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April 25, 2017
To Whom It May Concern,
After nine years in November of 2016, 'Under the Freedom of Information Act' I received from
Yavapai County Superior Court, Arizona, Stamped validation about my son Kendall Thomas Linne.
This stamped by the court validation acknowledged my son, Kendall Linne had not been
'Emancipated' at the time of his death on Oct. 3, 2007. [enclosed]
Information that would have prevented Kendall's death. Kendall Linne's Case has been reclassified
as a Homicide in 2015 as an
Open Case.
I also received in late 2016 [enclosed], 'Under the Freedom of Information Act' The Work
Records of Nancy Marteniz: Head of Special Education at Prescott High School. Where my son,
Kendall Linne was receiving his high school education contracted under the IEP Laws signed in 2006
as a 'Special Need's Student 'which was good for three years.
Before Kendall die in 2007, I received a telephone call from Ms. Martinez before the first IEP
Meeting telling me, Kendall's Custodial Parent. I was not allowed into the first IEP Meeting because
Kendall was 'Emancipated'. Ms. Marteniz then told me, I was not allowed to participate in my son,
Kendall Linnets Senior Year because he was 'Emancipated'. The Yavapai County Courts would not
release to me before above stated date “Kendall's Emancipation Records". There were none, she lied.
Kendall would be alive today.
Kendall was chronologically 5 years Emotionally below his age, catching up from the TBI,
traumatic brain injury, he received in second grade when he lost his memory. Kendall worked very
hard to get the A's & B’s he received in 11th grade.
I requested Kendall's IEP Records, after Kendall died, sometime was real wrong. Kendall had
flunked his first Quarter of his senior year at Prescott High School. After my son, Kendall Linne
died, nothing was making sense.
Prescott High School did not respond to any of my calls for five days. I was not allowed to
identify Kendall, my only Child. I did not see him until the 6th day when Kendall was moved to
Hampton’s Funeral Parlor.
When I was not allowed to identify Kendall, I immediately contacted the only Certified Criminal
Attorney in Prescott, AZ., John Sears, he consoled me and just told me not to worry. I did not know,
he was representing 'Yavapai Deputy Sheriff Justin Dwyer' vs. Arizona State at the time I called him.
The Yavapai Deputy had been caught in 2006 and again in 2007 dealing drugs through
Minors. I gave John Sears information I knew about Yavapai Deputy Sheriff Dwyer's movements
within Prescott High School's Special Education Room and his free use of Prescott High School
Campus, along with other drug dealer’s names. The following week, the information I gave John
Sears was stolen out of Prescott high School. This information was never included in Yavapai
Sheriff Deputy Justin Dwyer's Case which is directly link to my son Kendall's death.
I found out in June of 2008, after Kendall died. Kendall's English teacher, Mr. Carbona went
to Kendall's Principle Frances "Totsy" McCraley with a Composition Kendall wrote 2 weeks before
Kendall died this composition so against Kendall's normal nature it worried and concerned Mr.
Carbona. By law the Principle should have immediately contacted me.
An employee of PHS told me he was called into Principle McCraley's office. She warned him
never to tell ‘Kendall's Mother’ about the Composition Kendall wrote given to her by Mr. Carbona or
about the drug problems within Prescott High School. Principle McCraley said they embarrassed her.
She did not renew this man's contract. Totsy didn’t want to be embarrassed and get caught, so she let
Principle McCraley defied all Educational & IEP Laws with her actions known by the Prescott &
Yavapai County Board of Education. Ms. McCraley and Ms. Marteniz worked "Very closely with
one another" to conceal all this information from me. [composition enclosed] Ms. Martinez’s brother a
police officer threatened me.
Kendall’s Councilor for over three years, John Steward, was overheard on Campus saying
"One out of Two Thousand, not so bad" refereeing to my Son's death.
John Steward Kendall’s Councilor refused to give Kendall the Emotional Help he had been
receiving throughout his education into 11th grade. Mr. Steward wouldn’t check Kendall's School
Records about him receiving the ‘Special Help.’ Kendall had been receiving since 2nd grade, I begged
Steward to check those records. He did not.
Kendall Linne died maliciously, in fear, under Misused & Broken IEP & Educational Laws with full
knowledge of the Educational and Legal System of Yavapai County, City of Prescott and the State of
Arizona, 'Region Eight'. The facts are still concealed, with Educational Arizona Public Records removed
before they can be Publicized. How can Parents' save their Children if parents are unaware?
[sec. 616-pg 91-7.) D (2.)]
When Prescott High School did respond to me, 5 Days later. I was told "the Parents were
responsible for their Child's drug abuse. I didn’t know what they were referring too, Kendall was
a "Straightedge" Vegan. Kendall held all the ‘Straightedge Concerts’ in the Venue he build with
his friends in back of our house. Kendall started ‘Straightedge Rock en Roll’ in Yavapai County.
This is Drug and Alcohol free music.
Through Kendall's overlooked cellphone, within the cellphone records, Kendall was
unconscious in the middle of a text for help. According to the time on Kendall's cellphone
records the next person who used Kendall’s cellphone was Morgan Jones akc Nappy.
The cellphone was in Kendall’s hand on the bed where Kendall was still alive. 3.
Jones took the cellphone away from my son who laid there unconscious.
When Jones took & texted his drug buddies from Kendall’s cellphone; He told them, there is
something wrong with the Kid they were using. He never called 911. They for Jones drugs not one
of them helped Kendall except the boy they tried to blame who Jones set up to find Kendall.
Jones was not a friend of Kendall's, I never saw him at the Venue, the last concert was two
weeks before Kendall's died. Jones was kicked out of high school as a drug dealer for the 'Good Old
Boys” using Prescott High School Campus’ He was an 'Enforcer'. Prescott PD or Yavapai Sheriff’s
Dept. never bother to take Kendall's cellphone plugged in beyond his reach by the bed where he was
unconscious or to take Kendall's medication on his nightstand he was taking, next to his bed.
They never came back, after the first time when they took for Kendall. ‘There was no investigation’.
It took years of me being threaten, finically and legally being taking advantage for me to put
Kendall's Case in the right perspective. ---Everything against us, is now our strength ---to help others.
On Oct 3, 2007, the Yavapai Sheriff’s Department in a dramatic display of concern announced
on the front Yavapai County Sheriff’s Building steps to the Media, televised going National:
My son, "Kendall Linne was the first Arizona State High School Student to die of a Heroin Overdose,”
so prematurely there was no Autopsy done. Using Kendall's name which by IEP Laws was illegal and
they needed my permission, because Kendall was still a minor until he graduated or he was 21 years
Kendall was used as their Pawn to overshadow the truth within Yavapai County and the Prescott
Government. Education and legal system.
The first autopsy proved there was no drugs in Kendall's System this should have been the First clue,
no one has, as of yet but me, has put Kendall’s Case together. This autopsy was not announced.
The 2nd Autopsy which was publicized nationally claimed "Kendall Linne died of a Cocaine Overdose"
The amount of 'Bend Quad' within Kendall's system was 0.00000002% no one dies of
0.00000002% of Bend Quad. This part has never surfaced. 4.
Kendall's Medications was never included in the autopsies. The level of ‘Bend Quad’ in his system
was equivalent to the cough syrup with codeine and his allergy medicine, now discontinued and off the
market, Kendall was taking at the time of his death.
In Kendall' Case Evidence included the pictures Officer Jeremy Sutton took because he
thought the Crime Scene looked Staged, this evidence was stolen out of the Prescott PD Prop room
3 days after Kendall died. The drugs they claimed, supposedly went directly to train the police dogs.
Arizona law has a ninety-day Evidence Hold. When I told them I received first threat.
The third autopsy was not performed in Prescott, AZ. The Yavapai Medical Examiner's contract
was not renewed. This autopsy confirmed the first autopsy "Kendall died of ‘Bronchial Asthmatic
Pneumonia' [2010-enclosed]
After threatening to sue the local paper "The Daily Courier” in Kendall's defense. The paper
posted a three-page rhetorical for Kendall Linne's Death in Nov. 2010 above a potato chip cookie recipe
for Christmas, not on the Obituary Page. The editor claimed it was the best he could do for now.
Kendall died because his Superiors within the Arizona State Educational System
intentionally failed him either out of Fear, for Ego, or taking Bribes not wanting to get caught, sticking
together, thinking they are beyond approach.
The very people hired to safely guide our Children into Adulthood, broke all Federal IEP Laws and the
Educational Law made to protect our Children without remorse, using the Arizona State Legal System
to back them up. These Men and Women took an Oath to Protect & Serve their Community under
the flag of the United States of America. They have ignored their legal responsibilities.
Over 20 employees within City of Prescott and Yavapai County quit or retired from their jobs afraid of
being caught. It wasn’t only Kendall Linne's life they abused. There are many others who have lived
to tell about Kendall’s abuse. This has been on "60 Minutes" with voices altered and faces blurred.
KIDS my son's age told it all; exactly what happen to my boy, Kendall Linne who died he was so fragile.
Nothing was done. National Attention… nothing was done.
The Sedona Eye [Times] in Sedona, Arizona, printed in an Editorial stating Kendall Linne’s Case
was the most corruptly handled Case ever held within Yavapai County Superior Court.
[Panzarella v. Yavapai County]
Their article also stated Yavapai County was the most corrupt county
within Arizona State. Yet, nothing is done Life doesn’t matter here.
Is Arizona State above the law? This pattern of corruption works so well it is being emulated
throughout the southwest. Our Children are Pawns.
Once again, I am bringing to the Federal Government new evidence so it is within my legal rights to
partisan a Federal Investigation to include all levels of Arizona Government within Education; to
include the Arizona Court Systems Reviewing Process of Education for their Children:
through the misuse of my son, Kendall Linnets Life, compromising him until his Death.
I am not asking for monetary fulfillment but for 'Kendall's Justice' to become a Safeguard
for other Kids and naive Parents within the circumference of Arizona.
To acknowledge National, public recognition for Kendall Linne’s Justice to include & set into
effect, new monitoring procedures for our children within system of the United States of America.
“For what Kendall Linne experienced, should not be tolerated for another Child.”
I expect action from the J.T.T.F, for as always, this kind of Terrorism takes over the most innocent of our
citizens, our Children.
I have gone to every Local, State, and Federal Government Department parents are told to go to
twice and then some. I will go always go forward to generate the recognition of what has happened
to Kendall Linne and his Peers. 6.
I request to be included Penalization of those amongst this requested Investigation who have
harmed Kendall Thomas Linne to death, within the Safety Zone Legally provide by American Law
for its Citizens, our Schools Campuses.
We the People, For the People, By the People demand what We deserve: to Protect Our Children.
In God we Trust,
Marie Panzarella
448 S. Cortez St
Prescott, AZ 86303
Mother of Kendall Thomas Linne
January 19, 1989---October 3, 2007
Included are the broken laws of our IEP contract and the Educational Laws of America ignored
by Kendall's Supervisors of Yavapai County, City of Prescott and State of Arizona.
Broken IEP Laws:
Sec. 614 — 3) page 67
Disability Act — C) page 68
4) Review & Revisions of IEP - page 71
6) Failure to meet transition Objectives
15) Pro -page 71
A.) Establishment of Procedures
B.) Type denied to Kendall 7.
1.) Denied to Kendall
2.a) Denied to Kendall
Sec.615 page 74
B.) AA. BB.
Sec. 616 - page 75
G. Appeal
H. Safe Guards
1.) Broken
2.) broken
3.) broken
Sec. 616 - page 87
Rule 1 — broken sec. 616 (20 U.S.C 1416_)
1.) Tech. & Enforcement
a.) (I-l)
2.) Focused Monitoring Federal & State:
B. Insure State Meets requirements 602 (34) 637 (a.) 9
Sec.616-pg.91 3.) Needs of Intervention (1.D.) 3 Years or More (a.)
2.) Need to Sustenance
3.) (C.) Refer Matter to Appropriate Enforcement
(D.) Office of Inspector General of Education
(E.) Office of Department of Justice Opportunity for Hearing
4.) Report to Congress:
Committee of Education & Workforce of the House of Representatives.
1.) to command Committee of Education, Health, Labor & Pension of the Senate Authority
Sec.616 page-93 Enforced Action to the Prurient to Paragraph 1.) 2.) 3.) of
6.) Specific Action Taken and Reason why its Enforced
Any state, under subsection [ D (2)]
Shall By means of Pubic Notice, take such measures as Necessary
to Bring to the Dependency of an Action; Pursuant to Subsection;
To Help the PUBIC within the State
These IEP Laws were not Enforced, they are still not enforced in Arizona. I am including copies of
other broken laws I previously brought to attention without Intervention only to be used to
strengthen Education aiding the Cover up within Kendall's Death. 8.
I have gone to Arizona Senator John McCain’s Office; to Arizona Governor Doug Ducy's Office of
'Encore' whose logo is "If we don't get them, No-one else Will" (Mar 2017):
I have Contacted the 'Federal Department of Special Education’ Washington DC, Liz Newton who told me
a Federal Agent of Arizona State would be calling me but I have never received a call. [March 2017]
These Rules and Laws I have been presented Previously: Yet to be
heard are covered under:
United States Constitution Amendments: V & XIV: Over rules the time out for which will benefit United
States Citizens and should be allowed in United States Supreme «rt.
Rule of Due Process and Rule of Discovery: Out rules exempt and Overrules: 13-2 rule 19(I.)
Under Amendment 2009 15(a) As it states as for exemptions but seem to be administered-as it
should be-according the same Standards to direct that leave: As it Should be Freely given when
Justice Requires so:

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Kendall 4 25 2017

  • 1. April 25, 2017 To Whom It May Concern, After nine years in November of 2016, 'Under the Freedom of Information Act' I received from Yavapai County Superior Court, Arizona, Stamped validation about my son Kendall Thomas Linne. This stamped by the court validation acknowledged my son, Kendall Linne had not been 'Emancipated' at the time of his death on Oct. 3, 2007. [enclosed] Information that would have prevented Kendall's death. Kendall Linne's Case has been reclassified as a Homicide in 2015 as an Open Case. I also received in late 2016 [enclosed], 'Under the Freedom of Information Act' The Work Records of Nancy Marteniz: Head of Special Education at Prescott High School. Where my son, Kendall Linne was receiving his high school education contracted under the IEP Laws signed in 2006 as a 'Special Need's Student 'which was good for three years. Before Kendall die in 2007, I received a telephone call from Ms. Martinez before the first IEP Meeting telling me, Kendall's Custodial Parent. I was not allowed into the first IEP Meeting because Kendall was 'Emancipated'. Ms. Marteniz then told me, I was not allowed to participate in my son, Kendall Linnets Senior Year because he was 'Emancipated'. The Yavapai County Courts would not release to me before above stated date “Kendall's Emancipation Records". There were none, she lied. Kendall would be alive today.
  • 2. 1. Kendall was chronologically 5 years Emotionally below his age, catching up from the TBI, traumatic brain injury, he received in second grade when he lost his memory. Kendall worked very hard to get the A's & B’s he received in 11th grade. I requested Kendall's IEP Records, after Kendall died, sometime was real wrong. Kendall had flunked his first Quarter of his senior year at Prescott High School. After my son, Kendall Linne died, nothing was making sense. Prescott High School did not respond to any of my calls for five days. I was not allowed to identify Kendall, my only Child. I did not see him until the 6th day when Kendall was moved to Hampton’s Funeral Parlor. When I was not allowed to identify Kendall, I immediately contacted the only Certified Criminal Attorney in Prescott, AZ., John Sears, he consoled me and just told me not to worry. I did not know, he was representing 'Yavapai Deputy Sheriff Justin Dwyer' vs. Arizona State at the time I called him. The Yavapai Deputy had been caught in 2006 and again in 2007 dealing drugs through Minors. I gave John Sears information I knew about Yavapai Deputy Sheriff Dwyer's movements within Prescott High School's Special Education Room and his free use of Prescott High School Campus, along with other drug dealer’s names. The following week, the information I gave John Sears was stolen out of Prescott high School. This information was never included in Yavapai Sheriff Deputy Justin Dwyer's Case which is directly link to my son Kendall's death. I found out in June of 2008, after Kendall died. Kendall's English teacher, Mr. Carbona went to Kendall's Principle Frances "Totsy" McCraley with a Composition Kendall wrote 2 weeks before Kendall died this composition so against Kendall's normal nature it worried and concerned Mr. Carbona. By law the Principle should have immediately contacted me. An employee of PHS told me he was called into Principle McCraley's office. She warned him never to tell ‘Kendall's Mother’ about the Composition Kendall wrote given to her by Mr. Carbona or about the drug problems within Prescott High School. Principle McCraley said they embarrassed her.
  • 3. 2. She did not renew this man's contract. Totsy didn’t want to be embarrassed and get caught, so she let Kendall. Principle McCraley defied all Educational & IEP Laws with her actions known by the Prescott & Yavapai County Board of Education. Ms. McCraley and Ms. Marteniz worked "Very closely with one another" to conceal all this information from me. [composition enclosed] Ms. Martinez’s brother a police officer threatened me. Kendall’s Councilor for over three years, John Steward, was overheard on Campus saying "One out of Two Thousand, not so bad" refereeing to my Son's death. John Steward Kendall’s Councilor refused to give Kendall the Emotional Help he had been receiving throughout his education into 11th grade. Mr. Steward wouldn’t check Kendall's School Records about him receiving the ‘Special Help.’ Kendall had been receiving since 2nd grade, I begged Steward to check those records. He did not. Kendall Linne died maliciously, in fear, under Misused & Broken IEP & Educational Laws with full knowledge of the Educational and Legal System of Yavapai County, City of Prescott and the State of Arizona, 'Region Eight'. The facts are still concealed, with Educational Arizona Public Records removed before they can be Publicized. How can Parents' save their Children if parents are unaware? [sec. 616-pg 91-7.) D (2.)] When Prescott High School did respond to me, 5 Days later. I was told "the Parents were responsible for their Child's drug abuse. I didn’t know what they were referring too, Kendall was a "Straightedge" Vegan. Kendall held all the ‘Straightedge Concerts’ in the Venue he build with his friends in back of our house. Kendall started ‘Straightedge Rock en Roll’ in Yavapai County. This is Drug and Alcohol free music. Through Kendall's overlooked cellphone, within the cellphone records, Kendall was unconscious in the middle of a text for help. According to the time on Kendall's cellphone records the next person who used Kendall’s cellphone was Morgan Jones akc Nappy.
  • 4. The cellphone was in Kendall’s hand on the bed where Kendall was still alive. 3. Jones took the cellphone away from my son who laid there unconscious. When Jones took & texted his drug buddies from Kendall’s cellphone; He told them, there is something wrong with the Kid they were using. He never called 911. They for Jones drugs not one of them helped Kendall except the boy they tried to blame who Jones set up to find Kendall. Jones was not a friend of Kendall's, I never saw him at the Venue, the last concert was two weeks before Kendall's died. Jones was kicked out of high school as a drug dealer for the 'Good Old Boys” using Prescott High School Campus’ He was an 'Enforcer'. Prescott PD or Yavapai Sheriff’s Dept. never bother to take Kendall's cellphone plugged in beyond his reach by the bed where he was unconscious or to take Kendall's medication on his nightstand he was taking, next to his bed. They never came back, after the first time when they took for Kendall. ‘There was no investigation’. It took years of me being threaten, finically and legally being taking advantage for me to put Kendall's Case in the right perspective. ---Everything against us, is now our strength ---to help others. On Oct 3, 2007, the Yavapai Sheriff’s Department in a dramatic display of concern announced on the front Yavapai County Sheriff’s Building steps to the Media, televised going National: My son, "Kendall Linne was the first Arizona State High School Student to die of a Heroin Overdose,” so prematurely there was no Autopsy done. Using Kendall's name which by IEP Laws was illegal and they needed my permission, because Kendall was still a minor until he graduated or he was 21 years old. Kendall was used as their Pawn to overshadow the truth within Yavapai County and the Prescott Government. Education and legal system. The first autopsy proved there was no drugs in Kendall's System this should have been the First clue, no one has, as of yet but me, has put Kendall’s Case together. This autopsy was not announced. The 2nd Autopsy which was publicized nationally claimed "Kendall Linne died of a Cocaine Overdose"
  • 5. The amount of 'Bend Quad' within Kendall's system was 0.00000002% no one dies of 0.00000002% of Bend Quad. This part has never surfaced. 4. Kendall's Medications was never included in the autopsies. The level of ‘Bend Quad’ in his system was equivalent to the cough syrup with codeine and his allergy medicine, now discontinued and off the market, Kendall was taking at the time of his death. In Kendall' Case Evidence included the pictures Officer Jeremy Sutton took because he thought the Crime Scene looked Staged, this evidence was stolen out of the Prescott PD Prop room 3 days after Kendall died. The drugs they claimed, supposedly went directly to train the police dogs. Arizona law has a ninety-day Evidence Hold. When I told them I received first threat. The third autopsy was not performed in Prescott, AZ. The Yavapai Medical Examiner's contract was not renewed. This autopsy confirmed the first autopsy "Kendall died of ‘Bronchial Asthmatic Pneumonia' [2010-enclosed] After threatening to sue the local paper "The Daily Courier” in Kendall's defense. The paper posted a three-page rhetorical for Kendall Linne's Death in Nov. 2010 above a potato chip cookie recipe for Christmas, not on the Obituary Page. The editor claimed it was the best he could do for now. Kendall died because his Superiors within the Arizona State Educational System intentionally failed him either out of Fear, for Ego, or taking Bribes not wanting to get caught, sticking together, thinking they are beyond approach. The very people hired to safely guide our Children into Adulthood, broke all Federal IEP Laws and the Educational Law made to protect our Children without remorse, using the Arizona State Legal System to back them up. These Men and Women took an Oath to Protect & Serve their Community under the flag of the United States of America. They have ignored their legal responsibilities. Over 20 employees within City of Prescott and Yavapai County quit or retired from their jobs afraid of being caught. It wasn’t only Kendall Linne's life they abused. There are many others who have lived to tell about Kendall’s abuse. This has been on "60 Minutes" with voices altered and faces blurred.
  • 6. KIDS my son's age told it all; exactly what happen to my boy, Kendall Linne who died he was so fragile. 5. Nothing was done. National Attention… nothing was done. The Sedona Eye [Times] in Sedona, Arizona, printed in an Editorial stating Kendall Linne’s Case was the most corruptly handled Case ever held within Yavapai County Superior Court. [Panzarella v. Yavapai County] Their article also stated Yavapai County was the most corrupt county within Arizona State. Yet, nothing is done Life doesn’t matter here. Is Arizona State above the law? This pattern of corruption works so well it is being emulated throughout the southwest. Our Children are Pawns. Once again, I am bringing to the Federal Government new evidence so it is within my legal rights to partisan a Federal Investigation to include all levels of Arizona Government within Education; to include the Arizona Court Systems Reviewing Process of Education for their Children: through the misuse of my son, Kendall Linnets Life, compromising him until his Death. I am not asking for monetary fulfillment but for 'Kendall's Justice' to become a Safeguard for other Kids and naive Parents within the circumference of Arizona. To acknowledge National, public recognition for Kendall Linne’s Justice to include & set into effect, new monitoring procedures for our children within system of the United States of America. “For what Kendall Linne experienced, should not be tolerated for another Child.” I expect action from the J.T.T.F, for as always, this kind of Terrorism takes over the most innocent of our citizens, our Children.
  • 7. I have gone to every Local, State, and Federal Government Department parents are told to go to twice and then some. I will go always go forward to generate the recognition of what has happened to Kendall Linne and his Peers. 6. I request to be included Penalization of those amongst this requested Investigation who have harmed Kendall Thomas Linne to death, within the Safety Zone Legally provide by American Law for its Citizens, our Schools Campuses. We the People, For the People, By the People demand what We deserve: to Protect Our Children. WHAT GOOD ARE AMERICA LAWS IF THEY ARE NOT ENFORCED? In God we Trust, Marie Panzarella 448 S. Cortez St Prescott, AZ 86303 Mother of Kendall Thomas Linne January 19, 1989---October 3, 2007 Included are the broken laws of our IEP contract and the Educational Laws of America ignored by Kendall's Supervisors of Yavapai County, City of Prescott and State of Arizona. Broken IEP Laws: LAWS OF IDEA
  • 8. Sec. 614 — 3) page 67 Disability Act — C) page 68 4) Review & Revisions of IEP - page 71 6) Failure to meet transition Objectives REVEIW AND REVISIONS sec.615 (20 U.S.C.H 15) Pro -page 71 A.) Establishment of Procedures B.) Type denied to Kendall 7. 1.) Denied to Kendall 2.a) Denied to Kendall STANCE Sec.615 page 74 B.) AA. BB. cc. Sec. 616 - page 75 G. Appeal H. Safe Guards 1.) Broken 2.) broken 3.) broken Sec. 616 - page 87 Rule 1 — broken sec. 616 (20 U.S.C 1416_) 1.) Tech. & Enforcement a.) (I-l) 2.) Focused Monitoring Federal & State: B. Insure State Meets requirements 602 (34) 637 (a.) 9 Sec.616-pg.91 3.) Needs of Intervention (1.D.) 3 Years or More (a.) 2.) Need to Sustenance 3.) (C.) Refer Matter to Appropriate Enforcement (D.) Office of Inspector General of Education (E.) Office of Department of Justice Opportunity for Hearing 4.) Report to Congress: Committee of Education & Workforce of the House of Representatives. 1.) to command Committee of Education, Health, Labor & Pension of the Senate Authority Sec.616 page-93 Enforced Action to the Prurient to Paragraph 1.) 2.) 3.) of 6.) Specific Action Taken and Reason why its Enforced 7.) PUBLIC ATTENTION: Any state, under subsection [ D (2)]
  • 9. Shall By means of Pubic Notice, take such measures as Necessary to Bring to the Dependency of an Action; Pursuant to Subsection; To Help the PUBIC within the State These IEP Laws were not Enforced, they are still not enforced in Arizona. I am including copies of other broken laws I previously brought to attention without Intervention only to be used to strengthen Education aiding the Cover up within Kendall's Death. 8. I have gone to Arizona Senator John McCain’s Office; to Arizona Governor Doug Ducy's Office of 'Encore' whose logo is "If we don't get them, No-one else Will" (Mar 2017): I have Contacted the 'Federal Department of Special Education’ Washington DC, Liz Newton who told me a Federal Agent of Arizona State would be calling me but I have never received a call. [March 2017] These Rules and Laws I have been presented Previously: Yet to be heard are covered under: United States Constitution Amendments: V & XIV: Over rules the time out for which will benefit United States Citizens and should be allowed in United States Supreme «rt. Rule of Due Process and Rule of Discovery: Out rules exempt and Overrules: 13-2 rule 19(I.) 192(a-c) Under Amendment 2009 15(a) As it states as for exemptions but seem to be administered-as it should be-according the same Standards to direct that leave: As it Should be Freely given when Justice Requires so: 9.
  • 10. 9.