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Предлагаем Вам 361-й выпуск электронной рассылки для кыргызстанских выпускников программ
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Сегодня 15 июня 2011 г. В этом выпуске:




     JUNE 2011



Мы любим улыбаться сами, и любим, когда улыбаются наши дети. Дороже их счастливых лиц нет ничего на
свете. Глядя на улыбки детей, каждый взрослый заряжается самыми радостными эмоциями. Не это ли есть
счастье, когда ты видишь насколько искренне и трогательны эти улыбки.

Но среди нас, есть те дети, которым не суждено улыбаться так часто. В силу разных причин. Многие из таких
детей живут в домам-интернатах и приютах, и зачастую такие учреждения находятся в отдаленных районах.
Так, например в Сулюктинской (вспомогательной школе-интернат для умственно-отсталых детей (Баткенская
область) обучаются дети от 5 до 16 лет, всего 108 детей. Из них сироты-2, полусироты-16, соц.сироты-49,
малообеспеченные-28, инвалиды-8, опекуны-2. Эти детки нуждаются в нашей с вами помощи.

Представительство IREX в Кыргызской Республике, ACCELS и ОФ «Ассоциация выпускников
программ за развитие страны» организуют благотворительную акцию по сбору средств для помощи детям
из Сулюктинской школы-интернат. В рамках акции состоится благотворительный вечер в стиле
«Латиноамериканских и бальных танцев», в программе которого будут танцевальные номера (сальса,
бачата, танго, вальс, выступления профессионалов и мастер-классы для зрителей и т.д.).

Мы приглашаем всех желающих прийти на вечер и присоединиться к благотворительной акции «Улыбка
ребенка – это счастье». Все собранные средства в ходе акции будут направлены в помощь детям
Сулюктинской вспомогательной школы-интернат для умственно-отсталых детей.

Нас, взрослых, больше, и мы - сильные и умные, а значит, это в наших силах – подарить частичку тепла и
радости таким деткам. Очень важно, чтобы в детстве ребенок получал много-много любви, чтобы он это
чувствовал, что его все любят. Ведь совершенно неверно делить детей на "своих" и "чужих". Это не
правильно, потому что эти дети не виноваты в том, что им не повезло родиться в семье, где они не были
окружены заботой и любовью. Нет чужой беды и нет чужих детей в любой стране.

Итак, мы ждем вас на концерте.

Дата концерта: 24 июня 2011
Время:            с 19:30 – 24.00
Место:            кафе «Marakesh» (ул. Ахунбаева, д. 32/ угол ул. К.Маркса)

Вход по билетам. Стоимость билета – 300 сом. Прохладительные напитки включены в стоимость билета.

По вопросам приобретения билетов, обращайтесь:
IREX - Жазгуль Арыкбаевой 0555 52-11-40; 64-26-25, г. Бишкек, проспект Чуй 265а, комната
109 с 8.30 до 17.30 (здание Президиума Национальной Академии Наук)
ACCELS – Виктория Табелева 0556 77-66-59; 66-48-38 г. Бишкек ул. Тыныстанова 98/1 с 13.00 по 17.30

                                              VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ:

     20 JUNE 2011

     Expire date:     Monday, 20 June 2011
     Contract type:   SC 8
     Agency:          UN Women
     Duration:                 1 Year (renewable)
     Place:           Bishkek, Kyrgyztan

     Terms of Reference

     The National Project Coordinator willl work under the direct supervision of the UN Women Gender Adviser in
     Kyrgyzstan and overall supervision and guidance of the SRO Programme Specialist. S/he will specifically
     support the implementation of the UN Women activities in the country, and will receive technical guidance from
     SRO, as well as regular information from the Europe and Central Asia Division and relevant thematic sections at
     UN Women Headquarters; and participate in general activities within the management team, including support in
     operations, strategy formulation, communication, corporate reporting, fund mobilization, and budget oversight.

     More specifically, the Regional Coordinator will perform the following tasks:

     Summary of Key Functions:

     •   Day-to-day coordination and management in terms of implementation agreements, trainings, meetings and
         other related events to facilitate the portfolio implementation.
     •   Manage on-going programme/projects/interventions within the thematic area assigned through technical
         monitoring and administrative and financial supervision.
     •   Define possibilities for and ensure proper and effective synergies between ongoing and planned UN Women
         interventions in the country.
     •   Develop, finalize and implement annual workplans and budget forecasts to ensure timely and effective
         implementation within the given timeframe.
     •   Monitor and facilitate quality assurance of services, events and products within the scope of
         programme/projects/activities implementation and track the progress.
     •   Oversee, manage and provide guidance to consultants/NGOs (including implementing partners) contracted
         in support for implementation of programme/projects/activities.
     •   Provide high-quality, results-oriented reporting on the programme/projects/activities implementation to SRO,
         and as requested to donors and partners.
     •   Contribute to programme/projects appraisal, monitoring and evaluation according to results-based
         management requirements.
     •   Prepare background analytical reports and abstracts on assigned thematic directions.
     •   Ensure effective partnership, networking and coordination between other ongoing projects and activities
         relevant to assigned portfolio in the country for a more holistic and coherent approach to
         programme/projects/activities implementation.
     •   Establish and maintain partnerships with governments, implementing partners, women’s and human rights
         organizations, UN Country Team and multi/bilateral donors.
     •   Ensure timely and proper documentation of the programme/projects/activities implementation.
     •   Develop and oversee wide strategic distribution of the findings and knowledge-related publications, inclusive
         of select case studies, good practices and lessons learned; Document and analyze best practices and
         lessons learned.
     •   Ensure the implementation of advocacy interventions on an ongoing basis;
     •   Ensure maintenance of a calendar of the most relevant regional/national fora related to country programme/
         projects/activities, facilitate access to that information by partners and relevant UN Women staff, and
         coordinate UN Women participation and involvement.

•   Ensure effective information flow, communication and coordination and coherence with and between
             UN Women Projects, SRO, and activities in the south, national project partners, UN Agencies,

         •   Communication and Advocacy:

         •   Serve as a key spokesperson and advocate on the issue and the project at relevant conferences,
             events and briefings to a variety of audiences, as delegated by UN Women Gender Adviser;

         •   Serve as a media spokesperson, and oversee the quality and content of related press and
             communications materials

         •   Promote Programme results and achievements through closely cooperating with the local mass media
             with the support of the UN Women Country office;

         •   Developing Partnerships and Networks:

         •   Strengthen and enhance partnership/co-operation/consultation/coordination with, where appropriate,
             national and local state actors, national and international civil society actors, especially, women's
             organizations, bilaterals, UN, academia, private sector and private foundations for more effective and
             coordinated project implementation.

         •   Ensure effective partnership, networking and coordination between other ongoing UN Women
             programmes, projects and activities in the south of the country for a more holistic and coherent
             approach to the programme implementation.


     UN Women operational from January 2011 was created to address challenges faced by the UN in its efforts to
     promote gender equality globally. Grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the UN Charter, it will work for
     the elimination of discrimination against women and girls, empowerment of women and achievement of equality
     between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and
     peace and security.

     The work of UN Women is oriented around four core principles:

         •   to provide a demand-driven support to Member States and women’s organizations;
         •   to advocate for the world’s women
         •   to serve as a a catalyst and leader within the UN system to ensure coherence in the UN’s response on
             gender equality and to ensure that all UN organizations, leaders and staff, gender experts and units,
             pursue their mandates in a manner which best contributes to achieving a gender equal world.
         •   to be a global broker of knowledge, expertise and experience on what works and on how to align
             practice with normative guidance from UN inter-governmental bodies.

     With the aim to support the national partners for upholding commitments to advance women’s rights and gender
     equality, UN Women Sub-regional office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (SRO) plans to recruit a National
     Project Coordinator to facilitate and coordinate the programme and operational tasks within assigned thematic
     areas (peace and security).

     How to apply:

     In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender
     Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform
     agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important
     work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused
     exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.

     A cover letter, contacts of 2 referees and duly completed P-11 form, which can be downloaded from, should be submitted to the
     The deadline for submission of the applications is June 20, 2011, 18:00 (Bishkek time).
     Only short-listed candidates meeting the essential requirements will be called for written test and interview.

     Applications without P-11 form will not be considered

     Supporting Documents                    P_11_form_UNwomen.doc (Size: 391 Kb)
     Supporting Documents                    TOR_UNWomen_National_Project_Coordinator.pdf (Size: 105 Kb)

Expire date:             Monday, 20 June 2011
Contract type:           SC 7
Agency:                  UN Women
Duration:                6 months (with a possibility for extension)
Place:                   Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Terms of Reference

The Communication Specialist will specifically support the implementation of the UN Women activities in
Kyrgyzstan, and will receive technical guidance from the UN Women EECA Regional Office, as well as regular
information from EECA section and the thematic sections at UN Women Headquarters. The Specialist will work
in regular consultation with the UN Communication Group and the UN Gender Theme Group.

The Programme Communication Specialist will:

•   Hold responsibility and ensure visibility of UN Women projects and programmes in the country in
    compliance with rules, ethical guidelines and regulations of the agency;
•   Provide analytical background, support and implement information/communication related initiatives;
•   Closely work and assist projects and programmes of UN Women in Kyrgyzstan to effectively contribute to
    UN Secretary General's campaigns and projects and other relevant global and regional UN/ UN Women
•   Closely work and assist and effectively contribute to joint UN Women campaigns and projects with other
    partners, including UN Gender Theme Group and UN Communication Group through relevant analytical and
    participatory interventions as required within the area of responsibility;
•   Closely cooperate and work with the Communications Specialist of UN Women EECA Sub-Regional office
    and if necessary with other communication specialists from UN Women country offices providing them with
    the all the relevant materials;
•   Support UN Women team to plan, organize and conduct projects' activities/events including drafting the
    scene setters, agreeing the terms of participation with partners, media relations, preparing of talking points,
    invitations, press-releases;
•   Together with UN Women country team regularly contribute information about on-going projects and
    initiatives to regional UN Women and local UN websites;
•   Prepare regular analysis, human stories, articles, briefs and other communication and information materials
    derived from UN Women and partners' work;
•   Organize press-conferences, interviews, press tours and other events with media involvement;
•   Carry out and regularly update the baseline review of coverage/portrayal of UN Women project and
    programme activities in the Kyrgyz Republic in all sources of mass media;
•   Lead development of UN Women communications materials in collaboration with UN Women national,
    regional and HQ teams as needed;
•   Document and keep all relevant communication and information evidence (agendas, mails, communication
    materials, press releases, relevant citations/references in media etc.) of performed and relevant actions, and
•   Make relevant contributions to the quarterly and annual progress reports prepared by UN Women
•   Lead the development and up-dating of photo bank related to project activities in Kyrgyzstan;
•   Develop rosters of designers and photographers and identify cost-effective publishing opportunities for
    different communication materials in Kyrgyzstan;
•   Support the communication from national office to UN Women EECA Sub-Regional Office of relevant events
    (monthly event calendars) and materials (human stories, inputs to Sub-regional web-page and publications);


UN Women operational from January 2011 was created to address challenges faced by the UN in its efforts to
promote gender equality globally. Grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the UN Charter, it will work for
the elimination of discrimination against women and girls, empowerment of women and achievement of equality
between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and
peace and security.

The work of UN Women is oriented around four core principles:

    •    to provide a demand-driven support to Member States and women’s organizations;
    •    to advocate for the world’s women
    •    to serve as a a catalyst and leader within the UN system to ensure coherence in the UN’s response on
         gender equality and to ensure that all UN organizations, leaders and staff, gender experts and units,
         pursue their mandates in a manner which best contributes to achieving a gender equal world.
    •    to be a global broker of knowledge, expertise and experience on what works and on how to align
         practice with normative guidance from UN inter-governmental bodies.
With the aim to support the national partners for upholding commitments to advance women’s rights and gender
equality, UN Women Sub-regional office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (SRO) plans to contract a
Communication Specialist.

In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender
Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform
agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important
work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused
exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.

Contact information

How to apply:

A cover letter, contacts of 2 referees and duly completed P-11 form, which can be downloaded from, should be submitted to the
The deadline for submission of the applications is June 20, 2011, 18:00 (Bishkek time).
Only short-listed candidates meeting the essential requirements will be called for written test and interview.

Applications without P-11 form will not be considered

Supporting Documents                       P_11_form_UNwomen.doc (Size: 391 Kb)
Supporting Documents                       TOR_UNWomen_Communication_Specialist.pdf (Size: 92 Kb)

                                  END OF THE 361tnd LISTSERV ISSUE

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KG Alumni Listserv - Issue 361, June 15, 2011

  • 1. Здравствуйте, дорогие получатели рассылки! Предлагаем Вам 361-й выпуск электронной рассылки для кыргызстанских выпускников программ Госдепартамента США. Вы получаете данное сообщение потому, что Вы либо являетесь выпускником программы обмена, спонсируемой правительством США, либо Вы запросили данную информацию. В настоящее время в списке получателей рассылки зарегистрировано около 1000 электронных адресов. Электронная рассылка для кыргызстанских выпускников программ Госдепартамента США предназначена для информирования о мероприятиях, проводимых для выпускников, а также для распространения новостей и объявлений от АЙРЕКС, АКСЕЛС, Посольства США в Кыргызстане и других организаций о вакансиях, грантовых программах, стипендиях для учебы и стажировок и других возможностях для личного, академического и профессионального роста. Информация рассылается один раз в неделю. Вы вправе распространять ее среди всех заинтересованных лиц. У этого сообщения нет приложений, поэтому из соображений безопасности не открывайте возможных прикрепленных файлов. Для Вашего удобства, теперь выпуски электронной рассылки размещаются в формате word по адресу и Если Вы желаете распространить какую-либо информацию по данной рассылке, пожалуйста, отправьте соответствующее сообщение на адрес не позднее 13:00 каждую среду. Сообщения, отправленные напрямую на электронный адрес рассылки, блокируются. Сегодня 15 июня 2011 г. В этом выпуске: ************************************************************* 1) ANNOUNCEMENTS / ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ: 1. БЛАГОТВОРИТЕЛЬНАЯ АКЦИЯ «УЛЫБКА РЕБЕНКА – ЭТО СЧАСТЬЕ!» 2) VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ: 1. UN WOMEN NATIONAL PROJECT COORDINATOR (PEACE AND SECURITY), BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN, 20 JUNE 2011 2. UN WOMEN COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN, 20 JUNE 2011 ************************************************** ANNOUNCEMENTS/ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ ************************************************** 1. БЛАГОТВОРИТЕЛЬНАЯ АКЦИЯ «УЛЫБКА РЕБЕНКА – ЭТО СЧАСТЬЕ!» Мы любим улыбаться сами, и любим, когда улыбаются наши дети. Дороже их счастливых лиц нет ничего на свете. Глядя на улыбки детей, каждый взрослый заряжается самыми радостными эмоциями. Не это ли есть счастье, когда ты видишь насколько искренне и трогательны эти улыбки. Но среди нас, есть те дети, которым не суждено улыбаться так часто. В силу разных причин. Многие из таких детей живут в домам-интернатах и приютах, и зачастую такие учреждения находятся в отдаленных районах. Так, например в Сулюктинской (вспомогательной школе-интернат для умственно-отсталых детей (Баткенская область) обучаются дети от 5 до 16 лет, всего 108 детей. Из них сироты-2, полусироты-16, соц.сироты-49, малообеспеченные-28, инвалиды-8, опекуны-2. Эти детки нуждаются в нашей с вами помощи. Представительство IREX в Кыргызской Республике, ACCELS и ОФ «Ассоциация выпускников программ за развитие страны» организуют благотворительную акцию по сбору средств для помощи детям из Сулюктинской школы-интернат. В рамках акции состоится благотворительный вечер в стиле «Латиноамериканских и бальных танцев», в программе которого будут танцевальные номера (сальса, бачата, танго, вальс, выступления профессионалов и мастер-классы для зрителей и т.д.). Мы приглашаем всех желающих прийти на вечер и присоединиться к благотворительной акции «Улыбка ребенка – это счастье». Все собранные средства в ходе акции будут направлены в помощь детям Сулюктинской вспомогательной школы-интернат для умственно-отсталых детей. Нас, взрослых, больше, и мы - сильные и умные, а значит, это в наших силах – подарить частичку тепла и радости таким деткам. Очень важно, чтобы в детстве ребенок получал много-много любви, чтобы он это чувствовал, что его все любят. Ведь совершенно неверно делить детей на "своих" и "чужих". Это не правильно, потому что эти дети не виноваты в том, что им не повезло родиться в семье, где они не были окружены заботой и любовью. Нет чужой беды и нет чужих детей в любой стране. Итак, мы ждем вас на концерте. Дата концерта: 24 июня 2011
  • 2. Время: с 19:30 – 24.00 Место: кафе «Marakesh» (ул. Ахунбаева, д. 32/ угол ул. К.Маркса) Вход по билетам. Стоимость билета – 300 сом. Прохладительные напитки включены в стоимость билета. По вопросам приобретения билетов, обращайтесь: IREX - Жазгуль Арыкбаевой 0555 52-11-40; 64-26-25, г. Бишкек, проспект Чуй 265а, комната 109 с 8.30 до 17.30 (здание Президиума Национальной Академии Наук) ACCELS – Виктория Табелева 0556 77-66-59; 66-48-38 г. Бишкек ул. Тыныстанова 98/1 с 13.00 по 17.30 ************************************************** VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ: ************************************************** 1. UN WOMEN NATIONAL PROJECT COORDINATOR (PEACE AND SECURITY), BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN, 20 JUNE 2011 Position: NATIONAL PROJECT COORDINATOR (PEACE AND SECURITY) Expire date: Monday, 20 June 2011 Contract type: SC 8 Agency: UN Women Duration: 1 Year (renewable) Place: Bishkek, Kyrgyztan Terms of Reference The National Project Coordinator willl work under the direct supervision of the UN Women Gender Adviser in Kyrgyzstan and overall supervision and guidance of the SRO Programme Specialist. S/he will specifically support the implementation of the UN Women activities in the country, and will receive technical guidance from SRO, as well as regular information from the Europe and Central Asia Division and relevant thematic sections at UN Women Headquarters; and participate in general activities within the management team, including support in operations, strategy formulation, communication, corporate reporting, fund mobilization, and budget oversight. More specifically, the Regional Coordinator will perform the following tasks: Summary of Key Functions: • Day-to-day coordination and management in terms of implementation agreements, trainings, meetings and other related events to facilitate the portfolio implementation. • Manage on-going programme/projects/interventions within the thematic area assigned through technical monitoring and administrative and financial supervision. • Define possibilities for and ensure proper and effective synergies between ongoing and planned UN Women interventions in the country. • Develop, finalize and implement annual workplans and budget forecasts to ensure timely and effective implementation within the given timeframe. • Monitor and facilitate quality assurance of services, events and products within the scope of programme/projects/activities implementation and track the progress. • Oversee, manage and provide guidance to consultants/NGOs (including implementing partners) contracted in support for implementation of programme/projects/activities. • Provide high-quality, results-oriented reporting on the programme/projects/activities implementation to SRO, and as requested to donors and partners. • Contribute to programme/projects appraisal, monitoring and evaluation according to results-based management requirements. • Prepare background analytical reports and abstracts on assigned thematic directions. • Ensure effective partnership, networking and coordination between other ongoing projects and activities relevant to assigned portfolio in the country for a more holistic and coherent approach to programme/projects/activities implementation. • Establish and maintain partnerships with governments, implementing partners, women’s and human rights organizations, UN Country Team and multi/bilateral donors. • Ensure timely and proper documentation of the programme/projects/activities implementation. • Develop and oversee wide strategic distribution of the findings and knowledge-related publications, inclusive of select case studies, good practices and lessons learned; Document and analyze best practices and lessons learned. • Ensure the implementation of advocacy interventions on an ongoing basis; • Ensure maintenance of a calendar of the most relevant regional/national fora related to country programme/ projects/activities, facilitate access to that information by partners and relevant UN Women staff, and coordinate UN Women participation and involvement. Background:
  • 3. Ensure effective information flow, communication and coordination and coherence with and between UN Women Projects, SRO, and activities in the south, national project partners, UN Agencies, consultants; • Communication and Advocacy: • Serve as a key spokesperson and advocate on the issue and the project at relevant conferences, events and briefings to a variety of audiences, as delegated by UN Women Gender Adviser; • Serve as a media spokesperson, and oversee the quality and content of related press and communications materials • Promote Programme results and achievements through closely cooperating with the local mass media with the support of the UN Women Country office; • Developing Partnerships and Networks: • Strengthen and enhance partnership/co-operation/consultation/coordination with, where appropriate, national and local state actors, national and international civil society actors, especially, women's organizations, bilaterals, UN, academia, private sector and private foundations for more effective and coordinated project implementation. • Ensure effective partnership, networking and coordination between other ongoing UN Women programmes, projects and activities in the south of the country for a more holistic and coherent approach to the programme implementation. Background UN Women operational from January 2011 was created to address challenges faced by the UN in its efforts to promote gender equality globally. Grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the UN Charter, it will work for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls, empowerment of women and achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. The work of UN Women is oriented around four core principles: • to provide a demand-driven support to Member States and women’s organizations; • to advocate for the world’s women • to serve as a a catalyst and leader within the UN system to ensure coherence in the UN’s response on gender equality and to ensure that all UN organizations, leaders and staff, gender experts and units, pursue their mandates in a manner which best contributes to achieving a gender equal world. • to be a global broker of knowledge, expertise and experience on what works and on how to align practice with normative guidance from UN inter-governmental bodies. With the aim to support the national partners for upholding commitments to advance women’s rights and gender equality, UN Women Sub-regional office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (SRO) plans to recruit a National Project Coordinator to facilitate and coordinate the programme and operational tasks within assigned thematic areas (peace and security). How to apply: In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment. A cover letter, contacts of 2 referees and duly completed P-11 form, which can be downloaded from, should be submitted to the address: The deadline for submission of the applications is June 20, 2011, 18:00 (Bishkek time). Only short-listed candidates meeting the essential requirements will be called for written test and interview. Applications without P-11 form will not be considered Supporting Documents P_11_form_UNwomen.doc (Size: 391 Kb) Supporting Documents TOR_UNWomen_National_Project_Coordinator.pdf (Size: 105 Kb) 2. UN WOMEN COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN, 20 JUNE 2011
  • 4. Position: UN WOMEN COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST Expire date: Monday, 20 June 2011 Contract type: SC 7 Agency: UN Women Duration: 6 months (with a possibility for extension) Place: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Terms of Reference The Communication Specialist will specifically support the implementation of the UN Women activities in Kyrgyzstan, and will receive technical guidance from the UN Women EECA Regional Office, as well as regular information from EECA section and the thematic sections at UN Women Headquarters. The Specialist will work in regular consultation with the UN Communication Group and the UN Gender Theme Group. The Programme Communication Specialist will: • Hold responsibility and ensure visibility of UN Women projects and programmes in the country in compliance with rules, ethical guidelines and regulations of the agency; • Provide analytical background, support and implement information/communication related initiatives; • Closely work and assist projects and programmes of UN Women in Kyrgyzstan to effectively contribute to UN Secretary General's campaigns and projects and other relevant global and regional UN/ UN Women campaigns; • Closely work and assist and effectively contribute to joint UN Women campaigns and projects with other partners, including UN Gender Theme Group and UN Communication Group through relevant analytical and participatory interventions as required within the area of responsibility; • Closely cooperate and work with the Communications Specialist of UN Women EECA Sub-Regional office and if necessary with other communication specialists from UN Women country offices providing them with the all the relevant materials; • Support UN Women team to plan, organize and conduct projects' activities/events including drafting the scene setters, agreeing the terms of participation with partners, media relations, preparing of talking points, invitations, press-releases; • Together with UN Women country team regularly contribute information about on-going projects and initiatives to regional UN Women and local UN websites; • Prepare regular analysis, human stories, articles, briefs and other communication and information materials derived from UN Women and partners' work; • Organize press-conferences, interviews, press tours and other events with media involvement; • Carry out and regularly update the baseline review of coverage/portrayal of UN Women project and programme activities in the Kyrgyz Republic in all sources of mass media; • Lead development of UN Women communications materials in collaboration with UN Women national, regional and HQ teams as needed; • Document and keep all relevant communication and information evidence (agendas, mails, communication materials, press releases, relevant citations/references in media etc.) of performed and relevant actions, and events; • Make relevant contributions to the quarterly and annual progress reports prepared by UN Women Kyrgyzstan; • Lead the development and up-dating of photo bank related to project activities in Kyrgyzstan; • Develop rosters of designers and photographers and identify cost-effective publishing opportunities for different communication materials in Kyrgyzstan; • Support the communication from national office to UN Women EECA Sub-Regional Office of relevant events (monthly event calendars) and materials (human stories, inputs to Sub-regional web-page and publications); Background UN Women operational from January 2011 was created to address challenges faced by the UN in its efforts to promote gender equality globally. Grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the UN Charter, it will work for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls, empowerment of women and achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. The work of UN Women is oriented around four core principles: • to provide a demand-driven support to Member States and women’s organizations; • to advocate for the world’s women • to serve as a a catalyst and leader within the UN system to ensure coherence in the UN’s response on gender equality and to ensure that all UN organizations, leaders and staff, gender experts and units, pursue their mandates in a manner which best contributes to achieving a gender equal world. • to be a global broker of knowledge, expertise and experience on what works and on how to align practice with normative guidance from UN inter-governmental bodies.
  • 5. With the aim to support the national partners for upholding commitments to advance women’s rights and gender equality, UN Women Sub-regional office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (SRO) plans to contract a Communication Specialist. In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment. Contact information How to apply: A cover letter, contacts of 2 referees and duly completed P-11 form, which can be downloaded from, should be submitted to the address: The deadline for submission of the applications is June 20, 2011, 18:00 (Bishkek time). Only short-listed candidates meeting the essential requirements will be called for written test and interview. Applications without P-11 form will not be considered Supporting Documents P_11_form_UNwomen.doc (Size: 391 Kb) Supporting Documents TOR_UNWomen_Communication_Specialist.pdf (Size: 92 Kb) ******************************************** END OF THE 361tnd LISTSERV ISSUE *********************************************