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Pre-departure guide
Pre-departure guide 2010-2011


                  A very warm welcome to INTO Manchester!

                  Our INTO centre offers you a wonderful environment in which to learn and prepare
                  for your future and we welcome you to your studies with us. In your first week you
                  will settle into your accommodation, be enrolled on your course and meet the
                  directors of your courses along with our Student Services team. We’ll be doing
                  everything we can to make you feel at home as quickly as possible.
                      Manchester is a fantastic place to study and live as you’ll find out as you find
                  your way around our lovely city and get to know our staff and other students on
                  your course.
                      I wish you an enjoyable first week and look forward to meeting you.

                  Best Wishes

                  Dawn Abbott
                  Centre Director, INTO Manchester

                  Start dates:
                  All students should plan to arrive two days prior to your programme start date - please ensure you arrive on
In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

Meet the INTO Manchester team

Dawn Abbott              Martin Eayrs                    Sarah Appleton               Lena Abu-Elfeilat
Centre Director          Academic Director               Academic Support Manager     Receptionist

Diarmuid Fogarty         Sandra Fraser                   Jerry Warner                 Emma Williams
Programme Manager -      Director of Studies EAP         Director of Studies          Admissions and Student
English                                                  - Foundation                 Support Manager

Nicola Francis           Sophie Andrews                  Chris Walmsley               Naomi Burke
Admissions Team Leader   Finance Officer                 Marketing and                Accommodation and
                                                         Communications Coordinator   Welfare Manager

Welcome                                 2                Orientation programme                     11
Meet the INTO Manchester team           3                Registering for your course               12
Before you leave                        4                Making the most of your first week        14
Before you arrive in the UK             5                Social programme                          15
Arrival at the airport                  6                Health and safety                         16
Arriving at INTO Manchester             7                Key contacts, useful numbers
Airport collection form                 8                and websites                              17
Money                                  10                Maps                                      18          3
Pre-departure guide 2010-2011

Before you leave

Checklist – before you leave home
Please make sure you have completed everything on this checklist before you leave home.                       

1. Have you paid full fees for your tuition, accommodation and insurance (if applicable)?

2. Have you returned your Arrivals Details Form to
3. Do you require an INTO airport taxi transfer? If so, please complete the Airport Transfer Booking
   Credit Card form.
4. Have you booked your accommodation?

5. Have you organised cash and pound sterling traveller’s cheques to bring with you?

6. Have you checked your passport is valid for at least six months?

7. Have you applied for and received your visa?
8.       Have you packed all relevant original documentation or certified copies including your:
	        •	 INTO	Offer	Letter
	        •	 INTO	CAS	statement	–	if	required
	        •	 IELTS	certificate	or	original	English	Language	test	result
	        •	 	 ny other original documents/transcripts listed in your INTO Visa Letter, for example your
            high school certificate or home university certificates. You will need these to FULLY register
            and enroll on your course, and to make a visa extension in the UK
 	       •	 Passport	
 	       •	 	 ank	statements	(for	the	last	three	months	and	stamped	by	the	bank)	as	evidence	of	sufficient	
            funds to show the Immigration Officer on arrival at the airport in the UK
9. Have you got your documents for medical registration?
	 •	 Immunisation	History	Book
	 •	 UK	Foreign	Commonwealth	Office	Visa	Tuberculosis	Screening	Certificate	(if	you	have	one)
10. Have you put the emergency telephone numbers into your mobile phone
    (to be put into your hand luggage)?
11. Do you know your airline’s luggage allowance and have you packed accordingly?
12. Do      you have:
	 •	        Photographs	from	home?
	 •	        Waterproof	coat	and	shoes?
	 •	        Address	and	phone	numbers	of	friends	and	family?
	 •	        Adaptor	for	UK	electricity	sockets?

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

Before you arrive in the UK

Applying for a UK student visa                                   •	 When your visa is issued it will include your CAS number
Most international students from outside the European Union          as supplied on the CAS Statement.
who wish to take a full-time course in the UK must apply for a   •	 If you change your mind and want to study at another
visa prior to leaving their home country.                            institution, you have to tell us before you come to the
    You can check your status on the following website:              UK so we can cancel your CAS with UKBA, and                  you can re-apply for your visa with a CAS from a
    If you are a visa national you can apply for a Student           different sponsor.
Visitor Visa for courses of six months or less; a General
                                                                 Changes to your student registration status
Student Visa (Tier 4) for English language courses at or above
                                                                 We must tell the UK Border Agency about any students who
B2 on the CEFR; or a General Student Visa (Tier 4) for
                                                                 have an entry clearance visa issued under PBS rules who fail
courses at Level 3 on the National Qualifications framework
                                                                 to arrive for the start of a course, withdraw from a course,
(NQF) at an institution which is deemed to be, or is on, the
                                                                 defer or suspend their studies, or fail to attend for significant
Register of Highly Trusted Sponsors.
                                                                 periods of time.
How will the Points Based System (PBS) affect                        Further information about the points based system can
my entry clearance/student visa application?                     be found at the following websites. We advise that you check
If you are a visa national and you apply for a General Student   these websites regularly for up to date information.
Visa you will need a ‘Confirmation of Acceptance for             UK Border Agency:
Studies’(CAS), which is an electronic number, that     
we will provide for you.
                                                                 British Embassy/High Commission:
Applying for your General Student Visa (TIER 4)        
to come to the UK                                                UKCISA (Council for International Student Affairs):
When you apply for a General Student Visa (Tier 4)     
you must include a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies
(CAS) number.                                                    Meeting immigration staff at the airport
•	 We will send your CAS details when you confirm your           When you arrive at a UK airport, you should be prepared to
    unconditional offer of a place to study and pay your         answer some questions about yourself, including where you
    deposit/full fees.                                           will be staying and what you intend to do during your time
•	 Your CAS will not be sent more than six months before         in the UK.
    the start of your course.                                        You may be asked to undergo a brief, routine health
•	 The CAS number will be included in a letter called a ‘CAS     check by the airport doctor, which might include an X-ray.
    Statement’. This will also include important information     The health check will take place in a separate room.
    needed for your visa application.                            Afterwards, you will need to return to Immigration Control.
•	 You can only apply for your visa three months or less         Please note that if you have already studied in the UK and
    before the start of your course.                             are changing your education provider, you will need to apply
                                                                 for a visa for your new course at INTO Manchester. This could
•	 The start date is published on your CAS Statement. If you
                                                                 take up to 40 days. It is a criminal offence to change
    plan to arrive on a different date you must let us know.     educational providers before you have received your new visa
    This is very important as we must inform the UK Border       from the Home Office. INTO Manchester will not be able to
                                                                 register you on the course unless you have a valid visa, and
    Agency (UKBA) if you do not arrive on time.
                                                                 will ask you to leave.
Pre-departure guide 2010-2011

Arrival at the airport, how to
reach the Centre

INTO Manchester can organise your transport            Getting from Manchester
from Manchester International Airport to your          International Airport:
accommodation. When you receive your
                                                       By Taxi
accommodation details we will instruct you to go
                                                       If you have not booked your taxi through INTO
to the PCS taxi desk to meet your driver. If you
                                                       Manchester then you should only use the airport
have not requested accommodation from INTO
                                                       approved black taxi service signposted at the airport,
Manchester we can still arrange your transfer.
                                                       or go to the Desk “PCS Airport Transfers”.
Please complete the attached Airport Transfer
Booking form and return it to INTO.                    By Bus
                                                       The bus transport link through Manchester is
Airport Transfer £30                                   excellent. The trip from the Airport to the city centre or
The fee is payable to INTO Manchester and will be      Piccadilly Bus Station takes about 40 minutes and you
added to your invoice. If you do not wish to book an   can take buses 43 or 105 from outside the airport.
INTO Manchester Airport Taxi transfer, the following
                                                       By Train
information will help you make your own way to
                                                       There is a train station attached to Manchester
                                                       Airport and after leaving the arrivals hall you can just
                                                       follow the sign for the train station, purchase your
                                                       ticket from a machine or the ticket office and then
                                                       board your train. There is a train to the city centre
                                                       approximately every 20 minutes and the journey
                                                       takes around 20 minutes to Manchester Piccadilly.

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

Arriving at INTO Manchester

Arriving in London                                       You should come to the centre on the first working day
                                                         after your arrival at 9am to commence your enrolment.
If your flight takes you to London we advise that you
get a transfer to Manchester International Airport.
This means that your luggage will go all the way to      If you arrive on         Come to INTO Centre
Manchester without you having to worry about it and      Monday                   Tuesday 9am
often the transfer costs little more than the train or   Tuesday                  Wednesday 9am
coach fare from London to Manchester. It is also         Wednesday                Thursday 9am
possible to travel from London to Manchester by          Thursday                 Friday 9am
train. This takes around 2 hours.                        Friday                   Monday 9am
Please note: INTO Manchester does not organise           Saturday                 Monday 9am
transfers from London to Manchester. INTO                Sunday                   Monday 9am
Manchester is situated in the City Centre (see map)

3rd Floor Bridgewater House
58/60 Whitworth St                                       The INTO Centre is a 5-minute walk from our
Manchester                                               residential accommodation and you will find a map
M1 6LT                                                   and directions in your room. If you are in homestay
Tel: +44 (0)161 279 7272                                 accommodation then your host family will be able to
                                                         direct you and, if possible, accompany you on your
Please note: the office is closed on Saturdays,          first day.
Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Pre-departure guide 2010-2011

Airport collection form

Arrivals details form
All students MUST complete this arrivals details form and return
one week before your course start date by email to
or fax to +44 (0)1273 328595 / +44 (0)1273 329746

Section 1
Personal details

Family name (surname)

Other/given names (first name)

Email address

Mobile phone number

INTO number (please refer to offer letter)

Section 2
Arrival details into the UK and confirmation of accommodation

Country flight departs from

Date of arrival                                        Time of arrival (am/pm)

UK airport                                             Terminal

Flight number                                          Name of airline

Arrival date in Manchester                             Arrival time in Manchester

Any special requirements

Please make sure that you book a flight which arrives on the weekend before your course start date. If on
arrival you require a taxi to meet you and will be staying in a hotel or other accommodation not arranged by
INTO then please provide the address

Section 3
Airport transfer booking

Please tick one of the following boxes to show whether you would like a taxi to meet you at your UK arrival airport
and take you to your accommodation

      £30.00      Manchester Airport           I do not require an airport transfer

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

    Section 4
    If you will be under 18 on arrival and do not require INTO to meet you at the airport and arrange a transfer
    then the following section must be completed

    Name of person meeting the student:

    Address of person meeting the student:

    Mobile telephone number:

    Name of parent:

    Signature of parent:


    Credit card form
    Payments over £50 by credit card are subject to a 2% surcharge and debit cards to a £1 surcharge. This will
    be taken from the card in addition to the amount stated in section 3 of this form.


    To enable fees to be debited from your credit card, please complete the details below.

        VISA CREDIT               MASTERCARD            DEBIT

    If DEBIT, please specify type:

    Please note, the University will only accept transactions using the following cards: Mastercard, Visa, Solo, Maestro,
    Electron or Visa debit.

    Credit/debit card number

    Card start date —— —— (mm/yy)                                               /
                                                   Card expiry date —— —— (mm/yy)

    Issue number

    Security code

    This is the last three digits of the code found on the back of your card.

    Cardholder name

    Billing address

    Please return this form by email to
    or fax to +44 (0)1273 328595 / +44 (0)1273 329746

Pre-departure guide 2010-2011


Currency                                                 Bank accounts
Currency across the UK is the pound sterling (£GBP).     If you are going to be here for longer than six months,
One pound is divided into one hundred pence (100p).      we strongly recommended you open a UK bank
Notes are issued to the value of £50, £20, £10, and      account, as soon as possible, after arriving in the UK.
£5 and coins to the value of £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p,           UK banks are open 9am to 4.30pm on weekdays
5p, 2p and 1p. Please note that £50 notes are very       and some are open on Saturday mornings. If you bring
uncommon and should be avoided as they can often         a banker’s draft in sterling with you (payable to yourself)
be the target of counterfeiters. We do not advise        or arrange for it to be sent, then you can open an
carrying large sums of cash with you on arrival.         account at a bank after you have registered on your
    We recommend that you bring enough money             course. It may also be useful to bring a letter from your
with you to cover the first couple of weeks after your   bank at home (or some other documentation) to
arrival – no more than £250 in cash for your             confirm your credit status. We will provide you with
immediate needs should suffice. It is safer to bring     further information and support on opening accounts
large sums of money in travellers’ cheques, which can    during your induction week. In order to open a bank
be cashed in banks, post offices and airports but be     account you will need the following:
aware that there is often a minimum commission           •	 Your passport
charge. Please avoid carrying large sums of cash or      •	 Proof you are a student – we will issue you with an
keeping large amounts in your room for safety                 official bank letter after registration
reasons. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted      •	 Proof of address.
in the UK, MasterCard (Access) and Visa credit cards
                                                         For further advice on opening bank accounts in the
being the most common. Diners Club and American
                                                         UK, you can visit:
Express are less so. You can withdraw cash from a
cashpoint machine (also known as an ‘ATM’) if you
have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for that
                                                         Living costs
card. You may want to inform your current bank that
you are going to the UK and to ask if you can use        It is estimated that a single student will need
your card here.                                          approximately £650 - £750 a month to meet their
                                                         basic living expenses. This is just an indication and will
                                                         alter depending on your lifestyle and spending habits. It
                                                         is important to plan and budget your finances for living
                                                         in the UK; it’s not just your course fees you need to
                                                         think about. If you want help with planning and
                                                         budgeting your finances, the following international
                                                         student website may be useful:

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

Orientation programme

Induction programme
At the start of your course you will receive a full
induction (providing you arrive the weekend before
the start date of the course). This will vary in length
according to which course you will be studying and
it is a great opportunity to meet staff and students
and find out more about the University and the local
area. You should attend all sessions. The induction
programme will usually include:
•	 Welcome talks
•	 Information sessions with INTO Student Services
•	 A test!
•	 Social activities
•	 A city orientation tour of Manchester.

The following is an example time table for the
September and January prientation programme.

             MONDAY                TUeSDAY                WeDNeSDAY           THUrSDAY              FrIDAY
MORNINg      9.00                  9.00-11.30             9.00                9.00-11.00            9.00 - 12.30
             NEW	ArrIVAL	          ENgLISH	LEVEL	TEST     NEW	ArrIVAL	        ENgLISH	LEVEL	TEST    NEW	ArrIVAL	
             rEgISTrATION                                 rEgISTrATION                              rEgISTrATION

             10.00-12.30                                  10.00-12.30         10.00-12.30         9.30-11.30
             WELCOME	AND	MEET	                            WELCOME	AND	MEET	   POLICE	rEgISTrATION COUrSE	
             THE	DIrECTOrS                                THE	DIrECTOrS                           INTRODUCTION
AFTErNOON    14.00-16.00           12.00-12.30            14.00-16.00         12.00-12.30           13.00
             CITy	CENTrE	TOUr      UNDEr	18’s WITH        CITy	CENTrE	TOUr    UNDEr	18’s WITH       NEW	ArrIVAL	
                                   NAOMI	BUrKE                                NAOMI	BUrKE           ENgLISH	LEVEL	TEST
                                   14.00-16.00                                14.00-16.00           15.00
                                   QUESTIONS	AND	                             QUESTIONS	AND	        NEW	ArrIVAL	
                                   ANSWEr	SESSION                             ANSWEr	SESSION        PLACEMENTS
                                                                              15.00-17.00	POLICE	   *TIMETABLES	TO	
                                   15.00-17.00         13.00-15.00            rEgISTrATION          BE	ISSUED	THE	
                                   POLICE	rEgISTrATION COUrSE	                                      FOLLOWINg	WEEK
             16.00-18.00                                                      15.00-16.00
             POLICE	rEgISTrATION                                              THE	UNIVErSITy	
                                                                              OF	MANCHESTEr	
                                                                              WELCOME	TALK	
EVENINg                            17.30-20.30                                16.30-19.30
                                   BOWLINg                                    INTErNATIONAL	
                                                                              SOCIETy	(35	MAx	–	
                                                                              SIgN	UP	ESSENTIAL)

Students starting programmes not in September and January will enjoy a shorter orientation                         11
Pre-departure guide 2010-2011

Registering for your course

You must come to the INTO Manchester centre to            Once you have registered then you will have a
register for your course at 9am on the first working      welcome talk by Student Services in which we will
day after your arrival.                                   explain everything you need to know about life in the
    You will be met at the reception desk by either a     UK and how best to get along in your first few weeks
student ambassador, or a member or the Student            with us. The timetable for the rest of the week will
Services team at Bridgewater House who will direct        also be explained.
you the registration area where you will meet                  The next stage of your registration is your English
members of the INTO team.                                 verification test. You will have already provided
    On your first day you will meet with the team, have   evidence of your English language qualifications and
an induction to INTO Manchester and in the afternoon      we will give you an online test so that we can verify
there will be a tour around the City of Manchester.       the qualifications which you have already provided.
    Things you need to bring with you on your first       You will go on to meet your course tutors and receive
day which may also be needed during the rest of           your timetables.
your first week:                                               Once you are fully registered on your course, you
•	 CAS Statement.                                         will be able to collect your student ID card at a
•	 Passport and Visa and Identity card.                   specified time, which you must wear at all times
•	 Fees (if not already paid).                            whilst in the centre. This will also give you access to
•	 IELTS certificate.                                     the computers and internet in the computer suites.
•	 Your address in Manchester.                                 You will then be able to take part in the
•	 An emergency contact name and number.                  information talks and social activities provided during
•	 Patience, an umbrella and a smile                      your orientation week.
    (all invaluable in Manchester).

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

The teachers were great. They make you work hard but it’s good because it
prepares you for studying at University. In my second week at the Centre, one of
the staff helped us to get tickets to see Manchester United play and they won! It
was a great experience and something that I will always remember.

Nicholas Moo

Pre-departure guide 2010-2011

Making the most of your first week

On arrival we will provide you with a FREE SIM card      Other things to remember:
to use in the UK which also has one free international   •	 Attend ALL your classes and tutorials.
call on it, so you can call home and let your family     •	 Always be on time!
know you have arrived safely. This will give you cheap   •	 Be prepared for your classes!
rates to phone internationally and will be much          •	 Care for others’ feelings and cultures.
cheaper than your current SIM card or any other UK       •	 Feel free to ask questions whenever you need to.
network providers.                                       •	 Join social events and sports clubs. There are lots
    Alternatively, you can always download Skype, a         to choose from so ask the INTO staff.
free computer programme that allows you to use           •	 Keep your accommodation clean and tidy.
your computer like a phone and place international       •	 Overcome problems by sharing them with your
calls for free to other Skype users. Depending on           friends, teachers and INTO staff.
your computer, web cameras are also supported.           •	 Practise English as much as you can and in as
    Please remember that when you arrive in the UK          many places as you can.
you will have travelled a long way from home and         •	 Your academic progress and your behaviour will
although this will be an exciting time, please do           always be monitored.
remember that your family and friends may worry
about you. PLEASE contact them and let them know
that you are safe!

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

Social programme

INTO Manchester is working hard to develop our            We are keen to help you develop your social network
social programme. One of our regular features is          and have included a range of social activities in the
football, not only between students but also involving    Orientation programme – please do sign up for these
teachers! We hold trips to local places of interest       as this will be essential to your introduction to INTO
along with treasure hunts and welcome parties.            Manchester and the people that will be studying with
    As well as our own social programme we have           you throughout your time here. You can also form
also developed close links with the International         close links and receive vital information through
Society, who run trips further afield to historical       signing up to the INTO Manchester facebook group.
places of interest, conservation parks and the theatre.
    Please keep yourself up to date by looking at the
notice-boards on each floor of the centre.                Manchester/138987709293

Pre-departure guide 2010-2011

Health and safety

Your good health is vital to your studies – make
sure you look after yourself! You will be given
information about registering with a doctor upon
your arrival and please make sure you do this. We
will also give you information about dentists, walk
in centres and how to look after yourself in general.
You will also receive advice about staying safe in
Manchester and how best to do this and what to
do in the event of an emergency.

In centre
Health and safety in centre is everyone’s
responsibility. If you do see anything that you think
is a concern to you or your classmates then please
report it to the reception desk and we will make sure
it is attended to or dealt with immediately.

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

Key contacts, useful numbers
and websites

Please make sure that you put these numbers in your phone:

INTO Manchester                                     Useful Contacts
+44 (0)161 279 7272                                 +44 (0)20 79671200
INTO Emergency Number                               Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) for free advice.
+44 (0)7907 721 469
(out of office hours)
                                                    To book accommodation.

Manchester Taxi Firms                     
PCS Airport Transfers                               Letter requests.
+44 (0)845 223 2000
Radio Cars
+44 (0)161 236 8033
                                                    UKBA website.

Short term budget accommodation           
+44 (0)161 236 9500                                                       All information regarding studying in the UK and
Hatters Hostel                                      excellent advice on Budgeting.

                                                    +44 (0)8712 710711
City Centre Hotels close to INTO
                                                    Manchester Airport
Ibis Hotel, Portland Street                         +44 (0) 161 856 3320
                                                    Nationality Department                        Greater Manchester Police
Princess on Portland, Portland Street               Bootle Street
The Palace Hotel, Oxford Road
                                                    To register with a doctor.

                                                    UKCISA advice for all International Students.

Pre-departure guide 2010-2011







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                                                                                 N                                             65
                                                                                                                                          RO                      AM
                                                                                                   VICTORIA                                                  DH

                                                                                                 RAIL STATION                                       2
                                                                                                                                                                                        MANCHESTER CITY

                                                                                                                                                                                        FOOTBALL GROUND

                                                                                             ARNDALE                                        EA
                                       A6                                                   SHOPPING                                              AN
                                               C HAPE L ST                                     CENTRE                                BUS               COA
         M60                                                                                                                                              TS
             2                                                                                                                       STATION

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                                                                                                                                           RAIL STATION
                                                                                      CITY CENTRE                                   CCM
                                       EN T                                                                                                                                     ASHTON OLD RO
                                              ROA                                                                                                                                            AD
                                                    D                                      INTO CENTRE

                                                             6        M
                                                        A5                AN

                                                                               C U N IA
                                                                                       N WAY



                                                                                             METROPOLITAN                                                                             E RO



                              AT                                                              UNIVERSITY                                                                                          A57

                            EW                                                                                                                                            A6

                    BR                                                                                                    THE UNIVERSITY                                       ST

                                                                                                    A5103 PRINCESS ROAD

                                                                                                                          OF MANCHESTER


                                                                                                                              MANCHESTER                                                   RO
       MANCHESTER                                                                                                          ROYAL INFIRMARY                                                   AD
       FOOTBALL                                                                                                           TO
       GROUND                                                                                                             MANCHESTER
                                                                                                                          AIRPORT    WHITWORTH
                                                 1km              ALEXANDRA

In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469

Sometimes in Manchester it’s cold and rains a lot, so being from Brazil it should have
been my last choice to stay here, but it’s such a lovely city! It’s small enough to know
your way around, but big enough to have a lot going on. It’s a young city, and the
people are nice – I find them more open than in London. The atmosphere is great and
there are lots of international students in Manchester. My favourite memory of my time
at INTO Manchester was the great friends that I have made from so many different
countries – I enjoyed being able to learn about other people’s lives and cultures and
comparing them with my own.

Fernanda Souza

INTO Manchester
Bridgewater House
58/60 Whitworth street
Manchester M1 6LT

T: (+44) (0) 161 279 7272
F: (+44) (0) 161 234 0900

© INTO Manchester LLP, June 2010. All content published in this document is
believed accurate at time of publication. INTO reserves the right to alter details of
all aspects of its operation without notice.
INTO University Partnerships Limited is a limited company registered in England
and Wales, registered number 05507863. Registered office: 102 Middlesex Street,
London E1 7EZ
Education provider sponsor number 6FY6FQBV1

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INTO Manchester Pre-Departure Guide

  • 2. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 Welcome A very warm welcome to INTO Manchester! Our INTO centre offers you a wonderful environment in which to learn and prepare for your future and we welcome you to your studies with us. In your first week you will settle into your accommodation, be enrolled on your course and meet the directors of your courses along with our Student Services team. We’ll be doing everything we can to make you feel at home as quickly as possible. Manchester is a fantastic place to study and live as you’ll find out as you find your way around our lovely city and get to know our staff and other students on your course. I wish you an enjoyable first week and look forward to meeting you. Best Wishes Dawn Abbott Centre Director, INTO Manchester Start dates: All students should plan to arrive two days prior to your programme start date - please ensure you arrive on time!
  • 3. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 Meet the INTO Manchester team Dawn Abbott Martin Eayrs Sarah Appleton Lena Abu-Elfeilat Centre Director Academic Director Academic Support Manager Receptionist Diarmuid Fogarty Sandra Fraser Jerry Warner Emma Williams Programme Manager - Director of Studies EAP Director of Studies Admissions and Student English - Foundation Support Manager Nicola Francis Sophie Andrews Chris Walmsley Naomi Burke Admissions Team Leader Finance Officer Marketing and Accommodation and Communications Coordinator Welfare Manager Contents Welcome 2 Orientation programme 11 Meet the INTO Manchester team 3 Registering for your course 12 Before you leave 4 Making the most of your first week 14 Before you arrive in the UK 5 Social programme 15 Arrival at the airport 6 Health and safety 16 Arriving at INTO Manchester 7 Key contacts, useful numbers Airport collection form 8 and websites 17 Money 10 Maps 18 3
  • 4. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 Before you leave Checklist – before you leave home Please make sure you have completed everything on this checklist before you leave home.  1. Have you paid full fees for your tuition, accommodation and insurance (if applicable)? 2. Have you returned your Arrivals Details Form to 3. Do you require an INTO airport taxi transfer? If so, please complete the Airport Transfer Booking Credit Card form. 4. Have you booked your accommodation? 5. Have you organised cash and pound sterling traveller’s cheques to bring with you? 6. Have you checked your passport is valid for at least six months? 7. Have you applied for and received your visa? 8. Have you packed all relevant original documentation or certified copies including your: • INTO Offer Letter • INTO CAS statement – if required • IELTS certificate or original English Language test result • ny other original documents/transcripts listed in your INTO Visa Letter, for example your A high school certificate or home university certificates. You will need these to FULLY register and enroll on your course, and to make a visa extension in the UK • Passport • ank statements (for the last three months and stamped by the bank) as evidence of sufficient B funds to show the Immigration Officer on arrival at the airport in the UK 9. Have you got your documents for medical registration? • Immunisation History Book • UK Foreign Commonwealth Office Visa Tuberculosis Screening Certificate (if you have one) 10. Have you put the emergency telephone numbers into your mobile phone (to be put into your hand luggage)? 11. Do you know your airline’s luggage allowance and have you packed accordingly? 12. Do you have: • Photographs from home? • Waterproof coat and shoes? • Address and phone numbers of friends and family? • Adaptor for UK electricity sockets? 4
  • 5. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 Before you arrive in the UK Applying for a UK student visa • When your visa is issued it will include your CAS number Most international students from outside the European Union as supplied on the CAS Statement. who wish to take a full-time course in the UK must apply for a • If you change your mind and want to study at another visa prior to leaving their home country. institution, you have to tell us before you come to the You can check your status on the following website: UK so we can cancel your CAS with UKBA, and you can re-apply for your visa with a CAS from a If you are a visa national you can apply for a Student different sponsor. Visitor Visa for courses of six months or less; a General Changes to your student registration status Student Visa (Tier 4) for English language courses at or above We must tell the UK Border Agency about any students who B2 on the CEFR; or a General Student Visa (Tier 4) for have an entry clearance visa issued under PBS rules who fail courses at Level 3 on the National Qualifications framework to arrive for the start of a course, withdraw from a course, (NQF) at an institution which is deemed to be, or is on, the defer or suspend their studies, or fail to attend for significant Register of Highly Trusted Sponsors. periods of time. How will the Points Based System (PBS) affect Further information about the points based system can my entry clearance/student visa application? be found at the following websites. We advise that you check If you are a visa national and you apply for a General Student these websites regularly for up to date information. Visa you will need a ‘Confirmation of Acceptance for UK Border Agency: Studies’(CAS), which is an electronic number, that we will provide for you. British Embassy/High Commission: Applying for your General Student Visa (TIER 4) to come to the UK UKCISA (Council for International Student Affairs): When you apply for a General Student Visa (Tier 4) you must include a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number. Meeting immigration staff at the airport • We will send your CAS details when you confirm your When you arrive at a UK airport, you should be prepared to unconditional offer of a place to study and pay your answer some questions about yourself, including where you deposit/full fees. will be staying and what you intend to do during your time • Your CAS will not be sent more than six months before in the UK. the start of your course. You may be asked to undergo a brief, routine health • The CAS number will be included in a letter called a ‘CAS check by the airport doctor, which might include an X-ray. Statement’. This will also include important information The health check will take place in a separate room. needed for your visa application. Afterwards, you will need to return to Immigration Control. • You can only apply for your visa three months or less Please note that if you have already studied in the UK and before the start of your course. are changing your education provider, you will need to apply for a visa for your new course at INTO Manchester. This could • The start date is published on your CAS Statement. If you take up to 40 days. It is a criminal offence to change plan to arrive on a different date you must let us know. educational providers before you have received your new visa This is very important as we must inform the UK Border from the Home Office. INTO Manchester will not be able to register you on the course unless you have a valid visa, and Agency (UKBA) if you do not arrive on time. will ask you to leave. 5
  • 6. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 Arrival at the airport, how to reach the Centre INTO Manchester can organise your transport Getting from Manchester from Manchester International Airport to your International Airport: accommodation. When you receive your By Taxi accommodation details we will instruct you to go If you have not booked your taxi through INTO to the PCS taxi desk to meet your driver. If you Manchester then you should only use the airport have not requested accommodation from INTO approved black taxi service signposted at the airport, Manchester we can still arrange your transfer. or go to the Desk “PCS Airport Transfers”. Please complete the attached Airport Transfer Booking form and return it to INTO. By Bus The bus transport link through Manchester is Airport Transfer £30 excellent. The trip from the Airport to the city centre or The fee is payable to INTO Manchester and will be Piccadilly Bus Station takes about 40 minutes and you added to your invoice. If you do not wish to book an can take buses 43 or 105 from outside the airport. INTO Manchester Airport Taxi transfer, the following By Train information will help you make your own way to There is a train station attached to Manchester Manchester. Airport and after leaving the arrivals hall you can just follow the sign for the train station, purchase your ticket from a machine or the ticket office and then board your train. There is a train to the city centre approximately every 20 minutes and the journey takes around 20 minutes to Manchester Piccadilly. 6
  • 7. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 Arriving at INTO Manchester Arriving in London You should come to the centre on the first working day after your arrival at 9am to commence your enrolment. If your flight takes you to London we advise that you get a transfer to Manchester International Airport. This means that your luggage will go all the way to If you arrive on Come to INTO Centre Manchester without you having to worry about it and Monday Tuesday 9am often the transfer costs little more than the train or Tuesday Wednesday 9am coach fare from London to Manchester. It is also Wednesday Thursday 9am possible to travel from London to Manchester by Thursday Friday 9am train. This takes around 2 hours. Friday Monday 9am Please note: INTO Manchester does not organise Saturday Monday 9am transfers from London to Manchester. INTO Sunday Monday 9am Manchester is situated in the City Centre (see map) 3rd Floor Bridgewater House 58/60 Whitworth St The INTO Centre is a 5-minute walk from our Manchester residential accommodation and you will find a map M1 6LT and directions in your room. If you are in homestay Tel: +44 (0)161 279 7272 accommodation then your host family will be able to direct you and, if possible, accompany you on your Please note: the office is closed on Saturdays, first day. Sundays and Bank Holidays. 7
  • 8. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 ✁ Airport collection form Arrivals details form All students MUST complete this arrivals details form and return one week before your course start date by email to or fax to +44 (0)1273 328595 / +44 (0)1273 329746 Section 1 Personal details Family name (surname) Other/given names (first name) Email address Mobile phone number INTO number (please refer to offer letter) Section 2 Arrival details into the UK and confirmation of accommodation Country flight departs from Date of arrival Time of arrival (am/pm) UK airport Terminal Flight number Name of airline Arrival date in Manchester Arrival time in Manchester Any special requirements Please make sure that you book a flight which arrives on the weekend before your course start date. If on arrival you require a taxi to meet you and will be staying in a hotel or other accommodation not arranged by INTO then please provide the address Section 3 Airport transfer booking Please tick one of the following boxes to show whether you would like a taxi to meet you at your UK arrival airport and take you to your accommodation £30.00 Manchester Airport I do not require an airport transfer 8
  • 9. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 ✁ Section 4 If you will be under 18 on arrival and do not require INTO to meet you at the airport and arrange a transfer then the following section must be completed Name of person meeting the student: Address of person meeting the student: Mobile telephone number: Name of parent: Signature of parent: Date: Credit card form Payments over £50 by credit card are subject to a 2% surcharge and debit cards to a £1 surcharge. This will be taken from the card in addition to the amount stated in section 3 of this form. CREDIT CARD DETAILS To enable fees to be debited from your credit card, please complete the details below. VISA CREDIT MASTERCARD DEBIT If DEBIT, please specify type: Please note, the University will only accept transactions using the following cards: Mastercard, Visa, Solo, Maestro, Electron or Visa debit. Credit/debit card number / Card start date —— —— (mm/yy) / Card expiry date —— —— (mm/yy) Issue number Security code This is the last three digits of the code found on the back of your card. Cardholder name Billing address Please return this form by email to or fax to +44 (0)1273 328595 / +44 (0)1273 329746 9
  • 10. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 Money Currency Bank accounts Currency across the UK is the pound sterling (£GBP). If you are going to be here for longer than six months, One pound is divided into one hundred pence (100p). we strongly recommended you open a UK bank Notes are issued to the value of £50, £20, £10, and account, as soon as possible, after arriving in the UK. £5 and coins to the value of £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, UK banks are open 9am to 4.30pm on weekdays 5p, 2p and 1p. Please note that £50 notes are very and some are open on Saturday mornings. If you bring uncommon and should be avoided as they can often a banker’s draft in sterling with you (payable to yourself) be the target of counterfeiters. We do not advise or arrange for it to be sent, then you can open an carrying large sums of cash with you on arrival. account at a bank after you have registered on your We recommend that you bring enough money course. It may also be useful to bring a letter from your with you to cover the first couple of weeks after your bank at home (or some other documentation) to arrival – no more than £250 in cash for your confirm your credit status. We will provide you with immediate needs should suffice. It is safer to bring further information and support on opening accounts large sums of money in travellers’ cheques, which can during your induction week. In order to open a bank be cashed in banks, post offices and airports but be account you will need the following: aware that there is often a minimum commission • Your passport charge. Please avoid carrying large sums of cash or • Proof you are a student – we will issue you with an keeping large amounts in your room for safety official bank letter after registration reasons. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted • Proof of address. in the UK, MasterCard (Access) and Visa credit cards For further advice on opening bank accounts in the being the most common. Diners Club and American UK, you can visit: Express are less so. You can withdraw cash from a cashpoint machine (also known as an ‘ATM’) if you have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for that Living costs card. You may want to inform your current bank that you are going to the UK and to ask if you can use It is estimated that a single student will need your card here. approximately £650 - £750 a month to meet their basic living expenses. This is just an indication and will alter depending on your lifestyle and spending habits. It is important to plan and budget your finances for living in the UK; it’s not just your course fees you need to think about. If you want help with planning and budgeting your finances, the following international student website may be useful: index.asp 10
  • 11. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 Orientation programme Induction programme At the start of your course you will receive a full induction (providing you arrive the weekend before the start date of the course). This will vary in length according to which course you will be studying and it is a great opportunity to meet staff and students and find out more about the University and the local area. You should attend all sessions. The induction programme will usually include: • Welcome talks • Information sessions with INTO Student Services • A test! • Social activities • A city orientation tour of Manchester. The following is an example time table for the September and January prientation programme. MONDAY TUeSDAY WeDNeSDAY THUrSDAY FrIDAY MORNINg 9.00 9.00-11.30 9.00 9.00-11.00 9.00 - 12.30 NEW ArrIVAL ENgLISH LEVEL TEST NEW ArrIVAL ENgLISH LEVEL TEST NEW ArrIVAL rEgISTrATION rEgISTrATION rEgISTrATION 10.00-12.30 10.00-12.30 10.00-12.30 9.30-11.30 WELCOME AND MEET WELCOME AND MEET POLICE rEgISTrATION COUrSE THE DIrECTOrS THE DIrECTOrS INTRODUCTION LUNCH AFTErNOON 14.00-16.00 12.00-12.30 14.00-16.00 12.00-12.30 13.00 CITy CENTrE TOUr UNDEr 18’s WITH CITy CENTrE TOUr UNDEr 18’s WITH NEW ArrIVAL NAOMI BUrKE NAOMI BUrKE ENgLISH LEVEL TEST 14.00-16.00 14.00-16.00 15.00 QUESTIONS AND QUESTIONS AND NEW ArrIVAL ANSWEr SESSION ANSWEr SESSION PLACEMENTS 15.00-17.00 POLICE *TIMETABLES TO 15.00-17.00 13.00-15.00 rEgISTrATION BE ISSUED THE POLICE rEgISTrATION COUrSE FOLLOWINg WEEK 16.00-18.00 15.00-16.00 INTRODUCTION POLICE rEgISTrATION THE UNIVErSITy OF MANCHESTEr WELCOME TALK EVENINg 17.30-20.30 16.30-19.30 BOWLINg INTErNATIONAL SOCIETy (35 MAx – SIgN UP ESSENTIAL) Students starting programmes not in September and January will enjoy a shorter orientation 11 programme
  • 12. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 Registering for your course You must come to the INTO Manchester centre to Once you have registered then you will have a register for your course at 9am on the first working welcome talk by Student Services in which we will day after your arrival. explain everything you need to know about life in the You will be met at the reception desk by either a UK and how best to get along in your first few weeks student ambassador, or a member or the Student with us. The timetable for the rest of the week will Services team at Bridgewater House who will direct also be explained. you the registration area where you will meet The next stage of your registration is your English members of the INTO team. verification test. You will have already provided On your first day you will meet with the team, have evidence of your English language qualifications and an induction to INTO Manchester and in the afternoon we will give you an online test so that we can verify there will be a tour around the City of Manchester. the qualifications which you have already provided. Things you need to bring with you on your first You will go on to meet your course tutors and receive day which may also be needed during the rest of your timetables. your first week: Once you are fully registered on your course, you • CAS Statement. will be able to collect your student ID card at a • Passport and Visa and Identity card. specified time, which you must wear at all times • Fees (if not already paid). whilst in the centre. This will also give you access to • IELTS certificate. the computers and internet in the computer suites. • Your address in Manchester. You will then be able to take part in the • An emergency contact name and number. information talks and social activities provided during • Patience, an umbrella and a smile your orientation week. (all invaluable in Manchester). 12
  • 13. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 The teachers were great. They make you work hard but it’s good because it prepares you for studying at University. In my second week at the Centre, one of the staff helped us to get tickets to see Manchester United play and they won! It was a great experience and something that I will always remember. Nicholas Moo Malaysia 13
  • 14. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 Making the most of your first week On arrival we will provide you with a FREE SIM card Other things to remember: to use in the UK which also has one free international • Attend ALL your classes and tutorials. call on it, so you can call home and let your family • Always be on time! know you have arrived safely. This will give you cheap • Be prepared for your classes! rates to phone internationally and will be much • Care for others’ feelings and cultures. cheaper than your current SIM card or any other UK • Feel free to ask questions whenever you need to. network providers. • Join social events and sports clubs. There are lots Alternatively, you can always download Skype, a to choose from so ask the INTO staff. free computer programme that allows you to use • Keep your accommodation clean and tidy. your computer like a phone and place international • Overcome problems by sharing them with your calls for free to other Skype users. Depending on friends, teachers and INTO staff. your computer, web cameras are also supported. • Practise English as much as you can and in as Please remember that when you arrive in the UK many places as you can. you will have travelled a long way from home and • Your academic progress and your behaviour will although this will be an exciting time, please do always be monitored. remember that your family and friends may worry about you. PLEASE contact them and let them know that you are safe! 14
  • 15. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 Social programme INTO Manchester is working hard to develop our We are keen to help you develop your social network social programme. One of our regular features is and have included a range of social activities in the football, not only between students but also involving Orientation programme – please do sign up for these teachers! We hold trips to local places of interest as this will be essential to your introduction to INTO along with treasure hunts and welcome parties. Manchester and the people that will be studying with As well as our own social programme we have you throughout your time here. You can also form also developed close links with the International close links and receive vital information through Society, who run trips further afield to historical signing up to the INTO Manchester facebook group. places of interest, conservation parks and the theatre. Please keep yourself up to date by looking at the notice-boards on each floor of the centre. Manchester/138987709293 15
  • 16. Pre-departure guide 2010-2011 Health and safety Personal Your good health is vital to your studies – make sure you look after yourself! You will be given information about registering with a doctor upon your arrival and please make sure you do this. We will also give you information about dentists, walk in centres and how to look after yourself in general. You will also receive advice about staying safe in Manchester and how best to do this and what to do in the event of an emergency. In centre Health and safety in centre is everyone’s responsibility. If you do see anything that you think is a concern to you or your classmates then please report it to the reception desk and we will make sure it is attended to or dealt with immediately. 16
  • 17. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 Key contacts, useful numbers and websites IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Please make sure that you put these numbers in your phone: INTO Manchester Useful Contacts +44 (0)161 279 7272 +44 (0)20 79671200 INTO Emergency Number Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) for free advice. +44 (0)7907 721 469 (out of office hours) To book accommodation. Manchester Taxi Firms PCS Airport Transfers Letter requests. +44 (0)845 223 2000 Radio Cars adult-students +44 (0)161 236 8033 UKBA website. Short term budget accommodation +44 (0)161 236 9500 All information regarding studying in the UK and Hatters Hostel excellent advice on Budgeting. +44 (0)8712 710711 City Centre Hotels close to INTO Manchester Manchester Airport Ibis Hotel, Portland Street +44 (0) 161 856 3320 Nationality Department Greater Manchester Police Princess on Portland, Portland Street Bootle Street Manchester The Palace Hotel, Oxford Road To register with a doctor. UKCISA advice for all International Students. 17
  • 19. In case of emergency call INTO Manchester on +44 (0) 7907 721 469 Sometimes in Manchester it’s cold and rains a lot, so being from Brazil it should have been my last choice to stay here, but it’s such a lovely city! It’s small enough to know your way around, but big enough to have a lot going on. It’s a young city, and the people are nice – I find them more open than in London. The atmosphere is great and there are lots of international students in Manchester. My favourite memory of my time at INTO Manchester was the great friends that I have made from so many different countries – I enjoyed being able to learn about other people’s lives and cultures and comparing them with my own. Fernanda Souza Brazil 19
  • 20. INTO Manchester Bridgewater House 58/60 Whitworth street Manchester M1 6LT T: (+44) (0) 161 279 7272 F: (+44) (0) 161 234 0900 E: © INTO Manchester LLP, June 2010. All content published in this document is believed accurate at time of publication. INTO reserves the right to alter details of all aspects of its operation without notice. INTO University Partnerships Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales, registered number 05507863. Registered office: 102 Middlesex Street, London E1 7EZ Education provider sponsor number 6FY6FQBV1