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              SEVILLE, 07/11/2011

                                AGENCIA IDEA

• It is the Regional Development Agency of the Andalusia Government
• In 1987, a law approved by the Andalusia Parliament created the former “Instituto de
  Fomento de Andalucía (IFA, the RDA)”.
• Since 2004:

         •it is attached to the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise
         •it is called the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (IDEA)
         •its main goals are supported on Innovation

•   Spanish autonomous region with the greatest number of inhabitants (>8,3
    million) and the second largest region in Spain.
•   Industrial sector consisting mainly of small-medium sized enterprises

                       WHO WE ARE

•       CITPIA is managed by the Agency for Innovation and   Huelva

        Development of Andalusia which is the Regional                 Sevilla

        Development Agency of the Andalusian Government                                       Granada
                                                                      Cádiz       Málaga
•       . CITPIA (Centro de Informacion Tecnologica y de
        Propiedad Industrial de Andalucia)
•       PATLIB Center of the Spanish autonomous region of                                  Headquarter
        Andalusia                                                                          Branch Office
•       Headquarter in the andalusian capital Seville, and
        offices in each of the 8 provinces of Andalusia
    •    One CITPIA Officer (IP Helpdesk) in each province
•       The Agency has about 300 employees in total,

Technological and business services
  The Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia, in conjunction with
   the financial incentives that it handles, makes a package of services available.
Business Services:
-   Industrial Designs
-   Transfer of Technology
-   Consultant in financing R+D+I
-   Business Nursery
-   Information about Productive Areas (SESPA)
-   Information on grants and incentives
-   Databasis of Andalusian Companies Balance Sheet
-   Business self-diagnosis
-   Information about Advaced Services (SERAVAN)
-   Simultaneous Telephone Translation (ASISTEL)

Invest in Andalusia

•       Financing services:
        The Agency offers several funding programs:
                 To foster the creation of innovative companies
                 To foster innovation in existing companies
                 To foster R+D projects in cooperation with universities
    •   Business Incubation services:
        The Agency is member of the European BIC Network (Business Innovation
                 Renting office space in our Business Center in Granada, Málaga
                 and Seville
    •   Technology Transfer services:
        The Agency is member of the Enterprise Europe Network and coordinator of
        the andalusian branch (CESEAND)
                 Assistance in commercialization and technology transfer via the


– Information

– Technical and Legal consultancy

– Advanced Searches

– Management of the registration process

                AGENCIA IDEA. Intellectual Property Rights

•   You can register Intellectual Property Rights at the Agency for Innovation and
    Development of Andalusia, such as:

      – Inventions (Patents and Utility models)
      – Trade marks
      – Industrial designs
      – Topographies of semiconductor products
•   The Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia is a collaborating member of
    the Spanish Patent and Trade Mark Office (SPTO), which is also recognized by the
    European Office of Patents as part of the PATLIB (European Patent Office) Network, as
    well as by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

                       DIFFERENT KIND OF REPORTS
We offer:
    Trademark and Designs Search Reports
    Sophisticated searches:
        Patent Novelty Search Reports
        Infringement Search Reports
        Validity Search Reports
    Patent Statistic Analysis (State of the Art Reports)
    Monitoring Services (Technology and Competitor Watch Reports)

                           WHAN CAN WE PROTECT

Set of rights that protect the creators of inventions, trademarks or designs from competitors

Exclusive rights: immaterial, territorial, transferable, limited in time (except trade marks)

 Duties (dissemination, exploitation, payment of fees) It gives a monopoly operating in the
market, in exchange for the fulfillment of certain obligations (taxes, exploitation of invention,
use of the trade mark ...)

   The acquisition of these rights is voluntary and done through the register. In our
  country the Spanish Patent and Trademark SPTO is responsible for processing and


                                 Duration: until 10 years
Duration: 20 until years

 Duration: until 10 years
                                 until 5 x
         or life
                                 5 years
Protection                                                             ip4inno

                                COMBINED USE OF IP RIGHTS


                                                 Coca Cola
                                Bottle           Registered trade mark ®
                     Registered design
               Registered trade mark ®
                                                 Label text
                                                 Copyright ©

                                                 The Coca Cola Company
                                                 Trade name
Protection                                                                   ip4inno




                            Innovativeness                 Ergonomics
                  TechnologySafety                         Esthetic nature
                  PATENTS                                        DESIGN PROTECTION



"A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of the

                      TRADE MARKS AND DESIGNS

• Effective Trade mark and design protection play an important role in branding and
  marketing strategies of businesses
• Consumers think of trade marks and designs as more than the mere product. The
  trade mark is for instance:

    –   A Business identifier
    –   A guarantee of quality
    –   The goodwill of the company
    –   A marketing function

                    OPTIMISING YOUR BUSINESS

• Establishment of strong trade marks and marketing are means of making a
  high product value

• Ways of optimising businesses competitiveness in a global perspective are for

    – Protection of knowledge
    – Commercialisation of intellectual property rights

You must file an application with the relevant Trademark Office for the territory
   where protection is desired.

How long does the trademark registration last?
In most countries, the registration of a mark last 10 years, which are renewable
    indefinitely for 10-year periods.
Does a trademark registration in any country protect my rights in other
  No. IP Rights are exclusive territorial. That means that they are granted for the
  territory they are applied for and they will only be valid in that region or


Conducting a search is crucial when preparing trade mark applications in order to
avoid filing trade marks that are already registered or applied for, or trade marks
that would be similar to any existing ones.
Trade mark databases are available on most national or regional trade mark offices'
web sites, including the WIPO. The proper search depends on the territory where
the protection is sought (proper database needs to be chosen), classes of goods
and services (they need to be chosen accurately) and the representation of the sign
(its distinctiveness).

                        WHAT IS A TRADE MARK?

• A distinctive sign which identifies the goods and services
  of one company from those of another
• A trade mark helps consumers to identify and choose               registered
  between products/services based on their reputation and             since
  quality                                                             1887

• A trade mark is a word or sign which can be represented
  graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the
  trade origin of certain goods and services
                                                                     since 1971


• Word e.g.        Adidas

• Logo e.g.

• Word/Logo e.g.


• Numerals/Letters

• Objects/3D

• Slogans               “i'm lovin' it"

Example of a well-known trade mark

Other and „new‟ kinds of trade marks: Collective mark, Sounds
(sound marks), Certification mark, Colours or combinations
(colour marks),
3-dimensional, Feel, Movement marks, Graphic reproduction!

Related area: Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)


• Tono Nokia
(Marca comunitaria 1040955)

de: Francisco Tárrega
(España, 1852-1909) Grand Vals


  Inventing   a   trade   name    or   brand   is   not   easy.

  Sound, simple, bold and catchy is complicated but may involve
  commercial success
  For Adi Dassler was easier

                        OR CREATE A BRAND

-Check that your choice meets all legal requirements

-Perform a trademark search

-Easy to read, write, spell and remember

-No negative connotations in terms of language

 Special Attention to the negative
connotations in different countries!

Article 7 of the Community Trade Mark Regulation
(Absolute Grounds for Refusal)

    – Distinctive (unique)

    – Not descriptive

    – Not similar or identical

                     LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION

• Identical marks: protected against identical and similar goods/services
• Similar marks: protected for the same goods/services.
   in the same way
• Identical goods/services: the marks must not be similar
• Similar goods/services: the marks must not be identical

                     Well-known marks have a broader scope


Meaning the way the mark is:

•   Written
•   Looks
•   Phonetic (sounding)
•   Conceptual similarity


Written                       Cool/Kool


                             Basket / Buskit
                             For You/ 4 U



How close can you get to another trade mark?

• Strong trade mark gives wider protection

• Weak trade mark gives less protection

Important: Make a strong and original trademark


• Important to make a good list of goods and services

• Protection covers ONLY the goods and services included in the registration

• Think 5 years ahead

• Classification system
   – Like a library system
   – 45 classes

YES. A trade mark is a legal property right you may own and so, you can sell,
bequeath or otherwise transfer it. You may also license your trademark rights. The
appropriate process to transfer your rights is called Assignment. If you want to sell or
otherwise transfer your trademark, we recommend you to get professional advice
from an agent or law firm specialized in intellectual property.

 Will the Trademark Office ensure that a trademark is not infringed?
The Trademark Office does not act as enforcement agency. The owner of a
trademark or a person hired by the owner is the person responsible for monitoring the
market for cases of infringement and take the corresponding legal actions.


Trade mark or Trade name:      138,94 € first class
                                    90 € the followings
Collective or Guarantee :      277,85€ the first class
                                    180 € the followings
Renewal:                      160,86 € the first class
                                 108 € the followings

  Instancia de SOLICITUD, que contiene información
         Tipo (producto, servicio, garantía,

      Solicitante Datos del titular o titulares

    Documentos aportados: Justificante de pago de
      la tasa

Marca MIXTA             EXAMPLE(2)

              La solicitud de MARCA MIXTA (denominación +
              logo) debe incluir ADEMÁS la reproducción del
              diseño de la marca:

                Reproducción del motivo gráfico
                Descripción de los colores del motivo

 Códigos de la Clasificación de Niza de los
 sectores en los que queramos utilizar la marca

Conviene incluir aquellos sectores próximos para
 evitar registros que entren en conflicto


 A trade mark allows us to identify our products from competitors.
 There is no protection without register
 The register should extend to our potential markets and suppliers
 Good Choice is important
 Lack of protection is equivalent to devaluate a major business asset

                      INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION

Trademark filed:
• National Office – acquires national protection
EU system:
• OHIM – acquire protection in 27 member states
International system:
• Madrid Protocol – member states

         Register at SPTO             =   Protection in Spain

        Register at OHIM (Alicante)
                                      =   Protection in EU


        Register at WIPO Ginebra)
                                      =   Plurality of national


• Covers the entire European Community – 27 Member States

• Apply at the OHIM Offices in Alicante (e-filing accepted) (or National Office)

• Fees (can be viewed at the OHIM website:

                    EU TRADE MARK EXAMINATION

“All or nothing” principle:

    – Distinctive character
    – Opposition

The optional search reports

                          INTERNATIONAL FILING

• Madrid System

• National Applications e.g. in Australia, USA

• Priority claimed for a national application within 6 months



• The Madrid system for the international registration of marks (the Madrid
  system) established in 1891 functions under the Madrid Agreement (1891),
  and the Madrid Protocol (1989)
• The two treaties are parallel and independent and States may adhere to either
  of them or to both
• It is administered by the International Bureau of WIPO located in Geneva,


• Open to any State which is party to the Paris Convention

• Open to intergovernmental organizations which maintains its own office for the
  registration of marks

• The system makes it possible to protect a mark in a large number of countries
  by obtaining an international registration which has effect in each of the
  contracting parties that has been designated

                                WHO CAN BENEFIT?

• Basic application/registration: an international application can only be filed if the
  mark has already been applied for at a national Trademark Office (referred to as
  the Office of origin).

• The person or legal entity must have a connection, with the Contracting Party in
  order to use the trademark as a basic application/registration.

• An international application must be presented to the International Bureau (WIPO)
  through the Office of origin.


The system of international registration of marks has the following main advantage for
trademark owners

A simplifying mechanism:

• The Madrid system offers a trademark owner the possibility to have his trademark
protected in several countries by filing only one application directly with his own
national or regional trademark office

                      TRADE MARKS?

The CTM system and the national trade mark registration systems co-exist in parallel.

If you wish to protect a trade mark, you can apply for a CTM, a national trade mark, or
both. Note that the exclusive right conferred by the CTM can lead to a subsequent
national trade mark application being refused (as it will constitute an earlier right) and vice
versa, and thus the registrations made under the different systems must not overlap


Since the European Community accessed the Madrid Protocol trade mark owners
benefit from two new options:

1.   Extend CTM protection internationally. (A CTM application or a registered CTM
     can be used as the basic mark for an international application).

2.   Designate the European Community in an International Application.



Trade mark registration is not company name or domain name registration

A domain name may be registered as a Trade mark and vice versa

Incorporating a registered trademark owned by a competitor or another company into
your domain name or meta-tag may be an infringement

• Protection of an Identifier of a     •   Human-friendly form of Internet
  product or service                       address
• Priority application date            •   First come, first served
• Territorial scope                    •   World wide (gTLD)
• Division into classes of goods and   •   In principle, no examination
• Examination and opposition


It is recommended that you register your domain name through a registrar.

In addition to registering the domain name the registrar will usually also be able to
offer services such as hosting your website and forwarding email.


  Geographical names can be used in the market with the following meanings:

• Simple indication of source: indicates the origin

• Geographical indication: indicates the origin + quality


− Consumers are constantly faced with the problem of choosing

− Differentiation is a key element in any commercial strategy
− GIs may become an excellent tool to differentiate products and attract purchases

                   LEGAL REGIME TO PROTECT GIS
 • Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)

 • Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

                         THE REGISTRATION PROCEDURE
Who can apply? Producer groups
Where to address? Local authorities in Member States
What is the procedure? Application is sent to the Commission.
                       Third parties may object. Registration


•   The use and fruition belongs to all producers/traders in the defined area whose
    products comply with the conditions of production laid down in the specifications

•   They may prohibit any other person from using or advertise under the registered name,
    in such a way as to take unjustified advantage of its reputation

                     WHERE TO FIND MORE INFO
Useful links:
• (OHIM)
• (WIPO)
• (WIPO Domain Name Dispute
   Resolution Service)
• (IPR Helpdesk)
• (European Commission
   - Agriculture and Food)


A trade secret is commonly defined in broad terms as any information, including
but not limited to technical or non technical data, a formula, pattern, compilation,
programme, device, method, technique, drawing process, financial data, or list of
current or potential customers or suppliers that:

-is sufficiently secret to derive current or potential economic value based on the
fact that it is not generally known to other persons who could obtain economic
value from its disclosure or use; and

- whose secrecy is protected by its holder's reasonable efforts.

At present, there is no harmonised system for the protection of trade secrets within the
European Community. Therefore, it is advisable to check the national legislation of the
Member state where trade secrets protection is sought. Nevertheless, in many states trade
secrets protection is regulated under unfair competition legislation.

Trade secrets are protected provided they are kept as a secret. A formal registration
procedure is not needed for their protection. As a result, the owner of the trade secrets must
adopt the proper measures to maintain its confidentiality (for example, a confidentiality
agreement). Generally, a trade secrets owner is protected against unauthorized third parties
who disclose and use the trade secrets.



Contributions to the world of literature and art

Cannot rest on ideas, only protects the way, the outward expression.

Protected regardless of the creative level.

Form is protected regardless of the implementation of the work.

Protected regardless of whether or not exploited

Rights: the author has acquired only by the fact of its creation.


The Copyright protects the scientific creations; literary and artistic works, attributing
the author's exclusive right to exploit the simple fact of its creation.

Computer Programs are also subject of copyright


                              WHAT CAN WE PROTECT ?

               Original literary, artistic or scientific      Derivative works translations, reviews,
                creations                                       abstracts, summaries, musical
               Books, musical compositions,                    arrangements
                audiovisual works, sculptures,                 Collections Anthologies, Databases
                paintings, comics, photographs,
                computer programs
                                                                  No necessary register
                                                                  Duration Life of the author and
                                                                  70 years later
                                                                  Limited protection

   What does copyright protect?
Copyright protects literary and artistic work, such as books, sculptures, painting, music texts,
images and pictures. Copyright also protects specific types of works, such as databases and
computer programs (the list is not exhaustive).

  Do I need to register my work?

To enjoy copyright protection, no formality is required.
Copyright protection is automatic and is granted as soon as a work is expressed in a certain form.

   How long can my work be protected for?

 In general, from the date of creation to seventy years after the author‟s death


                              WHAT IS A DESIGN?
The outward appearance of a product or part of it which results from lines, contours,
colour, shape, texture, materials and its ornamentation (source WIPO)
“design” means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the
features of, in particular, the ... (source OHIM)

Refers to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of a product

Design makes a product attractive and appealing to customers and may even be its
unique selling point

                       WHAT IS A DESIGN?
  “design or model "means the appearance of the whole or part of a product
                 resulting from the features of, in particular

 line                colors             shape                   texture
contour                   materials

                          REASONS TO REGISTER

Protection or register gives the exclusive rights to prevent unauthorized copying or
imitation by others.

Determines who is the owner and can defend itself against possible attacks

                           ! Presumption of ownership!


Utility model or Patent      Industrial Design


The design must be new and have a singular character
“special period of 12 months for disclosures
      Novelty : no identical design has been disclosed

      Singular : different general impressión

                         REGISTERED DESIGNS

•Protects shape or configuration (3-D) and/or pattern or ornamentation (2-D)
•The lines, contours, colours, shape or texture “ the appearance”

It is not protected by registration of a design:
• the product itself
• the technical function of the product
• the capacity of a sign to be distinctive etc.


• A registered design gives you a monopoly right for the look of a product,
  protecting both the shape and the pattern or decoration.

• A registered design will cover the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and
  materials of the product or its ornamentation.

Requirements for obtaining exclusive rights
• Novelty
• Individual Character

Birth of Right
Application for registration

Term of protection
5 years renewable 4 times (and max. 25 years)

                            COSTS AND DURATION
Costs :
Spain: 90€ per 10 designs
European Union 400€

Duration : 5 years: renewal until 25 years


By filing:
• A design application with the National Patent Office
• An international application under the Hague Agreement Concerning the
    International Deposit of Industrial Designs
• A community design application with the OHIM



• 000000013-0001
• Casio Computer Company
• Filed, registered and published on


• Shape created to perform its function

• Contrary to public policy or morality

• Protected flags or emblems

                           REGISTERED DESIGN

•   Design Registration No. 52675-0001

         Register at SPTO             =   Protection in Spain


        Register at OHIM (Alicante)
                                      =     Protection in EU.

         Register at WIPO Ginebra)
                                      =   Plurality of national



The individual who protects his intellectual achievement through industrial property
rights – either as a patent or as utility model – has the right for a limited period to stop
any third party from making, using or selling the object of the invention without


                   WHAT IS AN INVENTION?

• A technical teaching which defines a
  relation between technical features and
  technical effect

                                            • Has to be reproducible

                          WHAT IS A PATENT?
You can say it is:
• An agreement between the
   inventor and society

Alternative definition (legal):
• A patent is an exclusive right to
    commercially exploit the invention
    in this country. Protection up to 20
A patent is a prohibitive right

                     WHAT CAN BE PATENTED?
• A product
• The apparatus for producing the product
• The process for producing the product
• The use of the product

                        WHAT CANNOT BE PATENTED?
• Computer programmes
• Medical and surgical treatments
• Mathematical methods
• Business methods
• Discoveries
• Aesthetic creations
• New species of plant or animal
• Inventions which are contrary to moral standards and
  public order (e.g. instruments of torture)
• The human body and any non-separate part/s thereof

                     A PATENTABLE INVENTION MUST BE:

• Capable of industrial application
• New / Novelty
• Essentially differ from that which is already known = inventive step

                           INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION

• The invention must have at least one
  practical purpose and must be

• There is no evaluation of quality or
  economical factors!

• Only the technical qualities are relevant


• Novelty: An objective, global demand

• New in relation to that which is known prior to the date of filing the application

• Known = general availability through the written word, spoken word (lectures,
  etc.), usage, etc.

                          THE INVENTIVE STEP

To differ essentially =

Inventive step =

Not obvious to a person skilled in the art

                             PROHIBITIVE RIGHT
A patent forbid others commercially to:
     – produce, sell, work, use, import and possess the invention


 …A patent does not extend to:
      acts performed for non-commercial purposes
      acts performed for experimental purposes
      Acts concerning products which are commercially worked by, or with the
        consent of, the patentee
      Individual production of a medicinal product at a pharmacy


                                       Product e.g.
20 years                                toothpaste






•   Description
      – common part
      – specific part
•   Patent claims
•   Abstract
•   Figures

             THE PATENT’S COMPOSITION                                          Title

1.   Title

2.   Description – common part
      – what the patent concerns
      – prior art, the disadvantages
      – the purpose and advantages of the invention
      – how and by which means the advantages are achieved must correspond with the
         patent claims
      – mode of operation, by means of which describes how the inventive effect is

3. Description specific part, and any figures
          – detailed technical description with specific explanation of embodiment with
            reference to any figures
4.   Claims
          – independent claim/s
                 method                                              use of ...
          – dependent claim/s
5.   Abstract


          Patenting a pair of scissors



•   We are going to apply for a patent. Try to describe         State of the art
    for yourself the construction of the scissors.
•   Imagine that the current state of the art are: knifes,
    pocket knifes and pliers.
•   The technical problem to be solved is the difficulty
    of cutting paper and textiles
•   Analyse what is new – compared to already known
    knifes and pliers.
•   If new – what is patentable?                    Invention
•   We are going to write a claim


                  Possible Scissors Patent Claims (1)

1. Tool capable of cutting a sheet of paper without folding it.

1. A shredding tool for improved cutting of paper and textiles

           None of these claims are valid:
           They do not contain technical characteristics!


                     Possible Scissors Patent Claims (2)

1. A cutting tool comprising two halves, each including a blade provided with a tip and a
   cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point, and a leg connecting said pivot point to
   a finger ring, said halves being operably linked at the pivot point by a bolt, the scissors
   having a central axis through said bolt and the tips in a closed position,two halves,
   each including a blade provided with finger rings and straight cutting edge, a
   midsection having a pivot point.

                  It could be valid!


                  Possible Scissors Patent Claims (2)
1. A cutting tool comprising two halves, each including a blade provided with a
   tip and a cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point, and a leg connecting
   said pivot point to a finger ring, said halves being operably linked at the pivot
   point by a bolt, the scissors having a central axis through said bolt and the tips
   in a closed position,two halves, each including a blade provided with finger
   rings and straight cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point.

              But it is difficult to figure out all the possibilities
• These pair of gardening “scissors” are not covered by the said claim because
  they… do not have “finger rings”!


           A probably better writing with a dependant claim

1. A cutting tool comprising two halves, each of them including a blade provided
   with a cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point. (independent claim)

2. The cutting tool defined in claim 1 wherein said blades have finger rings
   (dependent claim)


       But it is always difficult to cover all possibilities!

What about this claim?

1. A cutting tool comprising two elements, at least one of them provided
   with a cutting edge, and a midsection having a pivot point between the said



                The Patent Process (simplified)


 for official
  secrets                         Application
  Formal                           refused
Search and                        Application
examination          Decisio       approved
Publication A                     Publication

  Further                         Opposition        Expiration
examination                                       after max. 20

                 Roles of the Important Partners
           Step 1: Composition of                    Step 2: Filing application
            Step 4a: Reconstruction of
            application                     Attorney
                                                     Step 4: 1. Decision
                                                                 Step 3: 1. Examination

                                          Step 6: Final        Step 5: Further examination

                            Step. 7: Publication & storage


                    WHY TO APPLY FOR A PATENT?
• Provide insurance for one‟s invention and investments in developing
• Prevent others from patenting the invention and secure one‟s place in the
• Attract investors for further development, and to hold on to current investors
• Sell the patent rights in the future as a single commodity or business
• Marketing value


• Options:
• Patent protection
       – national patent
       – international patent application
       – regional patent system
• Patent prophylaxis – publication



       ADMINISTRATION                      APPLICANT

Exclusive Exploitation MONOPOLE    DISCLOSURE trough a public document

                         WHICH TYPE OF PATENT?

National patent can be used:
    • For protection in the home country market or in a few countries
    • As a basis for extending protection to other countries or regions

International patent applications can be used:
     • For protection in many countries and for extending the pre-publication period
        (up to 30 months)

Regional patent can be used:
    • For protection in a number of countries in the same region at a lower cost

Basic principle:
• Patent in each country

The systems:
• Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
• European Patent Convention (EPC)
• Other regional systems (OAPI, ARIPO, EURASIAN)


Within 1 year from filing you can:
              File your application in other countries with inclusion of priority established in
               the first country of filing the application

For patent applications this means that:
              Novelty is valid from the application filing date of the first country


• Single place of filing
• Single place of completion
• Single place of granting
• More economical than group of countries


• International novelty and patentability search
• Single place of filing
• Final decision for countries

Main advantages:
• One application place
• One set of rules
• Postponement for 30/31 months from priority
   date and by that buying time!

                               WHEN AND HOW?
                           PCT, EP, COUNTRY
    Priority year
                                                       Appeal 2 months

0        6      12       18
                                                       Opposition 9 months
                               Further procedures
      Search and
    1st examination
                                                    Patent        Adm. Re-examination


         PCT Organisation - units

      Application            RO/NO                   ISA              IB             Demand?                          IB

                                 RO/IB          Functions:       Functions:
                                                                                                                1.    Establish
IB = International bureau                       1.   Performs    1.   Publication
                            Functions:                                                                                IPRP and
(WIPO)                                               Search           of
                                                                                                                      send to
                                                     and              ISR+WO
                            1.     Collect                                                                            designated
RO/NO = Receiving                                    opinion
                                   fees                          2.   Transmits                                       offices
office is national office                       2.   Transmits        ISR+WO
                            2.     Receive           ISR+WO           to IB and
RO/IB = Receiving office           appl.             to IB and        applicant
is International Bureau     3.     Check             applicant
(WIPO)                             formality                                             IB                 IPEA
                            4.     Transmits
ISA = International                record                                           Functions:             Functions:
searching authority                copy to IB
                                   and search                                       1.    Transmit         1.   Transmit copy of
IPEA = International               copy to                                                IPER to               demand to IB+notify
preliminary examination            ISA                                                    elected               applicant
authority                                                                                                  2.   Performs WO/IPER
                                                                                                           3.   Transmit IPER to IB
                                                                                                                and applicant


                              UTILITY MODEL

• The ”Patent-system” for smaller inventions
• Conditions:
       – solve a technical problem
       – new
       – inventive step (in some countries e.g. Turkey not necessary)
• Often used for inventions concerning:
        – household goods
        – hand tools
        – furniture


               It looks like a patent.
               The U in the publication
               number marks the
               utility model

               U as - utility
                    - utilité
                    - utilidad
                    - utilità

Similar in terms that:
     – a utility model is an exclusive right
     – allows the right holder to prevent others from commercially using the
         protected invention
     – may also be sold or licensed
     – within 12 months a national utility model application can be turned into a
         European patent application, if the utility model application fits to the
         requirements of the European patent application


   the lifetime is only 10 years
   granted within a few months
   may be granted without examination (e.g. in Germany)
   the fees for application and maintenance are cheaper
   it only protects products NOT processes
                                             The assembling of …
    A product …

                                                           cannot be
                    can be                                 protected

• The nature of an invention is that it is new
• Normally, new means new to the world
• Concerning the patent law new means
              "does not form part of state of the art"
  which is in accordance with our understanding of novelty

• In contrast to a patent, in some countries the novelty requirement to
  obtain a utility model is "relative" (e.g. Germany, Spain)
   – only a public written disclosure of the invention in Spain/Germany is
       prejudicial against the novelty of the invention
   – in Germany a description within the 6 months preceding the date
       relevant for the priority of the application shall not be taken into
       consideration if it is based on the conception of the applicant or his
       predecessor in title.

Countries and regions providing utility model protection are:

Australia                       Czech Republic                              Italy         Portugal
Argentina                       Denmark                                     Japan         Republic of Korea
Armenia                         Estonia                                     Kazakhstan    Republic of Moldova
Austria                         Ethiopia                                    Kenya         Russian Federation
ARIPO                           Finland                                     Kyrgyzstan    Slovakia
Belarus                         (France)*                                   Malaysia      Spain
Belgium                         Georgia                                     Mexico        Tajikistan
Brazil                          Germany                                     Netherlands   Trinidad & Tobago
Bulgaria                        Greece                                      OAPI          Turkey
China                           Guatemala                                   Peru          Ukraine
Colombia                        Hungary                                     Philippines   Uruguay
Costa Rica                      Ireland                                     Poland        Uzbekistan

                            WHY A UTILITY MODEL?
•   Protects minor inventions excluded from patent protection
•   Protects inventions where a shorter protection period is required
•   Speedy protection
•   Easy
•   Cheap
•   Use utility model as a strategic weapon
    example: In DK the furniture industry uses utility models to ”pack in” patents. If
    one company has a patent for e.g. a chair, a number of competitors will file utility
    model applications with tiny developments of the chair. The patent holder cannot
    change his chair in any way without infringing the utility models. Hence he has
    to make a licence agreement or buy the utility models from his competitors!


Plant Varieties – Objects of Verification
• Varieties of all botanical genera and species, including, inter alia, hybrids
   between genera or species-
• Variety – a plant grouping within a single botanical taxon of the lowest known
Supplementary Protection Certificates for products
which constitute:
• The “active ingredient”, or combination of active ingredients, of a “medicinal
   product”; or
• The “active substance”, or combination of active substances, of a “plant
  protection product”

                       PATENT AND BUSINESS

Is my invention new?
                              What is state of the art?

           Which solutions already
                   exist?                Who are my competitors,
                                          or potential partners
                                          and what do they do?
  Am I free to use or
do I infringe someone’s
                             What’s going on
                       in a specific technical field?


• (European Patent Office)

• (World Intellectual Property Office)

• (US Patent and Trademark Office)

• (Europe‟s network of patent databases)

                       MAKING MONEY ON IP

• A way of making money on IP and insuring return on investments are for

    – Licence agreements
    – Auctions
    – Acquisitions of companies


• Investigating things we shouldn‟t do
  -If we only want to earn money
• Patenting things we shouldn‟t
  - Secrets
  - Invention with no commercial interest
  - Invention that already exist
• Selling things we shouldn‟t
  - Infringing a third party rights
IP Management                                                                         ip4inno

                                   LICENSING IP RIGHTS

                     Licensor                                     Licensee

      •   Exchange agreement between the licensor
          and the licensee (license-holder).
      •   Owner (licensor) of IP Rights permits another party (licensee) to use his IP Rights

      •   Licensor grants the right to use his IP to the licensee
      •   Licensee pays licence fees or royalties (or other type of compensation) to the licensor

IP Management                                                                  ip4inno

                               WHAT CAN BE LICENSED?

       All kind of registered IP:
       • Patents
       • Trademarks, etc.

       Unregistered IP that can be kept secret such as:
       • Technology, know-how, compounds, recipes etc; basically any kind of know-how
          and technology that can not be copied directly from existing results / solutions /

IP Management                                                                  ip4inno

                           LICENSE PAYMENTS
      Upfront payment + regular royalties
      • Lump sum paid on the granting of the license
      • Regular fixed payments

      Milestone payments
      • Fixed amounts due on the attainment of a specific event
          (e.g. approval of an authority, successful prototype testing, acceptance of a
          bid, ...)

      Royalties based on sales revenue
      • Widely used payment agreement
      • Royalty rate may be fixed or dynamic

      Quota license
      • (Fixed) royalty, based on sold or made units
IP Management                                                                     ip4inno

    •    Purpose of the Agreement and the terms     •   Term of Agreement, incl. conditions for
         used                                           period of notice and withdrawal
    •    Parties of the Agreement with              •   Extent of the licence holder‟s right
         identification information                 •   Terms of re-licensing
    •    Accurately identified licensed goods       •   Terms concerning infringement situations
    •    Products and services covered by the       •   Secrecy and confidentiality
         licensing right                            •   Transferability of a licence agreement
    •    Geographical area covered by the licence   •   Entry into force of a licence agreement
                                                    •   Breaches of contract and their
    •    Royalty, computing bases and payment           consequences
         schedule, minimum royalty, advance
         payment, if any                            •   Applicable law and settlement of disputes
    •    Control in respect of the quality of the
         products and the use of the trademark
IP Management                                                                ip4inno


       • Exploiting technology that is new to the company
       • Access to technology otherwise unobtainable
       • Opportunity to combine company‟s own and in-licensed
         technologies to create new solutions / products
       • Opportunity to achieve geographical monopoly by exclusive licence
       • Enables focusing in a narrow field of technology in R&D
       • Savings in company‟s own R&D costs
       • In-licensing vs. cross-licensing?

IP Management                                                              ip4inno


       • Cross-licensing agreement is an agreement according to which two parties grant
         a license to each other for the exploitation of their patents.

       • Cross-licensing is the mutual sharing of patents between companies without an
         exchange of a license fee if both patent portfolios are about equal in value.

       • In cross-licensing, each company can make, use, and sell products claimed in
         each other's licensed patents without patent infringements.

IP Management                                                                           ip4inno

                                           PATENT POOL

      •       Patent pool is an agreement between at least two parties agreeing to cross-license
              their patents (relating to a particular technology)

      •       Patent pools are an example of cases where members of a competitive industry join in
              to create common resource that is to their collective benefit



All in all:

• It is essential for businesses to have a clear defined strategy covering all IP
  and intellectual property rights within the company
IP Management                                                                   ip4inno

                                KEY RECOMMENDATIONS:

      •   Develop an IP strategy                 •   Revise your IP portfolio continuously

      •   Get professional help                  •   Start competitor and technology watch

      •   Choose the right partner               •   Demand information

      •   Do not underestimate the cost          •   Communicate pro-actively

      •   Adapt your filing strategy to your     •   Keep in touch with your licensee
                                                 •   Be sure of your case
      •   Consider licensing as an opportunity


                    ENFORCEMENT - OPTIONS
                 Infringement of an IP right

                1                              2

          Litigation                         Alternative
                                             Dispute Resolution
                            A combination of
                      Litigation and ADR
                    (Alternative Dispute Resolution)


                            IP LITIGATION

• How to enforce your IP right?
   – depends on the IP right infringed
       ex: Patent

• Decision to take legal action?
   – IP rights might be questioned and declared invalid
   – court decisions will be normative for similar conflicts
   – court decisions are made public
   – risk of bad publicity
   – time and money consuming
   – cases involving patents highly complex due to the subject-matter


    Type of      Method of                                                            Outcome of
infringement-   prosecution                                                          enforcement
                               - To stop the infringement immediately
                               - Seizure or delivery of goods
                                                                                   Prohibitory injunction
                               - Precautionary seizure of movable and
                               immovable property
                              To prevent the infringement from being               Court action to confirm
     Civil        Private
                            remitted                                              the interim injunction
Infringement    Prosecution
                                                                                   Court action for a
                                 Recognition of the IP right validity
                                                                                   Court action for
                                 Getting damages for the loss encountered
                                - Public interest in punishing infringements of
                                                                                   Fines and in case of
                               IP rights
  Criminal         Public                                                         gross infringements
Infringement    prosecution                                                       also terms of
                               - Especially in cases of Counterfeiting and
                               Piracy but can be used for all IP rights


                                    Servicios Centrales – Sevilla
                                            C/ Torneo, 26
                                       Teléfono: 955 03 07 00

                                    Gerencias Provinciales
                Almería:                                                       Huelva
         Avda. Pablo Iglesias, 24                                   Avenida de Andalucía nº 6 bajo
          Teléfono: 950 006 808                                         Teléfono 959 011200
                  Cádiz                                                        Jaén
          Alameda Apodaca, 20                                         Carrera de Jesús, 9, bajo
          Teléfono: 956 009 510                                        Teléfono: 953 006 100
                Córdoba                                                        Málaga
      Plaza Cardenal Toledo, 6, bajo                                          C/ Cister, 5
          Teléfono: 957 005 000                                         Teléfono: 951 042 902
                 Granada                                                       Sevilla
               BIC Granada                                          C/ Adriano del Valle, 4, local 1
Parque Tecnológico de Ciencias de la Salud                              Teléfono: 955 030 900
        Avda. de la Innovación, 1
          Teléfono: 958 750 570


            Amalia Bernier
                AGENCIA IDEA



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IPR Issues

  • 1. IPR ISSUES. SEVILLE, 07/11/2011
  • 2. ip4inno AGENCIA IDEA • It is the Regional Development Agency of the Andalusia Government • In 1987, a law approved by the Andalusia Parliament created the former “Instituto de Fomento de Andalucía (IFA, the RDA)”. • Since 2004: •it is attached to the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise •it is called the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia (IDEA) •its main goals are supported on Innovation
  • 3. ip4inno • Spanish autonomous region with the greatest number of inhabitants (>8,3 million) and the second largest region in Spain. • Industrial sector consisting mainly of small-medium sized enterprises
  • 4. ip4inno WHO WE ARE Córdoba • CITPIA is managed by the Agency for Innovation and Huelva Jaén Development of Andalusia which is the Regional Sevilla Development Agency of the Andalusian Government Granada Almería Cádiz Málaga • . CITPIA (Centro de Informacion Tecnologica y de Propiedad Industrial de Andalucia) • PATLIB Center of the Spanish autonomous region of Headquarter Andalusia Branch Office • Headquarter in the andalusian capital Seville, and offices in each of the 8 provinces of Andalusia • One CITPIA Officer (IP Helpdesk) in each province • The Agency has about 300 employees in total,
  • 5. ip4inno Technological and business services The Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia, in conjunction with the financial incentives that it handles, makes a package of services available. Business Services: - Industrial Designs - Transfer of Technology - Consultant in financing R+D+I - Business Nursery - Information about Productive Areas (SESPA) - Information on grants and incentives - Databasis of Andalusian Companies Balance Sheet - Business self-diagnosis - Information about Advaced Services (SERAVAN) - Simultaneous Telephone Translation (ASISTEL) Invest in Andalusia
  • 6. ip4inno • Financing services: The Agency offers several funding programs: To foster the creation of innovative companies To foster innovation in existing companies To foster R+D projects in cooperation with universities • Business Incubation services: The Agency is member of the European BIC Network (Business Innovation Centres) Renting office space in our Business Center in Granada, Málaga and Seville • Technology Transfer services: The Agency is member of the Enterprise Europe Network and coordinator of the andalusian branch (CESEAND) Assistance in commercialization and technology transfer via the network
  • 7. ip4inno AGENCIA IDEA- SERVICES: PATENTS, TRADE MARKS AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS – Information – Technical and Legal consultancy – Advanced Searches – Management of the registration process
  • 8. ip4inno AGENCIA IDEA. Intellectual Property Rights • You can register Intellectual Property Rights at the Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia, such as: – Inventions (Patents and Utility models) – Trade marks – Industrial designs – Topographies of semiconductor products • The Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalusia is a collaborating member of the Spanish Patent and Trade Mark Office (SPTO), which is also recognized by the European Office of Patents as part of the PATLIB (European Patent Office) Network, as well as by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
  • 9. ip4inno DIFFERENT KIND OF REPORTS We offer: Trademark and Designs Search Reports Sophisticated searches: Patent Novelty Search Reports Infringement Search Reports Validity Search Reports Patent Statistic Analysis (State of the Art Reports) Monitoring Services (Technology and Competitor Watch Reports)
  • 10.
  • 11. ip4inno WHAN CAN WE PROTECT Set of rights that protect the creators of inventions, trademarks or designs from competitors Exclusive rights: immaterial, territorial, transferable, limited in time (except trade marks)  Duties (dissemination, exploitation, payment of fees) It gives a monopoly operating in the market, in exchange for the fulfillment of certain obligations (taxes, exploitation of invention, use of the trade mark ...) The acquisition of these rights is voluntary and done through the register. In our country the Spanish Patent and Trademark SPTO is responsible for processing and granting
  • 12. ip4inno REGISTERED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IP RIGHTS WITH A CERTIFICATE Utility models Patents Duration: until 10 years Duration: 20 until years Designs Trademarks Duration: Duration: until 10 years until 5 x or life 5 years
  • 13. Protection ip4inno COMBINED USE OF IP RIGHTS Cap Patented Coca Cola Bottle Registered trade mark ® Registered design Registered trade mark ® Label text Copyright © The Coca Cola Company Trade name ip4inno 14
  • 14. Protection ip4inno PRODUCT DIMENSIONS AND EMBEDDED IP RIGHTS Marketing TRADEMARK Image/brand Reliability Client Innovativeness Ergonomics TechnologySafety Esthetic nature Design PATENTS DESIGN PROTECTION ip4inno 15
  • 15. ip4inno TRADE MARKS AND TRADE NAMES "A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer."
  • 16. ip4inno TRADE MARKS AND DESIGNS • Effective Trade mark and design protection play an important role in branding and marketing strategies of businesses • Consumers think of trade marks and designs as more than the mere product. The trade mark is for instance: – A Business identifier – A guarantee of quality – The goodwill of the company – A marketing function
  • 17. ip4inno OPTIMISING YOUR BUSINESS • Establishment of strong trade marks and marketing are means of making a high product value • Ways of optimising businesses competitiveness in a global perspective are for example: – Protection of knowledge – Commercialisation of intellectual property rights
  • 18. ip4inno HOW DO I REGISTER A TRADEMARK? You must file an application with the relevant Trademark Office for the territory where protection is desired. How long does the trademark registration last? In most countries, the registration of a mark last 10 years, which are renewable indefinitely for 10-year periods. Does a trademark registration in any country protect my rights in other countries? No. IP Rights are exclusive territorial. That means that they are granted for the territory they are applied for and they will only be valid in that region or country.
  • 19. ip4inno WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE TRADE MARK SEARCH? Conducting a search is crucial when preparing trade mark applications in order to avoid filing trade marks that are already registered or applied for, or trade marks that would be similar to any existing ones. Trade mark databases are available on most national or regional trade mark offices' web sites, including the WIPO. The proper search depends on the territory where the protection is sought (proper database needs to be chosen), classes of goods and services (they need to be chosen accurately) and the representation of the sign (its distinctiveness).
  • 20. ip4inno WHAT IS A TRADE MARK? • A distinctive sign which identifies the goods and services of one company from those of another Coca-Cola • A trade mark helps consumers to identify and choose registered between products/services based on their reputation and since quality 1887 • A trade mark is a word or sign which can be represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the Nike trade origin of certain goods and services registered since 1971
  • 21. ip4inno DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRADE MARKS • Word e.g. Adidas • Logo e.g. • Word/Logo e.g.
  • 22. ip4inno DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRADE MARKS • Numerals/Letters • Objects/3D • Slogans “i'm lovin' it"
  • 23. ip4inno DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRADE MARKS Example of a well-known trade mark Other and „new‟ kinds of trade marks: Collective mark, Sounds (sound marks), Certification mark, Colours or combinations (colour marks), 3-dimensional, Feel, Movement marks, Graphic reproduction! Related area: Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)
  • 24. ip4inno DIFFERENT TYPES OF TRADE MARKS • Tono Nokia (Marca comunitaria 1040955) de: Francisco Tárrega (España, 1852-1909) Grand Vals
  • 25. ip4inno MAKE A GOOD DECISION Inventing a trade name or brand is not easy. Sound, simple, bold and catchy is complicated but may involve commercial success For Adi Dassler was easier
  • 26. ip4inno THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN SELECTING OR CREATE A BRAND -Check that your choice meets all legal requirements -Perform a trademark search -Easy to read, write, spell and remember -No negative connotations in terms of language
  • 27. ip4inno Special Attention to the negative connotations in different countries!
  • 29. ip4inno REQUIREMENTS FOR A GOOD TRADE MARK Article 7 of the Community Trade Mark Regulation (Absolute Grounds for Refusal) – Distinctive (unique) – Not descriptive – Not similar or identical
  • 30. ip4inno LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION • Identical marks: protected against identical and similar goods/services • Similar marks: protected for the same goods/services. in the same way • Identical goods/services: the marks must not be similar • Similar goods/services: the marks must not be identical Well-known marks have a broader scope
  • 31. ip4inno SIMILAR/IDENTICAL Meaning the way the mark is: • Written • Looks • Phonetic (sounding) • Conceptual similarity
  • 32. ip4inno SIMILAR/IDENTICAL - EXAMPLES Written Cool/Kool Looks Basket / Buskit Sounding For You/ 4 U Conceptual Star/Stern
  • 33. ip4inno VARIED PROTECTION OF A TRADE MARK How close can you get to another trade mark? • Strong trade mark gives wider protection • Weak trade mark gives less protection Important: Make a strong and original trademark
  • 34. ip4inno GOOD LIST OF GOODS AND SERVICES • Important to make a good list of goods and services • Protection covers ONLY the goods and services included in the registration • Think 5 years ahead • Classification system – Like a library system – 45 classes
  • 35. ip4inno CAN I SELL OR AUTHORIZE THE USE OF MY TRADEMARK? YES. A trade mark is a legal property right you may own and so, you can sell, bequeath or otherwise transfer it. You may also license your trademark rights. The appropriate process to transfer your rights is called Assignment. If you want to sell or otherwise transfer your trademark, we recommend you to get professional advice from an agent or law firm specialized in intellectual property. Will the Trademark Office ensure that a trademark is not infringed? The Trademark Office does not act as enforcement agency. The owner of a trademark or a person hired by the owner is the person responsible for monitoring the market for cases of infringement and take the corresponding legal actions.
  • 36. ip4inno COSTS Trade mark or Trade name: 138,94 € first class 90 € the followings Collective or Guarantee : 277,85€ the first class 180 € the followings Renewal: 160,86 € the first class 108 € the followings
  • 37. ip4inno EXAMPLE(1) Instancia de SOLICITUD, que contiene información sobre: Tipo (producto, servicio, garantía, colectiva…) Solicitante Datos del titular o titulares Documentos aportados: Justificante de pago de la tasa
  • 38. ip4inno Marca MIXTA EXAMPLE(2) La solicitud de MARCA MIXTA (denominación + logo) debe incluir ADEMÁS la reproducción del diseño de la marca: Reproducción del motivo gráfico Descripción de los colores del motivo
  • 39. ip4inno Códigos de la Clasificación de Niza de los sectores en los que queramos utilizar la marca Conviene incluir aquellos sectores próximos para evitar registros que entren en conflicto
  • 40. ip4inno CONCLUSIONS  A trade mark allows us to identify our products from competitors.  There is no protection without register  The register should extend to our potential markets and suppliers  Good Choice is important  Lack of protection is equivalent to devaluate a major business asset
  • 41. ip4inno INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION Trademark filed: • National Office – acquires national protection EU system: • OHIM – acquire protection in 27 member states International system: • Madrid Protocol – member states
  • 42. ip4inno NATIONAL REGISTER Register at SPTO = Protection in Spain COMMUNITY REGISTER Register at OHIM (Alicante) = Protection in EU INTERNATIONAL REGISTER Register at WIPO Ginebra) = Plurality of national registers
  • 43. ip4inno EU TRADE MARK - COMMUNITY TRADE MARK • Covers the entire European Community – 27 Member States • Apply at the OHIM Offices in Alicante (e-filing accepted) (or National Office) • Fees (can be viewed at the OHIM website:
  • 44. ip4inno EU TRADE MARK EXAMINATION “All or nothing” principle: – Distinctive character – Opposition The optional search reports
  • 45. ip4inno INTERNATIONAL FILING • Madrid System • National Applications e.g. in Australia, USA • Priority claimed for a national application within 6 months
  • 47. ip4inno INTRODUCTION • The Madrid system for the international registration of marks (the Madrid system) established in 1891 functions under the Madrid Agreement (1891), and the Madrid Protocol (1989) • The two treaties are parallel and independent and States may adhere to either of them or to both • It is administered by the International Bureau of WIPO located in Geneva, Switzerland
  • 48. ip4inno DESCRIPTION • Open to any State which is party to the Paris Convention • Open to intergovernmental organizations which maintains its own office for the registration of marks • The system makes it possible to protect a mark in a large number of countries by obtaining an international registration which has effect in each of the contracting parties that has been designated
  • 49. ip4inno WHO CAN BENEFIT? • Basic application/registration: an international application can only be filed if the mark has already been applied for at a national Trademark Office (referred to as the Office of origin). • The person or legal entity must have a connection, with the Contracting Party in order to use the trademark as a basic application/registration. • An international application must be presented to the International Bureau (WIPO) through the Office of origin.
  • 50. ip4inno ADVANTAGE The system of international registration of marks has the following main advantage for trademark owners A simplifying mechanism: • The Madrid system offers a trademark owner the possibility to have his trademark protected in several countries by filing only one application directly with his own national or regional trademark office
  • 51. ip4inno WHAT IS THE RELATION BETWEEN COMMUNITY AND NATIONAL TRADE MARKS? The CTM system and the national trade mark registration systems co-exist in parallel. If you wish to protect a trade mark, you can apply for a CTM, a national trade mark, or both. Note that the exclusive right conferred by the CTM can lead to a subsequent national trade mark application being refused (as it will constitute an earlier right) and vice versa, and thus the registrations made under the different systems must not overlap
  • 52. ip4inno IS THERE ANY CONNECTION BETWEEN THE CTM SYSTEM AND THE MADRID "INTERNATIONAL" SYSTEM? Since the European Community accessed the Madrid Protocol trade mark owners benefit from two new options: 1. Extend CTM protection internationally. (A CTM application or a registered CTM can be used as the basic mark for an international application). 2. Designate the European Community in an International Application.
  • 54. ip4inno INTRODUCTION Trade mark registration is not company name or domain name registration A domain name may be registered as a Trade mark and vice versa Incorporating a registered trademark owned by a competitor or another company into your domain name or meta-tag may be an infringement
  • 55. ip4inno TRADE MARK VS DOMAIN NAME • Protection of an Identifier of a • Human-friendly form of Internet product or service address • Priority application date • First come, first served • Territorial scope • World wide (gTLD) • Division into classes of goods and • In principle, no examination service • Examination and opposition
  • 56. ip4inno HOW TO REGISTER A DOMAIN NAME? It is recommended that you register your domain name through a registrar. In addition to registering the domain name the registrar will usually also be able to offer services such as hosting your website and forwarding email.
  • 58. ip4inno Geographical names can be used in the market with the following meanings: • Simple indication of source: indicates the origin • Geographical indication: indicates the origin + quality
  • 59. ip4inno GIS ARE AN IMPORTANT ASSET − Consumers are constantly faced with the problem of choosing − Differentiation is a key element in any commercial strategy − GIs may become an excellent tool to differentiate products and attract purchases LEGAL REGIME TO PROTECT GIS • Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) • Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)
  • 60. ip4inno THE REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Who can apply? Producer groups Where to address? Local authorities in Member States What is the procedure? Application is sent to the Commission. Publication. Third parties may object. Registration EFFECTS • The use and fruition belongs to all producers/traders in the defined area whose products comply with the conditions of production laid down in the specifications • They may prohibit any other person from using or advertise under the registered name, in such a way as to take unjustified advantage of its reputation
  • 61. ip4inno WHERE TO FIND MORE INFO Useful links: • (OHIM) • (WIPO) • (WIPO Domain Name Dispute Resolution Service) • (IPR Helpdesk) • (European Commission - Agriculture and Food)
  • 63. ip4inno A trade secret is commonly defined in broad terms as any information, including but not limited to technical or non technical data, a formula, pattern, compilation, programme, device, method, technique, drawing process, financial data, or list of current or potential customers or suppliers that: -is sufficiently secret to derive current or potential economic value based on the fact that it is not generally known to other persons who could obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and - whose secrecy is protected by its holder's reasonable efforts.
  • 64. ip4inno HOW CAN I MANAGE THE PROTECTION OF MY TRADE SECRETS WITHIN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY At present, there is no harmonised system for the protection of trade secrets within the European Community. Therefore, it is advisable to check the national legislation of the Member state where trade secrets protection is sought. Nevertheless, in many states trade secrets protection is regulated under unfair competition legislation. Trade secrets are protected provided they are kept as a secret. A formal registration procedure is not needed for their protection. As a result, the owner of the trade secrets must adopt the proper measures to maintain its confidentiality (for example, a confidentiality agreement). Generally, a trade secrets owner is protected against unauthorized third parties who disclose and use the trade secrets.
  • 66. ip4inno INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Contributions to the world of literature and art Cannot rest on ideas, only protects the way, the outward expression. Protected regardless of the creative level. Form is protected regardless of the implementation of the work. Protected regardless of whether or not exploited Rights: the author has acquired only by the fact of its creation.
  • 67. ip4inno COPYRIGHTS The Copyright protects the scientific creations; literary and artistic works, attributing the author's exclusive right to exploit the simple fact of its creation. Computer Programs are also subject of copyright
  • 68. ip4inno Copyright WHAT CAN WE PROTECT ?  Original literary, artistic or scientific  Derivative works translations, reviews, creations abstracts, summaries, musical  Books, musical compositions, arrangements audiovisual works, sculptures,  Collections Anthologies, Databases paintings, comics, photographs, computer programs No necessary register Duration Life of the author and 70 years later Limited protection
  • 69. ip4inno What does copyright protect? Copyright protects literary and artistic work, such as books, sculptures, painting, music texts, images and pictures. Copyright also protects specific types of works, such as databases and computer programs (the list is not exhaustive). Do I need to register my work? To enjoy copyright protection, no formality is required. Copyright protection is automatic and is granted as soon as a work is expressed in a certain form. How long can my work be protected for? In general, from the date of creation to seventy years after the author‟s death
  • 71. ip4inno WHAT IS A DESIGN? The outward appearance of a product or part of it which results from lines, contours, colour, shape, texture, materials and its ornamentation (source WIPO) “design” means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the ... (source OHIM) Refers to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of a product Design makes a product attractive and appealing to customers and may even be its unique selling point
  • 72. ip4inno WHAT IS A DESIGN? “design or model "means the appearance of the whole or part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular line colors shape texture ornamentation contour materials
  • 73. ip4inno REASONS TO REGISTER Protection or register gives the exclusive rights to prevent unauthorized copying or imitation by others. Determines who is the owner and can defend itself against possible attacks ! Presumption of ownership!
  • 74. ip4inno APPARIENCE/ TECHNICAL FEATURES Utility model or Patent Industrial Design
  • 75. ip4inno REQUIREMENTS The design must be new and have a singular character “special period of 12 months for disclosures Novelty : no identical design has been disclosed Singular : different general impressión
  • 76. ip4inno REGISTERED DESIGNS •Protects shape or configuration (3-D) and/or pattern or ornamentation (2-D) •The lines, contours, colours, shape or texture “ the appearance” It is not protected by registration of a design: • the product itself • the technical function of the product • the capacity of a sign to be distinctive etc.
  • 77. ip4inno ADVANTAGES OF REGISTERED DESIGNS • A registered design gives you a monopoly right for the look of a product, protecting both the shape and the pattern or decoration. • A registered design will cover the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and materials of the product or its ornamentation.
  • 78. ip4inno Requirements for obtaining exclusive rights • Novelty • Individual Character Birth of Right Application for registration Term of protection 5 years renewable 4 times (and max. 25 years)
  • 79. ip4inno COSTS AND DURATION Costs : Spain: 90€ per 10 designs European Union 400€ Duration : 5 years: renewal until 25 years
  • 80. ip4inno HOW TO OBTAIN A DESIGN PROTECTION? By filing: • A design application with the National Patent Office • An international application under the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs • A community design application with the OHIM THE IP RIGHTS ARE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIAL
  • 82. ip4inno DESIGN REGISTERED IN THE EU • 000000013-0001 • Casio Computer Company • Filed, registered and published on 01/04/2003
  • 83. ip4inno EXAMINATION • Shape created to perform its function • Contrary to public policy or morality • Protected flags or emblems
  • 84. ip4inno REGISTERED DESIGN • Design Registration No. 52675-0001
  • 85. ip4inno INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION NATIONAL REGISTER Register at SPTO = Protection in Spain COMMUNITY REGISTER Register at OHIM (Alicante) = Protection in EU. INTERNATIONAL REGISTER Register at WIPO Ginebra) = Plurality of national registers
  • 87. ip4inno WHY DO I NEED TO PROTECT MY INVENTION? The individual who protects his intellectual achievement through industrial property rights – either as a patent or as utility model – has the right for a limited period to stop any third party from making, using or selling the object of the invention without permission
  • 89. ip4inno WHAT IS AN INVENTION? • A technical teaching which defines a relation between technical features and technical effect • Has to be reproducible
  • 90. ip4inno WHAT IS A PATENT? You can say it is: • An agreement between the inventor and society Alternative definition (legal): • A patent is an exclusive right to commercially exploit the invention in this country. Protection up to 20 years A patent is a prohibitive right
  • 91. ip4inno WHAT CAN BE PATENTED? • A product • The apparatus for producing the product • The process for producing the product • The use of the product
  • 92. ip4inno WHAT CANNOT BE PATENTED? • Computer programmes • Medical and surgical treatments • Mathematical methods • Business methods • Discoveries • Aesthetic creations • New species of plant or animal • Inventions which are contrary to moral standards and public order (e.g. instruments of torture) • The human body and any non-separate part/s thereof
  • 93. ip4inno A PATENTABLE INVENTION MUST BE: • Capable of industrial application • New / Novelty • Essentially differ from that which is already known = inventive step
  • 94. ip4inno INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION • The invention must have at least one practical purpose and must be reproducible • There is no evaluation of quality or economical factors! • Only the technical qualities are relevant
  • 95. ip4inno NOVELTY • Novelty: An objective, global demand • New in relation to that which is known prior to the date of filing the application • Known = general availability through the written word, spoken word (lectures, etc.), usage, etc.
  • 96. ip4inno THE INVENTIVE STEP To differ essentially = Inventive step = Not obvious to a person skilled in the art
  • 97. ip4inno PROHIBITIVE RIGHT A patent forbid others commercially to: – produce, sell, work, use, import and possess the invention But… …A patent does not extend to:  acts performed for non-commercial purposes  acts performed for experimental purposes  Acts concerning products which are commercially worked by, or with the consent of, the patentee  Individual production of a medicinal product at a pharmacy
  • 98. ip4inno PATENT RIGHTS OR INFRINGEMENTS EXAMPLE Product e.g. 20 years toothpaste a+b+c+d a+b+c a+b
  • 100. ip4inno PATENT DOCUMENT • Description – common part – specific part • Patent claims • Abstract • Figures
  • 101. ip4inno THE PATENT’S COMPOSITION Title Drawings 1. Title 2. Description – common part – what the patent concerns – prior art, the disadvantages – the purpose and advantages of the invention – how and by which means the advantages are achieved must correspond with the patent claims – mode of operation, by means of which describes how the inventive effect is achieved
  • 102. ip4inno 3. Description specific part, and any figures – detailed technical description with specific explanation of embodiment with reference to any figures 4. Claims – independent claim/s apparatus method use of ... product – dependent claim/s 5. Abstract
  • 103. ip4inno Øvelse Patenting a pair of scissors ip4inno 104
  • 104. ip4inno WRITING A PATENT CLAIM FOR SCISSORS • We are going to apply for a patent. Try to describe State of the art for yourself the construction of the scissors. • Imagine that the current state of the art are: knifes, pocket knifes and pliers. • The technical problem to be solved is the difficulty of cutting paper and textiles • Analyse what is new – compared to already known knifes and pliers. • If new – what is patentable? Invention • We are going to write a claim 105
  • 105. ip4inno Possible Scissors Patent Claims (1) 1. Tool capable of cutting a sheet of paper without folding it. or 1. A shredding tool for improved cutting of paper and textiles None of these claims are valid: They do not contain technical characteristics! 106
  • 106. ip4inno Possible Scissors Patent Claims (2) 1. A cutting tool comprising two halves, each including a blade provided with a tip and a cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point, and a leg connecting said pivot point to a finger ring, said halves being operably linked at the pivot point by a bolt, the scissors having a central axis through said bolt and the tips in a closed position,two halves, each including a blade provided with finger rings and straight cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point. Good! It could be valid! 107
  • 107. ip4inno Possible Scissors Patent Claims (2) 1. A cutting tool comprising two halves, each including a blade provided with a tip and a cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point, and a leg connecting said pivot point to a finger ring, said halves being operably linked at the pivot point by a bolt, the scissors having a central axis through said bolt and the tips in a closed position,two halves, each including a blade provided with finger rings and straight cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point. But it is difficult to figure out all the possibilities • These pair of gardening “scissors” are not covered by the said claim because they… do not have “finger rings”! 108
  • 108. ip4inno A probably better writing with a dependant claim 1. A cutting tool comprising two halves, each of them including a blade provided with a cutting edge, a midsection having a pivot point. (independent claim) 2. The cutting tool defined in claim 1 wherein said blades have finger rings (dependent claim) 109
  • 109. ip4inno But it is always difficult to cover all possibilities! What about this claim? 1. A cutting tool comprising two elements, at least one of them provided with a cutting edge, and a midsection having a pivot point between the said elements. 110
  • 111. ip4inno The Patent Process (simplified) Application Examination for official secrets Application Formal refused examination Storage Search and Application examination Decisio approved n Publication A Publication B Further Opposition Expiration examination after max. 20 years
  • 112. ip4inno Roles of the Important Partners Step 1: Composition of Step 2: Filing application application Step 4a: Reconstruction of application Attorney Inventor Patent Office Step 4: 1. Decision Step 3: 1. Examination Step 6: Final Step 5: Further examination Decision Step. 7: Publication & storage
  • 114. ip4inno WHY TO APPLY FOR A PATENT? To: • Provide insurance for one‟s invention and investments in developing technology • Prevent others from patenting the invention and secure one‟s place in the market • Attract investors for further development, and to hold on to current investors • Sell the patent rights in the future as a single commodity or business • Marketing value
  • 115. ip4inno PATENT STRATEGY • Options: • Patent protection – national patent – international patent application – regional patent system • • Patent prophylaxis – publication
  • 118. ip4inno WHICH TYPE OF PATENT? National patent can be used: • For protection in the home country market or in a few countries • As a basis for extending protection to other countries or regions International patent applications can be used: • For protection in many countries and for extending the pre-publication period (up to 30 months) Regional patent can be used: • For protection in a number of countries in the same region at a lower cost
  • 119. ip4inno INTERNATIONAL PATENT SYSTEMS Basic principle: • Patent in each country The systems: • Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) • European Patent Convention (EPC) • Other regional systems (OAPI, ARIPO, EURASIAN)
  • 120. ip4inno PRIORITY Within 1 year from filing you can:  File your application in other countries with inclusion of priority established in the first country of filing the application For patent applications this means that:  Novelty is valid from the application filing date of the first country
  • 121. ip4inno EUROPEAN PATENT CONVENTION (EPC) • Single place of filing • Single place of completion • Single place of granting • More economical than group of countries EPO
  • 122. ip4inno PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) • International novelty and patentability search • Single place of filing • Final decision for countries Main advantages: • One application place • One set of rules • Postponement for 30/31 months from priority date and by that buying time!
  • 123. ip4inno WHEN AND HOW? Patent Refusal PCT, EP, COUNTRY Priority year Appeal 2 months Refusal 0 6 12 18 Opposition 9 months Further procedures Search and 1st examination Patent Adm. Re-examination Publication
  • 125. ip4inno PCT Organisation - units Application RO/NO ISA IB Demand? IB Functions: RO/IB Functions: Functions: YES 1. Establish IB = International bureau 1. Performs 1. Publication Functions: IPRP and (WIPO) Search of send to and ISR+WO 1. Collect designated RO/NO = Receiving opinion fees 2. Transmits offices office is national office 2. Transmits ISR+WO 2. Receive ISR+WO to IB and RO/IB = Receiving office appl. to IB and applicant is International Bureau 3. Check applicant (WIPO) formality IB IPEA 4. Transmits ISA = International record Functions: Functions: searching authority copy to IB and search 1. Transmit 1. Transmit copy of IPEA = International copy to IPER to demand to IB+notify preliminary examination ISA elected applicant offices authority 2. Performs WO/IPER 3. Transmit IPER to IB and applicant
  • 127. ip4inno UTILITY MODEL • The ”Patent-system” for smaller inventions • Conditions: – solve a technical problem – new – inventive step (in some countries e.g. Turkey not necessary) • Often used for inventions concerning: – household goods – hand tools – furniture
  • 128. ip4inno THE UTILITY MODEL It looks like a patent. The U in the publication number marks the utility model U as - utility - utilité - utilidad - utilità
  • 129. ip4inno THE UTILITY MODEL IS SIMILAR TO A PATENT Similar in terms that: – a utility model is an exclusive right – allows the right holder to prevent others from commercially using the protected invention – may also be sold or licensed – within 12 months a national utility model application can be turned into a European patent application, if the utility model application fits to the requirements of the European patent application
  • 131. ip4inno THE UTILITY MODEL IS SIMILAR TO A PATENT BUT …  the lifetime is only 10 years  granted within a few months  may be granted without examination (e.g. in Germany)  the fees for application and maintenance are cheaper  it only protects products NOT processes The assembling of … A product … cannot be can be protected protected
  • 132. ip4inno THE UTILITY MODEL AND THE CONCEPT OF NOVELTY • The nature of an invention is that it is new • Normally, new means new to the world • Concerning the patent law new means "does not form part of state of the art" which is in accordance with our understanding of novelty • In contrast to a patent, in some countries the novelty requirement to obtain a utility model is "relative" (e.g. Germany, Spain) – only a public written disclosure of the invention in Spain/Germany is prejudicial against the novelty of the invention – in Germany a description within the 6 months preceding the date relevant for the priority of the application shall not be taken into consideration if it is based on the conception of the applicant or his predecessor in title.
  • 133. ip4inno WHERE CAN UTILITY MODELS BE ACQUIRED? Countries and regions providing utility model protection are: Australia Czech Republic Italy Portugal Argentina Denmark Japan Republic of Korea Armenia Estonia Kazakhstan Republic of Moldova Austria Ethiopia Kenya Russian Federation ARIPO Finland Kyrgyzstan Slovakia Belarus (France)* Malaysia Spain Belgium Georgia Mexico Tajikistan Brazil Germany Netherlands Trinidad & Tobago Bulgaria Greece OAPI Turkey China Guatemala Peru Ukraine Colombia Hungary Philippines Uruguay Costa Rica Ireland Poland Uzbekistan Source:
  • 134. ip4inno WHY A UTILITY MODEL? • Protects minor inventions excluded from patent protection • Protects inventions where a shorter protection period is required • Speedy protection • Easy • Cheap • Use utility model as a strategic weapon example: In DK the furniture industry uses utility models to ”pack in” patents. If one company has a patent for e.g. a chair, a number of competitors will file utility model applications with tiny developments of the chair. The patent holder cannot change his chair in any way without infringing the utility models. Hence he has to make a licence agreement or buy the utility models from his competitors!
  • 135. ip4inno OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY RIGHTS AND CERTIFICATES Plant Varieties – Objects of Verification • Varieties of all botanical genera and species, including, inter alia, hybrids between genera or species- • Variety – a plant grouping within a single botanical taxon of the lowest known rank Supplementary Protection Certificates for products which constitute: • The “active ingredient”, or combination of active ingredients, of a “medicinal product”; or • The “active substance”, or combination of active substances, of a “plant protection product”
  • 136. ip4inno PATENT AND BUSINESS Is my invention new? What is state of the art? Which solutions already exist? Who are my competitors, or potential partners and what do they do? Am I free to use or do I infringe someone’s patent? What’s going on in a specific technical field?
  • 137. ip4inno LINKS • (European Patent Office) • (World Intellectual Property Office) • (US Patent and Trademark Office) • (Europe‟s network of patent databases)
  • 138. ip4inno MAKING MONEY ON IP • A way of making money on IP and insuring return on investments are for example: – Licence agreements – Auctions – Acquisitions of companies
  • 139. ip4inno HOW TO LOSE MONEY WITH PATENTS ? • Investigating things we shouldn‟t do -If we only want to earn money • Patenting things we shouldn‟t - Secrets - Invention with no commercial interest - Invention that already exist • Selling things we shouldn‟t - Infringing a third party rights
  • 140. IP Management ip4inno LICENSING IP RIGHTS Licensor Licensee • Exchange agreement between the licensor and the licensee (license-holder). • Owner (licensor) of IP Rights permits another party (licensee) to use his IP Rights • Licensor grants the right to use his IP to the licensee • Licensee pays licence fees or royalties (or other type of compensation) to the licensor 143
  • 141. IP Management ip4inno WHAT CAN BE LICENSED? All kind of registered IP: • Patents • Trademarks, etc. Unregistered IP that can be kept secret such as: • Technology, know-how, compounds, recipes etc; basically any kind of know-how and technology that can not be copied directly from existing results / solutions / products. ip4inno 144
  • 142. IP Management ip4inno LICENSE PAYMENTS Upfront payment + regular royalties • Lump sum paid on the granting of the license • Regular fixed payments Milestone payments • Fixed amounts due on the attainment of a specific event (e.g. approval of an authority, successful prototype testing, acceptance of a bid, ...) Royalties based on sales revenue • Widely used payment agreement • Royalty rate may be fixed or dynamic Quota license • (Fixed) royalty, based on sold or made units 145
  • 143. IP Management ip4inno EXAMPLE: PATENT LICENSING CONTRACT ISSUES TO BE AGREED ON THE CONTRACT • Purpose of the Agreement and the terms • Term of Agreement, incl. conditions for used period of notice and withdrawal • Parties of the Agreement with • Extent of the licence holder‟s right identification information • Terms of re-licensing • Accurately identified licensed goods • Terms concerning infringement situations • Products and services covered by the • Secrecy and confidentiality licensing right • Transferability of a licence agreement • Geographical area covered by the licence • Entry into force of a licence agreement right • Breaches of contract and their • Royalty, computing bases and payment consequences schedule, minimum royalty, advance payment, if any • Applicable law and settlement of disputes • Control in respect of the quality of the products and the use of the trademark ip4inno 146
  • 144. IP Management ip4inno IN-LICENSING • Exploiting technology that is new to the company • Access to technology otherwise unobtainable • Opportunity to combine company‟s own and in-licensed technologies to create new solutions / products • Opportunity to achieve geographical monopoly by exclusive licence agreements • Enables focusing in a narrow field of technology in R&D • Savings in company‟s own R&D costs • In-licensing vs. cross-licensing? ip4inno 147
  • 145. IP Management ip4inno CROSS-LICENSING • Cross-licensing agreement is an agreement according to which two parties grant a license to each other for the exploitation of their patents. • Cross-licensing is the mutual sharing of patents between companies without an exchange of a license fee if both patent portfolios are about equal in value. • In cross-licensing, each company can make, use, and sell products claimed in each other's licensed patents without patent infringements. ip4inno 148
  • 146. IP Management ip4inno PATENT POOL • Patent pool is an agreement between at least two parties agreeing to cross-license their patents (relating to a particular technology) • Patent pools are an example of cases where members of a competitive industry join in to create common resource that is to their collective benefit ip4inno 149
  • 147. ip4inno CONCLUSION All in all: • It is essential for businesses to have a clear defined strategy covering all IP and intellectual property rights within the company
  • 148. IP Management ip4inno KEY RECOMMENDATIONS: • Develop an IP strategy • Revise your IP portfolio continuously • Get professional help • Start competitor and technology watch • Choose the right partner • Demand information • Do not underestimate the cost • Communicate pro-actively • Adapt your filing strategy to your • Keep in touch with your licensee business • Be sure of your case • Consider licensing as an opportunity 151
  • 149. ip4inno ENFORCEMENT - OPTIONS Infringement of an IP right 1 2 3 Litigation Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) A combination of Litigation and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) ip4inno 153
  • 150. ip4inno IP LITIGATION • How to enforce your IP right? – depends on the IP right infringed ex: Patent • Decision to take legal action? – IP rights might be questioned and declared invalid – court decisions will be normative for similar conflicts – court decisions are made public – risk of bad publicity – time and money consuming – cases involving patents highly complex due to the subject-matter ip4inno 154
  • 151. ip4inno INFRINGEMENT AND LITIGATION Type of Method of Outcome of Goal infringement- prosecution enforcement - To stop the infringement immediately - Seizure or delivery of goods Prohibitory injunction - Precautionary seizure of movable and immovable property To prevent the infringement from being Court action to confirm Civil Private remitted the interim injunction Infringement Prosecution Court action for a Recognition of the IP right validity declaration Court action for Getting damages for the loss encountered damages - Public interest in punishing infringements of Fines and in case of IP rights Criminal Public gross infringements Infringement prosecution also terms of - Especially in cases of Counterfeiting and imprisonment Piracy but can be used for all IP rights 155
  • 152. ip4inno Servicios Centrales – Sevilla C/ Torneo, 26 Teléfono: 955 03 07 00 Gerencias Provinciales Almería: Huelva Avda. Pablo Iglesias, 24 Avenida de Andalucía nº 6 bajo Teléfono: 950 006 808 Teléfono 959 011200 Cádiz Jaén Alameda Apodaca, 20 Carrera de Jesús, 9, bajo Teléfono: 956 009 510 Teléfono: 953 006 100 Córdoba Málaga Plaza Cardenal Toledo, 6, bajo C/ Cister, 5 Teléfono: 957 005 000 Teléfono: 951 042 902 Granada Sevilla BIC Granada C/ Adriano del Valle, 4, local 1 Parque Tecnológico de Ciencias de la Salud Teléfono: 955 030 900 Avda. de la Innovación, 1 Teléfono: 958 750 570