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King Alfred The Great
Alfred the Great was born in the royal village of Want age. He was born in the year 846 A.D... He
was born into a family that supposedly could trace their roots all the way back to Adam. His father
was king Ethelwulf and his mother was Oostburg noble both by birth and nature. He grew up being
loved by everybody around him, his family, friends and even all the people. He was more loved by
the people than his older brothers. He was well educated by the court. But even though he was well
educated he never got to learn what he wanted to learn the most: liberal arts. He couldn't learn this
because there were no good teachers in the kingdom of the West–Saxons.
All during Alfred's childhood his father and the Christians were fight many wars a large ... Show
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There were others with much stronger blood claims, among them Swing Estrithson, King of
Denmark, who was the nephew of King Cnut; and Edgar the Atheling, grandson of Edmund
Ironsides, from whom Cnut had wrested the kingdom in 1016.As a child Alfred was very sick. He
suffered with a spinal defect. Often, he was too sick to attend school and was taught by tutors much
of the time. He showed a natural gift for languages, acquiring them as he traveled. Despite his
sickness, Alfred was a very good student who became interested in chemistry early on. Between the
ages of seventeen to nineteen, he traveled to Germany, the U.S and France. His father sent him on to
further education in the United States between the years 1850–1852. Eventually Immanuel had to
leave Russia and head back to Stockholm because of more financial problems. He knew he would
have to resolve safety problems before continuing with his research. He also needed to find a way to
easily transport it and detonate the explosives. Soon Alfred discovered that if he mixed nitroglycerin
with silica, it would turn the explosive into a paste which could be formed, shaped, and easily
Atheling actually means 'throne worthy' and was the title given to the most legitimate heir; but a
legitimate blood claim was only part of the issue. The crown would go to the claimant who could
muster most support amongst the 'great and the good' of England. In January 1066, Edgar Atheling
was a minor, and with the wolves breathing at the door, the English magnates could not afford to
risk the kingdom in such inexperienced hands. So they turned to Harold, the obvious power behind
the throne, who, as we have seen, had prepared his ground
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Alexander Nevsky Research Paper
Alexander Nevsky, born Aleksandr Yaroslavich, was the youngest of nine brothers, leaving him no
chance of becoming a prince in his own principality. Still, he was well educated, having his own
tutors to teach him writing, reading, history. And later, he developed combat skills and perfected
horseback riding. In 1236, Alexander was summoned from his home by the people of Novgorod. He
left his home in Pereslavl–Zalessky, and traveled northwest. Novgorod was a major trading area
along the ancient trade route known as "From Varangians to Greeks". The people there had
developed a system of self–government called veche; there they chose which Prince they would
invite from outside their town to rule their principality. The trade city ... Show more content on ...
Gengus Khan's grandson, Batu, expanded the Mongol domain past his grandfather's ill–defined
western borders. At its peak, the Golden Horde stretched from the steppes of Siberia, east to the
Carpathian Mountains. To the south, the Golden Horde bordered the Black Sea and Caucasus
Mountains, where it met up with the Mongol ruled Iranian territories known as Il–Khans. Alexander
proved an excellent military commander and politician. He defeated the Swedes in 1240 at the
confluence of the Rivers Izhora and Neva, the Germans in the famous "massacre on the ice" in April
1242, and he also won many victories over the pagan Lithuanians and the Finnic peoples. However,
in the east, the Mongols continued to overtake politically fragmented land. Alexander's father had
agreed to serve the Mongols as the new Russian rulers, but he died in 1246 of poison on his way
back from a meeting with the Great Khan in Mongolia. Alexander decided that it would be nothing
more than a waste of his soldiers' lives, so he agreed to pay tribute to the Khan. Alexander and his
brother, Andrew, appealed to the Khan of
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Vikings Vs Byzantine Empires
It is important to study the nature of the alliances that the Vikings took part of, as it gives us a better
understanding of what facilitated their insertion into other European territories (eastern and western
Europe) and the communities in Asia Minor. It is clear that their settlement and acceptance in these
parts of the world, despite their raids, was not made overnight. Apart from being repetitive looters,
they were also good negotiators and even though they did not apply to the European standards of
war during battle, they, most of the time, could get approached and negotiated with. It was a time
where the Frankish and Anglo–Saxon kingdoms were fragilized by internal rivalries and wars. It
was also during that time that the Arab expansion ... Show more content on ...
It was reported that this unique group of Varangian, participated in the invasion of the Island of
Crete in 902 AD. And because of the constant internal fights in Kiev, the guard permanently
established in Byzantium. Through time, they were joined by other Scandinavians from Denmark ,
Norway, and even the newly founded Iceland. Varangian guards even served as agents looking for
new recruits in port cities, where in order to convince potential candidates they distributed wine,
presents and of course, described how privileged it was to fight for the Emperor. By the 11th
century, with the Norman domination in Great Britain, the Guard was mostly formed by Anglo–
Saxons in quest of better opportunities. The new Anglo–Saxon recruit was formed by Anglo–Danes,
who descended from the Viking settlers who occupied parts of England, prior to 1066 AD.
Following the year 1066 AD, most of the Anglo–Saxon military elite was replaced by the Norman
knightly aristocracy. Although known as a solid and loyal unit, they were often distinguished as
"Inglinoi ", "Rhos" and "Vrangoi", which stands for Anglo–Saxons, Russians, and
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Russi A Nation Of Power
From the beginning of ancient history, Russia had been eager in becoming a nation of power. Russia
would become a nation that would face many struggles. Its fight for world domination would see
power change hands many times. Those struggles and sacrifice of time, money and lives would pay
off in the end, as Russia would become the second highest power next to the United States. Russia is
a country (Capital, Moscow) with a population of 142.5 million people with the major language
being Russian. The people of Russia practice religions in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and
Ancient Russia In the beginning, Russia was never really 'Russia, 'as we know it to be today but a
group of cities coalesced into an empire. In the early ninth century, the Varangians crossed the Baltic
Sea and landed to Eastern Europe. The Varangian people were lead by a semi legendary warrior
named Rurik. In 862, he would lead his people into the city of Novgorod on the Volhov River. To
this day, it is uncertain if his rule was one which would be taken by force or if he was invited. Rurik
would invest a lot of time in the city of Novgord. In 882 Rurik's successor, Oleg would help him to
extend his power southward. Oleg would gain control of a Slavic city called Kiev. Kiev would
become the center of a trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople. The empire would
flourish for the next three hundred years under a new name, Kievan Rus. In 989, the Oleg's great
grandson would become
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The Viking Society and Culture
"We and our fathers have now lived in this fair land for nearly three hundred and fifty years and
never before has such a terror been seen in Britain as we have now suffered at the hands of a pagan
people. Such a voyage was not thought possible. The church of St. Cuthbert is spattered with the
blood of the priests of God." These are the words of Alcuin of York, an Anglo–Saxon scholar,
describing the first recorded presence of Norsemen warriors and their attack on Lindisfarne, a holy
monastic undefended island of the coast of England in 793 A.D. This attack by pagans from
Scandinavia introduced a new kind of warrior to the known world and established a new chapter in
history known as the Viking Age. From this moment and for the next ... Show more content on ...
From the moment a Norsemen is born, one's own death was already chosen by fate. Nothing could
be done to alter this moment. But it was understood that a man had complete control over his
decisions while alive, and his actions were only of his own doing. Therefore, one ought to make the
best of every moment, fully charging at life's challenges. Either the worst that could happen was
death which was out of one's control or the most desired outcome could take place which was
increased honorable reputation and fame. An example of this is presented in Sverris Saga about
King Sverrir of Norway and his words to his army. The king told a story about a farmer who
accompanied his son to the warships and gave him counsel, telling him to be, "valiant and hardy in
perils," saying, "How would you act if you were engaged in battle and knew beforehand that you
were destined to be killed?" the son answered, "Why then should I refrain from striking right and
left?" The farmer said, "Now suppose someone could tell you for certain that you would not be
killed?" The son answered, "Why then should I refrain from pushing forward to the utmost?" The
farmer said, "In every battle you fight, one of two things will happen: you will either fall or come
away alive. Be bold, therefore, for everything is preordained. Nothing can bring a man to his death
if his time has not come and nothing can save one doomed to die. To die in flight is the
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Summary Of The Cimmerians
1. Who was the group of people that controlled the steppe in Russia? What do we know about them?
Why does the author think this group was the ruling class in the region? The first identifiable group
that controlled the steppe was the Cimmerians. It is assumed that this group came from the Balkans
somewhere around 1000 B.C.E. There was not very much information concerning the Cimmerians,
although the book did discuss how they were the singular ruling class of that particular region.
Perhaps they were considered the only ruling class due to their knowledge and ability in making
tools of iron. While the did not vastly expand their dominion, they did expand in the Caucasus
Mountains until the Scythians conquered them in 700 B.C.E. 2. Why are the historians interested in
researching about the Scythians? Who was this group of people? What is their possible connection
with Greece? ... Show more content on ...
They were greatly feared by opposers due to their excessive violence, as they would cut off the head
of the ones they defeated and fashion the skulls into drinking cups which they would proudly
display. Historians were interested in this group as they are potential credited with domesticating
horses, and using them for combat. Additionally, there is not much known about them other than
their speaking an Iranian language and coming from an area in central Asia. In regard to their
connection to Greece, historians had assumed that the Scythians had crafted their gold under the
influence of Greece. Although there has been found evidence that shows that their gold had been
crafted before Greek
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Alexander Nevsky Research Paper
Alexander Nevsky (fourth son of Grand Prince Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich of Vladimir), born May
13th, 1221 and dying on the 14th of November, 1263 has been ascribed various attributes
throughout his life and history, the predominate narrative being the decisive victory against the
Swedish and Finnish invaders during the Battle of Neva (July 17th, 1240), his tactical decision of
capitulation to the Golden Horde (specifically to Batu Khan), his established companionship with
Batu Khan's son Sartaq which subsequently led to the installation of Nevsky as the Grand Prince of
Vladimir in 1252, and his heroic defense during the Battle of the Ice on April 5th, 1242.
Demonstrating geopolitical context is a necessity when analyzing the influence of a ... Show more
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The former established Alexander Nevsky (the battle in where his sobriquet was derived from) as a
competent leader of the Novgorodian people and commander, the latter resulting in the two
eventually became anda (blood brothers), indicating the magnitude of their relationship. The
bestowment of yarlyk was a direct result of his relationship with Batu Khan's son, granting
Alexander Nevsky control of the Principality of Vladimir, enhancing his political dominance of
Rus'. Alexander Nevsky's claim to historical eternity is not political acumen, but his defeat of the
Teutonic Knights attempting to seize Novgorod and enforce the conversion of the peasants to
Roman Catholicism – this purportedly led to the intensification of Rus' patriotism, and was
frequently utilized throughout the existence of the USSR to inspire vitality in the peasantry
defending against the Wehrmacht . This idea of nationalism and defense against foreigners
(specifically German/Teutons) is reinforced several times throughout USSR filmography; though
most singularly in Sergei Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky". The film perpetually promotes the
strength of the Rus' people against both the Mongols and Teutonic Knights, with Alexander Nevsky
outwitting the unnamed Mongol khan and convincing them to simply 'leave them alone' as opposed
to the process of tribute experienced in history, displaying the Teutonic Knights (called Germans)
imposing Roman Catholicism upon the diligent peasants of Novgorod and slaughtering those who
refuse to acquiesce, and panning the camera on Alexander Nevsky whilst he utters inspirational
quotes such as "The Mongols can wait methinks. We face a more dangerous foe, closer at hand are
fiercer, and will not
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Women's Role In Viking Society
Annie Williams Professor Marram World History to 1500 13 April 2015 Role of Women in Viking
Society Upon hearing the word "Viking", a specific image is usually conjured in the mind's eye.
More often than not, it is of a group of big, burly men, pillaging helpless English villages and
sailing across fjords, but there has always been more to the Viking people than wielding axes and
braving treacherous water, especially when it comes to the women, who are commonly left out of
this stereotypical picture entirely. Vikingar, the Old Norse word for viking, was solely in reference
to the men, who were the ones who primarily participated in trips to Great Britain, Europe, and the
East. According to most sources, the women within Viking society did ... Show more content on ...
There are very few historical accounts that say that women took part in warfare, but according to a
Byzantine historian named Johannes Skylitzes, women may have fought in battle when Sviatoslav I
of Kiev attacked the Byzantines in 971 in Bulgaria. The Varangians were defeated, but the victors
were surprised to discover women among the fallen, armed as warriors. Even Leif Erikson's
pregnant half–sister, named Freydís Eiríksdóttir, was said to have taken up a sword of her own and
scared away Native Americans, according to the Greenland saga, though she is never explicitly
referred to as a shieldmaiden. Even with a couple accounts such as these, it is difficult to prove that
these shieldmaidens existed outside of Norse mythology. Though there are many shieldmaidens of
legend, including Brynhild, Hervor, and the princess Thornbjörg, but they were largely members of
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Lars Brownworth Lost To The West Summary
Once a Frankish king, Charlemagne was declared the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire in the West
by Pope Leo III, whom he defended in a vicious legal battle (153). This, of course, incited fury in
the East, as the Pope did not truly possess this authority, causing the divide between the Eastern and
Western Christianity to grow further and become more volatile (154). Consequently, when
Charlemagne sent a marriage proposal to Irene and Irene considered accepting, her subjects quickly
overthrew her (154).
As invaders continued to flood the Byzantine Empire, faith in Iconoclasm finally shattered and the
destruction of icons was officially condemned (158–158). Subsequently, under the rule of Emperor
Theophilus, the East experienced an unparalleled ... Show more content on ...
Although comprehensive, Lost to the West covers over a millennium of history in about three
hundred pages, and thus must be somewhat broad in certain areas. Brownworth rarely includes dates
and often only mentions certain figures and events in passing. Such would indicate that this book
was not written for academics or scholars, rather it was written for high school students and curious
adults. Brownworth himself establishes this, writing that he "...used Latinized rather than Greek
names– Constantine instead of Konstandinos– on the grounds that they'll be more familiar and
accessible to the general reader
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Christianity In The Middle Ages
In the middle ages, Christianity was at the heart of politics and thus acceptance of the Christian faith
was indeed a political matter in many respects. For many political leaders in the early period,
acceptance of the Christian faith was used as a means to shape political image, as was clearly shown
most famously by Clovis I. Further, acceptance of Christianity was also political in that it created
ties with Rome which helped set the precedent of an incredibly influential papacy throughout the
medieval period. It also notable that the conversion of 'barbarian nations' such as Denmark, signified
cultural development and advancement for many people in Europe at the time and helped form the
early form of a unified Europe by the early Middle Ages. ... Show more content on
Conversion for many came with the promise of success and glory, particularly militarily and proved
to provide monarchs with power and influence in Europe. This was clearly shown by Clovis's
expansion of the Frankish empire following his conversion in the late fifth century. Acceptance of
Christianity was also grounded in symbolic power which in many instances helped reinforce the
image of power which was clearly visible in the development of the medieval coronation ceremony
and also in the conversion of Ethelred. Towards the end of the period, acceptance of Christianity
was perhaps even more so a political matter, as for many in Europe it became a faith which was
accepted as the norm and thus was perceived by many with respect and deference. This was clearly
a driving force behind Cnut's militant acceptance of Christianity following conquest in England in
1016. Thus, politics was intrinsically linked with acceptance of Christianity in the medieval period
in a complex array of ways throughout the early
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In What Ways Did The Roman Republic Differ From Athenian...
Week 5 Reading Guide
Chapter 8
1. How did the Roman Republic differ from Athenian democracy? In what ways did the Roman
Republics governing framework respond to the political needs of the Romans? How did Rome use
citizenship as a tool of governance?
–The Roman Republic people had a lot less power than the Athenian Democracy, But, it was
supported by practices and principles. Rome could not have a direct democracy like Athens because
it was so much larger.
–The Roman Republic treated all parties fair in civil and criminal cases. The laws were all about the
people of Rome. But, eventually a social contest came about called the Struggle of the Orders, and
this caused chaos between different types/ groups of people.
–Citizenship of Rome ... Show more content on ...
Constantine then legalized it, so it became very popular and important.
–Theodosius adapted it to Germanic culture by banning pagan worship, closing temples of Roman
and Greek gods. Also they ended the Olympic games. Also, the Christian faith was blended in with
the present culture of Romans.
–Once the pope got authority over the whole Christian Church, there were problems with preachers
in many eastern churches–which lead to a division of eastern and western churches.
8. Why did Europe's warrior nobility become so powerful during the 9th and 10th centuries? What
were the main roles of vassals, manors, lords, and serfs?
–With the idea of passing down positions through family ties, the rulers/ families in power were so
strong and powerful that there was much wealth and success in the armies. The absolute power
stayed with families who knew how to use it, so it made it very strong.
–Vassels: warlords who would swear allegiance and pledge military service to their overlord.
–Manors: land estates that had farmers who were peasants.
–Lords: Nobles who owned manors, and were in control of their peasants and
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Individualism In The Vikings
While the Viking Era was rather brief, these infamous Scandinavian brutes left a mark in history
larger than they themselves were tall.
The Vikings emerged from the present–day area in Northern Europe known as Scandinavia, which
consists of the countries of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Named for their legendary raids, the
name "Viking" is said to mean "a pirate raid" and originates from a dead language called "Old
Norse", which was the native tongue of the Vikings.
Contrary to the widely Christian beliefs of the rest of medieval Europe, the Vikings held pagan
religious belief, meaning that they were polytheistic and believed in many gods. These beliefs were
flexible and corresponded to each individual Viking.
The beings the Vikings worshiped ... Show more content on ...
Clair–sur–Epte, Charles the Simple, the King of the West Franks, gave Rollo part of the area
Normandy, also known as Northman's land, in a bid to have him shelter it from other Viking raiders.
Rollo later expanded his control of the region. He was then succeeded by his son William
Longsword around the time of his death in about 928. In 1066, William the duke of Normandy,
another of Rollo's descendants, led a successful invasion of England; he became known as "William
the Conqueror" and went on to serve as king of England until
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Catherine The Great Influence On Russia
Russia had a violent and turbulent history. It started off with the migration of the Slavic people.
During the year 500 AD, the East Slavs settled in the area now known as Western Russia. They
rarely had permanent settlements and no cities. According to the legends, around 750 AD, the
Varangian warrior elite settled in Russia. They established the Rurik dynasty of Russia, took the city
of Keiv in 862, and made it the capital. The state/country of Kievan Rus was established. Around
1147, Yuri Dolgoruky founded the city of Moscow. Not much later, in 1240, the Mongols crushed
and pillaged the city of Keiv and controlled all of Kievan Rus. In 1462, Moscow gained control over
all of the North and Central Russian river transports and by 1463, Moscow was almost ... Show
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During this period, Russia took over Ukraine and started its expansion. The year 1694 was
significant because Peter the Great took the throne. Peter brought Western art into Russia and
changed it with technological developments. The Russians became well acknowledged for their
navy. During the reign of Peter the Great, Russia fought in a 21 year war against Sweden. The city
of Saint Petersburg was built around a Swedish fort. Peter died in 1725 and much later another great
ruler named Catherine the Great ascended the tsardom. Catherine the Great followed Peter by
expanding the empire to its largest extent. After Catherine's death, Tsar Alexander I was crowned
king and during his reign, Napoleon invaded Russia. While his first few battles were successful,
Napoleon was eventually driven out of Russia and suffered devastating losses. Alexander I died in
1825, and revolutions ravaged Russia. Peasants saw the other European countries, and realized the
power the Russian government was exercising on them. Many revolutions broke out and were
brutally suppressed. The final Bolshevik revolution in 1917 was successful when they forced Tsar
Nicholas to abdicate his throne, ending the 300 year reign of
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Why Did The Earth's Climate Change?
The last time there was this much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere, modern humans
didn't exist. Megalodon sharks roamed the oceans, the world's seas were up to 100 feet higher than
they are today, and the global average surface temperature was up to 11°F warmer than it is now.
The Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago–that's a very long time ago! It's hard to say
exactly what the Earth's daily weather was like in any particular place on any particular day
thousands or millions of years ago. But we know a lot about what the Earth's climate was like way
back then because of clues that remain in rocks, ice, trees, corals, and fossils.
The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there ... Show
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The most pronounced of these, the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is visible in the
figure at right. These are usually interpreted as caused by abrupt releases of methane from clathrates
(frozen methane ices that accumulate at the bottom of the ocean), though some scientists dispute
that methane would be sufficient to cause the observed changes. During these events, temperatures
in the Arctic Ocean may have reached levels more typically associated with modern temperate (i.e.
mid–latitude) oceans. During the PETM, the global mean temperature seems to have risen by as
much as 5–8°C (9–14°F) to an average temperature as high as 23°C (73°F), in contrast to the global
average temperature of today at just under 15°C (60°F). Geologists and paleontologists think that
during much of the Paleocene and early Eocene, the poles were free of ice caps, and palm trees and
crocodiles lived above the Arctic Circle, while much of the continental United States had a sub–
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Peter The Great Accomplishments
Course paper for History of Russia
Done by : Roderik Sidor , student of second semester at MGIMO University
Topic : Peter the Great
Summary of course paper :
1. Introduction, Times before Peter the Great, Peter the Great
2.Peter's reforms
I chose this topic because I found it very interesting at the first place since I like reading about
important people in the world and history. After a small research and with basic knowledge of
history I found out that Peter the Great ( also known as Peter 1. or Pyotr Alexeyevich was very
significant and important person in Russian history as itself so I hope that I will manage to cover
everything important. I think that Peter the Great should be well known for people studying in
Russia and , hopefully I will get acquainted with this significant figure by writing this paper. During
his life from 1672 – 1725 in his relatively short life became one of the most influental monarch in
European history .He was for westernization and tried to westernize Russia for its good. He went to
Europe for a trip and learned many things about which I will talk about later in this course paper .
Peter the Great had achieved many achievements in his life small and big but both very significant
and I will try to ... Show more content on ...
With Tatars off to the southwest , northeastern cities gained more influence , as first Tver and then
on turn of 14th century Moscow. In order to prove that city is important , the patriarchate of Russian
Orthodox Church was moved to the city , making it spiritual capital of Russia. Later that century,
Moscow felt strong enough to attack Tatars directly, and so in 1380 Muscovite prince called Dmitri
Donskoy had the audacity to attack them. He won the batlle at Kulikovo Field which made him
great hero , but two years later ,Tatars maintained their rule over the city and it was like this until
1480 when Moscow felt ,again, strong enough to throw off Tatar rule for
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Viking Expansion Research Paper
Viking expansion was caused by Christian churchmen, beginning with Alcuin, who attributed it to
God's doing. These men deemed the Viking raids punishment for religious laxity. However, an
eleventh century Saxon cleric claimed that Viking expansion was actually the result of
overpopulation and poverty in the Viking homeland. The Norse, or the Viking peoples, had gone to
the Atlantic islands as landless sons, social outcasts, and political refugees because they were forced
to leave their homes to search for opportunities elsewhere. The reason of Viking expansion is
similar to that of the Europeans when they discovered and conquered the New World. The Viking
emigration spread all over Europe, with the Danes spreading through Holland all the way down to
Spain and in to the Mediterranean. The Swedes traveling east, across the Baltic ... Show more
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Both explored before the age of exploration and over long distances. The Vikings explored the
North Atlantic. They established settlements in Iceland and Greenland, and they reached modern–
day Canada around the year 1000. The Polynesian people spread across the South Pacific, reaching
Hawaii in about 600. Both groups remained fairly homogenous, each speaking a similar language
and adopting similar cultural practices as they expanded their settlements.
One difference between the Vikings and the Polynesians was in the design of their ships. Early
Polynesians developed twin–hulled vessels that were made of planks tied edge to edge and that
could be ninety to one hundred feet long. In contrast, the Vikings used the clinker, or overlapped
construction, method. The Vikings also managed to keep strong trading networks between their
settlements, no matter the distance. This was not possible for Polynesian peoples, where trade was a
more local
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Russian Weapons In The Middle Ages
Russian warriors in the Middle Ages developed great skills and courage during their massive battles,
which provided them with the respect and fear they desired. Many of their brutal weapons were
unique to Russia, however some originated from their Norse heritage, which they then incorporated
into their own Viking–style combat. Some of their infantry skills even evolved from the Mongols
after their invasion in the 13th century. During the Middle Ages, Russian military units had similar
armory to the Byzantine military units. Very rarely did they wear a full suit of armor and were
deprived of protection, but quick maneuvers and mobility required only limited armory. Early
Russian forces relied heavily on their skillful use of weaponry as a force ... Show more content on ...
Bow and arrows were able to be made efficiently and easily, due to one simple material; a single
piece of wood. This special craftsmanship gave a ratnik, or warrior, the ability to pierce a target of
over 500 meters away. This particular weapon was based on the Mongol horse archery tactic during
the Mongol Invasion of the Russian states during the 13th century. The Russian cavalry, or those
who used bow and arrows as a main weapon, also carried with them a long curved sword like the
shashka, a type of pike, an axe, or a mace. They always carried multiple weapons at a time in order
to be prepared for any type of battle approach. The early Russians had many unique weapons,
including a large war axe, or bardiche. A pole held a large curved blade, usually 60–80 centimeters
long, and was useful in battle for heavy slashing (Xenophon, 2017). A mace, or bulava, was another
weapon that the Russian cavalry and infantry carried during war. This blunt weapon had a heavy
head at the end of a handle, which gave warriors the ability to distribute powerful blows and
penetrate a plate of armor (Wikipedia, 2017). The infantry usually received shorted maces, while the
cavalrymen were given longer handles in order to better attack the enemy on horseback. The
Russian soldiers in the Middle Ages were well equipped with
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Russia Essay
Russia likewise formally known as the Russian Federation is a cross–country nation in Eurasia. At
17,075,200 square kilometres (6,592,800 sq. mi), Russia is the biggest nation on the planet,
covering more than one eighth of Earth 's possessed land region, and the ninth most crowded, with
more than 146.6 million individuals toward the end of March 2016. The European western part of
the nation is a great deal more populated and urbanized than the East; around 77% of the populace
live in European Russia. Russia 's capital Moscow is one of the biggest urban areas on the planet;
other major urban focuses incorporate Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny
Novgorod and Samara.
Stretching out over the whole of northern Asia and quite a bit of Eastern Europe, Russia traverses
eleven time zones and fuses an extensive variety of situations and landforms. From northwest to
southeast, Russia offers arrive borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland
(both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China,
Mongolia, and North Korea. It offers sea fringes with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S.
condition of Alaska over the Bering Strait.
The country 's history started with that of the East Slavs, who developed as an unmistakable
gathering in Europe between the third and eighth hundreds of years AD.] Founded and managed by
a Varangian warrior tip top and their relatives, the medieval condition of Rus
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Russia And The Russian Federation Essay
Russia, known by most as the Russian Federation, is a federal state in Eurasia. Russia is the largest
country in the world at 17,075,200 square kilometres by surface area, covering more than one eighth
of Earth 's inhabited land, and the ninth most populous, with over 146.6 million people as of end of
March 2016. The European western part of the country is much more populated and urbanised than
the East, with almost eight–tenths of the population living within the European region of Russia.
Russia 's capital, Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe and the world. Its ohter major urban
cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara.
Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and even most of Eastern Europe, Russia spans a
total of eleven time zones and incorporates a variety environments within it. From northwest to
southeast, Russia shares a number of different land borders with the following countries: Finland,
Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan,
China, Mongolia, and even North Korea. It shares maritime borders with The State of Japan by the
Sea of Okhotsk and the American state of Alaska across the Bering Strait.
Russia 's history began with that of the East Slavs, whom only emerged as their own distinct group
in Europe somewhere between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian
warrior and his descendants, the medieval state
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Physical Security And Mental Security Essay
Introduction What is physical security? The protection of personnel, hardware, programs, networks,
and data from physical circumstances and events that could cause serious losses or damage to an
enterprise, agency, or institutions is defined as physical security. This includes protection from fire,
natural disasters, burglary, theft, vandalism, and terrorism. Physical security is designed to deny
access to unauthorized personnel from physically accessing a building, facility, resource, or stored
information; and guidance on how to design structures to resist potentially hostile acts. Physical
security can be as simple as locked doors or as elaborate as multiple layers of barriers, armed
security guards and guardhouse placement. Above all physical security primary concern consist of
restricting physical access by unauthorized people and intruders within controlled facilities;
although there are other considerations and circumstances in which physical security measures are
valuable. For example, limiting access within a facility and/or to specific assets, and environmental
controls to reduce physical incidents such as flood and fires. Physical security is not uniquely
human and it is also not a modern phenomenon. Whereas the private security industry is described
by distinctions based on the proprietary or contractual nature of security departments, type of
security provided (physical, information, or employment–related), services provided (e.g., guarding,
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The Origins Of The Viking
The term Viking commonly relinquishes thoughts of ship–born warriors and pillagers known as the
Norsemen, or men from the north, who originated in Scandinavia and raided the coasts of Britain,
Ireland and mainland Europe as far east as the Volga River in Russia from the late 8th to 11th
century. The terminology of the Viking has also been denoted by historians as entire populations of
Viking Age Scandinavia and their settlements. Although the Norsemen are infamous for their
pillaging and plundering they were also intensely focused on establishing sufficient trade routes
throughout Europe and implementing economically sustainable villages with functional currency.
Although the barbarian invasions undoubtedly deepened the initial economic crisis and the
emergence of the barbarian kingdoms made traveling less safe which accelerated the collapse of
long distance trade. At the same time also declining the importance of the cities as cultural and trade
centers. The claim that the barbarian invasions resulted in a long tenured period of general economic
and cultural decline can be argued against with sufficient evidence. Considering the economic crisis
started much earlier and could not be reversed neither by the reforms of Diocletian nor of
Constantine. It was not until after this initial depression that the extensive trade routes of the
Norsemen were able to redefine Europe economically and culturally.
The established Norse trade network included trading relationships
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Essay On Viking King
The Last Great Viking Leader
In our society, we remember the Vikings as a heritage of ruthless, land–ravaging, horned helmet
wearing, blonde haired, white men. However, only one of those stereotypes is historically correct–
their ruthless tendencies. Vikings were not known as Vikings until they had long disassembled, they
were primarily known as Danes. Their homelands were located in the northern areas of Denmark,
Norway, and Sweden, three countries of Scandinavia. Like any other powerful leader and person,
Harald Sigurdsson 'Hardrada', which is an epithet given to him, had strengths, weaknesses, climaxes
and downfalls throughout his life, beginning on his nameday in 1015 AD (Mandal). Viking kings are
still remembered and their stories are ... Show more content on ...
They lived in centralized farming villages in hall–like houses, and families all lived together in the
one house (Hauge). Everyone pitched in on the farm or in the house. While women still had some
restrictions, they were far less stressed than other heritages, "The division between a woman's and
man's domain was established at the doorstep. The outside work belonged to the man and the inside
work belonged to the woman", however women could be warriors if that was their choosing
(Hauge). Vikings were driven to be honorable men, an honorable man described through Viking
heritage is a generous, courteous, and loyal man. However, if a man was to become disgraced in
society there were specific ways to deal with that; confronting the source of condemnation. Which
in turn made revenge an important part of their society and could be how the Vikings attained their
ruthless description (Hauge). The Vikings lived based on a government formed millennia ago, which
was highly advanced for their time period, "Viking society was self–regulated. Law and order was
based upon the Thing system, which had already been established via common–meetings dating to
least 600 AD. The Thing had legislative and judiciary powers. Among other items, the Vikings
elected their King at the Thing" (Hauge). However, Harald wasn't elected King, he fought for his
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Compare And Contrast The Three Critical Empires
There are three critical empires that rose to power after the collapse of the Roman Empire; the
Frankish Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Russian Empire. After the fall of the Roman
civilization, waves of invaders swept Europe and the Frankish Empire became the most powerful of
the Germanic tribes. They were governed by unwritten laws that were more personal than Roman
laws. The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, was the Greek–speaking
continuation of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. They shared the same culture and
religion as Rome. The Russian Empire, formerly from Europe, broadened in Southern Russia with
Kiev as their main city. Kiev enjoyed a golden age of prosperity.
The Frankish Empire consisted of ... Show more content on ...
The capital of the empire is Byzantium, established by emperor Constantine. It would later be
renamed to Constantinople after the emperor. Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium to escape
attacks from the German invaders. It was a great defensive city and had huge walls with gates on the
main entrance. The Byzantine Empire contained significant architecture, including the Hippodrome
and the Hagia Sophia. The Hippodrome was an arena that held chariot races, but would be infamous
for the Nika riots against emperor Justinian. The Hagia Sophia was a Byzantine church built by
Justinian. Justinian was the ruler of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 A.D. Under Justinian, the
Byzantine Empire reached its greatest size. Justinian's wife was Theodora, a tough and ruthless
politician. She was an actress, seen as the lowest of all people in the Byzantine Empire. Justinian
would change the marriage laws so he could marry her. The Byzantine Empire was sacked by the
crusaders and they controlled for fifty years until Constantine XI won it back. Constantinople finally
fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. The city was renamed Istanbul and the Hagia Sophia was turned
into a
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The Origins of Russia Essay
The Origins of Russia
The country of Russia: enormous, expansive, wide–open. The words that describe this Euro–Asian
country can be attributed to its origins from its Slavic inhabitants and the takeover by the
Varangians. Kievan Russia, as it was called, started its own civilization in the year 862. The problem
with the origin of the Russian State is that it is exceedingly complex and many theories are based on
circumstantial evidence. A good example of this is the early history of the plains above the Black
Sea. This region compromises the center of the Kievan State, yet much is unknown about these parts
due to the lack of resources. Archaeological finds suggest many ideas, all of which are unconfirmed.
The simplest and ... Show more content on ...
The Scythians lived peacefully until the third century BCE. During that time, they were overcome
by another nomadic tribe, the Sarmatians. Less than twenty–five years after the Sarmatians
conquered the Scythians, the Goths superseded the Sarmatians. The Goths were groups of
uncivilized people who strengthened their kingdoms by keeping them in a state of terror. They were
of Germanic descent, and reached the pinnacle of their strength during the early fourth century.
Following the Goths were the Huns and the Avars. Meanwhile, the Slavs in the fifth century CE
emerged and moved southward to come in contact with the East Roman Empire. The Slavs were
split into three groups, called the Antae, Sclaveni, and the Venedi. Most historical references do not
pay much attention to the Antic tribes, probably because of their disappearance in the late sixth
century. The Sclaveni and Venedi joined and created a unified East Slavic empire. This Slavic
kingdom slowly began to increase during the late 700s. The area that was held by the Avars in the
790s was demolished through Charlemagne's destruction of their empire. With that, the Slavic
people began to migrate down to what is now Kiev. At Kiev, they encountered additional tribes such
as the Finno–Ugrians, Bulgars, and Khazars. The Finno–Ugrians could be broken down into smaller
less–civilized tribes, though their counterparts, the Bulgars and the Khazars, were much more
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Russi The Russian Federation
Russia at a glance, is also known as the Russian Federation, and is a country located in northern
Eurasia. It's considered to be federal semi–presidential republic. Russia covers 6,592,800 square
miles making it the largest country in the world. It's also home to nearly 144 million people, as of
2015, making it the world's ninth most populous nation. Russia extends across the entirety of
northern Asia and most of Eastern Europe. Spanning nine time zones, Russia covers a vast range of
environments and geography. Russia is considered a "great power" and, most notably, is a member
of the G20, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and is also the leading member of the
Commonwealth of Independent States.
History Russia's ... Show more content on ...
At the time, the Russian Empire was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland in
Europe to Alaska in North America. Post Russian Revolution, the Russian Soviet Federative
Socialist Republic (SFSR) emerged as the largest and focal component of the Soviet Union. The
Soviet Union became the world's first constitutionally socialist state. The recognized superpower
played a key role in the victory of the Allies during World War II. Many of the most significant
technological achievements of the 20th century are credited to the Soviet era. The technological
achievements include the world's first human–made satellite and the first man in space. In 1991, the
Russian SFSR re–established itself as the Russian Federation and was recognized as the sole
successor state of the Soviet Union
Political System
As previously mentioned, Russia is a federal semi–presidential republic. Semi–presidentialism is
system of government comprised of a president, prime minister and the Cabinet, with the second
latter being responsible to the legislature of a state. The president is the head of state and the prime
minister is the head of government. Currently, the president of Russia is Vladimir Putin and the
prime minister is Dmitry Medvedev. In addition, the legislature is a Federal Assembly which
consists of the both Chairman of the Federation Council and the Chairman of the State Duma;
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Theory of Democratic Peace
Jestin Thompson
Political Science
23 April 2013
Final Paper
Theory of Democratic Peace The idea of democratic peace was brought up in the enlightened era.
The theory of democratic peace was based off of Immanuel Kant's "Perpetual Peace." The theory of
democratic peace argues that nation–states governed by democratic regimes do not tend to have
conflicts with other countries that would lead to wars. With this theory, it shows that nation–states
with a democratic rule are more likely to not go to war with other countries. In some cases, this
theory has been proven to be true, but in other cases it has not, especially with the United States.
There are many proponents and opponents for this theory. Through this essay, the theory ... Show
more content on ...
This is a way that the theorists distort the definition of war, so it portrays democratic states as
peaceful nations, who don't go to war with each other. In fact, it's the opposite because the
democratic nations do fight each other, but based off the criteria of having a thousand deaths they
never had a war with each other. Last, the democratic nations recognizing each other as democratic
nations. With this recognition, it is used as a standard to determine whether democratic states fight
each other. Without the mutual recognition, there is no proof that democracies fight each other. In
order to be recognized as a democratic state, many of the states that claim to be democratic have to
fit the liberal principles. Opposing views of the democratic peace theory believe as times go on this
theory will continued to be distorted to fit the different circumstances that are to come in the future.
Further in this essay, three different countries with different governing styles will be used to test the
theory of democratic peace's accuracy or falseness. For the democratic rule, the country is South
Africa. Using Russia as the authoritarian rule, and China as the totalitarian rule. By using these
countries, it shows if the democratic peace theory applies to other governing styles.
Although South Africa is now a democratic rule, it did not start off with this rule.
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The Russian Federation Of The Soviet Republic
"Russian Federation" redirects here. For the Soviet republic also referred to as the "Russian
Federation", see Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. For other uses of "Russia", see
Russia (disambiguation).
Coordinates: 60°N 90°E
Russian Federation
Российская Федерация
Rossiyskaya Federatsiya Flag Coat of arms
"Государственный гимн Российской Федерации"
"Gosudarstvennyy gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii" (transliteration)
"State Anthem of the Russian Federation"
Russia (dark green) Crimean peninsula (disputed) (light green)a
Russia (dark green)
Crimean peninsula (disputed) (light green)a
and largest city Moscow
55°45′N 37°37′E
Official languages Russian
Recognised languages 35 other languages co–official in ... Show more content on ...
The Crimean Peninsula is recognized as territory of Ukraine by most of the international
community, but is de facto administered by Russia.[10]
Russia (Listeni/ˈrʌʃə/; Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya; IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə] ( listen)), also officially known as
the Russian Federation[11] (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya; IPA: [rɐ
ˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə] ( listen)), is a country in northern Eurasia.[12] It is a federal semi–presidential
republic. At 17,075,400 square kilometres (6,592,800 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the
world, covering more than one–eighth of the Earth 's inhabited land area. Russia is also the world 's
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Spearhead Base: A Narrative Fiction
"True, but without the controls functioning, the ship will have no control!" Sharp exclaims.
"At least we know where we are," Hevy says.
Rex exclaims, "We are going to crash on Mars!"
"On Mars! How long were we knocked out!" Rogue yells.
Sharp exclaims sarcastically , " Because how long we were knocked out overshadows the fact that
we are going to crash!
Rex yells back, "Get out of the cockpit! We're entering the atmosphere! Brace for impact!" The
cargo shuttle continues to hurdle towards the surface of Mars. Delta Squad falls back to the cargo
hold of the shuttle and all of them lie down on the floor of the cargo shuttle.
A synthesized voice is heard from the cockpit, "Too low, Terrain crash imminent."
Rex yells to his men, "Brace!" Then the cargo shuttle crashes into the ... Show more content on ...
Contact the RUS, boss," Hevy objects with pride.
"Alright then, go find some weapons if you can. We're gonna need 'em if we're gonna hold out
here," Rex says. With that Sharp was put down by some crates to sit on. Hevy and Rogue started
looking for weapons. Then Rex contacted the RUS.
"Mayday, Mayday! Come in Spearhead Base, this Delta Leader!" He exclaims into the comm set.
"Delta Leader, Spearhead reads you, what's your status?" The Brigadier from the briefing says.
"Glad to hear a friendly voice, Brigadier. Status: crashed on Mars, although we did succeed in the
mission by hitting Target in the head, unknown if Target was KIA."
The Brigadier responded, "Roger, Delta, where's your location so we can send an extraction crew?"
Rex looks at the navigation module, "North–east Meridian Bay."
"Roger, extraction is on the way," The Brigadier responds then rushes away from the comm center
in Spearhead Base to inform General Organa of Delta Squad's status.
"Alright, extraction is on the way, have you found anything yet men?" Rex yells to his squadmates.
"Not yet, sir!" Rogue yells back.
"Yeah, actually, I think I found our weapons, boss!" Hevy yells to
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9th Century Russia
Russia was not exactly "Russia," in the early years, but a collection of cities that became over time a
major empire. In early 9th century a group of Scandinavian people known as the Varangians crossed
the Baltic Sea and landed in Eastern Europe. There leader a warrior named Rurik, led his people in
862 to the city of Novgorod on the Volkhov River. Rurik's successor Oleg extended the power of the
city southward. In 882, he gained control of Kiev. Oleg's rule over Kiev marked the first
establishment of a unified region named Kievan Rus that flourished for the next three hundred
years. Kievan Rus struggled on into the 13th century, but in 1237 Batu Khan, a grandson of Jenghiz
Khan, attacked the city of Kievan Rus, the next three ... Show more content on ...
Between 2000 and 2012, Russia's energy exports fueled a rapid growth in living standards, with
disposable income rising by 160%. However, these gains are unevenly distributed as 110 of the
wealthiest people in the country were found to own 35% of all financial assets held by Russian
households. Moscow has been named the "billionaire capital of the world" by Forbes since 2008.
Russia also has the second largest volume of illicit money outflows, having lost over $880 billion
between 2002 and 2011. The Russian Economy consists of high–income mixed with state ownership
in strategic areas of the economy. In the 1990's market, reforms privatized much of Russian industry
and agriculture, with notable exceptions in the energy and defense–related sectors. Russia is among
one of the major economies in the world because it relies on energy revenues to drive economic
growth. The country has an abundance of natural resources such as oil, natural gas and precious
metals, which make up most of Russia's exports. In 2012 as surveyed was done and found out that
the oil and gas sector of Russia accounted for 16% of the GDP, 52% of federal budget revenues and
over 70% of total exports. Russia has a very sophisticated and large arms industry, capable of
designing and manufacturing high–tech military equipment, such as fifth–generation fighter jets.
The value of Russian arms exports totaled $15.7 billion in 2013 second only to
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Russia's Population : The Culture And Geography Of Russia
Being the world's largest country by land area, nearly twice the size of Canada, Russia's population
ranks sixth in the world, and is spread across 5,000 miles from the Baltic Sea in the west to the
Pacific Ocean in the east. Russia borders 14 other countries, spans 11 time zones and has a wide
range of environments that include deserts, deep forests, and an arctic tundra. Russia contains
Europe's longest river, the Volga River, as well as its largest lake, Lake Ladoga. Its climate can be
described as highly continental, from extreme cold in its northern regions and Siberia to subtropical
in areas along the Black Sea. Russia's capital and largest city is Moscow, followed by St. Petersburg.
These cities combined are Russia's most prominent ... Show more content on ...
By the 11th century, the Varangians had united all the eastern Slavs and were at the peak of their
rule. Kievan Rus' eventually began to decline in the late 11th century and into the 12th century,
separating into various regions that fought each other for power. After the fall of Constantinople,
Rus' commercial ties to the Byzantine Empire were severed, weakening the state's economy and
diminishing key trade routes. Kievan Rus' finally fell to the Mongol conquest, marking the end of
the city of Kiev as a center of power (Lagasse, 2017).
Once Mongol power declined in the 14th and 15th centuries, Moscow surfaced as Russia's new
capital. The first Tsar (ruler) of the Russians, Grand Duke Ivan IV, was crowned in 1547. In 1618,
Michael I, the first of the Romanovs, was crowned tsar. Russia continued to expand throughout
Siberia in the 17th century to the Pacific Ocean. Under the rule of Peter the Great, from 1682–1725,
Russia's power was extended to the Baltic Sea, and its capital shifted to the newly founded city of
Saint Petersburg; a move that has been described as a "window opened upon Europe" to replace its
long–standing cultural and economic center, Moscow. By the turn of the 18th century, the Russians
had expanded their empire further into Europe and Asia (Gall, 2012).
In 1801, succeeding his father Paul I,
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What Were The Impact Of The Vikings
The Vikings, a term used to describe the people from Scandinavia from the late eighth century until
the invasion of England in 1066, were particularly influential during this period through their
extensive journeys, as they reached areas as far as North America and the Middle East, linking
together all the communities in between. They connected these people together in three ways:
plundering and taking tribute from neighbouring communities; colonising; and trading. The Middle
Ages is often regarded as the "Dark Ages" in Europe: supposedly a time of little learning and
relative isolation, particularly when compared with the Roman civilisation preceding it and the
Renaissance afterwards (and, indeed, when compared with the advances of Europeans' ... Show
more content on ...
A good example of this is the settling of Normandy. The Viking warrior, Rollo, was given lands, in
what we now know as Normandy, by the French King, Charles the Simple, in exchange for Rollo's
agreement to stop his incursions and to provide protection against other marauding Vikings
(Douglas 426). Eventually, Rollo converted from Norse paganism to Christianity, though on his
deathbed he is said to have ordered the sacrifice of one hundred Christians to satiate the bloodthirst
of the Norse gods he had previously abandoned (Douglas 432, 434). By the time William the
Bastard, Count of Normandy – the descendant of Rollo – conquered England in 1066, it was
acheived was under a papal banner. Similar cases are apparent across Europe. R.H.C Davis believes
that the peasants recorded in the North of England in the Domesday Book were of Viking descent,
which suggests that the Vikings settled at all levels of society, not just the ruling nobility (23). Davis
believes that the settlers were demobilised soldiers who gedœlan (divided in Old English) the land
between themselves and settled (24–26). An interesting anecdote to consider when looking at the
connections in this period is the crossing of the Atlantic to North America by Lief Eriksson. Though
they did not settle for more than a few decades and the connection between the two
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The Important Role of the Rivers in Russia Essay
Rivers had been playing an important role in the life of Russian cities since olden times. It served as
the main transport and trade routes, sources of water and food for the population. Novgorod got a
worldwide reputation as a center of medieval trade precisely because of the Volkhov River, which
was an important link in trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks". This historical era of
Veliky Novgorod enough detail in the scientific literature, but it can not be said about the history of
Novgorod as a provincial city in the period of development capitalist relations in the Russian
Empire. Especially, there is deficiency historical information about interaction between nature and
urban dwellers in the study period. Perhaps the only ... Show more content on ...
So in the 1940s. N.I. Falkowski approached the problem urban water from the standpoint of history
of technology and traced the evolution of hydraulic systems with 10 to 20th cc. He interpreted the
main causes of insufficient water supply Russian towns of the second half of 19th – early 20th cc.
by class inequality in society. K.G. Vasiliev and A.E. Segal turned to water and sanitation issues in
the study of the dynamics of the spread infectious diseases in Russia 11 – early 20th cc.
In subsequent years, there was no special researches about the history of nature exploitation and
sanitary accomplishment in Novgorod. However ecological direction researches of urbanization
processes in the Russian Empire XIX – early XX centuries had been developing at the regional level
since the late 1980s. Objects of historical studies were the southern industrial region, Mining Ural
settlements, the cities of Tambov, Tula and Kazan provinces etc. Most of this works was devoted to
the negative impact of industrial production on the environment, but at the same time, scientists
have drawn attention to the spatial development of the provincial cities , environmental factors had
been evaluated as catalysts for improving cities . Some aspects of mutual influence of nature and
society in the system "city – the river" were analyzed in papers devoted to major northern Russian
ports – St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk. Reconstructing
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Modern Norse Interaction
The early Norse people of modern Scandinavia were an amazing group of people that traded, raided,
and farmed, we known as Vikings. Norse people were well known travelers of most of the known
world during the Viking age, approximately 800–1150 CE. Their customs and technology made
impacts on civilizations a great distance from their homeland. It seemed that once contact outside
their native land had taken place, an explosion of interaction occurred. They reached out and
interacted with people from the east, south, and west. Some of these interactions were ferocious in
nature filled with slaughter and raiding. Other interactions were peaceful that led to settlements and
open trading. From humble beginnings of farmers to feared sea travelers ... Show more content on ...
The Frankish emperor Louis "the Pious" and his sons were at war. The Norse people continued to
attack some and became allies for others. Louis's son Lothar welcomed the Norse people and used
them in future battles as mercenaries. After Louis's death in 843 CE the Treaty of Verdun ended the
civil war and the kingdom was separated into 3. Charles "the Bald" became king of the West Franks.
During his time, near the Loire River, the Vikings founded a settlement. This was a major
disadvantage to the Franks and their trade routes. Norse men then began to travel up rivers to find
more monasteries and villages to attack within the Frankish kingdoms. Charles made several
attempts to fortify the towns to protect them, but not enough to overthrow his rule. None of these
strategies were very efficient. Charles made an extreme mistake in 845 CE in an attempt to deal
with these Vikings in a new and less painful way. He tried to buy peace from the invaders. Paying in
large amounts of gold and silver to the Viking's he simply asked not to attack him. This had the
opposite effect he intended and led to waves of Vikings attacking him, all of which sought to just be
"paid off". After the death of Charles "the Bald", his grandson Charles "the Simple" developed a
much better plan to deal with this threat (I love their nicknames). He gave the mouth the Loire River
to a Viking leader under the
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Cnut The Great Essay Outline
Cnut the Great, also known as Canute, was the son of Denmark's King Svein Forkbeard and helped
his father to conquer England in the year 1013. After Svein's death, the exiled Anglo–Saxon king,
Ethelred the Unready, returned to power, but died in 1016 and was succeeded by his son Edmund
Ironside, who signed a treaty that gave Cnut power over part of England after being defeated at the
Battle of Ashingdon later that year (1016). However, Edmund died a few weeks later and all of
England came under Cnut's rule. His reign brought stability after years of raids and battles.
Eventually, Denmark, Norway, and possibly parts of Sweden also came to be under his rule, forming
a vast empire that is often referred to as the Anglo–Scandinavian or North Sea Empire. His son
Harold Harefoot became king when Cnut died in 1035, and served until his death in 1040. Cnut's
other son, Harthacnut, then ascended to the throne; his death in 1042 marked the end of Danish rule
in England. King Cnut's most famous quote goes as follows: "Let all men know how empty and
powerless is the power of kings. For there is none worthy of the name but God, whom heaven, earth,
and sea obey."
Harald Hardrada was born Harald Sigurdsson in the year 1015 in Norway. He fought as a teenager
at the Battle of Stiklestad, which was waged in 1030 by his ... Show more content on ...
This decor was used to make the ship appear as intimidating and fearsome as possible. The Viking
ship was undoubtedly the most impressive of the Vikings' achievements and played a vital role in
Viking life. The owners of these magnificent ships deemed them to be their proudest possessions, as
they were regarded as prodigiously grand treasures and thought of as living
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King Alfred The Great

  • 1. King Alfred The Great Alfred the Great was born in the royal village of Want age. He was born in the year 846 A.D... He was born into a family that supposedly could trace their roots all the way back to Adam. His father was king Ethelwulf and his mother was Oostburg noble both by birth and nature. He grew up being loved by everybody around him, his family, friends and even all the people. He was more loved by the people than his older brothers. He was well educated by the court. But even though he was well educated he never got to learn what he wanted to learn the most: liberal arts. He couldn't learn this because there were no good teachers in the kingdom of the West–Saxons. All during Alfred's childhood his father and the Christians were fight many wars a large ... Show more content on ... There were others with much stronger blood claims, among them Swing Estrithson, King of Denmark, who was the nephew of King Cnut; and Edgar the Atheling, grandson of Edmund Ironsides, from whom Cnut had wrested the kingdom in 1016.As a child Alfred was very sick. He suffered with a spinal defect. Often, he was too sick to attend school and was taught by tutors much of the time. He showed a natural gift for languages, acquiring them as he traveled. Despite his sickness, Alfred was a very good student who became interested in chemistry early on. Between the ages of seventeen to nineteen, he traveled to Germany, the U.S and France. His father sent him on to further education in the United States between the years 1850–1852. Eventually Immanuel had to leave Russia and head back to Stockholm because of more financial problems. He knew he would have to resolve safety problems before continuing with his research. He also needed to find a way to easily transport it and detonate the explosives. Soon Alfred discovered that if he mixed nitroglycerin with silica, it would turn the explosive into a paste which could be formed, shaped, and easily transported. Atheling actually means 'throne worthy' and was the title given to the most legitimate heir; but a legitimate blood claim was only part of the issue. The crown would go to the claimant who could muster most support amongst the 'great and the good' of England. In January 1066, Edgar Atheling was a minor, and with the wolves breathing at the door, the English magnates could not afford to risk the kingdom in such inexperienced hands. So they turned to Harold, the obvious power behind the throne, who, as we have seen, had prepared his ground ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Alexander Nevsky Research Paper Alexander Nevsky, born Aleksandr Yaroslavich, was the youngest of nine brothers, leaving him no chance of becoming a prince in his own principality. Still, he was well educated, having his own tutors to teach him writing, reading, history. And later, he developed combat skills and perfected horseback riding. In 1236, Alexander was summoned from his home by the people of Novgorod. He left his home in Pereslavl–Zalessky, and traveled northwest. Novgorod was a major trading area along the ancient trade route known as "From Varangians to Greeks". The people there had developed a system of self–government called veche; there they chose which Prince they would invite from outside their town to rule their principality. The trade city ... Show more content on ... Gengus Khan's grandson, Batu, expanded the Mongol domain past his grandfather's ill–defined western borders. At its peak, the Golden Horde stretched from the steppes of Siberia, east to the Carpathian Mountains. To the south, the Golden Horde bordered the Black Sea and Caucasus Mountains, where it met up with the Mongol ruled Iranian territories known as Il–Khans. Alexander proved an excellent military commander and politician. He defeated the Swedes in 1240 at the confluence of the Rivers Izhora and Neva, the Germans in the famous "massacre on the ice" in April 1242, and he also won many victories over the pagan Lithuanians and the Finnic peoples. However, in the east, the Mongols continued to overtake politically fragmented land. Alexander's father had agreed to serve the Mongols as the new Russian rulers, but he died in 1246 of poison on his way back from a meeting with the Great Khan in Mongolia. Alexander decided that it would be nothing more than a waste of his soldiers' lives, so he agreed to pay tribute to the Khan. Alexander and his brother, Andrew, appealed to the Khan of ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Vikings Vs Byzantine Empires It is important to study the nature of the alliances that the Vikings took part of, as it gives us a better understanding of what facilitated their insertion into other European territories (eastern and western Europe) and the communities in Asia Minor. It is clear that their settlement and acceptance in these parts of the world, despite their raids, was not made overnight. Apart from being repetitive looters, they were also good negotiators and even though they did not apply to the European standards of war during battle, they, most of the time, could get approached and negotiated with. It was a time where the Frankish and Anglo–Saxon kingdoms were fragilized by internal rivalries and wars. It was also during that time that the Arab expansion ... Show more content on ... It was reported that this unique group of Varangian, participated in the invasion of the Island of Crete in 902 AD. And because of the constant internal fights in Kiev, the guard permanently established in Byzantium. Through time, they were joined by other Scandinavians from Denmark , Norway, and even the newly founded Iceland. Varangian guards even served as agents looking for new recruits in port cities, where in order to convince potential candidates they distributed wine, presents and of course, described how privileged it was to fight for the Emperor. By the 11th century, with the Norman domination in Great Britain, the Guard was mostly formed by Anglo– Saxons in quest of better opportunities. The new Anglo–Saxon recruit was formed by Anglo–Danes, who descended from the Viking settlers who occupied parts of England, prior to 1066 AD. Following the year 1066 AD, most of the Anglo–Saxon military elite was replaced by the Norman knightly aristocracy. Although known as a solid and loyal unit, they were often distinguished as "Inglinoi ", "Rhos" and "Vrangoi", which stands for Anglo–Saxons, Russians, and ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Russi A Nation Of Power From the beginning of ancient history, Russia had been eager in becoming a nation of power. Russia would become a nation that would face many struggles. Its fight for world domination would see power change hands many times. Those struggles and sacrifice of time, money and lives would pay off in the end, as Russia would become the second highest power next to the United States. Russia is a country (Capital, Moscow) with a population of 142.5 million people with the major language being Russian. The people of Russia practice religions in Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. Ancient Russia In the beginning, Russia was never really 'Russia, 'as we know it to be today but a group of cities coalesced into an empire. In the early ninth century, the Varangians crossed the Baltic Sea and landed to Eastern Europe. The Varangian people were lead by a semi legendary warrior named Rurik. In 862, he would lead his people into the city of Novgorod on the Volhov River. To this day, it is uncertain if his rule was one which would be taken by force or if he was invited. Rurik would invest a lot of time in the city of Novgord. In 882 Rurik's successor, Oleg would help him to extend his power southward. Oleg would gain control of a Slavic city called Kiev. Kiev would become the center of a trade route between Scandinavia and Constantinople. The empire would flourish for the next three hundred years under a new name, Kievan Rus. In 989, the Oleg's great grandson would become ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Viking Society and Culture "We and our fathers have now lived in this fair land for nearly three hundred and fifty years and never before has such a terror been seen in Britain as we have now suffered at the hands of a pagan people. Such a voyage was not thought possible. The church of St. Cuthbert is spattered with the blood of the priests of God." These are the words of Alcuin of York, an Anglo–Saxon scholar, describing the first recorded presence of Norsemen warriors and their attack on Lindisfarne, a holy monastic undefended island of the coast of England in 793 A.D. This attack by pagans from Scandinavia introduced a new kind of warrior to the known world and established a new chapter in history known as the Viking Age. From this moment and for the next ... Show more content on ... From the moment a Norsemen is born, one's own death was already chosen by fate. Nothing could be done to alter this moment. But it was understood that a man had complete control over his decisions while alive, and his actions were only of his own doing. Therefore, one ought to make the best of every moment, fully charging at life's challenges. Either the worst that could happen was death which was out of one's control or the most desired outcome could take place which was increased honorable reputation and fame. An example of this is presented in Sverris Saga about King Sverrir of Norway and his words to his army. The king told a story about a farmer who accompanied his son to the warships and gave him counsel, telling him to be, "valiant and hardy in perils," saying, "How would you act if you were engaged in battle and knew beforehand that you were destined to be killed?" the son answered, "Why then should I refrain from striking right and left?" The farmer said, "Now suppose someone could tell you for certain that you would not be killed?" The son answered, "Why then should I refrain from pushing forward to the utmost?" The farmer said, "In every battle you fight, one of two things will happen: you will either fall or come away alive. Be bold, therefore, for everything is preordained. Nothing can bring a man to his death if his time has not come and nothing can save one doomed to die. To die in flight is the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Summary Of The Cimmerians 1. Who was the group of people that controlled the steppe in Russia? What do we know about them? Why does the author think this group was the ruling class in the region? The first identifiable group that controlled the steppe was the Cimmerians. It is assumed that this group came from the Balkans somewhere around 1000 B.C.E. There was not very much information concerning the Cimmerians, although the book did discuss how they were the singular ruling class of that particular region. Perhaps they were considered the only ruling class due to their knowledge and ability in making tools of iron. While the did not vastly expand their dominion, they did expand in the Caucasus Mountains until the Scythians conquered them in 700 B.C.E. 2. Why are the historians interested in researching about the Scythians? Who was this group of people? What is their possible connection with Greece? ... Show more content on ... They were greatly feared by opposers due to their excessive violence, as they would cut off the head of the ones they defeated and fashion the skulls into drinking cups which they would proudly display. Historians were interested in this group as they are potential credited with domesticating horses, and using them for combat. Additionally, there is not much known about them other than their speaking an Iranian language and coming from an area in central Asia. In regard to their connection to Greece, historians had assumed that the Scythians had crafted their gold under the influence of Greece. Although there has been found evidence that shows that their gold had been crafted before Greek ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Alexander Nevsky Research Paper Alexander Nevsky (fourth son of Grand Prince Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich of Vladimir), born May 13th, 1221 and dying on the 14th of November, 1263 has been ascribed various attributes throughout his life and history, the predominate narrative being the decisive victory against the Swedish and Finnish invaders during the Battle of Neva (July 17th, 1240), his tactical decision of capitulation to the Golden Horde (specifically to Batu Khan), his established companionship with Batu Khan's son Sartaq which subsequently led to the installation of Nevsky as the Grand Prince of Vladimir in 1252, and his heroic defense during the Battle of the Ice on April 5th, 1242. Demonstrating geopolitical context is a necessity when analyzing the influence of a ... Show more content on ... The former established Alexander Nevsky (the battle in where his sobriquet was derived from) as a competent leader of the Novgorodian people and commander, the latter resulting in the two eventually became anda (blood brothers), indicating the magnitude of their relationship. The bestowment of yarlyk was a direct result of his relationship with Batu Khan's son, granting Alexander Nevsky control of the Principality of Vladimir, enhancing his political dominance of Rus'. Alexander Nevsky's claim to historical eternity is not political acumen, but his defeat of the Teutonic Knights attempting to seize Novgorod and enforce the conversion of the peasants to Roman Catholicism – this purportedly led to the intensification of Rus' patriotism, and was frequently utilized throughout the existence of the USSR to inspire vitality in the peasantry defending against the Wehrmacht . This idea of nationalism and defense against foreigners (specifically German/Teutons) is reinforced several times throughout USSR filmography; though most singularly in Sergei Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky". The film perpetually promotes the strength of the Rus' people against both the Mongols and Teutonic Knights, with Alexander Nevsky outwitting the unnamed Mongol khan and convincing them to simply 'leave them alone' as opposed to the process of tribute experienced in history, displaying the Teutonic Knights (called Germans) imposing Roman Catholicism upon the diligent peasants of Novgorod and slaughtering those who refuse to acquiesce, and panning the camera on Alexander Nevsky whilst he utters inspirational quotes such as "The Mongols can wait methinks. We face a more dangerous foe, closer at hand are fiercer, and will not ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Women's Role In Viking Society Annie Williams Professor Marram World History to 1500 13 April 2015 Role of Women in Viking Society Upon hearing the word "Viking", a specific image is usually conjured in the mind's eye. More often than not, it is of a group of big, burly men, pillaging helpless English villages and sailing across fjords, but there has always been more to the Viking people than wielding axes and braving treacherous water, especially when it comes to the women, who are commonly left out of this stereotypical picture entirely. Vikingar, the Old Norse word for viking, was solely in reference to the men, who were the ones who primarily participated in trips to Great Britain, Europe, and the East. According to most sources, the women within Viking society did ... Show more content on ... There are very few historical accounts that say that women took part in warfare, but according to a Byzantine historian named Johannes Skylitzes, women may have fought in battle when Sviatoslav I of Kiev attacked the Byzantines in 971 in Bulgaria. The Varangians were defeated, but the victors were surprised to discover women among the fallen, armed as warriors. Even Leif Erikson's pregnant half–sister, named Freydís Eiríksdóttir, was said to have taken up a sword of her own and scared away Native Americans, according to the Greenland saga, though she is never explicitly referred to as a shieldmaiden. Even with a couple accounts such as these, it is difficult to prove that these shieldmaidens existed outside of Norse mythology. Though there are many shieldmaidens of legend, including Brynhild, Hervor, and the princess Thornbjörg, but they were largely members of the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Lars Brownworth Lost To The West Summary Once a Frankish king, Charlemagne was declared the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire in the West by Pope Leo III, whom he defended in a vicious legal battle (153). This, of course, incited fury in the East, as the Pope did not truly possess this authority, causing the divide between the Eastern and Western Christianity to grow further and become more volatile (154). Consequently, when Charlemagne sent a marriage proposal to Irene and Irene considered accepting, her subjects quickly overthrew her (154). As invaders continued to flood the Byzantine Empire, faith in Iconoclasm finally shattered and the destruction of icons was officially condemned (158–158). Subsequently, under the rule of Emperor Theophilus, the East experienced an unparalleled ... Show more content on ... Although comprehensive, Lost to the West covers over a millennium of history in about three hundred pages, and thus must be somewhat broad in certain areas. Brownworth rarely includes dates and often only mentions certain figures and events in passing. Such would indicate that this book was not written for academics or scholars, rather it was written for high school students and curious adults. Brownworth himself establishes this, writing that he "...used Latinized rather than Greek names– Constantine instead of Konstandinos– on the grounds that they'll be more familiar and accessible to the general reader ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Christianity In The Middle Ages In the middle ages, Christianity was at the heart of politics and thus acceptance of the Christian faith was indeed a political matter in many respects. For many political leaders in the early period, acceptance of the Christian faith was used as a means to shape political image, as was clearly shown most famously by Clovis I. Further, acceptance of Christianity was also political in that it created ties with Rome which helped set the precedent of an incredibly influential papacy throughout the medieval period. It also notable that the conversion of 'barbarian nations' such as Denmark, signified cultural development and advancement for many people in Europe at the time and helped form the early form of a unified Europe by the early Middle Ages. ... Show more content on ... Conversion for many came with the promise of success and glory, particularly militarily and proved to provide monarchs with power and influence in Europe. This was clearly shown by Clovis's expansion of the Frankish empire following his conversion in the late fifth century. Acceptance of Christianity was also grounded in symbolic power which in many instances helped reinforce the image of power which was clearly visible in the development of the medieval coronation ceremony and also in the conversion of Ethelred. Towards the end of the period, acceptance of Christianity was perhaps even more so a political matter, as for many in Europe it became a faith which was accepted as the norm and thus was perceived by many with respect and deference. This was clearly a driving force behind Cnut's militant acceptance of Christianity following conquest in England in 1016. Thus, politics was intrinsically linked with acceptance of Christianity in the medieval period in a complex array of ways throughout the early ... Get more on ...
  • 11. In What Ways Did The Roman Republic Differ From Athenian... Week 5 Reading Guide Chapter 8 1. How did the Roman Republic differ from Athenian democracy? In what ways did the Roman Republics governing framework respond to the political needs of the Romans? How did Rome use citizenship as a tool of governance? –The Roman Republic people had a lot less power than the Athenian Democracy, But, it was supported by practices and principles. Rome could not have a direct democracy like Athens because it was so much larger. –The Roman Republic treated all parties fair in civil and criminal cases. The laws were all about the people of Rome. But, eventually a social contest came about called the Struggle of the Orders, and this caused chaos between different types/ groups of people. –Citizenship of Rome ... Show more content on ... Constantine then legalized it, so it became very popular and important. –Theodosius adapted it to Germanic culture by banning pagan worship, closing temples of Roman and Greek gods. Also they ended the Olympic games. Also, the Christian faith was blended in with the present culture of Romans. –Once the pope got authority over the whole Christian Church, there were problems with preachers in many eastern churches–which lead to a division of eastern and western churches. 8. Why did Europe's warrior nobility become so powerful during the 9th and 10th centuries? What were the main roles of vassals, manors, lords, and serfs? –With the idea of passing down positions through family ties, the rulers/ families in power were so strong and powerful that there was much wealth and success in the armies. The absolute power stayed with families who knew how to use it, so it made it very strong. –Vassels: warlords who would swear allegiance and pledge military service to their overlord. –Manors: land estates that had farmers who were peasants. –Lords: Nobles who owned manors, and were in control of their peasants and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Individualism In The Vikings While the Viking Era was rather brief, these infamous Scandinavian brutes left a mark in history larger than they themselves were tall. The Vikings emerged from the present–day area in Northern Europe known as Scandinavia, which consists of the countries of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Named for their legendary raids, the name "Viking" is said to mean "a pirate raid" and originates from a dead language called "Old Norse", which was the native tongue of the Vikings. Contrary to the widely Christian beliefs of the rest of medieval Europe, the Vikings held pagan religious belief, meaning that they were polytheistic and believed in many gods. These beliefs were flexible and corresponded to each individual Viking. The beings the Vikings worshiped ... Show more content on ... Clair–sur–Epte, Charles the Simple, the King of the West Franks, gave Rollo part of the area Normandy, also known as Northman's land, in a bid to have him shelter it from other Viking raiders. Rollo later expanded his control of the region. He was then succeeded by his son William Longsword around the time of his death in about 928. In 1066, William the duke of Normandy, another of Rollo's descendants, led a successful invasion of England; he became known as "William the Conqueror" and went on to serve as king of England until ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Catherine The Great Influence On Russia History Russia had a violent and turbulent history. It started off with the migration of the Slavic people. During the year 500 AD, the East Slavs settled in the area now known as Western Russia. They rarely had permanent settlements and no cities. According to the legends, around 750 AD, the Varangian warrior elite settled in Russia. They established the Rurik dynasty of Russia, took the city of Keiv in 862, and made it the capital. The state/country of Kievan Rus was established. Around 1147, Yuri Dolgoruky founded the city of Moscow. Not much later, in 1240, the Mongols crushed and pillaged the city of Keiv and controlled all of Kievan Rus. In 1462, Moscow gained control over all of the North and Central Russian river transports and by 1463, Moscow was almost ... Show more content on ... During this period, Russia took over Ukraine and started its expansion. The year 1694 was significant because Peter the Great took the throne. Peter brought Western art into Russia and changed it with technological developments. The Russians became well acknowledged for their navy. During the reign of Peter the Great, Russia fought in a 21 year war against Sweden. The city of Saint Petersburg was built around a Swedish fort. Peter died in 1725 and much later another great ruler named Catherine the Great ascended the tsardom. Catherine the Great followed Peter by expanding the empire to its largest extent. After Catherine's death, Tsar Alexander I was crowned king and during his reign, Napoleon invaded Russia. While his first few battles were successful, Napoleon was eventually driven out of Russia and suffered devastating losses. Alexander I died in 1825, and revolutions ravaged Russia. Peasants saw the other European countries, and realized the power the Russian government was exercising on them. Many revolutions broke out and were brutally suppressed. The final Bolshevik revolution in 1917 was successful when they forced Tsar Nicholas to abdicate his throne, ending the 300 year reign of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Why Did The Earth's Climate Change? The last time there was this much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere, modern humans didn't exist. Megalodon sharks roamed the oceans, the world's seas were up to 100 feet higher than they are today, and the global average surface temperature was up to 11°F warmer than it is now. The Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago–that's a very long time ago! It's hard to say exactly what the Earth's daily weather was like in any particular place on any particular day thousands or millions of years ago. But we know a lot about what the Earth's climate was like way back then because of clues that remain in rocks, ice, trees, corals, and fossils. The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there ... Show more content on ... The most pronounced of these, the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is visible in the figure at right. These are usually interpreted as caused by abrupt releases of methane from clathrates (frozen methane ices that accumulate at the bottom of the ocean), though some scientists dispute that methane would be sufficient to cause the observed changes. During these events, temperatures in the Arctic Ocean may have reached levels more typically associated with modern temperate (i.e. mid–latitude) oceans. During the PETM, the global mean temperature seems to have risen by as much as 5–8°C (9–14°F) to an average temperature as high as 23°C (73°F), in contrast to the global average temperature of today at just under 15°C (60°F). Geologists and paleontologists think that during much of the Paleocene and early Eocene, the poles were free of ice caps, and palm trees and crocodiles lived above the Arctic Circle, while much of the continental United States had a sub– tropical ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Peter The Great Accomplishments Course paper for History of Russia Done by : Roderik Sidor , student of second semester at MGIMO University Topic : Peter the Great Summary of course paper : 1. Introduction, Times before Peter the Great, Peter the Great 2.Peter's reforms Introduction: I chose this topic because I found it very interesting at the first place since I like reading about important people in the world and history. After a small research and with basic knowledge of history I found out that Peter the Great ( also known as Peter 1. or Pyotr Alexeyevich was very significant and important person in Russian history as itself so I hope that I will manage to cover everything important. I think that Peter the Great should be well known for people studying in Russia and , hopefully I will get acquainted with this significant figure by writing this paper. During his life from 1672 – 1725 in his relatively short life became one of the most influental monarch in European history .He was for westernization and tried to westernize Russia for its good. He went to Europe for a trip and learned many things about which I will talk about later in this course paper . Peter the Great had achieved many achievements in his life small and big but both very significant and I will try to ... Show more content on ... With Tatars off to the southwest , northeastern cities gained more influence , as first Tver and then on turn of 14th century Moscow. In order to prove that city is important , the patriarchate of Russian Orthodox Church was moved to the city , making it spiritual capital of Russia. Later that century, Moscow felt strong enough to attack Tatars directly, and so in 1380 Muscovite prince called Dmitri Donskoy had the audacity to attack them. He won the batlle at Kulikovo Field which made him great hero , but two years later ,Tatars maintained their rule over the city and it was like this until 1480 when Moscow felt ,again, strong enough to throw off Tatar rule for ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Viking Expansion Research Paper Viking expansion was caused by Christian churchmen, beginning with Alcuin, who attributed it to God's doing. These men deemed the Viking raids punishment for religious laxity. However, an eleventh century Saxon cleric claimed that Viking expansion was actually the result of overpopulation and poverty in the Viking homeland. The Norse, or the Viking peoples, had gone to the Atlantic islands as landless sons, social outcasts, and political refugees because they were forced to leave their homes to search for opportunities elsewhere. The reason of Viking expansion is similar to that of the Europeans when they discovered and conquered the New World. The Viking emigration spread all over Europe, with the Danes spreading through Holland all the way down to Spain and in to the Mediterranean. The Swedes traveling east, across the Baltic ... Show more content on ... Both explored before the age of exploration and over long distances. The Vikings explored the North Atlantic. They established settlements in Iceland and Greenland, and they reached modern– day Canada around the year 1000. The Polynesian people spread across the South Pacific, reaching Hawaii in about 600. Both groups remained fairly homogenous, each speaking a similar language and adopting similar cultural practices as they expanded their settlements. One difference between the Vikings and the Polynesians was in the design of their ships. Early Polynesians developed twin–hulled vessels that were made of planks tied edge to edge and that could be ninety to one hundred feet long. In contrast, the Vikings used the clinker, or overlapped construction, method. The Vikings also managed to keep strong trading networks between their settlements, no matter the distance. This was not possible for Polynesian peoples, where trade was a more local ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Russian Weapons In The Middle Ages Russian warriors in the Middle Ages developed great skills and courage during their massive battles, which provided them with the respect and fear they desired. Many of their brutal weapons were unique to Russia, however some originated from their Norse heritage, which they then incorporated into their own Viking–style combat. Some of their infantry skills even evolved from the Mongols after their invasion in the 13th century. During the Middle Ages, Russian military units had similar armory to the Byzantine military units. Very rarely did they wear a full suit of armor and were deprived of protection, but quick maneuvers and mobility required only limited armory. Early Russian forces relied heavily on their skillful use of weaponry as a force ... Show more content on ... Bow and arrows were able to be made efficiently and easily, due to one simple material; a single piece of wood. This special craftsmanship gave a ratnik, or warrior, the ability to pierce a target of over 500 meters away. This particular weapon was based on the Mongol horse archery tactic during the Mongol Invasion of the Russian states during the 13th century. The Russian cavalry, or those who used bow and arrows as a main weapon, also carried with them a long curved sword like the shashka, a type of pike, an axe, or a mace. They always carried multiple weapons at a time in order to be prepared for any type of battle approach. The early Russians had many unique weapons, including a large war axe, or bardiche. A pole held a large curved blade, usually 60–80 centimeters long, and was useful in battle for heavy slashing (Xenophon, 2017). A mace, or bulava, was another weapon that the Russian cavalry and infantry carried during war. This blunt weapon had a heavy head at the end of a handle, which gave warriors the ability to distribute powerful blows and penetrate a plate of armor (Wikipedia, 2017). The infantry usually received shorted maces, while the cavalrymen were given longer handles in order to better attack the enemy on horseback. The Russian soldiers in the Middle Ages were well equipped with ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Russia Essay INTRODUCTION Russia likewise formally known as the Russian Federation is a cross–country nation in Eurasia. At 17,075,200 square kilometres (6,592,800 sq. mi), Russia is the biggest nation on the planet, covering more than one eighth of Earth 's possessed land region, and the ninth most crowded, with more than 146.6 million individuals toward the end of March 2016. The European western part of the nation is a great deal more populated and urbanized than the East; around 77% of the populace live in European Russia. Russia 's capital Moscow is one of the biggest urban areas on the planet; other major urban focuses incorporate Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. Stretching out over the whole of northern Asia and quite a bit of Eastern Europe, Russia traverses eleven time zones and fuses an extensive variety of situations and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia offers arrive borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea. It offers sea fringes with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. condition of Alaska over the Bering Strait. The country 's history started with that of the East Slavs, who developed as an unmistakable gathering in Europe between the third and eighth hundreds of years AD.] Founded and managed by a Varangian warrior tip top and their relatives, the medieval condition of Rus ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Russia And The Russian Federation Essay Russia, known by most as the Russian Federation, is a federal state in Eurasia. Russia is the largest country in the world at 17,075,200 square kilometres by surface area, covering more than one eighth of Earth 's inhabited land, and the ninth most populous, with over 146.6 million people as of end of March 2016. The European western part of the country is much more populated and urbanised than the East, with almost eight–tenths of the population living within the European region of Russia. Russia 's capital, Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe and the world. Its ohter major urban cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and even most of Eastern Europe, Russia spans a total of eleven time zones and incorporates a variety environments within it. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares a number of different land borders with the following countries: Finland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and even North Korea. It shares maritime borders with The State of Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the American state of Alaska across the Bering Strait. Russia 's history began with that of the East Slavs, whom only emerged as their own distinct group in Europe somewhere between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior and his descendants, the medieval state ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Physical Security And Mental Security Essay Introduction What is physical security? The protection of personnel, hardware, programs, networks, and data from physical circumstances and events that could cause serious losses or damage to an enterprise, agency, or institutions is defined as physical security. This includes protection from fire, natural disasters, burglary, theft, vandalism, and terrorism. Physical security is designed to deny access to unauthorized personnel from physically accessing a building, facility, resource, or stored information; and guidance on how to design structures to resist potentially hostile acts. Physical security can be as simple as locked doors or as elaborate as multiple layers of barriers, armed security guards and guardhouse placement. Above all physical security primary concern consist of restricting physical access by unauthorized people and intruders within controlled facilities; although there are other considerations and circumstances in which physical security measures are valuable. For example, limiting access within a facility and/or to specific assets, and environmental controls to reduce physical incidents such as flood and fires. Physical security is not uniquely human and it is also not a modern phenomenon. Whereas the private security industry is described by distinctions based on the proprietary or contractual nature of security departments, type of security provided (physical, information, or employment–related), services provided (e.g., guarding, armored ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Origins Of The Viking The term Viking commonly relinquishes thoughts of ship–born warriors and pillagers known as the Norsemen, or men from the north, who originated in Scandinavia and raided the coasts of Britain, Ireland and mainland Europe as far east as the Volga River in Russia from the late 8th to 11th century. The terminology of the Viking has also been denoted by historians as entire populations of Viking Age Scandinavia and their settlements. Although the Norsemen are infamous for their pillaging and plundering they were also intensely focused on establishing sufficient trade routes throughout Europe and implementing economically sustainable villages with functional currency. Although the barbarian invasions undoubtedly deepened the initial economic crisis and the emergence of the barbarian kingdoms made traveling less safe which accelerated the collapse of long distance trade. At the same time also declining the importance of the cities as cultural and trade centers. The claim that the barbarian invasions resulted in a long tenured period of general economic and cultural decline can be argued against with sufficient evidence. Considering the economic crisis started much earlier and could not be reversed neither by the reforms of Diocletian nor of Constantine. It was not until after this initial depression that the extensive trade routes of the Norsemen were able to redefine Europe economically and culturally. The established Norse trade network included trading relationships ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay On Viking King The Last Great Viking Leader In our society, we remember the Vikings as a heritage of ruthless, land–ravaging, horned helmet wearing, blonde haired, white men. However, only one of those stereotypes is historically correct– their ruthless tendencies. Vikings were not known as Vikings until they had long disassembled, they were primarily known as Danes. Their homelands were located in the northern areas of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, three countries of Scandinavia. Like any other powerful leader and person, Harald Sigurdsson 'Hardrada', which is an epithet given to him, had strengths, weaknesses, climaxes and downfalls throughout his life, beginning on his nameday in 1015 AD (Mandal). Viking kings are still remembered and their stories are ... Show more content on ... They lived in centralized farming villages in hall–like houses, and families all lived together in the one house (Hauge). Everyone pitched in on the farm or in the house. While women still had some restrictions, they were far less stressed than other heritages, "The division between a woman's and man's domain was established at the doorstep. The outside work belonged to the man and the inside work belonged to the woman", however women could be warriors if that was their choosing (Hauge). Vikings were driven to be honorable men, an honorable man described through Viking heritage is a generous, courteous, and loyal man. However, if a man was to become disgraced in society there were specific ways to deal with that; confronting the source of condemnation. Which in turn made revenge an important part of their society and could be how the Vikings attained their ruthless description (Hauge). The Vikings lived based on a government formed millennia ago, which was highly advanced for their time period, "Viking society was self–regulated. Law and order was based upon the Thing system, which had already been established via common–meetings dating to least 600 AD. The Thing had legislative and judiciary powers. Among other items, the Vikings elected their King at the Thing" (Hauge). However, Harald wasn't elected King, he fought for his ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Compare And Contrast The Three Critical Empires There are three critical empires that rose to power after the collapse of the Roman Empire; the Frankish Empire, the Byzantine Empire, and the Russian Empire. After the fall of the Roman civilization, waves of invaders swept Europe and the Frankish Empire became the most powerful of the Germanic tribes. They were governed by unwritten laws that were more personal than Roman laws. The Byzantine Empire, also known as the Eastern Roman Empire, was the Greek–speaking continuation of the Roman Empire during the Middle Ages. They shared the same culture and religion as Rome. The Russian Empire, formerly from Europe, broadened in Southern Russia with Kiev as their main city. Kiev enjoyed a golden age of prosperity. The Frankish Empire consisted of ... Show more content on ... The capital of the empire is Byzantium, established by emperor Constantine. It would later be renamed to Constantinople after the emperor. Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium to escape attacks from the German invaders. It was a great defensive city and had huge walls with gates on the main entrance. The Byzantine Empire contained significant architecture, including the Hippodrome and the Hagia Sophia. The Hippodrome was an arena that held chariot races, but would be infamous for the Nika riots against emperor Justinian. The Hagia Sophia was a Byzantine church built by Justinian. Justinian was the ruler of the Byzantine Empire from 527 to 565 A.D. Under Justinian, the Byzantine Empire reached its greatest size. Justinian's wife was Theodora, a tough and ruthless politician. She was an actress, seen as the lowest of all people in the Byzantine Empire. Justinian would change the marriage laws so he could marry her. The Byzantine Empire was sacked by the crusaders and they controlled for fifty years until Constantine XI won it back. Constantinople finally fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. The city was renamed Istanbul and the Hagia Sophia was turned into a ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Origins of Russia Essay The Origins of Russia The country of Russia: enormous, expansive, wide–open. The words that describe this Euro–Asian country can be attributed to its origins from its Slavic inhabitants and the takeover by the Varangians. Kievan Russia, as it was called, started its own civilization in the year 862. The problem with the origin of the Russian State is that it is exceedingly complex and many theories are based on circumstantial evidence. A good example of this is the early history of the plains above the Black Sea. This region compromises the center of the Kievan State, yet much is unknown about these parts due to the lack of resources. Archaeological finds suggest many ideas, all of which are unconfirmed. The simplest and ... Show more content on ... The Scythians lived peacefully until the third century BCE. During that time, they were overcome by another nomadic tribe, the Sarmatians. Less than twenty–five years after the Sarmatians conquered the Scythians, the Goths superseded the Sarmatians. The Goths were groups of uncivilized people who strengthened their kingdoms by keeping them in a state of terror. They were of Germanic descent, and reached the pinnacle of their strength during the early fourth century. Following the Goths were the Huns and the Avars. Meanwhile, the Slavs in the fifth century CE emerged and moved southward to come in contact with the East Roman Empire. The Slavs were split into three groups, called the Antae, Sclaveni, and the Venedi. Most historical references do not pay much attention to the Antic tribes, probably because of their disappearance in the late sixth century. The Sclaveni and Venedi joined and created a unified East Slavic empire. This Slavic kingdom slowly began to increase during the late 700s. The area that was held by the Avars in the 790s was demolished through Charlemagne's destruction of their empire. With that, the Slavic people began to migrate down to what is now Kiev. At Kiev, they encountered additional tribes such as the Finno–Ugrians, Bulgars, and Khazars. The Finno–Ugrians could be broken down into smaller less–civilized tribes, though their counterparts, the Bulgars and the Khazars, were much more refined. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Russi The Russian Federation Introduction Russia at a glance, is also known as the Russian Federation, and is a country located in northern Eurasia. It's considered to be federal semi–presidential republic. Russia covers 6,592,800 square miles making it the largest country in the world. It's also home to nearly 144 million people, as of 2015, making it the world's ninth most populous nation. Russia extends across the entirety of northern Asia and most of Eastern Europe. Spanning nine time zones, Russia covers a vast range of environments and geography. Russia is considered a "great power" and, most notably, is a member of the G20, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and is also the leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States. History Russia's ... Show more content on ... At the time, the Russian Empire was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland in Europe to Alaska in North America. Post Russian Revolution, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (SFSR) emerged as the largest and focal component of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union became the world's first constitutionally socialist state. The recognized superpower played a key role in the victory of the Allies during World War II. Many of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century are credited to the Soviet era. The technological achievements include the world's first human–made satellite and the first man in space. In 1991, the Russian SFSR re–established itself as the Russian Federation and was recognized as the sole successor state of the Soviet Union Political System As previously mentioned, Russia is a federal semi–presidential republic. Semi–presidentialism is system of government comprised of a president, prime minister and the Cabinet, with the second latter being responsible to the legislature of a state. The president is the head of state and the prime minister is the head of government. Currently, the president of Russia is Vladimir Putin and the prime minister is Dmitry Medvedev. In addition, the legislature is a Federal Assembly which consists of the both Chairman of the Federation Council and the Chairman of the State Duma; Valentina ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Theory of Democratic Peace Jestin Thompson Political Science 23 April 2013 Final Paper Theory of Democratic Peace The idea of democratic peace was brought up in the enlightened era. The theory of democratic peace was based off of Immanuel Kant's "Perpetual Peace." The theory of democratic peace argues that nation–states governed by democratic regimes do not tend to have conflicts with other countries that would lead to wars. With this theory, it shows that nation–states with a democratic rule are more likely to not go to war with other countries. In some cases, this theory has been proven to be true, but in other cases it has not, especially with the United States. There are many proponents and opponents for this theory. Through this essay, the theory ... Show more content on ... This is a way that the theorists distort the definition of war, so it portrays democratic states as peaceful nations, who don't go to war with each other. In fact, it's the opposite because the democratic nations do fight each other, but based off the criteria of having a thousand deaths they never had a war with each other. Last, the democratic nations recognizing each other as democratic nations. With this recognition, it is used as a standard to determine whether democratic states fight each other. Without the mutual recognition, there is no proof that democracies fight each other. In order to be recognized as a democratic state, many of the states that claim to be democratic have to fit the liberal principles. Opposing views of the democratic peace theory believe as times go on this theory will continued to be distorted to fit the different circumstances that are to come in the future. Further in this essay, three different countries with different governing styles will be used to test the theory of democratic peace's accuracy or falseness. For the democratic rule, the country is South Africa. Using Russia as the authoritarian rule, and China as the totalitarian rule. By using these countries, it shows if the democratic peace theory applies to other governing styles. Although South Africa is now a democratic rule, it did not start off with this rule. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Russian Federation Of The Soviet Republic "Russian Federation" redirects here. For the Soviet republic also referred to as the "Russian Federation", see Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. For other uses of "Russia", see Russia (disambiguation). Coordinates: 60°N 90°E Russian Federation Российская Федерация Rossiyskaya Federatsiya Flag Coat of arms Anthem: "Государственный гимн Российской Федерации" "Gosudarstvennyy gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii" (transliteration) "State Anthem of the Russian Federation" MENU0:00 Russia (dark green) Crimean peninsula (disputed) (light green)a Russia (dark green) Crimean peninsula (disputed) (light green)a Capital and largest city Moscow 55°45′N 37°37′E Official languages Russian Recognised languages 35 other languages co–official in ... Show more content on ... The Crimean Peninsula is recognized as territory of Ukraine by most of the international community, but is de facto administered by Russia.[10] Russia (Listeni/ˈrʌʃə/; Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya; IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə] ( listen)), also officially known as the Russian Federation[11] (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya; IPA: [rɐ ˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə] ( listen)), is a country in northern Eurasia.[12] It is a federal semi–presidential republic. At 17,075,400 square kilometres (6,592,800 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than one–eighth of the Earth 's inhabited land area. Russia is also the world 's ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Spearhead Base: A Narrative Fiction "True, but without the controls functioning, the ship will have no control!" Sharp exclaims. "At least we know where we are," Hevy says. Rex exclaims, "We are going to crash on Mars!" "On Mars! How long were we knocked out!" Rogue yells. Sharp exclaims sarcastically , " Because how long we were knocked out overshadows the fact that we are going to crash! Rex yells back, "Get out of the cockpit! We're entering the atmosphere! Brace for impact!" The cargo shuttle continues to hurdle towards the surface of Mars. Delta Squad falls back to the cargo hold of the shuttle and all of them lie down on the floor of the cargo shuttle. A synthesized voice is heard from the cockpit, "Too low, Terrain crash imminent." Rex yells to his men, "Brace!" Then the cargo shuttle crashes into the ... Show more content on ... Contact the RUS, boss," Hevy objects with pride. "Alright then, go find some weapons if you can. We're gonna need 'em if we're gonna hold out here," Rex says. With that Sharp was put down by some crates to sit on. Hevy and Rogue started looking for weapons. Then Rex contacted the RUS. "Mayday, Mayday! Come in Spearhead Base, this Delta Leader!" He exclaims into the comm set. "Delta Leader, Spearhead reads you, what's your status?" The Brigadier from the briefing says. "Glad to hear a friendly voice, Brigadier. Status: crashed on Mars, although we did succeed in the mission by hitting Target in the head, unknown if Target was KIA." The Brigadier responded, "Roger, Delta, where's your location so we can send an extraction crew?" Rex looks at the navigation module, "North–east Meridian Bay." "Roger, extraction is on the way," The Brigadier responds then rushes away from the comm center in Spearhead Base to inform General Organa of Delta Squad's status. "Alright, extraction is on the way, have you found anything yet men?" Rex yells to his squadmates. "Not yet, sir!" Rogue yells back. "Yeah, actually, I think I found our weapons, boss!" Hevy yells to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. 9th Century Russia Russia was not exactly "Russia," in the early years, but a collection of cities that became over time a major empire. In early 9th century a group of Scandinavian people known as the Varangians crossed the Baltic Sea and landed in Eastern Europe. There leader a warrior named Rurik, led his people in 862 to the city of Novgorod on the Volkhov River. Rurik's successor Oleg extended the power of the city southward. In 882, he gained control of Kiev. Oleg's rule over Kiev marked the first establishment of a unified region named Kievan Rus that flourished for the next three hundred years. Kievan Rus struggled on into the 13th century, but in 1237 Batu Khan, a grandson of Jenghiz Khan, attacked the city of Kievan Rus, the next three ... Show more content on ... Between 2000 and 2012, Russia's energy exports fueled a rapid growth in living standards, with disposable income rising by 160%. However, these gains are unevenly distributed as 110 of the wealthiest people in the country were found to own 35% of all financial assets held by Russian households. Moscow has been named the "billionaire capital of the world" by Forbes since 2008. Russia also has the second largest volume of illicit money outflows, having lost over $880 billion between 2002 and 2011. The Russian Economy consists of high–income mixed with state ownership in strategic areas of the economy. In the 1990's market, reforms privatized much of Russian industry and agriculture, with notable exceptions in the energy and defense–related sectors. Russia is among one of the major economies in the world because it relies on energy revenues to drive economic growth. The country has an abundance of natural resources such as oil, natural gas and precious metals, which make up most of Russia's exports. In 2012 as surveyed was done and found out that the oil and gas sector of Russia accounted for 16% of the GDP, 52% of federal budget revenues and over 70% of total exports. Russia has a very sophisticated and large arms industry, capable of designing and manufacturing high–tech military equipment, such as fifth–generation fighter jets. The value of Russian arms exports totaled $15.7 billion in 2013 second only to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Russia's Population : The Culture And Geography Of Russia Being the world's largest country by land area, nearly twice the size of Canada, Russia's population ranks sixth in the world, and is spread across 5,000 miles from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. Russia borders 14 other countries, spans 11 time zones and has a wide range of environments that include deserts, deep forests, and an arctic tundra. Russia contains Europe's longest river, the Volga River, as well as its largest lake, Lake Ladoga. Its climate can be described as highly continental, from extreme cold in its northern regions and Siberia to subtropical in areas along the Black Sea. Russia's capital and largest city is Moscow, followed by St. Petersburg. These cities combined are Russia's most prominent ... Show more content on ... By the 11th century, the Varangians had united all the eastern Slavs and were at the peak of their rule. Kievan Rus' eventually began to decline in the late 11th century and into the 12th century, separating into various regions that fought each other for power. After the fall of Constantinople, Rus' commercial ties to the Byzantine Empire were severed, weakening the state's economy and diminishing key trade routes. Kievan Rus' finally fell to the Mongol conquest, marking the end of the city of Kiev as a center of power (Lagasse, 2017). Once Mongol power declined in the 14th and 15th centuries, Moscow surfaced as Russia's new capital. The first Tsar (ruler) of the Russians, Grand Duke Ivan IV, was crowned in 1547. In 1618, Michael I, the first of the Romanovs, was crowned tsar. Russia continued to expand throughout Siberia in the 17th century to the Pacific Ocean. Under the rule of Peter the Great, from 1682–1725, Russia's power was extended to the Baltic Sea, and its capital shifted to the newly founded city of Saint Petersburg; a move that has been described as a "window opened upon Europe" to replace its long–standing cultural and economic center, Moscow. By the turn of the 18th century, the Russians had expanded their empire further into Europe and Asia (Gall, 2012). In 1801, succeeding his father Paul I, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. What Were The Impact Of The Vikings The Vikings, a term used to describe the people from Scandinavia from the late eighth century until the invasion of England in 1066, were particularly influential during this period through their extensive journeys, as they reached areas as far as North America and the Middle East, linking together all the communities in between. They connected these people together in three ways: plundering and taking tribute from neighbouring communities; colonising; and trading. The Middle Ages is often regarded as the "Dark Ages" in Europe: supposedly a time of little learning and relative isolation, particularly when compared with the Roman civilisation preceding it and the Renaissance afterwards (and, indeed, when compared with the advances of Europeans' ... Show more content on ... A good example of this is the settling of Normandy. The Viking warrior, Rollo, was given lands, in what we now know as Normandy, by the French King, Charles the Simple, in exchange for Rollo's agreement to stop his incursions and to provide protection against other marauding Vikings (Douglas 426). Eventually, Rollo converted from Norse paganism to Christianity, though on his deathbed he is said to have ordered the sacrifice of one hundred Christians to satiate the bloodthirst of the Norse gods he had previously abandoned (Douglas 432, 434). By the time William the Bastard, Count of Normandy – the descendant of Rollo – conquered England in 1066, it was acheived was under a papal banner. Similar cases are apparent across Europe. R.H.C Davis believes that the peasants recorded in the North of England in the Domesday Book were of Viking descent, which suggests that the Vikings settled at all levels of society, not just the ruling nobility (23). Davis believes that the settlers were demobilised soldiers who gedœlan (divided in Old English) the land between themselves and settled (24–26). An interesting anecdote to consider when looking at the connections in this period is the crossing of the Atlantic to North America by Lief Eriksson. Though they did not settle for more than a few decades and the connection between the two ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Important Role of the Rivers in Russia Essay Rivers had been playing an important role in the life of Russian cities since olden times. It served as the main transport and trade routes, sources of water and food for the population. Novgorod got a worldwide reputation as a center of medieval trade precisely because of the Volkhov River, which was an important link in trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks". This historical era of Veliky Novgorod enough detail in the scientific literature, but it can not be said about the history of Novgorod as a provincial city in the period of development capitalist relations in the Russian Empire. Especially, there is deficiency historical information about interaction between nature and urban dwellers in the study period. Perhaps the only ... Show more content on ... So in the 1940s. N.I. Falkowski approached the problem urban water from the standpoint of history of technology and traced the evolution of hydraulic systems with 10 to 20th cc. He interpreted the main causes of insufficient water supply Russian towns of the second half of 19th – early 20th cc. by class inequality in society. K.G. Vasiliev and A.E. Segal turned to water and sanitation issues in the study of the dynamics of the spread infectious diseases in Russia 11 – early 20th cc. In subsequent years, there was no special researches about the history of nature exploitation and sanitary accomplishment in Novgorod. However ecological direction researches of urbanization processes in the Russian Empire XIX – early XX centuries had been developing at the regional level since the late 1980s. Objects of historical studies were the southern industrial region, Mining Ural settlements, the cities of Tambov, Tula and Kazan provinces etc. Most of this works was devoted to the negative impact of industrial production on the environment, but at the same time, scientists have drawn attention to the spatial development of the provincial cities , environmental factors had been evaluated as catalysts for improving cities . Some aspects of mutual influence of nature and society in the system "city – the river" were analyzed in papers devoted to major northern Russian ports – St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk. Reconstructing ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Modern Norse Interaction The early Norse people of modern Scandinavia were an amazing group of people that traded, raided, and farmed, we known as Vikings. Norse people were well known travelers of most of the known world during the Viking age, approximately 800–1150 CE. Their customs and technology made impacts on civilizations a great distance from their homeland. It seemed that once contact outside their native land had taken place, an explosion of interaction occurred. They reached out and interacted with people from the east, south, and west. Some of these interactions were ferocious in nature filled with slaughter and raiding. Other interactions were peaceful that led to settlements and open trading. From humble beginnings of farmers to feared sea travelers ... Show more content on ... The Frankish emperor Louis "the Pious" and his sons were at war. The Norse people continued to attack some and became allies for others. Louis's son Lothar welcomed the Norse people and used them in future battles as mercenaries. After Louis's death in 843 CE the Treaty of Verdun ended the civil war and the kingdom was separated into 3. Charles "the Bald" became king of the West Franks. During his time, near the Loire River, the Vikings founded a settlement. This was a major disadvantage to the Franks and their trade routes. Norse men then began to travel up rivers to find more monasteries and villages to attack within the Frankish kingdoms. Charles made several attempts to fortify the towns to protect them, but not enough to overthrow his rule. None of these strategies were very efficient. Charles made an extreme mistake in 845 CE in an attempt to deal with these Vikings in a new and less painful way. He tried to buy peace from the invaders. Paying in large amounts of gold and silver to the Viking's he simply asked not to attack him. This had the opposite effect he intended and led to waves of Vikings attacking him, all of which sought to just be "paid off". After the death of Charles "the Bald", his grandson Charles "the Simple" developed a much better plan to deal with this threat (I love their nicknames). He gave the mouth the Loire River to a Viking leader under the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Cnut The Great Essay Outline Cnut the Great, also known as Canute, was the son of Denmark's King Svein Forkbeard and helped his father to conquer England in the year 1013. After Svein's death, the exiled Anglo–Saxon king, Ethelred the Unready, returned to power, but died in 1016 and was succeeded by his son Edmund Ironside, who signed a treaty that gave Cnut power over part of England after being defeated at the Battle of Ashingdon later that year (1016). However, Edmund died a few weeks later and all of England came under Cnut's rule. His reign brought stability after years of raids and battles. Eventually, Denmark, Norway, and possibly parts of Sweden also came to be under his rule, forming a vast empire that is often referred to as the Anglo–Scandinavian or North Sea Empire. His son Harold Harefoot became king when Cnut died in 1035, and served until his death in 1040. Cnut's other son, Harthacnut, then ascended to the throne; his death in 1042 marked the end of Danish rule in England. King Cnut's most famous quote goes as follows: "Let all men know how empty and powerless is the power of kings. For there is none worthy of the name but God, whom heaven, earth, and sea obey." Harald Hardrada was born Harald Sigurdsson in the year 1015 in Norway. He fought as a teenager at the Battle of Stiklestad, which was waged in 1030 by his ... Show more content on ... This decor was used to make the ship appear as intimidating and fearsome as possible. The Viking ship was undoubtedly the most impressive of the Vikings' achievements and played a vital role in Viking life. The owners of these magnificent ships deemed them to be their proudest possessions, as they were regarded as prodigiously grand treasures and thought of as living ... Get more on ...