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Keys of Hermetica

Short Design Brief
John Voorhees, Patrick Cole, Natalie Lesko, Alex Rose, Erin McCarthy

Overall Statement, description of idea
         The people of Hermetica live in clean suits which protect them from the horrible contagions
of the outside world. Ruled by a king who is undying the people of Hermetica live in peace and are
relegated to different districts. Each district controls a different element and the people of each
district are responsible for the preservation of this elements and they must harness the resources
that they possess. While all was well in this kingdom rumors of a germ that has been infecting
people has started to emerge. Fearful for the future of their clean world the people of Hermetica
search for an answer and they will soon learn that they have more to fear than just the germs that
are attacking their people.

   ● Find different media that will creatively and expertly promote our property.
   ● Design functioning prototypes that will showcase our plan for the property.
   ● Develop characters and plot lines that are intriguing to the target audience.
   ● Design a transmedia property that will entertain the target audience.

Target audience

Ages 14 and up

Promise of idea
   ● this idea will promote responsibility to oneself and acceptances of others who are different.

List of 3+ media platforms (BH)
    ● MMORPG online(Adventure Quest, World of Warcraft) - in conjunction with major console
        video game (singleplayer & multiplayer mode)
            ○ This will add to the backstory of the game and will allow the player to become more
               involved in the story while providing an exciting new multiplayer experience.
    ● Animated series (webisodes)
            ○ Main adventures of the series characters. This is the main storyline.
    ● Mobile application - Creation of a Keys of Hermetica application that functions similar to
        foursquare, but rather than giving out useless points it transfers into in game benefits.
Plan of action
   1. Research/Situation analysis
   2. Create the world with set geography, features and constraints
   3. Create transmedia storytelling plan to avoid adaptations and make sure each component
       adds to the world
   4. Create distinctive characters for professional-scripted narrative


- Hunger Games
- Mass Effect
- Avatar the last airbender
- Adventure Quest
- World of Warcraft

Design Document

A. Goals and Objectives Across Media:
       Our goal is to provide a unique experience for children ages 14 and up that promotes
team building and responsibility to oneself. Our objective is to have this be on platforms that
are popular with the age group that we are trying to engage. Ideally we would have animated
webisodes as the main medium of the franchise. We could then expand the story set in the
webisodes with a development of a MMORPG along with a fully interactive phone application
based on the game. With the MMORPG Gamers could explore the world of Hermetica and
choose to be one of the players from each of the six districts.

B. Target Audience:
      Our target audience age ranges from ages 14 and up.

C. Target Audience Research:
        14 and up is the age range where problem solving and responsibility skills are being
developed. We feel that we could meaningfully engage this age group with this topic by creating
a world that is both intriguing and allows for creativity at the same time. It is important to make
the audience believe that they immersed within the story and feel as if they are actually there.
D. Competitive Analysis
F. Guiding Principles
1. Create an experience that promotes our core values of adventure and discovery.
2. Make each piece of media seamlessly extend the storyline of the franchise.
3. Have all of the pieces tell their own story and not take away from any of the other media.
4. Create a gripping experience that will keep the audience coming back to the franchise.
5. Create all UI’s so that they are easily accessible to children but can also be interesting for
potential older audiences.
6. Don’t create a story that will make the users feel like they are in an artifical world. 14 year
olds want to feel like they are in control and they will want an experience that will make them
feel unique.

G. Design Principles
1. MMORPG online(Diablo) - in conjunction with major console video game (singleplayer
& multiplayer mode). Users can create a character of their choice from any of the different
districts. based upon their district of choice and how they decide to manifest their powers they
will fulfill a role similar to roles we see in many current mmorpgs.

2. Animation series (webisodes)- Adventures of a selected character other than that of Bill.

3 Mobile application - Creation of a Keys of Hermetica phone application that would work in
conjunction with the MMORPG. This app will be location-based and functions somewhat like
foursquare. Users can gain resource points for their specific faction in the MMO.

H. Goals for Final Version:
      1. Research the audience and the potential design options available.
      2. Build prototypes of the different medias and then test them to see how we can change
      3. Refine our design.
      4. Create a final version of all the different media we will create.

I. The Story Thus Far:
       In the world of Hermetica everyone lives in domes and everyone wears suits that
keep them clean and free from disease. Because of this people live much longer than
they do in our world because they don’t have to worry about sickness. The world of
Hermetica is made up of six districts and a capital city. Each district stretches for
hundreds of miles and they are are made of different elements. The different people of
the districts are in charge of keeping those elements in check and harvesting the power
of those elements to help the people of Hermetica. The people of the districts are
exposed to these different elements so much that they have special suits built to help
them survive in the different elements that they are exposed to. In the district of Lux the
people must harness the power of light. They are in charge of supplying the daytime
light to the people of Hermetica. Here they wear suits that allow them to see through
bright light and protect them from the harmful effects of large amounts of light. In the
district of Ignis the people must work with the harsh element of Fire and magma. They
must be careful not to be scorched by the combined heat of fire and lava so they wear
suits that protect them from extreme heat and allow them to work with the elements of
their district.
In the district of Caeli the winds are strong and the people must be able to live in a
place where they could be blown away at any minute. because of this the people of this
district have suits that allow them to fly and are heavy when they are on the ground so
they can’t be blown away. They provide the rest of Hermetica with the air they breathe
each day and they control the weather in the districts as well. In the district of Terra the
people work with the earth and the forest. To live here the people must be able to move
stone and earth easily and they must be able to work with wildlife to accomplish their
goals. Their suits allow them to shovel earth easily and they are also able to control
wildlife with their suits as well. They provide the stone needed to build the structures of
the districts and they supply food for the districts. In the district of aqua the people live in
a giant ocean. They provide the districts with water. They must be able to move fast in
water and dive to great depths without being crushed so they have suits that allow them
to move through water fast and they can survive at deep depths.
In the final district, Tenbris the people their are not like the people of the other districts.
Believed to be insane because of constant exposure to twilight this district is closed off
to the other districts. The Immortal king had a massive wall built at the entrance of the
district to keep people in and keep others out. There is a band of renegades however
who have found ways around the wall and terrorise the world of Hermetica. They call
themselves the Tenbris Brigade and they plot to “expose the Immortal king for who he
really is and for the lies that he has created. Because the people of this district have
gone insane they have suits but they are not special in any way. They are standard
issue and thus all the people here are exposed to intense levels of darkness. In the
Capital City of of Regnum the Immortal king Resides in a building that touches the very
top of the dome it is in. No one sees the King but his work is carried out by his loyal
guardsmen and by the officials that he has to be his public representatives. He has
ruled over the people of Hermetica for all time and he is the only person to obtain true
immortality. No one knows how, there are theories, but none have ever been confirmed.
The rest of Regnum is a massive city scape. This is the center of all the Districts. To
visit Regnum was like being in the center of the universe. Everything big that happened,
happened here. Culture from all the Districts, even Tenbris converged in this place to
create a cultural hub for the world.
While this world seems almost perfect there have been distrubing recent reports from all
the districts. many people have contracted illness. No one knows how this could happen
in a world completely clean but it has started to appear in an alarming rate fearful of the
possible looming danger, the people of Hermetica turn to their king for answers. He tells
them that everything is fine and that there is no reason to worry about the sickness. It is
happening to people with suits that are broken or they malfunctioned. So the people,
always trusting in the Immortal King believed this and continued to live their lives.
However in the district of Lux we find our Protagonist of this story, Bill. A young man
age 18 who lives a normal life. He had always dreamed of seeing a world not already
completely explored and having his own adventure. One day the sickness struck Bills
family and his mother and father became very ill. His father, a high level government
scientist, told Bill that there might be a way to stop this sickness and that Bill had not
gotten ill because he was special. Bill was so confused by this and terrified that his
parents would die that he did exactly what his father told him to do. He took off his suit
and exposed himself to the light. What Bill assumed would be a horrible ordeal that
ended in his own demise turned into something amazing. Bill was able to see in the
overwhelming light. He could tolerate the air that he was breathing, and he felt stronger
than he ever had before. Bill's father told him that he was “The light wielder” a
legendary hero of the district of Lux that could tolerate the elements of all districts and
harness the power of his own district. His father told him that he must seek out the other
wielders, one in each district, and gather them together to find “The keys of Freedom”.
These keys would somehow allow Bill and the other wielders to leave Hermetica and
journey out into the unknown world of Vim. Vim was the world outside the domes of
Hermetica. The Immortal King was the only person to ever see this place and he knew
that it was full of violence, death, disease, and horrors that the people of Hermetica
couldn’t possibly fathom. Bill’s father explains to him that this world can be conquered
by the wielders if they work together and venture out into Vim together. There they
might be able to find answers to the illness and they might be able to save the people of
Hermetica. Armed with the power of light and the knowledge of his father Bill sets out to
find the other wielders. Bill finds the other Wielders and discovers the secrets of
Hermetica and learn of a place under Regnum that, when opened with the keys of
freedom will lead the people out into Vim. Bill sets out to find the keys with the wielders
and they then venture out into Vim to find what waits for them out there.......More to

J. Challenges:
        1. Understanding the audience that we are designing for. We need to understand this
audience more and research what they like.
        2. Building meaningful stories that will engage the audience. We need to take a relatively
simple concept and create a rich world from that.
        3. Developing an interface that will be user friendly for children. We want to make all the
media challenging and enjoyable but we don’t want to overload the users which could easily
happen with children.
MMORPG Audience report:
Questions Asked:
1A. What do you think of the world that this is set in?
1B. Do you think it would be interesting enough that you would play a video game based on it?
2. What do you think of having an mmorpg without two separate factions?
3. What previous mmos have you played?
4. Which district seemed like the most interesting to you and would you choose to play as in the
5. What kind of mechanics do you like in other mmo’s that you have played?
6. What kind of mechanics do you wish were in other mmo’s?
7. Of other MMOs that you have played, which do you feel has the best user interface?
Interviewee: Michael Richard
Age: 20
Gender: Male
1A. I think that this world, although highly fantastical, is very interesting, to say the least.
1B. Yes, This seems very much in line with other games such as Zelda and the Last Airbender
2. In my opinion without player conflict and friendly rivalries, mmos become stale.
3. RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Fiesta
4. Air District. I would be an Air weilder
5. Fun mechanics include effects that make players feel powerful and in control, such as
summoning storms, shooting lightning, etc.
6. Often I wish gravity played a more realistic effect in other MMOs, especially in flight scenarios
such as wows flying mounts. Acceleration, Fatigue, exhaustion, etc should be taken into
7. WoWs interface is in my opinion the best, as it is highly customizable, especially through
addons.The original interface is very nice because nothing dominates the entire screen. All of
the different UI items are placed in ways that keep them from obstructing the UI and allow the
player to add more if they need to.

Interviewee: Vanessa Cordero
Age: 17
Gender: Female
1A. I think that there was a lot to take in from the description but I think that the world itself
seems like it would be very exciting and full of content to explore.
1B. Absolutely, I think that a game set in this world would be extremely interesting. It seems that
this world lends itself well to an mmorpg.
2. I think that fundamentally there should be some sort of conflict in the game for the players to
work around. While I don’t think it needs to specifically be two factions I think there needs to be
some sort of reason for the players to fight against each other. Maybe something like a sport?
3. World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Swtor
4. I would definitely choose to be a Darkness wielder, I feel that they would have the best story
line would be awesome and I would love to be able to wield darkness.
5. I really like the mission system in Swtor. I find that it makes the game very immersive and
allows the player to be much more involved in the story and lore of the game. I personally love
RP and in MMO’s as well. I like the smoothness of combat in World of Warcraft as well.
6. I wish that other MMO’s would allow you to piece together your backstory sort of like in Mass
Effect. I don’t like that your backstory is limited to one specific story based on class, faction, and
race. I would like it to be much more in depth.
7. I love WoW’s interface. Of all the MMO’s I have played that has to be the best UI so far. The
fact that I can change it completely is extremely helpful and I also like that it doesn’t have to
look exactly the same. I like the original UI of the game because everything can be minimized to
whatever size you want on the UI.
Interviewee: Rebecca Congi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
1A. I really found this world fascinating. While I was a little flustered with all the detail I think it
is actually really cool and it reminds me of Avatar meets Power Rangers! I think that having a
detailed story will make creating an MMO around this world much easier.
1B. I definitely think I would! This seems like an interesting world to me and I wouldn’t mind
exploring it! It also seems like there would definitely be enough content that it could have
2. I think that it can be done. I just think that if there is no basic conflict to make characters
fight there needs to be really fun mechanics in the game that will make the player want to only
engage in PvE.
3. Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Everquest, Swtor
4. I would choose to be an Earth wielder. I love animals and if I can have something like a pet I
would totally choose to be whatever class that would be.
5. I loved the story telling aspect of Guild wars and I liked that the fighting was instanced instead
of having an open world like World of Warcraft. I just don’t like having open worlds. If I am in a
city I want to know I am safe and can work in peace and I don’t like getting randomly killed in the
game for no reason.
6. I wish that other games would develop personal character customization. I really hate how
basic character customization is in many games. I would also like to see professions in games
become much more dynamic. If I could do something like open up a shop in the game where
other players could come and buy my goods that would be awesome! I wish more games had
guild halls and towns that are your own and other players can see.
7. I loved Guild Wars UI. Even though there wasn’t as much customization as in WoW there
didn’t need to be. The basic UI itself was good enough that there wasn’t anything that needed to
be changed about it and if you had any problems they gave you enough options to change it if
you wanted. Nothing was too big or too small and they kept only what you needed on screen at
all times.

Keys to Hermetica Resource Booster Phone Application Overview (similar to
- location based application
- featured on both Android and iOS (iPhone)
- uses the phone’s GPS to triangulate the user's position
- based on the user’s current position or with any inputted city and state, objectives will be
generated for that area
- objectives are locations that the player is able to visit and receive rewards for their district
based on where they go
- these rewards will be resource points (RP) that go towards the user’s specific district (Lux,
Aqua, Caeli, Terra, Ignis, Tenbris) in the Keys of Hermetica MMORPG
- the resource points for each different district will be added up every week and listed on the
Keys of Hermetica MMORPG home page
- the district with the most points will receive a resource boost that lasts the entire week

- objectives will be unique depending on which district you are serving
- for example, a possible objective for a Lux player could be to visit a local solar power plant
since Lux is the district of light
Phone Application Audience report:
Questions Asked:

1. How often do you use applications on your smartphone?
2. Have you ever used Foursquare? If so do you like it?
3. What features of the phone application do you like?
4. Which features could be added or improved?
5. Would you use this application?
6. Any questions about the application?
Interviewee: Alyssa Nash
Age: 20
Gender: Female

1. My phone is with me 24/7 so I am constantly using different apps. I am almost always on my
facebook and twitter apps. I also love playing DrawSomething and Angry Birds
2. No I have never used Foursquare before but my friend Phil uses it a lot. I would be interested
to try it out though
3. From the wireframe, it looks like that this application does have promise. I like how you have
added a clear settings and help button at the bottom of the screen. Also, I like how you are able
to enter a city and state for the location because sometimes the GPS does not always recognize
where you are correctly.
4. You might want to add a “find my location” button so phones can automatically detect where
they are.
5. If I enjoyed the Germz MMORPG enough then I’m sure that I would use this app a lot so I
could get extra experience for my characters.
6. How close would you have to get to the objectives in order to actually receive the award?
   Will there be a page to see your past completed objectives?

Interviewee: David DeNinno
Age: 20
Gender: Male

1. Well, let me put it to you this way, when am I not using an app on my droid? I am constantly
texting, checking tweets and I also take a lot of pictures with my phone.

2. Yes, actually over last summer I spent a lot of time using Foursquare because I wanted to
become the mayor of our town Regal Cinemas so I could get a 20% discount at the snack bar.
Although I never actually became the mayor, it was fun for awhile and definitely motivated me to
go to the movie theatre more often. Even though it was fun to use over the summer I don’t think
I’ll use it again.
3. I do like how you already have a settings and help button at the bottom of the screen because
I cannot stand when it difficult to find the settings or help within an application. I also like how
there is a separate screen of the objectives, it probably would make it easier to see on the
actual phone.

4. If this was my application, I would definitely make sure to add a page where you could see
past objectives. Also, I might suggest putting the possible rewards next to the corresponding
objective on the objective page.

5. Honestly, I am really not a big fan of location based applications because they are just
emerging on the market now. They sometimes are unable to pinpoint your exact location. I have
found this problem with location based apps like Cloud Assassin which I play at Marist.

6. I really don’t have any questions for you but I recommend that you add a page or something
that lists the rewards because that is what is mostly driving your users to use the application.

Possible updates to consider after the Audience Report

-       Adding a “find my location” button so users can automatically find the closest objectives
in their area
-       Adding a section under the help page which describes how close you must get to certain
-       Possibly adding a page to view the user’s past completed objectives
-       Include the rewards for each individual objective on the objectives page

TV Series Audience report:
Questions Asked:
1. Do you find this storyline interesting?
2. Does the story seem unique?
3. Can you see yourself getting immersed in this world?
4. Do you regularly follow any TV shows?
5. What shows do you usually watch?

Interviewee: Neil
Age: 14
Gender: Male

1. Yes this story sounds pretty cool, I would definitely be curious to find out more about it.

2. I think it is very unique, and it doesn’t remind me of anything else that I could have seen

3. Yea it sounds like it would be pretty cool. I could see myself getting into the different
environments of the districts and seeing more of what is going on in them.

4. I don’t usually watch TV- I turn to online shows.

5. The only thing that I watch on TV is American Idol and Walking Dead.

Interviewee: Tessa
Age: 18
Gender: Female

1. This seems like a really cool idea! I would be curious to find out the secrets and experience
the adventure of the quest.
2. It seems pretty unique to me, except for the fact that is reminds me of Hunger Games
because of the ‘districts’ term. I don’t know if you would want to refer to them as something

3. Yes- once I am hooked on a show, I want to know everything about it. So with this world, I
feel like there are a lot of layers that are just waiting to be unlocked.

4. I watch TV when I can, but I am pretty loyal to Make it or Break It as weird as that sounds.

5. Some of the shows that I watch online are The Guild, Parks and Recreation, and Prison
Designs for each District’s designated SUIT

             Aqua: basically like a wet suit since they are in water the majority of the time.

 Caeli: suit on the left has weights for when you want to be grounded, but when you want to fly
                  they can take off the weights and connect flaps to create wings.
Ignis: super protective suit from all the fire and heat of the district.

Lux: UV protective helmet and solar panels all over the body and limbs.
Terra: huge/bulky suits in order to move all the rock/

Keys of Hermetica Design Overview: MMORPG
        For the design of the MMORPG based on our game world we decided to look at some
common conventions that are used in the design of many of today’s successful MMORPG’s and
we looked at what our audience report had yielded and we decided to create a game that
incorporated a lot of what our research had found and what our audience was looking for in a
        Main Goal of the game: Resource collection: We wanted this game not to function
exactly like every other MMORPG and we wanted it to work well with the Mobile app so we
made the most important aspect of the game the gathering of the specific resource of your
district. By collecting this resource the player will be able to power their abilities. Since players
will be able to gather resources in and out of the game this resource will not be incredibly hard
to obtain but hard enough that it presents a challenge for the player. By having a system like
this we can insure that players will be motivated to collect the resources with the mobile app
and they will not sit for unhealthy amounts of time playing the game since they're unable to use
abilities when they run out of resources. This system is similar to a game called spiral knights.
In that game the player needed to have resources available to visit dungeons and they could
not visit them without the resource. In our game the player is able to function in the game but
they cannot go into combat without their resource available to them. If the run out of resources
other players in their party may give them extra resources but they will only get a 3rd of what is
given to them if the energy is from a different element. They will be able to move and trade and
interact with others but they will not be able to engage in combat.
Because the main storyline of the game is finding the keys we will want the players not to
engage in the same storyline but have the game be supplementary to the main story. Because
of this we decided to make this game be about other wielders that have been found and are
working with the main wielders to help protect the people of Hermetica. Missions will involve
helping people in Hermetica take care of different tasks and the ultimate purpose of the game
will be to explore the mysteries of Tenbris. This is a part of the story line that will be developed
in the MMO and not entirely in the show so we will use the game to teach the audience about
the mysteries surrounding this District. For combat in this game players will use their resources
to perform their abilities. They can either use the abilities individually or they can combine the
abilities together to create more powerful and more expensive abilities that will combine the
effects of all the different abilities that worked together to make the ability.
Game UI and Combat System
Main UI:

Ability Bar:

Mini Map:      Health Bar:

Bill: 18 years old. Bill comes from the district of Lux. His father is a very highly respected
government scientist. He has always felt a strong connection to the element that his district is
connected to. He has always dreamed of a life of exploration and adventure. But he has always
let these dreams die because there is no way to discover anything new or have an adventure in
a world where everything is found and there is no place new to go. Unless of course.... he went
to Vim.

Jen: 18 years old. She is from the district of Tenbris. Her family has all but gone insane. She
struggles to keep herself alive in this animalistic world. She hates the government that rules
the world she lives in. Her family has always told stories of their evil and the deception of the
Immortal King but it was hard to differentiate what was insane ramblings and what was factual.
While she struggles to survive she finds happiness in the fact that somehow she is able to
control the darkness around her. No one in her district can explain this but she knows that it will
protect her but she wants to know why she has this ability.

Petram: 19 years old. Petram hails from the district of Terra. He has always fancied himself a
leader and he always tries to be the very best at everything he does. during the days when he
should be mining Earth he spends him time in the forests connecting with animals, specifically
his bear (no idea need a cool bear name). He spends much of his time wrestling with (cool
ass bear name). He knows that it is against the rules of the district to become attached to
the animals because it will make it difficult for them to kill them when they need to for their
resources but he does it anyways because he feels that he has a connection with them. He
hopes that one day he can free the animals here that are being kept just to be slaughtered.

Iste: 15 years old. She comes from the district of Ignis. Full of energy and constantly trying to
blow things up, Iste’s family and friends are terrified of what might happen if they let her too
close to fires that she will one day need to harvest. In her free time she likes to hurl balls of
magma at targets and practice the ancient art of magma curling. She dreams of competing in
this sport one day but her parents are worried that she will get herself killed. She knows that she
can control the fire and magma better than anyone she knows but if her parents have their way
she will never get to follow her dream.
Caetus: 18 years old. Caetus comes from the district of Aqua. Both of Caetus’s parents are
dead and he lives on his own travelling the wild open oceans of his district. He lost both parents
in a horrible shark attack that they couldn’t escape (going to extrapolate on this later.... it was
really really bad though.) He spends his time trying to understand the ocean and the creatures
that live in it so that he can better defend himself better if he is ever attacked. Even though he
fears the creatures of the ocean he knows that his ability to move through water is unmatched
by any creature in the ocean and that is what will keep him alive.

Ventus: 17 years old. Ventus comes from the district of Caeli. He is a very quiet boy who
doesn’t speak at all. He could never understand other people but he could understand the
intricate movements of the winds as if it was second nature. His parents took him out of school
because he couldn’t associate with the other kids that he was with. He spent much of his time
hurling tornados at the other students and skipping out of school early to go out and fly where
ever he wanted to. He doesn’t want to follow the footsteps of the other people of his district and
control the winds he wants to free the winds and let them flow through him to affect the world.

King Sarz: IMMORTAL. The Immortal king of Hermetica. He lies to the people and tells them
the world is fine when in reality they are being poisoned by him so that he can draw out their life
force and continue the cycle that he has taken part in for over 10,000 years. He doesn’t want
the people of Hermetica to leave because if they ever do they will find out that Vim is not what
he has portrayed it to be and if they leave he cannot harvest their life force.

Bill’s Father: He is 45 years old. A scientist from Lux who has discovered the secrets of
Hermetica and the lies of the King. He knows his time is coming to an end because they are
aware of what he knows. He knows however that there is one force that can save the world and
that is the wielders. fortunately for him his son is one of these legendary beings and he tells his
son what he must do to save the world.


Hermetica: The world in which the story takes place. Made up of 7 domes. 6 of them are
districts and one of them is the capital city of the world.
Regnum: The central dome of the world. It is the capital city of the world. It is a giant cityscape
and the Immortal king rules from his seat in the center of the city.

District of Lux: The district of light. This district is responsible for providing the world with light
and the energy of the sun.

District of Tenbris(The lost district): This district is responsible for bringing the night to
the districts. Some how the night still comes even though the district is and has always been
overrun with madness due to the constant twilight of the district. There is a wall that has been
constructed to keep the people in the district and stop them from escaping.

District of Ignis: The district of fire and magma. This district is responsible for harvesting the
power of fire. Due to the high level of danger in this district the people have become reckless
and they like to test how much they can get away with before getting burned. They have a
serious sport that people come from all over Hermetica to see, Magma curling.

District of Terra: This is the district of Earth and Forest. The people here work to harvest the
stone on the ground to build the structures of the world and they also harvest the livestock and
vegetables for the people of Hermetica.
District of Caeli: This district is responsible for the air that is pumped through all of the districts.
They harvest the power of tornadoes as well to power their machines.

District of Aqua: This is a district of ocean. It is from here the people of hermetica get their
water. since there is no land the people live on ships that are like giant towns that can move.
because of the nomadic style of life in this district a lot of pirating occurs because it is easy to
get in and get out quickly to steal things from people without being found.

Hermeticus Vault: The gate way to Vim underneath the capital city. No one knows of this
except the Immortal king.... and Bill’s father.

Vim: The outside world. According to the King it is a world full of death and horrors. However
they may be more to this world than the King is telling the people.

“Immortality through Purity”
“The Immortal King protects”

Wielder: Someone who can wield the power of a specific element. They also can survive the
trails of the districts without suits.

Key of Lux: The key of freedom in Lux
Key of Tenbris: “               “ Tenbris
Key of Ignis: “             “ Ignis
Key of Terra:”           “ Terra
Key of Caeli:”           “ Caeli
Key of Aqua:”            “ Aqua

I-Suits: The suits that the people of Hermetica must wear to survive. They are issued at birth
and they grow with the person who wears them. The King designed them himself thousands of
years ago.

The Tenbris Bigade(TB/The Big Ten): A group of renegades from Tenbris. They swear to
expose the truth of the King and the lies that Hermetica is built on.

The Tenbris Wall: A wall constructed by the king to keep the insanity of Tenbris from spreading
to the rest of the world.

The King’s Seat: The king's citadel in the center of Regnum. This is where he lives... and he
never leaves.


The power of the wielders:
The suit powers:

survival techniques:

Faction allignment:

Wielder Alignment:


Explained in the description of the districts.

Plot Points:

The King’s Lies: The king has lied to the people since he created this artificial world. He tells
the people never to leave and they obey. Every 5,000 years he consumes the life force of the
people to stay alive forever. Then he recreates the world with the few people he keeps alive.

The Wielder’s Journey: The journey of the wielders who are the main characters of our story.
This will be their overall journey and how they save the world with the resources they find in

The Way to Vim: The unlocking of the Vault with the keys of freedom. The adventure to find the
keys and open the vault.

The Adventure into Vim: The time spent in Vim and the defeat of the Immortal king.

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Keys of Hermetica

  • 1. Keys of Hermetica Short Design Brief John Voorhees, Patrick Cole, Natalie Lesko, Alex Rose, Erin McCarthy Overall Statement, description of idea The people of Hermetica live in clean suits which protect them from the horrible contagions of the outside world. Ruled by a king who is undying the people of Hermetica live in peace and are relegated to different districts. Each district controls a different element and the people of each district are responsible for the preservation of this elements and they must harness the resources that they possess. While all was well in this kingdom rumors of a germ that has been infecting people has started to emerge. Fearful for the future of their clean world the people of Hermetica search for an answer and they will soon learn that they have more to fear than just the germs that are attacking their people. Objectives ● Find different media that will creatively and expertly promote our property. ● Design functioning prototypes that will showcase our plan for the property. ● Develop characters and plot lines that are intriguing to the target audience. ● Design a transmedia property that will entertain the target audience. Target audience Ages 14 and up Promise of idea ● this idea will promote responsibility to oneself and acceptances of others who are different. List of 3+ media platforms (BH) ● MMORPG online(Adventure Quest, World of Warcraft) - in conjunction with major console video game (singleplayer & multiplayer mode) ○ This will add to the backstory of the game and will allow the player to become more involved in the story while providing an exciting new multiplayer experience. ● Animated series (webisodes) ○ Main adventures of the series characters. This is the main storyline. ● Mobile application - Creation of a Keys of Hermetica application that functions similar to foursquare, but rather than giving out useless points it transfers into in game benefits.
  • 2. Plan of action 1. Research/Situation analysis 2. Create the world with set geography, features and constraints 3. Create transmedia storytelling plan to avoid adaptations and make sure each component adds to the world 4. Create distinctive characters for professional-scripted narrative Competitors - Hunger Games - Mass Effect - Avatar the last airbender - Adventure Quest - World of Warcraft -Bionicle Design Document A. Goals and Objectives Across Media: Our goal is to provide a unique experience for children ages 14 and up that promotes team building and responsibility to oneself. Our objective is to have this be on platforms that are popular with the age group that we are trying to engage. Ideally we would have animated webisodes as the main medium of the franchise. We could then expand the story set in the webisodes with a development of a MMORPG along with a fully interactive phone application based on the game. With the MMORPG Gamers could explore the world of Hermetica and choose to be one of the players from each of the six districts. B. Target Audience: Our target audience age ranges from ages 14 and up. C. Target Audience Research: 14 and up is the age range where problem solving and responsibility skills are being developed. We feel that we could meaningfully engage this age group with this topic by creating a world that is both intriguing and allows for creativity at the same time. It is important to make the audience believe that they immersed within the story and feel as if they are actually there.
  • 4. F. Guiding Principles 1. Create an experience that promotes our core values of adventure and discovery. 2. Make each piece of media seamlessly extend the storyline of the franchise. 3. Have all of the pieces tell their own story and not take away from any of the other media. 4. Create a gripping experience that will keep the audience coming back to the franchise. 5. Create all UI’s so that they are easily accessible to children but can also be interesting for potential older audiences. 6. Don’t create a story that will make the users feel like they are in an artifical world. 14 year olds want to feel like they are in control and they will want an experience that will make them feel unique. G. Design Principles 1. MMORPG online(Diablo) - in conjunction with major console video game (singleplayer & multiplayer mode). Users can create a character of their choice from any of the different districts. based upon their district of choice and how they decide to manifest their powers they will fulfill a role similar to roles we see in many current mmorpgs. 2. Animation series (webisodes)- Adventures of a selected character other than that of Bill. 3 Mobile application - Creation of a Keys of Hermetica phone application that would work in conjunction with the MMORPG. This app will be location-based and functions somewhat like foursquare. Users can gain resource points for their specific faction in the MMO. H. Goals for Final Version: 1. Research the audience and the potential design options available. 2. Build prototypes of the different medias and then test them to see how we can change them. 3. Refine our design. 4. Create a final version of all the different media we will create. I. The Story Thus Far: In the world of Hermetica everyone lives in domes and everyone wears suits that keep them clean and free from disease. Because of this people live much longer than they do in our world because they don’t have to worry about sickness. The world of Hermetica is made up of six districts and a capital city. Each district stretches for hundreds of miles and they are are made of different elements. The different people of the districts are in charge of keeping those elements in check and harvesting the power of those elements to help the people of Hermetica. The people of the districts are
  • 5. exposed to these different elements so much that they have special suits built to help them survive in the different elements that they are exposed to. In the district of Lux the people must harness the power of light. They are in charge of supplying the daytime light to the people of Hermetica. Here they wear suits that allow them to see through bright light and protect them from the harmful effects of large amounts of light. In the district of Ignis the people must work with the harsh element of Fire and magma. They must be careful not to be scorched by the combined heat of fire and lava so they wear suits that protect them from extreme heat and allow them to work with the elements of their district. In the district of Caeli the winds are strong and the people must be able to live in a place where they could be blown away at any minute. because of this the people of this district have suits that allow them to fly and are heavy when they are on the ground so they can’t be blown away. They provide the rest of Hermetica with the air they breathe each day and they control the weather in the districts as well. In the district of Terra the people work with the earth and the forest. To live here the people must be able to move stone and earth easily and they must be able to work with wildlife to accomplish their goals. Their suits allow them to shovel earth easily and they are also able to control wildlife with their suits as well. They provide the stone needed to build the structures of the districts and they supply food for the districts. In the district of aqua the people live in a giant ocean. They provide the districts with water. They must be able to move fast in water and dive to great depths without being crushed so they have suits that allow them to move through water fast and they can survive at deep depths. In the final district, Tenbris the people their are not like the people of the other districts. Believed to be insane because of constant exposure to twilight this district is closed off to the other districts. The Immortal king had a massive wall built at the entrance of the district to keep people in and keep others out. There is a band of renegades however who have found ways around the wall and terrorise the world of Hermetica. They call themselves the Tenbris Brigade and they plot to “expose the Immortal king for who he really is and for the lies that he has created. Because the people of this district have gone insane they have suits but they are not special in any way. They are standard issue and thus all the people here are exposed to intense levels of darkness. In the
  • 6. Capital City of of Regnum the Immortal king Resides in a building that touches the very top of the dome it is in. No one sees the King but his work is carried out by his loyal guardsmen and by the officials that he has to be his public representatives. He has ruled over the people of Hermetica for all time and he is the only person to obtain true immortality. No one knows how, there are theories, but none have ever been confirmed. The rest of Regnum is a massive city scape. This is the center of all the Districts. To visit Regnum was like being in the center of the universe. Everything big that happened, happened here. Culture from all the Districts, even Tenbris converged in this place to create a cultural hub for the world. While this world seems almost perfect there have been distrubing recent reports from all the districts. many people have contracted illness. No one knows how this could happen in a world completely clean but it has started to appear in an alarming rate fearful of the possible looming danger, the people of Hermetica turn to their king for answers. He tells them that everything is fine and that there is no reason to worry about the sickness. It is happening to people with suits that are broken or they malfunctioned. So the people, always trusting in the Immortal King believed this and continued to live their lives. However in the district of Lux we find our Protagonist of this story, Bill. A young man age 18 who lives a normal life. He had always dreamed of seeing a world not already completely explored and having his own adventure. One day the sickness struck Bills family and his mother and father became very ill. His father, a high level government scientist, told Bill that there might be a way to stop this sickness and that Bill had not gotten ill because he was special. Bill was so confused by this and terrified that his parents would die that he did exactly what his father told him to do. He took off his suit and exposed himself to the light. What Bill assumed would be a horrible ordeal that ended in his own demise turned into something amazing. Bill was able to see in the overwhelming light. He could tolerate the air that he was breathing, and he felt stronger than he ever had before. Bill's father told him that he was “The light wielder” a legendary hero of the district of Lux that could tolerate the elements of all districts and harness the power of his own district. His father told him that he must seek out the other wielders, one in each district, and gather them together to find “The keys of Freedom”. These keys would somehow allow Bill and the other wielders to leave Hermetica and
  • 7. journey out into the unknown world of Vim. Vim was the world outside the domes of Hermetica. The Immortal King was the only person to ever see this place and he knew that it was full of violence, death, disease, and horrors that the people of Hermetica couldn’t possibly fathom. Bill’s father explains to him that this world can be conquered by the wielders if they work together and venture out into Vim together. There they might be able to find answers to the illness and they might be able to save the people of Hermetica. Armed with the power of light and the knowledge of his father Bill sets out to find the other wielders. Bill finds the other Wielders and discovers the secrets of Hermetica and learn of a place under Regnum that, when opened with the keys of freedom will lead the people out into Vim. Bill sets out to find the keys with the wielders and they then venture out into Vim to find what waits for them out there.......More to come. J. Challenges: 1. Understanding the audience that we are designing for. We need to understand this audience more and research what they like. 2. Building meaningful stories that will engage the audience. We need to take a relatively simple concept and create a rich world from that. 3. Developing an interface that will be user friendly for children. We want to make all the media challenging and enjoyable but we don’t want to overload the users which could easily happen with children. MMORPG Audience report: Questions Asked: 1A. What do you think of the world that this is set in? 1B. Do you think it would be interesting enough that you would play a video game based on it? 2. What do you think of having an mmorpg without two separate factions? 3. What previous mmos have you played? 4. Which district seemed like the most interesting to you and would you choose to play as in the game? 5. What kind of mechanics do you like in other mmo’s that you have played? 6. What kind of mechanics do you wish were in other mmo’s? 7. Of other MMOs that you have played, which do you feel has the best user interface?
  • 8. Interviewee: Michael Richard Age: 20 Gender: Male 1A. I think that this world, although highly fantastical, is very interesting, to say the least. 1B. Yes, This seems very much in line with other games such as Zelda and the Last Airbender 2. In my opinion without player conflict and friendly rivalries, mmos become stale. 3. RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Fiesta 4. Air District. I would be an Air weilder 5. Fun mechanics include effects that make players feel powerful and in control, such as summoning storms, shooting lightning, etc. 6. Often I wish gravity played a more realistic effect in other MMOs, especially in flight scenarios such as wows flying mounts. Acceleration, Fatigue, exhaustion, etc should be taken into consideration. 7. WoWs interface is in my opinion the best, as it is highly customizable, especially through addons.The original interface is very nice because nothing dominates the entire screen. All of the different UI items are placed in ways that keep them from obstructing the UI and allow the player to add more if they need to. Interviewee: Vanessa Cordero Age: 17 Gender: Female 1A. I think that there was a lot to take in from the description but I think that the world itself seems like it would be very exciting and full of content to explore. 1B. Absolutely, I think that a game set in this world would be extremely interesting. It seems that this world lends itself well to an mmorpg. 2. I think that fundamentally there should be some sort of conflict in the game for the players to work around. While I don’t think it needs to specifically be two factions I think there needs to be some sort of reason for the players to fight against each other. Maybe something like a sport? 3. World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Swtor
  • 9. 4. I would definitely choose to be a Darkness wielder, I feel that they would have the best story line would be awesome and I would love to be able to wield darkness. 5. I really like the mission system in Swtor. I find that it makes the game very immersive and allows the player to be much more involved in the story and lore of the game. I personally love RP and in MMO’s as well. I like the smoothness of combat in World of Warcraft as well. 6. I wish that other MMO’s would allow you to piece together your backstory sort of like in Mass Effect. I don’t like that your backstory is limited to one specific story based on class, faction, and race. I would like it to be much more in depth. 7. I love WoW’s interface. Of all the MMO’s I have played that has to be the best UI so far. The fact that I can change it completely is extremely helpful and I also like that it doesn’t have to look exactly the same. I like the original UI of the game because everything can be minimized to whatever size you want on the UI. Interviewee: Rebecca Congi Age: 19 Gender: Female 1A. I really found this world fascinating. While I was a little flustered with all the detail I think it is actually really cool and it reminds me of Avatar meets Power Rangers! I think that having a detailed story will make creating an MMO around this world much easier. 1B. I definitely think I would! This seems like an interesting world to me and I wouldn’t mind exploring it! It also seems like there would definitely be enough content that it could have expansions. 2. I think that it can be done. I just think that if there is no basic conflict to make characters fight there needs to be really fun mechanics in the game that will make the player want to only engage in PvE. 3. Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Everquest, Swtor 4. I would choose to be an Earth wielder. I love animals and if I can have something like a pet I would totally choose to be whatever class that would be. 5. I loved the story telling aspect of Guild wars and I liked that the fighting was instanced instead of having an open world like World of Warcraft. I just don’t like having open worlds. If I am in a city I want to know I am safe and can work in peace and I don’t like getting randomly killed in the game for no reason. 6. I wish that other games would develop personal character customization. I really hate how basic character customization is in many games. I would also like to see professions in games become much more dynamic. If I could do something like open up a shop in the game where
  • 10. other players could come and buy my goods that would be awesome! I wish more games had guild halls and towns that are your own and other players can see. 7. I loved Guild Wars UI. Even though there wasn’t as much customization as in WoW there didn’t need to be. The basic UI itself was good enough that there wasn’t anything that needed to be changed about it and if you had any problems they gave you enough options to change it if you wanted. Nothing was too big or too small and they kept only what you needed on screen at all times. Keys to Hermetica Resource Booster Phone Application Overview (similar to Foursquare) - location based application - featured on both Android and iOS (iPhone) - uses the phone’s GPS to triangulate the user's position - based on the user’s current position or with any inputted city and state, objectives will be generated for that area - objectives are locations that the player is able to visit and receive rewards for their district based on where they go - these rewards will be resource points (RP) that go towards the user’s specific district (Lux, Aqua, Caeli, Terra, Ignis, Tenbris) in the Keys of Hermetica MMORPG - the resource points for each different district will be added up every week and listed on the Keys of Hermetica MMORPG home page - the district with the most points will receive a resource boost that lasts the entire week - objectives will be unique depending on which district you are serving - for example, a possible objective for a Lux player could be to visit a local solar power plant since Lux is the district of light
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. Phone Application Audience report: Questions Asked: 1. How often do you use applications on your smartphone? 2. Have you ever used Foursquare? If so do you like it? 3. What features of the phone application do you like? 4. Which features could be added or improved? 5. Would you use this application? 6. Any questions about the application?
  • 14. Interviewee: Alyssa Nash Age: 20 Gender: Female 1. My phone is with me 24/7 so I am constantly using different apps. I am almost always on my facebook and twitter apps. I also love playing DrawSomething and Angry Birds 2. No I have never used Foursquare before but my friend Phil uses it a lot. I would be interested to try it out though 3. From the wireframe, it looks like that this application does have promise. I like how you have added a clear settings and help button at the bottom of the screen. Also, I like how you are able to enter a city and state for the location because sometimes the GPS does not always recognize where you are correctly. 4. You might want to add a “find my location” button so phones can automatically detect where they are. 5. If I enjoyed the Germz MMORPG enough then I’m sure that I would use this app a lot so I could get extra experience for my characters. 6. How close would you have to get to the objectives in order to actually receive the award? Will there be a page to see your past completed objectives? Interviewee: David DeNinno Age: 20 Gender: Male 1. Well, let me put it to you this way, when am I not using an app on my droid? I am constantly texting, checking tweets and I also take a lot of pictures with my phone. 2. Yes, actually over last summer I spent a lot of time using Foursquare because I wanted to become the mayor of our town Regal Cinemas so I could get a 20% discount at the snack bar. Although I never actually became the mayor, it was fun for awhile and definitely motivated me to go to the movie theatre more often. Even though it was fun to use over the summer I don’t think I’ll use it again.
  • 15. 3. I do like how you already have a settings and help button at the bottom of the screen because I cannot stand when it difficult to find the settings or help within an application. I also like how there is a separate screen of the objectives, it probably would make it easier to see on the actual phone. 4. If this was my application, I would definitely make sure to add a page where you could see past objectives. Also, I might suggest putting the possible rewards next to the corresponding objective on the objective page. 5. Honestly, I am really not a big fan of location based applications because they are just emerging on the market now. They sometimes are unable to pinpoint your exact location. I have found this problem with location based apps like Cloud Assassin which I play at Marist. 6. I really don’t have any questions for you but I recommend that you add a page or something that lists the rewards because that is what is mostly driving your users to use the application. Possible updates to consider after the Audience Report - Adding a “find my location” button so users can automatically find the closest objectives in their area - Adding a section under the help page which describes how close you must get to certain locations - Possibly adding a page to view the user’s past completed objectives - Include the rewards for each individual objective on the objectives page TV Series Audience report: Questions Asked:
  • 16. 1. Do you find this storyline interesting? 2. Does the story seem unique? 3. Can you see yourself getting immersed in this world? 4. Do you regularly follow any TV shows? 5. What shows do you usually watch? Interviewee: Neil Age: 14 Gender: Male 1. Yes this story sounds pretty cool, I would definitely be curious to find out more about it. 2. I think it is very unique, and it doesn’t remind me of anything else that I could have seen before. 3. Yea it sounds like it would be pretty cool. I could see myself getting into the different environments of the districts and seeing more of what is going on in them. 4. I don’t usually watch TV- I turn to online shows. 5. The only thing that I watch on TV is American Idol and Walking Dead. Interviewee: Tessa Age: 18 Gender: Female 1. This seems like a really cool idea! I would be curious to find out the secrets and experience the adventure of the quest.
  • 17. 2. It seems pretty unique to me, except for the fact that is reminds me of Hunger Games because of the ‘districts’ term. I don’t know if you would want to refer to them as something different. 3. Yes- once I am hooked on a show, I want to know everything about it. So with this world, I feel like there are a lot of layers that are just waiting to be unlocked. 4. I watch TV when I can, but I am pretty loyal to Make it or Break It as weird as that sounds. 5. Some of the shows that I watch online are The Guild, Parks and Recreation, and Prison Break. Designs for each District’s designated SUIT Aqua: basically like a wet suit since they are in water the majority of the time. Caeli: suit on the left has weights for when you want to be grounded, but when you want to fly they can take off the weights and connect flaps to create wings.
  • 18. Ignis: super protective suit from all the fire and heat of the district. Lux: UV protective helmet and solar panels all over the body and limbs.
  • 19. Terra: huge/bulky suits in order to move all the rock/ land.
  • 20. Keys of Hermetica Design Overview: MMORPG For the design of the MMORPG based on our game world we decided to look at some common conventions that are used in the design of many of today’s successful MMORPG’s and we looked at what our audience report had yielded and we decided to create a game that incorporated a lot of what our research had found and what our audience was looking for in a game. Main Goal of the game: Resource collection: We wanted this game not to function exactly like every other MMORPG and we wanted it to work well with the Mobile app so we made the most important aspect of the game the gathering of the specific resource of your district. By collecting this resource the player will be able to power their abilities. Since players will be able to gather resources in and out of the game this resource will not be incredibly hard to obtain but hard enough that it presents a challenge for the player. By having a system like this we can insure that players will be motivated to collect the resources with the mobile app and they will not sit for unhealthy amounts of time playing the game since they're unable to use abilities when they run out of resources. This system is similar to a game called spiral knights. In that game the player needed to have resources available to visit dungeons and they could not visit them without the resource. In our game the player is able to function in the game but they cannot go into combat without their resource available to them. If the run out of resources other players in their party may give them extra resources but they will only get a 3rd of what is given to them if the energy is from a different element. They will be able to move and trade and interact with others but they will not be able to engage in combat. Because the main storyline of the game is finding the keys we will want the players not to engage in the same storyline but have the game be supplementary to the main story. Because of this we decided to make this game be about other wielders that have been found and are working with the main wielders to help protect the people of Hermetica. Missions will involve helping people in Hermetica take care of different tasks and the ultimate purpose of the game will be to explore the mysteries of Tenbris. This is a part of the story line that will be developed in the MMO and not entirely in the show so we will use the game to teach the audience about the mysteries surrounding this District. For combat in this game players will use their resources to perform their abilities. They can either use the abilities individually or they can combine the abilities together to create more powerful and more expensive abilities that will combine the effects of all the different abilities that worked together to make the ability. Game UI and Combat System
  • 21. Main UI: Ability Bar: Mini Map: Health Bar:
  • 22. Characters: Bill: 18 years old. Bill comes from the district of Lux. His father is a very highly respected government scientist. He has always felt a strong connection to the element that his district is connected to. He has always dreamed of a life of exploration and adventure. But he has always let these dreams die because there is no way to discover anything new or have an adventure in a world where everything is found and there is no place new to go. Unless of course.... he went to Vim. Jen: 18 years old. She is from the district of Tenbris. Her family has all but gone insane. She struggles to keep herself alive in this animalistic world. She hates the government that rules the world she lives in. Her family has always told stories of their evil and the deception of the Immortal King but it was hard to differentiate what was insane ramblings and what was factual. While she struggles to survive she finds happiness in the fact that somehow she is able to control the darkness around her. No one in her district can explain this but she knows that it will protect her but she wants to know why she has this ability. Petram: 19 years old. Petram hails from the district of Terra. He has always fancied himself a leader and he always tries to be the very best at everything he does. during the days when he should be mining Earth he spends him time in the forests connecting with animals, specifically his bear (no idea need a cool bear name). He spends much of his time wrestling with (cool ass bear name). He knows that it is against the rules of the district to become attached to the animals because it will make it difficult for them to kill them when they need to for their resources but he does it anyways because he feels that he has a connection with them. He hopes that one day he can free the animals here that are being kept just to be slaughtered. Iste: 15 years old. She comes from the district of Ignis. Full of energy and constantly trying to blow things up, Iste’s family and friends are terrified of what might happen if they let her too close to fires that she will one day need to harvest. In her free time she likes to hurl balls of magma at targets and practice the ancient art of magma curling. She dreams of competing in this sport one day but her parents are worried that she will get herself killed. She knows that she can control the fire and magma better than anyone she knows but if her parents have their way she will never get to follow her dream.
  • 23. Caetus: 18 years old. Caetus comes from the district of Aqua. Both of Caetus’s parents are dead and he lives on his own travelling the wild open oceans of his district. He lost both parents in a horrible shark attack that they couldn’t escape (going to extrapolate on this later.... it was really really bad though.) He spends his time trying to understand the ocean and the creatures that live in it so that he can better defend himself better if he is ever attacked. Even though he fears the creatures of the ocean he knows that his ability to move through water is unmatched by any creature in the ocean and that is what will keep him alive. Ventus: 17 years old. Ventus comes from the district of Caeli. He is a very quiet boy who doesn’t speak at all. He could never understand other people but he could understand the intricate movements of the winds as if it was second nature. His parents took him out of school because he couldn’t associate with the other kids that he was with. He spent much of his time hurling tornados at the other students and skipping out of school early to go out and fly where ever he wanted to. He doesn’t want to follow the footsteps of the other people of his district and control the winds he wants to free the winds and let them flow through him to affect the world. King Sarz: IMMORTAL. The Immortal king of Hermetica. He lies to the people and tells them the world is fine when in reality they are being poisoned by him so that he can draw out their life force and continue the cycle that he has taken part in for over 10,000 years. He doesn’t want the people of Hermetica to leave because if they ever do they will find out that Vim is not what he has portrayed it to be and if they leave he cannot harvest their life force. Bill’s Father: He is 45 years old. A scientist from Lux who has discovered the secrets of Hermetica and the lies of the King. He knows his time is coming to an end because they are aware of what he knows. He knows however that there is one force that can save the world and that is the wielders. fortunately for him his son is one of these legendary beings and he tells his son what he must do to save the world. Places: Hermetica: The world in which the story takes place. Made up of 7 domes. 6 of them are districts and one of them is the capital city of the world.
  • 24. Regnum: The central dome of the world. It is the capital city of the world. It is a giant cityscape and the Immortal king rules from his seat in the center of the city. District of Lux: The district of light. This district is responsible for providing the world with light and the energy of the sun. District of Tenbris(The lost district): This district is responsible for bringing the night to the districts. Some how the night still comes even though the district is and has always been overrun with madness due to the constant twilight of the district. There is a wall that has been constructed to keep the people in the district and stop them from escaping. District of Ignis: The district of fire and magma. This district is responsible for harvesting the power of fire. Due to the high level of danger in this district the people have become reckless and they like to test how much they can get away with before getting burned. They have a serious sport that people come from all over Hermetica to see, Magma curling. District of Terra: This is the district of Earth and Forest. The people here work to harvest the stone on the ground to build the structures of the world and they also harvest the livestock and vegetables for the people of Hermetica. District of Caeli: This district is responsible for the air that is pumped through all of the districts. They harvest the power of tornadoes as well to power their machines. District of Aqua: This is a district of ocean. It is from here the people of hermetica get their water. since there is no land the people live on ships that are like giant towns that can move. because of the nomadic style of life in this district a lot of pirating occurs because it is easy to get in and get out quickly to steal things from people without being found. Hermeticus Vault: The gate way to Vim underneath the capital city. No one knows of this except the Immortal king.... and Bill’s father. Vim: The outside world. According to the King it is a world full of death and horrors. However they may be more to this world than the King is telling the people. Terms:
  • 25. “Immortality through Purity” “The Immortal King protects” Wielder: Someone who can wield the power of a specific element. They also can survive the trails of the districts without suits. Key of Lux: The key of freedom in Lux Key of Tenbris: “ “ Tenbris Key of Ignis: “ “ Ignis Key of Terra:” “ Terra Key of Caeli:” “ Caeli Key of Aqua:” “ Aqua I-Suits: The suits that the people of Hermetica must wear to survive. They are issued at birth and they grow with the person who wears them. The King designed them himself thousands of years ago. The Tenbris Bigade(TB/The Big Ten): A group of renegades from Tenbris. They swear to expose the truth of the King and the lies that Hermetica is built on. The Tenbris Wall: A wall constructed by the king to keep the insanity of Tenbris from spreading to the rest of the world. The King’s Seat: The king's citadel in the center of Regnum. This is where he lives... and he never leaves. Abilites: The power of the wielders:
  • 26. The suit powers: survival techniques: Faction allignment: Wielder Alignment: Culture: Explained in the description of the districts. Plot Points: The King’s Lies: The king has lied to the people since he created this artificial world. He tells the people never to leave and they obey. Every 5,000 years he consumes the life force of the people to stay alive forever. Then he recreates the world with the few people he keeps alive. The Wielder’s Journey: The journey of the wielders who are the main characters of our story. This will be their overall journey and how they save the world with the resources they find in Vim. The Way to Vim: The unlocking of the Vault with the keys of freedom. The adventure to find the keys and open the vault. The Adventure into Vim: The time spent in Vim and the defeat of the Immortal king.