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Introduction to JavaScript for APEX Developers
Module 3: Working with the DOM and jQuery
Understanding the DOM
What is jQuery?
Selecting, traversing, and manipulating the DOM
Events overview
Creating event listeners
Understanding the DOM
§ Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
• Markup language that browsers understand to render web pages
§ Document Object Model (DOM)
• In memory object representation of the HTML document (DOM tree)
• API for working with and manipulating the memory structure
HTML document
DOM Tree
The DOM in JavaScript
§ The DOM is not a part of JavaScript (the language)
§ The DOM is one of many “Web APIs”
• Web APIs make JavaScript useful in a browser
• The DOM API is made available via window.document in browsers
JS + Web
2 What is jQuery?
DOM problems
§ Early DOM APIs were not so good
• Very difficult to use
• Browsers were inconsistent
§ jQuery solved the problem
§ jQuery is a DOM manipulation library
• First released in 2006, when the DOM APIs were still a mess
• jQuery provided simple APIs that worked on all major browsers
§ Today, the DOM APIs are improving
• Check out
• However, jQuery will be in APEX for the foreseeable future
Using jQuery
§ Step 1: Include the library in the web page
• Already included with APEX
• Adds a function named jQuery in the global scope
• The shortcut $ is more common (also apex.jQuery in APEX)
§ Step 2: Select something
• You invoke the jQuery function passing in a “selector” or “query”
• jQuery returns a jQuery object (wraps selected elements)
§ Step 3: Do something with what you selected
• DOM manipulation, traversal, events, effects, etc.
3 Selecting, traversing, and manipulating the DOM
Basic selectors
Description Syntax Example
ID Selector '#id' $('#message')
Class Selector '.class' $('.boring')
Element Selector 'element' $('ul')
Multiple Selector 'sel1, sel2, selN' $('.fun, #message')
DOM elements vs. jQuery objects
§ DOM APIs return DOM elements
§ jQuery APIs return a jQuery object
• Wraps the DOM elements selected
§ jQuery objects have their own methods
• Often still easier to use than DOM APIs
• jQuery methods are often chainable
§ Access to elements is provided if needed
• Use [] or get
Example web page
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
Simple traversing
Description Example functions Example
Parents parent, parents, closest $('li.done').parent();
Children children, find $('ul').find('li');
Siblings siblings, next, prev $('li.pending').next();
Filtering eq, filter, first, last $('li').eq(1);
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
Simple DOM manipulation
Description Example functions Example
Add/remove classes addClass, removeClass,
Modify attributes attr, removeAttr, prop,
removeProp, val
.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
DOM insertion html, text, append,
DOM removal remove, empty $('ul').empty();
Change CSS styles css $('h1').css('color', 'red');
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral positive">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="positive">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="positive">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
$("input[type='text']").attr("disabled", "disabled")
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="positive">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling"
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
$("#question").text("How do you feel?")
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How do you feel?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
$("#emotions-list").append('<li class="positive">Amusement</li>')
<div class="question-wrapper">
<div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1>
<div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div>
<ul id="emotions-list">
<li class="positive">Happy</li>
<li class="negative">Sad</li>
<li class="negative">Fearful</li>
<li class="negative">Disgusted</li>
<li class="negative">Angry</li>
<li class="neutral">Surprised</li>
<li class="positive">Amusement</li>
<input type="text" name="feeling">
<input type="button" value="Submit">
4 Events overview
What are events?
§ Events are like triggers in the database
• Allow code to respond to user actions
§ Browsers automatically trigger many events
§ It’s possible to trigger custom events
• APEX makes use of this for component events
APEX Browser Events
DOM/Element Keyboard Mouse/Trackpad Finger/Pointer
DOM/Element events
APEX Name Event Name Fires when…
Change change a control loses focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus
Get Focus focus the element receives focus
Lose Focus blur the element receives focus
Page Load ready the page loads
Page Unload unload a page is unloaded
Resource Load load the appropriate resource(s) has loaded
Resize resize the browser window is resized
Scroll scroll a scrollable element is scrolled
Select select a user selects some text in a text field
Keyboard events
APEX Name Event Name Fires when…
Key Down keydown a key on the keyboard is pressed
Key Press keypress a key on the keyboard is pressed resulting in text being entered
Key Release keyup a key on the keyboard is released
Mouse/Trackpad events
APEX Name Event Name Fires when…
Click click the pointing device button is clicked over the element
Double Click dblclick the pointing device button is double clicked over the element
Mouse Button Press mousedown the pointing device button is pressed over the element
Mouse Button Release mouseup the pointing device button is released over the element
Mouse Enter mouseenter the pointing device is moved into the element (once)
Mouse Leave mouseleave the pointing device is moved away from the element (once)
Mouse Move mousemove the pointing device is moved while it is over the element
Finger/Pointer events
APEX Name Event Name Fires when…
Tap apextap the pointer is doing a small tap click
Double Tap apexdoubletap the pointer is doing a double tap/click
Press apexpress the pointer is down for greater than 250ms
Swipe apexswipe the pointer is moving fast in a horizontal direction
Pan apexpan the pointer is down, then moved in a horizontal direction
5 Creating event listeners
Binding with on()
§ on() allows you to bind a function to an event on an element
• The callback will be passed an event object with info about the event
<input id="input-test" type="input" name="input">
$('#input-test').on('change', function() {
console.log('it changed!');
Functions are “first-class” in JavaScript
§ Note that an anonymous function is being passed to on()
<input id="input-test" type="input" name="input">
$('#input-test').on('change', function() {
console.log('it changed!');
Functions are “first-class” in JavaScript
§ Could also be a named function
<input id="input-test" type="input" name="input">
function handleChange() {
console.log('it changed!');
$('#input-test').on('change', handleChange);
Event handler context
§ Context about the event is often needed for the event handler to do its work
§ Event handlers are passed the event object
§ The keyword this will be set to the DOM element that triggered the event
• Can convert to a jQuery object by selecting it: $(this)
<input id="input-test" type="input" name="input">
$('#input-test').on('change', function(event) {
console.log(event); // Event object
console.log(this); // DOM element with id of 'input-test'
$(this).hide(); // DOM element converted to jQuery object
Window load vs. DOM content load
§ Developers often want to execute JavaScript ASAP
§ The window’s load event waits for all resources to load
• Includes window frames, objects, and images
§ jQuery can wait for only the DOM tree to load
• Often much faster; helps reduce flicker
$(window).on('load', function() {
console.log('window load');
$(function() {
console.log('DOM load');
Pop quiz!
Which of these event bindings is correct?
Event dispatching and DOM event flow
Event delegation with on()
§ on() accepts an optional selector for event delegation
• More efficient than many individual bindings; works if elements replaced
$('.report-button').on('click', function() {
console.log('direct binding');
Event delegation with on()
§ on() accepts an optional selector for event delegation
• More efficient than many individual bindings; works if elements replaced
$('.report-button').on('click', function() {
console.log('direct binding');
Event delegation with on()
§ on() accepts an optional selector for event delegation
• More efficient than many individual bindings; works if elements replaced
$('.report-button').on('click', function() {
console.log('direct binding');
$('#report').on('click', '.report-button', function() {
console.log('delegated binding');
Event delegation with Dynamic Actions
§ Dynamic Actions support event delegation too
§ Look under the Dynamic Action’s Advanced settings
• Set Event Scope to Dynamic
• Static Container is optional (defaults to the document)
Introduction to JavaScript for APEX Developers - Module 3: Working with the DOM and jQuery

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Introduction to JavaScript for APEX Developers - Module 3: Working with the DOM and jQuery

  • 1.
  • 2. Introduction to JavaScript for APEX Developers Module 3: Working with the DOM and jQuery 2
  • 3. Understanding the DOM Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 What is jQuery? Selecting, traversing, and manipulating the DOM Events overview Creating event listeners 3
  • 5. HTML vs. DOM § Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) • Markup language that browsers understand to render web pages § Document Object Model (DOM) • In memory object representation of the HTML document (DOM tree) • API for working with and manipulating the memory structure 5
  • 8. The DOM in JavaScript § The DOM is not a part of JavaScript (the language) § The DOM is one of many “Web APIs” • Web APIs make JavaScript useful in a browser • The DOM API is made available via window.document in browsers 8 JS + Web APIs Endless Possibilities! 😃 =
  • 9. Agenda 2 What is jQuery? 9
  • 10. DOM problems § Early DOM APIs were not so good • Very difficult to use • Browsers were inconsistent § jQuery solved the problem 10
  • 11. jQuery § jQuery is a DOM manipulation library • First released in 2006, when the DOM APIs were still a mess • jQuery provided simple APIs that worked on all major browsers § Today, the DOM APIs are improving • Check out • However, jQuery will be in APEX for the foreseeable future 11
  • 12. Using jQuery § Step 1: Include the library in the web page • Already included with APEX • Adds a function named jQuery in the global scope • The shortcut $ is more common (also apex.jQuery in APEX) § Step 2: Select something • You invoke the jQuery function passing in a “selector” or “query” • jQuery returns a jQuery object (wraps selected elements) § Step 3: Do something with what you selected • DOM manipulation, traversal, events, effects, etc. 12
  • 13. Agenda 3 Selecting, traversing, and manipulating the DOM 13
  • 14. Basic selectors 14 Description Syntax Example ID Selector '#id' $('#message') Class Selector '.class' $('.boring') Element Selector 'element' $('ul') Multiple Selector 'sel1, sel2, selN' $('.fun, #message')
  • 15. DOM elements vs. jQuery objects § DOM APIs return DOM elements § jQuery APIs return a jQuery object • Wraps the DOM elements selected § jQuery objects have their own methods • Often still easier to use than DOM APIs • jQuery methods are often chainable § Access to elements is provided if needed • Use [] or get 15
  • 17. Selection 17 ID Class Element <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 18. Selection 18 ID Class Element $("#question") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 19. Selection 19 ID Class Element $("#emotions-list") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 20. Selection 20 ID Class Element $(".positive") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 21. Selection 21 ID Class Element $(".negative") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 22. Selection 22 ID Class Element $("div") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 23. Selection 23 ID Class Element $("input") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 24. Simple traversing 24 Description Example functions Example Parents parent, parents, closest $('li.done').parent(); Children children, find $('ul').find('li'); Siblings siblings, next, prev $('li.pending').next(); Filtering eq, filter, first, last $('li').eq(1);
  • 25. Traversal 25 $("#question") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 26. Traversal 26 $("#question").parent() <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 27. Traversal 27 $("#question").parent().find("li") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 28. Traversal 28 $("#question").parent().find("li").eq(2) <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 29. Simple DOM manipulation 29 Description Example functions Example Add/remove classes addClass, removeClass, toggleClass $('li.done') .removeClass('done') .addClass('pending'); Modify attributes attr, removeAttr, prop, removeProp, val $('input') .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); DOM insertion html, text, append, prepend $('ul') .append('<li>Hello</li>'); DOM removal remove, empty $('ul').empty(); Change CSS styles css $('h1').css('color', 'red');
  • 30. Manipulation 30 $(".neutral") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 31. Manipulation 31 $(".neutral").addClass("positive") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral positive">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 32. Manipulation 32 $(".neutral").addClass("positive").removeClass("neutral") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="positive">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 33. Manipulation 33 $("input[type='text']") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="positive">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 34. Manipulation 34 $("input[type='text']").attr("disabled", "disabled") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="positive">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling" disabled="disabled"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 35. Manipulation 35 $("#question") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 36. Manipulation 36 $("#question").text("How do you feel?") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How do you feel?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 37. Manipulation 37 $("#emotions-list") <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 38. Manipulation 38 $("#emotions-list").append('<li class="positive">Amusement</li>') <div class="question-wrapper"> <div><h1 id="question">How are you feeling?</h1> <div>Here are the six basic emotions:</div> <ul id="emotions-list"> <li class="positive">Happy</li> <li class="negative">Sad</li> <li class="negative">Fearful</li> <li class="negative">Disgusted</li> <li class="negative">Angry</li> <li class="neutral">Surprised</li> <li class="positive">Amusement</li> </ul> </div> <input type="text" name="feeling"> <input type="button" value="Submit"> </div>
  • 40. What are events? § Events are like triggers in the database • Allow code to respond to user actions § Browsers automatically trigger many events § It’s possible to trigger custom events • APEX makes use of this for component events 40
  • 41. APEX Browser Events 41 DOM/Element Keyboard Mouse/Trackpad Finger/Pointer
  • 42. DOM/Element events 42 APEX Name Event Name Fires when… Change change a control loses focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus Get Focus focus the element receives focus Lose Focus blur the element receives focus Page Load ready the page loads Page Unload unload a page is unloaded Resource Load load the appropriate resource(s) has loaded Resize resize the browser window is resized Scroll scroll a scrollable element is scrolled Select select a user selects some text in a text field
  • 43. Keyboard events 43 APEX Name Event Name Fires when… Key Down keydown a key on the keyboard is pressed Key Press keypress a key on the keyboard is pressed resulting in text being entered Key Release keyup a key on the keyboard is released
  • 44. Mouse/Trackpad events 44 APEX Name Event Name Fires when… Click click the pointing device button is clicked over the element Double Click dblclick the pointing device button is double clicked over the element Mouse Button Press mousedown the pointing device button is pressed over the element Mouse Button Release mouseup the pointing device button is released over the element Mouse Enter mouseenter the pointing device is moved into the element (once) Mouse Leave mouseleave the pointing device is moved away from the element (once) Mouse Move mousemove the pointing device is moved while it is over the element
  • 45. Finger/Pointer events 45 APEX Name Event Name Fires when… Tap apextap the pointer is doing a small tap click Double Tap apexdoubletap the pointer is doing a double tap/click Press apexpress the pointer is down for greater than 250ms Swipe apexswipe the pointer is moving fast in a horizontal direction Pan apexpan the pointer is down, then moved in a horizontal direction
  • 46. Agenda 5 Creating event listeners 46
  • 47. Binding with on() § on() allows you to bind a function to an event on an element • The callback will be passed an event object with info about the event 47 <input id="input-test" type="input" name="input"> <script> $('#input-test').on('change', function() { console.log('it changed!'); }); </script>
  • 48. Functions are “first-class” in JavaScript § Note that an anonymous function is being passed to on() 48 <input id="input-test" type="input" name="input"> <script> $('#input-test').on('change', function() { console.log('it changed!'); }); </script>
  • 49. Functions are “first-class” in JavaScript § Could also be a named function 49 <input id="input-test" type="input" name="input"> <script> function handleChange() { console.log('it changed!'); } $('#input-test').on('change', handleChange); </script>
  • 50. Event handler context § Context about the event is often needed for the event handler to do its work § Event handlers are passed the event object § The keyword this will be set to the DOM element that triggered the event • Can convert to a jQuery object by selecting it: $(this) 50 <input id="input-test" type="input" name="input"> <script> $('#input-test').on('change', function(event) { console.log(event); // Event object console.log(this); // DOM element with id of 'input-test' $(this).hide(); // DOM element converted to jQuery object }); </script>
  • 51. Window load vs. DOM content load § Developers often want to execute JavaScript ASAP § The window’s load event waits for all resources to load • Includes window frames, objects, and images § jQuery can wait for only the DOM tree to load • Often much faster; helps reduce flicker 51 $(window).on('load', function() { console.log('window load'); }); $(function() { console.log('DOM load'); });
  • 52. 52 Pop quiz! Which of these event bindings is correct? A B
  • 53. Event dispatching and DOM event flow 53
  • 54. Event delegation with on() § on() accepts an optional selector for event delegation • More efficient than many individual bindings; works if elements replaced 54 $('.report-button').on('click', function() { console.log('direct binding'); });
  • 55. Event delegation with on() § on() accepts an optional selector for event delegation • More efficient than many individual bindings; works if elements replaced 55 $('.report-button').on('click', function() { console.log('direct binding'); });
  • 56. Event delegation with on() § on() accepts an optional selector for event delegation • More efficient than many individual bindings; works if elements replaced 56 $('.report-button').on('click', function() { console.log('direct binding'); }); $('#report').on('click', '.report-button', function() { console.log('delegated binding'); });
  • 57. Event delegation with Dynamic Actions § Dynamic Actions support event delegation too § Look under the Dynamic Action’s Advanced settings • Set Event Scope to Dynamic • Static Container is optional (defaults to the document) 57