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Kainamu Whakamomori: Attempted
      Suicide in Aotearoa

       Dr Nicole M. C oupe KÄI TAH U , TE ATIAWA
                 Pos t Doctoral Fellow
                N ga P ae o te Maram atanga

       n.m.coupe@mas s

   Aotearoa contemporary context
   Maori attempted suicide medical record review
   Maori attempted suicide case control study
   Translating research into suicide prevention

   Changes in coding
   Differences in DHB reporting and patient management

   Hospitalisations are numbers of episodes rather than
    individual people
       Readmissions same condition counted as additional
       People transferred between hospitals are counted each time
Intentional self harm rates

            A otearoa         Non-Mäori            Mäori
          100,000   No.      100,000   No.     100,000   No.

Total     1 31 .5   5292      1 34.1   4573    1 1 5.1     71 9

Fem ale   1 78.6    361 0     1 85.0   31 43   1 43.9      467

M ale      84.2     1 682      83.3    1 430     85.0      252
Suicide & Intentional Self Harm Rates
          Age standardised
          rate (per 100,000)
    400                                                                          Male

    350                                                                          Female

           10-   15- 20-   25- 30-   35- 40-   45- 50-   55- 60-   65- 70-   75- 80- 85+
                                         Age groups (years)

   Total 20-24 years                      (300.0/100,000)
   Males 25-29 years                      (201.6/100,000)
   Females 15-19 years                    (425.4/100,000)
   Mäori 20-24 years                      (277.5/100,000)
         Males 20-25 years                (210.0/100,000)
         Females 20-24 years              (343.4/100,000)
Suicide & Intentional Self Harm Rates
          Age standardised
          rate (per 100,000)
    400                                                              Male
    350                                                              Female
               5-14            15-24         25-44          45-64   65+
                                       Age groups (years)

   15-24 years both males and females
   Rates decrease with life style age group
DHB intentional self harm
         West Coast (250.3) &
          Canterbury (218.7)

         Waitemata, Auckland,
          Counties, Waikato, Hutt
          Valley, Nelson
          Marlborough, Otago
             125-187/100,000

         Capital & Coast (61.9) &
          Southland (63.1)
Hospitalisation & Deprivation

   Increase
    hospitalisations         Age standardised
                             rate (per 100,000)

    with increased     180

    deprivations       140
   Least deprived     80

    areas 83/100,000   40
   Most deprived                     1           2           3
                                                      NZDep2001 quintile
                                                                           4   5

Other researchers of suicide attempts

   Bennett – Päkeh ä youth suicid e
   Tiatia – Pacific youth suicid e
   Beautrais – Serious suicid e attem pts
   H atcher – Problem solving therapy after suicid e
    attem pt
   N ad a-Raja, C ollings, C oggan
Mäori attempted suicide

   M äori M ed ical Record Review

   M äori Attem pted Suicid e C ase C ontrol
Study zone
Mäori Medical Record Review
   R e cord s from E m e rge ncy D e p artm e nts b e twe e n Ju ly 1 s t 1 999 –
    D e ce m b e r 31 s t 2000
   N = 252 ind ivid u als / 0 p re s e ntations - 1 8m th s
        61 % fe m ale ; 85% s ole M äori, 43% C ou ntie s M anu kau , 25% e m p loye d ,
         21 % u ne m p loye d , 1 7% b e ne ficiarie s , 56% living with wh änau
        70% P ois oning (53% p re s crip tion m e d ications , 20% analge s ics ), 1 5%
         cu tting or p ie rcing
   H om e , 1 800-2400 h ou rs , 37% p re s e ntations alcoh ol (fe m ale s
    you nge r), 1 5% M arij ana
   71 % firs t tim e rs – re p e at p re s e ntations (74% 2x, 1 7% 3x, 9% 5x)
   E D s e rvice 53 % m e d ications , 88% p s ych iatric, 1 6% cu ltu ral
    inform e d , 1 3% ab s cond e d or re fu s e d s e rvice s
   87% with p os t d is ch arge p lans , 67% h om e , 1 8% p s ych iatric care ,
   F ollow u p C M H S , H os p ital p s ych s e rvice s G P , C u ltu ral S e rvice s 4%

   1 M äori e ve ry 2 d ays p re s e nts to
    Au ckland E D for D S H
   20% p re s e nte d following O D analge s ics
   50% p re viou s ly b e e n to E D and 33%
    m ore th an twice
   O ve rnigh t ad m is s ions allow cu ltu rally
    ap p rop riate as s e s s m e nt and follow u p
Kaupapa Mäori Methodology

   C om m u nity d rive n   S e lf id e ntification
    re s e arch
                             P articip ant
   M äori p rincip al
                              controlle d inte rvie w
    inve s tigator
                               Tim e
   M äori re s e arch te am
                               P lace
   M äori d e cis ion
                               Koh a
    m aking
   P artne rs h ip s with   D is s e m ination
    non-M äori
Mäori case control study
   C AS E S :                         C O N TR O LS :
      n= 250                            n= 250
      M äori (s e lf                    M äori (s e lf
       Id e ntification)                   id e ntification)
      1 6 – 50 ye ars
                                         1 6 – 50 ye ars
      Atte m p te d s u icid e
                                         P op u lation b as e d
       (d iagnos e d )
                                         Au ckland R e gion
      Au ckland re gion
                                         227 s ite s ; 3045
      3 h os p itals (Au ckland ,
                                           h ou s e h old s
       M id d le m ore , N orth
       S h ore )
Method Mäori case control study
   Q u e s tionnaire (> 400 qu e s tions )
        C u ltu ral Ind icators
        D e m ograp h ic & s ocio-e conom ic factors
        G e ne ral H e alth Q u e s tionnaire (G H Q – 28)
        H os p ital Anxie ty & D e p re s s ion S cale (H AD S ) & M e ntal H e alth
         F actors
        S u b s tance U s e (C AG E )
        H e alth s e rvice acce s s ib ility
        S ocial s u p p orts
        E nvironm e ntal factors
        S u icid ality (C ID I)
        Be ck’s S cale of S u icid e Inte nt (S IS – 1 4)

   C as e s e le ction
       1 s t Au gu s t 2000 to 1 3th Janu ary 2002 (1 5m th s )

   Inte rvie ws com p le te N ov 2002 (27m th s )

   21 4 (85.5% ) cas e s & 203 (81 .2% ) controls
Culture & Mäori attempted suicide

C ulture                                 All ages                   16-24
Identity & whakapapa (family tree)    OR                 CI   OR                  CI
   S ole Mäori identity               2.4     1 .59, 3.63     2.6      1 .23, 5.68
   Knowledge 4+ generations          0.25     0.1 4, 0.44     0.4      0.1 1 , 1 .08
   Name Iwi (tribe)                  0.35     0.1 8, 0.67     0.3      0.1 1 , 0.94
Marae (village common)               0.09     0.04, 0.21      0.1      0.01 , 0.27
Tikanga (Mäori protocols )            1.8     1 .1 8, 2.75    1.3           0.6, 2.8
Whänau (family) links                0.16     0.09, 0.29      0.3      0.09, 0.72
Whenua (Mäori land)                  0.22     0.1 3, 0.36     0.3      0.1 2, 0.66
Kai (Mäori food)                     0.26     0.1 7, 0.40     0.2      0.08, 0.43
Te Reo Mäori (Mäori language)        0.19      0.1 0, 0.35    1.9      0.74, 5.03
Measuring culture

                                                   Identity Profiles
       Cultural indicators       Secure       Positive    Notional     Compromised
2: Identify as Mäori             Yes          Yes         Yes          No
4: No. of Mäori generations      3+           2           1            Any response
8.1: Times to own marae          5+           2-4         0-1          Any response
9.4: Role whänau plays in life   > large      Small       <small       Any response
10: Interest Mäori land          Yes          Yes/dk      No           Any response
                                              basic -
15: Te reo Mäori ability         adv - native learner     No ability   Any response
                                 Q.2 = yes +   Q.2 = yes +   Q.2 = yes
                                 3 other       2 other       + 3 other Q.2 = no
                                 positive      positive      negative + any other
Minimum criteria                 responses     responses     responses response
Te Ao Mäori Model

                                     A+G +            A+G +          A+G +            A+G +            A+G +
Cultural Indicators A+G                SES              GHQ            HADS             Drugs            Abuse

Cultural identity
   profile          X23=33.62        X23=19.09        X23=3.06       X23=2.76         X23=24.15        X23=18.79

                    0.28             0.4              1.1            0.5              0.2              0.2
Secure              (0.1, 0.7)       (0.1, 1.1)       (0.2, 6.7)     (0.2, 0.3)       (0.1, 0.7)       (0.1, 0.8)
                    1.0              1.2              (0.7,          1.1              1.0              0.9
Positive            (0.5, 2.4)       (0.4, 3.2)           14.4)      (0.3, 3.7)       (0.4, 2.6)       (0.2, 3.6)
                    4.4              3.7              (0.2,          1.2              2.9              3.3
Notional            (1.5, 13.3)      (1.04, 13.)          15.3)      (0.3, 6.1)       (0.8, 10.2)      (0.6, 18.0)

Compromised                      1                1              1                1                1                1
Whakamomori: Mäori suicide prevention model
Variable                                     OR      C onfidenc e   P value
D e m o graphics       Age                   0.99    Intervals
                                                     0.95 -1 .04    0.8
G e nd e r             F e m al e            0.75    0.31 -1 .80    0.5
                       Mal  e                1
C ultural Id e ntity   S e cure              1                      0.2
                       P o s itive           3.31    1 .1 0-9.95
                       No tio nal            1 .56   0.1 9-1 9.95
                       C o m pro m is e d    1 .7    0.23-1 2 .38
Health S tatus         GHQ–28                1.28    1.20-1.35      <0.0001
Inte rpe rs o nal      At l as t o nce
                           e                 2 .04   0.69-5.88      0.2
Abus e                 No                    1
Al ho l (C AG E )
  co                   Two ite m s           1 .51   0.61 -1 .64    0.4
                       Le s s than 2         1
    uana               Us e                  1 .55   0.68-3.85      0.3
                       D o n’t us e          1
E d ucatio n           S cho o l l ave r ≤
                                  e          1 .84   0.75 -4.51     0.2
                       S cho o l l ave r >
                                  e          1
E m pl ym e nt
      o                Ye s                  1 .03   0.36-2.93      0.96
                       No                    1
Inco m e               U nd e r$2 0,000      0.84    0.31 -2.28     0.7
                       At l as t $2 0,000
                           e                 1
Whakamomori: Mäori suicide prevention model
Variable                                    OR        C onfidenc e      P value
D e m o graphic        Age                            Intervals
                                                 0.99 (0.96-1 .03)                  0.8
G e nd e r             F e m al
                              e                  0.88 (0.43-1 .81 )                 0.7
                       Mal  e                       1
C ul
   tural Id e ntity    S ec ure                     1                   0.003
                       P o s itive               2.48 (1 .21 -5.08)
                       No tio nal                8.32 (2.51 -27.61 )
                       C o m pro m is e d         4.3 (1 .31 -1 4.1 )
Inte rpe rs o nal      A t leas t onc e          2.27 ( 1.15-4.35)      0.02
Abus e                 No                   1
S ubs tance U s e
Al ho l (C AG E )
  co                   Two items                 1.85 ( 1.00-3.45)                 0.05
                       Mo re than two       1
    uana               Us e                      2.27 ( 1.24-4.16)                0.008
                       D o n’t us e        1
E d ucatio n           S cho o l l ave r ?
                                 e               1 .69 (0.77-3.71 )                0.07
                       S cho o l l ave r > 1
E m pl ym e nt
     o                 Ye s                      0.77 (0.37-1 .60)                  0.5
Inco m e               Le s s than               1 .73 (0.88-3.40)                  0.1
                       At l as t $20,000 1
Translation research - implementation

   Whakawhanaungatanga – Self Harm & Suicide
    Prevention Collaborative
   Case Finding Assessment Tool – Early
    detection and management of people at risk of
    suicide in primary care setting

   Implementation of
    guidelines into
       Emergency
       Mental Health
       Maori Health Services

   Tools
     National targets
     Mapping an individual clients pathway

      through secondary care
     Plan – Do – Study – Act Cycles
National Targets

   90% of people attending the ED identified with self-harm
    or suicidality are seen within 1 hour
   100% of people presenting with self-harm or suicidality
    will have documented assessment.
   100% of people presenting with self-harm or suicidality
    will be provided with a written copy of their care plan on
    discharge (also significant others/ whänau if appropriate)
   100% of people presenting with self harm or suicidality
    will have a follow up appointment within 48-hours of
       90% of people who do not attend that appointment will be
        contacted within 48 hrs.
Client Pathway Map

   What is a typical problem at each point of the process?
   Are there examples of best practice?
   Identify measures to monitor improved processes
   Test changes
Plan – Do – Study – Act

   What are we trying to
       An aim with a clear outcome
        target is essential to assign
        resources & garner support
   What changes can we make
    to result in improvement?
       The hypothesis generation
        step…where we test ideas
        before implementing changes
   How will we know that a
    change is an improvement?
       Measurement to demonstrate
Who’s In
   Emergency departments, mental health & Maori health
    services in DHB’s
       Northland
       Waitemata
       Counties Manukau
       Waikato
       Lakes
       Taranaki
       Mid Central
       Hutt Valley
       West Coast
       Southland
Primary Care tool development

   Detection & Management of people at risk of
    suicide in the primary care setting
       Depression
       Anxiety
       Interpersonal abuse
       Substance use (alcohol & drugs)
       Gambling
       Smoking
       Eating Disorder

   Kaupapa Epidemiology
       Randomised control trial
         −   Raukura Hauora o Tainui (PHO), West Auckland PHO,
             North Shore PHO and Tairawhiti PHO
         −   N=1000 face validity
         −   N=1200 content validity
       Kaupapa
         −   Maori co-leadership, data collection & analysis,

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Kainamu Whakamomori: Maori Attempted Suicide in Aotearoa

  • 1. Kainamu Whakamomori: Attempted Suicide in Aotearoa Dr Nicole M. C oupe KÄI TAH U , TE ATIAWA Pos t Doctoral Fellow N ga P ae o te Maram atanga n.m.coupe@mas s
  • 2. Summary  Aotearoa contemporary context  Maori attempted suicide medical record review  Maori attempted suicide case control study  Translating research into suicide prevention
  • 3. Definitions  Changes in coding  Differences in DHB reporting and patient management  Hospitalisations are numbers of episodes rather than individual people  Readmissions same condition counted as additional discharges  People transferred between hospitals are counted each time
  • 4. Intentional self harm rates A otearoa Non-Mäori Mäori 100,000 No. 100,000 No. 100,000 No. Total 1 31 .5 5292 1 34.1 4573 1 1 5.1 71 9 Fem ale 1 78.6 361 0 1 85.0 31 43 1 43.9 467 M ale 84.2 1 682 83.3 1 430 85.0 252
  • 5. Suicide & Intentional Self Harm Rates Age standardised rate (per 100,000) 450 400 Male 350 Female 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 10- 15- 20- 25- 30- 35- 40- 45- 50- 55- 60- 65- 70- 75- 80- 85+ Age groups (years)  Total 20-24 years (300.0/100,000)  Males 25-29 years (201.6/100,000)  Females 15-19 years (425.4/100,000)  Mäori 20-24 years (277.5/100,000)  Males 20-25 years (210.0/100,000)  Females 20-24 years (343.4/100,000)
  • 6. Suicide & Intentional Self Harm Rates Age standardised rate (per 100,000) 450 400 Male 350 Female 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ Age groups (years)  15-24 years both males and females  Rates decrease with life style age group
  • 7. DHB intentional self harm  West Coast (250.3) & Canterbury (218.7)  Waitemata, Auckland, Counties, Waikato, Hutt Valley, Nelson Marlborough, Otago  125-187/100,000  Capital & Coast (61.9) & Southland (63.1)
  • 8. Hospitalisation & Deprivation  Increase hospitalisations Age standardised rate (per 100,000) with increased 180 160 deprivations 140 120 100  Least deprived 80 60 areas 83/100,000 40 20 0  Most deprived 1 2 3 NZDep2001 quintile 4 5 areas 154.7/100,000
  • 9. Other researchers of suicide attempts  Bennett – Päkeh ä youth suicid e  Tiatia – Pacific youth suicid e  Beautrais – Serious suicid e attem pts  H atcher – Problem solving therapy after suicid e attem pt  N ad a-Raja, C ollings, C oggan
  • 10. Mäori attempted suicide  M äori M ed ical Record Review  M äori Attem pted Suicid e C ase C ontrol
  • 12. Mäori Medical Record Review  R e cord s from E m e rge ncy D e p artm e nts b e twe e n Ju ly 1 s t 1 999 – D e ce m b e r 31 s t 2000  N = 252 ind ivid u als / 0 p re s e ntations - 1 8m th s 31  61 % fe m ale ; 85% s ole M äori, 43% C ou ntie s M anu kau , 25% e m p loye d , 21 % u ne m p loye d , 1 7% b e ne ficiarie s , 56% living with wh änau  70% P ois oning (53% p re s crip tion m e d ications , 20% analge s ics ), 1 5% cu tting or p ie rcing  H om e , 1 800-2400 h ou rs , 37% p re s e ntations alcoh ol (fe m ale s you nge r), 1 5% M arij ana u  71 % firs t tim e rs – re p e at p re s e ntations (74% 2x, 1 7% 3x, 9% 5x)  E D s e rvice 53 % m e d ications , 88% p s ych iatric, 1 6% cu ltu ral inform e d , 1 3% ab s cond e d or re fu s e d s e rvice s  87% with p os t d is ch arge p lans , 67% h om e , 1 8% p s ych iatric care ,  F ollow u p C M H S , H os p ital p s ych s e rvice s G P , C u ltu ral S e rvice s 4%
  • 13. Conclusion  1 M äori e ve ry 2 d ays p re s e nts to Au ckland E D for D S H  20% p re s e nte d following O D analge s ics  50% p re viou s ly b e e n to E D and 33% m ore th an twice  O ve rnigh t ad m is s ions allow cu ltu rally ap p rop riate as s e s s m e nt and follow u p
  • 14. Kaupapa Mäori Methodology  C om m u nity d rive n S e lf id e ntification re s e arch P articip ant  M äori p rincip al controlle d inte rvie w inve s tigator Tim e  M äori re s e arch te am P lace  M äori d e cis ion Koh a m aking  P artne rs h ip s with D is s e m ination non-M äori
  • 15. Mäori case control study  C AS E S : C O N TR O LS :  n= 250 n= 250  M äori (s e lf M äori (s e lf Id e ntification) id e ntification)  1 6 – 50 ye ars 1 6 – 50 ye ars  Atte m p te d s u icid e P op u lation b as e d (d iagnos e d ) Au ckland R e gion  Au ckland re gion 227 s ite s ; 3045  3 h os p itals (Au ckland , h ou s e h old s M id d le m ore , N orth S h ore )
  • 16. Method Mäori case control study  Q u e s tionnaire (> 400 qu e s tions )  C u ltu ral Ind icators  D e m ograp h ic & s ocio-e conom ic factors  G e ne ral H e alth Q u e s tionnaire (G H Q – 28)  H os p ital Anxie ty & D e p re s s ion S cale (H AD S ) & M e ntal H e alth F actors  S u b s tance U s e (C AG E )  H e alth s e rvice acce s s ib ility  S ocial s u p p orts  E nvironm e ntal factors  S u icid ality (C ID I)  Be ck’s S cale of S u icid e Inte nt (S IS – 1 4)
  • 17. Results  C as e s e le ction  1 s t Au gu s t 2000 to 1 3th Janu ary 2002 (1 5m th s )  Inte rvie ws com p le te N ov 2002 (27m th s )  21 4 (85.5% ) cas e s & 203 (81 .2% ) controls
  • 18. Culture & Mäori attempted suicide C ulture All ages 16-24 Identity & whakapapa (family tree) OR CI OR CI S ole Mäori identity 2.4 1 .59, 3.63 2.6 1 .23, 5.68 Knowledge 4+ generations 0.25 0.1 4, 0.44 0.4 0.1 1 , 1 .08 Name Iwi (tribe) 0.35 0.1 8, 0.67 0.3 0.1 1 , 0.94 Marae (village common) 0.09 0.04, 0.21 0.1 0.01 , 0.27 Tikanga (Mäori protocols ) 1.8 1 .1 8, 2.75 1.3 0.6, 2.8 Whänau (family) links 0.16 0.09, 0.29 0.3 0.09, 0.72 Whenua (Mäori land) 0.22 0.1 3, 0.36 0.3 0.1 2, 0.66 Kai (Mäori food) 0.26 0.1 7, 0.40 0.2 0.08, 0.43 Te Reo Mäori (Mäori language) 0.19 0.1 0, 0.35 1.9 0.74, 5.03
  • 19. Measuring culture Identity Profiles Cultural indicators Secure Positive Notional Compromised 2: Identify as Mäori Yes Yes Yes No 4: No. of Mäori generations 3+ 2 1 Any response 8.1: Times to own marae 5+ 2-4 0-1 Any response 9.4: Role whänau plays in life > large Small <small Any response 10: Interest Mäori land Yes Yes/dk No Any response basic - 15: Te reo Mäori ability adv - native learner No ability Any response Q.2 = yes + Q.2 = yes + Q.2 = yes 3 other 2 other + 3 other Q.2 = no positive positive negative + any other Minimum criteria responses responses responses response
  • 20. Te Ao Mäori Model A+G + A+G + A+G + A+G + A+G + Cultural Indicators A+G SES GHQ HADS Drugs Abuse Cultural identity profile X23=33.62 X23=19.09 X23=3.06 X23=2.76 X23=24.15 X23=18.79 0.28 0.4 1.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 Secure (0.1, 0.7) (0.1, 1.1) (0.2, 6.7) (0.2, 0.3) (0.1, 0.7) (0.1, 0.8) 3.1 1.0 1.2 (0.7, 1.1 1.0 0.9 Positive (0.5, 2.4) (0.4, 3.2) 14.4) (0.3, 3.7) (0.4, 2.6) (0.2, 3.6) 1.8 4.4 3.7 (0.2, 1.2 2.9 3.3 Notional (1.5, 13.3) (1.04, 13.) 15.3) (0.3, 6.1) (0.8, 10.2) (0.6, 18.0) Compromised 1 1 1 1 1 1
  • 21. Whakamomori: Mäori suicide prevention model Variable OR C onfidenc e P value D e m o graphics Age 0.99 Intervals 0.95 -1 .04 0.8 G e nd e r F e m al e 0.75 0.31 -1 .80 0.5 Mal e 1 C ultural Id e ntity S e cure 1 0.2 P o s itive 3.31 1 .1 0-9.95 No tio nal 1 .56 0.1 9-1 9.95 C o m pro m is e d 1 .7 0.23-1 2 .38 Health S tatus GHQ–28 1.28 1.20-1.35 <0.0001 Inte rpe rs o nal At l as t o nce e 2 .04 0.69-5.88 0.2 Abus e No 1 Al ho l (C AG E ) co Two ite m s 1 .51 0.61 -1 .64 0.4 Le s s than 2 1 Marij uana Us e 1 .55 0.68-3.85 0.3 D o n’t us e 1 E d ucatio n S cho o l l ave r ≤ e 1 .84 0.75 -4.51 0.2 S cho o l l ave r > e 1 E m pl ym e nt o Ye s 1 .03 0.36-2.93 0.96 No 1 Inco m e U nd e r$2 0,000 0.84 0.31 -2.28 0.7 At l as t $2 0,000 e 1
  • 22. Whakamomori: Mäori suicide prevention model Variable OR C onfidenc e P value D e m o graphic Age Intervals 0.99 (0.96-1 .03) 0.8 G e nd e r F e m al e 0.88 (0.43-1 .81 ) 0.7 Mal e 1 C ul tural Id e ntity S ec ure 1 0.003 P o s itive 2.48 (1 .21 -5.08) No tio nal 8.32 (2.51 -27.61 ) C o m pro m is e d 4.3 (1 .31 -1 4.1 ) Inte rpe rs o nal A t leas t onc e 2.27 ( 1.15-4.35) 0.02 Abus e No 1 S ubs tance U s e Al ho l (C AG E ) co Two items 1.85 ( 1.00-3.45) 0.05 Mo re than two 1 Marij uana Us e 2.27 ( 1.24-4.16) 0.008 D o n’t us e 1 E d ucatio n S cho o l l ave r ? e 1 .69 (0.77-3.71 ) 0.07 S cho o l l ave r > 1 e E m pl ym e nt o Ye s 0.77 (0.37-1 .60) 0.5 Inco m e Le s s than 1 .73 (0.88-3.40) 0.1 At l as t $20,000 1 e
  • 23. Translation research - implementation  Whakawhanaungatanga – Self Harm & Suicide Prevention Collaborative  Case Finding Assessment Tool – Early detection and management of people at risk of suicide in primary care setting
  • 24. Whakawhanaungatanga  Implementation of guidelines into  Emergency Departments  Mental Health Services  Maori Health Services
  • 25. Methodology  Tools  National targets  Mapping an individual clients pathway through secondary care  Plan – Do – Study – Act Cycles
  • 26. National Targets  90% of people attending the ED identified with self-harm or suicidality are seen within 1 hour  100% of people presenting with self-harm or suicidality will have documented assessment.  100% of people presenting with self-harm or suicidality will be provided with a written copy of their care plan on discharge (also significant others/ whänau if appropriate)  100% of people presenting with self harm or suicidality will have a follow up appointment within 48-hours of discharge.  90% of people who do not attend that appointment will be contacted within 48 hrs.
  • 27. Client Pathway Map  What is a typical problem at each point of the process?  Are there examples of best practice?  Identify measures to monitor improved processes  Test changes
  • 28. Plan – Do – Study – Act  What are we trying to accomplish?  An aim with a clear outcome target is essential to assign resources & garner support  What changes can we make to result in improvement?  The hypothesis generation step…where we test ideas before implementing changes  How will we know that a change is an improvement?  Measurement to demonstrate improvement
  • 29. Who’s In  Emergency departments, mental health & Maori health services in DHB’s  Northland  Waitemata  Counties Manukau  Waikato  Lakes  Taranaki  Mid Central  Hutt Valley  West Coast  Southland
  • 30. Primary Care tool development  Detection & Management of people at risk of suicide in the primary care setting  Depression  Anxiety  Interpersonal abuse  Substance use (alcohol & drugs)  Gambling  Smoking  Eating Disorder
  • 31. Methodology  Kaupapa Epidemiology  Randomised control trial − Raukura Hauora o Tainui (PHO), West Auckland PHO, North Shore PHO and Tairawhiti PHO − N=1000 face validity − N=1200 content validity  Kaupapa − Maori co-leadership, data collection & analysis, participants

Editor's Notes

  1. Not possible to compare to previous years as the definition of intentional self harm has been extended
  2. Area of high concentration Mäori suicide and suicidal behaviours
  3. Epidemiology driven by kaupapa Mäori processes
  4. Identification of case and controls
  5. Several validated questionnaires employed Over 400 questions in total
  6. 15 months selection 27 months interviewing High response rates for Mäori
  7. Cultural identity indicators 6 items identity genealogy marae access whanau (family) access whenua (land) access Mäori language ability Production of 4 discrete identity profiles
  8. Cultural identity profiles with respect to possible confounders age &amp; gender SES GHQ-28 HADS Substances Abuse Only significant factors secure identity protective wrt age, gender, substances &amp; abuse Notional identity increases risk by age, gender and SES
  9. Mäori Suicide prevention model combining demographics, cultural identity, health status, abuse, substances and SES Having a poor general health status is the only significant factor to affect the level of Mäori attempted suicide
  10. Removing general health status from the model reveals more significant factors that may affect the level of Mäori attempted suicide cultural identity abuse marujuana