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Reporter: Domingo J. Langa, Jr.
October 15, 2016
Baliuag University
Professor: Dr. Greg Quinto, Jr.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 1
Saturday,October 15, 2016 2
 Name: Howard Earl
 Born: July 11, 1943 (age
73), Scranton,
Pennsylvania, United
 Education: Harvard
University (1966–
1971), Harvard
College (1961–1965)
Saturday,October 15, 2016 3
 Parents: Refugees from
Nazi Germany
 Likes: Reading and
playing the piano
 First course: History
then shifted to
Saturday,October 15, 2016 4
 Spouse: EllenWinner
 Wife’s Occupation:
 Number of children:
four sons and one
Saturday,October 15, 2016 5
 Proposed by Howard
Gardner in 1983
 Revolutionized how we
understand intelligence
 The theory of multiple
intelligences challenges
the idea of a single IQ,
where human beings
have one central
"computer" where
intelligence is housed
Saturday,October 15, 2016 6
 Gardner (1999) developed eight criteria for classifying a
behavioral or learning pattern as an intelligence as follows:
▪ The potential of isolation by brain damage, as evidenced by
individuals who have experienced brain damage by accident
or disease.
▪ An intelligence must have an evolutionary history and
evolutionary plausibility, such that it confers some survival
value for those who possess it.
▪ An intelligence must have an identifiable core operation or
set of operations
▪ An intelligence can be encoded in a symbol system, such as
language or musical notation.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 7
 Gardner (1999) developed eight criteria for
classifying a behavioral or learning pattern as an
intelligence as follows:
▪ An intelligence has a developmental history in that individuals
must go through a process of maturing the intelligence until they
can perform a set of expert “end-state” performances.
▪ The existence of savants, prodigies, and other exceptional people
with “special abilities” supports the identification of an
▪ Support from experimental psychological tasks, such as transfer of
skills to new tasks, and interferences among tasks help identify
discrete intelligences.
▪ Support from psychometric findings have been used to support
the existence of multiple intelligences.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 8
 Gardner (1999) made two fundamental
claims about multiple intelligences:
▪ That the theory accounts for the full range of human
cognition, and
▪ Each individual has a unique blend of the various
intelligences that contributes to his/her personal
predilections and abilities.
 One of the main challenges for educators and
individuals is for each person to develop his/her
intelligences to the fullest.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 9
 There are multiple types of human intelligence,
each representing different ways of processing
 Verbal-linguistic intelligence refers to an individual's
ability to analyze information and produce work that
involves oral and written language, such as speeches,
books, and emails.
 Logical-mathematical intelligence describes the ability
to develop equations and proofs, make calculations, and
solve abstract problems.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 10
 Visual-spatial intelligence allows people to
comprehend maps and other types of graphical
 Musical intelligence enables individuals to
produce and make meaning of different types of
 Naturalistic intelligence refers to the ability to
identify and distinguish among different types of
plants, animals, and weather formations found in
the natural world.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 11
 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails using
one's own body to create products or solve
 Interpersonal intelligence reflects an ability to
recognize and understand other people's moods,
desires, motivations, and intentions.
 Intrapersonal intelligence refers to people's
ability to recognize and assess those same
characteristics within themselves.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 12
 Spiritual Intelligence
▪ Gravitates toward religion, theology, mysticism and the
transcendent. Concern with cosmic issues, supernatural,
meaning of life's event; spends time in altered states such as
meditation, self-hypnosis, and prayer; and connects with
others in non-ordinary ways that may help and heal the
Skills and Careers: Monastic lifestyles; minister; mediator,
alternative medicine, yoga and martial arts teachers,
 Existential Intelligence
▪ Is concerned with ultimate issues; continuity of spirit
between lifetimes; sense of relationship with beings of other
planes and the cosmos
Skills and Careers: Examples include spiritual masters such
as Gandhi, MotherTeresa, the Dalai LamaSaturday,October 15, 2016 13
Saturday,October 15, 2016 14
 Born: December 8, 1949
(age 66), Newark, New
Jersey, United States
 Education: Stanford
University (1975),Yale
University (1972)
 He holds thirteen honorary
doctorates from two North
American, one South
American, oneAsian, and
nine European universities,
and additionally holds an
honorary professorship at
the University of
Heidelberg, in Germany.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 15
 Among his major
contributions to psychology
are the triarchic theory of
intelligence, several
influential theories related to
creativity, wisdom, thinking
styles, love and hate
 He is the author of over 1500
articles, book chapters, and
 A Review of General
Psychology survey, published
in 2002, ranked Sternberg as
the 60th most cited
psychologist of the 20th
Saturday,October 15, 2016 16
 Robert Sternberg is
married to Karin
Sternberg, a German
 He has a set of triplets,
consisting of a boy and
two girls.
 Sternberg and his first
wife had a son and a
Saturday,October 15, 2016 17
 Robert J. Sternberg has articulated a model of mental self-
government that reproduces the structure of concern
under one of its facets (Sternberg, 1997). Sternberg sees
thinking style not as something that defines a person.
According to him, we all command a variety of styles.
These nevertheless do leave us with a certain style profile,
and life is better if we can find social roles to match our
 In Sternberg’s schema, there are five facets of thinking
styles.Thinking styles have functions, form, levels, scope
and leanings. All can be discussed in terms of the structure
of concern, but the lowest-hanging fruit here is his
typology of the forms of thinking styles, which plainly
exhibit the four-part pattern.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 18
 P – Monarchic Self-Government: Single-minded, driven, determined,
focused, pushes past obstacles. Expects things to be done, no ifs, ands or
 A – Hierarchic Self-Government: Carefully ranks and prioritizes goals,
considers many angles before deciding, comfortable in large
organizations, except when the organization’s priorities/principles and
theirs diverge.
 E – Anarchic Self-Government: A potpourri of wants, needs and goals that
nobody can figure out. Random approach to problems, rejecting systems
and constraints. Because they gather information from all over, they are
more likely to find solutions others will overlook. If they can focus their
efforts, they may succeed where all others fail.
 I – OligarchicSelf-Government:Willing to focus and prioritize but torn by
several competing goals all of equal perceived importance. Feel
pressured and uncertain over what to do next and how much time to
allot to each task. Given even a minimum of guidance about the priorities
of the organization or team however, they can become as or more
productive than any of the other styles.
Sternberg, R. J. (1997). Thinking Styles.Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press.Saturday,October 15, 2016 19
 Individuals with a Legislative Style:
1. Enjoy creating, formulating, and planning
for problem-solving.
2. Make their own rules
3. Prefer an independent way of doing things
4. Find original problems to solve
5. Enjoy creative and constructive activities
such as writing, project design, and creating
new systems in fields such as business and
Saturday,October 15, 2016 20
 Individuals with an Executive Style:
1. Implementers
2.Work well with rules and pre-existing
3. Prefer to work with prestructured problems
4.Work best with predefined activities such
as solving engineering or legal problems,
giving talks or lessons based on others' ideas
5. Good at enforcing rules and traditions
Saturday,October 15, 2016 21
 Individuals with a Judicial Style:
1. Good at analysis and criticism
2. Evaluative problems
3. Good at forming and giving opinions
4.Tend toward judging people, work, and
Saturday,October 15, 2016 22
 Sternberg (1990) discussed classroom implications for his
metaphor, stating that primary and secondary schools
tend to reward executive types most. Students who work
within the existing rule systems and seek the rewards the
schools or teachers value (grades, performance, good
behavior) tend to produce the best academic performance
at these levels.
 Judicial types are rewarded more in college and post-
graduate programs where criticism and judgment are
more highly valued.
 Legislative types may not be rewarded until graduate
school, where originality in research, writing, and
presentations are valued.The fit between students and
teachers is a factor in the success of a course or program.
Sternberg gives examples for a variety of classroom
Saturday,October 15, 2016 23
 Globalists:
1. Prefer large, abstract issues
2. Ignore or dislike detail
3.Work best with concepts and ideas
4. Can easily lose focus and get lost in
Saturday,October 15, 2016 24
 Localists:
1. Prefer concrete problems
2. Detailed work
3. Pragmatic and down-to-earth
4. Difficulty seeing the larger picture
Saturday,October 15, 2016 25
 Internalists (Domestic affairs):
1. Introverted
3. Aloof,
4. Less socially sensitive
5. Like to work alone
Saturday,October 15, 2016 26
 Externalists (foreign affairs)
1. Extroverted
2. People oriented
3. Socially sensitive
4.Work best in groups or teams
Saturday,October 15, 2016 27
Saturday,October 15, 2016 28
 Born in 1940 in Utica,
 also known as "JSB”
 Alma mater: Brown
University and
University of Michigan
Saturday,October 15, 2016 29
 Education: Brown University,
B.S., 1962; University of
Michigan, M.S., 1964, Ph.D.,
 Career: Assistant professor,
University of California at
Irvine, 1969–73; senior
scientist, Bolt Baranek and
Newman, Cambridge, MA,
1973–78; principal scientist in
cognitive and instructional
sciences, Xerox Corporation,
Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC), 1978–84
Saturday,October 15, 2016 30
 Brown’s work on cognitive
apprenticeship evolved from
the work of Lave on situated
learning, a model of learning
derived from the notion that
cognitive tools are acquired in
the same way as apprentices
learn a craft or trade.
 This method of instruction is
a synthesis of formal
schooling and traditional
Saturday,October 15, 2016 31
 Learners enter a culture of
 Acquisition, development
and application of cognitive
tools in a learning domain is
based on activity in learning
and knowledge.
 Enculturation (social
interaction) and context
(learning environment) are
powerful components of
learning in this model.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 32
 Instructors and other
students provide modeling in
situ and scaffolding for
students to enter into
learning activity.
 As students learn and gain
skills and self-confidence
they are prepared for more
autonomy, and begin to have
conscious participation in the
learning culture.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 33
 In traditional classroom
approaches, the teacher’s
thinking processes are usually
invisible and operate outside
of conscious awareness, even
for the teacher.
 The goal of cognitive
apprenticeship is to make the
thinking processes of a
learning activity visible to
both the students and the
Saturday,October 15, 2016 34
 The teacher is then able to
employ the methods of
traditional apprenticeship
(modeling, coaching,
scaffolding, and fading) to
effectively guide student
Saturday,October 15, 2016 35
 Procedures are seen as
flexible and evolving.
 Both algorithms and
heuristics are assessed in
context and with respect to
desired outcomes and
 This flexibility allows
students to generate unique
solutions to problems, and
makes them more active,
conscious, and creative
participants in the learning
culture.Saturday,October 15, 2016 36
 It can be especially effective
when teaching complex,
cognitive skills such as
reading comprehension,
essay writing, and
mathematical problem
 It leads to students’ greater
understanding of the
 It also combats “inert
knowledge” helping students
to apply their knowledge and
skills in novel situations.Saturday,October 15, 2016 37
 The teacher models the
processes involved in a
complex task initially, by
thinking aloud or describing
the cognitive strategy for the
 As soon as possible, the
teacher turns the role of
“teacher” over to students.
 The teacher coaches and
scaffolds students’ efforts,
decreasing active
participation as they become
more proficient in their skills.Saturday,October 15, 2016 38
Saturday,October 15, 2016 39
 Born inVancouver, British
Columbia in 1947
 Entered the university with
hopes to become a writer, but
left with the dream of
practicing psychology as a
precise and qualitative
 Graduated at the head of his
class in Arts and Science in
Saturday,October 15, 2016 40
 Earned his Ph. D. from
Stanford in 1972
 Spent one year atYale as an
assistant professor
 Three years at the University
of Michigan as a Junior Fellow
 One year atYale as associate
professor and a final year as a
full professor
 Has been at Carnegie Mellon
University since 1978
Saturday,October 15, 2016 41
 It means Adaptive Character ofThought
 It is a cognitive theory dealing primarily with memory
 The model describes a spreading activation model of semantic
memory, combined with a production system for executing
higher level operations.
 According to ACT*, there are
three types of memory and
Saturday,October 15, 2016 42
 1. Declarative memory (WHAT) encompasses factual
components and their associations and sequences.
 2. Procedural memory or
production memory (HOW) are
sequences of behaviors
(productions) based on conditions
and actions stored in declarative
memory. A production is a series of
“if-then” rules: if x happens, then do
y. New productions are formed by
linking up existing ones, adding
components, and deleting
Saturday,October 15, 2016 43
 3. Working memory is the part of the long-term memory
which is currently in consciousness.
 These three parts of
long-term memory
work closely together,
and each has its own
functions and
Saturday,October 15, 2016 44
 Generalization – in which procedures (productions) are cross-
contextualized or more widely applied.
 Discrimination – in which
procedures (productions)
become more
 Strengthening – in which
procedures (productions)
are applied more
Saturday,October 15, 2016 45
 The theory includes
notions of goal structure,
problem-solving context,
and feedback.
 Research with ACT* has
showed that reaction
time for fact retrieval
increase as a function of
the number of times the
items sought were
mentioned in a story.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 46
 Unique content in stories
is easier for the reader to
determines the
probability of access to
memory, and the rate at
which a memory can be
accessed, after a subject
is cued to recall
Saturday,October 15, 2016 47
proposes that activation
travels along a network of
connections, so that once
cued, a subject may have
multiple responses based
on the connections
among bits of
information in memory.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 48
 Spreading activation is not believed to be entirely
under the subject’s control, but cueing may activate
remote connections without the subject’s volition
being involved.This tendency for memories to be
activated is called ASSOCIATIVE PRIMING.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 49
Saturday,October 15, 2016 50
 Joy Paul Guilford
 Born: March 7, 1897
 Birthplace: Marquette,
 Died: November 26, 1987
 Best remembered for his
psychometric study of
human intelligence,
including the distinction
between convergent and
divergent production
Saturday,October 15, 2016 51
 In Guilford's Structure of Intellect (SI)
theory, intelligence is viewed as
comprising operations, contents, and
 There are 5 kinds of operations
(cognition, memory, divergent
production, convergent production,
evaluation), 6 kinds of products (units,
classes, relations, systems,
transformations, and implications),
and 5 kinds of contents (visual,
auditory, symbolic, semantic,
 Since each of these dimensions is
independent, there are theoretically
150 different components of
Saturday,October 15, 2016 52
 Guilford researched and
developed a wide variety
of psychometric tests to
measure the specific
abilities predicted by SI
 These tests provide an
operational definition of
the many abilities
proposed by the theory.
Factor analysis was used
to determine which tests
appeared to measure the
same or different abilities.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 53
 It is interesting to note that a major impetus for
Guilford's theory was his interest in creativity
(Guilford, 1950).
 SI theory is intended to be a general theory of
human intelligence.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 54
 SI theory is intended to be a general theory of
human intelligence. Its major application (besides
educational research) has been in personnel
selection and placement.
Saturday,October 15, 2016 55
 Reasoning and problem-solving skills (convergent
and divergent operations) can be subdivided into 30
distinct abilities (6 products x 5 contents).
 Memory operations can be subdivided into 30
different skills (6 products x 5 contents).
 Decision-making skills (evaluation operations) can
be subdivided into 30 distinct abilities (6 products x
5 contents).
 Language-related skills (cognitive operations) can
be subdivided into 30 distinct abilities (6 products x
5 contents).
Saturday,October 15, 2016 56
Saturday,October 15, 2016 57

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  • 1. Reporter: Domingo J. Langa, Jr. October 15, 2016 Baliuag University Professor: Dr. Greg Quinto, Jr. Saturday,October 15, 2016 1
  • 3.  Name: Howard Earl Gardner  Born: July 11, 1943 (age 73), Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States  Education: Harvard University (1966– 1971), Harvard College (1961–1965) Saturday,October 15, 2016 3
  • 4.  Parents: Refugees from Nazi Germany  Likes: Reading and playing the piano  First course: History then shifted to Cognitive Developmental Psychology Saturday,October 15, 2016 4
  • 5.  Spouse: EllenWinner  Wife’s Occupation: Developmental psychologist  Number of children: four sons and one grandchild Saturday,October 15, 2016 5
  • 6.  Proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983  Revolutionized how we understand intelligence  The theory of multiple intelligences challenges the idea of a single IQ, where human beings have one central "computer" where intelligence is housed Saturday,October 15, 2016 6
  • 7.  Gardner (1999) developed eight criteria for classifying a behavioral or learning pattern as an intelligence as follows: ▪ The potential of isolation by brain damage, as evidenced by individuals who have experienced brain damage by accident or disease. ▪ An intelligence must have an evolutionary history and evolutionary plausibility, such that it confers some survival value for those who possess it. ▪ An intelligence must have an identifiable core operation or set of operations ▪ An intelligence can be encoded in a symbol system, such as language or musical notation. Saturday,October 15, 2016 7
  • 8.  Gardner (1999) developed eight criteria for classifying a behavioral or learning pattern as an intelligence as follows: ▪ An intelligence has a developmental history in that individuals must go through a process of maturing the intelligence until they can perform a set of expert “end-state” performances. ▪ The existence of savants, prodigies, and other exceptional people with “special abilities” supports the identification of an intelligence. ▪ Support from experimental psychological tasks, such as transfer of skills to new tasks, and interferences among tasks help identify discrete intelligences. ▪ Support from psychometric findings have been used to support the existence of multiple intelligences. Saturday,October 15, 2016 8
  • 9.  Gardner (1999) made two fundamental claims about multiple intelligences: ▪ That the theory accounts for the full range of human cognition, and ▪ Each individual has a unique blend of the various intelligences that contributes to his/her personal predilections and abilities.  One of the main challenges for educators and individuals is for each person to develop his/her intelligences to the fullest. Saturday,October 15, 2016 9
  • 10.  There are multiple types of human intelligence, each representing different ways of processing information:  Verbal-linguistic intelligence refers to an individual's ability to analyze information and produce work that involves oral and written language, such as speeches, books, and emails.  Logical-mathematical intelligence describes the ability to develop equations and proofs, make calculations, and solve abstract problems. Saturday,October 15, 2016 10
  • 11.  Visual-spatial intelligence allows people to comprehend maps and other types of graphical information.  Musical intelligence enables individuals to produce and make meaning of different types of sound.  Naturalistic intelligence refers to the ability to identify and distinguish among different types of plants, animals, and weather formations found in the natural world. Saturday,October 15, 2016 11
  • 12.  Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence entails using one's own body to create products or solve problems.  Interpersonal intelligence reflects an ability to recognize and understand other people's moods, desires, motivations, and intentions.  Intrapersonal intelligence refers to people's ability to recognize and assess those same characteristics within themselves. Saturday,October 15, 2016 12
  • 13.  Spiritual Intelligence ▪ Gravitates toward religion, theology, mysticism and the transcendent. Concern with cosmic issues, supernatural, meaning of life's event; spends time in altered states such as meditation, self-hypnosis, and prayer; and connects with others in non-ordinary ways that may help and heal the other. Skills and Careers: Monastic lifestyles; minister; mediator, alternative medicine, yoga and martial arts teachers,  Existential Intelligence ▪ Is concerned with ultimate issues; continuity of spirit between lifetimes; sense of relationship with beings of other planes and the cosmos Skills and Careers: Examples include spiritual masters such as Gandhi, MotherTeresa, the Dalai LamaSaturday,October 15, 2016 13
  • 15.  Born: December 8, 1949 (age 66), Newark, New Jersey, United States  Education: Stanford University (1975),Yale University (1972)  He holds thirteen honorary doctorates from two North American, one South American, oneAsian, and nine European universities, and additionally holds an honorary professorship at the University of Heidelberg, in Germany. Saturday,October 15, 2016 15
  • 16.  Among his major contributions to psychology are the triarchic theory of intelligence, several influential theories related to creativity, wisdom, thinking styles, love and hate  He is the author of over 1500 articles, book chapters, and books.  A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Sternberg as the 60th most cited psychologist of the 20th century. Saturday,October 15, 2016 16
  • 17.  Robert Sternberg is married to Karin Sternberg, a German psychologist  He has a set of triplets, consisting of a boy and two girls.  Sternberg and his first wife had a son and a daughter. Saturday,October 15, 2016 17
  • 18.  Robert J. Sternberg has articulated a model of mental self- government that reproduces the structure of concern under one of its facets (Sternberg, 1997). Sternberg sees thinking style not as something that defines a person. According to him, we all command a variety of styles. These nevertheless do leave us with a certain style profile, and life is better if we can find social roles to match our profile.  In Sternberg’s schema, there are five facets of thinking styles.Thinking styles have functions, form, levels, scope and leanings. All can be discussed in terms of the structure of concern, but the lowest-hanging fruit here is his typology of the forms of thinking styles, which plainly exhibit the four-part pattern. Saturday,October 15, 2016 18
  • 19.  P – Monarchic Self-Government: Single-minded, driven, determined, focused, pushes past obstacles. Expects things to be done, no ifs, ands or buts.  A – Hierarchic Self-Government: Carefully ranks and prioritizes goals, considers many angles before deciding, comfortable in large organizations, except when the organization’s priorities/principles and theirs diverge.  E – Anarchic Self-Government: A potpourri of wants, needs and goals that nobody can figure out. Random approach to problems, rejecting systems and constraints. Because they gather information from all over, they are more likely to find solutions others will overlook. If they can focus their efforts, they may succeed where all others fail.  I – OligarchicSelf-Government:Willing to focus and prioritize but torn by several competing goals all of equal perceived importance. Feel pressured and uncertain over what to do next and how much time to allot to each task. Given even a minimum of guidance about the priorities of the organization or team however, they can become as or more productive than any of the other styles. Sternberg, R. J. (1997). Thinking Styles.Cambridge,UK:Cambridge University Press.Saturday,October 15, 2016 19
  • 20.  Individuals with a Legislative Style: 1. Enjoy creating, formulating, and planning for problem-solving. 2. Make their own rules 3. Prefer an independent way of doing things 4. Find original problems to solve 5. Enjoy creative and constructive activities such as writing, project design, and creating new systems in fields such as business and education. Saturday,October 15, 2016 20
  • 21.  Individuals with an Executive Style: 1. Implementers 2.Work well with rules and pre-existing systems 3. Prefer to work with prestructured problems 4.Work best with predefined activities such as solving engineering or legal problems, giving talks or lessons based on others' ideas 5. Good at enforcing rules and traditions Saturday,October 15, 2016 21
  • 22.  Individuals with a Judicial Style: 1. Good at analysis and criticism 2. Evaluative problems 3. Good at forming and giving opinions 4.Tend toward judging people, work, and programs Saturday,October 15, 2016 22
  • 23.  Sternberg (1990) discussed classroom implications for his metaphor, stating that primary and secondary schools tend to reward executive types most. Students who work within the existing rule systems and seek the rewards the schools or teachers value (grades, performance, good behavior) tend to produce the best academic performance at these levels.  Judicial types are rewarded more in college and post- graduate programs where criticism and judgment are more highly valued.  Legislative types may not be rewarded until graduate school, where originality in research, writing, and presentations are valued.The fit between students and teachers is a factor in the success of a course or program. Sternberg gives examples for a variety of classroom situations. Saturday,October 15, 2016 23
  • 24.  Globalists: 1. Prefer large, abstract issues 2. Ignore or dislike detail 3.Work best with concepts and ideas 4. Can easily lose focus and get lost in abstraction Saturday,October 15, 2016 24
  • 25.  Localists: 1. Prefer concrete problems 2. Detailed work 3. Pragmatic and down-to-earth 4. Difficulty seeing the larger picture Saturday,October 15, 2016 25
  • 26.  Internalists (Domestic affairs): 1. Introverted 2.Task-oriented 3. Aloof, 4. Less socially sensitive 5. Like to work alone Saturday,October 15, 2016 26
  • 27.  Externalists (foreign affairs) 1. Extroverted 2. People oriented 3. Socially sensitive 4.Work best in groups or teams Saturday,October 15, 2016 27
  • 29.  Born in 1940 in Utica, NewYork  also known as "JSB”  Alma mater: Brown University and University of Michigan Saturday,October 15, 2016 29
  • 30.  Education: Brown University, B.S., 1962; University of Michigan, M.S., 1964, Ph.D., 1970.  Career: Assistant professor, University of California at Irvine, 1969–73; senior scientist, Bolt Baranek and Newman, Cambridge, MA, 1973–78; principal scientist in cognitive and instructional sciences, Xerox Corporation, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), 1978–84 Saturday,October 15, 2016 30
  • 31.  Brown’s work on cognitive apprenticeship evolved from the work of Lave on situated learning, a model of learning derived from the notion that cognitive tools are acquired in the same way as apprentices learn a craft or trade.  This method of instruction is a synthesis of formal schooling and traditional apprenticeship. Saturday,October 15, 2016 31
  • 32.  Learners enter a culture of practice.  Acquisition, development and application of cognitive tools in a learning domain is based on activity in learning and knowledge.  Enculturation (social interaction) and context (learning environment) are powerful components of learning in this model. Saturday,October 15, 2016 32
  • 33.  Instructors and other students provide modeling in situ and scaffolding for students to enter into learning activity.  As students learn and gain skills and self-confidence they are prepared for more autonomy, and begin to have conscious participation in the learning culture. Saturday,October 15, 2016 33
  • 34.  In traditional classroom approaches, the teacher’s thinking processes are usually invisible and operate outside of conscious awareness, even for the teacher.  The goal of cognitive apprenticeship is to make the thinking processes of a learning activity visible to both the students and the teacher. Saturday,October 15, 2016 34
  • 35.  The teacher is then able to employ the methods of traditional apprenticeship (modeling, coaching, scaffolding, and fading) to effectively guide student learning. Saturday,October 15, 2016 35
  • 36.  Procedures are seen as flexible and evolving.  Both algorithms and heuristics are assessed in context and with respect to desired outcomes and objectives.  This flexibility allows students to generate unique solutions to problems, and makes them more active, conscious, and creative participants in the learning culture.Saturday,October 15, 2016 36
  • 37.  It can be especially effective when teaching complex, cognitive skills such as reading comprehension, essay writing, and mathematical problem solving.  It leads to students’ greater understanding of the material.  It also combats “inert knowledge” helping students to apply their knowledge and skills in novel situations.Saturday,October 15, 2016 37
  • 38.  The teacher models the processes involved in a complex task initially, by thinking aloud or describing the cognitive strategy for the task.  As soon as possible, the teacher turns the role of “teacher” over to students.  The teacher coaches and scaffolds students’ efforts, decreasing active participation as they become more proficient in their skills.Saturday,October 15, 2016 38
  • 40.  Born inVancouver, British Columbia in 1947  Entered the university with hopes to become a writer, but left with the dream of practicing psychology as a precise and qualitative science.  Graduated at the head of his class in Arts and Science in 1968 Saturday,October 15, 2016 40
  • 41.  Earned his Ph. D. from Stanford in 1972  Spent one year atYale as an assistant professor  Three years at the University of Michigan as a Junior Fellow  One year atYale as associate professor and a final year as a full professor  Has been at Carnegie Mellon University since 1978 Saturday,October 15, 2016 41
  • 42.  It means Adaptive Character ofThought  It is a cognitive theory dealing primarily with memory structures.  The model describes a spreading activation model of semantic memory, combined with a production system for executing higher level operations.  According to ACT*, there are three types of memory and learning. Saturday,October 15, 2016 42
  • 43.  1. Declarative memory (WHAT) encompasses factual components and their associations and sequences.  2. Procedural memory or production memory (HOW) are sequences of behaviors (productions) based on conditions and actions stored in declarative memory. A production is a series of “if-then” rules: if x happens, then do y. New productions are formed by linking up existing ones, adding components, and deleting components. Saturday,October 15, 2016 43
  • 44.  3. Working memory is the part of the long-term memory which is currently in consciousness.  These three parts of long-term memory work closely together, and each has its own functions and processes. Saturday,October 15, 2016 44
  • 45.  Generalization – in which procedures (productions) are cross- contextualized or more widely applied.  Discrimination – in which procedures (productions) become more specialized.  Strengthening – in which procedures (productions) are applied more frequently. Saturday,October 15, 2016 45
  • 46.  The theory includes notions of goal structure, problem-solving context, and feedback.  Research with ACT* has showed that reaction time for fact retrieval increase as a function of the number of times the items sought were mentioned in a story. Saturday,October 15, 2016 46
  • 47.  Unique content in stories is easier for the reader to retrieve.  Memory ACTIVATION determines the probability of access to memory, and the rate at which a memory can be accessed, after a subject is cued to recall information. Saturday,October 15, 2016 47
  • 48.  SPREADING ACTIVATION proposes that activation travels along a network of connections, so that once cued, a subject may have multiple responses based on the connections among bits of information in memory. Saturday,October 15, 2016 48
  • 49.  Spreading activation is not believed to be entirely under the subject’s control, but cueing may activate remote connections without the subject’s volition being involved.This tendency for memories to be activated is called ASSOCIATIVE PRIMING. Saturday,October 15, 2016 49
  • 51.  Joy Paul Guilford  Born: March 7, 1897  Birthplace: Marquette, Nebraska  Died: November 26, 1987  Best remembered for his psychometric study of human intelligence, including the distinction between convergent and divergent production Saturday,October 15, 2016 51
  • 52.  In Guilford's Structure of Intellect (SI) theory, intelligence is viewed as comprising operations, contents, and products.  There are 5 kinds of operations (cognition, memory, divergent production, convergent production, evaluation), 6 kinds of products (units, classes, relations, systems, transformations, and implications), and 5 kinds of contents (visual, auditory, symbolic, semantic, behavioral).  Since each of these dimensions is independent, there are theoretically 150 different components of intelligence. Saturday,October 15, 2016 52
  • 53.  Guilford researched and developed a wide variety of psychometric tests to measure the specific abilities predicted by SI theory.  These tests provide an operational definition of the many abilities proposed by the theory. Factor analysis was used to determine which tests appeared to measure the same or different abilities. Saturday,October 15, 2016 53
  • 54.  It is interesting to note that a major impetus for Guilford's theory was his interest in creativity (Guilford, 1950).  SI theory is intended to be a general theory of human intelligence. Saturday,October 15, 2016 54
  • 55.  SI theory is intended to be a general theory of human intelligence. Its major application (besides educational research) has been in personnel selection and placement. Saturday,October 15, 2016 55
  • 56.  Reasoning and problem-solving skills (convergent and divergent operations) can be subdivided into 30 distinct abilities (6 products x 5 contents).  Memory operations can be subdivided into 30 different skills (6 products x 5 contents).  Decision-making skills (evaluation operations) can be subdivided into 30 distinct abilities (6 products x 5 contents).  Language-related skills (cognitive operations) can be subdivided into 30 distinct abilities (6 products x 5 contents). Saturday,October 15, 2016 56