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Vocational Dreams to Career Reality:
Technology Enhanced Learning for Everyday
Connectivity and Practice
Dr Niki Lambropoulos
HCI Immersive Experience Senior Researcher
Dept. of Informatics
London South Bank University
London, UK
17-18 June 2015, Crowne Plaza Athens
Keynote Day 1
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Vocational Technology Enhanced Learning
Human Computer Interaction for Learning
Translating Theories into Tools
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
VocTEL Agenda
1. Dreams 2 Reality (D2R)
2. New Skills & Competencies for the 21st Century
Pervasive Computing
– Real Market Demands
– Future Market Demands
3. Examples & Case Studies
– Unified Learning & Working: DUAL VocTEL EcoSystems
4. DUAL VocTEL Mixed Reality
– Immersive / Flexible DUAL Experience
5. Concluding Remarks
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Dreams 2 Reality (D2R)
• Dream Vision Statement
• D2R Management
– Knowledge, Skills,
Competencies (EQF)
– Artefacts
– Community / Network
– Reality Check
– Time Management
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Real Market Demands
is the
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
>> Pervasive Computing
Every Day Connectedness & Practice
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Knowledge, Skills & Competencies
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Current Reality: Adults’ Book
with Dr. Margarida Romero
Université Laval, Québec , CA
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Pedagogical Research Evolution
Dyads & Triads
Groups of 4-5 students
Social Networks
Professional Networks
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
21st Century Generic Roadmap
Diverse Contexts of Use
with Dr. Margarida Romero & Dr. Vaibhav Birwatkar
Université Laval, Québec , CA & UPS University, Moldova
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
CR: Current Reality
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
FR: Future Reality
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Can you tell which is which,
CR vs FR
and where?
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Competencies World Map
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
VocTEL Bridges Gaps
• Diverse Contexts
• Diverse Locations
• Knowledge & Skills
• Competencies in Practice
• Community Artefacts
• Inter-Connectedness &
• Pervasive Computing
in Everyday Lifelong Learning Practice
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
About Communities…
• Community: a group of people who consciously share a sense of
belonging anchored in common interests and enhanced by social
• Online community: an online social aggregation that emerges
when enough people carry on those public discussions long
enough to form relationships. Members’ social interactions are
facilitated by ICTs.
• Community of Practice (CoP): a group of people who share a
concern or a passion for something they do, and learn how to do it
better as they interact regularly.
• Collaborative e-Learning Community (CeLC): a social aggregation
that emerges in online courses when enough people carry on
progressive dialogues for the purpose of learning.
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Social Networks
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
About Social Networks
• Social Network: a social structure made up of a set
of actors (such as individuals or organizations) and
the dyadic ties between these actors (Wasserman
& Faust, 1994). Ties can be based on: friendship,
common interests, mutual friends, family
members, business, dislikes etc.
• Social Network Platform: an other online service
focusing on building and creating networks.
• We are: Friends (Facebook), followers (Twitter),
readers (Blog), subscribers (YouTube) etc.
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Global Communities & Networks
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Global Evolution
 Community & Network Members
Participation Eyeball
© Lambropoulos 2008
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Community Artefact
is something made or given shape by man/men
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Global Community Artefacts
ARTIST: a global approach to cloudify applications
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Community Evolution
1. Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP): The
process of social learning that occurs in
Communities of Practice containing different
levels of participation en route for members’
engagement and practice
2. Participation involves the use of tools: Artefacts
used within a cultural practice carry a substantial
portion of that practice's heritage. Thus,
understanding the technology of practice is a way
to connect with the history of practice and
participate more directly in its cultural life (Lave &
Wenger, 1991)
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Global Working & Learning (DUAL)
• Collaborative DUAL Contexts
– Diverse and intersected informal and formal W/L
locations & environments = increasing complexity
• Collaborative Creativity & Innovation
• Sustainable Communities & Networks
• Global DUAL Ecosystems
– Impact: change your surroundings via the global
VocTEL delivery
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
VocTEL DUAL Ecosystems
Training & Evaluation Methodologies e.g.
1. Dual diverse contexts
2. Talent performance support
3. Competence-based VET
4. Micro Skilling vs Macro Learning
5. Personalised, time- based, 360 degrees
evaluation and responsive support
6. Content/resource curation @ the workspace
7. Openness (policies, standards, systems)
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Solid Pedagogical Approaches
Pedagogical Research Evolution
Dyads & Triads
Groups of 4-5 students
Social Networks
Professional Networks
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
VocTEL DUAL Ecosystems
Enabling Infrastructures for Training & Evaluation Methodologies e.g.
1. Collaborative Platforms for Open Work/Learning Flow Competencies
2. Integrate a number of technologies in an open / standard
architectural framework
3. Scalability
4. Gamification (e.g. Project ARTIST for app cloudification)
5. ePortfolios for smart archiving
6. Blogs, Micro-blogging, Blog archives
7. Serious Games for emulating workflows
8. Digital Repositories, OER (Open Standards Architecture), MOOCs
9. Mobile devices (smart devices, GUI)
10. <Other/>
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Examples & Case Studies
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Diverse Contexts
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Corporate VocTEL
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Hellenic Post
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Hellenic Post Vision Statement
• All of us at KEK - ELTA work systematically to create
new avenues of knowledge and development of
employees and businesses that want to lead and
contribute decisively to a better world.
• It is indeed one way for us responsibility and work
to achieve our common goal of 'lifelong learning'
and the creation of businesses that "learns"
through the development of multiple and varying
educational and advisory activities, holistic
intervention in people.
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Hellenic Post eLearning
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
• Three different learning contexts
– Workplace, vocational school & inter-company courses
• Learners learn & experience different forms of
theory & practice in these contexts
– Problem 1: Knowledge is often situated in one of these
contexts and does not get used in the other context
– Problem 2: The multi-context approach often leads to
disconnected, inert, isolated and fragmented
knowledge that cannot be applied to solve real
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
• Voc dual contexts: workplace and school
– Identify specific needs of dual TEL training
– Encounter multiple instances of the "skills gap", that is situations where the
apprentices do not have the opportunity to practice at their workplace the
skills that have been defined as objectives by the vocational training system
• Technologies as "bridges" over the skills gap
– Improve school effectiveness by connecting workplace experience to
classroom reflective activities.
– Support activities that target key cognitive skills (self-regulation, reflection
and abstraction) without disconnecting these skills from the professional
• Erfahrraum Model (German words "experience" and "space")
– Augment co-present educational interactions
– Enable teachers to conduct rich learning activities
– Create a shared space to facilitate learning through reflection on
experiences made in different contexts
DUAL-T is a Leading House of the Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and
Technology. The Leading House is chaired by Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg and coordinated by Dr.
Beat Schwendimann.
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
My Hands or my Mouse
@CSCL 2009
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
• AIM: bridge different VET contexts for integrated knowledge
adapted to specific needs of different professions / user groups
• DESIGN: Iterative co-design process with professional associations,
teachers, supervisors, learners, and researchers [ desktop version]
• LEARN: Erfahrraum pedagogical model describes the processes for
a shared digital space that bridges the diverse physical contexts
• MOVE: Mobile applications capture learning experiences through
photos, videos, audio, and texts in the workplace [Android or iOS].
• SHARE: Selected experiences can be shared with peers, teachers,
and supervisors
• PROTECT: entries can be kept public or private
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
• Entries in a chronological timeline
• Each entry is enhanced with a title, description, tags, and comments. Photos
can be annotated to highlight important features
• Time for reflection is often limited in the workplace. Learners quickly
capture experiences and use them for later reflection activities
• Formal learning journal entries. Learning journal entries can be shared with
supervisors who evaluate and validate the documents
• Bridge the gap between school and workplace learning contexts
– From the school to workplace: understand theory and relate it to specific
examples of workplace experiences.
– From the workplace to school:
• Experiences made in the workplace can be used for reflective activities to build connections
to knowledge learned in school.
• Teachers can assign activities, e.g. collect photos in the workplace about a certain topic to
be discussed later in school.
• Learner generated entries are used as practical examples to illustrate abstract concepts.
Schwendimann, B. A., Cattaneo, A. A. P., Dehler Zuffrey, J., Gurtner, J. -L., Bétrancourt, M., &
Dillenbourg, P. (2015). The 'Erfahrraum': A pedagogical model for designing educational technologies
in dual vocational systems. Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET)
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
3D Geometry for Carpenters
Augmented Descriptive Geometry
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Make it in Germany!
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
DUAL VET in Germany
How does it work?
• DUAL Vocational Training System
• Stages of DUAL Vocational Training
• Vocational Training & Pay
• School-based Vocational Training
• Combined Vocational Degrees
– Combined vocational diploma and university degree
Old Educational System
Sir Ken Robinson
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Today: Over stimulation
Sir Ken Robinson
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
We Co-Construct Our Internal & External Biotope
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Pervasive Computing & HCI Learning
"We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape
us." - Winston Churchill
"We shape our artefacts;
thereafter they shape us."
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Ontological Design
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Reciprocal Determinism
Bandura, Albert. (Born 1925-) In Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, What Is Psychology?: Essentials, 2013
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Reciprocal Determinism
Causality: a series of consequences impact our environment
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Reciprocal Determinism
Environment influence and condition our behaviour
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Reciprocal Determinism
Behaviour impacts our personalities
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Reciprocal Determinism
via internal / external stimuli & conflicts
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Creativity: Capitalising Complexity
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Economy: Capitalising Complexity
• 1,500+ CEOs worldwide
• Main Result
– Creativity is the single most important leadership
competency to deal with the increasing world
• Ontological Design (OD)
– Cognitive Plasticity (CP)
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Ontological Design
• Cognitive Plasticity
–Learning to Learn – Flexible
• Creativity Competencies on-the-
spot can deal with
– increased complexity
– Rapid changes for information,
knowledge, signification/meaning,
skills & competencies
with Dr. Habib Fardoun
King Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Brain/Cognitive Plasticity
• Brain/Cognitive Plasticity is the ability to learn and
improve cognitive skills, like learning to solve
problems or when we remember any detail or
• Plasticity is the ability of the brain to remodel the
connections between neurons. It is on the basis of
the processes of memory and learning, but
sometimes intervenes to offset the effects of brain
injuries establishing new networks.
• These local changes in brain structure depend on
the environment and allow the brain to adapt.
Problem Solving Idea Generation
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Need for New Competencies
• Our classical perception may be just an approximation of
the actual realty out there
• Left hemisphere: objective, analytical, logical or classical
• Right hemisphere: informational, holistic, continuous,
patterns, gestalts, subjective or quantum mechanical
• World: left brain functionalities which makes our abilities
and competencies inadequate for the new century
• Move from: individual self-perception to a more unified
perception of our world
• Both parts of our brains can function as a unity much
faster providing more accurately perception of reality
• Re-Consider the whole educational and corporate
system as they function at the moment
Immersive Thinking & Experience
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Mixed Reality Education
Great Promise in VocTEL
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Immersion vs Cognitive Load
Cognitive Load: the total amount of mental effort being
used in the working memory
• Content complexity, attention for the task, learner control
• Memory resources needed by task design (Low, Jin, &
Sweller, 2009)
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
DUAL VocTEL Mixed Reality
• Productive, Pleasurable, Attractive, Exciting & Interactive
– Engagement, Motivation, Stimulation
• Unique discovery paths in computer-generated 3D W/L
• Simplicity, accuracy and ease of providing education
• Efficiency by
– right time and right place
– rich content with computer-generated 3D imagery
– students take control of their own learning
– providing opportunities for diverse & authentic training
• Coherence principle for focused material & tasks
• Real-time, effective & efficient support
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Some Ideas for DUAL VocTEL MR
• 3D Scanning & 3D Printing
• Interactive Print: blending of print and
augmented reality
• Focused tasks within Immersive
– User engagement without cognitive load
• DUAL Ecosystems to Share & Reflect
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
My Hands and My Gadgets
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Dreams 2 Career Reality
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Training Tourism
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
EU Vocational Policy
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Leadership for VocTEL
• Insecurity about the economy
– Even for next day or week
• Education does not ensures a job anymore
– Old & Industrialised
• Ensure cultural identity & globalisation
• Reform Education
– Complexity & Pervasive Computing
Change Educational Paradigms
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
• 21st Century Skills & Competencies
– Transformed & transmitted though contexts and systems
• Unified & Responsive DUAL Ecosystems
– Anticipate customers’ / learners’ concerns
– Reflective DUAL activities in Lifelong W/L
• DUAL VocTEL Mixed Reality Education
– 21st Century Skills & Competencies
– Flexible Learning in DUAL contexts
– Everyday Connectivity & Practice via Artefacts/Computing
– Accelerated DUAL-Training by decreased DUAL-Time
• Policies/Strategies – Appropriate Leadership
21st Century DUAL VocTEL
17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens
Thank you!
Dr Niki Lambropoulos
HCI Immersive Experience Senior Researcher
Dept. of Informatics
London South Bank University

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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
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Δημιουργικές Μικρές Ομάδες * Νίκη Λαμπροπούλου
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
Εισαγωγή στην Κοινωνική Εργασία και Νέες Τεχνολογίες 03/03
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
Η Επιστήμη των Μικρών Ομάδων
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
ΠΛΑΝΟ / Εργαστήριο Πρακτικής 8ου Εξ 2020
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
Padagogical Scenario for creative collalborative learning * Example in Moodle
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
Our Best Ideas in Our Hands with Adaptive Virtual Reality - MCAA - ESOF 2016
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
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Niki Lambropoulos PhD
Team building Imagineering Workshop Next Generation Learning Spaces Middle East
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Keynote @VocTEL: Vocational Dreams to Career Reality: Technology Enhanced Learning for Everyday Connectivity and Practice

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  • 2. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens VocTEL & HCI Vocational Technology Enhanced Learning Human Computer Interaction for Learning Translating Theories into Tools Creativity Fun
  • 3. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens VocTEL Agenda 1. Dreams 2 Reality (D2R) 2. New Skills & Competencies for the 21st Century Pervasive Computing – Real Market Demands – Future Market Demands 3. Examples & Case Studies – Unified Learning & Working: DUAL VocTEL EcoSystems 4. DUAL VocTEL Mixed Reality – Immersive / Flexible DUAL Experience 5. Concluding Remarks
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  • 16. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens VocTEL Bridges Gaps • Diverse Contexts • Diverse Locations • Knowledge & Skills • Competencies in Practice • Community Artefacts via • Inter-Connectedness & • Pervasive Computing in Everyday Lifelong Learning Practice
  • 17. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Communities
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  • 20. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens About Social Networks • Social Network: a social structure made up of a set of actors (such as individuals or organizations) and the dyadic ties between these actors (Wasserman & Faust, 1994). Ties can be based on: friendship, common interests, mutual friends, family members, business, dislikes etc. • Social Network Platform: an other online service focusing on building and creating networks. • We are: Friends (Facebook), followers (Twitter), readers (Blog), subscribers (YouTube) etc.
  • 23. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Global Communities & Networks
  • 24. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Global Evolution  Community & Network Members Participation Eyeball Artefacts © Lambropoulos 2008
  • 25. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Community Artefact is something made or given shape by man/men
  • 26. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Global Community Artefacts ARTIST: a global approach to cloudify applications
  • 27. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Community Evolution 1. Legitimate Peripheral Participation (LPP): The process of social learning that occurs in Communities of Practice containing different levels of participation en route for members’ engagement and practice 2. Participation involves the use of tools: Artefacts used within a cultural practice carry a substantial portion of that practice's heritage. Thus, understanding the technology of practice is a way to connect with the history of practice and participate more directly in its cultural life (Lave & Wenger, 1991)
  • 28. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Global Working & Learning (DUAL) • Collaborative DUAL Contexts – Diverse and intersected informal and formal W/L locations & environments = increasing complexity • Collaborative Creativity & Innovation • Sustainable Communities & Networks • Global DUAL Ecosystems – Impact: change your surroundings via the global VocTEL delivery
  • 29. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens VocTEL DUAL Ecosystems Training & Evaluation Methodologies e.g. 1. Dual diverse contexts 2. Talent performance support 3. Competence-based VET 4. Micro Skilling vs Macro Learning 5. Personalised, time- based, 360 degrees evaluation and responsive support 6. Content/resource curation @ the workspace 7. Openness (policies, standards, systems)
  • 30. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Solid Pedagogical Approaches Pedagogical Research Evolution Individual Dyads & Triads Groups of 4-5 students Communities Social Networks Professional Networks Communities <Other/>
  • 31. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens VocTEL DUAL Ecosystems Enabling Infrastructures for Training & Evaluation Methodologies e.g. 1. Collaborative Platforms for Open Work/Learning Flow Competencies 2. Integrate a number of technologies in an open / standard architectural framework 3. Scalability 4. Gamification (e.g. Project ARTIST for app cloudification) 5. ePortfolios for smart archiving 6. Blogs, Micro-blogging, Blog archives 7. Serious Games for emulating workflows 8. Digital Repositories, OER (Open Standards Architecture), MOOCs 9. Mobile devices (smart devices, GUI) 10. <Other/>
  • 32. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Examples & Case Studies
  • 33. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Diverse Contexts
  • 34. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Corporate VocTEL
  • 35. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Hellenic Post
  • 36. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Hellenic Post Vision Statement • All of us at KEK - ELTA work systematically to create new avenues of knowledge and development of employees and businesses that want to lead and contribute decisively to a better world. • It is indeed one way for us responsibility and work to achieve our common goal of 'lifelong learning' and the creation of businesses that "learns" through the development of multiple and varying educational and advisory activities, holistic intervention in people.
  • 37. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Hellenic Post eLearning
  • 38. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Toolboxes
  • 39. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens DUAL-T * EPFL.CH
  • 40. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens DUAL VocTEL • Three different learning contexts – Workplace, vocational school & inter-company courses • Learners learn & experience different forms of theory & practice in these contexts – Problem 1: Knowledge is often situated in one of these contexts and does not get used in the other context – Problem 2: The multi-context approach often leads to disconnected, inert, isolated and fragmented knowledge that cannot be applied to solve real problems
  • 41. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens DUAL-T • Voc dual contexts: workplace and school – Identify specific needs of dual TEL training – Encounter multiple instances of the "skills gap", that is situations where the apprentices do not have the opportunity to practice at their workplace the skills that have been defined as objectives by the vocational training system • Technologies as "bridges" over the skills gap – Improve school effectiveness by connecting workplace experience to classroom reflective activities. – Support activities that target key cognitive skills (self-regulation, reflection and abstraction) without disconnecting these skills from the professional context. • Erfahrraum Model (German words "experience" and "space") – Augment co-present educational interactions – Enable teachers to conduct rich learning activities – Create a shared space to facilitate learning through reflection on experiences made in different contexts DUAL-T is a Leading House of the Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology. The Leading House is chaired by Prof. Pierre Dillenbourg and coordinated by Dr. Beat Schwendimann.
  • 42. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens My Hands or my Mouse @CSCL 2009
  • 43. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens REALTO
  • 44. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens REALTO
  • 45. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens REALTO app
  • 46. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens REALTO • AIM: bridge different VET contexts for integrated knowledge adapted to specific needs of different professions / user groups • DESIGN: Iterative co-design process with professional associations, teachers, supervisors, learners, and researchers [ desktop version] • LEARN: Erfahrraum pedagogical model describes the processes for a shared digital space that bridges the diverse physical contexts • MOVE: Mobile applications capture learning experiences through photos, videos, audio, and texts in the workplace [Android or iOS]. • SHARE: Selected experiences can be shared with peers, teachers, and supervisors • PROTECT: entries can be kept public or private
  • 47. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens REALTO • Entries in a chronological timeline • Each entry is enhanced with a title, description, tags, and comments. Photos can be annotated to highlight important features • Time for reflection is often limited in the workplace. Learners quickly capture experiences and use them for later reflection activities • Formal learning journal entries. Learning journal entries can be shared with supervisors who evaluate and validate the documents • Bridge the gap between school and workplace learning contexts – From the school to workplace: understand theory and relate it to specific examples of workplace experiences. – From the workplace to school: • Experiences made in the workplace can be used for reflective activities to build connections to knowledge learned in school. • Teachers can assign activities, e.g. collect photos in the workplace about a certain topic to be discussed later in school. • Learner generated entries are used as practical examples to illustrate abstract concepts. Schwendimann, B. A., Cattaneo, A. A. P., Dehler Zuffrey, J., Gurtner, J. -L., Bétrancourt, M., & Dillenbourg, P. (2015). The 'Erfahrraum': A pedagogical model for designing educational technologies in dual vocational systems. Journal of Vocational Education and Training (JVET)
  • 48. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens 3D Geometry for Carpenters Augmented Descriptive Geometry
  • 49. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Make it in Germany!
  • 50. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens DUAL VET in Germany How does it work? • DUAL Vocational Training System • Stages of DUAL Vocational Training • Vocational Training & Pay • School-based Vocational Training • Combined Vocational Degrees – Combined vocational diploma and university degree courses.
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  • 53. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Today: Over stimulation Sir Ken Robinson
  • 54. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Inter-Connectedness We Co-Construct Our Internal & External Biotope
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  • 57. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Pervasive Computing & HCI Learning "We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us." - Winston Churchill
  • 58. "We shape our artefacts; thereafter they shape us."
  • 59. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Ontological Design
  • 60. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Reciprocal Determinism Bandura, Albert. (Born 1925-) In Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, What Is Psychology?: Essentials, 2013
  • 61. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Reciprocal Determinism Causality: a series of consequences impact our environment
  • 62. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Reciprocal Determinism Environment influence and condition our behaviour
  • 63. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Reciprocal Determinism Behaviour impacts our personalities
  • 64. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Reciprocal Determinism via internal / external stimuli & conflicts
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  • 66. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Creativity: Capitalising Complexity
  • 67. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Economy: Capitalising Complexity • 1,500+ CEOs worldwide • Main Result – Creativity is the single most important leadership competency to deal with the increasing world complexity • Ontological Design (OD) – Cognitive Plasticity (CP)
  • 68. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Ontological Design • Cognitive Plasticity –Learning to Learn – Flexible Learning –Creativity • Creativity Competencies on-the- spot can deal with – increased complexity – Rapid changes for information, knowledge, signification/meaning, skills & competencies with Dr. Habib Fardoun King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia
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  • 70. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Brain/Cognitive Plasticity • Brain/Cognitive Plasticity is the ability to learn and improve cognitive skills, like learning to solve problems or when we remember any detail or event. • Plasticity is the ability of the brain to remodel the connections between neurons. It is on the basis of the processes of memory and learning, but sometimes intervenes to offset the effects of brain injuries establishing new networks. • These local changes in brain structure depend on the environment and allow the brain to adapt.
  • 71. Problem Solving Idea Generation Gestalts
  • 72. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Need for New Competencies • Our classical perception may be just an approximation of the actual realty out there • Left hemisphere: objective, analytical, logical or classical • Right hemisphere: informational, holistic, continuous, patterns, gestalts, subjective or quantum mechanical • World: left brain functionalities which makes our abilities and competencies inadequate for the new century • Move from: individual self-perception to a more unified perception of our world • Both parts of our brains can function as a unity much faster providing more accurately perception of reality • Re-Consider the whole educational and corporate system as they function at the moment
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  • 75. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Mixed Reality Education Great Promise in VocTEL
  • 76. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Immersion vs Cognitive Load Cognitive Load: the total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory • Content complexity, attention for the task, learner control • Memory resources needed by task design (Low, Jin, & Sweller, 2009)
  • 77. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens DUAL VocTEL Mixed Reality • Productive, Pleasurable, Attractive, Exciting & Interactive – Engagement, Motivation, Stimulation • Unique discovery paths in computer-generated 3D W/L ecosystems • Simplicity, accuracy and ease of providing education • Efficiency by – right time and right place – rich content with computer-generated 3D imagery – students take control of their own learning – providing opportunities for diverse & authentic training • Coherence principle for focused material & tasks • Real-time, effective & efficient support
  • 78. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Some Ideas for DUAL VocTEL MR • 3D Scanning & 3D Printing • Interactive Print: blending of print and augmented reality • Focused tasks within Immersive Worlds – User engagement without cognitive load • DUAL Ecosystems to Share & Reflect
  • 79. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens My Hands and My Gadgets
  • 80. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Dreams 2 Career Reality
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  • 84. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Training Tourism
  • 85. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens EU Vocational Policy
  • 86. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Leadership for VocTEL • Insecurity about the economy – Even for next day or week • Education does not ensures a job anymore – Old & Industrialised • Ensure cultural identity & globalisation • Reform Education – Complexity & Pervasive Computing Change Educational Paradigms
  • 87. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens • 21st Century Skills & Competencies – Transformed & transmitted though contexts and systems • Unified & Responsive DUAL Ecosystems – Anticipate customers’ / learners’ concerns – Reflective DUAL activities in Lifelong W/L • DUAL VocTEL Mixed Reality Education – 21st Century Skills & Competencies – Flexible Learning in DUAL contexts – Everyday Connectivity & Practice via Artefacts/Computing – Accelerated DUAL-Training by decreased DUAL-Time • Policies/Strategies – Appropriate Leadership 21st Century DUAL VocTEL
  • 88. 17-18/06/2015 Crowne Plaza Athens Thank you! Dr Niki Lambropoulos HCI Immersive Experience Senior Researcher Dept. of Informatics London South Bank University

Editor's Notes

  15. Observations "Albert Bandura speculates that personality is the product of three interacting forces: environment, behavior, and thoughts. Bandura called the constant interaction among these three factors reciprocal determinism. We choose to place ourselves in certain environments, and these environments then influence our behavior and the way we think. However, the way we think - our attributions, goals, values, and perceptions - may guide which environments we choose to be in as well as the behavior we exhibit. Our behavior, in turn, may change the environment as well as the way we think. All three variables influence each other in a reciprocal manner." (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, What Is Psychology?: Essentials, 2013) "Reciprocal determinism suggests that individuals function as a result of a dynamic and reciprocal interaction among their behavior, environment, and personal characteristics. Personal characteristics include one's thoughts, emotions, expectations, beliefs, goals, and so forth. Behavior is conceptualized as a person's skills and actions. Lastly, environment is considered to be a person's social and physical surroundings. All three systems interact with each other; therefore, a change in one will influence the others as well. Reciprocal determinism indicates that people do have a say in their future, because of reciprocal interactions." (Lee, Encyclopedia of School Psychology, 2005) Examples of Reciprocal Determinism Let's imagine that Anna is a shy student who usually keeps to herself (the personal/cognitive component). She enters a room on the first day of class to find that all of the other students are already present (the environment). In most cases, she would just quietly slip into a seat at the back of the class in order to avoid becoming the center of attention (the behavioral component). In this instance, another student at the front of the room boisterously greets Anna and invites her to sit down in an adjacent seat. In this instance, the environment has introduced a new reinforcing stimuli (the friendly student) that has led to a change in Anna's normal routine. As a result, her behavior has changed.