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Trailer Park Challenge
Spare Update the Fourth
Welcome back to the Rauta spares! Here we see Boson Rauta
finding his One True Hobby.
“Hee hee! Viowence make thound!”
In case you don’t remember, he’s extremely neat, outgoing,
active, serious and mean. Not what I’d expect out of Pras’s son.
Moonshine: “Save meeeeeooow”
His dad Zach is currently a high school principal.
“Please let me take off this stupid thing already, it’s compromising my
authority with the students.”
Hey, once a Llama, always a Llama.
Now why are you yowling, Moonshine?
“One of the green ones is trying to hug me, but these cursed
bars are in my way!”
You’re not even hungry!
“Who’s a good kitty?”
Ronroneo: “*sniff* Is that llamaman’s cologne?”
“I used the Energizer for this?”
I imagined Pras being the type of mom to drill her children, but
it’s more like I’m the one drilling her :P
Apparently woohoing a Llama mascot counts as woohoing a
service sim, hence this “first time” memory.
Also, they haven’t done it since before they got married? Wow.
Aaah, I missed the ‘escape from crib’!
“Diaper change? But why?”
Pras is a brilliant mother.
It was getting tiresome not being able to tell the difference
between the twins, so I color-coded them :D Muon is the one in
purple, Kaon is the one in black.
Pras was invited to an outing downtown and honestly, between
three kids and the night-shift, she deserves to have some fun.
For some reason, the only one showing up to the outing was
Anthony Shankel, one of Pras’s old flings.
Not that she complained.
“Oh Anthony, I’m rolling a public woohoo want! But my sister-
in-law is having Baked Alaska in there.”
So they head to the Crypt’O Night Club for a little shake’n’bake.
“I just ran over here to say that I highly disapprove of this.”
Why bake? You’ll see >:)
Time to go home, Pras?
“I think I’m going to ask that hot guy on a date.”
I guess not.
“Was I not enough for you, you hussy?!”
Um… you’re in no position to call Pras out on cheating. I mean,
that ring ain’t there as decoration.
“So I’m best friends with both of my cats! Do you like cats?”
“Oh, uhm, yeah. Does that coupon of yours include tartlettes?”
“How dare you slap my aunt! FART ATTACK!”
Classy, Francium. Why are there so many eyes around? Better
send Pras and her date to a place that no other Rauta would
care to visit.
“Sir, Ma’am, the museum is closing now.”
Someone’s having morning sickness~
“It’s food poisoning from last night. Probably salmonella.”
1) You had salad and 2) salmonella doesn’t exist in your reality.
Pras off-screen: “Oh hi Neo! Wait, why are you running away?”
“Darn it, I was so close to stealing that newspaper.”
“Pretty penguin~”
“Smelly mutant.”
“Look Mom! I grew bigger!”
“Sorry hun, can’t look right now. Kaon is trying to use her alien
powers to escape.”
Pras managed to catch her in the end though!
Kaon is a Libra, 10/10/1/4/10. Don’t you love the extreme
personalities that alien babies get?
Meanwhile, Muon is such a little diva that she required three
cakes to grow up.
She’s a Gemini 1/10/10/3/10. So while Kaon is a lazy neat freak,
Muon is an active slob (I love these girls already).
Boson gets his own room and a matching keyboard to boot 
No, that’s – oh, it does make a sound. Huh.
Poor baby went to his first day of school with no energy.
I relate so much :’)
“*sob* It was not his time yet…”
“I see an empty food bowl.”
*whistle* have no idea if he actually died of old age or if it was from my neglectance <.<
It’s time to wrap up this household. Say bye-bye to the twins!
“Bye bye Voithe!”
Back at the Reamon household, Juan and Uranium (Juanium?)
are also very cute, although in more of a pufferfish manner.
“…wait, how in the he – “
“Ooh, ooh, that’s check mate, right?”
“…you little brat. I swear you must have cheated!”
Mari-Meson (off-screen): “GEORGIA! STOP USING MY VIOLIN!”
“Mom said I could play it!”
“I got promoted to SWAT Leader today!”
Such a high rank cop, yet you live in a trailer park.
“Hey, that’s on you, not me.”
…then sleep?
“Hi, you’re the landlady, right? Our computer needs fixing.”
“…I can’t help you with viruses. Computer- or woohoo-related.”
“Oh don’t worry, a wrench ought to do it.”
“I wonder why she didn’t come over even though – aw, shucks!
Now the warranty’s void.”
Doing homework in the wee hours… why must I relate so much
to these pixels?
Oh look, you didn’t burn it!
“Gee, thanks for the confidence.”
Hey, I’m not used to sims with high cooking points. I can’t even
tell what you’re cooking right now.
It’s boring to have Uranium do nothing all day, so I had her
check out the secret dance studio! Where the first things she
wanted to do were to change into PJs and hustle pool *smh*
Snoeu Lum: “Those pesky Rautas! I’ll show them!”
Ura actually wins §500 in the Smustle contest! Look how
focused she is.
“You merely adopted the smustle; I was born in it.”
“I guess inspecting where my bangs went doesn’t count as a
science project.”
You didn’t realize that before reading the report card?
Woah, why such a serious face, Mei? You have 8 playful points.
“There is nothing playful about the fact that most of us cousins
have never met each other.”
Right, well, blame it on your mother *cough*
Both Georgia and Mei seemed to have a chess/play together
want ^.^ I see the start of a beautiful friendship.
I see that you want to join the Criminal career track.
“I need pocket money, and crime pays. Besides, isn’t it good to
know how the local scum operates for when I’m a cop?”
I guess the difference between hero and villain is a narrow one.
Again with the serious face! Still, the two of them seem to
already have reached friend status.
Which reminds me, Uranium is still not officially Georgia’s mom.
Although that may change quite soon ;)
“Ever since the day I rescued you from that death trap of a
trailer, my love for you has only grown stronger. It’s been years
since we last discussed it, but what I mean to ask is…”
“Juan Reamon, will you be my husband?”
“ I thought you’d never ask! Yes! YES! A HUNDRED TIMES YES!”
“Ugh, don’t tell me they were like this all night.”
Well you see Mari-Meson, when a sim loves another sim –
In her love-drunken haze, Uranium manages to set the whole
stove on fire. How does that even work, anyway?
“I don’t know Ms, I’m just here to spray the white stuff.”
Deirdre Wilsonoff: “So, are we going to the movies or not?”
“Oh, I just invited you so my cousins could throw tomatoes at
you and your posh uniform. I have work today anyway.”
I see that being Cal’s niece pays off.
“I like to think that it’s me they’re scared of.”
Oh, there’s definitely that as well.
Snow Day!
“Now you can catch up on your homework.”
“Drats. I need to hide those report cards better.”
Accurate depiction of how I would spend a Snow Day. My school
didn’t care whether you’d be an hour late during the winter: if
the teacher could make it to school, then so could you.
Lucky sims.
I bet you can’t make a non-evil snowman.
“Watch me. This is going to be the most unintimidating
snowman ever built.”
Keep practicing while I go check on Cal’s family.
Except instead of doing that right away I took a detour to Pras’s
old neighborhood complex, where yet another landlord
spontaneously combusts. I only loaded the lot so I could move
the families out, wtf game?
Brandi Stratton didn’t make it, sadly.
I sent her grave to Bluewater Cemetery, but lo and behold a
bunch of the stones went missing when I put this hood back in.
Boy am I glad I had nounlinkondelete installed at the time.
And if those glitches weren’t enough, Pras and Moonshine are
still registered as tenants (that I can see without having to
“knock on door”). Pras even shows up with the same pregnancy
belly as on her current home lot o.O
But enough complaining about glitches. Hi Lepton!
“Voice, I have three children to raise. You’ve started hating
apartments. We have §50K. See where I’m going with this?”
Hmm… maybe.
Ginger has a bad habit of turning the TV on when someone is
sleeping only to turn it off once they’ve woken up. I can’t decide
whether she’s “adorably oblivious” or just douchey.
“I’m coming for you, lawn chair!”
Meet Steven Mamuyac, who totally looks like Quinten Zhang
because the AL developers didn’t see the need for more than
two landlord templates.
Poor Ginger. She just wanted to pass the time by trying out a
new recipe. Things get lonely with only a baby at home.
Actually I’m still bitter about her stealing gnomes as a teenager
Ginger: “I’m so booored.”
Landlord: “Raking leaves is fun. Why don’t you join me? ”
Ginger: “*demonstratively moves to the other bench*”
“Did you really just throw up on me?”
Still want one more?
“…nah, I’m good.”
Hadron brought Eugene Chen home! Remember Chuck and
Dominique from Praseodymium’s college days (or from when
the landlady was set on fire)? This is their third kid.
“Some people ask if I’m an alien, but Dad and Daddy say that I
was born with the help of a wizard! My sisters don’t believe it,
but that’s just ‘cause they’re teenagers.”
Lepton grows up into a mean looking (and even meaner)
Scorpio with the points 7 neat, 4 outgoing, 9 active, 8 playful
and 1 nice point. Her thumbnail wasn’t actually bald, but I
decided that I like the look. See how proud Cal is of his minion?
Lepton starts her evil doings early by pooping in her diaper the
second before she can be potty trained.
“*sigh* Why did I sign up for this?”
“Today’s encounter has been most fruitful.”
“Likewise. I look forward to our next exchange.”
Seriously though, this formal goodbye took me off guard.
This is the sort of handshake my sims usually deal out.
Followed, of course, by furious pokes.
“You disrespectful little #@§! After all I went through to get you
in on that last gig!”
“You do not want to get on my bad side, Uncle. You’re not the
only one with contacts.”
“{Is this really all there is to it? Where are the spikes that punish
you for being stupid?}”
“See, if you hadn’t made that empty threat last night, you
could’ve been in on the 50k I just made.”
“*shakes head* Oh Uncle, you are so naïve.”
“Come on Hadron, push!”
“I’m waiting for the right moment so that you’ll fall in the mud”
*shudder* Mean sims.
“Oh, if only we didn’t have to share these swings with anyone.”
“Baby, once my guys finish laundering last night’s heist money,
I’ll buy you like twenty of these things!”
“I knew this day would come. The horror!”
Did you see your parents make out in their pajamas?
“What? No! I got my first D!”
“But Dad, I’m bored! And I brought a friend home!”
“Listen kid, we can’t have any more teachers calling my work
number. Your pal’s just gonna have to wait.”
It’s alright, I think Boson’s used to being left on his own.
*Mad World starts playing*
“Running around is overrated.”
ALREADY, SHEESH (and Hadron has 8 playful, not that it shows)
“Are you sure you saw a llama walking down the street?”
“You calling me a liar? It’s right there by the crossing.”
“Oh wait, now I see it!”
“Aw shucks, I lost.”
“Boson, apologize to your cousin.”
“Why? I won fair and square!”
“My love for youuuu makes my teeth protruuuude, it’s hard to
cheeeew but I love you duuuude ♫”
“Look, I’m making a snow demon! And then I’m going to make a
snow minion! Snow days are the best!”
Except they prevent you from turning in your homework,
leaving me with annoying pop-ups -_-
“I’ve done good work here today.”
“Dad, I’m kind of having a big moment here. Would you mind –”
“Hold that thought sweetie, I’ve got to finish this chapter on
locks while I’m still in the flow.”
Congratulations on growing up into skimpy clothes, Pion!
“Thanks! Can I go to college? I want to be an architect.”
Well, your mother does have that LTW… but try to get three
scholarships first. Mari-Meson doesn’t have to do shit because I’m consistent like that
And immediately after the cake, Cal and Ginger decided to try
for yet another rugrat. Sorry (not sorry) guys, you’re too old!
Pion has come up with a way to improve her still life skills:
obstructed view of the canvas!
“I couldn’t possibly make it through that sim-sized gap. Better
stand here and stomp the floor in frustration.”
“You need to learn how to fend for yourself, kid. Like, I’m not
even sure you live here.”
“{Feed me or I’ll eat your brushes!}”
Hadron, you’ve been doing that for hours. Is it really that fun?
“You try it!”
I would if I could, but beds are expensive :<
“My career is over. I was this close to reaching everything I ever
wanted, and now it’s all ruined.”
Don’t feel bad Cal, it was a 50/50 chance. It’s not like you spent nearly
all of your adult life trying to achieve that LTW and end up having me blow it by
picking “Speedboat” ‘cause Juan had a sort of related chance card
“Your dad’s not that cocky now, is he?”
“I don’t even know you.”
Yes, after a lifetime as neighbors, Pion and Mari-Meson have
still never formally met one another :o
“Someone here ordered the ‘Neighbor Fun Sized Vegetariana’
with extra cheese?”
“*grumble* I hope unemployment doesn’t mean I have to deal
with schmucks like this one day in and day out.”
Apparently the landlord decided to change the locks for the
Reamons to make sure they came to the apartment gathering,
because Ura and Mari-Meson can’t tend to their needs. Grrr.
“Tell that joke about my hygiene again, I dare you.”
Time to leave before things get heated.
One more family and circa 40 more slides to go!
Look how pissed off they are, ahahaha
Michelle and Neptunium might just be my favorite sim couple
so far <3
The hand tattoo is a default replacement for the good witch skin
overlay, made by ClericalRodent at GOS and edited by
Boolprop’s very own Heather!
Just like Zach’s kids, I ended up clothing the quads as well to
better remember which is which. Fermion gets a flower; Gluon
reminds me of white glue; Photon equals light, which
plumbbobs tend to emit; Baryon is a Bearyon.
“Interesting mnemonics, now could you please put at least half
of that effort into fixing this tucked-untucked mishmash?”
Right, sorry.
Neptunium, you do know that Fermion was just fed?
“A baby can never have too much food!”
The health services and I beg to differ.
“Honey, I need your help to figure out this puzzle.”
“Hold on, I need to stand here doing nothing for a few seconds.”
At least what I lack in tact, I make up for in want fulfillment.
That lamp doesn’t look half bad, actually. I should use it more.
*ignoring the fact that SimMichelle almost died*
Neptunium is a sweeter parent than I expected from him and
his zero nice points.
Although sweetness doesn’t necessarily translate to actual
parenting skills *rolls eyes*
“Parenthood is hard.”
Hey, your wife has been busting her ass the whole night while
you just showed up five minutes ago. She needs that juice more
than you do.
Nevertheless, I’m rewarding you for being a responsible parent.
“Or just keeping my wants fulfilled so that I can use the
energizer instead of sleeping.”
…that too.
While I’m distracted by four consecutive “Help With Birthday”
commands that keep canceling each other out, Neo takes the
opportunity to steal yet another newspaper. What‘s your
problem, girl?
First up is – yikes. I mean Baryon.
While him growing up into a dress is attention-worthy, his
cheeks are what really surprised me.
Just look at them! That’s some uglacy material right there. Or
Fuglacy (look up modelmgt’s Fugly Family Scrapbook to see
what I mean… if you dare).
There, now he can be a Panda Bearyon!
“{Cease your puns and feed me!}”
He has 6 neat, 9 outgoing, 9 active, 10 playful and 1 nice point.
Photon is the second one to grow up and gets to keep his cute
little tux! He has 2 neat, 7 outgoing, 10 active, 7 playful and 8
nice points.
Then we have the obligatory hell-spawn, Gluon, with 6 neat, 9
outgoing, 4 active, 10 playful and 0 nice points.
And to contrast the demon, Fermion (whose name is now
properly changed to its correct spelling) has 4 neat, 8 outgoing,
10 active, 3 playful and 10 nice!
Y’all know these stats aren’t going to matter considering how well I’ve done with
characterization in the past
Being a simself, Michelle knows that toddlerhood is where the
true parenthood hardships begin.
“Why did Mom ever stop using this stuff?”
Yup, I’m going to aim for all the toddler skills, because these
children deserve the Lifetime Happiness points (unlike everyone
else in the Rauta clan, apparently).
“{Intriguing attempt. How about I pick my nose instead?}”
“*sigh* I guess we’ll wait for the milk to fully kick in, sweetie.”
“{I have offered the potty monster my scarlet locks in exchange
for its power!}”
Sorry, what? I was distracted by the green pants on green skin.
“Here you go Baryon! Now you won’t have to feel left out, even
though we can only train two at a time and are therefore
essentially wasting the aspiration points.”
“{How dare my brother be more musically inclined than me?! I
refuse to learn this nursery rhyme!}”
“Are all toddlers like this, or just mine?”
“{The glowy one looked scary.}”
“I knew we shouldn’t have taught them how to walk.”
More potty-mastering!
“Fermion sweetie, Mommy’s training Photon now. Or Gluon, I’m
not entirely sure.”
Look at that smug little face <3
“{You know you want to make me into a legacy founder.}”
By golly, Photon, I do.
More walking cuteness, with Baryon purposefully turned away
from the camera.
“’No’ is a word too, y’know.”
“… {darn it}”
Dinner time!
Hey, from this angle, Baryon looks sort of cute!
“*evil giggle* SOOOON”
I think Gluon is the first ever toddler I’ve seen fall asleep sitting
in their crib.
*tries to resist the obvious glue joke*
“High chair!”
“Freaking finally.”
I hope you don’t mind that I moved the drums outside? The
kitchen was getting a little cramped.
“Hey, if the neighbors can’t sleep, that’s just a plus for me.”
“Well, at least he talks now.”
Because I micro-manage the hell out of these parents, this is the
first successfully pushed “give bath” command!
“{I am highly skeptic of this affair.}”
Hey, that bottle wasn’t meant for you! You’ve already learned
all the basic toddler skills!
“{If only I could climb the stairs, I’d be undefeatable.}”
“Can you say ‘lazy daddy’ for me, Gluon?”
“*groan* Could you cut that out already, I need to sleep.”
“{Hmm, how do I make them fight more}?”
Unfortunately for all parties involved, I have to cut the rotation
right about here. Tune in next time to see who made heir, and
happy simming!

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Iron Values TPC Chapter 15.5

  • 1. { IRON VALUES Trailer Park Challenge Spare Update the Fourth
  • 2. Welcome back to the Rauta spares! Here we see Boson Rauta finding his One True Hobby. “Hee hee! Viowence make thound!”
  • 3. In case you don’t remember, he’s extremely neat, outgoing, active, serious and mean. Not what I’d expect out of Pras’s son. Moonshine: “Save meeeeeooow”
  • 4. His dad Zach is currently a high school principal. “Please let me take off this stupid thing already, it’s compromising my authority with the students.” Hey, once a Llama, always a Llama.
  • 5. Now why are you yowling, Moonshine? “One of the green ones is trying to hug me, but these cursed bars are in my way!”
  • 6. “Yum!” You’re not even hungry! “Meaty!”
  • 7. “Who’s a good kitty?” Ronroneo: “*sniff* Is that llamaman’s cologne?”
  • 8. “I used the Energizer for this?” I imagined Pras being the type of mom to drill her children, but it’s more like I’m the one drilling her :P
  • 9. Apparently woohoing a Llama mascot counts as woohoing a service sim, hence this “first time” memory. Also, they haven’t done it since before they got married? Wow.
  • 10. Aaah, I missed the ‘escape from crib’! “Diaper change? But why?” Pras is a brilliant mother.
  • 11. It was getting tiresome not being able to tell the difference between the twins, so I color-coded them :D Muon is the one in purple, Kaon is the one in black.
  • 12. Pras was invited to an outing downtown and honestly, between three kids and the night-shift, she deserves to have some fun.
  • 13. For some reason, the only one showing up to the outing was Anthony Shankel, one of Pras’s old flings. Not that she complained.
  • 14. “Oh Anthony, I’m rolling a public woohoo want! But my sister- in-law is having Baked Alaska in there.”
  • 15. So they head to the Crypt’O Night Club for a little shake’n’bake. “I just ran over here to say that I highly disapprove of this.” Why bake? You’ll see >:)
  • 16. Time to go home, Pras? “I think I’m going to ask that hot guy on a date.” I guess not.
  • 17. “Was I not enough for you, you hussy?!” Um… you’re in no position to call Pras out on cheating. I mean, that ring ain’t there as decoration.
  • 18. “So I’m best friends with both of my cats! Do you like cats?” “Oh, uhm, yeah. Does that coupon of yours include tartlettes?”
  • 19. “How dare you slap my aunt! FART ATTACK!” Classy, Francium. Why are there so many eyes around? Better send Pras and her date to a place that no other Rauta would care to visit.
  • 20. “Sir, Ma’am, the museum is closing now.”
  • 21. Someone’s having morning sickness~ “It’s food poisoning from last night. Probably salmonella.” 1) You had salad and 2) salmonella doesn’t exist in your reality.
  • 22. Pras off-screen: “Oh hi Neo! Wait, why are you running away?” “Darn it, I was so close to stealing that newspaper.”
  • 24. “Look Mom! I grew bigger!” “Sorry hun, can’t look right now. Kaon is trying to use her alien powers to escape.”
  • 25. Pras managed to catch her in the end though! Kaon is a Libra, 10/10/1/4/10. Don’t you love the extreme personalities that alien babies get?
  • 26. Meanwhile, Muon is such a little diva that she required three cakes to grow up. She’s a Gemini 1/10/10/3/10. So while Kaon is a lazy neat freak, Muon is an active slob (I love these girls already).
  • 27. Boson gets his own room and a matching keyboard to boot 
  • 28. “Fwute!” No, that’s – oh, it does make a sound. Huh.
  • 29. Poor baby went to his first day of school with no energy. I relate so much :’)
  • 30. “*sob* It was not his time yet…” “I see an empty food bowl.” *whistle* have no idea if he actually died of old age or if it was from my neglectance <.<
  • 31. It’s time to wrap up this household. Say bye-bye to the twins! “Bye bye Voithe!” <3
  • 32. Back at the Reamon household, Juan and Uranium (Juanium?) are also very cute, although in more of a pufferfish manner.
  • 33. “…wait, how in the he – “ “Ooh, ooh, that’s check mate, right?” “…you little brat. I swear you must have cheated!”
  • 34. Mari-Meson (off-screen): “GEORGIA! STOP USING MY VIOLIN!” “Mom said I could play it!” “YOU’RE NOT PLAYING IT, YOU’RE HURTING IT!”
  • 35. “I got promoted to SWAT Leader today!” Such a high rank cop, yet you live in a trailer park. “Hey, that’s on you, not me.”
  • 36. “I’M TIRED!” …then sleep? “GEE, YOU’RE SO INSIGHTFUL.”
  • 37. “Hi, you’re the landlady, right? Our computer needs fixing.” “…I can’t help you with viruses. Computer- or woohoo-related.” “Oh don’t worry, a wrench ought to do it.”
  • 38. “I wonder why she didn’t come over even though – aw, shucks! Now the warranty’s void.”
  • 39. Doing homework in the wee hours… why must I relate so much to these pixels?
  • 40. Oh look, you didn’t burn it! “Gee, thanks for the confidence.” Hey, I’m not used to sims with high cooking points. I can’t even tell what you’re cooking right now.
  • 41. It’s boring to have Uranium do nothing all day, so I had her check out the secret dance studio! Where the first things she wanted to do were to change into PJs and hustle pool *smh* Snoeu Lum: “Those pesky Rautas! I’ll show them!”
  • 42. Ura actually wins §500 in the Smustle contest! Look how focused she is. “You merely adopted the smustle; I was born in it.”
  • 43. “I guess inspecting where my bangs went doesn’t count as a science project.” You didn’t realize that before reading the report card?
  • 44. Woah, why such a serious face, Mei? You have 8 playful points. “There is nothing playful about the fact that most of us cousins have never met each other.” Right, well, blame it on your mother *cough*
  • 45. Both Georgia and Mei seemed to have a chess/play together want ^.^ I see the start of a beautiful friendship.
  • 46. I see that you want to join the Criminal career track. “I need pocket money, and crime pays. Besides, isn’t it good to know how the local scum operates for when I’m a cop?” I guess the difference between hero and villain is a narrow one.
  • 47. Again with the serious face! Still, the two of them seem to already have reached friend status. Which reminds me, Uranium is still not officially Georgia’s mom. Although that may change quite soon ;)
  • 48. “Ever since the day I rescued you from that death trap of a trailer, my love for you has only grown stronger. It’s been years since we last discussed it, but what I mean to ask is…”
  • 49. “Juan Reamon, will you be my husband?” “ I thought you’d never ask! Yes! YES! A HUNDRED TIMES YES!”
  • 50. “Ugh, don’t tell me they were like this all night.” Well you see Mari-Meson, when a sim loves another sim – “EW, VOICE! I SAID ‘DON’T TELL ME’!”
  • 51. In her love-drunken haze, Uranium manages to set the whole stove on fire. How does that even work, anyway? “I don’t know Ms, I’m just here to spray the white stuff.”
  • 52. Deirdre Wilsonoff: “So, are we going to the movies or not?” “Oh, I just invited you so my cousins could throw tomatoes at you and your posh uniform. I have work today anyway.”
  • 53. I see that being Cal’s niece pays off. “I like to think that it’s me they’re scared of.” Oh, there’s definitely that as well.
  • 54. Snow Day! “Now you can catch up on your homework.” “Drats. I need to hide those report cards better.”
  • 55. Accurate depiction of how I would spend a Snow Day. My school didn’t care whether you’d be an hour late during the winter: if the teacher could make it to school, then so could you. Lucky sims.
  • 56. I bet you can’t make a non-evil snowman. “Watch me. This is going to be the most unintimidating snowman ever built.”
  • 57. “…whoops.” Keep practicing while I go check on Cal’s family.
  • 58. Except instead of doing that right away I took a detour to Pras’s old neighborhood complex, where yet another landlord spontaneously combusts. I only loaded the lot so I could move the families out, wtf game?
  • 59. Brandi Stratton didn’t make it, sadly. I sent her grave to Bluewater Cemetery, but lo and behold a bunch of the stones went missing when I put this hood back in. Boy am I glad I had nounlinkondelete installed at the time.
  • 60. And if those glitches weren’t enough, Pras and Moonshine are still registered as tenants (that I can see without having to “knock on door”). Pras even shows up with the same pregnancy belly as on her current home lot o.O
  • 61. But enough complaining about glitches. Hi Lepton!
  • 62. “Voice, I have three children to raise. You’ve started hating apartments. We have §50K. See where I’m going with this?” Hmm… maybe.
  • 63. Ginger has a bad habit of turning the TV on when someone is sleeping only to turn it off once they’ve woken up. I can’t decide whether she’s “adorably oblivious” or just douchey.
  • 64. “I’m coming for you, lawn chair!” Meet Steven Mamuyac, who totally looks like Quinten Zhang because the AL developers didn’t see the need for more than two landlord templates.
  • 65. Poor Ginger. She just wanted to pass the time by trying out a new recipe. Things get lonely with only a baby at home. Actually I’m still bitter about her stealing gnomes as a teenager
  • 66. Ginger: “I’m so booored.” Landlord: “Raking leaves is fun. Why don’t you join me? ” Ginger: “*demonstratively moves to the other bench*”
  • 67. “Did you really just throw up on me?” Still want one more? “…nah, I’m good.”
  • 68. Hadron brought Eugene Chen home! Remember Chuck and Dominique from Praseodymium’s college days (or from when the landlady was set on fire)? This is their third kid.
  • 69. “Some people ask if I’m an alien, but Dad and Daddy say that I was born with the help of a wizard! My sisters don’t believe it, but that’s just ‘cause they’re teenagers.”
  • 70. Lepton grows up into a mean looking (and even meaner) Scorpio with the points 7 neat, 4 outgoing, 9 active, 8 playful and 1 nice point. Her thumbnail wasn’t actually bald, but I decided that I like the look. See how proud Cal is of his minion?
  • 71. Lepton starts her evil doings early by pooping in her diaper the second before she can be potty trained. “*sigh* Why did I sign up for this?”
  • 72. “Today’s encounter has been most fruitful.” “Likewise. I look forward to our next exchange.” Seriously though, this formal goodbye took me off guard.
  • 73. This is the sort of handshake my sims usually deal out.
  • 74. Followed, of course, by furious pokes. “You disrespectful little #@§! After all I went through to get you in on that last gig!”
  • 75. “You do not want to get on my bad side, Uncle. You’re not the only one with contacts.”
  • 76. “{Is this really all there is to it? Where are the spikes that punish you for being stupid?}”
  • 77. “See, if you hadn’t made that empty threat last night, you could’ve been in on the 50k I just made.” “*shakes head* Oh Uncle, you are so naïve.”
  • 78. “Come on Hadron, push!” “I’m waiting for the right moment so that you’ll fall in the mud” *shudder* Mean sims.
  • 79. “Oh, if only we didn’t have to share these swings with anyone.” “Baby, once my guys finish laundering last night’s heist money, I’ll buy you like twenty of these things!”
  • 80. “I knew this day would come. The horror!” Did you see your parents make out in their pajamas? “What? No! I got my first D!”
  • 81. “But Dad, I’m bored! And I brought a friend home!” “Listen kid, we can’t have any more teachers calling my work number. Your pal’s just gonna have to wait.”
  • 82. It’s alright, I think Boson’s used to being left on his own. *Mad World starts playing*
  • 83. “Running around is overrated.” “Agreed.” YOU’RE BOTH 9 IN ACTIVE COULD YOU PLEASE ACT LIKE KIDS ALREADY, SHEESH (and Hadron has 8 playful, not that it shows)
  • 84. “Are you sure you saw a llama walking down the street?” “You calling me a liar? It’s right there by the crossing.” “Oh wait, now I see it!”
  • 85. “Aw shucks, I lost.” “Boson, apologize to your cousin.” “Why? I won fair and square!”
  • 86. “My love for youuuu makes my teeth protruuuude, it’s hard to cheeeew but I love you duuuude ♫”
  • 87. “Look, I’m making a snow demon! And then I’m going to make a snow minion! Snow days are the best!” Except they prevent you from turning in your homework, leaving me with annoying pop-ups -_-
  • 88. “I’ve done good work here today.”
  • 89. “Dad, I’m kind of having a big moment here. Would you mind –” “Hold that thought sweetie, I’ve got to finish this chapter on locks while I’m still in the flow.”
  • 90. Congratulations on growing up into skimpy clothes, Pion! “Thanks! Can I go to college? I want to be an architect.” Well, your mother does have that LTW… but try to get three scholarships first. Mari-Meson doesn’t have to do shit because I’m consistent like that
  • 91. And immediately after the cake, Cal and Ginger decided to try for yet another rugrat. Sorry (not sorry) guys, you’re too old!
  • 92. Pion has come up with a way to improve her still life skills: obstructed view of the canvas! “I couldn’t possibly make it through that sim-sized gap. Better stand here and stomp the floor in frustration.”
  • 93. “You need to learn how to fend for yourself, kid. Like, I’m not even sure you live here.” “{Feed me or I’ll eat your brushes!}”
  • 94. Hadron, you’ve been doing that for hours. Is it really that fun? “You try it!” I would if I could, but beds are expensive :<
  • 95. “My career is over. I was this close to reaching everything I ever wanted, and now it’s all ruined.” Don’t feel bad Cal, it was a 50/50 chance. It’s not like you spent nearly all of your adult life trying to achieve that LTW and end up having me blow it by picking “Speedboat” ‘cause Juan had a sort of related chance card
  • 96. “Your dad’s not that cocky now, is he?” “I don’t even know you.” Yes, after a lifetime as neighbors, Pion and Mari-Meson have still never formally met one another :o
  • 97. “Someone here ordered the ‘Neighbor Fun Sized Vegetariana’ with extra cheese?” “*grumble* I hope unemployment doesn’t mean I have to deal with schmucks like this one day in and day out.”
  • 98. Apparently the landlord decided to change the locks for the Reamons to make sure they came to the apartment gathering, because Ura and Mari-Meson can’t tend to their needs. Grrr.
  • 99. “Tell that joke about my hygiene again, I dare you.” Time to leave before things get heated.
  • 100. One more family and circa 40 more slides to go! Look how pissed off they are, ahahaha
  • 101. Michelle and Neptunium might just be my favorite sim couple so far <3 The hand tattoo is a default replacement for the good witch skin overlay, made by ClericalRodent at GOS and edited by Boolprop’s very own Heather!
  • 102. Just like Zach’s kids, I ended up clothing the quads as well to better remember which is which. Fermion gets a flower; Gluon reminds me of white glue; Photon equals light, which plumbbobs tend to emit; Baryon is a Bearyon.
  • 103. “Interesting mnemonics, now could you please put at least half of that effort into fixing this tucked-untucked mishmash?” Right, sorry.
  • 104. Neptunium, you do know that Fermion was just fed? “A baby can never have too much food!” The health services and I beg to differ.
  • 105. “Honey, I need your help to figure out this puzzle.” “Hold on, I need to stand here doing nothing for a few seconds.” *facepalm*
  • 107. At least what I lack in tact, I make up for in want fulfillment. That lamp doesn’t look half bad, actually. I should use it more. *ignoring the fact that SimMichelle almost died*
  • 108. Neptunium is a sweeter parent than I expected from him and his zero nice points. Although sweetness doesn’t necessarily translate to actual parenting skills *rolls eyes*
  • 109. “Parenthood is hard.” Hey, your wife has been busting her ass the whole night while you just showed up five minutes ago. She needs that juice more than you do.
  • 110. Nevertheless, I’m rewarding you for being a responsible parent. “Or just keeping my wants fulfilled so that I can use the energizer instead of sleeping.” …that too.
  • 111. While I’m distracted by four consecutive “Help With Birthday” commands that keep canceling each other out, Neo takes the opportunity to steal yet another newspaper. What‘s your problem, girl?
  • 112. First up is – yikes. I mean Baryon. While him growing up into a dress is attention-worthy, his cheeks are what really surprised me.
  • 113. Just look at them! That’s some uglacy material right there. Or Fuglacy (look up modelmgt’s Fugly Family Scrapbook to see what I mean… if you dare).
  • 114. There, now he can be a Panda Bearyon! “{Cease your puns and feed me!}” He has 6 neat, 9 outgoing, 9 active, 10 playful and 1 nice point.
  • 115. Photon is the second one to grow up and gets to keep his cute little tux! He has 2 neat, 7 outgoing, 10 active, 7 playful and 8 nice points.
  • 116. Then we have the obligatory hell-spawn, Gluon, with 6 neat, 9 outgoing, 4 active, 10 playful and 0 nice points.
  • 117. And to contrast the demon, Fermion (whose name is now properly changed to its correct spelling) has 4 neat, 8 outgoing, 10 active, 3 playful and 10 nice! Y’all know these stats aren’t going to matter considering how well I’ve done with characterization in the past
  • 118. Being a simself, Michelle knows that toddlerhood is where the true parenthood hardships begin.
  • 119. “Why did Mom ever stop using this stuff?” Yup, I’m going to aim for all the toddler skills, because these children deserve the Lifetime Happiness points (unlike everyone else in the Rauta clan, apparently).
  • 120. “{Intriguing attempt. How about I pick my nose instead?}” “*sigh* I guess we’ll wait for the milk to fully kick in, sweetie.”
  • 121. “{I have offered the potty monster my scarlet locks in exchange for its power!}” Sorry, what? I was distracted by the green pants on green skin.
  • 122. “Here you go Baryon! Now you won’t have to feel left out, even though we can only train two at a time and are therefore essentially wasting the aspiration points.” “Goo!”
  • 123. “{How dare my brother be more musically inclined than me?! I refuse to learn this nursery rhyme!}” “Are all toddlers like this, or just mine?”
  • 124. NO! BAD TODDLERS! “{The glowy one looked scary.}” *facepalm*
  • 125. “I knew we shouldn’t have taught them how to walk.”
  • 127. “Fermion sweetie, Mommy’s training Photon now. Or Gluon, I’m not entirely sure.”
  • 128. Look at that smug little face <3 “{You know you want to make me into a legacy founder.}” By golly, Photon, I do.
  • 129. More walking cuteness, with Baryon purposefully turned away from the camera.
  • 130. “No!” “’No’ is a word too, y’know.” “… {darn it}”
  • 132. Hey, from this angle, Baryon looks sort of cute! “*evil giggle* SOOOON”
  • 133. I think Gluon is the first ever toddler I’ve seen fall asleep sitting in their crib. *tries to resist the obvious glue joke*
  • 135. I hope you don’t mind that I moved the drums outside? The kitchen was getting a little cramped. “Hey, if the neighbors can’t sleep, that’s just a plus for me.”
  • 137. Because I micro-manage the hell out of these parents, this is the first successfully pushed “give bath” command! “{I am highly skeptic of this affair.}”
  • 138. Hey, that bottle wasn’t meant for you! You’ve already learned all the basic toddler skills! “{If only I could climb the stairs, I’d be undefeatable.}”
  • 139. “Can you say ‘lazy daddy’ for me, Gluon?” “*groan* Could you cut that out already, I need to sleep.” “{Hmm, how do I make them fight more}?”
  • 140. Unfortunately for all parties involved, I have to cut the rotation right about here. Tune in next time to see who made heir, and happy simming!