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ICT-enabled                                                       The 1990s witnessed the failure of many
organisations: a model                                            planned change interventions to achieve their
                                                                  original objectives or realise significant ``hard''
for change                                                        or ``soft'' business benefits for host
management                                                        organisations in Australia, the USA, and the
                                                                  UK (Carlopio, 1998; Wilkinson et al., 1998;
                                                                  Zbaracki, 1998; Burnes, 1996; Stace and
Scott Gardner and
                                                                  Dunphy, 1995).
Colin G. Ash                                                        IT focused interventions, such as business
                                                                  process re-engineering (BPR) and enterprise
                                                                  resource planning (ERP), feature prominently
                                                                  in this catalogue of costly change failures, with
The authors                                                       reported levels of satisfaction with strategic IT
                                                                  investments among surveyed senior executives
Scott Gardner is a Lecturer, Graduate Programs, and
                                                                  in US corporations (1989-1997) ranging from
Colin G. Ash is Associate Head of School, both at Edith           20-75 per cent (Thorpe, 1998; Sauer, 1997;
Cowan University, Churchlands, Perth, Australia.                  Holland and Kumar, 1995). Ironically many
                                                                  respondents were senior managers who
Keywords                                                          sanctioned investment in strategic information
                                                                  systems with which they ``wanted to be seen to
Strategy, Change management, Information technology,
                                                                  engage'', but neither ``trusted nor understood''
Organizations, United Kingdom, Norway
                                                                  contributing to an estimated US$145 billion
                                                                  in write-offs for US corporate IT investments
Abstract                                                          in the mid-1990s (King, 1997, cited in
Presents a preliminary framework for making sense of and          Thorpe, 1998, p. 12). McHugh (2000) cites
managing change in organisations that have adopted                several more recent examples of ``Faustian''
information systems and e-commerce as a core element of           IT contracts signed by big corporate clients
their business strategy. Argues that the relatively low           buying into ERP, claiming that 37 out of 100
level of organisational benefits realised by typical
                                                                  US executives responsible for ERP adoptions
                                                                  between 1996 and 1999 could not identify any
strategic information technology interventions over the
                                                                  positive impact of these systems for their
past decade is often a product of poor adoption and
implementation practices on the part of senior managers
                                                                    While IT writers, including Thorpe (1998)
and IT practitioners, who have failed to understand the
                                                                  and Koh et al. (2000), suggest that these
non-linear and emergent nature of change in complex               failure rates will decline with systems
organisations. Argues that a clear understanding of the           advancements, maturation in project
dynamics of change at the people/technology interface,            management and improved benefits
and the symbiotic relationship between information                realisation models, the continuing impact of
systems and strategy, is a prerequisite for the successful        IT based change failure on corporate
business benefits realisation for major IT and e-business         profitability and effective organisational
projects. Distils lessons learned from reflections on             functioning in all sectors continues to warrant
theories-in-use and practice into a basic model for senior        closer investigation. This requirement is
managers and IT practitioners.                                    reinforced by the disappointing level of
                                                                  business benefits realised by client
Electronic access
                                                                  organisations from the latest wave of
                                                                  enterprise-wide customer relationship
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is                 management (CRM) technologies, with over
available at                                                      55 per cent offering no significant returns,                    and low levels of executive confidence ± both
                                                                  reported in major US corporate IT surveys
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
                                                                  (Bain, 2001, cited in Rigby et al., 2002).
available at

                                                                  Research objectives and methodology
Logistics Information Management
Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . pp. 18-24
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 0957-6053                                 A comprehensive investigation of the factors
DOI 10.1108/09576050310453705                                     that determine IT-based change failure or
ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management                   Logistics Information Management
               Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash                               Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24

success is beyond the scope of this paper                         individual behaviours, team and
which aims to inform future practice in the                       organisational performance was popularised
field of change management, by investigating                      by Kurt Lewin, Rensis Likert and other US-
the dynamic relationship between strategy,                        based figures in the organisational
change management practices, and fifth                            development movement of the 1950s to the
generation information and communication                          1970s. During the same era Europe and
technologies (ICT), within complex                                Scandinavia witnessed the emergence and
organisational environments. More                                 growth of socio-technical movement, which
specifically, the role of information systems                     made a significant contribution to current
within the broader change management                              systems thinking and the nature of
equation will be explored.                                        interactions between people and technology
   The investigation and subsequent analysis                      (Waddell et al., 2000).
were undertaken with reference to:                                   Although the popularity of OD and socio-
.    Recent literature on strategic approaches                    technical schools of thought declined in the
     to change management and strategic                           1980s, many of their fundamental principles
     information systems to highlight key                         and methods have been carried forward into
     concepts and current applications,                           current change management consulting
     successes and failures in these fields;                      practices (Stace and Dunphy, 1994).
.    Data from interviews with four                                  In the 1980s and 1990s the dominant
     experienced IT consultants and two                           approaches to planned change were premised
     senior IT project managers, to provide                       on the assumption that structures, processes,
     insight into the limitations of current IT-                  technology and human skills, capabilities and
     based change consulting practices;                           knowledge can be reconfigured to support or
.    Two recent case examples: a provincial                       optimise the achievement of identified
     bank which combined BPR and                                  strategic goals. These included total quality
     e-business technologies as part of a                         management (TQM); BPR and various forms
     successful strategy to capture a significant                 of strategic IT interventions including ERP
     share of the online housing loans market                     and e-commerce systems (Stace and Dunphy,
     in the UK market between 1995 and                            2001; Wilkinson et al., 1998; Burnes, 1996).
     1998, and an offshore petroleum                                 As discussed in section one of this paper,
     engineering company which used Web                           planned change in its various forms had a
     front-end technology with ERP to make                        fairly poor track record throughout the 1990s,
     significant efficiency gains for minimising                  with TQM, BPR and IT failures incurring
     offshore personnel costs and optimise use                    massive financial and human resource
     of the available labour pool.                                deployment costs, with limited returns to the
These case examples of ICT as a platform for                      client organisation. While the reasons for
change will be discussed in the fifth section                     these failures are manifold, it is proposed that
following a consideration of some of the                          senior management's view of strategy as a
typical problems and issues associated with                       linear process, implemented through
information technology projects in the fourth                     conventional project management models,
section. The next section briefly examines the                    over predictable time frames, was a major
defining characteristics of strategic change                      contributing factor. This mechanistic view of
management and the enabling role of IT.                           strategic change, which ignores the emergent,
                                                                  processual, and relationship-based models
                                                                  advanced by prominent theorists in the field
                                                                  of strategy and change management
Strategic approaches to change
management                                                        including: Quinn (1980), Pettigrew and
                                                                  Whipp (1991), Mintzberg and Quinn (1991),
The notion of implementing planned reforms                        and Stacey (2000), is particularly evident in
to reorder the human and technological                            major IT project implementations. These
dimensions of the organisation has been in                        were characterised by a deterministic,
existence since the conception of the earliest                    strategy-in-a-box approach, where people are
armies and bureaucracies pre-dating                               configured around systems to ensure optimal
Christian times (Postman, 1992).                                  organisational performance. Taken to its
  In recent times the idea of planned                             logical extreme technology becomes strategy
interventions to bring about changes in                           or an end in itself.
ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management                   Logistics Information Management
               Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash                               Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24

  This tendency is illustrated by Markus and                      Y2K and other legacy system problems.
Benjamin's (1997) ``magic bullet'' analogy                        Clients were criticised for their lack of
where IT practitioners naõvely assume that, by
                          È                                       up-front consultation with their own senior IS
building or designing a powerful technology to                    specialists, acceptance of unrealistic budgets
be shot into the problem area, desirable                          and deadlines from consultants and failure to
changes will result when the technology                           establish a clear business case for systems
penetrates the human and technological fabric                     adoption. According to Thorpe (1998) these
of the organisation (Markus and Benjamin,                         types of adoption practices reflect linear
1997, p. 57). This deterministic and flawed                       industrial age thinking, based on the
conception of the role of ICT within the                          assumption that plugging in extra
change management equation is identified by                       technological capacity will necessarily
the authors and the interviewed respondents                       generate business efficiencies and more profit.
as a major contributor to project failures in a
range of organisational environments.                             Vendor issues
  To advance our understanding of                                 Vendor indifference to the specific human,
IT-focused change within complex ICT-                             operational, and business requirements of
enabled environments, the paper will explore                      client organisations was identified as a major
some of the factors that precipitate the
                                                                  contributor to project failure or low levels of
success or failure of technology-focused
                                                                  benefits realisation. Vendors were seen to be
interventions. In the final section a model is
                                                                  primarily concerned with selling template
presented which attempts to explain the
                                                                  solutions on set margins that could be rolled
complex interaction between strategy,
                                                                  out across a clearly defined time frame. This
technology and people within this type of
                                                                  problem was compounded by the high costs
networked organisation and the symbiotic
                                                                  associated with product customisation,
relationship between strategy and information
                                                                  switching to an alternative vendor if
                                                                  dissatisfied, and the general disruption to
                                                                  workflow and productivity caused by system
                                                                  installation disruptions. Each of these factors
Interview findings: IT project failures                           contributed to low returns for the
                                                                  organisation on the original IT investment.
Interviews were conducted by the researchers,
with four experienced IT consultants and two
senior IT project directors between October                       Consultant issues
2000 and February 2001, to provide an                             Not surprisingly, many of the consultant and
insight into current IT-focused change                            vendor issues were similar, given that some
management contexts, approaches and                               consultants worked for the vendor, whilst
practices. The principal concern was to                           others worked closely with the vendor (on
establish the factors that led to the relative                    behalf of the client). From the perspective of
success or failure of strategic IT-based change                   the two project managers interviewed the
projects, with respect to their original goals.                   biggest problem for them was the increasing
In addressing the broad themes identified in                      tendency for consultancies to hire
the semi-structured interview format, the                         ``technicians'' trained to follow standardised
respondents emphasised issues and barriers                        methodologies, rather than strategists who
that they saw as contributing to IT change                        understood the organisation's business model
failure in various contexts. These are                            and were capable of implementing change
described below as Client, Vendor and                             across the people/technology interface.
Consultant issues:

Client issues                                                     Case study insights
Senior management (client) ignorance of IT
applications and their potential ramifications                    Case 1:
throughout the adoptive organisation was                          The case of a highly conservative, provincial
identified as a prime contributor to project                      UK bank that used BPR and Web-based
failure. Two respondents noted that several                       technologies to become a major player in the
clients with whom they had dealt had adopted                      UK Internet home loans market is a
high cost (typically US$5m, plus) ERP                             remarkable illustration of both effective
technologies as a silver bullet solution to fix                   management and subsequent
ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management                   Logistics Information Management
               Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash                               Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24

mismanagement of the technology/strategy                            As an IT-based change initiative, the
relationship.                                                     re-engineering of the original bank structure,
   In the early 1990s the conservative lending                    processes, and information technology base to
policies and traditional branch banking                           create and two other streamlined
structure that had served the bank well in                        business units proved to be a great success.
their traditional provincial markets during the                     The BPR intervention saved the business an
1980s looked like becoming an increasing                          estimated £30.1 million per annum and,
liability with the entry of major UK and                          combined with the value analysis
European players. The prospect of steady                          methodology, reduced the cost of processing
erosion of their core customer base by                            a housing loan by over 50 per cent. The
institutions with immense capital bases,                          bank's Internet-based business grew at 25 per
superior technology and international                             cent per annum between 1996 and 1999. In
networks and the increasing danger of a                           1999 the bank estimated that the return from
forced merger or take-overs, moved the                            their investment in consulting and
bank's conservative board to initiate a survival                  information technology adoption since 1995
strategy. This required a massive departure                       was in the order of ten to one.
from their existing approach to lending                             Since that time the bank has continued to
through detailed personal vetting of                              record a steady increase in profitability due
customers and an extended approvals                               more to the rapid growth in the UK housing
process, which passed through seven layers of                     loans and financial markets during 2000 than
                                                                  effective strategic and business management.
hierarchy for loans over £100,000.
   In 1995 the board was persuaded that early                     However, major changes in the bank's top
                                                                  team in 1999 and 2000, combined with
entry into the new technophile, 18-35 year
                                                                  increased exposure to high risk commercial
old, Internet-based banking market
                                                                  loans, led to increasing concerns being voiced
represented their only significant opportunity
                                                                  by shareholders and analysts in the UK
for expansion into the broader UK market. At
                                                                  business media. These concerns were
the same time they sought to recoup
                                                                  compounded in 1999 by the departure from
significant business benefits from the new
                                                                  the 1995-1998 business model through the
Internet technologies within a two-year period
                                                                  use of CRM technologies, in an attempt to
from 1996-1998, whilst maintaining their no
                                                                  integrate three successful, stand-alone
forced redundancy policy.
                                                                  business units. Paradoxically, the board's
   Despite the considerable challenge involved
                                                                  decision to roll back the implementation of
in achieving these apparently conflicting
                                                                  their CRM project with £80 million spent in
objectives, both outcomes were achieved. The
                                                                  2001 reversed many of the gains from the
first through an innovative staff redeployment
                                                                  investment in BPR and Internet technologies,
strategy, which transferred branch employees                      as tools with a clearly defined enabling role
into a massive centralised call centre servicing                  within a well conceived business model. As a
the entire UK market for Internet-sourced                         consequence the executive team were forced
housing loans. The second through a change                        within a few months of the decision to
strategy combining BPR, value chain analysis,                     reluctantly accept a merger deal with a major
cost cutting, and an aggressive Web-based                         competitor, effectively changing the bank's
business-to-customer (B2C) marketing                              identity forever.
   Under the new business model three                             Case 2:
distinct businesses were identified under a              is the Norwegian-based
holding company structure: the traditional                        operation of a large US multinational and a
``Retail'' branch banking network;                                global leader in energy services, equipment,
``Commercial'' banking; and ``''.                         engineering and construction. Until recently
The bank was able to offer a combination of                       one of the major challenges facing the
traditional and electronic banking services.                      company was the high cost of employee
These covered UK-based, Offshore, and                             resourcing for its offshore oil and gas
International customers, with low cost, credit                    operations, particularly with regard to
scored housing loans supplied online through                      scheduling, shift arrangements, and the
the call centre and broker network, which                         associated logistics for skilled
recorded a turnover of over £250m in 1999.                        offshore workers.
ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management                   Logistics Information Management
               Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash                               Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24

  In order to minimise these costs through                        operation for staff, through flexible access and
optimal work scheduling and shift patterns                        better presentation of R/3 HR data offshore
the management realised that they needed                          projects (Ash and Burn, 2001; Ash, 2000).
remote access to relevant HR data such as                           As a further measure of its success and
shift details and updates on local employment                     strategic application for the organisation, the
regulations. There are significant penalties in                   e-business solution was expanded to include
Norway for companies that employ foreign                          the IT department's computer hardware
workers beyond an agreed time quota.                              tracking system and was incorporated as a key
  Although the need to drastically reduce                         component of the company's global ICT
personnel deployment costs was apparent to                        network.
the offshore project managers, the
bureaucratic and autocratic culture of the
organisation had previously prevented a                           Managing emergent change?
creative solution emerging from management
or other key players in the organisation. Early                   The bank and the engineering company cases
in 1999 the situation changed when the HR                         both demonstrated the benefits of judicious
manager and project team championed the                           use of IT and Internet technologies as tools to
idea of a personnel management intranet to                        support a business model with objectives
leverage the power of graphics and Internet                       shared and understood by all major project or
technology and extend the reach of the                            program stakeholders including: senior
existing ERP system to remote users seeking                       managers; IT specialists; business unit
real time access to crucial deployment and                        managers, HR managers, and other change
scheduling data. Following an intensive six-                      agents responsible for the implementation,
month period spent educating peers, project                       communication or facilitation of the broader
managers, and other potential system users on                     change process. The need for shared
the benefits and applications of the                              understanding of the role of technology
technology and building a sound business                          within the change management and strategy
case for senior management, the HR team                           process has also been identified as a unifying
were successful. The intranet project was                         theme (Remenyi, 1999; Beckford, 1998).
adopted and fully operational within a year,                         However, future change management
with the significant addition of wireless                         practitioners face a significant challenge in
application protocol (mobile) technology to                       trying to deliver ambitious business outcomes
enhance network accessibility.                                    for organisations operating in increasingly
  Within six months of the new system being                       complex and dynamic ICT-enabled network
established and being accepted and                                environments. New theories and models of
understood by the project managers and other                      change management are required to help
key stakeholders, significant cost savings of                     practitioners understand the complex
over US$100k were recorded. The major                             dynamics of change within organisational
benefits realised from the application of the                     networks seeking to harness the power of the
new technology resulted from optimised shift                      fifth generation information and
patterns and increased flexibility in the                         communication technologies (Savage, 1996).
deployment of staff and contract personnel, in                    Figure 1 represents a first step towards
response to delays, downtime and other                            building this understanding by serving as a
offshore operational contingencies. Other                         common reference point for senior managers,
related benefits identified by the researcher                     IT practitioners, other change agents and key
included: cost savings in sourcing and                            inter-organisational stakeholders, such as
managing of contract staff; improved                              major customers and suppliers. It illustrates
relationships between the company's onshore                       how an emergent strategy process, focusing
and offshore management staff and the local                       on broad corporate intent rather than fixed
government agencies responsible for                               goals, informs, and is informed by, the
supplying and regulating the deployment of                        application of well defined and widely
staff; improvements in IT end user skills;                        understood business models. These are
better decision making by project managers                        designed to support achievement business
resulting in reduced uncertainty surrounding                      unit goals and broader organisational
work patterns and continuity amongst staff                        outcomes, by supporting and shaping
and contractors; and increased ease of                            electronic transactions with consumers and
ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management                     Logistics Information Management
                                Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash                                 Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24

Figure 1 Dynamic model of change in ICT-enabled networks                             It is proposed that emergent change,
                                                                                   although difficult to manage in a conventional
                                                                                   sense, can be shaped, harnessed or
                                                                                   purposefully oriented under certain
                                                                                   conditions. These include: shared stakeholder
                                                                                   goals, a clear understanding of the business
                                                                                   model, its objectives, and the role of
                                                                                   technology within the process; creation of
                                                                                   common ``IT change management'' protocols
                                                                                   and conventions; and ongoing use of
                                                                                   facilitated forums required to support
                                                                                   knowledge integration, through in-context
                                                                                   interpretation of emergent change.
                                                                                     Change in ICT contexts should be
                                                                                   managed and shaped through mutual
                                                                                   adjustment of the change implementation
                other businesses, and day-to-day interactions
                                                                                   approaches employed by IT practitioners, line
                with staff through the intranet and allied
                                                                                   managers, and other active stakeholders. This
                networks.                                                          suggests the need for change agent attributes
                   Significantly, the success of these business                    suited to non-linear, and at times chaotic,
                models within a complex ICT-enabled                                environments, notably: flexibility of thought
                context, is determined not by a single variable                    and action; skilful interpretation of change
                like technology or people but the                                  contexts and contingencies; and crucially the
                management of both planned change and the                          ability to create and facilitate purposeful
                emergent changes generated at the people/                          electronic and face-to-face dialogue, amongst
                technology interface. In this context the role                     key stakeholders throughout the
                of the IT project director or other designated                     organisational network. Broader adoption of
                change agents becomes that of moderator,                           these ideas may go some way towards
                interpreter, and manager of change. This                           reconciling the tension between second
                represents a considerable shift from                               generation management practices and fifth
                conventional linear IT project management                          generation technologies, which continues to
                models of organisational change, which                             pre-determine change failure in complex
                assume that effective planning, budgeting,                         organisations.
                controls and communication will deliver
                desired business results within a realistic
                timeframe. The recent history of IT failure                        References
                suggests that a new theory-in-use may be
                                                                                   Ash, C.G. (2000), ``E-business change and personnel
                called for to help managers make sense of the
                                                                                         performance: a case study of an ERP-enabled
                complex change dynamics of ICT-enabled                                   organisation'', Proceedings of the BIT'2000
                environments.                                                            Conference ± Generative Futures, MMU,
                                                                                         Manchester, 1-2 November.
                                                                                   Ash, C.G. and Burn, J.M. (2001), ``Evaluating successful
                                                                                         e-business change through ERP'', Proceedings
                Conclusion                                                               Americas Conference of Information Systems
                                                                                         AMCIS'2001, Bentley College, Boston, MA,
                Change in complex information and                                        3-5 August.
                communication technology-enabled                                   Beckford, J. (1998), Quality: A Critical Introduction,
                organisations is generated at the interface                              Routledge, London.
                                                                                   Burnes, B. (1996), Managing Change: A Strategic
                between people, technology, and change
                                                                                         Approach to Organisational Dynamics, 2nd ed.,
                agents. While conventional change theories                               Pitman, London.
                and methodologies assume that change can be                        Carlopio, J. (1998), Implementation: Making Workplace
                planned and systematically managed through                               Innovation and Technical Change Happen,
                a series of programs or interventions, the                               McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
                                                                                   Holland, D. and Kumar, S. (1995), Getting Past the
                model indicates that this process is                                     Obstacles to Successful Reengineering, cited in
                constrained in complex networked                                         Fitzpatrick, P. and Terziovski, M. (1999), ``Critical
                environments.                                                            predictors of business process reengineering success
ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management                       Logistics Information Management
                Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash                                   Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24

      in the Australian financial sector'', Proceedings: 3rd              Teaming and Knowledge Networking, Butterworth-
      International and 6th National Conference on                        Heinemann, New York, NY.
      Quality Management, Singapore, May.                           Stace, D. and Dunphy, D. (1994), (2001), Beyond the
Koh, C., Soh, C. and Markus, M.L. (2000), ``ERP                           Boundaries: Leading and Recreating the Successful
      implementation and impacts: the case of Revel                       Enterprise, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, Sydney.
      Asia'', Journal of Information Technology: Cases and          Stacey, R.D. (2000), Strategic Management and
      Applications, Vol. 2 No. 1.                                         Organisational Dynamics, 3rd ed., Financial Times/
McHugh, J. (2000), ``Now we know how ERP software's                       Prentice-Hall, London.
      promise died ± and who killed it'', eCompany Now,             Thorpe, J. (1998), The Information Paradox: Realising the
                                                                          Benefits of Information Technology, McGraw-Hill,
Markus, L. and Benjamin R.I. (1997), ``The magic bullet
      theory in IT-enabled transformation'', Sloan
                                                                    Waddell, D., Cummings, G. and Worley, G. (2000),
      Management Review, Winter.
                                                                          Organisational Development and Change, Nelson
Mintzberg, H. and Quinn, J.B. (Eds) (1991), The Strategy
      Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases, Prentice-Hall,                  Thomson Learning, Southbank.
      Englewood Cliffs NJ.                                          Wilkinson, A., Redman. T. and Marchington, M. (1998),
Pettigrew, A. and Whipp, R. (1991), Managing Change for                   Managing with Total Quality Management,
      Competitive Success, Blackwell, Oxford.                             Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Postman, N. (1992), Technopoly, Knopf Publishers,                   Zbaracki, M.J. (1998), ``The rhetoric and reality of quality
      New York, NY.                                                       management'', Administrative Science Quarterly,
Quinn, J.B. (1980), Strategies for Change: Logical                        Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 602-36.
      Incrementalism, Richard Irwin, Chicago, IL.
Remenyi, D. (1999), IT Investment: Making a Business
      Case, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
Rigby, D., Reicheld, F.F. and Schefter, P. (2002), ``Avoid          Further reading
      the four perils of CRM'', Harvard Business Review,
      February.                                                     Lewis, W.L. (2000), ``Exploring paradox: toward a more
Sauer, R. (1997), ``Deciding on the future of IT failures'',              comprehensive guide'', Academy of Management
      cited in Currie, W. and Galliers, R. (Eds), Rethinking              Review, Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 760-76.
      MIS, Oxford University Press, Oxford.                         Willocks, L.P. and Sykes, R. (2000), ``The role of the CIO
Savage, C.M. (1996), 5th Generation Management:                           and the IT function in ERP'', Communications of the
      Co-creating through Virtual Enterprising Dynamics,                  ACM, Vol. 43 No. 4, April, pp. 34-8.


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  • 1. Introduction ICT-enabled The 1990s witnessed the failure of many organisations: a model planned change interventions to achieve their original objectives or realise significant ``hard'' for change or ``soft'' business benefits for host management organisations in Australia, the USA, and the UK (Carlopio, 1998; Wilkinson et al., 1998; Zbaracki, 1998; Burnes, 1996; Stace and Scott Gardner and Dunphy, 1995). Colin G. Ash IT focused interventions, such as business process re-engineering (BPR) and enterprise resource planning (ERP), feature prominently in this catalogue of costly change failures, with The authors reported levels of satisfaction with strategic IT investments among surveyed senior executives Scott Gardner is a Lecturer, Graduate Programs, and in US corporations (1989-1997) ranging from Colin G. Ash is Associate Head of School, both at Edith 20-75 per cent (Thorpe, 1998; Sauer, 1997; Cowan University, Churchlands, Perth, Australia. Holland and Kumar, 1995). Ironically many respondents were senior managers who Keywords sanctioned investment in strategic information systems with which they ``wanted to be seen to Strategy, Change management, Information technology, engage'', but neither ``trusted nor understood'' Organizations, United Kingdom, Norway contributing to an estimated US$145 billion in write-offs for US corporate IT investments Abstract in the mid-1990s (King, 1997, cited in Presents a preliminary framework for making sense of and Thorpe, 1998, p. 12). McHugh (2000) cites managing change in organisations that have adopted several more recent examples of ``Faustian'' information systems and e-commerce as a core element of IT contracts signed by big corporate clients their business strategy. Argues that the relatively low buying into ERP, claiming that 37 out of 100 level of organisational benefits realised by typical US executives responsible for ERP adoptions between 1996 and 1999 could not identify any strategic information technology interventions over the positive impact of these systems for their past decade is often a product of poor adoption and businesses. implementation practices on the part of senior managers While IT writers, including Thorpe (1998) and IT practitioners, who have failed to understand the and Koh et al. (2000), suggest that these non-linear and emergent nature of change in complex failure rates will decline with systems organisations. Argues that a clear understanding of the advancements, maturation in project dynamics of change at the people/technology interface, management and improved benefits and the symbiotic relationship between information realisation models, the continuing impact of systems and strategy, is a prerequisite for the successful IT based change failure on corporate business benefits realisation for major IT and e-business profitability and effective organisational projects. Distils lessons learned from reflections on functioning in all sectors continues to warrant theories-in-use and practice into a basic model for senior closer investigation. This requirement is managers and IT practitioners. reinforced by the disappointing level of business benefits realised by client Electronic access organisations from the latest wave of enterprise-wide customer relationship The Emerald Research Register for this journal is management (CRM) technologies, with over available at 55 per cent offering no significant returns, and low levels of executive confidence ± both reported in major US corporate IT surveys The current issue and full text archive of this journal is (Bain, 2001, cited in Rigby et al., 2002). available at Research objectives and methodology Logistics Information Management Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . pp. 18-24 # MCB UP Limited . ISSN 0957-6053 A comprehensive investigation of the factors DOI 10.1108/09576050310453705 that determine IT-based change failure or 18
  • 2. ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management Logistics Information Management Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24 success is beyond the scope of this paper individual behaviours, team and which aims to inform future practice in the organisational performance was popularised field of change management, by investigating by Kurt Lewin, Rensis Likert and other US- the dynamic relationship between strategy, based figures in the organisational change management practices, and fifth development movement of the 1950s to the generation information and communication 1970s. During the same era Europe and technologies (ICT), within complex Scandinavia witnessed the emergence and organisational environments. More growth of socio-technical movement, which specifically, the role of information systems made a significant contribution to current within the broader change management systems thinking and the nature of equation will be explored. interactions between people and technology The investigation and subsequent analysis (Waddell et al., 2000). were undertaken with reference to: Although the popularity of OD and socio- . Recent literature on strategic approaches technical schools of thought declined in the to change management and strategic 1980s, many of their fundamental principles information systems to highlight key and methods have been carried forward into concepts and current applications, current change management consulting successes and failures in these fields; practices (Stace and Dunphy, 1994). . Data from interviews with four In the 1980s and 1990s the dominant experienced IT consultants and two approaches to planned change were premised senior IT project managers, to provide on the assumption that structures, processes, insight into the limitations of current IT- technology and human skills, capabilities and based change consulting practices; knowledge can be reconfigured to support or . Two recent case examples: a provincial optimise the achievement of identified bank which combined BPR and strategic goals. These included total quality e-business technologies as part of a management (TQM); BPR and various forms successful strategy to capture a significant of strategic IT interventions including ERP share of the online housing loans market and e-commerce systems (Stace and Dunphy, in the UK market between 1995 and 2001; Wilkinson et al., 1998; Burnes, 1996). 1998, and an offshore petroleum As discussed in section one of this paper, engineering company which used Web planned change in its various forms had a front-end technology with ERP to make fairly poor track record throughout the 1990s, significant efficiency gains for minimising with TQM, BPR and IT failures incurring offshore personnel costs and optimise use massive financial and human resource of the available labour pool. deployment costs, with limited returns to the These case examples of ICT as a platform for client organisation. While the reasons for change will be discussed in the fifth section these failures are manifold, it is proposed that following a consideration of some of the senior management's view of strategy as a typical problems and issues associated with linear process, implemented through information technology projects in the fourth conventional project management models, section. The next section briefly examines the over predictable time frames, was a major defining characteristics of strategic change contributing factor. This mechanistic view of management and the enabling role of IT. strategic change, which ignores the emergent, processual, and relationship-based models advanced by prominent theorists in the field of strategy and change management Strategic approaches to change management including: Quinn (1980), Pettigrew and Whipp (1991), Mintzberg and Quinn (1991), The notion of implementing planned reforms and Stacey (2000), is particularly evident in to reorder the human and technological major IT project implementations. These dimensions of the organisation has been in were characterised by a deterministic, existence since the conception of the earliest strategy-in-a-box approach, where people are armies and bureaucracies pre-dating configured around systems to ensure optimal Christian times (Postman, 1992). organisational performance. Taken to its In recent times the idea of planned logical extreme technology becomes strategy interventions to bring about changes in or an end in itself. 19
  • 3. ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management Logistics Information Management Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24 This tendency is illustrated by Markus and Y2K and other legacy system problems. Benjamin's (1997) ``magic bullet'' analogy Clients were criticised for their lack of where IT practitioners naõvely assume that, by È up-front consultation with their own senior IS building or designing a powerful technology to specialists, acceptance of unrealistic budgets be shot into the problem area, desirable and deadlines from consultants and failure to changes will result when the technology establish a clear business case for systems penetrates the human and technological fabric adoption. According to Thorpe (1998) these of the organisation (Markus and Benjamin, types of adoption practices reflect linear 1997, p. 57). This deterministic and flawed industrial age thinking, based on the conception of the role of ICT within the assumption that plugging in extra change management equation is identified by technological capacity will necessarily the authors and the interviewed respondents generate business efficiencies and more profit. as a major contributor to project failures in a range of organisational environments. Vendor issues To advance our understanding of Vendor indifference to the specific human, IT-focused change within complex ICT- operational, and business requirements of enabled environments, the paper will explore client organisations was identified as a major some of the factors that precipitate the contributor to project failure or low levels of success or failure of technology-focused benefits realisation. Vendors were seen to be interventions. In the final section a model is primarily concerned with selling template presented which attempts to explain the solutions on set margins that could be rolled complex interaction between strategy, out across a clearly defined time frame. This technology and people within this type of problem was compounded by the high costs networked organisation and the symbiotic associated with product customisation, relationship between strategy and information switching to an alternative vendor if systems. dissatisfied, and the general disruption to workflow and productivity caused by system installation disruptions. Each of these factors Interview findings: IT project failures contributed to low returns for the organisation on the original IT investment. Interviews were conducted by the researchers, with four experienced IT consultants and two senior IT project directors between October Consultant issues 2000 and February 2001, to provide an Not surprisingly, many of the consultant and insight into current IT-focused change vendor issues were similar, given that some management contexts, approaches and consultants worked for the vendor, whilst practices. The principal concern was to others worked closely with the vendor (on establish the factors that led to the relative behalf of the client). From the perspective of success or failure of strategic IT-based change the two project managers interviewed the projects, with respect to their original goals. biggest problem for them was the increasing In addressing the broad themes identified in tendency for consultancies to hire the semi-structured interview format, the ``technicians'' trained to follow standardised respondents emphasised issues and barriers methodologies, rather than strategists who that they saw as contributing to IT change understood the organisation's business model failure in various contexts. These are and were capable of implementing change described below as Client, Vendor and across the people/technology interface. Consultant issues: Client issues Case study insights Senior management (client) ignorance of IT applications and their potential ramifications Case 1: throughout the adoptive organisation was The case of a highly conservative, provincial identified as a prime contributor to project UK bank that used BPR and Web-based failure. Two respondents noted that several technologies to become a major player in the clients with whom they had dealt had adopted UK Internet home loans market is a high cost (typically US$5m, plus) ERP remarkable illustration of both effective technologies as a silver bullet solution to fix management and subsequent 20
  • 4. ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management Logistics Information Management Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24 mismanagement of the technology/strategy As an IT-based change initiative, the relationship. re-engineering of the original bank structure, In the early 1990s the conservative lending processes, and information technology base to policies and traditional branch banking create and two other streamlined structure that had served the bank well in business units proved to be a great success. their traditional provincial markets during the The BPR intervention saved the business an 1980s looked like becoming an increasing estimated £30.1 million per annum and, liability with the entry of major UK and combined with the value analysis European players. The prospect of steady methodology, reduced the cost of processing erosion of their core customer base by a housing loan by over 50 per cent. The institutions with immense capital bases, bank's Internet-based business grew at 25 per superior technology and international cent per annum between 1996 and 1999. In networks and the increasing danger of a 1999 the bank estimated that the return from forced merger or take-overs, moved the their investment in consulting and bank's conservative board to initiate a survival information technology adoption since 1995 strategy. This required a massive departure was in the order of ten to one. from their existing approach to lending Since that time the bank has continued to through detailed personal vetting of record a steady increase in profitability due customers and an extended approvals more to the rapid growth in the UK housing process, which passed through seven layers of loans and financial markets during 2000 than effective strategic and business management. hierarchy for loans over £100,000. In 1995 the board was persuaded that early However, major changes in the bank's top team in 1999 and 2000, combined with entry into the new technophile, 18-35 year increased exposure to high risk commercial old, Internet-based banking market loans, led to increasing concerns being voiced represented their only significant opportunity by shareholders and analysts in the UK for expansion into the broader UK market. At business media. These concerns were the same time they sought to recoup compounded in 1999 by the departure from significant business benefits from the new the 1995-1998 business model through the Internet technologies within a two-year period use of CRM technologies, in an attempt to from 1996-1998, whilst maintaining their no integrate three successful, stand-alone forced redundancy policy. business units. Paradoxically, the board's Despite the considerable challenge involved decision to roll back the implementation of in achieving these apparently conflicting their CRM project with £80 million spent in objectives, both outcomes were achieved. The 2001 reversed many of the gains from the first through an innovative staff redeployment investment in BPR and Internet technologies, strategy, which transferred branch employees as tools with a clearly defined enabling role into a massive centralised call centre servicing within a well conceived business model. As a the entire UK market for Internet-sourced consequence the executive team were forced housing loans. The second through a change within a few months of the decision to strategy combining BPR, value chain analysis, reluctantly accept a merger deal with a major cost cutting, and an aggressive Web-based competitor, effectively changing the bank's business-to-customer (B2C) marketing identity forever. strategy. Under the new business model three Case 2: distinct businesses were identified under a is the Norwegian-based holding company structure: the traditional operation of a large US multinational and a ``Retail'' branch banking network; global leader in energy services, equipment, ``Commercial'' banking; and ``''. engineering and construction. Until recently The bank was able to offer a combination of one of the major challenges facing the traditional and electronic banking services. company was the high cost of employee These covered UK-based, Offshore, and resourcing for its offshore oil and gas International customers, with low cost, credit operations, particularly with regard to scored housing loans supplied online through scheduling, shift arrangements, and the the call centre and broker network, which associated logistics for skilled recorded a turnover of over £250m in 1999. offshore workers. 21
  • 5. ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management Logistics Information Management Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24 In order to minimise these costs through operation for staff, through flexible access and optimal work scheduling and shift patterns better presentation of R/3 HR data offshore the management realised that they needed projects (Ash and Burn, 2001; Ash, 2000). remote access to relevant HR data such as As a further measure of its success and shift details and updates on local employment strategic application for the organisation, the regulations. There are significant penalties in e-business solution was expanded to include Norway for companies that employ foreign the IT department's computer hardware workers beyond an agreed time quota. tracking system and was incorporated as a key Although the need to drastically reduce component of the company's global ICT personnel deployment costs was apparent to network. the offshore project managers, the bureaucratic and autocratic culture of the organisation had previously prevented a Managing emergent change? creative solution emerging from management or other key players in the organisation. Early The bank and the engineering company cases in 1999 the situation changed when the HR both demonstrated the benefits of judicious manager and project team championed the use of IT and Internet technologies as tools to idea of a personnel management intranet to support a business model with objectives leverage the power of graphics and Internet shared and understood by all major project or technology and extend the reach of the program stakeholders including: senior existing ERP system to remote users seeking managers; IT specialists; business unit real time access to crucial deployment and managers, HR managers, and other change scheduling data. Following an intensive six- agents responsible for the implementation, month period spent educating peers, project communication or facilitation of the broader managers, and other potential system users on change process. The need for shared the benefits and applications of the understanding of the role of technology technology and building a sound business within the change management and strategy case for senior management, the HR team process has also been identified as a unifying were successful. The intranet project was theme (Remenyi, 1999; Beckford, 1998). adopted and fully operational within a year, However, future change management with the significant addition of wireless practitioners face a significant challenge in application protocol (mobile) technology to trying to deliver ambitious business outcomes enhance network accessibility. for organisations operating in increasingly Within six months of the new system being complex and dynamic ICT-enabled network established and being accepted and environments. New theories and models of understood by the project managers and other change management are required to help key stakeholders, significant cost savings of practitioners understand the complex over US$100k were recorded. The major dynamics of change within organisational benefits realised from the application of the networks seeking to harness the power of the new technology resulted from optimised shift fifth generation information and patterns and increased flexibility in the communication technologies (Savage, 1996). deployment of staff and contract personnel, in Figure 1 represents a first step towards response to delays, downtime and other building this understanding by serving as a offshore operational contingencies. Other common reference point for senior managers, related benefits identified by the researcher IT practitioners, other change agents and key included: cost savings in sourcing and inter-organisational stakeholders, such as managing of contract staff; improved major customers and suppliers. It illustrates relationships between the company's onshore how an emergent strategy process, focusing and offshore management staff and the local on broad corporate intent rather than fixed government agencies responsible for goals, informs, and is informed by, the supplying and regulating the deployment of application of well defined and widely staff; improvements in IT end user skills; understood business models. These are better decision making by project managers designed to support achievement business resulting in reduced uncertainty surrounding unit goals and broader organisational work patterns and continuity amongst staff outcomes, by supporting and shaping and contractors; and increased ease of electronic transactions with consumers and 22
  • 6. ICT-enabled organisations: a model for change management Logistics Information Management Scott Gardner and Colin G. Ash Volume 16 . Number 1 . 2003 . 18-24 Figure 1 Dynamic model of change in ICT-enabled networks It is proposed that emergent change, although difficult to manage in a conventional sense, can be shaped, harnessed or purposefully oriented under certain conditions. These include: shared stakeholder goals, a clear understanding of the business model, its objectives, and the role of technology within the process; creation of common ``IT change management'' protocols and conventions; and ongoing use of facilitated forums required to support knowledge integration, through in-context interpretation of emergent change. Change in ICT contexts should be managed and shaped through mutual adjustment of the change implementation other businesses, and day-to-day interactions approaches employed by IT practitioners, line with staff through the intranet and allied managers, and other active stakeholders. This networks. suggests the need for change agent attributes Significantly, the success of these business suited to non-linear, and at times chaotic, models within a complex ICT-enabled environments, notably: flexibility of thought context, is determined not by a single variable and action; skilful interpretation of change like technology or people but the contexts and contingencies; and crucially the management of both planned change and the ability to create and facilitate purposeful emergent changes generated at the people/ electronic and face-to-face dialogue, amongst technology interface. In this context the role key stakeholders throughout the of the IT project director or other designated organisational network. Broader adoption of change agents becomes that of moderator, these ideas may go some way towards interpreter, and manager of change. This reconciling the tension between second represents a considerable shift from generation management practices and fifth conventional linear IT project management generation technologies, which continues to models of organisational change, which pre-determine change failure in complex assume that effective planning, budgeting, organisations. controls and communication will deliver desired business results within a realistic timeframe. The recent history of IT failure References suggests that a new theory-in-use may be Ash, C.G. (2000), ``E-business change and personnel called for to help managers make sense of the performance: a case study of an ERP-enabled complex change dynamics of ICT-enabled organisation'', Proceedings of the BIT'2000 environments. Conference ± Generative Futures, MMU, Manchester, 1-2 November. Ash, C.G. and Burn, J.M. (2001), ``Evaluating successful e-business change through ERP'', Proceedings Conclusion Americas Conference of Information Systems AMCIS'2001, Bentley College, Boston, MA, Change in complex information and 3-5 August. communication technology-enabled Beckford, J. (1998), Quality: A Critical Introduction, organisations is generated at the interface Routledge, London. Burnes, B. (1996), Managing Change: A Strategic between people, technology, and change Approach to Organisational Dynamics, 2nd ed., agents. While conventional change theories Pitman, London. and methodologies assume that change can be Carlopio, J. (1998), Implementation: Making Workplace planned and systematically managed through Innovation and Technical Change Happen, a series of programs or interventions, the McGraw-Hill, Sydney. Holland, D. and Kumar, S. (1995), Getting Past the model indicates that this process is Obstacles to Successful Reengineering, cited in constrained in complex networked Fitzpatrick, P. and Terziovski, M. (1999), ``Critical environments. predictors of business process reengineering success 23
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