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November 2012
                      KIDS BE AWARE, INC.
                                                                                            Volume 1, Issue 8

         Each year in November,          and at the end of the week, the family
many American’s celebrate                gathered to read all the “Thank You”
Thanksgiving with good food,             notes and were surprised to find that,
family, friends and good times as        in many cases, it was a thank you for
they give thanks for all their           something that one family member
blessings throughout the year. Some      had done for another. If you prefer
people, for various reasons, do not      to take a more active role, you and
feel that they have much for which       your family may wish to volunteer to
they should be thankful. Perhaps         serve a meal to visitors of local
they are jobless, homeless, have         homeless shelters or churches in your           Table of Contents
serious financial problems, or have      area, or you may wish to help your        CEO’s Corner ............... 2
recently lost a loved one. The truth     children to make cards for hospital
                                                                                   Highlights ......................... 2
of the matter, however, is that          patients or residents who are elderly
regardless of who we are, if we are      or disabled who are reside in local
breathing on our own, have the           care facilities. The cards can be         Featured Articles:
ability to read and write, or are able   mailed, along with a photo or letter,
to sit up or walk on our own, then we    wishing the resident a Happy
                                                                                   Healthy Recipes.............. 3
all have something for which we can      Thanksgiving.                             Body Wellness ................ 4
be thankful (Flaxington, 2012).                  When my twin daughters            ........................................... 5
According to the U. S. Department of     were in middle school, they had the
Education, 32 million people in          opportunity to serve a spaghetti
America struggle with illiteracy and     dinner at a local homeless shelter as
the U. S. Census Bureau (2010)           part of a youth group mission project
reported that 54 million people in       at our church. When the girls came
America have a disability of some        home, they were quite disturbed by a
kind. As we get busy with work,          single mother of three young
school, community and other              children who had come in for the
activities, we can, at times, take our   meal. It was a cool fall evening yet
health, employment and educational       the mother was wearing flip flops
opportunities for granted, but we are    and the children had no shoes at all.
often reminded of these blessings at     This upset my daughters so much
Thanksgiving. There are many             that they immediately went to their
things that you and your family can                                                 Our Mission and Vision
                                         closets and removed all shoes and
do to reflect on your blessings this     clothing that were too small. We
                                                                                      To increase disease
Thanksgiving. For example,               took them to the center to help           awareness among children
Flaxington stated that when her          people like this mother and her           and parents; To promote
children were younger, she and her       children. Seeing the need of others       healthy behaviors, reduce
family kept a “Thank You” box on         first-hand provided my children with       the spread of infections,
the counter and every day, as family     a very heart-felt lesson and                and to reduce health-
members did things for each other or     afterwards, my children felt a great         related issues in our
were particularly thankful for           sense of gratitude for they had                nation’s children.
something, they wrote it down on a       themselves, as well as their ability to
piece of paper and put into the box
Page 2
                                KIDS BE AWARE, INC.

               CEO’s Corner...
Howdy!                          delighted in the progress
                                that KBA is making, we
Great News! We are              have envisioned much more
starting our Christmas          for the families we serve
drive in collaboration with     and look forward
the Salter school in Malden,    accomplishing more things       online at our website:
MA November 30th, 2012.         together. We continue           http://
we will set up a box at the     reaching out to individuals or
school lobby area. Please       and organizations for           visit us on guide star,
have your friends and           support and financial 
family register for our first   backing in order to fulfill
annual Christmas drive.         this need.                      I thank you in advance
                                                                for your support and hope
I’m always pleased to bring
                                                                that you find it in your
more good news to you all       The current need of this
                                                                heart to help us decrease
each and every month and        organization is to open a
                                                                health disparities among
hope that you enjoy reading     new health facility among
                                                                our children.
us as much as we enjoy          our Massachusetts
writing these articles for      residents. Together, we can
you.                            raise disease awareness         “Teach me about health so
                                among children and              that I may teach others”
We have been working
                                parents.                        Together we can!
overtime getting a center at
the Malden, MA or                                               Cheers and Peace to You!
Woburn, MA. We have             On Behalf of KBA, we are
found a location in Woburn,     looking for volunteer to        Jeannette Bryant, CEO
MA and hope to get the          help us with the                Kids Be Aware, Inc.
space very soon. There is a     organization Branding and
possibility that the location   to continue to spread the
could be rented to someone      word around the
else because we haven’t         community.
raised sufficient funding.
However, end of January,
                                From our humble
we will house our program
                                beginnings, we continue to       “We strive to partner with
in one of the location
                                strive to raise disease            schools, churches, and
mentioned above.
                                awareness among children        organizations to focus on the
We are eager to partner         all around the Nation and       health and well-being of our
with organizations all          hope that our message will                children”
around town whose mission       not only resonate to us here
                                but to people all around the        We are seeking NEW Enrollment!
and vision is in line with
                                world as well. Please find us   We are seeking Volunteers for various roles.
ours. While we are
                                                                        Contact us and Volunteer!
KIDS BE AWARE, INC.                                                                              Page 3

                                            Thanksgiving recipes
                Ingredients: Smoked Turkey                                                      1/4 cup water
                                                                                                2 tablespoons brown sugar
               1 (12 pound) whole turkey, neck and
                                                                                                2 tablespoons honey
               giblets removed                                                                  1 tablespoon olive oil
               1 (20 pound) bag high quality charcoal                                           2 pounds sweet potatoes (about 4 large),
                Briquettes hickory chips or chunks                                              peeled and cut into wedges
                                                                                                Cracked black pepper or chopped herb of
Directions:                                                                                     choice (rosemary, sage or thyme), to taste
Place the charcoal into the bottom pan of the smoker. Light the
coals and wait for the temperature of the smoker to come to 240         Preheat the oven to 375 F. Lightly coat a 9-by-13 inch baking pan
degrees F (115 degrees C). Lightly oil grate. Rinse turkey under        with cooking spray.
cold water, and pat dry. Place hickory chips into a pan with water to   To make the sauce, in a small bowl add the water, brown sugar, honey
cover.                                                                  and olive oil. Whisk until smooth. Place a single layer of sweet
Place turkey onto the prepared grate. Add 2 handfuls damp chips at      potatoes in the baking pan. Pour the sauce over the sweet potatoes.
start of cooking, then a handful every couple of hours during the       Turn to coat them.
cooking process. Leave the lid on - DO NOT keep looking at
                                                                        Cover and bake until tender, about 45 minutes. Turn the sweet
turkey, or you will let the heat out! Continue smoking until the
                                                                        potatoes once or twice to continue coating them. When tender, remove
internal temperature of the turkey reaches180 degrees F (82 degrees
                                                                        the cover and continue to bake until the glaze is set, about 15 minutes.
C), or keep going until the coals die out.
                                                                        Transfer to a serving dish and top with pepper or chopped herb of
                                                                        choice. Serve immediately.
Glazed Sweet Potatoes

                           The vegetable                                                       Naturally sweet and juicy,
                           group is where you                                                  fruits are also low in calo-
                           find many of na-                                                    ries, fat, sodium, and cho-
                           ture’s healthiest                                                   lesterol and are bursting
                           foods. Vegetables                                                   with an array of vitamins
                           are full of fiber, vi-                                              and minerals. Fruit may al-
                           tamins, and miner-                                                  ready be a staple in your
                           als and are low in                                                  house, so if that’s the case,
                           calories, fat, so-                                                  keep it up! Remember to
                           dium, and choles-                                                   introduce kids to all types of
terol. Vegetables are divided into five sub-                        fruit because each offers its own assortment of nutri-
groups based on nutrient content—dark-green                         ents. And try to choose whole fruit or cut-up fruit
vegetables, orange vegetables, beans and                            over fruit juices to get more fiber and fewer calories
peas, starchy vegetables, and a group for all                       per serving. Be sure to cut fruit into appropriately
others. Serve your child a variety of vegeta-                       sized pieces for younger children.
bles from all the subgroups each week.                              Nutrients: Carbohydrates, fiber, folate, vitamin C,
Nutrients: Fiber and abundant vitamins and                          Servings: Approximately 1 to 1 1/2 cups for kids and
minerals, which vary by vegetable                                   1 1/2 to 2 cups for adults

Servings: Approximately 1 1/2 to 2 cups for               
kids and 2 to 3 cups for adults                                     recipes-kids-00412000072333/page5.html
Page 4
                                  KIDS BE AWARE, INC.
          Body Wellness
               Celebrating the Holidays!
               Thanksgiving has always been a time when we set aside a time to express
               our thanks for all of our blessings. This year is no different. In light of the
               extreme challenges we have faced individually, and as a nation, being
               thankful for what we have is very important.
                 During our family gatherings however, we parents often juggle busy
              schedules while attending to our families. It can become a challenge to
              parents who also struggle to maintain the physical health of their children.
Despite the fact that children are back in school and schedules have changed to
accommodate this, children often contract colds and flu as a result. Keeping your child
healthy during the school year becomes more challenging when schedules change again as
we celebrate the holidays.
   Emergency rooms see an increase in cases of accident and illnesses among children
during the holidays and in some cases, these visits are preventable. In taking these steps,
parents may be able to avoid an unnecessary trip to the ER during the holidays:
1. If you decorate your home, be sure to use non-toxic decorations and avoid introducing
plants into your decorations if you are unsure of their potential to cause illness.
2. If your child takes regular medication(s), make sure that you maintain your supply just
in case the weather makes travel hazardous. Even if you cannot get out, your child will
have their regular medications.
3. Maintain your diligence to personal hygiene for your children. Frequent hand washing
is best to teach your children as a preventable method of contracting cold and flu.
4. Maintain sleep schedules for your children. In keeping children to a normal sleep
schedule, you are actually helping them to be well rested and ready to enjoy the holidays.
5. In celebrating the holidays, make sure you are taking into consideration any food
allergies your child may have when eating away from home. When making sure that
your host is aware of these allergies, you help to make the holidays safer for your
All in all, as we take time to celebrate the holidays, let us take time to ensure that the
ones we love stay safe and healthy!
Susan Ruiz, Chair
KIDS BE AWARE, INC.                                                                   Page 5

Thanksgiving   (cont.)                                           Providing Safe Drinking Water for Your Family

 help others who were less fortunate.                           KNOW YOUR WATER SOURCE
                                                                 •Find out if the pipes in your home or apartment building are
           Thankfulness is defined as “warm, friendly           made of lead or contain lead solder.
 feelings of gratitude” and gratitude is “a feeling or           •Send tap water samples to your local EPA-certified labora-
 attitude of appreciation.” Many years ago, one of my           tory for testing, or buy a water test kit.
 psychology instructors asked me why I chose to go into          •If your water is supplied by a public system:
 the field of psychology. Although it was not the answer            ◦ Ask your supplier what chemicals and parasites are tested
 that he wanted to hear, I simply replied that it was              for and how the water is treated.
 because I wanted to “help others.” Years later, I now              ◦ Obtain a Consumer Confidence Report on your water
 realize that by helping others, I help myself because “it         quality from your public water authority.
 makes me feel good” on the inside. Of course, when I            •If your water supply is a private well: ◦ Test your water
 chose to obtain a college degree, my future goal was to        yearly for pesticides, metals, coliform bacteria and other possi-
 have the ability to support myself and my family by            ble contaminants.
 establishing a lucrative career, but having a career that          ◦ Avoid using pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals near
                                                                   your well's supply source as they can pollute your ground-
 would allow me the opportunity to help others was icing
 on the cake and once my degree was completed, I
 immediately began to give back to others through               IMPROVE YOUR WATER SUPPLY
 teaching and volunteering in the community. Dr. Keith           •Install water treatment filters or conditioning systems.
 Ablow (2010), a Fox News Medical team member,                     ◦ Several types are available, depending on what contami-
 reported that there is a “connection between feeling              nants are present.
 grateful and feeling a sense of purpose in life.” Gratitude    •Consider buying a water distiller.
 causes us to approach life with optimism and encourages        •Flush your pipes by running cold water for at least one min-
 faith but psychological issues can diminish our outlook        ute.
 on life, causing us to lose faith and hope (Ablow). As         •Do not use hot water from the tap for cooking or drinking,
 previously mentioned, there are those who are less             as toxins are more likely to leach into hot water.
 fortunate who may be struggling financially and who            •Make sure formula is prepared with safe water since boiling
 may not be able to provide a well-balanced, nutritious         increases the lead concentration. Infants are at particular risk
 meal for themselves or their families and many may be          of lead poisoning because of the larger amount of water they
                                                                consume relative to their body size.
 alone on Thanksgiving Day, causing the holiday to
                                                                •If necessary, install shower/faucet filters since babies can swal-
 trigger depression and anxiety. Ablow (2012) stated that
                                                                low water when bathing.
 “major depression can make folks forget that life is a gift;   •Immediately dispose of household chemicals like batteries,
 panic disorder can hijack all their thoughts and feelings      fluorescent bulbs, used motor oil, etc., at your municipal haz-
 and leave no bandwidth for hope or gratitude; alcohol          ardous waste depot. (Do not leave them around your home
 and drug addiction can take their autonomy away so that        where they may contaminate your water supply.)
 they don't have the personal reserves to look with
 optimism or gratitude upon anything.”                          IMPROVE YOUR WATER SUPPLY
                                                                 •Read the label of your bottled water. "Spring" water comes
 Emmons and McCullough (2003) have done an
                                                                from one or more underground sources and some bottled
 abundance of research on the psychological benefits of
                                                                water may come from a "municipal source" or from a
 gratitude and have found that those who take a few             "community water system," and may have had additional treat-
 minutes at the end of each day to consider all that they       ment.
 have to be thankful for are generally more optimistic,          •Avoid plastic bottles with the following recycling codes #1
 more energetic, happier and are more satisfied with life       PET, #3 PVC, #6 PS, and #7 Polycarbonate, which may leak
 in general. Whether you show some random act of                suspected carcinogens and hormone disruptors.
 kindness to a stranger or to a friend (i.e., paying for a       •Look for safer plastic bottles, such as #2 HDPE, #4 LDPE,
 soda or cup of coffee) or volunteer at a homeless shelter      and #5 PP.
 to serve a meal, taking a moment to reflect on your
 blessings may improve your mental health this                  Read more:
 Thanksgiving season. I will end with quote by Cicero           providing_safe_drinking_water_for_your_family/
 that states: “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues,   #ixzz1sbN9gsgz
 but the parent of all others.” Happy Thanksgiving!!
 Renee L. Sullivan, M.A., CCLC
Page 6
                                       KIDS BE AWARE, INC.
Kids Be Aware, Inc.
P. O. Box 123456
Boston, MA 01100

                                  Monthly Highlights
       We are seeking NEW                “We strive to partner with schools, churches,
             Enrollment!                 and organizations to focus on the health and
     We are seeking Volunteers for
                                                  well-being of our children”
            various roles.
     Contact us and Volunteer!             First Annual Christmas Drive to be held at the
                                           Salter School Malden, MA starting November

   Kids Be Aware, Inc
   Wellness and Health                      We are on the Web!
   Center coming soon
   around                             Visit us at:

                         To donate to our organization please use this link:

                                     KBA Board Members

  Jeannette Bryant        CEO                   781-535-2448
  Tiffany Henderson       Treasurer         678-431-6543
  Susan Ruiz              Chair                   301-302-4215
  Teresa Godley-Chase     Co-chair      240-515-4222

  Renee Sullivan          Co-Chair            478-718-1306
  Regina Rainey           Board Member             864-303-2151

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Kba november newsletter

  • 1. November 2012 KIDS BE AWARE, INC. Volume 1, Issue 8 Thanksgiving Each year in November, and at the end of the week, the family many American’s celebrate gathered to read all the “Thank You” Thanksgiving with good food, notes and were surprised to find that, family, friends and good times as in many cases, it was a thank you for they give thanks for all their something that one family member blessings throughout the year. Some had done for another. If you prefer people, for various reasons, do not to take a more active role, you and feel that they have much for which your family may wish to volunteer to they should be thankful. Perhaps serve a meal to visitors of local they are jobless, homeless, have homeless shelters or churches in your Table of Contents serious financial problems, or have area, or you may wish to help your CEO’s Corner ............... 2 recently lost a loved one. The truth children to make cards for hospital Highlights ......................... 2 of the matter, however, is that patients or residents who are elderly regardless of who we are, if we are or disabled who are reside in local breathing on our own, have the care facilities. The cards can be Featured Articles: ability to read and write, or are able mailed, along with a photo or letter, to sit up or walk on our own, then we wishing the resident a Happy Healthy Recipes.............. 3 all have something for which we can Thanksgiving. Body Wellness ................ 4 be thankful (Flaxington, 2012). When my twin daughters ........................................... 5 According to the U. S. Department of were in middle school, they had the Education, 32 million people in opportunity to serve a spaghetti America struggle with illiteracy and dinner at a local homeless shelter as the U. S. Census Bureau (2010) part of a youth group mission project reported that 54 million people in at our church. When the girls came America have a disability of some home, they were quite disturbed by a kind. As we get busy with work, single mother of three young school, community and other children who had come in for the activities, we can, at times, take our meal. It was a cool fall evening yet health, employment and educational the mother was wearing flip flops opportunities for granted, but we are and the children had no shoes at all. often reminded of these blessings at This upset my daughters so much Thanksgiving. There are many that they immediately went to their things that you and your family can Our Mission and Vision closets and removed all shoes and do to reflect on your blessings this clothing that were too small. We To increase disease Thanksgiving. For example, took them to the center to help awareness among children Flaxington stated that when her people like this mother and her and parents; To promote children were younger, she and her children. Seeing the need of others healthy behaviors, reduce family kept a “Thank You” box on first-hand provided my children with the spread of infections, the counter and every day, as family a very heart-felt lesson and and to reduce health- members did things for each other or afterwards, my children felt a great related issues in our were particularly thankful for sense of gratitude for they had nation’s children. something, they wrote it down on a themselves, as well as their ability to piece of paper and put into the box
  • 2. Page 2 KIDS BE AWARE, INC. CEO’s Corner... Howdy! delighted in the progress that KBA is making, we Great News! We are have envisioned much more starting our Christmas for the families we serve drive in collaboration with and look forward the Salter school in Malden, accomplishing more things online at our website: MA November 30th, 2012. together. We continue http:// we will set up a box at the reaching out to individuals or school lobby area. Please and organizations for visit us on guide star, have your friends and support and financial family register for our first backing in order to fulfill annual Christmas drive. this need. I thank you in advance for your support and hope I’m always pleased to bring that you find it in your more good news to you all The current need of this heart to help us decrease each and every month and organization is to open a health disparities among hope that you enjoy reading new health facility among our children. us as much as we enjoy our Massachusetts writing these articles for residents. Together, we can you. raise disease awareness “Teach me about health so among children and that I may teach others” We have been working parents. Together we can! overtime getting a center at the Malden, MA or Cheers and Peace to You! Woburn, MA. We have On Behalf of KBA, we are found a location in Woburn, looking for volunteer to Jeannette Bryant, CEO MA and hope to get the help us with the Kids Be Aware, Inc. space very soon. There is a organization Branding and possibility that the location to continue to spread the could be rented to someone word around the else because we haven’t community. raised sufficient funding. However, end of January, From our humble we will house our program beginnings, we continue to “We strive to partner with in one of the location strive to raise disease schools, churches, and mentioned above. awareness among children organizations to focus on the We are eager to partner all around the Nation and health and well-being of our with organizations all hope that our message will children” around town whose mission not only resonate to us here but to people all around the We are seeking NEW Enrollment! and vision is in line with world as well. Please find us We are seeking Volunteers for various roles. ours. While we are Contact us and Volunteer!
  • 3. KIDS BE AWARE, INC. Page 3 Thanksgiving recipes Ingredients: Smoked Turkey 1/4 cup water 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 (12 pound) whole turkey, neck and 2 tablespoons honey giblets removed 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 (20 pound) bag high quality charcoal 2 pounds sweet potatoes (about 4 large), Briquettes hickory chips or chunks peeled and cut into wedges Cracked black pepper or chopped herb of Directions: choice (rosemary, sage or thyme), to taste Place the charcoal into the bottom pan of the smoker. Light the coals and wait for the temperature of the smoker to come to 240 Preheat the oven to 375 F. Lightly coat a 9-by-13 inch baking pan degrees F (115 degrees C). Lightly oil grate. Rinse turkey under with cooking spray. cold water, and pat dry. Place hickory chips into a pan with water to To make the sauce, in a small bowl add the water, brown sugar, honey cover. and olive oil. Whisk until smooth. Place a single layer of sweet Place turkey onto the prepared grate. Add 2 handfuls damp chips at potatoes in the baking pan. Pour the sauce over the sweet potatoes. start of cooking, then a handful every couple of hours during the Turn to coat them. cooking process. Leave the lid on - DO NOT keep looking at Cover and bake until tender, about 45 minutes. Turn the sweet turkey, or you will let the heat out! Continue smoking until the potatoes once or twice to continue coating them. When tender, remove internal temperature of the turkey reaches180 degrees F (82 degrees the cover and continue to bake until the glaze is set, about 15 minutes. C), or keep going until the coals die out. Transfer to a serving dish and top with pepper or chopped herb of choice. Serve immediately. recipeID=35500&origin=detail&servings=18&metric=false Glazed Sweet Potatoes The vegetable Naturally sweet and juicy, group is where you fruits are also low in calo- find many of na- ries, fat, sodium, and cho- ture’s healthiest lesterol and are bursting foods. Vegetables with an array of vitamins are full of fiber, vi- and minerals. Fruit may al- tamins, and miner- ready be a staple in your als and are low in house, so if that’s the case, calories, fat, so- keep it up! Remember to dium, and choles- introduce kids to all types of terol. Vegetables are divided into five sub- fruit because each offers its own assortment of nutri- groups based on nutrient content—dark-green ents. And try to choose whole fruit or cut-up fruit vegetables, orange vegetables, beans and over fruit juices to get more fiber and fewer calories peas, starchy vegetables, and a group for all per serving. Be sure to cut fruit into appropriately others. Serve your child a variety of vegeta- sized pieces for younger children. bles from all the subgroups each week. Nutrients: Carbohydrates, fiber, folate, vitamin C, potassium Nutrients: Fiber and abundant vitamins and Servings: Approximately 1 to 1 1/2 cups for kids and minerals, which vary by vegetable 1 1/2 to 2 cups for adults Servings: Approximately 1 1/2 to 2 cups for kids and 2 to 3 cups for adults recipes-kids-00412000072333/page5.html box-recipes-kids-00412000072333/ page5.html
  • 4. Page 4 KIDS BE AWARE, INC. Body Wellness Celebrating the Holidays! Thanksgiving has always been a time when we set aside a time to express our thanks for all of our blessings. This year is no different. In light of the extreme challenges we have faced individually, and as a nation, being thankful for what we have is very important. During our family gatherings however, we parents often juggle busy schedules while attending to our families. It can become a challenge to parents who also struggle to maintain the physical health of their children. Despite the fact that children are back in school and schedules have changed to accommodate this, children often contract colds and flu as a result. Keeping your child healthy during the school year becomes more challenging when schedules change again as we celebrate the holidays. Emergency rooms see an increase in cases of accident and illnesses among children during the holidays and in some cases, these visits are preventable. In taking these steps, parents may be able to avoid an unnecessary trip to the ER during the holidays: 1. If you decorate your home, be sure to use non-toxic decorations and avoid introducing plants into your decorations if you are unsure of their potential to cause illness. 2. If your child takes regular medication(s), make sure that you maintain your supply just in case the weather makes travel hazardous. Even if you cannot get out, your child will have their regular medications. 3. Maintain your diligence to personal hygiene for your children. Frequent hand washing is best to teach your children as a preventable method of contracting cold and flu. 4. Maintain sleep schedules for your children. In keeping children to a normal sleep schedule, you are actually helping them to be well rested and ready to enjoy the holidays. 5. In celebrating the holidays, make sure you are taking into consideration any food allergies your child may have when eating away from home. When making sure that your host is aware of these allergies, you help to make the holidays safer for your children. All in all, as we take time to celebrate the holidays, let us take time to ensure that the ones we love stay safe and healthy! References: Susan Ruiz, Chair
  • 5. KIDS BE AWARE, INC. Page 5 Thanksgiving (cont.) Providing Safe Drinking Water for Your Family help others who were less fortunate. KNOW YOUR WATER SOURCE •Find out if the pipes in your home or apartment building are Thankfulness is defined as “warm, friendly made of lead or contain lead solder. feelings of gratitude” and gratitude is “a feeling or •Send tap water samples to your local EPA-certified labora- attitude of appreciation.” Many years ago, one of my tory for testing, or buy a water test kit. psychology instructors asked me why I chose to go into •If your water is supplied by a public system: the field of psychology. Although it was not the answer ◦ Ask your supplier what chemicals and parasites are tested that he wanted to hear, I simply replied that it was for and how the water is treated. because I wanted to “help others.” Years later, I now ◦ Obtain a Consumer Confidence Report on your water realize that by helping others, I help myself because “it quality from your public water authority. makes me feel good” on the inside. Of course, when I •If your water supply is a private well: ◦ Test your water chose to obtain a college degree, my future goal was to yearly for pesticides, metals, coliform bacteria and other possi- have the ability to support myself and my family by ble contaminants. establishing a lucrative career, but having a career that ◦ Avoid using pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals near your well's supply source as they can pollute your ground- would allow me the opportunity to help others was icing water. on the cake and once my degree was completed, I immediately began to give back to others through IMPROVE YOUR WATER SUPPLY teaching and volunteering in the community. Dr. Keith •Install water treatment filters or conditioning systems. Ablow (2010), a Fox News Medical team member, ◦ Several types are available, depending on what contami- reported that there is a “connection between feeling nants are present. grateful and feeling a sense of purpose in life.” Gratitude •Consider buying a water distiller. causes us to approach life with optimism and encourages •Flush your pipes by running cold water for at least one min- faith but psychological issues can diminish our outlook ute. on life, causing us to lose faith and hope (Ablow). As •Do not use hot water from the tap for cooking or drinking, previously mentioned, there are those who are less as toxins are more likely to leach into hot water. fortunate who may be struggling financially and who •Make sure formula is prepared with safe water since boiling may not be able to provide a well-balanced, nutritious increases the lead concentration. Infants are at particular risk meal for themselves or their families and many may be of lead poisoning because of the larger amount of water they consume relative to their body size. alone on Thanksgiving Day, causing the holiday to •If necessary, install shower/faucet filters since babies can swal- trigger depression and anxiety. Ablow (2012) stated that low water when bathing. “major depression can make folks forget that life is a gift; •Immediately dispose of household chemicals like batteries, panic disorder can hijack all their thoughts and feelings fluorescent bulbs, used motor oil, etc., at your municipal haz- and leave no bandwidth for hope or gratitude; alcohol ardous waste depot. (Do not leave them around your home and drug addiction can take their autonomy away so that where they may contaminate your water supply.) they don't have the personal reserves to look with optimism or gratitude upon anything.” IMPROVE YOUR WATER SUPPLY •Read the label of your bottled water. "Spring" water comes Emmons and McCullough (2003) have done an from one or more underground sources and some bottled abundance of research on the psychological benefits of water may come from a "municipal source" or from a gratitude and have found that those who take a few "community water system," and may have had additional treat- minutes at the end of each day to consider all that they ment. have to be thankful for are generally more optimistic, •Avoid plastic bottles with the following recycling codes #1 more energetic, happier and are more satisfied with life PET, #3 PVC, #6 PS, and #7 Polycarbonate, which may leak in general. Whether you show some random act of suspected carcinogens and hormone disruptors. kindness to a stranger or to a friend (i.e., paying for a •Look for safer plastic bottles, such as #2 HDPE, #4 LDPE, soda or cup of coffee) or volunteer at a homeless shelter and #5 PP. to serve a meal, taking a moment to reflect on your blessings may improve your mental health this Read more: Thanksgiving season. I will end with quote by Cicero providing_safe_drinking_water_for_your_family/ that states: “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, #ixzz1sbN9gsgz but the parent of all others.” Happy Thanksgiving!! Renee L. Sullivan, M.A., CCLC
  • 6. Page 6 KIDS BE AWARE, INC. Kids Be Aware, Inc. P. O. Box 123456 Boston, MA 01100 Monthly Highlights We are seeking NEW “We strive to partner with schools, churches, Enrollment! and organizations to focus on the health and We are seeking Volunteers for well-being of our children” various roles. Contact us and Volunteer! First Annual Christmas Drive to be held at the Salter School Malden, MA starting November Kids Be Aware, Inc Wellness and Health We are on the Web! Center coming soon around Visit us at: To donate to our organization please use this link: KBA Board Members Jeannette Bryant CEO 781-535-2448 Tiffany Henderson Treasurer 678-431-6543 Susan Ruiz Chair 301-302-4215 Teresa Godley-Chase Co-chair 240-515-4222 Renee Sullivan Co-Chair 478-718-1306 Regina Rainey Board Member 864-303-2151