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Empowering	Manufacturing	
with	IoT-Driven	Predictive	
Maintenance	The	benefits	of	transforming	from	reactive	and	
preventive	maintenance	to	predictive	
WeMakeIoT		 Page	2	
Executive	Summary	
Manufacturers	have	long	battled	the	menace	of	sudden	equipment	breakdown,	leading	to	unplanned	
downtime	that	hinders	productivity,	timely	deliveries,	and	painful	losses.	The	ecosystem	has	consistently	
experimented	with	multiple	approaches	that	can	help	them	foresee	possibilities	of	equipment	
breakdown	and	prevent	them	in	a	timely	manner.	The	initial	reactive	approach	to	breakdowns	was	
inefficient,	leading	to	extensive	losses	and	adding	unimaginable	stress	to	all	the	stakeholders.	Preventive	
maintenance	came	as	a	precious	solution,	which	helped	the	manufacturing	ecosystem	avoid	equipment	
breakdown.	But	this	cautious	approach	meant	a	lot	of	expenses	pinching	the	already	tight	budget.	This	
extravagant	approach	required	an	effective	replacement	and	that’s	where	IoT-driven	predictive	
maintenance	comes	in	as	a	lifesaver.	With	connectivity	and	smart	data	analytics	as	its	core	USP,	IoT	
technology	effectively	collates	all	critical	data	gathered	from	the	manufacturing	landscape,	organizes	
equipment-critical	information,	performs	in-depth	analyses	of	the	organized	data,	and	delivers	precious	
equipment-critical	data	that	forecasts	potential	equipment	breakdowns	with	the	cause	and	solution.	
Now,	that’s	the	magic	wand	that	the	manufacturing	ecosystem	has	been	looking	for!	So,	let’s	dig	deep	
into	what	IoT-driven	predictive	maintenance	is	all	about	and	assess	the	extensive	benefits	this	
application	delivers	to	the	manufacturing	landscape.		 Page	3	
Executive	Summary	.....................................................................................................................................	2	
Introduction	.................................................................................................................................................	3	
Why	equipment	predictive	maintenance	is	so	critical	for	manufacturing	..................................................	3	
Why	the	initial	manual	maintenance	approach	did	not	work	.............................................................	4	
Why	the	preventive	maintenance	approach	was	not	too	great	either	...............................................	4	
Data-driven	IoT	solution	to	the	rescue	................................................................................................	4	
How	does	IoT-driven	predictive	maintenance	work?	..................................................................................	5	
Applications	of	predictive	maintenance	......................................................................................................	5	
Predicting	and	eliminating	equipment	breakdowns	............................................................................	5	
Fine-tuning	equipment	maintenance	schedules	.................................................................................	6	
Enabling	worker	safety	........................................................................................................................	6	
Smart	management	of	product	quality	...............................................................................................	6	
Conclusion:	Leveraging	IoT	for	intelligent	predictive	maintenance	............................................................	6	
About	WemakeIoT	.......................................................................................................................................	7	
Manufacturers	have	long	realized	the	power	of	leveraging	the	benefits	that	a	comprehensive	digital	
transformation	can	bring	to	their	landscape.	They	have	also	realized	that	the	connectivity	and	data	
capture	and	processing	capabilities	of	IoT	technology	form	the	foundation	of	this	exponential	
transformation	to	achieve	Industry	4.0.	IoT	has	proven	its	mettle	across	all	manufacturing	domains,	from	
delivering	worker	safety	and	exponentially	improving	productivity	to	streamlining	inventory.	But	one	of	
its	most	beneficial	applications	is	predictive	maintenance,	a	boon	for	this	competitive	industry	that	has	
been	battling	the	challenges	of	reining	in	costs.	Predictive	maintenance	successfully	minimizes	instances	
of	sudden	equipment	breakdowns,	thus	eliminating	a	common	source	of	production	delays.	But	why	is	
the	industry	so	obsessed	about	predictive	maintenance?	How	does	this	capability	deliver	smart	solutions	
across	the	manufacturing	landscape?	Let’s	take	a	look.	
Why	equipment	predictive	maintenance	is	so	critical	for	manufacturing		
Sudden	equipment	failure	is	on	top	of	the	list	of	pain	points	for	most	manufacturers.	Studies	indicate	
that	equipment	breakdown	makes	for	more	than	40%	of	sudden	production	downtime.	This	problem	
has	many	aspects	to	it.	For	example,	loss	in	productivity,	wasted	production	hours,	and	increased	
expenditure	are	not	just	the	only	serious	repercussions	of	this	complication.	Manufacturers	spend	a		 Page	4	
considerable	percentage	of	their	resources	and	attention	on	manually	determining	the	cause	of	the	
failure,	often	failing	to	zero	in	on	the	issue	that	caused	the	failure.	This	problem	increasingly	happens	
during	the	initial	phase	of	an	equipment	installation,	when	the	stakeholders	are	not	clear	about	the	
functionality	of	the	equipment,	and	during	the	later	stages	of	an	equipment’s	life	where	part	failures	are	
a	result	of	its	reducing	functionality.	Both	these	reasons	make	maintenance	a	challenge	for	most	
manufacturers.	The	need	to	ensure	that	critical	equipment	is	available	in	perfect	form,	without	the	risk	
of	any	failures	or	need	for	repairs,	is	an	essential	determinant	of	seamless	production	and	high	quality	
Why	the	initial	manual	maintenance	approach	did	not	work	
One	of	the	initial	approaches	that	manufacturers	applied	was	to	use	manual	tracking	of	maintenance	
schedules	and	data	to	identify	scope	for	possible	errors,	including	nonfunctional	parts	that	required	
replacement.	Interpreting	all	the	data	gathered	from	equipment	manually	was	exhaustive	and	the	initial	
response	to	equipment	failure	in	this	mode	of	approach	was	primarily	reactive	in	nature.	As	a	result,	it	
was	never	really	possible	to	avoid	issues	and	complications	entirely,	leading	to	extensive	cost	of	
maintenance	and	production	downtimes.		
Why	the	preventive	maintenance	approach	was	not	too	great	either	
The	solution	to	this	problem	was	to	get	into	a	proactive	mode,	with	preventive	maintenance.	This	
approach	involved	efficient	planning	to	carry	out	detailed	equipment	maintenance	to	evaluate	the	
entire	equipment	to	determine	any	need	for	repair	or	replacement.	While	this	approach	definitely	
helped	resolve	loss	from	unexpected	downtime,	this	approach	could	not	avoid	downtimes	entirely.	
Every	preventive	maintenance	schedule	meant	shutting	down	the	equipment	operations	and	loss	in	
time	and	money.	In	addition,	this	approach	was	not	economical	since	it	led	to	a	lot	of	preventive	part	
replacements	even	when	they	were	functional.	So	the	industry	was	on	the	lookout	for	a	smart	solution	
that	could	simplify	the	equipment	maintenance	challenge.	
Data-driven	IoT	solution	to	the	rescue	
With	the	advent	of	smart	technology	that	ushered	in	Industry	4.0	through	a	comprehensive	digital	
transformation,	the	entire	manufacturing	ecosystem	began	to	notice	the	extensive	amount	of	data	that	
every	node	of	the	landscape	was	generating.	But	across	most	industries	most	of	this	data	was	being	
ignored.	For	example,	some	industries	such	as	the	oil	and	gas	were	utilizing	just	about	1%	of	the	total	
data	generated.	Similarly,	the	current	designs	of	automotives	generate	humungous	amount	of	data,	
most	of	which	do	not	even	see	the	light	of	the	day,	leave	alone	being	available	for	analytics.	The	entire	
process	of	capturing	all	this	data,	isolating	the	relevant	information,	tweaking	and	analyzing	them	to	
retain	just	the	required	information	and	deriving	patterns,	forecasts,	and	other	insights	from	this	data	
packets	seemed	quite	like	an	exhaustive	exercise.	Moreover,	by	the	time	the	data	insights	were	made	
available,	it	was	way	beyond	the	“real-time”	requirement	of	the	industry.	Such	instances	of	historic	
information	were	not	of	much	use	to	resolve	the	current	equipment	issues.		
IoT-driven	predictive	maintenance	came	as	a	perfect	solution	in	this	scenario,	with	the	connected	
environment	and	extensive	data	management	abilities	of	this	technology	delivering	the	much-desired	
real-time	insights	for	immediate	decision	making	regarding	equipment	management	and	possibility	of		 Page	5	
equipment	failure.	Predictive	maintenance	has	hence	benefited	manufacturing	stakeholders	to	move	
from	reactive	and	preventive	approaches	to	taking	proactive	measures	in	managing	their	equipment,	
avoiding	sudden	and	unplanned	downtime.	This	approach	has	also	considerably	extended	equipment	
lifetimes,	bringing	immense	operational	efficiency	into	the	system.	Studies	have	confirmed	that	IoT-
driven	predictive	analytics	has	indeed	arrived	into	the	manufacturing	ecosystem	with	a	bang,	with	a	
compound	growth	rate	of	about	40%	annually,	delivering	efficiency	gains	in	maintenance	to	the	extent	
of	about	25%.	
How	does	IoT-driven	predictive	maintenance	work?	
IoT	devices	and	sensors	present	across	multiple	locations	of	the	equipment	across	the	production	prcess	
have	the	ability	of	capturing	select	equipment-specific	data	such	as	temperature,	pressure,	vibration,	or	
humidity.	The	captured	data	is	compared	against	preset	thresholds	and	analyzed	using	cognitive	
algorithms	to	deliver	far-reaching	and	immediate	insights	that	relate	to	the	health	of	the	equipment.	
This	real-time	approach	provides	manufacturing	stakeholders	to	take	smart	and	timely	decisions	about	
their	equipment’s	maintenance,	repair,	and	replacement	needs	well	in	advance.		
The	extensive	insights	also	provide	them	with	a	critical	task	level	visibility	of	every	minute	aspect	of	their	
machines	and	processes	so	they	can	easily	and	accurately	identify	and	resolve	any	blocks	in	the	process	
or	intricate	part	issues	well	in	advance.	The	IoT-driven	connected	environment	communicates	effectively	
across	the	ecosystem	to	ensure	complete	and	thorough	data	capture.	IoT	platform	provide	immense	
scope	for	customization	and	its	secure	cloud-based	functionality	provides	extensive	storage	options	
without	compromising	on	data	safety.	Edge	computing	capabilities	in	turn	reduce	data	overload	across	
the	system,	ensuring	that	only	equipment-relevant	data	are	delivered	to	stakeholders.	With	ample	
scope	for	scaling	up	and	expanding	operational	capabilities	including	driving	mobility-enabled	predictive	
maintenance,	IoT	solutions	also	enable	seamless	integration	with	third-party	and	legacy	applications	to	
simplify	smart	adoption	of	the	solution	across	the	ecosystem.	
	Let’s	find	out	a	little	more	about	each	of	the	IoT-driven	applications	of	predictive	maintenance.		
Applications	of	predictive	maintenance	
Predicting	and	eliminating	equipment	breakdowns	
IoT	sensors	and	devices	coupled	with	intelligent	technology	can	deliver	state-of-the-art	predictive	
analytics	on	equipment	maintenance,	forecasting	and	alerting	potential	challenges	before	any	issue	
occurs.	This	completely	eliminates	misplaced	assumptions	about	equipment	status,	providing	end-to-
end	information	about	equipment	performance	and	preventing	unnecessary	machine	downtime.	
Manufacturers	are	applying	IoT-driven	predictive	maintenance	and	the	technology’s	connectivity	to	
communicate	potential	implications	of	possible	equipment	breakdowns	through	automated	notification.		
For	example,	aging	equipment	parts	that	show	indications	of	failing	can	be	immediately	located	by	
observing	their	specific	properties	such	as	vibration	patterns,	and	faulty	parts	can	be	replaced	before		 Page	6	
they	become	the	sole	cause	of	equipment	breakdown,	preventing	further	increase	in	expenses	and	
delays.	This	also	extends	the	lifetime	of	equipments,	leading	to	further	cost	savings.	
Fine-tuning	equipment	maintenance	schedules	
Predictive	maintenance	is	important	for	planning	maintenance	schedules	only	when	they	are	required,	
and	not	blindly	planned	on	a	preventive	mode.	This	helps	organize	maintenance	schedules	based	on	
equipment	availability	and	possibility	of	breakdown,	as	per	the	in-depth	insights	delivered	by	IoT	
devices.	Predictive	maintenance	promptly	delivers	detailed	analytics	of	machines	and	even	parts,	at	a	
frequency	that	can	be	set	based	on	requirement.	The	approach	can	help	the	manufacturing	team’s	fine-
tune	production	schedule	and	plan	their	inventory	accordingly.	This	approach	can	also	help	trigger	self-
maintenance	mechanisms	based	on	specific	threshold	values.	This	organized	approach	of	planning	
maintenance	schedules	helps	minimize	costs,	increase	operational	efficiency,	reduce	time	to	market,	
and	optimize	availability	of	assets.	
Enabling	worker	safety	
Worker	safety	is	a	valuable	application	of	predictive	maintenance,	when	equipment	failure	can	pose	a	
serious	risk	to	human	safety.	For	instance,	increasing	pressure,	decreasing	temperature,	or	reduced	
oxygen	levels	in	a	production	environment	can	be	hazardous	for	workers;	hence	any	such	sudden	
variance	in	equipment	parameters	indicate	impending	breakdowns	or	serious	repercussions,	which	can	
trigger	immediate	preventive	actions.	
Smart	management	of	product	quality	
Ineffective	equipment	management	and	unexpected	machine	breakdown	not	just	causes	delays	but	also	
affects	the	product	quality,	leading	to	defective	products.	For	example,	faulty	parts	in	a	production	
environment	that	delivers	high-precision	components	is	completely	dependent	on	maintaining	accurate	
equipment	parameters,	especially	for	components	required	in	the	pharma	and	medical	devices	verticals.	
Smart	predictive	maintenance	can	highlight	possibility	of	even	minor	deviations	in	equipment	
performance,	thus	eliminating	possibility	of	product	quality	issues.		
Conclusion:	Leveraging	IoT	for	intelligent	predictive	maintenance	
IoT-driven	predictive	maintenance	delivers	real-time	critical	insights	on	equipment	performance	telling	
you	when	it	needs	maintenance;	analyzes	process	and	equipment	blocks	in-depth	to	propose	
improvements	and	deliver	warnings	about	the	entire	maintenance	exercise;	and	completely	eliminates	
the	need	to	dive	into	mounds	of	data	to	determine	problems	with	equipment	performance.	The	journey	
from	manual	equipment	reviews	for	possibility	of	breakdown	and	maintenance	to	preventive	
maintenance	and	finally	to	predictive	maintenance	has	been	long	and	painfully	challenging.	But	with	the	
power	of	disruptive	technologies	such	as	IoT	and	digital	transformation,	the	power	of	a	connected	
manufacturing	ecosystem	and	data	management	capabilities	have	brought	confidence	to	the	landscape.	
Manufacturing	verticals	are	confident	about	exponentially	enhancing	their	operational	efficiencies	
through	intelligent	management	of	equipment	maintenance	through	real-time	alerts	and	insights,	
forecasts,	and	pattern-based	studies.	But	the	need	of	the	hour	is	a	strong	technology	partner	who	can	
support	you	in	this	critical	journey.		 Page	7	
WeMakeIoT	is	your	ideal	technology	partner	who	can	help	you	in	this	IoT-driven	journey	toward	complete	
digital	transformation.	Experience	the	exponential	benefits	of	IoT's	transformative	power	through	connected	
enterprise	assets,	real-time	monitoring,	end-to-end	visibility,	and	remote	management	of	the	entire	
manufacturing	ecosystem.	Make	your	factory	smart	with	the	support	of	our	IoT	and	data	analytic	experts	who	
can	deliver	to	you	completely	customized	manufacturing	solutions	across	all	verticals,	from	food	processing	to	
the	automotive	industry.		
About	WemakeIoT	
WemakeIoT	is	your	technology	expert	who	empowers	you	to	convert	the	limitless	data	generated	from	
your	manufacturing	ecosystem	into	meaningful	and	directional	insights	through	a	smart	combination	of	
intelligent	sensors,	secure	network	protocols,	and	effective	data	capture	and	analytics.	WemakeIoT	
prudently	connects	your	critical	enterprise	assets	to	create	an	intelligent	and	well-integrated	network	of	
smooth-functioning	equipment,	well-optimized	processes,	and	efficient	people.	So,	wherever	you	are	in	
your	journey	to	Industry	4.0,	just	let	us	know	what	your	pain	points	are	and	we	will	deliver	the	perfect	
IoT-enabled	solution	to	conquer	all	your	manufacturing	challenges.
For	more	information,	connect	with	WeMakeIoT	today:

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