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Welcome to the 1st CAO webinar
  on Obstructive Sleep Apnea

    Today’s presentation will be animated by
 Dr Jean-Marc Retrouvey, the Director of the
Division of Orthodontics at McGill University.

            Today, we will :
            •   Define OSA
            •   Discuss the manifestations of OSA.
            •   Describe the typical type(s) of patients affected by OSA
            •   Recognize the difference between OSA and snoring
            •   Suggest different therapeutic approaches for the treatment of
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
The Role of the Orthodontist:
The role of orthodontics in improving breathing in children, teenagers
              and adults who suffer from sleep apnea

                         Dr Jean Marc Retrouvey
                         Director of Orthodontics
                             McGill University

Define OSA
Discuss the manifestations of OSA.
Describe the typical type(s) of patients
affected by OSA
Recognize the difference between OSA
and snoring
Suggest different therapeutic approaches
for the treatment of OSA
Apnea–hypopnea index

• The apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) is an
  index of sleep apnea severity that
  combines apneas and hypopneas.
• AHI values are typically categorized as 5–
  15/hr = mild;
• 15–30/hr = moderate;
• > 30/h = severe.)
Apnea–hypopnea index

• The apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) is an index of
  sleep apnea severity that combines apneas and
                     AHI values are typically
                     categorized as:
                     • 5–15/hr = mild
                     • 15–30/hr = moderate
                     • > 30/h = severe
Obstructive Sleep Apnea

                                               27 % of
      Snoring                                patients may
                                            exhibit snoring

                                            Upper Airway
         UARS                                Resistance

           OSA                               Sleep Apnea

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
By David N. F. Fairbanks, Samuel A. Mickelson, B. Tucker Woodson, p 243
Snoring: Benign condition
(annoying but not

   UARS: Sleep disturbances
   but no severe oxygen
   desaturation (No cardiac

       OSA: Oxygen desaturation
       and sleep disturbances
       (Cardiac disturbances:
       Strokes, hypertension

                      Collpo N. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 26(1): 13-24
                      Pediatric Care Med 2005; 26(1): 13-24
1. Excessive daytime
symptoms in     2. Abnormal daytime
children with         behavior
sleep apnea     3. Learning problems

                 4. Bizarre behavior

                5. Morning headaches

                6. Failure to thrive or
                 7. Repetitive upper
                  airway infections
                  8. Acute cardiac
                       failure              Guilleminault C,
                                          Korobkin R, and R
                                          Winkle. A Review of
                  9. Cor pulmonale         50 Children with
                                           Obstructive Sleep
                                           Syndrome. Lung
                  10. Hypertension               1981.
Most common
            contributing factors

Obesity                            Allergies

                                               and Combinations

          Genetics (ex: Skeletal
1. Obesity

 A fairly direct correlation has been established between obesity
  and OSA in children1 and adolescents2
 Apnea Hypoxia Index (AHI) scores are higher in obese than in
  normal-weight children with OSA3

1 - The Correlation Among Obesity, Apnea-Hypopnea Index, and Tonsil Size in Children
Yuen-yu Lam, FHKAM(Paed), et al. Chest 2006: 1751-1756
2 - Obesity increases the risk for persisting obstructive sleep apnea after treatment in children
Louise M. O’Brien et al . International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2006) 70, 1555—1560
3 - Outcome of adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea in obese and normal-weight children
Ron B. Mitchell, MD, and James Kelly, PhD, St Louis, MO; Albuquerque, NM . Otolaryngology–Head and
Neck Surgery (2007) 137, 43-48
1. Obesity

What about treating OSA in obese kids?

 Both groups show a dramatic improvement in AHI
  after adenotonsillectomy, but persistent OSA is more
  common in obese children.

Outcome of adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea in obese and normal-weight children
Ron B. Mitchell, MD, and James Kelly, PhD, St Louis, MO; Albuquerque, NM . Otolaryngology–
Head and Neck Surgery (2007) 137, 43-48
1. Obesity

With treatment, improvement in OSA but…..

 Weight gain!

Recommendation : Lose weight and improve physical
condition before starting OSA treatment.

Soultan, Z., et al., Effect of treating obstructive sleep apnea by tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy on
obesity in children. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 1999. 153(1): p. 33.
Treatment of OSA or UARS in
     non-obese children
  Impact of Orthodontic treatment
Common Contributing

 Severely enlarged
  tonsils and adenoids in
  the young patient
  presenting either

Consequence of
       Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids
Dr Harvold, from the University of Toronto, performed studies on Monkeys which showed

 If you block nasal respiration, mouth breathing follows and
  a severe malocclusion is observed (variable response)

Harvold EP et al. Primate experiments on oral respiration. Am J Orthod 79(4):359-72, 1981
Harvold EP et al. Experiments on the development of dental malocclusion. Am J Orthod 61:38-44, 1972.
Recognize early!

OSA will have an impact on normal growth
and development (early treatment must be
seriously considered)
• Growth hormone is mainly released during the
  stage 3 of NREM sleep.
Importance of Early Detection
                     and Treatment
Such changes are also influenced by genetic factors. Facial growth is nearly complete between the ages
    of 15
and 16 years in girls and between 18 and 19 years in boys, but the largest increments of growth occur
during the earliest years of life: By the age of 4 years, the craniofacial
skeleton has attained 60% of adult size, and by the age of 12
years it is 90% of adult size. Thus both genetic and environmental factors play a role in
teenage facial determination.
Our findings suggest that specific morphometric features may have been present in certain children ot
tonsilectomy and adenoectomy, some aspect of facial growth may even
have been modified by the early airway obstruction.

                           Morphometric facial changes and obstructive sleep apnea in adolescents
                             Christian Guilleminault, MD, Markku Partinen, MD, Jean Paul Praud, MD,
                                      Maria-Antonia Quera-Salva, MD, Nelson Powell, MD, and
                                                       Robert Riley, DDS, MD
                    From Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California, Ullanlinnan Sleep Disorders
                    Clinic, Helsinki, Finland, Laboratoire d'Explorations Fonctionelles, Hopital Antoine Beclere,
                Clamart, France, and Hopital Raymond Poincarré, Garches, France A, Jand ournal of Pediatrics 1989
Examination of a Patient Suffering
      from OSA or UARS

1   • Reference to pneumologist for polysomnography

2   • Extra oral findings

3   • Intra oral findings

4   • Cephalometric or Cone Beam assessment

5   • Final diagnosis

6   • Treatment options
Examination of a Patient Suffering
      from OSA or UARS

            2   Extra oral findings
                • Facial features
                • ―Pockets‖ under the eyes
                • Evidence of mouth
                • Retrusive mandible (Cl II
                • Retrusive maxilla?
Examination of a Patient
              from OSA or UARS
3   Intra oral findings
    •   Openbite
    •   Narrow palate
    •   Curve of Spee
    •   Lower arch form
    •   Severe malocclusion
        • Usually Cl II
Examination of a Patient
                    from OSA or UARS
3   Intra oral findings

    Compared with 48 asymptomatic children from the
    same cohort, the obstructed children had a
    narrower maxilla, a deeper palatal height, and a
    shorter lower dental arch. In addition, the
    prevalence of lateral crossbite was significantly
    higher among the obstructed children.

    Breathing obstruction in relation to craniofacial and dental arch morphology in 4-year-old
    B Löfstrand-Tideström European Journal of Orthodontics
    Volume 21, Issue 4 , 1999 Pp. 323-332
Examination of a Patient Suffering
          from OSA or UARS

4   Cephalometric or Cone Beam assessment
    • Consistent for a large number of OSA pediatric
•   Retrognathic mandible
•   Steep mandibular plane angle
•   Long anterior face height
•   Short posterior face height
Examination of a Patient Suffering
          from OSA or UARS

5   Treatment options

    1. Tonsillectomy
    2. Rapid Palatal Expansion
    3. Mandibular Advancement
1. Tonsillectomy?

Children, who were tonsillectomized because of sleep apnea
were examined with respect to facial growth and dental arch
The findings were compared to data from children without
tonsillary obstruction. A higher proportion of malocclusion
than normal, especially openbite and crossbite, was noticed
before surgery.
Two years after surgery, 77% of the open bites were normalized
and 50-65% of the buccal and anterior crossbites. The best
results were seen in children operated before the age of 6.
E. Hultcrantz E., Larson M. , Hellquist R. , Ahlquist-Rastad J. , Svanholm H. and Jakobsson
O.P. : The influence of tonsillar obstruction and tonsillectomy on facial growth and dental arch
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 22,2: 125-134 1991
2. Rapid Palatal expansion

• Multiple articles point
  towards an improvement
  in the sleep apnea
• Expansion is done via
  RPE and averages
  4.5mm to 6 mm at the
  palatal suture.
• On sleep apnea
  patients, the earlier the
Selection Criteria for RPE patients

• High narrow palate
• Deep bite
• Retrusive mandible

Villa, M.P., et al., Rapid maxillary
expansion in children with obstructive
sleep apnea syndrome: 12-month
follow-up. Sleep medicine, 2007. 8(2):
p. 128-134.
3. Mandibular advancement

Has the same effect in growing children as
rapid palatal expansion
Randomized Controlled Study of an Oral Jaw-Positioning Appliance for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in
Children with Malocclusion. MARIA P. Villa, edoardo bernkopf, jacopo pagani, vanna broia, Marilisa montesano and
roberto ronchetti.
Impact of Orthodontics on Pediatric
           OSA Management
Treatment will depend on the severity of the OSA, its
influence on the degree of malocclusion and the age of
the patient.

Take Home Message :
 Early recognition (before age 7)
   • Educate parents and dentists
 Constant collaboration with the treating physician
  (Respirologist, Plastics, ENT), the Orthodontist and
  the Dentist.
 Treat early and aggressively
   • Through RPE; Mandibulat advancement and Maxillary
     Vertical Control
OSA Treatment in the adult
             Role of the orthodontist?
Therapy               Provider

CPAP                  Pneumologist or
                      Sleep center

Soft tissue surgery   ENT

MADs                  Sleep center
                      Dentist – TMJ
MMA surgery           OMFS
SARPE                 Orthodontist
Mandibular advancement
• May be efficient for moderate OSA
• Do not replace the CPAP in severe cases
Future: CAD-CAM Manufactured Appliance

Slide from Dr Arcache
What about SARPE?

Dr Fiore (Fiore et al., U de Montreal, 2012)
testing 9 patients treated with Sarpe and
comprehensive orthodontics.
Showed a small but not significant reduction
in respiratoy index.
Significant change in snoring index.
Maxillary Mandibular Advancement.

Surgical goal: Improvement of the
pharyngeal airway along its entire length
43 yr male with snoring and
       witnessed apneas.

• Sleep study
  – RDI 67/hr, LSAT 83%
• Sleep study with CPAP
  – RDI 15/hr, LSAT 86%
• Does not tolerate CPAP
Pre-operative Cephalogram

             • Bimaxillary retrusion
             • Cl II bimaxillary
             • Blocked airway
Surgical Procedure

•   Maxillary advancement 8mm
•   Mandibular advancement 8mm
•   Advancement genioplasty 4mm
•   Hyoid suspension 10mm
Post-operative Cephalogram

Pre- operative sleep study:
  - RDI 67/hr
6 month post- operative sleep study
  – RDI 9/hr, (was down to 15 with CPAP)

        RDI : Respiratory Disturbance Index
              LSAT: Saturation in oxygen
Long Term Follow up of a
           TMJ- OSA Patient

Patient presenting with Long face
syndrome :
  – Narrow palate
  – Retrusive mandible
  – Anterior tongue posture
  – Severe to moderate crowding of dental arches
  – Painful bilateral TMJ clicks
  – Moderate OSA ( No C Pap used)

1. Maxillary expansion at 8 years old (failed)
2. Dental alignment (camouflage failed)
3. Extractions were contemplated by
   previous orthodontist (failed to recognize
4. Mandibular protraction appliance contra-
   indicated (High MP angle)
Long term Follow up of TMJ and
                 OSA Patient

   In 2004, after
first rapid palatal
2009: Ready for Ortho-Surgery

Orthodontics: 3 piece maxilla preparation
              Uprighting of lower arch
Immediately Post Surgery
       (4 weeks)
TMJ pain is resolved ( no
splint worn)
Snoring and symptoms of
OSA have subsided
Patient is satisfied with
aesthetic result.

OSA is a medical condition and may be
potentially lethal
A positive diagnosis of OSA should be
obtained before starting any treatment
The dental profession has an important role
in screening young patients
Orthodontists have a greater role to play
(back to the future: treat early and

Tonsillectomy is making a comeback in preventive
therapy for this type of patients (OSA-UARS)
CPAP machine is still standard of care in adults
Growth modification may play an important aspect
of OSA treatment
  Maxillary expansion
  Mandibular protraction seem to have a positive effect
  on OSA
  Must start as early as possible ( do not allow upper
  molars descent)

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Introduction to Sleep apnea for Orthodontists

  • 1. Welcome to the 1st CAO webinar on Obstructive Sleep Apnea Today’s presentation will be animated by Dr Jean-Marc Retrouvey, the Director of the Division of Orthodontics at McGill University. Today, we will : • Define OSA • Discuss the manifestations of OSA. • Describe the typical type(s) of patients affected by OSA • Recognize the difference between OSA and snoring • Suggest different therapeutic approaches for the treatment of OSA
  • 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea The Role of the Orthodontist: The role of orthodontics in improving breathing in children, teenagers and adults who suffer from sleep apnea Dr Jean Marc Retrouvey Director of Orthodontics McGill University
  • 3. Objectives Define OSA Discuss the manifestations of OSA. Describe the typical type(s) of patients affected by OSA Recognize the difference between OSA and snoring Suggest different therapeutic approaches for the treatment of OSA
  • 4. Apnea–hypopnea index WIKIPEDIA • The apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) is an index of sleep apnea severity that combines apneas and hypopneas. • AHI values are typically categorized as 5– 15/hr = mild; • 15–30/hr = moderate; • > 30/h = severe.)
  • 5. Apnea–hypopnea index WIKIPEDIA • The apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) is an index of sleep apnea severity that combines apneas and hypopneas. AHI values are typically categorized as: • 5–15/hr = mild • 15–30/hr = moderate • > 30/h = severe
  • 6. Obstructive Sleep Apnea 27 % of Snoring patients may exhibit snoring Upper Airway UARS Resistance Syndrome 4% Obstructive OSA Sleep Apnea 2-3% Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea By David N. F. Fairbanks, Samuel A. Mickelson, B. Tucker Woodson, p 243
  • 7. Snoring: Benign condition (annoying but not dangerous) UARS: Sleep disturbances but no severe oxygen desaturation (No cardiac sequellae) OSA: Oxygen desaturation and sleep disturbances (Cardiac disturbances: Strokes, hypertension arrhythmias) Collpo N. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 26(1): 13-24 Pediatric Care Med 2005; 26(1): 13-24
  • 8. 1. Excessive daytime somnolence Daytime symptoms in 2. Abnormal daytime children with behavior obstructive sleep apnea 3. Learning problems 4. Bizarre behavior 5. Morning headaches 6. Failure to thrive or obesity 7. Repetitive upper airway infections 8. Acute cardiac failure Guilleminault C, Korobkin R, and R Winkle. A Review of 9. Cor pulmonale 50 Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Lung 10. Hypertension 1981.
  • 9. Most common contributing factors Obesity Allergies and Combinations Genetics (ex: Skeletal malocclusions)
  • 10. 1. Obesity  A fairly direct correlation has been established between obesity and OSA in children1 and adolescents2  Apnea Hypoxia Index (AHI) scores are higher in obese than in normal-weight children with OSA3 1 - The Correlation Among Obesity, Apnea-Hypopnea Index, and Tonsil Size in Children Yuen-yu Lam, FHKAM(Paed), et al. Chest 2006: 1751-1756 2 - Obesity increases the risk for persisting obstructive sleep apnea after treatment in children Louise M. O’Brien et al . International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (2006) 70, 1555—1560 3 - Outcome of adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea in obese and normal-weight children Ron B. Mitchell, MD, and James Kelly, PhD, St Louis, MO; Albuquerque, NM . Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (2007) 137, 43-48
  • 11. 1. Obesity What about treating OSA in obese kids?  Both groups show a dramatic improvement in AHI after adenotonsillectomy, but persistent OSA is more common in obese children. Outcome of adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnea in obese and normal-weight children Ron B. Mitchell, MD, and James Kelly, PhD, St Louis, MO; Albuquerque, NM . Otolaryngology– Head and Neck Surgery (2007) 137, 43-48
  • 12. 1. Obesity With treatment, improvement in OSA but…..  Weight gain! Recommendation : Lose weight and improve physical condition before starting OSA treatment. Soultan, Z., et al., Effect of treating obstructive sleep apnea by tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy on obesity in children. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 1999. 153(1): p. 33.
  • 13. Treatment of OSA or UARS in non-obese children Impact of Orthodontic treatment
  • 14. Common Contributing Observations  Severely enlarged tonsils and adenoids in the young patient presenting either UARS or OSA page/pi_id/303
  • 15. Consequence of Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids Dr Harvold, from the University of Toronto, performed studies on Monkeys which showed that:  If you block nasal respiration, mouth breathing follows and a severe malocclusion is observed (variable response) Harvold EP et al. Primate experiments on oral respiration. Am J Orthod 79(4):359-72, 1981 Harvold EP et al. Experiments on the development of dental malocclusion. Am J Orthod 61:38-44, 1972.
  • 16. Recognize early! OSA will have an impact on normal growth and development (early treatment must be seriously considered) • Growth hormone is mainly released during the stage 3 of NREM sleep. •
  • 17. Importance of Early Detection and Treatment Such changes are also influenced by genetic factors. Facial growth is nearly complete between the ages of 15 and 16 years in girls and between 18 and 19 years in boys, but the largest increments of growth occur during the earliest years of life: By the age of 4 years, the craniofacial skeleton has attained 60% of adult size, and by the age of 12 years it is 90% of adult size. Thus both genetic and environmental factors play a role in teenage facial determination. Our findings suggest that specific morphometric features may have been present in certain children ot tonsilectomy and adenoectomy, some aspect of facial growth may even have been modified by the early airway obstruction. Morphometric facial changes and obstructive sleep apnea in adolescents Christian Guilleminault, MD, Markku Partinen, MD, Jean Paul Praud, MD, Maria-Antonia Quera-Salva, MD, Nelson Powell, MD, and Robert Riley, DDS, MD From Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, California, Ullanlinnan Sleep Disorders Clinic, Helsinki, Finland, Laboratoire d'Explorations Fonctionelles, Hopital Antoine Beclere, Clamart, France, and Hopital Raymond Poincarré, Garches, France A, Jand ournal of Pediatrics 1989
  • 18. Examination of a Patient Suffering from OSA or UARS 1 • Reference to pneumologist for polysomnography 2 • Extra oral findings 3 • Intra oral findings 4 • Cephalometric or Cone Beam assessment 5 • Final diagnosis 6 • Treatment options
  • 19. Examination of a Patient Suffering from OSA or UARS 2 Extra oral findings • Facial features • ―Pockets‖ under the eyes • Evidence of mouth breathing • Retrusive mandible (Cl II malocclusion) • Retrusive maxilla?
  • 20. Examination of a Patient Suffering from OSA or UARS 3 Intra oral findings • Openbite • Narrow palate • Curve of Spee • Lower arch form • Severe malocclusion • Usually Cl II
  • 21. Examination of a Patient Suffering from OSA or UARS 3 Intra oral findings Compared with 48 asymptomatic children from the same cohort, the obstructed children had a narrower maxilla, a deeper palatal height, and a shorter lower dental arch. In addition, the prevalence of lateral crossbite was significantly higher among the obstructed children. Breathing obstruction in relation to craniofacial and dental arch morphology in 4-year-old children B Löfstrand-Tideström European Journal of Orthodontics Volume 21, Issue 4 , 1999 Pp. 323-332
  • 22. Examination of a Patient Suffering from OSA or UARS 4 Cephalometric or Cone Beam assessment • Consistent for a large number of OSA pediatric patients
  • 23. Retrognathic mandible • Steep mandibular plane angle • Long anterior face height • Short posterior face height
  • 24. Examination of a Patient Suffering from OSA or UARS 6 5 Treatment options 1. Tonsillectomy 2. Rapid Palatal Expansion 3. Mandibular Advancement
  • 25. 1. Tonsillectomy? Children, who were tonsillectomized because of sleep apnea were examined with respect to facial growth and dental arch morphology. The findings were compared to data from children without tonsillary obstruction. A higher proportion of malocclusion than normal, especially openbite and crossbite, was noticed before surgery. Two years after surgery, 77% of the open bites were normalized and 50-65% of the buccal and anterior crossbites. The best results were seen in children operated before the age of 6. E. Hultcrantz E., Larson M. , Hellquist R. , Ahlquist-Rastad J. , Svanholm H. and Jakobsson O.P. : The influence of tonsillar obstruction and tonsillectomy on facial growth and dental arch morphology International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 22,2: 125-134 1991
  • 26. 2. Rapid Palatal expansion • Multiple articles point towards an improvement in the sleep apnea condition. • Expansion is done via RPE and averages 4.5mm to 6 mm at the palatal suture. • On sleep apnea patients, the earlier the better.
  • 27. Selection Criteria for RPE patients • High narrow palate • Deep bite • Retrusive mandible Villa, M.P., et al., Rapid maxillary expansion in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: 12-month follow-up. Sleep medicine, 2007. 8(2): p. 128-134.
  • 28. 3. Mandibular advancement Has the same effect in growing children as rapid palatal expansion Randomized Controlled Study of an Oral Jaw-Positioning Appliance for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children with Malocclusion. MARIA P. Villa, edoardo bernkopf, jacopo pagani, vanna broia, Marilisa montesano and roberto ronchetti.
  • 29. Impact of Orthodontics on Pediatric OSA Management Treatment will depend on the severity of the OSA, its influence on the degree of malocclusion and the age of the patient. Take Home Message :  Early recognition (before age 7) • Educate parents and dentists  Constant collaboration with the treating physician (Respirologist, Plastics, ENT), the Orthodontist and the Dentist.  Treat early and aggressively • Through RPE; Mandibulat advancement and Maxillary Vertical Control
  • 30. OSA Treatment in the adult Role of the orthodontist? Therapy Provider CPAP Pneumologist or Sleep center Soft tissue surgery ENT MADs Sleep center Dentist – TMJ specialist Orthodontist? MMA surgery OMFS SARPE Orthodontist
  • 31. Mandibular advancement devices • May be efficient for moderate OSA • Do not replace the CPAP in severe cases
  • 32. Future: CAD-CAM Manufactured Appliance Slide from Dr Arcache
  • 33. What about SARPE? Dr Fiore (Fiore et al., U de Montreal, 2012) testing 9 patients treated with Sarpe and comprehensive orthodontics. Showed a small but not significant reduction in respiratoy index. Significant change in snoring index.
  • 34. Maxillary Mandibular Advancement. Surgical goal: Improvement of the pharyngeal airway along its entire length
  • 35. 43 yr male with snoring and witnessed apneas. • Sleep study – RDI 67/hr, LSAT 83% • Sleep study with CPAP – RDI 15/hr, LSAT 86% • Does not tolerate CPAP
  • 36. Pre-operative Cephalogram • Bimaxillary retrusion • Cl II bimaxillary retrusion malocclusion • Blocked airway
  • 37. Surgical Procedure • Maxillary advancement 8mm • Mandibular advancement 8mm • Advancement genioplasty 4mm • Hyoid suspension 10mm
  • 39. Results Pre- operative sleep study: - RDI 67/hr 6 month post- operative sleep study – RDI 9/hr, (was down to 15 with CPAP) RDI : Respiratory Disturbance Index LSAT: Saturation in oxygen
  • 40. Long Term Follow up of a TMJ- OSA Patient Patient presenting with Long face syndrome : – Narrow palate – Retrusive mandible – Anterior tongue posture – Severe to moderate crowding of dental arches – Painful bilateral TMJ clicks – Moderate OSA ( No C Pap used)
  • 41. Treatments 1. Maxillary expansion at 8 years old (failed) 2. Dental alignment (camouflage failed) 3. Extractions were contemplated by previous orthodontist (failed to recognize OSA) 4. Mandibular protraction appliance contra- indicated (High MP angle)
  • 42. Long term Follow up of TMJ and OSA Patient In 2004, after first rapid palatal expansion attempt
  • 43. 2009: Ready for Ortho-Surgery Orthodontics: 3 piece maxilla preparation Uprighting of lower arch
  • 44.
  • 46. Results: TMJ pain is resolved ( no splint worn) Snoring and symptoms of OSA have subsided Patient is satisfied with aesthetic result.
  • 47. Conclusions OSA is a medical condition and may be potentially lethal A positive diagnosis of OSA should be obtained before starting any treatment The dental profession has an important role in screening young patients Orthodontists have a greater role to play (back to the future: treat early and aggressively)
  • 48. Conclusions Tonsillectomy is making a comeback in preventive therapy for this type of patients (OSA-UARS) CPAP machine is still standard of care in adults Growth modification may play an important aspect of OSA treatment Maxillary expansion Mandibular protraction seem to have a positive effect on OSA Must start as early as possible ( do not allow upper molars descent)