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                           JAY-Z: IN THA’ MIX
                            LETA HENDRICKS


To accomplish this goal I plan the following activities:
A. Participate in the OSUL Instructor Development Program meetings and
    workshops for counsel and guidance.
B. Use Reverse Engineering to develop seminar: establish goals, choose
    assessment tools, and develop learning plan.
C. Plan instructional activities for multiple content formats.
D. Create a new Freshman Seminar Syllabus.
E. Demonstrate results at Instructor Development Program Summer Showcase.

January------February              March------AprilMay------June
Create Project Timeline       Obtain Learning Objects        Develop Assignments,
Select Methodologies          Create Instructional Content   Instructional Content, &
Determine Goal & Objectives   (Learning Domains)             Rubrics
Select Resources              Propose Activities That        Testing
Choose Assessment Tools       Demonstrate Understanding      Choose Assessment Tools
                              Build Assignments &
                              Instructional Content
                              Choose Assessment Tools


The instructional design process, backwards design:

   ● Establish desired results
        ○ Goals - content standards or outcomes
        ○ “Understandings” or big ideas that should dominate
        ○ Knowledge and skills to be acquired
   ● Developassessment
        ○ What assignments and activitiesdemonstrate understanding
        ○ What criteria will be used to evaluate those tasks
        ○ How will students reflect and self-assess
   ● Create Learning Plan
        ○ Sequence class
        ○ Evaluate structure

Wiggins, Grant P, and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998. Print.

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                        Page 1

Remembering: can the student recall or remember the information?
Define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state

Understanding: can the student explain ideas or concepts?
Classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, and

Applying: can the student use the information in a new way?
Choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve,
use, write

Analyzing: can the student distinguish between the different parts?
Appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment,
question, and test

Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or decision?
Appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate

Creating: can the student create new product or point of view?
Assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, and write

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                                        Page 2
Learning   Activities               Delivery                  Assessment
Domain                              Considerations
Cognitive      Self-check           Web-enhanced              Project based for
               quizzes              materials                 higher cognitive
               Case studies         supplementing             skills
               Drill and practice   classroom lectures        Multiple choice or
               Short answer         Hybrid course with        short essay
               essay                cognitive content on      questions
               Project or           the webMultimedia         Case Studies
               problem-based        simulations of
               activities           challenging and key

Affective      Goal setting         Face-to-face meetings     Self-assessment
               Self-reflective      Motivational videos       using check-list
               writing in a         Streaming audio           Pre/post attitude
               journal              explanations and          survey related to
               Practice tutorials   encouragement             course content
               designed for         Interactive video, web    Retention/success in
               student success      casts, conference calls   course

Psycho-motor Practice of            Face-to-face              Performance of skill
             desired skill with     demonstrations            matches set
             feedback               Demonstration videos      standard as
             Arranging              Pictures with audio       observed by an
             sequences of an        and text explanations     instructor or
             activity in correct    Interactive video         designee
             order                  demonstrations

Interpersonal Structured team Face-to-face small              Team, instructor and
              projects with       group coaching and          self-assessment
              debriefing          feedback sessions           measures
              Analyzing video     Check lists, examples,      Analysis of
              models and          videos and other            videotaped student
              identifying correct cognitive support           performance of
              from incorrect      material presented          desired interpersonal
              performance         online                      skill

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                         Page 3
Upon the course's completion, students should:
  Find, identify, and evaluate information resources.
  Understand the value of using multiple media formats in learning.
Comprehension of JAY-Z’s life, lyrics, and music.
Appreciate the lives and careers of significant rap artists.
Recognize the specific contributions of rap music to world culture.
Recognize Rap Music as an art and business.

Understandings                                      Questions
Library databases contain vetted resources.         How to find, identify, and evaluate information?
Multiple media formats provide diverse facts.       What Databases contain the best resources?
Successful recordings rely on the lyric & mix.      How to assemble dissimilar learning objects?
JAY-Z used street knowledge to become an            What are the elements of Rap?
artist and entrepreneur.                            Why do so many rappers fail to get signed?
Rap is a Global musical art form.                   What are the genres of Rap?
Rap Music is a part of Hip Hop Culture.             Where did Rap Music begin?
Digital media enhances learning.                    Why are Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture
Enhanced appreciation of JAY-Z’s lyrics and         popular?
music.                                              What is a digital book (e-book)?
                                                    How do Rappers write lyrics?
Knowledge                                           Skills
Develop a research strategy.                        Use research skills.
Distinguish media formats.                          Utilize mixed digital media.
Rap Music terms.                                    Define Rap Music.
Rappers who walk the walk.                          Identify successful Rappers.
Rap Music is a commodity.                           Collect digital content.
Rap Music foundations.                              Write an annotated bibliography.
Remixes are a dialog.                               Communicate new ideas.
Droppin’ Science is education.
Performance                                   Tasks
The first project is an oral presentation, rapper   Discussions
flow down comparing the aesthetics and flow         Group work
of JAY-Zalongside a selected rap artist(or          3-Minute Wrapper
group).                                             Discussion Board

The final project is an annotated bibliography
due at the last class session. The bibliography
continues Project #1 topic.
                                       LEARNING PLAN
3-Minute Wrapper
Assigned Readings
Digital Media
DJ Hero Mixes

DJ Hero allows students to take risks in a safe environment. Students feel no discomfort or
burden to perform individually. The playfulness of DJ Hero encourages embodied learning
experiences. Allowing engagement through themusic art form.

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                                    Page 4
Learning Outcomes
   1. Find, identify, and evaluate information resources.
             Students will understand Information is a commodity
             Students will evaluate information sourcesStudents will learn to formulate
      search research strategiesStudents will manage information

   2. Understand the value of using multiple media formats in learning.
      Search diverse sources from one convenient place
      Find articles, theses, books, abstracts or proceedings
      Locate the documents through library databases or on the web
      Learn about key scholarly literature in any area of research

   3. Recognize rapmusic as an art and business.
      Students will define art and business
      Students will identify labels and producers
      Students will learn about “beefs”
      Students will understand music is a commodity

   4. Appreciate the lives and careers of significant rap artists.
      Students will identifysignificant rap artists
      Students will know rap music styles and aesthetics
      Students will understand DJ techniques
      Students will identify information

   5. Recognize the specific contributions of rap music to world culture.
      Students will identify world rap styles
      Students will evaluate world rap styles
      Students will understand global marketing of rap music Students will explain the
      importance of rap music

Instructional Goals
   A. Students will apply knowledge
   B. Students will create knowledge products
   C. Students will interact and collaborate using learning objects
   D. Students will understand and follow tocourse organization
   E. Students will adhereto activity deadlines
Readings and study time: Students are expected to read materials prior to the day for
which they are assigned. Students are responsible for all assignments and for all
information disseminated in class.

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                        Page 5

1          Introduction                Discussion: Introductions
           Course Overview

2 Spit     Readings                    Discussion: Rap Elements
           Introduction to Rap Music   3-Minute Rapper:Reasonable Doubt/American

3 Remix    Readings                    Discussion Board: Old School
           Rap Sampling                Droppin’ Beats: Grand Master Flash

4          Droppin’ Science            Choose Project Topic
           Introduction to Research

5 Spit     Readings                    Discussion: Tha’ Streets
           Urban Life                  3-Minute Rapper:Black Album/ Blueprint Vol. 3 …

6 Remix    Readings                    Discussion Board:Roc-a-Fella
           Music Labels                Droppin’ Beats:Afrika Bambaataa

7 Remix    Readings                    Discussion Board: Art vs. Money
           Capitalism                  Droppin’ Beats: Hammer Time

8          PROJECTS                    Presentations

9          PROJECTS                    Presentations

10 Spit    Readings                    Discussion: Street Meets Wall Street
           Going Global                3-Minute Rapper:Hell Yeah (Pimp the System)

11 Remix   Readings                    Discussion Board:Transcending Rap
           Spirituality                Droppin’ Beats:Izzo (H.O.V.A.)

12 Spit    Readings                    Discussion: Retirement
           Crossroads                  3-Minute Rapper: Kanye and Kingdom Come

13 Remix   Readings                    Discussion Board: Beyoncé and Kanye
           JAY’Z Today                 Droppin’ Beats: 2Pac

14         Special Guest               Discussion:“On to the Next One”

15         Project #2 Due
           Special Guest: TBA

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                             Page 6
Course activities will include the following:
1) Class discussions                          2) Text readings
3) Presentations by the instructor            4) Presentations by the students
5) Group activities                           6) Digital media

Class attendance and participation is crucial in the understanding of materials and concepts for
thisseminar.This is a discussion-based course all students are expected to participate in class
discussions. Classroom time is limited, additional discussion will take place on the Discussion
Board. You will be assigned discussion topics and are expected to contribute an intelligent post by
Wednesday of each week. Be diligent about readingWritten assignments, students are expected to
demonstrate their acquisition and understanding of important concepts, perspectives, and basic

Students will have the opportunity to present material to the class relating to JAY-Z through a
podcast; videocast; PowerPoint or other technology. Use the MLA Handbook for Writers of
Research Papers, Seventh Edition for bibliographic format for in-text citationand references.

3-Minute Rapper
Typographical, grammatical, and spelling errors will detract from your grade. If you need help with
your paper, visit the Writing Center.All written assignments must be submitted byemail, a
minimum requirement of 2paragraphs. Subject line must include in the following format: Subject:
3-Minute Rapper: Topic. The bi-weekly written assignment is due the following Wednesday by
11:59 pm on the date specified on the course schedule. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Early submitted assignments are welcomed.

Discussion Board
To encourage discussion, students are expected to post at least 3 bi-weekly posts (beginning in
week two) to the Discussion Board. This area serves as inspiration and further discussion on an
aspect of JAY-Z. While your first post is intended to initiate discussion, your additional posts for
that week should keep that discussion going. Your second post will be in response to a classmate’s
question or one of my questions. Your third post will be a response to students who have
responded to your question. I will offer individual feedback on discussion board posts periodically
so that each student has an opportunity to improve his or her grade. Discussion board posts will be
graded on both frequency and quality. Keep in mind, 3 quality posts is the minimum requirement
and a minimum of 3 sentences (per post).Simply summarizing what’s on the link is usually not
enough of a contribution. The discussion board is an opportunity for engagement. Grading will be
based on both the quality and quantity of contributions.Postsshould be directly related to the
assigned topic and contain a subject heading that accurately indicates what your post is about.
Recommend early postingfor significant interaction results. A high quality post is one that focuses
on the theme for that unit, makes use of course concepts, and draws on specific references to the
assigned readings. A post of superior quality will do all of that in addition to making connections
between readings and units. Recommend you write all posts as a Word document, then copy and
paste it onto the discussion board to avoid technical difficulties. The discussion board will be graded
by the second Friday at the latest.The first post each week is due Mondayby 11:55 PM, The second
post each week is due Thursdayby 11:55 PM and the third post is due Wednesday by 11:55 PM.
Posting only on the weekend does not qualify as participation in a discussion.Anything posted after
Wednesday will be considered late and will not be accepted.

Droppin’ Beats
DJ Hero allows students to take risks in a safe environment. Students feel no discomfort or burden
to perform individually. The playfulness of DJ Hero encourages embodied learning experiences,
allowing engagement through the music art form.

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                                    Page 7
OBJECTIVE        EXCELLENT                GOOD               ADEQUATE              WEAK
Find, identify,
and evaluate
Student            Student           Student develops a      Student develops    Student did not
develops a         develops a        search strategy with    a search strategy   develop a search
research           search strategy   keywords                                    strategy at all
strategy.          with keywords
                   and synonyms
                   for chosen
Student knows      Student selects   Student selects 4       Student selects 3   Student selects 2
how to find        5+ information    information sources     information         or
sources.           sources                                   sources             lessinformation
Student            Student records   Student records all     Student records     Student records
properly           all               but one bibliographic   all but two         all but three or
records            bibliographic     data correctly          bibliographic       more
bibliographicdat   data correctly                            data correctly      bibliographic
a.                                                                               data correctly
Student can        Student can       Student can define      Student can         Student can
define primary     define 5+         4tenets for selected    define 3 tenets     define 2 or less
and secondary      tenets for        sources                 for selected        tenets and
sources.           selected                                  sources             cannot define
                   sources                                                       source
Understand the
value of using
multiple media
formats in
Student can        Student can       Student can define      Student can         Student can only
define media       define5+ media    4media formats          define 3 media      define2 or less
formats.           formats                                   formats             media formats
                   Student selects   Student selects 4       Student selects 3   Student selects 2
Student            5+ dissimilar     dissimilar media        dissimilar media    or less dissimilar
employs digital    media formats     formats information     formatsinformati    media
media content.     information       sources                 on sources          formatsinformati
                   sources                                                       on sources
Student knows      Student           Student combines 4      Student             Student
how to             combines 5+       dissimilar media        combines            combines 2 or
assemble           dissimilar        formats                 3dissimilar media   less dissimilar
dissimilar         media formats                             formats             media formats
media formats.
Student            Student records   Student records all     Student records     Student records
understands        all multiple      but one multiple        all but two         all but three or
multiple media     media             media format            multiple media      more multiple
formats provide    formatscorrectl   correctly               formats correctly   media formats
diverse facts.     y                                                             correctly

OBJECTIVE          EXCELLENT         GOOD                    ADEQUATE            WEAK

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                                Page 8
Identify JAY-Z’s
contributions to
culture, and
Student lists      Student            Student                   Student identifies   Student
JAY-Z’s            identifies5+       identifies4contributio    3 contributions      identifies 2 or
contributions to   contributions to   ns to community           to community         lesscontributions
community.         community                                                         to community
Student            Student            Student describes 4       Student              Student can only
describes JAY-     describes 5+       Beefs                     describes 3Beefs     describe 2 or
Z’s Beefs.         Beefs                                                             less Beefs

understands        Student records                              Student records      Student records
                                      Student records all
JAY-Z’s use of     all “Street                                  all but two          all but three or
                                      but one “Street
“Street            Knowledge”                                   “Street              more “Street
                                      Knowledge” tenants
Knowledge” in      tenants                                      Knowledge”           Knowledge”
business           correctly                                    tenants correctly    tenantscorrectly
Student            Student            Student identifies 4      Student can          Student can only
recognizes JAY-    identifies 5+      significant               identifies           identifies 2 or
Z’s significant    significant        recordings                3significant         less significant
recordings         recordings                                   recordings           recordings

Appreciate the
lives, careers,
and influences
of significant
rap artists.
Student            Student            Student identifies        Student identifies   Student
identifies         identifies5+ rap   4rap artists who          3rap artists who     identifies2 or no
significant rap    artists who        influenced Jay-Z          influenced Jay-Z     rap artists who
artists who        influenced Jay-                                                   influenced Jay-Z
influenced Jay-    Z
Student            Student                                                           Student
identifies         identifies 5+                                Student identifies   identifies 2 or no
                                      Student identifies 4
significant rap    significant rap                              3 significant rap    significant rap
                                      significant rap artists
artists            artists                                      artists influenced   artists influenced
                                      influenced by Jay-Z
influenced by      influenced by                                by Jay-Z             by Jay-Z
Jay-Z.             Jay-Z
Student has
                   Student            Student explains all      Student explains     explainsless than
knowledge of
                   explainsallDJing   but one DJing             all but two DJing    three DJing
                   techniques         technique                 techniques.          techniques.
                   Student defines                                                   definesless than
Student                               Student definesall        definesall but
                   rap music                                                         three rap music
definesrap                            but one rap music         two rap music
                   elementscorrect                                                   elements
music elements.                       elements correctly        elements
                   ly                                                                correctly
OBJECTIVE          EXCELLENT          GOOD                      ADEQUATE             WEAK
Recognize Rap
INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                                    Page 9
Music as an art
and business.

                  Student can       Student can define 3    Student can         Student can only
Student lists
                  define 4+         tenets for selected     define 2 tenets     define one or no
Global Rap
                  tenets for        sources                 for selected        tenet and cannot
artists and
                  selected                                  sources             define source
Student knows
                  Student records                           Student records     Student records
who,                                Student records all
                  all Rap Music                             all but two Rap     less than three
what,where,                         but one Rap Music
                  development                               Music               Rap Music
when, and why                       development tenant
                  tenants                                   development         development
Rap Music                           correctly
                  correctly                                 tenant correctly    tenant correctly
Student knows
                  Student records
how to detect
                  all tenets
Rap related
                  Student names                             Student names       Student names
Student names                       Student names nine
                  ten significant                           eight significant   seven or less
significant Rap                     significant Rap Music
                  Rap Music                                 Rap Music           significant Rap
Music producers                     producers
                  producers                                 producers           Music producers

                                                             LETA HENDRICKS 02/05/13

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT                                                             Page 10

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Essential Questions and DOK Thinking Levels - EDSU 533


  • 1. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT JAY-Z: IN THA’ MIX LETA HENDRICKS DEVELOP NEW SEMINAR To accomplish this goal I plan the following activities: A. Participate in the OSUL Instructor Development Program meetings and workshops for counsel and guidance. B. Use Reverse Engineering to develop seminar: establish goals, choose assessment tools, and develop learning plan. C. Plan instructional activities for multiple content formats. D. Create a new Freshman Seminar Syllabus. E. Demonstrate results at Instructor Development Program Summer Showcase. PROJECT TIMELINE January------February March------AprilMay------June Create Project Timeline Obtain Learning Objects Develop Assignments, Select Methodologies Create Instructional Content Instructional Content, & Determine Goal & Objectives (Learning Domains) Rubrics Select Resources Propose Activities That Testing Choose Assessment Tools Demonstrate Understanding Choose Assessment Tools Build Assignments & Instructional Content Choose Assessment Tools REVERSE ENGINEERING The instructional design process, backwards design: ● Establish desired results ○ Goals - content standards or outcomes ○ “Understandings” or big ideas that should dominate ○ Knowledge and skills to be acquired ● Developassessment ○ What assignments and activitiesdemonstrate understanding ○ What criteria will be used to evaluate those tasks ○ How will students reflect and self-assess ● Create Learning Plan ○ Sequence class ○ Evaluate structure Wiggins, Grant P, and Jay McTighe. Understanding by Design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998. Print. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 1
  • 2. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Remembering: can the student recall or remember the information? DISCUSSION Define, duplicate, list, memorize, recall, repeat, reproduce state Understanding: can the student explain ideas or concepts? ORAL Classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate, and paraphrase Applying: can the student use the information in a new way? DJ HERO Choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write Analyzing: can the student distinguish between the different parts? ORAL; WRITTEN Appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, and test Evaluating: can the student justify a stand or decision? ORAL; WRITTEN Appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate Creating: can the student create new product or point of view? ORAL; WRITTEN & DJ HERO Assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, and write INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 2
  • 3. LEARNING DOMAINS Learning Activities Delivery Assessment Domain Considerations Cognitive Self-check Web-enhanced Project based for quizzes materials higher cognitive Case studies supplementing skills Drill and practice classroom lectures Multiple choice or Short answer Hybrid course with short essay essay cognitive content on questions Project or the webMultimedia Case Studies problem-based simulations of activities challenging and key concepts Affective Goal setting Face-to-face meetings Self-assessment Self-reflective Motivational videos using check-list writing in a Streaming audio Pre/post attitude journal explanations and survey related to Practice tutorials encouragement course content designed for Interactive video, web Retention/success in student success casts, conference calls course Psycho-motor Practice of Face-to-face Performance of skill desired skill with demonstrations matches set feedback Demonstration videos standard as Arranging Pictures with audio observed by an sequences of an and text explanations instructor or activity in correct Interactive video designee order demonstrations Interpersonal Structured team Face-to-face small Team, instructor and projects with group coaching and self-assessment debriefing feedback sessions measures Analyzing video Check lists, examples, Analysis of models and videos and other videotaped student identifying correct cognitive support performance of from incorrect material presented desired interpersonal performance online skill INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 3
  • 4. DESIRED RESULTS Goals Upon the course's completion, students should: Find, identify, and evaluate information resources. Understand the value of using multiple media formats in learning. Comprehension of JAY-Z’s life, lyrics, and music. Appreciate the lives and careers of significant rap artists. Recognize the specific contributions of rap music to world culture. Recognize Rap Music as an art and business. Understandings Questions Library databases contain vetted resources. How to find, identify, and evaluate information? Multiple media formats provide diverse facts. What Databases contain the best resources? Successful recordings rely on the lyric & mix. How to assemble dissimilar learning objects? JAY-Z used street knowledge to become an What are the elements of Rap? artist and entrepreneur. Why do so many rappers fail to get signed? Rap is a Global musical art form. What are the genres of Rap? Rap Music is a part of Hip Hop Culture. Where did Rap Music begin? Digital media enhances learning. Why are Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture Enhanced appreciation of JAY-Z’s lyrics and popular? music. What is a digital book (e-book)? How do Rappers write lyrics? Knowledge Skills Develop a research strategy. Use research skills. Distinguish media formats. Utilize mixed digital media. Rap Music terms. Define Rap Music. Rappers who walk the walk. Identify successful Rappers. Rap Music is a commodity. Collect digital content. Rap Music foundations. Write an annotated bibliography. Remixes are a dialog. Communicate new ideas. Droppin’ Science is education. ASSESSMENT Performance Tasks The first project is an oral presentation, rapper Discussions flow down comparing the aesthetics and flow Group work of JAY-Zalongside a selected rap artist(or 3-Minute Wrapper group). Discussion Board The final project is an annotated bibliography due at the last class session. The bibliography continues Project #1 topic. LEARNING PLAN Activities 3-Minute Wrapper Assigned Readings Digital Media Discussions Projects DJ Hero Mixes DJ Hero allows students to take risks in a safe environment. Students feel no discomfort or burden to perform individually. The playfulness of DJ Hero encourages embodied learning experiences. Allowing engagement through themusic art form. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 4
  • 5. Learning Outcomes 1. Find, identify, and evaluate information resources. Students will understand Information is a commodity Students will evaluate information sourcesStudents will learn to formulate search research strategiesStudents will manage information 2. Understand the value of using multiple media formats in learning. Search diverse sources from one convenient place Find articles, theses, books, abstracts or proceedings Locate the documents through library databases or on the web Learn about key scholarly literature in any area of research 3. Recognize rapmusic as an art and business. Students will define art and business Students will identify labels and producers Students will learn about “beefs” Students will understand music is a commodity 4. Appreciate the lives and careers of significant rap artists. Students will identifysignificant rap artists Students will know rap music styles and aesthetics Students will understand DJ techniques Students will identify information 5. Recognize the specific contributions of rap music to world culture. Students will identify world rap styles Students will evaluate world rap styles Students will understand global marketing of rap music Students will explain the importance of rap music Instructional Goals A. Students will apply knowledge B. Students will create knowledge products C. Students will interact and collaborate using learning objects D. Students will understand and follow tocourse organization E. Students will adhereto activity deadlines Readings and study time: Students are expected to read materials prior to the day for which they are assigned. Students are responsible for all assignments and for all information disseminated in class. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 5
  • 6. INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN 1 Introduction Discussion: Introductions Course Overview 2 Spit Readings Discussion: Rap Elements Introduction to Rap Music 3-Minute Rapper:Reasonable Doubt/American Gangster 3 Remix Readings Discussion Board: Old School Rap Sampling Droppin’ Beats: Grand Master Flash 4 Droppin’ Science Choose Project Topic Introduction to Research 5 Spit Readings Discussion: Tha’ Streets Urban Life 3-Minute Rapper:Black Album/ Blueprint Vol. 3 … 6 Remix Readings Discussion Board:Roc-a-Fella Music Labels Droppin’ Beats:Afrika Bambaataa 7 Remix Readings Discussion Board: Art vs. Money Capitalism Droppin’ Beats: Hammer Time 8 PROJECTS Presentations 9 PROJECTS Presentations 10 Spit Readings Discussion: Street Meets Wall Street Going Global 3-Minute Rapper:Hell Yeah (Pimp the System) 11 Remix Readings Discussion Board:Transcending Rap Spirituality Droppin’ Beats:Izzo (H.O.V.A.) 12 Spit Readings Discussion: Retirement Crossroads 3-Minute Rapper: Kanye and Kingdom Come 13 Remix Readings Discussion Board: Beyoncé and Kanye JAY’Z Today Droppin’ Beats: 2Pac 14 Special Guest Discussion:“On to the Next One” Semiotics 15 Project #2 Due Special Guest: TBA INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 6
  • 7. ACTIVITIES INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES: Course activities will include the following: 1) Class discussions 2) Text readings 3) Presentations by the instructor 4) Presentations by the students 5) Group activities 6) Digital media Class attendance and participation is crucial in the understanding of materials and concepts for thisseminar.This is a discussion-based course all students are expected to participate in class discussions. Classroom time is limited, additional discussion will take place on the Discussion Board. You will be assigned discussion topics and are expected to contribute an intelligent post by Wednesday of each week. Be diligent about readingWritten assignments, students are expected to demonstrate their acquisition and understanding of important concepts, perspectives, and basic principles. Projects Students will have the opportunity to present material to the class relating to JAY-Z through a podcast; videocast; PowerPoint or other technology. Use the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Seventh Edition for bibliographic format for in-text citationand references. 3-Minute Rapper Typographical, grammatical, and spelling errors will detract from your grade. If you need help with your paper, visit the Writing Center.All written assignments must be submitted byemail, a minimum requirement of 2paragraphs. Subject line must include in the following format: Subject: 3-Minute Rapper: Topic. The bi-weekly written assignment is due the following Wednesday by 11:59 pm on the date specified on the course schedule. Late assignments will not be accepted. Early submitted assignments are welcomed. Discussion Board To encourage discussion, students are expected to post at least 3 bi-weekly posts (beginning in week two) to the Discussion Board. This area serves as inspiration and further discussion on an aspect of JAY-Z. While your first post is intended to initiate discussion, your additional posts for that week should keep that discussion going. Your second post will be in response to a classmate’s question or one of my questions. Your third post will be a response to students who have responded to your question. I will offer individual feedback on discussion board posts periodically so that each student has an opportunity to improve his or her grade. Discussion board posts will be graded on both frequency and quality. Keep in mind, 3 quality posts is the minimum requirement and a minimum of 3 sentences (per post).Simply summarizing what’s on the link is usually not enough of a contribution. The discussion board is an opportunity for engagement. Grading will be based on both the quality and quantity of contributions.Postsshould be directly related to the assigned topic and contain a subject heading that accurately indicates what your post is about. Recommend early postingfor significant interaction results. A high quality post is one that focuses on the theme for that unit, makes use of course concepts, and draws on specific references to the assigned readings. A post of superior quality will do all of that in addition to making connections between readings and units. Recommend you write all posts as a Word document, then copy and paste it onto the discussion board to avoid technical difficulties. The discussion board will be graded by the second Friday at the latest.The first post each week is due Mondayby 11:55 PM, The second post each week is due Thursdayby 11:55 PM and the third post is due Wednesday by 11:55 PM. Posting only on the weekend does not qualify as participation in a discussion.Anything posted after Wednesday will be considered late and will not be accepted. Droppin’ Beats DJ Hero allows students to take risks in a safe environment. Students feel no discomfort or burden to perform individually. The playfulness of DJ Hero encourages embodied learning experiences, allowing engagement through the music art form. INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 7
  • 8. OBJECTIVE EXCELLENT GOOD ADEQUATE WEAK Find, identify, and evaluate information resources. Student Student Student develops a Student develops Student did not develops a develops a search strategy with a search strategy develop a search research search strategy keywords strategy at all strategy. with keywords and synonyms for chosen keywords Student knows Student selects Student selects 4 Student selects 3 Student selects 2 how to find 5+ information information sources information or sources. sources sources lessinformation sources Student Student records Student records all Student records Student records properly all but one bibliographic all but two all but three or records bibliographic data correctly bibliographic more bibliographicdat data correctly data correctly bibliographic a. data correctly Student can Student can Student can define Student can Student can define primary define 5+ 4tenets for selected define 3 tenets define 2 or less and secondary tenets for sources for selected tenets and sources. selected sources cannot define sources source Understand the value of using multiple media formats in learning. Student can Student can Student can define Student can Student can only define media define5+ media 4media formats define 3 media define2 or less formats. formats formats media formats Student selects Student selects 4 Student selects 3 Student selects 2 Student 5+ dissimilar dissimilar media dissimilar media or less dissimilar employs digital media formats formats information formatsinformati media media content. information sources on sources formatsinformati sources on sources Student knows Student Student combines 4 Student Student how to combines 5+ dissimilar media combines combines 2 or assemble dissimilar formats 3dissimilar media less dissimilar dissimilar media formats formats media formats media formats. Student Student records Student records all Student records Student records understands all multiple but one multiple all but two all but three or multiple media media media format multiple media more multiple formats provide formatscorrectl correctly formats correctly media formats diverse facts. y correctly OBJECTIVE EXCELLENT GOOD ADEQUATE WEAK INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 8
  • 9. Identify JAY-Z’s contributions to community, culture, and commerce. Student lists Student Student Student identifies Student JAY-Z’s identifies5+ identifies4contributio 3 contributions identifies 2 or contributions to contributions to ns to community to community lesscontributions community. community to community Student Student Student describes 4 Student Student can only describes JAY- describes 5+ Beefs describes 3Beefs describe 2 or Z’s Beefs. Beefs less Beefs Student understands Student records Student records Student records Student records all JAY-Z’s use of all “Street all but two all but three or but one “Street “Street Knowledge” “Street more “Street Knowledge” tenants Knowledge” in tenants Knowledge” Knowledge” correctly business correctly tenants correctly tenantscorrectly enterprises. Student Student Student identifies 4 Student can Student can only recognizes JAY- identifies 5+ significant identifies identifies 2 or Z’s significant significant recordings 3significant less significant recordings recordings recordings recordings Appreciate the lives, careers, and influences of significant rap artists. Student Student Student identifies Student identifies Student identifies identifies5+ rap 4rap artists who 3rap artists who identifies2 or no significant rap artists who influenced Jay-Z influenced Jay-Z rap artists who artists who influenced Jay- influenced Jay-Z influenced Jay- Z Z. Student Student Student identifies identifies 5+ Student identifies identifies 2 or no Student identifies 4 significant rap significant rap 3 significant rap significant rap significant rap artists artists artists artists influenced artists influenced influenced by Jay-Z influenced by influenced by by Jay-Z by Jay-Z Jay-Z. Jay-Z Student Student has Student Student explains all Student explains explainsless than knowledge of explainsallDJing but one DJing all but two DJing three DJing DJing techniques technique techniques. techniques. techniques Student Student Student defines definesless than Student Student definesall definesall but rap music three rap music definesrap but one rap music two rap music elementscorrect elements music elements. elements correctly elements ly correctly correctly OBJECTIVE EXCELLENT GOOD ADEQUATE WEAK Recognize Rap INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 9
  • 10. Music as an art and business. Student can Student can define 3 Student can Student can only Student lists define 4+ tenets for selected define 2 tenets define one or no Global Rap tenets for sources for selected tenet and cannot artists and selected sources define source groups. sources Student knows Student records Student records Student records who, Student records all all Rap Music all but two Rap less than three what,where, but one Rap Music development Music Rap Music when, and why development tenant tenants development development Rap Music correctly correctly tenant correctly tenant correctly began. Student knows Student records how to detect all tenets Rap related correctly products. Student names Student names Student names Student names Student names nine ten significant eight significant seven or less significant Rap significant Rap Music Rap Music Rap Music significant Rap Music producers producers producers producers Music producers LETA HENDRICKS 02/05/13 INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECT Page 10