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         Introduction to Portlets using Liferay Portal
                           (Part 2)

                           By: Aníbal Gómez-Estrada

                                     October 19th, 2011

Rivet Logic Corporation                                 Rivet Logic Costa Rica SRL
11410 Isaac Newton Square N.                            Costa Rica Developer's Forge
Suite 210                                               Edificio María Luisa, 3A office
Reston, VA 20190, USA                                   Paseo Colón, San José, Costa Rica
Ph: 703.955.3480 Fax: 703.234.7711                      Ph: (506) 2256-1024 Fax: (506) 2256-1024
Rivet Logic Overview                                             ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Award-winning consulting and systems integration firm
focused on enabling open source –based software solutions
for content management, collaboration and community:
     –  Innovator of the Year: JBoss (2008)
     –  Solution of the Year: Alfresco (2010)
     –  Platinum Partner: Liferay (2011)

•    We use top-notch open source technology:

•    Company Facts:
     –  Founded in 2005. Consistently Profitable and Employee-owned. 40+ Consultants
     –  Headquarters in Virginia, USA. Near-shore office in San José, Costa Rica for two years
     –  Certified Liferay Partner since 2006:
          •  Conduct all public training on East Coast, USA
          •  Contributor (software, documentation, forums, training material)
          •  20+ Liferay projects underway or completed!
Agenda                       ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•    Introduction
     –    Portals and Portlets
     –    Liferay SDK Plugin Types
     –    Liferay Service Builder
     –    Portlets 1.0 (JSR 168)

•    Portlets 2.0 (JSR 286)
     –    Resource Serving
     –    Inter-Portlet Communication
     –    Lifecycle Revisited
     –    Portlet Filters and PortletURL Listeners
     –    Enhancements:
            •  Servlet Programming Features
            •  Annotations
            •  Tag Libraries

•    Conclusion
     –  Questions and Answers
     –  References

•    Announcements
     –  JSF 2.0 Portlets using Liferay Portal is Available Now!
     –  Rivet Logic Is Hiring!

Portals and Portlets                          ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

                          In a Nutshell

                           Portal Architecture:

A Portal is designed to                             Liferay Portal is a
be a single web-based                               Portlet Container
environment where all                               and Portal Server
 users applications                                    Platform and
   run integrated                                  environment to run/
    together in a                                  administer web sites
  systematic way”                                 and to integrate portlets
Liferay SDK Plugin Types                                       ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE


•    Themes customize the overall structure and look and feel of the Portal pages and are
     based on HTML, CSS and Velocity/FreeMarker

•    Theme Plugins are based on a pre-made theme which gives the site minimal structure (either
     unstyled or styled)
      •  Customizations are overlaid against the “base theme” with a overwriting mechanism
          and differentiation scheme
      •  Provide control over everything: HTML, CSS and images inside portlets (box) and
          outside (page) and positioning/behavior of the top navigation elements

•    Deployed Themes can be used at level different levels: the overall site, a community/organization
     or a single page
              More Info:
Liferay SDK Plugin Types (2)                             ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

                             Layout Templates
•    Layout Templates control how portlets are arranged
     on a Portal page and are created with a combination of
     HTML, CSS and Velocity

•    They make up the body of the page, the large area where
     portlets can be dragged and dropped into
•    Allow portlets to be embedded into templates
•    Deployed Layout Templates are used at page level

•    For Instance:

     More Info:
Liferay SDK Plugin Types (3)                              ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Hooks allow to hook custom code at different extension
   points in order to either change, override or extend:
   •  Display: JSPs and Language Properties
   •  Behavior: Portal Server Lifecycle Events, Services, Model Listeners
      and Portal Properties

•  Hook Plugins are Java code –based and they are hot-
   deployable, as well as, Themes, Layout Templates and
   Portlet Plugins do!

   More Info:
Liferay SDK Plugin Types (4)                           ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

                 •  Portlets are componentized
                    user-facing applications
                    that generate a fragment of the
                    Portal page

                     In this presentation, you will learn more
                        about what Portlet Plugins are! 

                 •  For now, let’s take a look at
                    some of the portlets available
                    for Liferay Portal..

More Info:
Liferay SDK Plugin Types (5)                          ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Ext allow to extend/override built-in code in special
   scenarios that can not be met by another plugin types:
   •    Easily extensible: Liferay Portal is implemented on top of Spring,
        Hibernate and Struts/Tiles, so custom code can be plugged in very easily
   •    Complete control: It allows access to internal APIs or even overwriting
        files/classes provided in the Liferay core
   •    To be carefully used: it is a powerful tool that comes with a cost in terms of
        complexity and maintenance!

•  Ext Plugins are NOT hot-deployable!
    –  Require server restart
    –  Can not be un-deployed

         More Info:
Liferay Service Builder                                       ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•    Service Builder is a tool built by Liferay to automate the creation of Services,
     Models and Persistence –related interfaces and classes relying on Liferay API,
     Spring and Hibernate:
      •    Input: an XML file specifying the structure of Model classes and data-storage –related

      •    Ouput: a service JAR that can be exposed either at a global or local (ie. Portlet plugin) levels
           and a set of implementation classes with beans and basic logic generated for the Model and
           Service/Persistence classes
      •    When specified, Service Builder also generates Javascript stubs for remote
           access (ie. client side / browser)!
                   More Info:
Portlet 1.0 (JSR 168)                        ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  JSR 168 in a Nutshell:
   –    Portlet Container Contract and Portlet Lifecycle
   –    Packaging and Deployment
   –    Portlet Modes and Window States
   –    Portlet Preferences Management
   –    JSP Support
   –    User Information and Security
   –    Localization and Caching

•  JSR 168 defined the overall UI component model and provided a
   few support for building integrated/coordinated composite
   applications. However, “portlets are islands” in JSR 168:
   –  Can not generate non-markup content
   –  Can not communicate with other portlets
   –  Can not influence the portal page

Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286)
Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286)                        ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  JSR 286 addresses limitations identified by many portal
   vendors that caused custom solutions and not portable to be placed
   in their products
   –  Released in June, 2008
   –  Expert Group: IBM, ASF, Oracle, BEA, Liferay, among others

•  Features introduced in JSR 286’s Portlet API also fill some
   gaps with related technologies, such as J2EE 1.4, WSRP,
   Servlets, JSF, among others

•  JSR 286 mainly addresses following topics:
   –  Resource Serving *
   –  Inter-Portlet Communication: Event-Notification and Public Render
      Parameters *
   –  Portlet Filters and PortletURL Listeners *
   –  Servlet Programming Model Features *
   –  Enhancement on Annotations, JSP support, Portlet Modes, Caching *
Resource Serving                                      ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  In JSR 168, dynamically generated resources could not be directly
   served from a portlet instance. An additional servlet was needed to serve
   the resources:
      –  Disadvantages: Out of Portal’s Scope (No Access to render parameters, portlet mode,
         window state, portlet preferences, portlet session, etc). Not under Portal access control
         (Servlet to be secured separately)
      –  Advantages: less overhead because the request does not have to pass through the additional
         portal framework. Adequate when serving large media streams…

•  JSR 286 introduces Resource Serving as a lifecycle operation that
   is dispatched directly from corresponding portlet instance:
      –  Normally occurs after a render call and can be used to implement AJAX use cases
      –  Does not generate a full new portal page. Returned content not aggregated with another
         markup. The resource response allows full control over output stream
      –  Cannot set new render parameters, portlet mode, or window state since the portal
         does not have a chance to update other parts of the page

•    During a Resource Request, a portlet implementing ResourceServingPortlet
     interface can create dynamic resources through serveResource() method
•    Portlet API provide Resource URLs for Resource Serving requests. They are created
     with     RenderResponse.createResourceURL()             and    trigger   lifecycle
     serveResource() method. ResourceURLs can be set with params as other URLs
Resource Serving (2)                                              ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let’s create a new JSP-based Portlet which returns a greeting on
   Ajax call:
  File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/jsp/portlets/
  package com.sample.jsp.portlets;	

  import javax.portlet.*;	

  public class JSPPortlet extends javax.portlet.GenericPortlet {	

       protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)	
          throws PortletException, IOException {	
          PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/html/view.jsp");	

       public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response)	
         throws PortletException, IOException {	
         OutputStream stream = response.getPortletOutputStream();	

                "%1$s (Ajax - %2$s)!!”,	
                request.getParameter("ajax-parameter-greeting"), Math.random()	
Resource Serving (3)                                                ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Now, let’s create the JSP page invoking the portlet via Ajax:
  File: /html/view.jsp

  <%@ page session="false" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" %>	
  <%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%>	
  <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-portlet.tld' prefix='portlet'%>	


  <portlet:resourceURL var="resourceUrl">	
    <portlet:param name="ajax-parameter-greeting" value="Hello World from Resource Serving Param" />	
       type="button" value='Ajax!' title='<%=resourceUrl%>’	
  <div id="msg_display">The data from the server will go here</div>	

  <script type="text/javascript">	
Resource Serving (4)                                                ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Now, let’s create the JSP page invoking the portlet via Ajax (2):
  File: /html/view.jsp
  <script type="text/javascript">	
  function ajaxHelloWorld(url){	
     var request = createXMLHttpRequest();	
     var callback = function() {	
       var msg_display = document.getElementById("msg_display");	
       if (request.readyState == 4) {	
          if (request.status == 200) {	
             msg_display.innerHTML = request.responseText;	
          } else {	
             msg_display.innerHTML = "ERROR: "+ request.statusText;	
     request.onreadystatechange = callback;"GET", url, true);	

  function createXMLHttpRequest() {	
     var request;	
     if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {	
        request = new XMLHttpRequest();	
     } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {	
        try {	
           request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");	
        } catch (e) {	
           try { request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}	
     return request;	
Resource Serving (5)                                     ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Finally, let’s add the portlet in corresponding deployment descriptors
  File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml
  <portlet-app ...>	
      <display-name>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</display-name>	


         <title>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</title>	
         <short-title>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</short-title>	
         <keywords>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</keywords>	

  File: /WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml

  File: /WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml
    <category name="category.sample">	
     <portlet id=”jsp-hello-world-portlet" />	
Resource Serving (6)                            ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin and clicking portlet’s button:
Resource Serving (7)                                        ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•    An additional resource ID can be set on the resource URL that clearly identifies
     the resource through ResourceURL.setResourceID() method, such as:
      –  resourceUrl.setResourceID("WEB-INF/jsp/xmlcontent.jspx");
      –  When extending GenericPortlet, a serveResource call is automatically dispatched to the JSP,
         which can then make use of the portlet state information by including the portlet tag library

•    Serving static resources using the portlet's serveResource() method causes
     unnecessary performance overhead:
      –  Static resources like image files packaged in the portlet WAR should normally be
         referenced with static resource URLs, such as:
        	String url = response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath()+"/icons/myimage.gif");	

•    In contrast to RenderURLs, all HTTP methods (GET, POST or DELETE) can be
     leveraged with ResourceURLs (not only GET) which means:
      –  Methods to change state can be used in the serveResource() call. But, changes should
         be limited to private state of portlet: Portlet-scoped session and Portlet Preferences
      –  State that affects other portlets should not be modified because the portal
         framework has no chance to update another portions of the page on serveResource()
IPC: Event Notifications                                  ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•    In JSR 168, the only way to achieve communication between portlets
     was through portlet session. Only possible with portlets in same web-app…
•    JSR 286 provides a loosely coupled publish/subscribe model that allows
     portlets in different web applications to send and receive events

•    An event is a lifecycle operation that occurs before the rendering phase and
     allow portlets to respond on actions or state changes

•    Descriptor portlet.xml must declare events and define what portlets are allowed
     to produce and consume them:
      –  Event name is represented as QName (Namespace + Localpart) to identify it uniquely
      –  Event payload (argument) is represented by a class

•    During action and event lifecycle operations, a portlet can publish events through
     inherited StateAwareResponse’s setEvent() method
•    During event lifecycle operation, a portlet implementing EventPortlet interface
     can handle events through processEvent() method
IPC: Event Notifications (2)                                           ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let's create a new "Hello World" portlet which issues an event once
   its action button is clicked:
  File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/portlets/
  package com.sample.generic.portlets;	

  import    javax.portlet.*;	
  import    javax.xml.namespace.QName;	

  public class HelloWorldPortlet extends javax.portlet.GenericPortlet {	
    protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)	
       throws PortletException, IOException {	
       PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();	
            "<form action='%1$s' method='POST'>" +	
              "<input type='submit' value='Change!' />"+	

       public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)	
          throws PortletException, IOException {	
            new QName("", ""), "The Event PayLoad!!"	
IPC: Event Notifications (3)                                                 ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let's create a new "Hello World" portlet which issues an event once
   its action button is clicked:
  File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/portlets/
  package com.sample.generic.portlets;	

  import javax.portlet.*;	

  public class GoodbyeWorldPortlet implements javax.portlet.Portlet, javax.portlet.EventPortlet {	
    public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException {}	
    public void destroy() {}	

       public void render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)	
           	throws PortletException, IOException {	
         PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();	

            String renderParameter = request.getParameter("render-param-greeting");	
              	 "<p>%1$s</p>”, (renderParameter != null) ? renderParameter : "Waiting for Greeting...”	

       public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)	
           	throws PortletException, IOException {}	

       public void processEvent(EventRequest request, EventResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {	
          Event event = request.getEvent();	
          if ("{}".equals(event.getQName().toString())	
                && "The Event PayLoad!!".equals(event.getValue())) {	
             response.setRenderParameter("render-param-greeting", "Goodbye World!!");	
IPC: Event Notifications (4)                                       ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let’s now declare the event and add the portlets in the standard
   deployment descriptor:
  File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml
  <portlet-app ...>	
      <display-name>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</display-name>	


        <title>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</title>	
        <short-title>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</short-title>	
        <keywords>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</keywords>	

         <qname xmlns:x=""></qname>	
      <qname xmlns:x=""></qname>	
IPC: Event Notifications (5)                                       ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let’s now declare the event and add the portlets in the standard
   deployment descriptor (2):
  File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml
  <portlet-app ...>	
      <display-name>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</display-name>	


        <title>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</title>	
        <short-title>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</short-title>	
        <keywords>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</keywords>	

         <qname xmlns:x=""></qname>	
IPC: Event Notifications (6)                            ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Finally, let’s add liferay -specific configuration for our new Portlets:
  File: /WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml

  File: /WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml
    <category name="category.sample">	
      <portlet id="generic-hello-world-portlet" />	
      <portlet id="generic-goodbye-world-portlet" />	
IPC: Event Notifications (7)              ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin, adding both portlets to the
   same page and click on “Hello World” portlet’s button…
IPC: Event Notifications (8)                                       ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  JSR 286 defines some additional features for event definition and
   declaration available from portlet.xml:

   –  Default namespace: a namespace defined through <default-
      namespace> element can be applied to all events defined only with a local
      name (<name> element)

   –  Aliases: an alternative name defined through <alias> element can be used
      to coordinate communication between portlets that need to use different
      names for same event

   –  Wildcards:        <supported-processing-event>          and   <supported-
      publishing-event> elements can use trailing-dot -based wildcards to match
      events names which local part is defined in hierarchical manner using the dot
      (.) as a separator. For example:
       •  “x:foo.event.” can match “” and “x:foo.event.two”, but not “”
       •  “x:foo..” can match “” and “x:foo.event.two” and “”
IPC: Event Notifications (9)                                   ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  JSR 286 defines some additional features for event definition and
   declaration available from portlet.xml:
  File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml
  <portlet-app ...>	
         <qname xmlns:x="">x:ipc..</qname>	
      <alias xmlns:x=""></alias>	
IPC: Public Render Parameters                            ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•    In JSR 168, render parameters set in processAction() method are only available in
     the render phase of the same portlet
•    JSR 286 allows render parameters to be shared across portlets of same web page.
     They enable coordination between portlets (parameter passing) and avoid the additional
     process event call

•    Public render parameters are available in all lifecycle methods and can be viewed or
     changed by other portlets or components

•    Descriptor portlet.xml must declare public render parameters and specify which ones are
     to be shared for each portlet:
      –  Name is represented as QName (Namespace + Localpart) to identify it uniquely
      –  Identifier defines how it can be referenced from different portlets configuration

•    Similarly to Events, features for public render parameters available from portlet.xml:
      –  Default namespace: a namespace defined through element <default-namespace>
         can be applied to all public render parameters defined only with a local name (<name>)
      –  Aliases: an alternative name defined through element <alias> can be used to
         coordinate portlets that need to use different names for same public render parameter
IPC: Public Render Parameters (2)                                    ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let’s replace mechanism for Inter-Portlet communication through
   Public Render Parameters:
  File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/portlets/
  package com.sample.generic.portlets;	

  import   javax.portlet.*;	
  import   javax.xml.namespace.QName;	

  public class HelloWorldPortlet extends javax.portlet.GenericPortlet {	
     public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response)	
        throws PortletException, IOException {	
           "render-param-greeting", "Goodbye World from Public Render Parameter!!"	
        // new QName("", ""), "The Event PayLoad!!"	
IPC: Public Render Parameters (3)                          ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let’s now declare the public render parameter in the standard
   deployment descriptor:
  File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml

  <portlet-app ...>	
IPC: Public Render Parameters (4)           ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin and clicking on “Hello World”
   portlet’s button…
Contract and Lifecycle Revisited     ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Request handling sequence   after   lifecycle         methods
   introduced by JSR 286:
Let’s Take a Break!                              ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

         Introduction to Portlets using Liferay Portal
                           (Part 2)

                           By: Aníbal Gómez-Estrada

                                     October 19th, 2011

Rivet Logic Corporation                                 Rivet Logic Costa Rica SRL
11410 Isaac Newton Square N.                            Costa Rica Developer's Forge
Suite 210                                               Edificio María Luisa, 3A office
Reston, VA 20190, USA                                   Paseo Colón, San José, Costa Rica
Ph: 703.955.3480 Fax: 703.234.7711                      Ph: (506) 2256-1024 Fax: (506) 2256-1024
Portlet Filters                         ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  JSR-268 introduces Portlet Filters as a means to
   intercept any lifecycle call to a portlet and manage custom
   behavior in centralized way
•  Portlet Filters are reusable pieces of code that can
   transform content in both request and response of the portlet

•  Functionality implementable through Portlet Filters:
   –    Pass additional data into the portlet (as attributes or parameters)
   –    Output filtering for security enforcement or markup compliance
   –    Collecting diagnostic information
   –    Bridging between Web application frameworks

•  Portlet Filter model is based on the Servlet Filter model...
Portlet Filters (2)                       ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Depending on type of lifecycle call to be filtered, a Portlet
   Filters must implement one of the following interfaces:
   –    javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter
   –    javax.portlet.filter.ActionFilter
   –    javax.portlet.filter.EventFilter
   –    javax.portlet.filter.ResourceFilter

•  Portlet Filters have the following lifecycle:
   –  Initialization: init() called when filter is instantiated. FilterConfig
      holding init parameters and PortletContext is provided for resource
   –  Deinitialization: destroy() called when filter is being taken out of
      service. To contain logic that cleans it up (ie, memory, file handles,
      threads, etc)
   –  Filtering: doFilter () called each time an action request/response
      pair is passed through the chain due to a client request
Portlet Filters (3)                                ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  At runtime, a filter chain of all filters is applied:
   –  Each filter gets the current request/response and the filter chain
   –  After doing its pre/post processing, the filter can either:
       •  Terminate the request processing, or
       •  Call the next element in the chain by passing in either the received request and
          response, or wrapped versions
   –  The last element in the filter chain is the portlet itself!

•  Descriptor portlet.xml must define:
   –  Filters with a name, intended lifecycle phase (ACTION_PHASE,
      PortletFilter class and init parameters
   –  Filter mappings by associating filters to portlets. Order of filter-
      mapping defines the order in which they are applied at runtime
Portlet Filters (4)                                            ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Let’s create a PortletFilter to agregate content at beginning/end on
   render response:
  File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/filters/
  package com.sample.generic.filters;	

  import       javax.portlet.*;	
  import       javax.portlet.filter.*;	

  public class RenderFilter implements javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter {	

       private String prologueMessage, epilogueMessage;	

       public void init(FilterConfig config) throws PortletException {	
          prologueMessage = config.getInitParameter("filter-init-parameter-prologue");	
          epilogueMessage = config.getInitParameter("filter-init-parameter-epilogue");	
       public void destroy() {	

       public void doFilter(RenderRequest request,RenderResponse response, FilterChain chain)	
         throws IOException, PortletException {	

            PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();	

            writer.write(String.format("<p>%1$s</p>", prologueMessage));	

            chain.doFilter(request, response);	

            writer.write(String.format("<p>%1$s</p>", epilogueMessage));	
Portlet Filters (5)                                      ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Now, let’s define/enable our PorletFilter on each existing portlet:

  File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml
  <portlet-app ...>	
         <value>Good Morning,</value>	
         <value>Have a Good Day!</value>	
Portlet Filters (6)         ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin:
Portlet URL Listeners                   ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  JSR-268 introduces Portlet URL Listeners as a means to
   intercept URLs in centralized way, before they get generated (ie.
   when methods toString() or write() are called on URLs)

•  Functionality implementable through Portlet URL Listeners is
   around managing specific Portlet –related properties on URLs:
   –  Parameters, portlet mode, window state
   –  Security, Cache level of resources, etc

•  In order to receive a callback whenever a Portlet URL is
   generated, Portlet URL Listeners must implement interface
   javax.portlet.PortletURLGenerationListener with methods:
   –  filterRenderURL() for RenderURLs
   –  filterActionURL() for ActionURLs
   –  filterResourceURL() for ResourceURLs
Portlet URL Listeners (2)                                           ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Descriptor portlet.xml must register Portlet URL Listeners with a
   <listener> element for each PortletURLGenerationListener class
•  Order of <listener> elements defines the order they are applied at

•  Let’s create a Portlet URL Listener to override parameter value for
   Ajax call on previously created Portlet:
  File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/listeners/
  package com.sample.generic.listeners;	

  import javax.portlet.*;	

  public class ResourceURLListener implements PortletURLGenerationListener {	

       public void filterActionURL(PortletURL actionURL) {	

       public void filterRenderURL(PortletURL renderURL) {	

       public void filterResourceURL(ResourceURL resourceURL) {	
             "ajax-parameter-greeting", "Hello World from Resource URL Listener"	
Portlet URL Listeners (3)                                              ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  Now, let’s define/enable our PorletFilter on each existing portlet:
  File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml
  <portlet-app ...>	
      <display-name>Hello World Portlet URL Listener</display-name>	

 After re-deploying our Portlet plugin and clicking on Portlet’s button:
Servlet Programming Features                                                                   ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•    If compared to Servlets, JSR-168 restricted the portlet programming
     model in some areas because some Servlet model features -assuming only one
     component on the page- are not easily applied on Portlets
•    JSR-268 provides nearly the same capabilities as the Servlet programming model plus
     the portlet specific extensions…

•    Document head section elements, HTTP headers and Cookies: JSR-268
     allows the portlet to contribute to sections of portal page outside its portlet window:
      –  Document head section elements: a two-part render call (RENDER_HEADER and
         RENDER_MARKUP) is enabled in order portlets can return content outside the portlet window (ie.
         HTML ones such as meta, link, or style) through GenericPortlet.doHeaders()
      –  HTTP Headers (ie. app-specific Pragma headers) via PortletResponse.setProperty()
      –  Cookies through PortletResponse.addProperty() at the response of each life-cycle method
         (processAction, processEvent, render, and serveResource):
           •    Cookies are not guaranteed to be shared across different portlets and may be stored by the portal (not at the client)
           •    To set cookies in the render method, the renderHeaders option should be turned on and the cookies should be set in the
                RENDER_HEADERS part by using overriding GenericPortlet.doHeaders()

•  Dispatching to Servlets and JSPs: A portlet can invoke servlets and JSPs in
     all lifecycle methods by using methods include() or forward() via a request
     dispatcher (PortletContext.getRequestDispatcher()):
      –  Action/event can be dispatched to logic written in a servlet, or do forward in serving resource
      –  Servlet request/response objs given to the servlet/JSP are based on portlet request/response:
           •    Attributes set in the portlet request are available in the included servlet request
           •    The portlet and the included servlet or JSP share the same output stream
           •    Attributes set in the portlet session are accessible from the servlet session and vice versa
Annotations                                 ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•  JSR-268 introduces Annotations for directly
   dispatching requests when using GenericPortlet to
   ease configuration pain

      –  Annotation @ProcessEvent for event calls
 		    public void processSpeakWorldEvent(EventRequest req, EventResponse res){...}

      –  Annotation @ProcessAction for action calls via a
         ActionURL with parameter "javax.portlet.action” set:
 		    public void speakWorld(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response){...}	

      –  Annotation @RenderMode for render calls for a
         corresponding Portlet Mode
 		    public void speakWorld(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response){...}
Tag Libraries                                ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

•    JSR-268 provides new tags to ease JSP development:
      –  <portlet:resourceURL>: build ResourceURL refering back to the portlet
      –  Attributes copyCurrentRenderParameters and escapeXML on
         RenderURL, ActionURL and ResourceURL
      –  <portlet:namespace>: returns unique value for the current Portlet window

•    Since Portlet’s markup is aggregated in same page, name of items that should be
     unique should be “namespaced” through PortletRequest.getNamespace():
      –  Returned value is same/preserved for the entire lifetime of the Portlet window
      –  To be used to prefix names that should be unique (ie. html ids/names,
         javascript functions/variables, etc)
      <script type="text/javascript”>	
        function <portlet:namespace/>ajaxHelloWorld(url){...}
        type="button" value='Ajax!' title='<%=resourceUrl%>’	

Questions?                           ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

         Introduction to Portlets using Liferay Portal
                           (Part 2)

                           By: Aníbal Gómez-Estrada

                                     October 19th, 2011

Rivet Logic Corporation                                 Rivet Logic Costa Rica SRL
11410 Isaac Newton Square N.                            Costa Rica Developer's Forge
Suite 210                                               Edificio María Luisa, 3A office
Reston, VA 20190, USA                                   Paseo Colón, San José, Costa Rica
Ph: 703.955.3480 Fax: 703.234.7711                      Ph: (506) 2256-1024 Fax: (506) 2256-1024
References                   ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

            JSR 286: Portlet Specification 2.0


Available At My Blog!                     ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

JSF 2.0 Portlets using Liferay Portal
         Available At My Blog!

        Introduction to Portlet Bridges
        Setup and Hello World Portlet
            Actions and Navigation
               Portlet Preferences
         Inter-Portlet Communication
Rivet Logic Is Hiring!                                    ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE

     We are hiring! Java developers –

•  Award-winning consulting and systems integration firm
focused on enabling open source –based software solutions
for content management, collaboration and community:
      –  Innovator of the Year: JBoss (2008)
      –  Solution of the Year: Alfresco (2010)
      –  Platinum Partner: Liferay (2011)

•    We use top-notch open source technology:

•    Company Facts:
      –  Founded in 2005. Consistently Profitable and Employee-owned. 40+ Consultants
      –  Headquarters in Virginia, USA. Near-shore office in San José, Costa Rica for two years
      –  Certified Liferay Partner since 2006

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Introduction to Portlets using Liferay Portal (Part 2)

  • 1. ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Introduction to Portlets using Liferay Portal (Part 2) By: Aníbal Gómez-Estrada October 19th, 2011 Rivet Logic Corporation Rivet Logic Costa Rica SRL 11410 Isaac Newton Square N. Costa Rica Developer's Forge Suite 210 Edificio María Luisa, 3A office Reston, VA 20190, USA Paseo Colón, San José, Costa Rica Ph: 703.955.3480 Fax: 703.234.7711 Ph: (506) 2256-1024 Fax: (506) 2256-1024
  • 2. Rivet Logic Overview ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Award-winning consulting and systems integration firm focused on enabling open source –based software solutions for content management, collaboration and community: –  Innovator of the Year: JBoss (2008) –  Solution of the Year: Alfresco (2010) –  Platinum Partner: Liferay (2011) •  We use top-notch open source technology: •  Company Facts: –  Founded in 2005. Consistently Profitable and Employee-owned. 40+ Consultants –  Headquarters in Virginia, USA. Near-shore office in San José, Costa Rica for two years –  Certified Liferay Partner since 2006: •  Conduct all public training on East Coast, USA •  Contributor (software, documentation, forums, training material) •  20+ Liferay projects underway or completed!
  • 3. Agenda ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Introduction –  Portals and Portlets –  Liferay SDK Plugin Types –  Liferay Service Builder –  Portlets 1.0 (JSR 168) •  Portlets 2.0 (JSR 286) –  Resource Serving –  Inter-Portlet Communication –  Lifecycle Revisited –  Portlet Filters and PortletURL Listeners –  Enhancements: •  Servlet Programming Features •  Annotations •  Tag Libraries •  Conclusion –  Questions and Answers –  References •  Announcements –  JSF 2.0 Portlets using Liferay Portal is Available Now! –  Rivet Logic Is Hiring!
  • 4. ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Introduction
  • 5. Portals and Portlets ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE In a Nutshell Portal Architecture: A Portal is designed to Liferay Portal is a be a single web-based Portlet Container environment where all and Portal Server users applications Platform and run integrated environment to run/ together in a administer web sites systematic way” and to integrate portlets
  • 6. Liferay SDK Plugin Types ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Themes •  Themes customize the overall structure and look and feel of the Portal pages and are based on HTML, CSS and Velocity/FreeMarker •  Theme Plugins are based on a pre-made theme which gives the site minimal structure (either unstyled or styled) •  Customizations are overlaid against the “base theme” with a overwriting mechanism and differentiation scheme •  Provide control over everything: HTML, CSS and images inside portlets (box) and outside (page) and positioning/behavior of the top navigation elements •  Deployed Themes can be used at level different levels: the overall site, a community/organization or a single page More Info:
  • 7. Liferay SDK Plugin Types (2) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Layout Templates •  Layout Templates control how portlets are arranged on a Portal page and are created with a combination of HTML, CSS and Velocity •  They make up the body of the page, the large area where portlets can be dragged and dropped into •  Allow portlets to be embedded into templates •  Deployed Layout Templates are used at page level •  For Instance: More Info:
  • 8. Liferay SDK Plugin Types (3) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Hooks •  Hooks allow to hook custom code at different extension points in order to either change, override or extend: •  Display: JSPs and Language Properties •  Behavior: Portal Server Lifecycle Events, Services, Model Listeners and Portal Properties •  Hook Plugins are Java code –based and they are hot- deployable, as well as, Themes, Layout Templates and Portlet Plugins do! More Info:
  • 9. Liferay SDK Plugin Types (4) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Portlets •  Portlets are componentized user-facing applications that generate a fragment of the Portal page In this presentation, you will learn more about what Portlet Plugins are!  •  For now, let’s take a look at some of the portlets available for Liferay Portal.. More Info:
  • 10. Liferay SDK Plugin Types (5) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Ext •  Ext allow to extend/override built-in code in special scenarios that can not be met by another plugin types: •  Easily extensible: Liferay Portal is implemented on top of Spring, Hibernate and Struts/Tiles, so custom code can be plugged in very easily •  Complete control: It allows access to internal APIs or even overwriting files/classes provided in the Liferay core •  To be carefully used: it is a powerful tool that comes with a cost in terms of complexity and maintenance! •  Ext Plugins are NOT hot-deployable! –  Require server restart –  Can not be un-deployed More Info:
  • 11. Liferay Service Builder ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Service Builder is a tool built by Liferay to automate the creation of Services, Models and Persistence –related interfaces and classes relying on Liferay API, Spring and Hibernate: •  Input: an XML file specifying the structure of Model classes and data-storage –related operations •  Ouput: a service JAR that can be exposed either at a global or local (ie. Portlet plugin) levels and a set of implementation classes with beans and basic logic generated for the Model and Service/Persistence classes •  When specified, Service Builder also generates Javascript stubs for remote access (ie. client side / browser)! More Info:
  • 12. Portlet 1.0 (JSR 168) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR 168 in a Nutshell: –  Portlet Container Contract and Portlet Lifecycle –  Packaging and Deployment –  Portlet Modes and Window States –  Portlet Preferences Management –  JSP Support –  User Information and Security –  Localization and Caching •  JSR 168 defined the overall UI component model and provided a few support for building integrated/coordinated composite applications. However, “portlets are islands” in JSR 168: –  Can not generate non-markup content –  Can not communicate with other portlets –  Can not influence the portal page
  • 13. ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286)
  • 14. Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR 286 addresses limitations identified by many portal vendors that caused custom solutions and not portable to be placed in their products –  Released in June, 2008 –  Expert Group: IBM, ASF, Oracle, BEA, Liferay, among others •  Features introduced in JSR 286’s Portlet API also fill some gaps with related technologies, such as J2EE 1.4, WSRP, Servlets, JSF, among others •  JSR 286 mainly addresses following topics: –  Resource Serving * –  Inter-Portlet Communication: Event-Notification and Public Render Parameters * –  Portlet Filters and PortletURL Listeners * –  Servlet Programming Model Features * –  Enhancement on Annotations, JSP support, Portlet Modes, Caching *
  • 15. Resource Serving ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  In JSR 168, dynamically generated resources could not be directly served from a portlet instance. An additional servlet was needed to serve the resources: –  Disadvantages: Out of Portal’s Scope (No Access to render parameters, portlet mode, window state, portlet preferences, portlet session, etc). Not under Portal access control (Servlet to be secured separately) –  Advantages: less overhead because the request does not have to pass through the additional portal framework. Adequate when serving large media streams… •  JSR 286 introduces Resource Serving as a lifecycle operation that is dispatched directly from corresponding portlet instance: –  Normally occurs after a render call and can be used to implement AJAX use cases –  Does not generate a full new portal page. Returned content not aggregated with another markup. The resource response allows full control over output stream –  Cannot set new render parameters, portlet mode, or window state since the portal does not have a chance to update other parts of the page •  During a Resource Request, a portlet implementing ResourceServingPortlet interface can create dynamic resources through serveResource() method •  Portlet API provide Resource URLs for Resource Serving requests. They are created with RenderResponse.createResourceURL() and trigger lifecycle serveResource() method. ResourceURLs can be set with params as other URLs
  • 16. Resource Serving (2) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let’s create a new JSP-based Portlet which returns a greeting on Ajax call: File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/jsp/portlets/ package com.sample.jsp.portlets; import; import; import javax.portlet.*; public class JSPPortlet extends javax.portlet.GenericPortlet { @Override protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { PortletRequestDispatcher rd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/html/view.jsp"); rd.include(request,response); } @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { OutputStream stream = response.getPortletOutputStream(); response.setContentType("text/html"); stream.write( String.format( "%1$s (Ajax - %2$s)!!”, request.getParameter("ajax-parameter-greeting"), Math.random() ).getBytes() ); } }
  • 17. Resource Serving (3) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Now, let’s create the JSP page invoking the portlet via Ajax: File: /html/view.jsp <%@ page session="false" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" %> <%@ page import="javax.portlet.*"%> <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/tld/liferay-portlet.tld' prefix='portlet'%> <portlet:defineObjects/> <portlet:resourceURL var="resourceUrl"> <portlet:param name="ajax-parameter-greeting" value="Hello World from Resource Serving Param" /> </portlet:resourceURL> <p> <input type="button" value='Ajax!' title='<%=resourceUrl%>’ onclick="javascript:ajaxHelloWorld('<%=resourceUrl%>');” /> </p> <div id="msg_display">The data from the server will go here</div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* PLEASE LOOK AT NEXT SLIDE */ </script>
  • 18. Resource Serving (4) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Now, let’s create the JSP page invoking the portlet via Ajax (2): File: /html/view.jsp ... <script type="text/javascript"> function ajaxHelloWorld(url){ var request = createXMLHttpRequest(); var callback = function() { var msg_display = document.getElementById("msg_display"); if (request.readyState == 4) { if (request.status == 200) { msg_display.innerHTML = request.responseText; } else { msg_display.innerHTML = "ERROR: "+ request.statusText; } } }; request.onreadystatechange = callback;"GET", url, true); request.send(); } function createXMLHttpRequest() { var request; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { request = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } } return request; } </script>
  • 19. Resource Serving (5) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Finally, let’s add the portlet in corresponding deployment descriptors File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml <portlet-app ...> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>jsp-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> <display-name>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</display-name> <portlet-class>com.sample.jsp.portlets.JSPPortlet</portlet-class> <supports> <mime-type>text/html</mime-type> </supports> <portlet-info> <title>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</title> <short-title>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</short-title> <keywords>JSP 2.0 Hello World Portlet</keywords> </portlet-info> </portlet> ... </portlet-app> File: /WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml <liferay-portlet-app> <portlet> <portlet-name>jsp-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> <icon>/icon.png</icon> <instanceable>true</instanceable> </portlet> </liferay-portlet-app> File: /WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml <display> <category name="category.sample"> <portlet id=”jsp-hello-world-portlet" /> </category> </display>
  • 20. Resource Serving (6) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin and clicking portlet’s button:
  • 21. Resource Serving (7) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  An additional resource ID can be set on the resource URL that clearly identifies the resource through ResourceURL.setResourceID() method, such as: –  resourceUrl.setResourceID("WEB-INF/jsp/xmlcontent.jspx"); –  When extending GenericPortlet, a serveResource call is automatically dispatched to the JSP, which can then make use of the portlet state information by including the portlet tag library •  Serving static resources using the portlet's serveResource() method causes unnecessary performance overhead: –  Static resources like image files packaged in the portlet WAR should normally be referenced with static resource URLs, such as: String url = response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath()+"/icons/myimage.gif"); •  In contrast to RenderURLs, all HTTP methods (GET, POST or DELETE) can be leveraged with ResourceURLs (not only GET) which means: –  Methods to change state can be used in the serveResource() call. But, changes should be limited to private state of portlet: Portlet-scoped session and Portlet Preferences –  State that affects other portlets should not be modified because the portal framework has no chance to update another portions of the page on serveResource()
  • 22. IPC: Event Notifications ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  In JSR 168, the only way to achieve communication between portlets was through portlet session. Only possible with portlets in same web-app… •  JSR 286 provides a loosely coupled publish/subscribe model that allows portlets in different web applications to send and receive events •  An event is a lifecycle operation that occurs before the rendering phase and allow portlets to respond on actions or state changes •  Descriptor portlet.xml must declare events and define what portlets are allowed to produce and consume them: –  Event name is represented as QName (Namespace + Localpart) to identify it uniquely –  Event payload (argument) is represented by a class •  During action and event lifecycle operations, a portlet can publish events through inherited StateAwareResponse’s setEvent() method •  During event lifecycle operation, a portlet implementing EventPortlet interface can handle events through processEvent() method
  • 23. IPC: Event Notifications (2) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let's create a new "Hello World" portlet which issues an event once its action button is clicked: File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/portlets/ package com.sample.generic.portlets; import; import; import javax.portlet.*; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; public class HelloWorldPortlet extends javax.portlet.GenericPortlet { @Override protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write( String.format( "<form action='%1$s' method='POST'>" + "<input type='submit' value='Change!' />"+ "</form>", response.createActionURL().toString() ) ); } @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { response.setEvent( new QName("", ""), "The Event PayLoad!!" ); } }
  • 24. IPC: Event Notifications (3) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let's create a new "Hello World" portlet which issues an event once its action button is clicked: File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/portlets/ package com.sample.generic.portlets; import; import; import javax.portlet.*; public class GoodbyeWorldPortlet implements javax.portlet.Portlet, javax.portlet.EventPortlet { public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException {} public void destroy() {} public void render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); String renderParameter = request.getParameter("render-param-greeting"); writer.write( String.format( "<p>%1$s</p>”, (renderParameter != null) ? renderParameter : "Waiting for Greeting...” ) ); } public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {} public void processEvent(EventRequest request, EventResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { Event event = request.getEvent(); if ("{}".equals(event.getQName().toString()) && "The Event PayLoad!!".equals(event.getValue())) { response.setRenderParameter("render-param-greeting", "Goodbye World!!"); } } }
  • 25. IPC: Event Notifications (4) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let’s now declare the event and add the portlets in the standard deployment descriptor: File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml <portlet-app ...> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> <display-name>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</display-name> <portlet-class>com.sample.generic.portlets.HelloWorldPortlet</portlet-class> <supports> <mime-type>text/html</mime-type> </supports> <portlet-info> <title>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</title> <short-title>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</short-title> <keywords>Generic 2.0 Hello World Portlet</keywords> </portlet-info> <supported-publishing-event> <qname xmlns:x=""></qname> </supported-publishing-event> </portlet> ... <event-definition> <qname xmlns:x=""></qname> <value-type>java.lang.String</value-type> </event-definition> </portlet-app>
  • 26. IPC: Event Notifications (5) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let’s now declare the event and add the portlets in the standard deployment descriptor (2): File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml <portlet-app ...> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-goodbye-world-portlet</portlet-name> <display-name>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</display-name> <portlet-class>com.sample.generic.portlets.GoodbyeWorldPortlet</portlet-class> <supports> <mime-type>text/html</mime-type> </supports> <portlet-info> <title>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</title> <short-title>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</short-title> <keywords>Generic 2.0 Goodbye World Portlet</keywords> </portlet-info> <supported-processing-event> <qname xmlns:x=""></qname> </supported-processing-event> </portlet> ... </portlet-app>
  • 27. IPC: Event Notifications (6) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Finally, let’s add liferay -specific configuration for our new Portlets: File: /WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml <liferay-portlet-app> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> <icon>/icon.png</icon> <instanceable>true</instanceable> </portlet> <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-goodbye-world-portlet</portlet-name> <icon>/icon.png</icon> <instanceable>true</instanceable> </portlet> ... </liferay-portlet-app> File: /WEB-INF/liferay-display.xml <display> <category name="category.sample"> ... <portlet id="generic-hello-world-portlet" /> <portlet id="generic-goodbye-world-portlet" /> ... </category> </display>
  • 28. IPC: Event Notifications (7) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin, adding both portlets to the same page and click on “Hello World” portlet’s button…
  • 29. IPC: Event Notifications (8) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR 286 defines some additional features for event definition and declaration available from portlet.xml: –  Default namespace: a namespace defined through <default- namespace> element can be applied to all events defined only with a local name (<name> element) –  Aliases: an alternative name defined through <alias> element can be used to coordinate communication between portlets that need to use different names for same event –  Wildcards: <supported-processing-event> and <supported- publishing-event> elements can use trailing-dot -based wildcards to match events names which local part is defined in hierarchical manner using the dot (.) as a separator. For example: •  “x:foo.event.” can match “” and “x:foo.event.two”, but not “” •  “x:foo..” can match “” and “x:foo.event.two” and “”
  • 30. IPC: Event Notifications (9) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR 286 defines some additional features for event definition and declaration available from portlet.xml: File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml <portlet-app ...> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> ... <supported-processing-event> <qname xmlns:x="">x:ipc..</qname> </supported-processing-event> </portlet> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-goodbye-world-portlet</portlet-name> ... <supported-processing-event> <name></name> </supported-processing-event> </portlet> ... <default-namespace></default-namespace> ... <event-definition> <name></name> <alias xmlns:x=""></alias> <value-type>java.lang.String</value-type> </event-definition> ... </portlet-app>
  • 31. IPC: Public Render Parameters ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  In JSR 168, render parameters set in processAction() method are only available in the render phase of the same portlet •  JSR 286 allows render parameters to be shared across portlets of same web page. They enable coordination between portlets (parameter passing) and avoid the additional process event call •  Public render parameters are available in all lifecycle methods and can be viewed or changed by other portlets or components •  Descriptor portlet.xml must declare public render parameters and specify which ones are to be shared for each portlet: –  Name is represented as QName (Namespace + Localpart) to identify it uniquely –  Identifier defines how it can be referenced from different portlets configuration •  Similarly to Events, features for public render parameters available from portlet.xml: –  Default namespace: a namespace defined through element <default-namespace> can be applied to all public render parameters defined only with a local name (<name>) –  Aliases: an alternative name defined through element <alias> can be used to coordinate portlets that need to use different names for same public render parameter
  • 32. IPC: Public Render Parameters (2) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let’s replace mechanism for Inter-Portlet communication through Public Render Parameters: File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/portlets/ package com.sample.generic.portlets; import; import; import javax.portlet.*; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; public class HelloWorldPortlet extends javax.portlet.GenericPortlet { ... @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException { response.setRenderParameter ( "render-param-greeting", "Goodbye World from Public Render Parameter!!" ); //response.setEvent //( // new QName("", ""), "The Event PayLoad!!" //); } }
  • 33. IPC: Public Render Parameters (3) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let’s now declare the public render parameter in the standard deployment descriptor: File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml <portlet-app ...> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> ... <supported-public-render-parameter> render-param-greeting </supported-public-render-parameter> </portlet> ... <portlet> <portlet-name>generic-goodbye-world-portlet</portlet-name> ... <supported-public-render-parameter> render-param-greeting </supported-public-render-parameter> </portlet> ... <default-namespace></default-namespace> ... <public-render-parameter> <identifier>render-param-greeting</identifier> <name></name> </public-render-parameter> ... </portlet-app>
  • 34. IPC: Public Render Parameters (4) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin and clicking on “Hello World” portlet’s button…
  • 35. Contract and Lifecycle Revisited ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Request handling sequence after lifecycle methods introduced by JSR 286:
  • 36. Let’s Take a Break! ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Introduction to Portlets using Liferay Portal (Part 2) By: Aníbal Gómez-Estrada October 19th, 2011 Rivet Logic Corporation Rivet Logic Costa Rica SRL 11410 Isaac Newton Square N. Costa Rica Developer's Forge Suite 210 Edificio María Luisa, 3A office Reston, VA 20190, USA Paseo Colón, San José, Costa Rica Ph: 703.955.3480 Fax: 703.234.7711 Ph: (506) 2256-1024 Fax: (506) 2256-1024
  • 37. Portlet Filters ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR-268 introduces Portlet Filters as a means to intercept any lifecycle call to a portlet and manage custom behavior in centralized way •  Portlet Filters are reusable pieces of code that can transform content in both request and response of the portlet •  Functionality implementable through Portlet Filters: –  Pass additional data into the portlet (as attributes or parameters) –  Output filtering for security enforcement or markup compliance –  Collecting diagnostic information –  Bridging between Web application frameworks •  Portlet Filter model is based on the Servlet Filter model...
  • 38. Portlet Filters (2) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Depending on type of lifecycle call to be filtered, a Portlet Filters must implement one of the following interfaces: –  javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter –  javax.portlet.filter.ActionFilter –  javax.portlet.filter.EventFilter –  javax.portlet.filter.ResourceFilter •  Portlet Filters have the following lifecycle: –  Initialization: init() called when filter is instantiated. FilterConfig holding init parameters and PortletContext is provided for resource initialization –  Deinitialization: destroy() called when filter is being taken out of service. To contain logic that cleans it up (ie, memory, file handles, threads, etc) –  Filtering: doFilter () called each time an action request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request
  • 39. Portlet Filters (3) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  At runtime, a filter chain of all filters is applied: –  Each filter gets the current request/response and the filter chain –  After doing its pre/post processing, the filter can either: •  Terminate the request processing, or •  Call the next element in the chain by passing in either the received request and response, or wrapped versions –  The last element in the filter chain is the portlet itself! •  Descriptor portlet.xml must define: –  Filters with a name, intended lifecycle phase (ACTION_PHASE, EVENT_PHASE, RENDER_PHASE or RESOURCE_PHASE), PortletFilter class and init parameters –  Filter mappings by associating filters to portlets. Order of filter- mapping defines the order in which they are applied at runtime
  • 40. Portlet Filters (4) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Let’s create a PortletFilter to agregate content at beginning/end on render response: File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/filters/ package com.sample.generic.filters; import; import; import javax.portlet.*; import javax.portlet.filter.*; public class RenderFilter implements javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter { private String prologueMessage, epilogueMessage; public void init(FilterConfig config) throws PortletException { prologueMessage = config.getInitParameter("filter-init-parameter-prologue"); epilogueMessage = config.getInitParameter("filter-init-parameter-epilogue"); } public void destroy() { } public void doFilter(RenderRequest request,RenderResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, PortletException { PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write(String.format("<p>%1$s</p>", prologueMessage)); chain.doFilter(request, response); writer.write(String.format("<p>%1$s</p>", epilogueMessage)); } }
  • 41. Portlet Filters (5) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Now, let’s define/enable our PorletFilter on each existing portlet: File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml <portlet-app ...> ... <portlet>...</portlet> ... <filter> <filter-name>render-filter</filter-name> <filter-class>com.sample.generic.filters.RenderFilter</filter-class> <lifecycle>RENDER_PHASE</lifecycle> <init-param> <name>filter-init-parameter-prologue</name> <value>Good Morning,</value> </init-param> <init-param> <name>filter-init-parameter-epilogue</name> <value>Have a Good Day!</value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>render-filter</filter-name> <portlet-name>generic-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> <portlet-name>generic-goodbye-world-portlet</portlet-name> <portlet-name>jsp-hello-world-portlet</portlet-name> </filter-mapping> ... <default-namespace>...</default-namespace> ... </portlet-app>
  • 42. Portlet Filters (6) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  After re-deploying our Portlet plugin:
  • 43. Portlet URL Listeners ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR-268 introduces Portlet URL Listeners as a means to intercept URLs in centralized way, before they get generated (ie. when methods toString() or write() are called on URLs) •  Functionality implementable through Portlet URL Listeners is around managing specific Portlet –related properties on URLs: –  Parameters, portlet mode, window state –  Security, Cache level of resources, etc •  In order to receive a callback whenever a Portlet URL is generated, Portlet URL Listeners must implement interface javax.portlet.PortletURLGenerationListener with methods: –  filterRenderURL() for RenderURLs –  filterActionURL() for ActionURLs –  filterResourceURL() for ResourceURLs
  • 44. Portlet URL Listeners (2) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Descriptor portlet.xml must register Portlet URL Listeners with a <listener> element for each PortletURLGenerationListener class •  Order of <listener> elements defines the order they are applied at runtime •  Let’s create a Portlet URL Listener to override parameter value for Ajax call on previously created Portlet: File: /WEB-INF/src/com/sample/generic/listeners/ package com.sample.generic.listeners; import javax.portlet.*; public class ResourceURLListener implements PortletURLGenerationListener { public void filterActionURL(PortletURL actionURL) { } public void filterRenderURL(PortletURL renderURL) { } public void filterResourceURL(ResourceURL resourceURL) { resourceURL.setParameter ( "ajax-parameter-greeting", "Hello World from Resource URL Listener" ); } }
  • 45. Portlet URL Listeners (3) ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  Now, let’s define/enable our PorletFilter on each existing portlet: File: /WEB-INF/portlet.xml <portlet-app ...> ... <public-render-parameter>...</public-render-parameter> ... <listener> <display-name>Hello World Portlet URL Listener</display-name> <listener-class>com.sample.generic.listeners.ResourceURLListener</listener-class> </listener> ... </portlet-app> After re-deploying our Portlet plugin and clicking on Portlet’s button:
  • 46. Servlet Programming Features ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  If compared to Servlets, JSR-168 restricted the portlet programming model in some areas because some Servlet model features -assuming only one component on the page- are not easily applied on Portlets •  JSR-268 provides nearly the same capabilities as the Servlet programming model plus the portlet specific extensions… •  Document head section elements, HTTP headers and Cookies: JSR-268 allows the portlet to contribute to sections of portal page outside its portlet window: –  Document head section elements: a two-part render call (RENDER_HEADER and RENDER_MARKUP) is enabled in order portlets can return content outside the portlet window (ie. HTML ones such as meta, link, or style) through GenericPortlet.doHeaders() –  HTTP Headers (ie. app-specific Pragma headers) via PortletResponse.setProperty() –  Cookies through PortletResponse.addProperty() at the response of each life-cycle method (processAction, processEvent, render, and serveResource): •  Cookies are not guaranteed to be shared across different portlets and may be stored by the portal (not at the client) •  To set cookies in the render method, the renderHeaders option should be turned on and the cookies should be set in the RENDER_HEADERS part by using overriding GenericPortlet.doHeaders() •  Dispatching to Servlets and JSPs: A portlet can invoke servlets and JSPs in all lifecycle methods by using methods include() or forward() via a request dispatcher (PortletContext.getRequestDispatcher()): –  Action/event can be dispatched to logic written in a servlet, or do forward in serving resource –  Servlet request/response objs given to the servlet/JSP are based on portlet request/response: •  Attributes set in the portlet request are available in the included servlet request •  The portlet and the included servlet or JSP share the same output stream •  Attributes set in the portlet session are accessible from the servlet session and vice versa
  • 47. Annotations ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR-268 introduces Annotations for directly dispatching requests when using GenericPortlet to ease configuration pain –  Annotation @ProcessEvent for event calls @ProcessEvent(qname="{}") public void processSpeakWorldEvent(EventRequest req, EventResponse res){...} –  Annotation @ProcessAction for action calls via a ActionURL with parameter "javax.portlet.action” set: @ProcessAction(name="speakWorld”) public void speakWorld(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response){...} –  Annotation @RenderMode for render calls for a corresponding Portlet Mode @RenderMode(name="VIEW") public void speakWorld(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response){...}
  • 48. Tag Libraries ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE •  JSR-268 provides new tags to ease JSP development: –  <portlet:resourceURL>: build ResourceURL refering back to the portlet –  Attributes copyCurrentRenderParameters and escapeXML on RenderURL, ActionURL and ResourceURL –  <portlet:namespace>: returns unique value for the current Portlet window •  Since Portlet’s markup is aggregated in same page, name of items that should be unique should be “namespaced” through PortletRequest.getNamespace(): –  Returned value is same/preserved for the entire lifetime of the Portlet window –  To be used to prefix names that should be unique (ie. html ids/names, javascript functions/variables, etc) <script type="text/javascript”> … function <portlet:namespace/>ajaxHelloWorld(url){...} … </script> … <input type="button" value='Ajax!' title='<%=resourceUrl%>’ onclick="javascript:<portlet:namespace/>ajaxHelloWorld('<%=resourceUrl%>');” />
  • 49. ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Conclusion
  • 50. Questions? ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Introduction to Portlets using Liferay Portal (Part 2) By: Aníbal Gómez-Estrada October 19th, 2011 Rivet Logic Corporation Rivet Logic Costa Rica SRL 11410 Isaac Newton Square N. Costa Rica Developer's Forge Suite 210 Edificio María Luisa, 3A office Reston, VA 20190, USA Paseo Colón, San José, Costa Rica Ph: 703.955.3480 Fax: 703.234.7711 Ph: (506) 2256-1024 Fax: (506) 2256-1024
  • 51. References ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE JSR 286: Portlet Specification 2.0 package-summary.html techarticles/0803_hepper/0803_hepper.html jsr286/jsr286.html e14244/javaportlets.htm#BCGIBGBJ
  • 52. ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE Announcements
  • 53. Available At My Blog! ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE JSF 2.0 Portlets using Liferay Portal Available At My Blog! Contents Introduction to Portlet Bridges Setup and Hello World Portlet Internationalization Actions and Navigation Portlet Preferences Inter-Portlet Communication
  • 54. Rivet Logic Is Hiring! ARTISANS OF OPEN SOURCE We are hiring! Java developers – •  Award-winning consulting and systems integration firm focused on enabling open source –based software solutions for content management, collaboration and community: –  Innovator of the Year: JBoss (2008) –  Solution of the Year: Alfresco (2010) –  Platinum Partner: Liferay (2011) •  We use top-notch open source technology: •  Company Facts: –  Founded in 2005. Consistently Profitable and Employee-owned. 40+ Consultants –  Headquarters in Virginia, USA. Near-shore office in San José, Costa Rica for two years –  Certified Liferay Partner since 2006