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In the past, it was a
common practice
for families to have
dinner together
during the evenings.
This was a time for
catching up with
each other and
processing individual experiences that
occurred throughout the day. As our
daily schedules have become busier,
Fishel (2013) pointed out that “most
American families are starved for time to
spend together” and suggested that
dinner may be the time these families
need to reconnect with each other,
relax, and share stories and catch on
each other’s daily activities while also
allowing participants to “develop a sense
of who we are as a family.”
An article from the Journal of
Epidemiology and Community Health
from December 20, 2012, indicated that
children from families who gather around
the table for meals on a regular basis eat
more fruit and vegetables than others.
The World Health Organization
recommends 80 grams of fruit and
vegetables per day. A study conducted
in England that included 1516 primary
school children from 52 different schools
assessed the quantity of fruits and
vegetables eaten by children when they
had regular and occasional meals with
their families, or did not have meals with
their families at all. Results indicated
that on the average, children who ate
with their families consumed 283g of
fruits and vegetables per day but those
who participated in regular family meals
together actually consumed the most
(125g) compared to those who sometimes
ate meals together (95g). In addition, the
results also indicated that children ate
more fruits and vegetables when their
parents also ate fruits and vegetables.
Smith (2013) included a report in
the Huffington Post on January 23, 2013
that indicated that a report from Welch’s
Kitchen Table Report indicated that
although many American’s feel the
tradition of families sitting down
together for dinner occurred in days
gone by, 34 percent of families eat
together seven nights per week on the
average. Only 3 percent of families
report that each dinner together in
restaurants or fast-food chains.
Interestingly, 71 percent of children
under 18 reported having dinner together
more now than they did when they were
younger. Results from the study
indicated that 75 percent of families eat
most meals and snacks in the kitchen,
while 18 percent reported they eat
together on the family couch.
Researchers from the study reported
that parents seek to share quality time
with their children and take advantage of
meals in which to do so and 90 percent
discuss their children’s thoughts and
feelings during this time. There is some
controversy, however, regarding the
number of families that actually eat out
during the week.
For example, Sifferline (2012) pointed out
that in a study conducted by Rutgers
researchers, about 40% of the average
family’s budget is spent eating out,
typically not together. Rockett (2007)
warns against eating out to deter obesity
because take-out foods are often high in
trans-fat, calories, sodium, cholesterol
and fat. Rockett also pointed out that
there has been a 45% increase in
overweight children over the last decade.
To maximize the quality of meals
together, Sztainer (2007) suggested that
parents make sure the television is off
during mealtime. Sztainer reported that
watching television while eating may
influence the types and quality of foods
that children eat. For example, Sztainer
found that boys tended to eat fewer
April 2013
Volume 2, Issue 4
Our Mission and Vision
To increase disease
awareness among children
and parents; To promote
healthy behaviors, reduce
the spread of infections,
and to reduce health-
related issues in our
nation’s children.
Table of Contents
CEO’s Corner ...............2
Featured Articles:
Healthy Recipes..............3
Body Wellness................4
Healthy Dietary Habits That Lead to Good Mental
By Renee L. Sullivan, M.A., CCLC
CEO’s Corner...
Inc. PO BOX 2173 Woburn,
MA 01888
I thank you in advance for
your support and hope that
you find it in your heart to
help us decrease health
disparities among our
Also I wanted to bring to
your attention the talk show
that I host every other
Saturday from 12:00PM
Eastern time until 1:00PM.
Please listen to us online as
we bring to you many
subjects and resources
necessary for your day to
day life. We strive to bring
better life to all and we work
hard everyday to accomplish
“Teach me about health so
that Tomorrow I may teach
others” Together we can!
Cheers and Peace to You!
Jeannette Bryant, CEO
Kids Be Aware, Inc.
Great News! We finished
setting up our center at 600
West Cummings Park Woburn,
MA 01801 . We were granted
the EEC Exemption allowing
us to proceed with our
activities. Marketing efforts
are now required to help
increase our awareness among
the community and direct
parents to use our services.
We are currently looking for
volunteers to help us with
children’s activities.
I’m always overjoyed to bring
more good news to you all each
and every month and hope
that you enjoy reading us as
much as we enjoy writing
these articles for you.
I will be going for camp
director training on April 25th
which is the first part in
becoming a camp director.
Becoming a camp director will
allow us to offer summer camp
for children and their parents.
The process is long and funds
are limited. However, I know
that we are going to reach our
goal. The best project are the
ones that are done in a slow
pace. But success is near by.
We are eager to partner with
organizations all around town
whose mission and vision is in
line with ours. While we are
pleased in the many milestone
of our organization, we are
conducting our first Annual
dance for your health May
4th and hope that we will
organize this event within our
own center. Parents and
Children are invited to sign up
for our program now as we
have already received the go
from the EEC.
The current need of this
organization is to get
volunteers to help us conduct
the center’s upcoming
activities. Together, we can
raise disease awareness among
children and parents.
We have been growing our
face book community and
invite you to have friends and
families like our page. We are
also selling T-Shirt Mugs and
Notebook for fundraising need
and hope that you will help us
in our continue effort to
sustain our organization
On Behalf of KBA, we are
asking for in-kind
donations. All donations are
tax deductible.
From our modest beginnings,
and with only a little bit of
help, we are growing and we
still need your financial
support that will enable us to
expand our Kids Be Aware
mission, and to uphold our
vision for children
You may donate by going at
our website: http:// or
simply by mailing in your
checks. At Kids Be Aware,
We are seeking NEW Enrollment!
We are seeking Volunteers for various roles.
Contact us and Volunteer!
“We strive to partner with
schools, churches, and
organizations to focus on the
health and well-being of our
Page 2
Healthy Recipes for children
Fire Roasted Chile
and Garlic Chicken
The easiest way
to make a burger
healthier is to sub
out the beef with
chicken in order to skip out on the saturated
fat. This recipe adds tons of flavor with the
roasted chiles, and piles on more with the
garlic. Simply leave out the bacon to go easy
on your waistline and you’re good to go. Use a
multi-grain or whole wheat bun to make it a
complete meal.
Paleo Curry Meatballs
The curry sauce on these
gives them a unique flavor
that’s unusual in the world of meatballs. These
are dairy free for all of you Paleo enthusiasts,
and they end up as a healthy option even for
those that aren’t following the Paleo diet. If
you’re looking for low-carbs you can make a
meal out of them, and if not you can balance
these out with some nice whole wheat pasta or
a baked potato.
Crock Pot
Taco Chili
No taco
needed to
enjoy this chili. It uses chicken instead of
beef so you’re getting all of the flavor
you’d want, but without worrying about
added fat from ground beef. The beans
are there, as you’d expect, but you may
want to add some bell peppers to get
some more veggies included. The corn
and beans are your carb source. Overall a
hearty meal you can eat with a fork.
Page 3
Cha Cha Bowl
The bright mix of colors
makes this a great dish to
whip up when you have
company over, and no
one will suspect that
you’re passing off healthy food on them. The
ingredients are all freshly made, and retain their
healthy status by not being cooked. The rice
and beans supply some good carbs, the chicken
is the protein adder, and there are yummy veg-
gies like zucchini. The healthy fats from the
avocados mean you’ll feel full and fight body
Seasonal Allergies in Children
As spring begins to unfold around us, we are tempted to shed our winter coats and hats and head to the great
outdoors. We may even notice the beautiful budding trees and the onslaught of new flowers of every color and hue.
For some however, spring heralds yet another round of seasonal allergies. Seasonal Allergies are considered to occur
as a result of an allergic reaction to a trigger (such as new flowers and grasses) that is typically present for part of the
year, such as spring or fall. Symptoms of seasonal allergies include sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itching of the nose, and post
-nasal drip. Not all people experience all of the symptoms of hay fever, and in some people, only one symptom will predominate. It may
be difficult to tell the difference between seasonal allergies and the common cold, and only an allergist may be able to tell the
difference. This type of allergy often occurs when pollen is present. Pollens are tiny, egg-shaped powdery grains released from
flowering plants, which are carried by the wind or insects and serve to cross-pollinate other plants of the same type for reproductive
purposes. When pollen is present in the air, it can land in a person’s eyes, nose, lungs and skin to set up an allergic reaction. The higher
the pollen count in your area, the worse your symptoms can be. To check out the pollen count in your area please go to:
How can I help my child who has seasonal allergies?
If your child suffers from seasonal allergies, there are steps you can take to reduce their symptoms and decrease
the use of medications: During the spring, keep your children indoors in the evenings because pollen levels are highest during that time
of day.
Keep your home and car windows closed during windy, sunny days.
Have your children take a shower after spending time outside to remove any pollen residue on their body or in their hair.
Have your children change their clothes after spending time outside because they will carry pollen indoors on their clothes.
Dry your clothes indoors instead of on an outdoor clothesline during this time of year.
Visit your child’s medical provider for an evaluation/allergy medication(s). Medicine can help alleviate allergy symptoms in children, but
with any medication you give your child, be sure you’re using the right medication for your child’s age and weight. Follow the
instructions carefully to be sure your child gets the correct dosage. Over-the-counter, generic allergy medication is effective for many
people and can cost less than prescription allergy medications. If you have any questions about what medications are right for your
child, ask your family doctor. Some common allergy medications include: Nasal decongestants to relieve a stuffy nose, Antihistamines
to relieve sneezing, and an itchy, runny nose, and Nasal corticosteroids are also often used, but are available only by prescription.
What if my child already had allergies?
Although allergies and asthma are separate conditions, they are related. People who have allergies — particularly ones that affect the
nose and eyes — are more likely to have asthma. About 70% of kids who have asthma also have an allergy to something. And many
people who have asthma find their symptoms get worse when they're exposed to specific allergens (things that can cause allergic
reactions in some people).
Future exposure to the same allergens can cause the reaction to happen again. So if your child has asthma, it's wise to explore
whether allergies may be triggering some of the symptoms. Talk with your doctor about how to identify possible triggers, which can be
things other than allergens, such as cold air, respiratory infections, or tobacco smoke.How to Manage Outdoor Activities with
Children and Seasonal AllergiesBecause allergies and colds share symptoms many parents have a hard time telling the two apart. So if
your child’s sneezing and sniffling lasts for more than a week and his eyes and nose are itching he most likely has seasonal allergies and
not a cold.For children whose allergies are so severe that avoidance and over-the-counter drugs aren’t enough, a prescription for nasal
steroids may be in order. In some cases it’s also possible that a series of shots that can actually “re-educate” a person’s immune system
and teach it not to reject pollen. Ask an allergist if your child’s seasonal allergies are serious enough for these specialized treatments,
but if they’re like most children they may prefer their allergies to a round of shots!
- By Andrew MacGinnitie, MD, PhD, associate clinical director of the Division of Immunology at Children’s Hospital Boston
Susan Ruiz, Chair
Kids Be Aware, Inc.
Body Wellness
Page 4
grains and vegetables and drank more sodas while girls
tended to eat more fried foods and fewer dark
vegetables. Sztainer suggested that parents turn off the
TV and use this time to catch up with their children
while also encouraging the consumption of better quality
of foods. In addition to catching up with each other,
Forthun (2008) points out other advantages of family
meals together to include enhancing family togetherness,
better communication among family members, better
overall adjustment in children and youth, and better
nutrition. Likewise, Siffertin (2012) stated that poor
dietary habits of Americans increase the risk of obesity
and nutritional deficits. In terms of mental health, Gibbs
(2006) stated that adolescents from families who eat
together or a regular basis are less likely to smoke, drink,
do drugs, become depressed, develop eating disorders,
consider suicide and are more likely to do better
academically and socially, eat more vegetables, learn big
words and “know which fork to use.”
As you prepare meals to share with your family, as
we have mentioned in previous editions, remember to
read labels, avoid foods high in preservatives, additives,
and artificial colorings. Serve nutritious and well-
balanced meals to include fish, beef, green, leafy
vegetables, whole wheat bread, and plenty of fresh fruit.
Check the following link for 75 nutritious and healthy
balanced meal ideas.
Forthun, L. (2012). Family nutrition: The truth about family meals.
University of Florida IFAS Extension, Document FCS8871. Retrieved on
April 15, 2013 from
Gibbs, N. (2006). The magic of the family meal. Retrieved on April 15,
2013 from,8816,1200760,00.html
Rockett, H. R. (2007). Family dinner: More than just a meal. Journal of
American Dietetic Association, v107(9), pp 1498-1501.
ScienceDaily. (2012). Regular family meals together boost kids’ fruit and
vegetable intake. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from
Smith, N. (2013). Family mealtime: Most families eat dinner together most
nights. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from
Sifferlin, A. (2012). Why families who eat together are healthier.
Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from
Stainer, D. N. (2007). Turn off the TV during family meals. Retrieved on
April 15, 2013 from
How to Manage the Indoor Environment
during Seasonal changes
Here are few tips to limit your child’s allergy symptoms:
Keep your windows closed and run an air conditioner, even
if it’s not overly warm outside. Air conditioners filter
new air into a room and help minimize pollen levels in-
side the house. Humidifiers and non-ionic air purifiers
can also help reduce pollen counts indoors and make
breathing easier for kids with allergies.
Children who are sensitive to pollen should shower and
change clothes after playing outside. This extra step
keeps pollen that may get stuck in their hair or clothes
from getting into the inside air or on their pillow where
it can irritate the child all night long. Pollen counts are
also lowest during or right after it rains, making that an
ideal time for outdoor play for young children with al-
Vacuum your carpets, and wash your child’s linens weekly.
Pollen can easily hide within the fibers and because the
child is likely to have them close to her face they can
trigger allergies if not properly clean. Also, dust mites, a
common cause of year round allergies, can live in linens
and toys.
Wash your pets often, especially if they spend time both
inside and outside. Some people are allergic to pet hair,
but some are simply allergic to the pollen that collects
on their fur. By keeping your animals pollen free you may
be able to reduce your family’s pollen exposure
Clean any mold in the house with a diluted bleach solution.
Like pollen, mold is a prime allergy trigger. Using a dehu-
midifier in damp basements or bathrooms can inhibit
mold growth.
Susan Ruiz, MS
Chair, Kids Be Aware, Inc.
Dietary Habits(cont.)
Page 5
We are on the Web!
Visit us at:
Page 6
KBA Board Members
Jeannette Bryant CEO 781-354-2701
Tiffany Henderson Treasurer 678-431-6543
Susan Ruiz Chair 301-302-4215
Teresa Godley-Chase Co-chair 240-515-4222
Renee Sullivan Co-Chair 478-718-1306
Regina Rainey Board Member 864-303-2151
Kids Be Aware, Inc.
PO BOX 2173
Woburn, MA 01888
Monthly Highlights
“We strive to partner with schools, churches,
and organizations to focus on the health and
well-being of our children”
We are seeking NEW
We are seeking Volunteers for
various roles.
Contact us andVolunteer!
Kids Be Aware, Inc
Center is now
We welcome any donations to help us with the
expansion of our program
To donate to our organization please use this link:
Listen to our Talk Show
on BBS Radio Station 2
Every two weeks
Beginning at 12:00PM

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April newsletter

  • 1. In the past, it was a common practice for families to have dinner together during the evenings. This was a time for catching up with each other and processing individual experiences that occurred throughout the day. As our daily schedules have become busier, Fishel (2013) pointed out that “most American families are starved for time to spend together” and suggested that dinner may be the time these families need to reconnect with each other, relax, and share stories and catch on each other’s daily activities while also allowing participants to “develop a sense of who we are as a family.” An article from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health from December 20, 2012, indicated that children from families who gather around the table for meals on a regular basis eat more fruit and vegetables than others. The World Health Organization recommends 80 grams of fruit and vegetables per day. A study conducted in England that included 1516 primary school children from 52 different schools assessed the quantity of fruits and vegetables eaten by children when they had regular and occasional meals with their families, or did not have meals with their families at all. Results indicated that on the average, children who ate with their families consumed 283g of fruits and vegetables per day but those who participated in regular family meals together actually consumed the most (125g) compared to those who sometimes ate meals together (95g). In addition, the results also indicated that children ate more fruits and vegetables when their parents also ate fruits and vegetables. Smith (2013) included a report in the Huffington Post on January 23, 2013 that indicated that a report from Welch’s Kitchen Table Report indicated that although many American’s feel the tradition of families sitting down together for dinner occurred in days gone by, 34 percent of families eat together seven nights per week on the average. Only 3 percent of families report that each dinner together in restaurants or fast-food chains. Interestingly, 71 percent of children under 18 reported having dinner together more now than they did when they were younger. Results from the study indicated that 75 percent of families eat most meals and snacks in the kitchen, while 18 percent reported they eat together on the family couch. Researchers from the study reported that parents seek to share quality time with their children and take advantage of meals in which to do so and 90 percent discuss their children’s thoughts and feelings during this time. There is some controversy, however, regarding the number of families that actually eat out during the week. For example, Sifferline (2012) pointed out that in a study conducted by Rutgers researchers, about 40% of the average family’s budget is spent eating out, typically not together. Rockett (2007) warns against eating out to deter obesity because take-out foods are often high in trans-fat, calories, sodium, cholesterol and fat. Rockett also pointed out that there has been a 45% increase in overweight children over the last decade. To maximize the quality of meals together, Sztainer (2007) suggested that parents make sure the television is off during mealtime. Sztainer reported that watching television while eating may influence the types and quality of foods that children eat. For example, Sztainer found that boys tended to eat fewer KIDS BE AWARE, INC. April 2013 Volume 2, Issue 4 Our Mission and Vision To increase disease awareness among children and parents; To promote healthy behaviors, reduce the spread of infections, and to reduce health- related issues in our nation’s children. Table of Contents CEO’s Corner ...............2 Highlights.........................2 Featured Articles: Healthy Recipes..............3 Body Wellness................4 ...........................................5 Healthy Dietary Habits That Lead to Good Mental By Renee L. Sullivan, M.A., CCLC
  • 2. CEO’s Corner... Inc. PO BOX 2173 Woburn, MA 01888 I thank you in advance for your support and hope that you find it in your heart to help us decrease health disparities among our children. Also I wanted to bring to your attention the talk show that I host every other Saturday from 12:00PM Eastern time until 1:00PM. Please listen to us online as we bring to you many subjects and resources necessary for your day to day life. We strive to bring better life to all and we work hard everyday to accomplish this. “Teach me about health so that Tomorrow I may teach others” Together we can! Cheers and Peace to You! Jeannette Bryant, CEO Kids Be Aware, Inc. Howdy! Great News! We finished setting up our center at 600 West Cummings Park Woburn, MA 01801 . We were granted the EEC Exemption allowing us to proceed with our activities. Marketing efforts are now required to help increase our awareness among the community and direct parents to use our services. We are currently looking for volunteers to help us with children’s activities. I’m always overjoyed to bring more good news to you all each and every month and hope that you enjoy reading us as much as we enjoy writing these articles for you. I will be going for camp director training on April 25th which is the first part in becoming a camp director. Becoming a camp director will allow us to offer summer camp for children and their parents. The process is long and funds are limited. However, I know that we are going to reach our goal. The best project are the ones that are done in a slow pace. But success is near by. We are eager to partner with organizations all around town whose mission and vision is in line with ours. While we are pleased in the many milestone of our organization, we are conducting our first Annual dance for your health May 4th and hope that we will organize this event within our own center. Parents and Children are invited to sign up for our program now as we have already received the go from the EEC. The current need of this organization is to get volunteers to help us conduct the center’s upcoming activities. Together, we can raise disease awareness among children and parents. We have been growing our face book community and invite you to have friends and families like our page. We are also selling T-Shirt Mugs and Notebook for fundraising need and hope that you will help us in our continue effort to sustain our organization mission. On Behalf of KBA, we are asking for in-kind donations. All donations are tax deductible. From our modest beginnings, and with only a little bit of help, we are growing and we still need your financial support that will enable us to expand our Kids Be Aware mission, and to uphold our vision for children everywhere. You may donate by going at our website: http:// or simply by mailing in your checks. At Kids Be Aware, We are seeking NEW Enrollment! We are seeking Volunteers for various roles. Contact us and Volunteer! “We strive to partner with schools, churches, and organizations to focus on the health and well-being of our children” Page 2 KIDS BE AWARE, INC.
  • 3. Healthy Recipes for children Fire Roasted Chile and Garlic Chicken Burgers The easiest way to make a burger healthier is to sub out the beef with chicken in order to skip out on the saturated fat. This recipe adds tons of flavor with the roasted chiles, and piles on more with the garlic. Simply leave out the bacon to go easy on your waistline and you’re good to go. Use a multi-grain or whole wheat bun to make it a complete meal. Paleo Curry Meatballs The curry sauce on these gives them a unique flavor that’s unusual in the world of meatballs. These are dairy free for all of you Paleo enthusiasts, and they end up as a healthy option even for those that aren’t following the Paleo diet. If you’re looking for low-carbs you can make a meal out of them, and if not you can balance these out with some nice whole wheat pasta or a baked potato. Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili No taco shells needed to enjoy this chili. It uses chicken instead of beef so you’re getting all of the flavor you’d want, but without worrying about added fat from ground beef. The beans are there, as you’d expect, but you may want to add some bell peppers to get some more veggies included. The corn and beans are your carb source. Overall a hearty meal you can eat with a fork. Page 3 KIDS BE AWARE, INC. Cha Cha Bowl The bright mix of colors makes this a great dish to whip up when you have company over, and no one will suspect that you’re passing off healthy food on them. The ingredients are all freshly made, and retain their healthy status by not being cooked. The rice and beans supply some good carbs, the chicken is the protein adder, and there are yummy veg- gies like zucchini. The healthy fats from the avocados mean you’ll feel full and fight body fat.
  • 4. Seasonal Allergies in Children As spring begins to unfold around us, we are tempted to shed our winter coats and hats and head to the great outdoors. We may even notice the beautiful budding trees and the onslaught of new flowers of every color and hue. For some however, spring heralds yet another round of seasonal allergies. Seasonal Allergies are considered to occur as a result of an allergic reaction to a trigger (such as new flowers and grasses) that is typically present for part of the year, such as spring or fall. Symptoms of seasonal allergies include sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, itching of the nose, and post -nasal drip. Not all people experience all of the symptoms of hay fever, and in some people, only one symptom will predominate. It may be difficult to tell the difference between seasonal allergies and the common cold, and only an allergist may be able to tell the difference. This type of allergy often occurs when pollen is present. Pollens are tiny, egg-shaped powdery grains released from flowering plants, which are carried by the wind or insects and serve to cross-pollinate other plants of the same type for reproductive purposes. When pollen is present in the air, it can land in a person’s eyes, nose, lungs and skin to set up an allergic reaction. The higher the pollen count in your area, the worse your symptoms can be. To check out the pollen count in your area please go to: How can I help my child who has seasonal allergies? If your child suffers from seasonal allergies, there are steps you can take to reduce their symptoms and decrease the use of medications: During the spring, keep your children indoors in the evenings because pollen levels are highest during that time of day. Keep your home and car windows closed during windy, sunny days. Have your children take a shower after spending time outside to remove any pollen residue on their body or in their hair. Have your children change their clothes after spending time outside because they will carry pollen indoors on their clothes. Dry your clothes indoors instead of on an outdoor clothesline during this time of year. Visit your child’s medical provider for an evaluation/allergy medication(s). Medicine can help alleviate allergy symptoms in children, but with any medication you give your child, be sure you’re using the right medication for your child’s age and weight. Follow the instructions carefully to be sure your child gets the correct dosage. Over-the-counter, generic allergy medication is effective for many people and can cost less than prescription allergy medications. If you have any questions about what medications are right for your child, ask your family doctor. Some common allergy medications include: Nasal decongestants to relieve a stuffy nose, Antihistamines to relieve sneezing, and an itchy, runny nose, and Nasal corticosteroids are also often used, but are available only by prescription. What if my child already had allergies? Although allergies and asthma are separate conditions, they are related. People who have allergies — particularly ones that affect the nose and eyes — are more likely to have asthma. About 70% of kids who have asthma also have an allergy to something. And many people who have asthma find their symptoms get worse when they're exposed to specific allergens (things that can cause allergic reactions in some people). Future exposure to the same allergens can cause the reaction to happen again. So if your child has asthma, it's wise to explore whether allergies may be triggering some of the symptoms. Talk with your doctor about how to identify possible triggers, which can be things other than allergens, such as cold air, respiratory infections, or tobacco smoke.How to Manage Outdoor Activities with Children and Seasonal AllergiesBecause allergies and colds share symptoms many parents have a hard time telling the two apart. So if your child’s sneezing and sniffling lasts for more than a week and his eyes and nose are itching he most likely has seasonal allergies and not a cold.For children whose allergies are so severe that avoidance and over-the-counter drugs aren’t enough, a prescription for nasal steroids may be in order. In some cases it’s also possible that a series of shots that can actually “re-educate” a person’s immune system and teach it not to reject pollen. Ask an allergist if your child’s seasonal allergies are serious enough for these specialized treatments, but if they’re like most children they may prefer their allergies to a round of shots! - By Andrew MacGinnitie, MD, PhD, associate clinical director of the Division of Immunology at Children’s Hospital Boston Susan Ruiz, Chair Kids Be Aware, Inc. Body Wellness Page 4 KIDS BE AWARE, INC.
  • 5. grains and vegetables and drank more sodas while girls tended to eat more fried foods and fewer dark vegetables. Sztainer suggested that parents turn off the TV and use this time to catch up with their children while also encouraging the consumption of better quality of foods. In addition to catching up with each other, Forthun (2008) points out other advantages of family meals together to include enhancing family togetherness, better communication among family members, better overall adjustment in children and youth, and better nutrition. Likewise, Siffertin (2012) stated that poor dietary habits of Americans increase the risk of obesity and nutritional deficits. In terms of mental health, Gibbs (2006) stated that adolescents from families who eat together or a regular basis are less likely to smoke, drink, do drugs, become depressed, develop eating disorders, consider suicide and are more likely to do better academically and socially, eat more vegetables, learn big words and “know which fork to use.” As you prepare meals to share with your family, as we have mentioned in previous editions, remember to read labels, avoid foods high in preservatives, additives, and artificial colorings. Serve nutritious and well- balanced meals to include fish, beef, green, leafy vegetables, whole wheat bread, and plenty of fresh fruit. Check the following link for 75 nutritious and healthy balanced meal ideas. recipes References Forthun, L. (2012). Family nutrition: The truth about family meals. University of Florida IFAS Extension, Document FCS8871. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from Gibbs, N. (2006). The magic of the family meal. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from,8816,1200760,00.html Rockett, H. R. (2007). Family dinner: More than just a meal. Journal of American Dietetic Association, v107(9), pp 1498-1501. ScienceDaily. (2012). Regular family meals together boost kids’ fruit and vegetable intake. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from Smith, N. (2013). Family mealtime: Most families eat dinner together most nights. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from _n_2534347.html Sifferlin, A. (2012). Why families who eat together are healthier. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from are-healthier/print/ Stainer, D. N. (2007). Turn off the TV during family meals. Retrieved on April 15, 2013 from How to Manage the Indoor Environment during Seasonal changes Here are few tips to limit your child’s allergy symptoms: Keep your windows closed and run an air conditioner, even if it’s not overly warm outside. Air conditioners filter new air into a room and help minimize pollen levels in- side the house. Humidifiers and non-ionic air purifiers can also help reduce pollen counts indoors and make breathing easier for kids with allergies. Children who are sensitive to pollen should shower and change clothes after playing outside. This extra step keeps pollen that may get stuck in their hair or clothes from getting into the inside air or on their pillow where it can irritate the child all night long. Pollen counts are also lowest during or right after it rains, making that an ideal time for outdoor play for young children with al- lergies. Vacuum your carpets, and wash your child’s linens weekly. Pollen can easily hide within the fibers and because the child is likely to have them close to her face they can trigger allergies if not properly clean. Also, dust mites, a common cause of year round allergies, can live in linens and toys. Wash your pets often, especially if they spend time both inside and outside. Some people are allergic to pet hair, but some are simply allergic to the pollen that collects on their fur. By keeping your animals pollen free you may be able to reduce your family’s pollen exposure Clean any mold in the house with a diluted bleach solution. Like pollen, mold is a prime allergy trigger. Using a dehu- midifier in damp basements or bathrooms can inhibit mold growth. Susan Ruiz, MS Chair, Kids Be Aware, Inc. References: for-children allergies_asthma.html allergies/ allergies/ Dietary Habits(cont.) Page 5 KIDS BE AWARE, INC.
  • 6. We are on the Web! Visit us at: Page 6 KIDS BE AWARE, INC. KBA Board Members Jeannette Bryant CEO 781-354-2701 Tiffany Henderson Treasurer 678-431-6543 Susan Ruiz Chair 301-302-4215 Teresa Godley-Chase Co-chair 240-515-4222 Renee Sullivan Co-Chair 478-718-1306 Regina Rainey Board Member 864-303-2151 Kids Be Aware, Inc. PO BOX 2173 Woburn, MA 01888 Monthly Highlights “We strive to partner with schools, churches, and organizations to focus on the health and well-being of our children” We are seeking NEW Enrollment! We are seeking Volunteers for various roles. Contact us andVolunteer! Kids Be Aware, Inc Center is now Opened We welcome any donations to help us with the expansion of our program To donate to our organization please use this link: Listen to our Talk Show on BBS Radio Station 2 Every two weeks Beginning at 12:00PM