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Предлагаем Вам 420-й выпуск электронной рассылки для кыргызстанских выпускников программ
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Сегодня 3 октября 2012 г. В этом выпуске:


     DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2012



                                           ANNOUNCEMENTS/ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ:

     OCTOBER 31, 2012
The Community Solutions Program is a professional development program for the best and brightest global
community leaders working in Transparency and Accountability, Tolerance and Conflict Resolution,
Environmental Issues, and Women and Gender Issues.

The Community Solutions Program is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S.
Department of State, and implemented by IREX.

Application Deadline: 11:59pm Est, Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The goal of the Community Solutions Program is for global community leaders to improve their capacity for local
community intervention and problem-solving and be ambassadors for increased mutual understanding.
Community Solutions Program leaders:

Build and strengthen sustainable professional networks with international colleagues and institutions
Increase their understanding of best practices, models, and strategies to address challenges in their community
Strengthen their management, leadership, and problem-solving skills

Individual countries – no matter what the level of development they have achieved – need to meet their
contemporary challenges both locally and globally. While solutions to many problems can be found on the global
stage (e.g., best practices in economic, environmental, and social programming), these problems can only truly
be addressed at the country- and even community-level. Such a dynamic demands educated and capable
community and civic leaders who can motivate and inspire others to action. Countries in transition need civic and
community leaders who not only possess a vision for change, but also have the practical skills and networks that
can help move their societies forward.
Project Activities

Four-month U.S. Fellowship: Community Solutions Program leaders are matched with non-profit organizations
and government offices across the U.S. where they work with American community leaders on initiatives related
to women"s issues, transparency & accountability, tolerance/conflict resolution and environmental issues.

Community Leadership Institute (CLI): Community Solutions Program leaders spend up to 500 hours
developing leadership and organizational management skills that complement their community placements
through online an in-person trainings.

Follow-on Projects: Community Solutions Program leaders will develop and implement community
development projects in partnership with their U.S. hosts. Follow-on projects will be completed after leaders
return to their home countries.

Financial Provisions

    •    J-1 visa support
    •    Round-trip travel from participant’s home city to the U.S.
    •    Accident and sickness insurance
    •    Living Allowance to cover housing, meals and incidentals


Technical Eligibility Requirements

Candidates will be considered without respect to race, color, religion, national origin, or gender. Persons with
disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Competition for the Community Solutions Program is merit-based
and open to community leaders, ages 25-38 at the time of application, who meet the following criteria:

    •    From a participating country (U.S. citizens, permanent residents of the U.S., and individuals who have
         applied for U.S. permanent residency in the past three years are not eligible for this program)
    •    Currently living and working in his/her home country (Individuals participating in academic, training or
         research programs in the United States at the time of application and individuals residing or working
         outside their home countries at the time of application are not eligible for this program)
    •    Currently working on a community project or initiative in his/her home country; and, has at least 2 years
         of professional experience in this capacity at the time of application
    •    Able to begin the program in the United States in 2013, and is committed to returning to his/her home
         country after completion of the program
    •    Able to receive a U.S. J-1 visa (Individuals who have participated in an exchange visitor program
         sponsored or funded by the U.S. Government who have not fulfilled their two-year home residency
         requirement by the time of application are not eligible for this program)
    •    Proficient in spoken and written English at the time of application
•    Current IREX employees and consultants and their immediate family members (spouses, parents,
         children, and siblings) are not eligible to apply for any IREX-implemented grant programs, either as
         individuals or as the responsible party representing an institutional applicant.

The U.S. Department of State and IREX reserve the right to verify all of the information included in the
application. In the event that there is a discrepancy, or information is found to be false, the application will
immediately be declared invalid and the applicant ineligible.

Under the terms of the grant and the laws governing the J-1 visa required for participation in the Community
Solutions Program, leaders must return to their home country upon completion of the program for a period of at
least two years. Leaders are not eligible for visa extensions under any circumstances.

Applications not meeting the above technical eligibility requirements will not be forwarded to the selection

Selection Process and Criteria

The Community Solutions Program is conducted as a merit-based open competition. After the deadline, all
eligible applications will be reviewed by a selection panel. Chosen semi-finalists will be interviewed by a panel
and will take the TOEFL exam or submit existing TOEFL or IELTS scores. All applicants will be notified of their
status by spring 2013.

Selection panels will use the following criteria to evaluate applications (not in order of importance):

Working/volunteering on substantive community projects for non-profits, government offices, or community-
based organizations; preference will be given to applicants of local organizations.

Knowledge of and experience in one or more of the four CSP fellowship themes (Women and Gender Issues,
Transparency & Accountability, Tolerance &Conflict Resolution, and Environmental Issues);

    •    Leadership experience and potential;
    •    Professional and program goals;
    •    Follow-on project idea;
    •    Intercultural/English language skills;
    •    Preference will be given to individuals with four (4) months or more academic exchange or professional
         training experience in the United States.

Professional Fellowship Themes

Applicants must select ONE professional theme from the list below that he/she intends to focus on while in the

1) Transparency and Accountability

Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: civil society; grassroots democracy; good governance;
anti-corruption; transparency; accountability; free and fair elections; technology and social media for
transparency; and, volunteerism.

2) Tolerance & Conflict Resolution

Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: tolerance; multi-culturalism; discrimination; conflict
resolution; negotiation; compromise; fair treatment of minority populations; civil rights and responsibilities; crisis
response tools; complex emergencies and disasters; technology and social media for conflict resolution; and
LGBT rights.

3) Environmental Issues

Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: food security; water and resource management;
supporting food supply at local, regional and national levels; social entrepreneurship to leverage science and
technology to address ecological and environmental issues; low-carbon technologies; natural resource
management; pollution; sustainable energy; and climate change.

4) Women and Gender Issues

Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: women’s empowerment, women’s education, women’s
health; women’s entrepreneurship; gender equality; prevention of all forms of exploitation; domestic violence
prevention; advancing political, economic and social empowerment of women; and, LGBT rights.

Application Submission Guidelines
The deadline for applications for the Community Solutions Program is 11:59pm EST, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER
     31, 2012. Applications may be submitted ONLINE ONLY at Do not send applications to
     the IREX office in Washington, DC or any of IREX’s representative offices. Mailed, faxed or e-mailed
     applications will not be accepted.

     If selected to the semifinalist round, applicants must provide the following documentation to irex at the time of
     their interview:

         •    A copy of applicant’s international passport (if available) or government-issued identification
         •    Copy of TOEFL or IELTS score report (if applicable)
         •    A signed letter of commitment from your employer indicating approval of four-month leave should you
              be selected to participate in the fellowship

     The Community Solutions Program is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S.
     Department of State, and implemented by IREX.

     Community Solutions Program Timeline

         •    October 31, 2013 Community Solutions Program application deadline
         •    November-December 2012 Applications reviewed by selection committee
         •    January-February 2013 Semifinalists interview and take the TOEFL exam as needed
         •    April-May 2013 Finalists and alternates notified
         •    May-June 2013 Pre-departure orientation and preparation
         •    Late July 2013 All participants depart their home countries for the U.S.
         •    December 2013 Participants return to their home countries and begin follow-on projects
         •    January-June 2014 Alumni complete follow-on projects in collaboration with U.S. hosts


     Application materials (Community Solutions Program Flyer and application instructions) and access to
     Community Solutions Facebook page & Twitter are available at


     Course Description

     American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for school teachers and educators interested
     in an 8 month course in the Osh area to improve their reading, writing, and spoken fluency in English.
     Participants will attend 3 mandatory 90 minute sessions per week and be expected to complete out of class
     assignments. The course will use an advanced English language course book published in the US that can be
     used at the school level in Kyrgyzstan. At the completion of the course participants will have a greater mastery
     of English and a certificate of completion.


     This course will cost approximately 60 som per class to cover course materials. All materials will stay with the
     participants at the course’s conclusion.

     The course will begin in November 2012. The deadline for applications is October 8, 2012. The position is
     contingent upon State Department funding.

     Requirements to participate:

     •   Current teacher of English at a school in the Osh area;
     •   Attendance at each class 3 times per week;
     •   Monthly fee of 720 som to cover materials.

     To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for
     International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str. Bishkek), or by email to (and CC: before 17:00 on October 8, 2012. Please indicate in the subject line of the
     email “Advanced English Course for Educators”. For further information, please call +996-312-664838. Only
     successful candidates will be invited for interviews.

                                              VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ:

     Квалификационные Требования

         •    Высшее образование в области медицины или юриспруденции: знание техник,
              используемых в       эпидемиологии потребления наркотиков; принципов      общественного
              здравоохранения; политики, касающейся контроля наркотиков; эпидемиологии ВИЧ; подходов к
              снижению вреда от приема наркотиков; принципов лечения зависимости от наркотиков и других
              соответствующих сфер знания;
         •    Не менее 7-10 лет опыта работы в общественном здравоохранении и/или в органах уголовно-
              исполнительной системы в сферах, связанных с социально-медицинскими последствиями
              потребления наркотиков с фокусом на профилактику ВИЧ инфекции среди потребителей
         •    Большой опыт аналитической работы по вопросам потребления наркотиков и эпидемиологии
              ВИЧ, а также знание организации систем здравоохранения и управления ими, в частности, в
              системе медицинской помощи уголовно-исполнительной системы;
         •    Хорошее знание технических документов ВОЗ, UNODC и ЮНЭЙДС, касающихся потребления
              наркотиков и лечения зависимости от наркотиков ( в том числе базовые знания о сути опиоидной
              заместительной терапии, профилактике распространения ВИЧ среди ПИН) и документов ООН и
              других   международных юридических        документов/инструментов с изложением позиций
              относительно прав уязвимого населения, стигмы и дискриминации, особенно, как это касается
              людей, находящихся в местах лишения свободы ;
         •    Базовые знания о системе национального здравоохранения и социальной защиты и таковых в
              пенитенциарной системе в стране; знание принципов национального законодательства,
              касающегося регулирования оборота        наркотических средств, лечения зависимости от
              наркотиков, а также профилактики и лечения ВИЧ инфекции.

     Навыки и качества

         •    Отличные разговорные и письменные навыки на русском языке. Знание английского языка
              является преимуществом.
         •    Основные навыки работы с компьютером (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
         •    Лидерство и умение работать в команде
         •    Гибкость и последовательность
         •    Творческий подход к работе и тщательность ее исполнения

     Процесс подачи документов

     Все заинтересованные лица должны предоставить:

         •    Заполненную и подписанную форму Р11;
         •    Сопроводительное письмо;
         •    2 рекомендации (с контактными данными рекомендателей);
         •    Краткое описание методики выполнения работы (в произвольной форме);
         •    Финансовое предложение, с указанием общей стоимости услуг по контракту и с разбивкой
              стоимости услуг по конечным результатам (образец в приложении).

     Документы должны быть предоставлены в запечатанном конверте с пометкой “Национальный
     координатор исследования ” не позднее 5 октября 2012 г. по адресу г. Бишкек, ул. Раззакова 31-2, либо
     по эл.почте

     Полная информация о вакансии, а также форма Р11 выложена на сайте

     Заявки без подписанной формы P11 не рассматриваются.


     Supervision received: The National Programme Officer will be directly supervised by the Head of Sub Office, and
     indirectly by the Deputy Country Director and Country Director.
     Accountabilities: Within delegated authority, the National Programme Officer will be responsible for the following

         •    Managing operational areas for programme ,
•    Undertaking some negotiations with government ministries and other partners;
    •    Organizing planning missions, meetings and briefing sessions to identify and analyze problems and
         recommend project;
    •    Assessing project performance, including utilization of resources and achievement of planned targets;
    •    Monitoring, updating and tracking data related to project issues, commodity pipelines and financial
         allotment status reports, informing the relevant divisions accordingly; ensuring accuracy of data related
         to the above;
    •    Analyzing and preparing projections for food commodities and non-food items to ensure timely call
         forward and/or local procurement;
    •    Maintaining records on programme activities, from formulation through to completion, by extracting
         relevant information from reports, project committees, budget records and other documentation; make
         information available for country briefs, country profiles, and other related purposes; ensure project
         cycle deadlines are met;
    •    Carrying out advocacy and information related tasks for project/programme activities such as making
         interventions and presentations in meetings, workshops, seminars, missions, etc;
    •    Preparing status and progress reports by providing information and background material for use in
         discussions and briefing sessions;
    •    Providing regular guidance and on-the-job training to staff;
    •    Participating in discussions on new/revised procedures and practices; interprets and assesses the
         impact of changes and make recommendations on follow up actions;
    •    Performing other related duties as required.

Expected Results:

In coordination with the Head of Sub Office, the National Programme Officer will be expected to manage a large
number of staff, give strategic direction, and provide training when necessary. He/She will also ensure oversight
for some areas of operations. He/She must be well organized and be able to provide complete and accurate
reports, records and/or data, put together independently with only general guidance. An ability to problem solve
and demonstrate maturity and diplomacy is also critical.

Critical Success Factors:

He/She should have a good knowledge of how to implement humanitarian/development projects, from a
programme perspective as well as have experience in logistics, finance and administration; Be able to
demonstrate sound judgment, an ability to extract, interpret, analyze and format data and to resolve operational
problems. He/She must have ability to work with minimum supervision, and work effectively with people of
different national and cultural backgrounds.

Minimum qualifications:


University degree in one or more of the following disciplines: economics, agriculture, international affairs,
business administration, social sciences, development studies or a field relevant to international development


At least five years of progressively responsible experience, with at least three years of managing staff, preferably
working in logistics or programme for an international organization.


Be able to demonstrate a solid ability to use computers including word processing, Excel spreadsheet and other
software packages. Knowledge of complex emergencies, managing logistics and/or programme implementation
would be a distinct asset. General knowledge of UN system policies, rules, regulations and procedures
governing administration would be an asset. Good analytical skills; resourcefulness, initiative, maturity of
judgment, tact, negotiating skills; Ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing; Ability to work in a
team, and establish effective working relations with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds.


Fluency in English, Russian and Kyrgyz.

More information on Terms of Reference and P.11 form are available below. All interested candidates must
send: P.11, CV, cover letter in English and at least 3 references with indication of position title to email address: by 17:00, 12 October 2012. Applications without P.11 form will not be considered. Only
suitable candidates will be invited for interview.
The form P.11 can be downloaded from


     Location: Osh, Kyrgyz Republic

     Supervision received: The Senior Programme Assistant will be directly supervised by the National Programme
     Officer and under the general supervision of the Head of Sub-office.

     Accountabilities: Within delegated authority, the Senior Programme Assistant will be responsible for the
     following duties:

         •    Undertake negotiations for and prepare project documents with government ministries and other
              participating agencies;
         •    Organize project planning missions, meetings and briefing sessions to identify and analyze problems
              and recommend project;
         •    Assess project performance including utilization of resources and achievement of planned targets;
         •    Monitor the receipt of necessary shipping, freight or other documents and notify the appropriate WFP
              officer of non-receipt;
         •    Monitor the processing time for settling freight forwarders accounts;
         •    Issue letters of guarantee and no-charge invoices as instructed;
         •    Monitor, update and track data related to project issues, commodity pipelines and financial allotment
              status reports, informing the relevant divisions accordingly; ensure accuracy of data related to the
         •    Analyze and prepare projections for food commodities and non-food items to ensure timely call forward
              and/or local procurement;
         •    Assist in compiling monthly statistics on food aid and commercial food shipments to the country;
         •    Maintain records on programme activities, from formulation stage through completion, by extracting
              relevant information from reports, project committees, budget records and other documentation; make
              information available for country briefs, country profiles, and other related purposes; ensure project
              cycle deadlines are met;
         •    Analyze contract terms and conditions, and correct any observed discrepancies between contract rates
              and invoice amounts;
         •    Carry out advocacy and information related tasks for project/programme activities such as making
              interventions and presentations in meetings, workshops, seminars, missions, etc;
         •    Prepare status and progress reports by providing information and background material for use in
              discussions and briefing sessions;
         •    Provide guidance, on-the-job training and assistance to support staff;
         •    Evaluate, develop, recommend procedures. Participates in discussions on new/revised procedures and
              practices; interprets and assesses the impact of changes and makes recommendations on follow up
         •    Perform other related duties as required.

     Expected Results:

     Well organized, complete and accurate reports, records and/or data, put together independently with only
     general guidance.
     Critical Success Factors:

     Sound judgment; ability to extract, interpret, analyse and format data and to resolve operational problems. Ability
     to work with minimum of supervision; to supervise and train support staff; and to work effectively with people of
     different national and cultural backgrounds.

     Minimum qualifications:


     University degree in one or more of the following disciplines: economics, agriculture, international affairs,
     business administration, social sciences, development studies or a field relevant to international development


     At least five years of progressively responsible experience, of which at least one year was closely related to
     programme functions.

     Training and/or experience utilizing computers including word processing, spreadsheet and other software


     Fluency in English, Russian and Kyrgyz.

     More information on Terms of Reference and P.11 form are available below. All interested candidates must
     send: P.11, CV, cover letter in English and at least 3 references with indication of position title to email address: by 17:00, 12 October 2012. Applications without P.11 form will not be considered. Only
     suitable candidates will be invited for interview.

     The form P.11 can be downloaded from


     Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of Programme Coordinator and the overall supervision of the
     UN Women Resident Representative in Kyrgyzstan, the Programme Assistant provides programme and
     administrative support services ensuring high quality, accuracy and consistency of work as per the UN Women
     rules and guidelines.

     The Programme “Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality” is being implemented in sixteen
     countries including in Kyrgyzstan. It seeks to strengthen accountability to implement gender equality
     commitments in financing decisions and practices of donors and programme countries. The Programme
     supports the implementation of an approach that builds on past experience, learned lessons and knowledge in
     the areas of GRB, aid effectiveness and costing. It also engaged with global policy making processes with
     particular focus on the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) in Busan, South Korea (November
     2011) and UN Development Cooperation Forum among others. The programme seeks to deepen the partnership
     between UN Women, ITC/ILO, women’s organizations, national partners, EU and other donors.

     The overall goal of the Programme is to: “increase the volume and effective use of aid and domestic resources to
     implement national commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment (GE/WE)”.

     The Programme outcomes are:

         •    National action plans for gender equality have defined targets, financing and implementation
              arrangements and are aligned with national planning and budgeting processes. In Kyrgyzstan, this
              relates to national mid- and longer-term development strategies and action plans and National Gender
              Equality Strategy.
         •    Strengthened capacity of national governments to implement gender equality commitments and
              address women’s priorities in national planning, budgeting systems and programming.
         •    Strengthened capacity (through knowledge, tools and technical assistance at country level) and
              accountability of donors and stakeholders in aid coordination mechanisms to achieve commitments
              towards gender equality in stable and post conflict.
         •    Feminist economists and gender equality advocates have engaged effectively in contributing to stronger
              policy coherence on gender equality in economic and development effectiveness policy.

     To achieve its objectives, the Programme follows a two tiered strategy targeting national planning and budgeting
     mechanisms as well as aid management mechanisms. At both levels, the Programme supports systematic
     tracking of financial allocations for implementation of gender equality commitments through technical assistance
     to support alignment of gender equality commitments with financing and implementation arrangements.

     Duties and Responsibilities
     Functions / Key Results Expected

     Supports formulation of programme strategies and the Annual Work Plan focusing on achievement of the
     following results:

         •    Supports in collection, analysis and presentation of information for identification of areas for support and
              programme implementation;
         •    Provides support in any research and data collection efforts related to the Programme activities;
         •    Provides monitoring of the Programme delivery against workplans as coordinated by the Programme
         •    Contributes to progress, narrative & final reports of the Programme.

     Provides effective support to management and administrative support to the Project as follows:
Ensures timely and effective assistance to day-to-day programme implementation by fulfilling programme,
administrative, HR, financial and logistical tasks in conformity with expected results and workplans, including:

    •    Assisting with preparing budgets, implementing control mechanism for budget monitoring, preparing
         annual and monthly expenditure plans;
    •    Supporting in handling with procurement contracts for goods and services;
    •    Ensuring the maintenance of a filing system, reports or other documentation related to the programme
         and administrative matters of the Programme in hard and electronic formats;
    •    Providing assistance in organizing and holding seminars, conferences, trainings, and meetings;
    •    Obtaining necessary information and documents regarding financial records or programme
         expenditures; providing all requested financial and administrative documentation upon request
         (Requests for Payment, Travel Requests and Requests for Contract with complete package of
         supporting documents etc.);
    •    Responding to inquiries regarding files, correspondences and references;
    •    Providing support to office staff in general protocol matters related to visas and accreditation and other
         logistical matters;
    •    Arranging travel and hotel reservations, preparing of travel authorizations, processing requests for
         visas, identity cards and other documents;
    •    Organizing administrative support to subcontracted programme activities when needed;
    •    Maintaining accurate personnel records of the Programme.

Assists with recruitment of International Experts/Consultants, and monitors recruitment processes in line with the
UN Women rules and regulations;

Oversees and coordinates working plans and travel schedules, quality of reports/ documents of International
Experts/ Consultants. Provides logistical and administrative guidance/feedback to International
Experts/Consultants if needed;

Provides interpretation/translation services as necessary;

Provides other support as required by the Programme management.

Supports knowledge building and knowledge sharing related to the thematic focus of the Programme.


Functional Competencies:

    •    Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position;
    •    Maintains database of project files;
    •    Provides data and information needed for preparation of project documents;
    •    Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and
         external clients.

Core Competencies:

    •    Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and
         knowledge      management/sharing         is   the  responsibility of each staff   member.
         Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity;
    •    Acting as a team player and facilitating team work;
    •    Managing conflict.

Required Skills and Experience


    •    Bachelor Degree in Business or Public Administration, Economics, Political Sciences and Social
         Sciences and other relevant fields.


    •    3 years of relevant administrative or programme experience is required at the national or international
         level. Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and
         knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages.

Language Requirements:

    •    Fluency in English and Russian. Knowledge of Kyrgyz is an asset.
In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender
     Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform
     agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important
     work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused
     exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment.

     All online applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11)
     which             can           be           downloaded            from


     American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for a candidate to fill the vacancy of English
     Access Microscholarship Assistant Program Coordinator in the Bishkek office. This full-time position will start in
     October 2012. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 5, 2012. The position is contingent upon State
     Department funding.

     This position will help coordinate all activities regarding the English Access Microscholarship Program (Access).
     Access is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Program
     provides English language training to under-served, 14 to 16-year-old students through afterschool classes and
     intensive summer learning activities. Access students gain an appreciation for American culture and democratic
     values, increase their ability to participate successfully in the socio-economic development of their countries, and
     gain the ability to compete for and participate in future U.S. exchange and study programs.

     This position reports to the Kyrgyzstan Country Director and works in close cooperation with ACCELS
     colleagues in Bishkek and Washington, D.C., as well as the Public Affairs office of the Bishkek U.S. Embassy.


         •    Prepare information on applicants for selection processes;
         •    Solicit, interview, and organize a review panel to select Access teachers;
         •    Review student applications for the Access program to ensure eligibility and financial need;
         •    Work with Access teachers on the use of materials, writing lesson plans, evaluating student progress;
         •    Provide support and consul to Access teachers on proper classroom management, working with school
              directors and parents, and addressing areas for improvement;
         •    Provide updated teaching materials, communicating the purpose and intent of the materials, and
              providing the electronic delivery of the materials to Access teachers;
         •    Communicate on a weekly basis with each teacher, and assist in tracking attendance and student
         •    Travel to Access classrooms and meet with teachers and students to assess and ensure the quality of
              the program and security of the materials;
         •    Advise and supply Access teachers with information on USG grant opportunities to fund follow-up
              teacher trainings and seminars;
         •    Respond to requests for information and collecting and process program feedback;
         •    Submit monthly advance budget requests and reporting monthly financial expenses;
         •    Submit narrative reports to the PAS as requested, and to liaise with the U.S. Embassy on program
              oversight, selection of supplemental teaching materials, and organizing extra-curricular events and
              guest lectures; and
         •    Other program-related tasks, as required and assigned.


         •    Strong knowledge of the U.S. education system, U.S. culture, and U.S.G. exchange program
              experience (preferred);
         •    Experience in English teaching in the Kyrgyz Republic, secondary teaching experience preferred;
         •    Experience with the U.S. education pedagogy and standardized testing;
         •    Demonstrated training or teaching ability;
         •    Strong writing and communication skills;
         •    Strong English, Russian, and Kyrgyz (preferred) language skills;
         •    Effective, professional interpersonal skills and strong computer skills;
         •    Demonstrated organizational ability and attention to detail;
         •    Demonstrated problem-solving skills and the ability to manage multiple priorities quickly and effectively;
         •    Ability to work independently while contributing to an overall team effort;
         •    Proven effectiveness in a cross-cultural work environment;
         •    Undergraduate degree required.
To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for
     International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str.), or by email to               (and CC: before 17:00 Friday, October 5, 2012. Please indicate in the subject line of
     the email “Access Program Assistant Coordinator Position”. For further information, please call +996-312-
     664838. Only successful candidates will be invited for interviews.


     Position Description

     American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for 13 candidates to fill the vacancy of
     English Access Microscholarship Program Teachers in Kara-Balta, Balykchi, Karakol, Naryn, Kochkor, Talas,
     Kurshab, and the Osh region. These positions will participate in a teacher training seminar in October-November
     2012 and begin teaching classes 6 hours per week in November 2012.

     The deadline for applications is Monday, October 8th, 2012.

     This position will be ESL teachers of the English Access Microscholarship Program (Access). Access is funded
     by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Program provides English
     language training to underserved, 14 to 16-year-old students through afterschool classes and intensive summer
     learning activities. Access students gain an appreciation for American culture and democratic values, increase
     their ability to participate successfully in the socio-economic development of their countries, and gain the ability
     to compete for and participate in future U.S. exchange and study programs.

     Access teachers will report to the American Councils Kyrgyzstan Access Coordinators in Bishkek and Osh and
     work in close cooperation with the Public Affairs section (PAS) of the Bishkek U.S. Embassy.


         •    Solicit, interview, and help test during student recruitment for the program;
         •    Review student applications for the Access program to ensure eligibility and financial need;
         •    Prepare lessons for students using materials provided by American Councils and track attendance and
              student performance;
         •    Communicate on a weekly basis with the Bishkek Access Coordinator, on the proper use of materials,
              writing lesson plans, evaluating student progress;
         •    To help ensure the quality of the program and the security of teaching supplies and confidential
         •    Respond to American Councils and PAS requests for information and collecting and process program
              feedback, and attend follow-up teacher trainings and seminars;
         •    Submit monthly teaching reports including student attendance and grades, and timely financial
         •    To help organize, plan, and help conduct a 5-day summer camp July 10-14, 2013;
         •    Other program-related tasks, as required and assigned.


         •    Experience in English teaching in the Kyrgyz Republic, secondary teaching experience preferred;
         •    Strong knowledge of the U.S. education system and U.S. culture;
         •    Experience with the U.S. education pedagogy and standardized testing;
         •    Demonstrated training or teaching ability with strong English language skills and strong communication
         •    Effective, professional interpersonal skills and strong computer skills, especially MS Excel and Word;
         •    Demonstrated organizational ability and attention to detail;
         •    Undergraduate degree required.

     To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for
     International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str.), or by email to (and CC:, before 17:00 Monday October 8th, 2012.
     Please indicate in the subject line of the email “Access Program Teacher Position” and the name of your city.
     For further information, please call +996-312-664838. Only successful candidates will be notified for interviews.

7.   VACANCY: ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTOR, AMERICAN COUNCILS                                               FOR

     Position Description

     American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for two candidate to fill the vacancy of
     Advanced English Instructor for the Access Microscholarship Program in the Osh office. This part-time position
will start in October 2012. The deadline for applications is 8 October, 2012. The position is contingent upon State
     Department funding.

     Instructors will provide three 90 minute classes per week to educators in the Osh area for 8 months. Instruction
     will focus on reading, writing, and speaking, and require highly motivated participants.

     This position reports to the Kyrgyzstan Country Director and Osh office Director.


         •    Prepare weekly, monthly, and quarterly lesson plans and syllabi;
         •    Teach three (3) 90 minute sessions per week;
         •    Track participant progress and attendance;
         •    Advise and supply participants with information on USG grant opportunities to fund follow-up teacher
              trainings and seminars;
         •    Respond to requests for information and collecting and process program feedback;
         •    Submit monthly advance budget requests and reporting monthly financial expenses;
         •    Submit narrative reports to the PAS as requested, and to liaise with the U.S. Embassy on program
              oversight, selection of supplemental teaching materials, and organizing extra-curricular events and
              guest lectures; and
         •    Other program-related tasks, as required and assigned.


         •    Strong knowledge English and modern teaching methodologies;
         •    Experience in English teaching in the Kyrgyz Republic, secondary teaching experience preferred;
         •    Experience with the U.S. education pedagogy and standardized testing;
         •    Demonstrated training or teaching ability;
         •    Strong writing and communication skills;
         •    Strong English, Russian, and Kyrgyz (preferred) language skills;
         •    Effective, professional interpersonal skills and strong computer skills;
         •    Demonstrated organizational ability and attention to detail;
         •    Demonstrated problem-solving skills and the ability to manage multiple priorities quickly and effectively;
         •    Ability to work independently while contributing to an overall team effort;
         •    Proven effectiveness in a cross-cultural work environment;
         •    Undergraduate degree;
         •    Master’s degree preferred.

     To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for
     International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str. Bishkek), or by email to (and CC: before 17:00 on 8th October, 2012. Please indicate in the subject line of the
     email “Advanced English Instructor Position”. For further information, please call +996-312-664838. Only
     successful candidates will be invited for interviews.

8.   ВАКАНСИЯ: АДМИНИСТРАТИВНЫЙ АССИСТЕНТ, ФОНД «СОРОС–КЫРГЫЗСТАН»,                                           БИШКЕК,

     Административный ассистент осуществляет                административную        и    документальную      поддержку
     деятельности общей приемной ФСК.


         •    Прием посетителей и их консультирование (ориентирование по программам, сотрудникам
         •    Ответы на телефонные звонки;
         •    Поддержание базы данных партнеров ФСК (грантополучателей, НПО, международных
              организаций, посольств) и государственных учреждений;
         •    егистрация входящей корреспонденции, передача корреспонденции в соответствующие отделы
              или соответствующим сотрудникам на рассмотрение;
         •    Регистрация исходящей корреспонденции;
         •    Отправление исходящей корреспонденции курьерской почтой;
         •    Работа с офисной техникой;
         •    Организация проведения телефонных переговоров исполнительного директора, запись в его
              отсутствие полученной информации и доведение ее до сведения исполнительного директора/
              ассистента исполнительного директора;
         •    Регистрация времени прихода и ухода сотрудников;
         •    Регистрация посетителей;
•     Комплектация доски объявлений и стеллажей с объявлениями о конкурсах.


         •     Высшее образование;
         •     Опыт работы в должности ассистента;
         •     Знание делопроизводства, правил делового общения;
         •     Опыт административной работы;
         •     Отличное знание русского и английского языков (кыргызского - преимущество);
         •     Способность работать внутри сети Фондов открытого общества и приверженность его
         •     Способность работать в команде;
         •     Отличные коммуникативные навыки;
         •     Отличные навыки работы на компьютере;
         •     Опыт работы в международной организации является преимуществом.

     Заработная плата устанавливается в соответствии с квалификацией и опытом кандидата.

     Процедура подачи заявки

     Пожалуйста, пришлите резюме и сопроводительное письмо, 2 рекомендательных письма
     (отсканированные версии с подписью) по электронному адресу: с указанием в «Теме»:
     Administrative Assistant – SFK.

     Последний срок приема заявок 5 октября 2012 года.

     На собеседование будут приглашены только кандидаты, отвечающие квалификационным требованиям.


     Цель консультации:

     Техническое и экспертное содействие в разработке курикулумов, в проведении тренингов и обсуждений в
     круглых столах по вопросам профтехобразования


     Пилотные профессиональные лицеи и курикулумы

     Место исполнения контракта:

     Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

     Вид контракта:


     Продолжительность контракта:

     6 месяцев

     Основные обязанности:

         •     Тесное сотрудничество с международными экспертами в разработке и совершенствовании
               курикулумов отобранных профессий в сфере начального профессионально-технического
               образования (НПТО).
         •     Сбор информации и данных, необходимых для совершенствования курикулумов, структуризация
               данной информации и предоставление собранной информации международным экспертам.
         •     Организация и фасилитирование круглых столов, презентация, встреч, форумов и других
               мероприятий в рамках проекта, необходимых для эффективного совершенствования пилотных
         •     Постоянное сотрудничество и координация со всеми заинтересованными сторонами в
               разработке курикулумов: специалисты АПТО (Агентства по профтехобразованию),
               преподаватели и мастера профессиональных лицеев, НПО, независимые эксперты, ассоциации
               работодателей или просто работодатели, и другими лицами;
•   Содействие в разработке программы ознакомительной поездки, а также консультации во время
        ознакомительной поездки. ВНИМАНИЕ! Расходы, связанные с поездкой (авиабилеты,
        проживание) будут оплачиваться эксперту отдельно наравне с другими участниками
        ознакомительной поездки;
    •   Консультации и содействие в финализации всех документов касательно обновления
        курикулумов, подготовка документов к презентации и дальнейшему использованию и одобрению.
        ВНИМАНИЕ! Курикулумы разрабатываются международными экспертами;
    •   Консультации и содействие в финализации всех документов касательно учебных материалов
        (руководства для преподавателей, учебники для студентов и другие учебные материалы).
        ВНИМАНИЕ! Данные документы разрабатываются международными экспертами;
    •   Организация и фасилитирование тренингов для тренеров. ВНИМАНИЕ! Лекции и уроки по
        тренингам для тренеров проводят международные эксперты;
    •   По возращению с ознакомительной поездки, разработка и презентация Дорожной Карты по
        внедрению лучшей практики в сфере управления НПТО:
           a.           Эксперт присоединится к ознакомительной поездке;
           b.           Разработает методологию Дорожной Карты;
           c.           Используя информацию материалы, полученные во время ознакомительной
              поездки, а также основываясь на существующей системе НПТО в Кыргызстане,
              разработать Дорожную Карту по внедрению лучшей практики в Кыргызстане;
           d.           Вынести на обсуждение и презентовать Дорожную Карту;
           e.           Финализировать и представить Дорожную Карту АПТО.

Главная цель:

Привлеченный эксперт должен координировать работу международных экспертов, вовлеченных в
разработку курикулумов в рамках проекта, оказывать содействие в организации встреч с пилотными
лицеями, проведении круглых столов, координации работ международных экспертов с ассоциациями
работодателей, НПО и другими участниками процесса. Оказывать содействие экспертам в проведении
круглых столов, тренингов и других мероприятий, направленных на разработку курикулумов.
Содействовать МОМ в организации ознакомительной поездки и разработать Дорожную Карту.

Необходимая Квалификация


    •   Знание местной системы НПТО, как она устроена, как функционирует, какие проблемы
        существуют в системе НПТО в Кыргызстане;
    •   Отличные организационные навыки: проведение мероприятий, умение фасилитировать и
        модерировать мероприятия направленные на обсуждение вопросов НПТО;
    •   Осведомленность     о   заинтересованных   сторонах    сферы   НПТО:    соответствующие
        государственные учреждения, ассоциации работодателей, НПО и независимые эксперты;
    •   Отличные навыки в проведении оценочных и аналитических работ, навыки по написанию
        оценочных/аналитических отчетов/рекомендаций, в частности в применении лучшего опыта
        других стран в Кыргызстане.


    •   Высшее образование в Социальной сфере, или в сфере Образования, или в Юриспруденции и
        соответствующий опыт работы в проектах по модернизации системы НПТО.

Опыт работы:

    •   Минимум 5 лет опыта работы в проектах в сфере профтехобразования и/или в системе
        профтехобразования или в системе образования в целом;
    •   Опыт работы в проектах по модернизации системы профтехобразования или же опыт работы в
        самой системе профтехобразования.

Знание языков:

    •   Отличное знание русского, знание английского и кыргызского – преимущество.

Срок подачи заявок – до 18.00 ч. 12 октября 2012 года включительно.

Заявка должна быть отправлена на электронную почту по следующим адресам или с темой «Эксперт по НПТО»

Офис МОМ в г. Бишкек, ул. Рыскулова 6, 1-й этаж, тел. для справок: (0312) 61-24-58/ 61-24-59


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  • 1. Здравствуйте, дорогие получатели рассылки! Предлагаем Вам 420-й выпуск электронной рассылки для кыргызстанских выпускников программ Госдепартамента США. Вы получаете данное сообщение потому, что Вы либо являетесь выпускником программы обмена, спонсируемой правительством США, либо Вы запросили данную информацию. В настоящее время в списке получателей рассылки зарегистрировано около 1000 электронных адресов. Электронная рассылка для кыргызстанских выпускников программ Госдепартамента США предназначена для информирования о мероприятиях, проводимых для выпускников, а также для распространения новостей и объявлений от АЙРЕКС, АКСЕЛС, Посольства США в Кыргызстане и других организаций о вакансиях, грантовых программах, стипендиях для учебы и стажировок и других возможностях для личного, академического и профессионального роста. Информация рассылается один раз в неделю. Вы вправе распространять ее среди всех заинтересованных лиц. У этого сообщения нет приложений, поэтому из соображений безопасности не открывайте возможных прикрепленных файлов. Для Вашего удобства, теперь выпуски электронной рассылки размещаются в формате word по адресу и Если Вы желаете распространить какую-либо информацию по данной рассылке, пожалуйста, отправьте соответствующее сообщение на адрес не позднее 13:00 каждую среду. Сообщения, отправленные напрямую на электронный адрес рассылки, блокируются. Сегодня 3 октября 2012 г. В этом выпуске: ************************************************************* 1) ANNOUNCEMENTS/ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ: 1. 2013 COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS PROFESSIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH & EXCHANGES BOARD (IREX). APPLICATION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 31, 2012 2. ADVANCED ENGLISH COURSE FOR EDUCATORS, ENGLISH ACCESS MICROSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. APPLICATION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2012 2) VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ: 1. ВАКАНСИЯ: НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ КООРДИНАТОР ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ, ПРОГРАММНЫЙ ОФИС УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ООН ПО НАРКОТИКАМ И ПРЕСТУПНОСТИ В КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКЕ, БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. ПОСЛЕДНИЙ СРОК ПРИЕМА ЗАЯВОК: 5 ОКТЯБРЯ 2012 Г. 2. VACANCY: NATIONAL PROGRAMME OFFICER, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM, UNITED NATIONS, OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 12, 2012 3. VACANCY: SENIOR PROGRAM ASSISTANT, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM, UNITED NATIONS, OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 12, 2012 4. VACANCY: PROGRAMME ASSISTANT, INCREASING ACCOUNTABILITY IN FINANCING FOR GENDER EQUALITY PROGRAMME, UN WOMEN, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 5, 2012 5. VACANCY: ASSISTANT PROGRAM COORDINATOR, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 6. VACANCY: ACCESS PROGRAM TEACHER, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2012 7. VACANCY: ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTOR, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2012 8. ВАКАНСИЯ: АДМИНИСТРАТИВНЫЙ АССИСТЕНТ, ФОНД «СОРОС–КЫРГЫЗСТАН», БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. ПОСЛЕДНИЙ СРОК ПРИЕМА ЗАЯВОК: 5 ОКТЯБРЯ 2012 Г. 9. ВАКАНСИЯ: ЭКСПЕРТ, ПРОЕКТ «НА ПУТИ К УЛУЧШЕННОЙ СИСТЕМЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО- ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ, РЕАЛИЗУЕМОГО МОМ И ФИНАНСИРУЕМОГО ЕВРОПЕЙСКИМ СОЮЗОМ», МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПО МИГРАЦИИ, БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. ************************************************** ANNOUNCEMENTS/ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЯ: ************************************************** 1. 2013 COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS PROFESSIONAL FELLOWS PROGRAM, INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH & EXCHANGES BOARD (IREX), WASHINGTON DC, USA. APPLICATION DEADLINE: 11:59PM EST, OCTOBER 31, 2012
  • 2. The Community Solutions Program is a professional development program for the best and brightest global community leaders working in Transparency and Accountability, Tolerance and Conflict Resolution, Environmental Issues, and Women and Gender Issues. The Community Solutions Program is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, and implemented by IREX. Application Deadline: 11:59pm Est, Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Goals The goal of the Community Solutions Program is for global community leaders to improve their capacity for local community intervention and problem-solving and be ambassadors for increased mutual understanding. Community Solutions Program leaders: Build and strengthen sustainable professional networks with international colleagues and institutions Increase their understanding of best practices, models, and strategies to address challenges in their community Strengthen their management, leadership, and problem-solving skills Background Individual countries – no matter what the level of development they have achieved – need to meet their contemporary challenges both locally and globally. While solutions to many problems can be found on the global stage (e.g., best practices in economic, environmental, and social programming), these problems can only truly be addressed at the country- and even community-level. Such a dynamic demands educated and capable community and civic leaders who can motivate and inspire others to action. Countries in transition need civic and community leaders who not only possess a vision for change, but also have the practical skills and networks that can help move their societies forward. Project Activities Four-month U.S. Fellowship: Community Solutions Program leaders are matched with non-profit organizations and government offices across the U.S. where they work with American community leaders on initiatives related to women"s issues, transparency & accountability, tolerance/conflict resolution and environmental issues. Community Leadership Institute (CLI): Community Solutions Program leaders spend up to 500 hours developing leadership and organizational management skills that complement their community placements through online an in-person trainings. Follow-on Projects: Community Solutions Program leaders will develop and implement community development projects in partnership with their U.S. hosts. Follow-on projects will be completed after leaders return to their home countries. Financial Provisions • J-1 visa support • Round-trip travel from participant’s home city to the U.S. • Accident and sickness insurance • Living Allowance to cover housing, meals and incidentals Eligibility Technical Eligibility Requirements Candidates will be considered without respect to race, color, religion, national origin, or gender. Persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. Competition for the Community Solutions Program is merit-based and open to community leaders, ages 25-38 at the time of application, who meet the following criteria: • From a participating country (U.S. citizens, permanent residents of the U.S., and individuals who have applied for U.S. permanent residency in the past three years are not eligible for this program) • Currently living and working in his/her home country (Individuals participating in academic, training or research programs in the United States at the time of application and individuals residing or working outside their home countries at the time of application are not eligible for this program) • Currently working on a community project or initiative in his/her home country; and, has at least 2 years of professional experience in this capacity at the time of application • Able to begin the program in the United States in 2013, and is committed to returning to his/her home country after completion of the program • Able to receive a U.S. J-1 visa (Individuals who have participated in an exchange visitor program sponsored or funded by the U.S. Government who have not fulfilled their two-year home residency requirement by the time of application are not eligible for this program) • Proficient in spoken and written English at the time of application
  • 3. Current IREX employees and consultants and their immediate family members (spouses, parents, children, and siblings) are not eligible to apply for any IREX-implemented grant programs, either as individuals or as the responsible party representing an institutional applicant. The U.S. Department of State and IREX reserve the right to verify all of the information included in the application. In the event that there is a discrepancy, or information is found to be false, the application will immediately be declared invalid and the applicant ineligible. Under the terms of the grant and the laws governing the J-1 visa required for participation in the Community Solutions Program, leaders must return to their home country upon completion of the program for a period of at least two years. Leaders are not eligible for visa extensions under any circumstances. Applications not meeting the above technical eligibility requirements will not be forwarded to the selection committee. Selection Process and Criteria The Community Solutions Program is conducted as a merit-based open competition. After the deadline, all eligible applications will be reviewed by a selection panel. Chosen semi-finalists will be interviewed by a panel and will take the TOEFL exam or submit existing TOEFL or IELTS scores. All applicants will be notified of their status by spring 2013. Selection panels will use the following criteria to evaluate applications (not in order of importance): Working/volunteering on substantive community projects for non-profits, government offices, or community- based organizations; preference will be given to applicants of local organizations. Knowledge of and experience in one or more of the four CSP fellowship themes (Women and Gender Issues, Transparency & Accountability, Tolerance &Conflict Resolution, and Environmental Issues); • Leadership experience and potential; • Professional and program goals; • Follow-on project idea; • Intercultural/English language skills; • Preference will be given to individuals with four (4) months or more academic exchange or professional training experience in the United States. Professional Fellowship Themes Applicants must select ONE professional theme from the list below that he/she intends to focus on while in the U.S. 1) Transparency and Accountability Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: civil society; grassroots democracy; good governance; anti-corruption; transparency; accountability; free and fair elections; technology and social media for transparency; and, volunteerism. 2) Tolerance & Conflict Resolution Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: tolerance; multi-culturalism; discrimination; conflict resolution; negotiation; compromise; fair treatment of minority populations; civil rights and responsibilities; crisis response tools; complex emergencies and disasters; technology and social media for conflict resolution; and LGBT rights. 3) Environmental Issues Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: food security; water and resource management; supporting food supply at local, regional and national levels; social entrepreneurship to leverage science and technology to address ecological and environmental issues; low-carbon technologies; natural resource management; pollution; sustainable energy; and climate change. 4) Women and Gender Issues Illustrative topics within this professional theme include: women’s empowerment, women’s education, women’s health; women’s entrepreneurship; gender equality; prevention of all forms of exploitation; domestic violence prevention; advancing political, economic and social empowerment of women; and, LGBT rights. Application Submission Guidelines
  • 4. The deadline for applications for the Community Solutions Program is 11:59pm EST, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2012. Applications may be submitted ONLINE ONLY at Do not send applications to the IREX office in Washington, DC or any of IREX’s representative offices. Mailed, faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. If selected to the semifinalist round, applicants must provide the following documentation to irex at the time of their interview: • A copy of applicant’s international passport (if available) or government-issued identification • Copy of TOEFL or IELTS score report (if applicable) • A signed letter of commitment from your employer indicating approval of four-month leave should you be selected to participate in the fellowship The Community Solutions Program is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, and implemented by IREX. Community Solutions Program Timeline • October 31, 2013 Community Solutions Program application deadline • November-December 2012 Applications reviewed by selection committee • January-February 2013 Semifinalists interview and take the TOEFL exam as needed • April-May 2013 Finalists and alternates notified • May-June 2013 Pre-departure orientation and preparation • Late July 2013 All participants depart their home countries for the U.S. • December 2013 Participants return to their home countries and begin follow-on projects • January-June 2014 Alumni complete follow-on projects in collaboration with U.S. hosts Contact: Application materials (Community Solutions Program Flyer and application instructions) and access to Community Solutions Facebook page & Twitter are available at 2. ADVANCED ENGLISH COURSE FOR EDUCATORS, ENGLISH ACCESS MICROSCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. APPLICATION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2012 Course Description American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for school teachers and educators interested in an 8 month course in the Osh area to improve their reading, writing, and spoken fluency in English. Participants will attend 3 mandatory 90 minute sessions per week and be expected to complete out of class assignments. The course will use an advanced English language course book published in the US that can be used at the school level in Kyrgyzstan. At the completion of the course participants will have a greater mastery of English and a certificate of completion. Cost This course will cost approximately 60 som per class to cover course materials. All materials will stay with the participants at the course’s conclusion. The course will begin in November 2012. The deadline for applications is October 8, 2012. The position is contingent upon State Department funding. Requirements to participate: • Current teacher of English at a school in the Osh area; • Attendance at each class 3 times per week; • Monthly fee of 720 som to cover materials. To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str. Bishkek), or by email to (and CC: before 17:00 on October 8, 2012. Please indicate in the subject line of the email “Advanced English Course for Educators”. For further information, please call +996-312-664838. Only successful candidates will be invited for interviews. ************************************************** VACANCIES / ВАКАНСИИ: **************************************************
  • 5. 1. ВАКАНСИЯ: НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ КООРДИНАТОР ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ, ПРОГРАММНЫЙ ОФИС УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ООН ПО НАРКОТИКАМ И ПРЕСТУПНОСТИ В КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКЕ, БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. ПОСЛЕДНИЙ СРОК ПРИЕМА ЗАЯВОК: 5 ОКТЯБРЯ 2012 Г. Квалификационные Требования • Высшее образование в области медицины или юриспруденции: знание техник, используемых в эпидемиологии потребления наркотиков; принципов общественного здравоохранения; политики, касающейся контроля наркотиков; эпидемиологии ВИЧ; подходов к снижению вреда от приема наркотиков; принципов лечения зависимости от наркотиков и других соответствующих сфер знания; • Не менее 7-10 лет опыта работы в общественном здравоохранении и/или в органах уголовно- исполнительной системы в сферах, связанных с социально-медицинскими последствиями потребления наркотиков с фокусом на профилактику ВИЧ инфекции среди потребителей наркотиков; • Большой опыт аналитической работы по вопросам потребления наркотиков и эпидемиологии ВИЧ, а также знание организации систем здравоохранения и управления ими, в частности, в системе медицинской помощи уголовно-исполнительной системы; • Хорошее знание технических документов ВОЗ, UNODC и ЮНЭЙДС, касающихся потребления наркотиков и лечения зависимости от наркотиков ( в том числе базовые знания о сути опиоидной заместительной терапии, профилактике распространения ВИЧ среди ПИН) и документов ООН и других международных юридических документов/инструментов с изложением позиций относительно прав уязвимого населения, стигмы и дискриминации, особенно, как это касается людей, находящихся в местах лишения свободы ; • Базовые знания о системе национального здравоохранения и социальной защиты и таковых в пенитенциарной системе в стране; знание принципов национального законодательства, касающегося регулирования оборота наркотических средств, лечения зависимости от наркотиков, а также профилактики и лечения ВИЧ инфекции. Навыки и качества • Отличные разговорные и письменные навыки на русском языке. Знание английского языка является преимуществом. • Основные навыки работы с компьютером (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) • Лидерство и умение работать в команде • Гибкость и последовательность • Творческий подход к работе и тщательность ее исполнения Процесс подачи документов Все заинтересованные лица должны предоставить: • Заполненную и подписанную форму Р11; • Сопроводительное письмо; • 2 рекомендации (с контактными данными рекомендателей); • Краткое описание методики выполнения работы (в произвольной форме); • Финансовое предложение, с указанием общей стоимости услуг по контракту и с разбивкой стоимости услуг по конечным результатам (образец в приложении). Документы должны быть предоставлены в запечатанном конверте с пометкой “Национальный координатор исследования ” не позднее 5 октября 2012 г. по адресу г. Бишкек, ул. Раззакова 31-2, либо по эл.почте Полная информация о вакансии, а также форма Р11 выложена на сайте un/article/84-Vacancy/5463-nacionalnyj-koordinator-issledovaniya Заявки без подписанной формы P11 не рассматриваются. 2. VACANCY: NATIONAL PROGRAMME OFFICER, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM, UNITED NATIONS, OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 12, 2012 Supervision received: The National Programme Officer will be directly supervised by the Head of Sub Office, and indirectly by the Deputy Country Director and Country Director. Accountabilities: Within delegated authority, the National Programme Officer will be responsible for the following duties: • Managing operational areas for programme ,
  • 6. Undertaking some negotiations with government ministries and other partners; • Organizing planning missions, meetings and briefing sessions to identify and analyze problems and recommend project; • Assessing project performance, including utilization of resources and achievement of planned targets; • Monitoring, updating and tracking data related to project issues, commodity pipelines and financial allotment status reports, informing the relevant divisions accordingly; ensuring accuracy of data related to the above; • Analyzing and preparing projections for food commodities and non-food items to ensure timely call forward and/or local procurement; • Maintaining records on programme activities, from formulation through to completion, by extracting relevant information from reports, project committees, budget records and other documentation; make information available for country briefs, country profiles, and other related purposes; ensure project cycle deadlines are met; • Carrying out advocacy and information related tasks for project/programme activities such as making interventions and presentations in meetings, workshops, seminars, missions, etc; • Preparing status and progress reports by providing information and background material for use in discussions and briefing sessions; • Providing regular guidance and on-the-job training to staff; • Participating in discussions on new/revised procedures and practices; interprets and assesses the impact of changes and make recommendations on follow up actions; • Performing other related duties as required. Expected Results: In coordination with the Head of Sub Office, the National Programme Officer will be expected to manage a large number of staff, give strategic direction, and provide training when necessary. He/She will also ensure oversight for some areas of operations. He/She must be well organized and be able to provide complete and accurate reports, records and/or data, put together independently with only general guidance. An ability to problem solve and demonstrate maturity and diplomacy is also critical. Critical Success Factors: He/She should have a good knowledge of how to implement humanitarian/development projects, from a programme perspective as well as have experience in logistics, finance and administration; Be able to demonstrate sound judgment, an ability to extract, interpret, analyze and format data and to resolve operational problems. He/She must have ability to work with minimum supervision, and work effectively with people of different national and cultural backgrounds. Minimum qualifications: Education: University degree in one or more of the following disciplines: economics, agriculture, international affairs, business administration, social sciences, development studies or a field relevant to international development assistance. Experience: At least five years of progressively responsible experience, with at least three years of managing staff, preferably working in logistics or programme for an international organization. Knowledge: Be able to demonstrate a solid ability to use computers including word processing, Excel spreadsheet and other software packages. Knowledge of complex emergencies, managing logistics and/or programme implementation would be a distinct asset. General knowledge of UN system policies, rules, regulations and procedures governing administration would be an asset. Good analytical skills; resourcefulness, initiative, maturity of judgment, tact, negotiating skills; Ability to communicate clearly both orally and in writing; Ability to work in a team, and establish effective working relations with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds. Language: Fluency in English, Russian and Kyrgyz. More information on Terms of Reference and P.11 form are available below. All interested candidates must send: P.11, CV, cover letter in English and at least 3 references with indication of position title to email address: by 17:00, 12 October 2012. Applications without P.11 form will not be considered. Only suitable candidates will be invited for interview.
  • 7. The form P.11 can be downloaded from programme-officer-nob 3. VACANCY: SENIOR PROGRAM ASSISTANT, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM, UNITED NATIONS, OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 12, 2012 Location: Osh, Kyrgyz Republic Supervision received: The Senior Programme Assistant will be directly supervised by the National Programme Officer and under the general supervision of the Head of Sub-office. Accountabilities: Within delegated authority, the Senior Programme Assistant will be responsible for the following duties: • Undertake negotiations for and prepare project documents with government ministries and other participating agencies; • Organize project planning missions, meetings and briefing sessions to identify and analyze problems and recommend project; • Assess project performance including utilization of resources and achievement of planned targets; • Monitor the receipt of necessary shipping, freight or other documents and notify the appropriate WFP officer of non-receipt; • Monitor the processing time for settling freight forwarders accounts; • Issue letters of guarantee and no-charge invoices as instructed; • Monitor, update and track data related to project issues, commodity pipelines and financial allotment status reports, informing the relevant divisions accordingly; ensure accuracy of data related to the above; • Analyze and prepare projections for food commodities and non-food items to ensure timely call forward and/or local procurement; • Assist in compiling monthly statistics on food aid and commercial food shipments to the country; • Maintain records on programme activities, from formulation stage through completion, by extracting relevant information from reports, project committees, budget records and other documentation; make information available for country briefs, country profiles, and other related purposes; ensure project cycle deadlines are met; • Analyze contract terms and conditions, and correct any observed discrepancies between contract rates and invoice amounts; • Carry out advocacy and information related tasks for project/programme activities such as making interventions and presentations in meetings, workshops, seminars, missions, etc; • Prepare status and progress reports by providing information and background material for use in discussions and briefing sessions; • Provide guidance, on-the-job training and assistance to support staff; • Evaluate, develop, recommend procedures. Participates in discussions on new/revised procedures and practices; interprets and assesses the impact of changes and makes recommendations on follow up actions; • Perform other related duties as required. Expected Results: Well organized, complete and accurate reports, records and/or data, put together independently with only general guidance. Critical Success Factors: Sound judgment; ability to extract, interpret, analyse and format data and to resolve operational problems. Ability to work with minimum of supervision; to supervise and train support staff; and to work effectively with people of different national and cultural backgrounds. Minimum qualifications: Education: University degree in one or more of the following disciplines: economics, agriculture, international affairs, business administration, social sciences, development studies or a field relevant to international development assistance. Experience: At least five years of progressively responsible experience, of which at least one year was closely related to programme functions.
  • 8. Knowledge: Training and/or experience utilizing computers including word processing, spreadsheet and other software packages. Language: Fluency in English, Russian and Kyrgyz. More information on Terms of Reference and P.11 form are available below. All interested candidates must send: P.11, CV, cover letter in English and at least 3 references with indication of position title to email address: by 17:00, 12 October 2012. Applications without P.11 form will not be considered. Only suitable candidates will be invited for interview. The form P.11 can be downloaded from programme-assistant-g-6 4. VACANCY: PROGRAMME ASSISTANT, INCREASING ACCOUNTABILITY IN FINANCING FOR GENDER EQUALITY PROGRAMME, UN WOMEN, BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 5, 2012 Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of Programme Coordinator and the overall supervision of the UN Women Resident Representative in Kyrgyzstan, the Programme Assistant provides programme and administrative support services ensuring high quality, accuracy and consistency of work as per the UN Women rules and guidelines. The Programme “Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality” is being implemented in sixteen countries including in Kyrgyzstan. It seeks to strengthen accountability to implement gender equality commitments in financing decisions and practices of donors and programme countries. The Programme supports the implementation of an approach that builds on past experience, learned lessons and knowledge in the areas of GRB, aid effectiveness and costing. It also engaged with global policy making processes with particular focus on the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) in Busan, South Korea (November 2011) and UN Development Cooperation Forum among others. The programme seeks to deepen the partnership between UN Women, ITC/ILO, women’s organizations, national partners, EU and other donors. The overall goal of the Programme is to: “increase the volume and effective use of aid and domestic resources to implement national commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment (GE/WE)”. The Programme outcomes are: • National action plans for gender equality have defined targets, financing and implementation arrangements and are aligned with national planning and budgeting processes. In Kyrgyzstan, this relates to national mid- and longer-term development strategies and action plans and National Gender Equality Strategy. • Strengthened capacity of national governments to implement gender equality commitments and address women’s priorities in national planning, budgeting systems and programming. • Strengthened capacity (through knowledge, tools and technical assistance at country level) and accountability of donors and stakeholders in aid coordination mechanisms to achieve commitments towards gender equality in stable and post conflict. • Feminist economists and gender equality advocates have engaged effectively in contributing to stronger policy coherence on gender equality in economic and development effectiveness policy. To achieve its objectives, the Programme follows a two tiered strategy targeting national planning and budgeting mechanisms as well as aid management mechanisms. At both levels, the Programme supports systematic tracking of financial allocations for implementation of gender equality commitments through technical assistance to support alignment of gender equality commitments with financing and implementation arrangements. Duties and Responsibilities Functions / Key Results Expected Supports formulation of programme strategies and the Annual Work Plan focusing on achievement of the following results: • Supports in collection, analysis and presentation of information for identification of areas for support and programme implementation; • Provides support in any research and data collection efforts related to the Programme activities; • Provides monitoring of the Programme delivery against workplans as coordinated by the Programme Coordinator; • Contributes to progress, narrative & final reports of the Programme. Provides effective support to management and administrative support to the Project as follows:
  • 9. Ensures timely and effective assistance to day-to-day programme implementation by fulfilling programme, administrative, HR, financial and logistical tasks in conformity with expected results and workplans, including: • Assisting with preparing budgets, implementing control mechanism for budget monitoring, preparing annual and monthly expenditure plans; • Supporting in handling with procurement contracts for goods and services; • Ensuring the maintenance of a filing system, reports or other documentation related to the programme and administrative matters of the Programme in hard and electronic formats; • Providing assistance in organizing and holding seminars, conferences, trainings, and meetings; • Obtaining necessary information and documents regarding financial records or programme expenditures; providing all requested financial and administrative documentation upon request (Requests for Payment, Travel Requests and Requests for Contract with complete package of supporting documents etc.); • Responding to inquiries regarding files, correspondences and references; • Providing support to office staff in general protocol matters related to visas and accreditation and other logistical matters; • Arranging travel and hotel reservations, preparing of travel authorizations, processing requests for visas, identity cards and other documents; • Organizing administrative support to subcontracted programme activities when needed; • Maintaining accurate personnel records of the Programme. Assists with recruitment of International Experts/Consultants, and monitors recruitment processes in line with the UN Women rules and regulations; Oversees and coordinates working plans and travel schedules, quality of reports/ documents of International Experts/ Consultants. Provides logistical and administrative guidance/feedback to International Experts/Consultants if needed; Provides interpretation/translation services as necessary; Provides other support as required by the Programme management. Supports knowledge building and knowledge sharing related to the thematic focus of the Programme. Competencies Functional Competencies: • Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position; • Maintains database of project files; • Provides data and information needed for preparation of project documents; • Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and external clients. Core Competencies: • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member. Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity; • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work; • Managing conflict. Required Skills and Experience Education: • Bachelor Degree in Business or Public Administration, Economics, Political Sciences and Social Sciences and other relevant fields. Experience: • 3 years of relevant administrative or programme experience is required at the national or international level. Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages. Language Requirements: • Fluency in English and Russian. Knowledge of Kyrgyz is an asset.
  • 10. In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the UN system (DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM), which focused exclusively on gender equality and women's empowerment. All online applications must include (as an attachment) the completed UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded from content/uploads/2011/01/P_11_form_UNwomen.doc) 5. VACANCY: ASSISTANT PROGRAM COORDINATOR, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), DEADLINE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for a candidate to fill the vacancy of English Access Microscholarship Assistant Program Coordinator in the Bishkek office. This full-time position will start in October 2012. The deadline for applications is Friday, October 5, 2012. The position is contingent upon State Department funding. This position will help coordinate all activities regarding the English Access Microscholarship Program (Access). Access is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Program provides English language training to under-served, 14 to 16-year-old students through afterschool classes and intensive summer learning activities. Access students gain an appreciation for American culture and democratic values, increase their ability to participate successfully in the socio-economic development of their countries, and gain the ability to compete for and participate in future U.S. exchange and study programs. This position reports to the Kyrgyzstan Country Director and works in close cooperation with ACCELS colleagues in Bishkek and Washington, D.C., as well as the Public Affairs office of the Bishkek U.S. Embassy. Responsibilities: • Prepare information on applicants for selection processes; • Solicit, interview, and organize a review panel to select Access teachers; • Review student applications for the Access program to ensure eligibility and financial need; • Work with Access teachers on the use of materials, writing lesson plans, evaluating student progress; • Provide support and consul to Access teachers on proper classroom management, working with school directors and parents, and addressing areas for improvement; • Provide updated teaching materials, communicating the purpose and intent of the materials, and providing the electronic delivery of the materials to Access teachers; • Communicate on a weekly basis with each teacher, and assist in tracking attendance and student performance; • Travel to Access classrooms and meet with teachers and students to assess and ensure the quality of the program and security of the materials; • Advise and supply Access teachers with information on USG grant opportunities to fund follow-up teacher trainings and seminars; • Respond to requests for information and collecting and process program feedback; • Submit monthly advance budget requests and reporting monthly financial expenses; • Submit narrative reports to the PAS as requested, and to liaise with the U.S. Embassy on program oversight, selection of supplemental teaching materials, and organizing extra-curricular events and guest lectures; and • Other program-related tasks, as required and assigned. Qualifications: • Strong knowledge of the U.S. education system, U.S. culture, and U.S.G. exchange program experience (preferred); • Experience in English teaching in the Kyrgyz Republic, secondary teaching experience preferred; • Experience with the U.S. education pedagogy and standardized testing; • Demonstrated training or teaching ability; • Strong writing and communication skills; • Strong English, Russian, and Kyrgyz (preferred) language skills; • Effective, professional interpersonal skills and strong computer skills; • Demonstrated organizational ability and attention to detail; • Demonstrated problem-solving skills and the ability to manage multiple priorities quickly and effectively; • Ability to work independently while contributing to an overall team effort; • Proven effectiveness in a cross-cultural work environment; • Undergraduate degree required.
  • 11. To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str.), or by email to (and CC: before 17:00 Friday, October 5, 2012. Please indicate in the subject line of the email “Access Program Assistant Coordinator Position”. For further information, please call +996-312- 664838. Only successful candidates will be invited for interviews. 6. VACANCY: ACCESS PROGRAM TEACHER, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2012 Position Description American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for 13 candidates to fill the vacancy of English Access Microscholarship Program Teachers in Kara-Balta, Balykchi, Karakol, Naryn, Kochkor, Talas, Kurshab, and the Osh region. These positions will participate in a teacher training seminar in October-November 2012 and begin teaching classes 6 hours per week in November 2012. The deadline for applications is Monday, October 8th, 2012. This position will be ESL teachers of the English Access Microscholarship Program (Access). Access is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Program provides English language training to underserved, 14 to 16-year-old students through afterschool classes and intensive summer learning activities. Access students gain an appreciation for American culture and democratic values, increase their ability to participate successfully in the socio-economic development of their countries, and gain the ability to compete for and participate in future U.S. exchange and study programs. Access teachers will report to the American Councils Kyrgyzstan Access Coordinators in Bishkek and Osh and work in close cooperation with the Public Affairs section (PAS) of the Bishkek U.S. Embassy. Responsibilities: • Solicit, interview, and help test during student recruitment for the program; • Review student applications for the Access program to ensure eligibility and financial need; • Prepare lessons for students using materials provided by American Councils and track attendance and student performance; • Communicate on a weekly basis with the Bishkek Access Coordinator, on the proper use of materials, writing lesson plans, evaluating student progress; • To help ensure the quality of the program and the security of teaching supplies and confidential materials; • Respond to American Councils and PAS requests for information and collecting and process program feedback, and attend follow-up teacher trainings and seminars; • Submit monthly teaching reports including student attendance and grades, and timely financial documentation; • To help organize, plan, and help conduct a 5-day summer camp July 10-14, 2013; • Other program-related tasks, as required and assigned. Qualifications: • Experience in English teaching in the Kyrgyz Republic, secondary teaching experience preferred; • Strong knowledge of the U.S. education system and U.S. culture; • Experience with the U.S. education pedagogy and standardized testing; • Demonstrated training or teaching ability with strong English language skills and strong communication skills; • Effective, professional interpersonal skills and strong computer skills, especially MS Excel and Word; • Demonstrated organizational ability and attention to detail; • Undergraduate degree required. To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str.), or by email to (and CC:, before 17:00 Monday October 8th, 2012. Please indicate in the subject line of the email “Access Program Teacher Position” and the name of your city. For further information, please call +996-312-664838. Only successful candidates will be notified for interviews. 7. VACANCY: ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTOR, AMERICAN COUNCILS FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (ACCELS), OSH, KYRGYZSTAN. DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2012 Position Description American Councils for International Education (АКСЕЛС) is looking for two candidate to fill the vacancy of Advanced English Instructor for the Access Microscholarship Program in the Osh office. This part-time position
  • 12. will start in October 2012. The deadline for applications is 8 October, 2012. The position is contingent upon State Department funding. Instructors will provide three 90 minute classes per week to educators in the Osh area for 8 months. Instruction will focus on reading, writing, and speaking, and require highly motivated participants. This position reports to the Kyrgyzstan Country Director and Osh office Director. Responsibilities: • Prepare weekly, monthly, and quarterly lesson plans and syllabi; • Teach three (3) 90 minute sessions per week; • Track participant progress and attendance; • Advise and supply participants with information on USG grant opportunities to fund follow-up teacher trainings and seminars; • Respond to requests for information and collecting and process program feedback; • Submit monthly advance budget requests and reporting monthly financial expenses; • Submit narrative reports to the PAS as requested, and to liaise with the U.S. Embassy on program oversight, selection of supplemental teaching materials, and organizing extra-curricular events and guest lectures; and • Other program-related tasks, as required and assigned. Qualifications: • Strong knowledge English and modern teaching methodologies; • Experience in English teaching in the Kyrgyz Republic, secondary teaching experience preferred; • Experience with the U.S. education pedagogy and standardized testing; • Demonstrated training or teaching ability; • Strong writing and communication skills; • Strong English, Russian, and Kyrgyz (preferred) language skills; • Effective, professional interpersonal skills and strong computer skills; • Demonstrated organizational ability and attention to detail; • Demonstrated problem-solving skills and the ability to manage multiple priorities quickly and effectively; • Ability to work independently while contributing to an overall team effort; • Proven effectiveness in a cross-cultural work environment; • Undergraduate degree; • Master’s degree preferred. To apply, please send a resume and a one-page statement of interest (i.e. cover letter) to American Councils for International Education (98/1 Tynystanov Str. Bishkek), or by email to (and CC: before 17:00 on 8th October, 2012. Please indicate in the subject line of the email “Advanced English Instructor Position”. For further information, please call +996-312-664838. Only successful candidates will be invited for interviews. 8. ВАКАНСИЯ: АДМИНИСТРАТИВНЫЙ АССИСТЕНТ, ФОНД «СОРОС–КЫРГЫЗСТАН», БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. ПОСЛЕДНИЙ СРОК ПРИЕМА ЗАЯВОК: 5 ОКТЯБРЯ 2012 Г. Административный ассистент осуществляет административную и документальную поддержку деятельности общей приемной ФСК. Обязанности: • Прием посетителей и их консультирование (ориентирование по программам, сотрудникам программ); • Ответы на телефонные звонки; • Поддержание базы данных партнеров ФСК (грантополучателей, НПО, международных организаций, посольств) и государственных учреждений; • егистрация входящей корреспонденции, передача корреспонденции в соответствующие отделы или соответствующим сотрудникам на рассмотрение; • Регистрация исходящей корреспонденции; • Отправление исходящей корреспонденции курьерской почтой; • Работа с офисной техникой; • Организация проведения телефонных переговоров исполнительного директора, запись в его отсутствие полученной информации и доведение ее до сведения исполнительного директора/ ассистента исполнительного директора; • Регистрация времени прихода и ухода сотрудников; • Регистрация посетителей;
  • 13. Комплектация доски объявлений и стеллажей с объявлениями о конкурсах. Требования: • Высшее образование; • Опыт работы в должности ассистента; • Знание делопроизводства, правил делового общения; • Опыт административной работы; • Отличное знание русского и английского языков (кыргызского - преимущество); • Способность работать внутри сети Фондов открытого общества и приверженность его ценностям; • Способность работать в команде; • Отличные коммуникативные навыки; • Отличные навыки работы на компьютере; • Опыт работы в международной организации является преимуществом. Заработная плата устанавливается в соответствии с квалификацией и опытом кандидата. Процедура подачи заявки Пожалуйста, пришлите резюме и сопроводительное письмо, 2 рекомендательных письма (отсканированные версии с подписью) по электронному адресу: с указанием в «Теме»: Administrative Assistant – SFK. Последний срок приема заявок 5 октября 2012 года. На собеседование будут приглашены только кандидаты, отвечающие квалификационным требованиям. 9. ВАКАНСИЯ: ЭКСПЕРТ, ПРОЕКТ «НА ПУТИ К УЛУЧШЕННОЙ СИСТЕМЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНО- ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ, РЕАЛИЗУЕМОГО МОМ И ФИНАНСИРУЕМОГО ЕВРОПЕЙСКИМ СОЮЗОМ», МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПО МИГРАЦИИ, БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН. ПОСЛЕДНИЙ СРОК ПРИЕМА ЗАЯВОК: ДО 18:00 12 ОКТЯБРЯ 2012 Г. Цель консультации: Техническое и экспертное содействие в разработке курикулумов, в проведении тренингов и обсуждений в круглых столах по вопросам профтехобразования Объект: Пилотные профессиональные лицеи и курикулумы Место исполнения контракта: Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика Вид контракта: Consultant Продолжительность контракта: 6 месяцев Основные обязанности: • Тесное сотрудничество с международными экспертами в разработке и совершенствовании курикулумов отобранных профессий в сфере начального профессионально-технического образования (НПТО). • Сбор информации и данных, необходимых для совершенствования курикулумов, структуризация данной информации и предоставление собранной информации международным экспертам. • Организация и фасилитирование круглых столов, презентация, встреч, форумов и других мероприятий в рамках проекта, необходимых для эффективного совершенствования пилотных курикулумов; • Постоянное сотрудничество и координация со всеми заинтересованными сторонами в разработке курикулумов: специалисты АПТО (Агентства по профтехобразованию), преподаватели и мастера профессиональных лицеев, НПО, независимые эксперты, ассоциации работодателей или просто работодатели, и другими лицами;
  • 14. Содействие в разработке программы ознакомительной поездки, а также консультации во время ознакомительной поездки. ВНИМАНИЕ! Расходы, связанные с поездкой (авиабилеты, проживание) будут оплачиваться эксперту отдельно наравне с другими участниками ознакомительной поездки; • Консультации и содействие в финализации всех документов касательно обновления курикулумов, подготовка документов к презентации и дальнейшему использованию и одобрению. ВНИМАНИЕ! Курикулумы разрабатываются международными экспертами; • Консультации и содействие в финализации всех документов касательно учебных материалов (руководства для преподавателей, учебники для студентов и другие учебные материалы). ВНИМАНИЕ! Данные документы разрабатываются международными экспертами; • Организация и фасилитирование тренингов для тренеров. ВНИМАНИЕ! Лекции и уроки по тренингам для тренеров проводят международные эксперты; • По возращению с ознакомительной поездки, разработка и презентация Дорожной Карты по внедрению лучшей практики в сфере управления НПТО: a. Эксперт присоединится к ознакомительной поездке; b. Разработает методологию Дорожной Карты; c. Используя информацию материалы, полученные во время ознакомительной поездки, а также основываясь на существующей системе НПТО в Кыргызстане, разработать Дорожную Карту по внедрению лучшей практики в Кыргызстане; d. Вынести на обсуждение и презентовать Дорожную Карту; e. Финализировать и представить Дорожную Карту АПТО. Главная цель: Привлеченный эксперт должен координировать работу международных экспертов, вовлеченных в разработку курикулумов в рамках проекта, оказывать содействие в организации встреч с пилотными лицеями, проведении круглых столов, координации работ международных экспертов с ассоциациями работодателей, НПО и другими участниками процесса. Оказывать содействие экспертам в проведении круглых столов, тренингов и других мероприятий, направленных на разработку курикулумов. Содействовать МОМ в организации ознакомительной поездки и разработать Дорожную Карту. Необходимая Квалификация Навыки/знания: • Знание местной системы НПТО, как она устроена, как функционирует, какие проблемы существуют в системе НПТО в Кыргызстане; • Отличные организационные навыки: проведение мероприятий, умение фасилитировать и модерировать мероприятия направленные на обсуждение вопросов НПТО; • Осведомленность о заинтересованных сторонах сферы НПТО: соответствующие государственные учреждения, ассоциации работодателей, НПО и независимые эксперты; • Отличные навыки в проведении оценочных и аналитических работ, навыки по написанию оценочных/аналитических отчетов/рекомендаций, в частности в применении лучшего опыта других стран в Кыргызстане. Образование: • Высшее образование в Социальной сфере, или в сфере Образования, или в Юриспруденции и соответствующий опыт работы в проектах по модернизации системы НПТО. Опыт работы: • Минимум 5 лет опыта работы в проектах в сфере профтехобразования и/или в системе профтехобразования или в системе образования в целом; • Опыт работы в проектах по модернизации системы профтехобразования или же опыт работы в самой системе профтехобразования. Знание языков: • Отличное знание русского, знание английского и кыргызского – преимущество. Срок подачи заявок – до 18.00 ч. 12 октября 2012 года включительно. Заявка должна быть отправлена на электронную почту по следующим адресам или с темой «Эксперт по НПТО» Офис МОМ в г. Бишкек, ул. Рыскулова 6, 1-й этаж, тел. для справок: (0312) 61-24-58/ 61-24-59 ********************************************
  • 15. END OF THE 420th LISTSERV ISSUE *********************************************