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Internal Organ Therapy Using Laser
Auricular Acupuncture
Dr. Malini Chaudhri. Ph. D., D. L., China, Sri Lanka
This paper explores the nature of the internal organs in their individual capacity and
in their relationship with each other for the maintenance of homeostasis in the body.
The study of specific frequencies of laser infrared light as 5 Hz, 10 Hz and 20 Hz for
the treatment of internal organ disorders is also discussed.
Biostimulatory laser irradiation is well recognized for its action on fibroblast
proliferation, collagen synthesis, wound healing and pain relief, enhanced
intercellular and extracellular communication, improved ATP, oxygenation and
lymphatic drainage. The photon of the biostimulatory laser can trigger cell reactions
on individual cell types as well as on surrounding tissue through oscillation, whereby
a cascade of neurochemical reactions occur causing changes that are corrective,
homeostatic and therapeutic.
The lasertherapist witnesses on surface tissue what the acupuncturist witnesses on
internal systems through the same equipment and tools of biostimulatory laser light.
Laser stimulation of acupuncture points achieves a neurochemical response that can
and has been measured in brain reactions, and the body provides a whole system of
photo and electrically sensitive gap junctions which speeds up the healing process
internally. This therapy is extremely advanced and takes into consideration the
highly integrated relationship of the brain to the individual collective body systems
as the joints, the muscles, the lymph, the bones and the internal organs. For
instance, in the embryo it is the same principle which forms one joint that will form
all the joints of the body, and all joints will look alike and perform similar functions.
An internal disease that attacks one joint is likely to later affect the other joint
systems as they are already connected in their functional capacity to one another. It
is therefore necessary for the therapist to find the means of treating the affected
joints individually through localized laser irradiation and collectively through the
acupuncture meridians which can bring homeostasis to the entire system of joints.
Likewise with the internal organ systems.
Internal Organ System and its Reletionship with the Auricle
Prof. Park Jae Woo, founder of the Sujok school of acupuncture, was the first to
observe the relationship between the auricle and the internal organs based on their
physical resemblance to one another. Cells, muscles and joints which looked similar
would perform similar functions , he claimed and the resemblance of the auricle to
the internal organs, especially the heart, lung, spleen, and kidney, indicated there
was likely to be a close functional correspondence and relationship between them,
at a single level and at multiple levels. The multidimensional attributes of this
connection reflect the mechanisms by which the internal organs interact to maintain
a consistent and vital functioning of the human body as an integral whole.
Organs and Five Element Two Phase Theory
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views internal organ therapy from the
standpoint of a metaphysical system which explains all organ functions with respect
to five elements which are Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal and Water and two phases which
are Yin or Yang. These elements symbolize the five elemental building blocks of the
universe according to Chinese cosmological theory. But these elements are not
necessarily physical. They are concepts which have manifestations on physical
emotional and spiritual dimensions. Five element theory is one of the diagnostic
perspectives available to a lasertherapist which connect mind and body and delves
deep into mapping the relationship of psycho-spiritual conditions in respect to the
organ system.
This philosophy derives from very ancient Taoist scriptures written in a language
that is possibly not fully decoded even today, and has a highly metaphorical idiom.
The body was considered to be one with the Tao, the universal energy field, and
therefore the organs were placed as control points to channelize the current, the
liver was given the role of the "Governor", and the kidney was placed to act as an
"Official", allotting the innate chi through the span of birth and death , the spleen
was given the function to ‘nutrify and engender a host of ten thousand things across
the universe’. Linked to the activity of the organs were the senses, the tastes, the
colors and even the personality, likes and dislikes, emotions, and so on which went
towards the mental, emotional and behavioral makeup of the individual. The
outward, evolving current of energy through life was indicative of the Yang phase,
energetic, creative and dynamic, whereas the retrograde movement which implied
the internalization of chi towards the direction of the inner and absolute Tao showed
the Yin phase. When the mind was brought to a state of silence, the body stabilized
and one could achieve union with the Tao.
The Wood element, in TCM , is reflected in its Yin aspect in the liver, and Yang
aspect, in the Gall Bladder. When the wood element is in imbalance the emotion
associated with it, anger, comes to the surface. Wood energy likes to expand and
grow upwards . People show initiative because of their wood energy and lack
initiative when wood is deficient. The sensory organ associated with wood is the
eyes and eye problems are treated with liver points. The eyes have a higher aspect
in foresight, or inner vision, so the wood element is also recognized in its highest
octave as being responsible for the Zen experience of merging with the universal
consciousness. When two phase theory is considered initiative of wood element in
its Yang aspect helps the individual achieve in the world whereas in its Yin aspect
initiative would be directed towards meditation.
Likewise with the Metal element which is expressed through the Lungs and Large
Intestines. When the element is imbalanced the associated emotion of sadness and
grief characterizes the persons temperament. The sensory organ is the nose and the
soul aspect connected with Metal is Po, which refers to the animalistic spirit. This is
that part of the psyche which is instinctive and animalistic. Metal energy not only
regulates the breathing but also regulates the bonding and releasing of attachment
in our lives. A metal pathology is a pathology of sadness which comes from a refusal
to let go and to awaken to the new. The metal element in imbalance produces
obsessive compulsive types, who like to keep repeating their health problems and
the therapist may choose to stimulate fire or ‘bring fire to metal’ to help the person
lighten up. Lungs influence the skin and body qi its main function being to remove
the worthless and take in the fresh.
The Water element corresponds to the kidney and bladder and becomes useful in
treating the psychology of fear or anxiety. The sensory organ associated with kidney
is the ear, and hearing problems are treated with kidney points. Kidney embodies
the ancestral chi that is inherited and that influences the maturation cycles of the
person from birth to death. It is also the source of fuel for the formation of the
densest tissues in the body as the bones and the teeth. The soul aspect is known as
Zhi, and refers to will power, goals, decisions. Kidney chi, being ancestral, can never
be replaced and is subject to constant depletion.
The Fire element relates to the Heart and Pericardium and brings to the forefront
aspects of joy and emotional pain, mood swings, highs and lows. The element rules
the blood vessels and arteries, and the related sense organ is the tongue ,speech
and words. The soul associated with Fire is the Shen. Shen is the most essential
power and spirit of life. It has Yin and Yang aspects. Yuan (original) Shen is Yin, the
passive form, the divine form known as the higher self. Shih Shen is Yang, the active
form, the emotions and the vitamin of life and living. When Shen is strong the
individual is stable, spiritual and love relationships are secure. When Shen is weak
the person craves stimulation and excitement that are ephemeral and need constant
The last element Earth, and its associated organs, stomach and spleen, are
connected to the sympathy emotion. The energy is grounding and needs attention
and nourishment from external sources. People in a state of earth imbalance crave
codependant nurturing relationships. The mouth is the associated sense organ and
the taste sense, and people who are emotionally neglected often compensate
through eating or stimulating the taste buds. The Spirit aspect is known as Yi which
signifies thoughts, opinions and knowledge. A strong Yi can translate knowledge and
opinions into action, a weak yi falters in activating ones viewpoints practically.
Absorption, digestion and distribution is the Earth function at physical and mental
levels .
The important message in this theory is that the internal organs are dominant
controlling power points and that senses, tastes, emotions and behaviour are
secondary links that are derived from and reflective of the energy state of the main
organ system. The ideal state for the Taoists was the state of merging with the
original Tao, which could only be achieved when the elements were brought to
balance. At the same time the body and mind had to maintain its vital, energetic
state to function effectively through its Yang phase in the World while retaining its
Yin balance and contact with the Tao.
Auriculotherapy and the French School - the Beginning of Laser
The 1950’s saw the rise of the French school of Dr. Nogier from Lyon. Dr. Nogier was
an M. D. and successfully brought scientific understanding to the field of
auriculartherapy. His research was based more on clinical trials and lab experiments
rather than on metaphysical abstract theories characteristic of TCM. He gave a
practical basis for the school of auriculartherapy to emerge as a valid and effective
health science and his principles of therapy were applied according to western
understanding of the human body. Organ therapy were restricted to organ disorders,
while emotional and mentaldisorders found representation on other zones of the
homunculus map, The sense organs as the eye, ear or mouth also found individual
representation as did sleep disorders, depression, hypertension and other
imbalances of the psyche.
It was Nogier who discovered that the major part of the internal organs derived
from the endodermal embryonic tissue and were found to be represented in the
concha region of the auricle best stimulated at a frequency of 5 Hz or five pulse
points per second. Certain organs as the heart, kidneys, spleen and genital organs
were obtained from the mesodermal tissue best stimulated at a frequency of 10 Hz.
These differences in stimulation of frequencies were necessary because of the
phenomena of resonant wave forms for different types of tissue.
Laser stimulation from a semiconductor (GaAs) diode at 5 Hz, 10 mW, is applied on
points where excess conditions, inflammatory pathologies or parasympathetic nerve
complaints were to be treated. This beam could disperse chi in yang disorders.
Whereas 5 Hz was used for its mildly sedating action on the parasympathetic
nervous system, and for diminishing tone, 10 Hz was given for its tonifying action on
acupuncture points and the nervous system, and was indicated in conditions of
deficiency. Being the frequency recommended for mesodermal tissue structures it
was indicated for diseases related to the heart, as circulatory disorders, diseases of
the kidney or of the genito urinary system. In alarm conditions or for emergency aid,
a frequency of 20 Hz was recommended for stimulation of points of the diseased
The concha zone was found to influence the autonomic control of the internal
organs. Particularly Point Zero, which represented the umbilicus, was anatomically
placed in an area of innervation by the Vagus nerve. Stimulation of the the point may
yield a significant parasympathetic effect that would act on all the endodermal
structures located in the concha. Clinically the parasympathetic effect has also been
recognized to affect the auricular energetics in general depending on the direction of
irradiation. A beam, at a frequency of 5 Hz , irradiated in strokes towards point Zero
would increase parasympathetic tone, whereas irradiation in strokes away from
point Zero would diminish tone in excess conditions. The internal organ points,
situated in close proximity to one another , do not need so much precision to locate
as do musculoskeletal points, as the organs interact and stimulation of the concha
zone is known to improve their collective performance.
The presence of mast cells in the auricle, which act as paraneurons, assist the
photochemical process of laser assimilation and influence surrounding tissue and
points. Whenever an organ is seriosly afflicted the auricular reflex point may contain
neurohormone complexes that are activated by the laser beam to initiate a healing
current through oscillation to the brain and to the organ concerned.
Practitioners of TCM who switch from needle to laser acupuncture will have to be
more discerning in the application of various frequencies for complex diseases. Skin
diseases, for instance, in TCM are treated through lung points. Lung being an
endodermal organ should be stimulated at a frequency of 5 Hz. However Nogier has
located independent points for skin disorders and the known acupuncture frequency
for the epithelium is 2.5 Hz, the frequency prescribed for disorders of ectodermal
tissue. However, the affected area of skin may be irradiated locally at 5 Hz in
inflammatory conditions and 10 Hz in deficiency conditions. In psychological
disorders the rules change. Depression, for instance, may be attributed to lung
imbalance. In this case lung point should be stimulated at 5 Hz and anti-depression
at 80 Hz , the frequency prescribed for restoring psychic health. If depression is
linked to a heart disorder, then heart will be stimulated at 10 Hz, being a
mesodermal organ, and anti-depression point at 80 Hz. Point Shenmen, which
influences heart lung and depression is situated in the Triangular Fossa, may also be
stimulated at 10 Hz, the frequency prescribed generally for all points located in the
The author works with values 0.5 - 1 J/cm2
1. Onnuri Auricular Therapy, Internal Organ Systems, prof. Park Jae Woo.
2. Rayons semi cherents ou microlasers, Auriculomedicine, Paul Nogiér
3. Zero Point: A Critical Assessment through Advanced Auricular Therapy, Bryan
Frank and Nader Soliman
4. Auriculotherapy Manual: Chinese and Western Systems of Ear Acupuncture,
Terry Oleson
5. Five Phase Theory and its Use in Medicine, Philip A. M. Rogers
6. Acupuncture and Intention, Needling without Needles, Michael T. Greenwood
7. Aires reflexes du pavillon, Auriculomedicine, Paul Nogiér
8. Auriculomedicine et acupuncture, Paul Nogiér
9. The Biophysics of the Vas, John M. Ackerman, M.D

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  • 1. Internal Organ Therapy Using Laser Auricular Acupuncture Dr. Malini Chaudhri. Ph. D., D. L., China, Sri Lanka Abstract This paper explores the nature of the internal organs in their individual capacity and in their relationship with each other for the maintenance of homeostasis in the body. The study of specific frequencies of laser infrared light as 5 Hz, 10 Hz and 20 Hz for the treatment of internal organ disorders is also discussed. Introduction Biostimulatory laser irradiation is well recognized for its action on fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis, wound healing and pain relief, enhanced intercellular and extracellular communication, improved ATP, oxygenation and lymphatic drainage. The photon of the biostimulatory laser can trigger cell reactions on individual cell types as well as on surrounding tissue through oscillation, whereby a cascade of neurochemical reactions occur causing changes that are corrective, homeostatic and therapeutic. The lasertherapist witnesses on surface tissue what the acupuncturist witnesses on internal systems through the same equipment and tools of biostimulatory laser light. Laser stimulation of acupuncture points achieves a neurochemical response that can and has been measured in brain reactions, and the body provides a whole system of photo and electrically sensitive gap junctions which speeds up the healing process internally. This therapy is extremely advanced and takes into consideration the highly integrated relationship of the brain to the individual collective body systems as the joints, the muscles, the lymph, the bones and the internal organs. For instance, in the embryo it is the same principle which forms one joint that will form all the joints of the body, and all joints will look alike and perform similar functions. An internal disease that attacks one joint is likely to later affect the other joint systems as they are already connected in their functional capacity to one another. It is therefore necessary for the therapist to find the means of treating the affected joints individually through localized laser irradiation and collectively through the acupuncture meridians which can bring homeostasis to the entire system of joints. Likewise with the internal organ systems. Internal Organ System and its Reletionship with the Auricle Prof. Park Jae Woo, founder of the Sujok school of acupuncture, was the first to observe the relationship between the auricle and the internal organs based on their physical resemblance to one another. Cells, muscles and joints which looked similar would perform similar functions , he claimed and the resemblance of the auricle to the internal organs, especially the heart, lung, spleen, and kidney, indicated there was likely to be a close functional correspondence and relationship between them, at a single level and at multiple levels. The multidimensional attributes of this connection reflect the mechanisms by which the internal organs interact to maintain a consistent and vital functioning of the human body as an integral whole.
  • 2. Organs and Five Element Two Phase Theory Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views internal organ therapy from the standpoint of a metaphysical system which explains all organ functions with respect to five elements which are Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal and Water and two phases which are Yin or Yang. These elements symbolize the five elemental building blocks of the universe according to Chinese cosmological theory. But these elements are not necessarily physical. They are concepts which have manifestations on physical emotional and spiritual dimensions. Five element theory is one of the diagnostic perspectives available to a lasertherapist which connect mind and body and delves deep into mapping the relationship of psycho-spiritual conditions in respect to the organ system. This philosophy derives from very ancient Taoist scriptures written in a language that is possibly not fully decoded even today, and has a highly metaphorical idiom. The body was considered to be one with the Tao, the universal energy field, and therefore the organs were placed as control points to channelize the current, the liver was given the role of the "Governor", and the kidney was placed to act as an "Official", allotting the innate chi through the span of birth and death , the spleen was given the function to ‘nutrify and engender a host of ten thousand things across the universe’. Linked to the activity of the organs were the senses, the tastes, the colors and even the personality, likes and dislikes, emotions, and so on which went towards the mental, emotional and behavioral makeup of the individual. The outward, evolving current of energy through life was indicative of the Yang phase, energetic, creative and dynamic, whereas the retrograde movement which implied the internalization of chi towards the direction of the inner and absolute Tao showed the Yin phase. When the mind was brought to a state of silence, the body stabilized and one could achieve union with the Tao. The Wood element, in TCM , is reflected in its Yin aspect in the liver, and Yang aspect, in the Gall Bladder. When the wood element is in imbalance the emotion associated with it, anger, comes to the surface. Wood energy likes to expand and grow upwards . People show initiative because of their wood energy and lack initiative when wood is deficient. The sensory organ associated with wood is the eyes and eye problems are treated with liver points. The eyes have a higher aspect in foresight, or inner vision, so the wood element is also recognized in its highest octave as being responsible for the Zen experience of merging with the universal consciousness. When two phase theory is considered initiative of wood element in its Yang aspect helps the individual achieve in the world whereas in its Yin aspect initiative would be directed towards meditation. Likewise with the Metal element which is expressed through the Lungs and Large Intestines. When the element is imbalanced the associated emotion of sadness and grief characterizes the persons temperament. The sensory organ is the nose and the soul aspect connected with Metal is Po, which refers to the animalistic spirit. This is that part of the psyche which is instinctive and animalistic. Metal energy not only regulates the breathing but also regulates the bonding and releasing of attachment in our lives. A metal pathology is a pathology of sadness which comes from a refusal to let go and to awaken to the new. The metal element in imbalance produces obsessive compulsive types, who like to keep repeating their health problems and the therapist may choose to stimulate fire or ‘bring fire to metal’ to help the person lighten up. Lungs influence the skin and body qi its main function being to remove the worthless and take in the fresh. The Water element corresponds to the kidney and bladder and becomes useful in treating the psychology of fear or anxiety. The sensory organ associated with kidney is the ear, and hearing problems are treated with kidney points. Kidney embodies the ancestral chi that is inherited and that influences the maturation cycles of the person from birth to death. It is also the source of fuel for the formation of the densest tissues in the body as the bones and the teeth. The soul aspect is known as
  • 3. Zhi, and refers to will power, goals, decisions. Kidney chi, being ancestral, can never be replaced and is subject to constant depletion. The Fire element relates to the Heart and Pericardium and brings to the forefront aspects of joy and emotional pain, mood swings, highs and lows. The element rules the blood vessels and arteries, and the related sense organ is the tongue ,speech and words. The soul associated with Fire is the Shen. Shen is the most essential power and spirit of life. It has Yin and Yang aspects. Yuan (original) Shen is Yin, the passive form, the divine form known as the higher self. Shih Shen is Yang, the active form, the emotions and the vitamin of life and living. When Shen is strong the individual is stable, spiritual and love relationships are secure. When Shen is weak the person craves stimulation and excitement that are ephemeral and need constant recharging. The last element Earth, and its associated organs, stomach and spleen, are connected to the sympathy emotion. The energy is grounding and needs attention and nourishment from external sources. People in a state of earth imbalance crave codependant nurturing relationships. The mouth is the associated sense organ and the taste sense, and people who are emotionally neglected often compensate through eating or stimulating the taste buds. The Spirit aspect is known as Yi which signifies thoughts, opinions and knowledge. A strong Yi can translate knowledge and opinions into action, a weak yi falters in activating ones viewpoints practically. Absorption, digestion and distribution is the Earth function at physical and mental levels . The important message in this theory is that the internal organs are dominant controlling power points and that senses, tastes, emotions and behaviour are secondary links that are derived from and reflective of the energy state of the main organ system. The ideal state for the Taoists was the state of merging with the original Tao, which could only be achieved when the elements were brought to balance. At the same time the body and mind had to maintain its vital, energetic state to function effectively through its Yang phase in the World while retaining its Yin balance and contact with the Tao. Auriculotherapy and the French School - the Beginning of Laser Acupuncture The 1950’s saw the rise of the French school of Dr. Nogier from Lyon. Dr. Nogier was an M. D. and successfully brought scientific understanding to the field of auriculartherapy. His research was based more on clinical trials and lab experiments rather than on metaphysical abstract theories characteristic of TCM. He gave a practical basis for the school of auriculartherapy to emerge as a valid and effective health science and his principles of therapy were applied according to western understanding of the human body. Organ therapy were restricted to organ disorders, while emotional and mentaldisorders found representation on other zones of the homunculus map, The sense organs as the eye, ear or mouth also found individual representation as did sleep disorders, depression, hypertension and other imbalances of the psyche. It was Nogier who discovered that the major part of the internal organs derived from the endodermal embryonic tissue and were found to be represented in the concha region of the auricle best stimulated at a frequency of 5 Hz or five pulse points per second. Certain organs as the heart, kidneys, spleen and genital organs were obtained from the mesodermal tissue best stimulated at a frequency of 10 Hz. These differences in stimulation of frequencies were necessary because of the phenomena of resonant wave forms for different types of tissue. Laser stimulation from a semiconductor (GaAs) diode at 5 Hz, 10 mW, is applied on points where excess conditions, inflammatory pathologies or parasympathetic nerve complaints were to be treated. This beam could disperse chi in yang disorders. Whereas 5 Hz was used for its mildly sedating action on the parasympathetic nervous system, and for diminishing tone, 10 Hz was given for its tonifying action on
  • 4. acupuncture points and the nervous system, and was indicated in conditions of deficiency. Being the frequency recommended for mesodermal tissue structures it was indicated for diseases related to the heart, as circulatory disorders, diseases of the kidney or of the genito urinary system. In alarm conditions or for emergency aid, a frequency of 20 Hz was recommended for stimulation of points of the diseased organ. The concha zone was found to influence the autonomic control of the internal organs. Particularly Point Zero, which represented the umbilicus, was anatomically placed in an area of innervation by the Vagus nerve. Stimulation of the the point may yield a significant parasympathetic effect that would act on all the endodermal structures located in the concha. Clinically the parasympathetic effect has also been recognized to affect the auricular energetics in general depending on the direction of irradiation. A beam, at a frequency of 5 Hz , irradiated in strokes towards point Zero would increase parasympathetic tone, whereas irradiation in strokes away from point Zero would diminish tone in excess conditions. The internal organ points, situated in close proximity to one another , do not need so much precision to locate as do musculoskeletal points, as the organs interact and stimulation of the concha zone is known to improve their collective performance. The presence of mast cells in the auricle, which act as paraneurons, assist the photochemical process of laser assimilation and influence surrounding tissue and points. Whenever an organ is seriosly afflicted the auricular reflex point may contain neurohormone complexes that are activated by the laser beam to initiate a healing current through oscillation to the brain and to the organ concerned. Practitioners of TCM who switch from needle to laser acupuncture will have to be more discerning in the application of various frequencies for complex diseases. Skin diseases, for instance, in TCM are treated through lung points. Lung being an endodermal organ should be stimulated at a frequency of 5 Hz. However Nogier has located independent points for skin disorders and the known acupuncture frequency for the epithelium is 2.5 Hz, the frequency prescribed for disorders of ectodermal tissue. However, the affected area of skin may be irradiated locally at 5 Hz in inflammatory conditions and 10 Hz in deficiency conditions. In psychological disorders the rules change. Depression, for instance, may be attributed to lung imbalance. In this case lung point should be stimulated at 5 Hz and anti-depression at 80 Hz , the frequency prescribed for restoring psychic health. If depression is linked to a heart disorder, then heart will be stimulated at 10 Hz, being a mesodermal organ, and anti-depression point at 80 Hz. Point Shenmen, which influences heart lung and depression is situated in the Triangular Fossa, may also be stimulated at 10 Hz, the frequency prescribed generally for all points located in the TF. The author works with values 0.5 - 1 J/cm2 . Bibliography 1. Onnuri Auricular Therapy, Internal Organ Systems, prof. Park Jae Woo. 2. Rayons semi cherents ou microlasers, Auriculomedicine, Paul Nogiér 3. Zero Point: A Critical Assessment through Advanced Auricular Therapy, Bryan Frank and Nader Soliman 4. Auriculotherapy Manual: Chinese and Western Systems of Ear Acupuncture, Terry Oleson 5. Five Phase Theory and its Use in Medicine, Philip A. M. Rogers 6. Acupuncture and Intention, Needling without Needles, Michael T. Greenwood 7. Aires reflexes du pavillon, Auriculomedicine, Paul Nogiér 8. Auriculomedicine et acupuncture, Paul Nogiér 9. The Biophysics of the Vas, John M. Ackerman, M.D