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Introduction of European Union
Introduction of European Union
The European Union (EU) is a family of democratic European countries working together to improve life for their citizens and to build a better world.
In just half a century it has delivered peace and prosperity in Europe, a single currency and a frontier–free 'single market ' where people, goods,
services and capital can move around freely. It has become a major trading bloc, and a world leader in fields such as environmental protection and
development aid.
The European Union 's success owes much to the unusual way in which it works. Unusual because the EU is not a federation like the United States; nor
is it simply an organisation for cooperation between governments, like the United Nations. It is, more content...
The twin anchors of the pact are the rules that the national budget deficit must not exceed 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) and that government
debt should not be more than 60% of GDP. However, the pact is flexible enough to allow these thresholds to be exceeded in special circumstances, and
to recognise differences between countries using the euro and those who do not.
Each EU country's compliance with the pact is judged by its peers in the Council of the European Union. The Council can impose corrective
measures or even fines in the event of major breaches of the pact. The first step, however, is for the Council to set objectives for bringing wayward
economies back into line. In all cases to date, no further action has been required. The European Court of Justice is the ultimate arbiter of how the pact
should be interpreted.
Making cross–border payments cheaper
The European Central Bank not only has the job of keeping prices stable, but also of ensuring that cross–border euro transfers are as cheap as possible
for banks and their customers.
A real–time payments system known as TARGET and operated by the ECB and national central banks does this for very large sums of money. It will
also offer the same advantages in future to transactions in securities. This has the potential to make cross–border trading much more cost–effective.
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European Union Research Paper
The European Union
The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political partnership between 28 different countries. It consists of about half a billion citizens,
and its combined economy represents about 20 percent of the world's total economy (Briney, 2015). Today The European Union works as a single
market, with free movement of people, goods and services from one country to another. There is a standard system of laws to be followed, and since
1999 many countries share a single currency called the Euro (, 2015). This essay will explore the background history of the European Union
and the benefits and drawbacks of the European Union.
The EU was created after the Second World War to unite the neighboring countries ofEurope. It was established by six European countries in 1951:
France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Netherlands and West Germany (Briney, 2015). Today it consists of 28 countries united to create an economic
and political community (, 2014).
The Union initially developed from the European Coal and Steel Community Treaty by the founding countries which was signed in Paris in 1951. It
was created for the free movement of coal and steel among countries with the free access to sources of production. The Treaty expired on 23rd of July
2002 (, 2010). This Treaty was very successful as it created better relationships between member countries, which lead the countries to sign
the Treaty of Rome on the 25th of March 1957. The Treaty of Rome
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European Integration Through The Decades Essay
In its historical context discuss why and how the EU was set up and the advantages and disadvantages of membership.
Europe was a politically and fragile continent after the Second World War that claimed millions of lives. It is in that background, that the first steps to
European integration were taken with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The celebrated Schuman Plan, laid the
foundation for the first real supra–national economy in the world, that is, the ECSC. The European integration continued through the decades with the
establishment of the European Economic Community (ECC) and the European Union (EU). In the recent period, the EU has come under intense
questioning with the economic crisis in Europe starting 2007. The recent Brexit vote has put further questions on the future of the EU. This essay
considers the process of European integration through the decades and also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the union.
The Second World War resulted in economic devastation; however, it is remarkable how fast Europe recovered after the war and economists do refer
to this period as the "Golden Age of European economic growth" . Despite the economic recovery in Europe, there were few areas of discord, one of
these being the French favouring a Customs Union and the English wanting a Free Trade Area. Moreover, there was distrust between France and
Germany, which impacted the initial years of integration . Nevertheless, the European
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Essay On The European Union
Committee Overview
Topic: The European Union's Goals and Guidelines for the Brexit Negotiations
European Council Formally established in 2009, the European Council is not a branch of the United Nations, but a branch of the European Union, a
28–member political and economic union based in Europe. The goal of the European Council is to define the European Union's, or EU's, overall
political direction and priorities. It is not a legislative body of the EU and therefore does not negotiate or adopt EU laws. Alternatively, the European
Council defines the EU's policy agenda, traditionally by espousing "conclusions" during European Council meetings. These conclusions identify issues
of concern and recommend actions to take in order to more content...
The European Council is composed of 30 delegates, which are the heads of state or government of the 28 EU member states, the European Council
President, and the President of the European Commission. Although the European Commission is not involved in this simulation's proceedings,
delegates should take note of the European Commission's role in the EU, as the institution responsible for proposing legislation, implementing
decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day–to–day business of the EU. For the sake of this simulation, the duties of the European
Council President and the President of the European Commission will be performed by the dais. In addition, only 15 of the 28 EU member states will
participate in this simulation. Those states, which have the largest stake in the aftermath of Brexit as determined by the dais, are: Belgium, Cyprus,
Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. TheUnited
Kingdom, or UK, will not be in attendance as the UK is barred from any European
Council meetings discussing Brexit. Finally, the negotiation guidelines drafted and approved by the European Council on April 29, 2017, will be
disregarded for the sake of this simulation as the purpose of the committee is to draft its own version of the negotiation guidelines.
Parliamentary Procedure The European Council diverges from the United Nations in the way in which it
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Essay on European Union: Theories and Analysis
During the 1990s, discussion about trade policies and economics has typically centered around one word –– globalization. Another word that seems to
play a huge role in these discussions is regionalism –– the idea that separate countries can join together in one group in order to create a formidable
force in terms of global politics, economics and trade.
One such example of this a regionalism has been the European Union (EU). Although most people are familiar with Europe as separate countries ––
England, France, Germany, Italy and the like –– when it comes to global trade and politics, the more common usage is that of the EU to refer to all
member countries in Europe.
According to the media, the EU has become a powerhouse more content...
The conflict between Germany and the rest of Europe took its toll not only in terms of personal lives, but also in terms of economics. Post–war Europe
was a mass, with its economy in shambles in the process of rebuilding daunting. Buildings throughout Europe had been bombed, and either needed to be
rebuilt or destroyed, with much of the money to do this coming from outside sources. Because of these post–war dilemmas, Europe's nation states
began signing treaties to prevented another war, particularly between France and Germany (Letiche, 2002).
The first such treaty was the Coal and steel Community, signed in 1951 by the Federal Republic of Germany (also called West Germany, France and
Italy (Letiche, 2002). this was followed by formation of the European Customs Union –– which came about through the 1957 Treaty of Rome (Letiche,
2002). the actual Treaty of the European Union –– which, in a sense, created a single entity –– was ratified in 1993 (The Columbia Encyclopedia,
2000). other agreements that led to the ultimate European Union included the formalized European Monetary System in 1979, the Delors reports in
1989, the Maastricht Treaty in 1991 –– and finally the launch of the one–currency Euro by European Central Bank between 1998 and 2000 (Letiche,
The major position by many economists and trade experts when they described the EU today is that the alliance is an economic and political
confederation that responsible for a common trade
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The Future of the European Union Essay
The Future of the European Union
The link between internationalization, governance and democracy is a central problem for politics as well as for political science. Even if clear
evidence on the nature of this link is not yet available, the literature seems to support the view that internationalization both undermines the capacity for
governance and puts into question traditional forms of democracy. Because it could be quite complicated to look at the EU model from a point of
classical democratic nation–state, it seems to be reasonable to discuss this problem, not by abstract reasoning, but by focusing on a concrete case.
European Union is the best case available, which in recent decades has more content...
The final part consists of an overall assessment of the EU's possible development.The EU is a Dynamic Multi–level System. Not only in political
science but also in legal science, sociology and economics basic concepts and theories rely on a traditional concept of the state. In this reasoning,
there are national political systems which take the form of a universally competent state as a powerful central organ on the one hand and international
relations taking place in the absence of central authority on the other hand; there is public law on the one hand and public international law or private
international law governing the collisions of domestic legal systems on the other hand; there is national society as the level of social integration and
world society as the level of system integration; there are national economies which allow for an intentionally created order on the one hand and the
world market which is governed at best by "spontaneous order" on the other hand. If already by the choice of fundamental theoretical notions the
member states on the one hand and the European Union on the other hand are considered as two separate political systems which are only linked by
the Council of Ministers, changes in this system easily disappear from our view. As a consequence, analytical models of the integration process
consider the question of whether it overcomes or strengthens
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Globalization And The European Union
There are in some areas of globalization that can cause drawbacks, which were made prevalent with the European Union. The main drawback within the
European Union was its economy. If one country within the organization were to have economic crisis then that country would affect all other country
members. This was made clear in 2010 with the economic crisis presented in Greece. Many other countries within the Union were left to bail out the
Greece economy; which in turn, hurt their own economies. The situation with Greece and the other European Union members is still a current issue;
however, Union members say that they will continue to contribute to struggling economies. The world will continue to globalize businesses,
economies, more content...
As of 2012, only seventeen of members of the European Union have decided to use Euros as their currency. In order for the members that adopted the
Euro as their currency to successfully help their economic problems, the Eurozone members had to follow strict instructions put into place the
European Union. The strict policies included strict control over inflation, government debt, and long–term interest rates (Mckee 525). The union put
these strict policies into place to give the union the tools that it needed to take in order to help fix the economic crisis in each country participating in
the Eurozone. Without the full cooperation of each country, it could cause the plans to fix the economic crisis within each country to fail because of
the different interests by each individual country.
Addressing some issues, the European Union decided to issue 750 million Euros in order to start the process of financial stability for the whole union
(Mckee 524). Over time, the union learned that that the amount of money was not enough in order to help each countries' individual financial crisis. As
of now, the union has to increase the amount of money they are feeding to countries in hopes of fixing the economic issues. The continuing issue with
the European Union's economic plans is finding the money to keep funding countries with low economic growth. Furthermore, the union also has to
figure out how to deal with the issues that are outside of the European Union's borders. In
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The Union Of The European Union Essay
On the morning of June 24, 2016, Britain announced that after a nationwide vote, it would be leaving the European Union. In what has since become
known as Brexit, the United Kingdom held a referendum in which 52 percent of the voting–eligible population chose in favor of the country's departure
from the 28 country politico–economic union. When this political issue is analyzed, it is important to understand the reasoning behind Britain's
decision and the many factors that drove them to this resolution. The people of the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union based on
economic and immigration concerns, but ultimately their main goal was to preserve their country's identity. A movement toward unity in Europe was
first expressed following the mass devastation that World War II left on Europe. Many Europeans felt that a unification of the nation states would
provide a sense of collective security and would prevent another catastrophe similar to that of World War II. In 1950, the Schuman Plan, authored by
French prime minister Robert Schuman, was presented to various European nations. The project proposed to unite the coal and steel industries of
France and Germany in an attempt to find a guarantee for European peace. In 1952, the plan took action, establishing the European Coal and Steel
Community, the first European common market. The union was comprised of six countries and that did not include Great Britain, who declined to
participate. In 1958, more steps were
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European Union Essay
The European Union has been a success as an international organization
The European Union is a political community constituted as an international organization whose aim is to promote integration and a common
government of the European people and countries. According to the Article 3 of the European Union Treaty, Union's aim is to promote peace, its
values and the well–being of its peoples. It is based on the values of freedom, democracy, equality, law enforcement and respect for human rights and
The European Union played a very important role in transforming post–communist countries into democratic states with functioning market economies
and the rule of law. The massive transfer of institutional and legal know–how from more content...
A common trade policy, a common agricultural policy, many aspects of social and environmental policy, and a common currency (the euro) that is used
by it member states.
One of the most remarkable successes of the European Union is ensuring peace and stability is maintained in Europe and other parts of the world. Prior
to the formation of the union, European nations experience disharmony related to both World War I and II. The first step towards peace building was
the formation of European Coal and Steel Community. Since then, the union has formulated several peace policies with the aim of ensuring peace
thrive amongst members and their associates.
EU does is about bringing people in Europe closer together. It tries to make it easier for Europeans to buy and sell things to each other. This is done by
changing the rules that control trade. The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and
respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Moreover, the societies of the Member States are characterised by
pluralism, non–discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men. These values play an important role, especially in
two specific cases.
The Union shall establish an internal market. It shall work for the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price
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Britain and the European Union Essay example
Britain and the European Union
"We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but
not absorbed."1 Winston Churchill's famous quote aptly describes Britain's intentions towards European integration. In this essay I shall attempt to
show that Britain's relationship towards
European integration has been one of a reluctant union, supporting free trade and mutually beneficial cooperation, while attempting to distance itself
from economic and cultural 'unity' with Europe, and I will finish by describing the effects on Britain's sovereignty since joining the
European Union . The term integration can be understood, in context of more content...
However, the fact that Britain had to accept that there was a need for trade barriers to fall and new markets to open, coupled with the realisation that it
could not exist successfully as a separate economically independent entity. There was the recognition by some that the only hope to attain these goals
was to join the EC as "there was little scope for a United Kingdom outside the community, especially when the six
(Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) had done so visibly better than the UK4" Since 'biting the bullet' and gaining its
membership to the then called
European Community in 1973, Britain has vocally announced that it would prefer the 'salad bar' version of integration to the 'stewed' version. For
example, Margaret Thatcher spoke in Bruges in September
1988 and she said she "sought to lay down a vision of a Europe of sovereign states, economically considerably more liberal, deregulated and
interdependent, but a Europe based essentially on cooperation rather than integration5". Within the EU, Britain could work with the other member
nations to guarantee its economic interests and attempt to maintain its influence and continue to hold sway in world affairs. Inside the EU Britain would
"be able to mould the trading systems of Europe to its advantage. As an outsider, it feared being on the uninfluential receiving end of decisions made
by the combined power of
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The European Union ( Eu ) Essay
The European Union (EU) was created when the Maastricht Treaty, or now known as the Treaty on European Union, was signed in the early 1990's.
The document marked an essential milestone in the success and development of many European countries. It paved the way for many other future
treaties and it also created the EMU or the European Monetary Union ("Europe Without Frontiers"). Though there were other economic European
federations prior to the EU, the EU has by far been the more prosperous one. The EU was created to help unify Europe after WWII ended. With the
signing of the Maastricht Treaty, a central banking system was created, which would eventually set up the creation of the Euro (the currency currently
used in most of Europe). There are both ups and downs to the European Union as the world has seen with the latest news on Britain leaving the
federation. With England out of the European Union, the world will suffer enormous global economic ramifications.
The EU had a lot of good promise when it was first formed; for example, it helped unify Europe after the war and led to the creation of the Euro. The
Euro is still used today as a current monetary system throughout Europe. However, there are some downsides to being involved in the economic
organization. A prime example would be there are inefficient policies. One that comes to mind would be the Common Agricultural Policy. This policy's
"aim [is] to break the link between subsidies and production, to diversify the
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The European Union Essay
With tensions rising within the borders of Europe after an influx of refugees from war–torn Syria, Greece being allowed to borrow more money from
the EU and referendums making their way to European governments, this question may pop up in people 's heads: Do we have enough influence on the
decisions the European Union makes?Democracy has been around for thousands of years. However, the meaning of it has been altered as time
progressed. Where the Ancient Greeks first used the word democracy to give a name to the city–states ' political systems, people living in the 20th and
21st century tied a more liberal version to the word, and thus the meaning.Currently, more and more people are starting to ask themselves the question
if their voice in the decisions of the European Union has any influence. A Dutch website has tried raising awareness of this, and has
opened a ballot for a referendum, to be voted for by the Dutch public. As it has reached its 300,000 vote goal, and has nearly half a million votes in
total, it has been submitted to the Dutch government (Van Rossem, 2015).In this paper, the following question will be considered.
What role does the Dutch citizen play in the decisions made by the EU, and does social media provide a framework to let them participate more?
First of all, the definition of current democracy will be explained briefly. Then, a problem that occurs in the present day, democratic deficit, will be
pointed out as
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The European Union ( Eu ) Essay
People have created unions many times but not all of them were successful, specifically when we consider alliances among number of countries with
different economics, political systems and culture. For instance, last century brought both the biggest collapse and the most promising union in the
modern history. Although U.S.S.R has disappeared from geographical maps, some of its members joined another alliance. TheEuropean Union (EU) is
an economic and political partnership that united 28 countries on the European part of Eurasia and represents a unique form of cooperation among
members today.
Recently, the World Bank characterized the EU as a "Convergence machine" based on successive enlargements that leads to significant upward
convergence in wealth between poorer and richer member states (Gill, Raiser 2012). We should therefore not be astonished that EU membership
remains attractive to nearly all non–EU states within Europe. On the one hand, it is difficult to deny that EU enlargement promises benefits for
everyone involved. For example, it brings most notably economic benefits but also political and social benefits. On the other hand, the EU's
'take–it–or–leave–it' approach unnecessarily chases member states (hereinafter PMs) with accepting either the costs of being an outsider, or the costs
of modifying their norms and values to fulfill with the EU. Of course, such external pressure is not regretful in all cases such as when minorities are
being mistreated. However, PMs
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The European Union
The European Union was initially set up as a means to terminate the conflict that occurred within Europe throughout the 20th century, culminating with
the end of The Second World War (WWII) and The Cold War that followed. The EU ultimately aimed to bring the member countries together in order to
form an 'ever closer union' between the countries of Europe, thus preventing a future battle. The Union started as the European Economic Community
(EEC), which was established in 1957, and over the years endured numerous adjustments to form the politico–economic union that we know of today.
Following WWII in 1945, Europe was not only in ruin but was also extremely divided, with a distinct rivalry between France and Germany. In 1947
USA developed The Marshall Plan; a program of aid that donated $13bn towards the recovery of Southern and Western Europe, which led to the
receiving nations experiencing rapid economic growth of between 15%–25% . The 50's were dominated by a Cold War; a divide between the
Democratic West, led by USA, and the Communist East, USSR. This was a long period of uncertainty in which each side expected the other to
invade. It fundamentally developed into a conflict fuelled by propaganda, deceit and spies. Both sides had the new advantage of nuclear weapons,
which neither wanted to deploy. The tension seemed unresolvable; it became evident that a solution needed to be arranged and that unity could only be
established by a federal Europe. The French Foreign
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A Report On The European Union
The European Union contains just 7% of the world's population, but produces 1/3 of the world's Gross National Product (Delegation of the EU to the
US). A single market merges all 28 countries of the EU into one economic free–trade zone with no trade tariffs imposed on one another. The EU
accounts for 51% of all trade that the UK conducts with the world (The Data Team 2). Since its admittance to the Union in 1973, Britain's economy
has grown from 326 million Euros per capita to 6,116 million Euros per capita in quarter four of 2012. Despite its economic benefits, many have
voiced concern over its undemocratic practices. In a summary of the court case Van Loos v. Netherlands Inland Revenue administration, theEuropean
Union decided to more content...
In order to recover from its economic losses, President Schuman of France proposed a single market for the free trade of coal and steel. In an address
delivered to the French Assembly, he remarked, "The pooling of coal and steel production... will change the destinies of those regions which have long
been devoted to the manufacture of munitions of war, of which they have been the most constant victims." President Schuman's motives were not only
the rebuilding of Europe's economy, but also the assurance that Germany and France would never get into another war again. In 1951, the Treaty of
Paris was officially signed establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (European Commission). The countries of Luxembourg, Belgium, The
Netherlands, France, West Germany, and Italy were the first countries to join.
As these countries experienced economic success, they hoped to expand the Coal and Steel Community to something much more vast. In the Treaty of
Rome in 1957, the European Economic Community was established (CVCE). The EEC didn't just allow the free trade of coal and steel, but also
eliminated all trade tariffs completely. This enticed other countries including Britain to join the Community. As the EEC continued to expand and
prosper, it also started venturing into the role of governing. It sought to emulate the model of that of
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The European Union Essay
In the course of fifty years, the European Union has expanded from six countries united under economic treaties to a large collective of twenty–five
sovereign nations. Maintaining the union within such a large group has grown more difficult as numerous treaties have been drafted to control the
governance of the European Union. To reduce the number of treaties in the union, the convention decided to draft a Constitution, which now moves
through the process of ratification in each of the sovereign nations. The Constitution works to set up a basis for the expansion of the Union and the
requirements that need to be met when a country seeks entry into the Union. But with the greater controls the EU seeks to place on more
The proposal limited the life span of the treaty to fifty years, meaning it would expire in 2002. The treaty "was the first significant step towards
European integration going beyond intergovernmentalism, establishing a supranational authority whose independent institutions had the power to bind
its constituent member States" . From there, the countries decided to expand their connections with the Treaty of Rome in 1957. This treaty created the
European Atomic Energy Community and the European Economic Community, both of which helped strengthen economic ties between the countries.
The member states strove to create a "common market" amongst themselves by removing trade barriers1. This common market was created slowly
with a lengthy transitional period, "during which tariff barriers would be removed and a common external customs tariff set up"2. It was at this point
that the High Authority transformed into the Commission, an executive authority within the treaties. The Parliamentary Assembly, Court of Justice and
Council of Ministers each then evolved by 1967. In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht formally created the European Union through new forms of
collaboration in inter–governmental affairs of defense and justice1. One of the original goals for the European Union was to spread jurisdiction in
countries to help combat international crime organizations and terrorist movements. The expanded
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European Union Pros And Cons
Do you think it is useful for a country to join into a union, especially the European Union, to strengthen their economic position? The question could be
simple to answer but an individual must look much deeper into the situation. For instance, what are the pros and cons of joining a union? The European
Union has many pros but also many cons.
The European Union was formed in February 1992 with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty. It consist of originally twelve members– Belgium,
Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, and Germany. Those twelve members originally
formed the European Union until 1995 when three other countries joined the Union – Austria, Finland, more content...
Also, with it being a single market, there are no barriers between the other countries. With the removal of custom barriers it will enable producers to cut
production costs, which will result in export increases. In addition to this the integration into the European Union will encourage foreign investment.
With encouraging foreign investment it will create new jobs and will bring new technologies and experience into East–central European industry and
trade. The process of adapting to a single market may be difficult, but it is necessary for economic growth in the long run. European Union regional
policy seeks to reduce social and economic differences between senior and new member states. That is saying the Union is trying to allow the newer
member states to compete with the older member states. This helps to solve the problems of a transition period. (Venckute) There will also be lower
interest rates. Why do you think there are going to be lower interest rates? Interest rates depend on the state of an economic cycle. The interest rate has
to be right for the economic area. That is the issue; not that they should be higher or lower. The interest rate is so important in all this that is said. It is
only going to effect the growth and unemployment reduction, if the interest rate is at the high rate level it will produce nil growth and high
unemployment. (Nieboer)
The information below will discuss the cons of the European Union. Many
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The Union And The European Union
The European Union is an entity that is seen nowhere else in the world. It is not a government, it is not an international organization, and it is not just
an association of states. The European Union members, instead, have decided to turnover part of their sovereignty to the Union so that many decisions
can be made at the institutions leadership level. This partnership includes 28 diverse democracies built together on the basis of complex treaties.
Although the goals of this organization were to assist with expanding economic prosperity, peace and stability throughout its member states, the
European Union has been faced with ever–pressing concerns in the recent past that are very serious and may in fact become fatal to the continued
coalescing between members. These problems can be categorized into three categories; economic, social, and political.
Economically, the last 6 or so years have been nothing short of dismal for the European Union and its members. Due to the diversity among its
members own national economic policies, the European Union's economic configuration and its single currency were shown to be somewhat
incoherent. The European Union's gross domestic product only grew a measly one percent in 2013, compared to the United States' 2.2 percent growth.
In December 2014, unemployment among member nations of the European Union hovered around 11.4 percent, while the United States
unemployment rate held at around 5.6 percent. Even though in the U.S. we are ever
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The European Union Essay
The European Union
2.1.2. MEMBER more content...
The Union's functions are spreading from purely economic and monetary up to the social and security matters; it has become an integral part of
government for almost each European country.
The missions and visions for the European Union we seek is really the big picture of the Union that we have in our mind for the future of this
organization. Thus we need to come together and look out for what the picture is like and where does the overlapping occur.
Although an implicit agreement seems to have been reached that European Union is something much more than simply an international organization of
a kind, there seems to be no distinct vision of what it is then. What is European Union? What should we call it? What should we compare it to? Or is it
completely unique and incomparable?
The issue of the basic idea of the European Union is something that should be elaborated by especially a convention like this. It is important that the
people of the Union make it clear for themselves what they see in it and what they would like to see. If the union is unique, can we define it somehow?
I think this convention should try to seek out the innovative ideas that are not limited by the traditional
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Introduction Of European Union

  • 1. Introduction of European Union Introduction of European Union The European Union (EU) is a family of democratic European countries working together to improve life for their citizens and to build a better world. In just half a century it has delivered peace and prosperity in Europe, a single currency and a frontier–free 'single market ' where people, goods, services and capital can move around freely. It has become a major trading bloc, and a world leader in fields such as environmental protection and development aid. The European Union 's success owes much to the unusual way in which it works. Unusual because the EU is not a federation like the United States; nor is it simply an organisation for cooperation between governments, like the United Nations. It is, more content... The twin anchors of the pact are the rules that the national budget deficit must not exceed 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) and that government debt should not be more than 60% of GDP. However, the pact is flexible enough to allow these thresholds to be exceeded in special circumstances, and to recognise differences between countries using the euro and those who do not. Each EU country's compliance with the pact is judged by its peers in the Council of the European Union. The Council can impose corrective measures or even fines in the event of major breaches of the pact. The first step, however, is for the Council to set objectives for bringing wayward economies back into line. In all cases to date, no further action has been required. The European Court of Justice is the ultimate arbiter of how the pact should be interpreted. Making cross–border payments cheaper The European Central Bank not only has the job of keeping prices stable, but also of ensuring that cross–border euro transfers are as cheap as possible for banks and their customers. A real–time payments system known as TARGET and operated by the ECB and national central banks does this for very large sums of money. It will also offer the same advantages in future to transactions in securities. This has the potential to make cross–border trading much more cost–effective. The
  • 2. Get more content on
  • 3. European Union Research Paper The European Union The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political partnership between 28 different countries. It consists of about half a billion citizens, and its combined economy represents about 20 percent of the world's total economy (Briney, 2015). Today The European Union works as a single market, with free movement of people, goods and services from one country to another. There is a standard system of laws to be followed, and since 1999 many countries share a single currency called the Euro (, 2015). This essay will explore the background history of the European Union and the benefits and drawbacks of the European Union. The EU was created after the Second World War to unite the neighboring countries ofEurope. It was established by six European countries in 1951: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Netherlands and West Germany (Briney, 2015). Today it consists of 28 countries united to create an economic and political community (, 2014). The Union initially developed from the European Coal and Steel Community Treaty by the founding countries which was signed in Paris in 1951. It was created for the free movement of coal and steel among countries with the free access to sources of production. The Treaty expired on 23rd of July 2002 (, 2010). This Treaty was very successful as it created better relationships between member countries, which lead the countries to sign the Treaty of Rome on the 25th of March 1957. The Treaty of Rome Get more content on
  • 4. European Integration Through The Decades Essay In its historical context discuss why and how the EU was set up and the advantages and disadvantages of membership. Europe was a politically and fragile continent after the Second World War that claimed millions of lives. It is in that background, that the first steps to European integration were taken with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The celebrated Schuman Plan, laid the foundation for the first real supra–national economy in the world, that is, the ECSC. The European integration continued through the decades with the establishment of the European Economic Community (ECC) and the European Union (EU). In the recent period, the EU has come under intense questioning with the economic crisis in Europe starting 2007. The recent Brexit vote has put further questions on the future of the EU. This essay considers the process of European integration through the decades and also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the union. The Second World War resulted in economic devastation; however, it is remarkable how fast Europe recovered after the war and economists do refer to this period as the "Golden Age of European economic growth" . Despite the economic recovery in Europe, there were few areas of discord, one of these being the French favouring a Customs Union and the English wanting a Free Trade Area. Moreover, there was distrust between France and Germany, which impacted the initial years of integration . Nevertheless, the European Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On The European Union Committee Overview Topic: The European Union's Goals and Guidelines for the Brexit Negotiations European Council Formally established in 2009, the European Council is not a branch of the United Nations, but a branch of the European Union, a 28–member political and economic union based in Europe. The goal of the European Council is to define the European Union's, or EU's, overall political direction and priorities. It is not a legislative body of the EU and therefore does not negotiate or adopt EU laws. Alternatively, the European Council defines the EU's policy agenda, traditionally by espousing "conclusions" during European Council meetings. These conclusions identify issues of concern and recommend actions to take in order to more content... The European Council is composed of 30 delegates, which are the heads of state or government of the 28 EU member states, the European Council President, and the President of the European Commission. Although the European Commission is not involved in this simulation's proceedings, delegates should take note of the European Commission's role in the EU, as the institution responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day–to–day business of the EU. For the sake of this simulation, the duties of the European Council President and the President of the European Commission will be performed by the dais. In addition, only 15 of the 28 EU member states will participate in this simulation. Those states, which have the largest stake in the aftermath of Brexit as determined by the dais, are: Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. TheUnited Kingdom, or UK, will not be in attendance as the UK is barred from any European Council meetings discussing Brexit. Finally, the negotiation guidelines drafted and approved by the European Council on April 29, 2017, will be disregarded for the sake of this simulation as the purpose of the committee is to draft its own version of the negotiation guidelines. Parliamentary Procedure The European Council diverges from the United Nations in the way in which it Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on European Union: Theories and Analysis Introduction During the 1990s, discussion about trade policies and economics has typically centered around one word –– globalization. Another word that seems to play a huge role in these discussions is regionalism –– the idea that separate countries can join together in one group in order to create a formidable force in terms of global politics, economics and trade. One such example of this a regionalism has been the European Union (EU). Although most people are familiar with Europe as separate countries –– England, France, Germany, Italy and the like –– when it comes to global trade and politics, the more common usage is that of the EU to refer to all member countries in Europe. According to the media, the EU has become a powerhouse more content... The conflict between Germany and the rest of Europe took its toll not only in terms of personal lives, but also in terms of economics. Post–war Europe was a mass, with its economy in shambles in the process of rebuilding daunting. Buildings throughout Europe had been bombed, and either needed to be rebuilt or destroyed, with much of the money to do this coming from outside sources. Because of these post–war dilemmas, Europe's nation states began signing treaties to prevented another war, particularly between France and Germany (Letiche, 2002). The first such treaty was the Coal and steel Community, signed in 1951 by the Federal Republic of Germany (also called West Germany, France and Italy (Letiche, 2002). this was followed by formation of the European Customs Union –– which came about through the 1957 Treaty of Rome (Letiche, 2002). the actual Treaty of the European Union –– which, in a sense, created a single entity –– was ratified in 1993 (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2000). other agreements that led to the ultimate European Union included the formalized European Monetary System in 1979, the Delors reports in 1989, the Maastricht Treaty in 1991 –– and finally the launch of the one–currency Euro by European Central Bank between 1998 and 2000 (Letiche, 2002). The major position by many economists and trade experts when they described the EU today is that the alliance is an economic and political confederation that responsible for a common trade Get more content on
  • 7. The Future of the European Union Essay The Future of the European Union The link between internationalization, governance and democracy is a central problem for politics as well as for political science. Even if clear evidence on the nature of this link is not yet available, the literature seems to support the view that internationalization both undermines the capacity for governance and puts into question traditional forms of democracy. Because it could be quite complicated to look at the EU model from a point of classical democratic nation–state, it seems to be reasonable to discuss this problem, not by abstract reasoning, but by focusing on a concrete case. European Union is the best case available, which in recent decades has more content... The final part consists of an overall assessment of the EU's possible development.The EU is a Dynamic Multi–level System. Not only in political science but also in legal science, sociology and economics basic concepts and theories rely on a traditional concept of the state. In this reasoning, there are national political systems which take the form of a universally competent state as a powerful central organ on the one hand and international relations taking place in the absence of central authority on the other hand; there is public law on the one hand and public international law or private international law governing the collisions of domestic legal systems on the other hand; there is national society as the level of social integration and world society as the level of system integration; there are national economies which allow for an intentionally created order on the one hand and the world market which is governed at best by "spontaneous order" on the other hand. If already by the choice of fundamental theoretical notions the member states on the one hand and the European Union on the other hand are considered as two separate political systems which are only linked by the Council of Ministers, changes in this system easily disappear from our view. As a consequence, analytical models of the integration process consider the question of whether it overcomes or strengthens Get more content on
  • 8. Globalization And The European Union There are in some areas of globalization that can cause drawbacks, which were made prevalent with the European Union. The main drawback within the European Union was its economy. If one country within the organization were to have economic crisis then that country would affect all other country members. This was made clear in 2010 with the economic crisis presented in Greece. Many other countries within the Union were left to bail out the Greece economy; which in turn, hurt their own economies. The situation with Greece and the other European Union members is still a current issue; however, Union members say that they will continue to contribute to struggling economies. The world will continue to globalize businesses, economies, more content... As of 2012, only seventeen of members of the European Union have decided to use Euros as their currency. In order for the members that adopted the Euro as their currency to successfully help their economic problems, the Eurozone members had to follow strict instructions put into place the European Union. The strict policies included strict control over inflation, government debt, and long–term interest rates (Mckee 525). The union put these strict policies into place to give the union the tools that it needed to take in order to help fix the economic crisis in each country participating in the Eurozone. Without the full cooperation of each country, it could cause the plans to fix the economic crisis within each country to fail because of the different interests by each individual country. Addressing some issues, the European Union decided to issue 750 million Euros in order to start the process of financial stability for the whole union (Mckee 524). Over time, the union learned that that the amount of money was not enough in order to help each countries' individual financial crisis. As of now, the union has to increase the amount of money they are feeding to countries in hopes of fixing the economic issues. The continuing issue with the European Union's economic plans is finding the money to keep funding countries with low economic growth. Furthermore, the union also has to figure out how to deal with the issues that are outside of the European Union's borders. In Get more content on
  • 9. The Union Of The European Union Essay On the morning of June 24, 2016, Britain announced that after a nationwide vote, it would be leaving the European Union. In what has since become known as Brexit, the United Kingdom held a referendum in which 52 percent of the voting–eligible population chose in favor of the country's departure from the 28 country politico–economic union. When this political issue is analyzed, it is important to understand the reasoning behind Britain's decision and the many factors that drove them to this resolution. The people of the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union based on economic and immigration concerns, but ultimately their main goal was to preserve their country's identity. A movement toward unity in Europe was first expressed following the mass devastation that World War II left on Europe. Many Europeans felt that a unification of the nation states would provide a sense of collective security and would prevent another catastrophe similar to that of World War II. In 1950, the Schuman Plan, authored by French prime minister Robert Schuman, was presented to various European nations. The project proposed to unite the coal and steel industries of France and Germany in an attempt to find a guarantee for European peace. In 1952, the plan took action, establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, the first European common market. The union was comprised of six countries and that did not include Great Britain, who declined to participate. In 1958, more steps were Get more content on
  • 10. European Union Essay The European Union has been a success as an international organization The European Union is a political community constituted as an international organization whose aim is to promote integration and a common government of the European people and countries. According to the Article 3 of the European Union Treaty, Union's aim is to promote peace, its values and the well–being of its peoples. It is based on the values of freedom, democracy, equality, law enforcement and respect for human rights and dignity. The European Union played a very important role in transforming post–communist countries into democratic states with functioning market economies and the rule of law. The massive transfer of institutional and legal know–how from more content... A common trade policy, a common agricultural policy, many aspects of social and environmental policy, and a common currency (the euro) that is used by it member states. One of the most remarkable successes of the European Union is ensuring peace and stability is maintained in Europe and other parts of the world. Prior to the formation of the union, European nations experience disharmony related to both World War I and II. The first step towards peace building was the formation of European Coal and Steel Community. Since then, the union has formulated several peace policies with the aim of ensuring peace thrive amongst members and their associates. EU does is about bringing people in Europe closer together. It tries to make it easier for Europeans to buy and sell things to each other. This is done by changing the rules that control trade. The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. Moreover, the societies of the Member States are characterised by pluralism, non–discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men. These values play an important role, especially in two specific cases. The Union shall establish an internal market. It shall work for the sustainable development of Europe based on balanced economic growth and price stability, Get more content on
  • 11. Britain and the European Union Essay example Britain and the European Union "We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed."1 Winston Churchill's famous quote aptly describes Britain's intentions towards European integration. In this essay I shall attempt to show that Britain's relationship towards European integration has been one of a reluctant union, supporting free trade and mutually beneficial cooperation, while attempting to distance itself from economic and cultural 'unity' with Europe, and I will finish by describing the effects on Britain's sovereignty since joining the European Union . The term integration can be understood, in context of more content... However, the fact that Britain had to accept that there was a need for trade barriers to fall and new markets to open, coupled with the realisation that it could not exist successfully as a separate economically independent entity. There was the recognition by some that the only hope to attain these goals was to join the EC as "there was little scope for a United Kingdom outside the community, especially when the six (Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) had done so visibly better than the UK4" Since 'biting the bullet' and gaining its membership to the then called European Community in 1973, Britain has vocally announced that it would prefer the 'salad bar' version of integration to the 'stewed' version. For example, Margaret Thatcher spoke in Bruges in September 1988 and she said she "sought to lay down a vision of a Europe of sovereign states, economically considerably more liberal, deregulated and interdependent, but a Europe based essentially on cooperation rather than integration5". Within the EU, Britain could work with the other member nations to guarantee its economic interests and attempt to maintain its influence and continue to hold sway in world affairs. Inside the EU Britain would "be able to mould the trading systems of Europe to its advantage. As an outsider, it feared being on the uninfluential receiving end of decisions made by the combined power of Get more content on
  • 12. The European Union ( Eu ) Essay The European Union (EU) was created when the Maastricht Treaty, or now known as the Treaty on European Union, was signed in the early 1990's. The document marked an essential milestone in the success and development of many European countries. It paved the way for many other future treaties and it also created the EMU or the European Monetary Union ("Europe Without Frontiers"). Though there were other economic European federations prior to the EU, the EU has by far been the more prosperous one. The EU was created to help unify Europe after WWII ended. With the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, a central banking system was created, which would eventually set up the creation of the Euro (the currency currently used in most of Europe). There are both ups and downs to the European Union as the world has seen with the latest news on Britain leaving the federation. With England out of the European Union, the world will suffer enormous global economic ramifications. The EU had a lot of good promise when it was first formed; for example, it helped unify Europe after the war and led to the creation of the Euro. The Euro is still used today as a current monetary system throughout Europe. However, there are some downsides to being involved in the economic organization. A prime example would be there are inefficient policies. One that comes to mind would be the Common Agricultural Policy. This policy's "aim [is] to break the link between subsidies and production, to diversify the Get more content on
  • 13. The European Union Essay Introduction With tensions rising within the borders of Europe after an influx of refugees from war–torn Syria, Greece being allowed to borrow more money from the EU and referendums making their way to European governments, this question may pop up in people 's heads: Do we have enough influence on the decisions the European Union makes?Democracy has been around for thousands of years. However, the meaning of it has been altered as time progressed. Where the Ancient Greeks first used the word democracy to give a name to the city–states ' political systems, people living in the 20th and 21st century tied a more liberal version to the word, and thus the meaning.Currently, more and more people are starting to ask themselves the question if their voice in the decisions of the European Union has any influence. A Dutch website has tried raising awareness of this, and has opened a ballot for a referendum, to be voted for by the Dutch public. As it has reached its 300,000 vote goal, and has nearly half a million votes in total, it has been submitted to the Dutch government (Van Rossem, 2015).In this paper, the following question will be considered. What role does the Dutch citizen play in the decisions made by the EU, and does social media provide a framework to let them participate more? First of all, the definition of current democracy will be explained briefly. Then, a problem that occurs in the present day, democratic deficit, will be pointed out as Get more content on
  • 14. The European Union ( Eu ) Essay People have created unions many times but not all of them were successful, specifically when we consider alliances among number of countries with different economics, political systems and culture. For instance, last century brought both the biggest collapse and the most promising union in the modern history. Although U.S.S.R has disappeared from geographical maps, some of its members joined another alliance. TheEuropean Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership that united 28 countries on the European part of Eurasia and represents a unique form of cooperation among members today. Recently, the World Bank characterized the EU as a "Convergence machine" based on successive enlargements that leads to significant upward convergence in wealth between poorer and richer member states (Gill, Raiser 2012). We should therefore not be astonished that EU membership remains attractive to nearly all non–EU states within Europe. On the one hand, it is difficult to deny that EU enlargement promises benefits for everyone involved. For example, it brings most notably economic benefits but also political and social benefits. On the other hand, the EU's 'take–it–or–leave–it' approach unnecessarily chases member states (hereinafter PMs) with accepting either the costs of being an outsider, or the costs of modifying their norms and values to fulfill with the EU. Of course, such external pressure is not regretful in all cases such as when minorities are being mistreated. However, PMs Get more content on
  • 15. The European Union The European Union was initially set up as a means to terminate the conflict that occurred within Europe throughout the 20th century, culminating with the end of The Second World War (WWII) and The Cold War that followed. The EU ultimately aimed to bring the member countries together in order to form an 'ever closer union' between the countries of Europe, thus preventing a future battle. The Union started as the European Economic Community (EEC), which was established in 1957, and over the years endured numerous adjustments to form the politico–economic union that we know of today. Following WWII in 1945, Europe was not only in ruin but was also extremely divided, with a distinct rivalry between France and Germany. In 1947 USA developed The Marshall Plan; a program of aid that donated $13bn towards the recovery of Southern and Western Europe, which led to the receiving nations experiencing rapid economic growth of between 15%–25% . The 50's were dominated by a Cold War; a divide between the Democratic West, led by USA, and the Communist East, USSR. This was a long period of uncertainty in which each side expected the other to invade. It fundamentally developed into a conflict fuelled by propaganda, deceit and spies. Both sides had the new advantage of nuclear weapons, which neither wanted to deploy. The tension seemed unresolvable; it became evident that a solution needed to be arranged and that unity could only be established by a federal Europe. The French Foreign Get more content on
  • 16. A Report On The European Union The European Union contains just 7% of the world's population, but produces 1/3 of the world's Gross National Product (Delegation of the EU to the US). A single market merges all 28 countries of the EU into one economic free–trade zone with no trade tariffs imposed on one another. The EU accounts for 51% of all trade that the UK conducts with the world (The Data Team 2). Since its admittance to the Union in 1973, Britain's economy has grown from 326 million Euros per capita to 6,116 million Euros per capita in quarter four of 2012. Despite its economic benefits, many have voiced concern over its undemocratic practices. In a summary of the court case Van Loos v. Netherlands Inland Revenue administration, theEuropean Union decided to more content... In order to recover from its economic losses, President Schuman of France proposed a single market for the free trade of coal and steel. In an address delivered to the French Assembly, he remarked, "The pooling of coal and steel production... will change the destinies of those regions which have long been devoted to the manufacture of munitions of war, of which they have been the most constant victims." President Schuman's motives were not only the rebuilding of Europe's economy, but also the assurance that Germany and France would never get into another war again. In 1951, the Treaty of Paris was officially signed establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (European Commission). The countries of Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, West Germany, and Italy were the first countries to join. As these countries experienced economic success, they hoped to expand the Coal and Steel Community to something much more vast. In the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the European Economic Community was established (CVCE). The EEC didn't just allow the free trade of coal and steel, but also eliminated all trade tariffs completely. This enticed other countries including Britain to join the Community. As the EEC continued to expand and prosper, it also started venturing into the role of governing. It sought to emulate the model of that of Get more content on
  • 17. The European Union Essay Introduction In the course of fifty years, the European Union has expanded from six countries united under economic treaties to a large collective of twenty–five sovereign nations. Maintaining the union within such a large group has grown more difficult as numerous treaties have been drafted to control the governance of the European Union. To reduce the number of treaties in the union, the convention decided to draft a Constitution, which now moves through the process of ratification in each of the sovereign nations. The Constitution works to set up a basis for the expansion of the Union and the requirements that need to be met when a country seeks entry into the Union. But with the greater controls the EU seeks to place on more content... The proposal limited the life span of the treaty to fifty years, meaning it would expire in 2002. The treaty "was the first significant step towards European integration going beyond intergovernmentalism, establishing a supranational authority whose independent institutions had the power to bind its constituent member States" . From there, the countries decided to expand their connections with the Treaty of Rome in 1957. This treaty created the European Atomic Energy Community and the European Economic Community, both of which helped strengthen economic ties between the countries. The member states strove to create a "common market" amongst themselves by removing trade barriers1. This common market was created slowly with a lengthy transitional period, "during which tariff barriers would be removed and a common external customs tariff set up"2. It was at this point that the High Authority transformed into the Commission, an executive authority within the treaties. The Parliamentary Assembly, Court of Justice and Council of Ministers each then evolved by 1967. In 1992, the Treaty of Maastricht formally created the European Union through new forms of collaboration in inter–governmental affairs of defense and justice1. One of the original goals for the European Union was to spread jurisdiction in countries to help combat international crime organizations and terrorist movements. The expanded Get more content on
  • 18. European Union Pros And Cons Do you think it is useful for a country to join into a union, especially the European Union, to strengthen their economic position? The question could be simple to answer but an individual must look much deeper into the situation. For instance, what are the pros and cons of joining a union? The European Union has many pros but also many cons. The European Union was formed in February 1992 with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty. It consist of originally twelve members– Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, and Germany. Those twelve members originally formed the European Union until 1995 when three other countries joined the Union – Austria, Finland, more content... Also, with it being a single market, there are no barriers between the other countries. With the removal of custom barriers it will enable producers to cut production costs, which will result in export increases. In addition to this the integration into the European Union will encourage foreign investment. With encouraging foreign investment it will create new jobs and will bring new technologies and experience into East–central European industry and trade. The process of adapting to a single market may be difficult, but it is necessary for economic growth in the long run. European Union regional policy seeks to reduce social and economic differences between senior and new member states. That is saying the Union is trying to allow the newer member states to compete with the older member states. This helps to solve the problems of a transition period. (Venckute) There will also be lower interest rates. Why do you think there are going to be lower interest rates? Interest rates depend on the state of an economic cycle. The interest rate has to be right for the economic area. That is the issue; not that they should be higher or lower. The interest rate is so important in all this that is said. It is only going to effect the growth and unemployment reduction, if the interest rate is at the high rate level it will produce nil growth and high unemployment. (Nieboer) The information below will discuss the cons of the European Union. Many Get more content on
  • 19. The Union And The European Union The European Union is an entity that is seen nowhere else in the world. It is not a government, it is not an international organization, and it is not just an association of states. The European Union members, instead, have decided to turnover part of their sovereignty to the Union so that many decisions can be made at the institutions leadership level. This partnership includes 28 diverse democracies built together on the basis of complex treaties. Although the goals of this organization were to assist with expanding economic prosperity, peace and stability throughout its member states, the European Union has been faced with ever–pressing concerns in the recent past that are very serious and may in fact become fatal to the continued coalescing between members. These problems can be categorized into three categories; economic, social, and political. Economically, the last 6 or so years have been nothing short of dismal for the European Union and its members. Due to the diversity among its members own national economic policies, the European Union's economic configuration and its single currency were shown to be somewhat incoherent. The European Union's gross domestic product only grew a measly one percent in 2013, compared to the United States' 2.2 percent growth. In December 2014, unemployment among member nations of the European Union hovered around 11.4 percent, while the United States unemployment rate held at around 5.6 percent. Even though in the U.S. we are ever Get more content on
  • 20. The European Union Essay The European Union 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. MISSIONS AND VISIONS FOR THE EUROPEAN UNION 1 1.2. THE GENERAL VIEW OF THE EUROPEAN UNION 1 1.3. THE LEVEL OF INVOLVEMENT FOR EUROPEAN UNION 2 2. THE EUROPEAN UNION 4 2.1. HISTORY OF THE EUROPEANUNION 4 2.1.1. HOW THE EU WAS BUILT 4 2.1.2. MEMBER more content... The Union's functions are spreading from purely economic and monetary up to the social and security matters; it has become an integral part of government for almost each European country. The missions and visions for the European Union we seek is really the big picture of the Union that we have in our mind for the future of this organization. Thus we need to come together and look out for what the picture is like and where does the overlapping occur. 1.2. THE GENERAL VIEW OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Although an implicit agreement seems to have been reached that European Union is something much more than simply an international organization of a kind, there seems to be no distinct vision of what it is then. What is European Union? What should we call it? What should we compare it to? Or is it completely unique and incomparable? The issue of the basic idea of the European Union is something that should be elaborated by especially a convention like this. It is important that the people of the Union make it clear for themselves what they see in it and what they would like to see. If the union is unique, can we define it somehow? I think this convention should try to seek out the innovative ideas that are not limited by the traditional
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