulations of such solutions exist.
1.2 Definitions of Protein Sequence Segments with Low Complexity
1.2.1 First of all, some “history”
The very first algorithms introduced to detect and mask compositionally biased regions
were SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) and XNU (Claverie and States, 1993) for protein
and DUST (Morgulis et al., 2006; Tatusov and Lipman, unpublished) for nucleotide se-
quences. SEG and DUST were incorporated in the BLAST suite of programs since 1992
(Wootton, 1994b) and were used as the default option until recently, when they got re-
placed by compositional based statistics (CBS) (more info in section 1.4 below). Many
more algorithms exist today for this purpose (see section 1.3) and –while some of them
are quite similar– they deal with the problem of LCR detection in different ways, thus
producing varying results. Importantly, benchmarks have been carried out in different
contexts. For example, CAST seems to be a better choice than SEG for masking protein
sequences prior to database search where detection specificity plays an important role
(Kirmitzoglou and Promponas, 2007; also this work; Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003; Promponas
et al., 2000). On the other hand BIAS seems to be more sensitive than CAST and SEG in
the detection of compositionally biased regions rich in specific, user-defined, residues
(Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006).
1.2.2 Definitions
Karlin and Altschul were the first who examined the problems caused in sequence similar-
ity searches by the presence of “unusual patterns in a nucleic acid or protein sequence”
(1990). The reported patterns involve clusters of either heavily charged, hydrophobic or
cysteine residues. Wootton and Federhen (1993) used a well-established information
theory measure, the Shannon entropy (Shannon, 1948) as a proxy to the more expensive
computation of combinatorial complexity, to define and identify regions with unusual
amino acid composition which they termed as “low complexity”, since Shannon entropy is
a measure of the information encoded in a signal2. About the same time Claverie and
States (1993) dealt with the artefacts introduced into database search results by regions
Actually, there were previous works introducing information theoretic measures as an estimate of biological sequence complexity –
e.g. Salomon and Konopka (1992), whose approach was only used for the study of nucleotide sequences.
containing internal or intrinsic repeats; they described the latter as “low complexity” or
“low entropy” segments. While both of the above definitions share the same name, the
one by Wootton and Federhen is broader and covers most of the regions reported by the
methods presented in section 1.3 below. Furthermore, their definition is well established
due to the use of a robust mathematical framework3.
In any case, many definitions were given for sequences that match the criteria of “low
complexity”, even though many of the definitions use neither complexity nor entropy
measures to describe these sequences. In the following paragraphs we will try to summa-
rize the most important such definitions that exist in the literature, especially those ac-
companied with relevant software.
Low Complexity Regions
The most common definition used for these amino acid clusters is “Compositionally Bi-
ased Regions” or “Low Complexity Regions”. The basic principle, first described by Woot-
ton and Federhen (1993), is that complexity can be derived by the vector representation
of the compositional state of a sequence segment. Let us assume the following hypothet-
ical protein sequence as an example:
this sequence is L=12 residues long and its state complexity vector is defined as
which contains the counts of amino acid types of the example sequence in descending
order. Notice that the sum of all the numbers in the vector equals the length of the se-
quence. Using this vector as a starting point we can define two measures that describe
the complexity of any subsequence:
𝐾1 =
𝑙𝑜𝑔20 (
∏ 𝑛𝑖!20
) ( 1-1 )
Strictly speaking, many of the algorithms presented in this work do not detect “Low complexity regions” as defined by Wootton and
Federhen. Despite this, due to the popularity of the term among researches of the field, we will refer to all such detected regions as
LCRs, unless otherwise noted.
𝐾2 = − ∑
( 1-2 )
where 𝐾1 is the local compositional complexity of the sequence (or subsequence), 𝐾2 its
compositional entropy (or Shannon entropy) and 𝑛𝑖 are the 20 counts in the complexity
vector4. A third useful measure is the probability 𝑃0 for the occurrence of a specific com-
plexity state. In the case of equal prior probabilities for the appearance of the 20 amino
acids, 𝑃0 is:
𝑃0 =
20 𝐿
∏ 𝑛𝑖!20
) (
∏ 𝑟𝑘!𝐿
( 1-3 )
where 𝑟𝑘 are the counts of the number of occurrences of each number in the complexity
state vector.
It is clear that 𝐾1, 𝐾2 and 𝑃0 are all functions of the complexity state vector; this in turn
means that many different protein sequences can give equal complexity measures as long
as their vectors are the same (e.g. sequences AAWSTR, IILAYD and CKILLQ).
Moving a step further, Kuznetsov & Hwang (2006), divided the general term of composi-
tional bias into global and local compositional bias. The term of global bias is referring to
the entire protein sequence that is consisting of a large amount of specific residue types
and becomes one large compositionally biased segment. On the other side, the local bias
is more about protein sequences that their global composition conforms the random in-
dependence model but contain local clusters of over or under-represented residue types.
Intrinsically Disordered proteins
Another term that is frequently used to describe proteins sequences rich in LCRs is “in-
trinsically disordered proteins”. The term refers to proteins that (globally or partially) fail
to fold into a fixed three-dimensional (3D) structure. This may be the case for segments or
In fact, K2 was introduced in SEG as an approximation of K1, since computation of factorials was very demanding with the computers
available in early 90s. Within the SEG software logarithms were tabulated and approximated by interpolation, so actually SEG per-
formed a fast lookup to compute K2.
even the entirety of the protein chain. Often, these chains do fold into a fixed structure
upon interaction with another protein (Romero et al., 2001; Schnell et al., 2007). Never-
theless, while it is true that LCRs are frequently associated with protein disorder, “intrinsi-
cally disordered proteins” and “low complexity regions” are not equivalent terms and one
can exist without the other (Romero et al., 2001). Well documented exemplary cases are
the reports demonstrating that extended Q/N-rich regions lead to the formation of amy-
loids –i.e. self-propagating, β-sheet-rich, fibrillar protein aggregates associated with a
number of diseases (Koo et al., 1999; Michelitsch and Weissman, 2000).
Tandem, Cryptic and Interspersed repeats
It is quite common for protein and nucleotide sequences to contain segments that are
identical (or near identical) and are repeated throughout the protein sequence in regular
or irregular patterns. Such repeats are commonly associated with specific functional and
structural properties and may indeed lower the complexity of the sequence either global-
ly and/or locally.
The three major categories of protein repeats (Albà et al., 2002; Li and Kahveci, 2006) are
(all examples contain dashes for easier comprehension of the repeats structure):
i. Tandem repeats, as the name implies, are identical subsequences that occur
consecutively in protein sequences (e.g. ADP-ADP-ADP-ADP). Tandem repeats
are often detected as LCRs, something that depends on the complexity and
length of each subsequence and the number of times is repeated.
ii. Interspersed repeats are similar to tandem repeats but they are not consecu-
tive, i.e. there are at least two identical subsequences separated by a non-
repeat segment (e.g. ADP-K-ADP-LSN-ADP).
iii. Cryptic repeats may be tandem or interspersed repeats of subsequences that
are similar but not identical. Since similarity heavily relies on the method and
the scoring scheme used to calculate it, different algorithms may not detect
the same sequence segments as cryptic repeats. Whether or not cryptic re-
peats can also be LCRs depends not only on the complexity, length and the
number of the repeated sub-segments, but also on their similarity (the more
similar the sub-segments, the higher the chance of being detected as LCRs). If
the substitution matrix used to calculate similarity is BLOSUM62
(Supplementary Figure 1) (Henikoff and Henikoff, 1992), then a typical exam-
ple for this category would be QDH-K-EDH-LS-QDY (since substitutions for Q
to H and H to Y both give a positive score of 2).
In any case, it should be noted that a large fraction of the repeats present in protein se-
quences (especially the longer ones) are not of low complexity and thus these two terms
cannot be used interchangeably.
Simple Sequences
Another widely used definition for LCRs, is “simple sequences” which are perfect repeats
of a single amino acid type. These homopolymers are primarily composed by specific
amino acid types such as Q, N, S, T, P, H, G, A, D and E, and are usually shorter than 20
residues long (Huntley and Golding, 2002). Because of their inherent low complexity most
of the simple sequences in protein sequences are also detected as LCRs by algorithms de-
pending on complexity measures such as SEG. However, “simple sequences” cannot de-
scribe the full spectrum of LCRs and therefore can only be considered a subset of them
(Albà et al., 2002; Sim and Creamer, 2004).
Linguistic Complexity
Linguistic complexity is considered as a quite different measure of compositional com-
plexity since is mostly defined by the structural (in terms of words and vocabulary, not
3D-structure) complexity of the sequence and not by its composition (Pietrokovski et al.,
1990; Popov et al., 1996). Despite having been defined primarily to describe human-
written text, linguistic complexity can be applied to any sequence of characters, including
nucleotide and protein sequences. Two of the most obvious similarities between human
and biological texts (sequences) are their linear structure and the fact that both contain
certain letter combinations more frequent than others in a repetitive pattern (Popov et
al., 1996). Contrary to human text though, biological sequences are much more repetitive
(Troyanskaya et al., 2002), thus sub-segments of high linguistic complexity usually indi-
cate the presence of a biological signal.
In that sense, linguistic complexity is better suited to detect segments of biological se-
quences that are of unusually high structural complexity, compared to the rest of the se-
quence, and thus biologically potentially interesting. Still, several studies (e.g. Pietrokov-
ski et al., 1990; Popov et al., 1996; Troyanskaya et al., 2002) have demonstrated that
there is often a direct connection between subsequences with low linguistic complexity
and low compositional complexity (i.e. entropy). As such, linguistic complexity is another
measure that can be used to detect probable LCRs and such formulations have been de-
scribed (e.g. ScanCom; Nandi et al., 2003a).
1.3 Algorithms Capable of Detecting LCRs
Over the years researchers have developed a large number of algorithms for the detec-
tion and, most of the times, masking of low complexity regions (Table 1). We present, in
chronological order, the most important ones in terms of usage and algorithmic ap-
proach/diversity. While the assessment of the importance of each method is largely a
subjective process, we tried to use some objective criteria to select the methods present-
ed herein. Such criteria include novelty, performance, adoption by the scientific commu-
nity and –crucially– availability.
1.3.1 SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993)
SEG has been the golden standard for identifying and masking low complexity regions
since the early- to mid-1990’s, when it was incorporated into the BLAST suite of programs
as a default option. Its sensitivity along with its speed has facilitated the elimination of
the vast majority of spurious hits produced by BLASTP, practically enhancing its sensitivi-
ty. Because of the measures it uses [equations ( 1-1 ) to ( 1-3 )] it can detect most of the
non-random regions in protein sequences including homopolymers, short period repeats
and aperiodic mosaics of few residue types. SEG is a two stage window based algorithm
that accepts 3 user-defined parameters: the initial window length 𝐿(1) and two complexi-
ty thresholds; the trigger 𝐾𝑡 and the extension complexity 𝐾𝑒.
During the first stage SEG identifies “trigger windows” or seed segments of length 𝐿(1)
and of 𝐾2 complexity smaller or equal to the trigger complexity 𝐾𝑡. After merging over-
lapping trigger windows, SEG extends those merged “raw segments” to both directions by
including any window of length 𝐿(1) that has complexity 𝐾2 ≤ 𝐾𝑒 until no further exten-
sion is possible. Equation ( 1-2 ) is preferred at this stage as an approximation of equation
( 1-1 ) for computational efficiency. In the second stage SEG reduces the above segments
to “optimal low complexity segments”, i.e. sub-segments with the lowest occurrence
probability 𝑃0. For this purpose it uses equations ( 1-1 ) and ( 1-2 ) which are well suited
for optimization of sequences with different lengths. As an optional step, SEG can mask
the aforementioned segments prior to a similarity search to reduce the number of pro-
duced spurious hits.
While SEG performs notably well in most of the cases, its usage as a default option prior
to BLASTP searching until recently, has been the source of scepticism by various authors
(Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003; Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006; e.g. Promponas et al., 2000; Wan
et al., 2003). Most of them agree that SEG masks significantly more residues than those
really needed to eliminate spurious hits and in some cases it even masks functionally im-
portant regions that would lead to the detection of true homologues (e.g. Koonin et al.,
1996). This can be mainly attributed to the origins of SEG as a tool to analyse the local
complexity of proteins sequences and to automatically identify non-globular protein do-
mains (Wootton, 1994a, 1994b), both being applications that favour sensitivity of detec-
tion upon specificity. Furthermore, by design, SEG masks whole segments rather than the
amino acid residues that are responsible for the computed low complexity of a specific
region; by doing so it removes potentially crucial information for homolog detection. An-
other target of criticism was the use of equal priors for all residue types in combination
with a segmentation threshold derived by random sequences. This decision is justified by
the composition of low complexity regions which is very different from the general com-
position of protein databases (Wootton and Federhen, 1993). It also has some important
consequences though, most notably the independence of detection from the sequence
attributes derived from its amino acid types composition (Wan et al., 2003) and the ina-
bility to estimate measures of statistical significance for the detected LCRs (Kuznetsov and
Hwang, 2006). Finally, the usage of the sliding window makes SEG strongly biased in the
detection of LCRs with lengths similar to the window length (Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003)
which is typically short and by default equal to 12.
1.3.2 CAST (Promponas et al., 2000)
With the aim of filtering amino acid sequences for enhanced database searches,
Promponas and colleagues built on the “biasdb” algorithm (Andrade et al., 1999) to for-
mulate a more intuitive masking algorithm in the context of database search. More spe-
cifically, an artificial database of homopolymeric amino acid sequences of all twenty types
is searched against by any sequence of interest to identify potential regions of extreme
compositional bias. Apparently, using a local similarity search algorithm along with a
proper scoring scheme, sequence segments with one or few amino acid residues in excess
(thus deviating from the background amino acid distribution) will achieve significant simi-
larity scores and thus may be characterized as compositionally biased. A careful formula-
tion of the problem, enabled the development of an iterative procedure based on a local
alignment dynamic programming algorithm with infinite gap penalties (detection step)
followed by masking the most significant region scoring above a user defined threshold
(filtering step).
Assume an amino acid sequence 𝑅 = 𝑟1 𝑟2. . 𝑟𝑖. . 𝑟𝑛 (query) and a substitution matrix 𝑀
with elements 𝑚 𝛼,𝑟 𝑖
for scoring the match of two residues of type 𝛼 and 𝑟𝑖 respectively.
Then the dynamic programming recursion for computing the score for the match of the
query sequence up to the residue 𝑟𝑖 and the homopolymer of type 𝛼 becomes
𝑠 𝛼
= 𝑚 𝛼,𝑟 𝑖
+ {
𝑠 𝛼
, ≥ 0
0, < 0 ( 1-4 )
Any stretch of the query sequence with positive scores extending from a position with
zero score to a locally maximal one is a candidate region. Applying this algorithm for all
residue types, CAST can identify the stretch with the overall maximum score, which is
destined for filtering provided the threshold criterion is fulfilled. The detection step con-
ceptually detects similarity of a sequence region (compositionally biased region) to a sin-
gle homopolymer type (type of composition bias), thus enabling 'surgical' masking of the
query sequence, which seems to preserve useful information for more sensitive database
searches (Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003; Promponas et al., 2000; Tsoka et al., 1999). Im-
portantly, the compositional bias type may be used to characterize and crudely classify
regions with unusual composition detected by CAST. By definition, CAST detects local
composition bias; however, compositionally biased segments often span regions with
dozens or even hundreds of residues, surpassing the “fixed window” limitation of SEG.
While CAST enabled BLASTP searches with increased sensitivity and specificity when
compared to SEG, it is not flawless. A major point of criticism has always been the slow
performance of the algorithm, which can be mainly attributed to the computationally na-
ïve implementation of the iterative local similarity search adopted by its original develop-
ers. Furthermore, since CAST’s internal searches against the database of homopolymers
always happen with a specific order and after the protein sequence has been masked
from the previous searches, artefacts can occur (e.g. CAST may only mask residues of type
S in a region rich both in S and T because the evaluation of the score against poly-T hap-
pened after all the residues of type S in the region were masked; since the pair S-T pro-
duces a positive score5 but the pair X-T a negative one, masked residues will lower the
total score of the region against poly-T and thus CAST may fail to detect it). To address
the criticism around performance and to speed up the masking of data-sets containing
hundreds of thousands of sequences6, we have created a newer version with vastly im-
proved performance; CAST v2.1 is presented in section 3.3 of this manuscript.
1.3.3 (Wise, 2001) (Wise, 2001) measures the complexity of a protein sequence by encoding it into
regular expressions. By doing that it transforms the sequence into a compressed repre-
sentation; the lower the complexity of the sequence the higher the compression. Follow-
ing this paradigm, uses compressibility as a measure of complexity.
To better understand how works let us consider a protein sequence A (dashes are
added for readability):
It is obvious that A contains 2 tandem and 2 interspersed repeats of ADP, as well as 2
simple sequences, namely KK and SSSS. Assuming that the resulting regular expressions
can contain tokens that can either be a letter (for amino acids) or a number (for a diction-
ary entry) then the regular expression would be (again with extra dashes):
with a dictionary containing just one entry
1: ADP
According to BLOSUM62 S-T pairing has a score of 1 while X-T a score of -1, see also Supplementary Figure 1.
Such as the ones used by LCR-eXXXplorer, see also section “Description of LCR-eXXXplorer” at page 68.
Superscripts are used to denote the number of times each token is repeated. The total
length of the regular expression is calculated by adding all the tokens from the expression
(in this case 7) as well as the dictionary (3). The final score is calculated by subtracting the
total length of the regular expression (10) from the length of the original sequence (20).
Obviously, higher scores indicate higher compressibility and thus lower complexity. is unique because it provides researchers with a list (the dictionary) of sub-segments
that are repeated throughout the sequence. It is also quite sensitive in detecting repeats
or simple sequences that are as short as 2 residues. On the other hand, the final score de-
scribes the whole sequence and therefore can be considered as a measure of global in-
stead of local bias. Therefore, cannot be used to effectively mask protein sequences
prior to database searches.
1.3.4 DSR (Wan et al., 2003)
Shannon entropy is a measure derived by the complexity state vector of a sequence (see
section “SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993)” above). That characteristic makes it inap-
propriate for the comparison of sequences with significantly different sizes since it does
not take into account the sequence length (e.g. sequences AAAAT , ATAAA and
LLLLLLLLTT all have the same entropy of 𝐾2 = 0.167). In order to overcome that limita-
tion Wan and colleagues defined a new measure derived directly from Shannon entropy,
which they named “reciprocal complexity”
𝐶(𝑆) = (
∏ (
𝜈 𝑖
( 1-5 )
where 𝑛 is the count of letters in the alphabet used (20 for proteins), 𝐿 is the sequence
length and 𝜈𝑖 the number of occurrences of each residue type in the complexity state vec-
tor. Reciprocal complexity takes sequence length into account and allows for comparison
of LCRs of substantially different size. A good example, pointed by the authors of DSR, is
the case of the DNA sequence GTGTGTAC in which the obvious longest “simple seg-
ment”, and thus the one with the lowest complexity, should be GTGTGT. Using Shannon
entropy it is impossible to identify GTGTGT as the longest simple sub-segment while us-
ing reciprocal complexity it is. In addition, DSR takes the (amino acid) composition of the
database into account by incorporating scoring schemes (which are actually substitution
matrices) in the calculation of the reciprocal complexity. Thus equation ( 1-5 ) now be-
𝐶∗(𝑆) = 𝐿 log 𝐿 − 𝐿 log 𝑛 − ∑ 𝑢𝑖
log 𝑢𝑖
( 1-6 )
where 𝑢𝑖
represents a normalized version of the scoring scheme or substitution matrix in
use. The incorporation of scoring schemes also allows for a software that can be fine-
tuned to identify LCRs of specific compositional features (e.g. hydrophobicity), while at
the same time being able to detect LCRs in a totally unbiased way (like SEG does) with the
usage of a scoring scheme that assumes equal probabilities. Wan et al. (2003) suggested
that the main usage of DSR should be “the masking of simple sequences for searching da-
tabases” and demonstrated some test cases of heavily biased sequences that revealed a
clear advantage of DSR over SEG in the elimination of spurious hits returned by BLASTP.
When it comes to efficiency, both algorithms perform comparably, something expected
since DSR employs the same 2-step procedure already described for SEG. Nevertheless,
DSR has not been extensively used by the scientific community, compared to its prede-
1.3.5 CARD (Shin and Kim, 2005)
The CARD algorithm is based on the complexity analysis of subsequences delimited by a
pair of identical repeating subsequences (Shin and Kim, 2005). Given a protein sequence,
CARD calculates the suffix tree of the sequence7, it then searches for subsequences that
are positioned in tandem or overlap each other; the region containing them is marked as
a candidate LCR. In subsequent passes CARD searches for segments of the sequence that
are located between two identical subsequences 𝑅. It then splits the surrounded segment
to sub-segments of length 𝐿 equal to the length of 𝑅 and calculates the Shannon entropy
for each of them. If each and every one sub-segment has lower entropy than the left and
right 𝑅 subsequences it marks the segment spanning from the start of the left to the end
of the right 𝑅 as an LCR. The procedure is repeated until no more LCRs can be detected.
Suffix trees are special data structures for computing all repeating substrings in a sequence. They are fast to build and search but at
the expense of much larger storage, compared to the sequence itself.
1.3.6 BIAS (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006)
BIAS (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006) is a recent addition to the arsenal of methods de-
signed to detect and mask LCRs. As such, the developers of BIAS had the opportunity to
study and try to overcome the drawbacks of existing methods. One such major drawback
was that existing widely used algorithms treated all the amino acid residue types equally
when searching for LCRs. In other words, the user was not able to target the search to
LCRs formed by specific residue types8. BIAS addresses that issue by allowing the user to
define custom alphabets, which then scans for over- (or under-) presentation in the pro-
tein sequence with the use of discrete scan statistics.
In summary, what BIAS does is, for each residue type belonging to the user’s alphabet,
encode into a binary vector its presence (1) or absence (0) for every position in the se-
quence. In the next step, closely located clusters of 1s are merged and then using a sliding
window approach, the significance of each detected cluster is calculated against the ran-
dom independence model. All clusters with a p-value below a used defined threshold (de-
fault is 0.05) are marked as compositionally biased and can, optionally, be masked out of
the protein sequence.
Alternatively, BIAS can be instructed to provide an exact estimate of the global composi-
tional bias of the protein sequence and compare each cluster against it, thus detecting
only regions that are biased against the composition of the sequence and not the random
independence model. Notice that we are purposely avoiding the use of the term LCRs
since regions detected by BIAS can either be of unusually low or high complexity, which is
another major feature of this algorithm.
In terms of the amount of biased regions detected, when compared against SEG and
CAST, BIAS holds a middle ground by simultaneously avoiding the excessive masking of
SEG and the, often picky, surgical nature of CAST (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006).
However, BIAS’s main advantage is also its main drawback; it will always ignore biased
regions composed of residue types that are not included into the user supplied alphabet
It should be noted that in the case of CAST, a user could construct special substitution matrices fine-tuned for the detection of LCRs
of specific residue types. While this solution is not as straightforward as using BIAS it could produce similar results.
which, in the context of sequence database searches, may cause severe issues with spuri-
ous hits.
1.3.7 LPS (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Harrison, 2006)
The LPS algorithm (Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Harrison, 2006) and the LPS-annotate9
server (Harbi et al., 2011; which is where the method is formally described) detect re-
gions of compositional bias by probability minimization. Such least likely subsequences
are termed LPSs (Lowest Probability Subsequences) and in a similar fashion to CAST, de-
tected LPSs are also characterized by one or more residue types. Furthermore, detected
LPSs are accompanied by a p-value helping researchers assess their statistical significance.
Finally, LPS supports the use of “composition files” (constructed by simple FASTA files)
which can be used as the distribution against which the LPS performs the probability min-
imization. Therefore, detected LPSs can be tuned to have the lowest probability in the
context of a user-supplied database composition. LPS can also mask biased regions out of
the protein sequence.
The main drawbacks of LPS are (i) its complexity; detecting biased regions requires multi-
ple steps from the user and (ii) slow performance; this can be attributed to the fact the
LPS is an iterative, sliding window algorithm and for each input sequence a decreasing
series of window sizes, typically from 500 to 1, is used.
Very recently (Antonets and Nizhnikov, 2013) a different research group created a novel
implementation of the same LPS algorithm. SARP has the exact same accuracy with LPS
and the detected biased regions are identical but it is about 230-fold faster than the orig-
inal implementation, bringing it up to speed with faster methods such as SEG and CAST.
1.3.8 Others
Several other formulations have been proposed throughout the last fifteen years to de-
tect “LCRs”, most of them directly or indirectly based on the concept of detecting internal
repeats (perfect or imperfect). Table 1 lists some of those methods, along with the ones
presented above, with the aim of covering the most diverge algorithmic approaches.
More details in section “Available services to search and visualize LCRs”, page 19.
Table 1. Methods for detecting regions of non-standard local amino acid composition in protein
Name Authors Access
SAPS (Brendel et al., 1992) Web10
XNU (Claverie and States, 1993) On request
SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) Open11
CAST (Promponas et al., 2000) Web12; On request (Wise, 2001) On request
SIMPLE (Albà et al., 2002) Web13; On request
DSR (Wan et al., 2003) On request
ScanCom (Nandi et al., 2003a) On request
CARD (Shin and Kim, 2005) Offline14
BIAS Kuznetsov & Hwang, 2006 Web15; On request
GBA (Li and Kahveci, 2006) On request
LPS (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003;
Harrison, 2006)
SubSeqer (He and Parkinson, 2008) Web17
SARP (Antonets and Nizhnikov, 2013) On request
1.4 Composition Based Statistics (Schaffer et al., 2001; Yu and Altschul, 2005)
Masking LCRs prior to database searches, especially with SEG, often had the side-effect of
removing potentially useful information from the query sequence that could negatively
impact the quality of the results. Schaffer et al. (2001) formulated a solution to this prob-
lem: instead of trying to alter the composition of the query sequence in an effort to
match the composition of the database (which is essentially what happens when masking
LCRs), they rescale the scoring matrix to match the composition of the sequence. Few
years later, Yu & Altschul (2005) proposed a novel method which also scaled the scoring
matrices to match the compositions of the query and database. This method usually
yielded better results, especially in cases where the compositions differed by a wide mar-
gin. To achieve that, Yu & Altschul rescaled each element of the substitution matrix indi-
vidually (at the cost of computational time) as opposed to the global scaling used by
Schaffer and colleagues. Since in most cases the global scale works just as well as the lo-
calized one, BLASTP by default employs global scaling except under certain specific condi-
tions for which it has been empirically determined to be beneficial to individually scale
each matrix element (Altschul et al., 2005).
1.5 Effects of LCRs and LCR-handling tools in protein database search
Sequence database searches are undoubtedly one of the most widely used bioinformatics
applications, by both computational and wet-lab biologists. A lot of research effort has
been devoted since the early 1970's in the development of sophisticated algorithms and
computer software that facilitates pairwise sequence comparison (Needleman and Wun-
sch, 1970; Smith and Waterman, 1981). In particular, the BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990)
suite of applications has had a tremendous impact on modern molecular biology, since it
has enabled the fast and relatively accurate comparison of sequences of biological mac-
romolecules against ever increasing databases, making a significant contribution to the
entrance in the genomics era.
BLAST's major advantage (apart from speed gained by smart heuristics) is the incorpora-
tion of robust statistical significance estimates of acquired hits. The calculation of statisti-
cal significance estimates by protein-protein BLAST (BLASTP) relies heavily on the amino
acid composition of the database searching against (Karlin and Altschul, 1990). LCRs (and
obviously other compositionally biased segments) clearly deviate from the aforemen-
tioned distribution, thus making the statistics employed for significance estimation unre-
liable (Wootton, 1994b).
We already described several techniques that have been proposed to identify such re-
gions of extreme local composition in sequences and possibly mask them prior to data-
base searches, thus drastically reducing the number of false positive hits. Query sequence
masking with SEG has been for years the golden standard in database searches and sev-
eral studies have pointed out the advantages of this approach (e.g. Altschul et al., 1994;
Forslund and Sonnhammer, 2009; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Koonin et al., 1996; Kreil
and Ouzounis, 2003; Promponas et al., 2000). Surprisingly though very few performed
wide-scale benchmarks to verify the effectiveness of query masking itself (Forslund and
Sonnhammer, 2009; Koonin et al., 1996) with most authors comparing masking methods
to each other and pointing to the same article, by Altschul et al. (1994), when discussing
the necessity for masking. Database masking (i.e. masking the protein sequences of the
database in combination or instead of masking the query sequence) was discussed only in
one study by Schaffer et al. (2001). Despite the authors reporting increased accuracy
when using PSI-BLAST against masked databases, we couldn’t locate any follow up studies
or mentions of this approach in the literature.
More recent versions of BLAST introduced composition-based statistics and composition-
al score matrix adjustments (Schaffer et al., 2001; Yu and Altschul, 2005), which replaced
SEG masking as the default option. While the superiority of these (and similar) approach-
es over query masking with SEG are well documented (Altschul et al., 2005; Coronado et
al., 2006; Forslund and Sonnhammer, 2009; e.g. Schaffer et al., 2001; Wan et al., 2003)
we are not aware of any studies comparing them with other masking algorithms or with
the concept of database masking.
Furthermore, a fundamental issue in benchmarking bioinformatics methods is the exist-
ence of “golden standard” data sets, a role typically filled by ASTRAL (Chandonia et al.,
2004), a collection of sequences with known structural, functional and evolutionary rela-
tionships based on the classification of PDB18 (Berman et al., 2000) sequences by SCOP
(Andreeva et al., 2007; Murzin et al., 1995). However, not all authors agree that ASTRAL is
a proper data-set to test the performance of LCR-handling algorithms, since is derived
from PDB, a database known to be poor in LCRs (Wootton and Federhen, 1993). Conse-
quently, most of the benchmarks are performed with drastically different data-sets mak-
ing it very difficult to compare the results. Recently, Forslund & Sonnhammer proposed a
standardized procedure for the creation of data-sets based on Pfam19-domains (Finn et
al., 2010) and whole proteomes that are much more suited to the task of benchmarking
LCR-handling methods (Forslund and Sonnhammer, 2009). The problem is that the pro-
posed procedure is complex, computationally intensive and must be executed by the us-
er; i.e. there is no web-service that offers pre-compiled data sets for download. This is in
sharp contrast with ASTRAL, which makes it very easy to download current and past data-
sets in just a few clicks, a fact that certainly helped raise its popularity among bioinfor-
1.6 Available services to search and visualize LCRs
LCRs are known to cause severe issues to several methods key for modern bioinformatics
research; among these are sequence database search (Altschul et al., 1994), multiple se-
quence alignments (Mistry et al., 2013) and motif discovery (Bailey, 2008). For that rea-
son, several databases and services (Bradshaw et al., 2006; Di Domenico et al., 2014; Har-
bi et al., 2011; Hunter et al., 2012; Rost et al., 2004; Sonnhammer and Wootton, 2001; Ye
et al., 2006) pre-annotate stored sequences with detected LCRs (most commonly using
SEG) or related features. These annotations are often presented graphically along other
important sequence regions like motifs, PFAM (Finn et al., 2010) domains or secondary
structure. On the other hand, only a small number of services allow the researcher to
specifically search for protein sequences containing particular types of LCRs [LPS annotate
(Harbi et al., 2011), HRap (Lobanov et al., 2014) and RepeatsDB (Di Domenico et al.,
2014)] but present other issues that potentially limit their utility. For a detailed review of
such services please refer to section “6.1. Services Similar to LCR-eXXXplorer” of the Sup-
The only currently available service developed to search and visualize LCRs is LPS-
annotate; a web-service for “the annotation of compositionally-biased regions, and
searching for similar regions in other sequences” (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Ger-
stein, 2003). Protein sequences contained in UniProt/SwissProt are annotated for lowest-
probability subsequences, a type of compositional bias (CB) previously described (Harri-
son and Gerstein, 2003) using a software called LPS. These biased regions are then
searchable by CB signatures, which are actually strings of amino-acid residue types that
characterize an LCR. Depending on the search mode, searching for a CB signature of “PR”
will either return (i) LCRs with all possible permutations of Proline and Arginine (mode
“All”), (ii) LCRs rich only in P and R (mode “Exact”) or (iii) LCRs with a predominant type of
P (mode “First”).
Matching regions are displayed in a simple HTML view (Error! Reference source not f
ound.) along with the original protein sequence, the same sequence masked by SEG and
regions predicted as disordered by DISOPRED (Buchan et al., 2010). Results also contain
the predominant bias type, the count of biased residues, the binomial P-value of the bi-
ased region and the mean protein-disorder propensity of the sequence. Finally, LPS-
annotate indicates whether a sequence originally contained multiple biased regions that
were merged in a larger one.
LPS-annotate also allows a user to search by UniProt/SwissProt ID or Accession number,
perform a BLAST search against the annotated UniProt/SwissProt database or search for
biased regions in an arbitrary protein sequence of choice.
One major drawback of LPS-annotate is the lack of a more descriptive visual representa-
tion; the plain text/HTML view works well for saving the results in a text file but is also
hard to interpret and navigate. Also, the addition of more sequence features (such us
protein domains, binding sites, sequence topology, GO terms) would have made the re-
sults and the whole service much more useful for the discovery of the function or other
properties of LCRs. This also holds true for the services provided, which are limited to
search and downloads. Finally, the underlying database has not been updated since 2009
when the service was originally published, although the option to annotate a custom se-
quence with biased regions works fine.
1.7 Compositional Properties of Protein Sequences and Biological Relevance
Not all questions related with the composition of protein sequences and compositional
bias are about database searches. Their abundance in eukaryotic and prokaryotic ge-
nomes suggests that, while they are “uncommon” according to the random independ-
ence model, they are in fact very common in “real-life” sequences. This in turn implies
that the biological relevance of compositionally biased regions may be much stronger
than originally thought. The first types of LCR sequences to be studied (not surprisingly
the most trivial to detect) were homopolymeric runs of single residue types (Karlin and
Altschul, 1990). Aside from some obvious implications in protein function and structure
Figure 1-2. The "protein details" view of LPS-annotate.
The view is a minimally annotated representation of the sequence, containing minimal
information apart from the location of the biased regions and two masked versions of the
sequence (with LPS and SEG) [sequence trimmed to 180 AAs for space constrains].
[e.g. elevated tendency for aggregate formation by polyQ repeats (Koo et al., 1999; Mich-
elitsch and Weissman, 2000)], such studies were often triggered by the potential to estab-
lish some relatively plausible molecular mechanisms (such as DNA polymerase slippage)
for LCR biogenesis and evolution. Nevertheless, different works evaluate the biological
relevance of LCRs from different perspectives: LCR evolution, structure and function or
their association to (human) disease. Likewise the different algorithmic formulations pre-
sented in the preceding sections for detection of LCRs, different approaches have been
used for the assessment of LCR biological significance; thus those results (although often
coherent or at least complementary) are oftentimes non-comparable.
It is commonplace that protein structure, function and evolution are tightly interwound
and there is no reason to believe that something different holds for LCR containing pro-
teins. Wootton (1994b) was the first to compile a list of important “interactions, functions
and phenotypes” attributed to LCRs; among them DNA or RNA binding, tumour genesis
and suppression, and interactions during transcription. More recently, Romero and col-
leagues (Romero et al., 2001) demonstrated a connection between LCRs and the lack of
regular structure; their results illustrated that about 85% of UniProt/SwissProt chains
found to contain LCRs using SEG, were also predicted to contain at least one long disor-
dered region. The same authors also reported that some low complexity sequences pre-
dicted to be disordered might indeed form ordered structure when participating in the
formation of a complex. This also explains why Wootton (1994a) was able to determine
non-globular structured domains by their low complexity; many of these form higher-
order structures such as two-stranded and three-stranded coiled-coils (Cohen and Parry,
1990). Additionally, several other authors have demonstrated the biological relevance of
such regions but in a sparse fashion (Anurag et al., 2011; Coletta et al., 2010; Daily et al.,
2005; e.g. Dunker et al., 2002; Kriško et al., 2010; Schlessinger et al., 2011; Uversky et al.,
Apart from local composition, global composition has also been shown to be associated
or even predict biological function. Echols et al. (2002) demonstrated that there is a clear
difference in the composition of genes and pseudogenes both at the DNA and protein se-
quence level. Genome-wide DNA composition was found to be species-depended (Gran-
tham et al., 1980), while composition-based signatures remained species-specific even for
50-kb segments of the genome (Campbell et al., 1999; Karlin et al., 1997). Kreil & Ou-
zounis (2001) were able to identify thermophilic bacterial species based on global amino
acid composition alone. More recently, Escherichia strains were successfully clustered
based on their pathogenicity status (pathogens versus non-pathogen) using simple signa-
tures from global or local amino acid composition (Promponas, 2009).
1.8 Scope of this study
All the above clearly demonstrate that global and local composition of protein sequences
are features of high biological interest, yet understudied. While several published studies
showcase the abundance and importance of such regions on the molecular/structural
(Dunker and Obradovic, 2001; e.g. Dunker et al., 2001, 2002; Lovell, 2003; Radivojac et al.,
2006), functional (Echols et al., 2002; Fogel et al., 2005; e.g. Mitas, 1997), organismic (e.g.
Pizzi and Frontali, 2001; Stern et al., 2001; Müller et al., 2002; Benita et al., 2006; Romov
et al., 2006; Miskinyte et al., 2013) and habitat level (e.g. Nandi et al., 2003b; Tress et al.,
2006), the biological role of LCRs remains largely unknown and more effort is needed to
elucidate their biological roles. At the same time a large number of studies during the last
30 years dealt with the identification and elimination of LCRs in order to increase accura-
cy of database searches.
The incorporation of composition based statistics as the default LCR-handling option in
BLASTP has definitely led to a change of direction in the field; since sequence masking has
gone out of fashion some researchers have shifted their efforts in creating tools aimed in
the discovery of LCRs (Harbi et al., 2011; Lobanov et al., 2014). Yet, masking is still a viable
option in many cases such as (i) for algorithms like FASTA or SSEARCH (Pearson, 1990)
that don’t offer a built-in way to handle LCRs, (ii) services not relying to BLASTP for se-
quence alignment –for example OrthoDB (Waterhouse et al., 2012) and (iii) services
choosing to employ masking instead of compositionally based statistics as is the case of
OrthoMCL (Li et al., 2003). Furthermore, no detailed studies were carried out that proved
the superiority of CBS over other masking algorithms besides SEG. Another unexplored
possibility is that database masking may indeed be a viable option; however, apart from
anecdotal references (Altschul et al., 2005) this was never fully investigated. At the same
time, there is only a small number of tools or services capable of helping biologists to
study LCRs in depth. Most of the methods capable of detecting LCRs were created for the
sole purpose of masking them and are meant to be used from the command line as part
of a sequence analysis or search pipeline.
All the above have a negative impact in the study of LCRs. In this work, we aimed to doc-
ument best practices in using sequence masking and at the same time develop novel tools
(and refine existing ones) to assist better study of LCRs. Our strategy was three-fold:
I. investigate and document the best way to deal with LCRs in protein database
searches (and sequence alignment in general), towards improving the accuracy of
sequence search tools,
II. build novel tools that allow researchers to search, visualize and share LCRs in pro-
tein sequences in ways not possible before, and
III. use these tools to demonstrate how LCR detection methods may prove to be use-
ful in settings other than just assisting database search.
To achieve the aforementioned objectives we (I) performed a series of exhaustive
benchmarking experiments with different database search strategies, (II) developed an
enhanced version of the CAST LCR-detection tool (CAST2) with significant performance
improvements and new features, as well as the LCR-eXXXplorer20 web-based environ-
ment for handling LCR data, and (III) inspired by a recent study (Promponas, 2009), we
demonstrate an effective and fast way to predict the pathogenicity of Escherichia strains,
using simple signatures of global and local amino acid composition.
2 Data & Methods
2.1 Effects of LCRs and LCR-handling tools in protein database search
2.1.1 Data collection
For the all-against-all self-comparisons we used the protein sets from four complete ge-
nomes (Escherichia coli-K12, Salmonella enterica typhimurium-LT2, Methanocaldococcus
jannaschii and Plasmodium falciparum). Three of those genomes were selected because
they were known to vary greatly in compositional features and sizes (E. coli, M. jannaschii
and P. falciparum) and cover the three main domains of life, while S. enterica was chosen
as a close relative of E. coli, thus serving as a reference protein set. The four full proteo-
mes were obtained from the GenBank FTP site21 in FASTA format.
The data source for all the ASTRAL-based benchmarks was the ASTRAL22 compendium.
More specifically, we downloaded all the genetic domain sequence subsets which, based
on PDB SEQRES records, had less than 40% and 20% identity to each other (referred as
ASTRAL40 and ASTRAL20 respectively). We also generated ASTRALNS40 and ASTRALNS40
which are subsets of ASTRAL40 and ASTRAL20 containing only entries belonging to SCOP
families with two or more sequences. The version of ASTRAL used was 1.73.
To compare the LCR distribution of ASTRAL versus UniProt/SwissProt in two different time
points we used versions of each database released roughly at the same time; SwissProt
40 (10/2001) and ASTRAL40 1.57 (02/2002), SwissProt 52.6 (09/2008) and ASTRAL40 1.73
(09/2008). To showcase the evolution through time of LCR content in protein and struc-
ture databases we split the datasets into subsets covering a period of 12 months, starting
from 1999 to 2008. Data was split based on the date of first appearance of each sequence
in the datasets. The version of UniProt/TrEMBL used was 14.1 (released on 09/2008).
2.1.2 LCR masking
CAST (Promponas et al., 2000) and SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) were applied with
default parameter settings to all the original FASTA files. Filtered sequences were saved
in separate FASTA files. Where appropriate (see “Running modes” below), those masked
files were used as input query/database files for BLASTP which had its internal filtering
capabilities disabled. When running CAST we always enabled the parameter –stat (or –tab
in versions 2.x), which resulted in generation of additional files containing “statistics”
about the detected low complexity regions (such as the amino acid type of the LCR, loca-
tion in the sequence and its score according to CAST).
2.1.3 Running modes
All of our evaluations were performed using NCBI BLAST 2.2.18 (Altschul et al., 1990) un-
der different LCR handling schemes utilizing SEG, CAST and the various modes of compo-
sition based statistics (CBS) offered by BLASTP (Figure 2-1). Using the masking software
independently we masked the query or database sequences (or both). For SEG these
modes are referred as SM1, SM2 & SM3 respectively· CAST modes use the CM abbrevia-
tion. When no masking was applied we use NM (see also Table 2). Compositional-based
score adjustments are abbreviated as CB1, CB2, CB3 corresponding to the argument pro-
vided to BLASTP using the –C switch. We also evaluated the unified p-value calculation
that it can be used in conjunction with the various CBS modes of BLASTP by appending a
U character to the –C arguments, although this setting was marked as experimental by
BLAST developers and has been removed from newer versions of the software.
We evaluated the performance of the various combinations of the aforementioned
modes (including CBS) resulting in a total of 49 evaluation scenarios [e.g. both query and
database masked using SEG in combination with CBS, as in Yu & Altschul (2005) abbrevi-
ated as SM2CB2].
Figure 2-1. Running modes evaluated in this study.
In total we evaluated 49 modes for the full genomes and ASTRAL based data-sets.
After evaluating the results for all 49 modes 9 of them were chosen for presentation in
this study, depending on their performance and spread of use (Table 2).
Table 2. Running modes chosen for presentation in this study.
These modes where either top-performing or widely used in BLASTP searches.
Abbreviation Description
NM This is the bare BLASTP mode (i.e. unfiltered query versus unfiltered
database) and was used as the reference for our comparisons.
NMCB2 Same as NM with the employment of -C 2 option. This is the default LCR
handling mode of recent BLAST versions (including the NCBI-BLAST web
SM1 Query sequences were masked by SEG. This used to be the default LCR
handling mode of BLASTP until recently and is still widely used in routine
database search and benchmarking studies.
SM2-3 Database (SM2) or both query and database (SM3) sequences were
masked by SEG. These modes were selected to evaluate possible
benefits of database masking
CM1-3 Query (CM1), database (CM2) or both (CM3) were masked by CAST.
These modes were included because of their notable performance and
for direct comparison with the respective SEG modes
SM2CB2 Database masked with SEG and employment of -C 2 option. This mode
was used in the review by Altschul et al. (2005) and was included for
comparison purposes
2.1.4 Sequence comparisons
All BLASTP comparisons were performed on a PC with an Intel CoreDuo dual core 2.4GHz
CPU and 4 GB of RAM using BLASTP (version 2.2.18 x64) in multiple CPUs mode (option –a
2), under Linux.
The internal query masking offered by BLASTP was always disabled (option –F F). For the
creation of all output files we employed the –m 8 switch (tabular format), with all other
BLASTP parameters having their default values except for the –C option (CBS) which was
set accordingly to the mode under investigation. 𝐸-value threshold for full genomes runs
was set to 0.001. ASTRAL-based comparisons had an 𝐸-value threshold of 100, a value
which is not biologically relevant but which has been used in the literature (Altschul et al.,
2005; Yu et al., 2006) in order to compute ROCn for relatively large values of n (>5000),
especially in small datasets like ASTRAL. We also performed ASTRAL-based benchmarks
with an 𝐸-value threshold of 0.001 to assess the importance of this settings in the result-
ing execution times and output file sizes. For generating the BLASTP databases formatdb
was run with default parameters using as source the original or masked FASTA files.
2.1.5 Εvaluation of full genome self-comparisons
Using full-genome self-comparisons has the advantage of knowing the correct hit before-
hand (i.e. the query sequence itself!), and we could reliably obtain best-case performance
estimates for the different masking schemes employed in our study (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2. Self-comparison best hits: ideal case versus real-life.
A. In a self-comparison we ideally expect each protein sequence to return itself as the best hit.
B. Because of various reasons, including BLAST’s heuristic nature and the presence (and handling)
of LCRs, a protein sequence may actually return (i) another protein as the best hit (blue), (ii) no
hits at all (red) or (iii) more than one sequences with the same 𝐸 − 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 (and possibly bit score;
grey) even though the hit sequences may not be identical.
To resolve cases where multiple top scoring hits share the same 𝐸-value we utilize a se-
ries of features contained in the BLASTP output files (𝐸-value, bit score, percent identity
matches and alignment length) in combination with novel heuristics. The flowchart of the
proposed method is presented in Figure 2-3.
This flowchart illustrates how the files produced by BLASTP for a query protein A are ex-
amined (small rectangles correspond to the various outputs of our method). In the first
pass the algorithm examines whether it can match protein A with itself (considering that
this is the expected result in an all-against-all self-comparison) by sequentially utilizing
features contained in the output files, namely: 𝐸-value, bit score, percent identity and
alignment length. A second pass is employed when the aforementioned features give
multiple top-scoring hits, and heuristics are used to evaluate the following scenarios, re-
garding all protein sequences significantly hit by protein A. More specifically, we inspect
the hits those protein sequences give:
i. They all give themselves as the best hit along with a significant hit with A.
Figure 2-3. Flowchart of the method used to evaluate the performance of the different masking
See text for details.

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  • 3. i VALIDATION PAGE Doctoral Candidate: Ioannis Kirmitzoglou Doctoral Thesis Title: Development of algorithms and software for unravelling the biolog- ical role of low complexity regions in protein sequences. The present Doctoral Dissertation was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Department of Biological Sciences and was approved on the 22th of July by the members of the Examination Committee. Examination Committee: Research Supervisor: Vasilis J. Promponas, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus. Committee Member: Leondios G. Kostrikis, Professor, President of the Examination Committee, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus Committee Member: Paris A. Skourides, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus Committee Member: Christos Ouzounis, Head of the Biological Computation & Process Laboratory, Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece Committee Member: Ioannis Iliopoulos, Lecturer, Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete.
  • 4. ii DECLARATION OF DOCTORAL CANDIDATE The present doctoral dissertation was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Cyprus. It is a product of origi- nal work of my own, unless otherwise mentioned through references, notes, or any other statements. Ioannis Kirmitzoglou
  • 5. iii Abstract [in Greek language] Πολλές πρωτεΐνες είναι εμπλουτισμένες σε περιοχές με ακραία αμινοξική σύσταση. Έχει δειχθεί ότι τέτοιες πρωτεΐνες διαδραματίζουν σημαντικούς βιολογικούς ρόλους αλλά, λόγω των ιδιαίτερων βιοχημικών ιδιοτήτων τους, η μελέτη τους έχει αποδειχθεί δύσκολη μέχρι τώρα. Επιπρόσθετα, τέτοιες περιοχές με χαμηλή πολυπλοκότητα, αποκλίνουν ξε- κάθαρα από το μοντέλο τυχαίας σύστασης που χρησιμοποιείται για τον υπολογισμό της στατιστικής σημαντικότητας των αποτελεσμάτων αναζήτησης σε βάσεις δεδομένων πρωτεϊνικών αλληλουχιών. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την παραγωγή (συχνά μεγάλου α- ριθμού) ψευδώς αληθών αποτελεσμάτων. Έχουν προταθεί πολλές προσεγγίσεις για την αντιμετώπιση αυτού του προβλήματος, αλλά η εύρεση του βέλτιστου τρόπου αντιμετώ- πισης αυτών των περιοχών εξακολουθεί να είναι αντικείμενο ενεργής έρευνας. Επιπρό- σθετα, υπάρχει έλλειψη εργαλείων για την αναζήτηση και απεικόνιση τέτοιων περιοχών χαμηλής πολυπλοκότητας (ΠΧΠ) που θα μπορούσαν να βοηθήσουν σε πιο πολύπλοκες (υπολογιστικά) προσπάθειες για την κατανόηση του βιολογικού ρόλου πρωτεϊνικών αλ- ληλουχιών με ΠΧΠ. Στα πλαίσια αυτής της διατριβής, ελέγξαμε και επιβεβαιώσαμε την αποτελεσματικότητα όλων των τρόπων αντιμετώπισης των ΠΧΠ που προσφέρονται από το BLAST με την προ- σθήκη του φιλτραρίσματος της βάσης δεδομένων με τα προγράμματα λογισμικού SEG και CAST. Επινοήσαμε μια εμπεριστατωμένη μέθοδο επαλήθευσης των σωστών αποτε- λεσμάτων και δείξαμε ότι οι αποτελεσματικότερες μέθοδοι αντιμετώπισης των ΠΧΠ ήταν κάποιες που δεν είχαν αξιολογηθεί μέχρι τώρα. Με βάση τα αποτελέσματα μας, προτεί- νουμε την εφαρμογή του φιλτραρίσματος τόσο της αλληλουχίας-ερώτημα όσο και της βάσης δεδομένων με το CAST σε όλες τις μεγάλης κλίμακας υπολογιστικές μελέτες συ- γκριτικής γονιδιωματικής, ειδικά εάν τα σύνολα δεδομένων είναι πλούσια σε ΠΧΠ. Αυτή η προσέγγιση δείχθηκε να μειώνει τις υπολογιστικές απαιτήσεις αυξάνοντας ταυτόχρονα την ευαισθησία της εύρεσης ομολόγων. Προκειμένου να επιταχύνουμε την ευρύτερη υιοθέτηση του CAST από την επιστημονική κοινότητα, αναπτύξαμε μία νέα έκδοση με σημαντικές βελτιώσεις στην ταχύτητα του και με επιπρόσθετα χαρακτηριστικά που κά- νουν τη χρήση σε πλήρως αυτοματοποιημένα περιβάλλοντα ακόμα ευκολότερη.
  • 6. iv Επιπρόσθετα, αναπτύξαμε τον LCR-eXXXplorer, ένα καινοτόμο διαδικτυακό τόπο με μο- ναδικά διεθνώς εργαλεία στοχευμένα στους ερευνητές που ενδιαφέρονται για τις ΠΧΠ. Συγκρινόμενος με τις λίγες άλλες παρόμοιες υπηρεσίες, ο LCR-eXXXplorer όχι μόνο προ- σφέρει στους ερευνητές την δυνατότητα να αναζητήσουν εύκολα και γρήγορα μεταξύ εκατομμυρίων σχολιασμένων ΠΧΠ, αλλά και να τις απεικονίσουν με ένα ευέλικτο και λει- τουργικό τρόπο που επιτρέπει την άμεση σύγκριση με σχολιασμούς άλλων βάσεων δε- δομένων (όπως η UniProtKB) αλλά και προγνώσεων που σχετίζονται με τις ΠΧΠ. Χρησιμοποιώντας τα εργαλεία που αναπτύχθηκαν κατά την διάρκεια αυτής τη μελέτης, εξερευνήσαμε την χρηστικότητα γνωρισμάτων που βασίζονται στην ολική και τοπική α- μινοξική σύσταση πρωτεϊνών που κωδικοποιούνται από πλήρη γονιδιώματα για την πρόγνωση φαινοτυπικών χαρακτηριστικών των αντίστοιχων ειδών. Συγκεκριμένα, χρησι- μοποιήσαμε μια σειρά από πλήρως αλληλουχημένα γονιδιώματα στελεχών του γένους Escherichia για την πρόγνωση της παθογονικότητας κάθε στελέχους. Πραγματοποιώντας εκτενείς προσομοιώσεις με τεχνητά σύνολα δεδομένων που προσομοίωναν πρωτεϊνικά υποσύνολα από ημιτελείς μετα-γονιδιωματικές συλλογές, δείξαμε ότι η πρόγνωση της παθογονικότητας με υψηλή ακρίβεια είναι δυνατή ακόμα και με τόσο περιορισμένη πληροφορία. Τα πρωτότυπα αποτελέσματά μας ανοίγουν νέες κατευθύνσεις για επιπρόσθετη έρευνα τόσο στην ορθή επικύρωση των εργαλείων αναζήτησης ομοιότητας όσο και στην σωστή υλοποίηση μεγάλης κλίμακας πειραμάτων αναζήτησης αλληλουχιών. Επιπρόσθετα, ανα- μένουμε ότι η προσέγγισή μας για την αξιοποίηση υπογραφών βασισμένων στην αμινο- ξική σύσταση (πιθανώς ημιτελών) (μέτα-) γονιδιωματικών δεδομένων μπορεί εύκολα να επεκταθεί για να καλύπτει και άλλα είδη και μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε σημαντικές εφαρμογές βιοασφάλειας όπως είναι η συνεχής επιτήρηση για ξεσπάσματα επιδημιών. Η εργασία αυτή χρηματοδοτήθηκε εν μέρει από το ϊδρυμα Προώθησης Έρευνας μέσω του προγράμματος ΠΕΝΕΚ/ENIΣΧ/0308/77.
  • 7. v Abstract Many proteins are enriched in segments of extreme amino acid compositions. Such com- positionally biased proteins are increasingly shown to play important biological roles but, due to their biochemical properties, they have been hard to study so far. In addition, such segments of low complexity clearly deviate from the random model used to evaluate the statistical significance of database search algorithms, leading to the production of (often large numbers of) false positive similarity detection cases. Several approaches have been proposed for addressing this drawback, but finding the most effective way to deal with such regions is still a subject of active research. Moreover, there is a lack of readily acces- sible tools for searching and visualizing low complexity regions (LCRs) which may facilitate more advanced (computational) approaches for elucidating the biological roles of LCR- containing proteins. In this work we tested and verified the effectiveness of all LCR-handling methods offered by BLAST with the addition of database masking with CAST or SEG. We devised a compre- hensive validation approach and demonstrated that yet untested schemes are the most appropriate for this task. More specifically, we propose that two-way CAST masking should be adopted in large-scale computational comparative genomics studies, especially for datasets with high LCR content. This approach is shown to guarantee the reduction of necessary computational resources (CPU time, storage space) while increasing the sensi- tivity of homolog detection. To facilitate the wider adoption of CAST, we also developed a new version with significant speed-up improvements and pipeline-friendly features. Moreover, we developed LCR-eXXXplorer, a novel web-based system with unique proper- ties and features for researchers interested in LCRs. Compared to the few similar services available, LCR-eXXXplorer not only provides researches with the ability to easily and accu- rately search among millions of annotated LCRs, but also to display them in an attractive and functional fashion, allowing direct comparison with annotations stored in other online databases, such as UniProtKB, and predicted properties commonly associated with LCRs. This system is designed in a modular way, enabling future addition of other datasets or support of additional LCR-detection algorithms.
  • 8. vi Using the tools developed in this study, we investigated the utility of global and local compositional features computed from proteins encoded in complete genomes for pre- dicting phenotypic traits of the respective species. More specifically, we used a number of completely sequenced genomes of species/strains of the genus Escherichia for predicting the pathogenicity of each strain. By performing extensive simulations with artificial da- tasets resembling protein subsets from incomplete metagenomic assemblies we illustrate that even with such limited information accurate prediction of pathogenicity is feasible. Our original findings open new directions for further research both in the proper valida- tion of sequence similarity search tools and in the proper implementation of large-scale sequence search pipelines. Furthermore, we anticipate that our approach for utilizing compositional signatures from (possibly incomplete) (meta-) genomic data may be easily extended to cover other lineages and be directly applicable in important biosafety appli- cations, such as epidemiological monitoring. This work was funded in part by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation through the grant ΠΕΝΕΚ/ENIΣΧ/0308/77.
  • 9. vii Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank my Research Supervisor Dr. Vasillis J. Promponas for all the guidance and support he provided. He was also the one who came up with the idea of my thesis’ subject, which turned out to be both fascinating and original. Vasillis, besides being a brilliant researcher and supervisor, is also a great friend and has always helped me when things got tough. I also owe him some of the funniest memories of my life which, almost always, took place in one of the many national and international meet- ings and conferences we attended together. I hope our collaboration and friendship will endure for many years to come. I would also like to thank all the other members of my Examining Committee, Dr. Ioannis Iliopoulos, Dr. Leontios Kostrikis, Dr. Christos Ouzounis & Dr. Paris Skourides for their crit- ical comments and useful remarks on my manuscript and presentation. Their input was invaluable and helped the overall quality of my thesis. Many thanks also go to Dr. Niovi Santama who also gave invaluable comments as a member of my Thesis Proposal Com- mittee but, unfortunately, was unable to attend my viva voce. A big thanks goes to all my colleagues in the lab and especially Athina Theodosiou, Stella Tamana, Ioanna Kalvari and Maria Xenophontos not only for always helping me when in need but also for being part of a tight, friendly and funny team. I wish them the best in their lives and I have no doubts that they will all produce brilliant science. I would also like to thank the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation for funding and supporting a big part of this research through a PENEK grant (ΠΕΝΕΚ/ENIΣΧ/0308/77). Hopefully they also feel that their money was spent for a good cause . During the last year of my PhD I was lucky enough to work as part of a great team led by Dr. George Christophides for a project irrelevant with my thesis. Despite that, George and my colleagues demonstrated a great amount of patience and understating and essentially allowed me to deal exclusively with my PhD for the past 3 months. I am grateful to them because without their help and tolerance I seriously doubt I would have been able to fi- nalize my thesis on time.
  • 10. viii I am more than grateful to Marilena Aplikioti, my life partner for the past 11 years. I owe so much to her… her love, beauty, patience, and endurance helped me to keep up with my dream even at times I was sure that I was never meant to become a researcher. Thank you very much Marilena, I will always love you. Finally, I would like to thank my parents and my brother. Since only my brother speaks and reads English, allow me to write this part in Greek. Αγαπημένοι μου γονείς και αδερφέ, δεν μπορώ να εκφράσω με λόγια πόσα σας χρωστώ και πόσο σας αγαπώ. Σας ευχαριστώ που ήσασταν πάντα δίπλα μου και δεν πάψατε να πιστεύετε σε εμένα και στο όνειρό μου ούτε ένα λεπτό. Να ξέρετε ότι σας σκέφτομαι ό- που και αν βρίσκομαι. Σας αγαπώ πολύ!. Ioannis Kirmitzoglou.
  • 11. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT [IN GREEK LANGUAGE]............................................................................................................. III ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..............................................................................................................................VII LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................... XII LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................XIV 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 EXTREMES IN LOCAL SEQUENCE COMPOSITION...............................................................................................1 1.2 DEFINITIONS OF PROTEIN SEQUENCE SEGMENTS WITH LOW COMPLEXITY............................................................3 1.2.1 First of all, some “history”..........................................................................................................3 1.2.2 Definitions..................................................................................................................................3 Low Complexity Regions .......................................................................................................................................4 Intrinsically Disordered proteins...........................................................................................................................5 Tandem, Cryptic and Interspersed repeats...........................................................................................................6 Simple Sequences .................................................................................................................................................7 Linguistic Complexity ............................................................................................................................................7 1.3 ALGORITHMS CAPABLE OF DETECTING LCRS..................................................................................................8 1.3.1 SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) ...........................................................................................8 1.3.2 CAST (Promponas et al., 2000) ...................................................................................................9 1.3.3 (Wise, 2001).....................................................................................................................11 1.3.4 DSR (Wan et al., 2003) .............................................................................................................12 1.3.5 CARD (Shin and Kim, 2005).......................................................................................................13 1.3.6 BIAS (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006)..........................................................................................14 1.3.7 LPS (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Harrison, 2006) .....................................15 1.3.8 Others.......................................................................................................................................15 1.4 COMPOSITION BASED STATISTICS (SCHAFFER ET AL., 2001; YU AND ALTSCHUL, 2005)........................................16 1.5 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCR-HANDLING TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH.....................................................17 1.6 AVAILABLE SERVICES TO SEARCH AND VISUALIZE LCRS....................................................................................19 1.7 COMPOSITIONAL PROPERTIES OF PROTEIN SEQUENCES AND BIOLOGICAL RELEVANCE ..........................................21 1.8 SCOPE OF THIS STUDY..............................................................................................................................24 2 DATA & METHODS ...........................................................................................................................26 2.1 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCR-HANDLING TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH.....................................................26 2.1.1 Data collection .........................................................................................................................26 2.1.2 LCR masking.............................................................................................................................27 2.1.3 Running modes.........................................................................................................................27 2.1.4 Sequence comparisons.............................................................................................................29 2.1.5 Εvaluation of full genome self-comparisons ............................................................................30
  • 12. x 2.1.6 Evaluation of ASTRAL-based benchmarks................................................................................32 2.2 LCR-EXXXPLORER, A SERVICE TO SEARCH, VISUALIZE AND SHARE LOW COMPLEXITY REGIONS IN PROTEIN SEQUENCES.35 2.2.1 Data Collection.........................................................................................................................35 2.2.2 System Description & Architecture...........................................................................................35 2.2.3 Database of protein sequences and annotations.....................................................................36 Database schema................................................................................................................................................36 GFF3 files: creation and loading into the database.............................................................................................37 2.2.4 The web service........................................................................................................................38 Gbrowse..............................................................................................................................................................38 Local BLAST searches ..........................................................................................................................................43 2.3 PREDICTING THE PATHOGENICITY OF ESCHERICHIA STRAINS BASED ON LOCAL AND GLOBAL AMINO ACID COMPOSITIONAL SIGNATURES....................................................................................................................................................44 2.3.1 Data Collection.........................................................................................................................44 2.3.2 Detection of LCRs .....................................................................................................................45 2.3.3 Generation of compositional signatures..................................................................................47 2.3.4 Genome clustering ...................................................................................................................48 2.3.5 Generation of simulated incomplete genomes ........................................................................49 2.3.6 Predictive models: creation and validation..............................................................................49 2.3.7 Generation of chimeric genomes .............................................................................................50 Transformation of the original 22 genomes........................................................................................................51 Generation of artificial genomes with specific properties ..................................................................................51 3 RESULTS & DISCUSSION....................................................................................................................52 3.1 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCR DETECTION TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH ....................................................52 3.1.1 LCR content ..............................................................................................................................52 Full proteomes....................................................................................................................................................52 ASTRAL40 versus UniProt/SwissProt ....................................................................................................................54 3.1.2 Execution Times and Output File Sizes .....................................................................................56 Full proteome self-comparisons .........................................................................................................................56 ASTRAL-based comparisons................................................................................................................................58 3.1.3 Performance of the various running modes.............................................................................60 Full proteome self-comparisons .........................................................................................................................60 ASTRAL-based benchmarks.................................................................................................................................63 3.2 LCR-EXXXPLORER, A SERVICE TO SEARCH, VISUALIZE AND SHARE LOW COMPLEXITY REGIONS IN PROTEIN SEQUENCES.72 3.2.1 Description of LCR-eXXXplorer .................................................................................................72 General Description ............................................................................................................................................72 Key functionality .................................................................................................................................................72 3.3 PREDICTING THE PATHOGENICITY OF ESCHERICHIA STRAINS BASED ON LOCAL AND GLOBAL AMINO ACID COMPOSITIONAL SIGNATURES....................................................................................................................................................86 3.3.1 Clustering of Escherichia strains based on global and local compositional signatures............86
  • 13. xi 3.3.2 Training and validation of binary classification models capable of prediction the pathogenicity of Escherichia strains based on global and local compositional signatures...........................................91 3.3.3 Exploration for the identification of proteomic subsets responsible for the predictive power of the final models......................................................................................................................................94 3.4 A NEW GENERATION OF THE CAST ALGORITHM............................................................................................99 4 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................104 4.1 EFFECTS OF LCRS AND LCRS DETECTION TOOLS IN PROTEIN DATABASE SEARCH.................................................104 4.2 TOOLS FOR SEARCHING AND VISUALIZING LOW COMPLEXITY REGIONS IN PROTEIN SEQUENCES..............................105 4.3 COMPOSITIONAL PROPERTIES OF PROTEIN SEQUENCES IN COMPLETE GENOMES: IS THERE A SIGNAL OUT THERE? .....106 5 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................109 6 SUPPLEMENT..................................................................................................................................122 6.1 SERVICES SIMILAR TO LCR-EXXXPLORER...................................................................................................122 6.1.1 NCBI BLAST.............................................................................................................................122 6.1.2 UniProtKB/SwissProt..............................................................................................................124 6.1.3 InterPro ..................................................................................................................................126 6.1.4 RepeatsDB..............................................................................................................................129 6.1.5 HRaP.......................................................................................................................................130 6.2 SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES & TABLES........................................................................................................133 6.3 PUBLICATIONS / PRESENTATIONS DERIVED FROM THIS WORK ........................................................................137 6.4 PUBLICATIONS / PRESENTATIONS RELATED WITH THIS WORK .........................................................................138 6.5 OTHER PUBLICATIONS ...........................................................................................................................139 6.6 CODE SNIPPETS....................................................................................................................................141
  • 14. xii List of Figures Figure 1-1. Protein (sequence) databases grow exponentially with time......................................... 2 Figure 1-2. The "protein details" view of LPS-annotate. .....................Error! Bookmark not defined. Figure 2-1. Running modes evaluated in this study......................................................................... 28 Figure 2-2. Self-comparison best hits: ideal case versus real-life.................................................... 30 Figure 2-3. Flowchart of the method used to evaluate the performance of the different masking modes.......................................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 2-4. The database schema of LCR-eXXXplorer...................................................................... 37 Figure 2-5. Search results in LCR-eXXXplorer. ................................................................................. 40 Figure 2-6. Generation of compositional signatures. ...................................................................... 48 Figure 3-1. Low complexity content of the four proteomes used in this study, according to SEG and CAST. .................................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 3-2. LCRs distribution in sequence and structure databases and their evolution in time. .. 53 Figure 3-3. Execution times for the completion of BLASTP all-against-all self-comparisons. ......... 57 Figure 3-4. Sizes of BLASTP all-against-all self-comparisons output files........................................ 57 Figure 3-5. Execution-times for ASTRAL-based BLASTP comparisons with two different 𝐸-value thresholds; 0.001 (magenta) and 100 (cyan).............................................................................. 58 Figure 3-6. File sizes for ASTRAL-based BLASTP comparisons with two different 𝐸-value thresholds; 0.001 (magenta) and 100 (cyan).............................................................................. 59 Figure 3-7. Comparison of the results obtained by the various masking modes. ........................... 61 Figure 3-8. Comparison of the results obtained by the various running modes............................. 62 Figure 3-9. E-value versus FP rank................................................................................................... 64 Figure 3-10. Errors per query versus 𝐸-value. ................................................................................. 64 Figure 3-11. Number of TP versus FP hits........................................................................................ 65 Figure 3-12. Truncated ROC plots.................................................................................................... 65 Figure 3-13. Distributions of interesting properties versus the number of hits.............................. 67 Figure 3-14. Distributions of interesting properties versus the number of hits.............................. 68
  • 15. xiii Figure 3-15. Distributions of interesting properties versus the number of hits.............................. 69 Figure 3-16. Detailed comparisons of selected features between running modes......................... 71 Figure 3-17. The "protein details" view of LCR-eXXXplorer............................................................. 76 Figure 3-18. Configuration options for a combo-track in LCR-eXXXplorer...................................... 78 Figure 3-19. The advanced search plugin ........................................................................................ 80 Figure 3-20. The "Submit to NCBI BLASTP" plugin options.............................................................. 83 Figure 3-21. Exporting to PNG in LCR-eXXXplorer. .......................................................................... 85 Figure 3-22. Download (A) decorated & (B) masked FASTA files. ................................................... 85 Figure 3-23. Comparison of the SIM similarity measure for all the gene-count classes. ................ 90 Figure 3-24. Performance metrics for the final predictive models.................................................. 92 Figure 3-25. Heatmap view of the Global composition signature (GC)........................................... 93 Figure 3-26. Performance metrics of the predictive models built from genomes containing only specific classes of sequences. ..................................................................................................... 96 Figure 3-27. Percentage of chimeric “genomes” predicted as pathogenic plotted against the “genome” size............................................................................................................................. 98 Figure 3-28. Computational performance of CAST running against 7 genomes with varying levels of LCR content........................................................................................................................... 100 Figure 3-29. Computational performance of CAST running against P. falciparum and the observed speed-up factor compared to CAST v.1.0 (gcc)......................................................................... 101 Figure 6-1. NCBI BLASTP presentation and handling of LCRs. ....................................................... 123 Figure 6-2. Annotations in UniProt/SwissProt............................................................................... 124 Figure 6-3. Examples of repeats annotated in UniProt/SwissProt. ............................................... 126 Figure 6-4. Searching by domain organisation in InterPro. ........................................................... 128 Figure 6-5. The user interface of RepeatsDB................................................................................. 130 Figure 6-6. Homorepeats found in Homo sapiens according to HRaP. ......................................... 132 Figure 6-7. Detailed view of a protein matching search criteria in HRaP...................................... 132
  • 16. xiv List of Tables Table 1. Methods for detecting regions of non-standard local amino acid composition in protein sequences. .................................................................................................................................. 16 Table 2. Running modes chosen for presentation in this study. ..................................................... 29 Table 3. Classification of protein sequences based on the output of the BLASTP comparisons..... 33 Table 4. Completely sequence genomes of Escherichia strains used in this study......................... 46 Table 5. ROCn values and standard deviations for evaluated BLASTP modes. ............................... 66 Table 6. UniProt/SwissProt annotations displayed in LCR-eXXXplorer and their organization in categories.................................................................................................................................... 74 Table 7. Description of the fields (columns) in the CSV files available for download in LCR- eXXXplorer. ................................................................................................................................. 84 Table 8. Mean similarity (SIM) scores for all generated sub-samples............................................. 87 Table 9. Predicted pathogenicity for the 3 strains of our dataset that we were unable to verify their pathogenicity using the literature...................................................................................... 93 Table 10. Sequence classes for every strain of the training set. ..................................................... 95 Table 11. P. falciparum proteins affected using the –skip 5 option of CAST v2.1..................... 102 Table 12. Computational performance of CAST and SEG running against 7 genomes with varying levels of LCR content................................................................................................................. 103 Table 13. LCR-related entries in InterPro may belong to any of the four entry types. ................. 127
  • 17. 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Extremes in Local Sequence Composition The continuous explosion in the amount of biological sequence data stored in public da- tabases (Figure 1-1) requires fast and reliable tools for its proper utilisation. Amongst the most prevalent tools for extracting biological knowledge out of macromolecular sequenc- es are sequence comparison tools, which enable the identification of similarities between a newly described sequence and (possibly annotated) sequences within a database. Those similarities can provide essential information for the detection of homologues, which is the first step towards the (automated) in silico inference of functional, structural and evo- lutionary features of protein molecules (Andrade et al., 1999; Hoersch et al., 2000). Effi- cient and sensitive algorithms, such as FASTA (Pearson and Lipman, 1988; Pearson, 1990) and BLAST (Altschul et al., 1997, 1990), have been developed to facilitate the rapid execu- tion of similarity searches. BLAST is perhaps the most heavily used mainly because of its speed, sensitivity, and the incorporation of rigorous statistics for the evaluation of hits. Inherent to statistical estimates of significance of database hits, lies the assumption that amino acid sequences are random polypeptides drawn from an underlying distribution (Altschul et al., 1990; Karlin and Altschul, 1990; Karlin et al., 1990). However, there exist segments of extreme local amino acid composition –also known as compositionally biased or ‘low complexity’ regions (LCRs) (Wootton, 1994a) – that clearly deviate from the random model used to evaluate statistical significance of hits. Those segments confound the ability of the above methods, leading to the production of erro- neous significant (false positives) and insignificant (false negatives) hits between a biased query sequence and some database entries. Furthermore, such low complexity regions were found to be very common. In a seminal paper, Wootton and Federhen (1993) have shown that about half of the protein sequences deposited in UniProt/SwissProt1 (The UniProt Consortium, 2014) contain such a region; more recently, Golding (1999) demon- strated that LCRs are very frequent within yeast protein sequences, something which is 1; more specifically, when Wootton and Federhen compiled their results they used a release of the SwissProt database (Bairoch and Boeckmann, 1992).
  • 18. 2 also true (and more prevalent) for the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pizzi and Frontali, 2001; Promponas et al., 2000; Tsoka et al., 1999). Thus, it was soon realized that low complexity regions require special treatment, since they tend to produce many spuri- ous hits with specious high scores leading to large and confusing output lists, where hits with a strong biological significance may be buried (Altschul et al., 1994; Wootton, 1994b). Figure 1-1. Protein (sequence) databases grow exponentially with time. Growth graphs for 4 of the most commonly used public protein (sequence) databases. Top left: NCBI/Proteins (source Top right: UniProt/SwissProt (source Bottom left: UniProt/TrEMBL (source Bottom right: Protein Data Bank (source The surprisingly simple, yet powerful, solution adapted, was to ‘mask’ those regions of the query sequence with a residue character treated as neutral by database search soft- ware (‘X’ in protein and ‘N’ in nucleic acid sequences respectively). Detecting such re- gions though is far from simple and many different formulations of such solutions exist.
  • 19. 3 1.2 Definitions of Protein Sequence Segments with Low Complexity 1.2.1 First of all, some “history” The very first algorithms introduced to detect and mask compositionally biased regions were SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) and XNU (Claverie and States, 1993) for protein and DUST (Morgulis et al., 2006; Tatusov and Lipman, unpublished) for nucleotide se- quences. SEG and DUST were incorporated in the BLAST suite of programs since 1992 (Wootton, 1994b) and were used as the default option until recently, when they got re- placed by compositional based statistics (CBS) (more info in section 1.4 below). Many more algorithms exist today for this purpose (see section 1.3) and –while some of them are quite similar– they deal with the problem of LCR detection in different ways, thus producing varying results. Importantly, benchmarks have been carried out in different contexts. For example, CAST seems to be a better choice than SEG for masking protein sequences prior to database search where detection specificity plays an important role (Kirmitzoglou and Promponas, 2007; also this work; Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003; Promponas et al., 2000). On the other hand BIAS seems to be more sensitive than CAST and SEG in the detection of compositionally biased regions rich in specific, user-defined, residues (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006). 1.2.2 Definitions Karlin and Altschul were the first who examined the problems caused in sequence similar- ity searches by the presence of “unusual patterns in a nucleic acid or protein sequence” (1990). The reported patterns involve clusters of either heavily charged, hydrophobic or cysteine residues. Wootton and Federhen (1993) used a well-established information theory measure, the Shannon entropy (Shannon, 1948) as a proxy to the more expensive computation of combinatorial complexity, to define and identify regions with unusual amino acid composition which they termed as “low complexity”, since Shannon entropy is a measure of the information encoded in a signal2. About the same time Claverie and States (1993) dealt with the artefacts introduced into database search results by regions 2 Actually, there were previous works introducing information theoretic measures as an estimate of biological sequence complexity – e.g. Salomon and Konopka (1992), whose approach was only used for the study of nucleotide sequences.
  • 20. 4 containing internal or intrinsic repeats; they described the latter as “low complexity” or “low entropy” segments. While both of the above definitions share the same name, the one by Wootton and Federhen is broader and covers most of the regions reported by the methods presented in section 1.3 below. Furthermore, their definition is well established due to the use of a robust mathematical framework3. In any case, many definitions were given for sequences that match the criteria of “low complexity”, even though many of the definitions use neither complexity nor entropy measures to describe these sequences. In the following paragraphs we will try to summa- rize the most important such definitions that exist in the literature, especially those ac- companied with relevant software. Low Complexity Regions The most common definition used for these amino acid clusters is “Compositionally Bi- ased Regions” or “Low Complexity Regions”. The basic principle, first described by Woot- ton and Federhen (1993), is that complexity can be derived by the vector representation of the compositional state of a sequence segment. Let us assume the following hypothet- ical protein sequence as an example: ASSWSARYILST this sequence is L=12 residues long and its state complexity vector is defined as (4,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) which contains the counts of amino acid types of the example sequence in descending order. Notice that the sum of all the numbers in the vector equals the length of the se- quence. Using this vector as a starting point we can define two measures that describe the complexity of any subsequence: 𝐾1 = 1 𝐿 𝑙𝑜𝑔20 ( 𝐿! ∏ 𝑛𝑖!20 𝑖=1 ) ( 1-1 ) 3 Strictly speaking, many of the algorithms presented in this work do not detect “Low complexity regions” as defined by Wootton and Federhen. Despite this, due to the popularity of the term among researches of the field, we will refer to all such detected regions as LCRs, unless otherwise noted.
  • 21. 5 𝐾2 = − ∑ 𝑛𝑖 𝐿 (log 𝑛𝑖 𝐿 ) 20 𝑖=1 ( 1-2 ) where 𝐾1 is the local compositional complexity of the sequence (or subsequence), 𝐾2 its compositional entropy (or Shannon entropy) and 𝑛𝑖 are the 20 counts in the complexity vector4. A third useful measure is the probability 𝑃0 for the occurrence of a specific com- plexity state. In the case of equal prior probabilities for the appearance of the 20 amino acids, 𝑃0 is: 𝑃0 = 1 20 𝐿 ( 𝐿! ∏ 𝑛𝑖!20 𝑖=1 ) ( 20! ∏ 𝑟𝑘!𝐿 𝑘=0 ) ( 1-3 ) where 𝑟𝑘 are the counts of the number of occurrences of each number in the complexity state vector. It is clear that 𝐾1, 𝐾2 and 𝑃0 are all functions of the complexity state vector; this in turn means that many different protein sequences can give equal complexity measures as long as their vectors are the same (e.g. sequences AAWSTR, IILAYD and CKILLQ). Moving a step further, Kuznetsov & Hwang (2006), divided the general term of composi- tional bias into global and local compositional bias. The term of global bias is referring to the entire protein sequence that is consisting of a large amount of specific residue types and becomes one large compositionally biased segment. On the other side, the local bias is more about protein sequences that their global composition conforms the random in- dependence model but contain local clusters of over or under-represented residue types. Intrinsically Disordered proteins Another term that is frequently used to describe proteins sequences rich in LCRs is “in- trinsically disordered proteins”. The term refers to proteins that (globally or partially) fail to fold into a fixed three-dimensional (3D) structure. This may be the case for segments or 4 In fact, K2 was introduced in SEG as an approximation of K1, since computation of factorials was very demanding with the computers available in early 90s. Within the SEG software logarithms were tabulated and approximated by interpolation, so actually SEG per- formed a fast lookup to compute K2.
  • 22. 6 even the entirety of the protein chain. Often, these chains do fold into a fixed structure upon interaction with another protein (Romero et al., 2001; Schnell et al., 2007). Never- theless, while it is true that LCRs are frequently associated with protein disorder, “intrinsi- cally disordered proteins” and “low complexity regions” are not equivalent terms and one can exist without the other (Romero et al., 2001). Well documented exemplary cases are the reports demonstrating that extended Q/N-rich regions lead to the formation of amy- loids –i.e. self-propagating, β-sheet-rich, fibrillar protein aggregates associated with a number of diseases (Koo et al., 1999; Michelitsch and Weissman, 2000). Tandem, Cryptic and Interspersed repeats It is quite common for protein and nucleotide sequences to contain segments that are identical (or near identical) and are repeated throughout the protein sequence in regular or irregular patterns. Such repeats are commonly associated with specific functional and structural properties and may indeed lower the complexity of the sequence either global- ly and/or locally. The three major categories of protein repeats (Albà et al., 2002; Li and Kahveci, 2006) are (all examples contain dashes for easier comprehension of the repeats structure): i. Tandem repeats, as the name implies, are identical subsequences that occur consecutively in protein sequences (e.g. ADP-ADP-ADP-ADP). Tandem repeats are often detected as LCRs, something that depends on the complexity and length of each subsequence and the number of times is repeated. ii. Interspersed repeats are similar to tandem repeats but they are not consecu- tive, i.e. there are at least two identical subsequences separated by a non- repeat segment (e.g. ADP-K-ADP-LSN-ADP). iii. Cryptic repeats may be tandem or interspersed repeats of subsequences that are similar but not identical. Since similarity heavily relies on the method and the scoring scheme used to calculate it, different algorithms may not detect the same sequence segments as cryptic repeats. Whether or not cryptic re- peats can also be LCRs depends not only on the complexity, length and the number of the repeated sub-segments, but also on their similarity (the more similar the sub-segments, the higher the chance of being detected as LCRs). If the substitution matrix used to calculate similarity is BLOSUM62
  • 23. 7 (Supplementary Figure 1) (Henikoff and Henikoff, 1992), then a typical exam- ple for this category would be QDH-K-EDH-LS-QDY (since substitutions for Q to H and H to Y both give a positive score of 2). In any case, it should be noted that a large fraction of the repeats present in protein se- quences (especially the longer ones) are not of low complexity and thus these two terms cannot be used interchangeably. Simple Sequences Another widely used definition for LCRs, is “simple sequences” which are perfect repeats of a single amino acid type. These homopolymers are primarily composed by specific amino acid types such as Q, N, S, T, P, H, G, A, D and E, and are usually shorter than 20 residues long (Huntley and Golding, 2002). Because of their inherent low complexity most of the simple sequences in protein sequences are also detected as LCRs by algorithms de- pending on complexity measures such as SEG. However, “simple sequences” cannot de- scribe the full spectrum of LCRs and therefore can only be considered a subset of them (Albà et al., 2002; Sim and Creamer, 2004). Linguistic Complexity Linguistic complexity is considered as a quite different measure of compositional com- plexity since is mostly defined by the structural (in terms of words and vocabulary, not 3D-structure) complexity of the sequence and not by its composition (Pietrokovski et al., 1990; Popov et al., 1996). Despite having been defined primarily to describe human- written text, linguistic complexity can be applied to any sequence of characters, including nucleotide and protein sequences. Two of the most obvious similarities between human and biological texts (sequences) are their linear structure and the fact that both contain certain letter combinations more frequent than others in a repetitive pattern (Popov et al., 1996). Contrary to human text though, biological sequences are much more repetitive (Troyanskaya et al., 2002), thus sub-segments of high linguistic complexity usually indi- cate the presence of a biological signal. In that sense, linguistic complexity is better suited to detect segments of biological se- quences that are of unusually high structural complexity, compared to the rest of the se- quence, and thus biologically potentially interesting. Still, several studies (e.g. Pietrokov-
  • 24. 8 ski et al., 1990; Popov et al., 1996; Troyanskaya et al., 2002) have demonstrated that there is often a direct connection between subsequences with low linguistic complexity and low compositional complexity (i.e. entropy). As such, linguistic complexity is another measure that can be used to detect probable LCRs and such formulations have been de- scribed (e.g. ScanCom; Nandi et al., 2003a). 1.3 Algorithms Capable of Detecting LCRs Over the years researchers have developed a large number of algorithms for the detec- tion and, most of the times, masking of low complexity regions (Table 1). We present, in chronological order, the most important ones in terms of usage and algorithmic ap- proach/diversity. While the assessment of the importance of each method is largely a subjective process, we tried to use some objective criteria to select the methods present- ed herein. Such criteria include novelty, performance, adoption by the scientific commu- nity and –crucially– availability. 1.3.1 SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) SEG has been the golden standard for identifying and masking low complexity regions since the early- to mid-1990’s, when it was incorporated into the BLAST suite of programs as a default option. Its sensitivity along with its speed has facilitated the elimination of the vast majority of spurious hits produced by BLASTP, practically enhancing its sensitivi- ty. Because of the measures it uses [equations ( 1-1 ) to ( 1-3 )] it can detect most of the non-random regions in protein sequences including homopolymers, short period repeats and aperiodic mosaics of few residue types. SEG is a two stage window based algorithm that accepts 3 user-defined parameters: the initial window length 𝐿(1) and two complexi- ty thresholds; the trigger 𝐾𝑡 and the extension complexity 𝐾𝑒. During the first stage SEG identifies “trigger windows” or seed segments of length 𝐿(1) and of 𝐾2 complexity smaller or equal to the trigger complexity 𝐾𝑡. After merging over- lapping trigger windows, SEG extends those merged “raw segments” to both directions by including any window of length 𝐿(1) that has complexity 𝐾2 ≤ 𝐾𝑒 until no further exten- sion is possible. Equation ( 1-2 ) is preferred at this stage as an approximation of equation ( 1-1 ) for computational efficiency. In the second stage SEG reduces the above segments to “optimal low complexity segments”, i.e. sub-segments with the lowest occurrence
  • 25. 9 probability 𝑃0. For this purpose it uses equations ( 1-1 ) and ( 1-2 ) which are well suited for optimization of sequences with different lengths. As an optional step, SEG can mask the aforementioned segments prior to a similarity search to reduce the number of pro- duced spurious hits. While SEG performs notably well in most of the cases, its usage as a default option prior to BLASTP searching until recently, has been the source of scepticism by various authors (Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003; Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006; e.g. Promponas et al., 2000; Wan et al., 2003). Most of them agree that SEG masks significantly more residues than those really needed to eliminate spurious hits and in some cases it even masks functionally im- portant regions that would lead to the detection of true homologues (e.g. Koonin et al., 1996). This can be mainly attributed to the origins of SEG as a tool to analyse the local complexity of proteins sequences and to automatically identify non-globular protein do- mains (Wootton, 1994a, 1994b), both being applications that favour sensitivity of detec- tion upon specificity. Furthermore, by design, SEG masks whole segments rather than the amino acid residues that are responsible for the computed low complexity of a specific region; by doing so it removes potentially crucial information for homolog detection. An- other target of criticism was the use of equal priors for all residue types in combination with a segmentation threshold derived by random sequences. This decision is justified by the composition of low complexity regions which is very different from the general com- position of protein databases (Wootton and Federhen, 1993). It also has some important consequences though, most notably the independence of detection from the sequence attributes derived from its amino acid types composition (Wan et al., 2003) and the ina- bility to estimate measures of statistical significance for the detected LCRs (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006). Finally, the usage of the sliding window makes SEG strongly biased in the detection of LCRs with lengths similar to the window length (Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003) which is typically short and by default equal to 12. 1.3.2 CAST (Promponas et al., 2000) With the aim of filtering amino acid sequences for enhanced database searches, Promponas and colleagues built on the “biasdb” algorithm (Andrade et al., 1999) to for- mulate a more intuitive masking algorithm in the context of database search. More spe- cifically, an artificial database of homopolymeric amino acid sequences of all twenty types
  • 26. 10 is searched against by any sequence of interest to identify potential regions of extreme compositional bias. Apparently, using a local similarity search algorithm along with a proper scoring scheme, sequence segments with one or few amino acid residues in excess (thus deviating from the background amino acid distribution) will achieve significant simi- larity scores and thus may be characterized as compositionally biased. A careful formula- tion of the problem, enabled the development of an iterative procedure based on a local alignment dynamic programming algorithm with infinite gap penalties (detection step) followed by masking the most significant region scoring above a user defined threshold (filtering step). Assume an amino acid sequence 𝑅 = 𝑟1 𝑟2. . 𝑟𝑖. . 𝑟𝑛 (query) and a substitution matrix 𝑀 with elements 𝑚 𝛼,𝑟 𝑖 for scoring the match of two residues of type 𝛼 and 𝑟𝑖 respectively. Then the dynamic programming recursion for computing the score for the match of the query sequence up to the residue 𝑟𝑖 and the homopolymer of type 𝛼 becomes 𝑠 𝛼 𝑖 = 𝑚 𝛼,𝑟 𝑖 + { 𝑠 𝛼 𝑖−1 , ≥ 0 0, < 0 ( 1-4 ) Any stretch of the query sequence with positive scores extending from a position with zero score to a locally maximal one is a candidate region. Applying this algorithm for all residue types, CAST can identify the stretch with the overall maximum score, which is destined for filtering provided the threshold criterion is fulfilled. The detection step con- ceptually detects similarity of a sequence region (compositionally biased region) to a sin- gle homopolymer type (type of composition bias), thus enabling 'surgical' masking of the query sequence, which seems to preserve useful information for more sensitive database searches (Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003; Promponas et al., 2000; Tsoka et al., 1999). Im- portantly, the compositional bias type may be used to characterize and crudely classify regions with unusual composition detected by CAST. By definition, CAST detects local composition bias; however, compositionally biased segments often span regions with dozens or even hundreds of residues, surpassing the “fixed window” limitation of SEG. While CAST enabled BLASTP searches with increased sensitivity and specificity when compared to SEG, it is not flawless. A major point of criticism has always been the slow performance of the algorithm, which can be mainly attributed to the computationally na- ïve implementation of the iterative local similarity search adopted by its original develop-
  • 27. 11 ers. Furthermore, since CAST’s internal searches against the database of homopolymers always happen with a specific order and after the protein sequence has been masked from the previous searches, artefacts can occur (e.g. CAST may only mask residues of type S in a region rich both in S and T because the evaluation of the score against poly-T hap- pened after all the residues of type S in the region were masked; since the pair S-T pro- duces a positive score5 but the pair X-T a negative one, masked residues will lower the total score of the region against poly-T and thus CAST may fail to detect it). To address the criticism around performance and to speed up the masking of data-sets containing hundreds of thousands of sequences6, we have created a newer version with vastly im- proved performance; CAST v2.1 is presented in section 3.3 of this manuscript. 1.3.3 (Wise, 2001) (Wise, 2001) measures the complexity of a protein sequence by encoding it into regular expressions. By doing that it transforms the sequence into a compressed repre- sentation; the lower the complexity of the sequence the higher the compression. Follow- ing this paradigm, uses compressibility as a measure of complexity. To better understand how works let us consider a protein sequence A (dashes are added for readability): A=ADP-ADP-KK-ADP-L-SSSS-N-ADP It is obvious that A contains 2 tandem and 2 interspersed repeats of ADP, as well as 2 simple sequences, namely KK and SSSS. Assuming that the resulting regular expressions can contain tokens that can either be a letter (for amino acids) or a number (for a diction- ary entry) then the regular expression would be (again with extra dashes): A'=12 -K2 -1-L-S4 -N-1 with a dictionary containing just one entry 1: ADP 5 According to BLOSUM62 S-T pairing has a score of 1 while X-T a score of -1, see also Supplementary Figure 1. 6 Such as the ones used by LCR-eXXXplorer, see also section “Description of LCR-eXXXplorer” at page 68.
  • 28. 12 Superscripts are used to denote the number of times each token is repeated. The total length of the regular expression is calculated by adding all the tokens from the expression (in this case 7) as well as the dictionary (3). The final score is calculated by subtracting the total length of the regular expression (10) from the length of the original sequence (20). Obviously, higher scores indicate higher compressibility and thus lower complexity. is unique because it provides researchers with a list (the dictionary) of sub-segments that are repeated throughout the sequence. It is also quite sensitive in detecting repeats or simple sequences that are as short as 2 residues. On the other hand, the final score de- scribes the whole sequence and therefore can be considered as a measure of global in- stead of local bias. Therefore, cannot be used to effectively mask protein sequences prior to database searches. 1.3.4 DSR (Wan et al., 2003) Shannon entropy is a measure derived by the complexity state vector of a sequence (see section “SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993)” above). That characteristic makes it inap- propriate for the comparison of sequences with significantly different sizes since it does not take into account the sequence length (e.g. sequences AAAAT , ATAAA and LLLLLLLLTT all have the same entropy of 𝐾2 = 0.167). In order to overcome that limita- tion Wan and colleagues defined a new measure derived directly from Shannon entropy, which they named “reciprocal complexity” 𝐶(𝑆) = ( 1 𝑛 ) 𝐿 ∏ ( 𝐿 𝜈𝑖 ) 𝜈 𝑖 𝑛 𝑖=1 ( 1-5 ) where 𝑛 is the count of letters in the alphabet used (20 for proteins), 𝐿 is the sequence length and 𝜈𝑖 the number of occurrences of each residue type in the complexity state vec- tor. Reciprocal complexity takes sequence length into account and allows for comparison of LCRs of substantially different size. A good example, pointed by the authors of DSR, is the case of the DNA sequence GTGTGTAC in which the obvious longest “simple seg- ment”, and thus the one with the lowest complexity, should be GTGTGT. Using Shannon entropy it is impossible to identify GTGTGT as the longest simple sub-segment while us- ing reciprocal complexity it is. In addition, DSR takes the (amino acid) composition of the database into account by incorporating scoring schemes (which are actually substitution
  • 29. 13 matrices) in the calculation of the reciprocal complexity. Thus equation ( 1-5 ) now be- comes 𝐶∗(𝑆) = 𝐿 log 𝐿 − 𝐿 log 𝑛 − ∑ 𝑢𝑖 ∗ log 𝑢𝑖 ∗ 𝑛 𝑖=1 ( 1-6 ) where 𝑢𝑖 ∗ represents a normalized version of the scoring scheme or substitution matrix in use. The incorporation of scoring schemes also allows for a software that can be fine- tuned to identify LCRs of specific compositional features (e.g. hydrophobicity), while at the same time being able to detect LCRs in a totally unbiased way (like SEG does) with the usage of a scoring scheme that assumes equal probabilities. Wan et al. (2003) suggested that the main usage of DSR should be “the masking of simple sequences for searching da- tabases” and demonstrated some test cases of heavily biased sequences that revealed a clear advantage of DSR over SEG in the elimination of spurious hits returned by BLASTP. When it comes to efficiency, both algorithms perform comparably, something expected since DSR employs the same 2-step procedure already described for SEG. Nevertheless, DSR has not been extensively used by the scientific community, compared to its prede- cessor. 1.3.5 CARD (Shin and Kim, 2005) The CARD algorithm is based on the complexity analysis of subsequences delimited by a pair of identical repeating subsequences (Shin and Kim, 2005). Given a protein sequence, CARD calculates the suffix tree of the sequence7, it then searches for subsequences that are positioned in tandem or overlap each other; the region containing them is marked as a candidate LCR. In subsequent passes CARD searches for segments of the sequence that are located between two identical subsequences 𝑅. It then splits the surrounded segment to sub-segments of length 𝐿 equal to the length of 𝑅 and calculates the Shannon entropy for each of them. If each and every one sub-segment has lower entropy than the left and right 𝑅 subsequences it marks the segment spanning from the start of the left to the end of the right 𝑅 as an LCR. The procedure is repeated until no more LCRs can be detected. 7 Suffix trees are special data structures for computing all repeating substrings in a sequence. They are fast to build and search but at the expense of much larger storage, compared to the sequence itself.
  • 30. 14 1.3.6 BIAS (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006) BIAS (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006) is a recent addition to the arsenal of methods de- signed to detect and mask LCRs. As such, the developers of BIAS had the opportunity to study and try to overcome the drawbacks of existing methods. One such major drawback was that existing widely used algorithms treated all the amino acid residue types equally when searching for LCRs. In other words, the user was not able to target the search to LCRs formed by specific residue types8. BIAS addresses that issue by allowing the user to define custom alphabets, which then scans for over- (or under-) presentation in the pro- tein sequence with the use of discrete scan statistics. In summary, what BIAS does is, for each residue type belonging to the user’s alphabet, encode into a binary vector its presence (1) or absence (0) for every position in the se- quence. In the next step, closely located clusters of 1s are merged and then using a sliding window approach, the significance of each detected cluster is calculated against the ran- dom independence model. All clusters with a p-value below a used defined threshold (de- fault is 0.05) are marked as compositionally biased and can, optionally, be masked out of the protein sequence. Alternatively, BIAS can be instructed to provide an exact estimate of the global composi- tional bias of the protein sequence and compare each cluster against it, thus detecting only regions that are biased against the composition of the sequence and not the random independence model. Notice that we are purposely avoiding the use of the term LCRs since regions detected by BIAS can either be of unusually low or high complexity, which is another major feature of this algorithm. In terms of the amount of biased regions detected, when compared against SEG and CAST, BIAS holds a middle ground by simultaneously avoiding the excessive masking of SEG and the, often picky, surgical nature of CAST (Kuznetsov and Hwang, 2006). However, BIAS’s main advantage is also its main drawback; it will always ignore biased regions composed of residue types that are not included into the user supplied alphabet 8 It should be noted that in the case of CAST, a user could construct special substitution matrices fine-tuned for the detection of LCRs of specific residue types. While this solution is not as straightforward as using BIAS it could produce similar results.
  • 31. 15 which, in the context of sequence database searches, may cause severe issues with spuri- ous hits. 1.3.7 LPS (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Harrison, 2006) The LPS algorithm (Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Harrison, 2006) and the LPS-annotate9 server (Harbi et al., 2011; which is where the method is formally described) detect re- gions of compositional bias by probability minimization. Such least likely subsequences are termed LPSs (Lowest Probability Subsequences) and in a similar fashion to CAST, de- tected LPSs are also characterized by one or more residue types. Furthermore, detected LPSs are accompanied by a p-value helping researchers assess their statistical significance. Finally, LPS supports the use of “composition files” (constructed by simple FASTA files) which can be used as the distribution against which the LPS performs the probability min- imization. Therefore, detected LPSs can be tuned to have the lowest probability in the context of a user-supplied database composition. LPS can also mask biased regions out of the protein sequence. The main drawbacks of LPS are (i) its complexity; detecting biased regions requires multi- ple steps from the user and (ii) slow performance; this can be attributed to the fact the LPS is an iterative, sliding window algorithm and for each input sequence a decreasing series of window sizes, typically from 500 to 1, is used. Very recently (Antonets and Nizhnikov, 2013) a different research group created a novel implementation of the same LPS algorithm. SARP has the exact same accuracy with LPS and the detected biased regions are identical but it is about 230-fold faster than the orig- inal implementation, bringing it up to speed with faster methods such as SEG and CAST. 1.3.8 Others Several other formulations have been proposed throughout the last fifteen years to de- tect “LCRs”, most of them directly or indirectly based on the concept of detecting internal repeats (perfect or imperfect). Table 1 lists some of those methods, along with the ones presented above, with the aim of covering the most diverge algorithmic approaches. 9 More details in section “Available services to search and visualize LCRs”, page 19.
  • 32. 16 Table 1. Methods for detecting regions of non-standard local amino acid composition in protein sequences. Name Authors Access SAPS (Brendel et al., 1992) Web10 XNU (Claverie and States, 1993) On request SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) Open11 CAST (Promponas et al., 2000) Web12; On request (Wise, 2001) On request SIMPLE (Albà et al., 2002) Web13; On request DSR (Wan et al., 2003) On request ScanCom (Nandi et al., 2003a) On request CARD (Shin and Kim, 2005) Offline14 BIAS Kuznetsov & Hwang, 2006 Web15; On request GBA (Li and Kahveci, 2006) On request LPS (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Harrison, 2006) Web16 SubSeqer (He and Parkinson, 2008) Web17 SARP (Antonets and Nizhnikov, 2013) On request 1.4 Composition Based Statistics (Schaffer et al., 2001; Yu and Altschul, 2005) Masking LCRs prior to database searches, especially with SEG, often had the side-effect of removing potentially useful information from the query sequence that could negatively impact the quality of the results. Schaffer et al. (2001) formulated a solution to this prob- lem: instead of trying to alter the composition of the query sequence in an effort to 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
  • 33. 17 match the composition of the database (which is essentially what happens when masking LCRs), they rescale the scoring matrix to match the composition of the sequence. Few years later, Yu & Altschul (2005) proposed a novel method which also scaled the scoring matrices to match the compositions of the query and database. This method usually yielded better results, especially in cases where the compositions differed by a wide mar- gin. To achieve that, Yu & Altschul rescaled each element of the substitution matrix indi- vidually (at the cost of computational time) as opposed to the global scaling used by Schaffer and colleagues. Since in most cases the global scale works just as well as the lo- calized one, BLASTP by default employs global scaling except under certain specific condi- tions for which it has been empirically determined to be beneficial to individually scale each matrix element (Altschul et al., 2005). 1.5 Effects of LCRs and LCR-handling tools in protein database search Sequence database searches are undoubtedly one of the most widely used bioinformatics applications, by both computational and wet-lab biologists. A lot of research effort has been devoted since the early 1970's in the development of sophisticated algorithms and computer software that facilitates pairwise sequence comparison (Needleman and Wun- sch, 1970; Smith and Waterman, 1981). In particular, the BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990) suite of applications has had a tremendous impact on modern molecular biology, since it has enabled the fast and relatively accurate comparison of sequences of biological mac- romolecules against ever increasing databases, making a significant contribution to the entrance in the genomics era. BLAST's major advantage (apart from speed gained by smart heuristics) is the incorpora- tion of robust statistical significance estimates of acquired hits. The calculation of statisti- cal significance estimates by protein-protein BLAST (BLASTP) relies heavily on the amino acid composition of the database searching against (Karlin and Altschul, 1990). LCRs (and obviously other compositionally biased segments) clearly deviate from the aforemen- tioned distribution, thus making the statistics employed for significance estimation unre- liable (Wootton, 1994b). We already described several techniques that have been proposed to identify such re- gions of extreme local composition in sequences and possibly mask them prior to data-
  • 34. 18 base searches, thus drastically reducing the number of false positive hits. Query sequence masking with SEG has been for years the golden standard in database searches and sev- eral studies have pointed out the advantages of this approach (e.g. Altschul et al., 1994; Forslund and Sonnhammer, 2009; Harrison and Gerstein, 2003; Koonin et al., 1996; Kreil and Ouzounis, 2003; Promponas et al., 2000). Surprisingly though very few performed wide-scale benchmarks to verify the effectiveness of query masking itself (Forslund and Sonnhammer, 2009; Koonin et al., 1996) with most authors comparing masking methods to each other and pointing to the same article, by Altschul et al. (1994), when discussing the necessity for masking. Database masking (i.e. masking the protein sequences of the database in combination or instead of masking the query sequence) was discussed only in one study by Schaffer et al. (2001). Despite the authors reporting increased accuracy when using PSI-BLAST against masked databases, we couldn’t locate any follow up studies or mentions of this approach in the literature. More recent versions of BLAST introduced composition-based statistics and composition- al score matrix adjustments (Schaffer et al., 2001; Yu and Altschul, 2005), which replaced SEG masking as the default option. While the superiority of these (and similar) approach- es over query masking with SEG are well documented (Altschul et al., 2005; Coronado et al., 2006; Forslund and Sonnhammer, 2009; e.g. Schaffer et al., 2001; Wan et al., 2003) we are not aware of any studies comparing them with other masking algorithms or with the concept of database masking. Furthermore, a fundamental issue in benchmarking bioinformatics methods is the exist- ence of “golden standard” data sets, a role typically filled by ASTRAL (Chandonia et al., 2004), a collection of sequences with known structural, functional and evolutionary rela- tionships based on the classification of PDB18 (Berman et al., 2000) sequences by SCOP (Andreeva et al., 2007; Murzin et al., 1995). However, not all authors agree that ASTRAL is a proper data-set to test the performance of LCR-handling algorithms, since is derived from PDB, a database known to be poor in LCRs (Wootton and Federhen, 1993). Conse- quently, most of the benchmarks are performed with drastically different data-sets mak- ing it very difficult to compare the results. Recently, Forslund & Sonnhammer proposed a 18
  • 35. 19 standardized procedure for the creation of data-sets based on Pfam19-domains (Finn et al., 2010) and whole proteomes that are much more suited to the task of benchmarking LCR-handling methods (Forslund and Sonnhammer, 2009). The problem is that the pro- posed procedure is complex, computationally intensive and must be executed by the us- er; i.e. there is no web-service that offers pre-compiled data sets for download. This is in sharp contrast with ASTRAL, which makes it very easy to download current and past data- sets in just a few clicks, a fact that certainly helped raise its popularity among bioinfor- maticians. 1.6 Available services to search and visualize LCRs LCRs are known to cause severe issues to several methods key for modern bioinformatics research; among these are sequence database search (Altschul et al., 1994), multiple se- quence alignments (Mistry et al., 2013) and motif discovery (Bailey, 2008). For that rea- son, several databases and services (Bradshaw et al., 2006; Di Domenico et al., 2014; Har- bi et al., 2011; Hunter et al., 2012; Rost et al., 2004; Sonnhammer and Wootton, 2001; Ye et al., 2006) pre-annotate stored sequences with detected LCRs (most commonly using SEG) or related features. These annotations are often presented graphically along other important sequence regions like motifs, PFAM (Finn et al., 2010) domains or secondary structure. On the other hand, only a small number of services allow the researcher to specifically search for protein sequences containing particular types of LCRs [LPS annotate (Harbi et al., 2011), HRap (Lobanov et al., 2014) and RepeatsDB (Di Domenico et al., 2014)] but present other issues that potentially limit their utility. For a detailed review of such services please refer to section “6.1. Services Similar to LCR-eXXXplorer” of the Sup- plement. The only currently available service developed to search and visualize LCRs is LPS- annotate; a web-service for “the annotation of compositionally-biased regions, and searching for similar regions in other sequences” (Harbi et al., 2011; Harrison and Ger- stein, 2003). Protein sequences contained in UniProt/SwissProt are annotated for lowest- probability subsequences, a type of compositional bias (CB) previously described (Harri- 19
  • 36. 20 son and Gerstein, 2003) using a software called LPS. These biased regions are then searchable by CB signatures, which are actually strings of amino-acid residue types that characterize an LCR. Depending on the search mode, searching for a CB signature of “PR” will either return (i) LCRs with all possible permutations of Proline and Arginine (mode “All”), (ii) LCRs rich only in P and R (mode “Exact”) or (iii) LCRs with a predominant type of P (mode “First”). Matching regions are displayed in a simple HTML view (Error! Reference source not f ound.) along with the original protein sequence, the same sequence masked by SEG and regions predicted as disordered by DISOPRED (Buchan et al., 2010). Results also contain the predominant bias type, the count of biased residues, the binomial P-value of the bi- ased region and the mean protein-disorder propensity of the sequence. Finally, LPS- annotate indicates whether a sequence originally contained multiple biased regions that were merged in a larger one. LPS-annotate also allows a user to search by UniProt/SwissProt ID or Accession number, perform a BLAST search against the annotated UniProt/SwissProt database or search for biased regions in an arbitrary protein sequence of choice. One major drawback of LPS-annotate is the lack of a more descriptive visual representa- tion; the plain text/HTML view works well for saving the results in a text file but is also hard to interpret and navigate. Also, the addition of more sequence features (such us protein domains, binding sites, sequence topology, GO terms) would have made the re- sults and the whole service much more useful for the discovery of the function or other properties of LCRs. This also holds true for the services provided, which are limited to search and downloads. Finally, the underlying database has not been updated since 2009 when the service was originally published, although the option to annotate a custom se- quence with biased regions works fine.
  • 37. 21 1.7 Compositional Properties of Protein Sequences and Biological Relevance Not all questions related with the composition of protein sequences and compositional bias are about database searches. Their abundance in eukaryotic and prokaryotic ge- nomes suggests that, while they are “uncommon” according to the random independ- ence model, they are in fact very common in “real-life” sequences. This in turn implies that the biological relevance of compositionally biased regions may be much stronger than originally thought. The first types of LCR sequences to be studied (not surprisingly the most trivial to detect) were homopolymeric runs of single residue types (Karlin and Altschul, 1990). Aside from some obvious implications in protein function and structure Figure 1-2. The "protein details" view of LPS-annotate. The view is a minimally annotated representation of the sequence, containing minimal information apart from the location of the biased regions and two masked versions of the sequence (with LPS and SEG) [sequence trimmed to 180 AAs for space constrains].
  • 38. 22 [e.g. elevated tendency for aggregate formation by polyQ repeats (Koo et al., 1999; Mich- elitsch and Weissman, 2000)], such studies were often triggered by the potential to estab- lish some relatively plausible molecular mechanisms (such as DNA polymerase slippage) for LCR biogenesis and evolution. Nevertheless, different works evaluate the biological relevance of LCRs from different perspectives: LCR evolution, structure and function or their association to (human) disease. Likewise the different algorithmic formulations pre- sented in the preceding sections for detection of LCRs, different approaches have been used for the assessment of LCR biological significance; thus those results (although often coherent or at least complementary) are oftentimes non-comparable. It is commonplace that protein structure, function and evolution are tightly interwound and there is no reason to believe that something different holds for LCR containing pro- teins. Wootton (1994b) was the first to compile a list of important “interactions, functions and phenotypes” attributed to LCRs; among them DNA or RNA binding, tumour genesis and suppression, and interactions during transcription. More recently, Romero and col- leagues (Romero et al., 2001) demonstrated a connection between LCRs and the lack of regular structure; their results illustrated that about 85% of UniProt/SwissProt chains found to contain LCRs using SEG, were also predicted to contain at least one long disor- dered region. The same authors also reported that some low complexity sequences pre- dicted to be disordered might indeed form ordered structure when participating in the formation of a complex. This also explains why Wootton (1994a) was able to determine non-globular structured domains by their low complexity; many of these form higher- order structures such as two-stranded and three-stranded coiled-coils (Cohen and Parry, 1990). Additionally, several other authors have demonstrated the biological relevance of such regions but in a sparse fashion (Anurag et al., 2011; Coletta et al., 2010; Daily et al., 2005; e.g. Dunker et al., 2002; Kriško et al., 2010; Schlessinger et al., 2011; Uversky et al., 2005). Apart from local composition, global composition has also been shown to be associated or even predict biological function. Echols et al. (2002) demonstrated that there is a clear difference in the composition of genes and pseudogenes both at the DNA and protein se- quence level. Genome-wide DNA composition was found to be species-depended (Gran- tham et al., 1980), while composition-based signatures remained species-specific even for 50-kb segments of the genome (Campbell et al., 1999; Karlin et al., 1997). Kreil & Ou-
  • 39. 23 zounis (2001) were able to identify thermophilic bacterial species based on global amino acid composition alone. More recently, Escherichia strains were successfully clustered based on their pathogenicity status (pathogens versus non-pathogen) using simple signa- tures from global or local amino acid composition (Promponas, 2009).
  • 40. 24 1.8 Scope of this study All the above clearly demonstrate that global and local composition of protein sequences are features of high biological interest, yet understudied. While several published studies showcase the abundance and importance of such regions on the molecular/structural (Dunker and Obradovic, 2001; e.g. Dunker et al., 2001, 2002; Lovell, 2003; Radivojac et al., 2006), functional (Echols et al., 2002; Fogel et al., 2005; e.g. Mitas, 1997), organismic (e.g. Pizzi and Frontali, 2001; Stern et al., 2001; Müller et al., 2002; Benita et al., 2006; Romov et al., 2006; Miskinyte et al., 2013) and habitat level (e.g. Nandi et al., 2003b; Tress et al., 2006), the biological role of LCRs remains largely unknown and more effort is needed to elucidate their biological roles. At the same time a large number of studies during the last 30 years dealt with the identification and elimination of LCRs in order to increase accura- cy of database searches. The incorporation of composition based statistics as the default LCR-handling option in BLASTP has definitely led to a change of direction in the field; since sequence masking has gone out of fashion some researchers have shifted their efforts in creating tools aimed in the discovery of LCRs (Harbi et al., 2011; Lobanov et al., 2014). Yet, masking is still a viable option in many cases such as (i) for algorithms like FASTA or SSEARCH (Pearson, 1990) that don’t offer a built-in way to handle LCRs, (ii) services not relying to BLASTP for se- quence alignment –for example OrthoDB (Waterhouse et al., 2012) and (iii) services choosing to employ masking instead of compositionally based statistics as is the case of OrthoMCL (Li et al., 2003). Furthermore, no detailed studies were carried out that proved the superiority of CBS over other masking algorithms besides SEG. Another unexplored possibility is that database masking may indeed be a viable option; however, apart from anecdotal references (Altschul et al., 2005) this was never fully investigated. At the same time, there is only a small number of tools or services capable of helping biologists to study LCRs in depth. Most of the methods capable of detecting LCRs were created for the sole purpose of masking them and are meant to be used from the command line as part of a sequence analysis or search pipeline. All the above have a negative impact in the study of LCRs. In this work, we aimed to doc- ument best practices in using sequence masking and at the same time develop novel tools (and refine existing ones) to assist better study of LCRs. Our strategy was three-fold:
  • 41. 25 I. investigate and document the best way to deal with LCRs in protein database searches (and sequence alignment in general), towards improving the accuracy of sequence search tools, II. build novel tools that allow researchers to search, visualize and share LCRs in pro- tein sequences in ways not possible before, and III. use these tools to demonstrate how LCR detection methods may prove to be use- ful in settings other than just assisting database search. To achieve the aforementioned objectives we (I) performed a series of exhaustive benchmarking experiments with different database search strategies, (II) developed an enhanced version of the CAST LCR-detection tool (CAST2) with significant performance improvements and new features, as well as the LCR-eXXXplorer20 web-based environ- ment for handling LCR data, and (III) inspired by a recent study (Promponas, 2009), we demonstrate an effective and fast way to predict the pathogenicity of Escherichia strains, using simple signatures of global and local amino acid composition. 20
  • 42. 26 2 Data & Methods 2.1 Effects of LCRs and LCR-handling tools in protein database search 2.1.1 Data collection For the all-against-all self-comparisons we used the protein sets from four complete ge- nomes (Escherichia coli-K12, Salmonella enterica typhimurium-LT2, Methanocaldococcus jannaschii and Plasmodium falciparum). Three of those genomes were selected because they were known to vary greatly in compositional features and sizes (E. coli, M. jannaschii and P. falciparum) and cover the three main domains of life, while S. enterica was chosen as a close relative of E. coli, thus serving as a reference protein set. The four full proteo- mes were obtained from the GenBank FTP site21 in FASTA format. The data source for all the ASTRAL-based benchmarks was the ASTRAL22 compendium. More specifically, we downloaded all the genetic domain sequence subsets which, based on PDB SEQRES records, had less than 40% and 20% identity to each other (referred as ASTRAL40 and ASTRAL20 respectively). We also generated ASTRALNS40 and ASTRALNS40 which are subsets of ASTRAL40 and ASTRAL20 containing only entries belonging to SCOP families with two or more sequences. The version of ASTRAL used was 1.73. To compare the LCR distribution of ASTRAL versus UniProt/SwissProt in two different time points we used versions of each database released roughly at the same time; SwissProt 40 (10/2001) and ASTRAL40 1.57 (02/2002), SwissProt 52.6 (09/2008) and ASTRAL40 1.73 (09/2008). To showcase the evolution through time of LCR content in protein and struc- ture databases we split the datasets into subsets covering a period of 12 months, starting from 1999 to 2008. Data was split based on the date of first appearance of each sequence in the datasets. The version of UniProt/TrEMBL used was 14.1 (released on 09/2008). 21 22
  • 43. 27 2.1.2 LCR masking CAST (Promponas et al., 2000) and SEG (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) were applied with default parameter settings to all the original FASTA files. Filtered sequences were saved in separate FASTA files. Where appropriate (see “Running modes” below), those masked files were used as input query/database files for BLASTP which had its internal filtering capabilities disabled. When running CAST we always enabled the parameter –stat (or –tab in versions 2.x), which resulted in generation of additional files containing “statistics” about the detected low complexity regions (such as the amino acid type of the LCR, loca- tion in the sequence and its score according to CAST). 2.1.3 Running modes All of our evaluations were performed using NCBI BLAST 2.2.18 (Altschul et al., 1990) un- der different LCR handling schemes utilizing SEG, CAST and the various modes of compo- sition based statistics (CBS) offered by BLASTP (Figure 2-1). Using the masking software independently we masked the query or database sequences (or both). For SEG these modes are referred as SM1, SM2 & SM3 respectively· CAST modes use the CM abbrevia- tion. When no masking was applied we use NM (see also Table 2). Compositional-based score adjustments are abbreviated as CB1, CB2, CB3 corresponding to the argument pro- vided to BLASTP using the –C switch. We also evaluated the unified p-value calculation that it can be used in conjunction with the various CBS modes of BLASTP by appending a U character to the –C arguments, although this setting was marked as experimental by BLAST developers and has been removed from newer versions of the software. We evaluated the performance of the various combinations of the aforementioned modes (including CBS) resulting in a total of 49 evaluation scenarios [e.g. both query and database masked using SEG in combination with CBS, as in Yu & Altschul (2005) abbrevi- ated as SM2CB2].
  • 44. 28 Figure 2-1. Running modes evaluated in this study. In total we evaluated 49 modes for the full genomes and ASTRAL based data-sets. After evaluating the results for all 49 modes 9 of them were chosen for presentation in this study, depending on their performance and spread of use (Table 2).
  • 45. 29 Table 2. Running modes chosen for presentation in this study. These modes where either top-performing or widely used in BLASTP searches. Abbreviation Description NM This is the bare BLASTP mode (i.e. unfiltered query versus unfiltered database) and was used as the reference for our comparisons. NMCB2 Same as NM with the employment of -C 2 option. This is the default LCR handling mode of recent BLAST versions (including the NCBI-BLAST web server). SM1 Query sequences were masked by SEG. This used to be the default LCR handling mode of BLASTP until recently and is still widely used in routine database search and benchmarking studies. SM2-3 Database (SM2) or both query and database (SM3) sequences were masked by SEG. These modes were selected to evaluate possible benefits of database masking CM1-3 Query (CM1), database (CM2) or both (CM3) were masked by CAST. These modes were included because of their notable performance and for direct comparison with the respective SEG modes SM2CB2 Database masked with SEG and employment of -C 2 option. This mode was used in the review by Altschul et al. (2005) and was included for comparison purposes 2.1.4 Sequence comparisons All BLASTP comparisons were performed on a PC with an Intel CoreDuo dual core 2.4GHz CPU and 4 GB of RAM using BLASTP (version 2.2.18 x64) in multiple CPUs mode (option –a 2), under Linux. The internal query masking offered by BLASTP was always disabled (option –F F). For the creation of all output files we employed the –m 8 switch (tabular format), with all other BLASTP parameters having their default values except for the –C option (CBS) which was set accordingly to the mode under investigation. 𝐸-value threshold for full genomes runs was set to 0.001. ASTRAL-based comparisons had an 𝐸-value threshold of 100, a value which is not biologically relevant but which has been used in the literature (Altschul et al., 2005; Yu et al., 2006) in order to compute ROCn for relatively large values of n (>5000),
  • 46. 30 especially in small datasets like ASTRAL. We also performed ASTRAL-based benchmarks with an 𝐸-value threshold of 0.001 to assess the importance of this settings in the result- ing execution times and output file sizes. For generating the BLASTP databases formatdb was run with default parameters using as source the original or masked FASTA files. 2.1.5 Εvaluation of full genome self-comparisons Using full-genome self-comparisons has the advantage of knowing the correct hit before- hand (i.e. the query sequence itself!), and we could reliably obtain best-case performance estimates for the different masking schemes employed in our study (Figure 2-2). Figure 2-2. Self-comparison best hits: ideal case versus real-life. A. In a self-comparison we ideally expect each protein sequence to return itself as the best hit. B. Because of various reasons, including BLAST’s heuristic nature and the presence (and handling) of LCRs, a protein sequence may actually return (i) another protein as the best hit (blue), (ii) no hits at all (red) or (iii) more than one sequences with the same 𝐸 − 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 (and possibly bit score; grey) even though the hit sequences may not be identical.
  • 47. 31 To resolve cases where multiple top scoring hits share the same 𝐸-value we utilize a se- ries of features contained in the BLASTP output files (𝐸-value, bit score, percent identity matches and alignment length) in combination with novel heuristics. The flowchart of the proposed method is presented in Figure 2-3. This flowchart illustrates how the files produced by BLASTP for a query protein A are ex- amined (small rectangles correspond to the various outputs of our method). In the first pass the algorithm examines whether it can match protein A with itself (considering that this is the expected result in an all-against-all self-comparison) by sequentially utilizing features contained in the output files, namely: 𝐸-value, bit score, percent identity and alignment length. A second pass is employed when the aforementioned features give multiple top-scoring hits, and heuristics are used to evaluate the following scenarios, re- garding all protein sequences significantly hit by protein A. More specifically, we inspect the hits those protein sequences give: i. They all give themselves as the best hit along with a significant hit with A. Figure 2-3. Flowchart of the method used to evaluate the performance of the different masking modes. See text for details.